xr ft . ;-.' rjJ w-i .-tr-jt'tcrt mm 4 ff '- j'S- -1 ,;. TT 4! 1 .i -: f U - i i i ... Jit 1 Ks "'.f 'S k .. I- . -i i' OF THE ,, t: 1 AWEfOK.h-.wi. HfSWiit fur fc ' .ok as lortT a.4 the same class shall Cpntsi per year. f ; suhbrihcT9 ; who will H m at one payraeni, Tor one ypar at I wo Doi- - t t 1 - t 1 - t F U'SfiVi ih; im4. tprm f nan 'continue. y. Mvlivib: nfet pa doi in l)ie : year VxS'&Lk thfpflr D.Ulars en atl casev fiU bereceeafor less than UJki ;wJ T he disepnuwupuj ou,i iue op-. Kflaof, ofl?sf ill reargesare paid trflmsrtieTn certainly net be at- ftn of Advertising , . i$aryiritqwnorwc first ingcruvn &MtifeAkviar. for jtacli CfiM?f MLiM ishr?td 42 per ;cent, tii .Tiift-a i th-aboye rates; A dedoction ot f' Vtifm -the regolarpnefs will be a!ein? hi lfP nsertedfdrjess VyMiertwHf be:-confiHtfeisi ntil order M fill H I A I I J HAI. HKIIlliKJ I rAm ! . ' k.'. ill Ho fetifbl f-'H i v.J And dizzy Misj 10 baEl one' ey eis jo low !? - m i ! - it j., , -i.ins ALISUURY ! . , t. f lit- a 50 a37 TiSttoj.Oiii p?i - 12 i NallS Oats, Pork.!$a 00 a S7 00 Sugar' br. '11 a 12 , loaf 18 a 20 Salv V-;- f 1 62 Tallo :i0 a 124 Tobaclco 8 a 20 TuMinen, 16 a 20 Wlieal. Vbusdeiy 31 Whiskey, 4 45 a 50 W ool, (clean) I 40 Si a m rolaVie 35 a 40. Cj a 70 Nailscat, . -i;,-.,7 lOky :' Suoar brown, 7 a 11 M , Lump ' IK tKiaf, j 1 18 a 20 alt ' 'Sa $i ' SaelfviS 25 a 3 75 Tobacndojeaf f 3 a 4 Cbttod ba?: 1G a 2a Hal? rope'; , 8 a 124 Wheat' new fil a 110 1 i; 4ttn is spy w-. i-.:45- 0J1 Desperate. noSW All hrtr vCodfse; iyoubeeilftrg brdw;f;pff IiE'cjragiiil. nikedoesb fMablmiue', - i-t'i What; lijirt oi f&x fehallare to clinfib : I hrif wdTiinkec driver of the ekj tra f xcloeijretpiri 8t4gef-whiih contained, fon r ot W W -of our I ra t e I lins pa r t y I i n , Virginia, w Jocdp a bout t fieV pproach to the Natjurali pfuig&i r.i I arid V Were Son norgepacKj, anu in on per op iu stage cu ed (terturbn ye wereging ihead,1to 'warit osltbjSwesljouI geuover Vitlioutcrwihg ;pr We went firjt vc, of Vou rse' de jte r m n ed j t o Avvii d 1 ook i ng so foolisH asjwa ! should - do if ,we - pHsld the Natural Bridge; the lifttle spot deemed mj. poriani cnopn 'lope jnii in capital iieitrs i in maps bif he fufcridaoUnidn iihputl the jgeiv iijpo w.lo shout the warniti af-t tcr us; and the jqkei"reilly seemed to ex treniery insraipg, tnat we were ciisposeuiio pushonanii get our sight r of ; Jefferson's This yoanz man, named 'i Bladilbekilac I companied by twoi friend? .n-isiietf theN- itrul ' 11 i rm w n.l fiAiftn saillArt tk K Imam buion appropi iae toUie place, jpfkTtting fiisjiaaie hi$esctraef th rjopptsKe td! Jheft'part aeiccied b f Wasiinl6iiiind irj(tii is ihit i a !sp tberii ibq ffcr fepl. jseen whatMr Blacklpcic oTeilobkedthatjt was a place jelisy to:a?cend,xbu tlfrdm ! which ;it istnpbssibjetol corae d6wit- ijewaj foily feet or inorer irdm thr path his jfi iing. was precanbcis -i wasTear? fth iholdinin hde carvirig his nabe; and his ii olfeiPtferinii Werq itot langjoidiscoirer mg ao promise oi me - nciM aiiufiai lanos aidVhicl ort discenjdaiits: estaliished!mselesl llefev as irv the mtJst of a wlldcrncys; loog bjlfbre heriwere afty settlernents betweeB the iobt toKWhich they had sat down" and (lie cOisU 1 That ASIll nF noil iii.T klJ t o but,so were its temptakions ; and ' here f for taneV,:dtjiia.Q a tp jijev eorrounded byj.'Te'dk n&tt4M. V nowj traffickiagjdwr fighting ; .sdmetlrnes agreeing id cejidei-inil ual seryteeVI &la waybn the wath against mutual Nnjdry.l 0 early f 1658 the tfownshlb rbfl Mirth- BuiiKuu i iion caucu aiuuuiuci , was Hinir great wondef t beftvre our feUowi-traicilers Cent. ' 