i I- s 1 :; S u -; ..ii;: r . i-Y ,, I " J- ., ; - .-: i ' v : - r-J - ' ' prefer doing so ia Ibe language; ; an tflf stratum if,"fe of jot on rff leads. Air; jBaehanao, of the'&uaie, W whom f baH teifc&WS1? m , .! -1 : .. . . r r - .1": l.j.ili.Ji.. H ..J tisspeecb, to wica l bae alMatly.attdea,auu i ha lie was assauttinff te itbirtoUAdramistra- lioa. ha . thus excUiiwd i Mtif t 'l cf pb wf has a ttroovtf av t rial mf tenancy v w eorfadtthe heart. i: Toe tu4 f"8 with its possession f ao the 'niajijj who, in buru blrflife. was pure and innocent, aod jlsVhas of ten been iraoi&rnifb . powerjnju, a monster. ifi ff LiS-h v.Jt.in lesson of HlUiftrtW further Ml11 cian as wll as fortte ..ChtKnJjfM: hap tiU.if .Tihe corrrinuriff iiifliieaee of rtrtn ihn humaoheatt.u M hn JIazael came io eonsalt ENAa wf,W)p ;Mterhe - King of SeriawaW. .ecT,ei illness, the prephel. Ho-ki WjffS ; p f finr lv. sairstUe Hfiits ofi .wwww nrM.-' tW,rfalduJ JMnfe IUHli, WMMU.JUB1 BJf A r tfaiiel k edPWtir. woHth'iny. ? rrt nruohei then reAitl hini the fc ju ib i jirf'' r"Vfftivrtii inc ilMf j rphed; i (i thyte Iti that ; ite j4h'iM iiuu snail or iviiik : uci ui ia,, rour Kfiimii me that i Tl hia man aftei arda becasuti Kliitir dror his iis te r . anl was i Uj 4 ! eC i M the bare reeilaJ of whwli wiuW -iaxe oasiiou-- How true, and alas! hoWale1(s this sa c red il loaf ra tiun to. those whMiM jits ose in eltsvatiny theinselea t poe! 1 j ' hi. ,i Eiisha had beenpfesent whe4otand 3I,c Dtiehananv wuh nthets, ?enael S-th'e ::ebaie which has baen rtferred tuaid jjyei.b the vtnnat'hetie tear of he-pruptly)j!f fail iUked, : JnVhy-weepeih myjord ?r oMMiodhae, tbpon astiiriished in bling thert lipid Wbatihfli Heo- will bo placed in power, not.iyip grea,iy inrrKse .the,.'atii.inV 'f all pibti? IpHndiiiiri Yu iwiliuse ihjofficssand pttpiaN o(;ih4 conn try f f nrivate and not fair intbk f WJi-i !Vuii;i ilf. '.ruta f.tri.p fur tavtiipR. : Yiiu ! will t en afire W! Kxccuiie,jKwer; YimiAl jdriyj the "right ta ea 1 fur reasons ona retROvanlruiilf utee.a aou a ts v yrar tlf remove iriure iliarji '1500 pr- as from office for' opjinia,: kelJli Vmu wlH' !efire aaJ carrunt fhe Put OUifo Peparlirtent, Uhifh von -now admit to b south). tatid fou.wiil hu ref ifrti any of ycori dignaitKl pi -.Inl th ther D-partoipnts; ? Vua Ml?:ahpoKtt '"'o ;jnbera i of Congress tp officfi iiijifon' jk TS than has-Jbeen 'dmie.in all t he pjst 6 tr of the iUjverninenC;' Your bill for thelsbiUf lort f of Jihe P nver and patro;tag over the Pre54jjf.vil. sleep tii sleep ot ueatn. xon.wiu .reiainii.tne pres Vtpie pi3t.of2ce," the armed Hrcejaritfi tihe appont fittor power in the: hands of thej;Pesuent, pod Urill Wot saflr them. to change jjosujiifn, and tike rot onrihe side of tbe' people. - Yit no(w cen . -wife a small aoDruDriatiun to narchase Isome sd- iitiunal furdituro for the president jtiouse, hut 'j' Will fdrniaht that hus -in i loiiiilani style 'jwiv' Daren J and hfr nutijanMnt wj.th; $e se- p6al-hanJ turntmte of hprejocessrt will cast noil and make fits emry into that edificej with one appropnaiion m uu lor aiieratiwnajot m. h J30 ana aapen iten uflcel th '.."jmiindi- and whether tiet'cwtMeiice has not eea beiae4 ahdtheir hopes disippoioted. . J;V Sr ,i'B4l.yc663; w)-v' i Ve bayejceifed fir-Moor frlendlba Jba- lift;someJtittijeri paraphrases off sop As a sort of introSnj&ono the wtple; e requftstsca tpjftTe the Sid - pltco 6 tH WUmvg V&U.r e may add, ly ihevayir afhey are fotu one of the mflstaiUinuished peosiri yirginia'- FOltTfmi-IONSOFTHEDAYis k' A; Lion, sprigln one day from jhis den, . tore the groood withrhi paws, .: fasbed ' Jiftaself c witb; his tail, audlfoated ifefiince' to i the foreit. At this momenta C5nat stong' 'him "od the: oose. j I I ne Juion sneeeq inajesncauy, anu ms p his hoe j)a w; a1aied aJ fuityas bluvy afthe tm passlye insect. r !o,- in "fne next womeut, v was buzzing in hisl eror titUifng;,hi$ ee i'Jids.j, The repeatedttempfs tlie Lipn to;crih him, were uiiafailmgr, arid itjienjrjj, He vrM djriven to seek refuse, ffomjlus Spall tj- jetieooy tin th3 ifatkaess of his' jearet .T -j rr:C: J: - v '"f The Uilit oiVejwtci,8 ambition is to actj well thpnii'Vif (i4 txuat leaving liothe Lions' of the Day all iheliiioorsi oHhit cnarscler. I ' -. '. l-j'.H J;"' 1 FUel icnlumacri-j v;" I 5 Fortios ac melmsj niagnas. pleruoqoe secat res. soifoil jihd !'fdti.ml- itH:Hotr he J his ense of the favor hat, been has inani seeaf.j ifesMl -f t';. 