i 1 . I, r . pUJJlilSUED.EVfiKYl FRIDAY, BY i HAMILTON C. JOXESj ' EDITOH iPttOPRIETOIt . ; ' ; 1 r ' T " "- 1 t i n'm . i .. '""' 1 i 1 1 1 ' T ' ... . . 1 , 1 -1 i- il'-Sr ' ' Jj -M -.. .j -I . . 1 1 ' j w 1 L jt I,- ,1 y ' 11 m n i ' - - - -1- r - r -: 1 - "- -' ;" " " -"- l'!TTT."PgWB' "t " -" ..r. T"?3 T'TtT ". "T 5- ' ' J--ZZim mm- ''""r.T: !:. E'T 1S '-. -- "rV 'jiri "r-r-w-w-wi-ii r - - - r - - fc- Hw jtfcwsi-MMMw, .r,W.A'-i "J m.tm. m - - .... . mi1 - n m " , w n i i . i n 1 1 , OF ITHE r . ; . caraltelt Watchman, ' tfij'ciivl may 'faerearter be bad or I forsi' tOi Cents per y ear J rhif ifCfaetv'subsrnbrs who wil! TiifihetlW WhIdsafa atonenaymeni, Jw.ribsrwho 4 lot pay dating tSe year - cb-iVrelliihiree p.illars in all cases. ' nri.'il vfillbereceifed forlessthtn ;,nir;vViU;bf Jitontftiaed bat at be op L tWliMrjunllsaaliarrearsesare pad VlteitVfJ to " )h Editor most be pos l-Pirrwc ihevswlllcerlainly notbeat- 7 ms. at y r r j i r V V w'r niikre for Hie first in$erlion jl fys ky-tffe ycr squareor each in- lViu Nili?JtfVjire charged 23 perceni, Er-r .tlyS a1)ve rates. A deduction pir ceat f tJ'Jt U4 Regular prices will be iotlioseiflMftiseby the year.) Xj4lferiUfehij?t mil be inserted fprless A j fcrif-M i)f i 1 1 he co n f i n u e d u b 1 1 lo rd e rs (pwlvp t1ifetti where no directions ; SALISBURY v Cents. !. j;B; vDfai !ioi ,inJy,ap5ai70 j - peach, i33ff)Oi Molasst;55 a CO Nails, cf 8 a 9 Oats, . 25 a 30 Pork, ;$"6 .- J Sugar, br. ,) 10 a 12 Joaf, 18 a 20 Salt,, $154 Tallow, 10 a, 12i Tobacco . 8 a 20 pijii in seed jinnef r -cleitr'a 91 Tow-linen, 16 a 20 Wheat, (bushel) 81 , 1 - ! . J -, - L.t --. : -1 . WhiskevW 45 a 50 Wool,1(ciean) 40 TCV1J.LE. Molasses,. S5 a 40 Nail, cut, 71 a 8 Suar blown, 8 a 12 Lump, 1J Loafy , 18 a 2 Salt,-; i 73 aim -.Sack, $21 a $7 ?5 Toba :co 1 1' a f 8 a 10 .? Afile 5J4 a M Cotton ba-r. 16 8 W 8 a li fellWf'' Wheatr. ! 2i iiW-H I'iUl 4$ Whiskey mmnmm wool, a a I . Whiskey 00 a &0 20 a it Iff OHKRAW. IlWi,:S11,s? cut assor 7J a,9 iP-Plirid wrouglit l.U a 18 Jll3'jQ,'rfs.buslt:el s; 50 .M.?ir.X:' 75 a $1 ? $125 10 ail 25 Affone 1 J a i i i n s e a i 6 a.8 ice 100lbs$5 ilJilt sack1 2 75 $3 Si HJStecl imer. 10 a 12J S f'. Erifilub !- 1(4 11 H3i4tf!al5.0n:;v: German' 12 a 14 S'3lJ 4l2ria impSl a Sl37i r jaboiit the last of subscriber, at : that Stokes Cour.lv. Nj -CfoJu& ;.my ..Negro'! man I" l'ssi;.liMiir''ir ar .a?:mv v M a'iti i ionif llts II iShoeraaker iy trade, has itwiy he$J ! of hair, a thin visage is- -ouiii. anafvg,n9 irom idd 19 14U pounds. NjQrfrMl"4r4kcar-, uo'.' one of his letrs Mf.ntel;6ei,ed' to be on tfie-iri?ht lei tSi;a..ror :Ssiy rm just below thtr elboW oc tm J'Iia : heels have been frosted, scars b pun pnem. uoie ? TT'MCtkL-4 iree womin i hear liiaifiv . i - r . that he may be ny persons believe ahitrt mm nirnoil Ll"1NiWlpft the neighboxhood about 4k K .-.I'll i . . i-- -F ' 5 '"-Win give a re ''$tyt MMti to any one who will de- irT H near urooK ieai in uarop- .'"llJ-tta'8rl'iSni-l: tvkiini ' ii-"- --' I ' 1 EaiI ilimi A RIJ O VEltSTEET; filpb4JlctyVa tf23 'l' Wil hid '! Mnili.vUl Inn 1 'uf Kr J n I. ?fMf Wfeipreliended "'tbe Slight I 'Vf Sft 'H- Wurst consennenre iinawinpiL lilt arfF1' supposed this disease 4 ! Ht Y "l'?ios.I par'icufar regrbns of th . iir -i? O PIF'So. o. iei-t:ae ortrjaicav- 5 'S-I" ftt3?al sj mPtQra flatulen fTLL frlfhalr ;bowelsacrid eructation. sir tP1dPain9.2d:n dimness fM!t,nti, and often an utter inability wMtian uDon anv subieet nfl im- 1 :-lf POS: w 'W Jthingt that de- :4tfipfW-f?f0,f-,-r Also lansaidoess rllW !5Companied with utgi and peculiar triin ofqideas tverhelrnn r iVart m t-F.ilJSVMliuauon.' ana ; I till m tun n nvn the jadgment exhibit an infinite i?iTersity. , The wisest and best of rot n are as open fo this a dic tion as the weakest. , L ' v . ! A sedentary life ofjarijh iod, 'especially se vere study protraetedj to a late- hoar in the eight, and