f.' 4" u 1 m - 1 . i . i plelsura they will giro hjra weight anl. worth, tit member of society,! and be a never' failing . scarce of honorable viiturocs and lasting enjoy(-- cent trader all arcumstanecs,and Ijs every-staf i iron xf life." They will preserve bini from ihb 1 deletion of dangerous errors, and the 4md action cl degrading and destructive , vices. Thef 'gara '.bling table will nut be resorted to ;haaen;lbje ' alow and listless atenr of time, when the' library offers a sorer and nore attentive source i lTner . ? boille will not be applied to ear the languid ppir- mo action anu aeugnvwneo me magta jci in ' poet is at hand to loose the imagination and poor : its facinaling wonders on the soul. Such; gifts, i each asaatrementa. will make their Dossiasor !a true'friend, a more cherished companion k more ' interesting, beloved, and loving husband, a mots '..:'. a 'a a Taiaaoie ana respecieu parent.' r PARENTAL DECISION From an address to Mothers, prefixed toTru made simple, by John Todd. pi t. " It is not diGcult to be decided, are re this II; but to be decided and firm while the feelings and the voice are as soft asj this- lute, is difacult. Your child has no judgment. Hundred oi times every weeic, ana j many times ever? day be most be deniedj and have bis wishes and bis will submit to tours When be is well, you must of necessity, be constantly tbwirtinz his inclinations,! for bidding ' him, or commanding him c and when be is sick, you must force him- and "stand further than ever aloof frbrnj indul gence. Een when yoa fesl that he is op the bed oi death yoti must control bim, gotern him, command him, and see that he ooeys ! Tour own decision, energy, and nrmness, must never waive for a moment in bisjpres ence. While a mothers heart pleads for indulgence, yon must have j resolution which will plead you to do your duty, even while the heatl bleeds and the ejes weep That noble mother who held; her child . while its leg was amputated, and did t with a firmness that he dared not resist, and with i.KJ.i.... kl.at aft 1 . CHM " ' f "i f . T T I is s severe one. did it for bis good who does not admire r cidedly superior in durability it j, cost, puce, strength, j elasticity quire a . mucn less orsognt pi water. i3w convinced is one builder of tbis, thai be has ! jTr-r issued circulars challenging in sums from fhia was pron.. lUUf in lUUOi to builder oi. iron steamnoais i thai emweot fe to 'produce one of the Isamaj engine power 1 New York pmif net tonnage, to compete! in the above qual- I surdity is reudered hi mhh a woodtn huilt steamer of eauaHccarrea since, toain tonnage. I joately nolT iate the credit of atuceray . "I ,! ttfew-Sfccr. A near sect! It is said, has araredvinhtlmetrbpplis telvt? Cbistj'an Israelite4, eing the fol Iofcs.oToor man aimed' John V roe. , ' -4-; r.; it iii autasiJa um wmi ; ar or Tong, in the parish of Bristall, near ht prodeced in Wall street in its most. Bradford, uroe pretenas inai in me year odioog, oppressive; onsaie, and irrespooiviB 1852 the Lord communicated spiritually form The evils of this country have commen- l .U- i.ll......n.f ..,1 iMir.l nnii I ixrl with f ha rixf rhntiaft fit Ifttl tS&nK. KUU iiu in in Li in 'iiiuuiiuiuuui auu . wsimiwuii i ww . was the interest of; the i.n sostainins ti extended dowo exchanges. !Ao3 they w to transmit foods from tjoston - hair nr nt. ?l hot aii this time. .teQ this business Uin"ejbaadtof jjobbers, brokfera.usarJ era, and exchange dealers, corporate ana. vidaal. Chat tttdrohzohM so mucn deprecaww of which the urim and tburamim oo the breast-plate of Aaron wete if pes. His dis- 1 . - ' . . . . . . !. rmlM nretend that ne nasi ine power oi r , L -I -1. llS ik.n.l,). woiaing miracies rcauiug p" mujn b, only be cored! byllita jreTestablishment. xoe Seothern States are now paying fifteen per cent, and in many instances more, by the de preciation of their; local babk paper. And ma- ny onne oanica inems?ie au-"""tu ,c and of obtaining. by prayer literally wbawv-1 gitioutiv diaoniing