PUBLISUED EVE&YjsFRIDAY, .BY; HAMILTON CLONES j . EDXTOR PROPRIETOR. 'xmkm 8-.fI til".-.' : ' t ' - I. ---?! a . r Kr. jKji '1 i ""t. JTii .-'' 1 ": r-" -T-iTtir mi i hi ' m mi n" . ' .'. ' 1 ' '- TMUlil tfiftv Ceutsper year. lJ rf 4 1, o-m f carnal Two Do r - -aiuy y-flot pay dm n .jt rlftlel Dollars rn al cases. 1 Si WlttM aiscgatinued U ft t tbe op kiir?i.t cauare for eacA in-. hart'Njii w If. ha charged sio- pei fiy.f A deque Hto il 4reri!by the year. m-u&&&mum-he luserted for less ?fciii4rf i continued until orders -(in -7'. - j- jk a s --.i-i 1 i .t.t.i . IT wTI T7 Ik: Cents. v Molassee, 55 a 60 8 a0 25 a 30 Nails, I Oats, 4 PorH, j M Sugar,, br. Efoaf, 10 a 12 -18 a 20 Salt, P 5.4 Tallow, 10 a 121 Tobacco,! 8 a 20 Tow-linen, 16 a 20 r Wheat, (bushel) $1 VVhiskey 5 a 50 1 Wool, (clean; ) 40 35 a 40 7 a 8 8 a 12 - 1( IS a 20 75 a 90 Sugar Bro pi !il',S IT.. Ltinap, fviarV Salt. Saek. m a $2 75 8 a 10 16 a 20 T.obaccoleaf Goll on biff. Bale rope 6 a 12 Wheat 1 25 a 1 35 VVhiskey 00 a 60 fWuol, 25 aO 75 a 1 k9ih v'il--KrfHif'vt U 1m n .tibM4te: linseed 1 1 0 a 1 25 asMb rl U5Pork lOOIbs 6 a 8 '"ft I 1 1 i :j7 "rlfce 1 0 0 1 bs 65 1 a $6 filusJ(8iogarV lb 1 10a 12i i.'ss .';'.sr..i'l;i'r--.i-- i 75 a S3 rubers f. 40.4 5 ;'w . UuaK - p 10Qls Is inWi'gt eel mer. ; : id xt'UlMUmWk' "vi.r.nelifili'i 1 a 12J 14 ; fow; ; I h;j0i4f f2 I a: j in pe.. S I' aS?l37j lOJKTjaWAV. !IMfiMpTa'bo -the9 last, of Wtitl!f?POi the subscriber, at that 1- 1 S lt ( 1 a County , N. jm - aiipamr4iegro-; man-.j opSjyafttof age; and of a very bright fcbboemaker by tradQ, has tl buslad qf hair, a thin vUage, is his legs rQ'eacH:iftijust below the elbow oc- ?"if?.u?V'.sii 4s neeja nave oeeo rrosted, t IMarrtjpon them. Cole feMlff!an) uear Ulakely, ft hi itvbable that he m.rv hp rf!F ffikH ta ny persons believe lBdSby a wWte man,!named- SWllfJtWieigrhborhnod about tH"rTOny ene-'wh'-wlill dc- ... . J t'Drnrno ' . i Pv oiinejmtnd, Wf'?fc6tipn, w;herfin he iul1 -BrS eqiiencefiiimgined: WWa this: dlseasH WlBff .pcular !regionscf the Wife 1 HfP-hLHeh lf C9lM$ lame hypochondriksis. !(;; its . m . i I. if liorp6realsvrnrtrim flit l4Sanv lh? I (hat de mBWh despond 1 l net vous iratlm S'aiuft)f ideas lioJf , all jf 1 ino (Molasses, i ij U inble M tfal a!B0 NaiU,cut,i T I yMf iHH8;N'4ils cut assort 7 a 9 wrought 16 a 13 :v4Tr:Mlf rl:an1- overfceluin J 11 . . . be judgment exhibit an infinite vVersity.. The wisest and best of men are as opeji to this afflic tion as the weakest, . ' mi f I CAUSES. A sedentary life of iafcy kiod, especially sa ve re stiidy prutractedlb a laifi boor io'lhe ogtii, and rarely relieved by social iate.rcoorse, or ex, ercise, a dissolaie babit, great excels io eatiagr and drinking. thet iniToderate ose of mricciry, violent purgatives, ibe 80ipre$sioo of mtoe ha bitual discharge, (as, the obslroction of the riien fits,) or long cununnaij eruption ; relaxation 1 or bb:iity of one 'r mnr imporiaot ogans within tba abJomen, is a frequent caase. ' -;. : !:; a4twcsT. . r -i-t I The principal otjeets of treatment are; taje move lndigesiioot to! sjrengihen i the body,! and to enliven the spirits jvbicb may, be . promcjUid bf exercise earlj hoors, reoatar meals, ; and pleasant conversations, j The iwwrels (if costive), being careAillvregoIaied byha ... occasional t)e of a mCd aperient.. )Ve know j noibiog better calculated to obtain thfscmd, than-' Dr. William Evans' Aperient PiIls4-beiog mild and certain in their operation. -i'l '1'he buwels beio? ones cleansed i histnestimab e Camomile Pi Ms,( which are tonic, anodyne, and ahti -spasmodic) are jan without dispate have infallible remedy, and proved a great blessin o the nomeroos poblic. i Some nhvsicians have recommended a free use of mercury, but it abould not be resor ied to : as in many