I r ;frt Sf'hE T 11 :-.--itC , ' " - - i T; . J 1! '5I 5' V Mw$M Fifty Ceaufpex fy.?ir--? JS. - - It mi Lr V War Tlaq i'TiulliliiMl'irt nrtt oaf doi k H Him Wotidi bailie iSVirepiiifrgna ugj U o p cungibfei expose ntn 'CfOH lii.- ...fcf'UUi jkMm it tciilt (of lhe reciiori tfaersubsfiHoiicumprtji 6? th 0$hi?F Way. "IP"6 -11-- I . it 1 L i . . i . . it A ol.A MlIlA I ingtJie (year r frotnK41bjCfl.a4 i.inTOiaioa ui lap' .oeoa . hU .fi Kibe; MSsiOff incia eyerya?j ken! IHrs tn all rrfftvetl lor less tuan wtfeK tnn on in bat ai ire op- atriearges ar aid '0 mm i m : ainlv nc t tre-at d4 fj : ?Tbei50uhtrj aroonO:js,brp aba promMally healthy and Desiaes me nro ilprupef lies p6C wMcrf ihcre'arroao i j dacemeoii iaiaralthe atleoliODof .invalid. ;f tTift lower cmiDtrt ihe clicapness of lit lhff 1 c 1 it ta MfaeraloffV aol .Butan?. J arrf actsloorjobef overlooked by the travelling 1 .'-l n...1 i.'il WlKo UIVtDl!. .OfTAT.ITirsS iKiS Hpot consist9.'TheJ,roprieior Jia nol led to t lie Genefiil Assembly In a letter eX " tLetdfaf eurea to Dresetit lo toe puo-y cenllr nubished.i In it was inriirafpji A Ta Me People of ttnt Counties of Orangey rrSpoUiylvania Culpepper, i JUaJUon', 'Jiappahannock cnd Grterie, jX i ; Jl -t t Fellow Citizfexs : .The relation hich tas existed for l lie list eigbt ceraionj; cf I-Congress, befwech yao and niyself, as ran- bd liyitheresnauonr; of my seati In Hht House of: Eeprescjotativesi v Th cUirbs ti p bn 'die'of a large aoify, and my expenancb of b(utteVlBade rjuacy . of the "compensa tion of' a membe r - of Congress to5 rrnb nerale' any man c ependant on his latior for I JiTelibood for the sacrifices 1 of private .business'he bis to' encounter hail oe ter ming roe last fall to leign my Seat iri :ibe li ou se 1 of Keprcs ;ntattv es at the Qlofe of the present stssro i The ofTef by ibeLe gislature of the office of . State CouncAlofV fat nUbes additional inducements to fttre. remain here nntthheed 1 still designed to L1i 2a per ceor, MfmheQ p icVs WUIK be ka HM'J,it minbj nntit orders iJ.!l rPiCblVW OfjTHK towards Arrraffpr) he deem St a pmplimeiit either to the good iaslc vr'sagaefiy otTihe dbU.c to present such, if he ha iheoit j IJiil beVas the assurance of die ofl I he miist seientifie Physiciana ancv Chewi&ta as to the tare and 'valuable piop-rties of theRe S4pn9. j lnlli824i Professor Olmatedr (now of Yale Colliegetoaile W strict analysis of pis VVatei anld j&ounced its foreign ingiediens to be ti? iyll pn bagging fe -2 I Potion yaro, frm No. 6 lot IvLLtlLiW MrMS 7 50: SVheat pr bush $1 : 5u3iur!e(! Hydrogen, 'i f$ulT&atei pfJAme,-' ,duphatd of (Magnesia, Muriate o r-- feDiH pr'PshU $3.;S0 ctsk.Corn Jr bosa ummm w w t18 iHSiilStl'VJ'.H.lWr 0- 53 . Of w Vfof aid&yiWile't; rrinpet gal. $1 0 . I "5T Fur a more exfendpd statement see his geolgi- ca lie port olortb Uarolma aotnoiisea ov aci nf iAsafimblv.lDaees SlSJO-SOpace -will fnof permit usjto add tie vfry flattering ;ematk$ of inra oeniiieraap, oai ujr uhw -.,..., w j in the sabjet cannot hel perceiving ibipe iuiar a!aptattM)f these minerals to ihd 4 serf deiis thai mostpreal jn the South. Js" V ; Tho Proprietor dan 6nly superadd his fcer "miiiatiun to merit! palronage by an unflin&ng attciniior tlo tHe wint4rwisbes and comlor ofj nisi yJ6iierjr iwjpia " " - ok fchroughoophe jeati open for the accoi oauon, 01 rae.iera. tJ - t... .. Marchl,lS3St- wisb that the Legislature, if tljjy:r preferred fu2Ijcoideaee irf;lns juifrnenf orii.? lein-J pr-Vut "bf cat sWiri' all ' these respe ti 1 thoiht'birn preferable J) bis cooipetitbc. He; pas itb-tJiflL: a ebojeeof- eils.i JTtb firslj ffoorr'jear -jplVfiia jftid niax5traiioii-;exideU in strengthen; py . bpesi thai