TSXuaiS H.-fr OF,. THE !! mm maj bcrcatler be fiad f ty Cents per jear mm i iflXnStM suta it one payment, h ll MsL,J ir at Two Do j - TSIuliAi the same class shall Lcl&lo'n-ir as the- -sam sum of termj baii continue, ISMSf i":So:ot pay ai Ing t)ie.:yeaf yrWSbolUriioall case. . IpIlbeceWedfoness thflt if . v : K-lA f :fte e Editor must be post imrwimthBf will ceraioj. y l8 J UWyf VciUs ptr squ arc jor Lr4(f.te'- :f 1 f ' 1:!' - - iSlir,feifitabe fates. ! t A deduction of lfets flif ihe. regular prices will be iMse tladrti$eby the yeir. ' will be inserted tor less iv HiIeiwUb coTitinued tintil orders i'Aieiut tltop them, where no directions "I, TV SiilxaBURY, 0511 10 ffA lied none .,.-.r-j.-:.i.rLi Cents. Molasses,, 55 a 60 Naili; 8 a 9 Oats 25 a 30 Porkfr $8 Sugaif, br. 10 a 12 j;1 loaf, 18 a SO Salt, j $1 624 TalloV? ; jO a 12i Tobacco, S a 20 Tow-linen, 16 a 20 fi Wheat, (busliel) $1 VVhXey, 45 a 50 Wool, (clean) 40 in Ji, peach a mmMM I if-' ?! 80 ai aVlX a30 sni;.! HU $IG0 ;74 .45 a b si i r i.' M Molasses,- 35 a 42 Nails; cut, 74 Sagir blown, 8a 12 Lump, ' ' lb' Loaf, V 18 a 20 Salt.! , " S5 a 90 -JSack, . ' i '" $3 . Tobacco leaf 6 a 7 Cotton bag. 16 a 20 bale rope. 8a V2k VVNeat 1 35 a 1 40 Wliiskey 00 a 60 Wobl, - 20 a 25 TwENTY-FiFTII CoNOIlli9S4 THIRD SESSION. Is there ers as well (HIE RAW 4 aL6 N atla tut asfor. 7X a 9 JJjUi jlS: wrought 16 a 18 I Sf la sia uais ousaei v2;arou-;gai tl3 lamb erojdibliplfeilinseeid 40 a 50 75 a $1 $125 110 a 125 Wmmtti PorTTiJOOIhs I 6a 8 n 81 a: 12i Rice 100lbs$5 a SCI 0(1 Sugar lb 1 a 1 2i I?. MlSaili ;$8Salt safck 31 a SA ! lore ni 14 !WI .451-busli: 1 aftii lhe P01 8J8temo certain defaults like Ibey occur, I will tb -4 .. i 1. a. ;; r a- ' v. ?r " b .1 : f I 10 a 12 a eSleeMmer. 10 a I2i Giriman 12 a 14 Tea iinpp.Sl a Si 37 14 5; a 50 EinsriawAY. s- 3 piQDED aboai the last of Qptl fjfm the subscriber, at that tlifeitfteg in SiokjBs ilCou&ty,. 9 Crull ti.4 : Negro JmanJ mrs of ageV and of a very bright wllHBi' Shoemaker! fcy :'tradeT baa Vjfllffroij 15 lo 1 40 pounds. IIPilRcar on ijone of bis legs ; llieed tobe ohl jhe right leg. :- iiffWL jut belo the elbow oc- fem Mfe h heels hate been frosted, X mm-tm: Cole- slU"7 " r,i" man, naroea CONTINUATION OF THE : SPEECH OF Mul WISE, ON TIID StJBJECT ; OF TOE LATE . 4' : ; -e;-.-,---..:. not moral turpitude in tome oth as! in Swart wout in ibis transac tion ? J believe that tb Secretary down to Phillips j are as criminal as the. defaulter. They will jneTer allow Swartwout and Price to return; or this would fulj. appear, as I Jbslicvftj i4p?' ebiih'y' . ";;v'"v ! !"..' Sir, letrtia now m'qaire further, whether this defalcation might not have been pre vented altogether, if the Secretary had done hisduiy? j j After J he defalcation was known, the Secretary thdn woke op ; he wrote the m i ' - i.l ' I SIS ' . li followinjg letters : 11 Tutil.UBT DlpABTSfENT, NOT. 91838. . ' j ! ' i it i i : ?Sir : In consequence of the rrport made in pah the Solicitor of the Treasurv. on the examination! by him and yoqrsHf into the accounts ofv the late collector at iNew Tork, 1 wish now to call yonr immediate attentiori to a tew considerations : ' lst. I think ajj circular should be issued by you to- all natal officers, - calling thir prompt and carelul attention to their offi cial duties', in check of any. error, or wrong : by collectors, j.