0 rlil: I-..- J- . . PUBLISHED EVERY! SATURDAY, BY HAmtTON C. JONES, EDITQRi PUOPRIEQR. r'iii- SSI . i '"'Is ':'('-"' WIL1B:. PJdD. i - . . . .. ... . . . rT Jg , lilwvfi7 fterearier be bad for lit ' F Wfl-M npnts'Der Tear. ..- -i 15H yiait,' fttihsfiribcrs who wil! if,JlblWol"n at one; payment, 'lUlrl hJ di5 not pay dating tfce year tfMlMee DolUrs in all rases. jlfBij-y imtr-aa iffb same . class, shall lMMlf .fe ance the of MIT1.;T.M Sui ioolno fnni phall continue, f :!1 ill iAntinoed bat at the op WU ' Ml.-'V" J llSmot boiPf MX Til hiAm!i&ae.. raltes.--: A deduction of ;3 rl.Lf iko rcnnlir nrir Will he Cjj amtise tj!ho ye?r ftftis4 ts HI ill be con U n id until order icq f?i wop iP.- uo,'t v-. ::.f:.-'..f-iitfa,'v :pCM5,U' SALISBURY, !; le I Tafiecdi I; "11 85 a 371 !TI ' . - mm Lj i-i' - Ei J i.i 4 i Tim ?i'f !' i Ccntt. " 5 a 60 8 a 9 25 a 30 Molasses, "Nails, Oats. Pork, J ; $6 i Sugar, br. 10 a 12 loaf, 18 a 20 alt, a Sl.62i Tallo;; 10 a 12 Tobacco, 8 a 20 Tow-linen; 16 a-20 Wheat (bushel) Si - ' : -:; . ' Whiskey, 45 a 50 - Wool, (clean) 40 Pp;iEyiLLp a l 0 .0 i-S'-S-l'.: "sv ill I 111 a If TSqgar btown, pjPallS). tm:Q Molasses; Nails, cut,' 3542 74 8 a 12 Lufflp,! . T 1( Lnaf, .j , 18 a 20 Salt, 85 a 90 y;Sact,',---rr;r--$S'--Tobacco leaf 6 a 7 Option I bag. .16 a 20 Bale rope,. 8 al2 Wheat 1 35 a 1 40 Whiskey 00 a 60 Wool, 20 a 25 4: a 6 Nails cut'assor. 7? a 9 ill 4 1 ; wraueht 16 a 18 Twenty-Fifth Congiiess. "H"-' :-;. - THfRpi SESSION. . -1 House of UIepresentatites. the 115120 Oats bushel a 50 75 a $1 ;iito:8a:KUainp:;-! ; v $125 iropejpbl2i!pnsced 110a 125 w lb t b Pork 1 001 bs 6 a 8 tenii iljth Hire 1 OOI bs 85 a $6J ei!550 eel Amer. 10ai2 10 a I2i 14 rman l'.a 14 Tea impe.Sl a $1 37j 1 i . Ge English frojUPfcW the last of Irwlcirirmh'.thtt subscriber, at ! that lH piQa! m Nejjro man - - ' t - V srEECII OF Mb PKENTISS, Onjlhe Defalcations of the Government Friday, December 28, 1838. ; f f-..- - S ' The House being in Committee of Whole upon the President's Mesaage, Mr. PPENTISS (of Mississippi) spoke as fol lows:,. ; !.."-'..' ; : .''- Mr CiiAiRJiArr: I bad intended opnn a, former occasion, to liiave expressed my yiews upon some of'lhe topics 'embraced hi the President's .. Message, wore especially the I i rcrfcnt eiaications.ir I am, noweTrr, so uo- fortunate as to be Tieweo by tne omciai eje of tbis Honse thrpugb Srij inverted telescope, arid it is not often that I can obtain the floor With much pleasure therefore, J a?ail my self of the opporJtuifrtyi 'art ' present afforded me That portion of the message to which I shall principally turn my attention, to wit, the defalcations of the pualic officers,.' hae been" already ablt considered by my friend from Virginia, (Mjf WiE,y as well as by the distinguished; member from Tennessee, (Mr Bzlu) But it is a aubject which can not be too often or too: thoroughly dislass ed. Its examination, will, I. am confident1, eviscerate more j of the. principles' upon which this Government has for some years been administered, and furnished ua more! valuable lessons forj future , guidance, , than any other matter that ran occupy our delib erations I am sorry to observe a rapid It increasing hostility ujpon thisfioor j to the discussion of great political principles. One would suppose, in listening to some gentle men,' that Congress was constituted, like a county court, for the trial of petty individ ual claims, instead of jbeing the great polit ical tribunal of the nation, whosejproyincr and iluty. it is, not only to notice all impor tant events in the action of the Government, but to investigate j'jthefcauSea fiom which they'have"resultedH.j - H Defalcations of; the most -alarming char acter, and for. an immense amount, carried on and concealedj for ja series of j years,7 by the collector of the principal commercial fity of the. Union, iave been recently de veloped. The President has seen fit to calf on'r particular. attentron to this rase, and to make, in con nexion therewit b. djvers sug gestions as to the bfst ;mode;of. preventing similar occurrences bireafier. 