v: ' I i;iJ . : f':: -. ; ,-A ;--v'l ; - iil! V- ! IMPORTANT DECISION; 1- s TlIOMAi V. ROBERTS fl If RT J. CipOl. Thti was en action of Debt, broogbay the f the. DefeodtDt the pen- f Sec !20) fur baying 4voled,at f-ifjj Sbers of the House cfommons,l wbotit beioff entitled lo each vote. It was compeuceu D8,PS . . r- . TnttA. nA earned Were SS iow. - : , . d r ' A r (be election in the Coonty of Northamp ton! in Aogcsi I839.jthe Defendant voted jfrr L . .. ...,..ant i i.st Conntr id the 110086 meinuers TV n riL! ., I. j was 3th section where ceanty hJahso twice mention; ed, the same form of expression would not Uie baen osed when the word occurs the second time if the samecoanty were ifl.inissecuun in tended. This striking! cboge of phraseology indicates a change of i purpose. indicates, we think, that for the exercise! of the limited fran chise of voting for a Senator, the Cocstitouoo required not only a freehold jbot a residence i oi twelve months! in theeoority of the freehold ; while it gives the more general right of votiog for. the popular branch of the Assembly ! to all ireemen who naye aitaioea auu mv9 ouvu oaid a Doblic lax. and 4avel resided 12 months in the Stale immediately preceding the election; ana u proTiaes tna mis " 'If' town 'twelve, months next before aid atilie;! To day lot eleciioAiV thereby line qui vocally j manifesting mat, in regard to uiese munici palities, JiaviDg peculiar interests, it was de signed that the voter should have that con nection ind sympathy with these interests as would induce hi in to prefer a fit repre sentaiive of them. Thus we see.that when the framers 'of this instrument deemed an! exclusive residence of a determinate dura- tion within the limits Ol a particular j own the ty:ton PivDilcrsl' Merchants. Tac ! hanks here. The", importation there Icing on the fr.u torst:cnd Presidents' anil ')tVrfnr immense, and the employment of a; most I which will the sevrrnt Kz.l e t sl J numerous body of the labonng classes de- month, that v me , several hznk ?of the . Southern LLj;.. .ujin... f r, vt. o tales,; ; 7 -.' M m !-1 llii i. r.:M AamnA I w ; ; ; .circular. " Fellow Citizens Interested like jouisclfes, in the cultivation and disnosal of the great staple of Americtn agriculture ana commerce, we ,have. accidentally met in this city, in the midst : of a crisis which - f I '' 1 4 1 . i - - . . a- I ' nrr ipfma aftn the inierence 19 aiuiusi in the history of this most important u-a n.9(flv natd Doblic 4axes and V . . ;L...t II tita iifA nr had resicea in me l. J not been an liik . f . t. L - . - icea mai tois u , r , - rrift.A WM hp' iraoe or, cjr country. intbecooDtiearespwiiTely, whereof jbey may -Wlieo the-Colton Ooo of the United be actually inhabitants at tie Ume! wben heir oeen as piainijsu,.., States was a mere item in ts trade, and did afrrsgeeri Besides, if the rigorous instruction be , adop ty representor, Prp? - u . , - iPd.tMPrv. c irMor who aha l have remov-ientertaineu. . xuxprcMfio wm cs rxew-j 'sj " ""-r r---- - - - . is-. j t i : '. ri ?i ,fi i ,i . ed from one cuonty; to another within twelve months before tbe election-lot members or ine entertaij sio auetius. consident as one iambnW manv articles of ?r hi misJtn remark that b'veJ bartC' d chabge. which; left entirely ;t .11 bia life: bat! he AMembwJiii tblt election. altoseih- .f. ,ui ' n.tSi.f:Ll?' 1 lortoitoot ! circumstances, of torn- inhabitant of the coorfiyl of erdenrived of a votei He Cannot vote ia the . , .2L jfJtt : ..r.,-Ju. ' tu:. i.ilinerF? would find its level under the ioflo- Smnon1. twelvemonths imaiediatelt ;Pre- coun lp which he !haSrernIved,Sec.nse he has '".f"""r 1?? ce of the ordinary laws of trade, without Pa n. tbe dav ofleciicn. baling removef info not been an Ipbabtnt of thi county lor twelve I.H"-!.! the necessity df iesortiris to any meansof coonty.m the mmm oi otuiw mootns immewainy preceqioj ibb jr ;,cir-. fvj " r-n"Ti1 "4" V , 1 precautionarv nrotectiony L thu UourtV Oi tiakci "w I uoii ; nor can tie toic iu uc cuumj i i uium i ,mv i m.v wavs theretofore resifleo. im nonor, ipjwn these facts, was of opinion thai the Plaintiff was entitled to rfeover and gate judgment according ly, Whereupon the Defendant appealed. I v Battle lot the Defendant, i . I) F Moore for the: Plaintiff. f i XJisxoir. Judge, after stating ibe facts of (the easels above proceeded as follows : The Jea