'.rT" f -vi !;! or' THE I Hi --i.lt;."; for MftA Imay berrMter be had liiBlfiftv Cehtsfrer Year, f 1 M ifrfroW n6 w su fwrnaers fwpYi M f $ chargWps; oter subset SlliffftlW' ' 1 'not pay dialing the year V4SV ,r . t' ; V.t- lo than HJltiBiffU itiacnntfoued butattbeop- afessill 4r?argf reaid ?MltIli m iJie Editor must be: post CI -..""5 . rl' , "- : -I-., ! t: 4tAhoryl O.V ner ppnti mm wTzsmmti ,i - -r .,; HR-J3Sill be inserted for less U M It Arclibf Blaeksiiibej (Iff 8 ASSISJ nnURNEli & HUGHES wonld respectful Ja jy bftll kUe' attention" of gentlemen . f the Bar. to thje following fcatalogne.of New: Boots, emoraeiiig aimpsi. every iegai o" muhu. -Theyihivej jilijrWito, had it in their power lo offer Ui the UfcUesb crnpfete a LAVyl LI BRARY as it rjey have at present alt or which they offer at 1 a very moderate advance on rpo- Ii3hersVrtceaHiriz:t; .. 7;":;..-y -'Ji v: Antrt Ijtj "Arpfia )n IGorporations, Araencan Jo kir Murji Aricribold's ami Lhnsuin'a ; (A?iTri Reports; American i Plea- ikrit i Anitent Ghartera f'ArcbbuId'a Cnlleciio i All t Kod's Kisi Piias f AiebWd'a L.i.:-J -i.v.i,mJ r'rr.niV.ai iuj;nna! n in. 4- and left for others f I will retd a few pas sages Trom it.v lo five days I have return ed to tlie post DfCce twenty leHeri andihre nairiphltts, enclosed tohe pbuirtu Auditor, ollhcse indef.tijsaMe feform. lhl, ,elter iUeftf :5Ir KendaiU fof the purpose, of. building neweparr, nd the fSdftane Fi ancfs Pr;BUir,' another Jackson man, whom he; had mil, uwau a.ort uu. : The late eminent and virtuous Attorney General. William Wirt, did not; escape 1 he censure era I Ho had tendered tomd professions eartice. in which the' ;. United States were UitW fifMiwfilbe conlinnedintil orders lttTifKD ihem whfere no directions if'!'" 4IP T! . T ion ITT? Iv ' lHn: 4 i CftllL rt . - .A h:ricj:: ifplstsses, Nai Cents. 55 a CO 8 a 9 25 a 30 thon's ltadksfe ; iAbbolt on Shihpme new Edit tn j j.dini jor jeVtpenirnexicao jGI ha n- eery 'Digest;! .rr)can.;Gm8HtHtionR; Anll nn UmiiatQf.krb)l4?8 Sivil'PrcadrnjZs; Apgelj on Water Cofei; Bosanqnet and PullenVJ Re- portp; Barka$ie!riffj Bay ley's DigeMwl .Index; niJBilJBBradby! on Djstresse?; Bijtfow'e Dfgwu; -Vimdenre BearnJ Pleas tn Eqoity; Up Nt Exeai: I Heccaria on Crime Binwha nfiiiey L i CallFs iRePorts Cooper'r Pleader d CoKeH I Irmotes; Coke o ton; Lue lt?pouj Condensed Repr preme Cjiiuri United Slates; Condc 3irs8t il Camley iPracticaNFurma ; C Chancer Crich'a! Reports; . Ga' Church's Dic;es; Collyer orv Pat. tv on Bills; Constitutional Reno, Csrolina!;iCohjf n! orii Contraets ; Datuo port?; DaVieV Criminal Form?; 13urnfor ' H,asr8 iteporis.;iJ'ge8i 01 jevr ioik n.j Kr,rr1islitC Suffer, hrJ 10 a 12 loafj 48 a 20 -SI 621 iTallbwr, f 10 a 12i Tobccb, h 8 a 20 ToTl-lineh, 16 a 20 Wheat, (bushel) $1 qv-': - : . : ' WhilVeyJ 4& a 50 4U TTEV1 i S i;-.-B-'"-iV ''5 I n. '. iJ-: r- il(f a 11 12ia 131 6 a 8J 00 at mm Hi Bref- ,Btfon ";ii- -ri, .-si: ::$si a 7 50 68(1 iLE. ! Molasses, ' ; IM 8 IS, CUt, i Sbar biown, 35 a 40 71 7 a 11 . 16 18 a 20 Salj. J ' 70a 75 I ' Sack; . 43 tToaceo tear 5 a 4 Half rope,? 