1 HB JIeAK AND TlfC DES. vAa old VVomah was takirizooney from a hive wben the, Bees; fleWouy and attacked her. While she andhp iBees; were f th-:, tyjUreahjji artd fyfi- ki Mr honey-puM jWhen khe was lohe, she took care to put the je.mainder of herlumey out f the BearV reach , whereojwn he; went to ibe h'tve; to iret somef aiuiet But! the irritated and startinjT Bees flew! out opm him, apd, tho he . A A Jt 1 .-. M . a X ft W I 1.' v , . t l- f f I out bis eyes. ! uftiing their bive, they flung Application. nets now ierisng' ine conseqaences. of b,ih; i m jjb- vr iu i .. j - ii 7ir; a.i I'iie: Dog intIie VVLtr,4 t A Dn fetiintb a well, and a man who took htaa ouM SVl is Wagers nuten for. nis pains ? incenf at the conduct vih unrrateful !cur,"he set riff own 002 oa atui, wnu worneuj una ie aean. 3fr5 Cfehelped Mr Calhoeout of the scrape of JS o Jifipp lida f jind ! now Mi C alpoo n denou nc MrjGlajli f Under the casiigaiion hehalatety been receiving at haiids of Clay land Wehslefl Ibal ftheontmohcalleil on Wsnnftfieil; I yill B'tainira.i!Ji as. snati: eiiabie Wj? pejiljiQ seethe workings . Pe 6lraU endeavor tn nnhtiak nnr'tinn fh jdcbaleon thiafbiil hereafter, develo ping, as it Ua$aft soiefsju2alar; change! of PiitQu Mr: Rhett, of S (furmerrjr. kpowrtiVas Libert B-itwf Ih Smith, the mtey McombromUini Slate, whose vjuice was for was,e veaafter. the pailic acisitnenroliaixcilhig conjT he tsibjt Mil FOR MR r r irnrrM (tf I' fTflVV DL A5D TH E Clt-VWE. The iWfolf cot a bone jn bis thttoatL tad ofiered a reward; luj&jty' one who would: ,iake it odti ra'Ie4pH&irtbed the t office wit bw-nip lung ami ciairaea ne rewara, -ljoj you, cuirai iite'aSifiiing ?' asked theiWplf,iwilh a casue.gnn.rii pi axe yja your 4 wtnas; y purse t li?s ti I f epen l of hat 1 n I drawytAtrMead ftoro my jawsf Air. uamoan snouia oe inanKjo mi fear- clear tdok decided I g;muud in favor the adnjiiustmun. deaoantfed hisi ate- allies rj smbbrirnnf ss rn ,tf fusing il .Pif rhim'tnt '"deattat'-d' Pfople! Woeid 4Je uptb dgaie:.ftSTfiltliaHd. eewhfinl theai. if ihey hthtoed thus 1 btid aiefy t frufirAt the purpose ef the admmistfa MonJ . 1 DeWngr' iheelivervl ah ill is sneech. Mr Catbbdn sit cear Mr. RbeiU atm.-ihe editotloC the Washington Chraoielet .we Tare, told;- as r-H nx thiswindy- tirade -of ihenew Adminisfratfo replied in jl : ! V- Wl UhM loiner .annronrialtor ut tor new II I ----- ir - - ' . -1 r ; . a 1 re i and tliis, loi, in ihe'jre'ry VeamwheH ydur pfihlio treasary wilt 'be bankrupt, w'ijt ih- i-aH;ise the expenses ot Ioret;n ittisstonm and 'jflr yoar Ministers'' to return, home, on. such 4tisf serviee as will show theif appointments tin ''.'PftWII mifIA tur Iitfli1i1ml trim inllmr .Ihirr wwF" P " lll'fl U f IflBS HlllLl. 11.11 t ' . - I -.- "II " "''.! "'W' nSHl and federal snprenticViillut. - f 1so tins ii-msft IfomtMHip the! pres pleading for Van Burn; wfcd 5i. inUVn nnU'n.nn-1 n I L,. 4! A Ann 1 V.U -.t. i b ' .1,1 ? " i.4 ! " " ' filv.y.1 ,iu iu auv .Us, ive canni iiieiti susneel . ' l.t I Ilk iVa'uVitllliiud ..f tl.n ... T I 1 , . . - ' i Mr Van Baren has found tho difference be tween piondeiingUhe rich hoards of the old bank of the Uniied biateswheii aied by the State Banks, and provolriglthetarVingaad muhjta dinous swarm oi the JSiate Bki themselves.' - ' !