- -am - m A -1 1 j , , ' Jjjrjj---- " " ----- a . --. ff&ftlv-?' V JONES, I EDITOR je jPBOPRIETOK. : . I -.' ' . T ir'- lij' T.lv.-.Vi- '.i ' '- ' '- i mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmammmmmtmmmm , i,a,y-, 1 1 ii h 11 1 1 r .i.i.'iniiiii 1 11 J 1 '111 1 " 1' 1 - mi' m ' . . , hSw-il ,., , . .-. - 1 ; ! ------- . ;--r:,""ti-",l 7 - ... a t-. - -i -, .-w ----v----1. i.. 4.-. a . . 1 - , - 1 . . . , 1 ,j- - - t - . r - , m t: i 's . i -. I I ... I 1 . t - ..'. . . 1 . -, ..... , ,; ,i , 1 - n HH K I U Yi: ii W. 1 N n : 1 AMSS?JRl I MJJLiY 1 f - II - f y;i ypj::;TiiD . , ;i: !.. fraMTtff tittc1i man , plfhiiyihefearier bej had or rVMi-k-Aliaeivi-tubftcribers 'ha wil! Sf& ip-lrbJelRauiat one payment, ' HMtagH t!ia rime class shall l-llifeilsintf nav-"lai in-ItJie fear i .nllV "I' Wi r-j -. lt i . 'IPP0 largiriall cases;:-, f iM.i. i-.u ; p.(.ied for less than immm iKlpssalUrreargere pa.d 7iJl&tf lattithe 'fiviifbrmust be post ifl iirIN4;iM .wUlcefUiolyjiiotbf at. ,j tfllll'" rqri'arefor each in: trii;Sektfe5t;S fee d harmed 2a bet cent, i'cllIf4t1lej?u!Ar- price will e flfMiifll Wise by the- year. for less Ilbecontinued uiitilorders them, where do directions the judgment exhibit an infinite diTersity. The wisest and best of rbedf are as open to this aflhc tiua as the weakest 1 i 1 -1 - - ! i j closes. - ' V, I j A sedentary life of bey kind, especially 'se vere study protracted to a Ute honr in the rjghf, and rarely relieved bTwcia intercourse, or exj-. ercise.a dissolute hatif, great excess in eatijig and driaking, the !T9noderate; use of mercury, ijiofent poraties,tH4 snppression of some ha bitoaldischargej (ap obstruction of the meti ses,) or long cuntinua,! eruption 5 relaxation or debility of one or rnrjre! icDprtant organs within the abdomen, is a fri-uuent cause. s.-:-: . : trbatmet. -. , ' 1 The principal opjedts of treatment are, to re -rpote indi to enliven br exercise, earf hours, resolar meals,! and pleasant conversation The liowels" (if costive) be!P2 careful If resolafed by the occasion! ese of a mijdaperient.jJ)YV e Kcow noUiinjf tetier calculated to obtain Ibis end, than lit. William Eans Aperient Pills bing mild and" certain in their operation.! I he bowels bstnj ones cleansed, his inestimable Camomile. Pills,( which antr-spasmodic a re an without dispute have q the namerens poblcf ree ta: the 1 ': -3 SAUBIJRY, ir-. -A t '' A 1 Is' I. ft,;jtri a mm Molasses, Nails, Oats, Pork, Cents. 55 a 60 SugaVvbr, : t . txr 2 8 a 9 !5 a 30 10 a 12 Silt, ;! ml 54 Tallow, 1Q a VZh Tobacco, j 8 a 20 Tow-linen.; 16 a 20 Wheat, (bushel) $1 UjwiH greatly aggravate 'Read are tonic, anodyne, atd infallible remedr. Ian 1 proved a great blessldg 1 Some physicians , have recotji mended a ttse of merenry, but it should not be tesorted as in many cases symptoms. ; I Mrs; Susan D. Pendleton, - 1 :(Kt'h ,-;-i:-; h 1 71 ill in cr & tfSantuatn f Act 1 N p. AR tiir Apothecary 1 J ki - 1 ... .' . ... j: -.'a . ,-is . g a 1 llHHE Sobscriber informs lhe poblic,ihal stijs, la has iust feceived throogh the Northern Cities'the latest and most apprised 111 .K -i - ' . - wM a .ti n a CTtTrtta t ijpsiioo, to! Strengthen the body andfj lop.O;i'AUWiailf abi"u. it the anir isi which mav be DromotKdAnd is1 Dreoared to execute orders in the most 1 : - I ' . - ' i - : I ! t 1 . :r..An- 1 nv t - A a In ika mrt 4 1 s fler of Iter woik. she would appeal to several li j dies or this cnmanrty, who pave !ate:Iyi lfjj work doDe by ier and Tlillmersf in Phi I Work snt from a distance snail nnt art and torwardei. "f . I SCT A few Bonnets, Qa rb, Tarbfrnsj and; oiner riicirs. wui-w tit-iu uu uuu iui ate. ill sbu ry i J u ne 1 4, ? 1 INTB11EST1NC TRIAL FOR MURDER She ciiy be svrqrn,' said tha Judge, and ik. MftlhU An - 1 ' . - Si 22, as- IT...! .isui j.n--iijT, 1 i Jlifpeteti..Ht art uti imMM mm w. 4te;-jttf;i"ilW.j3i: Ml: "I ft S 1.14 1 s.il If KtfVarri i . , Bi"-3..'