L ; i "rr J; f ' ; . N I , - ' - t - ; : .4 r interest,' riDval.T -xM.t Jf, ? . , - ? . ' ' - ' " !. m ' t and beal' l niay ti eja V1 Uocate.! a the aboe rnrmioiicu p!ac-, , - , ; PrtsideoV io!thf ameeseecW . vutVV " :o--,S4tm i... Vkui.--.i;Un 6t,Ifl at t. -rv ! l - :- f i . -. l U!-'.: I.- j - , . ' fc - s - . S .1- .J'. : . ;; -V : 'imTrr inn lire a the rtio.icerfic-! u n CeposlieWt.-ihe Presold, eel- Ur itnr . ,-pled rMj dwlnbptlon'cr US Secretary of the treasury did not even 5S .Wm to do so. j-Andyel nobody is ed lb Secretary rauiis Ciroular, oarchasd df publi 1 and (BiltetonJyi f ihreasaryia issue o tWPrVsident and Mitectiii- thai payments Jl e of enqa rdd fWifl.-wilhlB; ibJ o lands aboold be made tn goio. or ce prime ?l y-kV iHe- t ; f-: ' T il If-' It 1 .til; : V ttr H: 7' lightened ponulatioi and made Wossom like the rose.' . Aod al i nie. would all be able to. p-yjspecie.; But. Xl fit momeot.Mr. Van.Bufen aays Meagi: ta.he .called .ftg LCferes that the people "! ,! i.r rnkted thai there Uor was abot 80,000.000 opecie in the county and abouVone Juindred and twenty .nillioni of Bank notes infeireulation; IfV ihe cBankf are-reoaueu Hotpaf specie Purely tiobody w.H cummin, : if Itbev irtqWire others to pay them, And fira Uh&l M all the B 4JBOU. -i -s.K .-hi iK Ttimks. there still re iat and the usoier uuotl the ppoil pl.tUe in dustrious, enterprising,, holiest farmtrs.me- clianics and merchauts,who are waqipg up ,'W hnrrowed caniial. and bate bcenUhrir- in by judicimisly availing ihemsclTps of a system of credit,, which has. built 'up our Citie4--6trrouhted. -Jabor of every Ktnujio successful exertion hiled outp iem vHd with a hardy, , industrious ;anu , cji- for What ? 1 . it ; . txriiv.i that the Government may be maue :.gieute oMinsl ihe disnrdeis of the curren- wKtrli afflict i!ie Siatctt and Jthe peon ajiA-iiiat office-lioldeirs aod conifatiorsf of ;tle Goverjunent may gel paid in'jgtld: and if alFer, flrfiough evey body j else inwst jbe cintent l wiih depreciated papers Ml! was tlie duty oPthe, banks to suspend; specie paymenls, because they could not Itave at tempted to preserve! in jhemj without ruiu ; jijg tlie pen ph? co verm g ilUp.'laiidfjwit! u -iiversarbanluuptVjtesU Lbt property, nd taKing the frflii fjrojh jlhe - niOi!tluol jthe jabori Ills jBseciaflyjthe jn-"resl-a welts dijfy of ibej bjM fiu j ri- isbme ipecie payments, as; scjoji ajf tbecaii v :to it fjUti sifety40,i!wraMff - -cfat iit AUn'.: greitfrj jchjef fjln jsu'f)'e( sion upon the , enrinnunhy. -EJfery Stale ih the tfriiOn ivhoso Jjerislature baa assem- liied since: Abe juspnaionj, haecsediaud : justified the bank e'ijorfe"irijti fe jili 4toiVt m tlie harsh penalties a h tlj fVjrfet4 re!s 4 i h ey Had Incurred : in onie cases jltiVe passed 1 tay?lawa to pe jre;nti j ihdirliafcceditorl Xrora jdernanding specie, nii)piubor-f vilzed the co'UectioIr of iheir revenues iii the "'ttntic. nf even nrn-8riecieDavihfl bdnks jloit of them still employ Metava8 depos-- - , nones oi.ioe ruouci.Hionev -ah incse rjbanifestaiions of Iconifidenc lihi the banks 'Have been exhibited ijH !irgMij who? vote fpr and justify alftheie mea3ure of indul ge uie, and clamor for di vorce of the v ?rnmiH andthe Baiksi j 4sjudgment upon, the HepuhheaiiHut ;lo the same incovenieuces with the States . and the pcopW,andevep have the assurance 'to iiestioii the: iiiolives andj jsMictrily of those who will not go wit i (hem inlitlieir crusade aizairisl the rxtsims! in!slitu!tiohs of the country afifaiitst ihei ptfaciicje cV ptii.ciples Pof tlie Goyernofnl oirt itM 4o the ; 4th iillarch, 17, and who will ildtiunit with ; jtrtiri in the eenseleisi rla:morj)ourniibnop Oli es od ious corporaii on?, nietal I ic? cii r reii-, My 'ami I" ra hfirjons,' niMr worth'y; of tlie jley or Ali.t rsv'tlian" a free and . ial country jn tlie-1 Dili jcenlury) ; woat is very vvitrniy oi remark, ll lfai and. bigrtU?( adhesion lb he; Si aury system ! corne i rOi"u tqofeej w than 3 years aj, projiounded tha icaicubted t nut int'oihe ha nits of eident the means oftcjorruVibni ani po en iaree ixecunve rmrjoinage s. 10 ;Caue-'oi! alarm bo liecem&sr ensuing Ihe datofcf ihe;Circii?r, A iaQTR ektraordioary i and- tmlefept tble.i act-t. ort to aaseirjpecifi5i: charger- tiai n am rrv ailted aouse'-K ' k rioo aiaOrtCSccraf trt4saeiionVatnj n eiuiratrt. PYnPItl IfUOI. IDS mUTei ; U HO VIVif' i . unacjousiy negrect to .exeni x.. Zr - - :2:f:V.r;. Vrhl lent dfuir i inj.r-Llaw. ROas iiiha 1 .j - J ,,,fwirae ine 0 reuai5 jeautju m -. i ishjng enemies aftd!rewardin kJaL ll?n - ' - a fr. U. mJ.. a -.'mmrn. i - - M-m mm . m-.m- lira rt Aa J JIIII1 . K. 11 IT llT.LiUI ItlUVU T - . - T T- 1 - I. i X . 