1 ; h - It seems proper (says the President)that, by an early enactment, similar! to .that of other countries, the application: of public money, by ah officer of the Grvernrnent,1o private usos, should be made a felony, and visited unth sever el and ignominious pun xshrnent ' I I L ' 1 ' f - y He further recommends that a committee of Congress be appointed to watth the of ficers' who have tlie custody of j the public moheys, and that ibey Wwld Report to the ExecutivVs'ichc delaications a jwere found t exist, with a view. to a prompt rernotil from office, unle68ythe j default was satisfac torily accounted for ' .j j " V ; The Secretary rf thff Treasary has a'so given us a report un thiVsulgcj, in'which he expresses his astonishment lhat such) an occurrence shouldjhave happcrjeel withput his knowledge; exhibits, like the President, a most holy horror at j the enormity of ther rr . - i :'rr: I'-..: . i . .',. . f t'lrence , , ano recommenas me sppmntment of an additional tribe of offic irs to watch ovef those already in power, as the best mode of avoiding similar roiiiKaps ih. f u ' tore. rears of asre. and of a verv brfffht llHlt 4 Shrnaker ly trade, has l hir, a fthin visage, is - t . . , . I If 11 M -J 111 ua IHIUHUBl. . war on one ot his legs II -Is I.7'- 4 1 - 4 . 'tiNled to he on the right leg, tna"n4 below the elbow oc- rn, , fS M bve been frostedr Wmmcpnnhem. Cole S3??w6anr Btakely, WM prbablo that he may. be uSJlff??h many persons bflieve fatilM?1 by a white man, riaraed ??f ?Hft. the neighborhood about nm kP'I wilt, give! a j re iCf tlMl! N any one - who wiirdc- fSari Brook Neal in Camp- ' Mthwi(lonnce him in iaih vrflDb mm 1RU O VKfiSTEET. 1 it 3 1 ! -il ?s agents r these Yarns, mm Vmnminmy of them from i PlffS1'! Prcea. As f W-WliV'wewill tSlW:'1 willing to br the so ' warrant it, leave it RETAIL. inches lde, li kOf rPisb lndrW t t 4u 1W.aiiTttrVw --j n.L ilSlHJnah.;r',-' Tq listen lo the wejl-asnmied astoniph-; menf of the President and Secretirv at the discovery of Swartwout peculations, one would readily 8upfjpse that defalcation, tin ker the'present Admihistrationl,j like parri cide among the ancients, bad heretofore Jbjeen a,ciimeonknown and conseqiiently unprovided for by justice. Heatken to the philosophical musings of the President on thjs point: I ' ! The Government ) must be admitted, his been fiom its Coramencemertl compara tively fortunate in this respect. f But the ap pointing power cannotj always be well ad vised in its selections, arid the experience in every cou n try has sho wn that public officers are not at alU times proof .against lempta uo' '-Il'l !. - ; L;: Wonderful sagacity ! Unparalleled dis covery! Who will now deny the title of magician' to the man who has developed the astounding fact 'jhat.pujiltc officers are not atal! times pr&of against temptation ?' The embezzlement of Swartwut bave caused this truth to flash upon the sagacious mina oi tne unlet laingigtrae, ana ; witn philanthropic eagerness he recommends that we put a stop to lti$ new soft of wicked-' nes by making llj a penitentiary offence. Mr Chiirmain jf should ftell jpu that all ibis is sheer hpociisy-g;ro3s andrqjs; erable pre tencea tub thrown out lo amuse the -popular whalf;and divertj bis attention from the miserable and leaky canoe