.f!f n:-Il "i-lM S J. ns-.i S' t- fit 1 f' m riM 45i t&Mi-f; I II Whiskey, l!45 a 50 Jlajlflvi lFVooK (clean) " l 40 ioiases, ! . a.! a 40 NajU,cut, i l7J a 8 Sugar biown1.'; 8 a 12 Lump, s ! 1U Loaf, I 13 a 20 Salt. j 75 a 0( Sack, $31 a $2 75 Tobacco feaf 8 a ,10 Cotton bg. 16 a 20 Hale rope, ill 8 a 12 Wheat , 1 25 a 1 35 .'. ft : : i' - 5 Sj S ' I it;aiiUAwv Whiskey Wool, iS - - r ! ? t: t f 5 i- i 00 a 50 20 a 25 v: j: ;etftras;-ff: 3 cut ass or 7? a 9 wrouglitilSa 18 5 Oats bushel i 50 75 a &l IBs lamp - . li ,:$125 ;rope 1 01251 . (inseed 1 10 a. 1 25 f?Tipa2!jl5iPrk lOUIbs j! 6 a 8 f -ft ! Pj1-Ric.lOOlba $5 a $6 imMUmr -b - . 10a 12 ffibttpififlaialt iiack'; .$ii75 a. $S FhiffilUi ilte- 1 bush"-1. : l '.$!. S:f9Ji;P;5:?IeM Amer. 10 a . 12 wimm-mmm Ensiish f , u eif-' 4;:K German i 12 a l4 JJflg lTejaJpe.'Sl a Si 37 .NO kD about the las' tof m jhtubK flosn "ihe subscriber, at that t- trHe.H"si(ling tn t.kVs County N. Ml2i rs 01 ae, and ot a verv bright .'! ijyLaiiiif -halra; thin visage is uijn4 liis fromdo t 140 pounds. 1:a,Jteryl2aVdHrscat:Ton one of his les iHe$Rl!ii(ed to be on the right leg, tijfin:eti ffm jiist below the felbow oc ?4Jlfh;jrfiseela have been trosted, '.fct-iw;f balfffiscaVs epon: thern. Cale- : p;jif5iitfs free worn in; tear lUlakefy, Mprijb;ab,!.e;th"sl h mny be 'Pflf ? '1 ?waP? many persons believe 1$ W&$P$r?':fy : he 11110 nacntJ 'fjikrlliMr; koff ft the neijrhborbiMKl abut V rl i'S f".'-. -' S-'.'i : '- i. . HBBfiliafl l,M M hn? I will (Titro n ro f IWffWni o 4ny one who will ds- the following interesting and Id AST H M A.T1 RfcifclYElA US' STAND - lNli-MrRobt ; ohroe, Schuylkill, afflicted with tbe above distN siing malady. Syniploms: Great langour.'rliiuteocy, disturbed rest, ner vous headache, diflic ilty f breathing, tightness and stricture across! he breast, dizzineses, ner voas irritability and , restlessness could not lie in a horizimtal positnini without the 'sensatiojnfof impending snnocai oa,paipuaiion . or me Dap, distressing cougrj, ?o itjiveness, j)ain of the stnm ach, drowsiness, 'giw ts debility anodeficiencjyfof the ntrvous energy. iir ll.Monroe gave pp (every thought of recovery, and dire despair sat I on thb countenanced Jevery person interested) a Jiis existence or baWtnes, s till by accident he noticed io'a publicfpiper some cures i effected by Dr Vm EVAffS MEDICINE in his com plaint, which ind.acf dim la purchase' a psdki ageof the PillsJ wjh ch tesoLted in completely I removing every syn ntom of his disease, j He wishes to sav his njuitiye for this deciaraiion s, thift tbse afHictediwithi the same or any syrop-. .turns similar to inose irom wnjen qe is nappiiy restored, may likewise receive the inestimable benefit. . -; j- j - f.-i A CASE OF TIC DOLORKUX. Mrs. J, E. Johnsoji, wife of Capt. Joseph Johnson, of Lynn ass. was sevetely afRicted tor ten. years witij jl. ic Uolereux, violent pain in her head, and .vomiting, with a burning heat obaoie to leave- ner room fief from the advice 6fSev frdm medicines of any kind, ontil after she had Commenced osino Dr Evans medicine of 100 Chatham street, and fr'urn tat time she began to amend, and feels 1 satisfied! it icine a lew oays .longer, ed. Reference can bej had as to the truth of the iabove, by calling! at Mrs Johnsons daughters Store, S89 Grand street, N. V. ; , j ' . f.;-'4- -1 j; .--..." i . - I I : ECj51rs Anne Fi 3 Kenny, -No 115 Lwis street between Stanion and Houston ss , afflic ted tor ten years with the following, distressing symptoms; Acid il Eructation, daiU spasmodic pains ib the bead, lssj of appetite, pal pit a tirl of : I . I I- 1 t k : ' - I . S . 