9 111 Mill also been before5 Conrte"ss discussion " wasij? voted 1 oiys less ihau a lortniglil alter ttLlrfluient'i Ibv art ahtbf boie iKxecuti aUiaiion made i be la;rhicb' Corisresaireiosfcd to make, aoa enaciea ;pore;e.MruM pbruot discrinition ;buVeeriiho3e wbo cooiriUu e4 to the puljl reverjuema Congress ver did authortsct or teVer would; have 1 authorised. Jt Was ah act, ialny opinionand' 1 ad , pronoynced itdaiing the last Coujrebsfinegaj iu ii(s oi1gio and flitchit:voii ia iisfctXecUit was condemned by mm ' tbjtivv6 tiiirda of b brin'ebes of Congress in a biU fir9ed fur the jpdrposapbf, re- bb ao onfortunato, Would Ji dctyhvu jrt - going for 'thcib uSjandjIma' iL'e :ljc - yy u. be saedTroorJ)ankroptcy.: -ino am.... able plaHfor.a6ub-Tnstiry aud iiUcctiv- er General 11 H i;- ":..t , " Tbaifterson. af wWe ir.stanre the: hn J oeTson offip was located at-Augusta, could robl- re Mtc sacred "daty to the op!e pr tbo unit a vision or nio .piuicipic- w 'ry--' r, - ' ihB Conslilotion, and be kbould esWnj;itv.bw i&hiiito of nimsajilHauisitionA iABialtthi4 ranj-ra t inu-caltitX wii- pducedl fripon a bA' tbielrtj T . - .r - - Lfi- ir'Z. "tr ;t'S. f-llii iiioi at inquiry -oy, iDpHcl,td,',p rr j peopleaeb Babnerlh; departments naouotscuargfca ineir auufs. s inquiry ana ineswjajiion because fbere jaf not at) j HdicUnenV drawn up accusirid tbeio lot !aome fepecific crime eajmfede mna it rpmal. vet all these I mapoiJt Accasation must be made or a ajMCt, . iTT ' . . f., i - -. .1 R,. ..(Tin, in !n V tirnl a r lnatanc. -bef .re aoy U" lurmauun was iu wt anw v luo suv.. t" i beach nient Xmuit or ecetm inquiry Whether tCCe was artyl grouff t: Complaintr-and, as u to wake agsuabiie doubly sure fg'atoat - any riossibiiuv of accusaiioo iiri impeacbinent, the lJxecuwaa was to refuse alt answeil to anV euquiry,DCfcusje peaHng hi "fltbV public voice, with unexampled i uaaHUutiy, taia s were wk?"hroul of office 1 with! ;lb'e: bill io bis i pocket, tliu3-,conveitejd;bis uahSed veto! intoj aii ab sJlute nrTatlrp iirju. the law of Congress, and :t taicupoo ihergund aua.tiibe4 by.acaronar ppio 'j$d;vi -.tbetWr'lay-'GjBnal that; tte bill rait 1 stieptiafe pi 9f ;ul'iM& no iwhtt'tfo?Anrftea' cs it. : It poison's ihe fountains tf publie purfty and degrajeaour pohticat contfest irmi able scrambfe'ibr pojver and pfonder Jan which ,,wuv.u tiuiwa oi iiiecoBotr ire conver- firm ,r c"f .1" Vv? ,,"!(' "Hi8ueuvw 06- 01 f cisive ton - MeoBur j under da tfe fr2Qth i nVtafttwrjiei?. ski . j- 'l'o Lt L' T".' , 6V. : U : Ti J i tj1 i i : 'io n. 4' i . video atnon? i.-l, WW iilUl ibe President had not badluil time to make up a ;opinjon hat would-be the true' oonstr uc- tibn. tThis miirut be:a food reason tor, pulling his veto nil the. btllbot none: whatever -for pre- t " . ft - V 4 b - - ' ' p- t t verttmg congress,-if Hhei bad the samerdifficol- :it was lutriainkhH Dri'iibibloa of lubUceJaad a viohiibfl tif itii!Uoostiiiiion to require ihe heads of departments and the Executive to fu rnish ev;t- t i or coroorelienoin : j - i - f 1 - de nceto-corivjot iheaiselyea ! Gracious .God! ! sfA fiiiinfl ibnder a Gonstitutionai (Govern- id fVoaiteilereisififf their tmnt,; whtro puuiw Gingers are oai wusiees lor the itefja vtfne:uovrnment is instiiuiea ior T.-'-An;.h,d niiiif' fc ih.mii Wni Jn.iiriih. i ittio beneiit oijWKe sovernea. ana not iur ne -gov aUlidio SiiU tew didi this apo!o2y serve the. Ifnwr-twhef ut puuiii men. froaa ihe Piat- cttiiiatiuuai perogitiv'oft fiasiing the la q?, present execuuve, wnu eaa auii;u: iiioe, u cou-1 "v-"'rvTir.--;:;. : . - j.r 7 " 7'y 1 Saer the bill and .whosa firsts imhulseland l:yrts. 3nt4. Dt ; iue people, janfr aSgOit is'WltvldWaeita ykfd Co. the reaion" i onsibfo. lbif "-V 1 J500:?8' Hl ,..ia vnii,nrMtU- hil frLnHol Pa t !ii hen I t-A th it? .'letter -f the late President, my length di(l yiildio, A jknavir not whatf malign i 11 inflaeiiceP! persevered iO dferegardiog thel bioixl it&ged j my veihsl with indignatioa at legislative Witliaodlturned ahdaf ear-to .IbefiWniayes ojiuepeop e-arso tPei. oeouce voice oi XU9 pcQpte l ite-persisted J jBniorciiff;i;vvv.vV"1 '1 .1 "K. - " vl ,T . ' 1i - 1 .fey; . .1 . t'ntl AVtiACA .irTt1.lal .