I:- - M .1 I : I I: J'"; i v g 1, I V. f " ! ' . j.' . ' ' ; m t ' . . - - H. H VS.! I the National Intelligencer. . i LoKDOsvAogusf, U -RpporttUt lhat Marshal o!t,j Dub Dalmatia," will be intiled to join theJifi of the King of the French. Itjw said ibjt Duke of istry tr:...f ik. E,.Aih It 19 Slid ini iuo .r .war that the bouse ;pr Messm WiliwCW of , b.j breel arge. American houses which werefIled toj sus pend payment daring th latemfnercial crisis, bate resumed payment; An inunutioo bjsbcer, given that aif claimant 6pon iM firm, whether bill-holdars or otherwise will be pai4 on i appii 'ca&on to the business Ipuseof the firm.'j . This is considered an important event a re cards the early resumpi:on of nimcrchrf ac tivity between this country sM -..the Utairi ki.iu - r ;- - 1 .-: ' vi; f -r-" : i- l , At hpr.'Maietfv state dinner jriven on mo 25th init'. at Hackinghain Palace, Mr. Ste soo his lady rar d MrjJuhn . VanJ BureiU Steven the on' of too r Presided t, were arnt rig the gfests. A person byline nametor jona: riari spuearew in- the Insolvent Debtor's Court, is an applicant far relief finder the act. I t appeared thatthe jnsol vent had carried on thebtiBinesVpf a clithier in NV V. for a, period of 20 years, frihat in Ocj. hat lie left New York and came to tycoon try, with out informing his creditors of his n ten lion . He was at rested in London and lodged in prison.i His opposing crediors are Messrs, Mathy 4 Co,, jewelers, New York.;.-! Ili " .H ' 1 . The jealousy with which thel lnsolTeni'ii ap plication has been viewed byjthe court,) is a proof that fraudulent debtor cannpi evade debt, contracted on your side of, the Jdjtlantie, (The keen sef.se I justice entermnea oy me counts cLdira urhn nri.lA nrpr lliis OOOrl Would not al low hint to carry the thing1 beforej him wnh the high hand he expected. He has ljen, tha far, failed in iiis attempts here j and ppjjhai thejdifE culties which have Bnexrteonjl been; thrown in'his way will -enable his Vtrauf jLtlantictredir lurs to pbtain their rights. ; :ti r!1 f 'I By the .Titflfts, of Saturday h stt oa(v will perceive that Mr. 'Stevenson, yuur Minister, witu other distipgui6led per5ofiS!as present at the iraD09in?. ceremony of laving i t le first stone f-j the nejw, building of Btfiheheai HjoSpit- at. : r v : . ' The President, in p'ropwingUJi Stevenson's neaun, paid some very uauerg; couipimswi la the Uriiteii States, which ha V beea Ojriitled in the report. IAmwgVoihr tbiflgi he saJ that f the City of London had presented His fcxeel-, Jmcy wilh the freedom of the city, abdv in his the Chairman's) opinion they ci old poi have Conferred it on a more desetving and distirigoiah ifcd raari. Great- cheering. He wohld .; con clude by wishing that the good e slings Jwhieh existed between England, Scotland, Ireland, and America, or rather that he called thef United Kingdom, (much lauahter.l well, tlwn, the United Males, Cheers, should ever,' Cheers. -f i . . Mr i Stevenson ro4e amidst bud ciieering. which lasted a considerable time, ; to return thankv J He spukeln a'very eKcitient-8train fr upwards of twenty minutes; and his' allusions to his country were given in an' impressive .and beautiful style. His reception wis most cordial and en.thusiMttcanotiier spieow prooipt oe leeiinffSOl losiibnineo iowaiaL. cuunvy w wkmh Hu P.fiw pni ia tliA aMfl and ilictin- ! gunshed lepresenlaiive. By the way, I must say the; report: of bis speech; which appears in ihis day's Times,! by no means conveys 'a j'jH notion j of the patriotic sentiments be delivered. Mr! Sievensor. is a graceful, elegant speaker, but t ha report does not couvey such an iinpressioti. It is obscure and cin fused. The Presi-tent's mn Was also present and was reeeived with all the normr due to tn son of iha first officer of a ijreat republic. : Mr. Stevenson had an interview, on Saturday with Lord J Glenelsr. al Colonial Oftice, Tli discussion upm irro Uaoruue aaiTtr is s:iir gomg on, but very slowly, at the Forcigb ace. FROM GRKAT BRITAIN From ail occasional Correspondent of jkc . JV'a fioi iifeZtgtrter. j i . - V ' Londos, August 9 j 1339. v -The disturbances in Cahada and lbs policy of the Karl of Dorham continue' to excite the fn)st angryieling cm the pariof the Opposition fii the-Hoose of Lird3. The accusation brought against this high functionary assume a very se- lious aspect. .tJis accusers nave osea language towards him,-that cannot be misunderstood.- A - jCr-ening?rgi fiorI Dkocgham made a roost violent speech in calling t the' attention of the House to the anouncement of the pnlarnation a- -fgreeed to by the Earl pf Durham in council. 