IS mi mm m mm In i ft! &::.-m M v. w - i It il f If I rl - ii B.- WlDff 11 ft St 1 I ins van uuicui in.isuuina fiuH' fAhTRifln i the recent etntat m iihi Tennessee. Kentucky. Alabama and I ndf. JeMBjnuW Kenneth Rayner,1 1 es Edward Stanley, Edmund Debe'rry, iMicajab; Hafctinsj James Graham, ornery, iewis wuirams. Connor. lillilPiXf Charles Fisher.! 5 mr&TTnnAnw i f I V VIl Kltk It' . 1 Fan Buren: - I ! A. McCIellan, J. W.i Black we J. MFlGentrv. Cave Johoso Wk & fcamnbell. A. V. Brow I iLUKJ; Williams, l:;jyrockel." II.' AT. IVk -f IL 1. TV46 -y. -j r Slibajlill 1M H l is Mt?H I F i r ill i.fl-r, KENTUCfP 'or' an Bwn Linn B'Jd? I ;4fM yoflerwoi 1 Simepn Hi erson, i!Gr s it7i---j-frro; i: llrtbarimweg,! f l?t!l!il::iNDIANA. Van Buren. J. W. Davisj John Carr, , Thomas Smith, ; T. A. Howard. IflifikcaHdeiH f ! Wmn.l ALABAMA. j Fan Buren. T j R j H. Chapman, j David Hubbard, j Dixon il Lewis. iSCAPltULATlON. PTtisrti Van Buren. : 1, 91 l;t 90 tjS-lajlnsv No -5-' 7 11 3 i 2 7 6 2 4 Tcnne'ss j1n4tanV', ritUliam'ai lift. 3 mi 119 12 yet to elect stood in the last . i I . - I ' i 'I.: 1 1? iQonitimvmSr i J. J :-.r.i:-;.i Whigs. Q 2 I VanBuren S 0 0 -i;Rrioellaftfe Mississippi 3 10 i l Thr Tac3nc; faftancy 1 occasioned in I Massachu- 1 ietsbJhj9jreaigi hstiou of Mr. Fletcher; will daubiless be filled by a Whig ; so that branch ithe 12 maibrity in the popular win.;te(el48S'.tbin- 8 or 9, ill V I,: 1 We cannot elaim MrJ Fisher as a whig; j&orl ars! Vf efjustified perhaps, in setting him the present; dora as a Va!rt Buren man. JFor vflheh wi:oniy ifeell safe in recording him as M:M M-i i -A Hit'. - ;A I t't. mm I 1 i I1 OR TOE! ATCIIMAK. tit ...!.! a.r J S fP: ii.; ii, IIUslMs EDrTdKs-An editorial article in f jDarnlihiin o: thiast week, headed " Ch'arles liiAiriarnoHg oher " odds aud ends,f makes I: fiecisravion; jV" vre nnow no morf sdoui f ySeriiwHlioit principles than do thoosl ItJ3!0 m i19 f 'WicUV Jfow Messrs m .iZ&TmV-VV :Mr"c,c " T-r. muuwifi m :?s? 'tl mmi pap roToie ; antra i W -"A W,W fi1; :;:80V!W po.)Fur'i ariid-jraake the interrogatory -When wa thaieriario1 Mr, Fi sher ever apart in a If'puljiiiHpoinilbf view gire us the data and r i .. .. - jr AT1 !iL t;thel points otlseparation. m o viicuue coenesyiK' i win aaa a ntiieiAmpre icateeh sua to the authors of the " article s! I luuipaijiiyj uia inriiai ior iue presentation t : mi lua nam'.bft.-s'i candidate, for Congress, did HifnofJ '-itr !f ;:,rintediSpeech'r make promised ISISft!,: 4 WmuMvT T8" ,k 1 SWJite oni important matters, beanner ooon the VliT l l8' 06 ,he Pubh.c I and wbet&sr ihevi were not arJnalls dece red If $M Ws vwtyptd?" .1 TH)lent-nd ;iinnrinf?n!ol nnU-toitlnn I aaf ": if 'reTT?l'' varoiina." j aTi?r4)Qlio3t Mr. Fisher during the canvass Hi lit TO LIGHT WOOD KNOT. Bill: 1.1! Cdrtfontl i i a a i --j it t- v, a it iff I wlYoRK, August 10, I.-:-! t. .t.' s or commerce and i..j. ? t - - ...v uuiuu iur tuo i4iGis Pbiladelphi l Kil8p.pi,e i- New OrleinS lirmZ Mobile Lf'" . .i. " ! ; k ; Luuisville 4; North Csroli. Nashville 7 to S; Savannah 2i ua s tri to3i:Nat hf2 10 to 30? AnoriTAla CStn t In Ji5ilt?li Charleston 3; Cincinnati tonalacfecnf.i'llil in on.f n.,:.ui vTf-raTTrrrv,-?: ,wt rr tlTrt SSillL- 7' '7i " ! 7- New Tork Safety Fund cb iu:. rennsvisama a to 5? w 17: m.v.i.;li s. sit... North Car- eorgia 4 1 l In K. I g:-Alaamai.lO.;to 12. -v: .v.V 1 . , s ' 1 1 W.W domestic exchang MffiW n? nged. The Un ton is aissDlveul mean ik- purpose f wa iSfcUsaiiui a i ?fltei; Ohio 5,0 'iiMB l?re tUfe! , Ts is tne cur- f!H.s?ft 0?Jnl; , promised Mr-i'.;! c?