If f n it! S- ! ? 11; S if- ' 4:1. an- t -ft i !" .11 ii. 11. 1 T I I -ATiKilAUKABLF; CHARACTER.! ' Dr RadcliflV of free .epokfcn notoriety, who l ,U William HI thit he would not hard hisfwo fffs for Mi (hree kingdoms, or Abernethy; of jour dav. could not be mor rude and uneereraonloos ; in his manners than John Taylor. He rcjarged at! alike, rich and . poor ; and ancb. a charge I hear it, O ye doctors i-ehrhteen penfftrweek j l jW medecine and attendance, ft, was pUtn j he did riot want to make a fortune ; and ytf even t this rate.soch were the immense numbers who flaked to him. he did, make lelrbe rich it ntwho received benefit jfroJ him, ' oftn mde bjm handsome presents ; bat i they - i -made tbes4 before theyjlefl. they got nojjjbejter fctteodanceUnan they would hare done i without --!?4rft was bis principle to ,do all that ) Jus art eoold for every one; and if the poorffeeyer him. a manv never did. ne never psgea . them for it ; they staid! as lon as they rd, and they went when they pleased i had I5d?in? in the collates of the vills2; leas- Phey land I believe tbatitrwas owin? to the need ofjqdl ioss Tthat t Hajre its?! sprang np. I t.e.was a suhtferiptiontbbx kept tf help such of the 'ior as TnnU not j help themselves; j and when John Taylor beard of any cases of great nped amongst them, he would carry ronnd the bfx himself; a. . m r.2?t the more affluent of hi patients.and. cn . tribute liberally too. It was no wnn-lerihat.. sdch ; nnmbers hastened to the! Whitworth Djetor, The " medical meri nf the neighborhood, of eaorsev ex- : rred aH their Influence aaint the yspread of John Tatlors extraordinary - reputation J and carefulfy.irnmpete.l about all the cases inw the? conid! learn that he had been onsucces hicb and n doubt there were plenty of these espe dally a? alrc'sVeyery pjtient who went Jo! him Jtrul fipen nnder the hands of a regular practition er till t Is faith' had fiileth and a. creat f propor- :'hia of jthem were snch j as:'.had been dijjmiised 'rom Itmpltals and infirmaries as inen'raM, IjBat .VohnTavlor cared for none of these lhinrsj It wa hiVdaily delight to' deride the skill of the Snidical tuen of the country ; and sure enowh, 5 'he l3d a' ways before him plenty of instances of : signal fartres on their part. 'Ay, hej osd to say, as he sat nreswisf his patients, and JooUinsr , round hinrt on perhaps such a groop of crpp4 & inTali.b tp no infirmary in ; Knyland contained, the iwiors cajl me a qnsckand a hors8joj?jor j Iwt.who have been doctoring oa,' I woliaer ? AVha makes yim all come to Ybilworih! feh J -if you hiyej fiod doctors at home ? t tj should : like !to know; that. Caii any one tell me (hit ? And! then he wtq'd lanjath, and lell theijpj-wbat hadlnasieJ between himself and some! pf the nejrht)trin2 doctors. 'A famous doctor of i A an- chW said he, on onif occasion, and narjtirt leadfog phvsician, 'met. the other davjji asjp - Wniar alohsf the sfret .- Well, John ffiy was or raid' he, y n so on killin as osuril, I supple 'A 7 'A replied I lo hbfnor the man, 'but at ajsnme ... what .'cheaper ra than thou dost.' " That Jjohn ifird somo s'r.ial cores there can be no: fliteRtidn. " I: i Troi)te that his clear, strdnj head; ai an . intuiiire turn for sorgery. gave a precM kno;wl- fdcre if Vhat hidmes an4 applica!t1.or jcdnld teffHct,aodJtha his botdosa carried him fhro?2 ' what rbrpecieniifi hands dare not hivj Mnder talon. I 3hiw a hdv irell who had been felyen nt by thej aVest snrjeons of her nejgh)fthno'. Her complaint wns cancer in her breast. Thotjgh vinjr e hundredmiles from Wh it worth,, sfh" solved 4 a resoarce, to go- to Jhn Tpy- . lor. When John examined theJbreajt,;;iphk d atiieii and'aaid 'What art thou corfae; hie re fr wcman ?' The lady, who was a woman of diuri'ps heart, replipd.'To be cured, tope sn ft. 