rarely relieved by sojcial intercourse, or ex ercise, a dfssolute habt, great excess in ,veatjng and driokinz, ihe immoderate : ase of mercarr. violent puratives, thje sbppreesion of some ha-j Dituai discnarge, cas, ine oDsirucuon oi ina raeo 6fisV)'or long continual eruption j5 relaxation or .1 - ' '..7.!. ' ' ... . ' Dfrtyiiuy oi one or more important organs wunin the aSdomeh, is a frt-r jabt! caase, ' " ' v trcItv EXT. f. "S . The principal objects f treatment ; are; to re raovfl indigestion, to strengthen the body, and to enliven the spirits, which may be promoted bv exercise, earv hoJrsJ rennlar meal, and plasan( conversation being carfu!lf regalatid of a mild aperient.; "We ralcatiied to obtain thisf nd, than Dr. William E.van3' Aperient fills t-peing mild and certain in theii operatiort 'Trje bowels being- once cleansed, his inesiimabJleiCarrumile Pll!s,(whicri are tonic, anodyne! and ami -spasmodic) are, an infallible remedy and without dispute have proved a great blessing o the numerous public. Some physicians have 'recommended a' free use of rnercory, bat it inould not be resorted to; as in many cases! U wijll greatly aggravate the symptoms, 1 i?ead - the -following inter eslin ) or and .as- . . lOTttsung- acr ICP ASTHMA. THllEE YEAUS' STAND-INO.-Vlr Robert MoUroe, SchayTkilJ, afflicted with tbe above distressing malady. Symptoms; Great langourjflatu eney. disturbed rest' ner vous beadahe, difficulty of breathing, tightness and stricture across the breast, dizzinesssrner voas irritability and restlessness; could not lie in a horizontal position without! the sensation of impending suffocation, distressing rough, cost ach, drowsiness, groat the nervous energy. pal pi la I ion of the bear!, veness; pain of thestom debility and deficiency of Mr It. Monroe gave up every thought or irecovery, ana oire despair sat on the countenance of eery person interested in his existence or happii ess, till by accident he noticed in a ptblit paper eome cures efTecled by Dr ,Wi EVAN3' IVlDICINE in his com plaint, which induced jhim t purchase a pack age rf the PIU8, whicn resulted in rompletely removing every sjjrmpibrri .of. his disease j.' He wishes to. sav n is motive tor tnjs declaration!). that thfA afflicted; witfi the same or any symp toms similar to ihosejfroni vhich he is happily restored, may ; likewise receive the inestimable benefit., " ' Ij j A CASE 0F TIC DOLORI5UX.1 Mrs, J, E J4hn)iij wife of Capt. Joseph JohnsUl, "of Lynr.VMass. was seveifly afflicted for teny ears witb; 'Pis Dolerenx,; vfolehl pain in her heail, and iviroiiirtg with a burning1 heat in ine swui'icn, anp unaoie to leave . ner room She eouJd find na tejielf from the advice; of sev eral physicians nor fioru medicines of anyt kind, until after sh liajrlfcptr moored usinu.pir Evans! medicine ot too Uppihamsieet, an from that lime he began Jo rbeid and fftels Satisfied it he coniinue the j tHedicine a fw days longer, .will be perfect llcli jet . Reference, i-an be had s to the truth of the above, by callirt' "at Mrs Johnson's daugUtefd Sjtore, SS9 Grand street, iCJMrs Anne R Kenny, fSTo 115 Lewis street between btaMoij and Houston ss", jfllie ted for ten years !wM llie following: distresinir symptoms: Acid drubtatiori, daily spasmodic pains in the heades of appetite, palpitation r of her heart, giddinpss lai.d dimness of sighi,could tot Iieon her right Mide, disturbed rest, ntier in Ubiliiy of ngagingl jin any thing that demanded vigor or courage, sotneijimes a visionary idea of jin aggravation fjhr disease, a whiaiaicaljaver Kion to particular parsons and places, groundless apprehensions or personal danger and poverty; an irksomeness and weariness uf life, disconten led, disquietude on every 1 slight occasion1, she conceived she could either die norlive;t,he wept, lamented, desponded, and thought she, Jed most miserable life, Ineyer was one so bad,' with infrequent mental