! Ai: 'i- ! t SJE fiiiWwto a -lUil Uad, yield bul examine into this. : statement made by the . ..-il-fii. ika l I Jontelnlfirn nf Virginia. nirtiiii.v jvS1ui..,i - - a ?1nfl3iBPtrf thai the Slate hat the Peters- S6 1 3 per whence the sound Adventures of appeared Jo proceed ; but no raost cxlravasRt M?rr,enl3.as tp thatsuc; A joker ia New -Yuri living met a small gea '(i v nh . . i 7 : 1 1 : . ; j:L-jiLi"Vi- r.-l- 't.cr.V. -rt,r I --I....-. . . Ji J: rfii'.ti!! J7"" wa " iwjaxa, muru, luanw.s uiwaue.iw . " I CCSS S URueGCl. SO law ClU lie CO DeVOau iif land walked of his Sid. I n a liuL hl!a the ? - t '- m :'.! '.".. . ' . ; :' a I .T.. .... ......... I iiii Valentine Vox the Ventriloquist 3 '-SsOT interest which the money coo Id !3uMf lad it beeo loaned pat, wool PxAwmhi the sooices of r W seel therefore, stuck, i revenue on the c J : -w - ... 1 " . s - - . cot allow cs lo pass small JSUU, I hate turned I ickaZowry's, as follows: I A Stone Culvert.to tixzu9. '-;;.:ivii;Vii- 1 b8 nida ' ia ihe centre, 12 feet wide, tod taut S3; i : " tfKftHlload for jwoiyears past, we . 4 , . . iilll! WATCHMAK -i-Wie reeeipt were, irotn ne:gn" FRIDAY,' AUGUST 2, 1830. femmE. rfit.hle k-Jor r" IflMDOfMI OO SO nui ' iiibibw iMi t& With: the! amoant; transported i Iffi'I -i bo'ifafier ! this flban. J'IMfe&if.n Wote'. must be inearred hicn f jm j v ' - though the i ; REPUBLICAN AVI1IG 1 . - . ' domination for Congress, Doctor PiiBAs Ant Henderson,; O F Sf LI: SB a RY;.:;:; v, rfgiona of probability that the friends i otjceaUctaaa turned ju ;hn anmtiled coinpanion Vt- i, ihra bisrif he had iany basiaess with fhip. 'Y lI ' i u' l i i rIone at all,' said the other, bat as the law does peal His story, i cis same mm?ug we arej informed, carried back t illierf If bo MFL Wmw. ot uusiow n, upa 5m iThedeepest mIicofien Tent3litielri0 the Mr.-' Fisher would get two-thirdf J cf i the I lisbtest ridicule He who is oisaionste aid rotes1 Jo the town of Salisbury and ini to e" J hoest-it i. ,oor cool dij-' uc ius iud uyuuiT Afevneu uu ivi i da ware. v : it r ad pobliely y Mr; Ki&her jo coursq of one of his speeches in Rindplsb; rnnnl. tfith the kind numose 00 doabt of J. .' - f -f i, ... t t-iM.i--'- nn.tnn lll WKIT. thai fiA Tlff f htt fltC' ii-- --i w - - -- - - L : -1 r --. ? i f- and of string tbera fcoa theanneces ar trouble of rotin? fori their friend. T If dpi. iemlr reallj t did ielieVel ihai his statement was true wben ne wrote i m . f - i ! 3 inatlLl IMPORTANT-CJU j ' to TK PunucBvnu. wiu.:. VJV2 100 C7.a TiW."J JjTH in: : ' The Commissioners Ok F SalisHary. will let t the lowest bidder jf in Toesday 6th day of Acmst next, the repaitjins cf the street leading throosb the Pond Distant general and ivecicl Cui ? batwlen Moses BrownV Pond Lol3, and Freder- ll7 , BEWARE LEST YE STUMd." feet ill the clear between the Walls. The walls TT0CT. WILLIAM EVANS. ICO C m a a a . at ..-.at MB ' to wiwo feet High fronr theooueai cfthe drain, JLJ'hsn, street atails hims-elf cf the r: uu.xf wjiu me wwi f wo i casion ta tender hts most onle!"cpd rkr raituuf Il .1(1. Ik. tnnnf tha'PntvArt 1? fMl I .1 . .. . . ; : 71 v i": wr " - ; . 1 lucnis w ne- n cine reus rrcrriuer ci p-cietv f: Presbytery of Concord finilE Presby tery o Concord will meet in this JJL i Town on Wednesday, September 1 lib, at u o'clock, A. ai.--.t-i -retfeM;!::: ! The members f the Presbt terr i are teaoest- ea to s;op at tbe noose or, the subsenber, as vnici iu kwb, w .oe Qireciea io - men places of iodffiDjr. r i -i I :: - i 4-. SiluburT. Aaust 2. lSS9i-6.wi 11 41 ia.Tbe Watchman of ! the! Sooth i Will tar more credolous than we: had supposed 1 please insert the first part of this advertisement inr una couia oe. iui9 uatui man can only say that it is what ixo outer in tQis oisinct can oenevc, sou iu uo s wide across the Pond as the street runs, a ditch to be Cot four feet wid on the ton. and one and a half feef at the bottom across the pond to Brown's gate, thence down tbe street to Morphy's fence, saactentiy deep to drain the pond entirely. 