- k 1 tilt 1 a'nrell niotiirA . . . t formed 07 Jt! UnhedS2? half ofonercepi-''aj4(at'lbeo' baf.t bill could iKjKtJiich would i i bill could WohfemS'ch would .ii fi t f. i r j. or. LNcTerthelrtf "i 'Pt ginsantl4 lo be misreprf9ed ,f lbe sthi dor west, and wnfcnt pi up dered curierjA lbe f rhefwho with ii! .J.C": j.ffWence of are . aciD" JPa.c"uniifr ia ns. We iocka. every iping, is icsicm our crucf-i1 4"r :Te:, rill., .-moro. m iwo-miras oi,iucfin of the' PbionThe; Goyerftment, jren, w oo-VanjiWiimplprmglj br cash .Wall ntetlupon its Treasury notes, and. much as we Suffer from the curtencj,, we are yet-able Wcalb tbem. We do not in tend to iove or such currency as Wash ing fe us, and Madison banded down, til) the South the whole South has got enougn of such currency I f 1 I as our . Jvmucruoon. urnc- Utioncr has given ber. Cotton has gone. Rice is soioff. Tobacco will take it anon. The whole sslicdltdre of the country must I soon snane, ana suuerunaertne oisoraer or the currencyl I It! is worse than useless, all . 1 . ? 1 1 .t . . . . 1 " witn whom 1 talK admit, to attempt to re store the; currency of Washington and Madf ison till every jbodf has got enough of the j present expenmentS such as they are. 1 Orleans, Aug. 13, YelloMO Jtcr.UFrora the reoori of the l Charity .Hospita ii:il Uki:-i.-,r U-.L-.i :U . 1 appears 'there have pnears 'there have been eighty eases of c;otn cases 01 r the epidemic admitted during the week ending on the 10th inst. Of these five have been cured,! thirty-aix died and thirty-nine still remain. The proportion of deaths in these cases would seem alarming nearly aeerl, o one recovery5. I It must, however, be ( recollected, that, hospital practice, in iepidprnic idtseasesinvariably displays great mortality from tie fact that patients rarely apply for relief until the maladv has' made such om arena as fr- quently renders hopeless the resources 'of N medicine. .11 V i-- 1 '' The yellow ifeiver prevails Extensively at Havanna. It -ages; principaiy among the sailors of the (oreigu yesseUin port, seve rat entire crews pi wmcn are sata to nave been carried off by the disease. . 1 . - - ' Banks and fEiCHANOE. The Commer cial Bank at Natchez is iow redeeming its six month post notes, dm about the 20 th of August, tth Specie. j r V U rue- union oanx is reaeming ner post notes, due 1st; of August with specie, or checks on New Orleans t two per cent premium. The Real Estate Bank if Hinds coun ty is redeem ng her pat notes due, in silver, or payi igjoiit sovreigns at i25l The par value o the soveeign is $4 90, t The Hernar dp Rail Rod and Banking Companyj is drawing on New York at a low rate of premium, forher cost notes. The Citizen's Bank.oi Madison county is reueeming ner nye ancten aoiiar notes 1 r,, .oolmcl .UflJ; .iil for weeks, resmed spe psyments on all aer issues. .-. i ? 1 , h. STEAMBOAT ATISTICS. In the United Kinzdoaof Great Britain and ils depcndclicielthere wre at the cpmmence .r ik. !.. ...Jin .i . L i - aeregateof 141,850 bora power. This is exl ciu8,Te of eovemment stimers. -The number I of ateamboata id the U, j&tes about the same 800,1 with anaggregate 'tonnage of 160,000, and 57,019 hor power. Vithio the last ten years there bavebeen 92 accidents to British steamers, witb $ loss of 634 lives. In theU. States, 528 stealboita have met wiihl?r KlIiLlAIV acciaems oi sonieKinu: lot ner. wnoie nam her of lives lost about jOO. U , The Catholic Churcru Cape Giardeao.Mia- souri, waa consecrated At he 14th oil. by the Right Rev. Bishop Reset of St Louii, assisted by eighteen Clergymen. A large number of I iw.i:rri .i,- " j iaceot ones, to witness thceremony. I J " li T u J Thesliip misters and bin owners of New mo unjiea oiaea, tur ii remorai oi i. r. Iist, the uonsoi at Jtlana. lhe charges I agaiast air x v : aioaa caarscier. i - . ' 5 il QtJKRET.