55 a 60 cauie hp; I , JEr'fi.pei rnijfes wo ; kept out of siantdf therita'e I bui at this ooint i there Jwas-e partjngjbf thfc rOadsttand we jcould see no posajwe means oi learning wnu:n we were tp 6Uowt We weie . oblined to jhead hegan-tbwtnt sossiuiuty-ipt -gciung uown sgaLn. .i&cii)-1 ais,y iziior jomeiy sjuarov miie8ij ;i.apa )ed td :.bis cornpantortsthat Ins on'ychance tfeseilers demanded one hundred fathara was lo ciinju up hesitation or with ;an anguish that the'cHanoe cheered chance was 4 very bare onlrhey, I him,ano adrisedhim toMldok lieilih er up norjdown.j Up He went, slantlpg up wait in the saide : till , the dijtaut dfirer whip pointedj -outil right. hand road tp us We were nowinot tit from the ob feet .of n .. 7ia 8 3.f " tii' !. 1 .HJ Wtt i-; : ! MI Vj" - .i 1-' -i- f60 18 90 a S) w KitMSai a;7 5o 5. a 0 ' ' I' "!' 6 a 7!Nails cut fl4 a 15 20 a 25 htanee, wared h9 wh his horae, and skid kl assor, 7j a,9 h ! Iv ilia (! Oats bushel Ji--!.i Ilia ' . (-0 - t.'".,..T - -..u t -i wrobgU08 a 18" 40 V4'0 75 a.;l: ":$125 110 a 125 jtf.20:22pit'gat.: sii eft73 a 8 0 Sugar I U - 1 0 a 12 h 1f it Pl?5 ;,7i Salt sack S S3 ' a ffiS 25 g3liy.iu8li j j 87J a $1 lOOlbs fj 5 a 6 J Steel Ame 10 a 12$ H mtmm mm u lm$mymm, German: 12 a 14 t. I-W ..a;:lj2 JjPf a Tin pe? 25 a 137 uigBgiiy races. oterkhsburV Coofse will ''Ui;pSi8ke fefr S yea! old colta and f ' 'fsltrahce $50j hall forfeit. p4S pyenbg befure ihe race P!lHpsoic;att()rt Purse $ 50 mile heats, It Alciat.oh Jurse200. 2 mile heats . Nnj Itfliig, except the winner on1 the pre- ('rotiraq oi added taj the en illlmoDeyiofithe week;f mile heats gj.v&eor;any; thing. .,r -4,; .; fcMch M" thei pursedaya will be 10 Hop0;amouniie! 5take; which j if ia I M more; ia'reach :ese iltharr abbr CqWwvmeaa ls; The track will ft -P condition, and e Association r'S.?jctea 'itentibirto ordW I thi Salisbury ytcadmy: io lb ClaU Tor '- 1 fisfa .! L"'s! v- ' rif ig;,at m .l.NP30nV;ertie nRV harsdayi the Srd May t. 25 a 30 cujiiexpectatibhs. . Wejagreed that yve fejt very quiet aojpui 11 ;i ia we were conscious leratipn which the ver)r of Ijttle ofaM ven idea orNiaga ihpirefi The intensjtyrdf tof ce, coinbin&U with repose, is the, c lanp of , N i aga ral "t 6 fir m of r or k , h o v ' e ? ef grand in itself jor however beautifully ssurl rounded, can r;oduee , ittyzAUn like.thf same irhpressifvh. Experience proved thai werwere rjh.f i r .V ; i ill i - F At a mile frphi the hrtdffe the road turns ff :througTra;yood; Awhile the. stage rollS tu auu jouen njong i:ie extremely baa toad i 1 Ji. ana, i went prying about the whole area of ;ihe ;wo6d, poking our hoises' noses iinu every inicKet j ana t di ween- any two pieces of rork it.hat we knight basu re notj to miss pur object, the driver smiling afteri us whenever. hH could spare attention, fjom; his own not verlr easy : task of netting hiJ With ajl myi attention I could isee jfrjp I precipice and f was conclul di n2 to follow the road w i more p a- 'gariesij'iyhfh! Aft! ibowasa little in ad- p as lie stood beside! ere is the bridge !' 'I, then perceivediihat we were; nearly over it the piled rocks -pn either haliid formioga bar-i rier which prevents a are!rss eye from pr- ceivinff the ravine which tt stuns, r I turn-4' red tp: jihe sioe?ojf Itn? road. !and rose, iiiy stirrup 16 joolc ISo Ver l Ibut! 1 ftui nd; 1 wouia 1101 ao. , 1. worn 01110 uio inn. deposH tea my norse, ana leiurnea on toot 10 tne ,i;btidge;.;i!i! 1 tvi imm "Lv. v-: 4 m Wi ihiairt ml eferK;touId Wt ; look; dowhsteadilyjiritofw!hat;ise ; hevhbl-i tpmless abyM tiflpjiaeaV every "'ppirt VM;,- the;) bridge Is tried; aKdJ alf in