I '" 'i v - " t j tt-i u in i aoiti far than WiO-lCTHriqii ;W-MI- iwtv I I . " - - ,..lr.fcn 'ill mrrnenl ? Ti r - r?i. M r .f.Sni-rtni,! hut At ihft on nfihd lulr.anl all arrearages are r.-n: "t ft iwi-' m l'r ":'v 1 i 3 : .i M i . i -.1 i i "1 - .? I - - ' .:.--- TUpF ADVERTISING. at 'ner feqnare ror tne njsi insertion iTirWitwiCenis pcr ieqaare ftjr each in charged per cent. er than -libove rates A- decoction .ot I pREMARKABLE CASE OFACUTE tr fcvfrffitfcreQ ar prices will be made PoijcTAiATISMiNiih an Affection of the .e i&auasveuiseoy ;iw.f.ewi'.,r' fi(jncf8--cored under the treatment of Doctor attferwlftideriwi I ;fte jnsema ror ss! Vm? EVANSNlOO Chatham sireet, New oM jtj inn i rrcai inn nufAin iha ilfelrel(J'reeride upon the flight "able difficulty 4 breathing with aocow: HI sf &MmimbH L'kiH'i' .specially. aitiq jf! to i' late jbonr in the ni ti fotcl leafier bo -hatf..(br iUrt at i?iilir Ceitla rwr year. mof f-otfaC oer 8ab3cner8 who w VTl'ilififeiwliQla 'lam to -one payment aMaftrgiW9i the Mine rlaw feairi Irllilba? in iadtar.re ibe sum uf It bMlfls;-the:6arn terms shall continue, 1 rPENDLETOX &BUUNEU.V . P ' y 5. I'lihlizhpf nvrf.ffjr if 1 i ' EDITORS AND PKOPIUCTORS i h " : :;i A I r-.- - y. s k ....... ..... , .. - XOi 6-VOLUME YI1I ! . . . - .. a WIIQLB JVO, V.j iffcss a ffeailcrtsn if tfco peni hot H oUier?. Yet U-wn indr'rd f o. f iir.iunj; alt iLe I 3 r- 1 f -1 1 She is now qui; relieved, ad . finds herfi not onlj capablofl aueodin tO'her'donfcsf atrsyltat avd8 tbajt she enjoys as heahlj at present ate iijd at any peti? bet eiis- J. Kty' hasbaod off the . -. . atroinneroreciej 183G. ' aforesi) Anne this I4ib day . of December, ircxifEV, ' Com.' of Deeds. dran-fseron8;w;U beconiip Newark, N. J.,kfflicted for foor years with teeeind m ?1 ifT' T Uetere pains in all min S Jams, 13 Centre st. . r i pains in all tiis joints, wnicn were always increased on the slightest motion, ih tongue preserrea a sieacw wnueness ; loss oi ppeinet. dizziness in Bis head, the bowel ctimmonly te7 ly coalite, the nrine high colooied, amiv oiten proiase sweaung jpnanenoi-a, py.-reuei. e -bore 8Troptoms were also attended with euosid- a sen&e, oi 'drartU'U'ta'n'n imagined, tightness across ihejjMest, likewise a great want mbtoms were entirely removed, -fe tf H !;feHsT !hi9 di8ea of doe energy in of-that cav- londriasis. jLeptoeguh filime riypoc! .e CQipmon cuxporoai ujiupiwius are uaiuieo- bietstpa r;r bo'els jscrid j eructations, Wi'N'P!1'' gidd iness,- dimness adria which I d a perfect care effected by Dr Vvm Erans, I ! ftRNJ. J JARVISa City of Jk'eto York, n. V Benjamin 8 Jaris j being daly sworn, dotb de4 dusa and psv. ihat the facts stated in the ai boTe certificatoj, sobscrihed by h?m, are in air resnects true. I f HEN J. S. JARVIS. alrtirltiglla land ofteri an uiter inability I Sworo beibre mei this 25th of Nerobfr, I83G. 7;p')n n;bn'!ri j; 'ttbect .of jm- . WILLIAM SAUL, Notary Bablic, 96 nas- r.Ai.tiri iritttsrtniti in- unvl tliintr that dn. I .t.ni nc(.vi; vMsit' ii r a " , - :i eau cure. fcS'jrfl O XS Im Jm A 21 E OlJ 0 . IS' vlur util courage.! .Atso knffuidness 1 .Snltlh ihi following A ertnts. ift?1 W tMughtlol, despond- YofchR QE W BR01VJYs Slnburv. Jf. C. aflaiigfbr-W6fo4. ay.atem.j Jt. jvD$OJN'; Comrfek;S C E.JOHN HUGQhYS, Cblfabia, SC. hha tpand beof In en ire asi open to this afnic :.ine'vWsagS:f5.T-..-,Mi. W night. amvirei or ex-' a m$Ol!ii.0 fiauu, gu.ai CAtess u eaung FWitVjiairres! '-Hie unnression of some ha aMchar CMjbe! obstruction of the men- rhjn!c&riUaal eruption j reiaxatiqn . oi; : .U pr.J lt.- t.t Derrw iilf r 4 n t ca use . .fe pnnint i4ije-is-0t ireaiment are, to rej ! . .Xi-.; S. "f-r l iLi7 i.-.. -.-...i fr. fit. JlMSOJy. &t Co.Ra&igh,JV. c.( Jay 10. 1839-It4! IITER STILL. 