-7-W bat woulihe ladies do, if they j were oorn wriq;5uca m caet lamp upoo men backs, as some r themj nv make with rashion- by the surgon'el knife. w some people will deform themselves tor ta ions sake. . Hartford Courier Stalement o the coins at the several branch ehalf jf ending on the SOih Mints during t! of June last : J GOb. , ;:- . -1 Halfszles Eagles. Value dollars ibfT,ot Plonega, 7.210 1375 0,760 62 950 001 13,673 67,047 50 i- : - i; II :S1L tR. DinJ. Half - Value Dollars. Dollars. uimes. NOrlean3,800,000 73 00 220.000 223.160 (353.157 50' i Globe. ' . ! Judge Henry cock, of Mobile, iust elected to the Ltisidul?, died on the 12th instant. Juq gejj. had. been a most enter- nrlainW and tp r'xtittn. and his death, at the age of 4$ , Is proceed a great sensa- 1 tion in MobMllich Vhig. . , i ! If' -1 , ' ' .i which !l,Furiber is concessarj. r 1 !'M y -'--:-..- f PJ i 'iRiot -Inforroattoii was receive on; Soay t the Department of State that a eopflieihad taken place between the Ir'nh and jGermao la borers on the Cbeaepeake and Ohio Cnal,r and that a namber were killed,) An express was Sent immediately totjenU H William' Wft learn from tne e Charleston papers that H,E.koEE lasfgned the Hon Fkakklim his seat f to-which be bad been elected) ae nto 9eeneiecieoirS8 m 1 r Repreaentative in Congress from Sooth iCaroIi na. - - ' r - : v ti.- i til :( I Mr. Zebedcz Kcupall. fther of the Host master General, died at bis residence in Danatx ble; Mass., 00 Wednesday, aged 84 years.? j MARRIED, I i.-E' I rl !:t Io thia Town oc Tuesday J evening the 27th Robert Macnamara Esq Mr FILM AN EAKU1& to Miss. KLIZA oVVJDilv. ! ! In ibis UouDtv on the 22d inft., by Kef. i Rothrock, Mr. MOSES TREXLER, jlp Miss. MARGARET CAUBLEil 11 f i 1 iOn the 4th of August, 1939 fatT Elixabfth Uity by the Key. Mr Johnston, tne Kev MAU VE Y STANLY, Rector of ChrlstV Church, Elizabeth City, to Miss MARY A. KINNEY, daughter of Charles R Kinney, Esh;f 1 .-'.I.. : mtn. In this County, on tLe 24tb int., Mrs. MA RY KERR, relict of the late . Joseph Kerr, at a very advanced ags.' I I In Lincolnton, N. C. on the 2 1st of August, 1839, LAWSON HENDERSON, Jr. aged 159 years' and 5 mooihs. ; J 11 i I ! At vvnite nams. Di. Y. on tbe iuth inst.. in the 29th yett of her ;age,;Mra SfjSArf jSANN IJ AKVIS, wife of Mr. Moses W.UaryiSi mex- chant of Newbern. j ! I b10 "e,2n 00 lne ,3lh ln8t- ftet: PJnfoi Illness of iiioc8a 01 seTeo w seven weeks, Mr CALVIN J$VHITV ,0 Greensbornnsb, ion the 20ih inst. 4 AMES M. WOODBuRN; lin the 22nd yearbf iis . . - -.1 -vr -1 ? iii-ni 1 . At his residence in Rockingham codnty. on the 12th instant, at an advanced agS,fjCapt MARK HARDEN, one among the moat res pectable and useful citizens of that county. He was emphatically a . true patriot Snd ah horiest SypeWc. beoefiiT u his coontry.-i2oiet Registeri ! ' ' ' ' - ' LL. I - ! ,-' - ; . i -: -i. . - I 1 i m ! ' 'i 'I"; In il S 3 The Proprietors of the iWteh Zman Printing OHce, would Tes!pectS fully announce tcHheir frieddsantl ahe i Li u . 1. 1 n fx public, that having gone tq some exr pense ami considerable trouble; to fit m iuu ugisuii.uicui iu mo ucici uci i S tormance of all raannerol work in their I line, they are now ready to receive! and T I W - 1 . : . i - . .1 W . . i . . . : . Hi i 7K cacvuic any ueminui wun iiicv k. ids With which they i may be favored, in a style that will j be 1 They have -marly BjUijiti !nbw S oh tiand, and can safely recommend I them to the business men of theisur- Jit PAiinrrfinaT nnnntiAft fftov ttroro nnlor. : avrk mm mm mm m mm e mjm mm mm kiKB. mm l w 11 b, mj m mjmmr- l -a a w u n'rJ t?