riWT '-AYAl(?'': A YY t ill t ::r,Y'xi s tYiliAJY-i MMUhhili ?ai.,ir;i--7 .-A -.A : AIAti J:fri?T7'l--fv:.-U: -Aa ' A r-u i . -,, T''f-l:lf vilify :-l31f-ii BLISUED -. 4.;- -v! f --,-,ni EDITOR PROPRIETOR Ji.: --i a j ; i . . I i 1 " . - ' ? .: ! : ; !;r i- IAA A- ! v ; i MOD. I tm r-'Li '; OF THE? M mmyeti a per year. furonfli Var at J wq Vol - as i0fI2 a m eaiuc t bad tor hbfwil! same class shah the . aorh of r3' ?PPMr T)oie8 in all cases. fiWM .ai bereUeUfor less iMliP aiscpntinaed bat at the op- Wmtix the Rditorttrnst be osi WiillWKi' 1$ey will" certainly. not beat- 1 Mil wtor Wr firjl insertion mmu '1166 for tack lit- pMafeiM Artlf be charged . 2a per v cenf, m l m :P "4T? Vrates. A deduction of UphiRntTwi 1 be inserted for less t''S;r -ihJUvftfcftsanW terms Mwil'Brilibe ebarffed as Mother auhscri do not pay dating the year ss.i-.-ess than i ,v u I?- r in i. n n I i !. .i.ifini thAm. where no directions 3,- Jf 'lit ITo IT icniTPV Cents. Cilofi$?efa:none a 50 liSSM$.oa riafsieCf Vl mf 75 1 11 ; ;! . Cnj. ' Molassei), 55 a 60 Nails, 8 a!9 Oats, 25 a 30 Pork, IV Sugar, br. 10 a 12 I loaf, 18 a 20 Salt, $1 024 i aiiow, 10 a Tobacco, . 8 a Tow-linen, 16 a Wheat, (bushel) Whiskey. 45 Wool, (clean) i. FAYETTE VI LLE. a JriM'ftlchi'iil 1 r., fli H ii!4 20 20 SI 50 40 TUE LATB CALnOU.V FESTIVAI. If -I l at Greenville, sl a- . i-! The Greenville Mountaineer contains an official account, (embracing a n abstract of Mr Uaiboun's remark?,; ot ine proceeainjgs at the Birbaeiie recentit given fa "tbqon--e$t Nullifyer in Gieenville district --a sec Hon of the State,' be it remembered, wbicrV, in the great jNuliificaiion strucglei was alf mbt :parjifnouslf opposed t6 that heresy, and whjcli; jcWquently, "havingl always ,ben predisposed jtoj support the A-tipmis tration, is now tbe! more eager to embrace the! Apoetfle,' fht has deserted bis "late al!i,a fpf ! the purpose of forming iroaiti lion1' with those whom he and his organs unjil laVeJjr; denounced as Rogues .anij Kofi ali?ts Vf(3enS Wlddy Thotiipsoo, jhe able representativeof thit distric in Congressi wfit a'so) prsenjt, and replied j Jo tbej "Great Consistent?' as Mr Calhoun Wsarls rastically called. But according to tfie of- Jrcial accountr he was a roj re Minnow in the jaws ,bf ! a-JI rilon Ualhou n not; only silenced jhis batteries, but absolutely .c6m pelted him to rr'f Amen9 Joi his pwn oter4 throw ! jBelieve this who may, w be$ leave to oouot tne accuracy, oi tuis repor of the batlleLike the bulletins of Npo leon, wej douvt wnether u gives a true ar- count of the kilteid land wounded i-tathef Mr Calhoun's speech furr ishes wet pons aesinst himself. wiihuwhicb one lesslcun4 ning of fence of. Gen Thompson could no hve failed ito prick him deeper than theskin jMr Calhoun' first attempted to show that Benton is not the author of bis own bum-' bug! He has stolen the Greit ExpungrV tnunoer, ana seeKSjto appropriate me paier niiiy of whst his friend Geo. iMcDuffietig matized cs a viupenduous Imposture," to himself, i'tlear him : r b iroh rom his speech ; Bt there is in mf opinion vstiperable ohucticai against reporting la thxx iJiiibi SubrriBaliir. result lug from the fact lixati an exclijfeivjl j&pi f Specie jo the treasury would,: tp gf'rf ie? ncacy ana to prcvpm exieq?iT Bp--lion and fraud, require an entM istonnecl- Honi oti the part of lthe' gov tlx banking svslan, in all 11 " Mr C made Jaj few observations on Ml A.T.-ms-n-t fmM. a 1 00 80 Itnl .191 i 8 a 9 20 a 30 a I 00 17 a 1 ' $78 54 a 6 1 f.: l i ; .1 '- l! llfUIiKKAW. Molasses, S5 a 42 Nail, cut, 1 7 Sogar blown, ':' 7 -a 11 Lump, ; 16 Lnaf, :l ! 