' ; ' Si-; ! . - 1 : 1; ' i : -i r v . . j .- i ... -i 0. : ill i :' t 4H - . . t V: :- N . i 1,- . .-V; 1 . .it"- 1 ;t : I . .1 f H: -!; n rrnt thJVtu York Viaerver. i "; THESTREAM OF DEATH. ; There is itteam whos narrow lidev The known and unknown worlds divide, ' , r Where all mast go J h Its waveless walers, dark and deep, MidlialkD si!en(,d6rnwarjd sweep V ;.' i 1 ; j. With maanless flow. I siw where t that dreary fljbd, A smiling imam priming wwi :Iv Whose hoar wis come : Untaught of ill, it near'd ibe fide, Sunk, as to cradled rest, and died, 'Ivj Like going home. : v I - " : . ' tX 1 if'" - -" " ' I V. -ri ( I t ,. Followed with languid eye anon. A youth, diseased, tod pie, and wan; And there alone ! ;j- HP gazed upon the leaden stream, tupionge I heard a scream, AodfeirM And then a He shrunk And he Was gone. !furm in manhoods strentn Came bustling on, till there ai length j j t jo aw iiic b uvuuy and raised the bitter prayer Too late his shriek of wild despair i Next stood .The waters drown'd upon that sorgeless shore A being bow'd with many a ceoro i ! : ' -; ';V-.4 , i Of toilsome years; Eartbbotind and sad he left the bank, ;Uacai, turn?d his dimminn eye, and ! sankji Ah ! full of tears. How bitter Oh Death ! 1 !. must thy wair;t, 1 IloW hard.a thing, ah me f. - It 4s to die ! ; I'-l Jj ' ; Another child of mortal men i ! -. - it : - - Si - With smiles drew igh. Tis the last pang, he calmly said4 T me, O Death I . thoa hast oo!id!ad- ' '-- :- - SaTiourjl f coaaCj f ' Spread hot thine arms on yonder sbore I see !--yej waters, bear tne o'er 1 j:v "; There is my home!" trt like the howlbf a Wild Wasl, .'spat upon him, and strocK mm a oiow urns? r -.tk hi infitrbrhent of torture, wbich raised tir nf livid flesh tilt was lnnicieu Smartinff with the affont of Ibe plow, an concentrating into that tone moment jail h feelings of rage scorrfand indignaUon. Nicholas sprang' odob him wrested the weapoo from his hand, nd pinning him by the romio. iui ne roaru wt is: liouipefirheo of yoa. LHit 1 Wrap 1 w myself in it I Where was there eteri white man; in a time oi pesco, wvm wiUihfald the throat, beat ij-'.. morct. a ter Sqneers, wbooinif g to his fatheras sistance, harassed the ereniy; in the rear- moved not band Or iooti )0t wrs oqqeers, with many shrieks for and, hung on to tne tail of her partner's coat, and endeavorea to drag him from; his ifaritted adtersary. Becoming -tired df the noise and up roar, and feeling thai his arm grew 'weak; beside, he threw all his remaining stiengtn into half a dozen fiatsbiog cuts and flung Squeers from him,' with all the farce he could muster. i no rjoience i ..- precipitated Mrs. Sqnerrs completely over an 9Hnrfni mrm and &aueers. Binitinc ui head against itjinlhrs drecent, lay at bis full length on the ground, stunnea ana muiiuu- less. 'I..--'' 'i i i heavy harden you'd d Squeers,- with a from Nicholas Nicklebby Cite J THE SCHOOLMASTER) SCHOOLED. " Sroike," a pnor, jdedjepinilese boy, is dragged into thej scnool room, to be flogged fr Having attempted to run away irom the- croel xippresiions to which he . haf beeDU subjected . Mr. Sqaeers, armed witli "a strbnff soppleax- ended, nd .newjnstrument of ;torture, inquires of the culprit if 4ie hras any thing to say for hiiu- Sell; '. . i 1,.