' X rVVfi ukiilf mar hereafter be had for ttf,, y Ma i Fifty Cen ts per year, r' ilel Mi IWb ole ;a ta at onepayrnemv u -IS? M the same class j shall liJife notpay daimi the 1 year ifffij Dollars in all cases.- 5 ttiicsi r-;T- : . - , i jlPllilfliQlessrarreaTscs, are paid f ftWh will certinlyuot be at- -!!!il!i;te8; ; A adduction of tlraA-k'titfrt'riverf sebvthe tear. i be ( iill be inserted forless Sftiiti vllbe continued until orders -I- --I 1 Lttf L afcsplMM tot mjeeujwn mm mm I ' ; St.-J flerlbirClC gal. , ptrits. i Molasses, 5.5 a 60 Nails, 8 a 9 L Uats, Mb a 3U Fojk, $6 j i Sugar, br. 10 a 12 -r-," - j loaf. 13 a 20 Salt, ; . $1 Tallow 10 a Tobacco, 8 a 20 Tow-lineni 16 a1 20 Wheat, (bushel) $1 rr r-vA I Whiskey, 45 Wool, (clean); a 50 40 FAYETTrEVILLE. TS wit,' a 11 a o as 00 m 12 134 hi -; ; mm !l-V 411011 ;1 35 a 42 i". i7 7 Molasses, i Nails, cut; Sugar brown, Lump, Loaf, -i .1 Salt, ' Sack,. r Tobacco leaf Cotton bag. Bale rope, Wheat 1 35 a 1 40 Whiskey 00 a 60 Wool, 20. a 25 8 a 12 . ! It? 18 a 20t 85 a 90 $3 j 6 a 7 16s2Q 8 a !I2 From the ! New Novel "Eonegwli v Alt HA A Y MOR'S SONG. Love ilily weaves his flow'ry cbaioi 'j illli J-'A i . ' ' 'i r" " adu oiQus iiic captive nean , H The cool fresh flowers inflict no pain. i . i So deeb ,the tr rant's art, Another4tet another wreath tie archly throws around ; fi The flowers abroad the fragrance breath; Th Dnconscioas heart is bound. ' As gossaniers in fairy p!ies(. ; j : J The captive insect bind, u The heart suddned and panting lies . In flo w Bnt whe ry chains confin'd. has The fresh an it Tanish'd from that chain, d fragrant breath ? The captive strtVes to break in vain, A bondage strong as death. The. gay toft leaves, no more conceal, The larking thorns beneath, But give the wounded heart to feelr Flo w'rs! form not all the, wreath. ; '',-'.V' ; '' ' 'i ' ' I- Too late against its bondage vile, The heart mav efiorts make, ! The fetters gather strength the while -The heart alone may break. I - doced by the coward sons of the pale facet' to jaj space jtoo narrow Tor lbe ; hunting ground of asingle Cherokee brave? And An Extract from "fi Tale of past toarsV A TERVIEIV BETWEEN TECUM ' SEH THE SmfVNEEr AND EONEGUSKL THE CHERO KEE CHIEF. il'iia 1 1 io ptso Pliaf 180 Mf,f,i'M.$' 1145' ERAW. llaSe.Nails jcut assor. 7 a Sf, 11x4 wrowght 10 a 18! 0ii66ats busha- la! 50 a4Mga: H .5,a'iSl! f.dUlI$'fc'4 lamp i 125 Ib!f01a;:ia linseed : 110 a 125 h ::Mm WPork lOOIbs 0 a 8 nm laRice lOOIbs $5 a S61 isb im m OQ-ufiar lb 1 lea 12 fU iWm ga($al t. sack ; 3i a $3 If , -:0ta4mr; i bush $1 a$li lb9JH P Steel Arner,. 10 a .-; 'f : Al 2.5) t English. German : 14 12 a 14 2l fTca:iinpe.i a $13? L r-r'Siw Ma Ptvpernaker sy trader L'WpyM nain a thin visass. 4 tl 1- : Vrp ApCpypEO bodtitbe last of l0cii-rr4 !the subscriber, at that Q'piflg Jin Stokes iCounty, N. 'jf Caiiilwniivregfo .man! ' i -a yiara oi B?e. ana ot a verv briffM has is frftm "1'3S In iaO nnnndn. ffil H n one ' jof hisis -5 rusyesoM on lbe right leg. LlP4Htjtt8i below the elbow 6e 1T'..W.41HH heels have been frosted: lOTMleftslbon ithem. ColeU .Me4romtiirir.eah Blakely; s a i', fVMt HJ wnim man, dbiuvu .if ft iu I II n 1 1 mm - i 1 . . Ifi tnyoae wlfb will deU Slfit r I 'l"f? ..pfOQit weal in uamp- ilrlQf pUlcmnne bim in jail, ' Eonegnskiwas gratified by the success he met with, in quieting the minds of the Cherokees, wio had not entirely escaped excitinginfluences, artfully put in action, that, but for his timely interference, might very speedily have kindled into a flame of hostility against the United Statee,too fierce and raging to e extinguished He had scarcely reached home, felicita ting himself on his success, when reposing at night in hisjwigwam he felt some one shake him gently, and whisper in a man datory lo:ie qfjyoice jf Ennegifykt, awake.' Surprised at so unexpected a salntion, under circumitahcesso unusual, he sprang upon his feet, grasped his scalping koife, and strove, by Xh indistinct light, to dis cover who had thus i itruded upon his clum bers. ' ; 'ii-1 ! ' ' ;'.