1 . it ' -. I i Tlf EDICINES,)YE STUFFS, PAINTS. TA Oils. Snaffel Tubacf.t Spanish Ciggrs, Candles, Rice, Swr.chi Soaj, Perfumes, iJrubh es. Instruments, jpast Baaii4 Fine Letter and Wrapping Pafr(uill3. luK Drawing Paper and Paints, Madeiri. Teneiff, Malaga, Port, Sherry, CLampaign, Muscat And Claret Wmes, L. D...k ttinAv Clin. Mimnn. vrinKtHftJ.l which may .be... promoH iMkh.lm-and cid U kiske. Jfaalca and -N. EL iCiiaei ei0iliuur regular 'neals, and 1 fam Loaf 0glf I .Vhm4. . -Sand-Piper, 1 4' grrhe'eUn costive) in C ! iraefolJ5yirtig,iit8iea OJ me i. occasional us ili periefliti Vb;: fenbW, I nothings better t.lflm tirts-end. than Dr. William jiiiilaSwng roildj and ceriath iHbrictatlartf 11 he ooweis oeing once ei,ii is 'SsIh able if1 A? SKETCH FROM EVERY DAV UfM !Ui 'i ' . 'll Py Miss August CojjiA ; ( Yon will sorely be an old maid, Agnes, indeed I Rave not the least doubt of it 'In a few years I shall see ydu as stiff and prtm as -pour old aunt Sally Was. Do you Jife--oiCmbei 1ow we all laughed when wis iff re children, t her precise ways I and how a rumplejd tfap or torn glove, would put herjio fidgets for a day ? For my part I would la ther martyr an cgly mani which you kntjiw is my abhorrence, than be: an old maid.':; 1 cannot echo yoorlsentiment Ellj4n, for to tell you the truth I ido not think thee is any thing so frightful in a single life and if I can but do half the good that dear aunt Saily diijI shall be quite content witM' tfii deatmy yu hate provided for me, and if it should so' happen, 1 hope you will not find me more- precise in alter years than I atn!at present ; hough I fear I ! already potfses more tliiryou'r liberal taste deems oec. aary.,,!-;4- . - ' ";, ;" -I J iili .That jl grant, my maiden coz, and moire courage too ; and yet I forget you are younger ihan myself. But, Agner, you nave really seemed very thoughtful lately but I have sometimes seen a shade pass ver yourj browand then a sigh would be audible; iand I have thought yes, t baye actually thought you were in.iove : indeed, goes, you must tell me all about ityou etd not ;attempt to deny it, for I feel as- ured yoiij must have spate set-ret attach- tnent, or you could not have refused Ed- wara oianton - ,- ' r: .-' - j Deep weie the blushes that 6vertpred the chet-kf of Agnes Danford at this accusa tion of idlen, and little did thai lovejyi gjrl hnow tliefpain it caused her gentle couajri ; neither bad she any idea of it being true In lief own mind ; her object was merely 10 tease heriabom Edward, whom she thought Agnes treated with too much inditTeree and it was her refusing the offer of a Cf n- tlerran, possessing, as Ellen said, ''eyei"y lautyi sne cquiq -possibly oesire, trat txiught dn" the;rconver?ation fhat cortroeii sds this chanter; . Had Ellen paid any nar-j titular attention to the subjects who fortned (h class ishe so much dslikedysheiWptii hare fotind that indifference to the gent4- r.en. tvnS nnt a ion nl m'liilpnhrintAntiMh Glass Ware and Bottles, lnon and finger rA7.t!r": V.V'ym Syrup. Lime Joie!. I'amaifls. ; JugvJDorks, K!" - ?y M,'Wra v.lt itnnta arwtlMan. Piffll . Iron and ComD.lpd single lives have been noted in Uieir & warn " i - T -I -r r VI 11 ' A" .! . j - LI ,1' i-i-i Mortars and Pestles, Cat?f Wick, Blacking( fopt-ti toil their many male acqiaintaneeJ4v Lee's. Uean's, tirott's, Arierson s, nuoper t I r ,i ne cpssins naa oeen muffl- separatee HI iiDie to tfJ' phywh iprcoti butit sr)Oia noi oe tesoneu w ; j di;ii 1 t 'en. .- t . .. uiiu licausi mtaoy tpcalit wilf greatly aggravate the fjy0 ahda lhunnd other iiicles, jusreceived oi$. MM 5 f v --i and for sale cftedhUat thAIthM?ary gn. ty C.plit G h WHtailLER. Sa sbiirv. AuJ29,.Difti4 itHSikfMUtEE YEARS' STAN1 blivi . rrvtfari!lVf wt : '' SAhn Ik ill . afflicted IT7-Ti. AV'V t Y v f tljeibaVV? idHstresstrig malady.,; Symptoms: HaVlahiistaJIncy, disturbed rest, ner Br i . ; . M . . .' r Li. T.i:?7Ti.liw KruallitniT llcrhlrlPCa 'rictjjrecrut inei ibteaai.oizzjnesss, oer- ci7nernm ' ' . .f".- ' ... '....I t .m. Iia. TIB inHi CJUDQVlHi' 1 ' n .. -.t 1 - iV5?Sa2r SSS WiBrwtthi fcd Phelps' TXlS tU al 4lfte,enl sclMn.!.; .b,n 4eii ?eiPFr l'Tirrr,v' ". --rj lloocre and a m's rana. Moore ano.i"- .Uk VMPk ,ho hai:.hp tilit femdyi-!Jind- witn-ottt ;.a spuw . navei denVCoagh iMns, Sdff Boxes, Sices. TV '7 ."5 " ' : p 7;fH greSltertgip the ntUrous pub Mixtor'e.iack heP ,m CW!J j? M ba e tecomraenoea ,t tree ,mo0 Board. MBjChes. Is n of Columbia for aJ"- ."en 8 """"Ppo lof Onitrf. Swatm'sVerroi- ea in no? nnoing Agnes more JiRe herseHi 1 n .htMlionithMut iheiwnjsatiob m A : "it1" J i :K-ai$A' vL:i.T-:.