-!'M, ' 1 . -:' fl ;t " Nothing, I jBuppAse?' said diabolical grin, j! Sm ike v lanced round, and, his eve : rested ; for an instant on Nicholas, aa if ' he hid ex poet ed mm to tnterceue ; but bis look was rivet ted, on his desk. 1 .' ; .l '' "-'Have you any thing to say ? demanded Sue'rs again, giving his right arm two or three fl uiri-he8, ; toj try its; power; and sapplene6s. Stand a little nut of the way Vlra Squeers, my dear ; I've hardly got room enoogh. j ! Sare nie, Isir P ried Sraikn. U 1 ! Oh that's 11, is it ?' said Squeers. , Yes I'll fl g yor wijUiin an inch); of yuur life and ha, half laughed Mrf i Squeers, that's a go.id. 'un. s i'-; . . , f; : ; h -K l was driven to il, said Smik, faintly, and castfng another prapiurtng lool about ;him. S;.'Jlrivea;;to".dd ftV were you?' 'said f Sqneers- r fi. ?. . I .. I. - J '.111- THE PRISONER Ol ROCHELLE; Hera is a scene from tbi Vandeville of the Prisnnpr of Ruchlla which kept the aodienca in a roar of laughter eacbi niaht of its perfur-f- manee. We copy it with the permission of Miss Dnnyie, for whom the rlayi was expressly wrtl-l ten br J. Ii. Hewitt; tfijq. Uorporal uartouen amuses herself with goingjthrough the manual exeir.'se, while Lezt, seated at her worktablej abstractedly Questions him concerning matritno- nv-Bait. Trans. 11 I! Leza If a girl were to Mt in love with yoq Corporal, what would you do ? V. Carlooch Present arms L She would doubtless; look to you fur C Support!!, L And then what a have to ' 1 C Carrv! ! LYour hutcher and baker wonld bare to GCharire ! ' i L Yonr prospects of course, woold not C Advance ': 1 j - - ; 1 i L And YouM have t C 'Bon t face! H I. And never hare any C Rest ! M h. - - f-, ; - . -i L Now, Corporal, pray gtye me yonr C Attention! 1 L A man of; yonr years is not able to bear such a ,i C Load ! L You are not in your C Prime! I i j ; L Your wife may - C 'Bout! j ,: L Leave you, but sha C Return!: L And then yoai have to bear Indiabj? Uncle of the bat efeo d have bo befriended ao Louisville! i! i ptesenl Hon. John !: 'i r 'i Rowan, of gold ano sirvinn THE SU&&CR1BER HAVMQ HE- - ; i- : i?'SM IB ! I , ' i ! ' 1 ' MgrEQ iim shop to the mVitmNGlFORMERLYi : ' i4 zr-Trrwri ad 7eje i : -si - 'i ii i ! , i It mpbrfftnt Information TIlOSE SUFFERING WITH tyoUra Morbus, J)iarrhdy$jmrnn n pint bolie Spams, y ffflHE utility of R. S. 1 BERNARD'S Kerne JL dyfor Cholera has ceased to be a problem. Eaperieoce.the onlv sure foundation of Medicin al, as on all other kinds of knowledge, has effect tually established what the judicioos cotnpositiod ot tne Kerned v. its admirahle adantatiota to tne vbiiuuh iiraiauens wnicn occur in ineicoansov those diseases of tbe stomach i liver and bowels. usually designated as ! Cholera complaints, led th.j Pioprietor to anticipate from the first 1 all expenencehowever,thatof imen competent to uirciiiuuiaie accurately ana to oeciaejofuy up on the effects of a medicine, most be ibe best antf with such in its favor, even ibe most fasti dious ia these matters, must lav aside these pre- jsaices. -it : i. . ; I Tbe indications of core are tot ranqoilize the stomach and bowels r to relieve the excessive -puking and barging ; to allay the increased irri- uiuiipiyoi iob iniesiines, givipg rise 10 increaseo : to relieve ! tnat rheumatic which is often the attendant etimes j accompanied with flnef t(i kt?ep on hand aS food assortbaent o i in big line. j ' .;j , : CLOCKS & WATCH BIS ' !: .MB ' i. i I : , " a J . Si Repaired in the best manner, and warranted for twelte mbntbsU Old Gold and Silver taken in exchrjge for articles purchased or in payment for debts' due itntr m Jlorttt (aiim, II3UI1 yuuAJi.j COURT QF PLEAS JUVU SESSi0JSrStJULY TERM Absalom 4M y ers. V- ivi Wiia RyGafrett. VPetilin for ' ii - ? "... . " l ii "i Thos C Uarrett, and ethers, appearing to the satisfaction oi 12 in 1M 11 hat tbe defendania Wm R Garrit'ind Th t this State. be made successive personally the Court ICoart to Honse in uber next; RTEU 38, Partition. .J the Court, Ii! : DAVID L. POOL. Salisbury Jiayj 12. 