- ; - ; ' " ; Published eveiry-Friday, by- HkiiLTdjN jones, , edItor proprietor. W MCDILI3 ETdD, 4 fee lidi'" i1 1 ! i i i t Ji iOF THE . Mivp.iraajr. Iiereaner . bp had lor; I DuW44W f ijf Ceo per year. I . fkmMJXie whole um at one payment, t il! . t- Jl&M &l n'tfilhr'-nne-'vear at Two Dof - 11 i?: p; i a ad ratice iUie sum of 4,fftt vyill berweiTed for essihan jlilefpjilf.'uMessUarreargeaare M v ' th e UEB Uor most be pos a44lfc'li willcertainly botbeat- mwmMvmi. v.,; P0m imreforlhejirsl insertion ; F iir it ifN'kf ftV il Jf J : b ; cJi a r ged , percent ilt tijflih'fpeTfates. A dedctipn of linVwr&t-- price8 wil be n of less T. IV- B r ." i 1 I' I r - -II il :y felt on til orders f'f.pr phemhe'r e iio!;(l Ir ectloos ii - " 8 MK5 ai70 USBURY, iijdn;'WiP:' (r Ibt 0 it-mi Cents; 55 a 60 1 8 aO 25 a 30 iVIolasses, Nails, Oats, Pork, K SO Suffar. br. 10 af12 ;. loaf, 18. a 20 Salt, ..$l;54 Tatlowv 10 a 12 Tobacco, 18 a 20 To-linen, 1C a r20 Wheal, (bushel) $1 the judgment exhibit an infinite dirersity. The wisest and best of men are as open to this afflic tion as the weakest. - . ' ! : i i L- . ) l T CAUSES. - - '- ".11" A sedentanr ltfs of an? kind, especially i se vere st udy prut ratted to a late hoar in the night, ?nd tarely relic ed by social intercourse, or ex ercise, a di8so!ot1ejh8bity great excess in eating and drioking, fhol imrnoderate use of mercary, violent purgatives:, the sappression of some ha bitoal discbarge, (as, the obstruction of i he men ees, or long cuu liooal eroption ( relaxation 4 or bfibility of one pt more tmporttot organs within the abdomen, is i'jfrfqaent causes 4 1 ..yr'-: k,V- - atATMEKT.'. '.' v j v,;rj The principal objects of treatment are, to re 1 move indigesiionl; io strengthen the body, and to enliven the spirits, which may be promoted by exercise, eailf ihqars, , regular meals, and pleasant conversation. 1 he bowels (if costive a beingcarefaliy iregqUned by the occasional ; use of a rniiu apeneci.;, e Know : ooioiog oviier calculated to obtain this end, than Dr.LWilliam Eransl AperititpHs-bing mild and ceriain in theii oneiationj The bowels being ones cleansed, his inestimable Camomile Piilst(which .. i ill. "i . . is. i : "iSi.. are ionic, aoouyne, ana anu-spasmoaic are - an infallible remedy and withoat dispute bay.e proved a great bljessing o the numerous poblio . Some phf8ieiajnT have recommended ; a free use of mercury, bu it should not be resorted to ; as in many cases tl will greatly aggravate s ine symptoms. cfe,:i: rjiiila.i3j mm il lilriitoj Whiskey, 45 a 50 Wool,(clean) 40 TTEVILLE. ! 00 1 Molasses, 85 a 40 Nails, cut, . .7I a 8 Sugar brown, 8 a 12 Lump, ! ! lti Loaf, ; 18 a 20 I Salt,- - x lh a 90 f Sack, $21 a $2 75 Tobacco leaf fi a 10 Cotton baa. 36 s 20 I a 32 rJCfia 11 2T Bale rope tlPljSa 45 a 0 '.. ; i; : Is Wheaf ; 1 25 Whiskey Wool, 8a 12 a 1 35 00 a 50 20 a 25 3 L i. if: it ' EltAW.. 7J a 9 wrought 1G a 18 h fifa'tSjNails' cut assbr ti llp Oats: tyishel lamp a 50 7$ a Si $125 ltoe lb 1;01 I li nseed 1 10 a 1 25 001 bs 00lbs$5i 45 1 1 bush $275 tujMMif igb Steel Anier. 10 N3C-. ,4.5i;f50 j; 6 a 8 10ai2 $3 .$1 12J 14 German 12 a 14 ea;iinD8i a $ 1 37 J ast of "4WtlW "-He subscriber St that sui n g i n i one 9 :y ou r. ty , J( T Is 1 -3 . J .S '. A ' . - - WJK mWW and of a very; bright t;iiif:Uja::8koemaker' k-y traded has yj hsKfi)ilaj othiir, a'thtn fisage is u: 'ii mm ana wehs! frooa 135 to 140 punds. It v. .vi,ay.ery.are scar on one of his legs ankfeVbtifieved to be on the right i leg. rt f jffeh rm josi beljw the elbow oc- m mfymi9 Ms have been frosted. vnwryin43leftjscars;epon IheraTHCul WilJris" probable that ;g u,funougn many persons be "HSWywfTiby iahite inao, ;fm MwWti thVneio:hborhood t ikm r'3Kvriiati.iU'iV4nW'':in. .ri... .in' i,l JeWfi? tear Brook. Neal in CampU Iff tSf fnfi'-ehim fa jail, i.ear Ulakely. he may b lieve named about is.