-l, 1 !f "7 ; "" wnS Mfcu auuwir muiig mi . uu?ium iiivo - j of this section and Slate. "C7. Their Office has Urn ffwiiti- : 1M ea, ana may now oejmnainmr. u z Cowan's Brtck-Housel on Mbinx IS street ; 1 - ' 1 1 i . I i ' S ' ii )' IT WILL continue to self my Morus i ; caoli8 Trce8( of hicb f haU abntf Three .Thousand, the roots at 20 cents, and the adds at one collar and fifty cents per hurjdred; (which is one dollar less than! the price in this mkrket last fall J if applied for by the 10ih of, October !next 1 have now 1 rees from the bud ; nearly anrn feel hiwh. I will famish! Sillr VVorm FW - w"0Ul cnargeio person t purenaswg my rees "na w"' 10 J 01 ,neSfa ! wmer chant&ble cocoons made from such ! egs ja the oaiuuiore puces. j i n.i.: . : h . . s i . . v -. i n I. vv K I M ORE- I Fayetteville, Aug. 30, 1839 7w5 IT ESPECTFULLY offers Wis professions! Aft services to the citizens of ; Salisbury and surrounding country.! His Office is in!! Mr. West's new brick buildingi nearly opposite'J. ana w. Aiurptiy's store. Aogust 30, 1839 tf5 . . mm . . f' !- s m i- i Temperance JVbticei i i DEVOLVED, Thatth jLh ty of Rocky River, the Temperance Socie- unite Tith those of tie, in thn Yatprn nail nf lh .Hf ata in! ,n pnt one or more delegates; to meet in Saiisbu- nn llm flAonnrf Vrlnputav nf -Knt n.rt i in iHinaulton-the exndiAncv f rallinnr Tumnnr. a0C9 ConvenUon, embracing alt Jthe counties io j n4 VVester,n part the fitatei l t-.., rp. A,Lo, b.d m ' ri,J : ri e . i . .: . S i j and from R QBE R T KIRK? A TRICK, mbetretaty Fro Ttm. August 30, 1839 2w5 ( j jf:' ;.. t! Temperance meeting rilHE Rowan County Temperance Society, JL! will hold a meeting Jn 1 ibe ! Presbyterian Church in Salisbury, on Fridfy eyening. the 13th September, at 7 be expected. oxlock. 1 A ddre8ses';may SJMVL August 30, 1839.-2w5 Presbytery of Concord. npHE Presby tery of Concord Will; meet in this j JL Town on Wednesdajr!, September il lib, ai II o clock, A. 31. j 1 ; The members of the Presbytery ateqfest- ed to srop at the bouse of f the ; Subscriber, a tney enter ine town, 1 to oe directed to if belt laces of lodging. - .! - - - l "1 if :.i f STEPHEN fFRDNTIjS. Saliaburv. August 2. 1839 Owl S t 41; Il ' tfc 1 .t SO The Watchman jot the Sooth i 'will ease insert the first part of this! advertisement three times. .. AiSON respecifell f icf jrn3 -M' bia frienda, aad its putlio eenerallv. that he atill carries oa the above line of business at ; his old stand, one door brlaw the lite Dr. Mitch- n$Bnekhooae an Hotel, where be.maj.avaja befouod except, Jfbeo absent oa .buaioess..Ue invites the. pub- - lie to give mm a cauf t-i:r: ( ,. iCTThe Stbscriber withes to tmploy one or two Joarnejmen Chair Makers, of steady ha dim, to wbotn liberal wages! and constant em- piojment will be giveoj . r , j J , f Vl 5 nT8fm c r K'fj , containing 178 AereaJ which I will dispose of, on good terms to! the buyer J , r-- 4 oaiispurj, Aog. su, ioo. 4W. di ; . TO PRINTPBRS THE subscribers have just "completed their jiew specimen bock of lizht faced book aod job printing types, florwers and ornaments, the contents of which are herewith partially given. Diamond, Pearl nos. 1 2, aid S. !; I Agate, nos. 1, 2, and Si Agate on Nonpariel body. Nonpariel, nos. 1,2, 3 aod 4. I I I Minionette, nos 1 and 2." :. Minion, nos 1, 2, i, antf 4. Minion on Brevier body. Brevier on Minioo !body. . Brevier, nos. 1, 2, 3 and 4. J Brevier on Borgeois body. Brevier on Long Primer body. ; ' Borgeois 00 Brevier body. ' -Burgeois, nos 1,2 3 and 4. f Borgeois on long Primer body. Long Primer, nos 1 , 2,!3 and 4. Long Primer on small Pica body. Small Pica, nos. lnd 2. Pica on small Pica body. Pica; nos; 1, 2 and 3. Pica on English body. English, nos. 1 and 2. Great Primer, Paragon and double English. Double Paragon, Cannon. x ive line irica to twenty. Eight ISne Pica gothic condensed to 25. ; Seveo line and ten' line Pica ornamental.; ! 