:to I .TSMlini tfiAy Ceo h year. k 1. r-x 1 -. : . - :i . I. w will at one payment, ear a Two Doij- ,same I clasps slhatl rWkl alvfcnce the- sum r! shall "'cHntihobV fmMM yW&ntWl! t year f aFXKiii bercicd for i JflfW 1 f.r.Tt:i j:-.U.,W -tint OB! -U?VV t" : .1.- n Hir ih nil pases." ieF3 i nan l1 1'iri l- j ;artn 1 1 b iipri bat at the on- !!S O,.; 1. anres iro baia iFmlilf iVi Jih ttaitot most be port iEiititwili. bcrtainly :ftot be at- UUIM 'FiK-T:lJ-. ' jF-- .F F of fttiVMinnir iatr tmiOTt InT INC - Jlrnl. iitsri t iuu k Tmt'te Gents per kqudre jbr eackin- In -P .-rii'-fLi til Is'aUlml OV no ? nftnt lu, bliWllihe above ralel. A ideduction o Hiperjcehi) fYfmf ;ine-r refur:. prices win. oe WJt;igt advertise bv the year. . ; !"illA?ifctSen"t8 will be corifinueinntn order liMiBt':ihen:i iviicxe.; no direcliops urn 1 JUon ? Si -1 - i -1 ?3Wr Louoo in !sce Uentsv - a 10 a 70 aOO' it - -III f 1- v 1 C.t 'v. none 7 a 9 33 ai37 75 render 1bH(SCi paciOiKprl- , FAYETTE VI indy, etch- 18 3 a 90 enls,S 55 a; GO 25ai30 40 a 12 Mpiasses, Porjc, Suaf, br. n loaf, 48 a 20 ;Saifc:v;.;Si;C2i- ! Tflilow, 10 a 12 Tow-lineni 16 a 20 WhUt, (bushel) $1 rriUUNBIll&IJIUUHES:?oaW"Htkctfalr Iv cajl ihr BtitDfiun of-1 gentlemen j .f Jho Uar, to ithe fMloWii)2 Catatc-ffne of iKewfBooIiS, Thy haveir evjcr, hitheitu, had fl in tbeif power t offerJtu iij ;pjubtic o comp!etea LV LI BHA-RY a iheyi hare at present aU of which ihey uffer at ery moderate advance bn Pub lishers priced ; viz: ; , '; '.! " - ij ir: - f ! Ai'? & U ,rnH on Corporation, Ametaran Jol isr, A tfwniW s" If uirs, Archbold's and Cljlistiaii RIa litoi.r -i tUfii's Ileporte; Mroerieao Plea-, der! i Assiski nth Aneieni Charters ; A'iibold'p Colleotiunsk Aihon's Nisi -Piiu? j Atdfcbiild's PraciieeJ'A r bjbild Crimlnil I'feadio ; An-ih-tn'Sf ilJIafe ;stie ; Abbolt en J 3hippiRrf nev Ed i t in Aq roai on; Ejectmen t ; A aiericao C han ery Digest Araerican ConsiitiiHonsjAiijell od JJniitau&n. ArchbuldV Civi! Pleading; n?ell onWatpr .(lc Boganqoet and PulMnfs Kef portsf BaVkh ' Sheriff; Bayley's'Digetedlrndexl Byle pni Bil: ; Bradby un Distresses; BiJ-elow'jg Pife8t;rot iebrojuhs Virginia" Jlepoft; Burf Umaqne onNatidnai and Political LawyBunbiir Ty's lteport; Byley on BilU; Barton j Equity) Blake's jChai reefy ; do. PracticeiBacon'sAitidg rncntj Balleji ine's : Limitations; Bnck': tlica) Jirispftidene ';lfjearn Pleas in Kqoityjj Beam"! Nb Exeat;, iecariajon Criibe . Binghlrh 09 Infancy ; c 0 a ll's Bports Cooptt's Equity Pleader ; C'c kels, ' 'InslitiUf S; fcoke on; f pttf4 torVj Cake's trortFiCif)disfl Rppbnslof Sof -preme t otirjl Untied jStaresI; Condensed Erijj.' lish Chiincejr j Heports CalverVKqniiyi; Coke'f Dkest 3. CaitiesPraccal Forms ; Cases ill Cfaaiicerj; qraTichP IleponsJ Oainvs lfictrre if on i UiViA CMistitaiional , Kefmrf sjf buat( Carolina ;(4royri pn uonJiaeis uanasi lie poitsDviiihnal I orms Dornford and Et'BrUf iDifff'st of New York BeWis Eilgliih Coipmurj Law Bejort?f; Esif8!HiNmj La vens ori PJeadinP: Espinaspe's ReDorts: aCnl fish Ecclesiastical llenoris: tTdwards oni -Lqtiy Diajugbfsman; teafye on Jierhairdrs Ffjitdanq'ite on :Eji)ity; - Francis' Makirqa hi Eniiiiri' Fe! : LoniH iiuaranteef Fell's Treatise Cr(f slew's fcqu)i' ; Evidence; Graham on Newj Tr Ufa; Gowj on Parfnershinj GGoIdVPjeadW&f Hfiiris and I Ic'Henr y's Report?; HamrnonV Niif Prius; parrls' Modern Entries; Hfffi'sLtj of Libel; Hqlert's Reports;.' Huffman's Goujse! of.jlieal. Sitjdyj Hoffinan$ Legal Qulljnesji Harden Rebprts; lnser8olI's;Abricr2etnnt,iiR Whi !' Cualurn, ; 2Q a SO 11 tte:ant:'-'r5:a-80 J 1r -' $fa'T;50 '&&rst ' ' '-'- 40 k(''.r';51i(i ::0-::v.i'; .;r-! ' I :..---" r -v. -.1. 