ioSenker the field with bro pr h thill ask. Some of bis oroseUtes in- tnd ahavers. I The remedy proposed by tbe tend to proceed to Australia-1 John Vrjoe present Government i4 toitaxe care oi itseii by himself intends to visit London shortly to a jSab-TsofyfodIeave commerce, credit. ana we reopi w;pc i l it it onqueslionable ihat the destruction of an institution, created in 1316 by tbe RepobUcan party, which Mr Madison and Mr Monroe were at tbe head, has been effected by the co-operation of an extenaive private interest existing in all the Sutesjandeogtiged in State banks, with a political party now endeavoring in turn to de- atfor them. U ' IVi -i ' 'rul r .it .a r?i ti,.tf kf. Whitc: so I I Prior to that, these institutions were restrain- long a diatioi)ishedX)eiete?in Congiess from j bj necessary and aalutary operatiuna of a long a uiaiiogoisneoeieg , national bankj Tbe present party in power owe Florida, which we copy from the New York their ,xi8teDC to these State banks, and to the Eveoing Star; will arrest public attention 1 he Tf t;ae(j currency? I produced by j their excessive eoffrringa of tbe People, ariaing from the der- issues, and the inordinate speculation which re anrsment of ibe currency, are beginning to ap salted from it The greatest evil of this State f .. . rri.;.L. ... a.itiin. hank svatem is. that one community, without a announce the day when the great millenium Is to commence. LondonWaper, " I!1 ; ? '' COL. WHITE'S LETTER ON THE CURkENCY.1 It is a (a tin rkttA I hat ihtt rkiiritr iinnw: td has been ever since General Jackson dmplained that Congress woqld not ask hwl tot the scheme of. anationit bank, sof- fertng fov want of a national currency u such a cuirency a will ; be equally good at all points of our vasil Tcountry, and just so far bitter ihan cwTastf A better -adapted to safer transit, more applicaVle to trade, and capable to convertibility into ; coin si all points! In the place of this curncy we have State bank piper, of loca.1 credit nly, and posUooiesoq lime,, which; for all pur poses of interchange, ar4 daily depreciating. People of one Stale are! losing confidence irjj the; Currency of: another State, and, as a matter of course; foreign capitalists are los ing confidence in ftbe securities of all the States! 1 I am Voting t believe that the patty who rule l ine destinies of this coun try, when tbey striick a fatal blow at the na tional, currency by destroying, tbe only in stitution which bad ability to preserve it. bsd no idea of placing our industry, capt til, and commerce at the mercy of a foreign bank.! -! I' I f The Bank of England is now the Bank of the United Stales, sd far as it concerns all the leading obiects of our trade and com merce, and it is not to be counteracted by individual combinations and Slate banks. The capitalists off Great Britain, corporate and incorporate; at the bead of which is tbe Bank! of England! know perfectly well that ao lone as our currency lis in a state ot de- ijled. Th.. eti u ill .mi- i&rcodii.l with .ooihir hing clioe with us, and tbit coin will be, drn more and more eotang vadipg. I be long night ot delusion wiu be Her currency ; just as a man of industry with succeeded by a day oi reason. Hut tne orueai r WATCHMA-H. FRIDAY AUGtW 30, 183D. The people, whose jealousies 1 f j i i snd naeinna trurA Tritnt hv dmmavmatm. Hps- rL i.-l:..-J:-: Mililnoaa I r ' s T-j 'i T i ueae iwu 4'.,.w, ra.iV ..m r rT troyed the main spi ing by mearia of which the are seldom found in man. He is either too ' ,efTnu. i A,i fcJ .;nv. Ummn ,n stern, or too lenitent. But tbe mo he, she cu"ency w, CSQ f, A1? hMsbsen in can possess them both, and bate tbem:boib confusion. All wdl be dersqged until we are na exercise at the same moment: 1 Bufsne cured of our propensuj to try Experiments. musriave the aia oi ..oeaven. oue jmust i " ... oat credit ;s Iss' Capable to thijve and prosper 0 obtain it; They knw we have already Ik.n nn. k.wi.n knlh It nn MlllA had an in- 1 L . tuau vuv u.iu Hv- s: " j i IflIVy AUIVI ferior currency to . another Mate, tne iormer, in i- ' .B 'i i:iL:U..i. a, -a? maw intercourse with the Ialier, must oi course pay j. t.bA . .nrfther fleeuritiea.wi:i roonaiv ior me uiuereoce. ouujo ui uui umw, fj .