8a 121 Wieat new $1 a 1 10 n, is Key :4U a ah 20 a 25 j 5'H qilERAWi ? ti- : - -H icut assor, 7 a a Wrought 1G a 18 Merij lf I2a:20pats BuaheL 40 a 50 5 Jd,il Gs.f 2 4l-::isp . $125- Wiilb510a;2tolirisced llO.a 125 CcSci f IS J e pprk! 1 00'lhs . ' C a 8 bihe5al8t)SugarJ lb mv10a-12 i CM7lSaItck 13 a $3 25 r!l!'Siri rfilteel UmerJ 10 a I2i y:.45a!50::v,v.; 12 a 14 If. I jltM flSjTea rpe. 1 25 a 1 37 ihtetested, but which were not such , as liia oHicial stationcharged upon him. ? For this serviceman inconsiderable sum wa paid to liirm ut its propriety was qiiestioned. The salary of the : AUornejrGencr,al was ihenj $3,500, andfhe was allowed S8pp?for cjlerk llow Jtands the eaW now-? -Thci Salary of JNIr Benjamin F. Butler, I ie pre sent At tornej-cneral , . is 4.000,i a(df m j 183 4 he; w asf paid $4 , 1 50 j 9 for compeu satmn, besides being allowed $ 1,300 s for a 'clerk! and; messenger, and $560 for the con tingent expenses of his ofiice. : The (sain afdjt!innal alloWnce and. ch8"". 'amount ;ipg togeiher q $1800t is r-ASa1fd JWirfniargea? pri wierice torr an exce? ':r , up ,the Uiobe of his friend 1 element hjhnur 1 1 from his former residerico at Krankfoil, Kentuc ky) sent under his frank; to jKeutuckyy and perhaps ejsflhere, thio prospectus vfil this newsDSDer h ' '' iiV I. ' Ir'J: 8'" Intbat same lctterMlCendaU,alsbsa js: J rrr; r- But, iUr Speaker, no man better knows al! the nses'of oiKe than Mr. Kendall.! hare read aJpoITtical iractwrilieo, 1 thinkV hx Dean 5wift, Entitled aomewriat jn. thir way : The eanyeaiehce ol 'a place at Court, or a sarf-robiifproTidtjg'g foT;i' whofe fahiili?-''- Mr. -Kendall-afrAr ft. find, by that jdebatie.that he said it t3 - kriowii- IntH;)-; J":- I ' - 'That -wheriijalynan ft'onQappoir.tr 4nce, all the tVSjsti passion; pt- lit 5 r i are-enlisted Pojrthe pnrpostf ol t c ta i : r The(1tffice-holileri Ttati! ho are t!; nsieu aoiuiers t that Adnii.iistratjrn ' "T CO.:; :i t' cs i Mr. Kendall appears tu iinrfavatinil1ltA (ft mmm rr m ifSJiMiMWi 1 Hf al.! I -6 ""T. uw v i - - 1 "! which they.are stitained. Department exlahiu hs father-repair; and Wjanill O; a? disappointed, Ipej is E still left to t'. !,1y 8nfrlJ00 im and bearingdisai!ointment wi p.ti: nchidinghi. owrf ahiry.p But Mr. K?n- they know wU pjesetit a new! cliim ta flail I. nivt o1 ..IK ..1. i. I- - I .! ; V . M.jr vwun wuu ,uius a.ca ce ,t a luture time. .a ar i - i . i a f . - a , i ritha note to eaclr: la a copy .lie of Which the follow- .'1 ,!!': ; TneSUitT rEPSARTMNlf L j March 24. 1829: ; . J ' . -:f am authorized with 'subscript J S otuer publications me in the discharge percf itring nce from ! your ais of the jU. -5 1 lit 1 ebtl Upon?en(enng this rffiwlm' Monday! ?"?1?f f jowtt;nouaetoia.. ii provision Thii passage of Mr. BuchinanV rr last, one of Ha first bhi-fecty i'wh ich-'lr.i'rk or i".,s W?: e-I.ueWr.1.- . . VC;1 oroTes" hiiriHd- Kite been,.