1-.. . -1 .- 4 1 "I ! ' ; .: - .sr. '1 Mlt ; lifprx- - -: v 3 tJ tw:(i r( M topb H FwhcrsUv!40 icy, 4D - a do Wodl, clean) .40 LE. - ' .p" Molasses', j S3 a 40 Natl , cut, , 75 Sunar btbwni 7 a ill Lump,. I Iti Loaf,.: a 20 Salj; .. ;;r70a75. Hack, .;. :,: -v: j $3 liaccoleaf 3 a 4 Coilon haj. 16 ti 25 Bali rope,. 8a 134 Wlleatnew 1 a.l 10 40 a 45 20 a 25 Whiskey! CIIERAW i C; al 7 Nails acut assor. 7i m 9 .4ja;t5l.M wrought 10 a 18 13 a 20 Oats bushel 'A 40 a 50 2fJ a22tOit gHl ; 75 a l Ib JOkliU! ilinsped 110 a 125 ft f 6 Pork iOOIhs Ca 8 7 a SKKice lOOlbs 4 It a 5 A . .... gjaiiam on insolvency; Jotmson's L1ianc,eryUe- ports; Jhns6p,s Reports; Johnson's Cast f; Jatk Fon.on Real Action i Jaeob'sReiKiiis; Jors on! Bailmeiit ; Jftbub! 4 Walker's Reporu i Ktntfs Commentaries; Livertnore on Ajrejicy ; land lord and '1 enfaint:; by Corny n ; Lawi Miscellanies oy rac!ienncgeV!L.aw 01 tniaucy By lin!Uam; i lillysEntrils; Dong on Sales j Laws ofPlad 1 mj:, jjBwyn j Mu,uc .uy utiiiiy, Juoniapuq on Partnership? Meifvais Reports ; Maol 4 $1 vyy n's Re'porlts; jtjtontefiore's CompendiumHiat thew's 'Presumptive Kvidence; Miliiary 'Law, Metca!f'8 Digest; SHohtagueon Lienj Meriv.al's Chancery iieportsi Montefiure's Mercantile I Jaw; Martin on H.xecijtorf; Manning's Dijrst: Mad- ; Noli oock's inanceryMoniacroe on net Uti: iNofris PoifAr V.irV itflCM in Prrdr- Hliei, fL.n der.ee:; 'Pnniyjlinla.Swt J'rbla on Abstracts fot JTHleirReeTe on Descetiis, SeconCircuti; ftbssejlvbh fcrme Rllsjke ports, Roscce'onlEvIp'f ftee,1 ltaIeJonCoottiH iuons o,a uaieci Ainer. iu a ! Ilii llja 45 10 a Vr 5a. 80,Sugar lb 1 10a l2i a.7jaJLsaK S3 a 3 25, it 45 bush 87i aSI 121 I , Kliolish i Id "re . - r 12 a 14 L,oU uerman 12 a l j2Teaiirjpe. 125 a 137 Entertainment. mm A$ "FOSTER i MS; his ftindsand te public, that he n f Pfmcoun y , lth tbeiie w of keepiOg l !BiaSS Dart if tlii t-J T'l'U i. 3?i " If 'If " 10 ff Rdt" satisfaction t . ; iv ti !. mjis i su n snail 0 ba is ffliVTJ1'' w,,n x best the coun ter 4'h he choicest Vdui fi l$ hre ctefsive and safe, ffi W h good ovjader, and atten iJ first rateilnvir' I ; i ts ; -1 Wfirst::ratelioareWi: . "MJe,Frb 3.1dSS iHq nna vitUkable II ork. gsprjbers hare lict lnnMrl,.i 4 new CfMirttf. Shpr- 0lftaUa ard fiber Officerstq ; Staffs StorytyCtJmmeo offaM s; glory's. Commpnuri4s oVilje Cor$:itntion'fa r kiS'a Reports;! Sej jor's; Pra-tice Jiay ! Polii leaf Emnomy ; ppijnieat,s Cotistiiutlonai Lap ; Scboale & LeirovFs Rpiwfls: Saunders Reirfrts: Story's Cemrptntriejs on B3l:Qen3;;ampM orf Common La;:Sugbenon VJivei ; jSuden oil venders; Starve, on slander ; Siarkielop Jivr dcnce;'TomliM8 Law DjctioVikry:' TFtim's Inr Uex; "J anntonfT$ Reports ; 1 omlin's Speech ifi Mi $Ionc!.m:: This same paper iookjocpasiori otJ!qnV jsmce, to quote froni some rtraarka jhjch 1 lad thq honor lo make jfcLtbiaf Jlposel aCiM ntlft 9tf iiaifpta hnrt- -f' tVhwJ M ir r s t'hf groFs ca I u m ny Jieaped Jbj thtQQhbf. the iajorty;6f the,. Senate,;? bot ;ashrtjtjre since most be familiar-to latLflj IiHi.; ooff pffen d so far as to read Itrfoise ; sfahdelrs to' the House. . The official! Qjrgan tjypttsj -ppr-eool abuse of.the ; Senators,; and repeated alumny . of tibeb0dy,'diil' mordthn Jire the intimation alluded tpJ l!)id jnot the ninfiA ctt rf tho SnatA tht ii its irtiiTmit;' m Mmnaired'r--' Us' character rave consideration gone5 that Its justice j Was doubted,' an5 its power to barinf My its most matked censure contemned end de-ded-?? ; Ye?r jsir, this wnsl tfis 11angkiaWe held bV the Prpsideniy ptBcial prfssl to wards the Amican!nate:ai :ot 'tiat same, press nbw has the tfirojnteryj tjo j ilejiy that itevt r intimated that tlio Snatetiwas a