--t i . . Mi , . r .rit B,,frr mnm do us no good compared to the barm it will when that credit is shaken than othera under! do them, and coin thus detained from nse HirTirnt oirmmatanrpft : henca all the new and its proper position had better be back Stales that reauired the emploTment of a more In the mines Whence it came, than to keep extended credit to push their private and public us indebted for its cost,-if it s to be locked Th Watchman 6fat &as been t moved. It now tnaV ba found war tht eentrt of Mr. T. L, Cowan's brick building r ..''. - The Election la over : and aa oat and outer1 Whig nraa beaten in this Di$t4t for vCongtess. Mr. Fisher, tbe gentleuan elect, iu born and raised among os.and has been, more or lesSt pab lic man for twenty-five years always a leader in politics heretofore; He is now claimed by Peter and equally by Paul ; and it is not a little amu sing, as we unfold our " Exchanges " to find the various positions and namea which be holds in the political enrollments as tbe respective parties hold tie additional one. Van oat-rig hi good eoonghjor us. Sub-Treasury ly inference.- Real Calhoun Sub-treasury against Mr. Clay and bis Bank For a Bank against a Bank For tbe Sub-Treasury against the Sub-Trea-aury Federal Whig Republiban Whig Van Bur en Whij Wbigdoubtfal Whig indeed Whig. The Globe trusts and belie vea he will be a "Standard" in their ranks, and records from Europe by every channel we can open I him as such now and then he is placed be tween the .columns of names, like a paddle wheel in thecentre of a Boat to ateer both sides strait. However, "cauld winter is coming, and Time ihat tries the leaf, will prove the man. We, will wait with patiencel ' . rge emount thus abstracted. Ten times ihe amount thevl could spate, however, if zrr:. : i ncv b which m usefui- r-rr lands and mdus ry were yet uencienun acuve it - . $ .. - destroved. Our understanding, and means to develop their resources pt future u .1 a,i,o-wSn(r' ni, mor. HUliet.e.re well Wealth, . if r4s .offerer, -h.r, HSHfi geek it uVprarerJat the feci of the throne. mA thfta ahn will find it. - Kt;l :H 1 IZ . J i- ! e . I ' L.I 1 L T. . . !! i . .. i , l could point you to a son Who cherishes experience, an enlightened understanding, and means to I no luciuurv ui uis muuicr as aoiueimug iu.i an eievaieu sense oiauiv. ciisiieuera are wen i i vvcj giww -mw.v,- - it i . :f t,. 1 -.,Kl 9. .A. t,ll i.J . isi L AA .1,. confidence is destroved. as at present, j than any other, and if pphticl demagogues -j.- .'j u i... iiJ . . . .is f, .. .. A hVK. i,!.trtJw At v.'.W.nrM. Hnmpiie or for lican persuade them that a sua-1 reasury, in wmiuw iuue uci uci win buu. i' iicu a I reome to a Keen ana searcnin?;inveaiia,auon oi i 'r"t" - . ... i :.u.. - , i , . i & - ! . ... i ezn, clearly; proves tnis inei!as now as rs" mmwm wu, ,0 . r--- f-r lot the VVestfa difference otH.xcnanee ; ao meiav, mey nave yei in sioxe a ranaoras oux apon us, tbe manifold miseries of a deranged and Norlh of .y Suuth!. and the Northeast of the Vf evils -which will afflict and scburse the Southwest. And so Vaat a ditlerence is now I POnntrv to an extent that no one 'now can demanded in some cases as almost to put a atop J to profitable intercourse, reduce the S ates to the npi:.Kih4; Thk nr t u,tffiSt and destroy the 7. " r.--:-! JJ""lr 1. 1 " vnung man, ne sain sometning or did some thing in the presence of his sister! and a cousin, both yoong ladies, highly imprpper. vilooas currency. itemnr Jowfnaf ills motner loiu aim oi. ms tauu uiiuiy anu iii..Iai1 kim itn m.lra an arnlva llni tYa KUUCIIVU iiiui iw iuou FwviJ 1MW! I i ! ,. ! fiK!