rjaijuciinations. j . , h Mr Kenny had thfj advice of several eminent physicians, and had recourse to numerous medi cines, bul could not obtain even temporaryj'alle tiation of her distressing state, till her husband i persuaded her to make trial of my mode of treat I juent.. '-,;:,.:; " k J 1 ' :l " :-c -!.', - j She is now quite fe! ieved, and finds. herself not only capable of afunding to her domestic af airs, but avows that! she enjoy as good health at present as she didj ut any period of her !exis tehee. ' j ' r K i J.Kenny, i! husband of the aforesaid Anne Kenny. , -. - -j' v : t ' Sworn before me, this 14th day of December, 1836.x w.Ji . ;. i ,..-,: ; j . Peter Pis :eney, Com. of Deeds. s: ICP REM ARK A h I ;r n a s 17! n vk r. f tt v RHEUMATISM, fin, an Afiect.on of the Mngs-cured . under the treatment of Doctor Wm. EVANS IQp Chaihami street, New V ork. v . .Mr Benjarojrt S JarvisV 13 Centre 6t. Newark, N.J., afflicted for four years! with Severe pains in all hiji joints, which' were always increased on the slightest motion, t thetongue preserved a steady whiteness ;.Ioss of appetTte, dizziness in his head, the bowels commonly ; ve iy costive, the urine tiigh coloured, ahd 'often, brofuse 8weatidg,un! ttended by reliefJ- The s bovesymptom9 were also attended with consid erable difficulty of hrieathing. with l senie of lightness across the best, likewise a great want Of due energy in the;! nervoua system. . i The above symptuns were entirely . removed, and a perfect cure efiUted by Dr Wm Evans. ., ' , I BENJ. J! JARVIS. I CitycfJS'tio Tojt,;M,L'. ;: 1 - j . Benjamin 8 Jarvis being duly sworn, dotb de . pose and say , tbat tbe facts staled in the al bove certificate, subscribed br him, are in all respects trhe: i! RENJ. S. JARVIS. j Sworn before me. this 25th of November, i836i, ! WILLIAM SAUl-, Notary Public. 96 4nas- Slu street 1 Sold bt ther following Azents.l ' r GE OR QE ' Vl BltPTV A",' -Satislttry; 'JV. a JOHJVA IMG LIS( Bookstore) CherawS. C. J. H. AJSDEHSOm Camden. SC i I EaOlLYHUGGTJVS, Columbia. S. C. i .V. JlLflSOwY, & Co. .VflI0,l&33-.rt41 Tho Iw.ivaTa ril o.wti et. I nof i.f hr arm Ir . fihfl WOUUI flDDeai l. HBVtJiai JUa Sirs': Susan D. Peridlcjtbn; JZillinergz Mantua-maker I Near.tiik Apotuecarv Stoe:. lli rBlHE Sabscriber informs i he ipoblic, tjiat she 1 Hi has Just receied throogh the NoKhern Citfes the latest and post. approved ; ' v ji I lioNDOV i PARISIAN PASHIOXSji I j Ab4 is prepared to execute orders Mnurte mist fttvltehand satisfaetorv manneri I A&to tbe man i . . . . . .r . . ... -ii' i , tai lu several u: a fWork gpnt from a distance shall "be carefully put up and turwarde J. I ' ; j f f . S. D PENDLETONJ BfeP A feur Bonnets, - Caps, Tarbaos and (other articles, will be kept cn hand for sale. Salisbury. June 14, 1839. - i i j ; 1 NOTICE. nPlFIE General Assembly having authorised Jh the Governor to procure on complete set bf - WEIGHTS and MEASURES, as Stand nrria for each county, .persons disposed 5 to con Iraejuare invited to make theirj terms known, ioriiHihtv to the Act for that purpose. Chapter MaHpU nf ihn weiThts can be seen at the Executive Office. ; DUDLEY.' Ipril 1839 ' " t Sthtesville Female Academy fill HE Subscribers are happy: in being able o ii announce to the public, that they have ee cured the services of Miss Tabitha Uakkin in jhe Female Academy at Statcsville as Th-. torlss,' of whose high qualifications they have1 theni9St satisfactory eyidence. j - i fhe next session will commence on -the; 1st! Mopday to August. ' Instruction !will be given I in,Reading, Wriiing.Aritiimelick.lSnglish? Grlmoiar, Geography with the use;, of ibe' GUbtts. Natural Philusophy, Chemistry, Histu ! ry,Bjtany, stronomy, Rhetorick, Loick; andl GeihWy Pujiila of sufficient age and advance ) me Mosie and Painting, with various' species of prnam-ntal Needlework wilfalso be taughti v Termslof '"Tuition Ji!IH beffinneis ner Session of 5 mouths I 46 C T S i " . ' .. . i : - . . ' ! t 1 ' , ; OuCinien-ing English Grammar ana i j Geography,; : r 8 Abve with History and Natural i ! Philosophy, ' ' " -r ! j 10 v with all branches in Literary j i 'j--Departotentr.