POETRY. V; From the Jeu) Yorker. THE BOB-O'LINKUM. j ! , prcr hoftmait. I . ' - i ThyT'! sprite tba feathered troubadour! la FiUriro weeds through many J clime a w-r. 'tanjrer'r- - yv-; V ' - ' i!: ' Coro'atlihou to dff thy ruesel suit once more -And p'aj io, foppish trim the masqjpg strao- Pbll" may, teach thy wbereabuati an i r---; pature. ' - ' - I" .J II of 08. oeriorce, musi; in n Bat, 'em, s I pot North, its The scho.il boy beat hath fixed the DpmeocJa- class thee Bob O JUn- j- AUU ruv .wj - ----- ., ii .i. ; . i ., torn! ' ' ' -' ! . . . .. ' Stay 'it t thou,Iong 'mid forest glooms beo!gt .::-' ed, ' ' .' " 1 ' I So giat to sknnur laughing meadows over. With cor gay orchards here so much delighted, ? It makes lbee uiuicaHhou airy roffljft ; Or are those booyaoi nt?s tbe pilfer'd jitreasnre Oi' fair f isles, which tbou oast learned to ra fisbiy ' f'-' . ;UM Hi Of all Heir sweetest njinstrelsy at I Measure, : j And. j Aerial like, agaiwtoeo ' to Tbey tell sad stories of thy mad day frteks,. : WhepiWo'ef the land thy pathway ifcoges; Ant evert irt a brace of wandering weji, U ! Thoo ..! aliLn ihv sun? and plumage chan . J " 7 "7 7- , V i j '. ':-;get.;i l j iere both are say; and when the btds hirlh. . ! And leafy . lone is shading rock.and ier, Thun art unniaichM btittio warbler of ihei No: When through the balmy air thy clear,, ootes- joyoos, yet jender was thaj gash of song; Learned from the brooks, where, jfrjaid ' wild flwers smiling. V: v.,,; I ; vi J r i; ; j The wfe'nl prairie listens all day long, j j j l . TheOnly eapiite to soeh sweet VguIing f Ordidsi ihoo. flateriog through the Tejdurou! y' 'halls - - , . i And rolumnVd aisles of western grores sym - nhonious. ! ! Learn from the. t'inefal woods rrje -madrigals, To makB our fljwinir pas'fe here hafmoni- Cauffhlt-thoofly carol from Ojibbway Where t.uugh the lrq-id fields of wi - BvjJhin j the ears from off the bordenMib .- r . -...tii Her bitch ca.ioe o er soms tone lane is in?? , sr Or did the reeds of some satannah South Detain thee while ibyiDortheru ntghl . y. J ins, , - i i To slace those melodiosm thy, sweet mod The ci fed winds had taught themi ip their . '-wooing r ;;; .' ;-v W j. -linthrifiV prodigal ! is no thooffbt of ill Tac cadence of thy roandelay disturbiogr f "1 Or doth eah puUa in choiring sequence siill ' r Throb-cn in tnosir till at rest forever: ?! ! Yet, oow in wildered maze of concord fljatiR' " ' T would seem, that glorious hymniag-tpfprb Old tim. in hearing the, might fall a dolling, And "jppuse to V Itslen 16 thyapiorous jsojjg maid, J ripe ade. flash pursi) u tb FROM THE RALEIGH REGISTER. I TIic laic Gcn. iWin. &cnoir. Tht5 Ve-nerable Patriot and Soldier died at lus fesidence at Fu?t Defiance, m' Wilkes , VoanXji on Monday tjif6th May, agbi $8 yers Ptf hapi no inldindual now tdmaips in the Sats of N'orth jCarolina who bbrei a more Bttiiguishedpart during our tlevplu tianaryi lEjigle,1 orwtiowas raorel closely indertihe-i withjhe eirl htstory of 'otijr. Go- I emmtiiit than the venerable roan iiistorjl ind public sejriices it is our :. to' ?k-ejcfl,:: , : : :3 j. --- . ' ;" N; Tt Gftietal Lenoir was bnrn in Branswick Countyi Va on the 20ih of May, 1751, (O St) jaivtl wa4 'efpndfd from poor but respeciable French ancestry - Hei.Waitrje ynuugest nf a family of ten childrlnA When ahnut eight years old, his (atiier rf movedj in Tir Utver, jnear Tarborough, H C.V wNe-e he resided juntil his death, Which happened shortly afterwards The ojpqr :tumiiejs ;jif. obtaiaing-jETeu an ordinary E?i giish education at thJat day, were extreme ly liraiieu,anl Uen Lenoir received no nth hose purpose