vain.' J Iwas heated andk extre cess tilled op wan iotiage. Lnong.Janxl lOTig they waited Watching for motion, and' Jlstj eriiog for crashing among the tresi . fie must have been now 150 feet aboVe ihem. At length their eyes were so strained tfeat they could see; no more, and they had al most lost all hope. , iThete was little doubt that he had fallen while behitid ; tlie tiees, uahnki Ilia linrlc: luilritilrl. npvpr . I'they went uplto try the chance of looking teifnsensiDlel ori th fel bridge, "He cotild jjesft imbmber ?reachirlg the top w(ied: lie immediately tainted. jUnt wouid iKe 10 .know whether the accident left him ja covy iadin respect of j climbing, or wliether lit strengthened his confidence in his nertfes4 j ! The gindjshbwed lis -a!, smal lccdar, jwtiich projected ftoraja shelf "of the fock a bout t wb h uhdred feet above buriheads, orjd' along whn&.8te.ra':i.youn ed several feet,'so'as to court destruction 111 a Jrery Vain Toofisti manner. Ifthe siippprt , had failed, as niight reasonably r haveH been . lexperted, tier 1 imoiprtality ol repiitatidn' 'wduld not havrf. been of an enviablekirtd.v I AVe remained In the ravtne'iill; wh were' a Unexhausted wjth bunger, bat. we had tu wajil for, dinner snip another h6uri'a!0erarj rivng fit the t tiri. 'hy way of pasmg j the tjrieji pne;gentiemqn oi our pHtrtyfiinieil, an had to be Jni along on the flor jwhicli cirlumstHnce, 1 fancy, rather accieieralfedjtlie anouuncemeut df our meal. . The moiheht was over I hastened to the hridoeV arid Was' pleased to find" that, heingi ho 'lonolr lauguea and nungry, 1 coujd loolc; Hito ttie abjss with perfect ease. L Uy djnvri ohttlie rcks and sludfed ilie aspect of trie 1 iayrne in MaAt:hiui)iiflighfs and shadows' ffohf jfive; different puintsj of. view tVhij (hus ieused li was icalled tb s e ai handsome cpp)erlheided nake, hiit t had gaihed lis the 'fiver the next summer'. hThe mikihgthe 'purchase Was thc,smaltest 1 1 part ef, the settfeis' t business ; tlie "lerendinff ward nom; under tne. arcn, creeping round miemseivet in me wiinerness, i Borfptiped a projection on whtcli noloothold is tiaiblo Las Uiey wejefby-numefpusaribsxf Jltui frpai; Nlow, andj thea idisappean-hfillinf a e-i as 'a far more serious j 'matter.' pi lie 1 in jaiicuicui ui a tiiibo wis piaunea, Wltn a jrecard to safety from luhinder and! massa cre j The surviving enect is that of beauty, wuicn ine ous sejiiiersycannotbe ejipposed loajro much: regar,deofat tbel time1 The GpP?!tpesidentin the rooofc Howet- etiiay bf jmn this ary, my experience of theiies ion with regard to the other, sive. -. r Jom J3ro4n IMcraru .Omnilus AKRlVALf OF' THE STEAM PACIv- t' 0r-v.: The trety ejnj of tle eek js ondftpit lr tlielarrjral of I wo" Enclili stna.n r ie. kets(at KewtYokf irif little 1 more! than give betwwhU we deim the molt interf esiiog particulars espeetingthisexperi- j though pbthjfirat memeisels that haVe long street, osure, and, i street twas midst s ladies so much prejferrejd the viw.of jtlicf Mgfrpjn. iheglri to ihyiew bf ihVhn fibm the bridge, that wij Went doWh for aiU bjhtjr hour before j departing; fit (okVdj most beautiful.; JiThp sibishiiie was sioify! iillji drawl rig fro'in under khe archyandj iay ing us in the ?!;ad)Mi3 of evening, wbillt? all jwajiglowing like noon in jfhej regjojb Wiiih iV liolcf.d iih frmn .nirrl Inuiiv spuld :.uogry,.u?i ii,veeu ai tnyown weaK. jfeppit.g stones n the midst of the. tShiM ncss- The puyi wayjjwas loodowh apdl 'Uf" !r ' Pi look apt tougliwhefp : the! bottomrcoiild be was the top age for The Mr K;,- missionary among a tribe of northen. Indian, was1 wont-to set some snn