-;;r .; i' ; !! 12 00 I ! 00 50 ilusic $20, Painting $10, Contingencesj 50 ctsj. N ;B. Bearding can he had in respectable leS at $7 .00 per month. THEOPHILUS FALLS, 0S. W STOCK ION, tilOS. 11. M.-ROR1E, I i Trmtem OS P. CALDWELL, O0N A .YOUNG. x I AM'L R: BELL, Jurt 28, 1839 lm48. JrflTHE Subscriber being desirous to remove r AO the South West, offer's for sale hii 'LAJVU ;Wltp t,he appurtenaoces in ihe coki nt y jjarie",j op llie! main road leading from Salem tli .olatysl villi, ind about at an equal distance frimieac!i piarfe,! and 6 miles distant froin Mk-vileij- Thre.are about i i l OOO ACREiS 1 ! S e whole lying all logether,but irl several Is. --The whole place K well imiroved 4- fertile and in a high slate of cultivation wit hlall J 1 the BUILDINGS entirely nwliljhe 0fh DWELLING HOUSE lis bbdi ifasiilS. There is a large quantity of meadow iiiULJ land, and god ORCHARDS of! the besftrijits. luchof this Land Ijies on! j)uth) mail Creek, which furnishes it with a &ood deal of the lies1 hot mm. There is a SAW MILL i V GRIST MILL, and a WOOL CARDING .MACHINE on the premises Possessibrti villi pe given me coming tan ii saie is.maaesnortty : lf rlotihonly , possession1 will be- given: in ilhej snrinvi The sale will be made in Lthrels seveial ardjelsf if it be desired, and a good esience! mavi oe uaa uo eacn, - 1 ? n ! Terms made known on application to the Pro piieiorj, jui as ne isuererminea.io pen uri lavoia hie ierms, application had best be made prlyi !:l " i . ' LHOLIM OaW Grove, Dav ie co. N . C. Jene7 1839 3m45 J" NEW JEWELLERY, St :''!! JOHN C. PALHIER AS another new supply of Gold er WATCHESi- Plain English and French uoitoid fob Chains and Keys. Fne breast Pins and Finger Rings, Silver, fiattet Knivls. raient and pJatn Pencils, Tooth Pck,L Fpb ynains, spectacles and Thimbles.ySiefl and gilt rob Chains and Kevs. 1 uill ''i-".- S? l it ALSO . ... . .. A VT4RY FINE AND LARGE AS$0Itti- MENT OF RAZORS AND PO ( I AND PEN KNIVES; by different 'makers, and other articles usually kept by Jewellers.! AH of which will be 'sold low for iaA, or oniy six months credit, alter . . . r jT ' a : t 3 ..y'i 'il which time, interest will be charged. Wdrk done, fa 1 ih fully and punctually, j Salisbury, May S, 18S9 tf40 ihia, cnmmnnilv. who bave. lately lis PHYSIO ! V 1, -x .w ; ij i C. B ii C. K. WnEELHR,.i AVE just received aUargeaod fresh supn- rplv of l--t - Afj -!v ':A-i tHUGS.MEDlCIA'E8, PMM.TSi UYE $TV&FS. OILS, BRUSHES. CIG4HS. TOBACCO. SJWFF,EMOjV SYliUJ rvJJYD TABLE MUSTARD. ; l' ALsqy i ;;i;r n PATENT HEDICIXCS, SPIRITS OP TVRrBWTlNE, SWAfMS M IIOUCK'S PANACRA, FRHSIIi IllCr, SOAPS . - .CANDLES, CLAKS TV A 3D, ' U rj,-, . j PERFUMES &C;-. ,-;( Jr sAlsn,VaTuos kinds of j Wines i and Spirits Jfor rneuca) purposes. ; All ofj which 'will he sold low for cash J or on. time to punctual customers. SaJisbory,;MayS,1833f40 : . Martin van bure and john y. v -fK EDMONDS. I- I " These gcnl'eroen wefe the Lions of New iYork, dnring the last tep days. -The for- mer is riesiueni pi (uekuinteu oiaies i. j ne latier wai selected to tender tu :the Presi dent the ittention aBd cvilities of the Corn mercisl Emporium. It has excited consid- lerahle sunrise that a person so little known to me cimens oi ixew iorK. snouiu nave . It- , f . T i. i been selected to represent them on the oc casion. Wio is John VY, Edmonds ? was thj general enquiry. 