useless body. 5 F H Buti M r Spealcer, in ptirsti Ttdual slanders of the Globe, a brief sbacd of time wa M htm rounds of the court sdcietyatti Washington, jrjtfr Blair tia iM GnTierntnenti patrphagv ho wiHt dolall trfis aadpp man (would be justified in ijalludipg jo or5orjimet$g:i:ilt is4 bigii prertv gative of every freeman to do vith his otf n as bepleaes. j But( l r Srreakr, thf f sud den changeln he fortunes bf ir BIair cofe sed a little frorri thy promise fipff'j thf indt-- I nave oigrr- . toJshjttwilija !lic,Govei nment press ; Va!sj j a wholesale 8l'derusities,ahd'.'''tbiofrs its fploisohfed shafts at masses of men yes. sir, at I the great body of the People themselves. - li beg leavernoW to, fid that -part of the if article from th Government prets jrhich -be(bj'e aijiidfd to. announemo the result of the Se riatonal eecJioh tlien fejcently i hl4 in Ooio. ; Referring j to thci jchstriet btHi"! have the honor to represent in this' body, the President's official ortflri slavs i if , !l! I Thn hank -helif immrns nnwor fin hts rriy district; and exerted; its money er in liuepce in aid rof.the Federal E party, ! tv neb iias strhriger hold'in that quter;tharihi;a--nyi pirt. of OhioJ ' it ; succeeded by a srpail b jorily in" electl ng 31 r Bond the collt'ctpr of Sts.bonds there. Ha may. be looked .up on as the feprcsentative ot reprieved debt' .After the vile slanders whidh ithe ii Gov-' ernmeni jvegs nao wantonly ijieapea upon many oi tiie most eminent an i justly ois tingui?he puhfic men vl thei country, Bond said an humble indivifital fike self should not complain. honoied that Mr hi.ri- rathrr feel or himself, person aUy, he wulcp.say nehiii;!; but for - his ..district his constituents--for but lie was 'thus i noticed.? the People, iho hail honored hiuij with trait, ofi phui Ac man, are n their con fid en rp, nnl made ' him their, rep resentative here, he had mucn lo pay jlle coiild not, perhaps, express ail the j'fst! iiir dignajton that he felt. My constituents, sir,! (said Mr Bond ) in every ratter whwh can Justly, enno not second to those of any member in this 1 1 vMjpij ii lit? a uiriLi, iuu I iit-ia vi riglil'arrn.Ujiey have been the lniUfeis of llitiir ovh fortunes. In every sens.they art? virtuousi.inteHigeiat? and irldf!ppndent free4 meti y-Jio know their T?g!iUr, nnd, know jr.g, dare maintain them.'-' They lovcMhcir tirtintrv, nnd revrre its Qoiisiitutioh't but thej "have never yet 1 bo oi tho knee to Baal;1 and because they Will''! hot, the edit!' or Of this vile press bloated and swollen! with Government: pntronajjJ,! sti matiz'-f them reprieved (febtors ' Air Speakri should this hired j scribble Fraiiclis Pi Blair, ever. ehture into that district, ! do not belifeve (hat the People, ,Whom he! has thus Kasedy slandered, would consent 16 de file their hands by touching him ; but, they would cast upon him alscoinful S uitlierine joofc of honest and just indignation, vyhich , would gjye'to his vis.igo a more, cadaverous j t.' ; i.'-L li.--. . if : uifui it even now nas. tsui -WOO is this man who thus impudently airavs lhim-1 rx,rts; WheatVds.iimaros on KkM W . 1 I r V'r !f 1 iors; wentwoirin on executors; Yrlverhm He- f ; t" w. .v ( v, IHirtsv i aylor'siRpvisa!; Hawks Reports of S Ji0?wucn ne is every oay - reviling, j Ua Carolina; Dev'iereuk Reports; D vticax arid Bi W ?ntlenie rrVqiiire proof ? The files dfrthis! . i -k . ... . ... ' liesitepoits; Maks Uigesi; Laws of IVoritf Carolina; Revised f Statutes of North "Carolina; Revised Statujts of Massach.iHeits, Man of Bo sinss, Form Bok; JefTerennis ;lanial; Laiv 4k brary; Clerks Alssistant; Ve!thakcfPutiiicaf E Hvholc, sir, fthink bisjease most stroosly 