$m? te wirA'XV- rtf: ilAl -'s i A" tahA V ::-V V N( M-H-. Mi ; : AV lo - - - A , t PUBLISHED EV 'ft - ' ! i j; 1 J4. i if rt m : vpmv ii tflUt THE 7 f 13 gjijirercW had M liiij fWm Cftnis ner iear. i H Mf etwWri..-.. who; will inWiifclka'iinrt':a the :.'ame cias snau 0mrnai&I thesAm of WKBHfe W tnrw ghall cootintie, Tin:iiliiVi U charfed'ai other snbscn- il l " I 1 JL that teacher Baker q'lilifiotion cf Mi?3 Baker, which toemine&ilj rfit Her to ipthii' Young1 Laoiesiii isuti creased pat rage of her JSehooI, will jastil)r jshouidl resurae specie t I' in the year lestitt iLese. eie- readjrv incre8c4ei1r:be,h8;incttrred.:-.SIwd iq Btltiruorei Jind a half jniUtoa in hprefeirbj her papec, sstemMlQWLDer ex- RicbaondanK t . , t Sustain the rsnmin lihlr in tjcptapmutelj lUriW es V ci its Vi- tase tlia risurjjiooj brought tbeia iato dif- ocodW;1 ncr doubtVit while it pledge , 1 jie paK; at me same' time imborteff.- at A i. i . ' " - - ' t ft gant aecorrtRltehmenUKaw; airea 1' ian ilfe iseon tinned bt at lb op- ciEO W&i::WiU be charged 2a per - cent, iu44 thft above rates, t A deduction- of SlStlam the- rppalar;pTices will be .w5yltet'adrertisebjthejfir.cv I 1 . 1 he; inserted for less contmned until orders fm v i ill- ?: i- .1 .IV ! i t i Biegff&lpi !b. 13 a SO cts.; Brandy, Ap iL lilliliaCdUotr baling per yd. 18 22 12 ftiif!;b. tm:a 18 cts; Castings per 'Cbuori jakri, jrura No. 6t to No Itf hi I 00 cin: Feathers per lb; 85 Wn'KW'61-?0 vvbeat pr bosh $1 ir(Mkbtbushel $0 cts j Corn pr bsh.'-55 ctsj worth; the Un&lejire of the State; It refflaiDs andjdutiogirtha to oe nown :.! wietner soe ' R 8. The Second Qntrter tvill.coinmrn'e t the lt Jmptts AH&8 Baker will commence ttons. itiFf-li ;Apiilj74183S-r4w37 Will OB BUSWinei I UCCI UllCtlCV U ocuuicjiu iito vuuiihj lug of Mrs; ttjScQMjfrcl circatalibrrf ert liTngtitAltSbtcitJU. Lcf Janewben;; 8he tlf n'rtote stwavs porteriihla iiito J Ker Dfrttc- tKei. J4-I tiioS th'SJK - cnbiriclirKtlcVt is' aafelor'fbleriiule . and that: we should nhw return' to it at xne ntscxnitim,ent ;ii: cao ;je 4one belmanehtl flirHtbis J pnrttoss t the fireiLfforts. ISinw the suspensiofJi in !51ay sf!,j if ijas bought and fCdc4 1 tojita faults .1 it In. . . - .. - .': i w , j. mHEPropV etbr of hii Esubi sit vm p8 iuf r up at wridMM JW1 W,lhia C8P,tal M-Wttth bfter SpajfiHg more Stte'amojjiotslfalfllqu iuN tirt 'and will? have it read v fur the receniioo K0ns. ta,notes to ctrculattoQ irtsl.sij:ioH- ot eotopany oyitne uino may. jit lssiiaaiea ? uons, wnue us epecttr,. on the crreat Jbastein aod estern itoe ot ota- than! half a million to the ses from Saliii)urYm.I.mculriioQ tq Ast-ev iue,l the United Sta c. (a Mage passing th6ce every day 0r"e 1 rkilli wccK uui Uiir 17; . i n mu and 'proTerbiitly heahhy t turttuf : K lha til; Hi ii:,mluUrn tk ifii.m.,r iniidi andl nreparatiuns would iustiff i it and if we -uthers ; towwjs7 this , plaveV i Its proximityio j werf at all; tiedeaf 'itiiluWticed ffi the fpoot tins and it has eight or ten fjaillioos tof ;4nd besides the miner! lP3Vi 1 V.u, F..g.f ry the clieapnpss of living-; f the'Wighburing society --ihe j ame-ioe ncn neia auurneu tu the loVerj the exetllenc utwndafe of science e$i)eiallv ti aliieraWy ant Jpotany are facts fiot;b be over Uwk'id b't the travelling world. But if is in the minkrai. qualities or tub SpbtOs that the! GatAT ATTRAcariow ambition of dtuns what others cannot srio o idily ilt)f '. the pttit pv&cer diciVl.. .jp