6, 7, 9, 12, and 15 lines Pica shaded, i 8, 10, 15 and 16 lines antique shaded. 1 i Also a larger and beaptiful collection of flowers; from pearl to seven lines pica, many of which are not lobe found in: any jother specimen ; new assortment of ornamentaj dashes, :a variety of card borders, near two thousand! metal orha . 1 1 1.' f i .'1 - ' "8'" menis, orass ruie, leacs or Tanoua to icane&s, as tronomical and physical signs metal, brace and dashes from S to 30 ems ; long great primer and doable pica scripts on inclined body, diamond & nonpanel musie oTvarious kinds, antique light and heavy face two line letter, full face i roman and italic nonpariel, minion, brevier ; long pri mT other blacks;, nonpariel, minion, bre- T er, ureex. neorew. ana oaxon. 1 ; I A large ranety of ornameptf, calculated par- ticaUr); fur lhe Spanish and South American markets. Spsnisb, Fencband Pprtoguesetac: cents iurni8uea to oroer wun every onerarucie made use of in the printing, printing business, i All of which can be famished at short notice of as good J . ' .11. i . .. . .1 jquanij ana on as reasonaoje terms as any otner establishment. i 1 til CONNER & COOK. Corner of Nassati-and Annatsi N. Y. I I February 5, 1839. Proprietors of Newspapers printed in any part 1 t - : ; - of the United States or thej Canadas, who will . ' cwPJ lbe above advertisement three times and : opy containing the same, will be en ; titled. o their pay in spy type cast; at our fyun deiy, provided they fake twice the amount of t!!eK bfIU ia tyPe 3t $ "i . A TTS S"T4 XT Tk n fK - t -' - 1 a t ABSCONDED about the last of October, from the! subscriber, at that time residing in Stokes County, N. Carolina, my Negro man COIsiUJI.l.V, i about 7or 29 yeariof age, and of a very bright complexion. He is a Shoemaker lyj trade, pas a very bushy head of hair; a thin visage, is spare built and weighs! from 135 to 140 . pounds. He has a very large! scar on one of his legs near the ankle, believed to be; on the right leg. also a scar on each arm just below the elbow be casioned by a burn. His heels have been frosted. , ... . . i .i I which injury -has left scars epon them. Une- N.Carolina, and it is probable that he may v be in that direction, although many persons believe ,h1 he was decoyed oft by a white rnah, named Joshua Young, who left the neighborhood abbut tne same time tor Indiana. 1 will give a re ward of Fifty Dollarsjto any one who ; will de liver Coleman to me near Brook Neal in Camp bell County Vs. or who will confine him in jail, so that 1 get him in my possession. ! t ItlUHARD OyERSTIlEETI Brook Neal; Campbell cly , Va 7 ; December 21, 1833 j f tf23 FOTICEi I OFFER for sale the following Real Estate in the Town of Salisbury. ! r I Number 1 OiNE HOUSE and LOT known as the TAVERN HOUSE. . A Namber 2 ONE HOUSE adjoining same, n as the .1 " g no C M2 Ii r Number 3 One PRIVATE DW ELLING; GOOD OUT HOUSES and GARDEN, ad joining the above. S 1 ! .J. J 1 ' J ' Namber 4 One HOUSE and Iare LOT running from main street to the back street lyinr opposite n imam Howard's, i ! i -ALSO 52 AiCEB of LAND adjoining staid Town, under high cul tivation, having cn if an excellant SPRING, and a beautiful site for a dwelling, surrounded by about . I ' ! -!M ; I ! : SIX ACRES j of stately Oaks. All the above will be exposed to Public Sale onj Tuesday of our next Superior Court, if not disposed of privately U(ote lhal ilmm JOHN JONESJ Salisbury, August $, 1839 ul j I Beds, Bedding and every: kind of HouseboU and . i : j.- . ! i-v Kitchen Furnitiirc. can be bad with the Tavern House, i I J.J, riinnprrc nniTuw. CABARRUS COUNTY; Court cf Fleas and Qaarter Sessions Jaljr I 1 Sessions, 1839. ! ' ; Jacob Harkey, "J 1 -4'';-fcf - C SamaelHartselU J vrj, ihiacasail sppei Atucament levied on land .4.. 