-jlj I'.; j; . ; '" Qd That'an examination be made in every case of any considerable balance reported as unadjusted or due, to see if the bonds and money purporting to be on hand, or which ought to on hand, are so in point of fact. This can be done: by letters to the eollec .tore, stating that recent events have render ed the inquiry ; proper; and that the naval officers, or district attorneys in eases where there are no naval officers, will make the scrutiny, and certify on the subject, both as to the! bonds and nioney. i, Sdi. 2 Wish increased attention given to the examination on settletnents here of the bond accounts of collectors ; and in your office as well as in the Auditor's, all neces sary Torre employed to make the present le gal check's ia" efficient as possible. 4Plea6e to adpjt any i additional step which! hat occurred to you for discovering any errors, an'd for securing the Public a- gainat losses. , : ; Repeclfully, i j your! obedient servant,; LEVI WOODBURY, 'Secretary of the Treasury J. N. Barker, Eq. ft Comptroller of the Treasury. 'TreAsuby Dkp1r!tment, Nov. 19, 1833. I : :.rt--i- -Si The recent developement of the, great defalcation 1 pf the late coltectir. at New Jf ork renders jit essential that it ahouM be ascertained,' if practicable, why it was so long undiscovered I therefore rt quegt you to inform me o the causes why it was not inj the power; of your office to report his defalcation when it first commenced, or at the different settlements afterwards, be fore his term of office expired. If; under aojusving me acconni? be impracticable to s- tbese immediately after snk you tojeport fp me arid improvements as tal!iWA rieihborhood about rli:M4 P any one who will da- 1 in Camp him in jail, VlfrPu w CKOl Hud l $4 - mmm 4r iMOTnts fi,r IbeseYarbs, il!yin,ity! of tbem from & CO J! Waile Prices 1 P As Jfiir i h n . :lp?Mwe' will warrant it, ?tefiV-,tt."?.- .wiUing to leave it atHPKle tur themsrP . ? l ire.lion.U to2 inches 4f vt.f l?)qpd &i soaare do all illiSwirioor., 4'-. .1- wide, sizes, v. 1 t-i : if1 w 'KBT fed Uoiton,- .fllgWSh-Sal"u PMllAvymuRPHY. such modifications -j may suggest , themselves to you, in order that all defalcation hereafti-r may be imme diately known, if possible; and, in r? you slioulcf consider that further hgisl.it ion rosy be necessary; 4q attain this object, I wish you to pointjout the defects that should be provided frr, andlalso such additional checks as might be imposed to prevent! the embezzlement of the! public funds received by the! collectors and receivers of the pub lic revenue. :-1, . , "; - . j ;; 'Thw report I should be glad to receive soon, that a communication on the subiecf may bej majde to Congress at the commence moot of the ensumg session. ! l your oneoient servant, . . , j LEV VOOTBURY7T; I f Secretary of Ms Treasury. uompirouer ej trie l reentry, r letter of tbe 9th shows exactlv t he duties which the Secretary bad before ! ne glected). M y;.,. j i ; - -. i- 1st. Tbe diva! dtuciers ander htm hid not been made to do their j duty 2d. The examination of balances had not been attended to, I, ;3d. Sufficient attention had not been ber stowed j by him on; settlements here of the bond accounts of collectors I In addition to) these letters, be sent a citrulaij to the JComptrollers and Auditors tit the Treasury, lie is terrible for circu lars ! (They are hjis Col.