? i 4 . n . .... f ; , i - - ' !-. i i -' 5 ? ' " !' 'ill I,-,' .?Ahu Xxtt .unw ,rx;'T. rV- .i'.! 1 7va".' T -;5 'I'T I A, I I -V. 1 1 I I 1 "4 - 1 srap. 4 7? J i ) v. 1 m ill hi 1 5' 0 THE Mrira who w,!l OR.-. W"- !.f T - ..U I f TOP Jwinm at ' one paffxnn iSi& aame class shal -?llPffi0lfthar2i other subscri- r. 1 lv Uiia 4mihjlie year SWIa'tsIn all cases. , mtmmnrtceUtiM Mirth no' &ft-jj&riiinM bat at the top- 'iSiriW Uf..S lit-thi. .tor: AMV'wij.ort A HUMOROUS SCENE.: - was in perfect uoison witb tho notes of the banior. and naims ol the liaods on the cori A correspondeni of EirmrrItegia- responding. exiremmea ; ffmi4 inc incra ier u n interesting Jetter on rural econof-A wer all lismff it away itHbe merriest pns- mt has loiroduced Jtbe following; graphic able gaietjr of heart, hating th most .udi- ikeHi:flijv'-v:.vdv. L '"iWClA andjflitile.contor- L f ,. i' 1 la. j ,i life ahote :?r tpsl A fleaucuoBPu, i Wflflre rittdr 1 ! : IVi Una I V, : " VI nt witlbe continned until orders Kr :Lt Uinthcra . wliere h!o directions gl ft fyiyB? 1 Cotionln 10 jSALlSBUH m al 70 5. a 90 11 ,75 61 1r. lady.teach I" 85 a 90 IMolassps. pAtWLXarnlli! 20 k 30 MM. Moiassts, Pprk. $.6 00 SuirarY br; Cnft. 55 a CO Sallft Some yeajf agr f fodei in the pigbt ;0 visit a oat tent, and M. I passed the nonso of Mr Samuel Poe. in the lower end pi Prince Edward, I heard the tones pf ban- jor, and; whs; told by the old . gentleman, (Mr. Por,);tiiat his servants had oreweo jn barrel "of I tfemmmon'' beer, and i ho gate them the pr ivileige oflhavin what they call ed a beer dance.' Uuciosity induced me o ride to tlte ijloor, accompanied bvi !ftlr Poe, and the btbUNnentlemen And jiierewe saw rare spqrt ! fri ; unco sight Not, however, auph; a sight as Tam '-. O'Sbantet saw when jhja )eeped!into ' Kirk-Allowiy for the dancers there were warlocks' and witches Jcro ihey were yVirginil slat esl dancing iiss$hdt clipping juberd ovtrrja ba r rel p hi mmon J ber. It -occurred 6 roci hailj iffiSim"could har made bis ;arH m this time on his urav" mare f-r-H- , 1 . . i - . i ene noum ' nave '. iniinieneu tlin the " blitzt of Kirk Wmi iTam, - might bavij rom ne.t;nuy birk !' a tnousanc ch lishts would not have ex- was opened with great eeremo-r hto afspng known to qpr iM gints slaved jbv the name ol wlio-zerJ Johnwhoia J y1: 'ri:tvM Old black pfill come down the hollow, He shake hi: tsil, you hear him bellow ; vvnen ne oeuow ne jar ae river, Ther The The that human bcen excavated,jpf the pcruct . ivory. . i ihrse nsi were r, :: , hntlo jndgy by thec:zo qf t! ; c i rrirfnel i t - times, and it tirtgiiisbed 1 Iheball ny, bjf Bingi tions of Jbcj body and limbs, imagination can divine., whole world is a ball we find, water dancer to the jWindi" sea itself, at night and noon,. . i Rises; anddarices to the moon. ; 1 Theiearthlahd planets round t lie sun. ' SUU dance; nor will their dance.be done Ult'naturjs fnj one blast is blendeil, ; ? 'Then! ma we say the bill is t ended, : i i he tnderoaiiad set , to. J uber, -;orrcs--? ponds admirtibty with themuBicrand.aetors in thisiwild itantastie dance. ' vmie ine clappers, were laboring in the" performance of their; office; they responded at the same ume lo notes or (U0 pa.tjor - iuber upland Jtiber down, j ; "'rr. Juher all jiroond de .tnwitr ' ; 1 1 r ; vv 'Andlin.befyroun the-jifirbori fat,'- '; Hie cojrni biU tobacco ' y f . Gei over double trouble, Juber boys :-n ; Juber : Uiicle Phil, went to mill, He ftiek de sow, hei starve the pig. Eat the simmon gi me de seed, ; I tole him, ! was not jn rieed. i ill be coj-n I i hill tobacco ! -J r r Gl over double trouble, - uber? boys ! . LTuberJ..' -i::- it was life difScultr. 