tionif law arising upon these facts,- ts, wrjejh r iu n.r-nant fid the ri?ht to vote at the ' said ! election!." - - r ! A ; i A ' 1 cf : framed, election were aiihuoZ,it,can scarcely 1 tjn(y :n f9nrt!embnt (nrcennpnt itnnn utort TpmnTSl. I UWb uratt riMirrntrf In tw) ImnnaM ! In ItiA firfit niSCA I VI f th nnntif.itinn. is favorable to the Qualification jot a Toter. which is so the extended right of ottr(gef which -makes I important inA regulating jlhis disposition fld representation go band la hand with taxation, j management of j his' estate, after death. jxo removal exempts jme cjuzwn iroro me owl- ; i has been inred that tnere is more be! placet of his home ThiiA res-J or; domicil is a fact not more dif&': ascertainment, - when required as i . . : 'Vh fith etian nfthe Uonsli tui ion. upon wmco I atinn tn nav his tar-ind the ncrht of bein? I J rl ' -..Mk il ''kf l..nrt. ';r l,A I I the controversy arises, b in these words : heard !o the disposition fine reveooejo which u;uVrni.iin "in.UtJd nn hr the T)- ff,A freemen of the age cflwen.y-cne years, who bas contributed. Iwill not Tightly beupposed fS S?h wobfdVf1 hte 6eeo inhabifanta of any cwnty withie his to be sospeodeo by a bhangelSf residence from .4f 1 P ) AthVl A Sitie iwelviimooihsimmediatelv preceding ihe ne aide to the other fata cooltv line.i Still less lbeigpronSconstrccon Contended (or by; nauuf ui mo uaitivHjai i d. new fieiuemenis were lormea lariner . a' 1 f t i .si reside at me aay oi eie c- tber towards the West s and new C J!-. -1 : 1 Jl I . . - , . i - . f !S s iraraeaiaiei j preceqina i were annnfflnw on. almost elerv vear. i - mm a r w ' - - - j w m Ml-HP or of f: i! 4 day cf any election and shall have paid public taxes, shall be entitled iff .vote for members of the House of Commons for tbe county in which he resides.'! The PlaintitT insists that! this miction confines the Iriffht of voting, (o those who have been inbab couatv in which they tion1.1 f.r twel re month that cav ; while iho Defendant contends thai a reeidence within the State fori twelve' tnpnjhs preceding this day of election no matter injwtiat county or counties ef ibe State is aurHciebt lo .entitle one. otherwise qaalified,to vote for tnem bers of the (loose of Commons for the county in which he resides at the day of eleclton. There is a1 Very striking grammatical inaccuracy in the lanrua'ae of; this section, for which it is digi coh; to. account nnless it be that the sectjou dAes not retain its original form, but passing through the! Congress received some- amend men is which were so inserted a3 not to fit n ex aetly with its general structure. All freeman c are entitled to vote for members of the coun ty m wbicb he resides It is evident also that whichever of the const roctiona contended! shall be adopted, thel intent of, the framera L the Constitution will be found not to have been expressed in the most precise terms, j These ' considerations bat impress upon us more deeply the propriety of observing the leading rule in the exposition of laws, of assigning to words th ?ir popular signficalitn without indulging in critical A lefinementsl i - A ; " h . ,: ' rpy the; Plaintiff, it is assumed that the !ob ri ona sense of) the words 'any county is some one county. We do not think so and no better f v iJenne can be asked to establish the . reverse; of this proposii ion than by recurring toother parts " of the same: instronYeni where 'anv is annexed t to nouns in the singular number. , By the 16th section of the Constitution, each member of ibe Council ofStateJs antborised to have his dis sent recorded to 'any pait of the proceedings of the body. A pan it be doubted but that, under this seclionji he may have his dissent recorded : trtWs'many farts of the proceedings as he toay diaappioTof ?. In the lCih section, .the Gov rrnoF is 'declared to ha!va power, by. the-advip of The Council! of Stale, lo prohibit the exportation of any commodity. In ihe 23d section, 'Offi cers offending ajainst the Stai& by a violation of ny part of the Coostiiution, are decjlared "liable ioimpaehmnt. j By, the 2?th, persons wlip.have ; been Receivers cf the Public niofiey ; are! renderejd ineligible to 'any office 6niirliey shall have accounted for and paid into the Tiea snry the sums thus received. In the 27th. it is declared 'that anyr j member: of the Senate. " House of Commons or Council