'Gated laid J Ha m a stern voice, fnot llie docJors io Enrhndj-" -111 all $ou 1 tell you. J.hiiT 7 TtJ: W t4y, l .trtt & I came hjfffl to see whether vw rrtrtri o nosuili thi on were as much cleveffr jh-tn iher mn ss ybn are renfsented. Fry jou hand ,I.hn Taylor, on m.-Ybjtij think 1 amr.afraidjof hnmp; hurt, but von are mktnktn ; -F can b' Srl what you can InSict ; a'ndltaV try 1 your han-i 11 it bpvkil or cure.,', I eanjbnt ie at last.1.! 'Th'm art brave la?s ren'Jnd John. .'evident burpti ; Mhrn I will try, -arid God prp?p?r Wth!' The lady remained ihere six ; mpoths, and. duringr -.that. period she snfirpd as Irdnch a it wai possible for any4 human' ?reati re ;HUar ; bur she came home a sound womn aijid lived ihirty yars afterwanh. I hajjel f t n ;,fi4, when a! boy .-and hear her toll .what faj pas ' e at Witjiva'ihV Dr Jhn, as he welt'iHeJ. ha I lhn twoeo.s grown np,;who assisted him, GorR and James George was marr ed, ajid f Mr Gfofje actpd as the eon pounder of the 51 W'e'ieejnfcs'j and - the lady, . who seerneif hersilf 'It to'catchjspirh of the p'ace, nsed to help her. pnoripal rempdipn nod werp. a diet drink '"topnrify the blood, an activeanstie,i cajled )y ' the appropriate nam of Kprn with which ; they eradiated canrire; a spirituous liniment, M railed XVli it worth Red Battle ; a bhciisalvj; a, snnrf of wondrous virtn for the had : arid blisters -y AH these Mrs Georje and the lady fnnd abuudant cccnpailon io preparing and In imc iHUHi pfiHjiuTf? oiannT. . j ney nsdi to boil a I whole . kettle of ingredients for the black Mtlv ; uen mor trie nonr, aad flsr.ir thesalva jnat op 1 fn it while it was wet; after whjch Xhfi rut it i into pirUons and rolled It into lit tfel sticks 1 hey mjide dirt diinks bv trallons ; and map t pill'? by 1 the thousand Dr John was ink ionly ' sought by patients of hih rank at WhifwnrUi, j but he jwas, on spveral occasions, sent for l to ; theifi at considerable distances. One oT these jinruey? was !o Cheltenham, to atfenl a Islly of hiah Irsr.lc a DnrHS where arrivinfr. and . r fi 'dinar hef snrronnded by a grreal number ;of pro i. pie. he ordfred allioutbn't the husband and maid; ' , - and ascertaining that the complaint was an ab- t. i herpermission he opened 'il, 4nd fiiu.-.r.-- uri ' ivnni renei. nis ratsea sucn an onin v. i a ri u,v"S!j.hih, uiai veorgt; in., wno jwasinere ; wun risiamny, atierwards sent for htm to the 4 uuccs-s Fjutmein, wno nan a complaint in the hed which resisted all the skill f kh T'yal phjsiiiins. John Taylor gsve thePrin- iss jcme inf his famous snoff, and eventoallv I LrTf i rj: ; 0 th. ,cha 4te4tic Ha.!W,,.:,M .Jk Taylor was dead, and his son James! land two wu of George, (then dead, too,) were ;lhe Idoc- rii l remember James as a stout msriiin ahlne CM3tvaboqi filtyycarsof sje, haviogroojli the rn-varatnee of a refppctable farrier. The ilJpr , cMhe too flphewa appeared a fine active ypnng - man of,ihTPe or four fc tweniy ih othir!a ybnth mo or taree years joBngerrrXw.fwwe. MR. CHAYWe learn thatltli liein ' t1!a cf this distinguished statesman n( the WVstlo vi-it,in the course of Irlis roionlh, l.kes, Nisgart, and Samogafepinffs, x places, be it romatkedhe Has Aever 1 i :!insuo'is oi ooing bim honor ; but m f torn rvnl nhntU - ' t . ' j- 'i-u u nag long! ctesired j v!"-,wJu 'oe complete. .1... i is uis inientipn we uxfdedtand, e,way is noyopeh for a r ? ''siu ,oi aRj public urrupuon snpujii be at ; vp-u .uwus, anu io pass as quietly throu ra.su aaa wrned back;,; f Let . jTuKnry possible, j .1 i discard at stractionr and aim V-ti''btcdly fctsi warm-hearted ' finAm which are ttainableJ I s. T , . M.