--.:-. r .i,- t.., I In atiieDQius wattl i J fSrrnr rlairft fcostiveneas.Hpain f the stom- n -rs s iP s t j- i:AHS OF TIC DOLOUEUX. , l!jliniiiii wife; of Capt. Joseph ion; of, Lnfe MaMwas;eveiely afflicted vyvteUilrw-DMeTeTrx violent pain i: lififli vd'JQmii i'nl'w i t'h a burning heal MomliiTiitid ur.afilp t leave her room. i ' f i ft'Wj.-oireiiti iron ine aavice i sev Fil'fr ftprn medicinres of any kind, ttetW;rt,Wa.ain' hr Evans1 flnf If !llfihan street, and fWrri tbat StiR Vl"t3:fl -lit J J C J 1 i! i ioi if: i n? f s lotju ic i ; -. I,-: I 7-?i fw dts longer ..... j .- . . 1 J m OfPU. . V.. n f-a hurl . A- i r . Tirn. r al if J - nu f WpfeHPne sjfc.iv.fc- callincr at Mrs fI'MriStOTe. 3b9 Oiaod street. ryin been satisfac- than three years recemion and accbm be pleased to cal HilVbility and deficiency of i8eocooragd vaus ihhgy. Mr U- Monroe gave ap fTimsft ind tuj!gta(coveiy. and dire despair .sat Wu'.0in.4 of eery persoh interested in; wstenee or happtyess. -tiil oy accioeni ne iiU ifHiblMpaper soroe cures, effected hy fiEABf Al E DIC IN E tn his com- i wnicnnoucea mm .10 puiuuaso f iMltilllhicV tesoiied in completely mpffl.-pf- hisdUease- - He f H WtftfwM?-) tor tnis ot'Ciaraiion 1 1, iosf jaf jt wtbLibe:8rne ufainy.ayniri ku(irYa"fi M'fivfkbmvfwrk:ich --he ia happily r-i',iml1Jiilise:"ecetve in aiieuaiug um i o a b in f fy Tin TTSSK. trirj An the St from my House, exertions spared Passengers. i; Cjf My reen oin street, line r wr 1 1 p but noaodv could be bore dissimilar, as Ellen patjieucally observed; and she spoke the truthf for Agnes possessed far rnre; ife4 cfirablei qlialittes than she did ; and whVri she saw her gifted 'With, all thoseiiaHtieS wincn citaracterise an iiitejieeiuci minc,pu which gives an idea of singularity 'to fy inas of mankind, andr wihen slve siw tJel take no apparent interest in the Tariouis plea4 sureS of the world, whirh so delighted Mt-i sjejf, and hat her though ts'nd afieiptirjs seemed laised to far higher, and loftilrj things ihe felt in her heart she did not; understand her for Elicit was a gfavi lively gin, living in toe sunshine oi iiie. -and earn tng nought for the future ; her chief ambi tion bein'g, tu have the handsomest pafleii E. SMITH. at i the bUs. or create a sensation in arrirA ni i and deoart I minds of her fashionable friends by the, ele 2 . - - ,- - -f v i - - j r ' ! - - - V . (- 1 eats are secured, and no gance oij ner attire. j IS general 6aifaciioo to 1 Withrjut possessing the regular fea r : toveiy complexion oi ner cousin I i l r i I . Hi lt) Sf tbe public, that her and Suhlartlell jfarnwhed for the lion of those who may And if so, who could the petsbo be ? And she ruo oyer in her own mind every mala arqiaintance she knew 4gnes to possess, but none of them seemsd likely to be the subject. " -' -j ,,V ; , i '-. j . - Well, well, she at length said to her self, I will watch , her most 'closely,4 tnd teaie her in the birgainnd if I do not at length find out one, it wool bo for want of perse verence. ..;r- . .' ' ; : Poor Ellen, it any thing could1 ekcite her curiosity from herself, it ws a love secret ; 'and long might she have continued to tease poor Agnes, w bo in vain told her she had no affair of the kind, but frhat she already knew, had not an unforeseen occurrence ta ken place, which entirely drew, Ler thougbls rom Agnes to ner own aua.irs. The fathers of the cousins are brothers a n& connected together in a large commer cial business. 