1TN tbla case it appearing to the satisfaction cf ii the Court, thai Samuel Ilartaell, the defen dant iq this case, u an inhabitant of another a I a LI? . f ' I . I i T 1 . t . I iu.pooncauQn oe maoe .jiw six weess in ine 1 Carolina Watchman, printed in Salisbary, that eato petenaani oamnei Hansen, oe ana appear 1 a the Court House in Cooco'rfl.' on the Sd mon- W October next; to plead of replevy, or the isna, leviea on wui oe. condemned to sausry 1 phifttiffj demand Witness. Kiahi P. Harris: Clerk of oar stir 4 Court! at Concord, thia Sd moodav in Jolv. 1839. aod the 64lb year of our Independence. t r r KIAH. P. HARRIS Clk. j July 26, 1 839f- w52-pr. fee $4 r Stat? fit fLnrtft CtTtr tilt tin Z.ZZ:Z"Vr' CAB4HRUS COUJCTF. Superior Court of Law, August -Term, IMtllJ buuiuuiivu, ffi it ai:n. vi...t Petition for Divorce P .... es. n jThomas Edmonston, and! Alimony. IT appearing to the satisfaction of the - Court, I that the defendant, Thomas Edmonston, is not an inhabitant of this State : Ordered by the r..L.. .u. ..wi:i..: u-T-j .t ' Court, that publication be made three' months in th9 Carolina Watchman J that the said Thomas Edmonston appear at our next Superior Court of Law, to be held for the county of ; Cabarrus, at the Court-house In Concord, on the second Mon day in February next, and answer to said peti- ttoo, or it will bej! heard Iexparte and 'Judgineni awarded accordingly, j " j " I Witness. A. Jt Shankle, Clerk of our said Superior Court, at Concord, the second Mon-1 day in August, 1839, and the 64th, of American Independence. - j :' Hi A. J. SHANKLE. c so. H. KIRKPATRICK, d c. Angost 16 3m3 1 : m Xeather, Boots and Shoes. fin He Subscribers would inform the public, II that, they still carry on the Tanning Busi ness, and in connection with it the Boot 4 Shoe Making, at their Tan-Yard, on the 2nd sqoare East o? the Court-house, where they have on habd a qqantity of excellent sole Leather arid Skirting: Harness. Bridle; and Unner , u-ps u ; lur voacu-iYja- V n .1, rw"J ,au . V& sod Gentlemen's, - Ladies and Chrildrens Shoes, of varioos quality ; 'and a very large stock of coarse Shoes, of a superior quality. As we have procured first rate workmen, we 'fiave no hesitation in Warranting our j work to be as well done as anyin the State, which wt will sejl low for cash) or on time to punctual dealers. ; Orders from a distance, punctually attended to. ' Also, a first rate pair of Boot Trees and a sett of second banded Lasts for sale. N BROWN XH AMBERS. JN. B. Hides jwill betaken in exchange for work done in the above, business. Salisbury, An. 23 18394m4 : i .7 ' ..j . f - j . Mrs. Susan D. Pendleton, . L X-w-i 2m Milliner & ?TIanttia-maker9 Near the Apothecary Store. IHE Subscriber informs lhe public, that she ! (-.-'- 1 - I has i'i9t received through the Northern Cities the latest and most approved tiONDON & PARISIAN FASHIONS, l d is prepared ito execute orders in the most stylish and satisfactory manner: As to the man ner of her woik, she "would appeal to several La dies of this community, who have lately had w6rk done by ner and Milliners in Philadelphia, 1 fWork sent frim a distance shall be carefully pql up and forwarded . Kli v i n Pirvni umv 1 6 -4 i - - sj . av rLiii AuAJ a a-i A few Bonnets, Csps, Turbans, and I other articles, will be kept on hand for sale f Mrs; Jte"-JZSu C"'e Crimping and Fluting Salisbury, June 14, 1839. LHD FOH SAXlS T OFFER for sale the tract of Land where I JL.. now live in Lincoln coonty, on the Catawba River at Beatiesl Ford. It contains a few acres ovjpr ONE THOUSAND, and is well improv- ecgnaving a urge inn convenient f " DWELLING, and many out houses on it. .It is well wstered anp healthy. It is an excellent stand for a Siore anil House of Entertainment, and the land is ojf ithe first qua!iyfor farming, aod bas II a o OiDj miiEmfin o ns. ft contains aleo good water power, which can be improved to advantage. Any person wishing to purchase, csn know the terms by application to the subscriber personally or by letter. Also, a- bout : -..