- Pluck spurs, by wbjch be makes trie nation believe that he is constantly rowelling the sides of bis offi cial steeds, and keeping them full up lb their mettle! Ah I no 4 man knows better bow to run with trie bate and hold with Jhe hounds!!' This circjilat itself shows, too what had been neglected. But, to proceed Gilpin and Barter! in their report from Newt York," Nov. 15,1 tay: , . These defects readily suggest the follow ing remedies : Botint doe to the Government, admits jes- tcls.to entry, and perfocras the vartous func libos connected with artsofkj-' lector's duty, should be itstiact from; and Independent of, the officer who receives and Is'sfcooitable for tbe mOneyf accruing on ibose duties. Each making His separate re end held toja separte,respoBsibjity, iwbuld prove a complete check upon the oth errand lead to aa immediate dettctibti of ! error, neglect, or defalcation, j ! J j Tbat all sams of mpny should be SpaidJ' into the Treasury1 that no bfScier fioolo be permitted la retain funds, under .any pretext, or make pafmeats, . except on jsti i a tee previously made to the Treasury, or. on accounts property submitted and ex amined. There 'would oe no difBculty in so arranging this plan as to give quita as much facility as exists at present in the pay ment of debentures, and all other charges now. deducted from the accruing j revenue, jjahile iV would obviate the jd isad vantages that ire inseparable from the present mode !9 That actual tnspeirtions by compe fntjofficrs from the Tessury Departrnt-nt should be made from time to (time, at s every principal custom house. Had suck iiispec llon betn made at Xev York, this dtjal- calian could have been easily forekthad lung existed, pr perm consiaeraoie amount. j4j Thai the use of the! public money hy any officer intrusted with its collection, safe keeping, or disbursement, should be made a criminal offence, severely punisbable. U 'We are, very. j ' j ; T , ! : -r , t j i !' i . H. fHon. Levi WooDBdRiti; : p- -:; , 1 'Secretary of the Treasury, y,x 'Now, sir, could not all this have, been done;? Did it require a la w? None , Why, was it not done ? Mr Secretarv doosMnot inform us." ' v bx "Adinin the First Auditor. n s-e' - r ! "r- i WonHhiir v' lfttpr rnnnrtoil a f nllnr4 i i :. Here Mr W. referred to the whole, jof the answer of the First Auditoir, by Mr Ia hop, phc( Clerk in that office, to the- que ues of Mi Woodbury mder idate ofiNov. loj which we are obliged to omit here, in orrerto be able to bring this Speech to a close in this number, htlt whijeh we shall publish in our next, that trie reader may nave ih whole case before him, Int l I m. know him not, but tbisr report is a voucher lo roe of bis Character. I Bu I a raj doing a good and true J . j- t oy oaring nereaiouc It may remove! him. proscription ! ; This siir, ! forjel ! manan I o commend bis worth. Oh! tbe tjranny of roan l?ts tbe cat out of the bag -he tells you: that th ? meal-tray was left uncorered wholly neglected, and the rats have been perraitted, at will to go in & cotao out with full liceuse from the Secre tary It shows that every check! has been abandoned nd neglected by the Secretary --the naval officer ith Conptioller4noi to say by the First Audit or Sir, if av party tvxc'ti (ike S fiend, djd not befriend and sua- tain this SeCTetary--nardonandi white aash this hideous deformities and! delitiquiheies DJigni all moral senihih ? t . . i aeiecieagoe reached any I) IGILPIN4 n. barker: in reply to Ifrom the report, sir, we learn 1st That one reason this! defalcation is, that tended the time to the Yoik for making up and counts for adjustment. H ' Editors Nat. pid,' incompetent, neglectful J corrupt. 