- -' It ". ' ' ::; FOR MR. VAX joUREN AND; JR. CAI The s:i efuero and uts Doof The jiiieperd ca;aht j his Dbg killing slieep, and was about to lahg him.; The House Dog plead hkrd for the btherayingjthat he ordy kjl ted a Shepp now aod then, but, j'said he, if you Kang him; the Vfles.j will. destroy the whole fljck.' t must run t hat rfsk said thejyiepherd. V A -iraijior.jvho has preyed on the ffoyt Sheep he was set to guardiaust ; not be sparedAnd; hark ye, Tray .' JPouj have the namejof an hdh-4 est dog noio ; but.yod nrast not forget that yoa ioveu million yourseir, until you were tjea to an old ram, who bute jyou half to death. Do you! propose togo snacks jwilh this; yijilaini sirrah I; Not another;Worid I 1 0r. I'll reeve ihO other end of the rope afiwut' yiiuf neck, j , . : : , , . - yJSjiplicatioiu ' ! . How Mr Galhoon got to be a State! Rights.' I -4,' , iau, no uksi bri'iviy 1 jl ajs uiucu ja , cen-ain, tliat, when old Jackson caught hiu Mangled in the inysieris if siillificaiian, he dealt with him, jh such a.syit asjtoheaie hidi no alternative but to renounce hit oy fprtncipltis of free construction when we hear him betrayed fiina and in? that he his not et-yott that the ad ministratiun, to wborri be has jdsttrendered sdeb timely aid 1 did jriqt, ai jtbe expense; of prudence, indulge thtuoJcl grudge by repulsinr his advances and debdonctng hii aptacy:.. VVhat;, right had he to tiipllatthat they, actingjo the character' which he, has alwavs imputed to them, cheated himia tli efd b,yt bafningle rea? purpose wlilcb ibeibfesseai te have had ,ir view ?r ". r?aiJ3pO--Ifl THIS. MJGC&- t ' The.p0g.l4v dowa n the Ox's mangei, and! when thepxcarrie toat he drove Jiina away, The Oktlew hackpatentU,,expeclinhe Dog to eaV as uc;h as he wanted, and leave the rest to him. Bui finding hedidfiot eat, be respect.' fully told ids busiries nd requested leave t t his dhineijth peace '"t the ' gret Stupid brute,) is iu ' surd as to f a tit to fat t ter than sojmany-old for. a Dog eat' fur.jt;:s;-yjur"' 'mine.jfab wIsV and leave "ie to u. stiaih of eloquerit denial, and scorching sarcasm. He denied that the Whigs were inJavjdr ti wnuiiuiumg irom me government tne necessary sappliesratbe contended j tor ihir right, nay, "i,m iueir quit. 10 seierm ne m-woai tons look al Tallraadge whilst He was speaking reminded me of the look which a rogne might be supposed to! cast on on of his old associates, who is giving evideuce against hiin in z court of jjustic;p. 4 ; - i The Northern ponservatiye;re all real ly Whigs, and will soon' became amalga mated withHhat party.f Theyijdo nt, in ihe North, draw (those hafr-hreadtli dis tinctions, for which the, poliii.cplsf Vir ginia tre sb eelelhraUd. v TheijCnserifa tites in Virginia will remain oirat inde pentJentfor a 1 1 nje. f So ra ej J o fi xh v rn1! w it I join the Whig ratks, hut most ifUhetn ko Mr, Ritchie; wiB refnra to iheir first love, Hhe party, and stick to 'if j uliUanother election comes on when they :Wl tinnht Jess be generally consigned to Uhatsohscu fity from w hich they enr should Itave einefged. ? '..': j '( 'i.i'- v-"r, ; JitThe Ma'disontaa.9 it is aid,iis only the organ of the Northern .Coiisetjfatives, not of those who hailfrora the South. These latter say- it Ts entirely toor ioSlnt ; f gainst th administration!. 5ln a late Mi, an ire r vott f wjll :havVseenvtha;Mr. RitclHeitgmaties shape - supplies f should be givenr The t neath hisjioltce. quotha ! i '. Fhqpladisoni- VVl.ir.1 i ,:n; .ilL.".L- 1? Urr i alt il ilia tkoar nff fnr 411. auuns f m ' ti my, jiyin ( Whigre willing to grant the Execntive all the 'tnonev it heeded: hut lhpv wpni fir a Ai. rttl tofuti and not a deceptive issue of Treasary Notesfcto conceal the trbe condition of the Treas ary from . he public eye. Inone-word the AV bigs do dot refuse to - raise! so pnlies but I hey object to the manner of ratng .tbem proposed ty the au ministration; llr4Menefee