-.an - bhscrtr ,nyeewasa ptleto7apaierso l,e win oe loumi-intiaeis.v Mterresi hiehnd thtns and familiar will, lbs ble,l:.Amop themV 1 eoUi sikteeiPi en ' h,?f ? ,5f,,?h: 1 feaTe ling principles of h.imaW action. He ferent PMWall offclrllas MdilwW .mentioned, df $1,500 8 year. , e M the consequences of, the: selfish" 8UOsrribed mr.brthFoliriHAudao and f ,IC indoced thee femlbactri dcuiriaryoi inr i reasnry nas a cemfiwia- woma, provide a soitah ble anntjity of $1 400 in he Navy DeiHn?! lenUernVn U'l men ; Jnother holds the appointment; of Ufithote 'polii4r parsons' ! Me?cribcd ! "rrfcer ,n 1 "V wn a salary of Mr. Randolplij hose TracUces' Via ,uuyyer year resiUea eiiijr President of corresnd with his wccentl.' It is c uiy cm, ufu ui inn city ; ana a on is the JUashier of the Franklin Bank of that city, which became a special pet un der the pet bank system.) These gentle men4 would all make excellent Sub-Treaau 1 ' "I. tain that, under l of the gentleman n rers ie favorite- Admirmtta'.i and JiU friends, t!,e fice-holder br; received new life, in : of a check.! iBui I roust vet point oni i other discrepapcyj between Mr line Inn proiession anq pracuee. in tne sna p amrppjrt La w Reports; Rss'tV Rep. PleadinarHriEspinasM's Reports; ri hsh Ecclesiastical Reports: Edwards on P.ar'i Equity Draughtsuian; Y earne on Rernair' Fonblanque on jEqoity; Francis' Maxi Eqiuttdl Fell 'loo - liuiuaniees; FellV Tis Griesley's EqullyVEvidencp; Graham on e J. r i tfisfi ! Gpw prnrart neraji i p;: UoiilJ ' plead i,ng Hairia land M'Henrry's Reports; TiamntortV Nisi Prius; Harris Modern Entiie; Holt's Law" of Libel;! lloberl's Reports; IIurTman's Course of Legal jbiudy; HrTmans Legal Uutlroes; Hardens! Repprt6;;IngersoM'a Abridcretnent, lln- graliamlonj Insolvency; Johnson's Chancery Re ports: JohnsonTs Report: Johnson's Cases: Jack son on Real Ac ion ; Jacob's Repoiis ; Junes un Bailmeiit ;! Jabob Walker's Rf porta Khffii i0tume;niaries ;; Jjivermore on Aenry , isna- lord aod Teoaol, by'Cooayji ; Law Mislianiipst by Bfacksnndge; Law of Infancy by . IJingbaniJ Lilly s triefe; Longjon oales; Ljwsi ot Ftfird: iuj; Lawverls uujJo by lienny; Montague nn Parinershrpi jMerivalV Repor;s; waul Sel wyn'a: Report?; iMnnitflore'sLompennom; jaat- Ithew ! Presuimpttvei JCvideace; Military Liw, Moieaii B tJiffesii Moniagne on iren; Merivai s ChaneeryrRepoif8, jrto'rrtefiore's Mercantile LWw;; Martin ooi Bcefq torsi HannlD2a: jiDiarU Mad dock's, Chancery; Montague on Set Off; NorrisM ,is ro examination .' In do time, strl the the1 point as t charter. Sional opini 1 Mr. Bond said, when the proposition for bate; he reviewed with censUe;errrJ " "-i v- "v.-""'" ne loreign . misyinns, inai xa uussia in in 1823, thefriends of Mr Adams, by way ded; and particularly condemned anv Pr -f.-provin? that he . and they desired every tice allowing a minister to return after si economy ana reiormt pointed to'liis yearns absence.' Uisj language h: 'If f .,( ,ruM,ullls u. now were a practice ahould pretaiL our! ministers they, answered T Why; .sir, .Mr. I rig-. violation of :tbji spirit f the exiting 1 a nam, wno soon auerwarus was.raade &ec- receive: bv adding the outfit the en! retary of the Treasury, said it was indeed $1 8.000, instead! of $9,000. for one ve true that the Message did recommend it, 8ervice! 