--'T of land near the above tract, which is good for farming, containing a large quantity of excellent ! MEADOW LAND, If - . 1 whicb could be divided to suit purchasers. ! i ROBERT H. BURTON. j Aogost 16, 1839 4w3 Th, Tr.diinr nf ih 1 KaTpiffh Htritr insert the share 3 weeks, arid forward his count to the subscriber for payment. R. H. B. SIAFAYETTB HOTEL i: i K Fayetteville, nj Carolina. :.riii fjlHIS ESTABLISHMENT will be open JL after the 1st ol Augost, under the manT agement and direction of tbej Subscriber. The House has been thoroughly repaired, and will, in a few days, be we" furnished ; and every ef fort will bo made to render it worthy cf pi:rco-l age. EDWARD YARBROUGH. Joly 30, 1339. TO Tll VULLlL Il Dll. IIJUJ Bis casts general, cn spectcf G : ; ' - ' tUules. BEWARE LEST YE STUMBLi:. TTKOCT. WILLIAM EVANS, ICO C bam street avails himself of the rrr. - . . ..... J (sunenng under all the pains and acl.t :s t flesh is heir to,) have entrusted therrsrUf uia care, . He has the aatislaction ct Lr : from many living evidences, that hi3 jc htTA dnnA lhir ilnt a fir ea !'i..a r,; compass of homan means, duw distrr? the afflicted is Dyspepsia or Jndbesti: iog all the sources of, their enjoyment, t ing in many instances 10 me miseries . firmed Hypochondriasis Lon as it h:: the sobjeet of inquiry by medical autl.:::, mains inmsch obscurityApoplexy. Ca:: me Ltirer, moneys, snieen, oiomacn. t: tesunes, Bladder and its aPpend82e3, Diar'i! Dystary.'Cem : Multn. A1I,. rerfnrm r iu me Brimi 01 oiorcio Auecuor.s. ; ut i,t has been singularljjsnceessfal in the tr:;!:. of the above diseases, 6y remedies drawn f. his own and the researches of the most c ',. medical men in the woild. He has Ua I s j v experience and sacceu thrcegboct the v. ! faauly of delicate di?eases, the u: ' cies of whicKare arravated by and ic: ! the constitaticn throu-h the base cr ryrir-c: fit St J ? . . ' . rS " ' T !! C P ' I and onpractrced, in any art save that uf s;:. ting to lead the credolous victim on the 'r. roin. Dr Evans office, 100 Chatham sirt supplied with the choicest remedies from 1 and foreign markets, aad compounded ty a r. ters hand on scientific principles A j hy ii- iwjj in (ucnorncci ana a private i.. All those whocome there in the hour cf vi: WILL GO OFT REJOIC1SO. ttCTLIVEH COMPUUJST, OF 7" FEIRS STJUYDItfG.-Mn HAN.NAL BROWNE, wife of Joseph Browne, Nt n Sixth St. near Second st. Williamsburjh, cl' . ted for the last ten years with Liver Con;; hi restored to health tbrojgh the treatment cif V Wm EVANS. SymptomstHabtioal ccnsii, lion ot the bowels, total loss of appetite, exer cial ing pain of the epigastric region, great c: pression of spirits, langour aod other sjropioc.. extreme debility, disturbed sleep, inordinate i. of the menses, pain in the right-side, cou!d : lie on her left sidewilhout an aggravation . the pain, urine high coloured, with other sv: , toms indicating great derangement in the 1- tions of the liver. Mrs. Browne was attended bv three cf f first physiCians, bat received but little re! fronvtheir medicine, till Mr Browne crcrt:: some of Dr Wm Evans Invaloable preparai : which effectually relieved her of the abeve tressiog symptoms, with others, which it ii i essential to intiniate. i - Joseph brow:;::. City and County of New Yctk, ss. i Joseph Browne, Williamsburgb, IjOpj U being duly sworn, did depose and say that . facts as set forth io the within stater.. c r.t, which be haa subscribed his name, are just c true. - JOSEPH BROWNE. j HosbanJ of the said Hannah iiruw t . Sworn before m,, this 4th day of Jannary. PETER P1NCKNEY, Com, of Deeds. " - ' i tCFmiiioihtr reeent test of the'vnrivaUid r ' tue ofDr Wm Evans Medicines DYiSl1 TJ - SM. TEJK YEJ3RS SIHAU)AG.