cases tt.wi I greatly agoravate the symptoms. I Head the following interesting and- as- IcrPASTHIMA.trHfaEE YEAHS STAND ING. Mr Roberj Monoe, Schuylk'iCI, afflicted with tbeabove idistribShiug malady. Synjpiom: Great lanaooj, fluuliHici disturbed rest, ner vous headache, difficulty of breathing-, tightness and stricture across ttiej breast, djzztrjesss, ner vous irritability and jrea 1 1 ess n ess too Id not lie in aorizontal rmsiti. Withuui the sensation of imftending sufiTucatiori, palpitation of Jihe beafi', distressing cough, jcLStiveness, pain of thestom ach, drowsiness, great debility and deficiency -f the nervous energy. j Jifr R; , Monroe gave op every thought of recovery, and dire despair &af. on the countenance of every person interestedJo his existence or bapp till by accident he noticed in a public ipa per some core3 enacted by his corn- D Wm. EVAN SI )ED1C1NE iri plaint, which induced him to putchase a. pack a?e of the Pills.' which resulted iq roinnieie'v removing every symptom of-his disease. l)e wishes to sav his motive for this declaration is, ihat those afflicted with the same or any symp toms similar to those from which he is hapoiiv restored, may likewise receive the inestimable benefit.' ' j ' A CASE UP TIC DOLOREUX. Mrs.-J. E. Jobrisoii wife of Capt.. Joseph Johnson, of Lynn, Kiasn wa9.sevejely afflicted for teo years-with ;-tre Dolereoxi jricrferil pain in her bead, aqd vomt4i2,.wjt h a baroipg ieii In the stomach , and unable to feav her room She could fiud no relieflfrom the advice of sev eral physicians, hor fr)ni medjeines of any kiml, on til after she had eomnpeoced osina Dr Evani' medicine of 100 Cimhara street, and from that lime she began to amrntl, and feets satisfied if she continue the uiedicine a few days longer. will be perfectly cured. Reference can be liad as to the truth ot tiiei above, by caMtoy at Mrs Johnson's daughter's Store, 389 1 Grand street, ICTMrs Anne i'FL i Kenny, No 115 Lpwis street between Stanton and Huaston sis , afflic ted for ten years with the following di-siressing symptoais4 Acid, eruciaiiofi daily spssir.udic pains in the head, loss of appetite, palpitation ttf of her heart, giJdinessaiid dimness of stohicunld not lie on her right sfde.j'Jisturbed rest, uMer in ability of engaging in any thing that demanded vigor or courage, some times a vis'"nar,y idea ef an aggravation of beij disease, a Hhiimsieal aver sion to particular perp and "places, groundless apprehensions of personal danger and poverty. an jrksomenefs and riflaliness if life, discunlen- .. - .. ' m I A !: .. . ... I tea; disquietude on every sJiolit occasion, she conceived she could niiherdie nor live; she wppt; lamtnted, despondedjij'aind thought she led "a mot miserable life, never was one so bad, wjjth frequent mental' halluciriaiions. i! Mr Kenny had the1 advice of several eminenu physicians, and had recourse to numerous medi cine, bul could not obm even temporary alie viation of her distressing state, till ber busbino )ersuaded her to makftkrlal of my mode of treat . . Ij; 3 ' ' -V1 She is now quite re leyed, and find's herself not only capable of atiemliog to. her domestic f a irs, but avows that she; enjoys aa good health at present as she did ai any period of hei exis tence - - , . j ' J. Kenny, bdsbaodl of the aforesaid ! Anne Kenny.- .: I Jfi-' - ;K -if; - - Sworn before me, this I4ih day of December, 1836. !i : - "-r':.i j PETERP-icfbEY, Com. of Deed..