18 a 20 Salt. 70 a 75 Sack. 2121 Qbaccojeaf 31 a44 Uotton - oag. lb a 2d Bale rope, 8 a 12J Wheat new 1 t 1 124 Whiskey 00 a 45 Wool,: 20 a 25 8nmeof the slang objections to the Sub- Treasurv. Araonir others be spoke? of the charge of its being originated by Col. Ben tori, and ! called I " Benton's Humbug " This was not so. . S Gen. Gordon, of Vir ginia, first introduced the measure, in 1834 He approved of the Divorce then; but thouoht it premature.! Col. auced tne: measure Mr C, then! voted ftfr a 5 Nails cut assofc 7j 9 J 4 a 15 wrought 16 a 18 it 2 a 25 Oats bushel 40 a 50 faMrtuVilOia.aSK-.- lamp ' i'i-- - $125 Itlef opelif llKi - I'seed 10 a 125 I pfjldl :12a a 15 t'otK TOUIbs 68 i: l0a 10UfcG lOOlbs A a fli l75;a87i Sugar lb 10a 12 6 a 7 65 Salt sack $2 05 a iW;ar44i; bush 87i a5l boJl'DSDlbst 15 a 6 Steel Amer. 10 a 124 l a 12 l ea impe.1 a SI 37 Benton intro- in the Senate, in 1836 against it, because ho deemed it mpraetievbU at the time. He proposed a U & Bank, for a limited time on certain conditions, as a better and more practicable plan to unbank the Banks so that Gen. Gordon, jnras the first man wh brought this measure into Congress." -j. jNow all tnis is false. This is hirsh Jan ge, we admit, but it is nevertheless siicii gunge, ;and such only, ai the eircumsian. justify nay demand. " We proceed to shbw it f-:'j!'.fl!-i:..l -list. Benton broached bis schpme on the 7th Jmnary, 1 gua lab ced 1836, as stated by Mr Calhoui,) on w Corrl-fcG ti, : I ft' i i;our.Dl. $mimmYy-Y ItM? His uiendsantf the public, that he iakp'tt t Se house' furmerlv occnniprl 1 hw. 9WKily filiate of; Mocks-, j iplml-eoilaly, with the view of -keepinff !flff?t Entertainment, if iwriiy and comforiable, and in 'pll'ff wii- The subscriber ;8j4e""erti6ns to render satisfaction !W!lSrla!U 0I - bna.; His Table shall J7.l1 TOKJj'Pi Bar stored with the choicest Wp are extensive " and safe, day he delivered a speech, hirl-morjey 834, (and not contest to be " between go declaring d on the ciple 'of -the "Sob-llreasory scfteme.-Mjhp. did not, there is no meaning ' in ? langoage. Read, for example, the fbllowip baiagrf pfi B . i mm min form f,i and a resort to the stronffbox, as the means of nrtxtprvlntT and crutding its fundsa! means if practicable at all in the : pfiieni jaJ of lAinfe-: hable to the ohiectiori M fteM fat C ' . j , i j J : i : ' ill,," J5 :f es.iae.' economkdl and ; ejmcfenl Aai the 1 1 , vrcvcni. t v - I tl ' ! What does this fries n t - - mean that Mr Cajhourt deemed l he Sjb J teasory a wise svstero, oi iui ii imcm ryrcj- turellb resort to it f the people as a racej If I b hopes to mak jthem beliVea which is rontiadirjled, instead ;V! it the sodden regard, of Van Buren, Cambre-r leng, Kilesr 4rc &c. for Southern ibterfss ajs we7have in tlieit attachment for. State Ifights, who have alrays ridiculed the met ja,pbysif al s notions of iVirgini-, rand j Wb:oJ when South Carolina lifled MilhM banrier of Stae sovereignty,! threatened tb obliteir-j ate j evn geographical State jUnes jin e blood of ber citizens! Truly, the- gra-i muc ui -me nonest ixuuuyer" ana timifi mnus, ror mese lavors. : exceeds tneir fsv Uith ! If , any thing jean .equal the impu- ence wt'h which these flaa as?iimptiorts are urged, it is the credulity with which they are shallowed down by the jdupes of a great. Qamo.Ltvncfibursr ytrzimatrL ; ', -i v- , r , i , M but ap- a for- cuoa of his hat he d yet n ey r a .-v.; if . m ' ki . r- lie mUsf yoolc iuoon VI Hill MHpoucu i iwvun. r- stpfy bein? con rirmen, oy -iks oarrp woru8.;ij ill ! H:S5?! The only fruw irti the extrhih we haveffcited from Mr CalhonnV; Gnyi le ppfelrV is, that one object which he propos ed tb effect br the incorporation of the U. S ;Bnk, was to 'uibank thei fttts this w8 not, as he would : fain jmake nftrihi p..