3ot the Whale knew well encuffh thal.eveirif ihpv !t him !nnp. 'Wiiat did feetW, -it ? coniiauedf a- j hi3 doom was seated. J3o he tTetermir.ed to turn their malace to account' Accordincly. rU 1 . k "w remonstrance agamsi tusks coad oot fcaYe been lc?s!;: ineircraeuyioapoorwreicn jusiproviuen- t.t. ;w;i,- It, . i .i.i.( .nnrimn t It f i m IVhat'a. f ha r.in -iKr; Krt t I 1 1 a 111 rDiiol iMm .f&.n ... 1 6 H - J V - ' T fun,r ' "I ' V. J fe ; f"cipal deposit of bones h3 s and wasting oood.spreetng money rm such wot Knqwing how else to despatch him le- t,,-,fLiJii3 . n Vi.i. f , I I 5 : i J . .4.' t. J I.I .rl L.I. I . . ' ; -T, ' ---'-" " rithiQ six feet of C. lieJbjosilf "etnVcddH in 1 vAnnP qaened Montetuai -'what's all ihatalout pmnibas3es ? - .-. : J maliel: regardless of the interruplionUHbw mtfeb fun r fwhv t'uwins old iwoman and three' FqnalIers.Alighty vdiQereni;! (from :lt t: rf ; rr ' ' - nonsense tor oinerpopir r - mm iueu, 1 nnnicu ui uruwu mm. i iiry ?ci wvwurii i dirnf rred ri4 tor? doing wnai you iikc, tuere s no iemcn j accoraingiy iinoiaiie jiepnani wiui nis face: Thev' owing rou o' much money ' von fcan't' stay j more Uu ached him into the deep'':;uy it.:". . -;-r.5il. ' t- i - 1 - , 1: ,, 1 ,-.-! . " T F5 convenien they have" not been v. : ind ho notes hse t: ken of the relative. positions in j whu h oiuerent spciea;ot nones have ten tc M '' ' s A' t- a He paw thejjeartli, hejmake it quivjer. Aunt Kate I look on the high shelf. loaf; Tatlpw, .10 ri j the housed took their stand outide3 Tobacco, ; .8 a 20 ing in theklQpr and tbrbbch tho loss, m'ak Tdw--lidenT1 16 a .2.0 1 ing remarks Jenthie yilancers ; and here " la'! .vMU ' ' mk t I win ooservejla mrreswas a cioipitio ua oei jargon, a; coniu3ioni oi tongues i 25 a 30 a $7 60 11 a 12 i 18 a.20 1 1 623 1012; !ijf Takdow)n the huskydilmplin, t I, I'll ai itiwiVmy aiiuminjrake, I :iv i To cluire the rottorf belly ache " I II 1 4. . I W m 1 . . L , . I '" low. i. Those who could not fieti seats" in 1 II ; i'lf i i,! . i t ? r 1 ,1 ? t 1 ! X t w WW. ,s... E . . : . t S! . , XT Li't'.-I t' t. J . t uu t.'iijuuii, wiitiar This was In sky rock H thrown out, as e to the grand xhibiiion. and will boys peep -.I y-,7-:, ';- ;Cya $1 15 VVhifkey, 45 a 50 Wool, (clean) 40 'Li4. "kt ' JuiLmX i-. .tU'r'f Y oil! ci n't iro oh a snfee i foi wtien 1 : Y Li-": s tou come Home missus kicks1 tip the ilevilV v nen -V an iioreti fimnd himself high fffllifthfJ Yoirran't Ifiarh her - , : I. -:... i V ... .11 . i : ' . - ! f.nll m-l. I, O.iU t; 1 for constables are as thick as blackberries. ?t D;! '.CMJ ' cowr ' of wchll oriotieS Instead of conipiain j pi , lae ioau pi odium under li a.l which he labored in conseauente of the -rrr.' 5 ' lnsriuers ; ' . . t m-HiV-I with fh atlVntmn Hn r t' I In short, yow can't wdo nothing T Insl Yes" my duck and ! 'No rrijr dear. We la von nleasp. honev. and vnen . voif i Iixe. . ,mw?. am. oirawgo uni lovey,' like! jt was in courting timeiU. a hodjprn riolar rnv at all hour. Sour look and cold! nfthJ;g but the nrt meritorious conduct potatoes ; children aod table'clothea hadioff "n P9( Van Buren could save they are the grarofthe kind that have I fbupd in Georgia;. Specimens will 1 2 warded to scientific Societies, and ti c the resull of their examination with interest ' 'i ; i 1 ' - ': x- ' In the salt .marshes upon the shore r f lor soapfaiwa.s earning anp menojng,no " -"jr X- .n u bay are found, at the depth at from f!