- I.. Iji.linAil Ch. m.ial4il ll nnn St I 1 Mf lieiB Sin I TOfmimaA nnr lattfT f (1A I AArxlllinn nt iVta C.nnfAA.mtinn and even laid iber commands. He tefusedi j 20th July, from the White Sulphur Springs J &. nationality which the Constitution intended to which s el the withering grasp of sub- She next requested him to to with her ihtb regret to learn inat so many pi out irieoaa nave establish, instead ot regarding ouiseives as i reaaury policy p hi' h mher into the third storv ! lie com- detained in the Sciuth by ,the derangement one nation or community, interested in a com- ments of railroads and I canals. All tnes i j ci I k Vr. -rl 11 lfclU WirJ of lhe exhangea and pressure of the times, from mon snd general. prospertty; we are endeavoring mu8t be abanclorted in their unfinished stale, P ! . vTr V ? , , . ! tin tisiting these resorts of health and pleasure. to exact a difference of exchange from each oth- 80 far 8S they depend on State cuarantiesto loia, mm sne snouiu iock as uour, uM The picture you have drawn f of financial der- er. This process of Stale competition and do- . negotiated in Eurone The Bank of En- i mrkiiM Htlkfr MA hf fr. nor rereiirft fond. I inr,mn( nA KAmmarxiar f ilinmeinn ! Irnlv I m..iU JionUit mnnn nnn.lvaa ma Kt.tas in t V , BW,al0,V? !rU,,:H? W V r t.tlt.. . .hmiiiiH: ;Th hevrdav ahe called at alarming. Yon aak. when are we to have an ant interennrae wtth pleh' other, aeriouslv dimin-1 land and capitalists of Europe alarmed at the t MW ,w w.....yv. p T WJ l i' I T - the door of tbe prisoner. My san.;arO you ready to comply with my request V No mother The second day, the same Ques tion was asked and the same answer receiv ed. The third day, she went to the jlpor, and says; James, you think by holding out thus, your mother will yield, and come to V i -it ...'! i I your terms; but you do not know ntr. I Will our frknds of tbe Carolinian " nevet cease to why old oick around the atump," or claim for themselves which is becoming rather a common affailnow-a-day 9 the merit of being excellent Bash-Fighters in the great Field of Po litics? Their 'Wes " of the sentiments of Mr. Shepard's addrek made to bis constituents last teristio of the course they late canvass wholly Non- great subjects of a National asury. JJut then, as now, ado about being untram- perience.-' in tl. . been adopted, vro : are determined r. t the operiiioca cf t'. ; growing out cf ths ' disposed td rem:.!; I lie spirit. Even t : law has been rrj , been awakened u!.; we begin to heir a among the hon?t 3 cause they did r. . they were. caislcJ ! known batter, and t! era lions compare J t : by the School Lan. county it the S'z: pToposUion, if it lz I ' connected with n have forced an zV. jorious to the ccr.. vy responsibility u ter dated " Moativ: learn "the late n?j Wen off entirely. "fi ; letter from th :.:in that, in JViSpir jC, this river, aid a3 warfare in earnst, 1-.' burning property, c . Tumult in Bal!ii: moat active exertion of Baltimore that th at disgrace of a riot cn f The escape cf a r.ur. vent, who, it was t treatment, was the r: Certificates are pub', signed by ; Physicians with the Nunn, pr'cvi V FIRE BY - j' . , - The barn of Jca county, was fired I; iost. , and consume! time, 3000 sheaves wheat, two or three farming utensils. sayed, but all the : Spriez, aie chal porsied daring comsiittal on Bank and Sub-r they made a grel the am in ihe path of duty, and I shall notyield then is a sound credit! system absolutely indis till the jtirabers of this house decay !anl fall, pensable for its government and prosperity.; It Should 1 live so long P That evening he is the constitutional doty of itheF ederal Govern ed She opened the door, and sickly looking bdy embraced her mkxAA ..nl 1 m to hia mother. 1 raeni 10 CDcourago anu paiauiis" ue -aie. - T... h -jA ."1-f- v. tern of credit which its experience and wisdom but he had no messenger On the fourth p, In the Ipresenfcondition of the day he promised do whatever she reuir (nercantile community, experience has shown ner pale,. that the people will resort to the best credit sys with tears, tern they can obtain. ! All classes have used, & asked-her pardon, and submitted ltd her re- will .continue to employ, a Very inferior repre- ausition. He h nce neen seen to; shod eeuwiiTc m prp"J ??'wnl, iiiuiiig. iuu aa, wueu; bio wo iu uio iu i our iniercourso wmi caca uiuor, senuusij uiujiii- i j . i ; , , - ,. , , Wi-k nA ik.. iKina? 