be !woiid td minkster tbepvernrnntiso fara:ej)er44-' tbe pstandard; 6ytbekrTct corwtroctiojv school if jheAjgmiiTStite ftigUts ; epobA' nchsUlt3t0n librl Maysvjllej Hoad Bilfi di?p!aye grirnftajc no-Vithsladmiibv'intaaife jjistnctioo between national djlclvorlf4; of Inter- nal IrDpro?eoent, in a constitutional point of, tiew.'anlJ thle preposterbris anil arbitrary lirort.Mion as to I appiopriations iorlm(ove- meptrf, above end bfloto j orts of Jolrfl re-j ga Lfj; J 1 1 . U i v ni te" ii :'$rr 1 1 nV a gr ejat , ract cat sboj in jchdcking ilif 8pimTneirava4 garl and uncoh?titution;il' expenditures of public money i for works of lrjirnil JriH protement. j; His constanj eBorts loj ledace; aud mitigate the Tariff hd hif fcissidns of anxiety to Keep jJowo'ithe renOcs 'lo Keep the standard of an econo.nica! admiMistra lion the principles of reform andlj retencb4 roerrt the display of anxiety the part of tbit 1 1? should pdrsue a dilTerehC ciiurseyV11'3 Ptizns M rerinExccuf,ifejtron4 would expregs thflr. wishes, to which,' in re pg-r ' restricting and gti4rdingfffaiist its! aose ins o)pbsitioi; to4be-Banlv Of the UXp and his ijeto Opbn jthebiH fbiits re-j charier as unconstitutfonsl: 'were all ealrn J spect to su to this jjiatter, I fell bound implicitly built. 1 could not undeistand their re t do: M irilfllf i-.HI7.8i' CIS i Malaga, , (vieey tai,- j. uiiWM witf -rrZ i - Vl-i - , ill r! ! T'-"--;; -J-;-':. , refiHroakt:ifer1b;0a- 78. ; 13 aeon from VUntwll kll'2i:IIlams do 00 ; Beeswax 4i4 fcffli iMging'fjer yard ,16 a 24 per jvu io v 9i jSOVTBtsj our 7 50, from stores iii $5 00 a 6 50 t w;iv Un do, per lb. 16 per i ii $m .M' liushel ;75 l $10feWil$Irii per. 100 I illllili atcfe.! Wroug tJi: i.fb 6.' f' 50 ; ltict A-fi I ' -li LnltWr I: IW ' tuft tl t rvi i. v K i---- s U $4 a 3Ba;2 ill o- vttp T)h qamdfenfCourierolumbia Tj'ts; Charleston MiefeutyAugusta Consiitotiondt; MilledgevjUe liecrdferi &avanna4i llepuoiii iui u iuuuj ,aii ktxi utf vii :w -- - w f moiWs.l weeklvi aiidse'ad accounts td .i.. hi I - 1 , ; ,r il li ana liro tauba dprin i i , SALISBURY RACES. fWlij( (lacis ove the Salisbury Course l , Hi comrneoce on! Wednesday SOih of 'IML ano, coouiue fjoajr. - .:. :. Aki :Dat,bSeeisiakeibr 3 year old colis filie8, mile beats Entrance $30, hall Air Tdibe keplt opened dniiet eriing ibeAe lUei rii i fritted Saltt per bushel :'el irnbfgriii pir Jb brVitfilTt i! 25 ct.s; iiircCttr IbllQ I 15 cts. "t- .r 1 UO 1M S4 3U I . SOQ Uaj ssuciauuu i. ust 9 1 jw uimc ucn cts ; Salt pr free lor any thing. t ' J I 71 SI i Steel A- 1 JS Day W-Axiiatjon Purse 200, 2 mile ?ea rallpw pfr lb 10 ,1 25 a;137icts; Tobacco man u- L.! J.sl 1,1)4. 70 isi 'h "lil, L &riZ IS, 183S. 901 Molasses. S5a40 Naj;Ik;cu;t. " K7i Suaar blown, 7 a 11 Ltiniprv 16 LioafL m 13 a 20 Salt.;,!-, 75a$l t IaLm I -i Kl i! II 111 TTfittl freei for anjj? thjhg, ixcept the winner on. the p ceaing.jY.: n .j : m - i; . . - -F : 4h Day Purse bf 100l added to Hhe trance,and! ga: morjey of thi week, milejhe handicap, j ire; ir any rmng-. ,y. f 1 Eotrahcje ojeachtof the parse days will.be, pericentloln thiamtfuntyn slake : which if believed will i be 'more in each case than alio 'staled. -bui bvit 1 bo trleansVlessO' The Uarfe poluiion, adopted alter receiving my letters in any :0 tier way man as an expression ol their desire that; I should, as soon as I could pbs sihly da. so, vacate iny seat in :tberlJoie. I have tjiere foresee ht in mv Vesignaiion.! ! i jcipnot reconcile: it to my feelings of gratttude to you fojr the many kind and sig nal favors you have bestowed on me, ab ruptly, and withputapilogy or explanation, to quit y our setvice. 