- nothing etef.darned or mended If it; Xn nft'eeo feet.;freqlent' roots anUMumj 1 , was'nt that. Pm partickelarly ober Pd be: i.a af f occasion, of fhe, cypitIreei wllipl feroU 5 inclined to drink it's cuse enougb'.. It's ttf TlL ftesh roiirsbesP jlklay it not be trjat'iho . hearUBreafei.-, n JJ pwu4fat tbal. i5!?S:J!? -ilSr?'?' fi" -aBt "71 ' " atamabaoncof discharged iu ftjlirs ai tl, iWsuch a pain in my gim d of morning,. porUnd tha idlh Jonvulsion of n. I7,n ch minora I.e. I r-id clnrtar.rt sitnn h f ""k '"v ' " M uui miui I t.:,L , j What's the matter now ft i 'Poo getting aggravated. Mywife's, a sa in critter a sword :of fharpnosji she cuts the throat of ray fehct stabs ra bap; pijjess. chops up 'rar comforts, &; snips tip Ua like the fabled Giants of old., bentalh mountains of patronages tv w j -until his ground, ing spught rpiilaecority what was thtn li Singeing its pate against the burning, highest poW-ljUodjyt 1 y ' changed lis bed miles to the northward, these giant au were destroyed andm bedded toseihcr, h IV. zone. Makes Ofsa like a Wart' my Sunday-go-'.o-meetincs to unke jackets , The speech of Mr Strange is the only for the boys- she pvfs all the wiltela to thj explanation yefgiven of jAlr CalhoUn's'as-' children, to make am ?pry and -lump ahout 1 serunn inai me passage m the 3ub- t reat like a lamn.lmbtf r-41 cant! Hand tt my I rv Bill wpolil icriisli the poer of the troubles i is overpower ing , w neu I add 'em un.' j i " Froai the Bilthir.re Snn, come 1o Ffijlfltal Krprnli LE. Vh Pi I 1 w-t rirdil Silt f mrwTn i t I cher' and rf " om:' Concro is n scrnur tioalT, ' y C: t3 a 20 1 he's up a gum. andjio biig'eater, l tell 51 S3 a 40 'Down the; road, come show me do motion Set to vourspaitner, Uollv. uut him oul Gabe.' Sali joff put her foot": good.'- 'Yonder come de coal black horse. 'T yallow roaaB up J hear how he Ihmbers he'sa raerstormer. rin? dioDlers now bel . . . !! - zl- . . i? r scrouzeri ool Sail. - - 75 a $T 1 hfe carries a Ibroad row,, weeds out ever pick,$3 25a$3j75 I thing hoes ide corn and digs de taters4 'Molly Jook like kildee she moves like hindsaw -see! how she shako herself.' 1 Tobacco leaf i S ai 4 Cotton bag.? 1G a 25 Hal rope, $ a Whpat new l a 1 Whiskey Wool, T0 a CHEHAWl r; Hello I in tpereiyl wish you all sen' us oul some simfnoii! beer :' f Lor ! see. bow Ag gy shake her saw 'dowo.'- -i 6-a p Nails cut assor 7i a0 4 a ia. . wroucrut lu a is il2 a 90 Oats bushel 40 a 50 mouf J. when! oot ! she; J5ren pull the whip fuck f come here and see how Ben cross ; hi' bowHegs! look! at hi' te grin, he-mduf and teeth ii0a::OiV;,- 75a $1 ftWj?W4U?i5P ' -"" 25 come if jo iBupc uii im ititj 4insi;cu J ju a dancina with r4KinyU- jCorn uslib! As - " if i a W Rice lOOIbs 6 a 8 3i 4.UUIOS 4 a lOStigat 1 lb 10 a 12i eS a.niSalt sack ' $S a $S2d 40 a 45 bUsh i: : 874 a ft 1 Ml!$bi;l 5 apteelUmer.-: ,10 a 12J .'ri:--a i-a la i.v k- fcaie isu 14 fl 45 .aSO German 12 a 14 eets and tiirnk is a fine' form lillli a lSj'Tea iiepe. 125 a 137 BURY RACES. vrjthe Salisbury; Coarse' will oh! XVnA oid r SOth nf Mv Sr li87ranci forfeit. f'Wie4 0ehH2 before the race. i:iPfP88Won Parse $150mile heats, yttlHRlJtk fin .....i .111 r !. ". U-CT.f.v5P "? iwiaser on taa pre- Nance, PU k house first!' norm sue p : ! east, she bit like henl iness fulf o' eags. 4 Ni-k ? I reckon iftl'amars cat fetav in there mtieh longervthtiU mash her guts out ; . her! skin yont Uotd peas ' 0 ome h ere J Gabe V please ; Jackson's Dick: is jEllington's Nance ! see ' how she rjuiveril If Wtiit't. .Nance ! TVviNanrft! t :A ' ' i I i it' :Z ' . i oueooor pui ioor iprctty When she she is like p'icter and she i backe t 0U-k shan't have! him liiph as the meats fSiils.) I She bin io thp to the south, she 6m jto the; tp the west, bin sa far beyond she isthe gal fox me.'