1 1 Ani isitk tho I i.K.. tu. ,Lai, t iki .hnia in i,A .lim.MAn 1 attacks made on tne creditsystem oy nrvn end ot tbis Administration,5and with the estab- of foreign capltajiats.l The finances of a coon- aumoriiy anaj oiga imucibi ihuchuul m, . v i . . i'J ?: mi I .F i .. ! .... i .... It. J ,V I Mn ClAlA Wnnria irtrl thl iisnmeni oi a national currency i ne, pressure i try are msae toe peculiar aiuoy oi statesmen i iuso iw iuiu wu .iuo wiwmwus, fu has already reached every class except the sala- land capitalists abroad! and it ia to be regretted I failure of those! enterprises which were ried officers of the Government, whose income I that these have not commanded more attention I looked toto return tbe interest on the bonds is en ban cea by the diminution of the revenues of I from those who are ioi our national councils, and I wjjj g00Q caugQ hem to be ranked with tbe allothers. j! more especially of he Treasury Department. 8CCUhief of Bratllf Colombia, Mexico, Por- anisomissrpn may. o ii,.U and RaIo, ,mL and mir atrenta bill be heretofore, fwhen it is known that, denng ths rTJ It V 1 7 i twenty years of the existence of the Bank of NTen out of tne market. Unless some the United States, all the interests and ramifi-1 remedy be promptly, applied, not one cations of industry and irade were so shielded 1 public work, depending pn a loan: for its from fluctuation: and disorganization of currency completion, will be finished In this terri as to render any attention of those operations hie! wreck there is but; one cood adainst a If this country Is directly or Indirectly inter esied in commerce and) trade;, foreign or domestic, nulled and free act. with any, and all who may propose suel measures as" shall seem "most conducive b the good of the Country, and in conformity b tbe Constitution," and by thus declaiming ancrying "misrepjresentation"! they hope to prod tee. an impression among the people that tbey bjj, and for tbis, persecuted by ihe Whigs. But stch is not the fact ; and their hope is founded pa waving ground which will ultimately rack tici structure, and present them U their true shajel We bave not been in the habit of accounting ne performance of known and' swtra duties as rtnief.t and cannot: therefore. J . . . .. i storm ill not tens of gratitude over that .decision and ;er,caf!, . n:W: ""J1 i. . i . . i. i I f.ill illnlralM Ihia. A mtinti tvithnnt a anna . I . U.I. I II MU I W.W .US. : ..h -WW... . a ... w V w t m nT i j n i . i r ' , ' i imw0 i . in.Lni..iMi niikuii Kr.i to I snfA anil iftBT nrAiirA ia nirnaAfi . . . s ' " ' r . i I . tiL : : . l S ... faithfulness, and' to asset t with toe u confidence that it was widowed mother that saved vocable ruin i9 firmness bim from' I i Electro Mcsnetism' We know not when we bave spent an hour more pleasjntlj than in visiting the roonas No. I 58 Gold street, f - - :m i Ma . W 10 018 1 or bridges : if a passage can be secured for the I is with our national frre- safety of those whose bosidess compels them to. V0t content with; the unnecessary. r . thousand evils, and that is: that the When a slesmboat progresses on her voy- ij h eh shakes the mountain oak w age successfully and; no accident occurs, eave tbe rraas untouched. Heretofore, - m . '- : . . ,1 'I i O . .' i tew ot tne passengers stop to examine tne the measures of the Government have not engine and machinery : but, when an ex- touched its onncioal supoorters. the Irish becomes a subject of laborers and German operatives, who use O I 1 - I 1 . j, . !i .; . ' matter oi mgn pres- tne spade. When their pockets are touch o it I ed we shall soon see a revolution in the do! and state currency, mr of this iountrv. si ' - ,. - good currency we The only remedy I can See in the present o . ' . . plosion takes