-nr . McKenzie, 176 Stanton street was sfllicied ui:'. the above complaint for ten years, which ir ca pacitated 'Aim at intervals, for the period cf ?: years, in attending to his business, restored ' pertect neaitn under me saiotary treatment c Dr Wm Evans, j A ' 37te Symptoms tf ere A sense of distent I and oppression after eating, distressing rain i lbe JJ lfae 8r0mach. nausea, impaired sppeti: , I giddiness, palpitatiou of the heart, great )ti! and emaciatioo, depression of spirits, disturb rest, sometimes a bilious vomiting, and pain i the right side., an extreme degree cf tari and lamtness; any endearoor to pursue his 1 iness causing immediate exhaustion and wt ;: ness. y JSlr JUchenzu is dally attending to his I : nesst and none of the above symptoms have i corred since he used the medicine. He h r a strong and healthy man. He has resorted myriads of remedies, but tbey were all in. f J"1 w,,,,n2 ;. :"J wfurmatio:. the afflicied respecting the mtstimsble h t . a ' rendered to him by the use of Di Wta Ev: medicine. . A Real Blessing to Mollus Dr. Wm. Evans Celebrated sooth ir -Syrup, for Children Cutting their 'J a: npHIS infallible remedy has preserved 1 JL dreds of Children, when thought pa t ; covery, from conyolsions. As soon as l? xtp is rubbed on the gums, the child will v er. This preparation is so innocent, so f . ' cuius, and so pleasant, that no child will r . to let its gums be robbed witb It. When ir.f are at the age of four months, though there i appearance of teeth, one bottle cf the should be used 00 lhe gums, to open the Parenla should never be without the iyr. . the nursery where there are yonngchtlJn if a child wakes in lhe night with paia i gums, the Sy'rop immediately gives a opening the pores and healing the gome; t by prevsnting Con'rulsion', Fevers, fyc. Proof positive of the FJfuacy cj Evanr soolhipg tn?. To the gent of Dr Evans Soothing: Dear Sir The great benefit afforded to n fering infant by your soothing Syrup, in a of protracted and painful dentition, must ' ince every feeling parent how essential ar ly application of such ao invaloable medic to relieve infant misery and torture. I) fant,, while teething, experienced scch t: sufferings, that il was attacked with contt!: and my wife j and J family supposed that C would soon release the babe from angfiUL, we procured ahotile of your strop; which ti r as applied to the corns, a wonderlul charge will I i. j . i .r.. . .i;Mtinr.a tY a . ac - I jt.-nia.-a obvious relief. and bv continoirr i use, I am glad to inform you, the child l as pletely recovered and no recurrence of j A ful complaint has since occurred ; ibe iteu. : j I emanating easily and the child erijujs r? r : health. Igiveyou,my cbeeriol permis make thU aeknowledgment public, -.and ladly give any information on this ctrmcs i: " J . . Wm johnso:;. Sold by the foUowin Agents. GEORGE W.BROWN,Ssliory, N. C. JOHN A. ING LIS. ("Bookstore) Cheratr, J. H ANDERSON. Csmdeo, S. C. E. JOHN HUGGINS. Colombia, S.C. VV7 M. MASON 4 Co.. Raleiflrb, N. C. TAYLOR. HARRIS & Co., Charlotte, I TRANSCRIPT OFFICE, ? r-c, 1. ouioixua et -wui May 10, 1839 ly 41 - - : - . .. i - .7 r- 7 ! .. I S- J;;-; ;7:V".. ; , - 1 1 .-.7 ; ' i 7 , '! . "-Cr! J - - :---;7... 7:;- 7 -.--7: : J i tr jF'ri : r-'.'l . 7 . 7 I.'"" f r ' ' ' I. '. ' t- r -us " , l-l-lti