( Ii:.i-i:illirv A I lllf 'feasuiy;if84a;e;iiinie,liwas:o?e shami arid . 8 -'(,Yct4tiiortii)catton.:'K.atj,aiy rmsiuent or neau 01 an m.tr iM Executive Dlarlment ;fehould shield hifriself o" those-H who entltol snbniit the odious decree wheu the anticipated lt. j: :-.b,?...t.i.;:.tL '.t:. grdei cutributeq) beyood all questiiio ip r r less'dfred; to produce. Asjif to (tie calamity Tof ihe cbuntrywberl (ear Came upon it, he brongbi lbrard, and lirging the aioptiuu bt his lii-atartd and porten or uepariineoi jo ine in. Us ub-'lreasury feipeieu mating the Treasl clai&iin ihe berfit of Dry Circular ja permaoent and universal feature; in oUr jluanciat system fwith no hopojor pnbai pility of paasingt, but by. a bare majority, and il bat, too, by the; votes of) meoibers acting iq op; pusitioa to the known 1 and" expressed will of Ibeir coiisjiituents.vlt waa this - meagre, jsome w fiat mitigated from 119 original deformity, which jwas, on myj motion laid on the table of the (louse of Kepreaentalives, a shun tima ; since, jiniiDrdiai.ely jup-zn lis; appearance 1 ihe House.: Vd 1 . rtj.iic in thy belief, that ; ibis disposition irtf li 1 tin! lli I'TIiiiIa lii I hip alii! mi ri l.vio v uu,d fii.al reiulioh ot the who e scheme wtih all 6lc; aud tfil papers ahd recorAuieudaMUt fi IU:eiioru:ties.'-j-1 -" Mi 4 ' t ": -k -1 favcrlut'Alfi Jtf JLloji"er 4u aiwta.w LTk- f TbeiH js one Other Bubmef'fa 'Whteh I tKtnV! oliedf What She aotr kit UiaKiuiL :aii0ian& 9 iiipruper toa4viti; I mean fie Presidenii pow't ve ted oy e t-oubiuuMt a arid . ys hV ! erot removal an the priuciples on f whi'-h il resiutsnt, tifdjs pi - dtaiuueni, fuu cuui3 buiihl to be exercised and restricted. Ifn 1834.1 Jaw,' frc itrliij 4 mo pA-t-r whaiejer, in rUt t inaintatuedi'thi Do'wec kl removal id eurtstitu to tUeid. exei irt taie i.owtr; lo.iUi-ueHeh tvt -w e victors.'' enoUb to sup did seriously; too tend for such olea; ' I badverviriffht (o si JacksorfJiLnd ably and ehlentlyjdenoa'noed tii the celebrated re poii. ou t,ecuue patronage lot . ine comrntttee of the Benattpn 18SC;of wLichMr lientoo'was ..Cb:arWrAr,Van Jobn'iri and) Judged White weie members. They arednepily a conflict with the pledge of Gen Jacks(r., to las Inaugural";, Address,) to reforia Ytbosibusea; wluc bad broug&t-tbf freedom of ejectisarili lUejj ate expfyie?udiated by ltf&'& fiat chain1 rj ob oi ehe power of. Esu.iyeyova from, ofnjce, 89 j be was the t.e'xeroplarxif all that wai jpbre and pairioi ichnd.klnlous'a9''li'':; atatestn in. " la bis speech it 1789 J Madison said ibki the great arga-; ia3 the danger and mischief oi an; abuse of the bower but he replied to this thai if the Piesi- dent removed a faithful and meritorious '"officer. he would be hable u imr4chuent and removal himself; and moreover, he.could not conceive it possible that so enurmous au abase ol power would be perpetrated by any President. , j Fel6w-CiUzenS I fear ibi3 . lenorpous abuse nf luiM-or ha been nraetised and lb a ffreiter eX' tent than 1 had any suspicion fif, uutii very re cently." Certain iff is; that evjry i tempt toln- fiigte anegea orsuspeciea Bouses oi unaiwiu haveDeen obstructed, evaded and foilrdwirU an bbsiibacv and upon, pretexts which) 'are wholly iunjustihabie.and the resort to Which ia well cal- nesaaod jpartti?m by aIfuuiylisnt ard de re voie fo nrtemnatibti ofliiUi-Vs4con-- ' ..v 'Ol " 1 duct, as ihdoriKmHin rijl(3S Aih- ta In fact.) teatable princll The bill io prevent tbti lssutnu and .circulaiirl e ithat Gtn'H ihnotes ordraftsof th late liack of ihe 13itrd his pafly did noUlor ihey are uhjsi ! States: bv the iireseniliiittcd Sta.te3LBstk i'jtf 1 Pennsylvania, W? passeu ioa tutiu rpauin?, iij Vote of 2? io ;14. -,Wr"0aihoon fnd lr Rives the power of4 C0itgre;tni$ppress tiiHsei, -nots, to force ibeifsuppression fagainst jhjatBfHtS; of the United Stales. All the the conservatives joined with whlgs alityL was hiffh handed and patinw aat'MK ol liower -"Jo . .- K:ro.Cr.;: his sen? ic -JhuuibM, t: i tbe wbiga iu aoppon ot .tiietof a$iire. ,'1 no j opposed it or. ihe ground urimioO' but admitied that IMr;ilii41e.Vuu n HI. j3, Fair Hit. -In a lata debatu in the Senate, Mr Benton took occas!iontd reads -firtlef.ifroni Gen, Jackson to that Senator, ;in; whirh the Old Hero enoke in verY harsh terms cf the! cristO' cratieftwtV in Nashville, by whom iliKe Bank i.L fTli.'