pieJreffesAnients -Ifrui alribif der--f(jne his jcb'nrfs ;wBenv thymg, , from, i j jdis tance 19 seo -hinr Aa'pfiiraan,! who.jhajl no -jireleiisions to being a thristibi, desireji much to be admitted to the u ffeshrtiems, and proposed- to some Uof Ins jconlerteil friends lo accompany thm on tiieirj, next visit to ilio. missionary Thejf"(ol!d hiltri j lie mustilns a Christian 6rst. - What was that? He muslt know' all about lieBible. VVhcn ihbll'-befde' 1.L ciild' f reaih i t be Sj?ot.J 5e l the time came, iie declaretl iiimsciir pHia wayr was lo-go iatarininff. the view fro ml! LJ. 4 JT ' 4.- ' -Vi -H iio oe -pi loiiage uetow ton past mil seemms 10 oe 01 ionase uetow 1011-1 n - it. i . ever r way to the glen is j through a field opposite the inrij and down a sleep, rough. fotky ptath whmh leads under ihe bridge the I V and a Jew yi finest yewbf a ri r-'14 Dravyn BallotsJ ft.-fw UfifitBIl, JUanagert VP one Prixe f ,500, one 1 WSlQe $1,500. U :l,00up 1 uu ttaives Si 50. Urs. si 25. J Jte flsage Pr single Ticket of ... stjIH f fvkage 01 a hole lienels t , -,,4 ., - j pul. w v 25 Half 32 75 . 25 Quar. 16 374 -siM. i-rt .-ra 3r..'.-s. ii .tiWy ; I The Natural Bridge is pearly : in Jbie cpn mol V iruinia, and bo-.t Jialfu wy '; he ,l?JA--ir i -"--Ii PJ'L .? : '.r.-' - f -t 4i.f1 ?' f1 beyond it. I i think I is from this path, iust be fore reaching j tjije hridge.r :The .irregujar arch of rock, spinning a chasm of lCOflel in height, and lm sixty to ninety in widjthij is exquisitely fi:uten with every shade lot gray and Ibrownid while trees 1 encroach &Pm the sides and ioUiban'jr from the top, be tween which anklihe arch there is an addi tional depth of feftyisix feet. It: was now early in Jubf trees were in their brightn estrip thickest tpilage; and the tall beech es under the acj; contrasted thetf' verdure with; the gray Tock, and received jLhVglid ng pftbe. siinsuiriei is: it planted jintb "the ia-' yinegljitjering Jn telrip fiom the areh, and in the splashing end tumbling waters of vcuai xjfCKKm wpjiciR ran uy our reel. ; -.- awal lows erej flyiog thput under tlie arch. WJiat others of iheir Hi be can boast of such a i,.-.-)-.: - h--'- "11;;? .V;f-'-:-1 ::f 'fci We crossed and rerrossed ; the . creek 1 on st e ppi njj-ktbp els jsi? trcpi ng bu t every poi to which any tradition! belonged. ' i Under the arch, ihtfty feet from the water, ihe lower part of the! If tiers W. may be seen carV ed in the tock -Wlien Washington wa rai younjr man, hft climbed up hither tb; leave iti 10 iuiu ui uia yuin t i uero are no oia er inscriptions of the same kind; and above them a Ihoardj bri which are painted jthe names of j twp. persbnsi, who ba?e thought Jt vi .uav iw putaiwnmuc lUCir , teal of climbipg tne higNstVj But f their glory was, but j transient ufier all.4 Tbe? have been outstripped! by e traveller whose acbiev- rnent will probably never be rivalled forj he would not have accomplished it if he could V Lexiiton.'1 which ' are a boii 1 th i 1 ly -sevep , m 1 1 es a pa r.t".f JJIhe ma lif ceritliil road of Virginia runs over tlia biidge sb-tharhb excuse is; (eft lorjlravejiers j Whb neglectltpl visit pbisi .widrkOamyd. by the subiig hahdibfature, - i 1 -B wondro ondrous art rpritificar.i V ridge of- pendaut rock yer the yex'd by44.l .I ! : vexed, not by the tumults of. choa. but by uie screams oi?paveHied birds, tbe fiailles of snakes Jvith tfeeii;" prey j and tie chLting ofl wittrs against opposing roftksll 1- V1LLA6ES. Ml-'u f Ii . n.a. mni. f?u3 : ' Npaishrd tjheir harves8rhpre ibeirhrds fwere 1 fed. n: : h-Mim r When haply by iheir stalls tliebisAo lowedi 4 ! Aod bowed his mafted Mioolder to tb4ej'' I ; 4. lrum theroundt'feliHil-1"' .r"J .u - 1. Jl . iJ. "r.