Slfate l l PUBLISHED EVEBYrFRIDAY, fcY HASimrON C. JOXES EDITOR; PROPRIETOR. : ' WJHKOIbB (0, U-iil-, ? ii '..f " t r !'. ;t - 1 t ' I t f ' - ' 5 " ' ' " " -: - .- i - : -h - If tor "tub : Ml fci$tfifiiiftet&ne' had. Jor 5Sfl !Wk new sflWtbers who wil! I hffir ad f aoce the Sbf finite -arF! 19 otf er ,0rt' MJiMAaotmi doting tie year one payment, at , Two Doi- 8 a me class shall sum of cases. .$z'lil'Viwd for less slhan S S Hic0nilned bdt at the op iilliiaiesaU arrears are paid f PiStlKp-ihelEditor mast beposi &y wilt certainly not be at- rj rIo Ci5fr 9re or eocAin W' Wd 85! per cenf, ;L tbiSM HTeltate. A deduction t of !?.' rti 1 herralar prices will be tu pei vow? ; ' n 3 . . i ynflHgiit Will bei inserted Tor less I.u. nil lfllI.L'.Kr t -' " rtJtiaMilttll illbe continued until orders I - ' i:,:t:Ui- :i hom ' 1 urdora nj 1 ! rort inna 2iVei mmmm SBURY. 8 9 Corn; !'. : Molasses, Nails, Oats, Pork, Sugar, br loaf.: Salt, Ctnti. t 55 a CO 8 a 9 25 a 30 60 ' 10 a 12 18 a 20 $1 54 ioa m 8 a 20 Tallow, Tobacco, Tow-linen, 16 a 20 Wheat, (bushel) $1 Whiskey, 45 a 5,0 WooK (clean) 40 (he judfrm'eot exhibit an infinite tfiversity. i The wisest and best of men are as open to ibis tSic tion aa the weakest.'- " - J - ' causes. ' : Asedentsrvlife of srv kind,; especially se vere siady protracted to a Ute hoar in the night, and rarely relieved by social intercoorse, or ex ercise, a dissolute bibit, great excess. in eating and drinking, the immoderate use of mercqrx violent parifatires, tfcp sappresion of some ha biloal discharge (as, the ubstroetion of the men ses,) or long continaal eroptioq ) relaxation 6r bebility or one or more imnoriaot organs within the abdomen, is a frequent cause. j j tIEATHT. ' 1 " j j The principal objerta of treatment are, to re move indigestion! to strengiben the bod f, and to enl'rven the spirits, which may 1 be promotpd by exercise, early hoars,' rea alar meats,!" and pleasanc conversation. The bowels (if costive) beirtgcarefullv regulated by the - occasional ose ofa mild aperient.: We know oohing better calculated to otfiain this end, than Dr. William Eat)3 Aperient JPillsb'mg mild and certain in their operation, j The bowels being i ones ckaosed,his inestimable Camomile Pilts.(which are tonic, snodyne, and antiepasmodic are an i infallible remedy, and without dispute have proved a great blessing o tbe numerous publie i Some physicians have recommended a free ose of mercary; but i sbnald not be resorted to ; as in many cases it will greatly aggravate the symptoms. - hsijr'SefeSi m loyiolasises 1 35 a 40 )AjplelJ Iniri: 80 Nails, cut, 71 a 8 M.mi ! pugar brOwi)-, 8 a 12 Jt afclif fill 2&;SS.Lump, i 16 '.ma i itov a f in ao iti' fr.naf. 32 ) to mm NHn-isao fefsvax CHER 18 a 20 tO & Hit f'i Sank, $2l a 2 75 Tobscco leaf 8 a 10 16 s 20 8 a 12 Wheat 1 25.8 15 00 a 50 20 a 25 Head the following interesting and as- - tontshwg facts ' C7 ASTHM A. THRKE YEARS' STAND INU Mr Robert Monroe. Schuylkill, sfflicted with 'be above Idislressing malady. Symptoms: Great Jangouir. flaibleoey, disturbed rest, ner vous heaiehe, difficulty of, hrt-athiu? . tightness and sincmre serosa the breast, dizzmesss, oer vool irritability and restlessness could not lie in a horiziiolal position without the sensation of impending suffltcaiion, palpitation of the heart. Histressinsr coogh, ccsiiveness, pain of tbe stora Sen, drowsiness, great debility and deficiency of the nervous energy, i Mr R. 