1 T. PHILLIPS ALLEN. Clerk. . i i Jny 26, 1339 tf52 f 'v.v': f j CABARRUS COUNTY. J ; pojirt of Pleas and Quarter Sessions July I ' ; ' K v7 Sessions, 1833. laraoinsrsey,!. , ,a.v. y u (soCenng under ali the pairs and schrj t: flesh ia hetr to,") hate enroited lie n:? Ivr Ins care, lie has the satistactmn cf In it from tsaoy living evidences, thai his rc. have done their doty as far as lien w it hi n : compass ct boman means, rlow c;t;c- : ; the alHtcted is Drsncpsia or indizcsiicn, i I in j all the sources of tbYir enjoyment, ana ! tog in many instances to the miseries ri 4 firmed Hypochondriasis Lcrj as it hss I tbe subject of inquiry by medical sathors, it ; mains in much obscority Apoplexy, d:z the Lirer, Kidneys, Spleen, .-Stomach, tr. : I tesJines Bladder and its appendajia, D;an' Dyseotary, 'Com Molics Aliis,' petLrr) t t . i .r . .? ..f S. TO THE PATRONS OF. THE WAfcn-! is i the! subject of perfect ndicafe in this cdunty : but it has been of po fser. i i i .- . ..- - i i : - j . . is., st i ri -t- r '- Establishment to I vice td the Whig party s it gives tis;te1as-1 Having disposed of this Messrs. Pekpletpit and Seuhih, I lake myj aurarice that the like L extravagant isstirnp- leave of yoo id be most respectfol manner: t,,i,tof ibo Sub-ireasury-itcsfbr oilier ioun- thankinj yoa irwt heartUjr ,for the favor, with J ar cauallv unfounded.l I nki.h Mi loltAi!h.aa lui I1iIa4 mttti Mom tntr I 1 -i i U ,1(111 the lillClZU UU I ivu ia-nr.niio UBtii M.iitv, .im.aM.uugi Ifc 1 n . . if ri-s It I T il: "T "f t - i l .1... --J.- ..w. ..r 1 air ifisoer. nas-irom N Itll-il' . ; !nff fmm eatrr- ..e .-Jj.'. ; ;sLl' i - tfliktMt endeavored fo It oassWi ?tftter,.andMo o0ff years have i I battled. for soond Whi? prin-I inVinqbility. We be m yJr ciplee t sometimes under Y the most unfavorable tlM ve y outset that be .was; no : m be beateri., We learn further, ilhatjjh ddcUr- dii- liat " be :neytr iwd been beaten,w 1- NOTICE. ' till L Samoel HartselU j Atlacbment levied on land has been ft.ngnTarly soccessful in tbe ir: of tbe ahav diseases, ly remedies iJnwn I, IN this ease it sppearin? to the satisfaction of OWQ tnd tfae researches of the jmt rr the Court, tha; Samuel Hartsell, the de'en- mdical men in the world. He has a!o! : J danf In this caseis an31nhhiiant fnr.ii,.r experience and soct?ess throusbuui He JieA?iphiftqme revenue jfrorn this joowe. : ----- ;? - i I i -j- 1 i ; !i ; I s I - -- " - i -J hh.'y-i ---I--, ! fs. ii i I a n rra m . j : . - ; -a fe r i hit i u .m. r ' J . v a i -.ii -iii -ieuy Li ?Sii. I D vM lor sale the followios Real Katatel '""iV""' yoccura,on me w toon iuc uisv uiuium i h i il. T,rn r c-i.i f ( - i aav: in uciooer next, io niMd nr yoni.v ih create an idea bfisf -i-w -w ,nvP liniTQ i nri nd lev ed on will be condemned io satisfy .rdklii, iMm "PUSS dL0 1 know pWf-' ill Wis! fMtrinr a great ar ofr travel, to iigreaenti the difficulty of pwicg itmhs ana adsush, ucicis, fc?-4fM1t ifficalty be obviated, tere 1 'iir&Si."iB mnh& nrefar this hoe: -to circamajances,' and more than! onee when my list was so small a$ not to jostify the expense- ed to rnany on divers occasions in thii wnemer i snau ue .Temuneraiea 5 rests win j ! those wno are stul indebted to me. It; is to be I R i I- . . v i ana we unaersiana . inat.ine same ex boast has been repealed again and again by TAVERN nOUSE. 'I Number 2 ONE HOUSE adioinino- samel known as the i r- ) ; hoped that these will not, permit the hsrvest of my seven years toil to be disappoint ihinh It is to be honed too. that I shall nnt da driven to the I niff oavocaies.