-.i Jl- 1'Lft Jt-iJ- uumrs uu me uun 01 cuwureu. iue, sail yoice- Mr maidens, and trie sweet and solemn hymn Of, babbaih wurshi (IE vill ases pers. 'lr., Ji-t , ', i ..!' si. - J 01 ixew-t-ngiano are at T E 5 more or less beautiful, andj the most'beauti lul bf thed 1 all ist I: believe Northammonl P'beVWejalJ ttje graceful weep.ng elm i wid Jiroadsf! overshadowed with ! vybbtl-t lapuuus or icveis, 01 , a ricQ .verdure ; vthile Ihbrcbesand cprnfortablefand piciurelciib traroe dwellings. 1 Noriharoplon has these beaaties and more, It lieshn the rich roai dowi which border the Connecticut, brneath the protection ptj high wooded Tii I ls HThe habitations of its gentry ciowo theiiiieen knolls and iierraieon" wbicb the yillage stands orj half bunad in pgy gardens or bidden - under cunjps6f lelm. iThe cel- J ebrateo Mount Uolvoke and Mount Tom rrjusi nanqf and tne sugarloaf Un wbile .the brimming Connecticut dwellings were erected! 111 one each bouse within its bwn enc in many cases , fortified. The bordered with trees, and in the the 'mecting'-house,' 'ohe0'''Tortiliedalitb.' ri. 1. . -i '1- :' l 41 l if' : .i . rs . J ipis itreei was, wnen n was possible bill it acrbsjjbe neekpf a peninsula tornlidf iDy the windings of the rjyer,- or fiprnl hill to bill; in., the narrowest pan off a yajleyij Tiie cattle which grazed durnglhe:day in the pemnsiu la"or u nderjhejeye of ;jihc jow tiers were driven at night inkj tjie area between tbejrofvs of houses, flere and there jaijviJ lagb:as surrounded witjh lisades lUBbt bo kind of defence availed for nny loliglpl nod. 1 1 From tinie to-time disasters happen ed to lhe most careful aiicl iermsli:tjil:iihl. Fire was an i agent of estructibniiiJriifli could ot be always defied, j When thejviiU tage, was burned its inhabitants were: helr less,' 'I'he women and childrenjwereeart riedjojT into ' jcapii .-ip5i-iir j desote tilt a per party ot ladvenrurers nveu a ved to blear away the ruins and commence. fresh1 expertfjintF '.-Tk m' .j "j. ...-.' . vik--'-" - ii1"; lr place Cfncinna r as nearifo Encland aVPfiii f laueippia was Dut- yesterday ; but- mure, tliey put a fipiihtupori all the great internal improveknenis brAmerica.VYiiatayatted it to aptribg;p1hg'frbm Cincinnati to Eu rope, fot inaiatice, thatbe cbuldrrive rai pidlyat Philadelphia brlNewY6rkti.if be was thete detaipedlbr ahip br by . windi orJf he tmfisl Vriend fifl mor & davs :i-k rwhilef we-ritethis jpagraprjthere has been laid on potable EiigUih news of ih 6ih oiprtrbfugbt byj stearri,iaijd some English Iraagaiines lof Slarclu brmightf by the Packet Siip,Jidrth Star, 52 days out! J Tlie stearmers: cjm in 16 days, the regn-J lar packet a6Tt making as strong a con frasibel Ween jth s old. and new mode, a$ between Jhe pdinghd j waping system of the?Missis9ippi, and ilieriewhy' j team i the Ureal Western Steam. Ship -might' ac- ctshipanaatHt 2 he British Qaeen (la: yctona.Y'oteif2Q00:t6n iust com lAeit atlndoabdltbai wnjeb tie; saili in l.r on Sept, nex' ",(ft? ''-' .TeiiafsageoreeSirinslm l.ivr : been aUeait'iour to'six.daVy less.'Jbut f, ' be;heayyjgales:ahb . find the constant westerly w Inds for iill t!u firfl ,iaJi m ei byage, - frhU 'de;d, htfjyrfde4sei jn sjidT f vpeetiiuy; -du-ririge iwlrs' seTer? weather! on the Banks, V'f'ii' V4 v . , . t; - " "1 fn X"' , il'-'ji. ' -Tiff J' .. - ... - j - '' 1 j 4 Tlie eiijiepf Juk.; :slip Is ;tntir!y'ot:i. Pt aigbl,: ar;d - the4rilHe: i whichis ibaintr.j does (apt ; reagbover !if)m'l: $Q lr .v deck,istandiiijilrm ai 1 When 6uJii: !'" : uc.wueetiiQUPe.i imps notion- r j i 1 1 . j - r . 