'I am.laaid he airainst the r r but he vnteil to see more practice and less lice.' ThisM r. Speaker, was his prcrr; 3 " ......v.,. ..v..v. v. iiu nut, sir, inra oriei space oi iirae, aiicr r. , sPf,c!c reiorraa iounu in me Message; demning andaying'I am agMnst: the pr he couhl only find there one of those tor- tice we jee ft him takev the ! bounty, r mal recommendations, which were as un- become one of trie 'enlisted soldiers wh -taineu ral Jack? hippcned t conenn ab location jfifl-iftis Way. a ndiie'xpresseSd an opinion i fvn thy same point, requiring, a terim i nation, if the road which lha cof npa ny did not wifi, anil which Mr. Butler had advised them! they luted not adopt Gn. Jackson was fiifriMhed r . . . '. l. . . . ' i - . witu the opinion ct the Attorney lient'ial'; but instead ofiyielding, he endorsed frn ii, i Mrl Boiler has not exsminedUhis esse with Ins usuul care ; let this paprr be referred to hifnJwith a cr.py of the rhvifcr. for meaning, he said, aa the words 'your hum- he had described, and ffb on a foreign rr. hie servant' at the foot of a letter. Mr. 9ion to. Russia, whefe, after staying 'a I Randolph, in the same debate, used this month and -a jjayj he pocketf thej 01G,C iniuage, on the suoject ot retrenchment vad reform. instead of $9,000, for a vear'a crv: and comes home! 1 4 Peake; NJ York Caes in Error; OliM's Hon -veysnce; ricktrinjj s KeKrtS ; reterdort J A bridjen)e,n!t (jP4ers, Reporis; Park on Insur ance rierre ' Ifiaiips , . -Reporis. reaii) sjfyvil' der.ee ; iWrjslrBniai State fl'rials Presorf f- on Absracis of Title ; Rtevo ! On Deeenis, RepHts cf CtK'?lt Lourt of United States, Second Crcnt;Ri4se)l on Criote, "Rim!lV0if ports;Ruscoejpn Kvidenee, Rawle no S Confitsi t ion, St oryx's rjfadio'sj Story's Jaws of TTf States S'trylstDoiroinentaries on'eonflict jf M,V! S ory,'s C np att i a ries'lrtn the Ctris t i 111 1 i on , a r k i' lepmrtsl $el oni's P ra t ie 5 j S s y 'a, Pio i iv-a I Economy jJ efgneats Continjtninal Tfw ; At oev General nfrrrw tvith the , President and sfivrs I an; :inii?f ' in cnitforiuiilf . with that whirl) ieo. 'I'd ! Acrvftlns, J"f kaon . had f ; e.tpres- tveif nep tons. I i ..- o44..w... iud: con tigu penlses oFhis )rB-j for the lst; year. Do you think we shall find any sub scnptions for newspapers there paid for; put of the Treasury .?' j Listen to a 'fewj iteiins : . I 1' - i - 1 h.Vhe surpjt.ed . at the absmtd tipihibn o'" Mr Butler, given ns a fojiivlHioi)OT)usldl- ' cation for Gen. J-kin tn ip-wkci tiiv bt epaliiig jjbe;TrHn!ury 'nirt'lu, fijndivhich had passed Ifoth-J ises of ('itfjp?s;5ilmKs5 py. accrantaiion. ia or, 1 tinge it. .(imii. Sfotlirn Literary Me?ienjjer Nf'WvYork Journal if Oomnifrce' Alirrg-tnny Democrat PeniwvlvinMn ! lo!dnn Bitrp!tv M l r m l i 1 a ;i M L' z" n n L hrre ruoif-s i f the Dailir G!bhe!I! oiiuiotui Ki.qnirrr !,. . I EntertaiuhienL mom xrCJRSiHKie kiinUm Hi tf4mKSliy ncouatT. Schoale Lefri)y4s ReKr; aoo?ers', Rejiprts; Si.ory's Comrhehtneson.BailrriPisi; Saoipsoi nn Coinmonaw j Sugden on Pr ; Sutfdfh 00 Venders; olajrpO t on founder ; Nai.:. e 00 Lvl denee;-Tooihhi f.ijjDictionry;, TomUr's: Irf--dex; Tauritooia Reptirta ; Tpm'1in Djij?sted Index ; Thorna8 !Cke ; Trial of -lodge Heck, Totler's Law! of Executors;, Ti1linprratV Bal- lemine; vatteiu'er ii.aw ,or -Rations, v?wir Chancery Reprtsi;Vesey's S piemen t byi ll.tv endVn: V eRejslJoniior Repon?: Vffer &;lieanie; Warren's LajwS '.afaities; v alker's. introducnin to Amerjeanj itiv ; , Wil-oj 'on Cor nitrations;'; Whealon's K?r illiams-on Ee everloft's;Re ituiKPo: sintf j, m i Action of t-rtn I ..