t I. J: 5 ' 4- 1- lit T j"" ' ' " ''' '' ' rr TI1E HOME Uf 111X4 t All JiiJM Still let roc lire among the hills. T, r,yki. the trees, the fl-iwers. Where I have passed ny early yearsj My Childhood's happy uours. How oft beneath the aged oak, t Neat to my father's duelling, - Have reposed with kinf red youth, borne playful storj telling. The' bird above' would pjome their wings And raise their happy ypicee, O, sure it is a pleasant pee, Where every lUwg rejoices. Surrounded 6y tb'e friends lTe, , And !fre from eveiy fetter, J am an independent man, , And ftish fur nothing better. V t . 1 My lii le children round me sport,. So bloominffl brisht, and healthy. I oftt -ni think that nature? gilts -Hare made ins very wealthy. V- ';! j-V'-; - I'-'-V -? .m'i'; I '1 Mv wjfe is all ilhat she should be, Kinjf, gentle prepossessing; I'm eoielf ever man was blest, Mine U the greatest blessing. . i - ' AanxouZiTuns. ; i; JJOW TO IMPROVE A POOR FARM. Sf-Uichari A Leonard, of Middletownj N. ! JM has furnished us an interesting account nf impriiting a Worn-out Urrri, and of the F3ie m Hf jrouu:i8 me list year, , nw we regret that from the great accumulation of rrnatter on hand, we cannot give his letter ih detiilJ .We. ate -obliged to content pur- .' r '.. .It. . .it rj. j Leonard came into possession of 90 apes 1 of cultivated but! exhausted land, irr Mayv -IQI Til lllt voir lh colo cif ila nrnrlnn'a l '" l" ;r"' "v ",""1 ' i r amounted to $550.88; in 1834, the fialea amounted to S718.05 : in 1B35. to Oi; and jin 1830, notwithstanding th? uri fivorable season, and the failure of most of his' staple crops, to 81,176 13 thus more than doubling its products, by judicious' management; in three years! His expense during; the last year-for labor, dungi and tit, aroountea to uxo 7K,lnus leaving liim a nett profit of $912,41, or more than ten dollars per acre per annum. YVe will quole Mr. Leonard's statement of the means LtiP adpntf d thus to double the fertility k his Sill My ifarm,,1 saya he, ' was in so k a condition that it would not produce more was vatn to attempt improvement without soil contrived to get about four manure; hundred loads af year, three hundred of which, 1, made inj the following manner. I liave marl, tnougli ol a vety inferior quality. I cart about one nuhdred loas of this! into my barn; yard, and by. yard ng my cattle tpon it through the reason, contrived 0 ln- crease it to two hundred loads. I also; cart i about fifty loads to mv hocr. nen. on w tidi this v l keep my hogs the year round Inj way l gut One hundred loads more, w lch is exrellentjfor potatoes, corn, &c, and as my I arm is situate near I the bay, I obtain from Nf w York, annually, from fifty; to I seventy five loads of the best stable dung, at ah one dollar per loat on deltrery, Hji .mixing iv itn me earin,dcc., make up the four hundred loads.. By this treat- I ment I find my land improve rapidly; and myincqmejin like proportion But J am sorry to. say there are many farmers araone it, nhn .Mian I .I.Ll , . 1 Ll l.-n n i I . j i ;!.! Thisf . communication afTtirds n whrihv I example of jprudent industry aid good! man- I ageraent, and shows that even a noor fa'ro. well managed, mav h rnr!erlrt fflA,i U.. .1. : l.i i - I ,. . T T " uuctive man manv a good farm now is:un. tier bad! m.i.i 77 T V-fF 4V The fTeeri. Salt ts said to be aj ComJ plete pr cveitativ against ihe destruction of whent y the wfevil. Mix a Dint of salt with a barrel of wheat, put the grain in old Salt barrelsj and tha' weevil will U,i . it. In sta (king j wheal, four or file qilaris ; the straw more valuable for cattle. tiorti- i vuuurut jtegister. .