F;v.rTK: KCvCi - ,Aii-.sL-- "lit -L 1- ii i ! ii i . ' ' . . ill Xli i V -f -t " V " t. tr " I m l Mill tow; 3- eui -.Vr fi it-wri'-i'i ' t 1 SJe 1 f PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY, BY HAMILTON C. JONES, EDITOR PI10PRIET0R. .a Hi gA&igDITISY',; I . i --y . ! . -. - i , t i ii i i - - i i ( ; . . . ji . 1 1'1 tr i s l i r t , MMHl: V WSafcaSSM - J ' 5 .! w . a t A . 1 . : I 1 & ---- i ' '.. i v - - - ari a i m -a i - . r ill i .,... . aw- -taaa - "V -vjr"v mat -w . ii i i r rv "N r i .si-- .j x :-.? av v i ici .r ,r a i 1 1 x i i i ti v -ti a a L'v-m i i i ii-1 iir a T" . i v . i i -i a . av. v ttv. " w - v r . . ,; .. t ' T or 1 Affile A" may hereafter bft l f!iJ,-ji.ii iifiw Cents tier Tear. V WlfARe: oSscf ibers who fffl! H'wi iKfe Whole ur4 at one pajroepl, BtF friiWiiritt advance Che u tarn, of ilEllhl satne ; terat? thsU contioqe, cbarg- " other OTbsfl three Pollars in an case. ; :iil FireceWed for jess than iff-:tM:rvir. Continued v bat at theop- nless iU arrearges are paid t jiii . --f rnis net e'J w w - 1 '3 2 ' JrttliMrtI. i'r- X: mPSmU lie'charred 25 per .eef. I iferlW.V k'Hvertise bt iheyetr. -j mLi.&tint will be i inserted for leas vl :i ? i v "TilL-. .Aw.i;na1 until nrdm of be :cf 1 ft? ;a. I a 17 I mmmm. mnpnMi ail .00 Mb M lri3 a 14 -f 4- i a: Ill M -i . I ; :. It 4- l-irfl t 'l. i -Li-uki. Molasses, NaiU, OaU, Pork, . Sugar, I . . loaf, ;' Salt, Tallow, ! Tobacco, . Tovf-liocn. 16 1 20 v ncat pusnei y 1 a 50 40 Cints. 55 a GO 8 a$ 25 a 0 I0aj2 18 a 20 $1 62lj 10 a lii 8 a 20 U4 a Whiskey, 45 Wool, (clean) rEVILLE. .Molars, 35 a 42 Nails, cnt, 7-i Sugar btowD, ,7 a 1,1 Lump, lb' Lnaf, ." j 18 a 0 Salt. 70 a 75 Sack, . .2 IVWinleafSI a 44 Cotton, bag. 16 a 35 U!erope. a 12J $8 a 9iWhat neyr t a 1 S7I Whiskey 00&60 Wool. : ; i 20 a 35 CIIEUAWt a 0 iuiis cut asaor. 43 a , wrought 110 a 18 lata bushel 40 a 50 flwa .tiao a zui uu est is a $1 r r ope i to 1 ii a; 1 4 : : 11 nscea 1 10 a i zo b 15 Pork lOOllis , I & 8 iffinf HllttlOii 'ISSTJre- lOOlbsl I a 0 25 W iitij u sosrt sack 0 00 a .$$ IjteT&'tlfi'! ; 87i a-ftl 10tbsi5a Gk Steel Amer. 10 a IT 12J Ifift t"J$l:i2S:i;-s;f Enfihali ' ! :. 14 if' lg German 12 a 14 a 12 j Tca rinpe.81 a $1 37 l . 1 1 j ! .'( ' - i .-. t i I ; Delivered before the liy o Literary Socieliei of, Raodolprt jMaccn. College, yune iy, 18S8. Br1 tto- JohiiTylcs. vf Gentlemen of ike Franklin end i-f plffakmion Literary Societies T I amiiere this dat in comnlianre with request froth the Franklin Literary Society that I woald deliver an address before your tvo societies jThat request haihg been urged upon me jfor the second time since tins College; has gone into successful ope ration, beferotd to ieny to rne the lib erty - of opposing myl persona! coneninre to ycmrishe$ I felt myself highly hon ored by your repeated call, and resolved,: if pospibfe, to meet it. It is no small matter of self-congratulation that I have been able so as to master my time, as to be with you on ibis interesting occasion, I have fell, from the firs a deep inUreEt in the prospeif it? of Handblph-Maron. I have !earned with pleasure, the rapid strides she was ma king to extensive usefulness ; and the spec tacle which she on this day exhibits, is hon orable to her! .foadders, and indicative of, the elevated rank which she occvpies a-! moog the cblleges of Virginia. . She hears name which is well calculated to recom-i meod her to our Ufiections. Or, more pro-! perlv to speak, she unites two names in one and blazons; Cliem forth upon her eBcutcli-ij eon,l Those Wames are identified wjth high intellect l and! jdevoted patriotism. It was my good fortune to be! personally acquaint ed with both ihe distinfiruished citizens who have been selected as tho tutelar saints ot thishstilution iTo the first, was! given ft; Genius snlendid and brilliant above that of his fellow -jmleo."'