lhen ad- ifiriedjo persist coal. STVr1' y "-it- . - m vr'HUfiAJ I ft - usion to iMr KtiC:l --f uiv)i w bear poticytof tli Enquirer;!d0iss not suit the interest ht Air. Taltraadgetand his friemis. f:( '''4 Wt- ' The nation of South Corplina; with X its headman; Mr. Calhoun,! "ytm probably bind itself to the Executive, ntil 1 some j chance in revolution of the daj 1 r il in a diflerenf jt-1"" 5 - Jii"i: i""" lace when MrryH B term ex Xn rnnsfSt and aim jbf Mr. C a ia 1 Tan;-: same 1!;; had t!;:' She ; captain :, ulation, quadrr : vessel E.f Tl c 1 States v, : Inst. Sl ; r altL'Hlh YaZ H) c . while on i jeans Mi formerly was lnsta:, jured. j The tcr; Senators : viz: -Mi Webster c.r mont, Hut' ;of New Jt ; Ifick of M -i (thadge cf T 1 aS. - .- isen un ci Williams Trotter of ; see, ana .uv iservativci, 'pThe cekl followed i ... rnamea i the 3d of ' Ut. lAlll O IHil I i his return iu at, St. gq wnere no w: instant ;.; i'iBMSV;i' ners of Witr. On ih Sth , , ...cation wis (made to the thirst Judi islnct Cotftt ;ol New Orleans for the r number of negroes, whom thqir .r Florida had claimed and seiz .4itue of a writ cfsequelstratTon.- M were found among the jSeminoIes, .n fhey surrendered, and 'jvete regarded prisoners of warl" Undef- ihea 'rjcircam ances they were treated as members of !.i ' - a s hostile tribe, heard of to New Orleans, and ' by iaw stopped their march i"Vest. fOhe application ls.satd Their owners, their capture this to however, pursued help of the Far" td iive f But lL .j: them forii. iiVA , iikti hit i9it tri f.fl I ier ..'pawie? ex iendi tores'; in; u.c Kame-"ipatin i Vki.iilf 1 i', tiJLii, n;.A iiuu vi;,..i the sum total for the whwlei to al civil list I ii, m r;...niiinl).Arii,;,f d4kraina'rv .annronriations I'ol itbft Gbvetiimefitl I ;.. . f .e.fi; ts naV, 5 1. I ti3tt.tAy 'If e tfteasd Jriiro- ,'-- . y : f :. J ":M.V i '.5 r';.'. ilia to limo uxder y nirb'j!5ied rVif ntl yntii it! trn n -ST ATP. riffi If r 1 i r.u 2ri v L VA m , -tfa lfchirty inUhons prrirri y- ni lit if 4 tOI I'lMPI A V 4'iV.W.ajwqHbsiron:ihe right luKa,I)ep$iimeni'J . 1. 9 : . . & -. ' ilISiO EYED DjSR.' ' - !.-1 :- , .. .- ; r.! A Deer-th;Hh lst an eye, chose h(s feed, iftg ground on th borof a lake,', where be al wavsnrazed Willi hisiyirul .kttle tti the water. A b an lei ; look a boat J atid; gijiJiri MUiillyl along, aruiVi white 1 behind driver- rCJs'H fo-pur chase. otip.ii ran ine , ngbt jut a Jep3ilment 4t pr rn 1 V 'likeiies kl he. i ininyr t til ., but will de.ra i Verv;fbirn in all Otf Dparimeits with p traits iif .ajriii;:Van lilreiu You will, by mpahi (d"Hne !iii!ije hold theenfisteo sotdiersVf-ilaii yiiljiaye Just Hul thorn, ' bring ib pntiona!f tihe Gner- al ji iverrime'at into conflict With the ijfifiedom of '.ffctiiiris, and lyoi will resist ita bilijjihat; shall b ro;ht in to 3eMirfl th freedo ndhoSeelec. I Uo Yoo, 1,'R-iudotph, jwij gxiiijpon.iwhat' I yi'j'jMW cal a 'slewvelf-s erranill'ajnj after sai Iii.'iiX the rj4;upar.r of l i sia w il I n: !ff a pleas- . I.-" " - : ' -rt -p. . . an aufiuni' holder and enlisted fsoidiKr, go came cliose to hirntandhoihHtt. o'jlr censuring anj pocket he 4m.000 for P?? other. q.rart,el. i'l siding Ijwelvo-nionth anfcJ day V serticet H YtAi,io B ihalone pomt. ihe fedW Gove The tate-Rights party alBrmed jhe sover eigoiy of the 8iatosi contended for strict1 coo si root ions of ieflsrjil k coftstitutun ,;"and denied the conlitutionahty of the B a n k i h e 'Pa r iff, a n d -Ke system of fnWriat Improvement. When jne charter of the lJar; .was about to ex pi rey the Ktrasion dicw the attt-htion of that party exclu- I. Ikni .. .1 !. 