W :!.: . ; T ' - S ! s : 1 i ' 1 J1 i "HvV ' t. raKAiit 3i higher salary than many iff the Governors and other higli ifficera in several States dot; M I J 1 ' j Another office specially createq is that oi e , Stnithsoniaa)agent, witha saary ' 3,000 a yeariand TurnihthacJnven- ".'-i : J.. r i - -i;: . U w i h i n p to v I s- lenisoiouru iur v "-.. vtt -., . . . , - iJ LoiHlpnThe,dinie of this pJacp;migbt Melt have been discharged i by jbjuinary Arreipondenef, but at all eventsj:bey are itch I could justly be require itlh? J&rYda of our recent Minister Jndon ltarJnotba overlooked thal KichirdjRuali U8S Sectary flf tlie (Treaury;, and. re iiveti the censure jahd coriderjatioaF &e Retrenchment ;CorhmiUee4f :mI lyt rpirfltnchment aiaiid at - that on this floor r jhenerer day.to account tor this.J The committee said of it j The e ciency of thjsixraoch of the public aemct I i'c in' diiion htebl v' lm Droved and improTlOff.? 1 . 1 Mr fir.t remark on this is. that th Post Office Department passed into the- hands'' General Jackson in a healthy afcd eflicieot ,Glb LA few years, under his reform, redaced iit to chaos and insolvency The. diails of ha mismanagement have been long since; ;pruved. Ths evidence; is on file here- and in ijieenteV with fihe reports of i he several committees, appointed to investi;. gate its abuses. I refer. : gentlemen to the fi(esj, and not dwell on tbvjarrous abuses JWhicH were designated land esl&HUhed, The enormity, coup led with the tact :'ct ihe borrowing money"oti public accoant by th postmaster General, wjiby out law or authority; alarmed the country. U But bad as all ibis, was, In used, as ih pecuniary patronage If been, ltd confer personal benefits. 1 iV- r u . ..'nhini! to the foffire of on favorite boul ii be disV deH-and;! insolvency -ri 'I'wlil leave it for tbeTVcrtroenl, betaide apparent, still the ti c-SmitbsoBraagentjI U been made of the apf o hers to apply wftatahc chaitwan dl lie L,ioI ,-lrnn ifcLWidi&lAa; arid nei vet Will bf.: The orient. Postmaster General, tnoe Keodall, tells ftis iri his j account of the "if ; . Committee on J' ii 1 -M U M WZm u m I w mm m w w m . i v: . I . i - .Jofr, ; tr he filled.' cven la ' zealou, mrX cqnatanti and fithful frierM is mpelled. tofyielOl to a'rnushrom apostate .ijutaij ary. fiare been purchased but y estehlay j !, Le t us hext compare the -Navy ll)epai;crnent. 4'Mr. Southard who w5 a Ssecrelary qftf $!? Navy faVlB284 employed in his depaj(rjnt seven Iclfka; besides, thebief ckrt. iTrte6aUry JT tli; Secretary. and trie compersiun of the elrls and rnesscnersl amoured .$I7250;. T is Department has been JhojJ for mariyl j years, arld-ls still manad byJM;fDiclceri4H y ho Mas. a member of the cominteip in ijie ijqdate from rip vom catpe tiatfanKuts report on eiUti t e pat- iro lage to rwhich 1 6it referred. He eniojoys eight pi -rks beside chief e'erk ; andj jhis ; salary, ? v th the cothpetisation if his clerks irtd roessen itr, amou'flt to Al8,8a0. And, aiti lth very ; session, neoemanas ,inior cierhs,i:f u - ' iv ' crUse in the salary of axnis.oftho$ef44:'ialready' ! ' i -iThe cimrniltee censure Mt Secretary iSoath arp for unnecessary expense in 6ubi:jyn for iJWspapers fbr the Deparliheut. 4Trbjrptcify, Jn.-4 appears th'at.VJr. Sretary I)ci4er3ob has ,v1fniledi far newspape and 'Jusliiafbie cooks Uierituro.ofiihe tioaes,'jn oisi jjeajr.lpear pij arip including' jsiiutU'r expeMe8tof?Tihe vy Board, fiear 950. Vhe committee also Cjnderaii lliei ire. We fin ra cletk hi find Air D 1.) practice of c kec son not jr empSoyinij three extra cjefks, 1 .ivhat is m.ptrts dangerous, paying extra hi! regular clerks iti -.tbet'. iJejrtirtuieik atMb.a time, a; salary of $1,7 tip. bot pail i-' for extra Services as c.rk,' 'the Umid 67, making lire salary . $2 rei toil one f ii enj'iying to wttoiu is ersura ISO 67. h i : nof this a lready mode ut jxrovidiog .'aljwi- a; fa'vor- ir jThe cornmittce also specify the Mirn' of 466 8(51 as paid by the Drpartuient, in tftrte i yeuri, llrpriti,rirvj, i.nd cndemft it as extraijriaarii. ,;; .if 18i7 shows the ;Niivy Do Tho Uiae Douk paftment, under the reformer, Bi to have piid $9,557 ,22 for prinii . f -t-. -v--.'-.' t- - 4.-- j . ' i ' T .years J ' : str"" 4 t he committee aisrijerbrted that a tflel having no appropriate rulatioa 4othe jftaval ser sum, var.iogiro(n.iuu to fcuu, w? -aim sndod by the; Secreiaiy uf the favy i :nase oi ooouHr fniSi oaicd ;mosii ol, i th ier- 1 "T .1. 