tpfitr lus by tile disasters of others, the occasion wouia certaini ue teoipttng. ; ,iui : me lidnk off lite United States makes cotntnot) cause with the -other Banks, arid the cbar- Iroriper ltbi!acts; Jad oer tb. 8 a lucts j MoM ef Md 621 ctff j Nailsper Jb 9.i a 10 ca' BfeprUp a O ets jf.Baco.ri per, lb 124 cylj!ttiitrj)1b : l5 ctiiLard per lb 124; $ i &hpl $1 25' I 50 ets; S teel, Ameri caa bfi9teiper lb. 10 cts ; English do. per lb c&f UaBf rtl per lb 25 a 30 cts " Sugar p?j $j lli tl$cts ; Rom (Jatrtaica) per gaU tl jjtaiiieei floJ 1'; Woof (clean) per lb 40 eili TaTlofv er IbilO 12:i"tsiTow-linen! pr yd. lrM It i!a il! 75 cts :V Malaga. ( aweetV . tl J JiKpy per gai; 4a cts. tfifllnrliet peflb 6 Tcts. Bacon from irtslLa 131 i ?l11a'ma do. 00 00 ;' Beeswax ?wi?0iictr; Basrtrinjr per yard 16 a 24 iffi$ie,mjp;ppr 10 m a lit cts ; UoHe pr. 4 i - 7 '.. i- ' . v., i m. fui . , i m nm Icr brl i 6 50 a . 7 50. from slow !bill()la?15it fVnirnor inn lKa nn . ; fen-.; tf faitfia a ou cts ; flails cat assort I (im Abmt.H-frsPAfi WKStlt A.. nor IK in If it fxiii iddlbi$i7 50 ;Rice fr 100 lbs $4 W I ra'iJPffl M a 124 cts; Saltpr W-nif ft'PV per Whef 97i-fl j Stel A- r?'V r1-,8'il,5lW4U ,KM ; t Jl allow pr lb 10 t?W.a,Tltb $l a 1 71 cts; f ) b m$ rkili; 25lcts-; ; :Toba ;rfd;i (6 ib ail-5 cts.. if ;. i-i;-t-:fl--;iif-A.5Li-t-l.---: ---' I ' T -: "- ' -L iinr tis tun l-.iHvti rril. I TT ttTOW$an85.a HO V v,(Hi 80 fit?o1; !H FV-at obacco niano 7 1, TTEVILI.E. Nasses, 35 4 40 Naijs, cut 74 Sj23( biowhi 7 a ft f .unip, . 16 v .v'lS.a 20 Salt, V 75 a l ackrS325aa3 75 1 obacco leaf 3 a Cotton baff; 16 a 25 a;13.i4Laf, 7 18 BaT R-ippe 8 a. 124 tuvvards this feikft consists. fl he Proprietor has tio acter and proBpenty ol.'the country are deu- ex&iFtrerattd i tUts of cures tu present to the pub-1 tiqed with ita banking system 1 hey must lie, for he has ju9t taken possession: nor would 1 stand be deem it, a compliment either to the good taste I porta nee that the bank should . act wuelv or aitciiy oMpe pumic io; prescoi bucii, m uc i apd ,ct harmoniously; -Mod above all lha nau lueui. i pgi ne iiiis inp, assurance ui auiue uf th h8t scientific Physicians an Chemists i1- 1 -1 - i ' i., " -a a i 1 ' . ' 4 f . a a to tne raret and vainaoiei pioperues or me&e Spnngs. ; lot 1824, Professor Olmsted' (now of Yale -College:) made a strict, analysis pf .this W Ki amI' niiAniinAtii i la litfi3irTn InrrVAilrAnl t l f i aici ai:Uii'iuuvvuvcu luicixu iiiiivm w Jijefntherecan ever 6e waniin;the means reached tnty Imillions. H opposing the bans. Tberejil Itliete- tiis staternentj olir: copditit miilioothe and i two discounts Corn ja re with itiod Hon, orernnient agreed: to receive Babt of the notes are re ihe Govern- thai Banks Ab The . credit system tf tlienUuited now it is atnving to destroy them. ; Then it Stateis ani the exclusively metallic i ay Ste to, I Stabiisned ;ja-ftiewf arid igorOut Bank capi- e aiivuiriy tn the fields face tofae with 1 Ul-rrnow . tt rcjfases 16 Create a new Bank, the usperision, snfflciejnUf remote tci jus- forlall thptnotes f ihe tiff a tbangev aocl the mot pfbijaent ladse lltuted SCateanDwlalt banfe rcimatns :im;taaeasedibtfiiisity .1 'Acto-tp-1 fosfdrand:ds.eedUea-ltTheii' tnifr A '"-.lr - .-''.! vMHwl'A I 1 meni endeavored 40) sustain 'are ' t .11 si . ! 