- wm eive i a re ?ead Ae foltoiping interesting and as- 1 tantshing facts: f 1 J t3 ASTH M A 1 'I ! H U ri K V E A US' ST A N D -ING. Mr Rbbert Monroe, Schuylkill, afflicted with tbe above distressing malady. Symptoms: Great langot r j flatulency ,'distorbed rest, ner yous headache, rfjAicultf of breathing, tightness and stricture across the breast, dizztoesss, oer voos irritability an4 restlessness f could not lie in a borizintal1Klsion without the seosation of impending suffocation, palpitation of the brari, distressing ruoght.rcs'iveness, pain of the stom ach, drowsiness, jgrfat debility and deficiency iif the nervous energyl Mr RMnro4 gavef up eyery though tof jrecovery. and tlire despair "iat n the couutenanef jof every person interested in his existence or happiness, till 'by accident he notieed io a public! pa pr some cures effected iy Dr Wm EvA;Nj- MEDICINE In his com plaint, which induced him to purchase a pick age of the Pifis, Which tesalted in completely removing eyery symptom of his disease. He wishes tosav his motive for this declaration; is, that thosft afflictek with the same or any symp toms similar io.;thbsei from which be is happily Mrs. Susan D. Pendiet0D3 ' "! k III ! Milliner & Jattuiamaner Near tiik , Apotcecaby HE Sobscriber informs the public, ttiaj ansi : has last receiyea - inroaga -iub ;xiorHeiii ities the latest and most approved f l ill 4 t LOKDON & PAIIISIAN PASII0Sj W And is prepared to execote orders in I hej ;mosi stjlish and satisfactory manner. - As tf the Joanj ner of her woik, She would appeal to svra La; jjesfof this cotjamonitywhojhaye lWljrrid ork done by heir and JMilliners in-PhJadlphia. fi Work! sent from a distance jshall be; carefully nht on and torwardei. , .L-i-J.-,,iU:i?i J '.. s r t '"7T- v GP-01E7SR, ASD 'I'M' ; iDI7pi Br.W.ARD LHX2TKT UfeOTHERf. mVi additional MracUons'j i . ..r.fi-.... J r , Tbe present namb?r jploses the first v&lamef of lha jBili Grower and .ijre" now taie iflie popnorW ulf io return our thanks to thosej kind friends wbo have so UWally, patronized j est t sic cets( of trfe work - has fexceededi-odr. ?riosi san gui&e anticipatbns, and will cause us to spire.no labor or . expense ' whatever to make the- K ! From the Raleigh Register. - O U R UN 1 VERS IT Y.; thoroughly disciplined by. the labort : ? a Collegiate course, and of beirr rreri' . There was quite a literary CarnWaUt Chap- "'WTerti parts w ue grcit t. el ! Hill, last. wmU, and as we happened to be 1 ru c ni-. . , t r a looker on at Venice- we shall briefly state the ti Ti jf C . M inni. I,. .I..":"'?- . Curke, Joha I' Rarksdale.cf UuU.erf "i. : k- --.. ,--. B ! V I liniwn. of Caswell. Jarvis FatettevilK Richard S Doinell. rf C'r hirthj. It was tne. Annual Uommencement of )he College, and we wilf premise that the Exer cises were attended by a v.ery nomerous audito ry, frrabracing some of the most distinguished citiz-ns of the State, among whom were all the jiving Ex Governors of North Carolina, with one exception; and; (what was much more im portant to the the proportioa D. D. Fen?bee,f Corrttuck. JoJ.o L. H of Nashville, Tenn. James H Headen, t f ham, Walter A Husketof Fajettevil!?, us Jones, of Wake. Anaus C McNeill. f eson, Thomas D Meares, of Wilralr 't f9. V TilUn -t r i i . yoargentlemen of the College) the Degree of Bachelor of Arts , of the fair sex, who -racd the te, - ' Scholarship $. P PENDLETON. i EC? lA few Bonnets, Caps; Tcfbans, and ojther articif. will b kept on band for sale. , Salisbury, June 14; 1839. j - .j restored, may benefit. ": ." ike wise : receive the inestimable M t I ' A CASE (jFfTIC DOLOREUX. j ! Mrs. J. E. Jcihnpnii. wife