01 ner neari, giuumessai.u dimness or signi,coniu not lie on her rjwht side, disturbed test, uiier jn ability of. engaging?! in any thing that demanded viguj or courage,1 8iljaeiimes a visionary idea ; of an aggravslion of hpr disease, a whimsical aver ioir ,10 particular persons and places, ground! less apprehensions of personal danger and povertv, an irksomeness and; weainess if lite, disconten ted, disquietude on every slight occasion, she conceived she could neither die norlivri&he Wept, lamented, desponded, and thought she led a most miserable life, never was one so bad, with fieqqent mental ha bjchations. j f Mr Kenny had 1 ied vice of several eminent physicians, and had recourse to numerous. medi cines, bul could not obtain even temporary af!e vialion of her distrtsng stale, till her husband persuaded her.to ma!k trial of my mode, oi treat mem. r . ! .J. . J-- She is now quileiji e ieved, and finds herself not only -capable' 6fi it ending toher domestic af airs, but aviws ihatj i he enjoy sas , good health at present as she did at any period of her ex is tence.- ;,: . j -: j '; f ' j . ; " J. Kenny, husband of the aforesaid Arine Kenny., i I L Sworn,before mellhrs 14th day of December, i8s. i ; 1 3 Peter Pjncxney, Com. of Deedsl in the stomach, Snd She could find no te eral physicians, ioi she continue the will be perfect ly cu Ambrose, John Archibald & Son, W H I :! B Barririgrer, D M 4 Beard John L . Barnliart, Catharine Blackiveiterrtartio v Piggeis, Johnson N Bryants. William , jBurn? Ebentzpr B liarnhjard, Mrs .Mary Burnett, William - 3 lack! Thomas Nv l;-:''-iiv C V jpohorn , Robert C Carron, Richard C jC ha plain, Noah ri--!..,iE y Earnhart, James Furrh; Henry. I urgison, G N - :'-':; Greeny George W , Garmbn, ... Michael I ..Rojwan ; -Goodnight, John f. ": I H - Hartsell. Samuel Harris, K P Jiolbrpok, William ? No well Joseph flattefman, Abram Harris. Joshua f lowell, Colpeper 1 iMAINING intbe Post: Office in Cod- S.rd, N. C. 1st July 1839. LongJ'John Ml ' Lewis, Jacob : Lephljer, Eligah Littleton, Jacob Li it Jei. George Miller, Mrs Mary Cj McK ree. Abram C Marsh. William1 E Morvtn, Eben 4i?r McOurdy sr.,lArthibi1d McEachen, Johl - Martin, Livingston i Niceler. Hogh H' ' V'.u ! IJ.1F I, Extract of an article ?undef thq head bjf lhj !lh WM medialely tdmiobtered to the Northern Circuit.' in the last number of hef i -ij . . - : ' v4'KH:r-'-1 RlakTVood'a MauaTinRllThfl it trial ! iva Pl tns, dear, ChristODher; a eriet- thai iiwitnessed f in the ' Orowk dourt was 9U 8hfl to 8ee .? i'The litttle daughter call- ihVol a man for-tbaxjurderr of. itaviifeLi SBVcccgain,,ner.- latner, on J seemed abcml 55 yfeara Id, land was aJ' imi aT nis Ulc death her mo- dr'fsstjd in respectable mourning: kU stooll rThouih Irf 8 meUncholv tone and at iheibar withan air at once of firmness sad gert8hel give her evidence with and depression! He was a Iittla tinder thk SrM Q?$W9iK clearly and firmly, her tin? avtrse heieht. and his countenance rather cfW onearci distinctly m all parts prepsessing than olherwisi." From tho mw c-owded ;and silent court She enlace in chief of thd fir I wn wnneste. "uvu 8a 1W uc 'Fcu, aifuuX ica it wruld have appeared clear Ith'af he had ng towarda her father ; but she admitted been ioiltrW a mosf rbarharou murder at hejiad struck ber mother when she was rin ihir flpimn, urn,0 i,n J.nrn. k fjmg bleeding on the floor Sho also sta- . 1 - . .. .. .... . T t i. .4 I.J tU..