11 eaca otner., uue or piuer can 'e no oltreriiue. those ; in existence. ?r .mist fan: II vCh abdeeka tS cribble It is not la' auestn1XhW.we ii;iwb hundred and sixtv Banks oi cbrretiing orlreforthg abustbuttrif nbw wejiaye absolutedestipction:v kpt which lhalt ctinU u In sbortJI-whaLreiiaace iiate ike Banks uw nun IUB u,lct.UtllQ IIU9UIS tU lliCUf I nai protection lite yiafol ilie late tiank qiicr, but which shall jsurvive. l!he. pres eikl atruflgle-i'lcottiust "'.be' final. ( If the banks resume, and ara able, by i eacrificing the 'commuuity to continue' for a few months it ,wili be conclusively employed at the next ectbns lb show Uiatibe, schemes) of the Executive arje tity , ay jdeslructive aslthey wM prove hereafter. ! But if ther - resume v l Lv- : LT I tit j ' . ' ' ,r dential aent fa England to rr great ieommercial and f reccniarv o.uatry ;Tliii. secbef ; propejf tuncuuri. It waa thus t!..xt to discharge it dnty to the v. he ! Ii way thuav to4 it could thov i: to Peiinvlvahi3. bv aidins? provdmen'4 -bjr keeping tti hi PcPPc tn copparattve eae. cjr. ferintfhhe nrosberitvof its com!: f ital id be prostrated 'ohicts thr irnpbijant? than! whether it r?c be i Sulphuretted Hydrogen - Sulphate of Lime, 5 -r TStllpfateJof 'Magne9iaf Murine pj Lim'i. . j ' -.'., cal lt port utjhir h Carolina, aot hgtised by act ot A8i5i-mb:r, pages 129-20. space w(IJ not .- .-; .1 ;.' 'it;, V..tti.L-.- - Lr.l- r this Gentitmanl botany oie at all'' acquainted! won 1110 uijei cannot nep perceiving toe po cttltaTdabiiat!rn othese minerals ia thef disor ers 4hatu3tipreval in ibe -South.. 5 jf - f I In Pfc)iniejr can only j superadd his dr.ter miuatiun to merit patrunage by an unflinching a'tt'entioc. H tbe:l waius, wHhes and comhprH ot his visiter?! i''he inriitsj ate now, anti will. be ihrooglioat the year, upeti lor the'accorhmo- uauon 01 travellers. . : - c I f i ;H JO-W. HAMPTON. IVIarch 24, ;i838--tf35 E TMOtdenCoor Ctitt ls toiji J Merc ry , A og 1 a .' Ctm sfiiotiobal is 1 MiUerfgvijl:e'vBi;corder, Spvanqah Republican' and Cwfuntiho Ehqmer, Wll insert the above veklv. aud send accounts jo Cal j. wi vi: they should not sutler themselves to be rasq and hazardous etite rpnzes i 1 he great prologs live of strength i i'not to be afraid of doing tightrrid it belcngs to those Iwho have no ear that pruder 1 counsels will be mistaken for timidity t j examine calmly whether jibe general inu rests ol the coun try lecomtneud the voluntary resumption of specie payments in May next I, kay: the voJuibtarv' restiinutioii, becaose tliere is" not nowjj norhas tuere ever uoeiiaay u-gaf sus- pusiuii vi specie Pay roenis .as 'tuvr.wa fjinore, thanf twenty jjc ars j in-England; V - r . . ' pf the United plates, bare tbey to Abstain ibem r f JN one whatever. :r I i s: i The only circumstance not wholly uaja orable in the coiuparispn, is the low .rste A exchange with , England.-1 But nothini general or permanent can be iofeired from Jtnd again arev compelled to Biispend the ctrcurostaneej whicU Treqdeutlf curs, Eiecuttye will rejoice jat this newf thufnjpn, -"d 00 the present Wrort UfioilyVacjri un.l i they nwiII! fall in the tnidst ofja unjv?H- dental iaflfew Yorky fforrif tHejunitoiat sal outcry gainst thcirl weakness." TVhii is ppnditiod:"'.iiitb -w hich: be measures of ex. perfectly bndetstbod, aid kccbrditigly all the weine. ngtji hatre 'i'drLveo. every j thing.. If tnuence of tne Executive is directed ! to bud ordjaarylcircumslances, while other drive the banksXby pfopular outrage j and things underwent q depression, exchange cinior, into a preoilture ' rtsumplionDot on Ehglandl sliould decline, it mtght be in a busintss resumption, general and ! perma- fewed-. that Englarid owes Ho nhe; United bent, but a political aodJbrced resumption. n,0fhan ;we bate yet drawn from which mav olace tberil atthe meicv of those But iifc not exchange alone that has in power. They whofhaye special charse I fallen. Exchange on England has npt fallc of these interests must the u te wire of, be- o M feWiYork as much as the internal tng uecoyeu trom tneir piesenveondition. 