1:1 . ig jn two : i ;- ! - cpnsidera- uai- itihej em - jvicB of tlw country, such as reviews,' cauzinos, 1'.. andj other, periodHjaif; MiUrauori anjdjf the'iaii in ibla liiekture l letlayi? - This usage' was of ta rs 'i bf 'abmr&ied4' Havii bet? ? biibf leave to iieaida fvv 4ero$ frbm-M tedrfta y ij 'Cite r son's coautieni expense atcouni,iur 187 2i ,runrr nriienorv or Iatent TnTim. dj T i iqrhern X,'trarv AfjnssenerJ .u- p e fourth of Audubon's fllirdj," J ebon's f ' : '., v-l tfN -J, Ibdian Uiooyaphy, - ' if 1 b Anriean-IJjev lewi Ota) No. cf ;A;iierti;aa ScAeryY a .1- f 1 s, IC5 55 6 5 6 00 00 00 00 00 100 7i $250 73 V. i Here is a distdiv of ih fhinnnl ri vhich JVlr, Secretary I)ii;kerson'indblges hiirai sdj and 'his clerks, at. thfepuhhc expense. I j wtn the Uefilleman from iew Yorkplr Cam hrJenjj,)v who;. aidVd in?cpucocMnj Uie reporJ Um which 1 have jnst qjod. would! intone us wrjat appropriate relathmtjjo boksttid ;evievvi raenuonea navo.,Mo ttie ,iavai I service?? fate destruction of tba depailmeut 6y fire, that all the'books, papers, hnd files of the depart? ment were saved, except the 'files1 fof the; ap poinfment oIILce,' and-that these were destroy ed! "a Wri the first six yeata of Geoera Jackson's Administ raiion, about j 1 300 postmasters were removed ffm ofil o-e, and , in ' most of the - cases; without iUasoigQmei'of I any cause. - When certain meibbers of tbll committees of the Senate and House jappointeditn i833r'4,"to investigate the abuses of that Department, attempted to get af tbe fitesand coriesoqdeude,of the ; AppoioU ment office1 with a tw ,0 ascertain and report whether the reasous if for these removals were prompted by high andfjast public cbnideratons; or by mere party politijpal expediency,! they Were; oenieu ine rignvoy ins neaa oi me wppariiunv and by the friends-Ml the Administration, wbii com posed a f majority m one of thesenmjtlfee !; Was n y t t ri iViq u l ry jfust 1 -refer ybui 6ir,ito Mr BentottHs famous Mport and bill providing for the disclosure of reasons in -caleloE removal finm' office, i X refervyou, Jir iSpejker, tbyoUr otn; remarks! and to those bf your frjehdsj in the de bate on Mr jS ;t under, esolution, whicJi $1 hae already juod. ; .Bn above all, rreTer you (to; thft remarks of the iliubtridus MadisoOy unriVal-i ledlaVtf'ofa8 in the nowledp of Sthe lelier arid spirit of our Constitution and 4at3, and in purity andfthonesty Jqf purpose, c Area?Jy as; 1789, in the memorable debate on the power of the jecutlve, la remote ffoui office, he not only 4niedhlr'0ht to eXereise'thtl poweT caprii cioutnly, audi without assigning ade'taje reasons,! but he thought it woul be such a bold asump:! lion of lawless powfer that, he tlyis expre8ed; himself : jl vvn it iian abuse-of power which! exceeds my imagination, and of wbtchj I" can form no rational ctmcepiion, ' ! ' ' But whpn-Mr VarJi Bufen and IIr Benton both of whom were jan the committee whiofi reported the bill to prevent the abuse of this patronage.vof appointmenlcaine into power, this changed UNtr tone, iriut'principles. liRetriovals; frotn oifice immediately followed, and they tide ny "any .obligation to a saiga, reasons ? Is it fiat strange, toJ nay, is it lnoi mysurious, that,- in the conflagration. of tb Post Oft-ce, the only pa. peru ana nies uesiroyea snouiu oe inoe rejaim to the exercise, if not jthe abuse, of the power of removal from office the ?ery papeia which Che Postmaster General refbsed to suffer jibe Cuhar mirtges of Investiatiori-to examine ?J i I I sard 4Ir Van Bured changed Jiia tne on this subject.. I will at once jprove it. '.Iiepournal of the Senate shbVs thai bef was one) of the Select Committee; whq report$d the bilj already toferred lev lie entjsredathe oflce of Secretary of State with the commencement of General 'Jackson's Administration. One f his first official acts was the removal of a meritorious clerk frum his office in that Departmept, and, a positive refusal to assign any reason for it ! The gentleman fr'e raovtd is now a Merabfr of this House, (Mr Stade, tif Vermont,) a hp the voice of tho Peple has sostained him whornlhe despotism of Kx- ecutive patronage soagKt to destroy. i j j; The manner in which this patronage is abus ed, and the readiness arid almost telegraphic rfes natch with which ihe wiles of nartv machinerv tire felt thrbnshbut arid from the mofet distant parts of theiUnioh may be imagined" aftet read ing this laconic note, Written by MrlVan Bu- stationary', ! postage, flice, clerk' hire; ifld all other contingencies whatsoever." I! I t I 1 Let us 'see the practice. Andrew Stevenson, our Minister at London is allowed for 4hese tingenceifj including "presents lo mepiaj offi cers andL fervajita of the Coortand others. n hSsfpresentationl and at?Christmas,$a,p98 5C, iii thespac4of abOtit