of Cant.! Joseph Johnson, of Lni ijtlass was sevetely afljicted for ten years with Tic Dolerenx, violentpajiri in her head,nd Ivomiting; with a burning heat in the stomacb aliB onable to leave hej' roiobl She eould find .no! relief from the advice t)f sev eral physicians, npr jftom medicines of any kind, until after ahe had commenced usinu Dr Evans medicine of 100 Chatham street, and from that time she began tJ amend, and feels satisfied if she continue ttie imidrcine a few days longer; will be perfectly pitted. Reference can be had as to the troth of thie abiive, by calling at Mrs Johnson's daughter's Store, Sb9 Gr?nd street, M--V- - -ii -1 ; .-.N- - . i -v.:"--; I. ', rj fflHE Semi-annual meeting of the .6aWjfea pi Cpunty Temperance SocJeiy will be held IM the Presbyterian Churehjlft! the townljf Cvn clird. -oti vThuiSdav ! 25th I Julv. it beins the ffrorsday after the J lily Coort of saiid fcoujty. 'Him Rpv'd D A Pn irk will address IPareit is : Iho Rey'd P A Stnibel will .address trief Voing arto uen. ram oarringer i iauuirastic twpui berswf the Temperance Society,' on hii Jies connected with the Tern perace rtiforria. IV.he cHizpnrlof the cuuntv are res&ecilullf.ijetieafp- i . ; i. : ' -'. " . '- T :m -i esll solicited ti attend. CONQ VOLUME hterestingto the SILK Trf w lne,l Pp58". TM ona3ay ! The ftrsl distinction in J - l. r - . - - . J o imhirlo t iki, ihI.mbIiii. ..1.1 I f" .... ' THDUSAIVD COPIES EVERY .MONTH I ...v...-.xpua1M,nw idqi KS Dine landD D Ferebee. to sibcr bers residing id ail parts of the Union U Fa" "a ,mHrou !e ! ,ee"n?. which ;Tbe Honorary Decree of Master cf A and from the contmufid demand for 11, bo doubt I u f , iae conferred on the following genilemen. V'!' ' . . I rf itiA InttilHimn ! In.., W n . " J , . -w-'wi.w .... . un ..oinn w WMa- " 9 a . A . i ' ' . .. TL ,A J 1" "X I UIIUU IU l IICIi Vl VUI LIC I . J t tl, eTen.ng oi tnursnay. wn londay evening Smith of FaS.ttilI- Hrt,a T. T? uu2 gruiiviuen sneciea irom inn hrihm,n i r...:n urn- r. ri j-.i.: j ti. . - .1 "r."""; I vrraaviue, v 411am r, uona. 01 uert if y,wcM uueuTOuiP.uDjecyi spectnec, Vix ? I G ah am Toll. M. D of ICinoretnnJ J.ihn s ! is entertained that the patronage will -be ed in a few cronths at least fourfold. : We have placed in the hands French translator, morethan increas- as; bfi an eminent July !5' JAS. 449 E. MOHRISONi EMAimNG in the Pi Office .'ord,.N.C, 1st July 1839. ECPMrs Artndfi Kenny; No 11 3 Lewis; Street between Stanton and Houston sis afflic ted for tenjears wtSrCtbe following distressing symptoms : Acid eructation, daily .spasmodic pains in the head j loss of appetite, palpitation of of her heart, giddiness ahd dim'ness otsight,could not lie on her right side, disturbed rest,, otter in r ability of enzasrinz lin an? thins that demanded viguf orcouraget sjqnjetimes a j-.visionary 'Idea jlof an aggravation of nej disease,' aVhimsical aver4 .ron to particular pefsons and places, groundless apprehensions of personal danger and poverty, an irksorneness and wearinesa of life, disconien-: ted, disquietude od eSjery slight occasion, she conceivedshe could njeitherdie norhvejshp we)l, lamented, despini ed, and thought she led a most miserable life ', njever wasone so bad, with fieqnent menialh:irljcinaHohs. : 1 r ;' cMr Kenny had - H4 advice of "several eminent physicians, and had recourse to numerous medi qines, but could no obtain even temporary alle viation of her drst essing state, till her husband persuaded heir to make trial of. my mode of treat ment. i i-vjl ,".