section' cf ltie country, 7tre obliged at the very outset, lb he constantly on the a lert they -'were frequently called on to march at a coiaenifs warning, in small de tachments, m pursuit of marauding bands of Indians, in; theiibpe of chastising thera for depredations committed on the settle ments they wee also compelled to keep up ;scoati ng an d ! N ngt n g par ti es; an d to station guards at the onost accessible pass- es in the moontaias.j fin tuis service, uen bore a conspicaoas.patt, which was ; continuea until the celebrated expedition of Gen. Rother ford and , Gejj. Williamson in 177S put an end lu ihe difUculties with the Cherokees. . Jn this expedition. Gen. JJ served as a L.ieatenani un der! he command of tjie distinguished ; Colonel Cleveland; wha was then a Laptain.Vand ire- quentfy has be been hard to recount the many hardships and sunenngs wnicn finey uao iu un dergo. Tbey were often entirely destitute oi proviaions there wkstnot a tent of any kind in the whole army - very few blaftkets, and thoso only such as coold be spared frpm their homes for ine occasion, anoineir cipmins w.m principally of rode cloth made from Hemp, Tow and wild Netl!ebark--and as i sample of the Uniform worn bv the; General Officers, it may be mentioned, that Geo. Rutherford's consisted of a tow hunting sbirtj dyed black and trimmed with white fringe From the termination of this Can?oatsn. until the eo'om?ncemenl of the one prcijected againsj the Britjsb and Tories under Mai Feriason, Gol i,s.amostostantly engaged in capiurmg ana -suppressing me ries, who at that iinjie, ; were assuming great cor.fi Jence and exhibiting much badness In deedsocb was the chfracter ofj the times, that the Whigs, considered! themseJtes,their families and property in continual and leminent danger. No man r ventured from homeTwithout his rifle, and no one, unlea his character was ell known, was permitted to trayet without undergoing the S 'i'Hrst examination - Gen L has frequently been heard to say ba, owing to hi periloos siluatumi he has' often beep compiled on jretlring at night to place his rtfla on one side of jiim in bed.while his wife occupied the: other. Iri the expedition1 to King's Mo-retainihe held he! appointment of Captain in Col, Cleveland's Regiment, but oni ascertaining that it jWiold 6e impossible tor the footmen to reach; the! decired point in time, 'it was determined !bya Council j. of. the Officers that all who had horses, or could procure tbemj should advance ;forthviih, Acfcordingly, Geo. Lenoir and his company jpfficjers; volunteered their services as Privates, and jproceeded with the horsemen bya severe forcedj march to the scens of actiuo. ; In tfte ; brilliant achievement on King's Aljuntaip,! ef was founded in the arm and also in the side, though, not severely and a third ball passed f through his hair -above w tiere it was tied. He was alsd at the defeat of the celebrated ToryJ CbL PylesJ near Haw Riv er, and in this engagfmtnt had his horse shot and his sword broken. He also; raised a compa ny and marched toward Dan River with the hope of joiniojjr t3ea1treefte, revipus"; to the battle of Guilford, but was unable to effect a junction in time, i Many other ! services of a mi nor character wtre performed byibim,' which" it v would be tedious to enumerate. ln the .Militia of the State he was alsu an active and efficient Officer, having parsed ithroogh sdifferent grades iroiD i rial oi an uruerty oergeaui io a ojajur General, in which latter office he served for a bout J 8 years. In. pivl capaciy also, General L. discharged rJfanjr high and important duties. Me was appoinied