-- iGEMARKAl5EECASEOlf ACUTE RHEUMATISM, i h an Affection of the Lungs cured under;! the treatment ! of Dcior Wlit EVANS 100 iChaiharh .ainfet, New- York. Mr Benjamin if3 Jafvis, 13 Centre .at. Newark, N. J0 afflicted for four years with bijilints, which ware til way a severe pains in al increased on the slightest motion, the tongue preserved a steady whjteaeW; loss of appetite, dizziness in hit head, the bowels commonly ve ly costive, the urine high coloured, and often jir-jfuse sweaiing, uoatrejpdKd'by. relief. The s bove symptoms were "aj$ attended with consid ersble d.ffieultyOf breaihing with ai sen&e of lightnes acrose.the chfit, likewise a great want uf due energy in tbe nevo'is sysiernJ- 1 The above 'ay ropthrofe were entirely removed, and a perfect cure effected brDr Woi Evans. 1 -" il j BENJ. J JARVIS. cihjof Aw rorkli'u,; ; . ;i ; Benjamin S Jar vis beirjg duly sworn,-doth de posei and say, that rhe "facta stated in the a- bove ceriificate, "subscribed bv him, are I in alNSupenjors. t rejects irne. 4T : J REN I. S. JARVIS. ; J MtU U cbi Sworn hefbre inejlhis B5tb of November, 1856. ' ..WILLIAM SAUL; Notary Public, 96; oia sao street. - -4-. ' . i( - .. --' ' ) ' ; j A Sold by the following Agents. GEORGE W'BnOtVJY,, Salisbury, JV. C. JQHtfJl ItfGLJS (Sookslerej Uktraw S. C. J. H.AJSDEKSQJf;amdent S IfJ. ! , E JOHJY HUGGIJSrS; Columbia! S C. ir. M. SO.y. & Go. Raleigh, JV. C. Jav 10; 1833 ly41 From Blackwood s Edinburgh Magdzinl BEN N'A-GROICB', Tho Casile of Ben-na Grojch was an oltTj square bUioing, situated in ft Wild ;ravtae 0i. Ihej Sorth Highlands, t le -more than 9 high It constated cf tower id? the loon stone of ibe codniry, at one earner of a fo rqaks of bnildio r"i jn many parts fallen" iDlo decav. and ureseolinf? an laooocaraDce of streigtb and masstveess.'xm fcir(iany;a1 lenirji at beauty wourd nave ueeoi jtbrowjj a wiy One side'of "the sqtiard iba'4 S soraeil thi jig more of a habitable look than the r its jphimneys being oewly rebujlt snd, lste folll white washed: -the -roof lu$Rt -rel pafeof aa tae windows,MtedtiWtttf. ias a luxurv. WiMrb-'was "jtunsidereM tuseleW inhabitants of the rema.ninff ibre s?de, tbe sajtf lnbibitarits epnsJSlirig; or tviree cows, nan a score ul oivrs. ao one jor two old 'I represent Vitys, on Fihga wnp ciung to their ancient naottation witnla locM attachment that- would bate done boa-! ouljoacat. . ' ,1. ';:ij:if-j:- Qn the evening of the: lOlh of Anfiust lbej9rlour (for it ws nothing nioie,i though bearing the nohter .designation ' of th4 ball) j wai j occupied by r solila xy gent (etna u j.of somf what , sol id dimensions' who;;cieerejd bis lbneliness by an orensionf-d :stjr of ilfte flreind a frrquent sip at a ttmUief of wbs-i key Joddy Forn time to tnbe hfjiinren tof ibej indow and listened. ! lhe calaraft lhatfrushed down the ravine woulrt havel drowned anv other external sound. ;Cen: ifl surbhad existed 4 and. witht an exptessUtii oi mcrfasea m numor aner .every s visit tp L the window, the gentleman reowt'd t. fbrrpfir occupation of sipping the t odd enjd stiiiipg the fire. I, I j tome folly or other of sister t filt he crumnled, nutun?; iter tim jn Edingb'ufgb. ."They ought itojpiEyb been here by two oVIodt, inriiiefC; -it ! is "'t'l! ; " npi a isounu oi iinjerjrwpeei Thatfrofsed iivnlet, to be sure, drowns ey ery kbing else ; Ms i wore than onr huhdrei! horse! f nsine. I, wish ihey were ieH fiir being5 a Highland rhipftain is I one I v iwork e jflf e I a 1 1- u o .' ro fine - b 0 u se- n a Tin t? p hiewspaper. Hobbins was ngjhl eopigh in saying 'I shoald soon tire ;' but tireJorj noj; 1' arnUoo proud lo "go back no ! ; ' T ounj? Chafes liobbihs shall marry JfaQe Sfmfr?: ior four I will settle them here for three 9 in tbe snmrner, and we can;!al! if. bank A rea I ciue.ii8iri will be something; to j look e, though in jthisj cursed cfwiWfjry, jt r)ot seem lo create much admiration1. ai th d)es bat Van be kre-ping sister A'ice ?' i Ttif gentleman walked lo the window rjore.and opening it .liitr wcy. shnui Agus'lMohr! A no us MobrP A feeble yt ice n. a short iim'e anwfired frotjjt'je di h )idifd