-; ;. ": ' - -'"P , v- ij She is how quiu relieved, and ; finds, herself not only capable of attending to her domestic a f J airs, but avows that she enjoys as good health af present as she' mit any period of her exis tence.' ' r":i.; v ." : -;: J. Kenny, husband of the aforesaid Anne Kenny. - j ' iSworn before md. AjrpbroseJuhn 4;rchibaid &. Son, W ij"': 'B larrir.g r D M lizard, John L Barn hart, Caihnitne Uljsckwtlter, jSlaitin Bfggers, JhfsonN Bryants, WilliHin if Orn, Ebpn zer B Brnhard, MrsMaiy ijerneti, William! Black, ThrawN t'J- " I Coborn, Robert C Oarron, Richard C Chaplain. Noah J E Earahart, Jame? I1 F f tfrrh, Henry Forgtson, C N . 1 I ; ' G Qreen, Gorirp VV fjasrmufi. Michael I lowan Goodnight, John i iisell, Samuel rris, K P - Holbrook, William Howell, Joseph . lauerman,Abrara Harris, Joshua floel!, CiUjieper ,r. t rwin, ft l. in Long, John M LfsJ Jaob lephJer, Eliga Lniei6n, JacjSbi Little, Geofgljp ! Ml: I Miller,! Mrs Min ii Con-v IN 1 . m m r L -T McKreie, Abram Marh, W'ilh.f .Morvin', ruwmzr'f Mc0irjJy sf.Arc .Vlariiii, Livrnori ' . ; ! -' ! !! Niceler, HoghLH iash, illenry: y NoJly, James B -;: i'l p ry- Phtnkef. 1 M M Pharr, Samuel Ptnes, .1 Bv'fjj Peiry, John . f Plinkt, JameJ F' Pronj- t. J"h. fla-nlejl 2 Peeples; & MolBt,tssb 1 I m i" e ill or a Mn- lOOO PAGES OF 3STE TREATISES 1 ' ' ' :" - I . I ; : j ':. Upon the SWiWarm and Stiga, r- ! r "'. V 1 - ""--' - -1 - which were sent os from Europe next shall commence the publicati kr.owiag that the inforrhation thp;re given will he tfsehil jand sattsfactorf . We have, also been promi4l the correspondence of several celebrat ed rj'RrieJi silk cull ortsfe; which rill also be pro moIrtte.d throfjsh our pages In fact laU that we ean do iodi3-etotnae practical knowledge In regarq to tne siik ousineas aww oe done. M beginning .NEM VOLUME, we are sri- licitaus Ubat every persfm' who wishes to obtain a kn'jwjlee of the Silli Culture! and the grow injjff the Legitimate iMorus Mnlticaclis tre, will be po'sua ied to send us their, subscriptions , tlaPthey may feeare the wvrk;from the r&ett'-Vill r Holmes, (SouAampton, Va Trimble -v. M. D. of Granville. Robert A Kzl!.,f v J . V iiiraiucwumrorur mc ucnsillUllon.' : , ., R.. W V Mk i., t, , and in ,opr Robert Campbell. Marengo. Ala.V M.rlft- IT:" Vr?i.?l.'T?r ' . on of them, on State Sovereintv ::T. 't". " r rJT:. ?i.MD ,RehtVi Sovereignty William, M, Barrow, (Eden ton.) on the Meu empsycn.osis. , Thomas J Morisey, (Sampson Couritv.) Mea e fee on the Public Defaulters.' I , Ahly W Spaighl (Selma, Ala.) 'Fisk's vin dicatjon of the rights of ManA :yz 'yi ry Laceyr of Raleigh; The Degree ofn. D. was conferrp l Rev George V Freeman, Rector of C Church in this City and on the Rv A!,v viison, rnncipai 01 me uaidwea insn; Ureensboro Guilford County. I VViKiam F. Martin. lEl.zabeth City. 'Clay rf-Iiveredbv the Pres.dunt Gn, SW4, V on IheiNew Army B-ILV , . I r i--..- .IL -:::Lt2i ' ,r ' , i T L.in OLS.i: Vi . I ICICIcUw MJ HIC IUlUrUTII17 COUQIlluO li utMui u. ouiiui, i urariTiiie . county.) on the at t )ee rota)ineric''mehi of the rfumbpr just abfint to be pubt-sii rcf.- The year's Jsobscript ions to ;lhe first and r of th"? sive qois quain voluintj will "ease with same immediate the nuaber now serit Wel.Mk with confidence Ifori a f renewal V, as there s a prtres nieresi in tnous!ress whtcn makes it re- ffl a ' a ;a i 1 ! readers should become ac- mii.int nitrnno Al fha vofxrir !' hn va r ch I na, v I Ana tn o,.ntinn w htdlioo V fnrvuntA I a V .twicy, orders (ANP THfc CASH) itn-nediatett. 'f16. P?! 01 ine cf tfie t lllMM VOLUME J. " wu, 18S6. mcisEY, Corn, oil Deeds; flMliertairK state oft the Mfflm W$fi w' th m$TW When ded opoo t he j II .gH M:- m Wl;Conseouence! imavinil mind, e hi ni.lli I i-l " - . . . . . " !a-a" t4 7 pai eurnyponhondrta!which I iCptHf I W f naaie hypochondriasis. t.f vl Hill lsirPTrtMB . - r. ; .!-.