at justice or me reace by tne Convention which t33eto (oim he .State L Coo 6ttuubo andf wair appointed by theV first General Assembly whn mat opder its author ity. He continued j,lo discharge the duties of this office tintil hifjdeltb with the exception of a temporary suspedfiorl of about two years whilst be acted as Clerk- of the: County Court ol vVilkes It is therefore more than probable, that at the time he dipd h was the oldest Magis Irate in the State, or pehaps in the U. States He aUo filled at idifierent periods, the various offices of Register,! Purveyor, Commissioner of affidavits, Chairman of i the County tand Clerk of the ouperiur Lourt for the County of Wilkes Hevasoneof the Original .Trustees "sf the Uni versity of N. C, and was the first President of the Board. He 'served many years in both branches of the SfateJ Legislature, Embracing neany cue wnoie period of our early legislative history , and during the: last five years of his ser vice in .' jjie Senate,Lwa8 unanimously cho sen ; speaker of thatiwdy. It may also be remarked, that he discharged the duties of that luijRjuom B.nuuu wim Bs.mucu: general satisiac tion probably, as was ever given by the presi ding Ufficer of any deliberative assembly. He was for; several years elected a member of the Council of Stated and when convened was cho sen Pieeident ofi the Board, j He was also a a membei of bctb the State Conventions which mjt for. the purpose ofi considering the Conati tution of the United States, and in the discos sion oi tuosa bodies heto)k aq active abd dis tinguished ; part-f-isisling strenuously on the adoption of the ameblmenta i Drooosed to ihe vonsuiuiion, and guarding with great jealousy the rights of the States Owing to the difScul- ties which existed! amlng the States, in the a uopuoii oi ihe B ederal Constttuttpiian opinion prBanea mil anoiaer general Uonventton woaid : r upon principlei of i temperance and frugality ia all things, ha caJcvoreri, bjih by example and precept, to isculcatej sirailar principles upon oth ers. To th pKr, he was-kind and charitable, and by his Will, made liberal provision for these of his owjOafieighbor;hol. v He had long enjoyed almost antriierrdptel hiiltbwhich he was care fal to preserve by noderkte, but almc3t constant exercise, either joa horseback or in his workshop of which hel was vejry tond. . As evidence of bis physical abiffty I it jrjiay be mentioned that he at tended thelSoperiojr Coartof, Ashe County,, a distance of jror ei tha'n fifty miles fiom : his - resi dence, travelling the wtole way oq horseback & crossing the B I Hide j (and also attended ihe Court of his own County; a distance of twenty; four milesi riot more than three weeks before his death. I)iuHn j'hisflas jllness,h sufiWred much pain and ofifn "xprpssed a desire that the Sat prerne DisjpoWr of H tMngs would terminate.fais sufleringsi! Heoftin sid 'Death had no ter rors for hiahe dfd not fear to die." His re mains were tetred pn tlie family burying ground which occlpiies' the! ;spcjtj where orl Pefiance was erected, during jibe Revolutionary War. rfflHE Iredell Cpfcntjf); Temperjnce , Sociely, U will bold their Ai'oual Meeting at Labor Cbnrch.on the! first Wednesday in! August next By order offt lie Sic eiy I . MlLTOJSt CAMPBELL: Stc'rv. U June 7,11839 tM5 t,l. HAVING-jocated himself in palisbury, re spectfjiJIy tenderslhis professional services to its citizens, an J tbbsel of the surrounding coun try, H t3 office i a the otde recettly occupied by Dr Bouchellei Where hie can be found at all times, except when (absent on professional, da- Commission and Forwarding j n: - JUnsmess.v:-;; nnilE Subscribers hive established thsm ii selves in Wilaiinoipu for thej transaction of the above !bosinessnd $alicit? a fhare of public patrohage;-iHavii been accustdmed to the bu siness, an4 Intending to devote jtheir attention exclusively lo it, they pledge themselves to give saiisfaciion to tboi who maj paronite them. Merchants jivifig In the intfrior mzyt rely on havinnr prompt anj early advices of arrival and shipment of their Goods, and thbsew hp supply themselves f with groceries froia Wilmington; willbeiregiilarlv advised bf arrlvalsand the state of the marke. Strict attention will also do given to the sale of Produce, Lumber, Tim ber, &c. ' , i f McGART & McTAGGARTr - Wilmington Majr 20,:lS39-r6m44 . " . A flotiii Multicaulis. 1. 1 m P. mzt A CONSIDEtltABLE'NfJMBER.of these -Cd. TREES may be had atlFavetteville, N C. about the last of next summer or the first of )he Fall. ; The proprietor can very readily dis pose of them at the North, but from patriotic considerations, he prefers ( that they should be taken by his native State.' The pr4cTwiRbe thecatne a'if in B'abtmorl'di'.fw' York, and will he forwarded to purchasers; on the money's being remitted. II It is hopd tha.tnoeh';as may wish to engage, may do so at an early day. , enquire or tu. u. wisslow, rayetievuie, Feb 16; 1339-419 j j ties. Salisbury! Jane r7 I J i !S$dtf45 f II VIE subscriber l.s on handra quantity of Jl the above IJVKiL UABLE MEDWM E. for sale atj Ay resvillej, Sibkes co. , North Caroli na.? ?iiiiiprii?':Vrr-' Ayresville, Stckesico ;St -AprMl!lB3C g 6mS8 wotkv are at y. .--" : i . i t i. 7 i - , A few Numbers of jihis valuable mv Office for safe -Iriee &2. 1 : a uis wur. :a powr igeiuing out ui prini, iuu being the very best authority for the guidance of ministerial onacers as well as a very necessary aquisiiian Iok a ILiwyjsr's Office, it : is... believed that the copies .n hand will ba sold readily. They who destr the work' had best apply soon. Hi - - Milk May:17ftftf4! t ft a H H. C. JONES. f nHE Subscriber bieing deslroud to remove to j J. . the j3uihWetj offers fur . sale his LAND with the appurtenances an he county 'of Davie, on the mainlroa?! ieadio from salem to btates ville. andfaiiui It ahlequsl distance frcim each plsce, and 6i tliles flisiaht frord Mucksviile. There are abodtl Uncxatnxicdllnnuiioth nnHE? ifollowin detail's of a Scheme or a I JL LorraRT,' to.b drawn ih:' December next. jwarran us in decbrtngj it to be UNEARAL 1LELED in the hittorvJof Loileriea. Piizes io the amount have never before be eh ofver- ;ed to the public. Ili is ;i true, there are many blanks, but; on the otbei; hand,! the extieni Ij low cnargeoi 2u pr i;icKeiine value akd Number 6f the Capitals, aod the revival 4 the good old custom liflWarianttng that every prize shall be drawn and sold, Will, we are sure gie onivereaf sa isiacnop, ana especially iu iuo SlX HCItDSED f RIZE tiOLSEBS. To those, disposed to; adventure, we recom end early application being made tons for tick- U when the Prizes are alt sold, Blanks only emain,t he first buyers have the peat chance. We herefore, ernph'aiicallyj say DELAY MJl l ut. at once remit' and trans-mil to us your or ers, whicii shall always receive our immediate at (entiuh.p Letters to be; addressed, and apphca lion to be made to I , .1 - : SYLVESTERj&Co. . 15G Broad wav. N. York. fCJ Observe the Number, 56. v - ' - ' 32 ft 7 inches on Frank- 1 , i 1m, 127 feet, lfli inches deep io front of Custom , , " house street Rented at . 