- I have often felt , thbj warmlii of itsraysiA been spell-bound under its influence, j Wheoever John Randolph rose to address either the assembled multitude, or tie legislative body, all eyes were eager ly bent upon liim, and atl ears were open to catch every word' and every syllable that fell from bis lips, (Few; men ever lived who had so perfect a command of language. Every , word useel by, him, L was precisely , the very w ord best suited, of all others, to express what he intended, t His mind was the, c4 Dacious reservoir of knowledge, and when it poured forth jits treasures, an intelkctoal repast was ; furriishad to bis, auditory, rich; nd liixutiousi The. stream of bis elo quence flowed on so clearly and smoothly. that through ltd shining mirror, you beheld ; in the depths below pearls and gems of in estimable! 'value. In speaking, he could not be regarded, j'a copious and Ciceroni an,? but a very word sparkled, and every sentence burned. It is true, that in much he was eccentiicr-it could not well be oth erwise, fof: his mind was never at rest. New speculations and hew-theories were contin ually crowding about him, and in chasing theui over the fields ;of space, no wonder that he should sometimes hive departed Irom ibis orbit. 0a one subject in particu lar, be was remarkably uniform, and from the early dawn of manhood, to the close of his life, consisient. He properly regarded our central government as a federative sys tem, tne result. 01 the voluntary adoption of the several plates. ; He saw that liberty could onlyi be securedj by preserving a due balance between the Genera! and State Go vernments, He believed also that the ten dency of toe system was to consolidation, j : iu j..r.h!3-. . . .. - .'- , 'i f filled w&th; thechruliair chintie, cr;thc christfari virtues. Such fwlere the lw$ men 'ho& ' naea have-been adopted by. tlits Co!tege and tare cnnstanl) reminded of Ihe fame axrd glory which attend, iuvaiiab! jf 00 intellect highly cultivated, and on the; unceasing practice of virtue. A model of almost absolute perfec tion, if properly blended, and .successfully imitated is presented. Wit, gijius and fancv. are Dlaced in close connection's with a judgment so inflexible and S terect'J as rarely ever to have been shaken. tThe first adorns and beautifies, j the last shelters from the storm, and protects from the btasti' The first spread over the earth a carpi?! 5 enam elled wih the brightest and sweetest flow era peoples each star, and fills earth and heaven With harmonious and dulcet bounds.; The last isees in each floweret, arid every blade of ass as well as in the :, glorious nmes yoo have adopted is the represehta- whether to attempt to Dasa it. The ffloom lives 01 your two socieiits, veri&eo in lueir i was deep, and the pathway narrow, hot uvea ujb cnaracier ana reruns wnicn 1 a ave i iruio siooa on: the firm land and beckoned cescnoea as proceed iniTirorn wett uisciDiiaed ! ou 10 1 01 low. Atrsin onited into one. There wasisdoraidi-f minds. vUeorge Washington and Benjamin 1 lied- your pnrpose and resolutions a- nlaved in the adoDtion. loa. and al ooi rannun. eacn jin ms anproariata spire, ligam became rtxed- the mora w nen- have pfScededii and ail;wbo may come aiWfrin the race which waVietj belwitn,and 1 eu-ated, its diuliiea were overcome, and you as Alumni of tbuj Ihst:tutohiaie"thus terminated his career; in glojry. Vbe fret; j you stooJ onr; more on the firm land pre- a,der heaven, gave to hts.coautry freedom, pared ui encounter futsre difiKiiIiies, aod aii assisied io open that heretofore sealed 1 in like manner to overcome Iht-m Such is Dock, in wnicii is wruten the rights or tian, I tne process byj which the humau faculties The other taught to iPhifosopby how les-1 develope themselves Thpr aSnmher in sops. & unfolded more fully I be great book j our infancy, they wake up by slow degrees 01 ; HBiuic. Loe oe snaicneo in- roa irom 1 as we auvance in years, uow pleasing to trie nanasoj oppression and brofeej it-fthe 1 witness their devtlopemeut. The infant Other grasped the thunderbolt a.nd deprived j slumbers in its cradle almost without con- tbe lightning of its f wrath. Around f the 1 sciotisness of beintr : its eves nnen m thm r r .L r (L . lt-t. .! - . y . " lempiea ux um one was eniwinea a civic 1 ngnt, anu mmu lorihwjth basins its work. nrn3T ri ripnpp ann nrinniap ann mr vsioni n miut- nun. rnA..i... A I. . i. . 1 r -w unseen, in- beavenstievidences of a power finite fn 'wisdom, and boundless in beuero- lence. The one creates, the other preserves. The ooe embellishes and adorns the judg ment seat with the gayest ind brightest gar-; lands the other holds the scales with an untrembling hand, ami weighs Out the de crees of good - and evil to mankind.