- Dick; WrJi0W "W. Wb heats Vfell days Will be 10 f2 i f)W0lim 10 aka-which it is "H ihan abbye eans Jess iThey track, will h'jtLxLWl :pf ne Association iroiesijauentioho :ordr. iBMTfrirairiy,; V'l Gfasa Tbr M833s?: ftiHTbarsdayUhe J7th May 1 :'fpue'yt4";pwri Ball lots. tMgmn yPrize of 44.000. CovTVMr" of 42.500, one rlHW nwo. s of 1,000, rlwf?,eHl' f rielv ot oumbers, ;li Mj?:aiftg!eTicket of , x- LERjyJariager. the sun, that . ' - t i - i i had nl nabus nees dancingi with Danrei he ain't. a man of gumption. . I tried him, and l n'j bt ujadu io uhdeistand the duramalie&l mart of the function. ih! lion pf fuDdamental, and the iinperialittj of oeiriroema in ngs. Uahef Uick's a fool. &. youmay el him Sambo jeays so.he is knocks knee'd, and Ugly enough to eat' Gtmfco.? ell, I know thaH sing on Sambo :' I I went frontbevreatrhouseJown to ibe kitchen, 10 get a knot of light wax) to see logo a fishinol i ,i i ! ' granny umah ; Jwcat to he stable, I coich master gray brse, clap the aiddle pon him and he trot like he - 'dojD:cre::.y- y,; . ;.:s : , - - till He do'nk carp, he do'nk care Having become tired; of this put of door - ' 1 1. ! IT - 1 1 - - ' mX --- , . 1 conversatipn ve concluded to view the group in the house. Here the banjorman. was seated i on the beer l barrel, in an rAA vuii. f -iOj wuiiti cow tan. queued with red ribbon ornamented his head, and h,.n K'r'-'TVJf IVrrf 'n,.B DacK over , this he wore a i threei cocked hat, decorated with peacock fealhers; a rose cockade, a bunen of ripe persimmons, and to cap the climax. a ft f !t'!"i k ;i - , -is mree poos pi i red pepper as a top-not. J ummuismif ianiprt' ferinning with! lud crous gesiicjulations and playing off his wild notes to inp company, f :Bcfore him stood two aUilcHjfejJbiicksiwitfi open mouth and pearl teeth; j clapping Jtiber to the notes of ine oanjorj; inp tourth black man held , in his fight MM aj.ig gourd, of persimmon beer, and ?n his left, a dipper or water gourd tp tvib: the company ; while two black wom .ere employed in filling the ore-piacp,! six teet square, with farded per stmmon ptpugh , The rest of the comnanv male and female, werf dancers, except a '31 v. .!i-!f-1 LEli: &. BURNS. "I ors VVhole Tickets 11 $65 50 25r Half 32 75 23 Qaai. 16 87i At ' ti' Uiccpbn went to simmon town, !. St To choose the rotten firom the soon, Darej he sot wpon a sill, j . ! , Eairpgiof a hip.poor-will.; - ' l i Hoe corn 1 hill tobacco ! a - -" j Getipver ddnble trouble, Jubei boys i i - 4 i Jitber.' ; n ' i ' ' J y hen supper was . announced, the4 ban gor manj was first served ; then Ipe clap pers iiiiljbeelr bearer: aiid lastlylthe beaux and their, partners. Each had ka huge toaf of larded peraimmon bread Willi it gourd of beer.; .i;; f;; f'r Ml ': Thus ended tbe beer dance, ud ;as I lefi tle House, ( Ithonght to rnyielf, that Virginia slaves were "the happieit of the human race and. I still flunk so. j The learnM is happy to ;explo(e i ue ioui is nappy mat tie Knows no k ;. more. ' j-.:' -Sr '-.i ' J 1 , i . j Sidomon, the wisest inan; says Ln inuch wisdom, ihere is much grjef; and he that increaseth knowledge, i increaseih sorrows"; 1. . ! The; beer dance, I have attempted to de-; 6cribe,-i6 a faint representation of fhat ac tually ocoiined. It requires an abler pen .to do li justice. 