.i ti..... i. . :'T :..:L.i. vi lue vj ui tea ciait-s , tiu ueni io, iifo, vears ago. to esiablisht a Branch Id til Judge White, a few daya afterwards Bol;le iat,ctty.. exhibited to the Senate the . letter asking fir this Branch, when amoiJg the 44 anstjicraiic fVw! signed it, was found thejname of Feljx Grundy, the Democratic, Anu Bank, Bid.ile nator frotnfrennesseejt ' Ph en&ct. was electrical und J r G. looked s have crept into an auguk-hole.foirj F A i I said f he .could rnman: r ii dotnmer- And ist illib bfl'iea. hO less rjrect W- Hre- g F l "s i to ilia KenUUl can of Va. 3nd the friends bf SiaMJ,,r!igt evoryl Where. 1 jiave over loqkeJ, Ui "'-s p4P?T.: MJte ihe ;riour3 Which. was! takrni lb ""'isJdf fpir .thfe qispsi- 4iotiofthe enrol us revenue 'While If findjirliiaiula ! , .ri . i- ' . : l.' J . ii..: .: Ill U i ted toafri'httul amoonfi It wasiah iciwiiitid.tbat Ijiltjfo mwiiiu ue wui ttir: : J wuptiiurtijr ,t c,j 4 t.p Wards of Jorlf miUions bf public moiifry in the I reasary. Ibe hnschtef and dairigeribt such a -a condition of, the 1 reasuryi was apparent to all .After much ioxtdos debeUt joiit ' ai bail passed :n i Lia atsiriouieaiam jng ine oiates on.aepvJSitc, ir ; f heb. they W e rej to gi vj4 rt ifceai tela "I tie posife Mad'amthotizing tba-Secjretryj- fl jho"'l'reasury ithe-techtl"al rulfH" crimi naif 1 a Vji ft tended for Jthe protection oft c al priia at tire bri in caseSiof arson, burglaty or iajr ceny. ' ' i : !: H - - h ' : --' . ii The spirit ;bl this letfer of the President,' pei- vaded aii the suostaoeul proceeditiiis befoie trie committee. J r. ' rvD ; t' - i Air Kendajl, .the Pijist juster Generali wis called yd to cbmniunicake to the Comuiitte Hhe papeTs rc1at:e?'tblhe removal of the late Post TiidJler at Sfaiiiord, K i tocky' 4 the paperk.ari I . . 'JL - ' . j:: -i. ji'l . . . L. - . . . i . - Sf.t . !. lexers -Tecoumesuiog ine iipnoiiuuieia or ui) oerson blher tbauUhe irsnrf vho was ob noun mi J . .1. ! 1, U-.l .1 f !T dilated to eneeadeiuhe susnicibn, ibai iheinves- v f I''V l-- . - . i - . ; . .1 -- !.: . j I nm ih PTiicncpK ill Jt-voverrmien liOIJIU iWVurU V A i xjrv wsoo,pw iiuwvivmv ( v i Itibal, as vesjtedjr:iti the Executive, and jMwevpr iabe tirabdse, asbeing' more safely legged there rhan in anVy oher departioetit. I have not tehanged niy opinion in tbe least on that subjeut.- Ves4t)d believjn It !to On thai power of an,. the last year retuoval, Uoivever, have beeir l or two, engrailed doctrines. which, if &aucliiued by the country, "would istatnp upon pur. onstiiution one of the worst leaiuros ot ine must uumiiig.ued despotism lu Uies repon oi ui uiinortiy, or mo i'ost uuicv cotii mil tee. oi tnq J louse, made : in 1835. but which 1 behave Ijlid not read for 1 Z or IS months after, t appears tliat a Postmaster Ho had been trieodly to the Administration, but was sosppct ed 44 ot not being ai real supporter of it," was upon tbaif ground aloue reaiocd frota office that no other! cause of removal appeared among the papers bt.Wa; assigned ;orvclai.ned- by the Postmaster Geneml. lie, in his letter to the committee, cbuimonicaimg the : pajers touching the removal,! places' hisS cbinpliance jwith their call" ior tbe-jpapersi sofely on tlie ffrbund, that K4 the House of liepresi la lives (constitutes hbe jgrand inquest fur iiopeaehment and. when act- ingTwith a vjew to thai jjjbject,- may j rightfully examine the inducements which were presented to the Postmaster jOenefal for making a removal or.apjKiintment, add his motives in performiug such an act.'? Evidently implying, ' that even the House oi Representatives have o iibt to rupi anrd illcg! apoinMOcnts House 01 Kepresuialtvcc: that, be one ot loo duties oi his ptauon, to regain ti e constitutional liiitalibn. t pwer, and ia( a coiopjiittce. jtiiitLe requesi ot Vhe eoaitnitteo, ' would; be aijiri'cfeiieiit tuudjing lo-sobverl jtbcfii, he dfccfiaed fuinjibjivg. the I papers.' ."'AndjTihqs, IU8 Houe okHepreseniawves, v hich it nas aU mttted .bad ai jest the ''right to impeach fur col:-; rupt or ilirgai aj)poiuUiioni'ji!, weie rtt'u&wl ac cess to ihe pobiifc orlicial papers, l-ners and rb omqie-iidalidnijlias lo an ifiicerremoved aHd oaT a pot o c d a i l iibug b they turiiibhei Lht; oat) ub bubie means ofafceriiuiiig wheu,ti the j remo val alio appolultheiil were or weio ool corrupt ri!lal.,C jj) '. . j- j Mr Wood bury being under examination br fore tne Coto.UHtief, r as asked to stale all he knew in relation to tbe removal ot a certain