-... . . . . ..... .1 t. . M 1 8 L ' 1117 uMi'iiiMit tn nnv I'junitMi tij v'ili1''11! ?? T l fie ?ufiui iaye- napjittnn. i giviron.-njaer eiu Iroinw Ii at he President 1 frten3sancitlie puWicL that he Vyheaton's lrnationHl Law; V house i fyrrierly occupied by fHirts Watojr's.)tgaii j WilUai yin the village? of Mocks- tors; AV?nt worth qn Executory V ; with ih view of kininr I port?; XaylorsiKeyigal Hawks Reports otl IS, (I Will LJ-1 w - n:L t r ' - X Vroloa,! ueverepx neports; uevereux anui paT lll?Bl?lrf aUWUt " i HPiH ..Oigesti Laws 4 -orth . ?-'! " " r " -"J... r ..1. fit .. 1 T - . . -.J. .Alan oisliu- towri. rhefaubscrlber 1 we vised tatuteslofi Mt)ssacbiis4tis, exeruons ioi reooer satisiacliorf ? best ex:erti Znmm-m InHiKnl MlisTaWe shall T'JraWWPUfa Wit the best the coun tfWf UM Baxtbrdd wiihj the choicest r:nW4il!f extensive and safe, jiF"Vi .v Ew ovmder, and alien- uie, r;fD a. J33a tti28 1 lis ciandvaluhblc 5 i 5Eg MillOI-W'OJa-. l ConrtsSher Raleigh, Apxil'28, 183343 . st :poalished a new S5une ' , 1- ' t i ! .it-,i 1 . r - ' - i; it -r- -; . : , ... i' I- LL'nersohs indebted to me. bv notes or ac counts are requested to fall and setthf the supposed the 'wanted, Ji : ' l wish now,,w m-iKC a icvV enrpme;ns!on too proirss.ions an'i jjtariice 01 imi,Atnrfi Kendall, lal'e Fonrlh Aodilor, i 8rH rtow postmaster ''General. T ce;itfenftn, you jk'nowti, was' -as eloventh-botr sirkson 5man. Ho however, was arnrno. tbe firs! Iwho goj ofiice ; ,and tnifjid atelyi after Jhis iappotntmuUa letter of his is published! in which, alicri holdio h'tmseif -a'tidl 1 a lew I- ' -; Ml ' 'I' 1 ', . ': ii St s , Itrie-ndfi upas havifif; Jiten pfrseced,j he exclaim; wbat. has Heaven done ?Sflis-. pujeu )l events, as to rniRn isarry (Htms- $10 . io 14 3 j 6 i 8 50 5 0(1 Of o4 (M) 00 00 This seems; tojbe an appropriate tim- compare the precepts and. practice Of T Sdndry others .which I will not slop tonirnHr- l)rfl,?p,s . tlie: whoie n n other hnrvti 1 tni nr i.wan4 ! Was jtho reeommendation in Gen i .. . I i :s .1 and' the tnia! if sobsrripjion " l 'Pll l'roIlrl rlll M.nm and 'ilmm in one f those1 lofty generalities with which all winona, political or religioua. Randolph who eid he too, 'Was; for h abound , which might he printed in blahk I jng-at the'practices,and not the precop ' line law nrocess,Ynileaas oecasions might the naraon.i nolitical or leliffious- In ! .require. JJut sir, (said he. I am for loo game debate. Mr; Randolnh iaid he" cc inc at i the practices, and' not at the I nntrnermif anv motion'cohnected with precepts of the parson; political or reli-I division of tji spoil, to mingle I Willi 4ioiii."; - exertions. fe would pot, lie said, givi Mr. Bond said . this rule of Mr. Randolph I his constituents!! and the rdeastlre ol - T i . Mi was perfectly, just, ii-was thus shown, too home; for a iclefkship in the War Oi to be avowed', hv thiajAdministratioh, and or a fnreiffh iraissinrt,: or even for. a I) he :w willing tijodge thembv their own nartmenl of Statie. jLJc said, 'there role and thought to this thev ought not to been an improvement in the plC wf 6Hjfff. He uinuld leave to the Hpnse and ing ministers ali03il, and pringing I'. thej .eMjrle to t'ay whether the 'practices ol .thi Administration 'had