end of the bnildiijg. I Vj-j 1 f 'Htf's ro'nin' fnt la.liel coes ta fat havrjl W tntrjl Unceriain steps noiLo,ig after soundL e.d aWng tbe creaking thcidprjr was Ofend, and presented to tbefijrnjlitierjt glance of Ihe new proprietor the .viisage .of the grumbling Gael.' He tvHslan old dot crepit 0aa, with bright ferocious eyes' )eam in through his-elphj -locks. If he ia;r siir ceedeiiin making aj 'swap' of: bi rlabilif. mentsj wtih any scareciow south of he Tvr? he: would have had bv far the jbesl of th bargaipi Ar liis whole. toilet consisted in coarsebloe kilt or pettioat (for it oacljnon bf jthfcheckers that give a showy rajtpear ance 4 the kill;) his stockingr fbrf hel ohl rejoicejrl in one was wrinkled down ajmos over his shoe ; his coat vias tattered;; ann torn i ever v variety of ragged he$ia hid the Diin,,wnicn was aimosi itiicK enoi'yb tojcov er ilbei filarinff redness! of his futtOiiihi's beard, shoiwerS that Angus Mohr ookl jvery! little nlerest in the yreaf q!e$tnin a-J bout, t e soap duties.! 'Fat d'ye want,iaiild. rnanr Inquired the visitor bringfo a 'pod- dy a' bis Way lo hear y'er h 4 vers.' 1 - I , j ; 'I iiifrelv wish to know, Angus, jf; there; is any jpdjvere too cin send. to;the side i.f the lull: to see if a carriage is coming: ih 1 There's a laud oot in the byre,' replied: Ango4but he's four score jeaf aiild, nni -baslhtfan teaf and blind sMicelheyl took him; to Infi tness jail for 'dirking the. packman:: tiel ta 4 their sow Is for piltin an :honest man; in onv stich places ye can pid bim' gang,;i if ye ilte:" - .-.i' L'f : ; j "W A, if he's deaf and blind;: Angus, bet ll a j a m . ! rl ? ; i:: . I wi i tie no ureal he in." - ! t i - ven gang yourselP; petter that thnn sit ting1 filling yer pig wame wi' whiskey.!! i i rt - - -i - w xii.. sunn rt'J.a I n rvn j. n . . n mi m a m . ha ve lea Vous hi in.' . . I - . I ' - - . Mil- ' i It's a small l Arj little thanks for it too. i e. ward for coming' a' this war the i tYou may go now, said our fat friead.f whd was now mrre anxious to get; duiii ofl bis ft: itor, than he had beeo for bjs appear ahcev J: " r ' '! " fjill l:- j Ti ;j a piu tiel fii; no w about the liss ye promised j Be!jfJV sir -be more respectful to s I am chief jof this clabi' ief !' cried old Angusv with laugh Jtftat shot chill into the galla rtcjiief Hulhu! ' i! - 'ill " tain's heart -'he'is ta chief, is he? buf fl;:"::r''T.. -1" 1 r::,n ) Fbr goodness' sake, old man, go 'bafkito 9 our own room. iTou -shall have bottlej Til send if to you directly.' s whole ak M a gallon, an' 111 gang. it a gallohU-it will do for twa days.' ql, well, you shall bare a gallon on VV oncei ed 'A1 h juried the rjOtV-tlarrned proprietor; fo Angtspcjciving ; hit advantage, wfnt pa increasing in tits demands, and the sell- rlKried chief began to perceive thai his sub- J3c were not so obedient as be bad expfc- drowQ- f i H 'i to-i : aoa va?ue ineas ol dtrtcs arid tttS ooeurred hurriedly to his miod. ; Angus, however, seemed lor th-s tiraesat- Taed wuh ftia prize, and resumed bt9 wy to the lower regions, raulteriD aod growl ing as be went as if he; bad beer aibiblv inj jred individual, and Maving the lat gen- tfetnan 10 a lyery Tuitceofortabl3! ftaras !of mind , j - .k-V--,v' i Sayages!' he saormored io dad, we shall all be murdered ty. i llow'evei,,wheii all 'my. hirJSsetf ; By to 4 cerUio- - i M I i . t own servants i kiiiltZ weiahil! tur n Anjus and (ho bU ad old isan out of tbe castle, and have things a liltle fetter managed than tbt. fiut U certain ly is very. strange lmy sister does ijlot coroe ! Our: new mani Co pus, is f stout le)lowijard would keep this old rascal Angosihfbr'dV.' Fat in ibe tiel's name are ye sktrlih tihere hir ' saldjthe sharp! voire o( tnal uri- courieousjsenescnai, as ue put.nts