EVERY SATlURDAYj BY illiilLlfON CJ JONES,-, EDITOR & PROPRIETOR. j "h .. i ; . . .-. -:t I- b h. !-.: i-.lilLL.ij I 1 l' .- . PUBLISHED .1 L ; '" , y" -v.ll 1 V.';A J. . . . -FI! S- Lv ''"': - l i i : ' . - ll 1 -1 IIiMky bereatier 11 ff:?lt&l AbdiFmy Cents ner 5 lor bo had rear is who tvii? - ji uia-mi juw i z .1 Witiifieejie wlitfe sum at one payment, trrV.n:,fk.the satD term shall MfWmt rear Important Information TO THOSE SUFFERING WITH Cholera Morbus, Diarrluza, Summer Com i; Mm . - : E I i cootinoe, plaidsl Cottes Cramps? and Spasmi. -1 HKiUliik of H: S. BEKNARU'S ifcme r Cholera baa cea&erf to be a piobl-i mi EiUtfiiKnce. tht! unlv sure foobifatioti of Medit-Ji- al.as on all other kinds uf knowledge, bas itffec- i f v.- i TUUSUANT to a decree f tSelC MT hlquity , fir fluwari county, ULe Cleik ao4 tuasttfr will rlf uo the. premisea ; , j m TB ACT OF LAND, blooffinr to Jdiin Caspef antl otherstilly irisf ( on the Haters cf IJutch eerond crees, uear iae vi- of tho UenLhit aifmtrable adaptation lie 1 8 ?,n? fc84 nfa,f:l I Mteiico'011!1--' ot itthc P: iitotiiH&raBleisalli arrearges are paid mtfffls&ffi 'Vanrpr ihtJirl i,lscrHofl tfiU Nis wni . be charged per cept, Mi "ilbVeurate. A dedurtton of tllUt (iliffe eire?oJar prices will be tiiotpt adrerUse byihe year. ; lii&jnV.yf'MI-v6'' ' inserted for less i'yyiahHniiiWbei cbnlinoed until orders ! -.:: i--trt t a 1 them, where no directions Cents, 55 a GO 8 a$ 25 a 30 M9, sVlTSALISBURy, Bt.6i.feU0. a $00 75 1 pesc v Molasses, Nails,' Oats, L , Pork, ; Sugar, br. 10 a 12 r ! loaf, 18 a 2Q Salt, $1 02 J fallow. 10 a 121 Tobacco, ; 8 a 20 'Tow-linen, 16 a 20 W4ieat, (bushel) 8i 4i - 1 a. 1 00 14 it 1 IB -V r-1 'VI; : a 1 00 tip ills: :j ill 1? Hi" -V! 17 i ; 40 54 a t) IP'' lis Whisiey, 45 a 50 Wool, f cleans 40 TTEV1LLE. Molasses, - - 35 a 4 Nails, cul, 7i Sugar btown, j 7 a 1 1 Lump, . 10 Loaf, . 18 a. 20; I 70 a 75 Sack,- $21 2 fFobaccoIeafSi a 41 Golion ha jr. 16 a 25 Balerope, 3 a 12 J Wheat new 1 a 1 124 Whiskey . 00 a 45 Wool,' ,20 a 25 m--a in lo be sold fur ctisthoution on the ; lp(f pay. f Oitibv: a credft of twelve months Vfill tf H Uvt(jd bun.4' with appirod ?rtt:jr fpf te purcuitse;m'ey . rrquireu on tne flay iM iaie. 1 . il U L j ; ' 1 ' , m t, j. various mc icatl na which occur 10 ine coqrseipi those dice sr$ ot the sf'Xi.ach, liver ai d wwefi, usually dt iied; as C hulera ctiroplaints, ld the Ptoprijeiui to antiolpate from the fittt U, all experiencl. hoivever, that of men compel frt u discrimii::iie accurately and to decide justly! on the cflT. cts a Wdicine, must be Jibe bfstj ant with ftuch in its layur, even the most - fsv dious in tliese u.aUers,'uiust lay aside ibfebej tf i'Cef:: ;!T;;-'J-.;. . I; V j j -;:. - The inJicationsof coreare totrsnquilize the stomach and! bowels ; 4to relieve the rexceksive pukinz and pursin? ; to allay 1 he increased; irn- tabilitv 01 the intetiiiej,"iviitg rise to mcifased peristaltic motion j to relieve .thai rheumattc state 01 tne mwets.wnicn is ouen me sueuuaiu of chronic cases sometimes accompanied with inflamation and ulceration ; 10 overcame; m snasms : edtialae the circulation, and n-sto(p warmth Willie surface ; rwacve congestion f the internal organs ; and to relieve the morbid. irritability