-rr.ltisive obierl. That Wa! Uin ate expression lor! Mr UalhOun; trtdeed !i '.Li'" fL. '.L. t! iUUf - . as, out lor m iiiai nuiucuiu uvuuut ble to find a single phrase, in onp speeches giving color to the iqea'i was hosiue to those institutions s it meant tiV kurh thk& ! Mr Ci idently alluded to the! unprecedented 1 arir oanserous expansion? vi ine : ibdkiii sb tern, the consqMenie of GemiavMnfs policy, and the direct rffeci of theestruc tion lof the N attonal i Ba ink. I -W-Wtcb icould only M again brougrjt; within safe limits lly the reincorporation of ! such adljinstltution. nast exDcvience haint? show ii that : tile existence of a National Bank 'fipt INnly xt al ainoi4 flia lamiaa v proper bounds but that if alsd; ! prevented their Haoeerous! multiplication . ili liatiMr. Calhoun meant bv 'Mrhbankini thefBnks,! then.jwas not tb piohbit the rpcipf Jher .notesi lor no siicn iciea is eyeni rp.nioieiy hinted at. but tb dimmish their ihi4rKer in the first Dlace. find alterwards ! to retrain them I rom excessi ve issues atfemnts to oive to those wor That Is a CnARLOTTESVItLE,Sep 14. UNIVERSITY JOF VIRGINIA. ; ) We are pleased to learn that tli$ j Uni versity has again opened with the mbst flU tering prospects i But liule morethaha k of the session I has transpired, and e are now 175 Matriculates, and! some efghfeen or twenty more ready to enter. rhe prospects of the I Medical jOeplirtment, ir the! success of which much interest is felt here, are very flattering; There "are al ready about 45 students in that department a no we nave every reason oeueye. win be "upwards of sixty; Ja number Ifiilijrjequal to any! previous session of the Institution. We are not advised as to numberpin the other School but; so soon as! the ! classes are properlv organized, we will publish full statement of the numbers in eacj - I r ; A A Amte The Richmond Compiler saVsJ Com modore Elliott has on board the! Constitu tion, a number of vert curious remains of antiquity, which he Collected during bia cruise in the Iterant, dug up! from the plains of Marathon and Troy, : from the neighborhood of Athens, Corinth, Snnium, arid various parts of Slvria, and particular- lyi irom Baibecrall parts ol;th txoiy Lanc? and KffTPt " x : ' 9 we understand a number ol these re mains have on examinin a note lows: the person infant on which this M discovered which leads as fol- considered is man profe Dean Malam ward : but it its ont much forjvoo at this time. iess3 t4 act, u n uoDiuer ii"ci man 25 a r - J Iliasres. The oc4aidra of iw-h rr-n 2 I leave rmr rhlfd '. tth I ca. I know. iwr rJ TV .. -,v : ypu.you being the peron of my, first choice morl wpuin4 be has shown him-? If 10 raise my iniant. it is not intended that j uai? . ,n TO T f 0Ufr,Jr ncril you areto have thU trouble without ire-K of oiy :Pbrer to do 1. t7TO Xfff l?Jf !f ri: have rich re- ia disanW k u.rt- -H '... l.tion..bt nri, ialthi. P!re. Whe, mi the Jbiiibir cE venient, I will make out money fir von. 1 1 o far foreet himself aaito tt th leave this plac& bvY the first boat., Tke Ttfiai tbiajaadrieriof oar common c: good care of iny infant, as riieumstances Torhid ithat .I ishould; and if it live, you will see that from time to timtsyou will re- J. HJ H 4 R W ELL, Of Alol:1. ? , , reive pay for - vonr trouble. move' from this place, advertise mm 11 you re tn the Ar- rgus where you move to and whit you have uone wiiq inejintant, as mere 1 of 3 or S400Q dollars it is now nnless we know where it is, that cannot1 be done, i -i,.!", J . ' , Itt unfortunate' Mother." The; foundling is a female! about two months old. ,, ; . j : : --- 1A' ShouTd this notice meet the eres THE BRITISH jQUEEN STEAM While on the Clydi the other day, v ashon at Prt Gjangow to hate a most splendid vessel, the larg'st erer L Britain, and we ireely Wnfess that I he t ply repaid us for ithej visit. From the riv British QaeetowinfT Jo?h?r ?am r a t f is an estate heir to, and really is, hot is ypa ipproach her on fha comparing heirwijtb other large veseU c:':.r her Iremendoaa blk b-xa)s tnme -her extreme leptth stfe tchio? 