Which bears the fortunes of this Administration ; if I should Ull you that, during the tasffivel or six years, a'buhdried caseslof defalcation, have occurred, Miipre outrageous in princi ple, more piofligate in character,, than the one w are- recomrnended to,, investigate ; that thePresident has continued defaulters in office knowing of their violation of du ty knowing of the appropriation of the pub lie moneys to pritate uses; that the Secre tary of the Treasury has, during that'whole period, habitually connived at these defl- cations.tnd extended ovei them the manlla cjr jriislprotection ; if I srjoald tclfypu fhaf these delflcftions constftute a portion 6 the jsjoi7f sysfern'that aystem whjch:bas been to this Administration whatsis, flaw iiig joclcs wer to Sf maon-lhe secret; of its? streog'ih ; if 1 should tell you all this, ( should tell you no more , than I conscienj iiojisly believe ho more than t shall at tempt to prove before this j House arid I the country.' These defalcations I shalh, trace to their orijm. and Sot stop to; inqnire. much into tbetr amounts, as into Ithje causfi cs whfch have led, to- them. It is not' I the; question,. Where is the money? but. Where IS ttiefguilt ? tbat 1 wish Ijto investigate Tb4rent davelopemenn to which: 'our at tenttoo is invited are but some of the bub? bies tat are every day breaking upon the surface of tbe still and mantling : pool j t shal not stop to measure their relative kiif or cil6r,i but will; unpleasant as the J task; may!jbjb, dredge for "the corrupt cause1 which lies atjthe bottom. . These cases ate but the wind fulls from that tree of Sodom f Execf utive patronage Heretofore, the Represent tttiver of the People have in vain urged an examination into the character of jts ;;fruit but; it las been guarded with mwe' vigilance than viere the golden apples' of th( tjesperr i(es Now, our attention is . solicited jib i by tnelPresident, Is ;he'iri j earnest Xei him but give us a chance to shake Ihls r ee and hewili find his rotten jpippisi;ililiig Xrpmj ery '.hmt"anC branch .: f'jljjjr j .-'i 11 But pur attention ts called particUrlyi to tfio case of Swartwout. . The Adnloisi ttation bas delivered him over to olir fenxief mercies; they have dropped him, as !tb ofcprrSiptionbreak through the darkness, anjdiUuouoate - the r'4ilb .of-' the;. Seietry from the very moment b$ came into office. Should I treat of them all, the 4th 1! ilarcb would find me here and the chronicles: of the defaulters still unfinished. ! j t ji iThe first case to which I will call atten tion is that of Colonel John Spencer, fe- cever of public money at Fort Vfatjiet Indiana, and 'which corn menced in 18S6. TheL report of the wholocase is found i& dopiment 142 of the second session of ihe twentfourth Congress 1 shall I extract sucb portions as are in point. j ! r j IPrter date of the 25tfc of ApriU 1 1836, the Setretiry writes to Colonel Spencer, a nrnher tbingsas follows : ! ! ?;fM3 these; statements 1 for January - cod beafi when hotly pursued, drop one f hef cubs, for the purpose of - distracting ie attention-of the huhtfer, and so escaping witH the rest of hef young. !, jfor one,;anilT jnot be tnu diverted from my purpose, but Wil follow he dam to (ie den. and I thereUif possibly, crush at once the whole brtiobV Swartwout has been 'found out !f ThiS erul constitutes th fice-holder's mantle man y, th ink you, w Fernari ' last bate not been received tat the Department, I must clairji your attention to the omission, and insist on their trans njis s'4p, in future, immediately aiter the close of each month. At the same time! I would aIso claim your strict altintion to (ho regu latiohs of the Department in