-ui, .,ijir "'By win not press r o 7 a.ccpi or any public flemon r, t r nbtence !id esteetn.Tbl v.'v,l niy t their dpsire to rniliifeslt g toward hiai Vti. U. S Gaz, THE DEI' Ain't" RE' Ok THE PRESI- . The President! at one 1 1 o'clock yesterday left his Head Quarters i at i Washington Hotel. Ofwervin? fourteen men on horseback.whora we counted, passinflfrbm TarhjnaT!y Hall, and re cognizing som Cuitom Hdnse oQcera smoking cigars on thetf horsef.we followed the cavalcade to ihe President : Qaat tetis. The cavalcade then increase U just twenty-one persons on horse, and there were lesil than twenty carria- ses, except tueh as are; lalwaya mssiog.m Broad way at thai hour,; pa inienaea to os lon? to the Procession; It lis a high estimate to say S00 persons were io or about the Hotel. -All things being feafiy, M r. to uaren went inio his UaroucheL drawn by Mi erey Horses, ac companied hi the Mayor, Mr. Varian. ....... ..i n ! ' w . t ' . . - -e ; 'While trie ricesiaeni-was sealing nimseii, some nereon In the second febry waved his hat, and cried oat "threer cheers, W to i which there teas c we leazi response i mqi as me ca'K" was movinorbffiMrj Van Birea partly rose,tooK off his hat and b6wed, wriri the people raised a very respectable cheer. but :t lie seconl. was rami, and the third, oflesMhanai dozen voice3. J te order of Procession was as f follows: TWENTY-ONE HORSEMEN. ' Oat horse cstrpage, ; j A; BAROUCHE, ; - : .,r.f:pi: .--1 f.'.-;;. vrf-cj-1 ' ': tCP TWENTY CaWrIAGES A VERY SHORT AND-SO-FORTH. We have been thus mathemaiically particu lar in narrating the details of the President's denarture from oor city bfiraose of the contrast it presents io nts arrival, ipe welcome e?eu . oi which was frtgulenQUgii, i'e OTHiiaoi inrn oui of the military tlten drew 4 krear crowd, but the Castle Garden speech oponjhe Sub -Treasury the associations of the President in the city, at the Theatres and elsevihere.have not beeu such as to ftn heartsbr to; woo Enthusiasm. The mo ment the people ascertiine.i! Mhat the President ca me on a political Toar, they left him to his Fellow Cititejtii H'j.sewedj.society .-in Wain. The Whigs ;of course abandoned him to his officers of jthe-Federal Government, and fAV follower's. B'There never was a chanze more marked, or sacomalele as that exhibuted afier his sneech at Castle Garden. He has. made to capital but SY Nefif York city, we -can assure all our readersb the country, but has ta ken a course which must ibake the attachment even of his friends. Hisdeparture to-day issig mfi"ant in 6ns,when we remember the effort to oive him eclat, in this his own btate and Uity. The President's route, we onderstand,will be inland, br the way of New Ruchelle, Sleepy Hollow, B?dror1d, "Qarmejj and the interior towns of Dutchess and Cfojumbia counties. : Jy Y. Express: THE PROGRESS. The progress bf his democratic Majesty, as Bennett says, f.as not, it would appeur, been altogethei as pleasant as he may have expected. In his native county,! the people, disgusted by the'parsiz n nature of his addresses and proceed ings la ths City of New York, have signally rebuked the undignified Conduct of the Chief .Ma jisiiatefn miktng an electioneering progress through the country. U On ibearng that Mr Van Bnren was near the city lof Hudson, a few of - - r-r- ;otingt and formal ly antioancea wi uib uuy Council that ibe Pres ident would ?visil tbe jCijyji The tullowin are from tho Uourter y H.nqtjijrer : !;. -preamble. Wlier&as, a 'Cpmtaueeptarporting. io come from a meeting of the citizens of this city, havihr announced to the! Mayor, and throuoh him, the Common CouncH of the city of Hod son, that the Presideot ff the United Siates being on a tour through the Stato":f New York, intends-shortly; to visit his halve county and this. the. 