1838 tf43 Mi . i TIW WtBRY-'MnM TEST M TMillincr Mantua-Maker, 'Jkfts! known that stie has just received s from New Yoke, the latest and I most approved Xdmlon and Parisian FasliitiriSt for (Ladies presses Head Dress4dBtniiets-Cip8, kc. &c, and is "pre- nared to execute orders in the most correct Style. She bis! been at considerable pains to keep up with; the : fashionable world, and hopes to give satisfaction; to all wbo may (try her work. will 6000- all on yonr u;i u wn8n ijoui muji ; it wis mine, i sup we-eb?' v 1 ; j:'i ! hli.-'-lv'. , 'A nasty, ungrateful, pig-headed, brntish, ob stinate, snea king dog, exclaimed Mrs $qners, armng esv- " This inking ScnikVs head under her artiil and admin isfpriror a cuff at every ennhet, 'wbat does he hieanby that? ! . H . j I ".- v 'laotl aside, -S my dear, repjiiid Squeersl We'll try and find out.' 'h J J' "V Mrs Sqneers, being out of breath with! her;: ex ier I itms, coin pi ied . Sjueers canght t he bty firm ly in his grip ; one desperate cut'! hadlaflen on his body he was wincing from the lash and at Mcring scream of pain it was raised again,and again abtm't to fatl when Nicholas; Niekleby suddenly starting up.cried Sl6i! in: a yuioe that " made tte tatters ting. . V t :"'': l-i! ' " ' -,"' VVho cried stop f said SqneeTs, ? aaid Nicholas, stepping forward.: most, not go on, r r-i -i - r 1 1 ! : h' I ..iast nut goon i criea oaueers, almost tn a shriek.' j ,.-..'V I ' ; p Nu!.' thnndejred Nicholas. j! j Aghast and sjtupined by the boldness of the inU ference.Squeers released bis bold xf Smike, and failing hack a pace i)r twp, gazed upon XMChuias with kwas that were pusitively fright 1 say most not repeated .Nicholas, nothing oauntwi $ f smut not. t will prevent It. Sdueers-cuntinoed to gaze upon him with his jes starting out f bis head; but astonishment nad actually for tbe moment, bereft him of speech I . . 'k - ";-, - - U- You ha v disregarded all my quiet interfer ence in tbe miserable lad's behatf," said Nicho las f returned no answer to the latter in wbich .b'gaed torgiveness fur biro;" and offered to be responsible that he would retxiain .anietly here. JJon'i blame me loi the public interference. You Iiave brought it upun yvareelf ; not l.j f Ml ed Sqaeejrs. almost j Sit down, beggar V fcreamed beside himself he spoke.. : ' ' Wretch,' .tonch htm at with rage, and seizing Smike as f C Shoulder! L Would y6n be C Heady ! - ; u : ; ' 4 . j L 1 think yoo would hive some other C Aim :-i L And vou'd throw all your epistles into the C Fire ! (Fires the maiket.) S 'f I'M From the TFcsUrn Mtsstnger far June, 1837. INTERESTING. INClpENT in Kentocky History. At the first meeting of the Kentucky Hisiorical Society , the follffwing-anecdole ot In dian generosity and magnaniinityf, was relai by a gentleman distinguished in! the- annals Kentucky, with whose permission We give it tn Ihe public through dnr papr. i ( About the year 17&4 or 178,Mr. Andrew Rowan embarked