-- Hop Culture U appears that the Ame ttcan croj vanes from one to three millions a year, while inJEiigland it reaches to f(rty or fifty. ; Tl ere eras no Unn! t-. I why we should raise so little. I i j ; JUaxitn$ for Farmer. Never work within doors when there is any thing1 to be Nejer do in! fair weather what may be I woiio im weu . , . PROFIT OF HENS. ; " inu inims , lhal he u,chas n Gc .a .nou.na a, 81x bcns, ihree bid oo. . , .uu - I'mector ot t hp 11 irk. Thev . i2f c?nU per duzen. A part of th tlL i h wshiii p.fcui ihey coalj generally go inu, They were fornisheif with a bo about I , . - (lKail reel1 Iw.With three anarimrnla J J .! 4 feet y-- : -. , .. .... - . - -.1 I- - ' r "' I ' I '- - ill j tnan 10 busneis ol rye, or twenty ot j corn rhilosophieal rand JJprat, j subjects ; rjitviews Irfer afre and ss 'l had no other incorrie but and CtUmlJSTokujJIWofilcai 'and. .'Btogrx j wbat I Cfutd make upon this poor'fajrm, I ' VhUtal 'SkeUJte$i and:fre;iklfyeslays,' ctmnee 4eti nhniii' farmint In. okrnp.t T foiinil it .wd with the vital subject otPopular Education, f . i -,i f ' . I Will ho fMP!)oinn its who are still pursuing the bid land kill- nef9 forwarded tjy mail, inl case of miscarriage, iving system, scarcely making both endameel "uvuvw, " ",i!""'u' u i jji iua"fr bi I might! say something concerning the be- A?! if ?VT fciward ccordingly.r !; nt ci.t rL j a . i , V. A aobsciiber not ordering his subscription to be t!v - rrdra.ninprtandof .me discontinued at the expiration of the year, shall j as a manure ; but I conclude for the pre- be considered as wishing the Review enntinn!. i i . . . i - . . . ... ... i .. if - -- -- , vcijr uuuureu aneaves, sprinkled omong, mem, will entirely secure them from the deDredatirtn nf ,nA.J ...l iiL.- .. .... w. iiniLk. anu irinipr more than three wtslad to occupy ccts at the same time, Sithis treated a cen ten ion for the 'disputed territory the proprietor had tointertere 'and settle the controversy by( determining that each one should possess a share, i So in cases of 1 emergency one nest answered-for lo hens. , They have been ted on roasted, poiaioea, on corn and oats, whole and Jia w : Plaster ci Paris and lime are kept constantly by them., i This specimen: of good management Tshows that with very little attention! a ,erson can have a gooa supply oi eggs at a 6cason wuea iur; are verr scarce, and if he raises them for the market he can have a large price. ; With proper care hens will laj plentifully jj m winter ;iand without this care they will ba (nearly the same expense in keeping, and no profit until th sea con arrives when thej can take care of them selves. Yankee Farmer.' l - ' " "H 1 r prospectus r:,.-t or tpr f - ? . . i JVATIOJWil MAGAZijYE xuiuiiip ait! nuy iiiwy. t John I. Smith, - - i it - Publisher and Proprietor TH ROUG HOUT the civilized world jhe minds of men are, to ant, unusual degree, employed i in' what erne i home to the business and bosoms of all, ihe rwde Sioj which their Go vernments are administered, the principles upon which they at, and the measures which they pursue. These are the topics jjf newspaper dis cussion, and of debate in oaf 'ioQl legislative assemblies. It is, howerer, somewhat remarka ble mat in i this country sd fetvilerlurts' hate been made to sustain any perineal publication