1 do not think that 1 have, o pon any foTmer occasion , seen the ex-chancellor tn so high a state of ex citement.; He said, that if Lord Durham pre sumed to carry into effect5 the proclamation he would beffuilty of no lePS a crime! than murder. So outrageous a violation of law, so abominable a violation of law ought not, if It j did exist, to 'be suffered tocootioue anhuur 1 . Lords. ELLET5B0R0UGR and WYNroRi fol lowed on, the same 6tde, and spoke jn .nearly the . same tone ana temper, i . ; i V : Lord "Melbocrne, evidently much annoyed, rose, amidst profound silence,1 to reply to - the charges brought against Lord Dorham by Lord Brougham. His lofdships ctsticulatioo was more vehement than usual, and : the table dose to which he stood was made the Nearer of diver? blows at .the conclusion of eacbj sentence. He said that, considering f the f cohditions of Lord ""iM o jjiwuanun, vuusiueijmg in-e Qisiraci d stale of the colonies over whiert tie was sent to preside, considering the state of the empire, anu now deeply tne empire , might be affected oy what passed in that House, it was in the very highest degree imprudent, and I e would add up patriotie it was saenficinz the interests of nar- ty; it was sacrificing the highest; objects to. the ciesires oi auacwng an individual,! to pass such a decided and determined cundemrtsiiim nivtri n act which had: been deemed j i ecessary by I tbe noble lord who was unon th n,ir k..i .t. beat means of fudging what wai fi(to be done, ,ana wnat was lor tne oeneiit r the Sute.' i-, 4 : Loti BaouGiiJtM iejlied in; he oioat:-sareas-' tic terms, jile animadverted epori Lord Mel bourne's denunciation of Erl Durham in refer ence la the apointmeni of Mr.Turton. ! j ; Lord B rough am once exrited, it is' almost ' impossible5 to -withstand! ti e jTorce;of his elo .. quence.; Upon this occasior hil ire; was wrought tip to the hightt jpiich; of frenzy ,0 and he cut r and slaughtered away ' on all ?tds. jHe is a formidable stombltng-blocl in thejlway of the Mioistersj bis powers, when put in motion in opposition to the government are irrtsisUble. The uflinchiogaud bold independence of jLoid -MEi-ouRirK wiilinoi allow: Mm to truckle to rjii mhty antagonist, and hence ii 1 that the House, of Lords is so f rrqu tul j made the arena of uoqhfitfd fenunciaiionisaod : personal abuse rwheriany qaeetion relative to tbe affairs of Can L is put to 'the Mioisiers. ; - . ;- j- ' h tmisl xiA be (oigote irw Lord BJ is a-clo ! from an occasional Correspondent 'of .Marshal's entrance into the Oawnei wuuim only be highly popular, bat: would P"t. lhc ttiobtrj strength of whichit hailonjr becoin " i - I i ' ! ; " :; - . -i I I I . . ijr- .j. i,t moo if hv iiia'MOTa- ySfrry - to the pcviDces, jhen be was Lord rm.aneenar: so exceediogrl? tfmoxioas to WW Urn the Fourth, that his Mfrjestj, epott tthe re torn of the! Whigs to powers would not listen lo the proposition that be should reiavesieu tbe grent nal. And because of this he takes every opportunity of thwarting his old colleagues. When Le was ic the cabinet be was a very - ty rant. If his colleagues did not at ooce agree to bis propositions, whatever they might be, he accused them of duplicity ;M they did not im plicitly obey h'w imperious Mandates, he became stubborn fimptoos,ioo11otw.r-S V? Id the Housei of Corarnoni. Capt. BotDERO asked what steps had been ajkeo with regard t the Nbrtbeasfern boundary ;of America. v .J.-; Lord Palmkbstost said Negotiations had been for the last year and a half; going on between America and great Britain, is to whether a cOn mission should be appointed! by the two countries to trace the line of boundary. These negotu tions had not yet come1 toj a close. Ibe two Governments were now in communication as to the appointment ofa commisioo, " ' ;-' r The meeting held in Birrntingham on the 1st instant, to celebrate thewemancipatioa of the ne gro apprentices was aoosi ittiberously attended. Mr (XConneirmade si lqogtsbeech. in the course of which he thooght prdpe.tb make a most vtr ilent attack upJn theXlnitld Staies Minister. The language H applied tqthis gentleman was k the most ff?4sive description, and altogether anprovoked anal uncalled Ifor. Mr Stevenson never in terfeies wilhTMr O'Conoell ;? and no man. holding the miDorUotf bc wbicb he does, ) could havelooe more; to .conciliate all parties, f and to maiotaiihe kindliest, feeling between what he himself has! called the 4 Mother' ) and the'. Daughter f:j:T-lJ. :':'. :". ftlr