in a barge at trie Fails nf the unio, iwnere joaisviue now minus,; wun a nartv to descend' the river! Tne bust having sutpped at the Yellow Banks,on ithe Indian side, some uisiai.ee below, iir ttowan, Dorrowiny a nne ot one oi tne company. pie ppeo on snore ana strolled into the bottom, probably raiher in pai enit nf smnsAment than rrarrie: for havina aiwavs t e--z-w -o -.r ben of a feeble coustitutiouaud averse to action, be knew not how to use a rifle, and besides bad with him but the single chlruei of ammunition which was in the gun. Ill unconsciously pro tracted his stay, beyond what he intended ; and returning to the spot wherefhe had landed, saw nothin? of the bqat nor the company he bad left It oeincr a time of hostilitv With (the Iudians. and suspicious of their approach thavjng alarmed th0 party, they had: put on, and made down ti.i stream with U possible haste ; not daring t linger for their companion on shore. Ir. R now found himself alone on the banks of the Ohio, a vast and trackless forest ; stretch ing around him, with but one chargre of powder L and himself too unskilled in the us of the rifle to pmtu even by that, and ' liable at any moment to tall into the hands of the savages. 1 he near est settlement of the whites was fVincennes (now it, lndiar.a ) distant probably about 1 hun dred miles- Shaping liis course as nearly as he cuaia caicuiaie iar in is, uecommencea his nerri oos and hopeless journey.; I Unaccustomed to tra in mo luioot, 110 ouyu iusi ail reCKOOln? ui ins nsji soil waijioBico Buuui at venture. Impelled bv the crnawinrsloT hnnffP.r. ai citarged his rifle at a deertbat hapneued to pass near him, but missed it. 'be .'third day found bun still wandering, whether towards Vincen nes or from it, he knew not exhausted, famish ed and despairing, fi Several limes he had laid down, as he thought, to die. Roused by the sound of a gun iaot far distant, betokening-, ai he wen Knew, tne presence oj Indians, he proceed ed, as a last hope of life, t surrender himself to moso wHoee lepuer mercies ne Knew to be cruel. Advancing a short distancl hesaw an Indian ap proachingT whb, on ! discbveTing hlm-raaNthe first impulse was on any alarm with both the wnues ana muians on the Ironiiers in time -of nostiiiiies drtw ap his T fl to his shoulder, in redin to fire. Mr. R. iurn?ed the hmtUf ki. k. the Indian.with French pot teness. tnnpl ih bnit of hb alsi). Tht-y approached each !other. 'Hie Ii.d an seein? his oale abd' ernisto.1 pearance, aud junderstandfng the cause, took him to bis wigwam, a few miles distant, nhmi ii cooked for him several dark and treated him t A tn greatest hospitality. Then learning frc him by signs that be wished tdgo to Yincennes. the Indian immediately lift bis hooting; took ui wme ana a smau stock or provision, and Patterns will be fsrnisked and Catting done, loderate rate. " A - i" ;.- !. ! at a moderate rati C" Mrs Jteeps on nana a suppiy orooo neta.i Caps. J urbane Uci Arc. ECJ AU ietteTS addressed tome on business r .1 .1 ' S I ! I ' I - i- ;.ri..l ! " U ' fl - D most te nosi naia. . i i o. u. t Sdii,lfrtl 281 If 38. nenstaltie motion state cd the bowels of chronie cases s InflamaUon l and olceration to overcome the spasms ; equalize .the circulation, and lestore warmtb ! to: the; surface ; remove congestion of the internal organs ; and to : relieve the morbid irritability of the brain and nenroas system all of which ha been eflected by ibe use nf Ber nards Remedy for j Cholera : certificates ; of which have Deed given at various times of the efficacy in -cases widely different in their origin and progress of eacn other. 