1 mince spousibilitie?: ! If he. of s man, hi would mean honest jury, a papers, convict hini! Sir, the report of Hall and at the: Whi removed from! ffie mstan peached. Go where any wherc,and you w y cere in this e-house, be would be tlv. or be no- you will trace him ill find Mm dull! stu faithless. I and no terms tear no re- had the sensibilities demand a trial, i dive lid. I will, upon! these i . the Firpt 0mD4rolle'r for not detecting the, Secretary , tx- collector at iew rendering hs &c- 1l 2U. The accounting f AuditVs office have not clerks in the First Awdittfr's office have not been made, since 1822. o ascertain th&t the balance of ? the ector (was correct the additions were as retained, piop- bond account f the co ly brought forward, that correct, and the balance erif stilted. II 3d. J Bonds from New York hve not been recorded. N vr in. tune to Hi-company ar ,cqJntsof the Comptioller This duthias. been wholly nefflected luring -t Mr WilL bbry'slterm of office, slice the second qtiirt ter;of jl834.i " -: I l jj i.th.The acronnt of Swartwout wasHrjo; rjfCei.cd at the office of jthe First Auditor uhjtjl tfej0th of Novemjen 1$33, long 3fj ter hisf neglect lo forward ; tbe acrount iri due time had been reported to ! the ydmp4 troller.1 ' : ; ' M : 5lh (That the collator bad iot b'eetiref! quued to. render an account of all outstsnd 1 tngibonda. j . j i : jjMM IjOth. That the CoUector at New York hljtl not been required to ret u in, with ;hi quarterly account of the ctistonis, !cop ji.f 8Uspe3ixe accounts? showing what ittiis compose that part of iho balance not con sistinff of bonds or c?h m hand ! uH'J-jf7tb,-That deposites for dutis have not bn regarded as cash at jf.! Yoirk, whillt ut Philadelphia they have been so regarded--atijthe Secretary himself liad control of ijnis flunocriiuntable lo Auditor, but the rem tdyobvipuf? i -. j" ' lii.iii'! j 9ih i The naval officer j had hot l&eri mlde toj Chilis duty, and, if tie had donefhis w)ioU ditty, tbis defalcation couid not have ocrurredf. ;'. - pfh. jTbat the .-uetkly ani monthly ite liif ns of ronrys received and paid j at fjihe xtkiom lwuse? the 'return, of debentures,9 'abstracts of bonds put in sMitSsiimmarif siofmenf of duties collected? schedule lof bonds taken and liquidate d,9 required for the SecrfraryJs , office, hair not been propi trhrragti and compart d witji each otbj erjaod witri the quarterly account current ofihe customs by ihe Secretary of M Treasury himself, ' v ' I ,j . !; uchr ir is the expose b this able and mastiwly a;nd independent feport jof the ia btiity q4 integrity with which your Treal sUry iDepartmem has beep ;cbnducte(lt and bf which this million of public money bis been abstracted! Sir, this flpbrt Imusl hive been gall and wormwood to Woodbury, i I confirms Ibe rej.ort of the First Auditor Here Mr Wise read frorn the rejpoft of j. N. Hnxkf-r some extracts, also necesiari ly deferred . j . :j : ) . - ; j ' , Now, sir, be it remembered that this Ad ministration and the! precedihg are both a like distinguished for tb doctrine that a the Executive wa a uniH Hhat was the pre sidents duty ta tak? c&re that the laws be faithfully executed1" Why his not thisdu tyr 80 strenuojsly insisted bnjwith thevew of maintainirj Executive prerogative been performed in discharge of Executive: ob ligation and responsibility? I I am now doae with tbe revjew of these cases. And, afler what I have laid before you, let me ask'- Wtia use would there be in humbling ourselves to become spies had censers to report defalcations and crimes to this Executive with in view to a prompt removaTfrom office? Why pass laws to enact that 'the application oj public money by an officer of Government to private us es shall be a felony? Vill reports or stat utes avail any thing ? Vain and l d 1 ! they would the more cloak and conceal and pro tect these plunderers! I The lre9idenl if he wiHtnay say, as the! Duke of Vienna, disguised as a friar in his iown capital thai he might overlook the actions of his peo ple : : ! j ' " Mv business in Ihis Slate 1 i Made1 me a looker on, here; in Vierlha:'- I Vhire I have seen currupOon boil