conformed to their r back, when they Have nnisfieu tneir hness 1 Mor': saiUMne. nney are nov, mall at a v. Mhin a ; ema H fr igbtened of lo ih wjpapt'rs. but h r.n'nnw take 211 -at a dose ! , Cn it ho ; posfVle (hat .'8 Hjsn,who. came intopth :.e decUf itijj, like the Pharisee of old, rhal lhr was ml like other .:iilfi," and woinM tvrn tithe, mini, and c'jinmin.V begwtf alrloady; o j negleft thi weightier -,jtiers ot the ?' Whal be comes of his n:flitd promise lo-rove' Mhi-it his declarations h-id not -been Jjoljow r I..' . . . . " . pretences r U" wnnt value was n decla raiion made inj his lelter before refer fee! to, arid in which be say?, Vkin 1 may be, 'pr(oud 1 am, tliQthe Presidjent has"! given :me .an -opportunity to aid him in proving that rtform is not an .empty eon nd. arJ? not to Rpply ;merely to; jiChange of men V ler uencrai, mysen a inrre nurnwe AUd-1 vVhv. sir. I o toto as a re dvi to theseinnes- As to Mr. Barry, no matter what e- 4,Ln -,,ii 'i- R. V. LONG. 01 ase d -Jther Officers, lo r orow and Pleas. I for 1 Aitornies'at lmrs. Cdnstablea'; a Media varfc lil lbet found . "f.lRfaola'ittha-mMI vaSaahlpI UttU Wn.tra a-.hlahoajfoHi'hV wii be fonnd almost indisnensahlp t liS'wasygexi 1 ihlr duties. 1 It is the :lht!tbe cabscriorrs know nf. vhere i ad tie; anr I ap37c!W,r)Jr it ! trip : rroclsimaUiins to I jiVlfn esses. &ts' ibeinivU hf triin- 0iTW&r'i-PWl caes. the various Mansion Hotel. Salisbury, D.c. 2. 137 ilOtf WAT CjlES y9 1 aiW.tipte-at-:.i . : . un. n r..- . . 41 Wdrk not only contains ...J.l' I Ji rtiM Mh with rapicuii, tho duties S,J JOIIN; C. PALMKR I it fnai of nrnrx In: nco,l k ..k .' IMVWliof imrafrtant instruments of ?JLatfull Iffligth, which are not llw pricbelieving : be anxious to "pro. 10 oe exainmeo. 10 ll & HUGHES. t returned from Philadelphia, with a assortment of ihe above aiuefes of an entirely new tVhiott a large assortmnjt d superior Razors and; Knives. ' He can safel vrsay, that his assortment us superior ui any in the wiM t ! . . ...... ., .. i . ,.t; I! ; ern part of the Mate. Call and see, 1 ' v f N, B,LYalehes and clocks repaired as usual.' and warranted for twelve months.. i I Salisrryf November 4. 1837l-61tf1 4 j tori sale: At this o ffice itor.7 vents' mHOenun t'simasiei uencfai we fktipw that undtr his , management )ht ide pattmcnt was derangvd and rendered insol .vent iiir.h. . , : . i : w -.n . ' h But now for this r 4 humble Additcr.M or, as Irotn bis own question, r.e is sometimes called, ? this Heaven "Hv n Amos, i If Jiis- tory does-him justice, it will be found that he ctsired oftico under Mr ClV which, rt not; being in the power of the htWlto pip-? vide, Mr Kendall espoused the cause, of Genetai Jackson, i 1 1 I In this letter of Mr. Kendall, he siys 1 V I feel bound by . my obligatioris to my country," and lift he pledges sn cflcn. peatedihy alr.the priocip! men of our party to proincie,with a'lpiy talents and friduftry. the refoTmslwhich th People demand, I will prove that our declarations 4; have not beejn lioilow ; pretences. Besides I hold the inference of Federal officers with State pol itics to be improper in principle.' j ! Fr the reform under ibis last paragraph, I refer you : to Mr Kendall's letters !apd toasts