275 fett.' 1. I longer than the Urrei line of battle gll esol the l a,. rtm a ,w. .L:i;,.-. . 1 4 nnnatural pare nts they may learn that Mr. standing near.br,1ie is doubly so aiicr r lyon lias j periorraed ihe obligations ira- mg the ladder and goioj apon deck,??, posed n himiin an honorable and humane i"g flash H along, ia Mngth'anJ breadth ? mannnpr, land thai he will, id whatever bles a tolerable street rWing clear nvr i ieei ; ana over me paddle boxes 64 Tt-n, The workmen arej employH in fnur r ioterior. and she wilt bo ready to r"Cfivt boilers and machinei jr in a month ; lnt V. bff finished for fire or six months Tl in her cabin is Urge tnonah for a ball n the-materiaTs'are of lhel first 'qaahiv. ' ar ! WhileatlAsiille,I witnessed a practical fejfH hibition of thl operation of the mich boasted 'JJ "h ?.t 'JffW n,f"rm"T f : concerns the protection of the r abandon ed offspring, fully discharge tli claims of neipiess innocence . . 1 Correspondence of the Charleston Courier. W AaMl-SpiUNGsfN. C.) Aug J 18,, 1333. eheen presented tolthe Uhiver- s affair, I learn that the U. &i silv of iVa.-L A.nnntr whinhUm a PVl. ia-1 was wholly blameiess. j tie received the neces exnibition 01 tb operation 01 tbe moc sob-treasury! system.! The North Carolina troops, who had ibeen engaged in removing the Cherokees from this State, were assembled, at that place, to receive pay for their service; and instead of being paid off in gold and silver, in the eonslitotianal currency, which they had a ,;-Kt . - e l i t i"llu" wiiii niBBuu-ire!urj inBCtuaioumaiiou, or erwn in treasory not, they were pat off wilh drafts on the Manhattan bank! of New York, doubtless roach to the profit of such specula tors as know how to tarn such things to advantage. In this rates ray-master space set apart for lha passengerV benha v can be compared to noihwj else than a 'harr whicll he.did not dream of when .thf- otter erf, is onlv another evidence, of btdexlmtv and want ot ranuor. a dmmm ft -a i sj4Ht(salet.. .ld38- f23 valuable II orlc thi Slupscnbers have iost Dublished a new i m mm m . m-m V - - Ida to (UnrL-s nf fnnrls. 5hr. ?rsJ,Cprjstablea and nher Officers, to J '5,8(1 JJ ll VI r'io ..f V.. mm .n.l PL.a wii useful for Attorn ies at in 41 i,;,,f S unu fjl'i:IK-HBSwar for the Officers above I WtltaiA (linnA Vlonot i r. .1 9.1 2 4 i ; ;T fc ai.iv.71 IIIUIOUQIISflUIC V r. .e manner of opening 4 adjourn M i Ill-?lFsf &c'' ) the mtxle ofrraigning 5jfSi,,8tn Capital cases j, be vaiicus Irrfl $m QfSce. Fiirm rsf 1dinniT Lin.l- yf'WM ! 1 Work not only contains J1?9iSfefs ffttrh with Deraoieuitt ih dutip 'ffC goners, constables, -c. w ith I l!Mf Process loi be used 7 by each ; f -5 rj.i w? f" u i i nsi rumenis or StHf a fttU leoitrr. which are not ttnvlhere.. i .1 7 i t i l . u nricp. npnir.nr i eHll S8wil! te anxious to prf Sm tmJi :M b examined, to ;hLL:l A UJiJVUH & HUGHES. z:?c' on none H 'ima l I IvK 1 1 . It :i i4. it'll hich the one side and paper on the other,'? and read a seiiesof propositions in regtrd to a gold currency, which be proposed tb bring up a adture.dayllAT,j lrti ' . " I f':-- i'u.. uen. uordorc 8 proposition was no brntight forward in 1834; as stated bv Mr Calhoun, but in Felirnarv 1835 ? jvl; 3d. In the proposition of Gen Gordon to wnicn -rtir. vallioun bnds it so convenient now to refer, 'there was not one word sud about the collection pf the Goveinment dus in gold and silver.; The Vspecie ; humbug" j constituted no part jpf .his 'p(an.-Eyec, .iberefpre, if his -proposition haa preceded Behtdn's still t would not affectthe (claim of jthe latfer to the honor of beginrjirg this war uponBanks and paper money. .' So muchlfoT Mr Cpalhoun'sizcs, and for the paternity o the :frr76unr,i which whether it be wise dr preposterous, good or evil, belongs exclusively to Mr Benton. He has;earnedthe distinction, and Mr Calhoun shall not thus purloin it from him.