'Monroe gave up every thought of recovery, and dire despatr sat on the countenance of everv person interested in bis existence or happiness, til) by accident be noticed m a public paper eone ru res effected by m. i . mm m v & 9-m ut vv m Ann niMHiJiB& in nis com- piais',. which induced him ti paichase a ipack age of the Ptls, which teaulted in completely removing everyi symptom of his disease. He wishes to sav his motive for this declaration is, that those afflicted with the same or any symp toms similar to those from which he is happily restored, may likewise receive tbe inestimable 0. . I .- i . i . i ; I ' . -!- . benefit. r I ead The "patient Job", moved beauti- Slt0 CZTR OF TUB TtfRtTm j fuDyr and calmly on with bis true and aura and every honest raan.thtnkinj !.-f of the measures ; of this adoimnr Richm nd. Mav 16. 1839 Ight to stand forth nilh Mr Tal'r ! Gentlemen; - Yoar letter 6f tho" 10th tnd PIOrJlia oncorhprotaistR3 ho i . itist. inviting rae to the pahhc dinner to be uo, ir"'OB m artn van uurta erryi pbnrae, ; KurelT oassin hi hU b other and I fcb RUen lo,hc l,on- Wtn C- RlfW Amherst . nwo tnts ett, toatert t: iCir laure Pa,8,P b? ni! WJMW Coufl.oouse on lh. o0xu hM h-H!..,a blf.rndefatandinSof c:v ,d and 1 exrl VZi rrT: on the rwd: I did not recetve it till , ester! ?Pl0 have thoa;Kt f lenLmnrf. M.utlr !..hi;.-i r,Mn! .T"" I---"-t -"-'7. " U... . ' I 10 DOntr Rie With the IQVlt tion whic were present each day. The weather was tef c,me in on lhe ftl0r,h mile round sev iavranie 10 me extreme; sou ine zenerai . kni,lhl .head.esnsinirVreat reioicinVs. r -- : ---o - j -a FrotA A Fredericksburg Arena June .4U: chanirally a task that most be done. Away CDPnnuipirconnn n irr h.ihe rwirsea. ana on me t a van to rising I ! i ... it ji il 1 srmttttnA ahPM hit father mnn nit immnrUl Tk- it. ' at..lvU. I Si Tr V . " i 7 ?V:" e - near this place commenced last, : The rport was splendid a ,! ofs oeonle I ; ...u ee r -f. . :t : . , p : i sr now airs a. ara nrair ana r iiruiiHiii at etichi w ira i - - - r Tbe weather was . : f... r. ifc ,i ;0 I thank too for the polite terms in LiicatiauiD au uu siid iwuiiii uiiio iiiuuv vs i t . - t w . m w a have romrnnntrated tome. you have communicated the inviutiorj Bu H ..I'fll 4 1; Great ! odds, such as five to one, were of- a? ho' wou If Pff nted me from 1'." 4 ' :J.T 1 2 0 4 3 i 2 die. 00 ferfdon Job; What wast the astonish ment of every body, particularly of master JuV's sodden and now infatuated admirers to find, that after he had apparently canter- ed his ease around the two first miles uf the second heat, taking lhe lead, hip antag. availing myself of it; if it bad been receiv ed in time. Bat candor compels me to add. that that would not have been the only, or indeed the principal reason whicA would have induced me to decline it. I have seen, much in Mr Rives9 recent management of a nature to give complete . i,, !!. mUalnt wbich. requires my constant attention i..-.r.:.. tt ..i.r.: r. l. llf .u- i ? . - t. --r- g:- . bhii)i.i-iiiiu. ho auujuiu jturucuiurv yi no Frreal ' OC running i . ; ' First Day A sweepstakes for 3 vear olda.'ft I if - - . I ... I. . I . " , I t; each, hall lorleit -mile heati. r . - i . .- - - j . i Cot F Thompson's h e by A "tucrat, tut of Peggy i White, . ' , ColiJC Gibson's b fGbli-l ah, dam by. Hotspur, ! i Col SsuithYs b c by Tranby, ? 1.4. . . ; i uu tjr i arm, . t . i j Wn McCsrgo'sbe by Jack ! ! s0n,dam by Aristctle, J. & Corbin'e b f by Cha teau out oi Aiuiuuora oy Archie. r " ! Time, 2 03 1 59 2 02 2 01- Secnd Day. 8 M. M .. il . 1 " - . onlst, Fordham, passed him like lightning, 7UUU" . rwpwri "na PP- i osi and came down and throogh the atretch "r r7 . V - ' m fTf0 a51Iwl foil as far ahead as m had been inline ?st iism of part,, wieUed by the pa- Whrthi r ! opinions re right or wrong, as 1 r: them, it is but honest to vow .tbrrn I am by no means desirous that 51 i publish them though I have no cbj toyoui doing so, if you think prcj-.:. 