-Vr.a t. U " J I . ;. verdict or rainslaughter bnly 'had! been re VtT f u'fiucf .!,BJ? scvwai umea aciu tnr.M; lut in leading fthe-Mffr! Justice 'frtJakeA rtbe.lmlegirIsho and tncni lor gin; and that he and loe oihrr chil dren "had been often obliged to he in bed, be- the etiidence which the now! gave. ! It adl canse tiieir mother cy grand mother had taken neared from teiimoWihi th i&irV UU their clothes fpf the vile pur pose above men- r .1. - i : j r 'fr.V"- "-f- ' ji: ,ri. : . ' ,, ... r nm riisnnte th fp...tJK. S. uvucuij mio cowia listen to ail mis Witnoat rnost violent mm they said-iand knockell ffelinghe deepest commiseration towards her down, her lead fallinw n.ny ih h n1 Tu onappy prisoner 1 111 ne nad been i be paretuliT uran Jury to oring in a'bill 1 or murrier -a v I s I i ill stcn which seemed mosV amnl itistifipH h I Nolly, James !B 'I Hi ee f t-ee, Eiias Jul Plnnket, M Pharr.Samue Pine's' J B Petryt John Plnnket, Jam R Propsi, jun. Daniel I reeples & Moint.Messrs' ReecW,MiSH afsry Cj Rile, William A Reed Henry j E Russel, Delila -m Sides E';2- j Stockes. Secretary Saiitlf.'Be njatnift a Slough, Nelspn j . . -. f t ; 01 Teter, Wm J ' j VV' 1 hsti; Miss Eliza' White, m'iss Eiriltf v hue, Joseph fitJoht! Zackary & Sprinkle. GEORGE KLUTTS J ' per John vl Craven, .1st y 5, 1839 49 ' j Hf f rwini R L K rimdjis.Elias V L Jickon corned of j a cbest of drjiwcrs, wrjich cut t open, and the wound b!ed pr that while she Whs thul nrostratn l ahrf mL sensie, the priscner furiously attacked anil sirui 11 cr rcpeaiiaijr ueaiQ on eyen;ihg or v tbe eveijing iafteri wuuua, oeing ine consequence. a4 far a ihi itrlA. rU.i..- If hts behalf, with much earnestness, contend. hurnediinto the acts with wbirh he then stood liiarged, be had always borne an un- 5ed character as a quiet, respectable man, tbo labored hard to support his fa mi the"same4 'f"ul KePl nem ,n co- I forset 11" oaKT nis wile a ruinous propensity to tnrmir i h ii fnnntai mrtrf r.os&H ihn . t f " ft 4. uuui v Qdu & u lui r w II COUrsiR. COtlld hnvfl hppn mnrA imol itiV the conduct ot the nnsoner: hot nii rrosm rwrv. ' H"w,: w' fxadination of tbefirit witriess, a fhtfe ij)- MdT W Terai" 01 nnsiaognter. 1 ne ookihg old woman,'the motber of the de- "VVgc, Muw?cr, uirecteq, mejury mat mere ceasr. 1, and who gate her evidence man! T M-...,u..,upFUu w, iuD vui jcstly under the influence o tliemost bit- f der. but that the; prisoner bad been - T tasei began wasiung (rum her urvder great prevnrica- k 1 '.?. . 1 ir.il r J.i ; tiun, auu was ne8seU, that she had in qiie8tion ceasta, ai me resiaence ol ihe latter, a ao many streams, the remarkable fact i observed, tliat ts breadth St volume sccr. . -rather diminished than increased. Abnr ? the esnh urhure of the Missouri, fii'tcci hundred miles from the Mexican Gulf, it is broader than af New Orleans, with one tenth of it Water, and at the foot of i Anihcpy a raits, its breadth is atvet ( r - third less. This forms a striking cb r . -teristie of the! Western titers: it otr;. perhaps, its origin partially ta the tuit 4 character of their waters: as they a; proach their outlet the augment in vol ume and fleptliVj and impetuosity of r v r renu but contract their expanse. N ine, however, exhiuit these features so stnkif 2 ly as the grand4, central stream ; and wl.i: for its body of water, it is the narrower : stream knownj it is charged with heavier solutions, and I has broader alluvions tn nn any other. The depth of ihe ftrearn n constantly varying. At New- Or!can, it exceeds one hundred feet,. Its width i : from half of one to two miles. -'Th'; breadth of its Valley isvfrom jsix miles to sixty .The rapidity of the current from two miles to four. Is mean descent, si:; inches in a mile ; audits annual floods va ry from twelve fee to sixty, comrnenrir Tb.s C1UCU unde the infljf rice of tlie:most bit- f muder. but ibat the prisoner bad been senlmeiitMowaVds the nViioner. hIp F Nar,A 7 f mansjaughter He then egau to assume a diflereSt aspect. , It fP1 evidence ; and after hour'&consideration, the jury pronounced as also estlisnd b feer k- tlif. Pf:rnsU?8hfcr-i e wa8 n : she had f)bnye!evenlrg H1?"10 13 months. imprisonment with ,beWdrini,ngginiWthe de. ffd in March and ending in May. mm " - - m " I 0 lor statistics j . Below its cojnfluence with its tnrbid iri botary, the Mississippi, as has been obser ved, is no longer the cieVr, pure limpid stream, gushing forth' from the wrrathy snows of the tibrthwestjbut it whirls alon" against its rugged banks, a resistless U ume of heatyj sweeping floods, and its as- pect -of placid InngnificenGe is beheld no more: The ttjrbid torrents heaves onward. wavering from side to side like ra living creature, as if to overleap itg bbundsro!