1- t. C .' '! ...'I'' it - J - ciwc.jr iu iiaijiii Hiiuy lorgoi 80..100K iur aner with J them Government has i! iTitE SoMPTER Mule. A poor Mufe, heavrh 4 laden with bairffaweL was liiripinglajlohg in the rear of a reiintino- ije enemy Were pressipg" on from ajdejGf," you lazv broi bawled fiia 'doijt. yoQ sen iheienemr ? Push ahead to th vart, or ijiiey wilfceritainly cateh on " 'Arol what yrj!l tlmy ( o wuh m?f' asked the Mule 4 Wilt ) hey; j)ut two pairj of pannijers on my biick ;ti, j?oii sou of a Jackavs, answered tlH drivier tjht yiai feel. that ihero is no room I .r any 'tnoroiaiid rliat it another pound Were added yob finild be crushed to death? lSny, Hieii,' saiu ine ijuie, i u i.tKe n easy. " ' jl . - ; Application -ii ' Fof Cureen years pasi the S.mtli has bn an as3 of tUeitribe of Assaeia r, ivd do-.vip be- e?n two burthens.' Mr." V . B. -Who. he om.I to iuino tlYelijaiKl with whose sid Mbey were I iuunoviblylajsiiened 011, by the Forcel BiU,ts now r-. j tr'irgf put Te )he oMtb to iious .thoiJteirl j tbe Whigs ry from its at the admin-; as a rizht to . ...o.thm the manner in .....H that money ..oali tk raided. Of this, they cho"e -to judge for tliemsflvea aiid jKey wifj be grossly dere ict in self resjreeti as well as .in their doty to theirjc nstituents,;if they sh'Sald consent lo bfe ihe'mere passive iools of Executive dictation.! JThe independence of the .iV-grslauve charactef has Jbeen too long jlost. : It is i time Jt were re- asserted. I ; i-v-l I '' ';' " . . . ., I 1 jciiuiu'iuui an.- u.iy s serf icew 1 ou, 10 l .- , ' " - 7- ---7 5 , r thl4 gentWinan fro;n New York) Mr!Cambreqfede(i lmiTlng donthr sovreigray of be 'up- ahd adimur.' least they faili imder the p.twer of; Clav and I AVebsier. Bui he is -not : auues caindid n lite ! M ule driver, fie aliens grat simpathy witli ine poor, oeass, ana ouia try to persuade hlm that they wjli load'liim eiill more 'heavily, while ine animai leeis mai aoy anuuon to ti is tmr tbens ..woold idefeat their object bv desirovimr him. .i '- Mr. proved trnsutoe8sful, the court; having bvor- ruled the motion. main in the custody m 1 ' 1 a a I ne negroes win re of the ShenitJ Cinttl the queslioii of ownership is decided j f7ortrfa.-From who arrived from St and iq a vcr fatal disease. p'Charles V flton, Upf . treason on t1. - : .1 ( on 1.1 Correspondence of tfie J.y-icJi!urg' Virginian, WasiiiSgton, 20tH Mav, 1808! ' It: has appeared to me, for some time,. Ithat j a " gre.u erfor prevails in tlicmiifds )f many peopiei ui regard to the position. 4. l. : .. 1. . Ti 1 .1.'.. . : jwuicii 1 s i ih jj 1 1 1 1 uy nidi pany cuimuiui y ciWdCdnscryaiives. They constitute khat portion of the late Jaekison party, who, either frodi honesty, could hot support the jAdmruistratjoii in its war upon the curren cy, or else Had every reason; to believe that in adfprance to it wouli consign them to ilio shades of retirement. Few, if any. of the cam C.niservativea can lay claim to pny hinher motive than thai of self-inter- est. Nearly all of thm have been poi licwus by trade, and pave swalhiwcd too manyl the sri allow 1 .frrina with Ithey 1 ii an officpr iof jfbei army Augustine, in me rev enue cutter Campbell, Capt. Cost we T hear that Col. Harney had a sharp skirnish with 4j Sam Jones pn the 27th ult , about; 'iO miles below Key.Uiscayhe. Sam JeheSj tied. with, his followers, a large. proportion 'jof whom were women and ' ctjitdren'; ino;vJi.0'VTc! glades, before Gol i !I. could comdjup with him.. One 'squaw wasapapturedi from whom Col. i learned that Sam Jonts had made a juncuon witu ine qpanisn inuians ,pn ine rveys, ana uiajnia . pajiy const ke a foi pa, .J irkasukies and 27 1 Semmples, land that H 4 leek Hadjq, of Toskegee'a i; trjitoe vyrb had-been sent out to; bring in the Seminoles attached to Sam Jones' party.,ld be.en shot by Saoi Jones, which occasioned is serious difference between the Mlckasu!iejij and the1 Seirtinoles. Cot. II.! again siartcqj rtn I the SOlh with ten days provisions tn urpuit of Sam Jbiies, and had undej hts coaKnand one companyof "dragoons and'tfivelj compa nies gf artillery. (U 1 SI; . " :Tlu Steam Faie.TJie ; Alexandria Gazette says : We regret 10 hoar i that the United States Steam Frigate Fulton, now at ine a avy-yaw in av asnmgton, is J jhe Stales'; in riv.ttng the Tariff on the South lor.tr.'WilEonoofift a rntrt mr.iiiic'i ta veto nJ bltfwhicl vou now renort shd A,.vn ?y means the fbrqe biU ; in ruakin the Pres- ; FOR ; t I it- . J1IE JACK-nUAW A THE ,re.ieioz Llte nav ol m-aTOors. -ai a! irhean .f rj"" -.