respect llo the periodical depositcsof te public! money r and to tho duty of transmitting the usual evidences of such' Jeposiles to the &ecr4a ry of the Treasury, as the .instructions . re- quire. Immediately afterwards, the Secretary writes again to the following efiec Sir: of the i - month which r 4 Treasury DbpartMbt, May 23, 1836 Since the date ot my letter to ybu '25th ultimo, your returns for the of April have been rVrceivod, from I peiceive thit tbe public1 moneys in is the liupatdonaMe sin with the present party i rj power. ' l.bir morality, is tli'ef'Spar tan moralitr not' the IhefL bu the aucp crime. Sir, if (evifry pf- rere thrown aside,how otild be found without " . - a ' ! a - . a a I- S r-1' " : I a stolen lox rastenfu io iie giroiej ; '"! Mr Chairrhin, i 'bave no confidence th the President hts recommended thisinvesji I 1 - !! 1 . iJ i . '- : . 'i i Si1' .' tli ligation! in good faith, or that his, parjisarf. here intend to pormit it. I Irey dare hot do if. .1 hey are not yet suthciently madfnel, sTorp!ion-like,; to dart the sting inioTthefr pwn ;de?perate brain. No, sir, h is a, frief e nisei Hegardless of the rnaxim- th.it Nheie ts honor among" thteyes,' thej rest of tHo pfl fie-horders are very willing to turn tutefi evidence against Jwartwout, to gain lrnmti nity for jthemelvegi, n rid favor with thelcphiij -monweallh. Let-j the Administration; gi Us a fair committee, fjvorabie to inveti, tlon,! ncjt'pscked by the Spf!;; throw q pen to us ithe. 'doors of vout D-artimfiiii4i those whited sf pulcnre:, within whosft'sf cretTf ii Its corruption nap e li-ns rn iuift. anMi revelled ; let your insolent pifbHlternsI lie taught vtheyweeome allifginnce Vo tr the Uw compel thern to submit thrill ffH; rial conduct to a rigid exalninatiri bi: this lionise rfthfn," and not a a If then, will! I be- iid0; lux;!!!, iij vaijHi3.ii ui-n,-aujf inn un .t L t :i t. il t . v i : f inio, saaii i -expert any gooti nonie invest igitinn. Bid. ir, thoosh littl is b'el' e'j' pef ed' from, j he- action ot thilfliWsi I fnficifate muchigood'frofn th discjibn : TfjrsJ HaJI 'is.theTer of the nation ; what is f id here louche the aiidYtory nrrye of tho wfipljfi country. .- fare thi inijjhiy JauWi4 enjceidol impeach! both the President and fifteen 1 n. f ! your hands on the 30th rnllimo apotinted to the sum of 247,251 64, which amount is the accumulated rereits j of your .office since the'first of January last You can not; be aware that the retention of jtboj pub lic moneys in your hands! heyond the' peri : od of one month,' unless th receipts of such month be less than 10,000, is a violation of jyour instructions. Theobject of this leiier is, ist. i o require inai tne wnoje balance on hand at the time of the : receipt of this letter shall be rmmediatelvj deiosi tedJ mil 2d 'rannoi the bahk here, end tome other montytn abled him to deposite" c, The following is the? Supplemental report of Mr Wet : 1-4 1 RIiami CocNjnrtA.) Ara. 23, 1836. Sir; I: hasten to correct an ovorsight in "my atatemeiit of Mr Spencers account, in the postscript -of my - letter from Fort Wayne I wrte thej postscript just upon the point of starling iand Mr Spencer be ing present, req:ieatin me io give. the as surance or his goad, lutentmn fi)r the fu iur-, rausi oe my excuse ion tne over- i it consists inj passing either trie ichole mount of his depoaite at Indianapolis, in which is included a certificate of depoaite of $25,000 of Silver at Fort Wayne ; or. arthe gold wasleft in the bank at Fort Wayne as collateral, tp make up a dehVien cy of S2,000, silver, I should-not have passedylf the gold to his credit His account,; as corrected; should stand thus:" 1 . : t V " .. I 'Tuiej RECEitER Dr. v June 30. 