sent to vanous political meetings' and dinners through-out the country, for a few years past, n- the eve of State, Elections: K When Mr. Kendall entered upon the du tieof his Auditor's office, he caused to be published in tbe United Slates Telasrapb, the then official organ, a letter, in which be says, "The interest of the country lemanc that this office shall be fijjjd ; with men of ousmesSf and not with babbling politicians. Sir, the whole lettej wahe work of t'bab, "("S J Ppltiao, ' express!?' designed for j'ifHijl.uieal atj demagogue fhds, which the ' ?Mtler,in the same breath, said he had ojuit tiens his on n words, in another passage of The world will know him assign him tits true rank ' Truth 13 omnipotent, and public tusiice his own letter at last, and certain val ot ihe nuu in tate?; em f the State hanks. certain Senator, them.' , y . ' 1 the U. St a oiji tt syster Among Mr IKf nrlalPs reforms mar be mentioned his leading 8cVney in ihe lemo nepositp from the Dank ct Tiv fffweti this, he carried billing and ctiojngl with and in the languago; -oi a (Mr Benton) deuaurhed I Jaek- s-on's : inaugural address one of those 'lofty generaliiies just spoken) of, and defined by Mr. Ra"iidolpi? Tbe. 'Unit Cabinet' must have? lost the art of -reading, otherwise 're form' was norrpiite so Megibly. inseibed' ns the Genefaljmaeined. That patronage ofthe Federal Government which was aid toi be brought into coi flict "with fire freedom of State elections has greatly in creased, aod is still unrestrained, itv. the same conflict. M : The g?ntlemari from Temagssee ( Mr. Bell) has for years labored to bring Jhis House to the consideration i of ajjill to se cure the freedom of KTectinns,ftnd tus ear ry mio, t rTect-the Tecommendation of Gen. 'Jackson's inaugural addlrjess.! Able as that gentleman, is,; and uhtlring as he has been in his eff-)fts,the measure proposed by him has received tlie frowns jinstead' of the fa vir of the Adrhiniratmn. t He and the veperale Senator from 1 the same Slate. (Mr. WffiteV.were the early . andvdevorcd, friendsjof General Jackson, and s they still desire to carry into practical effect the -principles which they, tviih-GeneralJaek- son, profess to he governed by 1 hey feel and kriow-4he imrmtient tlireaie is the country, 1 j in danger which the increased strenlh snd patronageiof office. They see and wej all see, that the. office-holders are 'abroad in the land For a description, of this, grpwingplialanx. and its powerful 1n rcntivei to anion, 1 will draw on high au- thnrttyj. A namber j of the Senate ( Mr. ; - - Yes, sir. debauch is the word ' apply it to the Government and hanks, tho' thle ISenator thnbghi the; People had!. been ifitha nrhi r,.i mUA ,4 ttjis. work of jdebauchV phjeh proved o Griind,;eeousffnd of General Jack- crnnno , uraA ttrh-tK .n.mlr. iHia s.nfet 8O0..1I1C BVUMlCe OI WHICH M3B pceil dnw was this KtHlit I An tfirtllarL rla oecasmned miieh of ihftlembarassment tirl- I an ofiice-hooWlineTferirig irt elections, it der which the country riow ltiors. lo gt ! "purred to me that he was thinking ol d m - r, a -Ji .iL -L iki p..i 1 his salarv. and is therefore, an unfit advi- jp. v u? ivi tj.Miiir lots in tut j v uv 4 . i'i : r- - ' ' ' ,r ATr 