1 h rough the failures of sev eral: bouses largely indebted to them, their affairs became critical , and when news came of the insolvency .oil a foreign house whom they were tn some measure con nected, their own could ncj longer bear, the shock, and of course followed. Every hing they possessed was freely given up to heir creditors, who expressed ! the ibisnesT satisfaction at their honorable cendact, and when at length their affairs was setllebYon- ly a small annuity remained of all the com petency they bad but a few months before possessed : and when they again commenc ed business a was upon a Jar more humble scale than formerly. f au TV , Instead of the elesaht mansions the cous- ins heretofore inhabited, they found them selves in houses large enough, to' be sure, to allow tbcm cne parlor, yet that would. not have been thought good enough for an yper bed-room m their late mansionsjjand now" it was that the characier of each be- came apparent. . I ' The mother of Agnes was rather sickly; and !tbe changes in her circumstances did hoi jadd mdeh to her comfort. On the con- irary, wnen sne muna nefseiiireou.cec-of low; as not to be able to burthose luxuries, which from constant use had become neces sary tocher, she became Quite fretful, and of course did not' give much; pleasure to h?r family., She bad.three cmldren besides Ag- nes wno were still very young. , t ney jaa never been of much trouble to her, as she iiouiai p ii.uj vuuoioiiiti s ovuvui av vr t he principle care of themj would devolve on Agnes, as their father wis no-longer able t(D pay the high salary their instruction demanded. On her also I would i devolve fpanylcf the household duties ;;and she who had been bred in suchttendernessjnev- ler having been retauired to do the smallest thtng fcr herself, suddenly j found the chief care ot tf iamtly woud depend Cn cer ex ertions ' : :1; d- It was trtie that AgnesitK all the ac- romptishments that ate generally given to the children bf the rich, had never been taught any thing about domestic economy: therefore great was the surprise and delight of her parents, to see hovv readily she. ap plied herself to their alteredsttualion. Nev er before had they rightly -understood the high character of their daughter ; for in the height of thrii prosperity she had shrunk from the gz of the wotld with that rJiffi dence which so often accompanies a gifted mind ; and though pcis3essed of all that tanx and wealth -ould give, y t their, ad vantages lud nt the same Effect upon her, as upon h-r more volatile cousin. And from ike daily worldly pleasures that sur rounded her, I on the corner f,Gillea a i - - ; a j i. ' ft. ..' ot itieriy occupied oy wrs. Bargei eonveriejit; ule Market and near the State Bank. j i : . ' , FavetlevileAurP. 183?-34 ores she; -4 SprsTFJilpfc m 4. 5 aaVJb 1 and for sde, . a ct)rinffs. witn ives,, 10 ?bs. Majiaaetrons, 4 Hbds. BJff SO Sacks 20 Hkds."! SO Bae Coffl : 75 Kk Wli4ladi ' 85'Kmi Naii ,12 BUcksmitWpH'8. $3IISUeiK;l- Keonv ' No n f1 &!-it ? Vjnt'h nnt! lhust n w$., rrZHyM$, H "h vU f wiio inj : a Lwii afflu:- V tresr.o r. - i rr'Fws f ruciatui.. -nana i f t ht'l tlio1rtim-iiiid dimnes-ot sight.coad i : 'i a i v YViPF:f-SH .Mtt,.iisiuroeu irs unci " i "fllelvto j .thing that deinan , ?: vf -f P'-3?? M,'"it9 a visionary joea "' ;? Wftl r -Hase; a Hhimatcal iavff : I ''-f rg'ns and places, grotindiUs rl 10 20, Salisbury, Aug 1 V ; JL "II JL do I Us i . AftvillSi;-! VtCt-8, . & Y:. MURPHV. 3, 18SD tf4 I the aarMf rc ilmmfri. Weariness .Jf life, disconttn- Gf Js at wMiWf V oew Brick Hus, ilteMiw flight locasioo, the "M nnuf train nor live; sne wtpi. an thought she led 1 .. .. itMnnn an had. with '?it aisoill" feallQt.ini;-- ' r KeMrlHfil'i the adi.. eI...t M;nant . , t .p t-.4. 7. v ui iri at vunuv aadinad recoup to numerous medi- 1 Cyuld OOl obtain even ipmnnrarV all !'i!8taltitl her husband "vw Bfi 10 maicp irtai 01 tn r.r r r,t himsttftn Salisbury J Y vfrs hia services j in ihe citne.es of Hirta in.:-v. eountry. He Mifoui fits experience ,u. t il. a .rLI. nvr.fdCL Intt tniiring attentWtlieoJMes u. . p.w..... . u -ki- t rlnl General satisfaction. i IS use; an kril h.Vnav he f.iun! ail , umes ;,"r I : I ' onirofessionalpH 1 i, ingust 23, Llf- i4 jftsfnECBMy ; Uda lit) I Smotih Tofcoj ought Uxon such a sobject - Y f 1 r F. K. ROUECHE. len was ?pux2!ed to undem 17 A out:d show to far; more advantage in