of the brain and nervons sybtem lyingr neial Thiatira Chorcbadjvniintfliriei 01 wbichlhas beeDenecteu oy me o;e; i jjct nard's HemeSu for. Cluohra : 'certificates a "which have been jjiven at various times of the; emcacy tn ctises wtdeiy diliereni in lueir origin ssd Kfcsi ess of ieach other. trp Liiwik ilk the certificates I ihev, are the best evidence that can be given. i The cdiiimendation8 which veral liberal and "nielligeiJt Phyiicians have bestowed upon the Remedy, subscriber hs now thegratification of adding the fbllowinir from almost respectable practising phy siciaa ol poraertbn, Va.!j, j- U.S. J3KUWAUU R BY Qjder of Ithe Oour ot Equity y;&wn , cooniv, the Clerk and roasier wjiltsrlf at he Court house ii .'Safttbuiry 00 the 20tii day of Ivveaibf next, two Itacfs t-f of A Henderson, John McCoiitauhey: ers, one ekn taming 94 CEEi land oth AND Ih-HR PlMKHj an CONTAINING have already beep published, and the 1 decT ia credit of 12 roonthsTwill be'alldi and lielonging ;to the heirs at Law of Jacob Mr. It bonds with approved Stfctrrtty for the? puicl.ase CHERAW. Ifj a 5 Nails cut assor. 7 a 9 IIJ l a15r r,wrought:i6 a 18 iiiy a 25 Oats bushel 40 a 50 H.i.- V,.i' .. -! H f P0 $22iOil gat ,-1. 75 a 1 iiroe &0?12J linseed HO a 125 lmfria J5 Pork lOOIlis 0 a 8 Vjiry 1) i10jRicel(j0lbs 4i a 5 li a;i7i Sugar, Jib 10"a 12 1 Somerton, May 14, 1S37.. Bernard, j" ' Dear Sir Thus is to inform yon I have tested; ihe efficacy of jyoor Remedy .for the Cholera in I several instances IhSt have lately come under, my care, and that its effect evince it to be a ju- dicous preparation one fmifiently servicable, I wilt sav alloiftllicr comnelent to cutb the; diseas es? for which it is recommended. - I feel no hesi- taiuto, inereiore, jin aecianng inai ior wie ireai ment of such disoideis, I shall resuUrty ,dis- nense your Refnedy front iriy office, aod : woulJ recuratniid it to be kept in al! families ltablo to; in t li as a )U n'rvurnna 4atfst.a You may use this certificate as you will ! ! j Yours, very respecfully, r M '!t . I V. L. PARHAM Thiscertifieate was given to my asentJ E. V Nash, of Petersburg end fur its importance, read Mr. Nashls remarks; ; . "As agent for Bernard's Cholera and Diarrhce Medicine, 1 call the attention of the public; to the certificate below from one of the most res prcjable ge'rrtlemen Sn the state; and 1 paitieularly call their attention, to the one; given by a geniieman in this towii and if it wrere necessary, A (could produce a half dozen olht-rs from Petersburg. who buve tried the; medicine' within two-weeks past. J : f ': i L " ; ash, Agent for Bernard's Cho- mouey. required on the day of sale Sept 29 1838-l5wl6 j ; - . ;. II M IE. -1- WmNA1eatdei t Miss Hetty Atexandlr! Lv Bradshaw ! ' Mis? Hetty But, ! Hinry Bangle , . Nelsara Black welter Moses Barnhart Mrs atarj Blaikwelter .lacob Cofemari i Philip Ganger1 ' 1 John Clark, ? ; " Samuel Coiziittt 1 ; . !:dh;.