- ing along a deep-cut race oath through n raisable cellar. Thaishe had Lersclf fetch. quateirns of gin for the deceased on it H THE MISSISSIPPI,' surely no misnomer that this giant o j, :... ; IKO'TICE.' FgHE General Assembly having j authorise L ; th Governor to procure lone cjmplete ;Set OjT WKHili'i S and M li ICS, 1 as Stand aros for, each county, persons dispied to conj tract5 are invited to make thoir terms knownf. agreeably tothe Act for that pu'pose, Chapter i Models of the weights can be seen Executive 0lce. Si lApftl 1839 tfS9 n A at (hi 'I i e.-;b. diJdleV,. 1 ' 1 i Wofl0 t!i near Brook Neal in Camp p'ajr: febo will confine him in jail, i; 4- - 3 ?- .-v T J ' w 7 - ' f piifopbHIely, Va L : I OVKRSTEET. 3 J ':Mv,HyRM- er i m pjrii.j5 sf; certain slate of the mind. iSflfl'Plwttfmsequences imagined .a iWcfivdiets isunncsed this disAA ff iA-:lStht.;paricular regions of the 1$ 'iit'ii .' IT J f it ? I 5 Tj sue oiiinai cav- K--uo4nf3 ine aam nyiiochondriasis. Cor pijreal a v m plains are flat ulen. H?-f bowels. acrid erbctatione, ii'fr1'!6 Pams gdiness, dimness liui? iliffonf 4arfd lte an uttcf inbiliiy UjM WMnU H upon any subject of im- fciSlt -ZIMg in any thin? that de hm:t&M&Hri;::. Also lanornidnBss 'l"drl despond. 1 li iygTS? f??;deWed, accompanied with j iCPREMARKiABLE CASE OF ACUTE RHEUMATISM',! mth an Affection of the Lungs cured Wm aef the treatment of Doctor Ci7 v of JN'eto Benjamin S Jarv tV AINo I tDQ Chatham sircL W'w York. Jdr Benhhtirt S Jarvia. 13 C. Newark, N. J., aflbned fur four years with severe pains in all bjints, vthich werealuiys increast-d op the lg litest ; tndkn, the toiigue preserved stead yw1tens.";-- loss of a p pe te , dizziness in his h ?ad, the bowtJs commonly j ye ij costive, the uriie hgh coloured, and often profuse sweating, unatt'.ndd by relief. ! The a boveTBympms Were al. attended with cottSid erable difficulty i fljbrathing, with a sense of tighipfss across tijf clipsi, likewise a great veant of dole energy in b:eiervois system. i The above symptoms were entirely removed, and a perfect card effected by Dr Wm Evans: Il I ., BENJ. J JARylS. Vbrfe, . I I I , beins duly sworn, dqth de- ! i fi S . ; I pose and say, t iat the. facts stated in 1 the a bove ceriificaie.fi ubscribed br him, are lin all respects true.; REN I. S JARVlS; Sworn before me , this 25th of November, 1836. WILLIAM SAUL, Notary Public, 9C! nas- saii street !. -!'-. ;j ';; : ' y: h ;: -A Sold by I w.e following Agents: GEORGE W BROtyjV, Salitbury, A" 6". J OILYJ LXGtflS (Bookstore) Cheravo iS, C. J. H.WUt:tiiiOJS Camden, S. C : ' m m . . . m . i stream nas oeen styled' the " eternal river'' -?-th8 terrible Mississippi ,n for we may find none other embodying sd many ele ments 01 ine ieariui anu suDiiraes in the eo bye quaterns of gin for the deceased on ihtrpccasioh, . That the deceased and the wnne S9 ai ner reqtiesti cad irequemly pawn ed all her husband's Clothes and those of ber ribildren. whom she hadi ohee'nr twiep sent to bed in the" afiprnodnL to enable bfer 1 Mrild ice-lake of the far frozen north.amid 'to dispose of their cldthes. That thfTnri- at solitude broken onlv bv the shrill nlahV oiier was a puoi, a remaricaDie, steady and oij.inqj myriaa water-no ws is us nome. hard working mast, arjd earned amply sufS Qushiiig out from fountains, clear as the cient to enable him and fami v to hve in ve- K be J, it sparku r 4-S-4 4i Slatesille Female! Aciiderii x f H 1 H E Subscribers are hipy in bpirg able t jl announre to tnepuDii", friau they hafesse cufed the services of .Miss Tabitha R ANjfi$ in st nut h erpale Aadfmy at tausvdie. a in toressj of vhose high qnal:flationsjtheyiha4 ine most savisiaciory evidence:. , i t- 4 ha next session will cemrnpne nn the i Is) Monday. 