- 4.The Chief pf Eonee," continued a no ft insinuating, but manty voice, in the Indi an tongue, and San under tone, - in his own wigwnm-isurrounded by his people He need fear no danger. Ii is the stran ger that has come Unbidden beneath his roof, who had. cause for apprehension!'' "The stranger is always welcome to the borne of EoneguskiV'replied the chief.: 'lie need fear nothing.' ; 'My heart (s a stranger to fear,' replied the unknownbut wljerf my errand is over, I would go from the wigwam', unseen, as I came-- " J -' ; ) ..... - It shall be ae jyou say.' replied the chier, the people of Epnee are blind, when their chief wills not they should see.' ' Let not the) chief of Eonee use the tongue of the deceiver ; replied the stran ger may I ao uno'ieslioned, even if mv speecu snouiii Deispleasin to him !' The chief of onee speaks but one will the son of Eonah calmly look upon the wrongs of the maiden, in whc(s vefns flowt ih noblest blood ; 'of her trbe, jabd nbl make lhe hearts of her oppresOrsj to juaif at his manly war-cry?-(No! j Ile4 the Hd mcfn flocking from every quatoit!ie Heavens, like the countless woooligejoiU: frhe earth is darkened and echoes fi.h!ltlie holse1 of their coming. The hearts of tie pale Ifaces are as the beartsof , woinei jbe fore (h m And. as the fire devous J the drygrass of the prairies, as it sweepsover It, soLaie the pale faces before the countless drsves fji tnc rea men i - 1 ii-fil-1 "i f 1 1 Surprise chained in silence the topgne !of CfOriegusKie nc at lengwi pcxcciwcuoj wjib lim Iigut,thc outlines of a tall Indian war riorf inla state of perfect nudityjl'iibj'iiot long preserving his low tone of voicp, had broken but into loud and rapid utterance, accompanied by wild and violent geMicu atiotl, and seemed someunesrthlyliig, amid thi sombre gloom by whichjn wks surrounded, while his daik black) ybs scmtiilaled, in the warmth of his !dtjlam;a tion(ke two luminous bbdit-s. jt The ihief availing himself of ilej jfirst slackening of the bold stream of elotjuene isiringer' said he, 'Euneguski isiM in toxicated by the excitement thou arllpnur ing jn:iohis soul. He is not a faojg rni takejlpr k star of Heaven, a metrorof jthe evening.?- he feels like thee, the angs of bis people, and the Great Spirit See his heart, and knows it is no coward; tear that j restrsins him from action. Btj do noi our fathers, te!L.os that mahv;i)rijopni ago, tie red men were as counties as he stairs when the pale faces crossed the great vaters a feeble handful? I3c) burl fat her j then stand before them ?' j Nojl' shouted the stranger, bo( r jfa-1 thers were then overcome, as their pteri-J tyhavb been ever since, not byHlrrlahlyj fofces--hut by falsehood and guile.' ";But,' said Eueguski, the white men arefjujow as full pf jfalieh'irnl and guile as eve a;nd if theyl iere too . much for our fathers, wheal, they had the advantage of a sferj or force, what have we to hope for; now, when tbel white men have become count less asj the stars, and the red men' have dwindled to a handful! ?' . , k. Itjisjufl tliat I speak,' replied the stran-ger-4'Lftllnot ihe red men trust to the 'pale faces (The Qreal Spirit gave to the ted mattftitrfgtn'anJativity, as the baff4li and the