- ii is ourejy m : very necessity of traversing the whole country tbr I compliment to the understiodmg . of tbe nave me i accoums i neonlo. to soooose mat trie? are to oe taaen i trtt mlnl;.Llue,: ii wk 1 my scattered does! I shall . ri , M liMI .VIS ivkh . I 1 .11 Ul B f. I 4 fuJ a www W 1 , 1 . J I MidM Vannot be less than a six of soch as owe me, made, ont to Ibe 28th ultimo, int 'sibefci even if the road is never ex-1 when my intetest in this paper ceased, and l.jJ.iuilr 61 f liaieioa. - i ! - i ehall turniftti pah WiAhtnr with Ihn mount inv fewrkflWHCi ana are aqxiousij i euueayor 1 to.iSo'4 ildl iiiaelna of prosecuting this ;ex he folIpifigT3 the Report of the Treasurer : jeipf 1 dl ixpmi d ir a res on account of the' tie-, i?igh apan Hail ftoad -'Company, .to $ 1st' tTed iliantpapial Stock, ; 665,750 18 other sources 5o 14 1 ? 11-. ::t-f.l EijendedMi tr;rr'. t accl coos tahd BiUhee'on hah Vi 1.O63J40 18 rqclioo,&c. 1,0256$ 03 S8.U0 26 jOFiVENTRILOQUISM uuhe hWiwks about to opeiv th$ important blel day; tlwl.tli: be express:on jf a ;ift hoeaTtnlx:all .btYsbns would have4 fair and litiiallhparjhff.t Valentine entered the. hall, A hatirtJjferl ivirtua ;6f perse v ranee, reached 'tefMe-1ntrititti ffora which the electors He to U aMssed;' pref aredat ooce to com! A .v'-'l-i-liUli;!:t.--rL vJi SI. nti!a()itremelv thin gentleman, with ii rialiy Krah 'isseied L nose, Iwho! came jfoi iMibefalside to nominate Air. IJob Gnilcma.J isiid M-r X.reedaie. iNoonMcriedfTVtalentine- In an assumed poiccps)e W-hich J a ppeared, to proceed flora gentle filfepeated Mr Creedalej with same il'oohll'texclaimed Valentine, chah (Umayi5diMr Crecdale.'be nonwence, M t P'ibH -toot,? jen tlemen 1 1 ..address fl oftemeavtarid i beer that I may not be tlmlTit!; ffb "on! cried Valen or my account and; transmit the amount, and 1 ol all Post Masters mv agents for 1 To the Whigfpsrty, I must say a word In fa vor of the Watchman. This naner ' has on- doubted ly been ibe rallying point for our doc- irines in me v,esiern pari 01 1 me oiaie; we I ; I I . -. i .... can never get. on to advantage as a party unless .r 'f . an ' " ine same pnnct- 1 in! br a contrivance so poor It would seem that Mr. Fisher believes that the ftemenlbf this diitrict are going to give up tpeir f-RMp-cihles and their choice of men for the satis faction of being in a majority : Or haljte Wfilgst are such poor spirited beings as to o disheartened by a forced cry of etcioryJr- 1 I i I : , - .. - . ii' . f - A -1 I h lt - Small as this game is. it is not founded on nis fact. M r Fisher has been beaten Jrj tl county, and we have the itollowtng prre9 P dnderice with an aged & respectable gen lieman Samuel Jones, oncer e "Seoatorta Justice! of the Peace, end f Sheriff! op Row an County, to show the emptiness of this boast 1 A centleman of this town i such a paper is sustained. pies which I set jopt with, have been maintained throughout : They are the cardinal doctrines of the Whig faitbaod I am happy to believe are in the ascendant i in North Carolina : in the Weslofn Connltes most decided! anJ" I have 1 of ItblS braffgiog bn the part pf Mr. llFfsber no hesitation iti (Baying ! that these principles an his! friends wrote a n4te pf eh qi fry Ad will still be maintained in tbe: Watchman withi! Mr. Jones, and. received the following increased zeal andjaomty. liai to OS; eaccess ful, the Whigs, as a party, moat do more for their organs. The question - onght not to be whether you waot h paper ? Whether yoo are interested in its contents or instructed by its views : with many, I confess, that such is not reply. i i ' I . - ! - r v-.-ti i st ,; P Par'Sir : In reply !to j fou r6tetof this date. inform you that about thejlime o tho; last war Air. Uiiarlesi Wisher tt?as 1 in bealentin this County, by jGeril Jesei;!A I -ill - r . V f i- ; ; is ii I , ;u tilt) tac-i.' vi iuH jf ,u' v.au to, 1 f si I ' K i'. S5! r M MTOmdeet! Oefved Mr Crecdale. b'a.enifoiitt dfffi . ef the lip.j 'It's Mr nolirled theiafeensed Individual, who Trt i tifill vlifeipectabie crocer. and remarkable p'qiiin- hhaslaming demeanor. HflM nilri -Tibbs,' said Mr Cr(?e- ria !niiii)n'!i-,l have until now regard- fw :JW23tu.v voqiieraiea jliu3s-"ii arn 1 iable. rrft Ppoke fa synn m-m Illjbbseryed the mayor, j'or it any I be desirous ut addressing tbe ihaTe an lopportnnity ot doing pion.'t 11 KS-r.