com pany ; w hen her lively sailies would hiss for wit, nd her judicious taste in drf sprri wouiaiseton to me greatest au vantage wnat hersonali beaut she possessed ; henre 11 enyy ohher part had as yet been exciv ed towatil the superior Qualities of hei J . Ills-. i ,1 : ii .. i ton?in-;; she certainly could not! envy what jshe did nor nd rtand and the retired . Ihahits of Ames eetdom placer her inljcpntart with Ellen, who could fill hAe biriwkefl a rial in the gay circle she so!tnuchdelighted in ; slie therefore made no! hesiUiion in in a k nig . a friend of Agnes and niai?3 he r the . crtfi :ent of :alt laC-1 tie senltienl3l siTir; and never did it .for a jnornit sttike h r thai ihe confidence was nptlnutual; to be sure he wctild some times wonder why Agnes had.no secrets of her on; but then she was to strange 10 every thing ; never went to a hall or theatre, oi any pi ace whete pleasure was to be had, arid sol Retired too,; she 0 latntcfff wii.i nore than men. ah J ihs tflshb herself didt not inform net of that wrightf matter: . Therefore who could etpect Aches in have ariy thin worth con cealing f i No one, certainly, who bnew ,her well t! ii UWitii and io believed 'tllen. and she wis Hi!e satisfied tf speak only of nerfeil inen incy occasipnauy cacij grcai then wal her iarpffseiuh Ler half j-.krng, half stfriua ScusatbS iciua'llv made: Air ars hlusfc ; Aghes fob; ii(h had borne1 all raillery about the gentleman she was: so arrxious for. her io accept; without Jn; Jhe least m evincing more confusion than she ecL Here then; El oderstand it.. She most cciuinly be right, or why did Agnes bluib? "jTurnid hsr high heart awayf she had a mind Deep and immortal, and it wnpld not feed Qn pageantry, She thirsted tor a epring Of a serener element, sod draok r Hilosophy; and for a little while Jhe was al.ay'd till, presently, it turned Bitter within her.ind her spirit grew Fa'mi for undying waters. j. Then she come was not ettn ac a dozen centle- 'ould never know the latest fish- loom would give her ; but all her words seemed thrown a wy on Ellen, wbo, w hite she possessed the means, continued in one round of fasnionable dissipation.. Br the sodden failure of her -latherv however, jl check - tafas put upon het career; and great was her chagrin when she found her self living in a j house where formerly ?the oiild have disdained to have visited an ac tjuaitance r I was id vain that ber moth er represented how many comforts they might yet enjoy, if Ellen would but be con tented, and aid her in making the best cf what they possessed. - ; -I Xou can adorn" ltrwttb flowers in the iummer time, said her mother to her when Ihe was peevishly finding fault with the humble furnilure of the parlor; Hhen you slill have the piano that stood in your bed room ; to be sure it js not so grand as your parlor one was,yet it will help us to pass the eveniRgjpleasantly during he winter.' I Biit who! will ever think of coming near ins in thia otjt of the way place,'; answered Ellen, and indeed should die of shame if tbey rshould, with nobpdy to open the door tor them but Hannah.' ... Udo nbiUhiok it likelv that anv of our fashionable acquaintances will take the trouble to visit us ; and indeed we cannot wiih they should,, tbe conuast of their handsome Carriages to our small house would be more painful than the want of a footman. tTour chief dependence fcr com- panyf must be upon your own resources, and though Agnes is not as near us as Idrmerly, yet you ra nf occasion ally pass a week with her. 1 4 o be sure we roust not expect her to visit us often, as she has so man du ties to attenp to ; indeed, l:wish yon would take a lesson from her; she has shown what a daughter should be, for though her situa tion pa far rijore trying than yours, yet her mother assures me, she nas never beard a murmur from her Hps ; on the contrary .her cheerfulness seems to throwa light onv the darkest and moat trying scenes they have ever to endure.' I Well, mbtberryori seem to admire her greatly all a once, you did not formerly praise ber to, when she refused to attend some bf our parties; and I once beard you say, sne was a singular oemg wuom no one could understand.' ! j ljgard it in ignorance of her real disposi tion, Ellen, but I now know her better, and a moreove)y character I have never been orqaainted with ; and do but follow her ex iexample, Ejleni and light our ! humble dwelling with smiles, and 1 think! we may enjoy some degree of happiness.'