upon ttiis principle, while in Eufojpe, and particulatly jn Great Britain, politics foroi the staple of many of their most valuable works jot. this description. The peculiar position of oof Country rendets the present an auspicious moment for undertaking a periodical of this character. J The Country is arrayed into two great dif ikions, one of which may be denominated the jldmtnisfration, the other the Opposition party J rrheCunduct of the former, is encountered byj it s believed, a larger porporiioD of numbers, a greater portion of intel ligence and a higher grade principle. 1 he motives which! guide the Administration party we conceive to be narrow and erroneous- the doctrines they pjomulgate dangerous and perni; coos the objects they, tendencies of their mease - ' - a . ' ?. "'s . . ., a - nave iq view, ana me measure8elfih and destruc tive. It is time that they bo met with vigor and with system, . ;-- li..;; i , : ' The gradual! but obvioas aggrandizement of iiiB (wwerm iub executive;, hi lue eipcusw ui ine leisiauve ano juaiciai crancnes oi ine uecb ral Government, should be exhibited to the pub lic mind. The plausible pretenses under which this design is fotthered should; be exposed. The . i I. . ' L sysiemanc pians ay w men ling itself! throoshout the! corruption issprtaa ' & t l . a tie discipline which has been introduced the undisguised and oped ibto the party ranks, ibtlrferer.ee of the officers of the Federal Governnbent in the elec tions even, of local officers, in? of contributions for the regulftily levy purpose of carrying on the party warfare, the j devotional loyalty to the heads of a factiou which i now, exacted, an the proscription of those jw'ho refose to yield it, are all subjects which demand and onsht to receive a more full anc nd prepared exhibition than they have yet received. .These-1 topics will form, in connexion with general jvifvs of the foreign and domestic policy of the' Goernment, a prin cipal euhject of our attention. P Though politics will Cohsutote the principal portion of the Magazine, the jnieresfs of gener al literal ore will nut be di9rpfli'ded. Essays on Ilrinseried.l I The publisher will embrace suitable opportu nities of improving or ; extending the plan, which may' , be j presented by! increased patron age. ..j:;-s;::.-;? - vK;j -1 1 . - Engravings of Dislinguislijed Public Men will embellish the Magaiirtf, 3 jcircumsiances may allow. the additional expense to be incurred.- ! ; " i ! .. TERMS. ; h Hit National Magazine and Republican Review is published in monthly numbers of at least ninety-six pcuvo pages e!cK on fine pa per, wun new and handsome type, and in t toe most approved mechanical and lypoerraphical appearance, at the moderate price of Five Doi X.ARS a vear, payable in alii cases in : advance, or the delivery of the third number, without re spect to persons.;. , j; jj , I Any person forwarding ten or more subscri bers, and becoming responsible for the amount of ceive a copy gratis as Icnz as they mav continue subscribers. ; ! 