snaagv bead put of the glassless orifice that seved a3 a window; are we a' leaf, think ye?' ! ! i ?M alio, pid leaerr shouted the ; voice ol Corui?, in reply, Meave off your (hiuferol jdhUir, and open the door, will ye?' '-. Ppen'tl yburseP, jandbe tidj till ye' screaroe'd the old roan her'a no aeivant o' yours. Pip th.nking.V 'j l j 1 v William, isaH there never a bell?' inquir ed Miss Alice. ;j . BeliPre-echoed Mropus;.no, nor noth ing lse bfta gentleman is 8cquarlted wU; so.bfre 1 thtnks, ma'am, we rnrusi stay all highf, for that tre waterfall won't! let no body hoar, -and tbe old lumalic, peeps oui of ihebolo jn the wall, don't seem ; inclio ed to be ciyilA ; : . ! j .;. ':j 1 'Oh, for heaven's sake, William, try a gam shoot as loud as you are1 able.' i ; Hillo! hillo! hillo!' J ji ;; J Wbat's he mslief? exclaimed'the voice of the new proprietor himself, at the same moment that his head appeared al !tha win! dow . '1. ' ' j: H i I Here we are, sir,' replied Copos, half dead with fear and hunger, and ytt can't el into our on hHises for loye or money.' . I'll open jtue door myself,' said the old chieftain, and putting' for tbo nonoo hisi newly bcqured dignity into his- ( ocket, bej waddled through tbe. blustering passages! arid lurried the kev with hfsuwn hand! 1 ;'vit? 1 Jij's j-tbeCj- is Bf a G r c 'e! si2blo3fjss! Alice, as at leneh shefenicied" tni! p.irio'it, leaning or. me ann oi iter niece and looking round with afdoloroui exprcs4 sirjio that would have lunshtd a study for a pictpe of sdesfpair. j - ;f ' T i "Even so, leplied hor Hrolher, wdh tin. attempt at a joyous chuckle tbat died off tutu: a irnnn. ' ' I i; - -1 Oh, brother Ben since Ben-na Groich you insist on beng called-f ob.'brother Ben,? jwliU't tempted you to buy jsuchW place a?; tin? ? in surMi a countn?4-mongstich hid-! ouspjjoph-?' j j j.- M Parly a:bad debt thai' the Ie owners was on our ii-xikspanly a desire to, be a rtgujai j-hif, ar.d asi(iib the I luxiables; Injt cheer up, siit-i, gs i'l be beiierira day or i two. U s2iM il' pot t.n our la'ians cher up loo, n'ee Jut', Chau'es Hoboinsf wiil Ibe hereera j.uifgr 1're gC4 8oOte etoides rf ady for hm tv ar.d 'hteod ut give him a iihtck feaihei, and! nake htm as giud a downy whistle as yoa cao idesiie,"'; ' i t ' I'f ' j ' Ab, brother interposed M iss A) ice, ' thai ouhi have been all verv well a short time ago and u wiuhi have been delibiful to see ytu wiib yuttr henchman and jf (ties and dny Ahisiles but 'lis lob bte.oow. Oh, brother! we are Roomed to destruction! Cupus will tell you what be has seen this very day.' i I ' Why. what has he seen ? a ohost ?-t ev areweny Stperstiiioa3, and beiietre in :the se' cond R'ohl. 1 I ' Oh, firs; siyhit is quite enough for os. I saw them myself, thiMigh tfcey were at; 6urh a dis taucf, 1 conte8S, I took them fur a fLxb. of sheep Who ? what was it you saw ?-Usbeak, Copus. v '1 bus adjured, burl iravlhd friend, vitb a face from which the expression of alirm had not yet entirely subsided commenced his inarrauve. ' f . ; Thifa rhnrnlnvT oip ifian.IvA tfikaWrrof ! osse3v 1 gets on the rumu)e,s(r, and rir by brself. I goes ino the small house while the cattle was ; a cm4g a looel p'ace, iipejl . ; - . sir, in the midst of a moor, sr and says I ioS fRevinge P said-a' hollow voice, pro- I the laaiilady, says I,- Here's a fiiie day, saysl. : j J I si 4 Make the most of it,says sbe-' yoa bjd Tatr never, to se another. f - H i You're wery piirltte, say I' I idont in a eying condition. f tbiak j Xoi Carry your death .sentence at your hreasi.'