of State, accep-j ting ji certain ofiicp, shall thereby vacate is eai. It is; needless 'to malliply instance In altof 1hem;it is manifest that 'any is ueed in k. iis largest sense, as sy nnimoos wjih ' whe,ferT ; .I'rwhateve r, and as embracing one or more as the case may be. , ' ; '- ' It is further orged on the part of tbe Phfn tifT. that ifja residence of twelve months Within the State, be the qnalificatioo intended by ibis ' Rpction, the words 'in any county are super I : jluoos. andjmay be rfgecied as onrocan&'g. Without denying all force a this objection it rnay, nevertheless.be observed, that amid the in finite varieties of styleA which give character to 4 he expression of thought, the most rare is that which compresses within the smallest cojiripass " of jwoids, while :it faithfairy conveys, all that U intended jto be. 'communicated. Redundancy of langaage Is so common, that it would be fiaz . aidous to draw any definite conclusion withioiuch confidence,' from the mere use of unnecissarv wordi. Oft the other hand, it is iitnistP fihni shoold we be disnosed to vield to this sopposi the PUintifT; were estibhs won, when we contecnpiate.Uie Known state oi i rectness oi tnis re mar k. is .. . . t-t ' .i. . s n things when tbe Constitution, was formed. Pop ulation was flowing n Hjalar and constant tide from the seaboard tntq the interior; every ef lar- ounties as tbe Indians retired, "and the white men advanced in to the more distant! recesses of the forest. . Ths requisition tif the, pre;viou3 residence of any duration in thel cpuhti where the suffrage should be effered, was wbpUy unknown under the Colonial Government. Tbe oath which the freeholder (for none bat freeholders; could then rote) was required to take, if his qualifications were disputed, is gi renin Davis's Rev'sal page 248. " You shall swear! that you have been six months an inhabitant of his Province; and that you have been ossesBed of a freehold of fifty acres of land for three! months past in your own right, in the county of ' and that such land hath not been'granted to you fraudulently, on purpose to quality you toriive your vote j and that the place of your ' abode is in the1 coon- rs not !aciliiy -s it he same a continued a cou aane tied, ine cor- admitted. There; in feignisg witj sin aocces f i ' m montns in ing a residence on the ;day of election nayi it majbe, hlrt throuehout the State t borinff counties, 1 on i different diys, that, by ja change or j a j pretended caange ; ofj resiuenpe residence of twelve! falsely pretend general election; place in neigh-; mode in which this product of their labor is shipped from: this country, and is brought to market at the point of its final sale and consumption, which demand the application oi a prompt and eueclive remedy, in one a . ; i nrirn - iff nm i nm . imnnri ini remark is of litt e; weight as in argument,! ,haf thm i ittAm . a u . Lii 1 t-c . i ii I tnat sued is tne unwieldy toshov what is Ihe qualification actuaUylnr t kuJI- required by! the Cpnsiilutio , h proves; hnt hZni frwar(l r between thej Jraud;mayl be twice at the same these different days,! practised of " voting; election dui tne ttie? are not steady --the foreign demand for manufactured cotton is reduced greatly, tue wuoie schrr.a, f operatives are thrown out of employment of southern int and too great means oi setting tne oaiaoce i me commerce . of trade. withonL the exoortalionnt tne pre- L.et it at ei t cious metals are ithdiawn. Manufactur- jtigation. and c ed cottons affording by far; the most impor f this plan one t!.; lam oranca oi inctr vapori iraue. 4 . i u " cuuniry c 6 Consequently, any arrangement that possibility o t coma oe lormpa, oy wntca mo eriicia wuuiu i io tue residue, r. be protected from the effeclsoi undue spec- the guards cf a W 2 L. - I . uiaiion, ann irom qepresioa in me hoiibt oy noiaio? u m t market, and by which steadiness of price, J the just relati Wtu currency oi sate wuuiu uo uruuiuicu i aiwaja in tue ic: ---wonld save some of the greatest and best interests in both countries ! 