1 mpep neiow Hie puUirron, leaving ttilrefore iuuirs aiiu iuej jaj ni iron of spoke, jin45n top jvhiehl tarbedvopen tonight, a flight of "three steps STEA M. SHIP srtJUts JV n r!rt r 4 frtnj while, the her one-. iually - hye ra'de three North, Star wasHaiakinsr after all, sto be the eflectPf Ihis ? A closer bopd of iniercouse in feeling be tween the; 2 nations, and a greater number cif trayellers irpnjieac.h cpuntry4Qthe otli-! erpa trip from jLbMrtnJo the laJls of Kiag- ra will now be afl pleasurelexeursioii in deed :jiw: -M L.-!il;.- 1 -1 'f vj From lilt Ntib YofarPapers. TWB''i'ifAjvr sffiip.'siiiius, 'a - ed, and undertook the iourney C with herri When arrived,! he seated hrmself oppositpl tue missionary wrapped in. ms biaptceua ana Ioi4iiigiexctedinglyerioas -iln iarisWettP an inq'isiy frqm uthe niisf Nonary." he oll.e;d up his eyes, and solmnlylutlerd tKe fplbw' in, cvnrHj vlha' iUf ftHfnn trU' l ' ' Ad a in Ke- Cain 4-1 N dSb -4' Jef eniia n Beblbubdlombn-l'n'U pfhr1; 'What do you mean ?' asked " the trnis- Sjonaryi , - j. j- - poiomon lieeizebub-fr iNan' H n 'Stop, stop. What'dbyoumeatf ,; "Imeab cider.3 'i f-M'S 'l--p This is one wav in which iinintelligibld niglit and ;came,up earlyahts morning raiid a 1 I 9 lies, even . V The aimohniemeht of this desired iLtlew iike wHdnre.tnrougn ine .city, aridOrowds aflpejons fropKh earlhpur have been - thronging loteV Bauiry, an4 the small craft pf- the VVhileliali boatmen have heVer'hatjl 'moelemploy ment biiri dreds flaclcirtg joriiphem o the great liorr of the waters.; j tVr hastened do wti with jthe -moving biases pj population to the Battery, and sbofti saWtbe gallant stream ers of the noble 1 sft 1 1 gle a m i 11 ffixiih e" b rig h t sunshine the 4.J''spangIed.'s0vi.ef' atMhe foremost and BrittanniaVsiandanl hanging over the stern. Every'bodv was struck with tlie npoie wearing 01 iiuscxaii ucr bijio like aspect tbriugri tongeribinbrdbraTy ships for.her bulk. atiUtfi41leat rig of . her masts. IhlfaetWhe tsjaj neilWrsei watShe is pain IfJ deep Ucj except thfe light greerr tafT rail -on tliequartr and the (gilding about the tenianll th-fdu?j2Stabrdpiafts of the rim, andfapparentJyt delicatetfrtme wofkofstlie rehgionisy received by savages. Anpther M(heelsnylfieh Sxe ;ted nd M iron, but ijier crthelesi honnrtiiesltHntest degree' injured. appareiitly. whicliipjlobkf kt therp seemi J asinhislung, consiijenng; vi liat bllwvs tne snip nas waueu iiirp'jg" poo wuaocdvj galeshj ti&s:;e$bbitered. N either, is the roof of the ibuno4 Jiddse! robbed apparently, of a single pjauk. , , ! ;K -j.J ',,"-;' v :j . . - ! !-1 hi t. . yLv.-v-.j ; t:'i . j resembles ith mode in ivhh thev mefetof- ! with irreat politeness- bvi-fLVeutA Richard rts, pf; Iverpijesly'snafy, conjman fers of: traffic from susuicious pai ties : I Hbe I lldbcrts, morfi voti sv bow and nrfows. the mote be i 'der of tiie sliinJ i The vessel did . hot stop won make thcm.L Where CnnstiVnfty is i but one hour lm:Mie Iwlioll Vpyage,iand that received a!mong themjwuh any efficacy, it vas on then BaMks -of Newfoundland during appears: to be 'exactly in proportion.! to the" a heavy ga(e,;and mjprdeif tffasn ascrew'. of the missionary , in associating new truth be brings 'with that which jws!jaMi ready sanctified in their heajts;iib Prdpor j 1 . ' .1 - -' i J-'.i j' JIJ-.i; rJr h lion as tne new. religion is niH?t 5 " the bid one; iristead of: a teubstititidii lr1ti 1 !'