'city oftis adbption and that thy ciallu, .the hospitalities, of llbe city to the Cnie JVhertas. We feel lboun in our official capa city to pay all ptoprr regard and : rpspect to the wishes of the jeopt,tctej clearly expressed but f VhcreasJ Noi such expes8iori has,been made, we cannot cAisehr to depart from just and demo- cratic4rinciplesby expending the peoples' mo ney 'for ihe "glorification of party men, or ihe futherance of party measures i car can we con seh to lend thelriBuepee o our official staiions, for such purposes. ;."'' ?; Th'ar soch would ho ,-tbp case, iwia conscien tiously believe, and respectfully oflfer tho follow ing nnoeniabla facta in evidence. v ; Here is insetted in detail the history of Mr. Van Boren's journey fiom Washington, with ex tracts from th4 addresses of various - committees that have wailed upon hn, with the replies It is therefore plain beyond the power of ar gument to make it plainer that Mr Van Barents tour, is one of Apolitical bnd partizan charac-teri-ThereforeJibe it s ! I "Resohedi Bylftlua Maynf and Commonality of bifti .iiiat wadj? not leeit-jud by any consider- ations-of jwfwe, jrMene, or Ao . jo., p"i3. w expand the oeop e's money, or descend from the I J.. -tl r ,,UU. -"'! expand ttie peop e's money, or descend from the dighi.y of o!,T,mcial statllos, for the purpose of aiding polilical parlizah in itheir endeaVors to carry out their lavoritelscbetnesi L MR . CLAY'S PROSPR(2T i A liiM frim4nrflln f tiw- .rinia hprlnfvflMnocI,,! k . Mr. CUy assures us i that the sentiment of that region is decided! v favnrahlA i this genilemaii? He says he roes not be. iViX,. -"T in which he livesU now opposed to Mr. wy- : V- - L j: v.-..-.: . Prejudice is fast nsdice is fast isubeid in r everv where. and the friends of aliinsle Iteron of the Presidency lliink tliat r. Clay i the man to break up the succession, arid to make a clear, fii?ld. Honest HTlPn of fall narlipc sho..Id rally & is ( Wd. i. d , . .L r-.fi, . JH. 7" ai"v iuuie Mrnicu wtll ail(rfl time IororPani2i- mill so wKinlJ ' L flri.ii r- T. ...... . .,,.ru; c lyrurganiz- If Bircijelioitld U re-elect.,. ei,e, na he t"mph of destruclive and acrar an 1 1 mS -. ? . oucestem sensioie men: i w ichmond Whig. J There jia no doubt of the truth tf hia encmief, ae discardiriff. their n ? r-pingiarucieirom the Whig. Mert that public vevftr i who h:l vpini i ...... r. i - - .u... e . T.r -S'.T.l" "rea .tgamsi strongly in . . 1 i .,av,ii.iiuii uj siaiiiipra i vun mm worthy prridJice ani .not arfewefthem are noiv amongst 'ihe most enthusiastic af- iivirersl of ; the Farmef jof Ashland. 7 Let acts be disseminated among the people et them but fairly understand Mr. Clay's er, nis principle aiiu nis gionotis of tbairioitc sellsacrifice, and the issue cannoirbe ftubtfrii; between blra and hiat cdrapddnil off utter jselfisbnesswhoriiV hougbja Missouri' Jlestctioni6t,tbe Enqt. er is indeavlring to pilm upon in credd ons followers ak ; a Northern man-with Southern iftineipres." J t I , Lynclhburg ytrgiman.i fte The G Ipb0 and , the Enquirer are both Wonderfully disturbed by Mr. Clay's visit to saratogaprings. uey uu noi wi?u the oeorlei bf Neyr Ydrk to behold "the contrast between the President that is apd the Prpsidj-nittiavls to te the one, (to'a dbpt beWi plintoftsa description) a noblest speclmensi of her noblest work ; gigantic in body aa in oiinaana giTingun- erringjtestimpny,rrhii;;open and gener ous fade, ofthe high moral and intellect o- af ipowjerg wift wuicn ;ii6 is so Eioriouwv enuowed,d; IriMoi Inrpnder that they dread. the contrast..! f FEMAto INFtLUENCEv f The Lynchbors Virffinian saya: "It is sta ted that MaK'Wm, B. Lewis. 