1 iiouga vi oiuuivo vi caiaic, wr uuu?c They are' now safe and sirong,xiand they !renl have laUen -'1 bis lact seems decisive uc rcfjunieu a tewi raonias sac;;.:. terf;i:4r;:fHM;h-rt:;'iH- i Tlleinjurjoot efXectsof a contrar sre sen in ali: tho reUuons t Take Il0r tbstarice iliedebts ltd U: to;1pmf4dasf4 v The debts; xe r ly ItcBniracieiCwlieri Nthe": currrr.. abundanU f Thev roustlnowrl e r ; ?Vry J state; pf the co 1 r t n cy necesjsary 1 1 proceed with extren a when! the relation of the dehor to ! ditor ' Is chanced br levents whicli coiildj control," because of t1is cl. not nadfe. Very gradua tne same time au the to ihl same standattl. or pefhans ruin on the er,' Columbia limes. Wheat new $1 a t 0 Whiskev 45 VVool,! . 20 a 25 msmm tteamoni tawba Sfirijigs. I SxVLlBBU It . RACES. f Ej H E Ilaces over the Salisbury Course n tli ;,-! comniarice on AVednesday SOih o4 ;Alay, andlcoatinbe 4 !days. ' - ;; T-'" h. k "lfit Uajfi sweepstake fbriS year old coti;and filiea,' :mil lieajiI&niranie' $50r half 'forfeit To be kentoperied until eventritr before the race . 2nd Day -Association Pu7sV$l50mile heats. 1 3d Day lssociation Purse $200, 2 mile heats?, free for an thing, except tae wincera the pre cedirig dayij-; f-::n I . I i ' ,!, -,. j; 4lb Day j-Ifdrse of flOO)'.: added to 1 jie d trance ano gaie money 01 tne. week, mile heats handicap, tree for an v thiaor. I 1 juunince oneucii oi me purse aays win oo iu itn is above will The suspension is whulii convunlional. be iwcon iijo uauas ano me coinmuuiiy, ans .from their mutual cinviction that fit ts their mutual aenehr. m for are tUti V" things will ; happen liieir notes will not be received by the Government or tbey will 'ie received. If tney are not received, ItbeiGo- ferbment, trtiie extent of the revenue! will force the holders ot the notes; to diaw fpe jfcie Irom the bauks to e 4leposited jwith the clitctur.s ,(jihe. revenue, or the clitifalr treitjctweelrrthe revepve-axxdlheWxpehses, the Hem merit .will issue Treasury dotes iu. wiuiuvi uauk iiutva, auu cuuw t'ricu .in to! soecie.ahJas the disbursements are inade - . E . : 3 - . . . . . preliminary only preparations for an ex- pension by -the Banks ot iMew.i otk, whicn is .tpvrestof e ease and confidence. W ell, the mbmeut this ease and confidence return, all mines will rise, and exchange of course am'ng the number. Besides this unnatur- oonditiou will work its own remedy as all irregularities are cured ty their own ex- ly so is to I . Other relHtir..- you Ibfiict i; debtor, h v that Entfl and continued !her susp' s, ; tweiuyfive years aniTiVact of l:ir, je prr, llu1 lb gave se vera I years notice ct it lesu motion in order that all of de TOunVryHahbuld bjusi apnrhachindchanffe n Of the f lu Li sdddln movemetit,we have before ts fttngpnatancei It apeirs by Ithe statqtnentj 6f. -lie Banks of the city YbrS: that since-the stisbensKirl to; "I 185, they; jh a Ve; reduced; their jl.r anujfiiscoums i,rom loriy; six ni thirtjr mi U In, land their Icirjru lat!;";: ninefjmillion i to:txfbmUions-an r dimfbution from fifivfrlve millio;.