'Nothiifg could have inducjed. ;ine .to:-do' po, as long asrl j believed tny $ejr?ices acceptable, Imt 111 the indispen sable duty of rovjding for the support and puuvoiiuu m inv larouy. j may iruiy say, jh the language of llie Apothecary in SblSfs- pcarelMy poverty, and not my will, con sents, t Tours has! been tot me a service of perfect freedom. During the time 1 have been b ere, we have had the most yespeiaie Struggles of politic il parties, contenrfingfor (lie mastery with alPlhe j eagefM;! aiin sopetblbg of the buiernes;and J1 eice of embattled hosts, jn these icohfli(s, altte great questioos ofl consi'ituftionil !lavV;t r)d practical expediency which have ditraclqdj and diVidea the people of this cojiiiitry'-Sihico tlie foundation of (the Government, thav'e been brought into controversy. ; Ver trial irfytqiiestiohs of inferior unjmrtanpe,; butfep qual interest in regard lo their wifltync up on the success or defeat tif ; parlies, have a ren .Coming into pubjic life plfcdged to mainlajn certain greats ami fiiudameriiall doctrines, and disavowing all p;irty inflaenr cs or assiciations4-iudrini a I have ' al- waVS'orOiesOfl and eiidcHViiroH In ii;rtVurv tjuvMiuu, reai ur stnaii, opou us merits, cy approving aim conornuuiig eacn pr'(Hi5i: Uon without the slightest rrg-ird to its infiu voce upon the prospects ! tins or -that par ly, I have bef$n, necessarily found votinlip' 00 great and interesting mi! ejects, 4 ' e!jiis upon uiose 01 interior nunuent, someutQt wltbUme party van d t others .with sJtiie o(1h cr party.. nave consequently een, from ..umB 10 urae, me oiijeci oi ine mosiintetn- eidejfyoa'thern1 as .-'ynere qaestion. of ex-1 pcdiency. . We , were aJtv permitted so to Xtfmine and Vdecide iC! I Looti dod bevond the conduct or thej Presidenljin temoving Mf. Dune, because hewould riot- remove ? ih desites-g-thej rjweiiof rembving Execa tie oHicers-thelTshVoJthe President to JsOpervisa mnij iontrtdj thtbesdsof the Ex ecutif epepartments; solai to compel them U accoi ding id bis con "X yv vglfvauTf win, were an as. sailed, inr 1 tirj h e uimost v lolence-rVis! coft. duevwas declared surpationV-thatigril of the President to remove Executive ofli cers was denounced as a dcsiKHic and kind ly prerogative, which most bev resisted it every hazird, (The Secretary ol ;the'-Tiea sury it ' was even I conterjdedr tvasj nol an Executive 'officer, and mi ead of beifl siibV jectjb th supervision end control of the President was jrcsponkiMc gress And it was solemnly argued, tlaf tn; actjng ebntrary io tfiese prihcipleslthdr.; oiuwui. ,aa u usurper, lyranif aiapeapot. '.i'.-'Mpbsl .from ubUcffleeftngs,! 'ibU all ifaQjaforinatlon 1 reccived.Yrooi private a nd the most friendJ t Sources irt ui vf dis- 'trlct warranted jtbe bcjlicf Ithat1 tbese 9iin ions werethe pfevaleliir J)Beiheftv" N'h Jguliiurerof Ywbavihg lirgetuW jortty elected asiliiends ol the AiUninisf ra tion, oassed resolutions bfvefv fafAtiiAirf lated to make him and bis admihistUtionSl ities,.cba4fmnin2tTlVih'bti!mW wjiiii iuc ia.ie 01 v irgmia, as they jvere witb me. it sostilned iiW ftrj bis iecond election witrj more feadines? tha for the firs but et eji heil t;w itb mone ; of i?ie spirit: of a. parlrzanljijl r ; t!- Soon after hi: second electiontbe strug gles jwhich had been going on in relation to the Tafiffi grew to abead. Open "resiap taocfe was mad 5 in one bf the. sovereign Stafp of tbe;fjiiibh-"tb ih$ : validity of the Tac'lavj Shef declared; that theliiaw shoijlrjxnot be xecuied in ber bortjers jaftd pre rifations were made through conventions, test oaths, and nilitary array, tosustafrli tbat dec arntion ! S rmpathizing ; sincerely arid cor lially with Soutb Caioljna4n her "ense of. oppression an4 injustice of the,tTarff, 1 yetjlhotiglit her proceedings and doctrines of.miltification rash, ; precjpilate jlnd!.iin. conWitutional. The Presidentissuedl his maiiba-naMess'i" rash l and iol(ant. and unwise ihd fufl ofthereief tl t 1. a... i...Z . - l:C 1'. uoi-jTiuo. iw ubw,.