- The one if I inay eo speakf is the capital to the pillar, trie other, tee pillar itsen;, wnicc I1? holus the edihee. look for an exemphtr bat U thje meek and lowly Nazarioe? v Lt the rhiropiof of infidelity in iheir iofniale r at, declaim as they cay, un til they shall have furnished ttt w. orli ujrr.e tbiog better than their idl ravrujs they biTe . yet done they and their worls will go 'down in darkness to the aabe Te. roey have atritf n in vain to shak tbe edifies "cf ehrUtiaa fxitb, bai it fmti4tioMrar Uid deep in tbe a feet ions , a-d tbeir ass.ia!tiriae ended irmly ia their own destruction. Tb- bannrr of infiJetiiy has been trorK d .vn to lhe duf, while tba Cross ha been wi in the altglorioashfavrnt. Under theiafinenee of these convictions, gen tlemea.ypo are destined to ebterapon tbe the atre of life.' iYou will coso ai an eventfol peri od In the history; joT man. Tht gloom of the goihic ages has Icing since passedway, and io ullect has gradually awakened its energies. Sci ence has now lighted up all her lamps, and at ner altars-are iouni innumerable votaries. Na iore so long veiled in mystery, exhibit herself in all her beautiful proportions, to the enraptured gaze. 1 he chemist is at wor in bis laboratory : anil nhiliKsstnliA k!. .In.li . 4 J t: .l . footprint is seen amid the early dew cha- has burst onon the world, and i thiW. hrrmLm sing! butterfly, or it watches the (lower as 1 hid Iron? tbe observation of man. are now taiJ a- in the :orniauon of man, lnexoressiblv i " yy uu sueicnes out its hands to ffath-1 10 Ul T"w 1 ne ana intnctie ciiaut i i, r , j. 1 r ; it 'PI.. r ? . . , I nr mm (nil aFLi ic in naeriui. i 1111 tne 1 vt 1 hb 01 i inquiry w lenglo t 7 , . r'Tr"' Vi ruir. .uina is (uos 1 puwenuu at wotk, and no wht u had before adorned the brow of the proudest time; the child delights itself with the fairy conqueror. The othef wai the darling child world in which jt has awoke. The bright of philosophy, to whom nature disclosed and fleeting tilings of earth attract Ut its her most secret mysteries There was a wisdom and power exerted creat. and most trulv wonderful. I In the 1 er ; 11. ipe spirit of inauirv ai lencrih 0 ' . - . . J i 1 . -i . 1 ...uL r - .1 o anatomy of the physical, system there is j WKt;f possession oi this beautiful boy ; he much to excite our admiration. 1 he heart, UKS'" 10 corapaie anu arrange'; he is no like the ocean r at' each oulsation oourioutl nger aaUsfied with merely behold the the bjood through the arteries, giyingj life oeauues 01 creation He regards them but and activity to whole riiechanism. The 8e"ecis springing iroracuases to him un Known, xie goes in pursuit of causea : it God his most wisely endon-ed the ' hi tu roan mind witn various lucumc-s.j toe imagihatibn springs fofth like tjio falcon 1 in its) wpwarli flight, seeking to reach .thesiin, while reajon, by restraining corjds, fdifaws it baclc again to earth ere.its wings are sewen it I ftO xn I ha 01 no t v a rt 1 ana vniiaAloe e vf tuo viiivit 9 iU uiy iiiuoviv9 iiaj iid fibre, perfc us appropr rate function, and concurs in everv hone and ihrpa.t nhd fihr. nprforma I 8 cnange Has come oer his feelings and ha ae ... . : ; 1 . - i . I tions : tbe bauhle no loiKrnr Wciirriii4 r --- " ibuio , 11111,1 OI is it moreactirely engaged than in this, oor fi therland. 'What heart can fail to beat with tie- light at contemplating the mighty results whit h are transpiring aroond s ? ( Irnprorement meet us in alltmr walks. The mechanical arts aro ceaselessly eagaged in moulJing existrvicies inn. new lurtASartu new shapes, and the creat ocerfi Dears witoess looew tiiauiohshchnTfd h man'' ed. To cultivate these two that the first shall not attain the the trueisecret of successful acuities, so mattery, .is educition. iBitllEnterttiinmbht. AS FOSTER, rTO0.i1rie4ds" and the public that he . pfakeph'et '-.houle forcneily.- occupied - by Jr3flyiii te visage of .tMocks pjlaAtyi with the riew of keeping n. lhe subscriber; exertions to render satisfactini Mfoafesij)iTpf w4iSStisx 1? lf-vSppliw:Witb 'tfce best t i?f T& M-stored w it b ib ill " 'Pn1!3 ire extensive and. safe t f Mrf$ :tgw4 Proviivler, and alien- the tow liMsstexerfidr! f it QrtV all nn hi.n II!a TftKU ck.ll tbe coun e choicest -.!:-.