1 am, gentlemen, ' . With all respect, . Tour obedient servant, To Messrs. Camm Patterson, c. From the liicfmond IJ r first heat. The Boston Atlas gives the f 1 1).;. m it dis, :.. 3 3 I Proprieter's Purse heats. Wmi'MeCargo's b c Wali j, terL, by Fylde, dam by ! r Charles 4 years old, ' I I D. if Wadde'U's b f by Fyldcl i ! dam by Archie, T Major DoswellTs br f Emii lyj Booker, by Stajidardi dam hy Contention, 4 years i old, !. ; j John! P White's b h Je rome, by Lnzbnrnugh, dam by Charles o years old, Time, 3 52-3 523 53. $200 -two, i 1 . mi trunaffa of lha FcrutiA. ihiK nn tnJ MkttfM it. .i .;m kJ vJA.W.' independence of thought or action, and as the Dolitieal mtmrAn r 1 l: ! j ' t I Kllirh. tllPf hllinff HMlrn,Ar an m,ns nttK. I !!....... I. :ll i psriicaiiriy amoag nm vrigintu i, irnua-wiuio i r t . -"o Vv;ivii. o win qd seen luat il t me eteverua nour aamirers-oi pauem 400 oacneo 1 :.. icciivm tKmuii ifni iwn 01 ine lionveraativ rr.n v7i viwq ncflgm inu uiuugn.uoijm a ibwi uwi.- 1 hw imm iih hi ubuii ruiuicssuB9 01 I ine V nig 11 t. I hS mav he U inf mat and dtsresDeetful manner. iKven lie neffru 1 venerea nrn. Anil mftmt having can it,. o..w n.l- ' " i.i u I'J- IJ..T... V . . ... muu-treasury is concerned, r.l mm 1 1 11 1 ik uwiiiihi b-iii mumw Hun awn linn nam. mmtm I . j , v . . l . b" ; - -7 . tt .t t i '7,r scrubbed, scraped and curried down the oncon 1 ate of the U States! humbled and degraded The worst that can happen in the et 7 U11? Pfcdenfa feet by. the; Expunging yet to come, will still leave an or c TCIOUSOeMl. 1UO llHnD,NIBBWIIII S1HHIN, O.-J,.,: nA it. ir,tt..c . - Z-- II THE NEXT CONG IESS. . e 1 r 4 i'I-.H li 1 .! : I. :ii;3; 1. Third Day: mm f ! 1 Cotton bag Hale rope, VVhtskey 6 Wool, AW. 3 Naife cut assor. 71 a 9 .l0i:i2i-r 1 wrou ght 16 a 1 8 a. 25 0t9 bushel' ' I : ! 's 50 ,xtM.2;oLgal' V:'j 75 a $1 lamp i 1 ,tu Urtseed 1 10 a 1 25 6 a 8 .Clfcl A CASE' OF TIU DOLOREUX. Mr. J E 'Juh'nsou, wife of Capt. Joseph Johnson, of LyncjMass wss seyeiely afflicted fur ten years with j Tie Dolereox, violent pain in her head, and vomiting, with a burning heat in the stomach, and unable to leave her room. She could find no felief from the advic of ae eral physicians, oujr from medicines of any kind, ontil after she had commenced using Dr Evans medicineof 100 Chatham fltreet, and from that time she began jto amend, and feels satisfied il she continue the j medicine s few days longer, will be perfectly cured. Reference can be had as to the truth of the above, by calling at Mrs Johnson's daughter's Store, 389, Gisnd street, IN x. Ppik; looibs tyoyf ljtl7iRif!l001bss?5i a;$6T abush8HtjSrtgar lb :10a 12 a $3 'fterir;,.4(Qra445w . -ybush " r $1 'on Uoibs ! 61Sieei; Amer. 10 a 12i kitii m l W-A English ; ; j 3. ; 1 4 j 50) German 12 a 14 jsifliTea jinpe.81 js 9137 Ml 1 ii 1 50 111 III MOUNDED sbouVthd last W (jciirr from the subscriber i at that tWIfijsidiig in jSrokes Codr.ty, N. liiHaVmy Negro man v iJ or Itearsiif agte, and of a verv bright I tU. :i ? X; te. i ' .1. t - . sase, is pounds. his less l.rfc -ih'ishMjqiad)f hair, a thin- v m built njiighi; from 1135 to. 140 a very; iirgei scar jon one ot thS ankle!biievld to be on the right leg. below the' elbow oc- Hts heels have been frosted. rtibyllBrni W fUrjr iffss-4 If f fears span them.l Cell ICP Mrs Anne F. Kenny No 115 Lewis street between Stab tori and Houston sis , afflic ted for tea years wtb the following distressing symptoms : Acid jerucialion, daily spasmodic paius in ine bead, loss of her heart, giddiness of appetite, palpiiation of aitfl dimness ot ssaht.could not lie 00 her rightjaide iisturbed feslitler in ability of engaging in! any thing that demanded vigor or courage, sometimes a visionary idea of an aggravation of her disease, a. whimical:aver I'. t H Jocky Club Purse 5004-thiiee mile teatsl . ' ' ' . ' : i Johii 3 Corbin'a b c Bandit, I by !Lzhoroiigh,(lam bv Vir- ' gima, 4 years old, 3 6 i ;1mI 1 uifjj'8 otr vviiiiam 4 years ,t .oldl r Wis- i . 