snl bnthf Till il o'er rim the stw, laxc-nfttn -alt faults Mul faults so countenanced, that the. strong slat- Stand like forfeits in -'rHer's shop, l As moch'in mock as mark)' Pass any p-iin9 and pdnallie, ar'opi any system of aws yu plose Ur ited States Bank, pet bank system, fmn-Trea;ur -4nrt let rne ask if eilherroif d .be exilf"t'ted; to work well in the hnds of such men who 'countenance' sin h faitlln1 feir, we ar told by jhat philisphW in government, Wm. Penh, that the best Msteui will belas the worst if badly ad piinistered ; by bar! men ; and that the worst system will be as the ) best, if r!ghteojjfy administered by good mfi). Yes. sir' af hnnuej of 7ic;i is wanred -a gnpral turn but of 111 faithless trustees ani'Srvants.; f J t I must bring my rerrjarks to, a close -M am aching from iny head to my j lips! But, sir, did I tell Ihe truth for a fahstiiood in ISS6 ? Ilve th? Executive Departments j been conducted with ability and integrity ? Let every hones: man answer -Add ihe e ialcations of Swartuvoijt, Prirje, Gratiot, Reckless. Boyd, Hariisj Linn-)he whole list, and tell me how mtich was stolen in 1836? But, ir. it. is at) tojbe thrown upon the p ranging from 900.000 to :.tj y anJ tie in lh. r!nll9l'rl IBPfllrUtT Karl ..na.alltf WaAn I . ! T..HV . 7 r . . ..... ..v ... 9v,.,.jr w . yOQ nave nagranuy anusea, anu me place taken of these offiers ; but, in former which you faithlessly filled & shame " yuh V . jy o large a- fuijy dishonored ! mourns, anu win so greai j are as oi jate. This is bbt an epitope of the history cf and consequently most of jthe foregoing your ontrages upn the morals, the law, losses nappenea many yearago. 4 1 and liberty MUM glorious -eountry.whirh A list of all lhoe officers who,jm the you are derfradinff ttvtbe bondage of a i::c- 12ih of October, 1837, the time desina-j neiy porrer, wliichiyou profess to abhor -c ted in the resoluUon of the House of Rep-t country, which 4 are ruining by an also- resentativeMtoodonihebookf of tbcTrea, Me ExtcutirC. which vou do orofesj to sury as haying neglected to fettle their acil worship! Ii thl'Fathers lof the coantry counU in aeason, .nias.JXT' yritti .the CcQld nowjrise fjbm their tomb and er.i.. am.-Hint charged to eae4iinjthe printed re- this their TtemWei-U which should be call- port made ion the ISth r January last, ed of all.naitiohs jthe bou.e of" Liberty (Doc. N. Ill ) But several 'ol these were what would thWIiav ? What! was said to not then actually indebted to he U. Slates, the munev-chWers in the Temple at Jc- though, haying neglected to adjust theii nisalem 'Dutyijiave made it a den cf accounts ai me 1 reasury, iney came witn- thieves H ; )Aud,;sir,what Ihink you wouM in me express wortis ot the resoltition,and y,?ur chief jpriests, and schbesay, evrn,M consequemiy were inciuaeuj theml Wbatlthey 'have said to me: By Here, sir, you may jmlgot the truth fit what authority dpest thou these things ? jusiicc 01 una uuicer s reporu nerepons but. sir, 1 cannot, say of your priests .... h.m.c nMi.iu.a Bk iiuui serioes ns is itaiu iii itoiy win 01 tnejew cqaa Aim in ci ononoo uli I . . 1 -' . i - t ... ffv.,wWv ,v r?u w IS11- iiet if areai iie po(ei' io. sir Iknow thaUhe- defalcations of Swartwout vour am iranre has Rtirnaxsed all fear, nil alone exceed the largest sum! 5ir, the bounds of caution If the Ptople do tot Danss arejio ne oiameu wnetner mey lost SOon make yan fear them, you will to p.: or emoezziea me puouc money or not , the remedy of i reform by. their hut the. only sin of sub-treasurers is in be- er ria rrisi rrltt t 7c miti n.iI- otml .1 rtfL i J . ' ... m. iv u , ny not rnase voar eronoTy im upr ;i k Mft 9tM $ 4 1 as x a mo w m r?AfMftAl.ft a H:. a ' ; 4&ft r""'1' ' -ivi.y iv.vcwuic me salaries oi your "trainea racr your - A - in. .1 .'