1 . ; U I i 1 1 he publisher, will be responsible for all mo- wliich shalLbe.!forwardrlaodithe8obseription monev expected inn the ff:cp.ini nf ih ihirrf num. t, as in the first instance!, j j , A u uuaenptioii taken ior a iesa icrm man one year. . . . n I Ail rnmrnnninatinns. innt mil. AAnteoA tn I .l " " : . . ' . . r . ' 1 ,DB puonsner, at nis resioence. oeorgetown, v. u., wiu receive prompt; attention. JOHN L. SMITH. I WisnurGTOir; D Ci iilareii27, 1839, E-IOHU PHYSIC! I it C B & C. TVntJELER, H AVE just received a; large and fresh sup ' plv of ! v. t T J DR UGS.JUZDICL'E$, MINTS, DYE- oi utta. VJLS, BRUSHES. CIGARS; a uimvuu. HJVUFF,LEMOJV SYR UJ : and tjblb mustard; , , : . ; also, i ; : -,I5XJ3IEDICINES,PIRITS OP PANACCA, IFKESII nifcf, SOAPS, Also, various Ijinds o SVineffiSd Spirits1 for MINI rnipnu llli.f .li'i mi I .. purposes. AH joij whiih jwill be! sold VV? rsbv nm to5ponctaaI customers. 'I- SIS 38 83 NEATLY PniXTED AT -3 7S -w ll -V j ; iuluablc. Town Property ; , BEING abdut to remove oM West l ;offer r sale my UfiAL PROPERTY, lying io the' Town of- 51ucksville, Davis county, consist ing of a good snog ! , - . III And all other necessary put : "Ji : houses. p; - All new and io good repair. Attached to which THREE A CUES OF LAND, . lyindbn both sides main street; and very conven ient tbr mfchantcai shops, and . other bundtngs foribtlsiness.1 I There is convenient to the dwell ing a never failing SPRING of pure water, and and nany 6ther conteniencies. ' - ; ; ' As 1 am delermiried to sell, a good Cbargain mav be had foicashi or on a short credit. - If khe above! properly is not sold at private sale before the 7lh of September next, 1 6hall expose ice appve pioperiy to sate wunoui 'reserve on Terms will be made known on the day of sale. Mi L. H. uAlirEli. 7u y 19, V$ TOW iri of MINES. f HlfiE Subscriber, who is a resident in u- En aland, has snent some months m4- the United States in examining several sec tionsjof the Gld Mining district!, and has acquired considerable ; knowledge of the value and propecs iof successful Gold iMi ntnguf iproperly " conducicd. He intends; on. his; return to. Europe to exert mmseii in maKing Known to tne puo- lie iri England; the atlvantag? that may reasonably be.anticipated from judicious op erations. ; j Having extensive of tble leading Capitalists of London, Livr erpool, &c. the subscriber offvs his servi ces Id persons having Mining -rVoperty ei ther o lease or sell, in dispesing of the same , and is! ready; to inspeirand take partit ulars' and gperimens of ore. r; I Letters (Post -Paid) and applications lo HENRY B ItU N D ELL, -care of Messrs. If win & E'msf.-will receive attention. Charlotte, 19th July, 1839-3tl . - .A ., ABSCONDED abou. the last of Oetoberi from the subscriber, at thaL tiine residing' in Stokr a County, N. Carolina,! my Ngroan-"; . . .; YOMlgiJfJJiJ ' ; ! -f:f t I i- .i I !- .... about j? or 23 yearsfof age, and of a very origin complexion j He is a Shoemaker by trade, has averybushy head of hair, a thin visage, is spare built and weighs! from 135 to 140 pounds. He has a very large scar on one of his legs near the ankle, believed to be on the right leg. alsoa s;aron each-arm ju?t below the elbow oc carsioner by a burn; 1 His heels have been frosted which injury has left scars cpnn them. Cole man has a wife a free woman) i.ear Blakely, N. Cirolina, and it is probable that he may be in that direction, althdugh: many persons believe tliat he vas decoyed oflT by a white man, named Joshua Young, who left the neighborhood about the sam ; time - for Indiana. I will give a re ward of Fifty Dollars to any one who will de liver Coleman to, me near' Brook Neal in Camp bell Coutiiy Val or who will confine him in jail, so that 1 get birit in my possession. ! nlltl . n I" rX7 I,' r C?'TT7 TT'T' Brook Neal, Campbell cty, Va tf23 Dedember 21, 1838 S"OTIGS. f MHB Subscriber being desirous to remove Io