1 !f! ' SCjP Look to the certificates ; they are the best evidence that can be given, i . The rommendaiions which several liberal and intelligent Physicians hayej bestowed upun the Remedy j have already been published, and the subscriber hs now theeratification of adding the fallowing from a most respectable practising phy sician or oomerion, va. j , - i i : i :j r ! R.5. BERNARD -' : I :l' iM : . ! ; , J , jj M j SomertoniMay 14, 1837. Dear SirTnis is to inform you 1 have tested the efficacy of your Remedy for the Cholera in several instances that have lately come under my care, and that its effect evince it lo be a ju dicou8 preparation-one eminently servicable, I j ! . :.t t m . ii j: will say ouosreinzr competent io Lcure ine oise- es for which it is recommended. , I feel no hesi tation: therefore! in declaring that for the treat roent of snch disorders, I shall regularly dis- nense voari Remedy from my office, and wonld recommend it to be kept in all families liable to to these dangerous attacks. You may nse this certificate as yon will ! ! Yours, very respecfully, ; W; L. PARHAM 1833. Aug 1 This certificate was given to my agent, E. P. Nash, of Petersburg and for its importance, read ainrvasn'rreimariiB, m i i As agent for Bernard's Cholera and Diarrhee Medicine. I call the attention of ihe public to the ROWAN Srrperfof; f Covrftf Kichard yy ijong i ! nrwl. 4 - ing to the thatKeuWDl Wood, tit Jiortti CtavoUua, COUNTY. I I: March Term, 1838. I; t II f . ?S Renbin D I ii appear Original Attachment., 1 past certificate below from one of the inost respectable gentlemen in inesraie ; ana parncuiariy can their attention to tbe one given by a gentleman in this town and it it were necessary, ! could produces 'half dozen others from Petersburg, who have tried the medicine within two weeks jatisfaction of the Court, the Defendant in this suit Sis j an; inhabitant of j another State: fit is thrpfdrp ordered, that tmbliration be made for six weeks in the Caiolina Watctiman, that the paid eUbihllp Wood appear at uur next (Jourt j ED W. P. NASH j Mr. Edvjdtd, P.VSasIt, Agent for Bernard's Cho lera Meditne. Pear Sir!: I ; feel it a duty I owe to the propri etor of the above medicine, as well as the public generally, tb inform you that ihe bottle of Chole to be held on 4th monday after tbe third irt Au- ra mixture which 1 bought at your stbre a few guBt next, at me iyourt pouse in oaiisoory, ana plead tb said suit, or jodgment by detault will be had against biro and the property levied on be conaernnea m me sau? lar.uon oi am eo. t i. i 4 1 it ! ... i tt iKkitr nil t'ts Au'gnkt4--Gw2 .J'; j : ' evenings tpce, has entirely cured me bt a severe UiarrtiCea. i ne cure was enected in taking only er ly of rdM THE R H iCwVOlM TO R tOB) HEALTH AND two doses, and as I had tried many ot dies without the least effect. I am fu opinion that the medicine here alluded ry thing that it is said to be. j j JAS.S. WALLACE, Petersburg, Va. reme- the to is eve- If! nnilEs;; ii apprtc mediate r persons s :."" disease, tj ble. In. many ' they 1.2 vr t verjre of ai live nostru: to tnany t: secuifd t! :: out ivliirh 1 ' great, ind; faljibly pr:v thin miisc ' with the I which ,tl;ry conspqncr.t! ; 1 he rr: frded b