-k.-.iys- i-i- . . 1 jponf trt f anor Eaclaimed Tibbs, Tvej :re tNrf Nrete ganerai criea of, 'Order, pr- :?rchaiflMMrCreedaleContlnaed I 'nilfrtiir1ithidt aJftinor In n' xtrm 1 1: i . u -;-rr: : - " i - hMfliitveai mi j Unspeakable pleasure levoIpicfcjst I growled Valentine, in a heavy .voicSiltt.:-t-f-.; . !: ' ; ' "' :" .,' ;!&anif s;posefrrexomnly cfied Tiobf, 'QS his? head and frivinn-a moat trinmnhint 'ft 3.; - J ; ;IJ ;:0 ; "5?JB ;J2 ':fi: : Nombar S One PRIVATE DVVELLING, GOOD OUT HOUSES and GARDEN, ad- joining tae above. .. I ! '' j ,, 3 Nomber 4 One HOUSE and larre LOT running from main street to the back street lying I May-17 opposite William Howiid's. ;.t t '-;-'rtsd--ilii'i'" f1 53 Mxm-. 'w of. LAND adjoining said Town, under high cnl- tivation, havug emit ;an eicellant; SPUING, and a beautiful site for ft dwelling, surrounded by of stately Oaks. All the above will be exposld to Public Stflclon Thursday of our next Sop nor (Jour, if not disposed of pnvatejy before that time, v i ' ! M-i hi ' 4 5 JOHN JONESJ Salisbury, August 8 jl8S9-f if i s; i f Beds; Bedding and 'every kln,of Household Statet It js ntheretorei ordered by tbe Court, f!mUJ delicate, dieeaaes, the iraptre irr mat puDiication be made for six weeks in the f c,e m Wl4'cn rB sgray1 i Carollha Watchman, printed In Salisborv. that I lbe eoostitotion through the basecpoFpirtc:.- said defendant Samuel Hartsell, be and ianpear I Mercurial murderers, unprincipled, nntJ. v: 1 . a . m . . - ' t M 1111 nnnnri rpn. in a 11 w nri sr. ih thai i i ni ? , . , ... J tmg to lead tbe credulous victim cn the 'j? ruin. Dr Evans office, lOO Chatham tu f supplied with the choicest remedies frcsn I and foreign markets, and coropunnded by s : tere hand on scientific principles A j !:jf is always in attendence, and a puvate cf.! All those who come there in the hue r cf m WILL GO Orr RtiOIClKO. tdLIVKR COMPU1LXT, OP Tl TEARS STAJWhG.-tors. 11ANN. R R fl WNR.- iwife of Jienh Hrnwr. N. A qutaitity of superior Chewing Tobaccot I Sixih st.oeaf Secbod st; WiUiamsburgb, .1 i - $o do : Smokintt Tobarca I ted for the last ten years with Liver Otst r ' Court t Concord, this 8d mondav in Julv. 1839.1 auu year ci oar independence. .. 1 L i, v t KI AIL P. HARRIS nit July26, J839 6w52-pr.fee,H' ! 8S9 tt42 -F. R. ROUECIIE. about restored to health throngh the ireafmenl i t 1 Wm EVANS. Symptoms; Habitual cor str tioo ol the bowels, total Imsof appetite. e : I 1 . - w wv j 1 preasion or spirits, fangoui and other ejmptcr ! of the- 'm' extreme dlbility, disturbed sleep, inordu.3te WJMTIOWAMmAtGJSZIJYE he menses, paio in the rigbt side, c u!J : : i-ij, - t lie on her left side, without an tggravain ss j 1' 1 AKD ' the pain, murine higli coloured, wiih -other. mi U BZiZOaAJT ILL VHTV7. 1 toms indicating greit derangement in tLe j I Joan I,. SMjtrf, ' lions of the liver. , , . J u t r j (. D .j , Mrs. Browne was attended by three rf t I f f and iVopnrfor. first physicians, but received but little ! '- t! V ? i from their medicine; till jvir? Browne rrccnr .IfROUGHOUT the civiliied world the some of Di Wm EvansVinvaluaLle preparai; -2j i - a j ' - I tL ? t. AT. 1 1 . . J a j minus 01 men are, to an unosoal decree. I wn,cn cieciu"j reueyes ner 01 ne aocve i and can; KitchchlSFurbittirc. ' j be had with the Tavern Hoose. : TO O HWJERS OF emplojed in what comes home to the business I lre8S,nS eymptoms, with others, which it is ana bosoms or all, the mode in which thejr Go- genual 10 intimate. teromenu MeadmiiUstsred, the principles upon JOSEPH -BROWNE, vvbich; they ast, aodl the measures . which they City and County of New Yctk.ss. pursue; ; These are the topics of newspaper dis- i Joseph Browne, Willlamsburgh, f.on