JI the South West, Offers fur sale his LAND with thel appurtenances in ihe county of Davie, on the main! road leading from Salem to States f tile, and abmitiat an equal distance from each place, and i o mites aisiaoi irom jniocKsviue. i here afebont i (900 ACRES 1. n the whole lying ail together, but in several Tracts. I The whole place is well improved ertile aqd in a high state of cultivation, with all the BUILDINGS entirely new. The DWELLING HOUSE is good. 1 here is a large Quantity of meadow land, and com! ORCHARDS of ihe best troifs. r Moch of this Land lies on Dutch man Creek; which furnishes it with a trood deal of the Sdstbottoin., ! Theieis a SAW MILL J A GRISr MILL, and a WOOL CARDING MACHINE ont the premises Possession will be given the coming fall if saleis made shortly : If not shprrly, possession will be given in the spring. jThe sale will be made in three several parcel if it be desired, and a good residence ma? be had on each. r Terms! made known onapplication to the Pro- pi ietor, but aa tie Is deteraiaed to sell on favora ble terms, application had best be made early. i. HOLMAN, Oak Grove, Davie bo. N. C. Jun Sm45 tatrot J3Lottft Caroling CABARRUS COUNTY. V Court i if) Pleas and! Quarter Sessions Joly I ' ;SrlODS. 189- : Jacob If arbev.' 1 "iK 1 ' vfc! f :.' Aftachment levied on land j Samuel Tait9elL' ji ' - ' " ?: 7 ' ' "H"N thislcase U appearing to the satisfaction JL the Court, thai Samuel Hartsell, the de!n- dant in this case, is an inhabitant of another State ; Itj it therefore, ordered by the Court, that publication be, made for six. weeks in the Carolina atchthan. printed in Salisbury, tbal said defendant Samuel Hartsell,' be and appear at ihe Court House in Concord, on the 3d mon day io October next, jio plead or replevy, or the laod levied on wil be condemned . to eatUfy phintirl demand. Witneisi, Kiah. P Harris. Clerk of our said Court at Concord, th is Sdonday in July , 1839. and theC4ib year of oar In lependence. KIAH. P HARRIS Clk. JclyS i 1839 6w2 pr.fee 4 ait ? 4. &Xe&h$tsv7j Cf Concord. flpHK Presbytery t Concbrd will meet fri this' "wnoo'WeJpeaday, September 1 llh,at 1 1 o'clock,-A M. ) ? ... y j . -, - w The members of the Presbytpry sre request ed to s'op at Ihelioose 'oil thrSubscriberr as they enter the Sown,; to be. directed -io theii places oi lodgin.-! - ,. i . . . , STP.PItPM pnnvriQ - ; Salisbury,', August ,2,1839 61 ; fcCP?The Woichtnan ;of ihe JSonth will. please insert the first part of this advertisement three times. ' s i " -'a - JEhcycZoped ia cf Geography, GO ii'PKISlNG a!compiete besctiption of the Earth, PbickUStatisticalv Civil and Poltt ical, fxliibitinnr the relation to ihft Heavenly Bo die3,its j Physical $trtjciurp, thf Natural story oi eacn country ; sua the liodQSlry, commerce, Political Institutiopsland Civiand Scial State of all Nationa lllnstrated by E-ghiy-two Maps and Eleven Hsndreatengrivingson i wood, repre senting the mit : vemarkable objects of 'nature and art in every region of the flobe. -Together with a New Man of the United States': in three Vofatr.es. well brtjnd, at the low price of $10 00. - U'juks can always; be had lor f less morwy at tbejN pj Bokitore for Cash, than by subscript tlon. We invite slUhose wbsjwish to purchase cne2p books, to call or send th?rr orders. t i l 1 TURNER St HUGHES, J il I I IC 1 N. Q.IBook-Store. June, 1839.1 til. Wnniingtoii, IN . C. Messrs. E. Vm W; Wfnslqw. E: W. Will- kiocs, John Huske& Son.liC. J, Oriell, Yarbrougb' t Ray, Joseph Baker, C. T. Hatgh, Curtis 8t My rover. s H i t FayelltvtlUt JV. C. June 21, I83943rn47 ;i Catawba Springs, N. G fin HE public are Informed that the ! . L above establishment will be kept open tnisseason, tor tne accommoda tion of invalids, and ail who may desire a pleasant summer retreat. A m pie pre parations have been ;made, and renewed exer tions wilff be given to renderpqil satisfaction. Terms of boardius very cheapZ . 