.says 6m, in a hollow Ivoico, like a drum with a hoarseness. j 1 , j What do you eloo'e to fsays I and lock ing at my oreast,str, I seed npthiug in life out lhs;here watch ribbon as yogived me, bf y our own lartan you. know sir f -War wear ye. the badge of the doomed Benta-Groich V says she--Know ye not that hiswebfissnao V j 'I' , '.. . H-V- -: f There youVe misinformed' says 1, ma'am they're all done by machinery. : ! I Foot, says she, qaite in; a passion, ' yoa Have pat yoarself under a ruined wall, and will be crushed to the dust by tberomble. ' f Wroog. again, Says I, for master has had the whole budding repaiied.f j Blind mole' -bu twill taffe bo .waramg,.per haps uecauyoo dual beliere see 1 4hr And when I looked in to see w hers sie peinted, sole enough 1 sees ten or a dozen stout chaps all sharping of their swords epon grdat guud- stones at the other end of ihe boae. What's all them fellows liter ?says I. Blood, says she; I - . . -. i J f Blood and woonds ,! sayl, 'I never beard. such a woman. ' Clect", at Oxlord. hearing of 8 raHdsirbuT wTieTTTFr sijef weprornol bislo- ty does, not record. ; :Wtll ye not lei a poddy fcleep, and be l d till!-again screamed the shrill" voice of Antis M-thr ; "boo nptnyjo' ye soclh ern iprhles is coming yammering lo the No .n8WFrapparenUy was given to this inquiiryi for it was renewed with bitterer terms tpan before. 1 Fall a' this o't ?-wi' swords and tar getsl Brd the Siuart stripe--in1 yer plaids. Are vei?ome to harry laau'd fat uian? Iitiiglt ! huira ! Cit, an Angi9 had a diik liimseti he'd pit it up to the handle in ta fat caiiifs wame.' While these words of encouragement or inquiry! were issuing from the; wrathful na tive, a hurry of steps was heard upon the slaira jttie clank of Bteel, us if of ihe cms singfof iswords, sounded -in jthe passage, anU Wilb a about, Fash-na-Cairn Fash 7 ihe parlor door was burst open, and itiiwild figures in the full Highland cos idmti rushed in upon the deliberations of ilie tfew chieftain and his household. One of he party seized the arm of Aunt Atit'e ; uother with a flat sijled blow of his viaylnore, laid dur heroie friend Copus qiiietty n the Ijoor; a third took Jane'So "hiers byiibe hand as she sat retired tn; a cornei bf the room, and kepi guard om )ier. ilntg the whole of the scene ; while the others placed themselves opposite the astonished Ben-na-Groich himself, and Ipointed iheii weapons at his throat with- ojit saying a word, . I - . I t4Wnaldoyou want, gentlemen?" said Ithat individual, with a tremor in his voice tnat icveaieu me conuici wiinia. "i n an Ol Roman Catholic lady they called the Civil.Jas spoke in tbat ere tashion, and was a dealer to books and s?tionary ; bat cuss me if ytio does til beat ber hollow, r Whose blood da you oilao rna!am ?f " Jf H who .calls himself Ber-na-Groich. ' - ' phbroiHer Thomas, did you ever hear 'of the" liko shuddered Misa.,Ajce. 4 Aiwitblsaid ihe gentleman thos appealed tol'witb very unsoceessful effort to appear dis dainfui Wlai r" e; Copua ? did she say any. tbng else ? J " I : f Lots more, but I've nearly forgotten it. . Hdw loogjdid lids detain you ? . '? Olf. he kept us waiting j three of; four hours interposed Miss A!ice ; and when he came out be coulu'nk have - been ' more unsteady if be had been-a-drthking.'. :' jjsv "Meed, sir, addeil Maria; his Qauntjr has been vcryH extraonlifiary""eVT since ; he? has been ehher 'singing songs or; sleeping the whole, way here.' P'jeinverview.was a very strange one' Did any one eisc'see ; the tea or twelve men ? inquiied theTchieL I tleed one of them, sir,' replied Maria, 1 Sj tall handsome gentleman; in a reen frock pat. He went towards a horsd that was lied near. a stack of fuel, jus; at the moment Copus came out' j i lutleed j Did you see him, Copua l1" f Ob, yes. I saw a figure something as she describes it He is the surest sign, the wild woman said, of something awful; they call him Kickandrtibb ' j Hw strange !' repeated the' chieftain, for the hundrelfc i lime a