O'Conoell is giting offence to every one. His allusions to the affairs f jthe Canadas have called forth from a quondam friend and an ad mirer of his, Mr Hoeouck, fthie ex -member for Bat h a rao?t earchirif and'sWeepifig condemna tion; The. fullo wing are extracts from Mr Roe buck's letter : f Your mralMy.is as detestable as yonr assertions are fatse. i' You, sir, the great agitator of Ireland, you I have called, attended, meetings of a rioleotXaod than kni man ; W ana uaranguea mere , threatening character whose esnmple led tlsesa Canadians on in tbei struggle against English despotism you have recorded! it as jour solemn ar.d deliberate opm iuii, that despotism is justly inflicted on a people who meet peaceably to express their confHeripi in certain of their countryn0n orjustly, as they conceive, (dismissed from the command of j the National ntilitiaj.. And; yo, also, have leti the worlJ know that you belieVe the folly ; and tbe wickedness of a few leaders of a people suffi cient justification for j the -perpetration of the grossest and most dangenms injustice towards the nation ft large. Let tie Irish people pon der upon ibis political axiom, j I do not expect that you will be at a! I ashamed, on being con victed of this atriiciooVf le . me use your own, phrase,) this foolish, thts wicked, this criminal inconsistency. , I write nol to shame you, but to prove to iny own countrymen how wantiogk you are, in truth, in justice in generosity ; to marki tor their instruction, tbe wortbiessness oi your authority to hold you up i;to tempt of the biaye, the trap loving, and the ge- T?rtHIS'. I J"U i t v ; .-, i V - -. j The Pension List Committee have at last brought their labors tola close. They have made their rcWfi aod a rodst v luminous one it is It tlQlaa lh ;nnrt , m,i, Wi,n.,Un intiiriil nnl . . ; .1 the claims of the pensioners have been found to be of so urgent a natare tht it would be injus tice to stop the supplies. ; 1 I I perceive from the Washington correspon dence of.ih i imca that the rvorasK-rniKHinu y linn of the United States has become a rjues- iou 'o serious) tmport, 4 As ;your eoverninenj lhas takwn up the qustion'Sin earnest, our Govi- ernrnenl will be obliged to come to a final settlei inent Avithout unnecessary i loss of lime. It is reported that Parliament will be pror Vosued on the 15th or-16th inst. bv her "jlaty in person. It has oeen an; unusually- proiracteo session, and very little good has been done. 1 am much tnclitifd lot thibk that our legislators are not men of business They talk too much, The. ordnances of Lorp Darham relative to some of ihe Canadian Insurgents were again brought under jthe onsieraticrr-;ef the ; House of Lords by Brougham. It is very likely that al terations will be made in he act of Parlianent which invest s6clLettraodinaryi powers; in the Governor General of) the JCanadas. ! The HJuse of Lords have, by a majority o? 77,' adhered to the ualificatinn clause in the Irish Municipal Corporation Bill, as altered by them :thns 'defeating the amendment of the Commons, as will be seen, by la large majoriT From the course so determinedly pursueTby this branch of the Legislature but one conclusion can be deduced; viz that1 ihe Lords do not think he Irish fit tube intrusted with the privileges enjoyed by England and -Scotland. A letter from London Ed ihe editor of the New York Courier and Enquirer, says ''By the recent death of the Duke of Lee is, your coun try woman tbetMarrhtoness of C amaethe'n, has become Duchess of .Leeds The lady referred to is the youWesl daughter of Richard Cato,tq of j Baltimore. ' Correspondence of the JVb. Intelligencer. New York, Sept 16. ; "All creation'' jnai been vating in Maine. The Evening Pos says 'the fanners have put in the ploughshare, and turned the fur tow knek 'deep.' fjj Wjiy already I Ji a ve re turns of over EiqiiTy thousand votes, (62 towns yet toj be heard from ! OOOO rooie votes even now than both parties ever be fore could rooster- from whijeh I infer the plough has unearthed even flow the dead to vote!' Thrvjote Jarnazihg-in its oiagi nitude for the 'populaiibn (voting. - The Whigsvill thrown over 40,000 voles. e4 nough to have taken the Slatb bv the' mai jority of thousands at any other time but the Government Parlv; throw in ore. 1 nrru nounce it. know tm possible tb recover the State of j Maine; when , the -administration are determined td haVe irirni. trf.. iul U- J' L" - ' T crime or treason tliat AdminEBtraimn msi nn..;t ttu't i- i r I 2 , commit. The Whigs o Ma ne nroof the best organized Yhigs of she Union-- with energy: nnbouhdedand in activity for a aiomnt never faltering ar d yet, if the Administratioa should to-m irro w surreni oer the one-third :orr Marine -a ,A the British,; it could i J o i theless, if .it chose r ""f te never- 1 f?r rl:8e 01 il tre- uiat Mime, wiih it .::-". y1 rr"u! ra,,es P1 accst,and " v" !,uucu uy cusiom-housfi ofHrPr Km, on lbe.Canadiand New Brunswick fron. f : ". J r m oioKomans recover ineiruepublic wl en her Emoe- tors had onranii . - . n as fat the Hrtmani;t,i Tv.