- t iT'turee miiuorts. 11 wus, or n: Heaii this,! be the j reduction, coniequencQt !!Ai' man who debjto the Birjlts in Npw Y. cesses. Tb-ll nothing is mipract glish have bought to spare we must eWtfryi thing,arwl tQ;biiy cable, and when the En all the.producewe4bave of course buy from them per Cent, ob the'amount in stake 2 which believed w(ll bamore in each! case than! atatW, but by ?no means less, The track vo pu in ijouo aconqiiion, ana ine Association promises tne silliest attention to nrder. 1838737 I'. -'.; !';.:. ril 7. In truth the banks but the mere agents of thai cotnrHUiji jThe have no tbiidl not already lent to th pdoplei of whose -property? land-.' uidustiy they ale the reprt sentaUves; They arj pnlyj filler t names for the fauna,: the commerce. Ihf . lact(ire, .iml tin nt,tm- luiprovements of ihelcountrv aiul the un- lliry whether the tianks afi read tti resuine, is only auther1foriii of usUin avIh tner the Ipesppie are ready to pay iheir idiots fto? the banks i . :. t . i j l il j .- j H'iie true qbestibni then, after all; is, jwtifcther the , time lias ainved, whenj the jbaii ks shbuhi anuounre that the i-aboes of Jibe Isuspfiifioik, which ihen satiafictl the jcriiuaityhave; ceased to "exist, and that tne suspension of Usui, with all na neces jsaijy attendants of resjtriction,neeU no longer bef coi.ttnuW--4To that enquirv : now pro ceedi;; and :'H' -J-; 1 -.M ! I HU jWbatwere.t he cause jo: the suspension? - wer the specie Ci ci la r, w hich for iabe.tbe jcetpts Sof any thing but gold or silver ai:tne ano aices tLe mismanage inebt off tlie deposit; which scatleied theta to the rroiltie'ra the clamoi raise dDy the Exep'ujijre agaiust bank m les, winch alarm ed the people for. their saf sty, and caused la luu upon the bunks t Urfsjecie JNow has any.ono' o'l these causes ceased ?' Un the HNt:iPAEl E II - Mitp:nfrpm Phifad elpbia, with a Vt-1W?e.fnt:fi;t VSj'f S'f It "f 1 fa!hifl & a f assortment of M--xiWfV 11 P"'or to any in toe wes- abes and clocks repaired as j'WWWtelvebnthf v usual , !tlt. tilt ii ni ? - r-'' '.i r.--- -. . ...'. ki. . nitiuuaami tiienuDiic. mat Win!r ty" rtnerly occupied byJ-ry Nbwf 41iiiile villaB of Mecks if l tr "rul 'oeiview oi Keeping 'ed with ih. best tha rmin- teJUrt.W stored with the choicest atk..iltW,areextfnsivi and :ar; ilt" K t-roviader; and atten- iiobiier. - . a. 4! UST OE LETTERS Remaining 'XMr Post Office at Siatesville. Iredell c Worm UaiiWinaIst April :1838. AAlbea Lframberry; Alley Howell, Averett Wiliam-.2i!-; ,:-ilur; h- I : i - ,1 15 Urooka Ann, carebfjA Simonton,) Bi- inithe cyuiiy, - 1 wei iainaniei; Uenson James,- Burgess Miss Saiihj Berry RubortF, Bell tloratia f i Q--CorrleliaaViHiam. Catnibell JamMUt: DUdvts mUs Clarissa. Davidson Fl-Fall Tbenpfjilus S. r.iT- ait inerpiiiu3 3, j j ; x Hudson Thomas, Ita ye-Robert f J Julias Jobri, Jones Alexander, Jor na4Reli:4 a : - -' -T M r"' . i:. .... ?, ' .