year! Tha likefexpcn ssjot rar)J r jail jour otherloreign ms&ioDs are" lu corespondent ratio. JX - ; , i : 'I; :. : jJroi;MThe g Out ffreigti ps tiri wasltti pel rfducld iio' some instancesl " espe cM'y )battH Maidrld, fo a charggj With lary iVasftceliA! j Minister Pleoipteatia;ry has ben kept at j Madrjd constantly, jand John I1V xa'i oo iial injolnf ',;tlje, on. ja salary of Jf9j000, havi ing also received bis outfit of the jsame am6unl. A!n durioil ihelUsi1 session bf Cpnprresa aHjtf. tempif was made to increase the salaries ojfal) oar foregr iMiyisterJff f- yho cijuld have atjticjjaa tedt h ii from; a n A d m i n is t ra t ion that . pr oclajfoied m this fluOr. fat least one of its oowertul floentialsnppohers.Uhelate Mr Randolpn: "who ed .nd wtvat ne said receivea toe laupp ooauon ofiH the bartyH-' ' : iV't' .!- ';; jus Bo bin i - 1 , wna:mans ihe uem s Bird's? ine foiirlb of Audu- neither of. the ! ,1 it 'J ans ine uem One tourtb -Vhy,-ir,l uuderstand that van? nit? respqnsioiijiy,' as aiunii' they arreed .w pivwo . llll beeust to" the people is theV same; tt all comes from the 'public; cofTers.? An( ine mode ol doing the thing pruvete trtat the Secretaries felt tliai itsrexpediency and i propr Mypere questionable. -I haveJ read sVibnewherel nerBaps in : Sterne's works, ah incident which Rm;or $5,31 ed.;- ! i- 3811 4 may, be justly question Otber Herns' indicative nf riravflfrancd or; favoritism, may be' seen in this con-' li ngen expense, account of foreign mis-i Zt"-V- f:u,lA f" no1 stopHo apecify ttiem f ,t in j i iouml that, ift the daysjof th? 'lurching 4perationVandirefbrrrithid a4!$gnamiuees ftf ihis House on t thei expettdiiurts oflihelseverjil depaitments atJ ucir ocauon; xsut very; i soon 0?rjfPJackoricarne irrto power, these cdmrjiitteep'rjecameaoinmch S a matter iot! mere ? form that the' chairman oT one of Ijkcftred jherei thai during the last fiw!re"!t,i',lewr evert thought it WOrtll HIS .Willie to ennvpne hM rnm miltpe. belapDeared Quite sitrnriseiL or at all eent4 amused, Ithat anv inqoirvrwaa f'cir?rl bectej to lie made in regard irt the eipen seaft thai departments 1 ! HThta state of things forms a strong contrastUvith the re port triads there : io? April 16(28, by fir,! Blair, of Tennessee, chairman! of the' Com ! mttteejon Public Accounts anxf Expendi-f tures in( me stayte Department, lieypu know, Mr. Speaker, was a Jackson refor mer; like (he Select Committee, he found every thing wrong,and promised to correct it.j '6 purchase of bookajjhe emplby4 ment of a librarian, and manj other things were eensuredleven the right to purchase a print or likeness of Gen. Washington, to Ihej -8uspened iiti the Department was newspaper? makes for this De by I its dtsuursing agent at home '. ,'ISo long as members of Congress, an jf not of tnsHbu$e;hly3rmtefl bowr, andjciipje, apd ouck, and fawrijl and get out of the way It a, piacpirJ jf filft, or lerid a helping hand,at a pinch ing Vote, to obtain these places, I never wil 1 btn sent;to enlarge the salary attached to thetn. .We arp tjojd jthy t It ve ; at St Pet ersbu rg; and tftAto , and hat living there is very expensive. rVVll, sir, who sent then there ? Were they fro pressed sit ? YVeriheyF taken by a press gangoii Tpw er hill, knocked Vown, hand-cuffed,, chuc cedl on boatd of a tender, and :old that they mus trake" the pay;; arid fbions which His Majes y was pleased to allow ; i J . . r Nwi t appeal o you, Mr. Speake, if themor al application of these remarks has not tee6 jjist ly jfejt n C?pngrjess and hot in tbisj House oily or chtefly,": under, the retrenchment and ireform Administration ?jj -' ( ' ' , .11 ," jj-lflrfottitfa precept of the reforming - porf .-The crniiitel thought the mode. of " apppinfting tnd compensatincr bearers .-of despatches i liable to strong ol'jeciions prone to degenerate juto a ape-( c,e off favoritism! little short of a convenient mode of sending favorites abroad to travel forlheir pled aure'.iheUlthy or inst ruct ion, out of ihie public of IVacZice.rXhe President and hps Secretary of Stile both Jackson reformers now take ifa-'ji Torue cterK oi uio aiaio jLiepariraeiu woosef ai-aryi-ai -the' timewas ar the rate of; $1 760 per year,;6enq ntm jas , a nearer oi aepaicnes to ojexi co, arid, fojr about ithree monthsservice, pay htm --J "- tf!!" ------V Uf MVMBuren andMr FoVsvth changed with the. is the translating clerk of that Department, lall i ne otatej i4epanmeni is now taiu ou iiuu the; fajctsr of he case )eing stated in the reports gfnd divtstdps. When MrO ay had charge or tnej Secretary, j, He excuses lb is ; transaction, by ayirithat jtbe translations which were le quired doting t Mr : Greeuhow's absence were maae ai nis expense, u inigtu ne weit to ti- e the 1A queslioned.u How stands the matter now ! .Why, large sums of money are yearly ex pended for the library of the State De pa ft j i '5 - i' .Km.: ! 