7 It is therefore proposed to form a sys crop, advances On Cotton shall be made with tt cspital or cre4it of Banks here, thereby relieving the consignee in Eurpe from all care or consideration, except the advana geous sale of his stock, which. would pro mote all these interests, and afford general satisfaction on both sides of the water, pro tided it were cot made the tnetns directly fence, must mv.i or indirectly, or undue speculation or mo- as it runs count nopoly. A I I too powerful an J flavins thu3 indicated tbe principles on nation, not to ( .which , the ptoposed system roust find its I perhaps inexor idstification and basis, we will now as sue- ogy is not to bo cinctly as possible, detail Jbe means ol car- j have a right to ! rying ii inio eueci. . r , -t means oi inc cr l v Wjk Ini I mm imnnlintt n nrrm.ni. I ihan a f. I r ' tated hostility of the Bank -of England to j attempt ii, in dc '.1- A . A ' m, - - T f American interests; on tne contrary, u is ever eager ana i one of the benevolent influences of com- We hsve ser: 1,350,000 bale?, nearly resulting i ceplance of the f cident to one of l not to rest our r of the crop, ibe will and (!, which has alriaily from an inlenss t: the ravages of ll its erowth and r: Cotton mere ormance ot the mighty function of fietng in a great de gree the regulator of the exchanges, and the standard ot value I of our I country. If the nature of this material forbids its enter ing into our circulation',! it ii scarcely less the basis of our currency, than the precious metals ; for the itctuations in its price are felt with a sensibility equally as acute and searching,-as atiyof Iboge viriations which belong jto the demand apd supply of these sensitive add mysterious! tokens of national value. i ' - s ;- - n - ' -. . LAS:rr"?l w' :"P .Fc' mercial intercourse to promote peace and T"1 1U,,".W f fl uWoTe, Uood will amone nations and men. Alienee wno prpoucet jp y a itarge investment oi & , o( h- comm4rcial ran cap. at at a n.gn raie oi ,ncioentai co mhu d d opjreace( Grcat Britain, acting f.y ' Tl7iT il V onder an enlightened instinct, must rather ' ! wc, wuf ur su.p .ro l ; B desire that its best4 customer should at all in the trade That no timi : to apprize you V. confidence, will I rope, clothed v. 1 make such prrls the houses in Li may, by tbe ? have the propc We are aware tion, which a p fact disclosed. amount of this ndustry, that it and disposed of at t . j! l ? . i iLj : j.c i. , i lair remunerating prices! through the ordin fettered bv restrictions.lhe mire difficult be-; s .. J:? l ? ... . iri::LI.J. LV!:1-C u ' . Ii 1 T medium o tne mercanue irpati titled but it neither proves, nor tends to prove, paii Decuss pi.sueu oiuicuuy, tne fianchise is to bej restrained by construction of the mercantile establish ments of this country arid in Europe, with out the 'direct cooperation ! of our banking institutions ? If wehave become satisfied :uii8iruciiou; u:a r.M . .n n.an;VA .... ww . jj ww. j wwxw M ... ..v . I - , t , , . i j V t " . SIVA lllia I.LII UUKUI ItD UW. IU VIEIIU l IIBia- ty of and that you have not voted in this where l a noyciearm risirainea oy tnef lem, wnich fih.T, uV6 geifcct Mclintf to thig . . a - -' -! i i-' -iiiiiii-! rri. a. ; . . .u.. 1 1 , - - , i .! i t ' fF"?u". V? t great interest in the commerce and finances i ments with entire punctuality and success. U But theie are epochs in the commerce of England, whether from insufficient harvests, a languid demand toy her manufactures, or political cumuiuatiuus, wucu iuc uaiiti iuov i ueviuiu ino era i from an urgent policy limit her discounts last year, and an and increase her rate of interest, rhis event can never occur, without it having a blishtinc influence on any surplus of our great staple which might be unsold in Eng land.j Surely if the Bank of England can exercise unavoidably an influence thus pre judicial, we may resoit to our own Amen lean Banks, as a means of security and pro election A pie vinos residence of six months. within the province, providodj the person offer ing to vote had thej requisite freehold qoahfica: lion, entitled him to vole in ibe county which was the place of hb abode, on tion. 1 be Constitution hath stituied tbe payment ofva bob! t.u ii a j J i 1 f i ? noia qa..uncaiion, ana require- a residence twelve, instead of a residencj of six; months the day of elec very clearly sub- ic tax for the free- tection, without the invidious clamor of combination and monopoly. It is time that the absurd and senseless cry on the subject of banks making advances on cotton should be understood, and finally put down. The but that it has introduced an entirely new quali fication, a previou8resideDcej