31 2 Col. B C Willis. Col J C. Gioson's h e Dandridge. by Garrison's Zinganee, da m by I Lafayette, four years Ol4 . , li ! - - Col. Thompson's rh m Rwe- na, by I irooleon, out; of Ladn. 5 years old, Majol Thomas Dosweil's ch c Buk, by Standard, 5 years Col. J P White's gr c Bendi- g:ffj by, Timoleon, f dam by Chgrlef , 4 years old, i j 1 1 me, 5 52 5 515 kftiltM kt. 14 aJ ami.ntr - .nrl ' ftr 1 lr n I mm t OilUT ma, uviiim cwuiik, aauu ; aw is. i . . ' ' m trr 'nirne.hmint mwih nrarrwrstiM ' Snr. 1 "V - wufc w, kmi i9icuj, U9 mv fice loVsay, that be gave lull prjof of his high 'vru particular pleasure iio see ait metal as Fordham had done ; while poor Carry, I Kives i asserting and maintaining in that bo I The political character of the next ( men aimer, uui tor nor jeeoienosa, iwuuiu . noi i uy, uis tfwn iuuepuueuce 01 executive COO I gress. may DOW be l regarded as dec nave larnea ao rar oenioa f aa o oia in Doia i trot. and. aitntr aametime. the imlptwndpnr. l n.n.atr.. n i(.a .H;n; .1 heata. ! I be third heat Drought op the steeds, I ih rfmnit and li ;...t ...lUrii.. f k. Li:..:... tri . rubbed dry, and glossy and shining as bright 'as Am ZlJt a' C' 17 Lr" "!. . 1 ' ' Vl" " MS .7 .V "Wfc r": ,r.r' r ll .B Mrfet Vmll. hsl iiul 1 IiAkH 1 . , t.--', iw iruccui I.KifiURB' lailtIB t(lU8 SO I&r lue ClCt i throu striped shot ahead. In fact. Fordham. though aPa lulJS 1 am even disposed to admit it Iffew Congress. Last Con . ...... i ' - i . I i . .-1.1 . . . , ' 'i - I rf- the atari of all three was perfectly lair, took lhe Paniai aionemeai ior qis concurrence in Wfilg, Locolo. Whig Locuf lead frun the very jump, and so kept it "mcun- I ine tvapfingin Kesoiuiioa. tie is now an 1 17 States be- 110011?" uutil in the lasuoile and on the very I oMnct of persecution to the faction whose I fore oublish encnanteo rtsing grouno olore notea-op cajne baleful power he has contributed toestahlish: ed. . fi2 . I. . J J .. .1U ... i-.i..' I . .- ' i t--- i I iiir ouwHiieu aiiu uuu iicui-X iuulPWiw if I anri I tin ritilli htnn. In miK ho hnnnr, V..n . O ur.i w . .nn au i niniinnpii in m rMi mai t raiai. I . '. j. . - . . w uiucicui view iroin mine oi ine presem state of politics. , But so long aa Mr Rives holds Van Buren majority in the last Con gress in 18 States, Whig majority in same nor, pace. gijiry, and amidetibe shoots of some 20 or 30.s 000, took the purse of ftMOUU. 1 he nm bat i i- ' T a . 01 78 12 00 C5 8 73 r - lo was 7m : 49.; st-cond, Aid. 10s ; third, 9m l 4s. I himsell wholly uncommitted on the subject Tiflrolssi slow unning. -irhe ira k was in ex- I of the Presidential election, I cannot, in eel lent order. The sweepsfskes, mile; heals, 1 honor slid conscience, commit myself to the 2; 2 1 I 1 1 4 dr. followed and the following is the result: Wm H J one's b c by Rotvan. J. H Vanmater's gr cby -Mont E- clife,?- j I . I i i Ru. L. Stevens' b f bv Emelius, Tiro, 1 53 1 58. it f. I UNICN COURSE. Thikd Da v. I Purse 300-fTwo mile heats. Mr. R ! Johnson's Rckerj J. H. V-nmater's Clarion J Bathgate's vyalf rloo, : 'I': - cc i m s. ' J 1 ; t t ime o aa a 3 i Purse $500 Three mile heats : J 1 i ! t ! 