'to "August. ' Instruction will bo given in I Reading, Writing, Aritfjme.iick, Er ghsh Graminar, , Geography with 1 the pe of Ahip Gli)be, Natural Phih.wophy,. jtphemistry; Hj$tt ryjBojtany, stronomy. Rberick, fLogicklanld Geology, j Pupils of sufiicierif age and advartcl mpnt will be exercised regularly in Composting M"?'c and Painting, with varipus spernes of 'Ornamental Needlework vjtll alsp be taugrt t. . - 1 Terms of. Tuition, j I ; Foj bfiginn eis per Session of 5 monili3 t G Q0 Cammening English Grammar and A Geography.; r ''V&- I 00 Above with History and Natural : 1 i -Philosophy, i i I ! I", 10 00 with all branches in Lilerary A Department , - V "' !" 12510 Mfsicsf20, Paioiing $10, Cbnfingences iSOjctsi N pi. I Boarding can he had in respect a b fittnitiea at $7 0Ojer month. TH EOPH ILUS FALLS, 1 JOS W. STOCKTOJ . ?rtirC II l!..Dnnm -f IJOS ;P CALDWELL JOHN A. YOUNG. SAM'L R BELL, ry comforubie ctrcurnslances;! but this aV cctid prpcj.c;tjif .wire1iad,neggr-r ed trjem and rliiven (hem from their form er comfortable dwelling to the! wretched cellar in! which had occurred lfi0 cataslto- phelfhen the subject fpf inquiry j That pn the evening in question, he had come bocn. from tho sea wtt and wearied, ;;but found e very article of his clothing haid been pawn, ed by his wife, and thai his: children were lyin in bed almost naked, their! little, clothes hiviiig shared the same fate; and tiat his wifo was drunk, as ws also the first witness. Furious words verj iialurally ensued, and it was! under these trulyj exasperating circum stances that he had slrugglt'ti with his wife, soai to occasion btt it was clear uninten tionlilly ber fall ; arid rt certainly did ap peai that, either while she was falling or im mediately afterwards, he had Iraore than nt:cib 'struck her witlifsome violehce, but hot in a way to have Tone caused her fleith, whi; h the medical evidence; sltbred to hive been occasioned by the injuries she bad jre crivi-d upon her head in filling upon the draws, added to Ihe t fleets ol violent excite ment and excessive Ijqucr upon a person in her situation ! I I I - 1 S The third witness Ijroijghi, forward against the prisoner was alasl! his cjn! daughteri a littlf girl about five or six years of age, de cently dressed in black. When her name - s Above 3nrte 23. 1839 I m4S. :li Tru&tie c 11 f 1 mmrt' 00 ,l"n E JOtLYHUQGIXS, Columbia. S 01 Ntlli JFdJtfen!.-.Pealiar. tram of ideas IV M. JUSOJVSl f7. ArlL JV. ilFliiWtm Hnd , tfverjrhelmh Jlfm, rt Ma.. 0 " J I' j j TOWN LOTS FOB SALE 1 j ; In Concord, Cabarrus Col riTlHE Subscriber offers for sale, his lots in the i Ji 4 own of Concord, Cabarrus county; known . "1 ! Number 3 & 9: i rye L.01 No. STronts on the Imam j street bppfr the dwelling of George Klutis, Eq The I ct io. 9 lies in tbe rear of No 3 adjoining h4 same, j The above lots will be Isold at Pub lic lA Oct ion if not otherwise dspcsed ofjn Tues day of Cabarrus Court, it beirig the'lGih ddy bf July.- Terms made known na the day of salei, i i wir.u API. nuniw i h an agonized the spot quivered, was jcalieri, the prisoner, wi countenance, looked I away- whefe she was to stand ; his hi3 dhest heaved, andl in spite of I his effolts, tears forced themselves from his ey es; Air. Justice Patterson obslrved his agitatibn,a;hd rj allected j when in obedience I to voipjed otficjer, seemed himself not a little he bieheld the little thing, the isummons of thef loud brof'jght into court, and placed close beside hunito give evidence which nJishtleal the flte cf her; father. She was so :veishort. tat he handed over to the