deer. Ue gave him, like alt Iim cre4tur -s, capacity to endure the change? ol the. sea on, without any poverirtg.. Th winds of heaven pierced hun. and the whiterenow. came upon his naked skiii'.an' anuihelknew no uiitnanlv e'livenuir. -i ne scorchi ig rays nf the sum fell upon li:n, and lie neither fell a blister nor pahuM with ( t iir8t. The earth produced liiin j bad without cultivalion ind the iV0od and1: waters supplied bun with meat .li!t the white skins ame amonj; the red men, and tsuht them their efT'fiitnite customs, and made them their slaves' Let t'je 'red men return to the habits of their fathers- Let lthem least aside i the c'oihiog which servjesib; m feast futlto fet ter the limbs of treemea in 4r:ilWf m Procured" through abe from ar; . '. STOCK m tri xtir J. UjI ipf iCr HQ Hi 4 1 toft etorlin left's : ' '..C.J i- wi-. wui' joun ; eivner IQ case, , tt Iree of charges or risk- rltilWNttas been approved 5 of. ''WRI.'ii .- .. . . ... . . i- .1 , ujjui r,if,iiii..i . importation, are 'ftuiion brand." i pfomtOWN k SON; ! 9 : :9 " j late lan guage,' was:theirepljr. His wigwam is ins nome ot tne spanger,anc he may come and go as it pleases him, as into the dwell ing of his father.' Eoneguski now prepared to strike a light but the atranger checked him. 1 doubt not the faith of the Cherokee jbrave,' he said bet the business I am on requires haste, and' may be done in dark ness, and 1 would I not be seen, when I eave tfin tvinnrom 1 .1 . ' lit! 4 J . 'it is enouen;' gaid toneffuski 'myears are open, let toe stranger sneak.' 1 would not sneak to vour ears onlv.but to your heart alsb;Treplied the stranger i would stir up the red blood that warms it I would cause visions of glory to pass before you I would in vi te you to' the feast of Revenge, and make jydu drunk with the blood of your enemies' I - I 'Hark ! do you not hear the spirits of your fathers calling aloudl for vengeance ! See the widely extended, plains smoking with their blood & whitening with their bones! Look around ypu; and behold the red men, bending in slavery beneath the .pale faces! Do you not fee! the galling chains upon your own limbs? Do too not bear their distant clank, as they are borne along by your children for; countless generations ? Are these barren fields I the only heritage left you by your fathers ? No! Ascend jthe hi chest oeak of the Blue Mountain, 'and strain your eye-sight tot its utmost and still far beyond its reach! the fruitful landi to broad succession, stretch themselves out. a portion of your birtb-right. And can the warrior sleep with; fetters upon his limbs, while the harvest of revenge is rip and ready Jo be gathered?! When the gTeat spirit calls him to snatch from the spoiler has ravished birth-right r For shame! For shame ! Shall the i daughter of Moy toy see the boundless empire of her father, re- Let ;them drink the water as it falls from freaf erj, iuqintngled with the intoxiraiing poison pfj lhe white men and Jet; their me'a't'be-th fish and the game which sup plies them1. Then may thpy defy the arts ,of the pate faces, and retrieve the long lost possession1: of their fathers. ' 4Tbelwpite men have in these things, at least, t)en the benefactors of the recV replied") pneguki in that they have taught ihern some of the com forts ofi civil i izedj life.! Sit were fly to cast away ihe benefits we have derived from them, because may! have wronged and oppressed us. But i it wpuld hot be enough to part with ail these, to enable us to wge successful war j with the j whites. Toeywueed ' no longer ; resort Ho jguile. They Q too strong for ! us. I As th brook vainly" Countered, with its, feeble