1500 Valued at 20,0C0 1 Prize Ditto No 539, 24 feet 8 inch " ; ' - cson Roystreet,by 127 "I - i feet, li inches deep, - ; " -Rented at $1000 Val - uedat 4 : 15,000 I Prize 250 shares Canal Bank Stock, t. . flOOeach, , , t 25,000 I Prize 200 ditto Ccrnmcrcial ditto, - - . $100 each, : . . 20,000 1 Prize 150 ditto Mechanics & Tra ders', $100 each, f. ; 15.000 I Prize 100 ditto Ctiy Bank.$100each, 10 000 1 Prize 100 do ditto do $100 each, 10.000 1 Prize 100 do ditto d-$ 100 each, " 10,000 1 Prize 50 ditto Exchange Bank, $100 ' each, 1 . 5.000 1 Prize 50 do ditto do. $100 each, 5,000 1 Prize 25 ditto Gas Light Bank. $100 each; v - k 2.500 1 Prize 25 do dilto'dd, $100 each ' 2,500 1 Prize 15 dittu Mechanics A Traders $100 each, . 1,500 1 Prize 15 da Ditto do $100 aph, 1,500 20 Prizes eaeh 10 shares of the Loo is-, iana .State Bank, $100 .'each, r S each Prize $1,000, 20,000 10 Prizes each 2 ghare of $100 each, - , U each Prize $200, of the Gas 1 r.LightBank, . " 20,000 200 Prixes each 1 share of $100, ol the j Bank of Louisiana, 20,000 200 Prizes each 1 share of $100, of the : . j New Orleans Bank, . 20,000 150 Prizes each I share of $100 of ihe i Union Bank of Florida, 15,000 600 PRIZES r $1,500,000 TICKETS 820--NO SHARES. The Whole of the Tickets, wih their Num bers, as also those containing the Prizes, will be examined and sealed by the Cojimissioners tp ptinted under the Act, previously to their being put into1 the wheels.; One wheels will Contain the whole of thp Numbers, the other will con tain SIX HUNDRED PRIZES, and the first 600 Numbers that shall te drown out; will been titled to such Prize as may:be drawn to its num ber, and the fortunate holders of such ' Prizes will have such property transferred immediately after the drawing, unmcumlercd, ahtl without any deduction ! June 7, 1889 tlD ' J v TTJEMAi;.. t II .u w vino, i: July, Aili?cn, At: Jr.; . Arthurs, Ji : n Brnner, Mi-!.- ' ljlackbtin.har Busiin, Jac: b " C Chambers, Mf . Chipley, i ! Call, Jolin r r 1 , I) Davidson, ?jr C DuuMis,-J- - a. i: ' Edward?, Va . ' Fletcher, Bar;' Ilall or r s G Gaylor, J.irrf a Grjder, , -Marvin Gracy, caps. II Gill, -Wo L II Hojrhs, Miss I," Hardin, Grstr. J Johnson, Wi! King, Jas A L Law, Daniel Lyon,Jamrs 7vl May, Samuel July, 1S30,- la ft a Iff i mom in the whole tvingr a!li together,- but in several Tracts 3e wtjole place is jwell improved fertile and ifiVhi'jh slate iof cultivation, wilh ell th BUILDINGS entirely new. Tire a 5t "V. i There i& a I la r3 ouantitv of meadow iaaptf d Jobl jpKCHARDS of the best traitsU I Mach off this Land lifrs on Datch man Creekjf which frnisliesii wifeh a tfood deal ofjhest hottcln. Threis a SAW MILL : A GRIST CMILL, aid alWOOLli CARDING MACHINE on the prenjiises Possession will he given this editing fall y sale is made shortly i If hot shortly, ptseSBion will be I given in the spring. The sale will be roadeintithree several parueis V! it .te qcyireu, ana a gpua resiaenco may be had on each. rr. terms maae Known oni application to tnerro MX 8500,000 !i! S25.(j00 l it - 1 ii H - 6 PRICES OP S20,0;00 ! 1 2 ri2;esois .,-S15)001!;' 3 RIZEs6T 10,000!! Catawba Springs, N. C. ; f glHE pubU?are informed that the Jl above establishment will be kept open this season, for the accoinmoda lion of invalids,1 and all who ruav desire a pleasant summer retreat. Ample pre parations have been made, and .renewed exer hoos wiljl be given to rentier full satisfaction. Terms of boardiug very cheap. - ' Trmnkiul tor tne liberal upon him the last season; cits a farther trial of his es ; .TMii- J. W.HAMPTON. Catawba Springs, Lincoln co. ? May 3: 1839-9w44 J The Fayeiteviile Observer and, the South CarolinUn, will publish the above to the amount of $3 each, and. send their accounts to the-Post