cus torn house oifiejr, and the feasoosfor suchj reiiibr val. The question was objected to, not by Mr. Woodbury, but by a member ot the Committee, flat; rant, as tuariiuie public indijnalion arid de- tnatol siai,unishmeot. But jliowf ver this may be, puolic purity, tlie princile of the Constitu tion; a jost jealousy of tbe danger M Executive power and patronage, all require that; tbe coun try fehouid kdow what are .th l uiaciples of all parlies on -litis subject; and if ) I hose principles are in toi flict with the treius of oar iiistitaiions whether they can be restraint by legislation or punlhmcnt4 The resolutioni ollered by myself a'd-.rrow pending, presentj I hese questions tor the jodg-tvtt'nt offthe House of lte)resealaiiva and of the ciuntrjjjj' " ;y ,'' "' " .. In the conflicts g( opinion ajn3 stfoggles of par ty which halve grown out of aud been connected with the Ctrreriey question, la small division of the Imiiiij.-itUoa patty Jjave been placed inop f Ksttutn; to fte u rt t ocKiy of thai party, at Jeast a.orJg the i.:iiK-Hns, They have thrown off b' siia ;kl u! patty, in l iiuse ! conflxts and m roggleis, i despife of t he 1 3ro r8; of denuncia lion, j Althfgh diminutive in point of 410 mbers, they have j proved j themsel ves gallant in spirit and dicieit in action, Ridiculed as a bfiere 4,cor porals guars!," they havt biJ stre.igth to tutni .. .ii t . . 1 it 1 1 : . .. . t ne life i.j,qaniei?na n tviug, as. 1 oeuve.-sav-ed th e juOir from ru'ni in the; present crisis they ell tiferu ask complirr ent the gtgnomen o Cohsoi va'tjves," iast on tht m'orjgmalty. by waj " : 7 T " ---; 1 ------ o -..jj cuurso.and lopiniojis. and sympathising wfti them most cordially lft the noWle and heroic stani ibev have; taken j it is my -pride to avow, Hha so br as (have any party associations and afiio! lies, 1 am With thtm. 1 hevi are indeed a snarl band, of whom jt hiay be said In the Isngoae Henry the; Fifth, on the eve of the battle of Agt cour : ill.!' "If they are marked to die.ithey are enoogi , 1 0 do pur country joss t if ip live, ine rewer men, the greater share ot hontr. I regret fcllow-ciiiz ns, that 1 have not hJ time to c. a jense this address into a smaller con. pass.! 1 wished ioexibit in one !view,iny whu!o exceed 13.000,000 he rj f t;- . . j; j - 11. .''.'Sergeant P Sergeant. v ..: lowing ni' ri.; ffenllernan v.: aeaiit cufirli. Diiai he it. ; tif,g his r.ut;- , bUd vvhii-a i. .... 1. 1. .1 . : sat-islctKu, tiettif ni. i) seU oj),sa!J, wjlitle I'm !.-; : said the sjr: Qtatt3ckii j: . said the wrapping ij ; of bed wlulc? who had ifpo S. Q id Gene aim urn Jackson called JhiS Jxtravagaiice;i aftd pro- misi-d reform Sihcfe Gen ; Jackaort land Vin Bur0ri Uuxe been in ipwervyterexpen ilinirES hbve averaged some what JtrVore llVar sloOO.ObO annually On the 4il(olMarc1i li&ii when ; Vahiiluren's aidrnjniitratiori bka.i, there were id the Trfaf urjjr !pwids 4f ,000,000, and a b immense revenue pour :t ii f Nt .-. .t'.J A ( rtOH AAA UU fle revenue vastly! decreased 10.000,000 bills of credit Have beea?syueiiafcijllO,- h)0,000 more are; about td be tmt forih, L save the government from . J;A curio-- proved ia C ! wite heat", ; a strong U hot tl:at it : difperseJ in -1 ' w ire burnt of fa pound : eteci will ; 1 heaied to a v aud turned i same gouts. Ois.;.'. r , We fin. 1 vessels, v. !.: The Sir his,, th'at it will b An estimate of the experdIini,!Psrfor ihe eir 1838 was lately 'rhade jn fh Ilouse of jvcpresenlatives by Mr. Manihrjelng, tue fiovrninent organ-f-they Jainountf to the Him of 43,230,000. Of thM ri0wever,ihe A lmmistration prhtiiises top. 'ewpS'ft )) only land: .Vr ' L -; . 'StE'aji ;a T'f.e exjeri.i.. land to trial, tl ..:.( w i0 -have ! nuunceJ t;. i . iBa Saint 1 wntc'o, we I tle s'al:c ;i ! her dt-pu'iu 3,20,000. Tljie following is humbuy; articles of t km la ehn ri - ajpniple!e;artsWerto the lmpQrjta-LelOiici --i :- i: r i- - s - 1 . e. . and decided; that the questibn should not be pri- u' a".',,u "l""'"" aM pounded.1 ttfls officer Wasl removed, not U Sir. rttyet of pohtiCalxciiemfent n4 importalirt Woodbury ibiit a collectlr at Newpori Af- hich hay ej arisen, while I iras your Represefctx terwairtWoodbury hiving staled that he 1 nia possibly have omitted to notice oe hH aTd .flViimnnit.tHd'thR ' Mtkmnlitl- ul J01' - have i been more ajiaious to dedion. 1 ) i :'ir.i- '-.'. . 