regular conspU racV, nd nobody here to defend tis. The old tigr down stairs, Angus Alohr, would belthefOrat to kill us if be could, and what is io)come of usHeaven only knows.w Better let the horses stay at' the door, sir; the carriage may be. useful,' sugges ted Copua. There's no time to be lost indeed," re plied the master ; -but yet what would be the ose of flying ?. We are safer here than on the road." : vNo, no; let us gorotherenbroth-w er Thomas, I meat, for do you know that Fash ria Cairn has yowed he'll have your iifei?:j ; , VVrQthe devil is Fasli-na Cairn? 1 never did him apy harm.' kt,Bohis clanliacoeen opposed to Ben-na-Gmich for huudreds of years . He'll inude you itnrd me OJi dear, oh fjear! he'll lorce melp be Mrs. Fash-na-Cairn I" Here Mist Alice, overcome by her Horri ble imaginings, covered her face 'with her ffH lgie you a check for as much you re leayes ia i tv-. . -..ii :. p M-tH ' w'a" " ' reeding from the chief of the party. ,,I jtiave'yoi now in my power the fiiHt " liU; ar,iP 9 search of eiirht hundred yea i s " 1 . . i ' .-." yha have I done? I never did you a mischiefs; if I did, -I'm willing to pay ijflamages assessed by your own survey- or. I Your ancestor, Fin of the crooked fin der. 4 tab bed mv ancestor Kenneth of the f gH no$e as ,e dined with him in this hall in the reign of Fergus the first give me back his ;b!ood !7 " j 1 Cati'l, indeed haven't a drop of if, or any .1 one- else's blood but 1 will pay liie worii of it only spare my life.' ! "Fashlna-Cairn may spare, but on one condition you have a sister. I Oh Ito, indeed, he hasn't,' sir," said M:ig Alice, "she died when she was quite a Speak, dog, said tbe ruthless F"b-na- Cairn, kilking Copus as h, layj on the prpet ; who i the sister of Ben ja '-.ill 'M 9 the! wolfskin most cover Ben-na-OroicD.' I vThatfere middle aged lady with Ihe Eoro?.f hlTe purchased 10,000 acres in 1 erry redi rioselThat'stinr Miss Alice."- (county the Misflssifpf. ey bave a hb:a- I Mhe Biuit be Fasb-na-Ciroa bride on rT 0f 20,000 volaaes, end intend Kscdu.g c Ob dear! oh dear P sighed the c'.: . ablate lady ; -will nothing do but that ;'5 Jiven that wou't save bio I sec c: tlier inaideu v j 4Ohrnsure yon are qujte wcllcon c Jane Soraers,? said Miss AUce ik i brother will give his consent dircci won't you, Thomas i? "Sy ibe word, and 1 give you the of friendship. . 1 s Wus l word ?" ask the sorely pu z z ' Benna-0ioicbi 'i will say whateycr' needful1 X'-' i -' Does the maiden herself consent ! Bring hither the fair one of the hi!l., Jane Somcrsi was brought forward her guard. - J . '.: v - Oiow, JaiieJ' began the chieftain, ; het?- gentleinao, Mr, Faslina-Cairn, anxious to marry some of my family ; ; you disposed to save me from murder z robbery, by giving, him your hand ?" To save you, my dear tjttcle, from r. thing unpleasant, there is no sacriike I would not make." : J- VTIicrVaalear.jndeirl-cricd ti e chieftain, delighted. 'Take her; you -arc very welcome ;nd wlenjj gel home, which will be in three days fiOin jhis tirr. J will send you some m trriage presents. If you bare any fancy for this estate, y.u: shall have if a bargain; in the mean tinu let the rest of us get into the carriage,' and' he off as fast as we can. dome, Copus, gc t up, you lazy hound we must be oiT." 'OlT nr not off, sir, 1 dosen't budu z (ot 1. I stay with my young missus.' 4 Very well," only let ns out- of tha house." While preparations were niakm,; for a rapid retreat one of the brigands wt u: up to Jane Somers and whispered, my carriage is waiting on the bridge. Lady Teysham and the other ladies at my shoo tin boz expect a every momeut; so tu under no alarm."