1 harrkful lur the liberal patronage bestowed upon him the last season. . The subscriber soli cits a further trial of' his establishment. ';J;VViPAMPTON. Catawba Springs, Lincoln cd. v ' : Mav 3!. 18399w44 . ! $ .- The j Fayettevillei Observerand the Sontli Carolinian, will publish theab9to the amount of &3 each, arid send their accounts to the Post master, Catawba Springs for payment. J. W. H. JOHN . RAWER AS another new snpplvof'GoId and Silver WATCH EH;j Plaitt En lifehand Frneh do : Gold Fob Chains and Klits. Finn hrast Pins and Finger Rings, Silver! Butter 1 Knives? f stent and plain i Pencils. Ilioth Picks. Fl ins,1 Spectacles and Thimbles, Steel and gil rob Chains and Keys. r - r i-ALSd C! i . . A VERY FINE AND LARGE ASSORT MENT OF , RAZORS AND POCKET ' AND PEN i KNIVES, . ' y different makers, and; other articles nsuallv kept by Jewellers. All of which will be sold lowjfor Cash, ot only , sixj months credit, after which time, interest;.will be charged. Work one faithfully and puncrnilly.i; ; Salisbury, May 3,fl839 tf40 Mortis IZulticttulis. j A ! CONSIDERABLE NUMBER of tbese liSL TREES "may be had at Fayetteville, N. C. about the last of next summer or the first of Ihe Fall. The proprietor ican Very readily dis pose of them at the North, but from patriotic lonsiderauons, ne preiers inasiney anouia oe a ken by His native; State. The price will be he same as in Baltimore or New York, and will e forwarded to purchasers on toe money's being remitted, j It is hopd that such; as may wish to engage; may do so at an early day. Enquire of K. la. VVinslovt, ayetteviller Feb 16, 1839 tf29 if , Zlarlin's Sheriff Coroner 'V andi Constable. A few Numbers of this valuable wbik are at (ny Office for salePrice;$2. f This work is noW: getting out of print, and being the very beslj authority fb! the guidance of ministerial officers as, well an a very necessary aquisition to a Lawyer's JOflic, it is believed tliat the copies on hand will bef sold readily. They whp desire the work hn4fbest apply so(in. May 17 tf42 . V-j.f t.' ' 1 ROM the Subscriber living in Hamburffl S. C. on the SifiUf April last, a negro man by the name of JACK, or Jack ToWfcoa.il The! night previous to 1 his departure, he broke into HORSE, SADDLE; and URtDLK Jlorse is. about 7 yifirSoldcreapreoWed, and is about 15 hands high saddle ajpd Bridle new. When satdnepro ranawaf he had on a pair of green Spectacles, ! a snuff colored broad cloth euotont Coat, a - pair of satinet pantaloons, a iwmbaztne vet, arid, a h n ..Capr It is very -pro- bable thar Jafk hag-made his wsty back again to Porih Carolina, where he has relatives living. Any person whb .will deliver said nfgio to me if. n Hambdrsr.br lodse hi ml in'ahv'6ale jail, so that 1 1 get. him, will receive steward of ONE fHUDRED DOLLARS. I w41l pa v TWO - - , -V k k - mm-it m m-,m m m - mr. . I ;tl VgUMU AAU t ir ll in,LA,AK. botbo Noiber8 lbaUhaU be drowjn out, will be en for ftrgro and Uurse.tj.j- til, . wPriaa mar be rfrawn toils num BENJAMIN F. RUSK. July 19,1839-Sm51 