'tit is : V 'J r m IIP Hi:? i' i li -'. i 1- 51., iUBLISHED EVERY siTUltpAY; BY HAMILTON G.'Jtf ,S,j O)IT0R fc? PROPRIETOR .i-i- - ftii- - r 1h ' 1 ' '.l!s'-Sill;'-ftPt--"TIE ; jl-f .. . V- ?! ' I vjlf ." V Watchman, had loi ; : -I wilj one payment; mmmmT, .tvo Dor- f iff - a:. s t&Tfff fFifeCeoVs per y ear . .; i-j T4 Ll'-.Lseii ifh:irtrekl a uiuw-puuovu-i M't'---';i -'H -Jr l; :! not iav iui ing te ; yea si 3 .. 09, liin tinned bat at the op- ihISffl J',lVi. k;'fed teT:.rtoV be post tif 4 Xe. ; A deduction of itoll f W tbe year, p i i ; Slnsr WMHe" (continued unlil orders nnilE COPARTNERSHIP l eretofure ex il iaimff betvt eeo E( W. WillkiriM &. R C BeHin, under che firos of VVtllkiojrs fit Uelden, in i ayettevillej was dissclfed by its own imi tatrwit on the SQ'h June last ;ibose - indebted to Firm; will rnaki paymeut iTtS. W. VVillkings, who h duly am luristd to settle the aflfairs of the concern. . 1 -H t :. -'T-.'. -'l "-i. a j - E. W. WILLK1NGS ' IK. C BELDN. EayecteT;!te; Jo1y;t2, 1839i 2nr52 0O3I31ISSION STORE; jjllllfeBUHY, Til l ' ? 1 f JIeifd-9)fMpp': 60 8 a 9 20 a 30 10 3:12 :18 a 20 10 a 121 8 a 2Q : - is?--: S3 '! C i. ncr. i " 3' a .90 8(1 in at r4Mi 4W 1 1: l:.f': Molasaes, 53 Nails, ! Oats, Pork,: Sugar, br. loaf, Salt,S .Tallow Tobacco Tow-linen, 16 a'2o Wheat, (bushel) j$l Whiskey, 45a50 Wool, (clean) : 1 40 TEVILLE. i NJolasses, 35 a 40 aiU. cut, i 7 1 Sugar blown, 7a 1 i JLump, i v f f 1.6 Loaf, 18 a 20 Salt. 70 a 75 'Sack, ' , k Tobacco leaf Si Cditon b3g. 16 Hale rope, Wheat pew .$l s Whiskey Wool, fTniE Sobsciher having purchased the inter it Jest of Mr lliidenr in theiaboto eslaWUh- ment will continue tbJ busLne,5 on his owo ic- roqnt,and hops from jhls lnr -experience, and personaratteotionvio aieei a cMnnuancf; uir ciiBtomers of ih ? late Firms of I Wilking &! Co and Vvilkingrs L Bfldn. j ; ! l Iff 1 E V. WII.Iv.KIIMU. Fayeiteville, July 1833. 2oi5i ; ; f ; . .. 14 U , art. 1-s. . fnHE Sjbscfiber havingi made an arrange JLl rnent to be furnished with BF.EF from Ashe County eyery two weeks, will onr the same at tne piarwei nonse every xusu3y. Thursdaylipd Jatbfjday roomings ft er. the 27 h infant. I also frish tQ furnish one or twoneigh-: boi rioods in the louhiri . if snch - arrangements can be made as will justify me in so doing, of which notice will hereafter oe gien.. I flEJYUY SMTH. Salisbury. Jiilv 21st.183S-4.tf52 ! . 1 M i : r State o Sotrttt ntroUua, - j - . A rsqh ' County. . ";'"- ,- COURT OFIPLEAS AND QUARTER ; SESSIONS, J1JLY TERM, mSt Absalom Myers, H j Wm R Garret -Petition for Partition. 1 hos U Uarrett, at(d POETRY1 'li i I' 41 : ,4 lours CHILDHOOD, j :M Qiildhood is hke the laugliing hours Of early spring The every cloud that o'er -tt lA charm can bring: ; ; For,; like an April sky, . ! A ower, a sunny fay, So tha bright tear in childhood's eyo A smile can chase away J; i '- 18 a 8 mm- a 5 a 25 12 1 10 00 a 45 20 a 25 :ea 8 a 9 .Jit 7' ails jciil assor7 1 1 4 a J 5t wrought 1 6 a 18 12:a-20)ats bushel . 40 a 50 f apOil gaj 75 iqa24 npe iJ.4ti4j;UHsd 11 0 a lio 2 lb tla rlORice lOOlbs hi' 0 a '81 n 12 14 assea .HO J :oiU :h- -i c.ijernian.-12 a, 14 4 V a .S l.-T -i - . . -' - if misheli? 0?offarlb , 10a1 tjii . m j f .p;Salfsackr J :$2:75 . 