exclusive within previously Voted in that election, and thafj vue Duiiuii jo i uicp ne Toiej nas nis. aoooe.on xe possesses the qual ficattons required o the day of election, ought dmincUy to appear, a votei 1) the Cdrjsliiu lion ; and ishasal before we can presume it to fhave been intend . TfA 't--iiL U ikb e(j t 1 I impcjsedipenantes ion those , wbo raay Certain eonsideratlonsU rlbli policy have J0fltlty io.U? . I fft these provisions been suggested in the argument of the Plain- and thobe securing impartial judges of elec minds of ibe framers of ithe iConstitution so as I be doubled'but that other and more, efficai UiiL Im2 . l. z I C. :. areiioeiirauaincreiaipuseu uuuu i. e- ins r i Tk;,i.a J r..nna tho! niniHp hiicinAo nflArr Rlntinn In nrnvpnt I . .j I v ;- t - . . f'-rr'iT."'! "T r;"-6T. T . r :r 'V syalem of sending the crlop forward lo hpus ,oBe aMuaw ui ,ruujur vu,cu.c,.u of circumscribed mea4s, on tbe other side i I 1Pi i-: 5 . i . - - - i i rily ex such oiir- 1 . . r : . ..j .u hole S- KL.-.. .f i-j: J -1. - ' eccurt.j u. iuc uiii ui iictiiH iiu uuiicj ui of the water. 1 mnir rnnoirrnrr 0f ty, tne legislature nas prpviaea mat every ,it,; f .r . I L . 1 i .. . 1 - 1 1 11 mini ji inv viMS.uianii;i'iiujk - person lenaennij a yom ai any eiecuon, - n . . - , 1 . i-lmthi, m I Uiay uc ;cuuiicu tu ovca uiai uc lias wl 1 uiuuiii vi iiuci maii luicicoi tu ruui oa ucoiuc ,UB truth is that by the mere purchase of the whp are capable of holding roreigR exchanges of the country, they ad- tenan hqur beyond Ihe ma- oQ hie of fjoUon78nb; kill. WpnMn anaincil ennti ihin. . to inauce them to require;, and which should in fluence the judgment of lhe fespounders Df the Constitution in constjrocking ft, to require this exclusive and continued residence as one of the voter. It has been! said jthat;fwitbout it,' the vo ter cannot be supposed to have acquired that knowledge of the pecalier interests of the coan- ty, or tnat acquaintance iwith tfie character, lal . . . . ; i ... - cious provisions will be devised to meet th0 mischiefs disclosed Iby experience. We pelieye thlai in 'truth, jrauds h elee Thcref has been, tjire understand, some dif-f ference of opinion in a few of the counties .. -L.il. 1 . . 1 ti.i. ' J 1 in relation to tue question now unuer con- en t a and political views of the candidates foi his 1 sideration, which has j produced an unsteal snffrage, as to enable hirar to aid in selecting a fit representalife! of the county. Arguments of this kind, thoug-h Undoubted! admissible, are to oe listened to with,t mucti caution. The inter preters of a law hae not the fight tojudge of its plicy,aod when they undertake to find out the policy contemplated by the nmkers of the law, there is great danger ;of misunderstanding their diness 01 practice, wiucni in m -.1.-. ! i : ? ion ard the general practice have, undoubt edly liowever, been jin conformity with what we understand to be the true raeani ing of the Uonsutution. ; 1 hat meani''g foreign com bination) which might act, not only with eatire conceit, but with a! perfect knowledge . of the period, when frob the maturity of the acceptances! in quesUqo, property to a stupendous amount belonging to this coun try, may be ready for sacrifice. , The gieat and vital cjiange which must be operated, is to sustain American inter ests, by American cre.jit. - To realize at home, the resources neefssary for the pro tection of our properly abroad, without the necessity of large and inconvenient drafts on the capital and mean of our great cus tomer. ! In other words, the commercial re form we. desire, is lo send our great staple . 1 to market, without the period oeing deter Mnents o , , - r-, . rn i. 1, i m .kl mined liy the date of a ibill of Exchange, ily ascribi . . .l . ii wneo 11 1310 oe orougnt; lorwaro ior aoso lutc and unnecessary sacrifice. We believe that the steadiness in price, which would OWn ODInlOtl On that SUblPCt. fn tha nnininn nfl n.. r..lln': eolltArV innA irananlltr lrn7.f -r J - . l w. 1 UIIUO 1 Li 1 1 V BGIIlbU 0UU KbllVlttll 1 nijuu , those who had alone Ihe right tojudge of maH there js great cause lj) hope that neither teis of policy.; . : .