cossion, and of debate in oar various legislative- being duly sworn, did depose and vsay thai t: kssemflies. It is, however, somewhat remarks- ' tacts as set forth in ibe within statement ble tbat in this country so few efforts have been .which he has subscribed his name, are jnst : t trtade b sustain any periodjcalpublication upon true. f JOSEPH BKOWNi;. this nrfncinle. while l. I. I ' ! Tlnchflnd of lliA cntrt llannli fl 1 -. d Great Britain, politics1 form the staple of man v 1 Sworn before me, this 4th day of January. ! luf theft most valuable works of this description, i PETER PIN CK N E Y, Coro,of DcrJ?. 1 he peculiar position, of our Country rendeis frlVIDfr a - moat trinmnh ,1 kooJ hase toice that is. said Mr Cree aiirs&iBwirW:'a: V I -.- I , fr'Ttetd Brb wni igg, in a voice of in- - '-if ! I ".tf'. fe SiMj fpioirncahi?' exclaimed! rownrigg, A tiiis-9!r i JM U t If1 . - i -:f --f - ' f iffiffl thlfirst.:Wme,V' ebsetTed Mr ii l!):ie M -m iii .v i t; ri i;.r fk ;nfln;.- libatli u.-?&irt exclaimed BrownriffiT i LISMi:ll ;ifirdid- T-:WMiilMrr, order ! Question f Nillf 4r;?w'BW-f He concision of the I 'It i "-"ts ''?uie fesumea . 7 great principle of civil liberty can be promoted by the encouragement and support of local news papers, and especially one at this point. My in tercession in behalf of the Watchman is entirely disinterested i J have not a cent involved in its success beyond this day : bu f do most, earnest ly ask of the Whigs of North ; Carolina to rally to its support. I think I may safely vouch that it will be everyj vray worthy of Whig patron age, and in point; of mechanical skill, not sur passed by any paper in tbe Slate. I cannot take leave of. roy patrons without- saying a word to 'my brethren tf the Press, the uniform kindness and partiality of those on my side ot tne question, and toe respect and even forbearance of rnyij adversaries, will ever cause me to look back to the aasociation with the live liest emotions. If 1 have ever,, in the1 coerce of my editorial warfare, inflicted a wound on the feelings of any i ndividual of the fraternity , 1 hope il will be forgiven. ;"L - ' llJC. JONES.;. Salisbury. Aug. 2d, 1839. TO THE WHIGS OF THE I0TH CON GRESSIONAL DISTRICT I ! RAL LY TO THE POLLS I ! On next Thursday you will have to vote (bra Member ofj Congress : two candidates are before you : one is doubtful as to his politics, to say the least of him ; The Adr ministration party in the District are going for him, although be is the personal enemy of some of its leaders. One of these says he is Van Boren man enough for him. He is suspected ! The other Gentleman is ad mitted to be with us ; not one of his prin ciples is questioned. How can any man, who ever cherished a Whig sentiment, pause orbesttate between tbera i -The, one Is deeply interested ia his ownjightj and as the agent of others in certain questions in volving large amounts of public land which must come before Congress. His interest in this matter is opposed to that of the peo- pie: tne otner is Known to oe peneciiy ais interested. ' Unless the Whigs mean to say f I I f ' ' ' ' ' : . a tneir ouni principles, mey r. t isher : he does not t ) I at u re s . j I well remember warm friend of Mr. Fisher in L Si- ? ana wai much mortified at his defeat1. S ji il i : : 3 : (Yours, Slc. .i for i thll I was a 'r ryi-n. i' contest t SAMUEL JONES. isbury , July S 1 st, 1 3 S3. There are mahv others! in this to wrn; who cry thing to encourage ne. Even forlorn county of Rowan, (as they 7rS'H to observe, gentlemen, when Wftierfupted,tt rivea me ureat oleas- 1 rt" Mil I 'T . u J't oij otopeias-----V ' -j 1 htiul V? I lIntine,j ateeominff jneeitingt cried Sriamt V tn Ct':to!rf(pel the insinuation, i; Il-r ha, htm I I ' i. and miWM StyW 1 ioataritlyVtarn they .will give u roust-give up deign even to publications tall himself a Whig in bis II El IS NONE OF US. ic TH El LAST TRUMP! I j The concluding policy of Mr. Fisher and bis friends seems to be by boasting and confident assertion to whip through ; in Mght race. A man by the name of James Page ctme from Randolph to Salubory with no ostensible business, is fir as we can learn, but to raise a shout of ; Mr. Fs puiemer the same fact, but we ; pesume jihatj Sh fdregoing slatemnt will bl per jfecjijr stisfaclory upon ajma ttrrj oj ejrey pya;pnmportant. This jtric k inatbnly ridiculous in itself boutliua oppbsed. be- UJJJ i l.ti.i i IS 4L. cuiues cuiiicrnjuiuie. 