4 iMs-n.!i4t p:45R;4hbush;-; 87i hi . tf 1 Si V---- r vf i s -r. I others. T appearing that the deft ridahts to the satisfaction of the Court, Win R Garrett and Th; C Garrett', resideJ beyond the limits of this State. It id therefore .ordered j jlh at publication be mnde in the Carolina i Waiehman for 6iz successive non-residents, personally the justices f 1 he t-f uri weeks notify inffisald! to he and appeafbt'fre! of Tleas and Q'lajrtr hessioiis, at the Court to be held for said bounty, at the Court House in Vadethrrof on the 2d 'inonday in. Ocnber next. therHfrid there to Rh'ow cause, it any they hive, whjjKtbe! prayer! f Jhi Petitioner fihsll not b gran led, otherwise tfjwill be taken pro!cuiifesso, ndicarJ r'xpatt as Lot hem. - L..; . yMne89. Niflefti"PBo;gin."Clerk - of said'' at Uflice,the2d roonUay in July, A.i D. 1833, ; ' . i-ir ji- -. t - I iN D BOGGAN, Clfc. Aag 4, T83S j-slii-frinter's fee $5 $1 Si. MiliiiifeVtiiHiincnt; WYHQM FOSTER IMI)KMii'.y!:fr.lfnd9aoisHlie public, that he f)iiWeiihls ftrmerly- occupied! by KlKlfyfim the Ullage of , Mocks aywjfiiufl :Wti jtoe yif v , ot keeping wilMse & Hnit4:and.rcoriitortabIe. and in ft f ie ow0: 'The sub4ci!iber Vitt ' -f",IlxW P tenner satisfaction n hun. His Tabl&. 'shall: V.-H'---'"'" j vyyf'V9f exieitsive.- ana -sale f WpdMiS jthKi Provinder, and alien M!MMWfi(n'Ue Hark nl ber Ofiace tWtnd ukfl , for ; ISMS have lust Dublished a new ;tUZM:DOOk: Bi?r;':4 Ufctka o,rCburt. Slier- r to Pleas. Attornie at U Sl'f fKtfei vattiable little'Wdjks tS'81 ?lllanial.r tle dJIirers ave ft ft ;,4 nd iisoa t i nd ispeitsafda to rgrr d.htrvjei f - their duties. It is!the Ir K.- "i'vjMc yuirsrrirs kqw oi, w ii ere Original Bill. i-A I i State ot iprth envoliun, J - SukiRVj County. ijy Kqmmyjuiiicn teiuu issa Archibald Ouvilj, ! " vs 1 .John Duvalf. IN this case i appearing to the saticnction of Aibe.tourt tht JjjhriDuall, th Defendant H not an inhabitanlt ,of Statp, it is iru-refu rdered, that pulltfuh he made for six w-eiU in the CarolinaWateiia.ari, for the Dpnd'x to appear before th4Cturt of Eq.iiiy, for Surry Coiv:ty,tobe.he!Id ff feaid Ciunty, n the 5c!. monday after tre 3d rnonday in Aonnst nfxrt the Court Hjrtis if Ilf kford, thn d il.rre to plead; answer oJderntir to the fald Bill.ot he w)seUhe same 4rr I taken pro confess, aiid heard exparte, 23 jtp him. . . itnssf . Graves! Clerk and Master'of'oir said Ctturt at offyrl ihjH 5ih monday after. the 5d mbnuay of Ajdgysi 838. f S.GRAVES, c .M Aoj? 4, lS3SH6w2U?rinier'ii S5 But even while we gaze IThfse eatly days are gone, Ai son the glowing rays? lof umrhcr hasten on; f The bud hh opened to the flowen I l ne oy 10 nnnaouu eprung, And from bis beart sinVdarkenmg power tslttternet;j hath wrung; lie dreams that he can win from tam e v jjAn: honored deathless name ; And following glory's ba liners iHefindso early grave ; But memory enshrouds in night j The last hope of the brave. . .hist- ; iv-v . i v He is forgotten o'er his bier No nation's tears are shed -s 1 i Naught save a widowed mothers tear, f T nnl , Ix n lrVv I n n 1 ? tiViCMI9 IUQ MCIU ut.au. ; i. The poet strikes his lute j Sweet thrill its golden stf?ngs ; But public praise is mute j H4 lay no rapture brings. derstood by hitn'ef, and to wbomr per- naps, xnai party owes as leep and as bitter resentment as to aiy other man who lives, or jias lived. Mr Calhouii ihiniaf If Toes not pretend thai be eveb understood he principle ot