. : 5! Ellen's mother bad a strong mind, which en- ableq her to bear ner altered circumstances with Jfortitu'isi she enured largely into the glittering scenes of fashionable life but had never been entirely drawn away by their intoxication from her duty asja wife, and though it gave hej great mortification to find berself so reducedi yet the badno wish to spoil the remaining beauly she possessed by useless irritation, which she had seen;have the worst effect upon that of l tit 1 11. : ovners ana vnereiore sne aid an in ner power to make her new , residence pleasant Not so Ellen her bligHted prospects were her constant theme ; be fashionable friends that always pro fessed such affection for her when her lather was thooht to be rich, had never taken the trouble tocallapo her in her new abode. Tben ihe elegant George Saucidejrs; the fashionable bean, who was evet her partner at the balls, even he had never been near" Ifer, and this was really inorlllying to her Tnot thaLsbe felt any atiach ment toward him, oh no, but then his attentions m ere ever 60 gratify ing 10 hei vanity, and be- nideit was a goit of triumph over her fashiona ble acfiuairiiartnes to have the handsomest beau -for they al admired him greatly ; not that he fMjsetsed any' great qualities, but then he dress jlsrfof'graeefajlyj ,no danced oh how divjne ly. Such ihe person whose neglect gare tllen so much pain. W hen ESIo predicted that Agnes wnnld be an old maid, $h little (hottgbt it would be her on destiny. c; Then; she spoke with all confi dence, of youth, beauty and wealth we have Shown the latter farted heTJUhe former wassiil her'!, and had abe but taken her mother's ad vice, she might have enjoyed tht aj soihe time longer ; but habitual discontent will pHtil the fairest face, and EWea indulged her rppir.ings until they became a seltlen babu ; ai;d nf courae she began to took much older than -abe really Was and when at length her father's business took a favorable torn, and be found himself once more cruwng rich, Ellen could again ent?r that """m pv.'i-tj. te tct lai-T; f t thing GeedM,n ar.d ihi to A;. w - c? thiag. Wiib the cuntutebcy her L:-h t "Ciefl i5?Te kia 1 Cil bqtfirar':- : aoAKee besred wish all its ardor cf a ! r ttJCtfaw whether lime m,t eot alter If r liCtaation, she wuh all the "del-icasy b e ; ft told him f tbs prisctrleji hlch c ded ber C3ndutt,ai4 not lit! he adfi l I . miRty of a chiisuio to bisexcvilsnt n.-l 1 lacter.coold shea his wife. ' Had the given th:s explanation is-'V.rr t ivgs. she would have been bat tidies! J, n c very wisely let them eonjctore lrr rtavu.s : not formiog sj very exrelfer.t an aUin.cc, li lt must not be suppled that this firm zi r. ence to ner doty gave her 00 pin ; ths, r.c fir such is tbe po er cf our pallor;?, lLat caoaot subdue them at will ; and Arus ! ! racch 10 i struggle within her own heart ere i couhJ forget Edward i but ats 'walked ia ttrerigth not her own, and with a u;i rtl.;r on Him wbo bad called her to the sacrifice! ' in time g ained her composure, and nfter CU il. : for an instant rejret htt determlnaiiofi. - Iuw tery subtle is the human hrart; -T,;: Agnes little thought wVde he wis cocj-ratela. ting herselt on overcociia her affVtiiJn, s' had but engraven it deeper on ber heart, ntrr: it Btill rernaioed, and wanted but Ihs appcjirir of its object, to again start op with evrn c.z:o than its former viotenee j yet su it mus, and it was well for her that Edward bad, so. n f;r r I -refu3al,gooe to a distant country, where ha in tended to spend at least three year. It u: daring hts journey be :. visited a yourtj tier u wbom hvhad been jnach attached at