1 S v'2 2 13 Nett Whig gain. The following States are yet to c!. utterly insignificant and inconsequential to I and their representatives stoud thus i. support of Mr Rives. At the same time i am aware that my support or opposition is i a.i i 3 l R4 him and every body else but myself. While the doctrine .stands admitted, that lhe President is entitled by the constitution to the custody of. the public treasure, it is. in my bumble opinion, a question of com- parative insignificance, whether the system ill I oi suD-ireasunes, or ine seieci siaie nana i :: I , ' " sn a ' . .a ". j . " ' 2i 2 i sysiem, wiin general or special neposiies, r 3 dr. I skj other scheme . for keeping tbe public treasure; which the wisdom or tbe ingenui ty of the Executive can devise, shall be a- j dopted ; for, in effect, the custody of the last, Congress: ' hig, . Alabama, 2 Indiana, . 6 ", Kentucky, i 12 Maryland, 5 Mississippi, ! ; 2 North Carolina," 8 Rhode Island, 2 Tennessee. 10 H. Vanmiiler's Trenton. 1 L. Stevens': Tornado, f 2 broke down tk dis public money will still be in tbe fresidenl 3 broke down & dis stone, i II is the doctrine itself, which it be hooves the people, to explode and condemn. ss the most false, the most impudent, and 1 States to choose, the most dangerous, of all executive pie- McDaniel'sjVashii, Time. 5 57 -5 59. I i FLORIDA. ! i We; have the pleasure of lay ingbefore our I tensions; RECAPITULATIIY. ! ; .-:fi',Wf)ig.':; Already elected M ' 91 i 47 138 Loco Fr 3 1 ,1 3 0 G 0 o u 17 Loco Fc CO 17 107 I I po rewJers in connection with lhe news from Florida, a letter from our oorresp ndeni. BOSTON THE VICTOR AGAIN t Weparn from the Spirit of il il.-i .ti T." . O !. : tllHi till : i 5 1 ra' ; ' ne (1i imee ttraijdr il is Jprobable that i he may be rjMuM4aStboughany persons believe pWtajei Ott by jsl white man, named f Hi Voahffi who left the neighborhood about M titoeibrtndna. ; I will i git- a re FtyMlirsid any lone who j will de-?i?-n!iW hr- 'BViwk Neal in Camp- :tWV. prlwhb will confine him in jail, r?tlftrw'fif mi . poeion: ' ' I j ' " Vl: V URiqHAjRD OVKIISTEET. r NfCajnrllciy,Va, r ntt? nil? fc-s i-'--; ,.h:, M ';- Iiy"5TO!taee:rtaia itate f thjs mind, r npattteii Iby lindigestton, jwheiein the rVMfPPdea upon the; slight ir. ,"Wf1aQri consequences imagined. it'? -Hiteis supposed tbisl jdisease hv,l T'pf!t-ttujr cpiia nypuenoixjria.wh ich 'SH left idr irat cav- WPm H n& hjrod,ondtia8i8.i !IP rl31 8? 10 PlomsUre flatulen ;,.4c. bliwels.- acrid ! erustions tjpPWipaws. giddiness, Idimnefcs iiiil WMmStiad of lea' an fitter iinbiliiv Ifoii !lMtl'nlaPm Aov s Object ;f im- ! "Sfgiogin any thing that de ii.B risre. 'Also langoidoess ?piuauie, inuugnuui, depond- SSU Uetected.aecumnan ed with it- h- nervous svsW- ; -overwhelmn 51 ?tj e Four Mue R4eei on FrdAvk over "ton to particular peraons and places; groundless iheJTfenton Course, for &1500. (500i to apprebepsions or persons! danger and . p.veriy, the!2.y best,) ws won ly H -t r; in twi! an irksomeness and weariness .f life. disconten iA UMt... n...,..i. J.... v..l..:f -n" J J j t - I s a . I - e- a- k oiui n rt aj f ffeiMl : 1 a III ti lawi . iilenitianlnlA tn I flawaarv aim hi rvtfsaifit: eliA t i 9 1 . c9 f "M-t conceived sbexioold neiiberdie norli?e;sbe wept, I .ft- . . lamented, desponded, : and i bought she .. fed a most miseraoie nre,! never was one so bad, witb fieqoent menial i hallucinations. ' . Mr Kenny Kad'the advice of several eminent physicians, snd had recourse to numerous medi cines, bul could not obtain even temporary: alle v ration ot her distressing slate till ber husband irsuaded ber to make trial of my mode of treat . 