--' t -r -: t T- r-r 'lielf ff9rl aUmptoms irefiilolenl 4ltee?8' 'crld ' erocutions, tiPtf lI,d oflen n otter inability JCI il5?:aoV0t oP imi HlnjOTlaW ! A'w languidness-4 iSfc Ji1 Lted. compinied with 'i-Tit'Ak4-, v i rain 01 ideas : ;?;i1rUy0 nd cverwhelma nervous system. train of ideas b:S9KRS5iAttHAwLE C ASE OF ACUTE RHEUM ATI S ML, t h ! an Affecyoo of the LungsHcured odder i the treatment of Doctor Wm- EVANS m 1 Chatham sxreeviNew, York, Mr Benjamin SJJarvis, 13 Centre st. Newark, N;: J,;! kfilicied for four years wiih severe paios inajn joints, which were always increased on the Stigjitest motion, the tongue 'preserved a steadyj vejhiteness:; loss of appetite, dizziness in his bead, t he bowels commonly ve iy costive, the urine high coloured, and ! often profuse sweating, doattended by relief. The boye symptoms wjplejalso attended, with cbnsid erable difficulty of pr'ealhing. with a sen&e of tightness across th. best, likewise a great want of due energy in the $errois system. . , 1 The above symptokris were entirely removed. and a perfect cure ducted by Dr Win Evans. ' y- r-r;M BENJ. J JARVlS. City of J Tdrlr, :s, ... ; ,.;. ! .. - ; v j - - f , ::j .. Benjatoin S Jarvisibiog duly sworn,! doth de pose and say, iaij jthf facts stated j in the a bove certificate, subscribed ,bv him, are in all respects true, j -j REN I.'S. JARVIS. i Sworn before me, this 25th of November, 1836. WILLIAM SAOt, Notary Public, 96 jhas sao street. -,i' v 4 -.Sold bf ' llieLl following Jigent, : "y,x GEORGE Wy jtf'b IT W. JSalisbury. JY. C JOILXJ IA'GLLf (Bokstore) Cheraio S C. J. H.MDRUSOlY, Camden. S, C . E.JOHJVHUGGJjyS, Columbia. S C. IV. M. '.VjiSOwYVkl CQ.Raleish.JY. C -May 10.1839-ly4l Eriutons, EHa.s W. Lee, Jackson Lee, Elias iuly 5," m$ Reec, wis -;iary Rile, VViHiamj ise'd,. lleorj iusel, Deli Mi y m 8 'M Sides, Eiiz V J Mockes. Secretary o'onn, njumin i 5!ou2n lflsan:fi WlU J , FHter. W iviiMej.Mys, l?i.t;;ZTE litte, Jos y,h cL j ! . -y ' GEOhfJE 'KlLUlTS;1i1f i JoHt. j per John 4 Craten, -4vl9i ' i ..; !:Mil i i " v - ::- ' t L ! ill!! fWHE General Assembly having antiori5e!d 44- the Governor- to procure one complete pt of M EIGHTS and MAASUKES, asf S and arAs foi eacn citinty. pt rsot s disposen il to J coo- tfact are invitedjoj-maie their; terms! Sknbw?, afreeably to the Act for that purpose,! ; Chapter S 4 , r . . ii ' : " - !'. MMeis w me wetgois can rxecuttve Office. E. B. DUDLE it- I April 1839 -tfS9 be sefen at th . . I ; H a. " Statesrille Female !Acadiitiv. ! f 21 HE Subscribers are happy in beiftj;alle ! pi announce to j be public,' that they have se ctlred the services f Miss Tabitha IRaWin irkhe Female Academy at Stairsvilla,; as Tu toress, of wbose high Qualifications they .hatje itlffij most satisfactory evilence., i i 1 I J The next session iwill cummeitce vm th( st Mondav to Aosrost. Instruction willllw oWn Arnbmetirk, j Ergljih f i Iteadioff. vVY rums. Gmaiar, Geography with the nse H the Gloies. Natural Philosoohv Chemistrir. .HidiU. ti Botany.' sironomy,, Rheiorick, Ligicfc ad GlogyTopil of sufficient age and 'advanc iroent will be exercised regularly in Ct.6l position -Music and JaintingV with, various specips of; Ornamental Needlework will also be taught. 1 Terms of Tnitini, i' if: -l -.. ",. , Ffr beg innete per Session of 5 months I . Cmme ncing English Grammar and ' ! i I 'Geography, -.au y Abjaye with History and Natural; j i ,-1 ' -, Phi losophy, ' , y :, .