- iiywei?i. UKii wna; ure thrtethe lahdi .'Ilitfertii&n' f i '.a ans less. - 4 ne .r.ik .Vki.,. .ii.k.i It... .,L.i -..tlr. be batUml good Icondition, and iihe Assoeia M 11" .i 7 I " ryrr T .T ! -.i J-.!-!. .v-. iiow'fioin the nartizins on nnp. suifi & ilie-n anennon 10 rnpr. 1.. 1 '-.C . , J ' T w Tolidccoleaf Sa4 Cot'ion bag. 16 a 25 Hale rope, ,8 a 12 J O jWheat new $ 1 a 1 1 0 Whiskcv . 45 20 a 2i nrornisea tfie slfcictest State of Hovtn j m6NI-GPMERY COUNTY, i rum another, and not unfrtquent! from PQtTi sides at phce. fr ' ha va' pursued 'the tvfin tenor of my way,' rarely turning aside CnVOll Hit Sorrect misrepresentation or rerjejc'alufii' yt:: . eacn and all my constituents LJiave een ever ready to loive explanations, and Cloterf Spring Term, 139. Vindicare my ?coyrp anl jiKis tiie rotlsi Administration every where hailed; it Ivith as tpuch joy as 1 hey would have done a sc- Cont revelation -of wisdom jand'salvftfjofi.-- M4l of thej professing fnendijc State KgtT) joined in the slmutii of gratu lotion which tung through all tho iand, whilej the Opposition part t of"iliat dav. and all ihose who still cherisi.ed the ole ; Federal rdoc trinns as tbe soi nd piinrijllB of the KC!jon- siiiuiion, snou'.qn nosannas to uimi wnom but 'a little before, they bhMrred as the ve- i!sc arid idolatrous worship Les-isliiture. wliicl!ha! nfjuarif in defence. iff Slate to he astounded jbylthe holdnss. or confounded by the sophistfies. by which their Bong cherished theories ol State sovereignly ihefit were assail whelming popu so great wis the 'plaiisibi soning. In my own district he?d to respond id its Isentnents, or sbine of the oldest and leading li-ans. .VV holly up rr iiio n i h Ki b.ven.tlie virH)ia ever been the vJ liigiits, seemed ii and confederated govern- ed. ruicu was lue oyei Willivm lTTr!i Ailm'r nf Ulose4 Stad,s. : t f lb Agtippa ieed & others; J TJiirin Eanity e seulfctceui ol stale. 1 -Jver ceased to: have the confidence of the ! i . ; - . i- . i , i . r,i. , 7 ge body of crty constiinems of all parties. tr.j partisans and bigots there have been : " 'ii S i- Si f t.:n.',i'wM U.l i' ' '2j tT & nri-rl hv th Conrtrhat th ifh.hrt- IM,,Kai "cl "H"? ftlMO"S JL !adte i or before the, first of Julv isis, file ri !aud .it'gavelne not tfie least rcgre -' '. - ' i' ' " 1 i A 'I. " y . IT-! i i- ! H i' i MnjiloVfeHliioni liiiadelpia, wilha ?ffe Dillon -n ,,i"?fVf!?nH'ivperiorioanv;io me vfts ijwillstWi rirge assortment of with ihe Clerk and iMaster ofthis Couri.asche- hi never occasioned me the . least stir prise. du'e of their individual advancement, mde to 111 did not eiijoy'iheir favor. No man is i,in mv oDiniOn.be a fit reoresentative of a State Higlits themiby ta intestate, Moses Steed ts?. (n hi life' iibe, at vyliich time, (Isl ol July ,183 Ihi he Clerk and! Master is orderel io take an account of the aduunUtation of said Aljses 'Steed's Es tate, and to rerprt ifie.sime to! the next termf of . i i t i ! . ' ! i 1 1 j. ' if" ! . - : :.. i ' this courts muca is in longing to after their to theoi in la iWhicn account he is io state bow ihet aandslor the Administrator. Ibe eacji ol the childreniof. his lutestatei accounting for the amount advanced intestate, by I h fm a a a hAvn; ra 4 the coon. Call and see. a!B4$&s aiili clocks repaired as gMMittveiihs. ' -: usoal a nvnr into 'AW- film men tJ l Iffil ani he pubhc t iftJft-fosa; Coruicrly occopi v. with