1'feel inoriifiJ thtit I enn- iiot gire a more vivid and glowing, descrip tion1 oH these blark heiux. who acted ho ronspicuous a part with theii partners in the persimmon junket.- Tne broad grin, he smile, ol the little fqokt wenclt; i seen ;throughher torcli-iight, and humid Jip, th twist oi tne tongue, fine while teeth, the pblique look, the glande of the eye, the toss oi the head, the quaint bow, the curv ed shin, the bandy leg, the nimble liig, the anecieq ajr oi tne wenches, the nroiuse perspirauon. tne cipuu f ot Unst,, the lucid room, the phiz of the banjor's turn, turn, turn, and Jubcr's song and clanj would eall -forth the combined -talent and I livelv imaff ipaiipn of a Wirt, an Irving i a Burns, an Addison, and a Ilryden. And if a north' ern Abolitionist, with his pocket filled with ihflamatpry; documents and resolutions; cptild liaye witnessed; such a scene iii Vir ginia; hp would in ray opinion, have con- signeu mem to trie names, Ins great love for tye blacks, to the contrary notwithktand- ,0h, nonsense ! benav-e nice-4-don?t make a noise' in the street-j-be a man.' '' - : i fflo'w can ,1 be a man, when !l belong to somebody else ? My; hours a'nt my ,own my! money ant my. own I belong to four BuBEN. Pet Jackall. . FOR MR. VAN The Old Lion and iiis The fondness pf the liion for the Jack all is proverbial.; He feeds him, with the r CC 1 T P riid ffAM ' n m 4 "Li tmmm.MmmmJi T ftMftft ! people besides myself the old.womm and r , ; 1 Y TV K LlL .l yL..:ii J m- i J ,.....;l n uses him as a venger to keep Mwu iuiw tuuu eui f i ui iwiMicwipt l Ll r J- !iu. -U. - 1 ..Lii .u.. t.J . concern,, and so many has got .their fangers f Uoaithat bad! hn nd wndi HddUr. It Was Iwhispered tbat ibe diGc-:- ed by the other 1iogf t sot) Wandering' alone J !4 V oerwthejf certain arrangements coU became an easy prey, i We bora him to hi. A goodaheedoiejis itold of tha IeifM.J. L. Weems, that MlotjpeoJ biofTaphr of Washtr ton. It isvonly; known that Weeps vj rule bot 1 , bat that he peddled them. also. ; In one ci In excursions p( this galore, be accident ! ly ( - i with pair of yoaHf r people" who were about to t married. Mr I , Weems bavin? rnade hirr.-.!.' known, was immediately applied to perform i' - ceiomony uniting Miem ,ia ; wedlock.. ;tARr il.ii important matter bjid been settled, the idea T.3i- orauy suggested itseii to some oi ine rompr. y thai a dance would be v.ry proper oa the occu slooj. Mr. Weems had no ubjvctioa; nJ tl.j only ldimcQliy which appeared to render tl. in hp till that 1 must bust u p. and I'll break sign over the stock in traae to you t w- k yy r -L-ii- ,.1 mM From the rZyhMurglrgirU FABLES FQRWREAXmm. 'FOR MR pALHdUN. M HE . JVOLF l AND 1 OllE ViOAT.-t JltUrta Jrom den, and, hp f anJ j.the"" Jyieall "feasted, and both pronounced that there was no meat like pork. ? But the Lion was old and Jazy and one day he sent the Jackal I out to our vey for both. But he not knowinthe na ed- from one sice oil ine room to toe r otner. &r Dreeemiv behind tlLthe thombin2 andHantn a violin was heard,! and dar begao.4 an",.-afU5r,rilbe;:tricrry All ihinjis wttni! on eailv J and merrily for while, Wt aaddenfT, the ctirUia was torn lvr.-. A Wolf in pursuit of a She-Goat. chased her into a piMand fell in after her. The Goat drew up in a corner and stood on her defence. But the wiley Wplf at once understood his situation and, address ed the Goat in the mot affectionate manner. Mjydear madam,? said. he,what jmearif this appearance oFalarm ? 