1 to use thoNo cerfifioates Jin raising tnoqeyl w ben- letters and ever, iae aecessiMea,ui jioe Jtreasiiry ;rvqureo, 'This measure a jt hiaigh riot j unexceptionable ia abme respeetwiis defoed by ajvjery lalge ma jority of both Houses of Congreat thej eiy best tor arresting tbojevibi Bjisinglfroui thej iccoiuu latiob of 4so enormous a; surplus, ! Jt .encountered even after its passage jlhroogh! i the iSenate by ; more thao lb reejfWtbj'tbje Mep'rsI raedt9 tbe roost open, vehemebt and unisgaised hos I ttluy of thePpsiideni ;bo,-W ithdut the least re I serve, declaraijie otd -yftJiltjHlAf motion C made by wyielfi to suspend tb pities hi order to; Make up this hilt out of Ills lurnlin iheullouse. de-1 f wonstrated thatl it would receive the sanction of that -body also, by a votjej of more jthanj t wo thirds It was necessary, therefore, ftih tj !?ia ter the bill, so as to gite the residient Un ! opportunity or a bretext f r backin? OoLfroiinl Im4I ttiraipnil ua um the mor titiuatton of hav4 An a-i whicHi j' enquire into to impeach. This was ial Jiux-Liv of U i . . - such 1 matters, except -1 hey ..intend lie qia, nowever, send the papers. o t tnn 1 m. 1 r c TOron D , I in fk ratv.rf 1 f . thu la y.iLiiuu " itih ibtuvf m ... u ... vy, wuuuiV together Wfth. Such documents 'Connected wtith it as Were not confidential in their character, he was then aied, it 4 tbe papers which he did not communicate ltd the Senate, because thev were the time of ,Mr. Bain i . The ma i confidential, were on ihe files ot ihe Preasiirv e committee, alter : examining tbe;i Uepartmenl.' ; This quesiion was objt-ctf a to, petitions - lor and affainat i he re: and decided br a . maioriiv of ihe Committee. moval, resolved, tbat , there; was? 41 nothing in I that the questibn bhoid not be piopoundedl toera wDicoj in -ine anghtest Oegreel impeaches) rsovv, 1 understand irom all ibis, thai it is the me moiives or criminates the act of the Post- opinion of some high in official authority, feejre, master uenrai, oris in, any respect material to land sanctioned by at least some members oi Cum any object oj Ieg:iatiot or of poblie interest or of J mitteea of the fHous . 1 mt veto, or expose i hi louse! of Representatives, lhat the President and Heads ot ..Departments may remove ail officers, whether 4 houe&i, capable ana latiniur or noi.on ine grouna oivOiuerelice of pbliticaljbpinion-that as the Executive abd his subordinates are on!y responsible by impeach- menrjfor cbrupt and illegal tnatitatioinal dqty, to resist all enquiries as to 4he manner in which . . -1 I. ... . . 1 . I : 1 . : ' ' .1 omcero. TlAbd tte letters and papers were, re turned to the roslraastfer-Ueneral. jrakin all this togethjsr, we are left ioconclude, 4lhat it was the opinion ot a majorit y of ibe- committee that the tetpuval of a 4iaithful. caDable and boiil est public dfficer ;f pqn no other ground uhan his nqi seinii a poiiucai suDDorter oi thit Admmi- tration, is do viulilioh of official dufv : that lha-l thev have IdMharred their duties, because thev knowledge that Isuclir a light !of-. removal is 1 are not bound io criminate or furnish evideinbe against; themselve that the lotleis,. papers, evidences ahd docuiceots uh file iu the.pubhu de i,lmAnlfi:lwirtnaA'wl w ill. ik. . .t ' . V. a UWIIUI.UUjVUUireVCU W 1 1 1 IUC 6ACIVK.,U1i IIIO . i. ii !i , ' . . . . ... -i" 9traijj! the, integrity aud fidelity of my action ihai to esUblisbj Us wisdom. My leading prmfemle as a politican has been to avjoidytfelfingo lae seauetioris and contaminations ot party spriti which in. trie language of a philosophical sjaips-1 man;; I regard "as the madness ;of the many, for the benefiifof the few." And if I may aist&ne tbe privilege of admonition which I hope you will excuse, in consideration of my sincere and zealous anxiety for the welfare of those w ho lav? so lofia ahd so generous! v confided in melJetme beg id ybunevr to put youjr Uust in tbelfelity or virioe o any poi mean, whose chief claim to yodr , support is placed, not on the sounaceas of his piioeip:le3,buton bis professions of defbiion to I bid yoa, fellow, citizens, most gratqfuf ' and aflectionte, farewell. JNO. jtf. PATRON. ihg ibe bill epafted iiipits f ; -ib y?tol! - tnfndmpnt was Ihpriro nmWuMmi i : - . r j-wv 'W.vyvi vW'ti - . i'l while it maniJesfly made the bill (much! more oW noxious to the principle on which the President: opposed it, lo vvit: that it was' a distribution hi eilect, ibogh a dejH3?ie jn Jfbrn-WUlt nrgd jipm