-'. Li . ? . . . jura Maria S ones Tho Kerr Irfjwrey "Mr., ma K Kii'r James A. Kerr AJrSifKife-FrarieiaK1-' 'j-l uu I UiU. I VNIWUUU Vi LeUis Elam G-iyJly--; it A I M iielibUv Frederick. Montyompr .tmiiM. Morjisun Ebraiqi, Mushat John, McHenry ien- PiPrrrif laaPIyler blttiiif fHReed Viueenf , iledman Htzea. ; :t? St S ti mai in li M. i bhi nrt J bsefh 6. Isaac, Speck Daniel Shaford and Turner roet.lixabeTh;;i; ij . . I , Shinn 1 Sum contrary, have 4hey hot pccjuired ten fold foiej? j The Specre pirrnlar i? hoi repeal edw! Ob the ccntrarvi it hits beenextende4, i for! bank note's are' proscribed; not tnereiv Iroib the' land officesv hut Irom all pavmentB oi every description to the icoveriiment. Tbe diainbotion of the surplus is over, be cause-there 53no longer any surplus to dis tribute f but the great dtstiuiseaients on the Sobtjiern and Western frontiers operated, as liijiiriously, ;by requiring the trahaferj of so biucli revenbe from the points where it is cplielctejd. Lastly and mainly, the alarm a-j-bod ti bank holes ; prop&gated by ther govern mebt has- been deeply spread tbroughoui thecountry,Uill what was if first passing; butcrn baa! Settled into an jmnlacatif hoalili itr;n Ko man, I think cari doubt for a moi places-at. col'fejctiou, wilf notfenirn lofthe whi mabujtareaipy 1 uks issuing u exceut vircuitously. ijiui ua . . I ,1-.. . - - i. ii iite notes are received, tney will not, as fo merl), be deposited ib banks anit dijiwii out again, so as toenUr into the circulation, leaving the public creditor his choice ol' jk cih or noioa, but they will cull on Ihe liinks tor specie to pay the public creditor, scj:t:t- lulg, oi co.ns, the bank oil whutn thfy wk'il draw a cording tut its servility or (Oppo sition totbe. txeeulivp; and I tbulij plaihg theiu all 'under, ins control. ! Now, uider ch circumstaitcus, is 111 wie for the Uiiu'ks lave to spare. As si lo disarm themselves id enemy ? - J 111. The-' disorders too deep for superhcial the preseacM pi tlien asis'-of theJmeTa soon 'as "the prbcecds: of our .industry uie realized in EilglanJ tnhite we have giraauauy exnaiisted our supply ot t.Dgusn goodst)ur own merrhants will convert their property intb fresli sopplylo be broU over ; or if process be too slow, the Eog Iish maniifacturers themselves i will send their own goods for sale. In either case tne.exciiange win recover its cqtiiuonum, and of i ourse will j rise here, fr between too sue! i countries as America and England, a permanent; inequality of exchange, as a tic currency oi citner, is susfjensinn, means for. tl ed one third tviiat coi.t. rk,l finds his , ability to e iaymentU)fahat t!c! t or neariyi pne tia say the foliar Me (now pays f t: is ec to one and a half or almost two wh pi hetborr;otferi it beside$ the i onm a process! pi reduction, wo-; beelrstvholl.inpjlratilpvir thie citiz nolliescaped from it and spuiht al Impossible ! of the currency; lie remedies,; and these OonorefcS, it v. rercemng the Government lion, let iissee if nothing i.n the conduct of; 6 jus.tifv an earh' resumpi there be any lhing in the! nlllliitLVrs liriltR iKilhAnt riinn.i ald OUgrt alouevcJoiappladrV .M tl?h recommends N iif Wn.i Mr itiu.i.Ji.o llJ. ini i-.,u- Now what is thb condition of our affairs $ in! 18 l b. is even more in 1838.1 i'For the intt rests of the community at large,1 sid h, 'as well as for the purposes pfj the Trea sury it is essential that Ike natioh should pans elawherb. ;;) But !if :the ot! had followed the example of N, E; made similar reduction the w h c : trwouIdfhaveJsuDk un it'.'pr r , iljliesp inequalities between r..c r' thsanie eoiiimbnfityj became; morp ; : wen applied toJengagemenu betw: tat partsjothe Union!.! The At!; tis - for T instances! i vere creditor sBbthern afir;isterrt! .Stales f, Spates, or iii ' thej Atlantic cities ih r i r ire nicies beipg sp- nciarljfjlhe Isime t! e;:cbange Wouldnpt cost asjniecli ; ibere trant por)ation jbjf jthe specie, tie day ofj payment arrives ; the rr cjity suddenlyjinakes: 'an artificial f til its ow,n cnirency lenders t. 