1 The: correspondent ol the Hostor. Atia3 has, answered it very satisfaclorily We takejthe j liberty of eup ptfinc an ilerr or two which! will serve las finhhing loucitd lo lhe, poilait of Mr John - a V I I : S i vv L r.nmot as r .. . it . -i y We pass ovei certain Sob treasury bpera t Ions in the Hudson Chapter and in lelatton to pTihtarv fines) for the purpose of reacji- a Law, Case r?portedlin 4th Crow nj page vntitleri "ex parte Jtaats." ! ! J ! I t Mr Slaats leli a bond Iwitb LJohn Wi m- mninds, as an attorney, for collection e mcjjney was paid to Edmonds without a suit, whin neglected to pay itloyer to 3taiats, t$ot T.epeatenly rj . a t - j h' m i w to 'do so. if ' LTnon these facts 'J. L'A rriore ux, fmpted tor a Knie that tvtmonds snow cause wpy ah attachment should net issue against hiin ! E 'monds himself opposed t he motion! i - S. i ' 1 ( lirfip.i;ourt oeciaea as ioiiows: l ; f,Ctria;l---The motion must 1 be granted. It plain that this bonq was left with M Eclmonds n his character of AttorneyL tb"' noiijiDecirjc directions were tven to brine a suit. It turned out thee was no need of a suit. The money was paid in i and the e iator is entitled to our tjid in obtaining it, in the same manner as if collected bysift ' I It will jbe recollected that 0artottVi he forper Cashier of the I Gorftmecial pak, plaved Siib-treasnrer toitbe tune ibf $160, 000. Bartow had been jextensiyely srigHg?ed in jptnrk speculations with Messrs'. Ketnl.Je, Bisjhop, arid Edmonds, j(ibree leidin an Buren Senators,) which Vaulted in his elope mjnt and! pi loss of lb.OQO 6 the ba)k Thjie bank has a judgment against Edmonds fbrjhis share of the "spoils-" . M ?he Comme rcial BankatTair commended Edmonds so warmly tokhe General Govern mrit triatjhe-was immediately appointed to a'flndian Agency " Thus clothed with I u thor'lv, he solciteo and obtained from bis friend-', some $10,000 which was to jbe In ...- - 1 - i t I ; 1 vested in government lands lot the joint benefit of Edmonds and the geptlemjpn wbb advanced the money. We presume thai this trust was faithfully exeruted, J IT otherwise the Slate Tr.i titer, who is under--istood to have bad a i ye;nture'Lin'lhal spei: 'ulajion, iniobt explain all. j - ' ' furh are some of the incidents which distinguish the history ! of John W. :Ed niohds, who. next to Air Van Buren, is the great man of the city of New Yoik bariv Eve Journal. - - j. ABOLITIONISM and IVAN BUREN isil. 1 UNO pISCE., We have heretofore given extracts from the New Bedford Gazette edited by the pre sent Van I Buren Editor of the l Nashville Union, showing tbe rapid abolitionism of that strentioas supporferj of Mr Van Buren, whi st he lived in an abolition region. The Nashville Banner, having obtained a file of the paper edited by his neighbor when down East," continues to furnish extracts rqu klly conclusive of the abolitionism ff the Editor; and the Anti Southern and lAtifi Slavery feelinps of Mi Yan Buren. L; j From tbe subjoined, t appears; that trie developements in relation to Mr Polkas orU ganj have, as they should dp, excited the attenuon pi me good people ot 1 ennessee: From tha Nashville Banner. ! J THE ABOLITIONIST BROKEN ? .il l'" 1f'fVDOSES.T i, K ii I ; Gentlemen from various parts of tbe State; hap pening to be in Nashville, have called at our office to see with their own eyes the Neir Bedford Gazette, fwith; the came of the present editor of tb Union at its mast heid.) from which we ha ve quoted the rab id abolitionism that wejhave held up as a -Looking Glass" to Col;Po(k and his Vib Buren co-operators in Teonessee, 10 order thatithey may see truly what they have done andiaretill doing We ar6 gUd to find the honest and highroiqded j I ennesseeans takings lively interest in Ibis matter. It concerns them. v Any gentleman I RomJ the 1 -i - 1 cbfjntry corniiig to Nashville, U respeifuP i ly invited tojcall at the Banner Offices and examine the docutnenlt for himself. Geo tlemer from Lincoln, Rutherford, Maury, Williarnson, Wilson, White,: Jackson and ScnithJ ! ba already 'called.). They pro nounce it a clear case. bo do Van Buren men of this city, and yet "the party are sus- timing him? . i Th dose we adduce to day is a-small but strong one.