'i.f- ii 4 - .. .. ; ! urecertajnly unnecessary. M j Besides tbo! purchase of vbboks, period cals, and; ne partment bv there was expended in London, during last year, for aimilar objects, hear $500, librarian as jemployed, at a salary of 1,540, equal to that paid ;b the librarian of the great public library of j Congress, j AI1 J,his tofc air,:uoder, the auspices of gentlemen ;who atq that, this part; Of the expenses yol that Depart menti was censurable, and ought to be dispensed witbt! as all ofliccrs of the Gpj vernmebt jcbuld Well avail themselves of the public library a the Capitql; Butj Jtfr bpeaker. the ! times cbansed.!and Mt van THE CURULE GUAIR OF KENSfNG- JXhisl . i TON, PENNSYLVANIA. Tho folia in tr description of. a uis;oUr and curious Chair, (whosie materialsl arbj . associated not only with the ; discovery, out soma ct ine most remarkable oassagres in ihe : history f- our country, w take from the Philadelphia inquirer. This precious relicj redeemea anwFregeoeiaieo, rescued from obli v ion and destiuctiiiD'? has been placed in the Jiall of the Municipality of Ken- i This Chair was manufactured I i4ensing-; Von Anno Dotuioi one fhuosan! it hundred and i hiit v- eight, by VUHar Srtyjder; of said district, ."it wasesigned by John f. Watpun, Esq. of Germantown, cominemwatji ve, Of stri king events in the history of IeR$lvama.,-i It is made of the fbllowihy interesting! jrelies pre sented through the politeness of theljindiTiduals whose qames are hereontoannf xed.if , j 1st. A portion Of nuhogany from Christopher Colurnbus's house (the beam) near the city of St. Domingo, built in the -yean 149$, ihe first house built in Americai.1)y Earpjan hands. Presented by John F.,Vatson, Esq. 2d. A portion of the great El larj l'ree, under which William Penn fumed shisj'tfeaiy with the Ifldiajain " 1 632 .. r-Th is'lreWiyj' aa j tj jWn--tinue unbroken while creels and tiM'ijs run, and whilejthe sun, moon knot star$ Endured.! The treaty of oor lands was an afir icpnerh,) made for William Penn, by the President if the Council, Thomas Holmes, with' Shokpopproh and three other sacbems, on the 30i . ofj July , 1683.. The treaty was pledged without ari.ua in and never broken, y'r, ,: VXj jj 1 ": ; w r The great Elm Tree was blorrdown in; 1810. and was ascertained ($y its graiji) to be 2S3 years old., Present-d byt Mr. John Vandusen9 of- Kensington.- ; ' . -. . . : 1 1 j ,J -".;;, 3d. A portion of oak joist, taken from; a house in Letitia Court, once the home j ik William Penn, and of bis Deputy Goveroorcol. hlaik ham ; it was called a,t that iime.Pennis Cottage. The Cellar is said to be first one diiin the city OfBrotherly Love. Presented by1 Mir. Gjeorge Ztegler, of the city of Philadelphia!. 1 X .4ib. A portion of the, last of a kjrojqp ofi wal- out trees, oi wnicn ine ooay cti ilo spnair was made, in front of the State House. rJjlhey set vr ed as distant pointers, when that hall; jo f legisla tion stood far out of town there lhei stood : in of our nation;, iaodi euivivtd bt it, the blue Lnok exhibited a list ot a dozen names, all tinder the head of clerks One" of these acted as translator for the Dier anotb- mflm.nl , rirl tii aolar it mai 1! 1RH nnnlr 1 WX'ffi?-:were "rltA M oaid! out the (118. and as!cbared wii rui" uiai unw, auu wu v tiisu ii wuuia nov nave i . f i i ., i . s t . . (. ...r ,,n ho. 4.xf .6 ti in Ai0Lntinna u A.i.rir.J the continaent expense accounts, and he tne timei and let ine uovernment nav mr anv.i icwjcu ,u a icbi, uun dwu ia aii translations which were needed. But do we not h'erje tjbcliy ize what ihe retrenchmentre port (bondemued in these words; "that an actual incumbent! is! i considered io haver such a sort I of pro d d the contingent expense received EI 50 alvear. this j simplicity and economy- forgotten ! The Blue Book of last vear! divides this Department into a Diplomatic Bureau,' UpQsuiar uureau,' a noraa "Bureau no r r v in i no nini aa it cnorun nirvi nnr ltd i .is . i. r;. , - i - 7 . . r 1 1 rnnc ainr ' rtrnncn cunru iq ii nii a miiq. uted,.a6d id receive a prt of its revenues fur V-pTjM-'T . Y 7 Vrr -,ig nothing f"15! ArioUierMHustraliou of thistl'converi 18 irP". a -xveep, mode of Kr-ndinir fnvnoriteR" ihrn?..!.' mit er of the Archives whose snlarjris 1,54, most happily illustrates this transaction. As recofket the story ; the Abbess of i4donillets .v,ankJMararetta-i