- J ,i V" 1 1 Above with all branches io Literary : II I "Department -K'vCvi i ' yl usic$20. Painiirff ilO. Contimrenmal5nf4: i p. B. Boarding can be had in respectable amines ai i uu per montn. , fTHEOPHILUS FALLS, K ! Truttels. $l 00 pi ' at) 10; 00 1 i W. STOCKTON, ITHOS. h: M rorie ' OS P caldwell; OHN A. YOUNG. jSAM-'U R. BELL, - ; anr28, 1839 lm48. i t . itnai our wiih the important: results' of practice i ri: i ."i Lf . i. ; ani-e.afe7jen.ee wnicn wb nave u pays oewre-ineiii The subftifit their A f few Nipies l . . . . . are yet .oa hand, and I have bnen stichea np sxpressly fcr transmission by raatl. j i T$e terths of the SJLK GROWER ahd FARMERS MANUAL, is one dollar pr an- nuiat-TWGn I Y SUliUKIPTIOiNS are far- i.isheld for TEN DOLljARS. The work is published monthly every num- oer cffmprisinp iwniy-ipnr large ociavo paj?-a E -i' BE i . LIMi luU m VW NUMEROUS APPHOPR1ATE ENGRAVINGS, with the addition of a cover for advertisements,' &c. xfc'AViy Agent tofwardingL T W ENTY Narals and TEN DOlLARS (postage paid.) shall be entitled to a copy of the Volume just nest cover ! w hich -will be transmitted to him icimediaiely on the receipt of his brder. I I - 1 - : i ' . C postage pair! will be Sublime and Beautiful, j.t ursuaj ccniiiir, mere was a oeciarea- tton fgairi by the following members of tbe So phomore Llass: : I William 1 Clark, (Raleigh,) Eulov on Cant. k.T .1! I It I. - CJ. ( Vainauiei tiaie. - ; - . . Frkncia M. Pearson, (Anson County.) Kenne dy on the Appropriation? Bill. ' , ; Robert Strange, (V ayettevillej Custis onihe beiiefits of the American' Uonstitulton. Atlas OHartison, (Raleigh,) on Female Ed ucatioo. ! I J eph JNorcott, (Greenville,) Prentiss on the recent Defalcations. . f ; , y ; - fTarborooffh.) Pevton on ... r - ' - uepviSlies University. Never was its situation mor' perous, Si. oor earnest wish it.thatit mav c-:.:. to flourish yet. mors and more, yearly t, forth from its walls, a race cf men to blc.j adorn our highly favoured country. i: :?'." t .. j - : t Correspondence of the Nat. InUlligci New York, Jclv 4. The President, in his speech at C Garden, commenced, with a remark th: was deeply and gratefully alTected bv t cordial reception of his democratic ( low-citizens," The Preside t thus, e ? were, makes an open avowal of the tl: (Moore,) on tbe 'Summam I ttoneering character of bis tmir, S Thi i mark, and the sub-Treasnry part cf t speech, have disgusted all but His pattlz I l no ,IJenlpcratlc, Young Men's Co mittee paid $1000 Cot ' the use cf C.v Garden to teceive the President in. complied, done up in a trail tltS Alfjrders for the wnr promTtly attended to, if, addressed td the Pub lisher, C. ALEXANDER, Athenian Buildings, Fran tlin Place, Philadelphia. i - ' i4t- 1 1 t t 'JThe Boston Atlas calls atlenlion tri. thejfct, that, in the ext Congress, while the, AJniimstration pty lospg its rriost con s.wrunus leaders Pofk, Howarjd, Cambre len'g.J ply Mre, II i rler, &c, -tbe;ir places re wiiollv unsupptieij by the nejv 'recruit? In th'A Thole rankscftlie Adrotnisttntioh p'Hrlyrjn tlTe next Hoie c,P Represclntalives, therejs not One man f distinguished abil ity, and very few nhole 1 mediooriiyi Tfe placet Ltnn Banks at the hend of thb iuren deli-gationlfrom Vrgifli' on thfe of .talents .' If-he be entitlW to this urt what most be If be meifitai Calibre of "'.'.!- If" .' . ." .1, : ' I '' V f ' ' oistm&uisncp associates r Linn The President to-day dines tvilli t members of the Common CotincjV 'I room. '" .--'; ""; ' ; The people of this city to-day are I : ing what some newspapers call a tail 1 1 rr. Th booths around the Park are more n merons than ever. The great unknown At! Kit scoiej postti; his Binum. j VV trust it will not be deemed invidious to ipuiafii, iiiai nieiasi opwcn was an origins! com most deiicate toueieAoLaaure and hamor. which kept Ihe aodienre in one contiaued roar from the begipntmg to tbeend; j Oo VV edne8day roorninrr . at 10 o'clock, the ft 1 t ft J J - r . I . -., r. . t. annual oaress was nrnnouncea oeore tha two i memoen oi me tjnamher i uomrr i Library Societies by Hon Bedford Brown. The I called upon him yesterday. To-morr vrawur occapieo