5n.ater!that which OCCU.. tO MlV riot a curse the try, lifts !ag4l I cvufce of which has-been afrea- 'Va, semploveld thirty-two davs, and piid for Jy g'ven in his own words, held this Ian- .ilheap! isservice Ithe siinv of '$310 1 1, bing-! gaSevwn m, 10 dovr? Ihf Am.. WickhrTa alijaiksor ut ten dollars a day fir a jobwhir)i his ! Adiniiiistratjy ; AV hen I see, (satoV pWtmned arich pW lie a hard -working laborer fijnds it difficult to get his dollar a day. ; But stili, Mi Ken dall belongs io the democratic: party,' and whilst he received his $10 a day for that iWnrlr hfk alsrl. roraivaH Ihn ronlr aniirv nl h s ofiicet i This appears to be an establish' have str.eni:thened raihefi than pairea its Grtindr no doobi often Recurred vi you iho '.ami. neriJ The niorition is a ..m, ...... r' j ik .. y Terv. natural one, and 1 think r ent e events abroad on sleereleas errands, that they 1. come backre tfecia to pocket their cir .11 ments.' ' 3i'-j.j$pejak,er, tle. Greeks : Romans briifv hieldrit to be a highly ucf. but exceed injglyj iditTicali, rnatter to h ; one's self.! Moderri hisioryi, and our o times, and new jforce to the truth cf 1 position I do noj ai all question the feet sincerity of Mr? Randolph when uttered the ;entSment; but great; as he 1 have been, and Silfijl as he professed 1 1 and no doubi, was inb9..rpoiiyes of I. man action! alter event -oved ihow Vr he knew of himself Lj, we soori f Mr. Randolph givingup hisjconstUucni leaving all theasted endearment of ; Mrict, for ja (prciin misMon tr Ih; ' wnlJrVso. far! f as (janyj pnblicjl adranjage r suited from I tf lie emphatically went r sleepless rraid' jind came bark re I fni to nocket his Emoluments ! Itn! this mission to !Knss!a jecrns to have I specially Yedicated by 4 theparty' to ' terms of six jihdj twelve rnplvtbs, for ll.;? vantage ofom of lthe ienlisted s.ofdi' deacribedClMjr Bt chinart. Ir this t. the cost of ih&l mission has been tnbrd i r tf increased laBrd it is hig .time, that t drain on theilicTreasuryjTor nn? stD nefit should Wcheckecl. t y Ji ' Mr Bond aaS:;J:waVfit;to.M''2i'J 1 many of tbe pjiitlcians r .'engaged in t! ? bate and strtf pBe titr to ivtiieb he hz ' lodad, h adrt been lao rpn. f ;i daj p ! by event whiebpon fof' A 'singular change of" posjj'' ' has;! cebelweco ' of th geoile ,n'iVin we tc trench resfibtiort was"W.lcuseoYa frjfnd of the t' Administration, Sir. Pjeee, M Ukoda I' took ground, not n inmt but iomewhii s: -ti that now avirj'd Mi praetistd by. the t! lpov, belong to the iiC IcsoaVf former, denied rbt.- Ve iras arinf ." member of this; Wjfbroend ;rfbrra f miner, , ri; r. , it' .'er. Mr, WktbfN - carry out the pronpi-v the co-opperaiwr; ihe party the re' ed usage of this 3?ilmintstratilLs ! The caio oji.tbe torney General; is already, mention-j tbe tiouse whilej read hat 'antf thefy ed The reports ifiomtbe Departments - linguiihetl friend of General Jacky snow-several! other cases, tnougn I win . wnen iceoanug- -mt? sni'jrvt . now onlt fM thnt rf ihi r!iimmiiionpr : bf l.-tnent Slid .reform on this flovr iLj:.' .Ai . . ' k .'I . ;' ' tlL-a- iiuiau nuairs. wno wis ior arvn e rnru Secretary ofl Warjaad furmj drew the salaries of' rate of S9,fJo 'Iff mimanm .llildl;A--';-:;-.-' :- .'fir