officer the foatsl(of he lad been using, irj order thai she mirht stand upon it, and even then the headof the ittle witness did but just cbme jabdve the Mtnessibox. She wasijrather a jprelty looking girl, and ber face was very sad and pale ; She did not, however, cfy, tihoifgh her ?yes seemed gluejd to the figure of ber mis irable father, wpo never onbe ycnittr ed t ) look towards her, and whose teirs,si lent evidence of the anguish he was endur ing, fell frequently! j in all other respects, be.j reserved a stern composure br6ughout the proceedings, .j f: yv"j : 5Ir child,' said the Judge, as I thotignt. bent down his that you have vast expanse of low land and meado v. with a little eraotion,Fas he ear to i her, ! ow of yon do you tbiQk Salisbury, July 5, 1839 2 w 49 i - J 'do you come bere. to speak the truth P Yes, sir.' What will becom if vba tell a lie ?' Sne paused : the Judge; repeated too Question: she answered distinctly, 1 shall J I . .:. w I' If i W ' be burned in evei lasting nto A Where did you learn that? The Bible, sir' 1 I Have you ever been to school?' f es, sir, at the Sunday schooL aknclhlda. aid breaking over the beautiful ilL -.'l . - i 1 .. K I. ikn i a I n n I flfi.li xtolliajg oil ward 4hrough the shades ofj mag riificent forests, and hoarv castellated cliffs. and beautiful meadows,its volumes is swo- len as jit advances until it receives into its bosorn a tributary a rivala conqueror, which has roamed three thousand miles fpr a Ibeeting, they meet, and its original features are lost forever Its beauty is merged in sublimity Pouiing along in its deep feed the heaped up waters of streams which5 drain the! broadest valley on the globe sweeping on in a boiling mass, fu nousJ turbid, always dangerous, tearing a way from time to time its steep banks, with IheirH giant colonnades of living verdure, Land Uien, with the stern disposition of, a conqueror, throwing them aside again.gov- erneu ny no princiHe out ns own lawless will-Hthe Uak majesty of its features sum mon !tin an emotion ofthe sublime which i) fie contrast or parallel And theni when we tffink of its lonely course -journeying onward in tfie proud, dread, solitary gran deurlt through loreslnlnslt with the lapse of centuries pouring out th ice and sno w of arctic lands, through every temperature df clrme, till at last it heaves free its migh !iv bosom beneath the line we are forced tp yield up ursdveMn uncontrolled admi ration of its gloomy- raagnirlcence. And tb dark, roysterioui history too.lhose fear ful sejnes of which alone it has been the Witn3s-l.the-venerable tombs of a race de partel, whichsbadow its waters the sav--ibes that lyet roam its forests the errrfsjof tivilizatian luxuriating, upon us Woidrs, and the deep solitudes, untrodden by njan, through which it rolls,aIl conspire tb throng the .fancy. . Centon on century, land cycle on cycle, have rolled a Way a hundred generations have arisen from the icradle.-and flourished in their freshness, arid pith e red in the tomb ; and the Pha rabhs and the Ptolemies, the Cssars arid ine fjaliphs, have thundered over the na tionUnd are passed away; and here.amid tjiesi terrible solitudes, in the tern majes ty of! loneliness, and power, and piiJe, havelfrotied onward these deep watets to ijieir? destiny 1 '' - '-. '''',. j ' There js, perhapsnq stream which pr! spnti i greater variety of features fhan the Mississippi, or phenomena of deeper inte rests1! whether we tegard the soil, produc tions1, and climate of its valley, its individ ual character, and that of ita tributaries, or the outline of its scenery and course. The confluents of this vast stream are numer obs,!nd each one bring inja tribute of the soil iirough which it ha roamed. The Missouri poors out its waters heavily char ged with the marl of the I Rocky Moun tains the saffron sand of the Yellow Sione.iandjhe ch&lk of White River ; the Ohiojh'oIdsTn its floods the vegetable mould of tlieiAileganies.and the Arkansas and Red risers bring in the deep-dred alluvion of th'eirljbaiiks... Eich tributary mingles the spoil of its native hills with the general flood; !