.i . ' . I . . JTt . 11 i . i- . oj ueuciion i- i ne Aumiuisirauoji says oflic-holders ? Go fr a reduction cf sl a., t. . nD.n.. :. k ii c.:m:. 1 . i .1 l i .. . i p w . i "Clt l " uo runups nes; m that l will suppoit you. Sir, to even intimates mat it is an owing to the other day, jwl.ph the Globe published banks! fcir, the last inquiry is, what are debate in the Senate upon ecwio wt ecor- ... I .U-. L..-- ,t .iT. f .1 I . i - U . I 1 fill ' r . . w uv iiib. ciiuscmeyws auu cuccia oi uicac i omy ecnoed 0 jjut party there- it ecu defalcaironsj i tainedj in almost immediate juxtaposition. i uawe nounng v say now, as io tne anTadvertlsetxiektli of poor Uraiot's fur- puouc morais or puouc creau. i ney are i niture Here subject above tbese times. IjJNo, sir. no. 1 1 as General Jac leirn what is to be the eflect Ar here pow- it is ; the tilobc, you Know, it! . : ' " US s x :only by listening to the Administration's shout of j those otdr worn-out, humbug jw?lchw6rjds Economy t.Retrtnchmen! Reform ! l Aftet the President and Secre lry have 'permitted alt the public money to be stolen ! and after they have stimula ted and encouraged the Government and the People to the utmost extravagance ; af ler raising expenditures to 40.000,000, and creating another public debt, they now, ICt airs, Sofa aM. pituman, ; covered vtu from necessity, prudently recommend- to I crimson silk na larsre fVericA Manid jjcjur patienee and selT-denialjc becoming e picr Mirrors. $m Mantel Lamps, ele.ruut conomy : economy mat is me woru. t ne met mev tmsi marve anu ne it is : "Extensive $aU of Rich andJFatkiori able furniture hV ill be soli on to eiiuv uav, me zotnioayrot Uecemucr rrsia ?, commencing at jhat! past 10 o'clock A M at ihe residered ef' Genernl Gratiot, V, near 2 1st jrtreetif fairi ifs not, the ncxi fair day thefeaneiij,: hi splendid fuhiimrr, consisting oi very superior Zs&xony 'Impt t o iarpetn eieirani urecian iianopj; disgraced unless they reduce expenditures. I'liey turn, now, from electioneering with Ithe public; money, after it is! all spent, and electioneer in turn with the watchword. economy ! economy ! And upon what is this economy to fall f Whav oniecta are to be made the victims of defalcations and financial bankruptcy ? Sir, we are told by Mr Secretary that Consol 7ajetjwijth Egyplianmarlle topt Uentre 1 able witft marbleulop. n.e-;i.m t Chickering PiaiioL Stool and Mi sir Stand, with various oiher srticHs of Drawin -- urf,!rjery handsome, Dei (in I- Atci rtf tifiM-Sni hrt.rr,n- Furniinre, consistinn of elegant Uressi;: Bureaus, with hnei Mirrors and marblttor,s. . . i4r '. J . ... ! It' cncioseu yy asnsrancs wuri maruie iopv, Mahogany Bedsteads, fine Ilur Mattresses. Feather Bcidg and I Palliasse?, Jmnericl L it . - ! ' " room Furni ron Grates. some of the most beneficent appropriations three-ply Carpets! Mahogany jWardrope?, are to be arrested The States were led &c. Xhe whole! of the above furniture understand tbat tbe manly Clerk by whom it ;as maflfp u already ondet the jban of b displeasure: lib a bitinfl sarcasm, it is a aeef throagbotiWlJpoo Mr Secretary's urji blushing effrontery in his tnquiry into ihe r aoses of this defalcation He knew, a-r '1. That the system for the collection of era Whig President be elected, and T have the revenue from customs should resemble : a title of influence with t his cooncils. this :to expect thai they would receive the fourth instalment of your distributjon act an act, by the bye, for which I