-.I- . . r - , 1 p ... , ui. i , .. ' ' . ,i r , I P t I fraud (ior mistake; in relation to this sub-; Now what is there; Upon which we can jecjt will prevail 4 any veTy i5jrious ex4 ground any thing like) a confident belief, tent. It is the obipibn of this Court, thaf u;ai :ue consioeratiODS now urged upon us had the wjeighwitli the framers of the Consiitulion jsupposed j in his argument ? Whether strong or weak, they are obvious considerations, and could scarcely have es caped noticej Is it absurd to suppose that when, thus presented,. to ntice, they were met by other considerations of policy which.in their judgment, out weighed them ? Might not the Congn ss have thought that acres in a State, almost exclusively Agricultural, tjL .:L j " i : v p result from a portion, at least, of the Cotton crop being exempt from the disastrous flue tualions i arising from jcompulsbry sales, would in the end, be scarcely less valuable to the spinner and consumem England, thanto the grower and shipper here. A fact, which we think demonstrable from the following postulates, which we consider altogether self-evident : ! t I . 1. The natural; price df Cotton is the ef fect of the fair arid natural influence of sup ply aud demand.! -i 2 The price cannot be steady, and the article cannot be current! eo as to admit of Stock dealers say. i In Baltimore, a I safe calculations on the part of tbe planters, gentleman h&s just sold his crop of fifteeii the manufacturer and tbq merchant, unless for S32.500: The Norristown !n? D.n"- fs cpnsequen .y tne iuicr;si ui ucao lurcc classes, iuii iuo the judgment oP the Superior Court ought to fce reversed witb.cpsts.! Per; Curiam Judgment reversed. j i j I j r . ;! if j'--'' , i; I . MORUS MULTICAULIS. S i I i t - i! : l! I I I tThe mulberry Market is "very lively'! as the if the purpose of the section be to require 0esi- bere lhe occupations, in one county were dence of twelve months within the county I . occoPai,n8 n all the "counties, a resi- Trees ; weraio states, that some sales of tide should be protected on the one hand at 2o centSji each, have been mad Ifrom any great and undue speculative ac- ar- V where the lvote is tendered, the wortls end of the section for the county in whi irsiwr r not onif sanernuons but lnanntonn. ' aie. fThey! are- superfluous, because lbeseose would be complete without them i I and they are lnappropriate.for ihey hold out the idea that the i county of residence on the day of election ' may l.e different, from that in which the previous lerm;cf residence has been eompleied.vflJpon ( the whole, we to confine our attention altogether wiu w i ins section, we enouid probably lea n to the construction, set up by the . Uffepd ant.becausej the other or more rigorous interpreta tion not indicated with sufficient distinctness. Bui fcbwiver this might be, j there are other ' considerations which tend very strongly o es titbtish the interpretation which we ate Inclined adopt opon the words of the section. I In be immediately preceding section, prescribing the qualifications ofjvoters for the other bracchfof the r Vgislatare, the language is: All freernen of the age of ;twepty-one years, who havel been i ihsbitants of any one county within the State twelve months : immediately preceding the day ?f 4,,r lcf bn,and possessed of a freehold i wtth- tn the tarn county of fiRy acres cf land 'fir six mnt us, next before and at the day of electinn, , 0i all be entitled to vole for a roemberH)f the Svnate. If the residence required by lie 8ih .ration were the same with that required by the , 7H., how are we to account for the tnirked piiange. -aii.se irom 'any one cqontyf tk cnv tiianlTf'-f Why ia the emphatic and exclusive term j.;:.eeed m the 7ih section, "diaWllejd iD iy9 e'unui r Agim ; in tne 7ih eectiirt where izen thatknowl to excite that weal, and to af- .i.w i.vuminiu3 iu dii iuc cuuniies. a rest- ' J- tf I 'if i . r ; o ---n r - dence of twelve .months within the State in ihatj neighborhood, but growers now rrel tion, which might; inflate prices above the iuse to sen at tnat price. A thoasand ' ""r"' -rr rw '-ll. a1 X L ,S rangement ic the money market, or any oth- Trees were sold in Caroline County. Md i cr accidental cause, which might depJess tt onMqnday last, at 42 cents per Tree. j below that rate j i The tSecLof great and A lot of 243 Morns Mu'.ticaulis Trees undue speculation being to derange the mo- was lately sold in iCheraw, S C for one ney IDatket and f PrPf"ce reaction, with -tJi-. -..t. il a Jt:i ' j ru- I an undue depression of prices. They are from cuttings