-VVheth- t - ft' ' L' ' ' -ill1 I ii i m .. 'I i er, in auei-iimes, tno autnor oi tne tiumbug be deemedj worthy of a crown of laurel or a fool's cap, it shall jber placed on Benton's neap ana on ins aione. , Mr uaibotin and Gen Gordon must! be content to shine- in stolen plumage. .Benton is the Peacock , tbey mere Jack-daws, strutting in the gau dy feathers plucked from his tail. But 4thly; Mr Calhoun. tells us that he opposed the Divorce! in 1834, because) he and again in 1836, impracticable at the time." The design j of this assertion is to leau to the inference that he was then in favor of the principle of the Sub-Treasury, butjopposed it only recause he deemed it prematnre at one time and impracticable at another. Is this true ? Whv, it was but the.otner dayl that we copied an extract from his speech, delivered in the Senate, inlS34 in which hd denounced the whple proieci in unmeasured terms: Uid he thnji, or at-anV time in 1836, avow his par .tialiiy foV tbe tortnetpfe of this new finan- cm system was vpreroalure" orlMmoracticab e"? Ob ie now : .i t ing ey were ihjis arn- Like a straw i ftce bf the : .11. 1.1! a w! L ii' fortuna e iniMfle;dL If it e political datii 1vhich IIIVG ilVIIJ huh a in-illji piece ; of iudocdi ib brdef 1 thought it premature' because "he deemed! it ii J and ex Dress mi rroret that! it i' . ' . f" ' 1 J ' m,m , nature' or impracticabie"f j If o. him lor his friends to show any al - any; one 'of i his speeches, to the which is not deprecatory and hos tile in its character. The very same! ques- lion is now oeiore tne countrv wbicn was presented for its decision then. -to wit. National Bank '.or! all Sub-Treasurv. and wo call upon him or his friends to show any thing .in the circumstances of those periods, which, rnore than at this, rendered it pre mature or impracticable ? It is a sheer af- tertnougrjL We defy lusion, in Divorce, axe drowning man, he catches at ihe which! be sees floaiing on tbe snr stream. He will be preserve him from tl: he delerves for his base ftpostacy jalj his patty and principle.', M j A2in ;The official .acctint syBj: 'Mr U conclndPil iv a ?nst i eauti histrafion of the dargfrHof jrhartcring lionalfBank. He intrbanred ' c-nelbf tatues'f.j i woodsmn jhe Frest tb grant timHef, a verrsjnall pice that? he might make a ietie.fbrl-s The lrest held a coiinfil, nd ja'lM'thiil apparerrtlv moderate rrauest. The wtaods- man RhapRd and fitted his tjclveiand returji Ping soon felled ihe! frori-t around iliirb! The axe. Mr G."remarfcedj was!ii'li BankJ Givfe it a Charter, &. you supply! th te(v$ d sbon the tree of American liberty wilt fall prostrate before it." ! ; i : m WDlH I! This is a very ' pretty fHlebutidoes:iti not sttiije the reader thai it may with: mbchl more force and truth be applied to! a; !Gov- rhraent Bank, managed J bly) political 'men, tnan to a Xxaiional Baukl contHeji by comm Tcial men, whoe interest it n keep blpof rom parties, and lb have nb jpttnor lot in their struggles for power ? Andj truly U is sov j This Sub-Treasury is ltnel fAxel- which ii ii oe oncp piaceujio uic nar us pi the Federal Executive,! will soon be; aim ed at! the root of our liberties i Wei i hank Mr Ojtlhounifbr the illustration. jlt!j not mbreffull of force, than in this application, it is b( truth. That it has no application to a national uiok, nowever, ia laifly in- ferribli from .the, fact, that (br ".bearN the Whole period of pur national existence, a Bankllfas been chartered, and i 'the!Me of Amer ican liberty" yet stands. Andlil its trunk' lias been scarred, or any off its limbs lopped off, the blow has been struck by other hands-by Federal. Executive to whose already overgrown & dailv increasing bow er Mr; Calhoun proposes to alld that of the Purfl-eyer the great instrument of cor ruption, and the most