j i ! press, (er rv within the ; vidual m t! pernicou? tj ingredier.i - , i gctalle, sr. : ny Arserl:, Whatever, traptsfrcir. t of ivhich, i! tribes, a n J r tical cherr,: ignorant p never beL: cioqs a cc: Where vc r Hnoprt inln r ie Conrt lhat John Duval lbs Defendant,is: I medy, an ! is untreiore vh u - Garrett, reside beyond tbe limits o t is therefore ordered; thai publication; in tbe Carolina Watchman fur sii weeks, nntifvicg said non-resadents", to he and appear before the Jnstices joiT of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, at the be held for said county, at the Court Wadesbtiro.oo the! 2d monday in! On then and there to snow cause, if any j they have why the! prayer of the Petitioner ;sbf l not be granted Joiherwisej it will be taken pro confesso, and beard ex parte as lo IhemJ " I I Witness. Norfleet D. Boggan, Oertt of said Court at Office, tbe 2d monday in July, A. D t J. N D. BOGGA 1833-jw2-Printerifel as rtt. $9 Stittr of Jlovtft hroUuii; Surry CouNTYpj ,: JV EQUITTkMARCH TERM.mS. Archibald DovallQ V9 ' . John iDovall. : S OrijioilBil 1 N this case it appearing to the satisfaction of not an inhabitant nt this oi ate. it ordered; that publication be made fori six weeks! in the Carolina Watchman" lor the Defendant to appear before the Conrt of Equity, for Surry rVinntv. In Ka IiaM i etiA : Pmmt.i m id. Rik monday after the Sd monday in Aogust next, at tne vyouri nouse in itockiord. then I and there to plead, answer or demur to the said Bill, other wise the same will be taken ! pro cbnfesso and nearo expaite, as to him. r i; u it , i i 1 Witness, S. Graves, Clerk and Master of our said Court at office, tbe 5th monday Palter the 9d monoay oi Angusl 1W8. S. GRAVES Aog 4, 18S8 0w2 PrinterV fee 5 Barihemcarei y - " ' ! I - .: -Nil CHINA & GMAB S ill if. . Thomas JT. Uarrotr, IMPORTER, 1 1 35 Nassau Street, NEW-YOillk, HAS on sale a complete assortment of choic and desirable articles in the above line which will be sold to the country traded opon the most favorable terms The attention ofj purchas ers is respectfully solicited, wilh lhe hope of be- ing able particular. New to give entire satisfaction York, 21st July, JS38. fwS in every fWy HE subscribers having purchased therighi LB. of klsing the above -VJCA73 in the coon- ties of Cabarrus. Iredell, Uurker w like, ana Ash4 respectfully informs the citizens of Ca- bairuijaHd jfjedellj thati i jieyjliave one of the a bove Machines in operation, In tne towns of Con cord ab'd Statesville atjthis time, and will con tinneQy a few days linger. Persons wishing to hajrejlthe jj. beds Renovated can have thetn at tPnHftii loi hv immediate abnlicationi This' Ma "T i . n " i i i i . r F'J - i . - f cleanses and purifies the leathers from ail aoie emeu, ana renaers , iobiu vuip nuu chine disagie soft. Ii also' destroys the Mote M. W. CL KKl . i . V hi '! ! Junellbjii A GOOD 838-tf47 C. WILSON! PLANTATION III rejoined N icholas, 6ercely , your peril ! If will stand by and see it cone ; my blood is tip, and I hnive the strength of ten such . men as 1 you Look to yourself, for oy Heaven, I will not snare you. if i v ou drive roe on ' 1 i i ' . , ' .: Ml 1 vt 1 V, ' 1 i ... :. . ' t t . .- T Slonrf a.VP .riwl SnnMrkM.nJ U... I conqucieo himin sahtv h fiatili.mon liis weapool i - f ' I lrf.lt ft ! uce i rum his eabia ofjabout eighty miles. 