-" V" vnwejiyii .oi i:ib; ujiismuuonaiify fiU trvetsinr ths SBS3ion of 0on2res9i liVadj Mr. jifasy rnieriiaj-Irnprdvementrrabd. the J?resi Sl ireri9oi Wilt be raido Speaker f ibis House; abf '.apDiiintHf's commrtieesd.anil 'dpspeijBd its ybr pockt N lay -on iha table the bill which you rjotwreport to . ke the patronage of tho press frmb'tpej Govern iii'nt,and your report on Ekecutif patjrohaae. vth its six accornpahying bills pAmp)io'oIy. - i,niroouneo;, win prove to havebedrtir4 as sdun ' ding brass and tioklinji CTmbkis fWarilMr Van ; Bu:ren, w ho now as; a member oftljelconi mil tee oh j Etecaiiye patronage, repnrtA f,lj ! 'jttpmng, ! reasons tube assigned for removag in; fncoinbenl' fru)n office will be Imade Secretary k taiand in Alua finVPresident Jrt, frpnf ta! r6omeiui vud :tUm povrcr, you wikYorgetdij;; ft faf Ueni''Prociamati United Slates ! FOR MESSRS. I. "!' . 4l Tue Asa of the Constitution of tho ACKSOX, VAN BUREtf CALHOUN.! ply violate btref- hftrefnebyiifslprin iiJl$. i eu,alr .tcersonV lar iirnr of Uat committee. r mAp cpiix -uh-ii.'.. ? iNiry uthc. ad underiyou Aiiree aiv pj rrAsman t-wtJ be! 4i,iv there is Mr f yoo. on the fl ior f Ci.ijess," Ci niihf l tti tfit l.iiTv .ntL.A..i'i if .'''v. . wmv w. m .... I r viriirMj' . . .11 oaoui jr Tr . ' U!U Cf IV OH t n . tfAi.nl In .1 ilmiiiir. iW. n ! fr , ... .... wja. ii r:w n a sqp(r-j With. -jeuiv Oireccion, ths Saji ( mine Woodh the ' .4: . vision ine promise oi an fosiv nani im6Aw rurkhJU .-Kji'-nlrrnnt 1TrfsA'V." and a oip...,t s . . , : r- Vit-VJ,, "f . - 01 Slilll rpaifer s d eh r response td M 01 trraei whiiK I e oeen . Vour 'VImi niaif e i a CALHOUN". f ! Pigeons. 1 ! The Jack Daw: was hunorrand seein? that the Pigebnsre;'weli fed, ne flerrrnined' us garornti3str among -'jhn., Sohepamied his feainers io look like a "pigeon : hot they found hm out and djrpve'hina a vay.' Then he weql back to the Jack daws , bit they ; thonght him some stiangel aiid dangerois bird, and dew away. So hewas leffj alone, in solitude and disgrace. - if. :)0Jlpplfcai'm. iJVIr. Calhoa knows hest what made him so anxious to; get Uulo Spoils party. But he did try, and has teei repulsjed, and now his old friends find itiimpossible tp identify him, and are came capering aroqnd him, land faring up J afraid of 1iiinHe.is ijhuii left alone. Hesays it tu navv him inivrt fTay.t S..niAlo :.nJ Ah I hie IS OSfid 10 It S and. in One KPn.lP Kt h ic to the annoyance ioMthe" Dag, whom he took j e tiktisitqffoahe;ad by himself, and requires all care to tap silly ?n!ihqiside of the head- The others tofoypw hiiri ;'bot how he will like' t!u Master, enraged at thajfamilianty aqd the irju ry done to his fjvqritej struck the Ass with his cane, when the soHevh.iiti inmed hi hopii n. J lib? KliOKEN I GOVERNMENT i cn him, and wasdriven oif with some difficulty. The Ass next tried to mske4nterest with ihe fa vorile hjinself.and finding hi ttimel day gnawing " uHr,unBisuiucrfCKU lOTTllirU. :J 06 UW akp the Lap Do o.. The Ass was jealous! of his maslpr's fondness for his LapDog jiajnd wish'injr to rival hiftuen Aleavored to iihitatel his fawningJ ! So4 onef dav wnen me masterihlad the' Dar in his lap; the begarf the I i tile Jogijernaui ' on the jreMiry-question. Most of them, if caii.in ih'a the oftirtes which thev now ImiI,( arel litilo what political! doctrines they suppcrt. l'olitics is at; best. hut a same. Rives and his coadjutors some time since saw tBiat the course of their friends would drive them