orrent, the streams of the river, so would the tea men be borne down by the suplrior force of the w hues', 1 1 ' 2 Neilbd the guile nor the strength J of the Whites shall avail them anv thio.' le- plied the piranger; The red men have found in the white men over the; great pra1- oppressors, and theyi will strengthen the arms of their red brothers, nd they shall be victorious.,,M ,And ;trut; you," sjud Eoneguski, ihe; weight of la; warrior upon a flimsy reed ? Will it "riot freak under him end pierce his flesh, whe r be leans upon it for support ? To whpm think you,! will your white al lies give the fields which their strength if va-H lor shall assist you to conquer? Think you the white! men beyond the great waters. love their red brothers more than those of their owr blood?" - are but the instruments of 1 the rit,' replied the stranger. SThe ;of nature and the hearts of men Li i i ! it .!.. i and power; - But there is yet a spot which the Great Spirit has preserved for his fred children only the foot of the paje faces hath never yet intruded upon its sacred precincts some invisible power bath lim ed! him aside, whenever in his wsnderiQgs, he hath happened to approach Jiu h On one side flows the (Toosa, and On the othrlthe Talapoosa, bending like the bq1 w dff a ar rior, and unitin?-with the Coosa, almost encircles the Holy Ground. I T$i$te Ithe tall ajtd -Sjrin set ' hickory,) iands in' t; i, k clusteiw, and sends up its leafy branch es towards the blue sky There, 'ihould every thing else fail us, fte re meri may retreat and lie down fn safety,! -under fhe aroaa wing of the Ureal SniritJ and not a pale fa an come nigh to hurtUis. H ;t. I 1 I fear,7 replied Eoneffuski, this is but a delusion. It is a dream that has visited env brother while he slept.' j -'" j-:' I i A dream!' cned the astonished stranger. A dream! Hath the chief of Eonee neteir beard of a prophet, far away on the great waters, which men call the lakes" H 1 have beard wondrous things oiithim,' said Eoneguski. . - ; - j 1 "-'- He is my broiher,' replied the stranger. Ourjnother gave to her action three war riors at a birth ; one of them is EikwataWa, the prophet of the takes, and he! hath sent me hither from the frozeii North, with! a message from the Great Spirit to his red children in this sunny lani, and ,' said the stranger, elevating himself to his full digni fied height, (J am Tecuraseh.' He paused but there was no answer 'does my brother,' he said, 'doubt the message of the Great Spirit?' '-j"M ' !': Eoneguski was no stranger lb the; fame ' of Tecumseh, and brave as he was himself, 1 could not suppress a sense of tnfertority, and a feeling of awe in the presence of the great man, who. had dignified byi bis valor and abilities jthe complxion he iborl These feelings were in no-degree diminish ed by the circumstances under which; they met. It was the stillness. of midnight, and an inhabitant of a region countless miles distant from Eonee, was standing before the Cherokee Chief in his own wigwum. I Hje had glided into it as a spirit,, and j might, if he had so desired, have stain its sleeping tenant, without waking hirii from bis slum- bers- .'I ' ' i ' Id' 1 But Eoneguski did not hestiMte for a mo ment whether he should lend himself to the schemes of the Shawnee chef: Yt he hwd 0O wish to incur his displeasure, or;be want- ing in luai Teepeci, ne reauy ten lor mm. He was therefore q ntc at a)tos.