-i . 1 - - ' 'e9 Maine to i 1-4 State. environeil as it is bv the castomhbuscr Praetorian Bands. It p their dsty to; keep Jihej flag flying ; the Spartans at Theapylseere the models for an A- ; mei iciniSllii ! Bi!ASP ' dit; and yet Whigs hekitate if hen other Whigs propose ;ihdeibifMo cotivejjxier ! 01 tell you, we most eat down jthe custom-houses to; low-watermark ; we must1 Q to the People with he ! 1 GyOOO; !postbfices: we" "mostf let - States uke theiHpwn lensufiWe masi popularize i!ieSFei(jefl Gomnment, nr itjwill be;and noi IoIience,kif,4NRc.iYl- j i'j knowibusinJ:bf .onesi men" will not agree With nf e but 1 1 confess to you ia solemn fear, we pn irie seashore can't t'nU long against' the custom-house. When it picks jour" :j rpockejts - we wilt fight them ; j)ut wliehli fltls!oarpQcliets,4 we ate but men. i. .Mr-pkriLp will be elected by t about 3f000i OTHjbrity4 -hot much more, ; if) bt rauchif jMri Vah Buren got the electoral vote oil t!$ij 'jStaie. by majority ! of 7,70 1. flememlers orCoheress will 8tand,jas :; e)ectebf ill!S3B,twc'i Whigs and six tfaa iBurertlvpril? h4 ti ' 4:br': Cumberland !( Vt B ) Albert Smith, jfjlG i l lmajoritJ F O j Smith's district.) orkifrVtiBj Nthaii i Clifford, (Faiifield's district 1 !i 1.1: :lil Mi. Oxlbrj! fJVi Bl Virfftl D Parris WaldolfPiBj Hugh1 J Anderson, PenobgcoUnd SomerseV V B I- Thomas Daveeii Hancock and Washington, B Joshua j Al Lbweli IfNoyes's, late JfarviaV dis- tricti)! ;-.!r.i:!D j .:. " .j. , Kenheiee (Whtgi) George Evans, H ThplFuREioii: Niws, to; Ang. 13th, has three items of interest to us ; first, a high- ly probable diminution of the British grpin croPf j cbnsTderaby under an averagp ; nexi.; ine success, oil Men naioiuuu iu ijc- gotiati rc the! Sbuh'Ca r'ol iha loan; and, last ri. 11. i: J.Ais.Lv t. hi ;n:..r t.n II1C UHUdi I'lilUlil!; UCtV 1115 UllUIOHJ puVan'llhel brpipiMices of liord Durham in blnihDgthe ilirteen prisoners to Ipr muda'Hnbj.in1 llr$id(lihg Papineau, Brown, and others to re-enter Canada. Lord Aid bournej disallows ; the ordinances. Lords BRorotiAia and Lyndhust, and the-Lbrd i i n.f-ii i- '' i Uiij. t :i onanceiior; agree mat ne nau no power, u banish kb Bermnda.! which is byond his ju? risdietibaS antl !nqj boWer to exclude PaIpi- newawiU create greaisensation. Lord DpR ijkini 'jilisj ncit jimprbpable, will throw up his commissidn. The cotton market has -advanced d. : . .. ? JJ j l American securities siuou a The on limes, so mticu '?.- i uotib ;thGltdje is- feroeons agajns t these securities, and ' misrepresents the whole negotiation quoie8iwjth great of Gen. IIa3iii.ton. 'It gjee all the bid stories of the Globe about the insolvency of t S. tSanK, trnti upon the authority o Government paper pronounces it a bank- ; u buuvvi U A liua o ice cite uiauuv, I it UaAa.iJ . Tl.v aAA M M l I whtctthjBi:two journals 'play into each oth er's hands, td the disgrace and detriment of our country. J !; Thel jWhig State Convention has lwtlin- to thejiitold Villia M (1. Sewariv for Gov- ernbfJalrid Lc-rnEiR Bradisii for Lieuten s as strong a ticket; as ant Governor, lt Can ilbe; Inriadei The Convention parted nr 1 1 vTl tlvoittii -MU-it itilbiimifv .1 HIHI IliVUlUIUCt U 11(311 lJj I l j i j j It is 8ttleil thalt J inx Smith is not fec ted to.Congress from Vertuont. He falls short 15votfjs, i' Lpjun Market to-day has bWen seizerWith a panic on account of the news Irotn iglany . 