tnaster, Catawba Springs for payment. J. W. II patronage bestowed 1 he subscriber soli- ablishment. . ! . I . wVKrr i;. IN jiocriuv. t TTNFORMSt! JL from his Ion r on the public p ; ville, where he v. His House is r ed to which are H FICES h.ii a, m lent to the Coun I es himself to li e t satisfaction to s-r : TABLE, BAiU the best manner and h!9-fierva.nts n i Jan 26, 1639 rfflHE publie U-iNG'ro.vco is now in full t- : nands for of a quality equil i State, j ,- .1 : ' -;' ' gCj0rJcr? f re ly attended to, iy c Lexington, Jan ! Gr aridX Real Estai e and -.! . -;!!- Bank Stock tt: Of . Property situated in flew Orleans.. 9 BO ft:" EM piietor, but as he ble terms, applies. s detefrttined to sell on favora- bob eany. ICPllie Hchest and most magnificent Scheme ever presented tohpubIic, inbis or any oth- icn naa oesi be - - . - ) Wii' Oak Grovf Davie bo.N.C. June 7 18394-3ia45 OLMAN, . i - ', . a U ..Ml i ; . .. Legislative As- tie Directionof NEWJEVjELLEEY,&?c. i I ja "i i AS another Aat.horiied hy an act? of the seaobly of Florida! and Sunder ie commissioners, acting unoer tne same. fto be drawn atlACKSONVUlLE, Florida j.-;.-- pecfmberilst. 1839. , sClMlDlf HMILTpN. Managers, ;SYLVEStfcR .fijlcbj loft Broadway. . ' J'. i - : . I'"! New York, Sole Agents. if No COMBISITION NUIIBE&S! ! A iLMjER ?' I '?09- Tickets fomKo. 1 award's-ia succes- cr ihaa jsuch as his own personal exertions be called to revise and jamend, it. , The Conven- permitted him to acqinre after his father's t!onff North var4ibactiBgi upon th's s'upposi- ';death (--jWhen abouttwenty! years oflaee, MooDroceeded to llecifiye Delegates to repre- ,he was:marriedIto Aon Ballkrdf vHaliX SJ ' tSl' ?ia CoD' I ConntyJ N. C.-a lladv Dossessint tn min.! '.n.'t.AU T T T " I " 18 a,su oooroi pirn mat, tn respectab e eminent degre those domestic and heroin I nni. rr. I j. - v. t hew! supplv of Gold and Silver WATCH KS. Plain Enslish ahd French do 5 Gold Fob (Khaibs and KevsL F ihe breast . .wo BiiuiL-fuuri ivirips, cuer uuiier jvnivs. Patent andrplatd PbnciJs. Tooth Picks. Fob Chains, Specticleis a$d Thimbles: Steel and gilt r in The deeds pf? ioperty ndf the xStock ransferred in trust lothe Commissioners appoin edlby the! said "Ac of the Legis ature of Flori- da for the security of the Prize Holders. X' r4 - j 'i ,7? 11 jjtobChstinsV md :" feys. ' :tal;f;b-kLsn-i;;l-- virtues which Qualified her for sbstaihihw the privations ajnJ hardships of j frontier jife, whfch it was herdestiny afterwards4 to encounter. - i..r - j..-- : ; March, 1775, Gen L. moved with his lamily to the County of tWilkes,1( tKc'n portion of Surry) and Settled near the la ,ynpr.ic ijiie village oij. v tiKesborpugn ttandst ij Previous to his leatini Hi r however; he sjgned what was then Tatnjjiar- 'egard to tt ly trailed The Associaiion Paper, xfineh mre stfi Jtoqtatned a deelaratbn of the sentldenta Vf,lleltllh' ; nf 4he people of the Colonies in regard to iuc rciauons exHiingoetween them and the vrown m Ureat Untian, and which their atierecj condition rendered it necessary to ; emulate; for signatures, in order to t.Lir. 1 hese. toirether with roanv other servief-a hf a minor character, thofgh Important in them teltes or in furtherance of the due execution of the law, constitute th suiq of -that portion of the public burdens Which hsfe been borne by this venerable man.fortnany of which he .declined to receive any compflneation.! Those who know Geo. L.ill readily cancer ;in the opinion that it is Questionable whether Hal;if?x, farmed a public dity vith a. mere punctilious mo pffuayuon, oi me public welfare or ici accoraance wiia tbe reauirements