2d Auditor of the Treasury Department at Washington, has-been recueu: rrom proscription py me laieneijence uf a lidy. lThes Major is euapected of the treason able crime lof iGohservaltsm, and his removal was Geiermtneq on oui ineiau in question ap prized Gen. Jackson of the in pending fate of one of his od favofites, and, alihoogh he is d4w at Federalist ihfe General inerposed, and the iilusiriuus successor yielded totbe remonstrances of the siil more illustrious p edecessor J T; ;Frm ihe IFilmhglon Chronicle! I The fol tow i 02 article abreared originally, as we perceive from! lather p&ers," in the Louis ville (Ky.) Journailahd ce'tsinly wears an as- J. I-?.' J.H' L: Li k : i .i peci oi firuin; ves we couu noi ctve in io . me belief that South';Caro1io could prove so recre ant to her nliahtpid! faithJtnd bo regard lesa !nf n.oaa usaeriaKDg,now wneo ine incipient sifps have been made, and macy great intervening 6b ; i ; i r fir. r - - stacles; jovercomi Seern however the article I copied into tone of the Charleston daily papers withoutcuntradictiorj or commeat, we are reluc tantly impelled to believe hat such is really the case. 1 L' I7i4 CKartesMRatl Road project at kn end A'hibiviespeciaoei gentleman m, of this j city, receriiJyifrQ'nlSyothiCarQlina, informs us 1 that Cot. 3lai)dngUhe Presideot of the Chr- lesion Railroad Barjk. stated to him that he had given ap all jdei oi pushicff the Railroad far- iner man mjiuoyiis. ipo wnai 01 ooain vsro )rna. 'J'he Coluinel said tfiat ihe State of Geor gia had; pnt junder contract a Railroad from A thens, 0e6(gl4,p Knoxi!le,rTVn.i whichi jin oripealbn' wiih ;he tUilratl from Aogasta to C ha i lesion, wou.1d open a! Railruad coxnmcnica lion froi"" ';K)ptjr.ill lo-Ohaileston: The do Sonel ihooght thiit it woold be qntte ridicolonS to have two Rail-(i.ads fiom Charleston to K.o6x ville. Btifj 1 1 Carolina edaodons her project, but gia intoithe srreat enterprise ; and she is none the less! satisfjed! with having a commanicailon with Last ientiessee, that is made with the money' 4' a rival State From the Louisville Journal, r In compliance with a request to that feet, vel lay l the fb Elowine letter to Ihe Lanor oi .me journal uetore our readers : i i ' -. ;. j I f tihmsviLE; June S5, 18301 Dear- $irj;4il must liumbly refuse the pri-j vate subscription just opened for meinyour office and I beg pf ou the kindness toilet me present my warmest tnanks and grati tune to everv ville' - A national one of my friends in Lotiis-j born'will ever honor the mem ory andi the descendant of Americus .Ves pucci bujA$)erica, even as an exile in ihe! united States, cannot accept an individual favor, however delicate may be the maniler in wbicb it;is proffered. 1 f t I am egei, fdearsii publicly to acknowl edge the kinid;siipfmit!yoii have lent to my cause. :i respectfully and very gratefully remain i r'ri Ml- : ' " I f iTJour friend, j I I AMERICA VESPUCCII j Front the Walchez Daily Courier. THE VVOODVILLE AFFRAY AGAIN. We rfgret tp statfr that this unhappy If- shed . Aduelltook place between Henry: A. on thfl L ! ftloore and fielding Davis, on the 27th r . uJ r- ' 5 . i e .i t 1 1 June, on the Louisiana side of the line, a-1 t , i.tJ? z . i r .i , - f Jne, c tbeouisianade of the l,ne a- hout leaisrbe!owi VVoodfille, wbickte- SMlted in tho death of the former.! i of! the former. th rifles at present ;i$0 shotjMoore in thefeft HniT about half anVLh TbeyloMiHtiwith yards. I?SP??i i side, theSbiaJl fenleng about; half in' fech below the top;of thsihip bone Mr Mopre "mousing Urtmallifn, purring over sinister dign9 itiil iidieMinbi-chircter in his coanieiiance-i-trie lotbeir one of Nature!' died in 1 few minutes- He fell without njlHE undersigned. Administratrix of the Es being abteito hoot at all. Mr DaTis filed I Jl"L tate bf the j late Hfkekiab Nilesr former being ablerto hobt at all. im?ledi!Se!?:alier.!M word one' 1 .M.MWf6jfehniiiied Mr Da.i. tvubout waiting for the latter to reply to bis (Mr M s pubhcaticn ih ibe newspapers. If is j: tw r,i fw"V" uo w iciuutfijiiiu aytrpi iue cnanenge, anc even up Id the time of his appearing on the ground, declared he was forced into a mea- sure which hej had deplored and condemn - I Wtr "'"f86" to W to any Mnpra;ble terms of accommodation: d. and tenr&ipA hik .itlifivn i .C-?JU!i'.l-:J' - L:.'- J j-. . :i Dul the ooribs n oar v was determined that .T fJirJ5!?? 