-( - 1 n hive joiit 1 ortc. published a new BOOK, . tP'flpWtoCM'of Courts, S tabi'es (aether Officer JtS.t-tPi Ji lt ni' vk;h nil s OI flsrabl?s andother Officers, to N. variety V Torms and Pleas no osciul lor Attornies at most lnaW littlp Wn k fl ei-llSlaiioal flor thsl ;Officrs above uio9Vindipenfiaole in firl duties -It is the I ? "-M- V 119 fti'UW Mi Uk$ ajlf tbe proclamations to IrtialDTOV? ne UiodHof arraigning tei-iH'W n eapUa1 caes the vatious' lfPWf- Firus o&dinVrent kind tfflHJWtlihi-Work not onlv contain fttt.fM W$ Uh' perapicuiiy the duties . MT4:'t0''ffl8 by each ; hsau vMl ;'tnjpirtaat instruments of W Wrhtch are not; i V.Iiif11 U low price. believiLff fHifffltHPv rfe4 .to'be- examined, to WnlS ill5'1- XlUCrlJCO. The rhind is thereby matured, and ftl ener- gies are Drought tortn, as requirei, into pen clictali action. The man of mire imigina tion is almost useless inlhis da anener; ation.j He lives m a World of his dwn cre ating,;and peoples it of his own . tiiitirncd conception. Man is not the cieaturej tbat God has made him, nor is the earih ! fitted for huj ieidence. Mijitj nor the ejirljip ac cording to bis wild imaginings, arej dteitlier suitedtotheir appointed destiny. J w eith er eleyatfs man to n equality with jis Cre ator, or pinks him belpw the eve jf the wild bieat9. The realties of lifel piture end distract him. There is nbthii;ip;hm of I harlmclnji nothing of beauty jva 0 frame of ihei universe. Th s goodly frame, the eanh, seem3 to hioi a itenle prbmOjilotoiy ; this most ; excellent canopy, tne itr, this bnv ovcrhaTtying huuiimcnt this mftjeslic ap;ie.Us no nd pestilen ;wy lawn her.niysterioua rite3;he sees heir at her iaboratyrj, a wi,e J1 ,0 D explored. A country ten His aDd ,arns i&e. processes which she there adopts. mu8t highly favored by haveo. with every direr .1 Hi3 a votary of science, and at her alutrs he ,,f ul1 anJ climate, will demand your aid a i iVm h.lM. r 1 S - . . I invunlili.. onlMi 1.' ....1 1' ' a nrOducinir and nresprvin that mrUi inev- i i ,wwu6 mm, and he turns 8'., ! ,u,c nu fF ar aim. si proaucingam preserving that most inex- of ex ,the a2eu4 .the philosopher, and flies Xo "nibilaud. The most remote parts of -this wiJe- r- . w. ";i'"i fMi"i ni-. i ine naaes ot tne academic grove ; he seeks to I Pfa coiiracy areorongoi near to each upon tne lorm divine ot the youth who is converse wHh the learned and the wise and to er' and l,ie dweller opon the distant lake. U Hi the act of transition from Duberiv to tnan I hear from their lins 1pssnn nf I made familiar with the inhabitant uf the &pm hood; his blood runs frolic through his veins, I now enters the temble in which nature perforins bott- lch, however, remains to be done, ami and the deer bounding over; the uc is not more agile or airy in his step. . . a a - a ai a ! i eye ana cneeic oespeatc tne varied emot ons W(irahina iA' fci. i ":,t7J"; JTi Tt e veneration whoh has 9i. -k th which ar se from -ti ml- t ti.h n hi. hi.t 7 r . iV-V . ""r 0,0 "ww BW"UCU .-. 7. 7-.?: r ' '" ' . ana nitj mm!J lg gl irpj.guri f wmwh wuich 1 passing, will comnui lo lhe His voice is attuned to harmony, , and the knowledce A. new theatre now awaiui him- tb nao, U those whosre to succeed, the task ot graces of his person, and manliness ofi his groves of the academy aie to be qtmted ! and he I mPtorinS adoruiag- and preserving. To ymi, form, vie with each other for excellence, enters urjon the wor In husv 14;. tt,, " common with others, will also be entrnntt d ' i; i w "I S " " J m a :UUrW 19 1 . . . . . are now laoe reduced tooracUc. snd h ha m lormying mu prouiciinr civujioerty reaa pai 01 a new volume, in which are written "S"'" In" nucn oiay oe maus upon it. the results of lbs passions. He has heretofort nawa laak offeariut difficult, and will re stqdied iheir anatomy only tbev are now to be I?1'? T,8,,aoc8 ine mosl onccastiig. I he spirit exhibited to connection with the daily business m mm ncwe. a uftronsreatj- bf life. He is nnw m hot iK. ..t I nes in 'he affairs of men, which hurries on with harmony of society is broken by their direful 9ua"J "P" Pac evil to good, and from conflict. How comDletels nn nf th ninn S00'1 to evil. The past tells us many a tale cf r 1 j r. 1 1 !.. 