11 is qi a piece: wi.in i s ' - 3 . 4 1 ! Van Buren man from Chatha his ;farty were going to deseri Mr and go ver to Henderson. ceived letters couched in i ' i i t i terms asserting that this communication is untrue.! To the Whigs we will say, we; hivey lion a a m stating that Fisher ; y ue nave re- i a I -ill i i. the ! strongest . f -8.1 i- w in ! the we rejon rising ground: Vilbih kplast week,, we have received ;evidence that we will lessen, by at least one hklf thei fnijor ity which had been, before that, conceded to Mr. Fisher. We have iikewiseHhi-m i : a .' - 3 i ' .1 ' cheeking information from all tne1 o counties;in the District. In Chatham Randolph we shall get a majority of from her ; Ii and h v. SIX to eight hundred. In Davie county there Is little doubt we shall get amajontytofl be tween fifty and one hundred. In Taf idsor we expect aamall majority for us, arid ' ih nowan we are wen asaureu uuuur.irisu i i if , - . . . - i- ... i : ! ! U i i . H er cannot get more than two hundred and njty majority. Now mark our i wdi .J. ' J i ' j - ! it' t I n e I cofipiDEJiT . j Gentleman wif, BkATEN.! Bealen! Beaten ill Theise the last Words probably trial we shall ! I It write !i n She character of an ilttnri tnlflwel selemnljn believe they will be found So letjusjbuckle to-the fight like meO tto our duty ! r and THE Subscriber, who i a resident jn the tfnited States in examining several sec tions of the Gold Mining districts, and bias acquired considerable knowledge of the value and prospects Jof successful Gold Mi ning if properly conducted. . ? i t; He intends on his return to ; Eorope to exert himself in mailing known to the pub lic in lngland the advantages that may reasonably be anticipated from judicious op erations. '-: I : j -, 111 -!- ' -.'I'- I'll ' ; - .ii i Having cxlensivesconnection with some of tbe leading Capitalists of London, Liy erpool, &c, the subscriber offers his servi ces lo persons having Mining iProperty ei ther to lease or selll in disposing of the same, f and is ready) to inspect and take particulars and specimens of ore. j i Letters (Post Pad) and applications to HKNRY uLUNDELL, care sof Messrs. Irwin &. Elms, will'receive attenlion. ; : I Charlotte, 19th Jqly, 1839i-3tl t V Val n able To n Property. "DEING abbot to remove to the West I offer Ofor sale my REALIPROPERTiT, lying io tbe Town of. Alocksvillf; Uavie county, consist ingof a good snog ; ': -1 j - j f- And all otlier necessary out K l v houses. i 1 . i I All new and in good repair. Attached to which are . , : ' ' - - vi - - ..'.-I 1 THREE A CUBS OF LAND, lying on both tides main street, and verylconven lent for mechanical shop?, and other buildings for business.. There is Convenient to the dwell ing a never tailing SPRING of pure wafer, ahd and many oiber conveniencies, ; j I As I am determined tlx 6ell, a good bar If I the above nrooertv is not sold at private sate Landepdiite, The acconnts from Fort Fiorida, sate that Sam Jones with 2d :!rair ribrs bad come in, and that all woujdpme in finally but some time Would elapse be fore the Indians in the could hear of the treaty. distant swarnpg ! SI ! ill the We if-J Gen. Scott arrived at Chicago. .ons 6th instant in the steamboat Illinois. ! learn from tbe Chica?o American lhaf ! he is boued for Fort Winnebago,, with a trievr Wqueii) the, hostile .spini; laaiiiliisiitefcx before the 7th of