1. The Newbern Spectator will insert the a bove weekly three! months, and forward their ac count tame at Hamburg,, S C; B; F. R. f n lHE- following details of a Scheme, or a ii LoTTERV,' to bedrawn in December next, fTTlHE Si wairanisos moeciaringt u io oe. viirAiiAL-i ju. spjvpsm LrLED in, the -history of Lotteries. Prizes to j the above b. the amount hate k ever before been offer patronsse.I! D to the public. It is true, there are many 1 sines?, and ir uiautLv, uai'im iiib uiner nana, ior extiriunj i t-Aciusivfiy i.) low cnargeot per 1 ictet the valce and I saristaction to K'-i. . ' ' ;. .t,"- -lLt-.ll I t t - iiuMs-Ko ine isafital.5. ana tne Tevivai n i uercinnis s v - thej good old custom of warranting that every a prize shall be drawn and stitd, will, we are sure, 2i ve universal satisfaction, and especially to the SIX HCKDREC fRIZE HOLDERS. t i ? ; r -v To those disposed to ad venture, we recora mend early anpUcatin being made to us, for tick et - when the Prizes are alt sold,' Blanks only remain,! he first buyers have the best chance. e .Li ,, 'L:!1 'Il1 ft If ineretore, empnaucaiiy say ufua i it i i but at once remit and trans- mil to us your or- A r afltaAl m a mis immttrliala I . wciO wuivu Quail always irurivc wi uju i- m am f suention. l-etters tabe addressed, ana appttca l a i-j k. tion to be made to? . i a i SVLVESTER & Co. . . , J56 Broadway; N. York. Observe the Number. 156. S700,000 L! !; SaOO.OOO til . 525,000 !!..-: 6 Prizes of S20,Q00 ! I 2 Prizes of 815,000 ! ! i 3 Prizes of 810,000 ! ! : Grand Real Eat ale and Bank Stock ! pPropcrtuiuluaied. inNeip Orleans C7The richest and most magnificent Scheme ever presented to the public, in this or any oth er country. jii-'K.-: 6 ; -: v. - V'--' : ..: - Tioinrrs oz?!.? 20 soZiZ.s. Authorized by an act of the Legislative As sembly of Florida and under the Direction -1of the Commissioners,1 acting under the same. To be drawn at JACKSONVILLE, Florida ! December 1st. 1859., SCHMIDT 4- HAMILTON. Managers, i SYLy ESTER & Co, 1 56 Broadway, I " f New York, Sole Asents." i. No Combination Numbers I! 100,000 Tickets from No. 1 upwards in succes sion. - f The deeds of the Property and the Stock- transferred in trust Iof the Commissioners appoin ted by the said Act of the Legislature" of Flori da, for the security of ihe Prize Holders. !spi.iSNi)ii scheme.. 1.1 PrizeThe Arcade 286 feet, 1 5 inches 4 lines, - ? j i I on Magazine strejef; , " I lOhfVet, II inches on Na tchez street, ' ; p 126 feet, 6 inches, V ' j . ,jon Gravier.street r Rented at about $37- . f ; . 000 W ann. Val- i uedat . 700,000 1 Prize City Hotel 1C2 feet on ! . Common street; J 146 feel, 6 inches, on Camps!. Ren ted at $25,000. ' - Valued at . . $500,000 1 Prize Dwelling iioasefartjom I ing ihe Arcade) No 16,2'feet;7 inches front on Natchez st. ! Rented at 1200 Valued at " 520,000 1 Prize Ditto (Adjoining theAr s t cadeJNo 18. 23 ft. fronton Natchez s:. Rented at $1200 J Valoed at 1 $20,000 1 Prize Ditto-( Ad joining the Ar- : cade) No 18,23, ft ; fronton Natchez st. 1) Rented at $1200 ! j - Valued at 20,000 1 Prize Ditto-No 23 north east corner of Basin 4 ' . CusJotn-hoose st. 40 ftfronton Basin," i ! fy 40 feet on Frank lin street, by 127 ft , deep' ;n Cuslom- house street Rpii- - I ted at $1500 Valoed at 20,00 1 Prize No 24,South-west corner of Ba - am & Custom hnnse st. 32 ft 7 inches on Frank lin, 127 feet, I0i inches deep in front of Custom j house street Rented at - I $1500 Valued at 20,000 1 Prize Ditto No S39, 24 feel 8 inch- eson Roynlstreet.by 127 . ... 