- so to frame his observations o the now diuised.h ro, s that they might, without fl itering bis hopes of obtaining a proselyte, ihaniftst) towards hi- personal good will, i Eneguski is proud, he 3t length replied, to look upon a warrior sa renowned as Te cum sch, and feels that his igwam iSj hon ored by his pregpnee. . B'H he rniy pi con sent to join with him in tuking the war club against his great father at VHsbinipn.' ; 'He that is not for us, is against us.'l said the Shawneerr hi.f, loudly land fitircely. I When llien Tecumseh and Eoneguski meet igaiu it will be as enemies. Some slight ; remains of wak. compassion would linger around the heart of Tecumseh, when he saw a paleface' prostrate before hiip, be g jiing for his life. but for the dastard red .xkin who had fought for hr enemies, ojr had refused to lend his ainVin the struggles of his country, he would frample him in ;the earth, and smile as he writhed beneath his tread.' 7 . " . ' j t x ; J ! have boerr deaf to yourj persuasions : and your threats are nol uicie tndctual,'ie- jlied Eoneguski i I I 'Perhaps, continued the Shawnee chief Contemptuously, your degenerate love of the whites may be gratified pi the, surrehi der of veur suest. Trust me, the scalp of Tecumseh would be wall paiil for, by our father at Washington.' . f Tempt menot too fat, replied Eonegus ki, lest the world have cause to pronounce Tecumseh a fool, and Eoneguski, a villain!.'' I (Bv Heaven,' said Tecumseh, approach ing the Cherokee chief, and raising the lom-4 ahawk, be had all along held in hiss hand, RTTA'sTO! T.B7CffiT ArxTTirf. . . , . , "-.'M.muiim. jMjmu itue nni 01 oeciaitng inetr opinions in t: lorm orKesoIuticiis on any 'cirat' q'jc.!.. 01 national pone). t he Kcgolutii ns liYom the RaUi$h Register. U Po the I introduction of Mr. Rayner's the Senile, cinsurire lbe conduct Resolutions in the Housa nf Pnmmnn. pr..,.n r.. .t.' . . . the ouestion bein? on whatda th .(.nnU 1 t .1... ...i.. v r . -7- 1 T T . J I n 11113- IIJJBT. mt IltiKPt be(taken tip and considered, the Whirs in- and Mr Ptinn siated that ibey should be disposed of at an of Abolition are instances of this kind b early day. One or two votes having been own action here; at 'this Wry Sesfon turn. mm a im, m 1 mm Aik' a 1 Z t..l. al a ' - -. - - ocn u.c uiuio uiiniu uays, m wuica i me suDjeciioi mo- Vermont Resolutio jhe Ijm piartf was in the rear, setersl gen- another. The Resolution lemen complainied of oppression. Among years ago, on the subicct cf NiiUificatiou piuers, mi uajaweii, irom .UecKie nkurg, tnose on lhe subject of the Nassau outr ndT)r. yilcox!, from Haltfix, spoke, up- and Dr. Henderson's on th snbWt of t Z-r nunrHi, iuo 11 uuiic tinas, woicn ptRSCrt ID'S IlOU: rvfsojmiofli werjsjxpectea to nave f One all or which most of the Whig parly of the geotlemeji said that - the . dote bad curred, were essentially iuch as we t r been prepared fur them jn a Caucus, and on the present occasion. We hold in a ; be supposed wast to be . forced down their 1 mon, thertfore, with our tdveriaries, t tbroats nolens pcfens. To this, political right of Instructions ; it is 0:1 tl i Mr. JONES, of Rowan, replied, that be eHecl of these instructions we diIt ?. was sorry to see the gentlemen 00 the nth. I ".luy iu?uurs uave no compulsory : sc- er siide exhibit sol much nausea at the do- cess to enforce their mandates, it is net f which the saiil had been orenarert for t,iera t? Say what effect they should hae thein. They forget how they served us The instructed havein every case to d .t Sir,; four vdars ago. Thev foraet wiih whi 1 ro,ne this question. When the Wbhrs rnSH promptness and energy ibey administered the dose of Instructions prepared in like manner. by a Caucus. Yes, Sir,; they, on that occasion, not only made us swallow defendants in the case of Jacfoon, Benin .1 $ Co. vs mMangum 4 