a hoyieej made ajjittle I journey tvtaher in a vehicle drawn bv uiyli A? th evetnw approached, they "were desertelf by theft malcteer, whenVascending a :hfll. CTjie: mules , presently oecame stuhoorni andUtoppeni The J jrajreHers were"graily alarmed andjjy hhefr dilemma, the nnvke said that tnere iWere two ;. certiin words whiolj she had beeniolj, Iwouto fbrce these animals j on the moment they heard then) ; but thn jhe woid3 were! siriful;The novfce was urged, and she gently Whirled 1 bo Word bou2er and Houter. Th tAKhiii-: in' ui ii : . otsttess, turaed casqist, arid said they; were only I ; :. , a vchial or sllghtsfn, which tnighk be; divided? ;! jl.y and by taking ;blf, and leaving the fla'tior by' ;o ; tiktiigr alHand amicably balvfoor.ii! betwiit i yourVelf and anotbff person, wouhr become di--Ibtef into no,sini at call! Thert-jferemv Tdear M rati 9 re- lis- " giving ;tha4itchte ron fAoti.ifard tidlthe Abbess drawled but ierbotfistill the muies tooa. iheyo not uhderttandyusj cried rMirtiarplf' bitt tho totl j .1'; . ; s . , ; . . vw, Ddju nte A ooess . s r : AndL 1 th 1 nk . JM t ty Vpt ?t t 1 1 i ; ii, . : j i ... r w.Tr,.r " Hcocj.jtiuriqinir eejeiarie theyjianrst ; IT-;- the patent mode, M.otpiind': OHiiticarlv l lift tit he rf eopt will oot be srult i4:nU KW s n- proval ef an onMtbjmiijd x.tu4yfalv&4 By thif me,,I Wfyff 'ap(f (tt rt devolves oai Hi k?erftlemah itn-u KJ .v...i. CambMcnglhnly! t-i actQjilt f,r his g against the theasuxe:ir regard'ttj theetnK uion of 1a?efn!eH,h(Tt al$owhv ita! thatla tcooem &f fief.rrm ihasitot beVh ihsw- 4n:el -..by. his5 f ricrils-i i J, R v J.. J -kmrl ren, soun wt,er enlerinff on the duties of Se cretary of State, to a gentleman in Louisiana, V; Washwdtok, April 20, 1820. " Mr Dear Sir. I have the honor oi acknow ledging the receipt of your letter of the 21st u!t and of informing you that the removals and ap pointments you recommended were made on the "?With respect; yobrtfriend, &c. Iv t v '- W VAN BtlREN." And, so far from rSeinbl willing to reduce the nqmber of clerks in this; department, as i the Peo pie were induced to believe would-be done, Mr .van Bureu.iWhen called bn for that purpose, saw' lue auuih aiwir mrougoja new meu!um,anu re plied : My jopinion'isi Shat there can be no re duction, in the number of officers employed in the Uepartment,(or btatej without detriment to the public interest ! And fyet the. Retrenchment Committee, whfn Mr Clay was 4n thai Depart ment, repot ted . ' that I they felt satisfied that, had the ofiicer at its head concurred with them in the opinion, they ' might have presented a plan, for not only a gradual reduction of the num ber of clerks,1 but for" an actual increase in the efficiency oQheii labors ' . - -u But other discrepancies between the rirofesslop and practice pf these reformers remain to be no ticed It will be found that, the report of the gentleman from New Yojrk, '(Mr Carapreleng,) and msrtends, condemned the practice lnjro- duced by the becretanes of the 'Departments, of sending the reports of their clerks or heads of bo rfausr instead of condensing them, and! making them substantially their dwn communication.1 This practice, if bad, has never been corrected, hut is daily indulged ia by all the Departments, as the answers to- the f tails and resolutions of this UouaB abundantly rpw. But a still mjore remarkable 'wrumehtiry follows. When the ue partment or War passed. jnio the hands L of Jjiin 11 .Eaton, a zealoitai reformer, he, too. was called upon lb" carry otiujhis; retrenchment .-ajsr-t Tern, aod resoce tnenomer orius' clerki, in ful filmenf of the public neart-ctatiof), wbichf he and '...t. t. .3 ' L:. J fl'ft' 'ii-i' . v-t (. I'li.vis nau fxcHPO. jp inn snrprisfi fir tall,, the rt f rred the vuhjct lo thd c krs themselves! and " WAa Depacteict Jaj? 27, 830.! 1 Sig" t 1 l.ate th horlotiPto v nefore'Won ria -.21. i l, I: " T. of tlie public Iccffurs,' s found ini the same iist oi ctnunffeni expnss ot loxeign in- tenpojuse.j' .t allude" tjo the case of Mr. CharjleSr Pfiitlle,!; who w.hen.. nominated $y; Gen-i Jacjcloii' for a judgeship id Ftoritfa, wak jejectetl by the Senate. 