never voted, but would now execute to the letter. iWhyf Becausayou, by yVur own. volun tary. legislation, led them td jexpect the fa cilities Avbich ihe act afforded, for the pro motion of their svstems of internal ira provement and education, antl that they bave been led to legislate on the faith of your action here, 'nw, we are told.their hopes-most be disappointed, their systems of moral and physical improvement arres ted, and tbe ordinary appropriations here to like object must be stopped, and why ? Because tbe office-holders! nave squan dered and run off with the; public treas ures ! j. ' And, sir, the system of light -houses is to be destroyed, in conformity with the policy and interest of this Administration to put aut the lights I The eyes of com merce are to be put out or blinded, to sup port the extravagance and profligacy and poor banks! Ilow oMifh in default have ' frauds of office-holders ! Sir, during the the banks been ? The Secretary's annual leport sajs; I ) i ' First. A list of the hanks stijl indebted to the United Slates for defaults previous to the close of 1834, none of" which are believed to'have given originally any - col-, lateral security, is anrjexed, pi. Tbe jwhole amount now due,wit!ioui computing interest, equals 1.0OO76 dollprs; anda great part of tins must be regarded as a to tal lOS- ' I I ; ! v. 'Secondly Another lilt of fndebted bank.- past disastrous fall season on the Atlantic coast, the shores of my district have been literally strewn with wrecks from the ra ginf deep. A few days before I left home. $150,000 worth, al least; of dry gooU,was floating on: the sand beaches of Northamp ton county, Virginia, front the wreck of a single brig. For years I had been endea voring to have a light house put near the very spot where this vessel bilged upon the bar. A large cargo of cotton, and several other .wrecks, came a shore. to remind us necessary on property. is annexed, most of w Inch gave, col later? I ! dailv of the improvements security. N. Tbe reutaiaing dues from j oor mast to protect life and them to tne treasurer on defaults accruing i star of the ocean is. needed on almost eve between 1834 and October, IS $7. though j ry promontory, as much! as (be north star at first very large, have been reduced to a J in the vault of the sky; they are all to be dimmed, and never to give; light to the sea traiCIl Iijaril.CIft uc uuc runam aaa auu Price and Gratiot, et idpmnt genus; have carried off the means of buying the bout 2.400,000; and; most if not all, of; tnese oeots, witn some oi:iers, owing to public disbursing officers for mohey on de- posite, it is confidently expected will in the end be paid. I j The first instalment! due from those This is not all. The widows and or which have since executed other bonds and ! nlisns of your Revolutionary heroes siand given new security, under the air of Octo-1 patriots are to be deprived of their bread ber, 1837. bas been promptly met, and por- earned by patriotic toil. All pensions are ions oi tbe second bae already j been ad to; be stopped for the sake of parasites and am r.tt f vanced by some of them, Suits are pend- public plunderers The People are to be that adopted in tegafd to the, revenue from; man fllahbo, -shall be remembered by me (terwards placed for safelkeeping lands Ihat iHe officer who ascertains the as alfiroj and faithfol public stmnn! I ! were, at the last session estimated at b 'f! public money, to bribe and buy up e- as the rile wind ing againit only two, on account bt their li-1 denied all the nlegsiugs and boons of thei audiMca. ... ; i i - : ij i u frrnmrni anu lor wnai r in pamper