- I Jane bowed her head and yielded to her det ny, and since that time has been --as happy a specioien of the married life as is often to be met with. Betwia-Groirh, on finding out the hoax, was too much afr:i;i of th e ridicule bf hia friend to make it pub lic; and to ibisjhour, Aunt Alice tells the most wondrous tales of the lawlessness t f the Highlands, nd the blood ihristiness tt revenge characterise of a Scotch Cluef tain." Oiily to think of people chtr-feh-ing a resentment for neaily a tboonc! ye;.rs, and only saufyinr it hi lasijv ;..r. .:-L ..T ..ijrr:ttas-llobbli.8,tie- ver believe what people bay's when they talk to you about ihe foodie iystem thu starvation system would be a much better jiame for it, forjtbir whole country is m.tdc of nothing but health, and the gentleman';? , . . ' r .' ., , I " ' I ciotnes is no covering iroui iue ccju, ami besides all that, they are indelicate to a degree ?l From the Charleston Courier Messrs Editors; s ;. Having wi'hdrawn myself entirely from public life, and. standing aloof ;fnm the party contests uf the day il is with great reluctance that I find myseif constrained to notice tl.ealla 8ioris, ioyour paiwruf yesterday, to my vote iv rema ks io the Senate of the United States on the nomination, of Mr Van Bureu, as .Minister to Euglaed , j ' . , r Vrour cirrespondent quotes a part of my speech on that uccasion, jo whU'h 1 slated, thai ifl Were a Juror in the box, sworn to give a truo verdtci on. the itsue made up) between Mania Van Buien & his cuuairy, t should feel my self, constrained to give that verdict sgaiost him. 4 . j . : r -: - -- : Onlhis you remark thai it was a party eppo si lien that prompted this proceeding sgainsi Mr Van Boreo.aud tio thai cause may we ascrita the ferosity of the warfare waged 'against him, to say tbe least, it was ao unwise ar.d impolilio warfare, and we know against the judgment of one of its disttDgu!h-d supporters, to whom our correspondent alludes. He predicted the result with unerring sagacity be foresaw that it would be an element ot (tr. VB's luccess and yet tbe exigencies of party grayed him in debate againwi hts deliberate jodgment. " Wilhoui full her explanation,! it might teem, that 1 had .on this expressed, not entertain arid pursued a opini.'iis, 1 Old i course which m was contrary to my own convicti-n ol what was rigliT. Now the; truth is.jlhal the nominal ion of Mr Van Buren, as Mioisler to England, wa seized upon as a suitable occasico for making .ip an isspv between tbe two parties as to his vieriti a a member of Gen Jacks6n'$ fidminklruliwi. His whohconducf, and especially his tnst'iic tions to Mr McLaoe, io relation to ihe West India trade, came up for discussion, and for ccri demnaiion or approval, and the vote was regard ed as a test question between tbe parties. In my 'deliberate jadgment it was! unwisa d impolitic in the oppoHitioc:to make up suth aa issue, on the question tbeo before the Senates I believed, as it turned ont. thajt ihe rejection f the nominal ion by the Senate, would make Mr Van Buren President. I Mj political frier d ihoooht otherwise ; ibejssoe was made op be twee'o the parties, and Mr Van Buren was put noon his trial. Compelled to take ground on one side or the other of the issue tfius presented, I acted in cooforraisy, wilh my own cooviction, " in giving my verdict against I him. 1 ha grounds on winch I hen aded. are fully ex plained io the speech del yered by roe on that occa5!o. This explaoatica i duev to myself, and to the truth of the case. In the controver sy now going oo between tbe friends of Mr Clay and bf Mr ao Bureo, take no part, I aa oth erwise, and I trust beUetemp'ojfd. 1 1 am, vert respectfoliy, 1 Your obedieot s-r van r, ROBERT Y. I1AXX Emigrants worth having. The fotpDy cf Tnn i i,i i.i.rni laiAtv am rea iii uivmm from college. r'lM-rp!'i'tt I :

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