fatal foe to jiieedom, when lield by that branch of a Representative government I But if this fable has any ap plication to a National Bank.jWhailsltslf be said ofj John C Calhoun, who. ib 1816, gave the Bank a Charter, and whbSSn!i834, urged a renewal of this charter, jo piefer ence to the Sub-Treasury i scherae,--what, we askj shall be said of lf Calhbyiiif jhe indeed put a helve upon the axb, ubder the ifv0r,i " ii wuuia oo employed in ken from th-chanhel of Corfti. and a niece of a capital, of theTbrnplejof Bacchus.! at Tyre, wiih the appropriate1 devices-.alsb a Jug, found entombed in the 'Island of Ce rig, two large Grapie Cannonj Balls six feet an(la half in diameter, taken from the channel of the! Dardanelles, and an Eafdet ' ' ! I . - I '- 1 . 1 nut oy an American Artist, trom a iragment of the Stadium at Alexandria Alll of these articles, except the Balls, have been receiv ved at the University. i I heir great weight renders it exceeding j dimcnit to j transporl the balls to the place of destitution ; but so soon as boat nayigtiiin is resumed, we' presume they will be forwatdfd to4he U-f niversitv. ! r Mi lb the navy! lain oft the the The Pensacola O az e tie o f A u g. 2 5 th con s a rail for a meeting of tbe ollicers cotirsie t le pursued in red tence to; gainst them. n i iinvy on that station, to deliberate on mputlion latelv ipade in the Globe a- shoe, with small apartments with "doul 1 one above the other t ori each side, in the part ot the vessrl there aro addiHonal I to have aecommodtior.3 f bout four hundred . passengers :f the p i between tbo differerij! suites of aparimen! . Ilieir arrangement, rivalling those if a r well furnishedj hotel.rhe hoKisalso-the ; capacious we ever saw, and will afford t anc of atowagw. f ..: The paddle boxes ar entirely outside f,- c alkali interfere with the sweep rf her t wnicn sianua at present irotn 33 f 40 fen ary amount m treasury notes, in sums too large for transfer id-the way of payment. ITha North r i: . i i. i-r 1 j . ' : . - varoiiua uaim reiuwq 10 receive mi; nuies on ,r ' ' j Jt Jt T deposit to beiccfeed on by the Paymaster, and .Irii SlYSm I ma,ner' c: , he'was ,bliged Vo make his arrangements with Sjftf 9 a bank in New York. This is a practical com- J 't T 1 f&P?0 meuiary on the U treasury pcdicyJending to &?tdS ''v show its impracticability, and'thathe povern- i&Lt inTI ment cannoJ even pay troops without nhe aid . 3 ' and a-encyt banks - r S rnonumrnt oHhe rrejist.b e power and pr . C J . . nf SClnAA. rhn eifht trill ha vnnra ltf A very intelligent .gentleman who" had Ira- " " . ii:Tii:r.i.V kV , veiled through alconsiderable portion of the up V5aiTfe per part r.f ionti Carolina, informs me that the hTft&T- i? Ln a nf . J..;, ' , kuJ k. .k. board, and the interior in a more forward t promise of accrricropis most abundant, but that s- a .0r r.,,. T. nu - . daily visited by hundreds of admiring spprt '. . '.: ?i . j' I -' ( r Jldvcrti . - ?C7 Arihuriltappan, who seem? to ! sunk; somewhat into fcbscntity for .sometime was one or ibe'bai i)l Uavjd Jta2gie, the ! thief, who detvea on -th nprrn man r We hasten at tbe requestor the writer, to. in- j Darg of New Orlfinir Arthur makrs !h rt the fillnwmy. I h snoprh In Which it r. I inruinM.a nn tliainU.A (he Cotton is even less advanced than it was at that time, last year, and nothing bat la! very late winter is iiKeiy to prevent a snort crop. i MR.O'0ON.f$LL S LATE SPEECH AT ! iBljRMlNGHAM. j j From GalignanVs Messenger. MR. JEFFERSON'S GRAVE, At the recent Harvest linn e celebration Delaware. County JiPennsylyaniaL! Mr" George Lei peri stated that he lately! visited ihe grave of Mr. Jefferson, and found! il iri a forlorn condition.'' It is n the estate at Monticello, which we believe, is oiviied Lieutenant Levy, now in Europe J Mr, Lei per says "The neglected and