that party, until, in the chair of Vice Presideat7 he found leisure," for thej firstime, to acq a ami himself jifrithj the true character: of that constitution antler which be was theh the second nicer, hal ving already aspired to be the firstj Until then, he was- too eager in the race of am bition; and belouged to if party, allhejtelis us, too drunk with f ower to think of suqh tl.i.igs. A part oftfcis is doubtless true but Mr Calhoun, in; pursuing these new studies, was perhaps guiBed to hisconclf slons hy considerations pf which he fays nothing Practical matter-of fact meri ie- member onlyj that itt tjial day Mii Adams Wjjis rrestderrt ; th,y;o;6 stood net id! tie oifcer ct succession,hiciyiiig mor -01 the favor of the dorr.tnaf.t party than the Jre- t j that Mr Calhoun,; (too, He ir 3ione. excent ininrndent 'KnTrlnoa'' a U-i. . - : .... ' . ww. v v.s 1U UIICI II. I 1 ;more fier charge for Death or Victorv 1 -:"2 ?T8 V "tl M Toa r I ; M r 1 . ' ii T . I nuco ue lias Tint nn t We bodged again p as 1 hare seen a Swan, ! v tin ooouessiaDor(swinTagamst the tide, I 1 1 ...... i ta uuc, S- 1 t.ir 'ii jAnd spend her strength with overmatching danPpr r lh fiolation j ."4 , wives.":- j , w from you. t And yet I In that day it tras seen, Sir, that Sir iptelligihlel pWc, usar- Ho feident himsel longed o the of which his (imp narltr. nn Ih i!rtkjt ore tensions stood nosinbned to a day quite too disumt for that; gentle- roan s impatient ambition. What was lo be done ? Tne State Rights party hs always been thefts allir of those who could jo no better; and what -better ose coijsldfMr. Calhoun make of his dignified leisure than he has taken service under iK per, fce will Ie ipare Ha not to ill ' ! . . .. 1 wouia raincf Lave a be ieved that ihU,.. 01 the compronur6 be knows, that tha cute unon the tni.;.M Calhoun was not thtrTnah to i ahid ,ih wa gtn byi vouJ I J shock of an arbitrament so sterni Froni jtjts,! with you, a matter of ct- mat time, until tery-latelyi I regarded htni r' uf5 ocporrncei To hear yoii i3 a as a geo i-'nan 01 the bet intentions 9 1" ,Hrm"zt uVl F'J iorgottea by Uhcca whose eanguine temper was apt to betray enJy 1 ead loo.sinandthou-'i him into difficulties, whieli it better suited aT 1,01 "W: l?r words, you hts complexion to evade, than to over- w,c,cntse them as Reported by another. come. ! ; t 1 1 I l ou ciareo, inai, iq votina thn Hence I tlioiiffht it4nhfl" m rhroMr. promise, you considered yourself a when I saw him, soon after, uniting with l?? uder a sacredUlig-ti n to presene it. vou; sir. and Vour friem!s.; nn the Rank 1 0 at the same ?,tim saitf. that oW r s rate ana t4 v 0 ; tthe less hesitation in Idoma ihi ki-.i- laninto pat aown the authors of the r(oc-t',u rerinai mpg oeiore thi yC5f jiarukioji and Force Bill. In s that conlii ,842 the Scwtn;ern SUttsihemselveJwosihJ tion, 1 beg leave to sayf I hd no faith. iand l oecomo so laiiy aensiftie tl the blcsa- toos no part. And here again Mr Uiil- u l,"r arm,,as irt re-enact it, if ne- houn miscalculated. The strength ol this ce8S8ry by their own wies, Jou added, new allowance was uneonal to the underM wpai piayiuuy, hU you bad no konre . i . . J ..I - L!.s...i. ; - i . ; rr-r- I he Force Bill remains on the "C"B,01 u: ouuoening your conscience with Statute Book;; the Proclamation ia 1 the P,e,dge WW w ho had exacted it Constitution, and the Protest andExpung- ou,c eagerly relinqit8h. inrr KescdntiOns rccoid the trmmnh ifi the I I can never forget .ait to study its principles t lie did so, jsnd, And Mournfully his heart j Echoes its tndr tone. His airy dreams depart, j Hihope of fame has flown. Like In expanded .flower, j Wifpse leaves (all one by one. lio'riadra.neatK:'diS8ppoJirifmeotfs power ! 