the Huusf, on tie grouqd,hiihvuld al vd the President's :o. Hi' jteadfy ojHsd ":ttia amendment.;; Itjjhoweer,prafaUMd Aa4 It is o peblie money "depisul wiih tbiB Stateilhs beea unawailao io tha'freasoryanid wift now. vvol vbably, i ever be; restored to the Ffilealf Cover n4 eni; , Jt was,a cohesion;, rlirt the! f opinions of the :'; ETec9liVe,h wholly? -Bonabrsary'--ao :-.the:":;suc!es!: of.:thej;' ."Walsun';fpri .jt would have passed w 6pite j)f was f concessiou, ia tpy opjinlunj ht miltatir. to ihe rJM8lalure,' attd oerjiictobf a its praeiical ef jfectS. Jt has areaJy!drien ip8 q ihe issuing of T'reasui-y notest-Governmeni bapef money-. tp claimed; la in rios respect! material! to' ahv oh jr of legjslotloo hot of any ' public in;erest ahio apneara,!thtilib bian putin the place ihoa vaeaieo, oepause tie was an undoubted V pariizan ot the Admtnistralioa.altes feuiaiQihfr in nffip some timej absconded 10 delautt io ihi G vern- ment, for all the! postage received dbifho- his voniinuancein oCice. . f j ; j Sooii alUr ihe rcorrantziUen I Ihi Pt UCice IlHjjarimpul, thepresent incumbeut issued a circular lb thebfcerii in; that depaiimenl, in m eusoiauqe juhtneu mem, that ihey wt-ic tutropsioer luemseivee as mere birelands A SUPEIUOR LOCAT10N FOH MsUB- iiir. vfdttr&cuct i tie ageni pi ; we fire asoty Departmirrt to examine land officts, pnder oate ot the 9th of Jul?!, 1837, wrcte th Ihe am'tuot of milljon s ; doubtful in paint of roftsiiiodhpllpowet.' ahjd k ways to bs avoided, in ; Po4M Pjff M L A very shorti time f after tej passage of the aa issoe Extremely of the txdeutivf!-to be pat injur pat ont :to be I cred jdutyf solemnly to protest, and to endeavor to procure the judgment ot the House uf Hepre aebUtire4,n regard to themFor that purpose, rpresenljtjdtb the Ilouse a series of j 'resoidjojDS, qis affirfcifig ilreua all-These resblutions ar0 atilj pendiagi iod I hope will be acted on 1 tiiefm their passage by; 4he JHfousetd Uepiesemaiives, demkuded for the vindicatiob uf the just aeihor ity of thoHouse ; for ! the . preservaVion, of thi? pirlty and inlegTiiy of the Executive. . adinibts tratiun, and for putting ibe seal of disapproba ttufi by the grand inquest of the nation, upon principles :and practices tyrannical,'' corruption and subversive of ail saluury restraints upoo iibe liiCtUUIC:, ucj dllUirn VI vilie VJOVCi MU10 1;. These are , not new opinions wiih me. la kb34, JMU yp or pat JoWir. at tbe iner ! will t.l ih l!,x'eoitiv. bo; J'-wias. the ippoihted agent of the ivpiw niosiiiutnary louispose or l hem, with out any riht un the part of the officers to coni- plain.. :-! x ' ...i . - Huiingl ihe last session of Congress, the House ot jUeprewntaUves. by an almost unant mous vottj. raised a cbmmitiee to "! enquire iuio iiie coodiion, of the: arWKxecalive HeparT meois H4! iota ibe mannef.in " which tbe public business was ; discharged, in them, aod 4 into all causes of complaini, from any quarter, at the manner in which saldi depaitoienisV jB duties rriaitiifcr to the public interest, have' fulfilled or failed 10 accomplish the obicbjoi ih, tion or liave violaedj thtU duties, or Uve irL" in ihe spf cjeh I .made ia defcuoe cf the puWpr cf fur tbjd balance. nowe of reipoval, tnay be withheld fjomjthe Seciretatyl of ilie Treasury lellefi while at House of Uepresentatives, because they might the Lano cilice at Avlsusta, Mts fmm furoisb evttfance of corrupt and illegal conduct which wi make the folUwfeexfjfacl' "Saiu againstSthj president or the, heads, :vf tpari- be,r THci motive for iocktiniMbeSfand'office ujeuis, a no iiiai t is wuouj louuiopeienv m,.von 2res3.dr evh the louse of Tlepiescataiives, w iih a vieWUo prevedt, by legislation; abuse or 1 corrupiioD; in tbe exercise ot the power otiie mo val, to endutre into the caiure of the abasys or the extent of the corropttoo or illegality j A- gatnst all lhese doctrines I felt it to be oty sa- judor.i'at l lArmf . ' -"-( le uioDe.as toi itiet lion .f specie into NewV Vorki bi?;rt consequence of .the beneficial pfdwyof thef uv erniiunt. Ii is from ihe Liiemdot.iibioiv ' Exportation of Gold in thti Lrnu4d Stdles - We are iruly glad! id find, ihat ihe5 (Bank of England has, at Ientlr, dclermilndSfoiwake a shipment of gold to the United !