dilapidl ateu home of the patriot and philosopher showed the ravages of time, and the w.hist4 ling wind of a cold December ! mining, piercing every crovice of this celebrated mansion, gave so!eioniyto the! occasion, &! a scope to rfflrctionrrtj.e8silyiobe fbrgot ietiil ! The only persoi I met thfre wasj a police old Irish ladyj, v:ho, for a Sinajl fee gratified the curiosity bf the , stranger and; traveller by .throwing jbpen thp empty add cheerless rooms fur their inspection jHow changed every thing from what it had been. Patriotism, philosophy, fami y fashions, friendship, all had fled fand vanisljd; frith' thejmaster spirit who directed them. Alone I visited his grave. The gale of the gar-; dei was open, and on the right aide!.aishoirtl distance, from the entrance, aliewi bricks laid on the fl it side distinguished the grave of Jefferson from the oibers within the en- 1 A Fromthe 8' plies appeared, in o'ir journal of Tuesday last : ; " The: notoTHias Daniel O'ConneM, in a speech delivered at Birmingham at thai celebra tion of the negro emancipation in the West In dies on trie 1st instant ; amqr.g oter things, tot.k occasion, io make the follow i rig ; statement : ' I was going inja the House of Commons the other! evening uihen a tall gentlemaBlyf looking man, learuind Jajik, ad dressed me'ISir,! am a stranjier, and wish to seethe house ofCbinmons,' I replied, ' I will do what 1 can to! accommodate a stranger. Yod are an Aaieneanj Yes, And a slave owner, 1 1 pre Then I will have nothing to ow, scarcely one word of this is,true ;nd I hssten to clear all Americans, es pecially southerners, from the gross aspersion which is imil:ed im the statement thatlanv Ame- Stage in rather bad ccn:; isiaicen me nwd in , nstifutional Ufforr)., for Dirorce. - why c' r 1 . ' 7 i torins, - who seeks c s from Alabama.i sum ?' j ' Yes. do wjth too. S " Fanny -Wrigh York, in behaTi is a fit advocate matrimony in all i aesecraie me aomrsne auar, ana to pcim only blUs ibat h!a$utviyed the fall.' Wi;', Mormons and Sduatiers against us in the V, no me Aooiiiioniss mna jnaueis in iho . we sbill have aljseyeie struggle but it u l a glorious de$iny!jeren o bv defcj . test against thesejijnsjruments of anarcl.j Literary. A Gavel has Just been pi;!." by Messrs. Carey! lart,ofPhiIdelpLb, x. the title of Rifhard JIurdis, or ihe Av? of 11 ood, a 1 ale 61 Abrabam.1 l he r riancould.roratioment6o far.fbrge himself as citea ate qtdteintiptfared'with1 It,'' and r tosk of this reekls calumniator the slightest criosity i?W iMto lo . isceitain the n-.: faVor. Th.s I iNiok the greater dot, as tbe a- lbe .mbor,iwho Is b& tob a person tf c ' 1 prostrating the "tree of American liberty"? If be j! now a patriot, was he not then by Ijis ow:r showing, an eneuiy of his Country? wi.ivivioiuii me cuuuiit. ii nn as then a Let his friends I? 1 tj . I is rjatnotiwhat is he now ? answef v-" .u-ru As to ihe effects of thi f:bfLTl.U. shemopon the South. w hkvefUril4 m la IjWf , he opposed the rpa- say .the hive just is little conllle ib Louis (3fis80urt) JtTk JJugust 22. : i f i ;i A FOUNDLING. 1 A" On Monday last, a female of respectable appearanceeighteen o twenty years of age, having an infant in, her arms, ; entered the store of Mr. LyonsJ on .Market! afreet, (who is now absent on k visit to the east) and purchased articles to the amount of 18, for which she made! paymentj ilVben about to wi tbdra w, she (remarked that jhav ir.g to go a short distance, she would, with Mrs!. L's permission, leave ths child for a tewj minutes!, whensh would re turhil Th sleeping child wasaccofdingly laid on a pallet that was prepared for it-which, with the articles purchased and a bundle, he left in charge of Mr. Lyons. Minntes, hours, passed, night approached, and I the Child remained uncalled for. f it had been ; S ; was bove statement is