- Here it is It consists of an array ot air Van Buren i votes in!' oppo- sition to slayery. which the editor transfer- - j. !c t T .i 'it. e. at i red tqh.s columns et,denlly to benefit Mr Van Buren : Fwm the New Bedford GazetteL Nov. 2. 1836. i '1 Cv Jeremiah G" Harris r. Ilri 1821: Mr Van Buren voted that Con gress&ad the Constitutional power to abol- - . 1 1 . - : i ' . : " : isii Kiaverv in iiir i prrnnrie. nnn , insirnr-. led the New York Senators in Congress to I I Ll " " -f ' voiongaini iiiq aamtssion or .uissouriJ- Iq 1836, he says that Congress has the constttutional power to abol.sh slavery in the District of Colombia - i ' ' Ir) 1821, he voted to give freo 'blacks the rights of suffrage. . I. , ; fin 1822, he voted m favor of restrict ing the introduction of slaves into Flouda,' This case viewed in two aspects gives rise to reflections equally discreditable to the Van Buren parly. The fart,that the leaders of that party guouia select, to put at ine neau oi a leading press at the capitol of a South rn Statean individual, who through a series of years had been an active and open mouthed , c-aujuiur u ii.o .uuiiuouwu wiuu u s.aiue inp people oi me ooum. ana mase tnem distruEst the sincentyr these men. Why,, . a & l. " - L i . f . ii tney were nonesi in ineir i opposition to abolidonism, did they so 20 to New Ens- land hnrl seek out notorioiiq nhnlitinnit -nt nn'i in h.rrro np, nr'i IK,.K til. uuu tti. ih:iiuii;v uiviia ninvil lull . V 1.1 i 1 . . ui r 7r hopef would controUhe pub he opinion! of rrnt i .Snnlhprn Slain ' ' lVt Ihrpinn - ... ..w nicuu j iu - uuuoiriu.iusitiuiiuua uiiuui'iiuui the limits of the Confederacy, who could be! found 'worthy Ttd edit the leading Van liuep , press in lepnessee t was J. U Harris,! ihe abolitionist , Editor of the New Bedford Gazette, their only alternative? It ? a " " - ' . ' ' . -!- can scarcely 00 credited, i we presume there! must: be m the: Van Buren party in Tennessee atone, many rheui identified in feeling and interest, with the people of that State, Who are capable, of conducting a po litical itiurnal. Why were they over look I ti i' ' - e 1 i'.L edj .U a champion .of abolitfonism promo- tea to :tne important ana legponstoie P''St bfc4ndiicting the leading organ of the Par- ty f Can any other mofe plausible reason ne a?signea. man mat tney expected acces sionst and sought to conciliate the incendi- ariesjby honouring and rewarding ono of S I 1; ine niliars ol their cause i , . i Biit the conduct of the Van Buren Edi tor h)mself, in denouncing Southern Insti tutions whilst at the XMortrr, and since his soioqrn in the South, inveighing against his o a comrades. fth Abolitionists) and cham ml Southern Whitr with "d Ulitinh with ikrJifMPM.ch o r....-;io Ur tilo v iiiwimi , ui (iiouwa a ian ouwv iiui. ui iub I r t r i , T y k - . "Ti'T V.T r 1 iviist ui piiiiiipie accoruiiigo tiieir inter ; aic icaiimiru uy uu icgai u trutli, no sense cf justice, and no sentiment ot rriofalily, in the pursuit of their ends. They vieed ihe people as fit suhjecls for treachtry and deception!, and he, in their f 1. 1 ' . 1 r ! 1 1- ," estimation, is the greatest statesman, who cap make most by duping and betraying theni. They (lurnnur the passions and pre j'idirfes of the community th'ey ate in, and are a, 1 1 things to all men- Their admiration 01 every nation is inproportion to ine inoi vidual they chance to address. Aecrj the Dutch character is the noblest in the world ; to Monsieur, tlerei is nothing to co)npare with the "Grand Nation"---to Saichey, Broad Scotland with its oat meal; steril soil and industrious people, is without a compeer, and St.! Andrew is ihe god f f their idolatry to om Bull Merry England" is the land of every j virtue, and 1 - - to poor Paddy. Erin is the birth-place of ine generous, tne ctiivairous and oppressed, anil St. Patrick is the best Saint in (he Cat enda. And to every jsect and