1 tit manhoodV pritno is gone, j I i: -hf I ' . 'J ' And ageylike antomn, chil! and serf, I St aMf rs eaclr fadinij leaf, '; I Till not one flower remains to hwer The path of life so sadly dicar, vet so brief ) ' ill allltbe wearv heart would crave a rest from wnrs- ; ThecptBing mnter of h.- grave IssIsnOw around him throws ih is, youth to ag, vil And ... 3 -lani jjjreads his wear) pilgrimage. .NOKTHi CAHOLINA STATE M OW E H Y 1 For the hen ejij tij the Salisbury Jlcadmyi y ' 12lh Class for 1833, . To be drntcn it FRANKLIX, Macon iCoiiply, Wotth Carolirta ph Friday, ' ! -til. 7Ae)tor 18S8. h 75 Nurnbor Loittryl U Drawn Bai!3tsr LiLLY -jvVHEVXER.yVicgcr. j ;'"u''!s9iiSirE.: ! One Prizof 10.OGO, one Piiz of $4,000 me Prize ' $3000. ofte. Prize of t2,500, one y K .lHLr 'P "cases,"! he irarUs ;SlTVork tiolonfvctiins t; f Jnit r;ii bwiih Dersoituiu fhfl rlivti cJrUyrW.CAritab!.j. 4ith t? bq used by each ; :lmnnvlttAI'ir.l... . 1 . :a low priced believing f fTtfl' ? -needs to be examined, to MiWwsir. & hughes. Z -K lP. I!3w8--tf44 a) . Ca m . ji "i one Prize of $ 2.000. one Pjize l,5C0, 3 ot $1,000, : '! ! ' i j ; : ' :- - i 1 'y. $5,, r . $2 50 j SI 254 Whole Tickets flalesr Quarters either by To be had in the crrfatest vnriptv of numbers. thei rackase br smo:!e I icket of WllKELR & BURNS, Salisbury , V. C. j 25 Whole.Tickets in this Lot $125 A Package of tery will cost 'And must draw nett will cost 1" 59 pO A Certificate; of a Package of 25 Whole Tickets ... . 65 50 ; 25 Halt 32 75 1 , 25 Quarj 16 371 i as new converts always' go ahead of those who do hut continue to i worship :- in the church wherellheir iatlieVs worshipped! be fore them, so j did the! firery zeal and Inn questioned ability of tjiiSpgentlemln o)n place him iti a position to reproach the cold prudence end djillij apprehensioh of men before distinguished for intutive qtiick ness of thought, and unhesitating boldness. Compared to hiti, Randolph was a dunce an4 Hamilton ja crayen. '. 4 ' i t . ji jjln honest truth, sirj' I have Iongbee)ian admirer, but never a follower, of Mr. JCal houn. A Stats Rights man 4(.of the roost stnetest sect brought p at the feet j of jQa mjiliel,? I yet condemned the cpnrsi Jof South Carolina m 1832, 'as unconstitution al, impolitic, nd unjust to her own j pepple. Bat I also condemned the craven Qonfyiro mise which riveJed the-TaritTon the South fur a stipulated time under the - enblpice of a promise of ultimate ielief, whii:h jfaa nv of those who made it declared,! ati the time, not to be binding on their i constitu ents. I did believe, and 3 do belieye, that, having provoked a threat pf coerci nn. Sooth Carolina was hound to pill it to the prool, whether a sovereign State of this! Uiilon could be tterccd. She had taken a posi tion wtucli had brought I the doctrine, ol State Sovereignty into disrepute. She had been instnmental in casting u illusion o ver the public iitjind, yiii(h nothing but jtlie sight ami scent of hlfotl cjould dispel. She had made the s?;rifire net-cssary, and : she was bound to lurnish i the victim. She i BLANK 'SUBPffiNAS j For sale! nt tbis Office. 