1 o balance ; .$100,599 32 , Received in Juty - (ISaSSatlS) '- ' i Received ml Au- 356,155.95 gust,up to 1 lth ati3 P M 29,774 64 $480 529 91 i i the-Secrftary -not before' the. Bna sir; tut before ti e People before fnijliionsof 'fjeetnfnP ' ' I charge' them wi'h knowinfflv appbirltiiia: and cnntnuing i.qi office public ld.efauhf sU- j. mfijwRohd apprdprirtcd th public rnohejjsi to private use ; whp had commit tef in of fice actsjof as great moral turpttiidearid; deceiving of as-much odium, as atfacWeXitpl the case pf Swartwout ; acts wliirh (lieLI sident now professes to think sre deserving of Ithe penitentiary. I charge the Sedrlei ry;j airetly, with hating cwnsed-by negli gence, and knowing, tciyul lcvnnwinbey some of ithe most important fdefalcatfons which haye occurred. -I charge1 hi mrspe cifica ly with having, in one casei litaly! watched j defalcation through j a period lojT more tba two years, and seen 'it gradually swfllj duing that lime, to upwards of 8l)0K 006! l harge him with having permit dl! in numBerless instances, the repeated; a id cohtinued neglect- and violation: of .wh't he himself asserts to be ihe paramount j duffr without removing from office;: or everi!re-P primandirig the delinquents. J charge him with having, in his official ca pi city, receiv ed, and favorably considered, correspond ence degrading to hi high office, insulting to hiiJn as Ian honest man, and of ' a corrtipt and profliga'te character. -p . J: lt j j Slit, tbeSecretary can only escape'1'ifith!e plea 6i non. compos mentis On of his. ewn mouthy I will convict him ; I will, jbut let looee u'joa him tb ''dbcameiits.'.llici 1' self has furnished and, like the hapless A c teon,the will be torn to pieces by his own hounds ! j ; - ' V"f,!j1 I-; "Mr Chairman, the cases which 'x arliU- bout o examine in auppoctlof niy positions, and a certificate of such depostte trans ed to the Department jwithout! dela To inform you that! the Department overlook the omission to do so, or your future neglect to deposite monthy,arid to tranp.-nit your monthly returns accora- panted by the evidence of ybur deposite, u tinrj to or receiTea ai inis omce wptnin tlie month next preceding that for which th return. is rendered. 3d. hat any) neglefct or in.ittrntion to these requirements, unless satisfactarily accounted fir, Iwill require of me, ffora a $nse of official . duty, jthat you i)e rported to the Presidpnf, with a rccom- mnndation mat you be removea tiom oj hce I ! am, verc respectfully, oc.'r ' J LEVI VVOODBCJjnrlj ; Secretary of he Tiwsiiry. Col. Spencer, ! . 'I j Ofi; thv 8?h of Joly th Serxnfafy direr- tht .Mr West ( wh,- iJ swm?, was a of rot iry- portion off the- Impart mepi;4. caUeMfan fxamlner) should- proceed Wi pef son I tpr. 4ult led sort ! nuke special inquiry into the raat- nd report lo the Department tho re- Accordingly, Mr Westfprpceedor!-to F ott Wajrrie tp.examirie'inio he dclir q?eiicy t tjh re(iver; and hHvirg8ccomp'fehed life task', made -a report tx j the Depafumn. Frofn this report it appi-ar? that helmet Col '.Sppcefl'' who was on his way to. Kielrmond it'p.fitsef money to nrrkc uj;Ihs dthlpii U UovprpmepU .1 he lunfring is an extract from tho report, in relation io a'cbargfr of (4haying upon ihe pubhcraoneys jj ; . I tpoTi the subject of using the money of tbn (Jnjted States, I beg "lie a ye to gtjale, thai J find it universally stated and believed, an J jit; is conceded 4oj as a fact bv ihe clerks il the receiver office, that both he and-his relative. Da wsoni, hare been much in Jb4 hab'4, in the office, of shaving money, T. e$ exchanging tho poney which could not be recelveo lor public iaocs ; tne