1 iuatrates thebecessiiyjof pasjoftheesolu ti$n now underj cpnsideraiidiQ;and- lit posli blermakinga!t6taj seiarati(lnjf the ! newls paper press from theitoyejrhrnrjf. : f" At alf events if thishalbi fbuhd irp practicable, jvejea li least Hcstroy the Jpfct system of exclusive fiyoritisni, by inviting Competition; and giving -the jcopract 't: te J. S;8QG50fi r- lowest bidderp'j ostncl reprjnipg reptrt bf ctce! "f 1 SirlS of f cleric! anl .Se.JeO" j : -re nort on ExeculiVa ati-rtnsrro t . I l - . J. J .hv fwiy r F-to" Js,,a have inleryened since the'sessioalQf Con- gress vast-deferred toel report sleens ub' i'ee'dji.ijB-ihie'a Bentoa! the way oif Itbe tivjer; whicli has ipiven1 him uptrafds ofj 64.000 more than Mr. Barton felt authorized to charge uhder rthe1 statne : e: t-vlt:, i k . "i j 4frh7Vec pf i-hefcomraitteQ' re ported thatjlhe privilege of newsnapers -"to the. members ouglt ,lo jbeLatTTgliediand: th st the practice loo ofien indulced in; by the House f. voting to themselves copies .of bopks teht to r be discontinued:, vThe pnynege an)4 praciicexominue, ana witnout con li n gent e x p enseaof reported ' to extravgabw Durltithfiiyej.r IS29, thijast of-MAd- am'slmlhisirat.hn, they j;amoontedto rrfrinf 1 UIMf . J Precept The Uiis'IIpuseL were w the gentleman from fiRTew ; York r0ani- ,ureicmg aod nis Iriend 6le to believe would -'be retreochrneht resolultbn the famous report already mentioned were under consideration;' the friends of the then Administration dented the existence p any abuse, but invited investigation, and the re solutions passed almost unanimously. I Wovrj however when thieformers are in power,-) uuu an invesugauori as proposeo, ;ney , ad mit th e, exi stence of tie ei i far rcfcri etj to t rr tije'. resolutipna.ul: . eisif tbf ''hquiribe cluse, a& they allege,! tb!e ahuse canhtt be corrected !-; J- . I" rgillijj- J J The gent emarififonj ; New lampshirlj (Mr Cushman) may deem this impractica ble. I do riot, f td!d;rejr!lolh3vt-thV example of the gallanj Col ! Miller,' (of the gentleman's own State,) who,iwhen order ed on a perilous service oh the Njagara frjantier, during the war of 1812, did ' not say it was impracticable, b ut said 4l'il '.try , sir, to the commanding Geheral . Ife Id id trbt and he I sncceejied. J Thet! 'acbievraent DurHige . . y ee 1 836, , the. njjjt only rendered essenfjal iiScr.yiee jajha(t crisis, but honored jbfs ciuhtrv's iirmantl elevated his own fame f -ihu -F ::t-;':l:: In the attempt which the! resolution: un der consideration pi opose$J 4 ino danger ajiyaits us;iit a gret civjd tnujriph may! be omainea py u,- j inriie incgeaiiemamtrom NiewHampshire to; adopt the;! words of his satlant statesman, ard, instead o(Vjhikin. it f impratticahle? Ictihim fsar i P,ir try . Btit, sir, we have been greatly ; disappotn- ga'rdert tho public prirjiinr. and the Execu4 te paltrohgft oft the press j And, to est'ab'f Hsh this, ! will stnle ibrii flv a few terms contrasting Xhe pfecfpi wilib the practice hi ; me rfiormers. liiuttiing toe example iou no I in! the report allutitii tb. l may be best un4 - - if 111. ' i ! :i arsiooa oy a oivision? oi mo suoici inio a t; vy prominent rieads am : 5W i i r 9 Index ; Tnoiafs'JJoke ; -Trial of Jdge Pf k Toiler's Law(if Lxecutors;, Tiyioghastls Hal- lhtine; VatJelji'siXaw .of -'NatiW; Verrtrftj's I Chancery-RefoortsV y esey s fjnpl e meti t by ll&v ennon; y eseyMJ un'.ar Iieports; V'esey fsr lJeaqie Warren's Laj btndirs; WalkerS introdoctlon, to Amriean jLawj; Wilcox oh CorporaUois; Wheaton's InfernaiionHl xLawr WheatonV'Re- of on that report. J shall now exhnus Jy opened it ' at this time loan syst tn, to be fol last VeaFoi the Jiicksou feforht Admlnts- And year tread ustriouspredeces A2 10.000 !. 