8he is new qaile relieved, and finds herselt notH)oly capable jofjatiending la her domestic f airs, but avows that she enjoys as good healih at present as she. did at any period of hef exts tence. r ... ;1 . ; - . - . ,-jVi. J. Kenny, hosbaod. of the aforesaid AnnA Kenny. . j iVa tonal Gazttts i- 3 ! I regard thrreFTential election as in 1 To acure a majority in the HMse, t truth the only important question, the great Loco FocosJ must gain sixteen mem! question, of national interest, which involves I clear, Where will 'thev get them ? L. and absorbs all others, m the present junc-1 ther Post, tell us where f iur or -anairs joining, in roy sense, or tilings,' fan stop, or even check, the trsnsi tion of the federal government into a mere elective monarchy, and a monarchy elective through the instrumentality of the roost ms . mi i y-A i . t .iJesiiD'ini vs nere were carr.aes on tf, g ; , if ruinl: and Mintaniiani n.. .m. im !l ""r T r " " '"r1'""" iiliyfd the WU,BW Va PUVVI.IVIBl ' ; 4 I !. I J 'SI 1 THE RACfi. fThe quesuon- is,--Are the Seminole sitirete? or has noA a kenlle zotivr wait to them the fragrance of the ; delicious nds provided by thei 'humane ! General, they merely called.fn tof regale them- ves before harvest? 1 1 am itit lined to hcheve they have. They cajoled General itgnaut taction and the loulest corruption. ike mannerTaVid even agreed up- but the dismission oi our present rulers liirried terms of rapitulatidul tThiy I from the public councils ; snd confidence " ! . " . i V I ! a . M . a ' r . a same srame with Ueneril ITay- iorevei j ruiera.1 can mem. ior mey are our lor; 1 opine thauaa thetr planting opera- masters in laci, woaisoever tney ougnt tone lions Have been dndisiubed4they are bit in) theorjt j and bard masters too, who rosin- setking lime to mature their crops, and o aM a no pay ine airav oi panizsnson wnicn The: iVctr rbr iSfar j gives thelfollowli gei lhem in. when the interesting j farpe if tbey depend for power by openly snd avow- ero: 1836. : 1 V wd ff visitors from the southj apd i citi zens, whom the . cars, availing thembeives 8wdin before mei this 14th day of December, J of )hepne weather, took up by thniisand; carrying on one tup aione, u is sai.t IfUU persons, ana maaing tnsi nay at least, up JCPREM ARKABLE CASE OF ACUTE T I ' f ; ' ' RHEUMATISM( i.h an . Affion of the ?f 8f SOOO. The a-me and mce musi ustc y,ca nc rni o in"1, Keepera oi me stands which swarmed with heads, n lar'se portion of them ladiesi while the! grounds witntnprte rouise disported numerous1 ele sant vehicles. Th mnfts saa. prV fvii. Shiest i roMion, theC tongue tjnthWs well aa the appearance along whiteness ; loss of -appetite, tLf ri Jrl !f . m.-w j i L Jd, the bowels commanlvT se' St;f?Jd of:f bl,pk oitude seated on the hg: acioont f the great race which ! came I hide & seek will be again performed before edjy dealing put the honors and emoluments offiovir-the Union Course onf Tuesday! it is laid aside! for another novelty.! You oiyffice,withouiihe least regard to any merit last r i i s - M ; I ll mav depend the country issickrof appro-1 but party zeal -and party, services., in one :. - . V f f i i I mt . ; m, - a-I. t i . 1 . - . . ' Tlie great four mile match jraeej over nnktions in this quarter, and as Coneress instancejatl lesst (and i believe in many .lTK: , 4 IL J.J il. a . . ..: -' ,1, je . 1 . 1 ' ' -z ' I - ine. uiuod vnuree-1 i., came on ypsie-4 nnqs mat an inuian nsr requinng an an J..I- Li- i I JTi i' 'T- ! -J ! .I..' ?.! a- -tl- uay very oanusomeiy, oeipre an immense Looes cored I under ibe treatment of EVANS', 100 Chatham: sireet, New York. Mr Benjamin S Jar vis, IS Centre at fewarB,ii. J., amicted for four years with severe pains in alt his joints, which were always increased 00 ine sunniest preserved a steady v -au ma iicsw. assv? lAivrie vuiuuiunil wc 1 l a e . i- i ' 1 ly costive; the brine high coloured and , often ? fn1 af ineoPn .car "ppearedi jctovijig nrofncA Btisiiin nn,itn4.H da t.luf v Tk. i. . I Wtin In ODnreCeaented VelrifilV i '., 1 ' bove symptoms were also attended .with eonaid-1 - i be! horses Were already! mounted when erable dirEculiy of breathing, with a 1 sense of I we arrived at the nick of time. Mr! Heth's t lrrhlnAc ,irma thai lil-caia rwrm.m XT - t l ,i ' " ! . (. :a3 '3 1 ; - w...