planted last SprinS S; Tl?e,?tale f fTT7 f7 a Uo, r rff f pends on the means which the country pos- mion which had been, generally enter- height; Theyj Were produced from tour 8ses to W its foreign debt, by shipments ned up to the timepf frming the Con, Trees Ipoictiaili ifteen months'ago for oi kf Podoce or naoofaFture fajb short of lotion; and without some evidence, we dollar.ii The grbWer still retains these four ect, ejtrtts of snecie may be in- was sufficient togive the ci edge of its general finieres sympathy for the common ford that acquaintance wi& the principles anu taienta pi tne candidates for popular favour, as to render it unw ise to stifle al together lhe voice of him vho had divided his residence between two! or more coun ties? Such beyond A qfestion Was the opinion tamed amotion irc dui tu presume tnat the opinion was then abandoned. Rot in i truth. th V.;L dence. if any.is all the other way. . Before the Revolution, there! had! been conferred on certain Towns a distinct right of repre- vz I .,:-kfU;ii il.r iL duced, the effect of which must be a reduc iice4:ntliVli: X!Iil l'iUMwiy VICIU tUTcc OX I ' e Lt ' g i t. . . . . - . c 1 i.lij-jJ.l ' t . f i tion of ibe Circulation, with denreciation of four hundred buds each next-winter. In reference; toi Jthjs subject, Mr. Morrii, of the f Silk Farmerl,, published in Phila sentation in i the lecis privilege, to a ceitaln and secured by the avowed purpose for alive body, and this extent, was preserved Constitution The granting this; special property and general distress. A Cotton, in this country, being' by -far the most important produce, and affording Mintyti !;.; mentioned, when it the that he .hall either have alfreehold in' and fee-it tiaie.il Is dmcribeU as ihe'same S vt , u i exceedingly improbable lhati franchise was for that ir&, inhabitants of these towns; because pf thir peculiar pur suits, were supposed to have important in leresls d,8lct from those of the great body of the community, which required the pi o ection of: representatives selected exclu ai'f ly by them.' Now! when the Onnntitn. . m T i i .- . - --' WW W WWW Wk tt w uon de&nes the qualifications of t Voter in held at lldlcelU'ft S?,6. f n explicitly declares ThdrE willS be tnat be chill oiihor fioo if.u u . t . n. . .'. ii deiDhia. savsiltllK !. -. -.- -I h'Tbje sale of jtlie Mult icanl is Trees hags tbe: great meanajdX paiing its foreign debt, been veryAactlve Iduhng ihe preaent weeH. 11 " tbe interest of theopmunity, and par Purchasers are ladf to take anv buantftr ticularly of the monied institutions, that tbe at 125 to 35 cental II On the 9th and 10th P"ft ol 11 1 En8,and (tbe eat matket,) inst. the EditrtrMia ISO nnft Tr... 5ih should be steadyJand that the article should cents ekcbVhajil 6ash, and the balance saj- bc pf current sale, so as o be tbe means of isfactorily secored at three & four mdnthJs large and effective remittance. It follows, I - r S -i '.t i -i 4 alU.wBaW(lawkB & .K : K - - from delivery.! fThese Trees are crown by lua luc l,ucrcsi OI ine oanaing institoiions ue near Camden, hne. j j hev are part about 200,000,! the b mise to belverl T of a lot containing Wy. m the be a resident thereof si the or shall haye beep aii in day of election. ubitant of s uch for sale in this ;City well to ers would do t tbts w;ay,J?attiTO arpe number of trees land vicinity, and deal- luni ueir atiention here, are tne ; same as those of the three classes first mentioned, 'namely;- that the alance of which 'are Pr,c BDP'a oe natural,' tnat it jnay beatea dy, andof easy realization; , 5. The interest pf the- British Govern ment, of ihe Bankiof KnMand, and of tbe banks of that country in respect to this ar- Register. ticlei are :tbe same as the interests ot the insurance, on the mere personal resnonsibil ity of the drawers and endorsers of tbo btll. Hence these losses are comprehensive and disastrous after every commercial crisis and revulsion. j , ;i Now we propose giving to lhe banks in all cases the higher protection pf these se curities, and that early next autumn, one ' ' at m 1 . ' or more banks in earn oi tne great com mercial cotton markets of the South should commence making advances ou the crop, according to a scale to be graduated by what will ba a safe calculation ' of its probable a mount, assuming 12 cents at home, lo be about the fair natural average and remuner