1 the is He would constitute a model worthy chisel of a Phideas or Prasietles. 1 full of life, and beauty, and majesty 4hat youthful form, out how much more to be wondered at and admired the human mind! How mysterious its operation how asion ishing its results ! The body, however beautiful, is of the earth, earthy; its sphere often obtains the mastery over all the rest how of action is limited and circumscribed'; it ambition swallows up patriotism, or avarice dead has speed of feet, ; but ho wings with e,,s wun 118 faucn "I1 mTe noble and gener- wlachloflv; it mav reach the summit of ous L m2i w he most noble and gener roof, fretted with golden fire. other thing to him thanj a fool a Hal cqng legation 01 vapors. hke another Phm'on.riraouM the than t. snatch the reigns fromithe hands ofjjpolJo, He! won Id Blind & and every advanN in that direction he op posed uncomprproisinoly. Neither hmors conferred, or Mojajsrs ' fcxpectwl, could win turn tcotn ins allegiance to iiis pnnemkia- The last act of! a public nature which hf openly advocated .'bears testimony to this, & exhibits his chat aeter in n attractive lifhi Of Nathaniel Macon, 1 cannot well speak too highly, i Tbre was a beautiful Consis tency in bis course from the moment of his entering public: life, to the moment of hps quitting, it., Nothing sordid ever entered into bis imagination. He was the devoted patriot,! whose hole heart, and every cor ner of bt, was filled -with love of country. He was; a moralist, who set forth his pre cepts, not in ponderous volumes, hut in bis daily actions-uot icmaikable for tbe brilliancy cf his intellect, he was most dis tinguished by the. solidity of hi3 judgment. (Jal.ec by the btate of N Carolina to a high noiitica1 station, he presented 10 bis person & 1 -1 if .'-is , conduct of a true type of the State and people he repiesented -holhing gaudy nothing glaringl no fre jork or curiously wrought Mosaic but til about the building beioken edslrenjglhl and J enduring strength. He uni ted in bis person tine meekness an. homth ty of the Christiana with the calm and un pietending dignity of a philosopher. In th& House of Representatives,' be was the firm anjl unflinching Republican, and in the Senate Chamber f the venerable Patriarch the coieoiporary in . fact, oi Washington and Franklin, and most worthy to have liv ed in the same century with them. He bad nO regard for those forms and ceremonies which consiitateithe pageantry of what 19 called bigb life, j They appeared to him an unreal mifcRpry, ml mere .show 01 lriendshi p, the shadow ojf social tntercnorse , and the plain republican! who bad been, reared amid the realities 1 of Ithe revolution, despised tbem heartily. ,Aed yet I doubt whHhr there ever lived a man who possessed or practised more of the genuine hospitalities ot life, or! whosa heart was more entirely he creature "ctedi - has Whit, if the early iipeh- of ; be- rptn the PJ4' I . arm end drive the horses of the sum. infitnated man ! aad yet he 13 of education, and that! misdi overwhelmed him in rhjsrry volume Bof nature had , been ed to hi3 sight -what,' if tr,e c'fain line had been traced iout for him merest atomite to the iihninteiy great all-gloiious Creator Iwh at, if he h!?brsen jtaught thep adaptation I of the parts to ; the whi?lc--what, if man's! posittcn jon irjjmap lot exis'"inc:cs had been pointed out to 11 is eager and cu Hons gazej what, if mind, it elff and each and tverjf of us eemna hpd been exposed to hi viewWwhatr if he, had bf en instructed in a know ledge jof ihei hi man pasiens, and the jvolume ojp' hi)i troral duties had been opened, before him be would have arisen from, the instruction jarj- tlie loltiest mountains, but , it can ; rise no higher. But what can circumscribe or lim it that etherial essence the 'human mind? Oti the wings of the morning it ; flies to meet the sun at its rising ; follows it ill its course through ihe heavens, and watches, it to the moment in whichiwiih its last ray, 11 bids the world good. night. And when ons fcetiiigs may themselves degenerate; into vi ces. Ueuwrosny, prudence being dethroned, btjcnmes wasteful extravagance & prudence it- t t !' a . - . seii,UDeraiy. oemg silent, terminates in poof and nariowiessi parsimony, rear, the instinctive puiiciple by which danger is aToided,and human p 1'fe jwi;served,auempis 10 osorp the masteryover couiage.ami in the stroggJe the first degenerates 1 & i . . . iiijuuvriraicf, nu me iaai into rasnness, ana so M fitllil ll ll ika rcoli' I t. L.I. Ill ..:,t,4 .! 