- ' I haprnjed to era ( 3Iassa ch u sett vcllous account o: coyrieslip the moorHwas sent abr 0ad,Thej sensation'it excited was; wonderful, f As! it; gburgb J our nal of SciencPXijt was some ti mp .rJ2j ji--"ji J.Jl''f JJlL'J. -'f-j2 'jlA iThe shlo's CDinnanv is 40 , exclusive of tbn Ciintain. ItetiL' Richard Roberts; Kov- a la vy jrM rT Wa Kamfi,Ksttjerinte,n d elti t pf the En g in eers inr ft sn ate I John ed, T llriggs ; view: by any meaps hive tJeclmed the task. Nev- t winds about and about in the meadows . H , ! i i . . 1 ' I . - . . ' i i cr; wa ivpnueriui oeea more invoiunian- ly perfp; med,; J !rc5te is no craect ias iff unwilliijg,! hie the traveller, to ileay bcJorej manyersoiis, except :prcfessprsipf naturalphil osophy thpuglijl of ijrJoubin jits tr u thikThel a d fj bf Ibu co '.'V br bfessot i ipd I beibg;!3ufesUbned by a ?companjr bll Iadies: as to, uei uusuana 's emotions aiine prtejH;c; bfj-isuch ijiD enlargement jenebfjexched V strong' felinV of di spjba4 sure a jgaji hsy, herself, i S lie!' cPul d not sa ' that hp believed it; and wbuldTcladly I fiavd said hbijitng about yt j bull hertl' inqiiiitiy cotnpanioDs 'first cross-examined f. her and weie angry at her skepticisrott A st(ryHs going J told by some ; friends, of Sir John Herscbell (but whether rk earnest br Jh1 the spirit :pfthe moontbry I jcannok tdl) lnk the astronomer has received at the" Capea .letierjirrbqi' a large nuinbe of Baptist leferg men pf the United States. conErratofatins int opjbis discovery informing biro: tjbatlf naa oeen tne occasion ftf rpuch eddying preacptng - andljoif "rayee4iTq benefit pf brethetri in the! hewly-exblbredi regions ; and beseeching him to inform his fii-sitenfri ert-of jGlVscpw; second doi Wm fiinner, of TbrVrnoutbr; 15 firemen,, 9 seafeienr-. the seamen all English,, the firemen Irish, Scotch and Eulish!, the rest are ser vants, eye. Ail tuejcrew; afepriiipn paf "g13 i-4 FiveViladies irt first eabin 'from Jbn dori and Cbrkf four fri second cabin t nura-f per oi .genvenien,,vwo covfiuoica, artists, andt kvleebanics the ible course nivershiped ajsea rne- -haIV ihftfrleaaltlanbreheDot1tof a iir. tdingerlMJonsuraytoo toniol Welsh (be luminous ) vcoai ; anu. ,u-vc, ou.j handsl eyet clealid- ihe.WIera V thrpia clnaerywbrked bantifully tfunngthelales; M Samuel Half odetwcjjind.iinpro edngintrre compteielK sainedthelh.gh opinion mincPitthemt No apcideptoccur-: -xemmM -mm1 -Mf jr : HiTb teiut. Richard ;RobfcrtathreforeMr longs the hbnorjbf i havingmrst f achieved WWerime wasrfromitlieteiiew siearainin Eurp VW.n,lv rariiedi 1 on thejverge, pMoia- summation, buwhkh itlr) cpites indents vt htherience aJIordsyi to "undertake t' He . appears ptHecilv ; uocorlscious importance bf the levent i which. Its I acmplishe1d:tir)gh ;his sitll suid fci.r". IlisipwtptrUlj ms the .cte r. t . 5nd conier on tfc we trust sndj billieive Capiatn Robert ' ; also cooimaQdiii bit.'the'lajrffelt sicarn r : - 4t cUik J". J t At JJ- 1"L ". . . ll VniJ. -.L.i.if : r ' e jjauuit-s arc i cavil step naf tow. If VI vr -'-t - '. PPLEXDlD" SIGHT tUOM rilE - i i... " : ,i .. i ...St i - - J -.w : V . i ; i Yesterday ivas allay of unbstiatioV m exciteracut intthis citvl it beih almhsi!r versally considered asl the- beginnhigofp new era in the; history of Atfantici naviBvrli. 1 he steam ship' Sinus paving arriJoSiiH- I day night, thousands assembled M see he the city, aI iJistai.ce-.