3 lsyfit wissible that it was fear that ihade ydu fly frprb me when I was so desirous of becoming ac quainted with you ? j I couhl almost re j ice at the accident wjhich thusenables me to undeceive you, and to show you ihat.so far from being your enemy, jeven this pit is delightful, when shared wjth you j .The poor (Goat wad well pleased tohear this language, and tlijeysopo -became the best friends, in the j world,! and enjoyed each olherVsociety tpo much to think of jetting out jot tne pit, fljean while the Goat told the Wolf all theJ secrets iof her family, boasted of the number of kids, and told where they sleptand where they, were then feeding f When! at leneth. they came to think of their situation, the; Wolf propos ed that the Goat should lean up against the the side of the pit, and let him climb out oa I her head, -and il.en draw her 3 out by the horns. But no sooner was lie out than tie made on, when the ual caueu to him clitmin? his premise.; TJ:eji;Woli looked back at her with a grimy smilpiyi lure of the Hog;xcept s an article of when lol who should be: compiiy;; behold fc-.it foody, wett like, a fiool J andljumped into the! Rev. S. Li Adeems, fiddling awiy, cs if the.hog-jpen, and Was torn "to pieces by ior ipoor oear ine itseii om reaujNior ioe aiu An uxitAPPr married man The sub joined outpourings of a married i man. are from lhp Oharcoal Sketches' oflNeal. Courting has been aptly termed a paradise, and matrimony the way from that hippy re gion to earih again. Tiie following, if true, is a pretty good illustration : ! ; - u ' frf What made you get married if 'if)S don't Irkettft M; i ; i ; : . - j 'Why 1 was deluded into it fairly delM ded into it. ; 1 had nothiner to -do of eve nings,; so 1 went a-rourting Now, court ing s iun enough; II hav'nt got a word ko say agin courung lta about as good afaway i of killing ., an evening as I know of.1 Wash your face, put on a clean dicky, ancKgo and lain, os owcci as nugey or molasses candy for an bur or lwo--io say nothing of a , as your a wee t heait goes to the step with you. " I: rben I was a single man, , the World waggeo aiong well enough. It wa'a itst like nil uuiiiiimi : t B' noAM : little equatrwenclH who Iieldthe torch light Uevy, and had'ot oothing mori. to do ! With new u f e en jqperpappea tothehanjof it but sit ; down and not care a button for anything ! S'pormg the omnibus goi up sot well, I walks off, and leaves the mao tor pick up tha pieces. But then: j must take wife; and be banged to me. ; J It's all Tery well for a while; but afterward,, its uwniag an upsot oanibcs . before, and; you may suppose I looked upon sucli a novel scene, with some degree of sur prise, ; Indeed, I. contemplated the dancing groupe, rithisensation, of wonder and as tonisbmenii! I The clabters rested the right foot on thiheelft and it, clap on the floor itt'ife m- . . uv$ A: 'A.,' ,. i ilirt-l'S vvf-"""-"-'- :: "i" '- " - ''-''. . J ' ) ': ! , i "by: : ' ' ' : should be glad to do it said fie, 'but I am afraid I am not strong enough. fBsdes, vnii are ntltet old and! ton eh,-' and I airi; ini- patent to feast on the dainty little kids you have been jtilking about, j Some day s hence, when I have ( featert lliem," ; may come and try tp scratch you you too.' : ' 1 r1! (j ' t 1 ! : Jlpplicaiion When Mr ?Van Buren found hlmsel witli an empty treasur,and disebvereydjthat his popularity was go tie; with his mohey a - : . i t a . a w r. j : set auoui to recover Dotn. u-it the out, and eat i II H ' ;' . them, and eaten by an old sow. I , mpplicatio h, , x h Whenj General! Jackson set the Banks logelherl by the ears, he obtained an easy victory over