'Hhis way QpwhrkingJ in the footsteps of jhis i I sor, tuese esuenses are! must be the. 'magician's ini the,rpIe ,of reduction -it. was 4 certainly - Preceptir-!Phf . com rn iit!eerr plT ghjeh :I again- rcpejat, thei gehlfemanV'tr.aiNew York (ilr?OAMBRrjLExor) was a 'member, reported that they had obtained information by! which they were satisfied that by a ju dicions sysjtem of refor,nstituted by the Executrve jpffieers themselves, at least pnet third iif the thehj present nurhberof cirKswiiBe oepariments uugni oe-reuucea witb safety to the public interests.' Practice The . hummer of clerics has not been reduced in "any one ofthe de partments, but on this contrary, there "has been a considerable increase. I willprove it. i l lie-jate-; Department, in the year 18.23, included the ratept" Office, and the wiiole number of clerkylWas sixteeiri : the salary and compensation of the Secretary; and an ins cierks ano messengers,, amount ed to 827,750, -fU:- ' s V The whole mimheTII clerks . now em ployed iutbe State Department- and the Patent Office is fort v. 1 1 The ioint sala ries and compertsatioh amount1 to 50,- ' i hei PatientOfficeJ in 1829, was man aged by a Superintenklenlk wiih a salary of tYd in the failure; of this promised refbrui in j SlpOlinU two elerksi and a messenger, man'v oihrr rrsiiirts hesinVs tlnit whiph rUT ivliose foint compenstion'was $3,700. It is now unuer tne cnarge 01 one oi tne ite formers ; the title oftooperintendent is the exchange for thatjof Commtssioner ;' arid with the change of titles conies the change of sjalary from 61,500 to $3,00u! The number of .clerks is increased from 2 to 21, and the cbrnpepsation from $1,800 I Butjihitlie lanuagf uvvv$. ana not.cpntent wiur one meg-, ffar frorli i thinkina senger, and his old salary of $10,0, they provide a salary of 55810 lor j messenger, pensation is: ',59,225 In 1823, the iay master Ger.fr:! c eel 3 clerks whose united compear: , 3?goo:.u u k -Fr , j - ' la 1838, the f alary of the sae i ! of clerks is 4,290, Resides the kz:::: Jarj';;?!fi:l.,i',--t'- . 1 l23,l!bdre been unstlo la C any allowance for clerks lu the terjMeneraii !,!t,-;-i; ;F --4 ' ' io 1838, fhM officer employs in t'.: fice at W ashington .jy. clerks yhOi 2 ? compensati on ia j$7.300. j : - "j Th:: 1 828, ftwej IJrtl nance: o(B ce c ir. ; threelerks Jwioseoiuaalary ras -1 i J T: F I uuisars. 1 1 I In 1838, tiie Oidnance office cbr! erks, besides a messeuier, ivnd ' aggregate! cipranenisation is 0,223 . i r8..;':.;:i-vj,FF;;:!n4i.. ' j Iri 1828, :thfe Subsistence ;I)cp:.rt ejtnpIoyed4 clerks,; whose jpiut cp:nf tlon ws2ao. iF Jin 1838, ; thn Subsistence ;D4cp:ri employs 4 fourjcleik?, and j a! njk-?cr whose -joiotilclpensatioa is D!S3 tar.-- F:T-4,;:j i -1 j.F -:-F, Ml.. . .'I In 1828, the Surjpeon General v. r loweda clerk, bit $IU 50 per year.! ' Iri 1838,'ttiV urge;oni Central is!:nl!n-, a rlrk, at l.liGO and a racssenscr, pjln.is.28, the 'ju?i:ncss of i Indian r: was discharges iat tl e war ITeparlr:u i, someone orji 3f the 17 clerks which! ; mentioned, i " F,; y ;;'F -:j ' lu;l838, tlh Indian business apprcr constitute a jgrapd divisipn.FVe;iiNov 1 of! the Indian Department, : with a c missioner, whose salary is $3,000, a k ! clerk, at $l,6O0aridj 1 1 clerkslhd .2 a. sengers, the joint -compensation, and r F ries oeing iiv4uu. , I 1828, there wasone Superinler.u:.,'. whej Avas paid C;1,S agents, 4 sub-a"enti : Indian Affairs, year, 21 Indian 39- inrprelew. j In 1838, we of (Indian Affairs, with salaries of each peryearlt 11 with salaries f frSO commissioners ana are naid from 5 to i ; . i.:- four siiperjnt:n , Indian sob-rw dollars j per-yenr special I agents, davi rtnd t I lllfl tllliHil'I'l I clisll tlill'U llpretend to hothinfrWori and then gave him an assistant, to whom . ii 1 1 1 ; i -t !Tiine- J r. ,' . tt Ia the foundation of 4 lfwcd up and completed hereafter' by, the people. Fj J j The pro!onged e$sion3 jof Congress formed a comsptcuous chapter in the botl of reform. The: cothmattee denounced 'thd . V ' i . L T.. 1 u?H!e as one of tending Jibe natio lib nips l serious ev a jegjslalohU)jj' the ils at is also paidil5pl5!per rnonlhr The5 Secretary of die Pre reasurv. the year 1828, employed 8 clerks and a-mes- senders. and the messengers, amount compensa- His salarv. tioii of the clerks, and eJ S 18,000. Theipresnt Secretary of that Peparl- conomy; Wayja'nds Political Eonoroyrt -Raleigh, Apilil 2, l838 'j i:rl"J 1 - vurcj ?MVJ'j.?V IlikC?? fraiietv- T.: Firm'. ami PIm.. aor Atiormes at iiU.i' -,;'4'" . I i-.-- .--i -F" . f iVUD.IU I n A Mmm. I . I I ITh.V. VL '.Cfc vJa 4i te lajuaQiB nine v oiks. JLuP P,r Vf"M-W !r thd .UKK-ers abovi j W! iH2hi.r..:Fl 1.1:-. t UL tJ: "Wbr!ibersiiibw f)f, w hele' iS1 adjoorc. u n , rrociamaitons m c) the tnde of araiffninir rs Jt canii&t tlases. i! rinniit ft:r f,UU 7- - v-HBsiauies, yc. Willi iSrocess rbbk used by eachk 5st itJifm? t Mtnportait inst'romcnu' ot SllS-T NMerih. which arentit Tow the coil nf1111 Va"a1ie .was-aen irom luc opuy ui try mende hers, durino the first session thf 4ach Don4 ls ; audwo.messengersr A similar result ! will be fuundi in former e i reas- ury Department Buf, by way; of introdu- ,Lu i'w rw I Ar!..iUl fnent!hasyetbeen iiiLinirci, iw nuiiLifj: (lie wif, M :iMCiuvvl?)j . .. , . i' Ji f ..1 l , did himself actuallkiisl andUoie aVImstl redaciuglhey have, increased the measiure. Ka rf.,f' olWo,t lt, Or.io r. tt,r. Ul-. 'tf place fiorn the yaribus,and arbjtrary: manner in whicli rnembersjcslimated their mileage.1 This abuse1 was smtained !tpi have been lt at a HfTiT.f1 w- oetauxioUs to mm. mm : IStfl examined, to IWGIWS. 1 ' : -L -. ' t JOI1X: C. PALMER LiL very fine laoTtmerit of the abitve iartiells 4 un eutirely riftw fashion a ItTjje ssorhjrrR!tf soperW Razori jainl Knives. Hi'can satfly say, thit hisassorjujint is superior U any in the' wts tertv part of thpState. Call and seeF ) ' "v ,B. Watchesan4!e1cksrtpaired as usbaf and warranted ifor twelve months i. s I Fbahsbury Nbvertrr 4. 1837A-6ttf practised by.t anv! restraint.) le ri formers themselves ; and they J)3ve continued the practice without r wine 4 pressure ef the limes we shaft ihereafier stjll at t b ' folloning.price'l'" Common bar IrIuh $c'Sco!!up at1 5i ctsperlp ntlenierreqoire proof ! House furnish it. A o;?ner reported or fil JedJy one ofthe committees. jff. this iiousef jshpvvs that this same Francis p Blair, who jwas brought hero froni FrnfWri t in1 i thci SState of Kentiicky,! owed tli4.Barik of the! jUv6tate the Isnm fSp.ifi 36.: i- t y ftme iliat only part of this sum was Ills own debt ijftverthcless on hisFownF account,' Jand '.as.secbfity lr otheis, hci! was debtorr to that bank, onf the; 30th day if ovf mhifj jl830, ftir the vvhoie amount V of fthe um! I u.-r:. ... j t-vij 1 f viiit.u 1 uioe mtnimiipu. tJta no- pay; ll, r No, sir Does he !yet hwe it ?.f !Sfol !?ir.! illow was be discharged ?t lie compromis ed, if the terms on) which he was trejeased' jarp justly entitled to be called a j comprO- Imise. What wero those terrrb ?1 Why hel M' a iderkVlee bill, :amouhtihjtFtcr i S37 42, and a note on a gentleman by the name: which he gave up to the bank! and was re leased Oora $20,744 36 ! j Now sir, 1 tfcihitrapcis P Bjair may justly Pencilled ' reprievedebtprf'' '",;" A :F H' H; $ 'F ouuu a &tuii'uieni proves? 