'pay mcnt The suspension I found us with a lieavy debt to lhe Banks not less probably than five hundred millionswith large balances ironv tne ooumern anu y estern oiates ,toi pdaess a cuirenc) of equal yaiue, credit, u,e, u?nc Cl"ef 'Z00 w!1" a y,con8,u. use, wnercvei it may circulate. The Con- V';"1 " .. !i :.Z1 VJ .wiiungjtuW'pay , -jaimosi an i were aoie a -12. . 1.... ' r.,u l . ? I . ..f ' ' . '" ' i V only it horn i in-the currency' which jthat bo dy Ua.s yet made, is ihp issue of; ten miU Jions cf irredeemable baper9 abd proposal forten miliioos more.r Is-it worth while, then, so long as Congress fails to; exercise its Jegitimate powers, to wastelthe istrengih of the country in efforts to accomplish what we all know to be impacticariie?! (To; re sume now without some clear understand ng with the Govern ment,seerns to be tbtow log away the benefits! of experience, and the Ussons of. misfurttihe Ve hke gone through all the mortification and all the in convenience of suspension. Let us endea above all, after snch a convulsion, tlfe :"gre restorer was time; time to settle; time to a sacrifice ; time to bridg.- to pay his debts. tft. to market i Itimel eriylwith j the least out his resources mcnt that the Executive of the Uniterl States seeks to maintain his . power br iexci-4 l'g pbpuiai; passions against tbe credit ay a j-uHf .: ine.-wnoie inuuence ot the iVWnftif employed to infuse into the mmds of the people, distrust antf hatred of P r this ipurpusei the most lo-N I BUI. ilfein r.M 1 J Jiv 1 .t i" ! . . ..ii i . ! fr " " f "t F: .. tpinf; cupipuyj 15 M "Sf ant, wuo are; taught; tbati gold WeMt6 the! only true! richeltkhdla bpve all, that ibesecshrewed ebie wstovutiiit the Mper!dallnessf of! feJ i3ir. mid lately lobli of these Tr-Trotms a Henry , Tbomaa James 1 BV I Ehgtan V Walber , Adam!. Weafer Aatos.s Wood-i aLk ' L,- rj ;i --..s .f.-H -t-wt . I iiSberiff bf Iredn jCounty:k Secretary bflftlt. Jhadel k AlifaotJgh'Eoglaod lil; a ll-J. f 1 I M : i iiiorpa xoqge K,,i -t - t? THOMAS tM FQU.VO. P JU. 3 3S--Price ufAdr. A 50 Pi5?umrrt jet if w were exclusively a Vnr In liruhl Km U... . C .1 li. 1 v vb w wa wub u w luriu iii iit ivibb. ihi urn nn i i . a i . . . , -t ,-r ""if" tienreciate tne Tame oi our some solid oasis, havejiome guaranty of the j0g them.ccoW ngly it u.M.T .in. me cuirency, ana not set 'ever v ,i.,wrw t.ft ..,inainn all fhe large movements of human affairs, in me operations oi nature, me great nw gentleness- vipience is tne iasi resources weakness, j'hel-iaeaseof'-tne: counti vras an overstraihed and distempered enejrJrf gy. The remedy .at repose. ,lhequM tiortv of thie cuiiejrcyi though importaJ was only WonaaVy. The .first coBce was t pay oor debts, and especially npfltf B L r - L . .B" 'Ja i eans pi payrf jbo n ey it Will f ie ce y ej Inaccessible to itsidebtor reducir iaroetim the if es of exchange, ;n prices of every thing. ffhis .'rigor; i jj! recoils! pn tki creditor. If puyr tnade in thleSoiithernjand AV estern 1 the -Atlantic merchant? lofea tie epreciauon in ine : exenanges. i i oe mane in tne Atianuc t sendsi produce to pay 1 i.