4 feet J 1 1 inches deep, . ; nested at 51UUU vai t ; ned at ; i '' .. ' 15,000 1 Prize 250 shares Canal Bank Stock, $100 each, i 25,000 1 Prize 200 ditto Commercial ditto, ri $100 each, j 20,000 1 Prize 150 ditta Mechanics & Tra- I ders $100 each; ; T 15,000 1 Prize 100 ditto City Bank, $100 each, 10.000 1 Prize 100 do ditto do $100 each, 10,000 1 Prize 100 do ditto do $100 each. . 10,000 1 Prize 50 ditto Exchange Bank, $100 :.-.. . each, ' - - I '. i. 1 Prize 50 do ditto do. $100 each, I Prize 25 dilldGas Light Bank, $100 1 Prize 25 do ditto do, $100 each 1 Prize 15 ditto Mechanics Traders' 1 $100 each,-.-"..-r 1 Prize 15 do Dijto do, $100 each, 20 Prizes each 10 shares of the Louis- 5.000 5,000 2.500 2,500 1,500 1,500 1 iana State Dankj $100 each, ; ! each Prize $1,000, I - .20,000 10 Prizes each 2 shares of $100 each, each Prize! $200,' of the Gas Lizht Bank . 20,000 200 Prizes each 1 share of $100, of the Bank of Louisiana , 20,000 20,000 200 Prizes each 1 share of $100, of the New Orleans Bank, 150 Prizes each 1 .hare of $100 of the Union Bank of Florida, 15, 000 COO PRIZES 81500,000 TICKlETS $20XO SHARES. The 'whole of the Tickets, with their Num bers, fsal those containing the frizes, will be examined and sealed by the Commissioners tp puinted ander the Act, previously to their being put into the wheels, i One wheel will cofltaio ihn whnleof the Numbers, the I other wU con tain SIX HUNDRED PRIZES, and the first 12. 1 II 4711 -mt A M SLJ 11 J h.m MS SU & Mm Am ber and ;ih 'tortonate holders of each Prizes ti will have such property transferred immediately after the drawing, ixrtirtCm6erco!, and without any deduction ! ; ? - . "j June 7, 1839 tlD ' oanng prowrt : themsrlve v. i will be rprrl :r state of tTTe n . bfe givrn tu tl. e ber, &c. Wi! tnir.zt. M. kH.i. Edited cy JTilh t: Thr prf n' : the Silk (Jn-.v r. iitty o return who have so I cess of the v.. guine a riiicir ; labor nr r ' COND VOL! GROWER A! "1 h w. rl. TiiousAra) to subcrt'jivs r. and from th? r Isenterisirit-j t ed in a fw n We Uavp j b tench transLi: 1000 PAG I Upon tic : which were next shall p.-: kr.ov. ir2 thai 1 useful and ? promised the r ed French molsrated th:: 'we can do tu t regard to the ? In bprjinr i,' licitous iliat t a knowle!?p ing of the Lr will be pur?!.-; at once, th rjt r commenccnH r, ! pijblislipd. 1 ; volume wilt, and we L '. tf the sam? 1 sive interest i . qoFsite tht qu3tntrd with ; ard esperirrr The, ptf sent ; sobscriptior; their orders (.. A few c ; are ypt on I expressly fcr i; The te' FARMEIi nura; TWV'N oisifd fur 'l l.'. : The r..rr. i her conn pri'.r EMI3EU-! APPROPRIA addiiiun cf a Names and 'I , , fhall be entif ! completed, tU-: be transmtt'f d ; of his order. All oro'rrs f : promptly attfr lisher, C.-ALT. Franklin Ph- , tu:; WE un j lished,viz: Iloue Ke r; American C Seventy-fivn ; Anaerican Fi Virginia ll" Mis-s Lfslu'". The I loucu T Miss Lcs!;c' Mackenz:?r . The Art ( f I. The Fami'y ! plete art of D) of Dres3, Furr i Moobray i n i New Ameri ; Farrr; rV ( New Ar Bridgreraan's Clark on the b The Amprir Florist's t - LangucjeLf I We invite a!! Books, ron c a Book store h : friends at all ti: Raleigh July THE St "r zens of on Tuesdays, i ttner if re q j r 1 cured. He t' r gge, and U i' s : will again .u. Jolv 19, lv f jllHEsubsrr .: 1L theaboe for sale at Aytc na. ' i Af'esTllle. f - N

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