1 1 ., u. z, b"-" ""ii no lcsmis ui nisyuuianwi u.fcui M "tnot now uojost noon him. From his knowledge follows earh star alort? its nartli of lifeht. m . :o 3 a - o numbers the myriad host, and chases 'the cornet in its ecccntriel flight. 1 Urued to 1: made up withont all the passions; that the " ' ; !.-! : 4- . i-1 . - . . . earth, it penetrates . her darKest aooues, ooks hack upon the future, j Ii all jaround oorncd by tree5 jhtwe pearl vi uew walks among her hidden fires, plunges in to the dephts of ocean, aijd makes com panions or the monsters - oi the deep. Mandmg on the present, it the pas:, and couteinptaies holds conve rse with'the mer. of other davs It sits bv the side of the! Pioletnvs on the throne of Eyp; tehods Achilles in his wrath, and Troy fu flames; attend E neas in his flight t6'Ila!) ant! with the ;tvvin brothers, lays the futt sione; on the walls of imperial Rome ; ,it holtis con verse with Socrates and Plato, ami is famil iar1 with the academic 'groves , and with the j Philosophers ; it isjjif the assembly of the people. Demosthenes, or in the Senate Chamber with Cicero- it listens to Pin daric strains, or hears the tuneful Maro sing. It follows the coupe of Enpires jand of Slate, marks rdike! the causes! of tSieir greatness, and of thVhr decay and downfall. Loaded with the riches of the past, it goes to work for the present and future it conceives, it plans, it executes ; chains cannot restrain,; or dungeons con fine it. How mysterious and how grand its operations. And yet, if! we are lost in astonishment at the capacities of the mind r of the strnetofe-of h hiwaan rnind.he well un- ders'.ands that man jwoofd have keen irooerfecttv ab sence uf any one of it hem would have left the woik --unfinished. That4consfquentlj;to permit any one of ihem to slumber, and much more, to i yield the mastery over all to one, is to produce Hliat very !elpeiive rrangnent whieh ;man,as a free agent, may producbtit vrhich God oever Idesigued. To preserve weM their balance, is lo lappniximaie perfeci on. Where this is done, each passion discliargHS its appropriate function,, and conduces , to a j slate of blissful harmony. Keasidi sits on her throne in all her supremacy, holding in koltjeciiof) the complex rnechasism of stnan, with all Ma emotions, passions and desire. No idols are erected by tbe senses, or false Gods set up to be wirshipped Ansulute perfection, jit is' lameniably troe, is rarely if ever itached. lA-i the hurricane or earthquake disturbs the quiet of the natural world, o some onruly passion frnm time to time bcrsts forth in its fury, ds ihroninjj reason, and shaking most terribly the annirnal system. In view of this, the ancient of other days hong his bead in despair, and the over of his species had almost ceased to hope. j let the truth be confessed; resting o poo our ; own unaided resources, we are like mariners on j the stormy deep, at the mercy of tbe fitful winds, I and unsteady wavesj without chart or cerapass. I jVVe are driven we know not whither; no peace i ful haven in vie v, and no friendly star shin- ng amid the darknes, by which to steer oar piirou se. There is oni one band strong enough 1 io save us. i Our Creator must be onripreser- freedorn won, and of freedom Inat. Nations have grown up in strength have flourished, & have passed away., Ihe mighty ones of the earth nave long since gone down to heir graves, an t are forgotten; The tide of time Las rolled in is 3 resistless coarse over empires and states, lea? -ing no traces of their former renown, but broken pillars and fragments innumerable. In, know ledge of these fst, wer who are now actor ou tbe. stage of life, torn to our colleges and univer sities as to the arks in which tho great cove nant of freedom it deposited. -There, history -pens her volume, in which are recorded the cau ses which have leJ to oationafgrrarnes, and in which are tiacedont, as with a pencil of