- as soon as tlaittews jjspreaf "Slie was yli(edbfi jrom the lasue, $ndthe ctawMa, upon the Battery nadtlfr, new. of hit froip! that: promenade, - The tun ifijbnlvtth unusual ; clearness and; he weather Ufras as ; fibe as could-be wishKI.' -t IvR'ifi -l-i'; - The Siritis filled fi Cork on theWvc ning of j the, 4rlf iifaihtnd Mzfii ttipV HighlanyseVor nt 6oVIockj, l : lL on the 22dirtiids making ilib passage in 18 days, arlTifig rn' board 47 j"pas-; jrers to view this aii.eesei. n omuue oui world, is ciirioklv1 f eemed tof Relighted with thp isit f:the ver tne deep; :.iiswii B,nppoTtt cjk;' by teleprli, that Great Western traslofT tlie U additional tnltvtsapds: rVoPreld do wn Broad way ; and thejUalterat presniea a most brilliant ippfarabe'e ! C,(lhe ;?rdt-d",: reminded one of the landing of the Natijin's Guesta Fayetijanhexej in crease of i i i b bumUc rs ti It 4 f PfM.j J A ; ' 'rl. Uifl.lik'i Cirati I Viori r-o rii in the hrtrizpujascetiding in black vo- be highly ; :i stranger o? ; d about; one -3 he .steamer ; bok,; when ! seen lumes longjbdfoj ie hull was, visible. The fchtrfc however soon came in sight, and as she passed jfeeplowVIslapd, received j; a salute frptti t teJitcjrYf of 2G gunsi She : . ipproacled ihe Jatbry through a flee of v row boats and sntall craft sprjiikled ver the surface; andiyas chefredaprparentl by every one S ip jfoon iranged fajong iid t!ie pai tie, siaifjd jbn b'tiifjSi i iusj wicli yessefgaye beriajpjttte-whic i thecrowd frpro tlie wharVlJ pa8tle,boats,5&c.l gave her three heari iheers, vhich was retorn? f ed by those onj pWrd. i ShCjh !n pursued - ' tier cbursetip lnelEastiRiveraridcame tr anchor hear f iie Buft Tll-'if sucjecssful .--x-, brimentand iuis neweraf Sjeam' Pack- v els beiween this abd England, gave life hnd jy,- to -..ii n ;-if ; Kjr m ; t j j ' Tdnage, 1320 tpnsbesr pfnns, iau ; berths, for cre'wilp do ibmEngiutcrff, Firemen anil Offiri, 40 S Engines by Maudsley & Field; 4QJ horse ower, 20) Length of stroke,1 ;i feet ; tMal stojvagc, rOO'tobsf '.'enicifuhlferO tons per diem, for 20 days; t''': - ; "A - U The whole air4texnIftrbr(.thrs..tpen.'. bid ship does not ajnount to leaf than 50, 000ZMof whichil3t3i 1 5s lOjK has bcenV expended lm?shiptibuildirig, 12,500 for the eogine'i, abett'pQf forthetihg;pp,fu.r niture and paritinis pf the tgraBd saloon and tlie j-emaintlerj (6ti ringing tquipraerits, stoiepnd coals.j.ij ; j;.; j V:- , j;. ' The -Great' Western left Kingroad, Bns tol, 2 o'clock Ail7tli and -liere she was 112 oe4bckA!p viays,iaQS'bripgib!Eoglabd fearer rtHahfVcM4tr.PT,l' ?b(ntry;;Tijsj;. has been tlone ir a season of the yelrtbot ! of, summer surisiimei butbf gales, stortrk, sliet jabd ; hailtnfd thus the -Erptrimt H iplVearb Nayiti(Jriiacross th Atlantic jf s boTIon2fer"au Experiinentbut a plain inat- ter of fact.- Tlie tjiing has beep dotrf- lumphally,- Dr. jLardnrr rnayj reasT., Phihwdplucallyiil bleases... ; Jf Ipossibility; butherf ar0 the ships r-ltia Great Event then e deciare wb are linked- now with bur l?athcrLandJ V y: - j I People f lbs saiuei origin and qf the sirae Eongue, beir g partf d; loogeri be t pnited ui la Icomaion brotherhood. - j We ! nope the event will be celebrated.:- It is wotlby of s festival, tw mocb cannot be said labcoV it. To the bravo Commanders io thfsej Exjwonng Expeditiocf too much piaise eabng beawarded--and tt Hf experiment, as l one !afj trade andj commerwl, too miich encooragemerit cnoot be given. L i , us have a rational Jotfilte thereopoo, s aod th''.j on oh and build steam fcbips oorelves, a "A as we buy the keels iget Jhe .m)?!: . I Jhe Saw Yoik Express saysp tike -Sit- ? 41 iJ ? J r-. - - "v , pr ' -j - i'3 1 - ' ,i -. r ' t i - f f-1 f'i u ...!,-:L.:JJ'S t V i : J -: jf. f 11 '-" J-i ! is' ,'tfc t v ft"- ' '"f " f'' '"''"""" "1" ' . -Jt a i: r -" - I. .. .'. . 3 i :.. . "v ',-;S J4 i w " ii '3 ;i ! ' . .k . ' I.' . ; J . "': " .'. . : ii. ; : -I i(. ."':.:.':'" ) ' ' ' . .- . ; ' r. . ' '.' 1 3. j j i-i "jf r-." i" : k;

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