collie, HeTpind him in the last stag 0f ccrisunrtitri. Andit jwas during this visit he had an ci. porinnity of witnessing the .wr of reliun i 1 sustaining its belrever al the approach if deai!a ; and o deeply did the conviction of itstfn ; press upon his mind, that lur' gate his.dyir' friaivd a solemn promise he would embrace it. -He kept his promise, and in the fullest sens: cf Ihe word became a believing Christian, tu rtn nntil JIJ I j .. .. . .. . . "tu utu hb oo justice 10 Mb oeautilial consisteney or Agnes's character, and he tin t mtneo to hasten back and secure for hiiUsrlf s. helpmate,4' whose lovely qualities w ould '.Mimrn throojjh Ihe short sace of time, but prepare her iui gionos eierniiy. .. . . , Agnes in the meaatlme knew nolfciner f ! this. - She was still perormrng;7wiihj cheerful ness the daties that devolved on her. and btonr. ing, in all the beauty that youth and ewcl 'c coutagive. .When Edwarttreturntd to his ivt- tivectty,jafier anabsence of eighin roontls, be lot nu time in looking for the' residence c t Agnes, His. surprise at tbe change hi her fa ther's circumstances was fireat. but- ft did n..: deter him an- instant from v8afn pressing his suit rand after receiving anaevount cf all tfr.t naa oeiaiien neraaiiog nis absence, Irocj Ler moiher, f eagerly inquired where Agnes, was. She was in the garden at the time of his vii.it, and knew nothing of his arrival in the city -,.. j. . .. - . . .. . - . . v oai, inenj were ner reelings, wnen turning -fo look for a siring to tie np a geranium, she wiv tne totmot L.dWard fctanion before her. and frit herself caught in bis armsfor betw een joy and surprise she had nearly fallen and when, after exhausting every argument that lote could de vise, to shake her former determination, he told her of bis own chao2ed principles whv. I leave her joy to be ira?ined( for surely word am all too feeble to expres her feelicgs, it was not until arier her father s bnsinrs? had taken a very favorable torn, ibatue Ucam'i the -wife of Edward; for no argument ct-ulu make her leave ber parents, no til she Jigain saw them in pros-perous cuumstaneea Aa a wife, her lovely conduct still shone pre-emitent ) and while Ellen wasstill indulging io her .reptnings' at th ways of Provide.nco, Agnes was raising a lovely family , whose early t Uays gave prooiic yo tbe pure fount of Clod and is a thirst Ao more." r , ! i ; . . . J - 1 ' ' ' : Such was Asnes; a caracterseldom met witn in nign uie, yet when found, how glo riously beautiful does it appear to the minds j circle she hfd so much pined for but where of possessing the beautiful virtues 0 her mother. r.ii 1 .5 . 4 01 nose ano cn appreciate it. It Is in deed a mistaken idea taai religion is only for the cottage, '.for nothing can add so much dignity to rank as religion does ; it gives it an luffuencc over the mtcds of the many, which without it, it nevrr could have possessed ; and it but iaipioves the enjoy ment of prosperity, as its vry teitrainfs are us'pi ann necessary to Ibe health and happiness, as well as to the character of its professors. To woman it seems but a ua ituai teffigegitf n in mercyj to aid her thro the many changes and vicissitudes life teems with Possessed. f rejigiqn, she can stand undaunted in the midst pf adversity; or what is more trying, she ctri pass through the dangers snd temptations of prosperity, still loyal in her faith, wiife all around her peemed to live but for tbft world and its van- : 'J'hus the exalted sifuation of Agnes gtvs hei! many trials, which in a more humble Situation she would not bale experienced and when Ellen would ridicule her precise navs, as she called them, and entreat her tot accompany ner to tne gay scenes wuicuhv so much delight to berself ; Agnes would taKB ino opportunity 10 an vise ner w-seca. more usung pleasures man me ncstca oai ilh snnrif Irarr hoantv nH livoiv tunlli lhi f.. ..