-.;vIi Mrs MartLa Darts J . e ;: . Miss Naoey D Ewart t Aaauu ElcVtuiaii 'r !1 : .1 :l jAndrew Freeman , W Jacob Kile, seOr Alexander Fendt-yaop G u ; Henry S Gorman 4 Poilio Gronntr j I , H V Allen Hanes ' Willi a in iladley Leonard Hauler ' Ross Justice 1 EMAINING in ihe Ptiit Office j all ConT wd, N O-j q the first day ol' October, 1833. ' ! s I ! t; .1 T U enry Link-r 3 4 U 1 Pf.lly C Linker2 I John Lon ' :i John Lambert 1 i h -n-M-'ri.!";' John m Milstet i H j 0. Mtrlch r 4 D Ber U telrbV,r 2 I - I .1 L James E, mm risoQ i laiin Moiltfj-J Mrs Jan McKee Jjifrph iMhalljr p i JoHppr m Kiuley Jacob Mufiihiuer John MEictiieu !' " N ' ijl : James B N'llyi j i . p L i ; : r.rai cis 1. r-rry 'lt puzzles ui Whi jopiics to see into a tbt alorie 4a' wanting to render Li . the Democracy of these itnen, who are for the broidcst jbificaiion of the v;cr J surrendering so many of the powers of orjr nroaarr b, he deleVuiocd to acquire it. al ihis purpose, he; adopted to Jiidircciicr. sler. 01 Y Virtue of a Decree of the Court if Equi ty fori Row a ti County,- the C!eik and ma ler win sf 11 on me premise?, on tne win oa roverober pext, at r I TRACF OFsLANlJi C OMTA TJSri JY G A B O U T belonornrr itl Ellen rFiirner. ion uhich lli ;la viuiain JJancy resided, and )oiiiing the lands 01 William Dancy. Uoctoi cjKerr, ati credit of 12 months-: LiiUL-V t.ei 1 Alexander Patterson Sr 1 tt L ! : ! Jioeey Rusim-U; I . s. ; I FjranlrliwSuffoidf Ntlson plough I I Jhn Suiter Abraham Slouch j king thai House ant: the Senate thing. Then "-jL.lJ- astard Democracy insists up on yteiduit: tbej President the power 10 cre ate varaucit-s, so as to fill theoi bvfeis4 crea torts t claims for this one nUn the absb lute power v( the vast patrona!t of the S'ate ..In; adWi loifto his corrrniaiid of the Aitny and Navy, it now proposes jto. Btyw hiai ihf Pooiic Puis : aud this is Loco Fo ci! Ilfiuocrc !j "l - : I;.; .' 'v Suji Treasurers ate a new class of Office Holders to be created and who is to cre- f --t Cy Oct 6, 183S Swll Drewry ol.iinanl I i . ; Mrs Mary C Tucker j- - W ! -1 Saml V Weddlngton MISSIS J : VlOfCi.ff 4 I ' Co. - GEO RE KLl'TTS. p m John A Ckatcn, Aitaul. ate them ? The 1 money is to bo Treasarers and ! !f Isist of inciters 1 REMAINING in die Post Office at Sails bury, N. C, M with appruved seeifrity for the purchase" money requireu un ine oayio' saie. ; fit 1 $JiM IX EL. SILILIMJUW c ! if Sept 29,j838wl0 1 ; , .; 1.1 er bush 87 a Si lilOOlbf i5 a:!6iSteel Amer. 10 a 12i JUIlg 113(1 ' 14 German 12 a 14 ::;:;7i.50ri it a duty I owe to the pn pri-r- j to of r'fim :-.t!.i .;-'Vi- Mciiuau A-f iff,; .jjoja 12Tea itnpe.81 a 8l 37i IUQlt4.S FOSTER, JHr. Edward Pi ft lera. Medicine.' Dear Sir A 1 fee etor of the above medicine, as well as the public generally, tolnturm ou that the ootiie ot Uliole ra mixture which 1 bouultt at your store a! few evenings since, lias entirely cured me uf a severe Diarrhoea. The cure was effected -in taking only j jert iwouoses, ana as nao irieo many oioer reme dies without the least eflecl. Iam fully o the opinion that the medicine here alluded to is eve- - L .11 i- ty thing that it is sa:d to be. J AS. SJ, WALLAUE, Petersburg, Va. in the town of Salisbury 2Gth 111st., nt the tfwetl. . 1 . , 1 1 s. the prp rty conyfyed XXJ ILL be sol v on 25lh an Id d ing of David Ken ine iy ded of fjust, bearing dale of Ju t.y Of et ol (fust nri 18 SB," to it : Twelve including ibst ions cstablisbed and 19tb nr. milbl piendsand iLs public, that he ifetiAoase; formerly occupied by tetKllyi,-intieviUage of Mocks- si?. Ji W'ui tne view ot Keeping Who will negleist to supply themselves with Bernard's Remedy for Cholera, when il is so fu lly proven to be efiica'ctotis in all the diseases for wnicn 11 is recommenuea t 111 no case nas i failed to cure the most obstinate attack of sum- ruer compidini inuueuiJoo cuiioif 11. 