1 j l . : r" - ii. . . .1 . l ...it nt ni iiirie. ana m inrr in raw well the wnerons lnni.'n Wik -17 ill mi . inaae arranirpinpniA wiih mi..ii .... . -r -7- m.,w a u ojaae ninase mm & AiL;H;. fl IHE Subscriber wishes to sell bis Plantation Jl lyintron'ith Creek five miles east of States ville.; 'pa the premises are a good MEADOW, some fresh land opeo, and tolerable buildings. w. I" iVL-1 . - . fl ADAM S. ALLISON. . C, Aug. 25 1838 4w5 r Iredell, C 3 very on. Who will neglect to supply themselves with Bernard '8 Remedy for Cholera, when jit is so fu ly proven to be efficacious in all tbe diseases for which it is recommended t In no case has it failed, to cure the most obstinate attack of sum mer complaint made upon children. In one In stance a permanent cure was effected upon a child in this place, after the summer complaint had put it (as thought by the doctors) beyond the power of medicine to relieve, It wa4 such fan aggravated :ca6e that the child had in the course of one day Hand night, sixty-three evacuations from thebaweisi Yet one bull tie proved a 60V ereign remedy. ' j " This yafaable Medicine is for sale in this place by J.& Vyt Murphy, in Lexington by John P. Mabry, in Charlotte by Williams &. Boyd, ' I Salisbury Nov. 4th, 1837 12m I6j . To Messrs Richards, Kigns- 1 lanM&ilCp. . ) fin A KK notice that on the second monday of j JL September nxt, being tbe Term of the Su perior Court for Arison County, 1 shall apply to ibe Judge of said Court to be permitted tb swear to jibe schedule rillrd by met with the Clerk of the Superior, Court of Law for said County and to be discharged ; from execution at your suit,; according to the Act of ibe General Assembly b such case made and provided. l-P . i If U JAMES JtCEAFTJ ! f . lit. : i- h Bu his jJitomies Kenneth b. murchison. Ii ! i P. H. WINST ON Wadesborouffh 16th Anvost ift.SSu, i i . p ii' v - finhe impossibility of carrying on thf Walch- JUL man as it ought to be conducted while ab sent on collecting expeditions, and the impossi bility of longer doing without the large amount due roe for six years of , labor, have determined me to seU the establishment at the end of the present year. The Subscription Listji is about KIUH1 HUNIJtUJiU, ana on th increase, and the Job Printing and Adveriieihg' good for at least FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS a yean A gentleman of talents and a sound Whig, shall have the Paper on the most liberal terms. I would not willingly let it go into iny other service; An eariy application is requested. H.C.JONES, lies. It is a tr has ever r raeijd them cumstance : unriyalkJ t . When t: company i r the 'prayer.!, and ace, C ache, jiun J largerncr.t t cholic, fc'. furred tor. -ls,;lncipt; : tivene&3,L plection,c wKan ft r - ' have the t. essions in t of ill con . ed ajairAt 1 Prersr: 1 his lost'iti: by mear.3 '. erty strf rt, , Pills pn: More ! - ebrated Pi!' States Fire Dr. Teir; a hundred c: 1 the good This vg! Mabry : Ar Town ti. Vi N. ii. ; York prior- of Charlott in the V Salisfturt June 23, 1838. Editor and proprietor trusts. r 1 0m is, FOR SALE, 1 lz'A THAT LARGE .1 4rs COMMODIOUS in ihe Tiwn of iWadesbbronvh. foteL L I hae n long Series of insults t said Nicholas, flushed with j passion and nv indlnatiun i antrravatil h ih. Wa. I . I tk ; . . wu.jr ; .MviiirS if.iscu u ufipiess inian- rVTr";. mm three Ihnndred didlarij Biit H in this foul den. Have a caret: for if th Indian wold not receive a farihin( VVtJ t s , m - 1 w w mm' ;u manA in nMAMUiui . H 1. 