the IJ. S. Bank, and left it to his successor to destroy the others. H ow be has sjeu isrhownjn the late elections, from that of New York, to that of Virgin ia. The;result is that many feel the neces sity of a Bank of theU. S. who never felt it beforei; the, establishment 61 a new Hank of the U. S. wil be the consequence, and then it will feed on a fat Government fat- roent of the dancers. It is ceruinly U hapj 7 facohy to be ableto lorn jona'S; hand lo any . Air. Weeuis was one oi the. most ei-j- qaent preachers of jhis lime otie of the -chastest writers on.Aonst pedlar a first i rato f.J dler.and above alli'a goo 4 manJ ' - - 1 i . . rfi -v:.,- - From the; West'Tennesseaoil; mXnj why; spillest thou: thy j ,Friio;BLP9D! V-yl-" '-" "-: ftis oor painfulaak to lay before the public z scepe, ;perhapsiMtr8gic as any acted jopbri the theatre of life.- i tiiir feelings ai present n a allow 08 to gHe mtro than a brief : description rf !.' t - i i . , ii. li was wnnessea iq njiii's. roini,iy ,cn tened bitsjlprmerjlepredations on prop- F4y and Satnrday last. Dr Rivera and I Cel. New or rare Disease. Died on Sat urdav, th 21st, a child of Mr Wheeler, in Bivingston street. Spots appeared upon its face and body, on Friday morning, of a dark color, distinct as those of the leopard. They continued to spread until thev exten ded over It he whole turfftoo,.leinj5 ttio line of demarcation between them so plain as to give ai singularly variegated appearance l iiese spots i were. iui iiie uiusi jin irguiai- ly circumscribed, but some of them branch ed of! into clusters. These upon the face and shoulders before death became conflu ent and ran into each other; so that the skin resembled that of an African necror We the) late tragic sceae ai LiiQton, wre auihori- to draft a 6tatemeM relative to that aflair. to I : laid before the jpnblc, Jo ibe" dischargej of ihh office, they could at agree. ' Soyeral diflictfltics had arisen betweeij them; with reference to tha matter; but they Were finally settled bya sn-i-il drjnk from the bWing bowl lot the bep of tl.U adjustment, aodiaairvut the lwf oin nl hu rnaaity, Fergosondellberately oded his riSe, placed himself it pi3!wind6w, in front y( h3 public street,! aod RtiotpTlivers dead as hey passed, (his little child jfo lowing him,) perhapf unefin 6ciOQS of any dang (r. He fell exciaiminsri-" Ol; , Gpd J amdead -I im dead. Ferguson pru carded from hia rotim io ihe fatal spot, snd "f -ingi his fallen tielira.cped cuLit ''Ritera if dead f I did it." He War arrested y and confined in a rooml ' A brothe'rJito'prRiversL aearir?2next were informed that the child hid been re-1 day df tbcocirrence,fu6bed well armed .thro U markably healthy frpm-its birth up ' to the a crowd to the rwni.ili Whicb F wasrtlnd to recover both. B it scheme would not take1, ; so he flatlets he Calhoun, by jafiecting Jo adopt, as ati Oraf cle. of Wisdom, an inconsiderate saying of his buttered feome years! ago. -Calhoun comes to his aid, and gains1 ' time fur him to rally his friends, and pass the bill 7 without his ifirther asststancej The! provtsipn4 therefore which j had bejenihtlodueed jintrj the bill 1 to gull him. Vis dropped, and , he is left at tlie bottonr of the pity Mean-; time (be littlej flock Xvhyich liad been led; bjfj him! is 'scattered : some . have! fallen!! into! the jawipof the Wolf; some haeatwlebd into thestray-pen of hef U S i Bank ; and! the rest straggling without a guide, betake! uierpgeive, to ine rocks, inhere they may FOR MR. CALHOUN AND Mil. STRANGE. i' ..' Ti', I If, i Thb Stranded