111 one 111- i.t; f - ! :,o- r rf.n i ; - ;- itu . ; TllHY'AiIllBiy': in said tiwri, formerly owned by ThSorrias Mull, dee'd with TWO LOTS. ' One! of wlucb contains a srhall 1 r . 1 fn'-w i-af 3, i - 'Ti '' seeping stance a permaoeLia cure was eoected upon at: 1 MtUjti lElltCritailjliieilf, &tld in'th'is ,placejherthe summer complaint Wle f)oSy ' Larrd cbmlortable, and in N. Pul j1.1 bythedoctois) beyondithe j ltt(sibe Wwn TKe sobscrtber fr f 'c,n LIm 1 i!' ik80 " f biy4.;. .iLii- r aggravated case that -the child had in the course s OUT : HOUSES? etertioQS to render satisfaction IImIN iui. y His Table shall i yr rr',ct witn tneioest tne coun ItVft Bar stored with the choicest oMutf s are extensive and sate, i--vA.-:."L--r t t--i - ... taer, ana aiten- mo otIieu :qnvenience3 1X1 IT in-4' i 1 Wff 1 gooa i rrov u If ork. ubrties have just pgblished a neW AiTi'Ia riVi- I (?IPUMes' iiriA itber Officers, to nAVvT$mm-''toiH 'ot Atiorniesai 0Hf1 1M ! iiost yfiiabl e I i tile " Works jWauaifot the Officers kbove. of one day and; night, sixty-three evacuations from the bowels, ket one botille proved a sov ereign remedy, j ; , ; This yaluable Medicine is for sale in this place by J. St W. MuTphy; iii Lexington by John P. Maory, in vnarioue oy , uuams uoya. ; Salisbury JNov. 4th. 1837 12mlB MOCKSVlLliE, 12th Sept 1838. 1 JOmi'3 HjOrUm nas oecn appoim- ed Aid de-Camp ti the Bngadier General ot the 7th Brigade of" iNortli Carolina Militia, and STEPHEN ,L; HOWELL, Inspector to ih. oaid Brigade each , with he rark of .Vajor. Tbey will be obeyed and respected accordingly, T. ! -: ,' : II JAMES COOK. Bnz. Gen. llh Brigade. -I en THE STOCK Of LEJlTIfER i OF WAR10 mx DESCRIP riOJS S. j TUP P AH TfiniS 5ic PF.IiTAINlN TO THETaN-YaMD. iff. Win J Alexander Miss E .1 Allen 2 Abram Area I James Alexander Jr William Atkerson William Anderson Michael Anderson j ! ' .:' b Dr Rju Bouchflle Mat Thus B Bailey Dr Jobu Bequeath Preston Bradshaw John T BoUs Paul Beaver John Barringer : Sandy Boyd Mas. Angeiine discs John Basiiiger Alexander Beard Mrs Bartoiger C John Callaway rze A Clemmons l'llman. C ran ford Jt.hu Clement AV infield Clntts : Carter C'ittenden Jacob Correll r John Camp , David Cuiry Genrge Crotser 1 Rev Wi I hare C hester Joseph Cowan tj Miss Sarah Ellis Itist'ph Erwin Myrin Ellis 8ti!ariualt Elliott Albert R Eiliolt Robert Ell:s F Henry Fight li George Gardiner Madoek Griffith John Graves Dr James $ Gilliam Re? H Gra'jer li Guy Hill John Headiner Pa i ton Haket ThuiTias Holmes Mr XSancv Hall Joh Hall , Daniel Hand Mrs Hutchison 4 ALSO, TIIUBE VALIUBLT3 W 4; .1 iJfl''iwfirid alsnost iridispensable to 1 S KllubVerifer knOV of,; where j .:-. inirmr ol opening 4 adjoiirn iMlSntcbWoiodeof' arraigning t i t'jT-'-'Sf m;ea miai caes, ihe vaiious rii ' ?TT onn.s. oi ouifreni Kinos N lfPMWrk not? only contains 1 t wTuM f h perspicuity the duties I e'ftlWners.f constables, fyc. with Sept 15. 