1 he market; was sept ti8 riioriitng;at yesterday's (mces. Flour has ;rri jnp ptncE to 9 chillis per barel. IThe; purchases, strange to saly, wjerel on FuREmsitAccnujiil 1 Mr It was expected thai he would have audi ence before the Conrt left for Milan, I fdeclines! JMrfriULiPs, Al (J. Irom Massachusetts, reflection, or a continuance! tn 9,n? -6 - !f'?g h?f ,ef? ! Thfe fJocoFocosiin this city have hit;np- on a new idea, r the repeal; oi a&l tftws rORlailEdavER of debt?' Mr. Qal HpvNj ljani .assurjejaV will have to- adopt even jihilfpart of tfjfe New York Locooco ;erjedfre bur Mjijng, Slam, and Bang wiU considerhiraorihotJbx. I I .OCO FOOO VILLAINY. i :yirER.ti MarvlandJin his late speech in Congress, detailed the following black irins actioni And,jreader, is it not a fact, that the yillian; whose exploits are here recorded, was merely doing on a small scale what the adminis- iaiivn ia siictiipiiiiv on a lame one : 4 TV Two years sincei : while traviellino on! the Ohip and Mississippi rivers,' when the notes of the Bank of the United States were the only paerorentlievry j Where, a gjentlemanlffor suc.n he seemed jo bej came on board, and meet ing a )lain couniry man , who hadltravelledf but ;liitle.?MiC in! his possession several large rktes oflthelBahklof the IT. S. (which he apparently took! nojroticetof,) became exceedingly friendly to him and upon an opportunity occurring, of fered jtrie most disinterested -ad vice. He told him t bait (vithin ihe last three days he basfmet a eonfvicntial friend of General Jackson, 'who had assured hiin. that jthe bank could , bold ot no longer j1 that the government had determined to pot Ujvnhat jl-jwwascertaiad that tjhere w.re "jnoniorep bojtes jissn'ed than could bej re deemedp and that the notes were then consider ably belotf pari 'he honest, deluded ciuntry man informed him thii be had none; other ban togs of eeyeraf years hard labor ; that he had ?. J . . i .?: n.i J sou out nra siocit a iiew oneaits, ana was re- tnrningStd theTVet,for the purpose of invest- inglis proceeds ?in land for tbe benefit of bis farniljrt ilis ew friend advised bim to. say; no- hjng!ha he jbaji communicated; thit a koowlldof the j fact would still furtherf de- Ps! iTsy P.-.f.e. noies Da ''.u a - i - a i i wouia ijv asa! uv woiuBiiiiiig ior uiki wneq ne .lMiA ldrid J Miss.nri. ihpr h. tiA . friend a little iway above. m, hei newlyi eernenteu ineuds ! stepped on s way. i he country pn! board )ust in time; bis friend was buurd to bt louis its,1 MissoorU where he r doubt lor W jpolitical knavery. A! tw t.ioona an pr jiuior; in iponucai inivery. a rew faourer rcc tae h ' a' iMr Ji lire wnilst passenfferv were ,comior onf and toe ourt goiigtjj0W lo .at few moHieiits the steam was op, froro th arid; the oiiat iwas under way. f. The countrvWaa 1 mean il n hi . r -is -,! ' -;-! ' ill ; r i : : ' : . , mn ; w ; ' hf : !n! :f 13 .- -i ' - :N:: V . . ! 1 -fe,Mifflitiiiiiiiiin. ;tiwf - t-' i ' : ' -'-f " ........... m "- tw if; I .; i h.- . ; i I ' .-. Mr- ! -'tl Stales BsQksdaiM. . ,The countryman con gratulatilj ijimself irji.n meeting with so, kind and disinterested 3 fuendnd commnaicated the result. He had retiiavUd for bis tfnited- Slates Bank rCes4nosa of the pet bant pf Mobile,atd; some from Ii)uisiabia'aod Ohio, to tie amount of upwards of three thousand 'dollars ks' a par-? ticular favor; f he beinrV like his frierid warm ly oe voted to t Genera 1 Jacksoo'sadminisira Yoa toay readily imagine his confttsion and aslonishmenl when he found how sbahefully he had bM - cljeated: jj I e paid for I t United States Bnkioteslitt New Orleari,i percent: and had r hera exchanged fb paper j tmire than' 5 per cent J below! pari Thisjs ?th irnaoner in "utuu many uonesi, Cjinn nng countrymen nave been tricked bV fflttliUcal ' Juiavesrlmiire there none here who, feci ad. if simTlir ieaihery has v- pracusea oy tnemseives towaraai ine couji- Mom the RaUigh Slat. mDUFFiRs opimojrs. hing from! this distinguished; gentleman kuuijpi poi, oe reaa wnn inierps uy me we Shavej therefore published in this week pape his bpiriobft on lhe4Snb-Treasa-ry. It wili lbesein tl at Mr. MoDufite thinks a NatbaJBaik constiutionalr and ii ordinary times a veryf jgoo4 Jp; titotion ; but he rega rds this a veirj had time tc establish itiand, be thinks New York a vrry improper. place for jits loca tion, and 59 millions of dollars a vetv danger ous capital t4 givej it. Now, iif ihel Bank be cootuntional, w cannot see why it may not be ...if 1 ' I .:. :., :J t r . - J! If. i- esiaDusueg .wun as mucn eariy in exiraoroin ry as in ordinary times. As to its! location and capital, Mr.cMcDufSe can indulge !in nothing better than mere conlecture. i ! On be Sb Treasury, Mr. McDuffje and Mr Calhoun seem todifier somewhat. TThe rpecie clause ts uriled bv the former s a decided - ob jection to tho scheme ; ad Mr. Cajhoon de- clares it to bp ai(soIemn farce" wtlhlout it; and who soalt ddcide When they disagree j? But. if Mr McDuffie isaeain&t the main fea tures of this1 bill, what is he foi? He is for the specie at! the option of the debtor to the govern- ment; nie does may be liquidated I !We have riot time forf extended remarks ; but we - would just ask, what difference is there between this t scheme isand that famous exchequer liank, " founded upon the! revenues of the eroverh mentf W hich . w as recommended by (Sen. Jack- eon in j xypBiiu aguiuv nuicn iur atcfuuum iucu soahiy and energetically contended I Mr Ale Duilie has eertatoiy placed nimseit In a very Btrartge attitude before the peopled I ;! U- j aMM - l . : . s ' i I '.. -From the Raleigh Star. MR. CMHOUJY JlJYD THE GLOBE. WhetherlMr. Calhoun advocacy , of the Sob Treasury has given the administration any co lor of rigb4 to claim bim, we do not pleurae to say; but this we know, the Globe is wonderfully pleased at his position Indeed, it is j quite rap turous on some occasions ; but has ' Mr Francis P Blair forgotten tbe man ner'in which General Jackson through his tool-ship, deniidnced !Mr. Ualhounin p S5,! and '3b In; 'S3, oe pre teodod thus to tbinK, and thus spoke,: - vv nai a oitssinj; j j vainoon nas provea i iri;;. i ii..t:. 1 n in J to the whoU South! In reaching! for the Presi- j 'leney, he contributed his efforts to build up the American system; the lann Uankr-lniernal lujprovements and thus, for almost twenty years the Southern Slates have been drained of Jheir wealth. A last, seeking puiwerifrom ano- iher direciion, he originated Nuilificiation to be coniinated by secessions.' Here his. political opinions are denounced but in 5; he is charged by the Glolje with hav- jug insiigjiea the attempt that was made to as Isassinate 4ne President. It said : I i l If he (Lawrence) had heard i and believed Mr Catbooh'sspfeech the day , bejfore jyesitrday he would hkve fofmd in it ample Just ificatiori for his alieaipirun orieN ho 'vas leprtentLd as . the cause ui the ouosi drcuidiul caUmilies to the na tioiu" buch a heinous oiTencex as mav oijtlv be as scribed to a' cold hearted Moxrel. is here charged upon a fcaator j himself a peitect model of pri vate integrity and public bonorY 1. his bareness of tbe officjal brgan.aroused Mr. )Ciloun ; and he told whit it was in a few wordsV,. lie said : Whatever may be the character t he j pa- per. fine Globe) however BjlSEl and PROS- &irUTEUis the known authentic and estab ined by its ttshfd organ of the Executive, susia power, and; pampered by its hands ' The Globe retaliated ; and from this time up tojseptemoer, lSi37i its columns teemed with assaults upon the pohiical and moral character. Calhoun, when the aa well: as honor and Integrity of I Mr J It i'l't" . ... ".'.Ui ne.wasoranceu oy it as a LilJlli truth would better answer bis paros and, in lauding the magnincence ot, the inauguration scene, it remaikd that ' John Caialine Cal- houi: was fniH present on the occasion. " But now; he; whom this print once styled ja 'traitor a ievolutioisH, an accessary to an attempt to as sassinate thejpresident by thrAwjagUua pow erful energies) inio the support of the Sub-Trea-r sury,is 8udilen ly transformed the roar of Nul lification ciaiwn is unheard; treason's! deep stain is wiped rrqm on bis armor ; and al his tergiv creations have beeo silently buried with the tbing-s tnat were. j! i I MR. IMcDUFFIE. Without any means of knowing the fact, other than! those apparent on ihe face of his there was'ao evidi nt cohOict between tire cohvicliodsj of Mr WcDViudgment and bis personal aMachment to Mr Calhoun. t-That opinion is: ionbrrued by an extract; fromi an other letter from Gen. McDuffieto a distin guished gentleaianl of South Carolina, which we meet wnn in ine last uoiumDia i ele: cope. ! j ItptloWs i f ! regard the seherne of exacting specie payment for tbe government dues, to the fWi- :lr T3 - l ?t f P1 " ; . n t n f MaueUfc!wi,lV mcii ucie- ?enoust cc-nseauerces that do!nbt believe wumu :ipe enaorea. apecie j is not oar currency it ismrely a standardlto which we refer, by means of the exchange, toas certain wbpn tile currency is reddndant Pa per credits our actual currency, and tode soy t. jwoold be to prolaco oe of the most untiist and rumnno rpvliiiiok everifesViiited th earth." :.r. . :'rl J.te.?KPni sa' :h cn- FcDfiBo coneura in opinion with Mr Calbrion'? Fih'firiitart.1. ftli?eiyio0e reproaches the Whirs for Wjmhieh they adont evirW ,4 1 -Kepobticanisai'-joff course, I it i vvguet W Mri,WUw n-epuDiicani aghigtm, oi" whicbj certain old vU now in iralistssdbh asj Buphapan, rioeY f Ingerutl. m h ;biWb-iriests'U'ai Rush and I ingersuii aj ti4ft the Repob - Jcffpson, Madison and Monroe cf . i 11- 7 1 li jun. -Any people; he bitter reyilersK If the reproach be true, liowe?er;ji is applicable to others as