from power. Thev saw the intligriation- of the .people,! like the 'lit de cjoud, gathering, and -they early be gan to looK out, lor srjelter. ltis true niey were too proiw to comerout boldly at once. I hey liaye been mincing matters. ratid stealthily cteeping inVo the Whig ranks t'oor Air Hives nas committed a political sin, which -the Whigst-the trUe friends of iue vHisuiMiiou, never can anu never .will forgive. jHe has hothing in exTeclancv,but )0$ed hd wo ;! ', cohdeinucd : ; j The ship c f ; Inconstant a;. . Athol, with i': it Quebec o;. The charter New Jersey, to restilt is tint t! txjore than 1( lioco Foco tit! I ; The Albany of half a ail: ment of the 1! tiiaiy,vby Pn 36 for each 1 1 deeijiableaficr 1 to rtin. AIarge Cro Kyfand the cili.: tectihg and arrc o(, aBinall 'jgrcr-i r tipg fire to the t they 'were on t!. ; complice, ami tt put Jhe two to il. in ;efvenlton of j - Jddge GsbaUi f lawyer, died at I. , the Ulh inst. The Wheat crc , inVj 4ppearanc Daupiiiu, Cumb ; ', jfies .Pennsjlv; ty, we have he tr J , to prom fee q i;to .The rg5t Pi : wcrld is-m. an ore tmrn of Machuliit Tlie e1iforof tl, aavs : kWe itave ; a.nd saw the iu e lead -without followers is yet to be seen, -i ;THE,jBRkEN jdoVERNMENT. y fVoM ihe Lynchburg Virginian. : ; By the proceedings bf Congress, it will ickii lATtim i hn tii.Hi seen niai a vioiciit Btroffgie nas tateri accepted ihe. sejvjie, affa the Ariio' thelaste place LtVtlie jllbuse 4bf Repiesentatives, a$ oi msii went artist Inm-) hafrfi broken f the iwne with his slron? iAvs. nut down his muzzle to fondle theD'.gi But ihere : WasHti'o niainivw Vibe bme, and l ie Do? snantvd ati bii niKo. and told ihiih to b about his tfhsroess. Jlpplicatio'n. ' - : - t V - a rnmaiffprPfl a rnnxnlpt tntur 7a i'1 hi ic of Jtbe nauseous doses prescribed by ronfiTrnalort ef a statl'm "eat Juggernaut of their oartv, to be ..,., tja ' ' ,i ! c.ju .LL kv hii any credit, at t)ns tale day, for dif- whlrh iflr(M, thp rilrfn to &4ci.H failure. .W ire sincerely aorrvlfoH iti inasi1'? jn?A "Vr'r' much as the eircuinstance 4s hkelv to i im-"f .W?nSd frwril 1 pair ouonc connaence in steant vessel as a i means of coast and harbor defejrice : W lien, ii in fact, thee ought to be and need! be! no sucfi misgiving caeated in reference ko iheni. The Unfitness of ihe Fulton, liki thatf 6me,of the vesselsi.u'ilt for the. Ekpforing tiXpeaition, wouia appear to; leave iutji lit tle room for doubt as the absence , 6fT Chat j piachcal knowledne.in. the Nav.l)0part-' meo.t? whicb.is indispensable to the sOcqss ful modehng of vessels of . 'the Various grades. v.w m . i".;: " Qujrgr iThe ship Oconee, Son hei pas sage -from. Liverpool to St. Marks; Fldrtda,' wnen near tne Jjouoie- headed 2hoti ; Keys, tp the best means of keening the wheeMs of Government in motion the administra- tron party Wisliing to isgue Treasury Notes, )i has bold I jr gone over to the Whigs I or l!,e if1lHle purpose of deceiving -th ppot in ithe; least afraid of Bentonf In oeonie as io me true cnaracter oi tht sure, whle;heyaccusom the country to to build tin a party of : his own. He is was wantonly fired info on the 27tH ult. hy f fully sensible of this, arid herice- he' is now an armed 'vessel, which afterwards proved I anxiously see-king 16 conciliate the- Sub- 1 be the British brig of war Wncier.er Trasury -party, to enlist deserters from The ship, after being arrested ' ioj her their ranks, rather than to make converts cdnrse by the shots fired firona the brijg; was frora the o)d opposition. Hence' his cow-1 boarded by 'an.ofTicer from the latter, who. ering anu snpmisAion to uenion. . Uut he "V iuiuirira 10 me owrer,. car- has loft his caste jwith Hifi par -excellence go, destination, &c. No. reason waslas Dmocrats, and w'ril never again be taken signed! for. this outrageous proceeding on jhto fayorjb.tha'm'nor by theifenuinFEo the part of the British