1833 t(B .Y. C. Militia. a Dumber of hogs, cll .Mso ttrb head of Horn HOUSEHOLD JKI) llOTC-ll SittM Si FOJD& Mm; Terms will be made known on the' da Micatll Mcksv fe. 12th Sei 5 i pTiteess" to be used bv each : yTOfupbrta..t instruments of C1fUenM.! which are not i'4fS!i a1 lawmce. believing f-m- tetrlie adxioea. to f 4jfcJ nedsf to W ex am i ned , to mlM$M$Mzn M HUGHES. The Colonel of lhe7 lb Brigade of JSorth Carolina Minus, will pa rade theit respective Regiments as sale. N MATTHIAS BOGER. J - . Trusteed .10 u. lollowt, VIZ in DatidsiMi, the dpper Regiment, at George EIlers, on Monday 22 J of October. The lower Regiment of Davidson at tberr usual, parade ground on Toesday 23d of October. r The 64th or Salisbury Regiment on Wednesday 24th of October, at Salisbury;" The 63d or Davie; Regiment, pn26iti ol Uc I . ... . -is- . ' . n - 1 tober. at MockviIIeUfur inspectton aod itevtew. - !tv oroer oi J AM ES COOK, Brigadier Gcucrc B. AH tbose indebted riiusfi cirime forward and make payment ini-4 i ..l----.il i . I - 1 i -- k i 1 mediatelj, arid save cost, as lata is ; toe last Hii. r .i : Oql, 6. 1838r-3ll . IQERN& I 33 1 : - .'.in ? - . - 1 ...i i i 4 - -.. Qi:l 'U I M V, a.n b .' i; , ) 1 ill- 'l;:llffWTOCE.v.. , . r I Sepl:! 1838 trail , - ! : ' .T----.--?. . . , v r :v---','.,.j , i!-; . -; i 4 fjrp AIL 1 thoste indebted j to MRS! S lb- PfcNDLETO for a iJngk -m i ' i. ; - it . ' .. r. . i i ir.r lime man ooo year, enuer oy note or i ite- rount, will greatly oblige j; her by comtOg forward apd making plyrnent immediately I Soloman Heilig ! DlHugariun j-; Isaac P Humphrey Dvid Hunt : i lfry Hill i Alexander Huleo Christenah Harris ! Robert Hall I j -Ellenor Hattfhorn i Judge of the Orphan I r ' Court I -A l : rv. j . Dr Samuct Kerr I i; ir. L . .i John Lock - Daniel Limbaogh Relei 1-niz I ' Secretary of the Fulton Lodge j 3 , j Lirisey & Son ' ; yilliam J Love ! I j waclatn i ISamufl B Morris i Chnsiian Mabalai j Geitffre Miller Thudias Mose ?- I ! f N r Augustine Norton j James Owens i ' U I R i' 1 Wijliam Rough William Robertson - Noah; Rider 5 , John Rush i , I John Ruseman ; . B patsons ; Jul ti Randieman ! . Adam Roseiuau ' i Samuel Riblin - ! llii " S i DriJohn Scott . Rachel Sparrow ' Berry Simres ij Joseph Scott i : Sm'oot Robert Smith 1 William Thomasnn Wijliam J Turner 1 A W Terry 1 L W Taylor Dr Robert Trower T Trotter I r w : Joseph Williams or George Goodman Thivoas Woiiiack , iaitin Wilhelm Ephtaim Wucher Now Wyet Mrs wartha Warne President. The! Public s deposited with the Sub- inesa dV l reasufers ar niivttile at Iht' Piesidenrs will and ibis, lob is' Democracy. j , : The ofie man power is the despotic pow er of all Guvernments- And what I is des potism Uut possession of all the Taixes up on lhePepler and the command of the Ar my-and Navy, to awe anil oyer awe disobe vi n-e. It Mr Van Boren can remove al lus Sub-Treasurers at hi will and pleasure and they have the custody and conlroul of tne $4u,uuu,uuj ot me ruouc lievenue, what is this but Resting Mr Van Bureu with ine power of these lorty millions; and what is such Democracy but despotism r The fact is, with the bastard Democracy of Van Buien Sc Co., one man is every :thinj;,andl the mass is nothing. Power is 'the idol of such a bastard Democracy; and if in America, as in Eg)pt, this'poWer was thought to be in cats and dogs, the! Office ; Hoi ding Democracy would wotsbip them. 