-. made her thedeligbt of the ball ro .m? Ala?, they had deplrted forever; and net even tje f charmed cicle could bnog them back. Ile.r conduct to), urin the adversity, had not pis$ H uh noticed ; and no geotleman could wish to forman alliinee wiih one wbnhad shown so ielflih a (piiit ; so she found herself vcy rriuch netlc,vd by those w ho formerly were so" an en ike to tier, and as time cassed over her she be gan fo thinYit '.quite possible thai sven U wuold land 'on tie earth's surf4ce.Wl,,' be an o!d ma.and son happened in a few years I to hundred jz---rF, ' ' U.ibe very character she had drawn - I THE SEA'S BOTTOM. The hot torn or the sea seems to have inqnal;. ties like the of the surface id the contintnl. Were it dried op. It would present vallays and plains ; It is covered almost throughout by an iniinense quantity if lasiaceous animals, or tbnfo which" huve shells, intermixed with sand atn! grain. Th bottom of the Adriatic Sea is com posed of a compact bed of shells, several hun dred feet in thickm-as. A Celebrated diver, rm ployed to descend into the Strait nf Mrs.-f nr, saw there, with horror, enormous ptdy pi aitacl. ed to ihe ro' ks, the arna of hich, burg sever al feet long, were more than sufficient ...itran gle a man: In many sea, the eye pprceiu 1 noihiog bat a brig-hl sandy, piain b-Hiim,extpn ! ing for several hundred miles without an inttf estinohject. But in filters, particularly in the Red Sea, it is very different the whole b'r of this extensive bed of water is literally spes Ic ing a forest of scbrrarine plantf and ccrata, fnrn ed by insects firheir habitation,: sorr.etirres branching out to a great extent. Hsic are'sern. the madeprcs,spo!)ge!i, m(ses,eea muhrof rj, and variuca other things, cohering e?ery butt. rn. The bed of many parts of the sea near America presents;S very diffrefii, ihoigb a very bead: tnl appearance. This is coefd with ve0i-ia bles. which make it lovk as green as a meadow, and twneath are thousands of Ifirtle and ether sea animals feeding'ihereon. -iTherJ are srzs places of the sea where ho bottom has yet b?rv found; siilf. it rsKnot-bottorn!ess. The moc- lain of continents seem iocorrepd with wi.e: are called the abysafa,f the sea. The hijhf mountains do net riMkbve'25.C03 lWt';'&, al lowing for the effects cf tbe element, stprc : that tb sea is not hey end 36,000 feet in cVptL. Lord 31ilgrave csed in ti e Kortb-m C-(?r i very heavy sounding lead, and ga oat, a with it; Cable tope to the leigth t-f 4,CbG f-t-1 , without find'ng the to-tttmi. But the greiict depth. hi therio ston.ed visa by Captsio nxt3 fcv, who h the Greenland Sfas--cM)d fu r boitcm with l,2rt$ fathoms,; or 7,200 feet of Ir.e. AcPorJirg to Laplace, ita mean depth U s.h two miles, whicb, ?upostng -the generally re ceived es'iiniatett to be cortfet as to the frc lion, the extent of the water hears ' t! for ' a SI - a . . . 4e pas pur teaa.ftt b'Ur rrmar disud io exe"rc!e beautiful qualities, hieta 1 on yieilbelldul ot her UtriUj. b bad the hereof sngber mother folly re'd u, ;t !.. ihroiiTft her kind nurHnai while her la Wiearee were eooswerably lLed by the k .ifrm sheibesioweo on the children ; at.O lie oncensaid he could not regret bis reduction, as it Kad Ihbwo biro whai a lvvely daughter he had L,.o run thrA was a reward in store for Agnes whtcMshe little thouoht of. V ' I iV.n A anM refaaed the ofier of Edward Staoton.it wlenot from any want cf afTectioo ... h had oo9 (eh tbe most in- cereattaehmentfothim tbaioman is capable. f feeling ; indeed this was tbe secret accciion that had pbxed ElleirwniBcb, tbovgb ahe ce- ver woald na,ve otuevea loita.ua ww rr f j EDUCATION .. . : . o The I American pa.f nt dS tn yuun -child which he can trer rfPriT Jcrco IIC lla ! J " , hmaftt!bdecat,onUca.?hJ fnr a learned pr-fessroo. r - tnd.be caenA. lw towhat h -t ton wl c k-c . and f there should be nocbate in p.. wlhn education J 1 is na ianyer.a doctor. orra Vf ,hmg carfbe mcreorue or ili commweahb to be to py a nu. wWeb the drsHphne and if , eral edocitioo boweverrioo y exte. ; . not hare,iheir wtai-StpVl-ideratkaa and osefa Inetv. wh kb J t and ftlt ia his daily tctcrcgcjs? cf b- 1- & I. I - f ,'1 .sis i i . I i BH11 t 1 1. 7;.n . - ' r. : f " r ! 1 I . ;