rate ot ex change or discount vary from three to five pfr cent, I find in the case of Isaiah Wellsf of Marion county, Ohio, ihat so recently as Uie ptn mstant he pain into tne panda of the receiver, in his officej eight dollars fori excnn'riging two huodred and forty dollars1' of Ohio bank notes of five; dollars each j To what extent this 'shayjng' business lia been, earned on iq the office, of course I dp npt know, but am satisfied it has been, to) a very considerable extent",, and that the by one pereort receiver in ex Government money pa td in pas been banded out by the change forjuncurrent (lr riot land office) money -he receiving forj brs owr4 prjvait use the discount as agreed upon : and ! that the same Government. money again is pass ed in the land office, to be again fused forj the like purpose, in pay for the public lands'. f That the receiver hl taken! iri banki notes of five dollars, contrary to orders,the schedule prepared at his office, h'erewitlr ericlosed.i will prove;- that he receivedf aj bp nr. s for taking the same Is, I think al j ropsi beyond "i doubt." I I ! t "Mr. Spencer has jus) come in, having! been . taini CoXTRA-Cr. June 30. To cash deposited ; ' J at Iudianapolis , - Gold j in - bank at - Fot Wayne,S5,. ; 322 '37,less 82,- 000,.its liabiijty S forpthe deficit ency of silver of ' ' ' $2000 Bmki nates, &c., in office f Gold in officer Silver in offic . 1 Script! ' Forfeited land stock f BataricedueUuiled t States 8155.90G 00 Dearborn county, from u Lich he re::: -to his present residence: Metier let il t f "' With much reapecu e WM. HENDRICKS. Hon. Levi Woodbury, . ; Secretary of the Treasury. With mocb resbecC ha ! I t!ou! t The horioraVile Senator could not have 1 much respect lor tte hnnorabW Secret or.he would never h ve dared to writ? ! such a letter. Thbse two las; sentr. like a lady's postscript, contain the v,I substances It would produceexciten.r: forsooth, to remove the defaulter; hc 1 influence! friends f "Better let il I -Sir;inthese few iyords you may I 1 the cnornlity, the policy, and the st-. . of the pany in power. Like the Rz U I guage of the London swells, they e;::t thoae who understand the true ra c - i : ;, whole secret of po itical roguery. II "ucar jevi : l am t a defaulter, and ytv: '' out. Levi, you're 3,322 37 17,350 50 357 00 1,874 00 2,433 00 78 20 5,200 84 $4 86,529 91 ng a discount upon fome drafts due ih have JMeofselected.' at, random from tbljte-i Septemberjriciuallv taken here for Imj.he r 8f Vl1 ' nirasep:, ana 1 present them j merely as specimens ; scores of ihe was enabled to swell hit deposite there to Vuu vi, wuiiii tUVCHICI Willi II1C UIU' It is nlso proper for roe to state that I am quite saiisfied Mr Spencer by hia visit to. Richmond was enabled to increase his available fund there $94,064 92, (he hav ing drawn in favor of the Indianapolis branch for that much more.) by obtaining a discount there ; and upon drafts received fyy. him at Fort Wayne fori public lands.be fofe the 1st of jjune last; which drafts were not.due till September :f and, of course, in rder to reiloce the sarne now to. cash, he ftade a (letluction Whethjer the deduction Tor the yet remaining time whs equal to .'what wis allowed him in May last, of course 1 do not kpow ; i'but the differehve us time p6ldieem toljice it beypiul a touhi that it wrasf; mtictr less. The laHer view, in part applies to the discount opn unciinrentortiot land office) pp'r, whch lie depositeidjat Indianapolis ; a -certificate ofi the loss tipoh 'which I en rlned at his reqnesjt, Very, ' V I NATHANIEL WEST. To EniAx j A-j Bnlsfaq. By this docUment it pars that the're Cfivpr hd ii-roed his office Into a "shaving shop" for