1 pat oialf was luauivciu 91 tne, ciose joi me svear i Joyv iniijnapifepcj was occasioned ;' biisfbrtue., bejshould be "?pitjyedratheri ipan, condemned UiaVaccbunt, f Of the ! lonij charged $939 BOt whilst ! tr Benton mcumstarescfiiis laifurenajn gnbrahtJ charged ,344! .'eiflMr. BaiUy.. charged reierto Ps msojteocy lorwbat I; esteem f, his mileage MUhe great mail toute, pier J ! reformers, w ho made; proclamation from th fcenate iamber;f employs -nueen ejprks ; atidjtwo.messengersF Ilii - salary, reks. be re'duceW to tWoSddllars hef dav! a"9 thrir cqmpensatioii ampurit 10 froin and after thd first Klonday ;ih Aprilif r100 1 A f'"1'1" rc8fU ft1! fuf Congress shdiild it beybpd Hint time. This r0" lh pre.sehta kviljr fhe wai the prccep how r the practice. iThe! state of' several sid,disihnof the sessions of Congress,' so far ffrom being' shortened, have besn prolong(jlj ilpO: rrae4 dy pplied, and th4 People of liie country! ougnt to koo w inai me gentleman irom cing economy 4" despatch: in the Treasury Department, the committee "proposed to siniplily tlib forms of business; and lo re- New York. (Mr Canibreleng,! so early as "5rga",ze- snooruinaiej rancpes, March I836,lwherah alteiru)i dispense with onefourth, if not one- ca'rly tntc. effecftrl remedy 'prated' id thoi hif f ffiV K:,lh iffeasurjr. 'uL. ..r .zLzJLl,1 c 'iL.tr. Jliuw : SirJ n reorManiz;atipn.of the Depart- ' i". u . .1 ? . . Mi -i j i j mni 1n ri KoAn flitmtpn.i Instead ol w increased the 1 number j of iifilcerr;! ajidihe forin$ of business hh j der tlie! new: mode of simplifying, have be-" j 1 1 1.500 to $3,000 perjyear ; 15 condi:c.! and enrolling lagehts at 3 4, and 5 day ; 2 Conductors pf- exploring pnit:. at 3 andS5 peri) day !i.' 2 valuipje. ., z ? r " at $4.each per;4ayi 8.collecting E-t: at 2 50 per jja) eaeh i 2 if suing 2 -cr. at 1 per dayl jeajchj 1 'disbursing cc: at 5 dollars pfer ay 10 'assistant sc: ' at 3 and $4 pf.t day; and from 500; to 1 , 20$ each pet year ; 31 Hhterprctcra agencies,' at SOOUloi ars each per year ; 1 'interpreters, in the emigratioh pf lndi:: at 2 -50 and 3 tjollars per day ; each ; 1 physieiaris,' at Salaries varying from V, t 5, and 0 doRars a day to $84 per! mc : 1 if 'clerks, (jothier than those ini the cC at Washington,) Iat salaries varying frc:., anti 5 dpllarsjpeiTdafto 40:?ndf50 d(F peftnonthandOfJlad $1,000! per yc 53 jblacksinithswith salaries varyir ; 240 to COO dollars per year ; 20 fan and assistants,' t2j3f5;ahd jC00 per y 18 Ueachers wikli jyarious salaric?, fr 50p to 800 dollars per year; 5 'rriil!. : with salaries of jfiOO Sahd $000 ; 1 surv or,1 at 8 dollars per dav ; the whole c eluding with & 'miscdlaneou? agents, i salaries of ito pd day, and C00; dull pery ear. sinner of IudianlAriVirs eny? the list ;i en by him ih iKBiuej Book jis not zri raleor completed lie paves rbcm id at! alter. Here.iinqeed is a. display or ; we not IP D& asiom.:!'. . ronase find this Bte;jr-!tKiDc'iindr istration whose s shocked at amul re-puhlishe(, in t 'I 8,vr7ou sir, an illus- trat on, which mayjjnot be thought inappro. priaie. in ine oays i promised retorm .LJl.1 b " l : r-L ' Li V.. J i i. ..4 1 Small lire 4' ttur joled . Iron; Castings, Mill Irons. F FUI May 17 1838; ' 7doJpd : ,Si do dodo icriojlodpt WIDER 4 BURTON . 65144. if I the two Senators from the State bf Missouri who differ in pof tics; ona f 4heai,thc great reformer, Mf Bf nlon; ife Other, Mr Barton, who thought the 'promised reform jwasj a:.mre hum hug. ; The first session of the j 20th Congress commenced the 3d of December. 