one nour ana a nan in its de he receives tbe citizens in the Gcvcinc fjvery. j inis production, it is but sheer jus rice to say, that it fully met public expectation that i it inculcated .sound views on the sabject of Education was totally divested of IJ..Jf Y.H J 1 I! J ; u i s ami was cenverea id a manner get efally animated and impressive. But. as it is ynuersuMjo, toai arrangements nave already! our political circles, but whose voice heeri made for its speedy publication, it is unne- heard 80 often abont Tammanv Hall. r?P y" Jhing further-as j the public Uho composes a part of the wetUiw-n I. J TT V T ! " ' S ,itcal film I mean Mr Bang has com; f Mm JJ.:: possession of tbe city. The banz cf throoghont, breathed a spirit of. devotion to the Ptbe 'nentons ' the Ui of ppwder 19 best interests of jhe( Insiituticn : not that we lhat can be heard. had any rea on to doubt Mr B's soundness on :A horrible loss of life has iust iorctnr inisunjeci, onx we aregtad ta see a rebukergiv. on the, Harlem railroad. The Iocotnti esn to it hose members of his party, who. destitute I nt lHthotrf ran r,fY th trat .r.ri (if lailnihl .Slate rvririp. ira enrlnifiiriniT fn . I.t ! i . . i. . r: ? . v"' - "-e ine peonte were engaged i it nuttm? it c cjie pr uaices-tainrTTTe University. ,i, L;v. l...., .j1u j T i a! ..vtotin .u.r,.,,. ,t,J AAA lhe boiler burst, and killed several prrrr the AUumni of the University as delivered bT in,n,M,"e,J' 8DO norritiiy muttlaiecj oil r rpogh; . iWK'ieen, Eq. This ofierino- at the neaiDoont oi ine' smiDce ' or life, I shrine-of Literature, was honoretl in receiying not now able to ascertain, f The 'origin luc mils enin-usiastic piaooiis wnicn enlightened prooaoiy lorgoi io let ou me glean) tvl. jaogemeni or onprejudiced reasonrcould bestow, the locomotive stopped. iii ourjoujiuon, u niiues ine auinor to rank a less Banks, indeed ! We J)ope that ithefe are yery few of the Van Uuren delegation from! Virginia, who are to fall in hts rear I Yet hat, taken altogether it roust be confessed, t theyiMect no lustref character on the Old Dominion. ! Mr Drom i creatly superior to Mr Banks in goole.is orl , the intellectual point !of talents, andarUftht to occupy tbe position giyen by the Atlas to the Ex Spea ker of j the House! of iDelegaties.-4 Virgini tan. J:1" I L The Nashville Union exclaims! ' Vir l ginta ujairRightT in staging capitals; land im mediately onderoeath remarks, very appropri ately, A lie Well stuck to is as good i as thej trath ! An admirable commentary on-its texti InchburgPgwiah. j nion says. A lie well 1 imii is wit! C3h The Nashville Uj stuck to is as' good as thefiruiti, reason'ive suppose, that Ed tor sticks to his denial that he was an ASoliUoriist, j whilst he edited the'New Bedford (JUe!. in the, teeth of the articles from his ptn pen which prove that he teas one of that fiction. SC7i We learn from the last Danville John Hank is President, ra ter that a Silk Company, f Repor- Rey. which the very appropriate . . name, bv the way.) has been formed in Caswell coo'niyN. C. for the ppfpose M making Silk. It is about to commence the erection of a Coo- coooery, &,c. lb. e en?ine1bf the car on the Richmond and Petersburg Rail Road &a off the. track, on the 24ih oIt; a short d stance beyond, jSwift Cieek, but the iron work connecting the engine and tender with tbe passenger cars fortpnately giving way, the passengers received ; no injury. One of tfie firemen was severely hart, but not dangerously. This is thejfistaccident which has occarred on that road since It went into ope ration, and is attributed by borne to. a defective rail, and by others to the unsteadiness of the engine wheels caused by wear and fear bf Ion? couuauea service. -iio. mongftbe .first rn n in .North