ating price of this staple, on a product of sixteen hundred thousand . bales, which is but as large a return as the actual labor of the country now engaged in this; branch of industry is capable of harvesting. The em barrassments of the Southwestern States having prevented the planters in these States from making any purchases of slaves from this Atlantic Slates, during the last two years, whilst not less than ten per cent, of the slave labor of the South has been abstrac- ed in the same period from Ibe cultivation of cotton, and applied to the raising of pro visions, and to the construction of those ex- ensive railroads now in progress through out that portion of the Union, j For these advances we propose that the banks should issue to the planters, mer chants, and factors of the country, on the production of the bill of lading, and the assignment of the policy of insurance, post notes of such description, and payable ai such periods as a convention here after contemplated may suggest, notes which may bo made to answer both the purposes of currency and exchange, the details of which we refer to that body. By this ar- rangement, nowever, we leei sausnea toe credits can be so distributed that frooa the day ofl the shipment of our cotlon it may probably 'be held at least six months in Eu- cpe, without the foreign consignee being under an advance of one farthing, and we think it quite easy to confer on the bouses which the shipments are confided, sufficient strength to enable tnem to bold pver fore- vena longer period, should S3fe remunera ting prices not be obtained on the maturity of the bills. ; A With the view of securing this strength. is indispensably necessary, that the con signments should not be too much diffused but confined to a limited number of hous es in Liverpool and Havre, who, acting as the agents of all those who will come into this conservative system, will feel a common interest, and will naturally aid aDd assist each other under all and every. contingency. This fellow citizens, is but the brief out line of a great scheme, for the protection of our commerce; finance, and exchanges, the details of which, must be left for pro found deliberation, and concerted action. To accomplish this object, we hereby invite tbe planters, factors and cotton mer chants of each district or county in tbe Southern Slates, and Territory of Florida, together with the banks, in each of the said States am Territory, to send delegates to meet as in convention it Macon, Georgia, the coming sen noinical wisdom ! all times, and ti er homely aphoruir., : take care of thee, taken care of by ( mit ibis call and i earnest hope, tha: ; co-operate with i : we believe lhe I. mon country arc ; . XVe remain, ' . Yonr c' NATH'L A V. JOHN G. GAM THOMAS E. I . W. H.TAHTr, D. P. UlLUlOl J.J. HUGHES. NATHAN M.-C.: GEO. McDUFI I D K. DODGK. J. L. HUNTli. JAMES HAMIL A B. DAVIS. C H. W. HILLI . JOHN BHANC New York, July : ' P S. All the V: the signers of the it an insertion i?; i II A LEIGH AM) . . We aro indebfi i the third annual rr; ton Rail Road C President it will t seen difficulties, ti got i ate a loa n in W cumstances causir ;; i ed to exist, it is t favorable terms can Tbe-President, wl.,' on favorable terms, f tity sufficient to ( cnlty between th? I rail road company v, of the last contrac' , President : Pet, At the last letti Boardcontracifd v. r for carryi ng of ti. Raleigh, but as i!. tersburg Company i their contract, x. z-. similar. one bfir": As the Post M?.-" r the Petersburg Hail heved that a due r : lo the department, : distinctly in fore: f was addressed to.- and that it would r. ' with the contract, pany alsu contrac the mail, as it cou, . Company would p ' purpose of carry k .;; Gaston Rail Ilea:, founded construct! j raonication, and v. : regarded as an act cf. been construed Ly evidence of a al nies. The great mail ' difficollies betwff n t and the Rail Rca furred to the Wi!rr however, been n;: -to Columbia. A The; report cf t' cheering report cf i' withstanding the d ecotion has been. F completed and i n lhat the whole will ' the year. On the stock, concerning been felt, the I; It is well known into operation, c: prevented yoti tr;:: public as would : portation ; and yet what any one ant: can now doobt that t .the road willfully ' most sanguine n -'. : It !

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