place, it be done ; nor I jjaTej constitutional scruples were assigued cross and recross, it ought to .i .ii i . . : u - - t swimmers; better divers, U whose length of V Fall ;0?n he W FTlU P " ,.afTl"iI limb enables them to' wadeoter with passengers he light of all experience, we have been the country. A portion of this capital should on their shoulders, that a good bridge might limit burned into Experiments.' Iow,the par-j be jopen to subscription in jsucb State bonds their occupation. The community at lawc are tf leaders who took the van in the conflict, as shall have been created in aid of internal . The death of Ji bile, has cast a pic. that place. Ho xsi. teemed and respect not only for his prh public, eotcrprui; and philanthropy izens of Mobile, 1:1 pressing their feci i: deceased, amonr7 c:' lotion was passed : "Jtesohed," TL: family, we will bis memory, snd t! have the privilege -c '' ject." By another r: twelve persons v;c; DITdnnr tnn temnrrico id. nnu.i.J- ..V..-iM.ii.j j r... . ,b tend its erection. i -"fjcwgw, uuiia.uirwcu IUU Ii ec (O SCI in accoidvnce to tbeilown views" of mattpra. pleased to claim. In do- thing more than a broth- i . u ai i erhj Balumion. Tljy perform their bouhden duty nothXpz morel But Mr. hepardfn his address referred to which iey havepi ting tn is, they meii. above, opeolydetlart his opposition to a occunied bv the Electro Msffnetic Compa- interested in the establishment of a public bridge I against a rjationaljbank acd in favor of otate I imDrovements. mvmff fthe! bonds of each nv t ie nao oeara oi m new jno, wonae WI wu"uwuvu oanKs, iubkiuk ucbuuj iuo uiuci, iuii( a a)r rata snare in the distribution, and l It ts in tbe nature; or things mat the currency with equal vigor against state oanxs, ana thus converting 80 or 40 millions of good ot a country, leu to its own correction, grow. and go now for no banks, about or the same: state i bonds into so much national bank . i m. . a a - & . a i ' a j. - t . , , irom oaa 10 worse; ana inp longer u is ien in reMon (hat an Incompetent anil ignorant 8tocki Bv this olan. a vera, different estU ful application ot Magnetic power we had been told that the same mysterious a gent, which enables the navigatorf an the manner to traverse the ocean in darkness or in a storm, was capable of being applied to the practical jand common purposes of life. ' We had read the newspaper accounts !of it, but could nt3t conceive bow a power! suffi cient for any mechanical purpose could pos- d animosities. There is perhaps no excite aihlv bo obtained. Bui our doubts have menl 80 dwP or PM,,on " P'dominant and con- tseA and would advise every bodVL who . i i - . t r i i r tional Bank. aiH F Van Buren and, kia Treaanrv. j , In view of thise Sbepard, and the a the Carolinian rejoi I thus, as tee toovldi National Bank. Aodjt National Bank, we WsK tice to think them at It for the.next President N- acknowledged friend of torite scheme, the Sob- ration on the part of cts, our neighbors his re election ! that condition, the more serious tbe labor to cor rect and restore it. The destruction of the last national bank will furnish a curious and instruc tive lesson in histoiy, when its faithful record shall be read by an impartial community, enter taining no longer party and; personal prejudices When it was discovered that tbe pank could no longer be con trolled for political purposes, it became tbe car- i . i - i a a - m i has thd cunostty to go ana witness its ope- dioI policy of the party In power to deatroy it, rations. 