'What there is of honesty and principle in this Democracy, svbich is so tickled by the sound, as not to feel the sense, is befooled and humbugged, jand ridden, as Govt. Mar Constitutional Government to ! the ' Feder Had. iDewiracylaccwdiiig effeel tbal whic fto crowned head in finitionJroeau's he'Goverriroent of the feo- rope could wiUl safely jto his head, ii pie out tue uastara aemocracy oi i.co Focoisrri, not only disregards "the lamenta tions" if the People, but insists upon ma ol . Representatives potting, nothing, bur one man every cy rides his Loco mocracy supports does, even the W HENRY W. CONNER, p. m Octo6er6, 1833 3wll f tatc of ortttiearolf nit, CABARRUS COUM Y. f. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions- July Hess. 1838. ( ft Porringer. 1 Qr Jj -. i vs aml. Hartsill. j I. Attachment ley- f in I .and ! Saml. Hartsill. 3 71 """"1 ; . it appearing to ihe satisfaction of the Court, that ith defendant Sam. Hanis)lt, is not an jn liabitant of this Slate: Oidercd lhat i-ublicaliun be maie in the Carolina Watchman six ,wt-eks, for the defendant to make his 'personal appeal ance at our next Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, to oe held for said cuiiniy , ;t tUe Court House iu Concord, on the 3d 0.00 day in October ;nxt, to plead, answer or demur, or the land lev ied on, will be condemned to satisfy the plain tiff's demand. i i - M: - '-' . i i -j Witness, Kiah. Pi Harris, Clerk of 00 r Mid Coart, al Concord, the 3d monday in July; 1833. ; ' . ' i "i KIAH. P. HARRIS, elk, j ; Printer fee $5 6 v 6 f - ! Foco friends. Why, De- bim, out whigging1, as he pigs outbankiug even ine jBankites out speculating even the under water lot Speculators out monopiplizing even the monopolists -K)ut lobbying the obbiei3 by 'profession, and yet he is an anti-bank man ! a hird money man t ! a com stitutional hard money man, with the! Sus pension Law. and the Mortgage Law, and all to boot I II What a farce is such! Loco Foco" Democracy What a bu'nbuggery ! If a Loco Foco can blush, let. him try. If Slamj Hang Co.) have not overtraded up on their professions of principles, let us see them look shamed; now. Let them prick their cheeks to blush. Let them try tb look red, if even as lobsters they must be boiled so to do." N . Y J Express. ' The danger which threalens our instilu ttons from the growth of Executive power, cannot be too often or too earnestly im pressed upon the- minJs of tlx? people. The jealous guardians of popular Rights warned us against this danger at the time of the adoption of the Constitution. Their admonitions have often pn later times! been repeated, but! tliey were-substantially disre garded, because 410' chief magistrate had ar rogated to himself kingly prerogative and strained every weak or ambiguous passage ol the Constiltutiort to enlarge his owers. lt;was left for Andrew Jackson to verify the gloomy forebodings of Patrick Henry and to demonstrate to tne country, that, if the Executive was not invested with dictatorial powers by the Constitution,, he was inviested with a patronage, which would enable! bira, if so disposed, to usurp them : i Thai the command 6f the army.ihe power , of ap- poiiitins and dismissing, -at his merei.willJ and pleasure, some fifty thousand officejrstall of; whom receive salaries cither essential to their support, or conducive to tbeir cpra forts, carried along with them almost neces sarily the controul- of every thing else : That to a great extent, this patronage placed at his beck the Legislative branch of tbe Government, gave bim the capacity lo pub snitzethe press, and furnished the means ol ultimately grasping the purse and uniting rectiy. lie nunsell could not touch public moneyjO no -he discliimeJ such right but the Secrectary oftbo Tt. sury could, and the Secretary wasAfj !.: ling, oounu to execute nts oraera. ; liz ; cordinglrdirectejd one Secretary to z . Ihe public money from the custody to w! the fatff bad confided it but be refur; was promptlv dismissed, and was rcpli. by a more pharit tooljWho took deliLt i obeying tlie edicts of bis royal master. ; Uut iius system ol usurpation, , and t unset upuious and conupt use of the lt . . male patronage of his office, the Esecu'.. . uecame tne supreme power in the itatc. overshadowed the other branches of l! Government, I and rendered ' them cf 1 consequence, pij publtq opinion and tu : them impotent; for good.- The quesi'u , "what are the opinions of Congress in t -ference to any -inafterj of public concci. , was rarely 'f, a$kdd j Idurttig Gen, Jacksc reigft-Wveryt jnolivp toj inquiry hems re moved by ascertaining what were the va . of the Presidenfl ; j Hei.w&s t all in all, t :: his mere ipse Dixit was as potent to Lu;! : up, or to destroy e"e was old Joj iic : nod on the lowering heights of Olympuj. The mighty! Colossus of DepotiSD,vvLi this arbitrary old man erected, still bciri ' the land, and tbreatens'our lilerties. Tl patronage of the Government is daily 1 me increase irom tne growtn ot tne ecu:., tfyi and the operation of the irnmuul! principle, tliav f 4p3wer is-always stcu lir from the many to the few.' Every assur:., lion of power; eveiy usurpation exert i. by Gen. Jackson, whether relating to 1! revenue, the rights of Congress, or the ir. responsibility of the Executito officers, 1 claimed by bis puny successor;, and will t surely practised whenever il can be done wii!. impunity and to the promotion of the inter ests of the party ,: j j It is a matter of ths gravest, considera tion for the people of this country, '-whether this stupendous POWER, centred in th hands of ONE 51 AN shall be permitted to increase, or whether it shall be cuitash 1 and reduced to such dimensions as fchdl! make it recognize the' law, and respect t!. j rights of the governed. ! ft is a question, which, in the language of Mr Calhoun, c inappropriately applied to the subordi:::'. question of live currency; involves all oth ers.?' Upon it depends the existence of tho Republic, or an unmitigated despotism t--- ed upon corruption Richmond Whig. It With the sword. These were the fears entertained by m8jiyotbebest patriols of tho.Rtvolntionj and ihey have been more than realized during the late and present administrations. In addition to the vast powers confer red by the Constitution, jand thel miglty incrfase of patronage springing fiom the increase i