2 ' Tl": rr--r ir n. trough an imer- yitu do ratse ihe devil within me, the con- 1ft qjif ncessbaii tali neaviiy upon your nead.' f lie hatt scarcely . spoken, wbea Squeers, J b; a yiolcnt vutbitak f wralb, ad wub , "-rjr vwa piaaKsi around h JOHN M JJ!lTi CVTX.EK V. 0J PALMER I ASjnst retorned from Philadelphia, a 'mi: ?n assbrikaent of the above m'Imi ofn Wttrejy bewfa4hlooa large assortment o superio Rawjrs and KniveS. He can safel say. that his assort jnent; is vuperioitoany in ihe wes- miii paiu tue oiiie. vaii ana see. ! N, aiohesia4d clocks repaired as asoal and warranted for twe tp months. If I i Salisbury November 4. 18376 ltf U upwu ui uesDorou7n. latPiv ? ..u.,, oiu.umani, logeihtr with the f .r V- il sTVTnea 10 lhe88,ne Fl be sold tyhe highest bidder at the Court House door in stl&ir.?? wiU be exposed W sale the :1s niMleada tr. l . . J nn.l. if ' jlCESltq Ue Cititens of Salisbury aod yicinity. He occupies the brick office of tbe late Dr. Mitchell.! ; If:1 A i-'f- -, 1 ;; 8alrsbtiry;N.C,raay la, 1838 ;ns:df42tf I ' 7 fTBiS w"e above named firm, at ----- r s ,v" 8ai De contihnd from to da, Ibe while I -j THOS.S. ASHE. Waif!.!. ' Trustee. W C. August 125. 1838 f 3w5 4 tt - CATAWBA TTY virtue of a Deed of Trnstjtntne execa jl tea, naiea yin 01 April 1831J lot purposes therein mentioned, I shall on the 6th oy of Oc tober next, sell to the highest bidder for cash, on the premises if beinff the same Whereon Rowlen lives, lying in Burke County , on the of Calawba river, including thembutb of Sha- dracks Oreek, 14 miles west of Morjajitoo. j W C BUTLER. Aug 25, 1838 Cw5 j jj -! 1 ill ; 1 L oilcan now (South 6ide Court State of Jiortft aroliua CABARRUS COUNTY, if of Pleas and Quarter Sessions- July 5e. 1838 ?r' r Ori ill. S ginal Attaehment ley on Land.; P. Barringer, i-vs ' . Saml. Hartsill 'l i . ; - - It appearing to the satisfaction or the Court, . a m A . till fi mai meaeiendanl Sam. Hartsill, is not an in habitant of this State : Ordered thi publication be rna3e in the Carolina Watcbmah six weeks, lor trie uetendant to make his personal ijappear- ance at our next Court of Pleas andj Quarter Sessions, to ne held for said county! it the Court House in Concord, on tbe 3d monday in October nexi 10 pieaa, answer or demur, nr the; land lev led on, will be condemned tosatisfyl the plain- tiu'soemano. . -v ,n I -j witness, Kian. r. Harris. uietK 0! our said Court; at Coocord, tbe 3d monday 1838. i j! ! ! I KIAH. P. HARR Printers fee 5 6w6 j JOB PRijrrrjsrn CyDpuejattliiij Office, - in July, $,clk. OTIGJBJ. . i , 14 LL those indebted to the estate! oil the late Genres Booe. are notified to come forward and make payment, and those having claims a- gainstj the estate, are notified lo j present the same properly aoinenucaiea. or mis notice wil be alledged in .bar of tbeir recovery!. I i f! - L. R. ROSE, i-l iiExccnior. wVc;: SCO 15 5C c D I'' r:;:r lie: . f 0 ' ' Toct!.-. all kindj c . just rccciv retail, by F'.: Sept. I, ii, isiir ; ' Belden, ur in Fa)ettr v taiionon i! Firm, v. ill who Wd'cs concern. Fajett co: rrniiEt ii est i f ment.Jwil! coontt'ar. i ! personal tV cuatornpr? r and VVilki Fayett 6 V -, W 'J mo 1(0 SCO 5CD 41 47 43 1 10 53 40 ino ' 3D by SefiU.U 1858-2 wfl f . J. : ' i.'. 1 . fl; I ! : ' ; f ' . ' I f ' - I " ; ': " '.!"-. ; j , I ' i . ; 1 j ; : i i j - z l l! ? I '''(' ' ! : ' 1 -f-t . - ' ' ' - Ml ':'!:' I i ' ;r,i :rrMip n 1 . .. 1 : lM-:"!