fii m-eif and his friends. It fur ter appears. that he 'hadjiol raeril-y failed tOideoosite. tlie; pobhft; moneys arcordinff to Hi:- '----r i 1 " aw, hut had used- them ; hr,when he came t make a settlement wilb Mr West, after having scraped, together all tbe means witb in his reach; fter sellingdrfts, obtaining a private discount at Richmond, bringing forward al ihe publin money in-his hands, anil, in the InrajrWge of Mr West, some o ther money T he falls short $5.206 84, which he d'es not profess to account tor in any way. Inrother words, by this re prrrt Colonel Spencer stowl before the. Sec retary and President an acknowledged,con fpgEied, and convirted peculator and embez zler of publjcj moneys to the amount of $5 206 84, without a shadow of excuse or defence. , '' .". And what thinlcyou was done with this defaulter by the moral, upright, sin-hating Secretary ? And what haa been done , by the President who thinks this offence ought to be made felony and punished wiih the penitentiary'? fjefore 1 answer this question, I will read you a letter-Trora a then Senator: of the United States,which will perhaps throw come light upon the subject. It will be percieved this tetter was written thiring the examination of the offire by Mr VYest and was doubtless in tended to Obviate the effect of the re port. I , ; I Madisow. Aug 31, 1836. Sir: I. am informed that some things are stated recently to thejprejodice of Colonel John Spencer receiver at Fort Wayncanrf am requested to write you. In doing, so, I can only say that I have been gratified in learning tbat his deposite have been made tj your satisfaction ; and, if so, I hope that minor matters!, if mere irregularities will be? overlooked Hj is reputed to be an hon interpeted, the honorable Mr. Hendri I letter would read Cotonel Spencer i going to turn him frto ; you must dolrto etich. thin?; it v,v injure the party to) turn hita out; hn', stronsr politician, and has; got a grat i'. of influence; .he is'nt cheating u?, it's or ! the People If youj know which side yc bread, is buttered, keep him in office., And what says honest Levi to all th:: . Listen; here is his answer: ' - . Treasury.- Departm est, Sept. 7, t S3 0 . , Sir : Your letter of tbe-S 1st ultimo is iect . - ed, and I am happy to inform yoo that r :-. Spencer's explanation! have bee i such that 1 will probably ccntioaei in office.. I am, verv respectfully, yoor obedient servant, f r-'. LRVI WOODBUflY. Seretaryof the Treasury, Hon. WiLttAM Hendricc3, jlladison I. whjch being interpreted, reads: 'Dear : Whos a fool ? I never intended to torn hiru iv:t. 1 only talked about ij to goll the Pwple at. make them think I was honest. He slnll I retained.' Ay, and ln was retained, and so i rendered such good 'seme to his maftr as vr! approved the sagacity which refus&d to part wit !. hini. f -. ; He had been continued In office by Mr.Van Buren.Sc is now receiver at Fort Wayna. TLf r o is ope more circumstance developed by this dn" amvnt, to which I in rite attention I The JScr retry, in hh letter of !he2Sd of May to C ?. Spejncer, tells him nnv neqi or inaiiAn tton totbeve reqbiremtnts, thai 19 to deposit monthly the money on hand,and rnake monthly returns thereof.l unless satisfactorily; acconntt I for, will require of mf, frcn a sense of r.Clri'-l duly, that yob be. reported to the President, with a recommendation that yoa bo reoiovcJ from office " r -4- So; in connexion with this extract, read th? wing leMeriiom Ud. Spencer -. written just upon the eve of the Presidential election, an i about six weeks after! the cirrespondepce t3- iween Hendricks and the -Secretary f Hfceiter's Orncn, as far as Richmond, where,; by ob- 