Co. they were cali ed 00 to take the. responsibility tf gm- the due effect to ihslructions. Now. thit their pbystc in spite of lamentations here tho Prp8enl Senntors and their party are ! and elsewhere,' but they forced it down our throats spoon and all. But, Sir, we have happily changed places. We are the doc tors now, and they are the patients. We mean to give them their own physic out of their own spoon. One Of lhe gentlemen said, that this dose had been prepared for tuem in a UaucusJ He is right Sir. W fendants. they must take a like respoosili!. ity we give these instructions. simply A-r what they are worth, leaving it to these in structed gentlemen to decide, at their pen!, as to tnetr value. r"5 1 Bat, Sir, we have hearJ a'eoid deal said brrn about de!erlir,srour nrinciDlea.' V h h f n sked Where are your principles V lei 4 PA 1 4 mm.mmmmmmm. J 1 L a 1 .1 V , i j A,t .'. i"yi;iM uiio ire mf inaicarc h mM nil w u n a nnri ni m m m mmm m , . m uwy mjii m una fviiuu tiu grcai care, i can us to from the very best ingredients, according to tne most approved recipe, and I can teli them they nave to take it just as it has been prepared. We mean to admit no dilusions nor adulterations; so they may as well swal- Once "ill out making any more 1 connmend.it to the gentlemen; low it at wry faces, no doubt, i account fordoing this act? I Sir. the v are me very men wbrbm done this th a v-- l at -i . ' .luemseiTPs, ana mey noiu tnat it is rcMif. I hey have driven nne faithful and able iscna'cr from our service by this means, and whth we be right or wrong in our course we are r, illustrate our rxisitiori3 on this subject bv iclatir- an inciaeai uiai orciiurtkd in lhA viv.rv trr Ii. i. S .. . - . -jnw . W Vr, will oe good for tliar whole tb Revolution. Yon have beard of the re !e- mmtm l I Wm.t I...... ' - . - IkT I n Doctor WILCOX. I am very much o- has ner?r doue justice to thaV man's fame. M v bilged to the gentleman from Rowan, for '"en ,Mm .LlQC0,n! Jloxa, (Van Burcn n his merciful consideration of our case. But in" "f. n proposmg i0 name his new coumj i i.j . i, t.'e. .i.-. i r, " iwwu i viiui, nas biiowd an ne- 1M,U MUl UC4W, luai uu wasa ' Uatedand a proper spirit. Cleaveland ""vo SICI4U. Whiff II tTAnnino krtlrl anil tk 1r Invfs T Sinoc.tr Am I am o 7. I IITL- .:! 1 . . . " i.,,. v wfvai , i am uu true i TToiff. i wisa i mav ever oe able to sav Doctor; m!ine are political pills. They j much for his namesake lbe gentleman's ,ru are better than rJrandrctlvs or Beckwith's. county. ie was one or those gallant st-ir and just sneh as i! think our Senators and They Great" Sp elements are alike to bis hands, and he hath com manded the white skins of England to as sist their ted brothers.', I t ' j; $ And how are we to know thai the hand of the Great Spint is with 08?" inquired thecheif! ! -. :I 1 1 I 4Listeri?? said the stranger, again sub duing his! voice to a whisper "Listen to the sigp-iThe pale faces have roamed at lare over this wide country, and f in ;. their pride, have vainly thought to place inac cessible to their accursed Inst of territory it would be well thus, to terminate thy scru plfes The bright bla blade passed before the ihfi party in this House tand m need of 1 know it will "o bird with the gentleman from Halifax to take his share of this Medi cine: but he must take it. But we are ask ed what effect we suppose this Fhysic will have upon pur Senators r I, for one, an . I , ! . . i . i ssver, i ao not now. i am awar tint our patients are1, a good deal constipated,, and hard to move Nor do 1 very much care as to ihe ttect it may have. In this partic ul:ir,',I shall! adopt; the anagram which a London wsj stuck on the door of a certain l)o-tor Isaac Letsom who' used to sign hibsclf 1 1 Letsoro,' 4 When folks they does get sick, M l phys cs, bleeds and sweats 'em j If. alter that, they choose to die Why, verilv, i , ' I .1 I LETS 'EM.' For my own part, 1 never ielieved in the majjical effect f ilnstructions. I believe we have a rjght to give our opinions upon all' end every su bject of a general character. 