parly, .whe ther religious or political, its peculiar tenets are fpunded in truth and wisdom. Hence, while Baptists, Presbyterians, Methodists, the pope of Rome, cjc. are courted and flattened, the Infidels are assured that they are s good as- the best of them. And, heticb, too, when the Abolitionists are vo ters, jAboIition is tbe eience of all religion, as ts of all Democracy . a&d slave-hotders deserve to be'treated as robbers and murders.' , I'' - 4 j . . The Party which thu3 appeals to the pas sions! and prejudices, and backs its appeals with (the charms of money and honours, tni (hereby seeks to undermine the basis of all virtue, should combine against it ev ery honest, virtuous and patriotic man. TURKISH JEST. Onp of bis neighbors once went to Nassef red ding and solicited the loan: of a rope. The Kbodjab went into his house, and, after a delay of several minutes, returned, and tolJ the bor rower! that ihe rope was in use tying op flour Wbajt do yqa mean ?' said the neighbor ; how can a rope be used to bind op flour ? A rope may be applied to any use, replied the Kbodjab when 1 dm nut want to lend it. ; U. & ; Thirl w no truth in the story that Mr Can- brelfnvha taken up a pro tempore residence on the eastern end of JLonv bland, in order to be elected a member of Congress froai hecce, si- - 9 ... r- . i STORMING OF SERINGAPA1 A v DEATH OF TIPPOO SMIL JProm Sir Jtnca"Alexaodera Life t tl; ' ' " of Wellington. uThe breaehins battery, on the mornlr t SOih, was opened on the bastion. Uj-'j tlnd of Mty, another cattery was esitt'! in spile of the enemy's fire, and rlyed i- u"m,a :if r,Sni; ufiu,l, 'th the su: battery, kept up a terrific cannonade, iht' t dtr J whpicb pr,verbem;d lolldS ar; : hills, and seemed to shake bulb the fodrt the camp. as the shock fell heavily u( - walls ; and, if to render the effect 'con.r'n i described by an eye witness. a magazine if e,ts suddenly blew op in j tbe f rt, enj.. nrey devastatia.far and wide. V J flames, bursting wuh the loud crasli, I : . . .l . .1. .1.. ?i 1 . otaun, . y uuiuhom I k .-... l-.l I I . be lure darkened heavens, and bhoour forked lisbinio'S through the war-o!ouJr Upon the 3d of May a practicable breach at lengihannounced, 10 ihfausse Lrac and wu the night of theuthird, the mauna;. became a heap, presenting only a yawnii ,' Uii the morning t the 4ih the troop c . for the storm were placed in . the trench cj fore daylioht, and all cmtinued silent fur 1 : time wnbin the, city. Th tour fixed vy the assault was during that sultry, over-"; ing heat uf the afternoon, wh'n repute tec almost a necessity, and the extreme l i3 ; peculiar to the! climate, creeps over a! uses. ccanng iauurs anu ail other tuut the asszult had been early provided Lr ; hat tcaa-e jntense, slumberous silence "R.B ine . y t;f inft lur,re i wiiie, on less awiut, was pressrveu in t lrenche8. ,. w at lWa moa;ei. ihe t s,r D. Baird, addressing the men b wa ing to the .storm. cried, Now, brave If. a . - . . moiiow uie, anc prove yourseiv a worth v t name ot British soldiers P Asuddeo rush f I the trenches broke the pervadir.ff culm : it thal tf the forlorn hcpe as it hastened krwa; ; i . ,. i . opeu the way, fl owed with equal a acrttv .e coiumQ dJeslioed Ut il9 8aprl ' -Vl, l : r . ... ,oa iuckj coanaei 01 me,uauvey, 113 exj i ui s not ore, ine inopeneei oreach, added to t strength of tbe place and the courage an.) o-'sdefendeisJ presented obstacles, auch ly the force and courage of his men could Luv justified an able commander in aiterjuptin to vercome. : But j I regardless of a tremenduus 1. r the troops, rushing through the bed of t he r;v - reached the opposite bank, and jn less than 1 minutes the British colours were planted on 1! summit of tbe breach.- In a few mure, it v.. thronged wiih men, who, filing off right ; leu, oy uenerai Baird's directions, entered u; the ramparts. In fact, tbe fort res 3 was V . 