'Si " . " 1 .1 .1 1. - ! I I it- n ice, and Mr Davis e sneering taunl of I i.'Aii r. Jlil . t ;-T--T--i VWftW ll Villi O. 7 and iiidffmeni to theJ fiPndih rf,M.to ,vf - J We alio npufret to itt 'that Mr rkti 1 1 r i :. : , v,Ut xvl Jt-i. L,..aa ; .u r..nr. feared survive, rnanv! davs. " 1 From :all tliat! we J-an osthr from innir of frori TvanoJ sourcci mm wonlrf Conid opinion ? Wilkinson eooty is favor of r Davis, and has been tluoughoji the whole affair, i We hope jblood poough has now been hi, shed ! to calnu)o?vc the angry a"nd excited passions of all concertied, and that -it will proceea no.iuruier. ? Mr Leigh Is since dieii-fEo; C. Wat. Eloquence 4-Tbe Vicksbura Whi?r rives the folIoWing1 extract from a speech of a -candidate forj militaryjoffico in Mississippi. u is too good to be losU for it exhibits the true feeling of a monocrat: r-- I "UenUemen, if thereat Architect of the nniverse j were to desigri forming a brave I t-vu.it siryiraiaou ;pijtripire( ana nonie hearted, ho would baye lo mould him after the exact form of Andrew Jackson, ex Pre sident of the; United I Jtajes of America. The next character whmhLappears onf the horizon jpf good and (great men Via " Martin yan Burl n, President ;of the United States. And then; gentlemen; ys, then we see Al exanderQt Meruit rtsf up like a meteor, to illuminate and dazzle, all beholding eyes tvith the Lnlliancy of bis talents, andsplen dor of his deeds. Andy gentlemen, now having nearly exhausted myself I will only add, that if ypu.will efet me, ! will follow in the footsteps of these; illustrious prede- From the Savannah Georgian, July 0. yTbe following from oar attentive Vones- JUUUCIll, ! iTTO ICkCIICU T U J , UJ IUC steamer Charlesion, CarSt. Lore. - iOAPBYFERKT Juij 13, 1839. My Dear Sir f The ? obj ect for , w b icb Gen. Macomb's treaty IWas; made, seems to accomplished. ! Tbelndians have been in large number! to Fori Mellon and Fort King, and all; rlport (heir entire- willing ness and determination to go within the no 8tgnated boundaries andjthere remain. Et erj means will be tried to secure them the peaceful possession of the allotted territory, and if notbindncoram6n; takes place, thelihis complaint, Now this looks to us like wise ones say that ther great everrastingT. k-0. .ta i r.u- Florida war is at length closed. The peo ple of the; United Stajeii though seem to place but little confidence in theeport. They've heard that the "Florida war is at length coclu'delio 6len that they have become quite incredulbus--8till I cay all uifli van yuu ucuvi gaiety w saiu Verrons.l'l - Doctor Cjafk and Col Dayen- ! i ; j last advices verv ill at fTPP' 5 T i Ui i lT. T iu which; wiiiic? ieu iiau ,uccii , uiijutu i Ml II IJIWII fill .W V wxa -V vm - mm .- - - . 1 Surgeon ifriplerihas beh ordered from this w post on femporary Uit to; roller annmgvjwa 1'te heard that Col. Davennort is recove ringi and is novl on Histway to this post tue Head Quarters oC his District, i . n : T i a ? i u ... rtrJ-h.t rlIL j The fllowinl infarrflation is from re turns made to the Post! Office Depattment li" rVrUfr 7anmuB!1 pbltte y handed us for pubh 1 7 i i- - . r I arid has been! cation : I 'empapliagazi andsPeriodicah, published in the Untied States 1st Maine; 5 41 26 31 124 14 New Hampshire, Vermont, i Massachusets, (at Boston 65) Rhode island, Connecticut I Li li- : -31 York city 71) 274 '39' New New Tork. (at N. Marand (at Bal timore 20V 48 L PennsylFaiii,(ai JRh!alpbia71) 253 :jjetaware,j . j f;. DvofldfatlVashlnlton 1 1 Virginia7 (RichmohojlO,) -".w 3 16 52 30 20 33 9 36 34 26 4 North Carolina, South! : Carolina, ' Georgia, 1 Alabama, j ! iJ Louisiana, (at Nefv Orleans 10) Arkansas,! I ' Tennessee, . j: i; Kentucky, If Ohio, (at Cincinnati '27,) Michigan.,!" i - ,'.f 1;' 50 31 164 31 5 3 69 38 26 1555 W isconsiri; Terr i tojryif Iowa ierntory Indiana, j Illinois, j Missouri, i Of the above 116 arel published daily, 14 tri- weekly j SO semHweekly, land 991 once a week. Ijr.and quarterly principally magazines, and views Many of the ily papers-lsojssoe T?.ew! trt-wi trt-weeklys, ee e? ht are in th Fr.nch; aodo ihe N. Orleans tri-weeklys, eemi-weeklys, and weekly. Thirty e German language, toar in the one in ths Spanish. Several of the N. Orleans papers are printed in French U Englisb. 