- .M.p ' , M '.La m a . : J .... t v I , . : - J t -'.: :l ? v. fi' j3iu. ana mere; remained bnt three rOxfaU chit v. .... .:...,.,P,Wwn. I"'"' irlu""u I dren of the mnenal hmmehnlH l?ii;-- , f w uvapw 1 ".T isuioy quarrel inr l rapK nei ween the royal blood of a father!' w aod a perfect cdre efiected by Dr Wm Evans H I Jbknj. j jarvis Cify of JS tvi .Ferlrjs, here ihleresi. as DQtti " .-: : j r IB , . . .. .. Benjamin Jart1 ' ?hiaT rfolw' wmn. rfml. 1 OSU made his "proudest triumDhs " pose and say j thai the facts siated in lhe a-1 tyf ?Y -.tuff,; created teivafod ootp ctmnciite, suoscr!Deox dt ram, are n ail ;f f fferp 10 UiVHie I equally t in respects true; j Y ..KfcN I. b J AUVIS, F .rdhlm and Jnh.: wl.iia Prfrlini 3TurD Df?iurtF.,'nie. in is zom oinffmiifr iHh. 1 ... s . i- i i t - : , j . - 1 nn erx aaiiti I2SWIISvsbi anil miani iaia a i iBBff sjLfta it'S SAB sail ite a memorial; of iler contend with the hroad haHnrhes snd firm set shoulders wHich lier U'itU'A I ..... ! a I J..S f.-i me evidences I i !' V - 1 sa n WILLIAM SAUL,' No..., Poblic. 96 plied,,ro,rt , Jj Soi 6, Me; bfiirlen ffM J' ?( GEORGE V.BROtrAr Salisbury, JV. C. hJXln V 1 V',.,WU,H JO.V JVO..i Afiraer A. 7 htel trfn hnr "tn iodispuinh . j?.vnb.snv Cnmj.n m n "I W'jr high extraction. FordhattiU rotle " j'? ' suipea vesuuioR tne;leau ul the, first beat, and so kept iu worrying much 'it the bit and fxtigninhimseli logo E.JOHJSr tWGGlArS, Columbia; S C. W M. MJSOJY, & Co,RaUiehtmK. C. Jtfoy 10, 18SJy4t more) an officer, after bavins received and nual expenditure, of three to five millions, appropriated public money to hisown use, wil, not be sustained bj the people, they hss been Knowingly permitiea to retain ois wilf appropriate at oncef enough ;to over- office, and enjoy the spoil, in order to secure come the whole eountryi t wenty or tnir. ine countenauce w uh ou ju uisineuus iv, thousand men judiciously employed mav support ;of the sdministratlon; sad the Cab terminate the difficulty ;jbut a. less ndmber wt Minister, who was President Jackson's cannot. Let the whole force commence t instrameht in thtsjjrpss snd indecent abuse the Georgia line and swfep souinsnd ev oriLxeciitive patronage, is .u.ii rresiaem ry thing in the shape of Indians, Horsw, Buren's Secretary of the Treasury. Corrup Caulej Sfc. must be diiveo tb the jumping tion is raising her bead without shame, with- off place. i -.A. H ! I out ieer,und (soiar as me oominam isciiod General Taylor baring been especially and the reigning dynasty is roncerbedjwitb- ssstgned by the Secretary of War tb the I oat reproach. The stimulus to the agrarian cornimnd ir Fiomh.Gcn Blacomb has d. spirit administered by the government at clined to relieve him tinlil the Secreisry f s Washington, jhroogh alljis organs the cry The Gen. ib chief has of the poor "gainst the rirb,wbirb has been gathered some caution since General Tay wilfully and successfully tsised the clam lor checked bis interfereice as yoo; will or against all indepeodeiiceiq tbe admin- H'-'VllIi IIC lUIIUCI kailCW NIB ' UIUCII )M I IMIIIIVU ,ia.., w w w i - . . - -I' - I EI . : . " . I - I v 'M li Memorandum Indeed the question may 1 to an ssssu ton ine principle or property j . j Florida! Tbos have we spent 20 n. with much propriety be asked, why it wis those .Hsffusnng professions of ulta-democ- Mhti, and lost brtdrels of valaatia in that, General Taylor, who was on the! spot racy, louder snd Jpuaer, at ways, in propor aad Had oorseivee preciwij u o , and well skilled to Indian diblomkerl wis tioo to their conscious insincerity- snd tbe ! led f me seoiino'es nsve fa u , ; . L . B . 