1 j Afjterj this; rjeje;cti;on IrjBiddler,was dp 1 s patched; by! the. Executive to Centfal nieriel i$M renada-i)i;-W hat aiervice he Vendred0 know not; butit appears tliat for; this mrjssinfan allcfwbnce of 7,122 95 has been made; Mrj Charles Biddle is the, same gentleman whoihad a controversy with Mr. Senator Grundj:, in which tie devoioti oft the latter tii iGcneral Jackson 1 ' ! i ;;!!.! ... L : . ' ' js i was questionea. j We learii by one ot the nrinted documents occasioned bv that dis- ntsteithat thelSenator, Ifdr the purpose bl of prpvtiiig himsjelf to be! what is called a wlio me, til papers done; and gives pno man &960 a ycr for 'pac ng.. arranging, and preserving news and printed documents. This py that boasted 'democratic party whichlaaect$ such holy horror at any rt pearancd of what they call; anstocrauc grandeur. ! II the I urk, whose letters are a sixall tnsufance i bunrned i ey fur v ' ; at the O. : ; had the j ; time i!iti s ; : and r'i r; fence, so, i been liar.;' ' never am: f Whittle I. chance, u i; .. iing Tn to i 4owifi ij $ of one i f : to admit hi; thouglit to equivocal j hope. ;! Serjeant..'." a Spraker r. . Iun,')b,: -mitted i I . man, an.! I. years siine? i sum of n; n r which she paid, he re; thought Up I erty, and t!. r avhheiiar, U opinions Lav ' to'--be made . General, eve in appoini::; to public opii i judje, but i.e : ' People l"r, the case tit ,J famous Gig !. the I loose : both failed. succeeded. 1 Klood and Gr In 11. tf I. speakers. 0. Hied to tho j .. ter of his f-u IS 1 the infant cradling, pur manhood and independence, asserted, in that roemorabU Hall of 1 ndependno4 before Which they stood. v The last bf this gfoua as taken down in -1313, the tiee was 1831 years old. Presented by Jolin FVVatson Efihulr t it 5th. A poition of cane seating,' taken from the seat of William Penn's chTir, uvv riS possession" of John F. Watsan, Esq. f Gernnwrii i 5th. A portion of hair from the head of ! Chief Justice IMarshalln the centre of ihe!ichajrnnt" der a glass case! Presented by lililSVintamd. ams of the Northern Liberties, and; procured by Mr, William A: Aoore, uuderlakerj af)er his 'death. . - . ' 1 , ;-;U: "i ?th. A portion of the United ..jSjatty Frigaia Constitution. Presented by Mrj Abiraibam Pow ell, of South wark. f ; 8th. A portion of the ship- Pennsyl built at Philadelphiaand launched Presented by Mr. William Snyder pf 9th. The 1$ stars, representing; Stales, made of the different relics; f in xtr.crM: in1 yania. 1837. iKensin2- the 13 U. tne I i e w iskejcb orators among found in Salmacundi, had seen this disul oi utireaus j tn tue Diate uepartjuent, tie woulnlhave been better justified in-his ad- rmratton at 'the grand magnificent scale on which these Americans transact their bust' ness.' But I have vet to add, that those who Cjuestoried the right of tho State De partment lb purchase a print ot the in mor tal Washington have used the monev of the People to buy prints of General Jackson,1 and now of Martin Van Buren, for almost evcryrooti in each of the Depaitments ! j Mr Speaker, during this 'searching ope ration1 and captious fault finding, every pet ty expense of the several Departments wis looked upon With open censure, 1 well re-, member that an jtera of some! few dollais, paid a laborer for destroying the grass which was growing , between the bricks of h Mr. Clay for the payed walk leading to;lhe!State Depart- neasanis, who ment, was uejd up;to public view as, a piece of aristocratic extravacance. ; NdW". t 1 - i r . r . . . . . la e nog; Jackson-man,' said lie Miad swallowed thehclg not only wholo,but wrorig end lremosti taking ijhjs' bristles -against trie grain ; and nau gone all lor uen, uacR snn's bob-tail, nomtnations,even to Charles Biddfe.,:i H-r M - I !'Mh . : j You May; WmemberlMr. Speaker, that; great latin was ipunu wi an alio walnbeltb! John H was employed as bearer of despatches, and set but on his; voyage, but being, taken ill, I was obliged to abandon it, thuugh he caus- r mr. tile rlpenjlKao I r Kr i o n Tul iloir.rkil Jn th account, which I. jam now examining Departments such as ci ; we find the; sum $1,522172, paid by Mf ing the snow pflf the pav I rurs; in, tine oecreiary pi oiate,.io n,iea- zer Early sent with despatches' forour uarge u Aiiairs at uogoia.oui wnicn were UCII ucincicuj ,; A IIO, MCKIIOSS oi ivir. Pleasants futnished no palliation, in tlie mrhUa pfft(i4 relormerljfbr the i payment made! to ntm,! though he caused, his de PARLIAMENTARY ORAT The I.ivpffnnnl iirrpcnnndpnt tit York Star has, in a recent letter, gtvenj a of the style and talent of distinguished in Parliament which, as leading! matter the inquisitive, is not without interest!' Lord John Russell, he says, is a very f ndif terenl speaker. In tact, he cannotj; make a speech without stammering and istuileajingl Of all the speakers Whiile Hsrvey ; ij? theHinst fluent. Sir John C. Hobhouse ;;(ly4Vafay friend) speaks we'll b;it seldumj PuUret; Thomp son drones out his words with.a rlasil tWani? Which H nnpleasant. Btirdtti is fstijll aj '.fine speaker put rarely opens his moutli iiow ; be ther a rtad is a fine 'crat. Grey was ti v to have' qui; land, like C!. : : I forcibly, tut i inipedifuer.i. Ireland, is a sleeves; the i rLondon anr; V. 6f eak, but . ; dtgnityj Dr. ery td'ten Lef. a partizan, I -The Uuke t Prince. 