erity under which h For the last several learal of hia life. K - voted much of his time to 'readinv and- rpfl. tion on public affairs, ad manifested great cob- vciu, uvi ci.ressea mucn SDDrehPnstim loot A TORT; FINE AfD j LARGE ASORT- MENMF BASORS AND POCKET EN a ace i now NIVES, i by different makers an4 other articles nsually kept by Je1ellers : AttM which will be sold low for 'Caiuif tr JnIk- sjxf months cretlitttfer which time, interest will' be charged. Work cone tatttitQilv and punctually. . Mayl3,!l8-tf40 TSalisburH! fx t i tain, the T-eople. he was a irom tne sijrns of the timpsJrmr inaotimdkrA n. vernmeni, which etsomnch blood and treas- intXVJS. just received a large and fresb sop-! wishes an4 determination of the ur hardship and uSe;ng,f was desjioed. at no K. ;.v.. WHEELER, fate of the Re- 1 Soon after his removal jib Stjrry, distnl period, to share e ppointea a meaiher.of the Qom- ? neroas. Indeed, so great wtre his aiq vu iHMsunjeci, mat n was a source of real cisqweiode and onhappiness to him. i" . ! .- J ' Auuniy, ana con tinned to discharae his dutv n.k ae Clerk. to the Committee, until their ao ithi.rry;was superseded by the adoption) of the institution of the State. Ori ihe commencement of hostilities With Great BntinGen. L very earlr took a deSded rand; ire part. Ills Weill koWo ito 1 all , thejaquainted witri the liistorr Vrflthe V tmef thjjt about the beginning of the War UOhe nMvt,luiiort,Tthe Cherokee Indians wete eceejmziy trouwesome totU Ll;- wi-tvnejoenis in ine iveetern part of North jrwiiua. ifie iv niiis.-tnereiore tn ih,t t f i h i ! 1 In private life, Geo; L' was do lesu rfistin- gTOSJiea tor bts taaral worth! and generous has W la lit m t 1 ' m a. .A . - j ..j.inao in putne fire, Btr bis nbendin in w2r,'J nttnoess and ditridtisro. - Hia mansinn was open at all times, not only to large and ea leusive circle of friends and anint.-. Kt k Ujeatrangerand trifelty; Althou2b he has lived for many years upon apubiie highway, and leceiyed and entertained all persons ho chose ... ,, ue wh never known in a sin gle ns;ance, to make charge or receive com pensation lor accommoatK03 thus furnished, - In hia manners and habits of life he wa plain and ODostenUtious; ! Steadily actimrhimQir VRUGSi&EDIpLS'ES, PAIJSTSjDYE- TOBACCO.. SA'UFFj LEMON SYUUP r dJYV TABLE MUSTARD. PATENT MEPIdlNESU SPIRITS OP TUR1TEXTINE, BWAK1S & HOUCK'S PANACEA,? FRESH RICE, SOAPS, j . . CANDLES,4 GLASS WARE, " j Alsojvarfoas kijids of Wines and Spiriis for medical purposes.! All of. which will be sold low i"i casq, or on lime io punctual cuttiuracrs. oaiisoary, W3j loiuiu i: 33a-tf4o: : Of evertf rfesaUl'fion done i t 4ii ? '3 OFFIUE. n PBNDBP;.-'SCEIE3213; lLriz-The Arcad286 feet, 9. Inches 4 lipes, on Magazine street; ;0l feet, lTinehes :oni Natchez street, r 126 feet, 6 inches, ' on Gravier street' Rented at abootiST OOt) peri annj Val- - 1 ?tpd at'l ' vl : ' 700,000 iPrize-City IoteI162 feet -on 46 feei 6 inches, -on Camp st.-Ren- &i ft -J :-: ted at I 000 ' . - " f i Valued at !. $500,000 'rite Dwelling Hoose(aJjoin i t ingithe Areade) No -I t 16,24 leet.7 inches front oh Natchez st. 4-Rented at $1200 Valued at ? . " S20.000 1 Prize Ditto-4(Adj6ining the Ar : , . J V cade;S'q 18. 23Tt: k " j - .!, front on Natchez st. Rented at $1200 - 1 H Yalued at I " . $20,000 1 Prize Ditto-K Adjoining the Ar- j cade; JV 18. $?S, ft , . . -Li ,1; . fronton Natch$zst. s .J t ' Rented at $1200 , . I,; Valued at? ? ; 20,000 lrnze uitlo?