Carolina, of his age ; and when published, public sentiment will, we thjnk, ratify our judgment. ; On fNVednesday evening, the following Repre sentatfves of the two Literary Societies deliver ed origintil Speeches, viz : . . - I Francis H Hawks, ( Washington,) on the in fluence of Literature on the destiny of Man. v : John A Lillingiin,Vilmington ,) on the ten dency of Revolutions. ; ; David A. Barnes, Northampton County,; on Popular Education. , C'r-. Calyin H Wiley, (Goilord Coonty,; on tbe darabiljty of our Political Institution. iWiljts H McLeod, (Johnston County,; on Slaver. :'; ;: --sf.y-' ?: y-- . ! Isharo W Garrott, (Wake County,) oh the Literature of the United States. ; Thee Orations were highly creditable to the Speakers, and elicited' the hearty applause of the audine.-iV,-T.. 1 ihufsda was Commencement, Day, and the followiB2 was the order of the Exercises, viz: ; FORENOON; ravjer. - y y Oration On the effieioos interference of Goy ernment by Jarvis Buxton, (Fayetteville.) i .'r Oration On the influence Tof Science opon indvidual happiness by Den u is D.r Ferebee, (Cbrritock County ) y'yyy :-': Oratijon On the indissolnbfe connexion be tween i.iberiyjtn'f Law by Walter A Hu&ke, (Flyettetille.; -'"-. ;--';- ? j OraiiicMi Oi the tendency cf oor Govern ment ip Democracy by John N Barksdale, fRotherford Tennessee.! ' y " : V j yi AFTERNOON. T -! "5 '-M ' . - ' ' J Oration-On North Carolina and Thomas Jefferson by Thomas D. Metres, (Wilming ton.) V. . ' ! ' '- Oration On tbe liberty of tbe Press by Isaac N Tillet, (Camden Coonty.) Valedictory Oration, by Alpheoa Jones,( Wake County.) Report on the Poblie Examination. . Degrees ennferred. -a Prayer, --.'- . .The Orations delivered on this occasion by the Sfoiora exhibited an cnasaal degree of talent, aod many of ibem of high moral and intellec tual attainments. They gave marked evidence HnVftmnr Spw nn xama ilnnn frnm ' ? bany this morning', and went direcily tn -ten Island to visit the great Sunday S 1 celebration there. Mr Van Buren has cl 80 gone, and there tbey will meet I send you Mr Webster's leller, wht. appears in the Boston papers, and in tvL: ' he withdraws his name from the list of c:: didates for the Presidency. WITHDRAWAL OF MR. WEBHTEH. TO THE PEOPLE OF MASSACIIUSHTTS. It is known that my name has been prr sented to the Public, by a meeting of n::: bcrs of the Legislature of the State, 13 candidate for the office of President eft; United States at tbe ensuing election. 1 it haa been exaected that a Content: would be i holden in the autucia cf tl:: jrear, composed-of delegates from the t; v eral States I haye hitherto thought pre;: r not to anticipite, to any way, the result c.' that Convection. 1 But I am now oct cf t! country, not to return, probably, much c;r lier than the period fixed for the tnectm j c T the Convention, aod do not know what c ents miy occor in the mean lirae, tvL: ' , if 1 were at home, might demand irnrr.: -ate attention from me. ; I desire, ccrcc . , to act no part which may tend to prcv; a cordial and effective union among tl: whose object. I trost, is to rnaiDtsin, t:: paired. the Constitution of the country,-.:. . to opbold all us gi eat interests by a r,i r, prudent, and patriotic administration xf t!. ; Government; " -?: c.yy v ''' j These considerations have mdocsd rr. : to withdraw my name as a candidate fcr t!. z office of President at the next election. DANIEL WEBSTER. London, June 12, 1839. General John Armstrong, formerly i Tu telary of War, upwards of 80 years cf ee, i : now residing with hisson,near Gonnitor. in Baltimore county, Within a few miles tl of haying been well taught, and of haying miods lhe Cit; of Baltimore. tfatnot. t i

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