1j 4J : u-':''. 1 1 w 1 TO fTHE! PUBlJ. - TO JTHEI PUB HC j Jmtmihgtonlell Jiwe22. 1839. editor of the liegisier, Dfgs leave io. iniorm me Pubtie that there Ire yet to be disposed of, on reasonable terms, Mew (u sets of ffiles's Re- ir..w.' it. a nmm0il(amnl tn vulnma fiftw inclusive, with all the supplements and general i maex. i an coujpiie, ipiiaiug a pcuuu i i twenty Jive years, wgenw wim a nuiouer oi sets including the secon,lthird and foorth se 'ie9 Irya oepiemoer, if if, io oepiemoer, laoo, "j 8fndF ?d flfpo complete the sets hios? waom8r navepfn or re nowuwen ii h,i SheJbei l'Vo ;t.., t!.i.u LJ. lui :M-:r swt ., jui . ,B,pr,IVu, which exists for co dotnjr, j she has placed ll . ! . .. i .i .. . g!5.'53 rSyrrS't.i-. . "f 1 .11 the1 bSuks of the concern beinff in his nosaes- ion, 9 wr-omappt ca ion can be made tor 1 j i t - . " - . . sets of parts of! sets; of tie aforesaid work. I I tL j -i.s. i cnminir in mitr.n in ixklllir uu k nn x nn iiwnii .! .tTl I her to dispose of the surplus copies of the I RpffHter, and jtof real fth sams doe from if'Wfor whosebenefimhfilaborsf her late bos band WeT so iealonslf gifpn, to enable her i to e- ndr fe&f of whom are un .iir,iv,. f WT; . . 0"".J i . i n;i;i I It .- i j i. ;r ;.- ' ' if .. . v: tsaa i WATCHMAN. FRIDAY, JULY 2C, 1630. REPUBLICAN WHIG V domination for Congress, l Doctor.-Pleasant Henderson, OF SALISBURY. OFFICE REMOVED. DThc Editorial Office of the Watchman is rem ovod to the Editor's Luw Ofilicc.inst helow the Market House, on Market s tree t. Th c Printin g Office is in the yard of the same premises'. . ' . "Private and Personal Ooncerns.V In the last number of the Western Car oh nian, is contained a bitter complaint against the friends or Ur. Henderson, and against us in particular, for attaching Mr. Fisher in Ais private and ptrsonal concerns," and the discussion of his relations with the Choctaw Indians is given as the ground of feigned issue to entrap public sympathy, and to throw unmerited odium' upon Mr. Fje: adversaries. "For our own pait, we did not allude to this matter until he had of bis own accord brought it to the notice of the public, in his speech at Mocksville. We did not then make any strictures on it un- il he bad published a Circular, arid treated waller at large. : Since then, we h ave i -t - i . . t i I - - : . j ' - ... - uw0.y. vuuui c vurseivw io i-cis si a- in mat puDiication, ana to I me docu- mentary proof furnished by the tribunals. which have had the subject under consid eration. ' But the Carolinian says, that the reports' which we hate "paraded" were made "before the. claim was understood," and that we ought to have given the facts, J 4, f . , . i . tU , from the report and documents of the Com- rqissioners Who examined these claims. Our answer to this is, that since Mr Fisher brought this transaction to, public view, ap plication has been made to the Department Washington, from two several sources within our knowledge, for all the papers and documents laid before Congress, or on file in the Indian Department, relating to caim3 under the tieaty at Dancing Rabbit Cjreek : In neither instance haye any ruch been furnished. . There is a short, report a mong these docu ments stating that the Com misst oners had ; been stopped in the, out set of the business, by the resignation of Mr. Pray, and aidoubt whether the other two could act without the third Commissioned There is