September next; I snail expose ibe above pioperty to sale without ; reserve on mat day at . , , ...iv. , ,L i 1 PUBLICOJCTIOm l - ' .... .! -Tl- K I a ' I. ' i-' Terms will be made known on the day of sale HI l t L.H.T GARNER. July t19, 1839 5w5li t y. i ar , - i - - g , ! - L-aJV LASTj NOTICE. , X LL persons Indebted, to the Estate of the JlSL lzZttJ)r. L ueco Mi.fe.bell, by arcbcnt.l will please satili- fie same, on or before the lOiti day of August oext. Those vfho fail to do so, need not expect farther lDdolgeact;. Application miy be made for satitement, either to Maj. Sneed or myself. ( ; i?:. , V-M ! - I - 1 1- Ibe present an auspicious moment for undertaking ijperiddjcal of this character. The Coantry ia arrayed into two greaOivisions, one of which may be denominated the Adminisfration, the Other tu& UOOOSlttno nrtm 'VUm. .J.i ! I' I .... -""!-'!- " V'VH.i.bSUI Ml) former, is encountered by, it is believed, a larger iiorporucn or numoers, a greater portion of iniel4 iigeuci, ana a nigner grade ol principle. The fpotiveaj which guide the Administration party we conceive io oe narrow and erroneoos the docirines they promulgate dangerous and perni-cious-fthe objects ihey have in view; and the lenoencies or ineir measures seinsh and destrucc Me. Ji is time that they be met with vigor and wim sTsrem, I I The; gradual but obvious aggrandizement of ine power ot tne Ji.xecotive, at the expense ot the legislative and judicial branches of the Gene j ra Ooyernment, should be exhibited to the rub- lie mind. The plausible oretenseaonHer whieh ibis dsign is furthered should be ex nosed. .The pysterrjaiic plans by which corroption is' spread- ing nseii mroognooi tne land, the discipline wbich;has been introduced into the nartv ranks. the unldisgoisd and opien interfereLce of the tjfficer of the Federal Government in, the elec4 fions even ofjhaiiiflicfirs, the regolaily levy 4 Ing of jContribaiioos for the purnose of carrvinH on inopany warfare, trie devotional loyalty tn the heads of a fact iou which is now exactedi ui Mi pruripuon oi loose wnoreiose to yield ii, are au sunjecis wnicjLuemand and ought to receive; a mre full and prepared exbibiiion than Ihey have yel received.' These topics will lormj in connexion with general views of the foreign and domestic policy of the Government, a prio4 vrpai suojci oi our aiienuon. " I Though politics will j constitute the principal portion lof the Magazine; the, Interests of gener al literal ore will not be disregarded. Essau on Philosophical and Moral subjects ; Reviews phical Sketches, and especially essavs conoee. ted wiih tbe vital subject of Popular Education. win oe occasionally inserted. I The poblisber will embrace suitable onnortu nitics of improving or extending the plan, which may be presented by increased patron- go: ;1i - -f -. . I Engravings of Distinguished Public Men Wilt embellish the Magazine, as circomstances may allow tbe additional expense to be incur red. - : j;'! I ; -t I- TERMS. I--, I 7fte Actional Magazine and Republican Setlew-fi) pobltsbe4-'ia Monthly numbers of at? jiessi nipiy-iix Quiavo pages each, on fine pa per, witp new aod handsome type, and in ! tbe mosi approved mecbanical and typographical appearance, at the moderate price ol Five Dol lars a yeaT, payable in all cases in advance, or tne delivery of the third number, without rre pecfT tpfWsons. . r !i Any person forwarding; ten or more ub?cri- ber8. and becoming responsible for the-amount of their snbscnptiona for the first year, shall re ceiveacopygraUsaslcng as they may continue subscribers. 4; Tbe publisher will be responsible for all mo neys forwarded by mail, in case of miscarriage, , provided; tbe certificate ot I the postmaster snail be secured, and copies wiwarded accordingly. A sobseiiber not ordering bis subscription to be Gisconuquea ai ine expiration oi ine year, Sbail be considered as wishing the Review continued, which shall be forwarded, and the subscription money expected on the receipt of the third num ber, as in the rat instance.; - ' iv 2io aubcription taken for a less term than one year.; , j ' - j.' -f?