f Territory aod popula tion, Geo. Jackson akl-ded Others, which he obtained by esurpaiion and corruption. j He overleaped br trampled down all the bar ! riels erected foiUbe preservation of the jqb ! lie liberty. He claimed and exercised ev ery; doubtful power, and when the Law of Ct'tistiiution stood rfirectly in tne way pt SHIFTING THE RESPONSIBILITY. The Globe for tbe last month has beca groaning under articles oi from two to five columns in length, undertaking to- prove that the Administration is not in any drrc responsible for the profligate waste of l!:3 public money since it came into power but that all the fault lies at the door of 1I2 rascally V bigs, who, tboufh they have not been in a majority in the House of the Re presentatives since General Jackson ascen ded the throne, have yet according to the Glob, bad full sway. On this preposterous doctrine of the Globe, the New York Courier thus forcibly coo ments: j , 4lf this be the case, what becomes of all the glorifications of the Tories I If tbs Wblgs will govern under Tory ascendancy, why should the Globe be so very solicitous to maintain that ascendancy ? Wherein 13 the great beruefit resulting to the people from Tory Dominion!, j Why wotrld it not bis quite as well Ifoi tN apparent power to rju witb the acttial efficient power of the Go yercmlent ? What a commentary on tho imbeciluy, inefficiency and' meanness cf, Tory misrufe--tosay that the Tories arc"' not really tesponsible for the goyernraent they Jiave exercised, but that whilst they have occupied the jiigb placet 1 of the coun tr, and wielded the semblance t a . scep tre, the Whigs and the Whigs alone have shaped tbe course, and duecUd tho policy of the Governtneut! ; Yet strange as ill may seem, the Tcnca lfiM9icfssnit Jifyflf-rsoti, REFERS Hl PROF EiMOiyAL ER lCfc.S U ihe Citiz-n- ot ali4ory and! have become bo. sensible of their misman agement abuse 1 and 1 corruption, that then Thou say only resource is in elf stultification. Mhou crosfnot say lilidfit V was the; exclama tion of ihe Royal murderer, when the ghost of his victim rose before him in the banquet ball but the blood was on his hands, which all the waters pf the isea would not remove. Thou canst not say 1 did it? is oow tha exclamation of the conscience stricken ty rants as the phantoms of their misdeedj throng about t.fiVmirf their halls of State, nilAinn thm fi iicQH their stools, and mena t cing tho transfer of; their banner and I less sceptre to a Bother dynasty 'no fruit son cf it ' j s- J" 1 less scepiiv Ills ambition, t. OVM, .l.-l.ted It. f - . ,eS,. 5 "l'e f m Look .1 th. .Wa, Rented bj the Ad - 1 will m ver fot2 t the means to which hei re- , ministrauon In 1B28 it was patriotic and ii D. .nmnlain nt Mr Adams for ex- ' -.1.1 ; Foil sale i.T iryisi office 1 1 W.iif. H.'H .6ei,.crii.ffi,.l .Mtottt.?" 1 TZl . Z. l D Ud i wild. 815,000.000! tivnom; od Its 1 Of every fkiption nieattyl (OfDoue at this Office. 2 national treasury,; aiol that ooii'ing cuw t . nnn nfiO and to hold the tutions than thej union cf the purso i" ' hrf" i" T ( ' t-.r T! , - v:r : ;i -:!; I'M---. "i U4J5 mh. -I-,. 1 ., in.li--frZm' - .- - ; I , , I. .--I. ... . . " " Ann nariv ! '. 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