not one word in this cooimunica- lion on the merits of the claims. We have never heard of any such document before, and if there be any in existence, we are sure it has not been yet submitted to Con gress. But why does not Mr. jFisher him self bring forward ' this testimony if there be any such ? Instead of indulging in acri monious epithets against Judge Black and others, who have made the statements to Congress: instead of accusing us of un fairness and uncharitableness: instead of - i " ' i asking us to lake his bare assertion as to the facts of the case, why has he not at once gone to the fountain bead; and brought Vorwarfi ,hi- All nhmnTvinrr t, seems to us that a man of Mr F's sense would make this the very first step in Ins vindica tion. Instead of pursuing this obvious course, he calls upon us to produce it who never heard of it before. If . 5Ir. Fisher bas suffered any wrong in the examinations of this subject, we are not to blame for it - We have simply repub lished what was already before the public We have copied the documents faithfully : we have indulged in no gratuitous abuse, nor harsh commentataries, we have endea ?red to treat the subject ftirly and decor- ousiy. it tneso papers uo mm intustice, we sincerely hope that he may be able to furnish the world with their confuta tion. But as the matter now stands, be must pardon us for declaring that his de- fense is not as yet made out, there is the I weight of official-documentary evidence bo I , - U J I """'I Ito one side, .od onl, bi3..aplo denial on a I the other. How can Mr F. complain that we have gone into matters merelj prtraffr and per' sonat ? Are claims growing out of a trea ty made by the General Government ex amined i by committees of both Houses still under adjudication by commissioners aoDointed br act of' Congress.!; arid finally to be acted on by that body, nere prirafe to take into and personal matters f He may say, how- by the name ever, that bis connexion with the claims are riney nwut of tbfscharacler, and ought not therefore tP "u 05l::i le toadied V have not i! have thought t in? tne o?ir ; -j - - - name, and t'cc'- Bui wn hive 1 ceremnnitMH trr. ful misteprespp.! any impRrtai.t Congress vn t! added, tlic r ers) Wi!l l,o f , ; Congrrss u ill. is an easy wiv t. Why should t! has himself to! ! board will L? What for pray ? ter of cour?. ? wlmt right h - port ant a fnct ? for Centre? 3 to tfrtion, and v, cerning the ik of the natioa ? very farfo dec! proof 83 to v. !. will be ado,-t haps it tniy t cerned, msy v '. in this Eurnr..:r may IhiulT il r matter : othrr protect Ir. ! gainst their c mended by Mr. must be i.viv:, are anyjfacts . we certainly c r are our accc: We will 5 ; as t3ke an ir.!. Slate, that t!. " place, b.3S tc; :; carried on vi been compltt dant supply cf pected the I;; menced in : I We learn ! have set out n ness and vi: r truth is the r rie8 is reduc years must pr prosperity ef t be called the I less than c! within about f . in operation, c ; We enamcrslr : ages, viz : &t L: lem, Mocksvs! Surry (water do. Fiher's c ry, Concord. Cotton, .See, l Greensboro', c enterprising c : gaged in puttir. mill in this li;: this place Some cf cm: so talking at: latter kind in i: here for sct f.i No common!! y such a conven; is ised to pay Lc : IHE I5R1TI intclligpncer u t . II1IUI umtiuii Ji i through a star 1 ft fiw mfilirtn h v this noble sioi just coming ir t wnen iue inicr has as vet con, . . - 4 . . nn lh nrrr-ir The Cnnrs won am linri'iu f ( , j full crop in ojr as we. have l:e better. Tho rains, have air. assurances, "i cotton crops v than ordmanlj this prospect u and Virginia. 1 K Li w writes to cs trsi Hand, hast r,oi past, and fwf of the i J ii -: which he cxplai iV-JI If mm:! per. we v.i- ihooght of the I preted, means All who cr,rr site ftorn th:3 ii. that is; a rlh To Win r. munication si. i'