'ront the Richmond IVhik ' I TO Mm RY CLAY, ESQ Letteix. j USi-Mn roV last letter, 1 intinjatedilrrtv' jebyfidenS-e that you, as i Presiderit of ;the i iiniyii ismit-E, wiiuic I i t Miuy ; aonere toy iht ubniiiromiss, of 183:). I owe it to Vo elf f ndlyou, to show the grounds of iiusj cbtifilen$e I have said that.'butj .forihad jihest!leitrs would not have been wntien. .or-myseu, I irankly acKnowledge that h was not jsatitfiea with that romprorr.ise j Hut oilier?, my political friends, were, and! stiil 8ire,isatis.ried with it, and rranire noth ing but rfeasonahle assurance that it wiii, Ji'pli: bj9;viated.T$uch reasons as I have' M 'betjef ing; that by yoii, at leat, it - will? f refpeCtei, 1 fee! it oVv dity to .acsign 1 am iinofcover impelled to this hv rnv i:w IJiiiUoiJ at the renegade parhzens of Mr. vran Bi ru, who would; p-rsuade the Siat jRilf prty mat the opponents of. the Ta rifjrbkyeevcry thing loj fear i from you,nnd pdliiipo; Iroih-liimV " '- : , ; :, 'v j ji rfpelt, jr,thit I was ioi satisfied witS jht(jbuiproiiise. - Bu-tis adoptibn pn Vmcell roS tiat it wrss alh hat couli.-b&ot or ii shoAved the n tier wint of .that spirit o which! ojore tnisht have keen cnnreAptL itch the more timorous of tho Taf had icst been wi.linW to t.nneio. more. It is rio rertteipljered to . of vour matrnanimiiv. that lv. til Who hndj never consented ko yield I toi the I itl condition, to enforce their demands'were the hrsto grant freely what was trembijngt lf- !A I D4tSil as ' knnn 't ' 3 ! " I' ': i . '4 I I .It And here, sir, give me Heave ;ld ispak 6ne worfd of myself iThere are those who affert to think me a Federalist; in dis- guise 5 Such willloot 1nnderstanr4 ihovf I a man prossing to nave( al ways belonged to $tate Rights party, cant consistently sneak I of :Mrf (polhoun,the self-elected champion y vany, wa scyeniy. ijo.soea Jet mv say.jiiiai n is uecause t i naye alwayt belonged to that partyithatll liave! been , ; ' - h 1 , 2: . ' : ' ? . -- I i I.! . i :.l less milieu to be mouigent to one whose connexihn :wih it has only been occasion-! aiwno nrst joineu,ana then embarrassed. wucu wiucu iiy ioi reasons; OBiy UQ - to t i arid U w sol much the c red i shrunk from the arbitrament &h j had her self invited, and certain of her delegation in Cong res si returning ; home, -amid tht hootin;s cf their enemies', and the pity of those who wished them well claimed the Compromise as a triumph of (Nullifica tion, and had their claims allowed jby their constituents .. j - ; "'..' : in all these- things ,ftlr untrtoun .jwas prime-mover,' nnd-So none of these was I his follower. Ye" L .cannot deny, that when in Fehrunry 1823.; I snvv him stand almost 3lr.e, the mark of detraction and malevolence : ' " u , j : . " When the w ho hst cf hatred stood hard by To watch and m'kk him shrinking ;"j . though r could hot compliment hirh op his fitinttess under this persecution, piy sym pathies were strongly drawn out: towards him. The cause in which he was suffer ing, thongh lost, as, I believed, by his mis management, was my cause, and ; atl his faults were forgotten. I had before si-cn him actively engaged in thje supfKirt of ev ery one of those measures, the pernicious effects of which he was then anxious to re move ; hut 1 determined i should jbq je nough, that he had repented of his errors, and was striving to' repair them. : ln that moment, they were blotted from my mind, as 1 hoped, forever, A more resolute and manlier beat. kg would have commanded more of my respect, hut ( he had all my sympathy. Whi-n I saw him thus stt be fore the Philistines, to make theni sprt, could.