-iNoS3 nortu east ' Corners of Basin fy- ' Custurn-hot iat. j 40 ft front on Basin, V "4 ,40 feet on Franks lin street, by 127 ft . . - deep;n Guftom- t ?. house si reel Rn- 1' " -1 ted at $!500-iValoed at 20,000 ; I Prize No 24,Hooh west c..fner of Ba- sin itustomrnouse st. OFS?SCS nnHE subscriber will dispose of his Printing tt. ULieeon me mosi isvoraoie terms ii irarae ! diate BDnliearlon be made.fr Ha has two itbod II t , - I. 19 JPresses and a large quantity of type, with every t necessary appendage ot a Newspaper and Job Office. ; If application is made by Jetier ad dress the subscriber Post Paid at Louis- burga:;i tvfj- - .. r"-,,;v ! I , D. R. GOODLOE. v Oxford, June 6th, 1SS9J ' Encyclopedia of j; Geography, CO i PRISING a complete Description of the Earth, Phyical, Siatisiccl, Civil and Pnjit leal, exhibiting the relation to the Heavenly o dies, its Physical Structure, the Natural history of each coontry j and the industry, commerce, Political Institutions, and Civil and Social Slate of all Nations Illustrated by Eighty-two Maps and Eleven Hundred engravings on wood, repre senting the most remarkable objects of nature and art in every region of the Globe. Together where he may Y with a New Mapbf the Urilted States: in three I absent on prtf-? Volumes, well bound, at tbe low price of $10 00. Books can always be had lor less money at the ri. L. liookit ore for Lash, than by subscrip tion. Vre invite all those whs wish to purchase cheap books, to call or send their orders. . TURNER & HUGHES, ; i " N..C. Book-Store. June, 1839. j :. t Commission I , 'and t.u ?-::iy ; ronV7AIU3IITO lazmOHAZTT. .! ; Wilmington, iC. Merer io : . . Messrs. E. L, &. W. Winslow, E W. Will kings,! John lluske & Son. C.f J. Ortcll, Yarbrpugh t St Rav, Joseph Baker, C. T. tiaigb, Curtis Sc -My rover. I t , -:.. ; FaytUivilUtM. C. Jane 21.I839 3ra47 Jf - - f .1 ,) i .. I III l j .11 . i'.i, iT State be ilovt ji (tcUna, . DAVIE COUNTYi! In Equity Spring Terra 1839 Alexander Oaks, Isaac N .1 Oaks.") j Wm. W. Long $-i Judith his j wife, Joseph Rich &. Sally , his j wife, Rachel. Oaks, by her next I : friend J CaswcR Harbin; & VV'il- y Petition for the saje. of Land. "OOUR Joi:i' fl- to whom p ploytnent will L- . i at Chrf!: r May 3, 1SS0 (Having lecci ESPECTriM C the vanon? : the cifizers of tl t country. ' He !. . untmng attenti n : to be able to re r. J office- is at f?ai May 17, 183 0. - Have just sale, win dozen G' r 35 Kf'i's ! I00Ke-i Wl 250 Bars Tii el 200 Botiles 6 Pieces 1 ; 2000 lbs bar 1 500 lbs L nf: 50 Boxes S v ; 1 . Ai.r 75 Bags C'."' 22 Hhds v: 24 -Hhds M SO Sscks .. 6 CasU U: May 31, 183 )- 1 V m W - r J ft .Mi ham, Morgan &. Giles Griffin; by their mother and next friend, Benjamin Overman. TT appearing to the saiisfaciion of the Court, JL that Benjamin yverman, is not an inhabt- tanfof this State if It is therefore, ordered, that publication be made in the! Carolina Watchman for six! weeksfforlthe said Benjamin Overman toappear at the next term of this Court, to be held' for the county aforesaid, at the Coorr House inocksvilje, on the 8th moaday after the 3d moodajin Aoffst next, and .plead, an b'wer or tfemor to said petition, or it will be ta k"n pro confessb, and the case et for heariog ex parte, THE SUBSCl MOVED HI BUILD I : -.. r po. Continues to k f p Tt atches a vl 1 Breast pin Silver Sp Musical ' " Rodgtrs'P And all utJf j Witness, Lemuel Bingham. Clerk & Mas er I Repaired in (he of said Louitrat otace,tbe bin raonday after tbe I 3d monday in FeDroarv, A. O ? 1839, and of American In'terndwice. trie bd year, ... - ; '. ;i LEMUEL BINGHAM, cm x, Jone21. 1839 347 4 Printed fee $5 Glaufct Warrants, -For sale at this Office. liLotra fTnr.tr ' TI vM a-w - exchange for art! for debts due. . Salisbury, J for sal: -V ,:,8