-?--; - -V.---:': "" Ait communications tiosf paid, addressed to $C3Anolher recent ttst cf the unrivalled i ir tueoDrWm Evans' Medicines DY SIT. 1 SIA, TEuY YEARS' STAJVDLG.-t McKenzie, 176 Stanton street was afflicted v. i . !?! curaplaiat fr lei) Jsr$ , which 1 " pacitated him at intervals, tor the renod c y years, in attending to his bosiness, ! restored t perfect health under tbe salutary Ireatmcnt t Dr Wm Evans. f The Symptoms tcere. A sense of distrr, ' and oppression after eating, distressing v.: i the pit of the stomach, naosea, impaired arn u giddiness, palpitation of the hf art, greal dt! iii1 $nd emaciation, depression or spirits, dtnl rest, sometimes a bilioos vomiting, and pair, i the right side, an extreme degree of larr ind lamtness ; any endeavour to pcrsne hi t iness causing immediate exhaustion and n r,:; ness. - : : 'C 1 ' Vlr McKcnzxt is daily atundwg to lis I : ness, and none of the above symptoms hate i corred since he used the medicine. He i. r a strong and healthy man. He has rertr ! myriads of remedies, but ihey were all ir.cT tual. He Is willing to give any informal! n the afilicted respecting the inestimntle m. rendered to him by the use of Di Wm. IVv: medicine. ' A Beal Blessing to Mollier Dr. Wm. Evans1 Celebrated sooVu.y Syrupy for Children Cutting their 'J n nilHIS infallible remedy has preserved 1 JL dreds of Children, when thought past r covery, from convolsions. As socn as ihe ' rop is rubbed on the gums, the.child will j; er. This preparation is so innocent, ro if cioQS, and so pleasant, thai no child will rr.' to let it8gums be rubbed with it. When if f are at the age of four months, though there 1 -appearance of teeth, one bottle of the j r should be used on the gams, to open the : Parents should never be-without the jrt, the norseiy where there are young children; if a child wakes in the night with pain in : gums, tbe Syrup immediately gives en t s ' opening the pores and healing the gnrct; t! by prevtnting Convulsions, fevers, 4 c- $&Pr oof positive of the Ejfaacy cf - Evans1, soothing hyrvp. To the Agent of Dr Evans Sootbir: ?jr: Dear Sir The great benr fit, aflbrded to cj fering infant by your soothing Syrup in a of protracted and painful dentition, vnr.1 vi nee every ieeung parent now rs&ennaf e.-j ly application of such an invaluable ce die' to relieve infant misery and torture. I ! j fant, while teething, experienced fech y sufferings, that it was attacked with eenv-c! and my wife and family supposed that C woold soon release tbe babe from ar.c;-!., we procured a bottle of your tyrupj which - as spplied lo the gems, a wonderfol chsrf-" produced, and after a few applications. 1 1 f displayed obvious relief, and by ccntinrnr i use, 1 am glad to inform yoo, the child hss c pie tely recovered and no recoirerce I that fol complaint has since occurred ; the tret!; emanating easily and the child enjoys r r health. I give you my cheerful permit make this acknowledgment public, crJ ' gladly give any information on this circcr ' ;; r .-'KWm johno::. V or the following Agents. GEORGE W BROWN, Sabfbcry. Z. C. JOHN Ai IN G LI S. f Bookstore) Creravr,::, J. H.' ANDERSON. Camden, 5. C. E. JOHN HUGGINS: Colombia, StC. W. M. MASON if Co.. Ralefrh, N. C. SffH11; hjs-residence. Georgetown. TAYLOR. HARRIS & Co., Charlotte, mj wr.il receive prompt sueouoo. t 1 Ii JOIN L. -5MITJL iraCTO IXfe 3Iarcfi 27, 1839; TRANSCRIPT OFFICE, Lincolntrn. P. SUM MEY & Co. ! May 10, 1SS9 ly4I tr;.tae$ iind rushed to the spot from K-"r-.-i I :' ' 1 I I . - t a .. success id Randolph. He made here the the Indiatis: Salisbury, July 19, 183945! 8 r Mb His l-s I ; ' ' r I. ! -i i iifi' i i i i i i' Silt ,i ;

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