published in all the London and Paris papers, and, displaying as jl does a speciesof maj gpijy. entirely novel, s read by all. The occorrejnee w hjch he pretends to .re fate, and which hp has so grossly misstated, hap pened with myself, and is as follows 3 ! It was on Sundiy evening succeeding the cof onation of the Quen of njlaod, w ben suppos ing neither house of Parliament in ! session, I had gone down to the House of Commons, in tending to look at the interior of that! and the House of Lords. Vhen I. reached the door of tbe HtMise of Commons the ! oobrrkeeper! informed me thai ihe Commons were in session ; at tbe moment he pointedvout Daniel O'Connell, who Was approaching, and said be won Id j give roe an order to heart! e da bate if 1 would ask , htm' I had hardly time to reply that I should do no such thing.jsvhen raving arrived the doorkee per said to him. air U tonneli have you a! spare order for this gentleman ?' Reiaembering as f did, his former calumnies upon the Ameri cans, I should have Forgotten the respect due to my country and myself, if I could have accept ed an order frbm him '; and I at once 6aid to him Sir I am an Anjierican and a Southerner. (This intein?ence which I gave him be has made his own! sagacity supply.) H replied. ' Yon are ! then from a slave holding state- ' Yes, from Alabama. Yob are a slave-holder yoaiself I presume f Yes. Tbeii I cannot give you ao order. Sir it was the door-keep er who asked you : oo American would ask or receive one i mm you.- me cna racier oi .mis an is held in ver much the same estimation England and America. j; In proof of this I could cite many facts, some or wnicn occarrea anaer my; own eye ; dui i have no disposition to add to thai-weight of io famy which time a ad bia own exertions are ao rapidly accumulating upon him. Certaio it ia that this gratuitous insult and outrage upon the ; feelings of a foreigner must add to that isfamy. all eoiignienra hich grow ill - abandoned to strangers j and Mr. '- "L. charged with the gaordianship. On -r--. wi.M, mwmm .wUU, iitt"- ' DFNuinz ia ai mu (imes caioaiajs w rcw , faxions articles of iufani's clothing, and oo. tod were any natiob to avow the priociplec op- and be doubtless reaarded . bv I'C'ioili.timaH1 Milk ll.al J'tmtmmt erable eminence, whose nam. wiihht.J personal considera)i6ni woald, if, disc! lone give extensivjei circulation to the wcr!:. story is described ajji one of crime and bl;: ' found; on facts toil H vey remote, i and e ' apjpaljtng scenes oCniroity io our country . 4I !; M t ! -n-,', PBICE JQ1IN. A letter from London says ;! i At her Majesiyi'l slate dinner, given r 25tb insiani, at!Buckii2ham Palace, Jl r ! son, Us lady,aa4 r j?hn VaniBuren, t: of your President, jierW among the guc V.' And agaib. speailnj of a poVlic 'dinner : on the occasion bfljayiiig the ccrner sur. . Hospital, it is slid S A l r ' The Piesidenty sou was also prrsc -: , wasjreceived with kll honors due ihe s t . first officer of the great! republic ! Really, there! isvH getting to be rat? much of this. The tnon of odr Presu'; fers no honors or digtwiy opon his sons. Mr Van B area was elected PrefWent, ii not designed, we pijesuWie, to elevata Li familr iPct. InleWgpuer. The Wellinglob and tbe United: $meh. from Liverpcd. dates to the 14th all Fromfa.y.; j Umerican, S(?t. V I.ATER FllfJjl KUliVrL. , Tf.-fc-..:.?-- packet abtp froa L' t 1 : i importance to cs z: pripe of American Cc: i harvest in Oreat Lr conceded, tarn cut iz i Tbe Items of'mok imorovemerit in the tod the fact that the - J :- a L" 1 would, it seems to oe ?eni Hamilton bfjSoatb Carolina h23 r tilted the South Carolina Loan, with at. reapecUble MercaatUe.Hou6e in London, r 5lr. Muhlenberglltie United States .Mi ter, arrived at Vienna JOIT.. awards tat latter c .- . ' '3. iM In- 1 4 4 PI 3 p i- - B T) p !Srt4U v ! I.! I i