According to this, notiiing had been loll yoar Praetorian bands, your legions, with aince 1834 by banks: ; low much by au-! means of good living and di i play, to tmpt Treasurers I The samel report says : , the Swiss corps who long for their poiticn Thirdly. The etentual losses sustain-1 f the P04lsJo furnish' Tour rroegade ,ed from receivers and :c4lectors, while, as '.' demorrats with millions to snort their fra a part of ihe bank depolite system, they ttefimy of defaulters1 in the splendor of were collecting the public funds,! m be ajj- Europe lo endow your Boyd with prin- w made to ordejj in the very -best s tyl t : a large part has been- in use but a short time, and was made it Philadelphia. "Also the rerj elegant Table furnitnrr, consisting of a forge dinner service of .Pla ted J flare, two sets of iJinnr j Porcelain, one very rich Denser t Service, Tea Set to match ihe tohole, imported Jfrom Paris, a white and gold Tea Set, one India Din ner Set, together tcith a quantity of -rich Cut Glass. I ,i- : ,": ,4 -."-.:', j ; "A larjfe asmrtroent of Kitchen Fnrniture, Stoves. &c. with. furniture : for servants. A small stoek w choice Wikes and Li Qiiore, viz. Madeira, various kinds in bottles, very old r rerfch jUrfrndy in bottles ,ctOtce n tar, Kye.Vliottles auJ Uttm- .'.'..!.-.: All sams of and nm r and but eiceedit.g i0t, i over 200. a credii of key, fluaox Oil of " l erios of safe i f 50 cash ; over 501 credit of sixty days: ninety days; aprgvedl endorsed negotiable will -be required. the examination dav. the 2 lib inslaat; in banks,- cipslittew of the public domain and mints . j The rtopse will be open t. r i b( the Furnhure, Uc uTUi. -Qsiaol from 10 to 2 o'clm k iEDWAUU DYKK." How many I poor fon washed and orcj:n'j. : children in odr district and in mine,sir, h c!J thn costly turnnuie oi a spienau ieianer c acate ? How mani sons of unwr.nby t.tr-;, wuuUl it raise, elevaie in virtce a'i;Tc the y ri of a Pike? $ir,!thlsobtanc vf !the pffi"; their edocati d; iheiicommerce;;it;eir sjiten of improvement, Itbeir lands of honor aid zrat itude, are ail to be sacrificed to the appe'ites ct corrupt partisaiu harpies! tuch, $ir, are the eonseqaences of your great and glorliuo, immac ulate 'eojnoaiyj, retreacbmebt, aod reforn Ad ministration V j - . bii.'in piping timesef pacet the grat rrr vice a Representative can render is to $aae the public mooey. -i-'jba faithfully endea9red t j dincharge Ihis daty.;! to save ibe public money from wickedVulers, and to preserretba parity and virtue of JxHri he People and their ser vants from the temptations of a splendid Gov ernment .and a wicked Adrnioistratioq.y If I tared-me nothingioWrd8 this end, it-is cot my fiull. The tasli has been a bard one. I hate had to labbr ar th oar againat wind and tide against a mot powerful and popular Pre sident and pariif-aaiest you, sir.! yoor 'com mittees and th HcHl- at Jhe Waz OI K10" riftcation is epieu. Toank God, the day star d4 n from & bgri. There is now hope pf sal vation ; an oooiof irelributife jostice b coming J Truth, iboogb 1 stiw is eomir.g gradaally a bng with hei tor-jhea! I bave been waitir-j foiber Umg,but nvelr witboat hope. . I bave had to carry my hie5 mmII it my, band tbe harness of deer-kjn and cold steel aod iron h3 often galled tny shoulders an armed arseaal a wairst the King's fces-rtbey are dangerous when there are sucbrich spoil ; botlhafees capd oofccathe4. tfiakGodf ihoogh ruy t!sr- derers and persecakora aod refdr.;wwn BMr the world blv triaiioy war apoo ccrruptiU'. baa oot beeR blckdUss "j ' '::-; '' (: ; V ;'-' I m nt for these aspersions iaJ Ps rre I Much less bare i leu. 4-! ; 1