light, the causes of their final overthrow. ; Thore, re ligion and philcsophy preside over lhe paypjra! and moral world.; There, ar (aught those grpnt principles on which government should proj erly rest ; and there, tbe youthful nind is early in bued with a lyve of liberty, andjan abhorrence uf tyranny. Oar own system ofgovernment; ap parently complex, is explained in all its parts. Ver from the dangers which threaten. To him of man,liw absolutely inexpressible become 1 aloie we can raise our eyes in hope and col our thoughts we contemplate, as far as the fidem-e. Ri-posingr in him. our frailty is con rinite capacities are permitted the infinitude ; ertd into strength, and tbe storm rages barro of mind possessed by the great Creator. The j j'J aroand os- fn his infinite goodness be i,..,, ,. k..i o .rk Jr .i, cAm l has depmed among as a divine teacher, aod li u man 141 1 in. ?wuGieuai47uv-nisu 1 1 vn r , .. j i , - t l us 111UUC111.C ui iiib leaguing, un wiw of all light; cy yet, I repeat, bow wondfciful ivi!;zrttionfrum igoorance to knowledge. Be its conceptions, how sublime its operations. I re his coding, mati mistook rashness for true Such, getlemen, are "the high gifts pf ! Moorage, snd a rude stoicism for virtuel The body and of mind which we', hive received jwtrr.br clad -in his armor, and trampling with Br Wj2?ti ion done OKFICE. Tbe resolutions offered to the people of Charlotte. disaDDtoviniT the doctrines of UCD. J4CK80PS CC If ' M I U a : UI lJVtl 'm! aJ ' li-Vjaa , WSJ other and a better being1; he would ! then have seen order and hitmonj in him. Each little flower that b the way side, as well aa the lofty top aspire? to the clouds : the diop. as w,ell as ths broad ocean iisei (i t lie lowly ar.t htll as well as the snow clad mountain; the , smallest insect, 3 ;v eagle 4w hpu towering in his pride of place iiie glow worm, as welj as the brigiiJlncT golden sdh ; all, all would have amted in unveiling to. him, the ftce of OrampOterjce He woulo have learnedjlhit orer was ilea- iMrfpi., in mfei -i.h f. .he ,una . emiba from .he cenire JW.T'iUt'A m nia nniica in nta naentz a n n ttfnna r written or) his heart. Love to man iwilH have arisen as a necessjtry convue;nj?e:Qf love to G4d. The copious stream jbf jhis mciral duties would jhate floWedl llrom ai knowledge of bis Creator; his bpffom' would have swollen with a desire to be sire to he lustful in his day and gi?neratiori ; apure ambition would have possessed hm? an ambition to be distinguished ampog the benefactors of mankind: True glory wonM hlavo waived him on to that high eminence on which .stands the temple of trcblfaroe, ahoV he would have, aspired to immortality on earth, land endless ireward in heaven. Vbat, if dangers and Idtf5culiies hairi ny Urn e heset his path t what, if Dersaeutioa and obloqhy attended his footteps ; ) what s if man, fhr whom he labored, 1 mailnedS! hin, and society, for whom he toiteMdis- ownea mra, ue wouio sriii nave persetered, and j persevered to the end j; his name Would uUimatelj, have been inscribed oW!tte!pt.-4 lars of tb4 temple, and' its tablets would at the hands of our Maker. But the gifts are useless if they be not cultivated -and improved?" From the first, a decree de bts heel 011 the fallen W8s esteemed lie chief among men and the varcry which was soond- d orer every , land affnghied peace from the signed for man s happipess has gone forth W man. but the great enemy to tinaselfi The as uic accuujpanimeni 01 niese ingn rapa- i DS1,S ons i fear fur conflict. A new sur T7 arose in the heavens and there came healing 00 its beams. Th sp'rif of anger, ihe darker spt- paniment ot these high rap cities. They must be 1 brought into action by onr own exertion the gem lies burled in the r.nvt nf rwrnn.ttA il wn.iltt thrA ' fit or i ruTSnere hatred. With US' kindred and forever, if efforts were1 not made 10 rescue ! gloomy host was rebuked, and love and charily it ! from its pearly bed; Yoo have ben 9Pr? tbwmanjleovw Ui. trtb. V we laboriously engaged during the 4o!ie?ite .-ZT' A political orrery; bow the Slate in cbristiaa doc trios ; 10 the charity J.rfttWO. .WWw W1 f WW W W W ' l..iMlf.Ml.: n Ih 1. ii. J -.i-i -i: 2- 1 1 .. . '. . : ' .1 : . 