the wiesv or keernr.ff yhntcrtrt in men i PTielcoani that he by rH1 ks- the li-fe tnioo of schedule on vatb rendered by quired : i': W -M V ' -' - It a rtnparinar Irt ihpati&faptinn nf that Selh Steed, CMlier Steed, Elisha' Scnirl, Ske&n and! Adeline h us tvilkibe' i children ind nexijpt' kin of Mark Sued, depM; Harris- Rus- . It .. T i.r i aril auu AaKm ; lleeves anld Nan his ;Wif!e Agrippa Steed, ney his I wife.! Borrell "Cog! !Eh gins u vis j ; f Tooinyi and; comlortableivand in oi sne; 4own.r ;i,no.fiubciiber hi. mm elertions to ; tender satisfaction NSrtI .bjrni. HisTable. shall S:lM'opt ed with Ihe best the eoutfJ iKlbiil'af slorewtih thecbojcest ItsJT'J 'V??) tables are extensive and safe. 1 14 4ilUI arid Polla his iwifei Utbv Steed. Ehiih Ba ley and-Unnda h1iwife,!Kafekiet Bailey andiPhlly his iie' Ll'ipQ Steedl and Martha hit vife; four diher jchiidren oil "Hill .Steeddec'd, whose naiofg arejunKnown.ijyesiai oeson ana pusiu hab ins wile, and MoeeS 4 Steeds all of Whom are tieiendaM4 n this Cause,; are not inhabitants ol thte State It is tberef ore ordered b the Court, that thellbregoi rig order! of ihe CoartL be published for sixureessive wepks in: the Caro lina Watch maa, printed at Salisbury, ioi; his Slate, notifying the defendant residing eat of the Ttate is aforesai to file their schedules of ad van cedent, ias by said order they are . required lodojd-UR- i'-'SVA:' I i; X- I Witness Jaaiea Li! Gaines, Clerk and plaster, ol our j,aia luouri 01 jquny, i wwre.ncvfiur, ine nrsi mono ay in niaru. aw. JA&i L. GA1NES, c c -f6vt40-tprtce adv. p xy VI I : l - til ' 1 1: r ., 1 A l-i i --... S3 .1 - I e people, who ; can consent ; la be tlie tool and echo Of a party, or who! will ent to come here, pledged, in advance to upport of the measures of any ddtnin iion. or ahv oartv. In6nitelvi better tfhaving any such representatives would il to establish an elective desiKHisin, jl liack- upon my bumble career in your Ste. with a nrondi consciousness that 1 binever. deviated 1 one iota from lhosr P'jiles which 1 avowed when first elecr tel)4 that rio personal or paity consider- at has .ever made me forget, for one tao- 'rnj;ouiigauons io tue country, io me ntls of my constituents, and the rights pf I people. -j jit has never been to me a iPofj the ledst concern with wbiclrl ''t'MrtyJ happened on any occasion to ?otpi the sincerity and truth oflirisflei lrp, jthe Journalj of every session 1 qj yonVisirice I bave been here, will far- bwhkie prooLU Upon these principles I Y acted land professed to act. 1 fi j 'perhaps due to you, who bave so gnJy sustained me, as well as just tbv rot84at I give a: brief. reView of mv politlctiori now that 1 am about t jeaye; lal areua, probably never again to enterV n; tvi j-. : -; , . j , , , i ,j 4p:u i f vjinto puolic life as your represerP tatlVeln aflor lhi Wlinn nf fln ll.f. mrslUerm of his Presidency. ; I n advocate of Jus election, not pauueu creea was io luu ac- and scattered to conntryrwas saved civil war, and is i ority of ihe Proclamation ity of its Sjea meetings were headed leading tie pub - lly undismayed by these things, I promptly rppudiatftd its heresies, and was, I believe, among the first, if not the vry first, who in tny place ilin jongress jrion demued and dent unced it. j In a small mi nority of abom 3 i, consisting of Nul liters arid States9 Kih's men, 1 voted agamsU he t orce bill, (so!caIved-rtiie portentous otl- spring oi a lernporary union ticrafic Republicans andiNa cans ! The lilile remnant of parly, which before had begun to rally and weie looking with a smile of hope, for the re turn of the bctUrdaysof the .Ucpublio between the rashness, and odiousness f of Nullification on tb j.one hand, and the; here- Lsies- and popularity of the Proclamation on mo oilier were ciusueu, uivucu to picvvst the four winds, i 'Hie from fbel calamrtyl o a hevitable anrf'deplbrabte ConsvqiieDce, a j dis ioiui ipn . pi tne uuipn, by the passage bf t le Compromise act! of 18 S3, of which 1 :brdially approved. brought healing oi its j wings afforded South Carolina an honorable j excusefpr p treaimg from her dangerous and ill jidg6d position, and rendered, inoperative the por tent and unconstitutional -ejiergies of tlie Force bill. The c nintry enjoyed a brjief period of political r sposej It was howef er, but 4the torrent smoothness ere it dash belbw. We were i roused by the rerooya) of the depasites, of the public money, to participate in the most tremendous conflict of political parties, in which the country was ever involved, h , j j -; In the beginning of this contest, I was calm and dispasetouate enquire. I cam here at the commencement of the session; i$!jS?fl4 whhj no political ieairig wbaievje so far as parlies and persons rere concern iMVCilcQlating ha the Iquiestibn of tl stifiteieocy of reasons which Ihad induced the Exeautive to chan ;e the, place of depoar ite of the public money, would be present ted to us as a mere question 1 of practical lerms, jine cpnoiict of iue nesiMiit, as 'daijgeroQs iandjj! alarming assumjptioiV of povver Sy bichl ibuld boi be too strbnely condemned,' aoddeclariRgthat his inter- ference with the Ticasury1 Department cjear Jy inifistedya HisfyosiUob to -extend; bis s just and proper not but, regard 4istrust.?V.-"Everr expediency I. was prepared ith my own Dot because. 1 had - thbse reasons soberly la ad coo L"i official authority; bfiybnd limits, which they could with apprehension and Senator and Reprcsenlative from mv Con gressional District voted for these1 'resolu tions, save one! It was trie general belief vic in. asuiuiuii, .,Iua xug power .: ana popularity of the Administration would be broken tdown : arid certainly, all will admit, that the prospects; pi his pahy atthe tlosuof the winter of 1834. were more ffloomv'than at a nyot her, period before or since, during the Presidency of Gen. Jackson. And I happen to trhow thar some of the leading and-mosr influential supporters of the Ad ministration party in Virginia gave signs of woe that alhwias lost,' and were exceed ing! y ah xious t bj we'should r est orwe ihade posites, as the oiilyt means of saving the banks from suspension and the. party from ruin itwas umiai such circumstances, I had to perforin rap 'duty asvjtar iepresenta live. While I disjipproved, of the removal of tho Deposiica at the time and under the yircmnstauces in which il waslone, I was satisfied that u , rights of the Bank of the U. S had been vioUted, arid that, the Preside.ut hd done nothing which he bad not a right io doUinder the! Constitution & laws; but, on th contrary, he had done. nothing which it was not his bounden duly to do, with his opinion of ihe conduct ol the Bank and thejuiteicst of the country, and u me Kank wpis not to b.irechartered. that it would be unwise to relufri the depo iites.1 j Standing almost alone, 'therefore, a tnong the. public mien in my district, without One cheori ng voice of encouragement from (hern, with every reason to apprebendhat I Was signing my own death-warrant as a po lilical man. I stood up in my place, bet the Virginia respluttons on the threshold of the House, arid "denied 'and endeavored to Re fute theirdenuncialtons The Oppbsitiob did triumph in Virginia ; and 1 was de nounced, proecribed and reviled as a mere tool and ; partizan of the Executive ; and that, too, when tbei freedom and boldness