1 ieaotime, 1 ippoo dulian bad displayed rfie -at f lhaQ skilI jPuyhaJ- cs eCted to cut a trench o as to insulate the an Ufthe fort in which the breach had been eflVcu and the ramparts were soon cleared. Ti - 1 morning ue naa risen eany, as usuat, and u to visit tbe outer rampart, from which he c observe. what was passing on both sides . Th f he remained till Loon, when he took his c tomary repast under a pandalor awning., Hat ing left strict orders with Meer Goffar, a fan r iie officer, to keep a strict guard, he hid scare My Jelt 1 be spit before he was informed 1 1 Meer Goffer jwas killed by a cannon bail - e repiiea. 7 Meet uonar was never d of death lf and directing ifcis attendant h'ad his carbines he instantly ordered the ire mi j I . i .1 under arms. Hastening towards the breach, met hii troops h. fl.ght, anjaaw the van of t - assailants scaling the walls He tjied to nil iu i me iflgiuves, ooin ..oy nis voice and example, r - I peatedly firing on tbe troops as they! moum I ne nreacti. Almost alone, he retreated to t n0r,n raraPar,8 where surrounded by nuc.h.. r ( his bravest troops, be continued to dispute ! .1 a . c inva "tio oi'Pl aiivuisii amiicu li v Hit r k. filadiug fire from the inner walls. The hs- :. anis were compelled to hJt, until lh IJ: crossing the inber ditch, took him iu tlmk ; tv. ! he retreated, filuing, towatds the gate ui inner fori. Here, he mounted his horse ; c: ! tbe British passing on, he made" fr the t'' followed by bis palanquin, and a number cf ; . cers and t roups. Here he received a mu!.; : ball in the right side, but still he kept hii ; i till he was slopped half way through tf. a:, '., where he was Htruck by a second ball, c!u. i the other His horse being also wounded ';r,'; undef him, and his tofban fell lo the gioo.v !. He was raised up by bis officers, now fat faliir ; around bSm,and placed in his pilanquin, wf. , he lay exhausted til, the Europeans rush : r -in, one of the soldiers seized theSuIians s..r j belt, wvhich was. Vfery rich, and attcmi trd ; poll it off. Roustd at tbe indignity, the r. i ed monarch made a cot at tbe soldier, whom ! wounded in the knee,' and at the same tnt?.r was himself shot throogh the bead. He i -stamly expired, where he lay surroundtd ly hear8of the dying and the dead. Maj'.r All : . was tbe first to summon the palace, which rendered after a brief parley ; Geo. Baird v.-:.; already at its gates. The sons of Tippoo v. tr browghl into his presence : terror was 'unfit : I upon their features; and they had not yt hi I of their father's death. They knew the suf ferings which Gen. Baird. when a prisoner, 1.- ! ondergone, and tpat several Europeans, ul . during' ihe siege. Lad been pat to death. V-: .the just indignation of their conqueror gave way to milder feelings as he beheld in era trc;;.',' ' before him, with their eyes bent in tears a; ; the ground. 1 He at once soothed their fear?, fi gured them of their safety, and bade them rely oo the promises of protection which he had j:ir eni General Baird now proceeded to the north ern gateway, where he was informed that t! : Sultan had falleo. W'heo tbe i body was t: : recognized amidst heaps of slain, the eyes Ktu opined apd it was so warm, that Colonel Wel lesley, who wai already on the spot, was du t ful whether he did not still breathe; his c ui teoance was in no way disturbed, but wor z : appearance cf a fearless calm. His turban. j3 :: et and sword belt were gone; and an fficer ' -w present, with ihe leave cf Gen Bird, v. r: off from his right arm the talisman, which c 1 - p -taioed, sewed op in pieces of fioe f2jefed e ! V, an amulet, and some magical characters writ's .t in Arabic and Persian. Tb? body was p! i c J in the paljoqam, and conveyed to the cart tt J the pa lace--whence he bad only, that xajti.u issued still the Sultan cf ths My sore, .a-i - -'. VIC'S!. fv "I t-hm &i-'iiVi' 1 1 iff it' MSS" i-1:' " ';'LiOH!;:-:: 1 1 1