1! or him by In:, : The Duke .: ivery is very ? The Dukp ; practical ej t ' erable knov. ! lesislated u: withoutUvast rter. He 1.:. : is rather defect teeth. ! sides his ,arlkulatiyn, owing to tjie' loss f his front teeth, is nut as-perfect as jtwas. j fPeel speakswith much riattiness, but seldom, rises beyond a dead levej,-; almost passion' in ins jangoagg and delrvery. - It, is ..ibefWttuu's manner ol his speak irtg'Whicfi' has j gained him 4he name of 'Sir lobertilatbh., 'ULrd tan- ley's words gush out and over, llike a cataract J He speaks with considerable rapidity, great spir it and his manner becbroes very excised. ile is best in reply.' flume is a very bald speaker but much better than he was.' He iseldouii fin ishes a, sentence, so that the reporters wjlio make hiin speak English-are much his creditors. I O'- ii . " i . : l t I U 3 sir. suppose l.wcte to cite to you rnanv similar and equally (it not more) objectionable charges in I the present accounts of the:ie' cash paid for clear-.' cmentsjso that Mr. Forsythneed not wet bis leet; &90 a quar ter for labot, -$54 1 for sundries,' $l6 for work,' without stating what labor or wor It might have been for killing; grass, or rais ing vegetables for the Secretary.! The term 'sundries' may conceal the same thing, and ine curious might inquire what use wss made x s to be safely delivered. Yetthese I of thei fire-proof paint for winch $78 ee i.ier!"' o.tipiv rtvicAt ui iic paia oy ine oecretary oi stale. But the alledgedi shipment of Mr. Early, to,lPa money is-Weli laidfbut, if it twill prdserle him $311 35 for. expenses, $527 37' for the difice! And lit is to be Regretted that clothing and $714 forgone hunted anjd the Secretary of tlie Treasury and; the Pbsi nineteen days' compensation, at $6 pqr, master General 'had not made similar pur day, thongh this despatches were hever-tlfL hiin tL A thi Lri--..i...;i J. . - ! i . . i - ! j : r , 11 -w taw v oa,b 111(11 IVIJMCVIIIC UUII- livered !1 ; : ; i- - r ' I .n. 1 Pu,.aL W jJ At phir sarne timei too, Mr. Early ap- en aria half! doze nj are purchased for the Ttk&lV !e" Tiv,n& a alary f Secretary of Statej who also pys a clerk T'J i f -.i . V.' re uouse P goto Baltimore to collect ia jdrtft. An ivcpicscuiaiives : i it would Seem ihatJ item of 100 n I . inemse v wr.errty thcountrVi rnlt rt. I J iwhdta5.prod; jtbehtlrtaf5rertp V.,-fa rUtettiirt . Ont!hird af ih nrtmtnt At.lv; ... t - w. .!. - " ;r ' f r . a itw!iw. vi. QLmtta at 10 ft nrtm jheseVeraDi. ' s i v wrtll hAur -trxilr '... t.TrrvJJ ,: - - ' '' i' I T V "c rosi. vmam UenarU It . the liberal Poo Ofir,4, asm ihtiii ; escape ;i ; called, hadltrieeid ofrtjnotnoit ulr ratttee on Rtrenchmetil.i Kespectfullyi "J H EATON." ; Ciarles' A. WtctrlrrE; Esq': -4 Tli Ti,i.l, i L . -f - ; - ? ,J ' r Mfwu so lar Ironuasrreeinff lo win. atij ;tlt.r etCVlcktnnL ..f.V, part it Id itr f,,r j . . i'Z -- -., f tin r rlffP'J ended tbit farce f all -,w- r r s ma rf!rpni.hmin: rt llrt that out dinw:iii -f. : .. "l .7 v-.-.i- t".wtip riftauons and ;torei-n irecommended a fixedkiinr.in,;,.;..! t. .i:A,-Li tin?efices o1ach tujss ort ;-in cas. 4xce6fii over the expenses of M th .'lW? pry.Xh nl yfl Treasury ior the transportation of money t is convenient moae qi st ndmp ! avor tea W hrr rv. L.i - - L 4hm4il In Iphbol 4n. lhAi. . 1 , . . I . I . & i l i ' . P r . . fciiwit iMcasure, neailO, where transndrierfl fcnnw , , ;, . J ' f "7- , , w w ..Wl. 01 iie puoic eo! last charge i is a out or mstructioji, r. n P. i A. icry.iVM ?. ! r I , j . 1 li1'-LUi. fJL .LU.. 1 also Una that $2,515 are charged for instead of transmitting the'fundsjof th This kind of foretaste of thfe hith. eGo contingent epensei of Wm. T Barry, late vernment byi meani kf the cheaale, and Minister lo Spai'n. Now sir, hi is wefl rapid system of exchange, which prevailed n0W,laf f?f Barry fcever reached Spairf, before Ihl banks were debauched' by Mr X , r r j M,r,c' ,,e' ft course k but receiied thejusual salary and ouifit ; and I am afia loss )!o know what continent ex penses; thcurredlby him, could" justlv be charged to iheUf-S " i ; , ! 3 I K Thfej appears, alfo, to have jbeen paid l? 'WMfW'n 1836, 3.381 .41a 'comrnsationH tfc certain diplornatic serl vTbegeritIeman at that itime, heh the placeof Secretary of Legating af Sil Petersbarg.with a salar'yf $2,000 a carl audw the payment 6 hiar of threr further Kendall, ihe public monev is now to be wagoned over Jhe country at great expense ana nazard,and always with delay. accent is very warm riyjal-Imay now Have His accent yoipeV-fJIis all is forgot Connell speaks very fluently h thoroughly Irish; and his mode of, de and earnest, bhiel, his great little beT called the most finished orator we He vacs ihe.vrry ptelry of proo. is Irisli, and he has a piercing shrill diminutive size is against him j but ten when heparins into a subject. -Sir James. Graham usually ti)eaks' well but his speeches, if you hear them appear (different from 4wbat" they seem ip print. Graham is a seventeen stone man, upwards of fixj feet high, and stoutly built, lie speaks in a ' ireble ! His voice in genue ana laay-HKe, anu nis uutr uiai ol.a petit mat t re'; i L 1 "Ebrd Palmcrston peaks very wdl, ibut .ap pears to have an antipathy to'airiog liisjjvocabu lary. He seems neveg to rise uuless called tip on to ieply.-Young Disraeli has made onljr oi? aiiempi in me nouse ana was .; uieji jrouuuea down, but the stuff, is io him, and fjlfiHould not vonder if ha turns out one "ot the bei;1 orators. Bulwer, the novelist, is an elegant speaker, but his manner seems affected, and fus Speeches (like Shiel's) smell of the lamp.)tlir Vro. Molesworth, leader, and Grote, make readable orations, tut they areenorisot memory). (Jn a late Occasion, Molestwoith gave a copy of lijl speech lo the editor of the bun, to oe printed in the se bond edition which usually contawvs that! j night's parliamentary news up to tlie post! htittr. tSir William had not the opportunity of commencitig His oration until sftlter the post hour, bu( the Sun was sent off containing the whole of itis speech (actually not commenced when the $jua left paijd;by the Secretary, of. the Lomloo) and pleniltully interspersed with 'hear, books; jiissisg sou rcvcrai oiutT voiuics arehmissfog lMm ??y brf ry. Pei-sons having inelnciwHL l I -mm . w iviuill fttJwiU. " . : if '! I i I . i June 9, i8satrt6 JOUN'GlflESL -1 hear. 'loud annlaose.' and so forth. i - Ii Sir George Sinclair is an even speaker, sel dom bmliaMt-ralwars ready and sensible. ir Giir(Tft firifv 'ha? recrenttv come out on! the Gan ada Question, is a' remarkably tameUibeaker, -Mr. Spring Rice, Chancellor ot the Ehequ;er, does not otten address the .House. He c4h speak adlibitoro, as to time; but no one: thinks any r thing of his oratory either its manner Ur mat ter. m r. Abercromote. the 3 pea ter is a wretcn ed bungler. His voice is bad, and he bams and haws, at lass lor words. The Attorney General, Camnheil. is a readv sneaker: his - profession gives him readiness. But' lawyer have j seldom succeeded in arltatnent. They cahy ibire ibe manner and the method of the advocawl Jef. freys made a dead failure He only made one speech in the Commons, and that lell upon his bearers like a wet blanket.: ' fl 1 ; HiWakley; the surgeoo, edkor of ihe iljancet; lis in admtrabll orator. Iluthe car.tijoi gjet on. I jmean as'ltr becoming connected with; f, ad miiiislraritrfw There is a slur niwn Jliilchar-. - SJ aeter. Ttlis 5uubiiqnt is The Fire Jvtrrg. is about one f is a rerharkal! v 1 Dancrr The Rich mo:: : Ien's self c c - j cimen of whic ' beautiful spe; : !: have never f ; it for convent; ; apd ingenuisy rOtmh to bf c ir: icnirbfort, r:s - a in in ute. By ; from theni j j ! when it ; insii Wlth.a sulli( i : : the cap. I As t which are u 1 1 nijpple to. the, t! the hand is nf-r trigger to disc:, OA:--' 1" The New 0; gaged in the j gainst fraud. ( appended to tr:; in blank, ar.u : Consul: j interesting i number of IN i, House of Rej r one in which ii cu)iar circum" -Gannet, whl, wfe, Debnrsh l i t o i , in one m anj served two tion, afier-whi; halving been s 'r , 1.7j33: 8 he -tr.:: and her liufba: th case jef v : TJe. Dill passt j ' !i" - . ; fcCp It is tliH eeent uri :i celebrated Ah' Hin Emily C ri-. anqa aught. r high-mind (I ti: fortunately for ! nooked,) was rt' giobs rites i! . was caneo -up' but that they . f startlers! to itr for Bosbind and ' lately dfK S on. Grinke lately h ' the rr.O't f oli;I Goinjr to the.iS"' Ao,'iiionisiT, ; : of ajhigh ardcr, -modty. of her eborirriiiies of f-! ; i i , iier ijiajiu'iii i t ties while the ": iolenn etfr.'.-- linn j! lierirti r I i,fcU ty Will be dec;!- youiM-i-a ceit: r: iuora.1 a on a u i . . have discarded ; shalljhereafier r his place at h may render her "J r-- T . surprise us I sr ! cism tad Its, v i c i A fretty 11 may 'rjecolU-ct in .4t t i. ii4 .U ;. j'; 1 J. 4 43 ' , v.-v r --i;-"- ' :-: i,t H;;, ;f - , . - i V i -J ; - - - j. s ... I - ! - J, , 1 : i if I .

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