-And yet after the contributions of rom the exhajistless mould of which, aro reared aloft those enormous shafts, ehrnnd- emerald.nr the tasteless par asites, for which its, alluvial bottoms are famous.. And yet the valley nf "the eno!cw river cannot be deemed -heavilv timbered. when contrasted with the forest bills of the Ohio. The sycamore, the elm, the linden, the cotton, wood, the cypress, and other trees of deciduous foliage, may attain a greatet diameter, but the huge trunks aro more sparse and more isolated -in recur rence. . - A - -A:-A;:-v-l-,: -r ' - ..Bt one of the most stirking phenomeni r irrr--4ji.. ,, , western rivers, and one wntcu-u- . ., es tnem irom tnose wnicn utsemoo'iuo their waters into the Atlantic, is the uni formity ol its meahderings. The river, in its onward course, mkes a semi-circt.hr sweep, almost with the precision of a com pass, and then it i precipitated diagonaliy across its chancel to a curve of equal reg ularity upon j the opposite shore ' The deepest channel, and the most rapid crr rent, is said to exist in the bend; ami thus the stream generally infringes upon t! o bend side, and throws tip a sand bar on the opposite shore. So constantly do thc-o sinuosities occur, that there are said to I o but three readies of any extent, between the confluence of the Ohio and the G il ; and so uniform thai" the Boatmen and the Indians bavefbeen accustomel to estimiti their progress by the number . of miles. Ode of the sweeps i of the .'Missouri is ! to include a distance or forty miles in it- cure, and a circuit of hlf that distance is not uncommon. Sorhetimas a cut r-fT,'' ; in the parlar.ee of the waterman,1 is pro duced at the bends, where the atrearn in its head-long course has bnrst thro the nnr nw neck of the petiinsula, arourd wbirit it onced circled. . At a point called tho 4grand cut off." steamers now piss throt :U an isthmus of less than one mile, whf re, formerly was! required a cireut of twenty. The current in its mnfe furious stages, of ten tears up Islands from the bed of ihe riv er, numerous sand bars, and pcijits, and sweep off wjhole acres of sUuvian w tUt the superinctimbent forests. In the seaort of flwds, the) settlers in their log 'cabins are often startled from their sleep by the deep sullen crsh of aIand-slip," as such removals are called. The scenery of the Mississippi belr v. its confluence'with the M'ssouri, is, as I si been rernarked,toofoblime forbeaoty; 5" yet there is not little of the picturesque in the: views which meet the eye along the tanks. Towns and settlements of greater or U: ? extent, appear at frequent inyervals, sr. 1 the lowly logihut of the pipnoer is not to 1 1 passed without notice,standing beneath th? tall, branchless columns of the girdled for est trees, wiib its luxuriant ma.ze f.eL': sweeping away in the rear. Indian name for the falls of St Ant!:c ny, The Hon. Louis McLane h "cfeccn.dr le gated by tn unanimous tote ofthe Dirtc tors of the Baltimore and Ohio Rail llozl Gimpany, Ho proceed to Europe, fcr t! ; purpose of disposing of the sterling brr.t!j iued by the Slate of. Maryland and C ny of Baltimore in - payment of their sev c r 1 suhscriplions to the stock of the O'ap-my. This important trust could not have trc:: confided to better bands. It. is cooCder.il expected that in the course cf few :: the enure line of the Road from Harper': Ferry to CuraLerland, will be put into li. hands of the Contractors. Richmond CozifiUr. te: :A la. if i i A I f i .' 1 - BfV- 1 liplM: III- iim

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