1 believe moreoverl that we have a right to mike known these opinions to our Senatois in Cbi'gress in any form we may think re spectful, whether as commands, requests, or simply as our wishes. To my understand ing, however, as.we have no power to en force: our wijl, it, is, at last, a mere, request. But. I understand that our Senators hold a different doctrine, j They say, that they are bound to obey the will of the Legislature or resign. If they wilPobey Sir, I for one, will rejoice. If, on tho other hand, their princi ples compel them to resign, it will be their misfortune, riot our fault. But it is a mis fortune over Which I shall not weep. It is not the legitimate effect of our; physic to kill i but, lfjthe gentlemen Choosd to die ; Why .verily; IUU 'em. But, Sir, if ibey choose not to die if they 3 f Eoneguskf, but no qujck drawing of i ghould choose neither lo resign nor obey, i(io oreatii, or uurriea paipuanon oi ine heart, indicated to 1 ecumsehv that he had S - i - . 1 a i . firred any emotion in the bosom of his host. ; 'You are brave,' he said, 'and Tecumseh would fain have such a battle beside himjn tbe cause of freedom. But.be is,a fool who' spends bis labor in vain attempts to ( move the firm-rooted rock We met as friends; -4 From henceforth we are enemies -4 Y set! hpld you to your pledge of hospitality, and: claim, to go as I came unseen of any 6ne Eoneguski must; not follow me, even with hjseyesA. - -L ;j I jSo saying, Tecumseh left the hut,and the scrupulous generosity of Eoneoruskij te- opking cutlp see woitn- strsioed him from ec he went. i m TRUKTK LOST- AS LOST or miscarried, cn orabsot the 5th of January last, a large r : i limit TnuAri3 J P ibtind top; with the initials thereon of B. KIS. Afiy information given bf said TPronk will j be taankfally received, and all reasonable expenses paid; -i- :W- ---I': 'i -- .U! D. M w KKAi. March 15th, 1839 SwS- still our Resolutions would have a most ex cedent effect They would explode for ever and a day' the bumbuggery of Instruc tions In N orlh Carolina. The people, see ing that the Wbigs had disclaimed them, and that their! adversaries, who bad been most clamorous for them, bad when ap plied to themselves, in like manner repudi ated them the people will find out the truth, that tt is all clap trap and humbug If we can only accomplish this end, I, for one, will be more than satisfied. Oni another day, after ihree or four Soeeches bad! been delivered against the Resolutions, in which a good deal had been said about the inconsistency of the Whigs ;in giVwgj7rtfrtcrt07i to our Senators in Congressi after having condemned tbe doc trine, 1 j " ; Mr Jones rose, and professed never to have intended to say! one word further on the subject of these Kesolutions But, sir, Said be, I cannot sit bere and. listen with patience to the jeers !and taunts of our ad versaries on the question of. consistency. -r-Sir,lbe Whig party are not inconsistent in this matter. Triey hiave ever maintained in I . A . . 