with which 1 had censured the Executive on some! points, rendered him arid bis party between Dem' fspspicious and distrustful of me as one who lonaf Kepublt- was 'too independent to be denended oh. Ycu, fellow citizens, again bobly sustained nie. A portion of you cheered rac on my re turn, wifb . extraordinary honors, expressly on the ground that J bad kept aloof from iHe corruptions of party,' and had sustain ed'your principles agamst all assaults, no matter from which party they pidceeded., I In the ensuing session, the controversy with France constituted the principal sub ject of anxious deliberation in I Congress. Agreeing entirely with the President in life justice of the claims of'our citizens on Fiance, and applauding the spirit and de termination of the President that the exec ution of the treatyotighl to be insisted on j after a careful examination of the correspon dence of the, two Governments, which it was 'ray Special duty as a member of the committee of Foreign Relations to make, I became satisfied that there was no want of good faiih in the French King in his professions of anxiety to procure an appro priation from the legislative chambers, and thai there was every, reason to believe that the quarrel would be speedily and amicably adjusted I ; therefore dissented from the recommendation of the President to Con gress to authorise reprisals against France, I voted against the celebrated 3,000,000 aproprialioa as being not only onncessa ry under the. circumstances but implying distrust of the good faith of France, and in the form and for the purposes ir was pro posed, as vesting in jthe President danger pus, unprecedented and unconstitutional discretion. War with one of the power ful nations of tlie earth was averted with out any loss of nauonal honor ; and after ed until it would hare heen! In 'icf, for the dancer aitendin? such a -avrr ttreen nations, t(ie interveuUun of a f typower rembfod the dfilicultr. wisdom of those! who; resisted tUr;.. impilitic, but spirited and pairioiic n mendation of the Executive, vas vinj. f jThe will iof the people havi pgbecr. ly inuicaieu ttial the . Bank of the I States should not be charteied b v C it (became necessarv to provida J r p oihb:pubUe'..mbule Tr. Department, according to the practi. the Government: from 1763 tii wif n-j d the Slate Uanksjpr that fpurpoi.'?.' vviiivTiuuy wiuii ineiirecomgienUatiu; the president. Congress set jabant n iiijig the; ter'msl mode anici .feonditiui Ibeirj enifplovmebt, witri a yie isf ii:;, and restraining Executive dilnretion. ' gpbn-kf Fjresiilem Jakson, t!i pfaliiMutl Bank founded u pop the n at i Y uu,vujcuiiitii, was generally rr 4:undeithe odious appellaijon c.f i counienanceeveri Irorb his iiiivn part z : and feenied ioj be Vbaiidoriei by fiJI; , Jntl' lhQse -"whtb .bj'f xpel .o w:. 1iis;l4ots'teps4V Helielr. i t is nSkyr t l,erl edaijd sought ta jlretiyeif-iiii its musi-o.'' Uf ipdangerrts torm, is bpw vvell qi. uojiqi liMWa ISaa, 18qC, ihe A1. .. iatbiiohj partyi'ftli wonderful unnnu.:i . Sustained bythetarriet-cc(jrTi of President JacttspblabdihelSe reUrirs the Treasury, (Messrs, Taney aud iV ' brtryj) urged ihe jemployiBeht of the . Bap kls las ihe safest,! and. , moit -con vei.k : . arid best depositorieg of the public rntsu . Tlie constant practice of Govern meiu fr : its foundation, the universal opinion cf : me aisupguwneo istatesmen and financier , Wliether friends rjr opponents of tbe lh:.'. othUiitedfStaies,;abd thejexperience te)ove'rab)ebtai'ter ';33, .reire appealed i as pr4ivi iliat ilieyi furuislied not only i Lbest; but the onfyj alternative, i A prom iin made in 18?