5 at w . . Z t ! k - . L ' ' !. ... . jt . .1 ' Amt.m 1 1 jlaffl Irttl . Im 11)11 T not fnyested with the plenipotentiary -po tuf ol these odious and ,.nonest sr ; ; -f- grieVVocel which r era eoniened up.n General Macomb r, Gao these are symptom oi oegcnrr.noB how any one tell I Jutr latter cornel at the orir republican institutions, the nature snd eleventh hour. oL.thed with the do mo and tendencies of wbich are not to be mtstaken 1 ! ! . . . i L .Li.l l L 1..L.I..I,.. u. .t. circumstances ol, a ciiieitain,; uispensesnia i or anv iniii wiH-tiru.www ura gracuis rue in to bis jru V guefits wiva lention 10 ine "isirr oi iob prticsi think bjmlVaUice brother, v bemuse ffe I downfalllof repaMiean gvernments. And gives t?od rum.' and aiiould iiis 4liptomi- unieiui ih prartiee of these arts 4ran be sig- cy succeed, will go. ho4e irownrd with the never fading laurel f having eitnin td i twenty millions wsr, whdsl General Tavlur who is really entitled i siac cre it, will share the fate of his .illuatrious : One of Ibe most glaring and objociional! .-1 e cimena of Eseeuttvs interference with t freedom of Electjons,, that we have ever ' seen, is to be found in Me Globe of Thur last, in which the Attos2vet Genes 4L cf t United S'ates appears under hia own rr:. t propria persona, as the writr of an elect i eenng paper intended the Ten n-!Prt cm! wrrnen anoseni'zeo oi inai oiaie, i used in tbe political contest now going on in and published now for tbe benefit of the j .' generally. -This article is ai elaborate vir : tion or tbecondoer or iir van uaren during t latewar, and a laooored attempt to have I- war democrat." If lhe duties of Mr Grun aAaa' Bva t Ik m wm 9 ftirtn aas f txr K iH vS a r. . t t -, SJ AAA I VI SUV IIIVI uiaiivo vm u .4Jti'- handsome salary, are so light as to enable f to devote much of his lime to interfere with the elections fo ibe states, the cur; svtioa ooght to be decreased. At any rate, had tbsoght that Mr Grundy, now that ho h -. coneed ia a comfortable berth, Wuild have t . in miiul h!i nvn fmrm inMtfh. in uhir'i said that be never saw sn office boldrr I with elections, thai he did not think that ! rtkiinffiM hnAt 1 ra fTMir mnrrnpfl Vki il ! bread and butter than his country.' Jihic .l Gazette. ... f - From the Lynchburg Virgin lan f fd Gen. Macomb has reiurni-d to Wt " ingtoti from Florida, with bis brovte b ond v. i a... .1.11 . U1I il f ..'((nra airr ' ' iu-iiiHtu wvviii ii r-vinun No: thai will- not d; for be has achieved victory. What tbn ? Why, be has rer ed tbe Indians io d pfHrtsely what tney t have done from the beginning that is it::.: where they are, and kill no more cf t! white brethren. The object of the war n t exfel them from Florida : ibe war 'is ended' . arelold : and lbs basis of the negotiation, if r ffotiation it may be called, ie, thai hey der the present AdmioUtration sa jaktly c: ; nlar. T3 The President is now preparing f.r electiuoeeriny loor tbis.aommer. He vu!i r. some time daring the present month, fi.r - tugs Spriog8,osieosily for ibe purpose ei j bag ot patting pred ecestors. Thus waa the wo Id. ift&m tit" jNiriin? II, IIICW ilWiU v - j-; mm w , :,K 1 i ,-- 1,1 ,,l!inl. purling in nouoa inevevro - or by compolsioo, is the leader or tbe tool, ; fli. jCtzt svmmer. h will make a 6c bfj lhe faction which porpoae. ro'htr . one shall cease to have any tjope of tbe Re-1 oow a days, however, aboui Tra ivellic -1 public Mtt fine, I must insist; ihat EJr Rives iaets. Lnchlttry Firz r-: !l . i , ! 5 its r f CM Is- i i