1 L..U . . I . . I r- n . uiai ursv lumeu uses. 10 toe nae ci uriiln Cun , inatioa by ih ball! of Kinga Moontaiu. He had an impediment in his speech and, lif, all stattererr, that ever I have known; he v. r. hasty in temper and violent t, 'Impiger, . iracundvs, ' inexqrrabilis, acer . If I may ba permited to quote 'a Jree translaiit i Sir, I think it will as welt bespeak oar Htru ; the original. (Leave,. leave, having jresoandf J throujb the Hall.) I will give, you, then, ii -rendition ef tbat Scottish worthy, Cosmo Co myne Bradioardine. " i A fiery etter-cap, a fiactioas chiel ; As hot as ginger; and as stieve as steel. Cleaveland lived in a tory neighborhood, nr ! while be was out campaigoiog, these despr-j-does used to depredate upon him greatly. They would steal his horses, drive off his cattle, tr. .' b'.irn his fences and cot-houses. A party u them, headed by a leader, one Bill Harrises went so far as to pat bis overseer to death f endeavoring to protect bis employer's propert) . The manner of this crime was somewhat pecu liar They look tbeir victim lo a steep bill and placing hian on a log, fastened one end cf a grape vipe around his heck, and the other over lhe pVong of a stooping dog-wood. When they had thus arranged fit, one of the party went up the bill, and rushing head foremen against thfir captive, bonied him off into eter nity, John, Dots was the name of tbe sufferer. Now, John Cleaveland was not the man to put up with all these injuries, and the' day cf re tribution was near at hand. Ilttrrisfsn, th 1 ring lea Jer in all these outrages,, shortly afirr wardrf fell into Cleavtlands bands. lie vvm an ingenious mechanic, whom Cleaveland Im ! often employed in more peaceful days, and l - ' done him many favors; and th remernbranca cf these things were by no means calculated t mit'gaie the offender's doom. Accompinied I; bis favorite servant Bill, and one other indm i ual, without speaking a word, Cleaveland car ried his prisoner to the same dogwood on whir !i he bad hanged poor Doss. Here was adangiir -the very grape vine, which had been nsri I: tbe former occasisn. Wiiboot more to do, 1, placed the noose over the other's neck and plac ed him on the log. You will not haog tne C ! oner, at length faintly observed the trerr.l';: . Wretch. 'Can yoo give me any reason why I should not do it' said the other. 'Yoi know I am a useful man in this neighborhood' said 'Har rison and cannot well be spared ; 1 have ro:: over, discovered the secret of perpetaal rr. -lion,- and if lam put to death the world lose the benefit of my discovery. Beside? tl. , I have heard you curse Bryant and Fanning f r putiing prisoners -to death. Where are t,' principles ? . Where is your conscience, u u you are about to execute vengeance on me, jt formvr friend and neighbor ? 'Where is rr ; conscience? Where are my horses and cat!.' where are my fences sod Barns and w I. r -is poor Jack Doss ? Fore God, I will do U. deed, andjosttfv myself to God and ray country Ron up the hill and but bim off tbe log Bill ; I'll show him per-pe tual motion!!!' So, Sir, will we deal with that party, nl:.'. has brought havoe and roio opon oar country. They have destroyed our correocy they r.a v squandered our Pcbltc Landa they have fp.n - 14 ..il Art wot ntt. Islsfil1 arxl ivirtclor I i " Whrgs by laying scares for tbeir cooicier ;o. 'Congress, as well as They have put in the base snd needy to pi lbe public money. They have rbaried and i.j figured the faithful record of the Senate. Ir n word. Sir, they have pot the torch to the Tem ple of Liberty aod sa OUClcaxcland ai J Fore God, we will do this Ived, aod justify c cr eel vea to God and our country ; we hang th on their own dor wood we will five them ' in State Legislatures, small specimen of perpetual motiop. 4 t

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