-he have braced his heaves no jthe bc casicn, and bowed! himself, in his fliighta- gaiost the pillar of that Temple oil Dagn, cruslui'g himself and his one; undisguished ruin, I that a tear to his fate would have been dis honor to his memory How proudly then Administration S ;.. i nance or All iai.koun'4 attbat tuarapAi 'thk But here tignpf what to bthers seem dts hghily sarcastic expression of th? : Jnej.or astrous defeat, is claimed by Mr Calhoun as orthe wretchedness and helplessness! of ti a triumph on his part. 'We have gotten mriced the smile, sir, which ac- batk,' he says, j'to the principles of 1827, comPancd yonr Hst woids, andhave nften and ail since then is forffoUen. The max- pondered on its: irhport. Was it sucffested. iros of the States Right partr it seems.hsve in Part by constioushess, ! that, whaterer been re-established as the true ! treading of construction! inj after times might bo put me va'iisimumuu, anu as a granu overt urei j r ffry,,ar yj "-o in power, in celebration of the event has been ootten !hl1 gentlemen would bo read to sdot a upin Mr Calbonn's resolutions, he playing lhft rue one soorjer it an agun try coqclu first fiddle for that night only. I This free aions with Ihe Federal Government, and a benefit, however, appears to have been 1 the 8a,n provok thej dsngcr frOm wbicfh j y oii price oi ms services tor tne rest oi tne sea- "v7 v ui rescuing man I son. In consideration of thai, he has a- The triumph of Nullification !! ilk it greed to forget and lbrgive ail the past, and eerbtppenei to you,bir, in the agistment to believe that these new converts to State of any little personal tfifficuljy, to havs to Jlights are quite sincere. - Pity that he had I do , Un .rine at nce chary of his honour not availed hirosejll of the opportunity lb 100 ni aKin,andfwhoJ while ready to con- obtain the repeal of the force Bill, enacted ceae an7 l9w8 iand c?c'f thing you midt by the votes of these veiy men. and con- rq're, yet threw himself on your tniffna- demned by the whole tenor of the resolu- n,lt7 n&lo jdisgracje him, by reqjirin hods just adopted with such marvellous too much I On suchi occasions, hye you li nam mi Ik ( f I I I icu preilT- OltlCIl M VOU telt at that linrer-- 1 But I have wandered irora my purpose ! and has nojl your j adversary looked pretty j was about to speak of a scene, which I much f r Calhoun looked? Why ;An- ran never recall, without being reminded of CIEN "stol never chewed his leek more the asionishina i ffVonterv. whichat this davL iacne,T 1 enterynor head, sir. at tho relebrates, as aj triumph, that hour of abject l,ir that fov were making concesitf s to huriuhation. I allude to the paesage of the "" i, your principles, or your cause? r!nmnrorni.A Hill. It wan'mV fortune to he Such must have been the fact, if! lOdeeri. present on that memorable night, and sure- tjat 4s N ilriainph 'of Nulhficalion. Iy