Well as to the 1 Whigs. ' - w, . - .. - , 1 3 ! " J it Look loif example, at-tne euiogies now i neapeu upon "John Caiahne ualhounv pyi in,e same man who once applied to him the name of the infamous Unman conspirator ; and at thei prnises which are bestowed on certain other distinguish ed Whigs, who aieas yet but half committed to ine Aumiftisiriiion, out ww wjh cy" ly over. ) It is true the Globe may not really re spect the traitors; but then the treason is so sweet, that .will at least treat those w:hb are guil tv nf it with crirdia itv so ion? as ineir ,sti ticks are neeoiea-i juyncuuurg r i - From Vie Daily Jldcerttstr. AN EDITORIAL KICK. The Boston mornin? Post, a sprightly 1 good- humored paper, but of fawfuUpoliiici gives the following coup Al the grumblers in its patty, who are forever on the lookout lo find fault with the editoriali management of "a : psper; Which they lift hot ApnsA rnoccrh !to annreciatd. ' Soch men thera are; their; use we; know 1 ho , unless sent into the world to prevent an? edi or's life irom swing too nappy ? s t J ' it Your strait forward politician, f ha honest' abd disinterested rnoUve3,des not erum- ble at his pa Der--he reads it with a ffe ish, as a man in good health cats bis food ; but ger, dyspeptic, selfish dtmagfgue, wh pon the hope of one day getting his the public crib, or has already got it our mea is jiving Ke into Ltereyjand is treating Iwith fear iest.it bejtlus;t aside, grunts and groans ait every paragraph v. hich does not appear lo have a tendency jtp! advance bis personal views ; yet as ,be MOdjihis desires are alike coriteroptible, they are rare y, tl ever, thought lof by an editor, i and hfoce io paper, suits Aim. We have heard motion-heac ed fel lows men who could not write jin wunt ! of; a marraige crrecily-cjbnr plain of ;ja lijcl ; of altc articles in the pubhe press ; tthey ivaat some thing deeper and strange; Lake$dpefior was not large enough for these'mionows 31 they could only find room in the Atlantic; wl;jei sensible and well-informed rnen-Hmen; who kpiov' how to appreciate mental labi arcfilled wiihj admira tion and (wonder at the power and copiousness of the contenU of the daily press;. -illj j. .; , . ,' After all.bowover, there is this. cons olatioo : "active, )nielligent, and" ; valuablejjoliicains- Those who do the work and producje th result, and take and pay for newspapers -jth e who contribute to theitjiKi1uma,andradv!i4 1 ieirVd- itor8 are not among the i grumblers for the lat ter are too lazy for exertion, too igant to write, and too stupid to advise; The active -business man glaoces over bis oewspajer,j! smiles at a pleasant; paragraph here ; starts at ;a "shipwreck there; looks at the advertisements,; tbeinarkets, &c is satisfied aod lays it down, contented to have the news of the day brought lo j his 'door for two cents; hut the loafer will leime in and pore ovei it for hours ; read every line, ; rom this corner toj the other.; ask if he may take if benae and thensay 'it is very dull; wordering that they dont gel tip eomethirtgiintejritihg, and conclude by a? king, 'ichy do you take it T These are vermin of societywho are eternil!y finding fault with the efforts of other beoplei but i have nettheV eineijgy no capacity enough jijacromlish any ?ooa iitemseives.. x ney f iis .nri an ponies ana an Nocieues ano oeseive infi coinroi an. l.' ii- ! . .. . i "M Brother Editors, give them akickj' From the JSTeu Orleans Bullet U Sept . $yL j- HORRIBLE MURDE I;' It becomes our painful duty to recpjrd a mo 'der perpetrated in our city on the evening o!f the Cth instant, under circumstances of hoi rjbte; atrocity. The scelie' where this heinoos trafjdy j was ac ted is a small grog shop nh Girodjst feet, ! near the corner ot leiieupumjiiis stieet.' itpsown ed by a womn named Mrsi Doyle, Why employ- ed a yo u man 10 nssisi ner in itie esiaoiisn- ment as red abou ar keeper, Circurosancess had ocenr- the tiouse which excited t&e tpspirions . t . ' 4 ' "'.1 ii 1 I of the iceT For this reason, a wktclinan was near the premises to; spy thip mote the inmates on the nrghi ' above men At an early hour, near the.dawn of day as 6een stealing out of the "root door of stattone ments o tioned. a man was the house, with what appearedf to befa ag upon bis back I Thef watchman hailed him, jand star ted in pursuit, when ihe suspected perfoin drop ped his load and ran back, into the lioase. The watchman stopped to examine j had drjppedi and found it to be and dirt wound op in a blanket. whatUh fugitive a qna.ni ijy of m ud The