WuAtjr.t A violent storm threw a Whale hish and dry on theshbrei.Vrhe otbert animals ga thered around him.and alarmed itl his cnor. moos duik and porientouJ bellowings, de- tioie of ihb extraortlinary appearance. Du ring the two days pjf its illness some thirty or forty of the oldest and most distinguish ed physicians end.surge'ons of this city were invited by Dr Oatman the attending physi cian, to visit the chiW, as he could not give a solution of the case. No one of this number had ever seen a parallel; Thedis ease appeared malignant, but without pu- tresencc orsangrenelas no important change took place after death. - Vif I We atel pleased to learn thatr Dr Oatman em ployed lan artist to take a full and accu rate likeness of the j appearance of the dis ease, which we presume he will take plea sure in exhibiting to the scientific and cu rious, at his. residence, Wo. 98 .bldridge street. Baltimore American. t . o. 1 f lUm ItKiviiinn rtfl senl0ced to be I i mllZ: Jone next. We learn that the imfeneej- me crunswicK anu -'- ftfnliM . . Judi Isomer to i most alTssu- 1ia, been discovered, about fite miles if rrr""' - t iqis pi ace, a large ush . vw.. traordinary size, and in a remarkable state of rSieservtion- Several vertebrae; of -eight inches in transverse diameter have, been discovered; Teeth - m whichi the top is nine inches longer diameter, and five inch es in breadth, and about as large as i man's bat, !bave1alsc?yee(iif excavated. y These werft evidently -of a molar characters There have been found also, smaller teeth of more tUA ctriirtnr! Yith i nninted CTOWnS, and ) apparently belonging, to some Brunswick, (Ga.j April, 19. ing.he coaid nott enier i ai . ine ooor, per crojea throng b tha-wiodoW Ferguson ejtreatmg. tbro' another. Some of libejcrowd, observing ihe es cape of ibe latter,! "cried ool to Rivers vile i ' out;'! At which Rivers immediately returr ci from the iopm,aridshoS Fergosod running; at tha disu nee oflhiriy yards . He fell Instantly, but wasiot dead. ; Riviera approached trio onv inter tyejiinffandimappeiy iwo pistils at htra tha third piesetited tp his breast drovejh is spirit iti toeieroityjwhilstFerson piayed piicously for mercy. Rivers is eti riniakeoVjrhese are tha circumstances connected with thia horrid seen?. THE MURDERERjS ARRESTED AND ; j,:.-:-1 v CODpMNll; j ' Oar feaders' Wtlt -Irejoembar. thabcp 1 1 tb rr c weeks ago, we publkhtd an accounjl of ihS aur der of Mr. Wm. C.!Cmer, by thfeir negrut s t loogisg to Mt. Adoar- Webster U Rockiosbani co.. t. C. - - L ; i :t '" i ji i W-! - J ': -" Tli murderer hSvejben tried, rtmvlefed asJ nieoced to be btogedkw FrWay the lai day cf caroiverous teriuied tadeatroy bimi Dow to go ihoutUnimal. Pprtipns of large tusks bate also tt-- ' " 1 ' Im m T ' ' mTm ' .' m At-tb-aaroe termi of tne oopenor uonrt ci Rodungbam, Wai.Smjth was convicted l tl.9 murder of SanVoel Kallio and seateoced to ti executed on lbs same diy on which the a eg rex ) are to soffdf. Smitw la represented to be ' maa of considerable properiyL; His cbuoiel have; ta-: ken an appeal oo some poioi of law, so that his case goaa op to tha Seprptae Courts which meets to Jone: DamnMe Reporter. The Rail road betweein Itichrnnnd and Feter. borgywill be finished; an i in t;perauuo by. th 1ID jane oexv. , I' ;-'.)- '!II::'i-ii ' s : . : ; .-.( rrq' piv-.f i -;.,f.; ti rl-: ! v. - - :.i , -t.-i-L ? -w- ! t t i .i "'- ' ii i i ' ii- -1 "' ; - mii Mm " ' "i I t . - I J " . X 31,: i. I. .;- ; I t ., . . ; 1 t 1 - i. '- T. ' . . 1 .

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