nothing that ever passed under my eyes v'"onimsleii men speak; or it is more viwd in my recollection than that focn ?1 To whomT Openly Uo I whole scene. To vou. Sir. such things 1 9 own paityr n Ue swore ho have lost the interekt of novelty which they ou,d be revengedIljqftmBLr fifiVEkGCP wnr in mn and I ma. thftrpffire. bfl M. and Southern COQVfntioa WM to' be ihb cused for speaking, even to yoa. of that in instrument of his vengeance. What bc- l. l ' i i. I cameof it? .'Some member hf i !, Ini U., wuicn too weie ai oucc a wiioutHj auu uu i . r i r" ' "., uvhzj actor, f I am persuaded, however, -that you CV9 Sotith . arohna. aud bailed jwill notfil to recall, distinctly, everv cir- bis gull trap with ilhis fttufX abongty tii. 5r..imlftnr that I liall montinn. i Umlh 9 N.0UlfiltO ' Tht lUmS took S It was rather a conversation in tbe Sen- pf" werr persuaoeo 10 turpw u; debate. The subject was the tneir caps tne air rung with the Io Tr.i of the compromise on the future UMFHE ofj thousands nothing moro v.c ; either your counlc. late, than a loblisntion Limt. nf-ihnu. Un miohi oie for it. and heard of the Southern Conveotior, i andth Un ansnhsfohent Congress You roav re- Proclamation and FoM:e,BiU stand bo'un- Imefiiber. sir. that Mr W, Uter excused him imppcherecorolof the dooni of State sov- Ulf frnm niinrr lo -the compromise, bv eregn,J and State interpositipn; j. Uytng, that, should he do so, he should feel Ajd South Carolina devotes herself to himsrif bound in honour to defend it .i the fortunes of Mr Calhoun!! That gal UA i...i fi .,m ii,'f k kari tioht lnt State which be degraded, and di?rraccd. Iso to bind his constituents; that he, was ?7 P,ac,ng D',r n Potion whfcfe eh !sure they would not bewjUing to incur any fou,? neither strike nor ward. Ho ad lc! isurh oh ligation : that, at the proper time. her to- the i Caudine forks, where she that, at the nroner time. "Cf " v UB,,U e lorns, wnere sno-'.tvc; l - r t i - i ..... t i Ithey would insist on a repeal of the law, lam7 rnauei ft Pm dsr the yoke ; cik! aHhi.,M hv hiown ac disable Bira- now Pnr rnpdem I'wsthumms claims a tn- ;cptf in An lhir will. lliPW Would SUDnlv hlS umPM nlace bv some one not so manacled by ty. tr, I would ksk of those who r n. k.j ke.ArrA mmri m An suado tbemselves that) the observance of i! that which would forceb is respected con- acl compromise depends on the pcrsor. slithents, in duty themselves, to turn bim wnil4jood jfaith of individojls, what scca W,t of their service.. ' rity of thalisprt tW $ave ;tbat the act r.-ill . . - i pereciitor3lo should have felt the -triumphant e poet f hosts a would 1 have taken up funeral chaunt of khe nob " Thy name, our charsinff Shalt be tbe B Atle word 1 Thy prjiiseUie theme of choral song, f By Virgfn voices poured ! - j F To Sveep would do thy glory wrong ; j Thoti shah not !be deplored !" ; ' It is said to recollect, (and though the recollection be of one who always stood fiont tofront opposed to yon, an mplica- o;e ttiougn noble foe, to none wiUi the re collection be siadder thahfto you) that ia that moment, came pealing through the air fhe ihrillmg war-cry,1 then, for jthe last tiro utteredr of one whos voice, till thdo, was never heard in vkin! lt was like the dyin s lout of Mahnior to the rescuf ! cheering those whose! rashness had left no M It ... ' I ik I - .1 i- ! Ii j On this, Mr Clayton expressed his sur prise, that any gentleman should be re strainco from j adopting the compromise, by any such consideration. -For bis part, be Hid not understand himself as coming un jder any pledge. He should vote for the bill, and should votei for the repeal, when ever it mightjseem expedient, j Mr Sprague then said, that he should vote (for the bill, and in doing so, should consid er himself as coming under some sort of a ileilge. Bot he expressly declared, that le would not explain that pledge. It was lard to understand bis drift : He professed lot to mean to be understood, and declared he would not b& catachized. So much tor the boasted sanctity of the boasted compromise! To hear Mr Cal houn, one wculd suppose that these gentle men, alarmed by the terrors of lSlli6ca tioii, had net only voted the compromise, but; bound their consciences, s wib fetters of iron, to hold it sacred, devoting them selves to tbe jinfernall godSf if they should ever violate it. Now, sir, yoa will bear me pot, intsayihg, that no other gentleman. North of the Chesupeake. uttered one word on tharociasion, and that i neither of these laid more or iless, thin I have set down. 1 Where, then, is that pledge, on ; wbjch - - . uui repcnieu ji toe convenience tr c price j of ajj majority of Congress? V.f. ; but you, agreed o ; bind, even -ni-Hsctr ? And who pretex iEPto any RiGHT to h.;: I c'ntfSTiTCEXTS ? ; Should ypu be elected t the Pesidrtitial cpaiir, you would boeIccSr ! under that pledgej' distinctly gven. dtstin; : ly understood Uf Whom else cm we. the same fatr'plea for using the infl'icc , and, if need be, tlje AUTuoniTT of ;bis ;c.f fice, to prevent th repeal of Ihtt law ? 2 shall dismiss tjhe; subject .with th'is cir -lion. At another Hime I shtlj ofiln sot.- reasons wny us repeat would oe unuesu. ble. I : l i! .1! I I-.-: A FRIEND dF STATE RIGI - i i 1 -t By way of P. Si other gentleman ol the tariff part; tt ill that he gave any ptibl ic pledge ip iVa C. . ate for the observilnco of thecomprcr:. shall have myi vcte for the Presiifency. ' ;-' ; , -'4 ii- :. r -y - t , : I from the tfithmond Jf hig, TO IIENRV Clf V ESQ AiiTrsn : Sir T hre ;U vj w of the TarijfT, v, I ha n t, to my kno wMge. been pre3nied t t pahlic by any tinfi i qj 'ntion this, net jo c! the credit of oricrfnallity. It does but ankc : rae say,1 tha! TS. if r- M douhiful of its iauiufljnewf. 1 ara a ware It hit wim thinks he has madeJ, a disenverv X f Cillioun would have the world believe j ihig which'has .eci(ped in others, has m. ?? , J .t --t- -finil ? osix'ict that he has fallen into an tsttn : fidentlv ? i SspflC4 that I iir i. l ii.' t:-L "tu.i h..a ider. This is espialy true, wht-ie tLe st iti into an egre J ' . L .1 u.. i . , ,, norn ; fler. a eperaj true, wnne ii.r it. Fb"f ? "Itboniy for.vaunting his own , oneuf aod fXle int, good fa:tb.3nd for sat loar, as be bas oiteo ,. . .j L1j1L1 ln mp.u h.i . Said, ol late,tnat pewotiio oe t.ked, appear! t bim toj be conelumre, to touch the compromise, by so doing, he i ar.fe,0fsi2f:fctbtiNhen I am ahot t rnioht release others i from their pledges f 0ffeierl with ureal diffidence. Herctr, ti; I vk, r.lof4rp B whom maderi ta bs indclzed In as Svmewhat ixore t.'.l. lint, iujx i - , . : ., I f ') V IF i 1. 1 5 - i "!- , ''!i;f e l .if.: 'it; If if1; II