1 he proprietors oi tne vompany, per fas nut nef as. In all the executive comma, (which we understand had been Incdrpora- nicatloos and private Presidential denunciations, tl Y KiWterted a small ex Denmental ma- the subordinates wire required to inculcate ther chine, of powet nearly or quite sffic enuo out a national and have experienced credohty of j the ignorant Iby representing propel a printing press. This engine WZuZZ lh mejdisastr(usesnli. : The fact is, a tbed.ngers of having ftorgn atockholders engineer, 10 attempting to aer a good enf mate would be placed on American securi gme, and finding his experiments to fail lie8 at home and abroad ; and ill would not announces fas hpneomprcmising hostility! be;wtdeof the mark to calculate that this to all engines, anq steamboats. H national batik 1 stock,' thus exchanged for Experience hastaugbi us that a. national I bonds, would command a high premium in bank, and a moderate number of good) ail European markets Capitalists abroad, aoond, well organited State banks, have ex looking to their own interests, will see that ercised a salutary check on each other, pre I a national bank would restore a national csely as the Genieral Government and State currency, and, with that, all tbe sonnd chan- Governments co-operate for tbe genera) nets of industry snd trade would be open- good, we nave tnea state uovernmenia edi and every species Of security enhanced without a General Government, and it was I in value. - ,f a iaiiure.! vye tuve tnea state nanxs witn To those who have lmnosed uoon the k. it was. among its other 1 - only four magnets, the iron of whichi weighs ?h0 . of lh about 50 POQndS each I nose tour I mag- ! a, .ninmi(l thai all ii acta and Droceedinoe . . . u I j . " I J r. -r. r - o . DCts are so arranged as w ben charged oy an were open to the inspection of a committee of ordinary galvanic battery, to set in motion s Coogress,ar.d that motithly returns of its poceed lare tyheelif fiy feet in diameterj weigh- ing wers requited by jits cfijarter to be mae to the jS-coo Aoond., wun power aa spceo " " ' "'LZ j itZl,'! TZ-. " bliciiy which woild enable coogress and tbe the roCSns Used to prodocVnnsftSfPMP - we conieoi plated, now far this new pow er wonderful as it appears and really ig , may bo extended, future discoveries' an dim provements w ill develope; but to bur minds, "the conviction is clear, that Elciro-Mag-fjetism will sooner or later dispute the Era piro of Steam. A: F. fFXtV. j :.;;' ;-X--. ; :, -y; " ' j .; jj j '". Timber vs. Iron The greatest rivalry exists between tbe builders of timber steam boats arid iron steamboats. Tbe former de clare that vessels built of dry fir have a de xided superiority oiet those of iron and are tiinHy-eight times as strong in1 direct ten- thrust, and eighty-six times as strong in la- icrai sutiDtnanq tro also, tbey ai Timii " .h fc . .i mt f 7lror ,xc certain limit, without the knowledge V,rMaitv Km sppears .hat. after the et'ufoVJ and the public moleys llaced in cer,! i Y' caHed "pet banks, iebepartmeT,v,?G vernment borrawed frorn these banks a laT sum witboqt the auiborify 'of Coo.ress, hlfJ the Senate of the nitedSiaie, withoot ai. scoring voice, pronounced illegal and unconst tunonal. This could ndthave occurred without ine anowieoge oi L-ongresa and ihe People, if '""" oit oanj nao been continued, and the monthIyreierna reqoired by tbe charter regularly made. Ifromtbe moment of tbe de struction cr the bank, and the convnUion preceded its dissolution,! jbe condition of ibe national (bank is the sun of our political in our national institutions: it mavbeansw system,ahdwUboutitweshallhavelbedark ered that ifwetbave foreign creditors, it w ness and confusipa which tbe planetary sys tem would exhibit without the great regu lator of ihe Universe. i It waa a wise max im of an- old sportsman, when be found himself in doubu to try back.' ; la thia crisis, the People must come to lhe rescue. The question is, The country much better in this form than that of cred itors holding State, boode, which, if not punctually paid at any and eyery sacrifice, will . bring d i ?grace and denunciation upon us from all tbe civilized nations of tbe worldf ji hiad no idea, my dear;: sir, of thus, run- untry ning into politics, with which I have beeo coon try has cradua worse. And every falls rcsre heavily J fcn growing mt or and ngement of its tin a nee upon the oputh-wc&iero a m i9i a- and its interests. It is not to aggrandizes, 1 Ions since disunited, hot Ihin nm m,U politically, this 6r that man, when the inj- to do, I have thus thrown together, in a has dustry of a whole people is paralyzed. Un- ty; manner, the opinions of one individual, der the delusive and seductive promises of as deeply interested as yoo are in the pros- r..wMj, vVuU,( .3 lapiutj ucomirg perity oi me ooutnero States, Siunarcmcai, wen oi numwe talents, oubtfut character, and limited political knowledge, acquneao influence from office which rs alsrmin. ; Even Senators from sovereign States, aid;ihe Representatives df the Peohte . are 9rriifinirft. nrAttA V . 