$tjatesj This will noi be the- only means of givingilife and an imation in; the Uniteid Staled, b'ut'iwili lead to extensive orders for oqr various manufactures. t is evidently tbe j harbinger bibrel cjieefrful times Ihe Bank intends lo send t 1 .COO.COO- Messrs. Rothschild, 4250,000, and various oth er firms different abiuuiitsmakin gregate, about 44,00,000 atrliogej itnder- stand. ; The whole, we believie,! Js cbnsisned to Messrs. Prime, Warn 'rKis I; paijan portion of it, report says, is i)n account! of ihel Govern il - ; 1 ' . i , U r ' ' ! i: m. t rr . meni, io meei oius iinim v anauaqt f neeneei produced by this operation inlhe ijraitad State will be quite astonisninsr. The iesumption of cash payments has been the great, 'desideratum for a long time, but) the difficulty of insuring permanency - to so vital a measure jhas l delayed : :'). i-i ! .H:-" -At a public meeting, held at Bosion on ihe 20th tilt., on this sub ect, one Of the re&oluiions adopted was: v . ' ;s , ! f, I;;;;j)v'',.,... That it is imposiible for the banks to resume specie pay ments by citailmeqt; because ;curt ail- ijUiM ij mentbegels panic arjdestroins1 citfi:llence, arid 1 1-A 11) IU i- T;.i ii 1-' ..irJi ':w--jr-;' 1-. . :. .t.: . . oecause general anu senerous connaence is inois- pensioie to preceoe, to accompawy, ano to ioi low tho resumpiion.' . rn;'i;':r.lr'irf J K I I his has been our own view cf the! matter, as the public will remember, hot; ib:difiiuli '..-.is nowi-Dveicome. Hiorning iurmicie! oi h i oes .day. J I ! ' ' p i; MM i ; About 200,000 sovereigna we(re shipped on board the packet ships Columbus and Sheridan, Which sailedifor Iew, Xutkjoa Sunday week. kniii irin np.n ,n :.io w i . v. ..,.. Ii pfoceedsVi; Whtnce:she t on l ;e 's-'H'it bprou''1 pict wi'A 1 !. a6hort 'i'f.-', st'Hii),f 't a. : set of TCO ! er, and n t.' pa ted ui at. v o ouch I : ii to tat';, : SoU:6 lcan.i a -point. of The id-a a idicultjJ In an iiivi !:rt;e 1. h t in'lhepr' ihat l lie 3 iius l i:-.; Dm.oaituit teaniejr c At;Gr. AWFUL ' We b- Jpassej'or jliere I tl.is iK'ind, i!.: : j o f ; t 1 e u.t lhas ever v ONE T DC tbe airi d offirr, in this placet an enigoia hat tatih olved. There are but three jamilies residing in it . iimcuumry is poor, Banoyjitninir; peopled awu ihe raiusf tnoi roaas,) itaainz to it r .wiuwue mai iv is uuucuu ior i stranger not to loose uimseli. jit ws the case witn me, and in making mv wtt ikrmi&h the thickets, I got; foisnepso&ADLy ts ToU.USEiTUB Use op MVlvUAKls fori SIX DATS.' j-j i; . I . I .I : PffSothers; this, wb jihinfc would "be tb inosi appropriate tlaeei:o'pct'ta one of Senate 4RpOKl BlLri' r0a for ; and paiucuiarly loithe riresenfaie 0f lhe Treasdry.; ii .-i , f : " fT ... , -.. j are -weoioiy iworn, bat, publitj. uciiiiJi ait: nuwDiiciua iff trrxnt o( I ibrtrfu and oxteda:itWnc4 lQ Treasury Department, ipri a JtfIod Qr ,;me : - dav; iifcr. tbe tame port, Mr.: King, who has been in! London iafianging the matter with thri Directors biTkh Bank of Kngland, goes as a passenger on board ol Gtorg' W ashington. id..t6ro7i. L ; -Vf TITE SKlki CUBREitCY, Our readers no doubt recuihct fhe old Jaw of lhe 4State of Franklin latelif eiied by Mr; Web ster, io his: speech at ibecorene: That law) (made before the country was a filiated Willi bankj votes) was as follotvb : ' i j ;4 Be it enacted 'hy tht General Jfssctnlly ff e Stateiofi iprankfyn and i jta twritiji enacttd. thti by.lthe, kaahority 'ol tht aameVf iTibaiL - iiom' the' first day of-January j me civil crucers oi follow, to wit ':f'U' Ij , Hit excellency ont lnousaoa ceer A. D.--i739l;lht salaries ot. th is common weaUb be as l :. Ihe gore rnuf, per tatnumi kins ; his hohoti the chief justice, five. hundred do. o. ftheuatiniey ger.-! eral, five hundred da. do.; secretary io bis excels lebcy ihe governor five hundred racoon do, ; the treasorer cf ihi.ytaieftHir hbnded and fil-f ty otter ilo. each;oouoiy clercribreThundreti heaver do olerkj of . the house of commons two hundred racoon do. ; roembere cf assembly1, per diem t three do! lo,j justice's fee; for signing a warrant, ane maskrat do'; to the constable, fur cars in i: fire was at leu -A ( The fir past 8 tern fcitif St. Ti.e ' South Wi acrps? Ivi iiRrtnn- ( : "i the- city -eiyj Etici i Bay w.t? ! BcJ'cf f".rt! from K r ny, or : extendi. 0 .' street r.r 1 fir r;ip:.': . bfiBuur.!' Our ir.f 'co late .v. .l ti e f.rc- ' at Gov: i.Atnc:;' tli'e spU ket centre cS burnt c t Co , ar.J 1 large st on -the rn3tit i; serving a warrant, doe mink do. " ; l i. ill HI . - k - ' . 1 JiWi If - t

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