- he scarcity of money obliges ..him t :ifiee ttif he sends the Bank notr country they sink lib ajeTenty-fivs : in value i and he loses t,ss differ:,; he brings the stpcki'bf bis State, i! ci ty of morjey renders their n ego t i ; t j possible. I jOncJdisappoinieid in i!, he sends no more produeeho ir.cr ; notes and. thej more than Ij the lay. v So in respect i dual diminution of ' irfvatr vetvlne bazards jof expansion while Afl ?f reatraint o specie payments was remc thing afloat itfn jh&uvkM this!eountryl was we mar-be rinfie.l R -i-U v-f.i'H ,Pi . f -i. - m . IV. Compare the situation1 of the banks at the last resumption and' bow.! lAfter fa suspensioa (or nearly tJiree yeaVs, (bgress I and io prepare for the resumption applied all its power to! nersuade. and. to as. I .tiiinni ia ihUmm sisi the banksm their efforts tpf leeurfiei the several! bankb Jcbuld chrtail to mikf? 1 hey passed theresolu too ol 1816; Author nn v;.dnt harvea in the standatd of vaitil iti n rv -b n at - a a b. t c i. - ' .uc tcucipt oi ioe juoies oi specie-pay eemed to mu th begin a gentle and gr loans sufficient to ptiei Mi removed but Wth i hi a amount wnai'iii in banks, iJuMhts; alone Wai insutecienti and at the same time! they'' established Bank of the United Sla!tesJ with e cinitai of and give time for a settlement with foreign ers, and among ourselves, ha the r same iojr nearly Uie tsamelbalsifl oppn f;whichi theip mutual engsgemeita were contracted leij tl.ei Mr' 'Ould. jAsajpall theirjflebts to thb do?ern- tnetalie country, we should U I Out j intertoursa nh :- s a r H make more, oat hetj lEAhdl why j ;2. Discount to those, who bad ipayment .ake l the Government, the Ha hole H-moM-nt ol jheir bonds ; and tn additloo.l i .- 8 Discount to those not indebted to ibe Gpverumect, two millions in4 New 1 1 York, two miUioms Ja PbilaiJelpbia, jorie 1 and rress. would have; been easv and SDontaiie lus. It wai intl u;8piri! that the-BatiM f the Untied States has not diminished ten ner cenVof iti loans--while it added about three millions to iu specie an iare given the necessary facilties. for ship )inff the crobs of the South and west hlv tiruen or twen tiUiorni ofj dollars!;; placing its own con """"" . f (X creditors in turn differences by u: to foreignersj larffe debt to Fran ee and Enclan. should we lesirbr I ihe yalue of fur meent: of ..p'jayihgjit We enpay, it in cash, or jprouce'oeck i this debt was icortiacted in an currency. jBr iliis!'t artificial scire, money we are bblpged tojpayf it i.'i rency more aluable by one half c-r third. - Even at Hhw rate we can x borrow the money, rior raise it by except by rpinous acrifice. Vie then pay it in prod'ucepr,-'in stocks,, but t!. scarcity sinks thpl falbe of both. A contracted rheni cotton I was ct t cents, we hie to pay when bottcn i cents a pound. ! jlf wh propose -to I stocks these too! have jsonfc per;, : percent,". on!th.iV;.ipce last yijar. ! 0 -sources theri areimipifhfd in 'zW our debt' i! incrieaiingby interest, operates injuribbaiy -jtcf both panic? ; domestic debtor by reducing his t:; e payment to; lhe foreign 'creditor ly delay and the hazard i of his dett, 1 true if be coeld npw receive hi 5 P('-x: would remilHt h?P l a ow then the same acaicjty jwhicb lowers rate remittance,! prejrentshis feceivir thing to remit apd;so far from heir : terested in 'the eayi resumption, tfi- j him Essentially, because; the forced ri aiion for it byVcrpabiag t the jresourcc bis debtors renders tnem aue u.. .1 - . 30- J ' 't. . v Vharthe US .1 It ES i " I : 1 1- - E I Ml 1 1 --' 4 . i. . L .. m i" 'Am-:, n . T.