1 r- r i w-.vw, Irua, ie upaiaTiue Journal that a meeting UH Ul put aowr, just in proportion to tbehwaa h1d in that oi.. h- r,.-. . it T ' - . i I- !" f-v wiKiiiD iik lUBiain, --.j i w.c icc- anu mat tne sum oi S3.oon inhoriK live wii when there are five thousand men on the not. after an annr, AikL j S w w a mv WW M 0 O 1 am, with very great respect, yours, truly. !; JOSEPH M. WHITE. i CzxTtxiRr op Methodism We learn from lhe Louisville Journal that a meeting pn the United Stales who bave as mocb or more experience?, talffnts, and informalicm than the President himself. Per m-ifi ( 7 12 . - - w m -mw-w m m,mm from the - Rev Dr. Mafrlt on the rise and progress of; Afetbodifm.ls a metrioriai of aiiacnraent to tncHetfcodrst cix&tt oourse answer fur itsSf statements of so me " proof enough of their opinions freely a nothing of their vie win the day ; but have for remaining " untralne with any and all, fyc Mr. of and indirectly oppose a ey are opposed to a o them great in jus orable to Mr. Clay iowever, let their but we think these 'and that Iheyi are atba to speak their koaw that the said f, i . - e great snbieeta nf nsofeduihemselves d aild free lrJ mijU go 0Q VV give our notions of thjwhrs and wherefores, of this, their course ; ry ; they have, not e public, and whether t to " pledge" themse The Carolinian baa ed any sympathy or pies of the Federalists the Wbigs ; nor did i the election in this Di act and w i deem it.Snnecessa pedthe acrutlay 0f the he itate longV or not it matters not, it is true, wofets feeling for tbe pioci- s it a pleased to atjle er express, till aer t had taken place, aty sympathy or fcmdeefiror tbe Sub-Treasurj scheme, lhe re e'ectiot It spoke of Mr. Sheps did not " rejoice" in It to Congress. Mr. Van Boren ts a gentleman J opc of his re-election COMIIONIJOOLS. &cJ but A fire occarrcJ c isrille, (Ky.) on th first discovered in a ( and is supposed to ! an incendiary. Tl. -30,000; but little Firt Jrom a Si was discovered in t house in Hartford, (( to have originated glass in a windo of the sun wcr some clothing ban serious injury jv. u . co very. We concur wit'; " subject, and would t article a place in think it untimely. ' iof accelerating it trc fairs, retard the cau District. An attempt wzi 'rc State Cipitol cf The vole in Gen. district was for C: eG.T.TG the Indian-emirats kees, has fled to Tt Uncle Sam's money i It will be seen from!, returns, thn: far, that the common school t em is Jikely o ba adopted by large msjo0f the counties and a still larger majority i people- of North Carolina. If DemagogpYnd unciodid baf zans had not so far forgo!he true ioterW of the people , as to make ih some places, a par ty question, we ahpold hi witnessed a dree of unanimity on tbeoceoft, which had jriver oeen seen oeiore. AlJihbjecuona to thejpar Mcuixr act recommenuea w the, Assemhl are nothing compared with thjavaVuble biles ins mcmi iurm o mo peopiezfi nt6e o&teiions are anticipations, which weVersoadedT(vilIt ina great desjrer vatjtsh belrdts test J en ' C3-Tbe ne plus vl genuine Locofoco i nent with being c. thing can go beyc:. ! np Salt River . milit day, however, we Wher leg very neat!;. j "Demmitl I've toan,'' said a red r pustora IIou?e ! bim, for he is a ft ! A federal ? V. c jest-be so good dertand by a. feci . A federal, oy a federal is i: federal, sir ' ' 'll3, hs, hat scc I ! ii ! i Hi -i j' M 111 1 p . .4- V 4 - i i i 1 , . 0 . "mf '; ,,, " -; ." 11. '' "" '' ' ' ' "; m