1827, ai d ended on jtjic 26ib of MaJ, 1828 cleJnUemeri:se tended the whole s ssion their per 'diem allowahce wis ;; $41400 each,) jSethg '175 days,iat $3 per,da; but for mileage, reclc oning $3 for everyl twenty milesli Mr Bar- fipejids i professed t i plication of oiiiccj, c le report" of this lit. in 1828 the iftrarpih of the Chief - :.lr-: frale, who said: f Considering the gen r tendency iotmlllilojlftces dnd depint ciet and to increase; expense to the uliir terra of buf4enWhch tlie citizens beajr, ueJihoesius to avail ourselves Avirv oeeasiohFhich nresehts itself I come so jcomplicated thaf the gentleman 0'ff : tHelfofcna'rW Fit! is 'appro;-:, from Newyrk(Mr. fimvKZLEsad now - if -nowi toTrejr gentlemen to the c ch-airroanj ofJieidmm Ways and whichMSt4!eport cast on the Srcr- iipni i rciarcu nnc. uu 111 s uc 'ssgiont' thafa Iter 1 5 years' experience -as a member of this House, he found it diffi- fiili to understand thesO I reasurv acceunts and the manner in whieH Annual Report on Ihe terf 11 'iivV Next, a to the War ihei Secretary a Finance is sta- ' - ! '-I - i , i I: "I ' Department, Ip 1828 tlie Secretary of Wr employed aj chief clerk, besides seventeen clerks anua I messengers.! His! salary sjnd their com pen- sanon amonnieu u ciow. , ness of Ihdiahflatrswjs Uren-rnana Ui CpepctlyJst tUiseyndi Ian4 but Mr BentoKwho wasjrailingut biro brugbtt9.:8shingtpri ;i counted nnf" Irt 1838, th ropfoiea .mi.lea.by -alj We crohisjand turd! ind Jortu- j Jowed a clerl at 1200. 0Jobe. ;:r1mcUT jl? roideihM Goreriitne"ht ouslwindinirrbf th U rVtiWrnoriand Ohio SQ0 P?ryar.w presL'fOlVeiocasee streams bf natronarell rivets 1 Mr BaitnnU left at fhome htZ-W In 1823. Ithe Aili-itant :9Wtiigjn'o& Eiechtivelcanse he dfd riot hpliv m!the ironnetv of ' erhnloved 3clerksL whose' Ioint cdhlpensiV ! ' j. " "T. f,5i,""5'" ,Mv viiaiscicf-wiir ooq inioz ana praciisioz aupiueri i uvu wss 1", fc"?"ww atc t4 kw himalnF-Tn 1838. the Secretarr of thar Denanment emolov'sriincluuve Ihcian busiiiess, abiot 40 cler! messengers. The ioint salariei Sc satioh iof thl!:whoJe, amoiint to $63,810 ' In 1828,' we hear nothing of a Comman ding -General's Oiiice. with its clerk and messenger. v - ' F o-te-n ;.;, -. irig General is al and a messenger ,; 1 renerars Office the Commanl III ihe i business cl l ry f War in jl8g,Jfpr paying addiuonclerk ftirein the b'i diarSrAffairij;- ' j - ' Mr' tfiad ,,hetvias iWe'te'tnjifed to r : ' one; or'twd ffiiJesih particular, F i seem to have!Seetf n-ated Ffof 's'perei f vorite:oneof bv; r iliprising thi Preslderjt toin j te n ii' hy ih-agf b t j j in stead c f d oi n g i : heretofore in person. If he could net : irh to da this! as Mr.: Aams c: his predecessors jelid, then it ivould I hnhttrth tlisrienss with tfeji:: i;u Hi- i written hv KlJ nroXY, Si written bv some clerk in the Lir . J 0 7. and he; whole s efvjce of the proxy err: consrstsio hi;wriiin4 bis own n.:r. Forthis he is paidtlSOO dollars per srn The! place is held! jbyMpne of jlhs IF dentfs sons, and; itiisW Yndlreci rncJi increasing the , Ft esidehl's scl-ry. . . compensation is tdo .bth, under zny c:r comstances.' i For ) service requiring r ....i.loni mrl mnlovin' a irv tnd'Mr.IaAWiebibed to Vlrectabu' In I838,the Adjntinf Generators 7rnall por&oa. of tins r- :S':::F;:L''m1llf ' :' Fu V ." -V'i: .-:'. i. ; ; .'I li '.. :'' ' 'F ' '.., V .-.I . F. t-! : -!' : j if F;-.; 1 ' i!! . .;'; :3 - -' ' F"." '7 :. f ff : -: . , . . ..,.,;ff;.f...-ii,' " .'- h-A',-.- : F. , -1 1 I- F.: I H i . Ui4 -.r a'ni?wxii iiwyf F 1 ' .: i . t ! - ' F - ' . i li- i F... ! ' :.F ; Fi' i F: i-i IF : ! " . : 4 F 'f ' ! T i i ' I F i : ,! " I ).; j! ., i 4! ' f-f - I .1 i'i: ! I i;I11:FSfSf iTOF-nt-1 vilify F-'FF -FSFiiiF:Vi:F Kf-IF-V.! ! .-: 'i .;-:F.. -.; ;t FV- ' .4 f. ! .IF F t