commandeij. , j Me hope that-our Government will order one of the .United States vessels at Pensacbla 16 the result of it, art .quaily ubvioas. iRMRilCALHHuN. T e lj e e a i w b t 11 c Vi w eV A.peSrpolued byhurCr8. bid hims in a 1 A M A k. I: . a . .1 3 V"'"1 fe inougni ine danger was )eo3n toj J)rouiw uoon! the ' !tkves2 friendly! She VfWf of its foliage " i i " : " r , j Alcaic ; new National Debt, let the people know it iyesiaes--f wnere opes uongress bud in the Constitution; anUgrant of power to issue Treasury N'Jes ? Ity wjiere, e fiber spe- cincauy or oy inierence tne thai quarter, with such instructions satisfy Her Majestya commander.that liber ties of this character are riot fo be taken, 'with imnunitv, with American vessel e 1 , . . as will c6Focos. ... it i. 1 ( '. ' i . .. ! lai madge has acted difTerently. He He is . imc; idsi airaiu 01 uenton. in tne dabateioniFridayvlupon the passage of the Treasury note bilh he vnteA TA wAKa.'a r- w mtww fti,wB- .Twaaia J 1 amendment, and tibfdlv lerlared tr. Itnn ced in , the pursuits of lawful commerce. :. I i -i , . ' r ...w.. 1 v - . 1 . I . Jr . ! it'. that itwas time id drop the use of his fa- ! 77ld Blockade off jUeic6m Jeafo VOrite Word tbamhoOzU? ThU bllpr htl frnm llw Me Orleans sha that Urmther been 1 distres passaga of the act4 for the distribution of theschr. ssex,-Capt Cottrell frocri Ntv ihe surplus revenue. Mr. T. admitted that York. She returned to? NeOrleansVoln ai esseu-ythis act; might have in part prod need it. but the 9ib The French bffirers. it its stated. conducted themselves with ' tho . courtesy Jiich characteristic of their nation. .Although in- the I tercepted off Ihe port m her desurtalKtn, ahe .11 'i, 1 ...'! ' -rLi.. j.iLLii Ll :..:.. ".i"L uiiuiy: oy met was loroia an cufflnunicdiiuu wtui uu H.,iTl4.it,i mUn.l iw" ,,W.U ;.. - I I .1 L I l.j i r Y.i if Lit ssigning, as the true cause of the American vessel has been ordered jpff' by ed: condition of the country, . the the blockading Squadron before Tampico--- i ney WZti&H .wnm f ndedost strongly thatl rwas main inn. v"Mui hii, uuih iu IIS IClier am rmr- I tho Hii f..l.....!.. .k. i i. . I r i -.IT ' "ff" n' w"T5-ren they; wtrei cbnelled to adote under X tJ.?' 'wl V"-fTluc ' ruianu,janu redeem. Mlhrtat oHIlb Tfcli. and .r-lm"! I. t ; . . ii hi l: v . i .. 1. . , . !f J T. - ' MIC s .Ur5Urt5 Ui- lUG ISStlPr flV. :it : I , i i. -. . l : "I . L- ii t.ir :u-r 1 : ji i-i h ,1 vr 'v !l i uu"h"l,a i iM"ci3 ii wuikiih mras carried snore, anu oioere-uon. aner in Der"paper pwpoji ,bn ,may be defeated, intoeff crby tbe Secretary of thTVeasurv. .I.ad been endorsed. V he-same iVe!to?er1 "v. i' rv ; j t & " wean ui . gruiyiiug oe- "t is meiea oui wimoui partiality io too yes- ial Debt and i tt ween these z tvn irenlfemenrl vl. i.fa ll 'nitlnnr 1 -TronA h.; cnaVd was jd.antci. perfecUy sound. Dsca'npan. r lecturing Vt "New and'the inauBtrd c ltanjtsr . ilVfiractiryVr MasV)ft iu his i hundred" dollars to planting of ornat:: 'and; the townap; r. , for ithefsame. pai; plan has been iccrri! streets have been li ; It ia astonishing U ' beab.tifuinode cf : as ornament of or.r not univ.ersajly adr ; rejoice to It. iticle that Di lJenj . master Niles, has i by the Legisiatute ( ; from the labours . , Of March. The J: will go into his 6u: d consciousnt identified himself couptry.Jt oriun:;i pquence,1 the De: . Mr Perry Smit'.), is ' to' entertain thc ro j : oratory worthy bfth ' and Rome- Pet. 1 Tl Connecticut. G Hv'en has been 1 1 the United Sutes. tu ter iilei,lwho 'fpe-i' and iw hose term cf -pirea u the 3d ( 1 gratified tfi,t CiMine I tially represented: v t .worthy tobe the sue; guished Statesman, telligence ind sounJ . is to be ra g ret u d i' once sels o. ed wil l such a c aR cations, A French Bri, -the grac :-;"; i ' - . v "'.-i V'Hj.rr ! Ivy! .;-: r tr I"! 4

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