4est and honorable raan.and 1 do not believe that he has intentionally either done wrong or violated his instractions. . It Would to some exleiil jdutiexcilement if he were removed,. Jor he hat many warm cfinjium famt jeort--the phosphorescent ghameribgs fiey uken with bio froo berebt niver in tialfrimdsTyth at Fort Wayne end lin . ; Fort Watne. Oct 27, 1830. Sir: This is to infitfm yoa that I have fur warded to tne deposite bank one hundred and four thousand dollars,! Vilrer there; to remaia until I arrive' with thlt g-ofd and paper mon ey -. ' '-' '' Jfy democratic friends think that I oyj1d n c i lo leave until after we hold our election1 for Pre- . - . . I . ..... sident, on the llh JVovember, which J have con cluded to ate ait f and shall leave on that erenin 7 or the next morning, to dej)onte, with all the funds on hand vp to that time I shall wiit ; yoa; again be fore 1 leave The sales are rapid ; mostly paid in gold and silver. My jioartr1y repki will be forwarded by. next mail; for list quarter, which ought to haveoeen done' sooner, .only for the want of help in the office. Here after. ( think I ean getlmy reports off, without ninch delay, after the close of the month an J quarter. I am. &.p -J ! JOHN PENCEU, Tuceivcr. Hon. Levi Woodburt. , . - S eeretniry of Trctisury. What think ya of litis t : The repeated iri joneiion of tbe Secreiary had beao, that at t!d end of each month- he Should depMle the pob lic money in hand ; and if be' tailed to do o, without goodrxce, h ahoold be removed iturn o'ffice. Well, ir, he fails io make his ! deposits in October, not y accident or necessity ', but vol- .nntarily ; and sends, in 1 advance, his; excosa to the ?ecrrtarv. I hal i that exense f it .ti3t his domncralic friends thought he ouht net to leave until after the election for Ptttident ; ir. oiher words, ihat hisdot y to the party wz pir amofin: lo his official doty ; that hi obIigMora 10 Mr. Van Borenf the candidate for the Pres idency) were greater thh his oblizatiuha to the country, in whose ervice be was at least r.;tr.i nally emoloyed, I ; . -"-i- :'- f-- ' Accordingly, he oegleted htsmost important daties fo: many days, that he might use injhe election thai political influence of which tl.e honorable Mr. Iend ricks speaks with so much unctioT .'' - j . ;j . " . "v(: - '. ; The SecreUry receives this excuse ; reccgr.i- ss iff of5ci'n.', by nu recoromfendirig- bi re ajo va I from offiie, as he kad promised 10 do, in rase the reaJtn hmtd not be aiffaetory ; and haftibaconvirTed himr)fof entrtioitg&. prac tising ih prufligadfictpna thai inietference in e!ctTons by an office holder i not inl v justifiable but involve a hi?her degre of obligation than the mere per forma oe of official doty? It w&3 ot merely lo exercise his elective franchiieas a ciiixni that Spncer violated the Jnjonction cf the Department ; this right We wnild have ex ere'ted where h doty called bim, as well n at Ferr Wayne. Bat that wonW not do ; he bad Influence at the laiter place, which it was im poruot to ihe party he ajboofd exercise. II a v iog tbas violated bis solemn official obligation?, for the DorpoM of as&istioe Mr Van Boreo into j the presidential chair, it was of coarse 00 mora ! than fa;r ibat the President should return iho ! favor. He did return it. He continued Cel. SpeoWr 10 office; and thus, at th aatas tic. exhibited his gratitude, yiolated bfi duty, ana prostituted bb bih atatiooJ This, Mr Chair : man. is bot a speciraeo of that corrupt rerp-oci- ty of service which ctmjutotes t he ligsrtye il-A .jl fpl-vr!.--:i-: , vJ-lJvj?.--!;!' v t v 1;i:v:: :-4'1 ': -;,-:r 4 1 I 1 .1.1,: 1 - V

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