-, toi; f eparafeitbe iGpvcr -merit Vtim t Binks and employimdivi ! ual I Agents 4abTeasurersi was ri r rii yy ci PCieu , wur.. ai mas t entire .-.undi.imir- tt'.lMw jbistmiq-n.;paTty whil " iC ceived equivocal. Support from only liui:.; 311 ra ImbeTS of . t lie 11 ouee of He met e 1 1 x nve, Frora aujhorisd official souri to, j t s !a scheme giving . : was cloudeaine addition toihj! pWer;arid influence bxecunvi oi t: e 33 dailPeroaslv inrreasint t! Eieetilive natron agej land erilosini t! . : . v "i .. , r r 1 plundered by" a In tbr examine i. .. i public money to dred Hands, whejril orie: could L'jnoi- reach it. unuur uio. ouie ianK sjfsienii? li a id i: , soppoftere we.rejj decried and denoim. t I wib aj zeal and intemperance, only sur passed! by whatjbasjbeen helped, by t! same official authority, upon those unc ha: geij: Rjepublicana (wnb; istill: entfrtain t!. same bpinion fbey did in 183p, of this r -volutidnary, jdsrganizing and alarm project,. FollopUjzens, Iiiiok an hutn ble and zealouspah'tti'tustainrbg the- Stat Bank system, afldincobpcratng with t!. . l3teailministratibn, iforjihat purpose. 1 have njot changed my position. I azi ; wherell was then. amnity which h 'hq overwhelming ca , tl i .1 . 1 ;"' joeiaiiep me country, in jne universal ts:- pensiob of specie payments,' is one uiulrr which jthe Government the banks and th i people are alik jjsuflering jfrhe cause i which ! produced it are; such, as all rru.--t beajthjeir ahafeqf ihlafne for Jiaving co: tiibiite to. r tliakii equally unjust t impale) it exclusilielyftri errors Jof the Gov ernmerit, or of the jbari ks, or pfjihe conicus' nttyj atj largei j f Ijey .itcd Valid re-actc 1 upon" each other! :t The ..accumulation of i vast surplus in the Treasury .auributable c. clusiyeiy to the. laujt neither of he past A..' ministration, nor of ariyj plrty in "the Cov ernmen!l the stimulus io bank accomrno dation, and individual speculation, occa; io ned by that surplus the eager appetite for.cf eaiing 'new ba k ca plial, a n d e n g s g i r: in wiltjl and exiratagaritj i advent jres i:i trade! laild business !bf, ail kinds, resultin;; from ! a jseriesof years of peace ail over t! world jof abondaut crops and liigh pric't in our own country occasioned an artificial state of things, w.bich has jresolted in tlsc comuaerciaK revulsroo juritler which t! a country is now sutTering,! lit justifies no '' change in tho fundamental 'policy 0f ij-iL. Coverpmeni. It presents the njosi inau -picioug and unfortunate of all periods, i r making ja". waropbri hjaactua( currctu'y and existing credit syatcra of the country. Never; as there grosser injustice ; per pen ;r ied, of less wisdom displayed, than in Wei zing lioffd of tbe preientf cajamitODS condi tion of .iliiugSi to inirbdiice an entire rcro lution ib our financial systeci, ard to e'e nounce the banks as perfidious &treachcrcL ; to say ndlhiggpf ihe plhe grosser jcalu can ic . which hkve been uttered against theni. T1.2 Banks gbilty of periidy and treachery! la whalT IhnotJrcdeenfiPgitheirj pjbli'gatioi.u in specie: f Why, who.cao redeem their obligations in specie f C.Can he Goyer::- iment ? dolbrs No? f With Lthirty . millions cT rannnt .... 1 Ji-: .lJj I - J -l miliion 01 uoirars,oinerwiie man in prom- There 'H to Gcor- ises 10 Dav. on TreaaUrv notes. scarcely ltd individual from Maintr gia, woo can pay Oy in consp to uo: n correney. The' Siauas. jwbp bavej recci rd on depot le, and are indebted to the Trea sury abdut 28 millions isrel and hae ! t. Iy, and lodef a struggle of diplomatic enqueue, protrac- so notoriously unable. - I! I- 1 t 1 . :4 itl wr "' , 1 T il . ! Si I' ,1 , . 1 'vVf ! .' - .f; . ,:

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