cirjeomtan-. ces seemed rather mystertoos,aDd the wfUchman, after calling to his aid a reinforcement from the eoard house, commenced a search of the bouse. The. plank floor was raised, and the;body of a man murdered and mangled, was lew nd tn a hole dug for the reception of his body. :; llie grave being filled by the corpse, rendered lit fiesary tn carry off the surplus dirt, which led jto the du lection of the murderers ! ! Ij : The jun fortunate victim was , a sailor named Gotlief, who had a few days previous, taken his discharge from the United States ravy, and re ceived bis pay amounting' to $150ori$200. The woman of the house was arrested, and three, men, her associates in crime. Theiri!examination occdpiedjall day yesterday -before he;rerorder, Mr. Baldwin. We cannot learn thi particulars, sources, it appears that the sailor cajme into the grogshop intoxicated, and in paying for a. glass of liquor j exposed the contents of bis purse -This sight excited the cupidity of the harpy keeping the shop. Without much persuasion, she decoyed her victim into a back apartment, where he was induced to drink a cup of! hot tea drugged j with laudanum. .The dose took effect immediately, and in a state of stupidity and par alysis iato which the -poor sailor was throwo. the wretches robbt d him of . his money', and then put him o death. The! awful catastrop is should be a warning to a I) sailors and boaiinh to I be ware of the haunts of dissipation and vice: They may take this as a specimen of the fate they maJ expect in such places. Winchester, Va. jSepU 15; STRESSING ACCIDENiT. Mr Lewis Burwell, a son of the ale Lew- w Burwell, of Clarke county, was Instanlly i killed 1 on Wednesday last by being thrown ffoa, a gig, i The circumstances, we under stand, were as follows: Mr Bprwell, ac companied by a relative, wasdriyipjg a spir ited young horse, whicb, from sprpje cause. became alarmed and ran off, when Mr Br In endeavoring to jump from the gig. caught by tne wheel and thrown; with such I . r . . -.t .t Ji j . ir V1 Wf Crouno ) death was the consequence bis cotnpa escapetitunininrerl. ' .III' dtatc tnpanion ! The adage that misfortunes never come .sinsiv. i was never more truiv verineu man in the caso bf the mother ot this npfortun- ate vouinf? nentleman. It wast, biut three weeks lagoi that her large , arid splendid residence near Millwood was entirely de stroVed bv fire, with most of 3Sj contents; and now she has cause to lament a far more 1 serious Jossi in the sudden and vto em death of a be ovejdt and promising son. May, lie which the aforesaid, gentlemen we're who lei: ; ; be with ; THE ..;:. The attt r seems la:elv ; to the cuhiv will douhilc tensive silk r ment 'throne S. Silk Manure: its vicinity, . been exciicj last Saturday , says : ."The c..: been verv ! ri amonnt nf - -iar. . SI any pointed in ' postponed p. . plants .would 1. broom" tins y by the fur eh", " higher prices " very scarce 1 . ago. , k The pric nearly irnpc: . . Buyers say t! ; the sellers, tl. ; - Within a i, ed at 15 cts. IT cents, per foe L 1 t siaiKs ueuig ts some fine pic ahd''li50 tl'jr that nearly x.l. miles of this c i ; ers generally x on hand for 1; well they t. gating, for in 1 have reached 1 who Lave r.ut I cultivation or ; within thctsii . The hl!uvi: may prove vah;.. turn theirattcn! ToylKose cf -gu permauently i would say, " I) ,i ; lis kbne." Ah: aUicle for pro: : longer, yet you hedges if the V, i bine Muloerry, . : plants, and tvi l trees; snd . ly asmuch fo!i: ; " The ci;lhn -produce such i:: .growing of t lie T ! crative and perc tarid prpfitahls ; females and ihe ;c tittle to do, or ii fight labor. V. " cal man, that on, as the, pr e Worms arid r.i ' this may be too I experietice shall f calculation of llv ; be raised from an t hedgesof mulbcr: iravagant. are sure ol havu 1 will be calculated' '. --esperimeittr-;; with the wants i" required thei) ger of overstocks population shall tains. '' M HAS taken i : formerly (c Town of I.infn'. she is prepared t fortably a few h. . Court?; to extend t that rest and rrj and to persons m siruus of enjoy h j: Family, she fed assiduity and an? : an agreeable tn : Sept 15,!lS5ir OFFERS III vici:s iu i vicinity. Ileoccu; Ur. Mitchell. ; Salisbury, N.C. f ijyfrv-ISHES ti TT Wilkeshon public sooare, i ' siness, also one , " WELL Lying in t! together wi l a c If'not st'IJ bef-jre i be leised for one y of neat ' fur: will e sold. ' Major. Jfbn r'r : ' tnaJe iu the a----: 1 C I m-f 1 i' ' 7 'lL. i-jr-A:-:' :' i X

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