4 . V. th. Ina lAllh It IflMIMlM wnicn II iracurs, , The Bible ia the great osoral code whose lessons ebrated Proclamation. work of improvement.!' Under the; direr lion of wise instructors and watchfuUguar dtans, you hare unremittingly pursued' your studies, and many of you on this dav. will mnoiwa ih hnnnrm tn tvUlrh Viiiir J W ..... . W WW 4 W 4.4 V. IIV4.V4W ....--W.-77;---, . . . .. exertions will have entitled you. The 1 ny VTJ ffwb 3&?m 1 viiur iusiui.HVa -! 'fw r J address themselves with resistless power to the heart and to ice uodersuiJdingv Where, amongst Ihe blasted philosophy of thescheols, shall we bear record to his noble virtues. ; Such would be the results offawell dircti!o1is4 Urn of education. Tne; two rjien whoso road over which vou have travelled was crowded with difficulties. A morss, ap parently deep and penetrable, often ; inter cepted your oroirress. 1 With weaiy fotit- i' all th-tr proud wUdota, shines with ao bnliiaot and yet m mild a lustre along tne pain way n life? What so elevates the sod to a sublime rnn.nlinn nt -h altnhntM of the DettV ? Ia steps, you lingered upon its brink, in doubt' striving to attain perfection, where shall we is deve(ped,j which ;.fcricvrf and Federal A Government.;, like the son and the planets, may each revolve ia its separate orbit j, and may rn.lqn forever with out danger of collision, if the people be wise, .nr. ! their rulers bonesf. Who, iheh, ran feel othrr than a lively interest in the prosperity cf ecc!. aod all of our literary institutions? Who, wtr thy to be a legislator, could, fur a moment, le di late to increase ; their pecuniary endowmcr;; - , where necessary ko extend their usefulness ?- Aod actuated as they are, by the same motive:, & impelled by the tame high cosideratiocs.ho-, unworthy, woald they be of their exalted callir;;. if the base spirit f envy or jealousy could I admittance within their halls. I c me to tlechr to yoa, .Masters and professors of llatidulpn T!a cun, that if such ppi;it has obtained entrsRce i.','-. other halls, it has no abiding place within tic of tbe venerable college of William and Mary It ia known to you that I hold a seat at her vi I -torial board, ipd I bays full authority there f - , to declare that she witnesses your prosperity wi: , f'llsasure, and hails you as an ally ia the cat ? -iterature, of nciooce, and of freedom. . Ycu fight under tbe same banner the banner of ire! aod of justice.! Yoa war upon lhe cane ctcr.:." enemy error ia deed, aod - error in cpinir :i Your trophies are jlhe sajne the trophies cf tt',. gionand philosophy. Voor labors terminate a like io tbe good of yi'or country and of man. And to yoa Students of Randolph Macon, r : r mit one, who, like yourselves, has been the i mate of kindred hills to those which yi.u hv freqneoldJ, o extend to yoa thei right kan J friendship, and to lexpress to yoa a Jew more 7 r tiog remark. The race of Woe glory Iic3 te.L r you. A close sud) diligent application to c studies, and a ready obedience to the aJvicj yoor instrnctors, will best prepare you to ia i succafully . Lite the racers of the Ol) n.; games, you will keep tbe goal of honor ever;: in view, and strain every sinew in order to r.l lha prize, rlo after life many of yoa will r Inge t her io legislative halls then will "be; re vived Ihe recutlectionj of your. .IIege life, h: under tbe influence of the lesions which 3 . will have there received, the only rivalry c moflgstyoo wiU a tnulstioo in ; Ihe '' cause of ytrur cotiniry happiness. To country, in every calling of life, yoor useful: t may be matoifestedj Ai the cooncij beard, cr the ploegb injtbs; seriate chamber or in t! work fcbop, yoor light bay.be made usefully 1 shine before men :j for, ia the Ubgoage tf 1! mora! bard of England, ' V Honor aod shame from no condition ri. r. ', :. Actwell yoor part, there all the hoocr Uts.'' Your doty to your country, no matter what r ; be year ultimate destiny, will remain the . You will keep yoor eyes steadily fixd ur j 3 institauuos, and will be prepared to ; stand ! , themioweal arid woe. Yoa will ren.fr that free goveTcrnetiui have been mote fyi -ly overthrowa by fracd thasrce. lco L Mat m m r m I 4 V'-.L; -.H'St 'I-- '.' r). "' -''.; -, - ' .''! . i f T ' L- ;' ' :";;' !' : j '. ' j 1 ,! ! .. : l .H. ,; W ' ijl-ill?' I -: