i n 5 POETRY ill- in- . TO DISAPPOINTMENT. - 'Mr: ; 4T .: ' 44-: f Tar t. e. poW. Ha J Disappointment, has ibou come,? Wilh serpent eye snd raven; wfng. With haggard browand iron tongue, ,. ? Wilh poisonous breath and fiary atlog?; Weloome! thou child of dark despair, 4, Thou teacbest tne a mournful truth, tjv Thai those 1 call ray friends may wear ;5 A mask to mock me, even ioivoatln P ; False as the light ths meteor flings, - - Arid colder than the Iceberg's gleam . Are they, the hollow-hearted things, . 4.j Who cheered me in my splendid dream. .' Like Sodom's apples thou bast sfcowrr f 1 The ones my. yoong heart loved,' to ba; And now with bitter ashe strewn, I stand besido life's dreary ses. - f If i t Fixed as the oak that rcirs its head To brave the ligl.tnir? j cf the sierra, O'er buried! hope rcy arrps I spread, i Aod mock the mocker's fairy form. Fearless of those whose love is bright, And careless of their deepest scorn, 'J soar above a world of njglgt, i . And revel in eternal mora. They who would cheat the trusting heart And crash the hopes of manhood's hoar. Whose hands would tip the poisonous dart : And horl it with demoniac power ; For them no rest of pure delight f i ' fn yonder heavenly realm awaiis. '" " Bat shame, and woe, and4lorid night, . , Where terror shuts her awful gates. of Afty;or lime bandretl each, and place them in the pit, roots downward, near to gether, fill . tlie space between the bundles with earth, so as nearly to cover the tops bf them. ! We prefer this method because ft is less labor than the 'others and equally safe. It should be ccderstopt) that we now speak ofVlh manner oft preserving trees or one summer1 growth to be plaited for pro pagation, i Tb4 who raajf desire to ob tain trees, will no doubt best consult their own interest by purehssiug in October and November should holders be willing to sell at that- season as they then can be procured cheaper, and there are then beuertsiort oenta to select frora.V V!4. 1 4(f " .- r- AS another iilw supply of Gold and Silver WATCH ESJP ain English snd French do ; Gold Fob; Chains! and Kevs.4F.ne breast Pihs and Finder Rings., Silver gutter' Knives, Patentj and plain Pencils Tooth Picks, rob Chains; Spectacles snd Thimbles. Steel and gilt jrobiUbainst and Keys. v h i .tte if-.. . i i Mul-Nor- Vlorta JUtflicuUi.AHUl. '$f Mores ilcaulia trees, four feet hioh.wss! made in folk of. Friday last, at one doUarptr tree Croup. Th is ; stressing heae maybe re lieved: immediately by applying to the throat a mixture of" equal parts of carophof, spirits of wine, and hartshorn, snake tuem fore using. ; J ; - I weiHogetner oe- Valuablc Town Property ma FOR S; Mm BEING boot to remove to itif Wesi I offer iW sale my HEAL PROPERTY, lying i the Town of Mocksvilte, Davie county, cuns is l ing of a good snug iliTl-'f !: - VI'' ' llil! HOUSE, And all other necessary oiit ! ihouses.jl All new and in cbodepair. Attached to which AGHIOUI.TUIU:. Cure for Grubs in head of Sheep, i Having read considerable i the Genesee Farmer concerning diseases in sheep, and eeemg no aecount of the grub in the beajd, : I think proper to give the public a relation of a circumstance which j took place with me when I liad a small flack of sheep. It ws in the latter parjl of winter, one of my '.' flock was taken sick and become so weak ii couiu noi rise wnnoui; oeing uiiea, i l suppose lis ailment to be -the grub in the heHl , and knowing something of the virtue of flaxseed oil, I resolved to try an experii t yment on it. j 1 laid the sheep on its rumpi cr rather on its back, with, its nose a littlej inclining backward an 1 poured,: in near s table spoonful of the above oil, part in eajen . nostril. The next morning the sheep was able to get Up aud.eat with tlie resiofj the flock, and speedily recovered After thati and while I kept sheep, when: I discovered ; any of them snotty-nosed and coughing! (an 'Indication of the grub) t put a.litll oil in their noses as above, and they soon - became clean and' healthy. t do not re- rhemhet that I 1'aite in one instance ; some i THREE ACUES OF LAND. lying on both sides main street, and very conven ient for mechanical shops, and other buildings lur ausiness. a nere i convenipni io me oweu ing a never (ailing SPRING of pure water, and and many other conveniences.; I i V " As I am determined to sell, a good bargain may be had for cash; or on a short credit. " If the above property is not sold at private sale before the 7th of September next,I shall expose ne aoove pioperiy io sate wunoat reserve on hatday-at - - 4' v ? 1'.;;! . j .;: - ' jlPUBOC AjTCjOTpN.; ; Terms will be made known on tie day of sale i : l. h. garner. July 19, 1 8335 w5 If 11 f! of mr neighbors a tho Jibove process i so received benefit by . . . . . r . . T. U Coftwnita co., O.to, 5lh mo, 18, 1839. Of ill JiSurus Mutticaulis, Great failures bate Occurred in the rearing of this plant durjirig the'present year, owing to a variety of eati . - 1 -a mt ' TT ses, out trie principal cause is, me qua cj the stock plant A great quantity such stock was planted from place to place, lurmr-4he winter I oionllis and or course 03 1 its vatidiiv and power of propagation. The conseotrence :is that the sunnly. the ensuing fall, will be far short of the demand and prices: range' higher than they did las season. . Contracts have already been made at forty cents for three feet trees, to be de live red In October! liext SiA: Grower! i- and Tp prepare Prppts;V1 ath )he fruit 1 let it drain dry.'. Then set it on plates Commission AND sonwAiamQ nnnonAiTT. WiimingtQnj IN . C Utter to Mesrs. E. L. 8c W. Winslow, kings, John Huske & Son, ; C Haisn, Uartls ct, 31 Trover. Yarbrough & Ray, Jose E. W. Will- J, Orrell, aker, C. T. June 21, 1839- Faveltevillet JV. C. 3m47 It 4 A VERY FINEAND hi RGE ASSORT MENT (OF RAZORS AND POCKET t 1 ANDiPEN KNIYES. by dierent Imagers, ftnd other articles usually kept by Jewelers. : All of which will be sold low fbr CaaA, or j only six monihs credit, after wbtchftitne. Mlerest? Will be charged. York done faithfully and partctoally. j ,. aJisary, May3,r 139 it4U PROSPECTUS : . LilfOTHai .j:-):; 4- ' i L' riW and Proprietor perter Lc c n r warrant LELED in tbf amoaot hate ncrcR bsfoee eeis orrt. ii tothe Dublic. I It lis true, there are man blanks.bat on the other handi lb extremely lu4r charge of f 20 per Ticket ibeViLtJ lirii Ncmbec of tbe Oarit als and le revival! of tbf good old custom of wanauiing that every prize shall be drawn snd sdld,willwe are sure, 2ie universal satisfaction, and especially tci the Sik HtraDRxbPB.iziiIiot.DEES. t j . ! ' To those disposed" ; to adventardi wr recohi meod early application! being made to ds for lick-t-wkeo the Prizes kre amll sold, planks only remain,! he first buyers have the best chance. We ibireforej emphatically sty-DEAY NOT but at once remit and trans-mft loj us-your or ders, Which shall always receive our immediate attention! Letters to be addressed! and applica tion to be mide to . I; j.'l . f-i - Veh I LVL9 1 itlK vo. - r 15G B road way I N. York Observe the IS umber. t56 rrn I QI li&OTHERS. - w- - , W"'V4Y JJWrBiw tbSf preset number K ihe first volume of ittGroweri sno we itike thef opportur wVhaV1"1 oor If1 lXose kind friends cesser it2 ocrai,J PMUVoe. The suc--ritk hu exceed Mni tospare no The! wbn:J r,AU?.ViVPf THOUSAND :l.5fXf5 to sebcribera reside inVK VH ..ucm rMwia.wl increase 4,We,have placed m jhe htd 1 . X THE SUBSCRIBE moved ins sua: building ro: .;s-4 EtfoWXsir; : - post or: Continues to k?ep on hand : J5reaslPins end - Silver JSpoont cujd Musical' Boxes end Rodger? Pock el ,cr,d 2 nd all other anicies in in a ceo PAcr 3 or xi:r, soo,ooo! ! ! s.5oo;opo ! MgzSl aa eminent Nt Slock . v-f- Encyclopedia nf Geography 4?iO vPRISJNG a complete Pficripiion of tbe V Earth, Pby.ical, Statistical, Oivil and Polit teal, exhihitin? tbe relation to the Heavenly Bo dte8,its Physical Structure, the Natural history of each country; and the industry, commerce, Political Institutions, and Clti aijd Social state of all Nations Illostrated by Eighty-two Maps and Eleven Hundred engravings dn wood, re pre 8entinff the most remarkable objects of nature and art tn every region of Ine Miupe. logetber with a New Map of ihe United Slates : in three Volumes, well bound, at the low price of $10 00. I Books can always be had for Uess money a; the N; C.-Bookstore for Casbljthan by subscrip tion. We invite all those whs wish to purchase cheap books, to eall or send their erders. ! - . . TURNER & HUGHES, June) 1839. : j. ' -: jr' i. THRO UJG UOlfT the civilized world the minds oflmen are. to an uoasual degree. employed in what comes ; home; to the business and bdsumaof all, the mode in which their Go vernments are adminisUred, the principles upon which they at, and the measures which they pursoe. these are the topics or newspaper dis cussion, and of;;dbate q oar various legislative sssempnes. il isi iiowever, somewhat remarka ble mat in this eountry so few effurts have been made to sostaiu ar.y periodical publication upon this principle, while inj Europe,; and particulaily in Great Britain, polities' form the staple of many of thetr most valuable prks of jthis descriptim. The peculiar p(6ition of our Country renders me present an auspicious momeui tor unaeriaKing a periodical ot jthis character, j The Country is arrayea 1010 iwo greai aiTisions, one 01 wnicn may be denominated the Admimsfration. the other the Opposition party. :The conduct of the luriuer j is euuouiiiereu pj, u is oeiieveo, a larger porporticn of niiuvbers,! greater portion of intel ligence, and a jhigher rade of 'principle. The motives whichj ;g!&e4t!)e Administration party we Cooceive to" be( narrow and erroneous the doctrines they promulgate dangeroos and peroi- cwus-f me uojecTS uney nave in new. and tne tendencies ot their measures seimh and destruc tive, jit is time that they be met with vigor and with system, I .;j :if . . The gradual but obvious sggrandi2ement of the power of the.; Executive, at the expense of the legislative aM judicial .branches of the Gene ral Government should vbe exhibited to tbe pub lic mind. The plausible pretenses under which this design is furthered should be exposed. The systematic plani by tihtch corruption is spread ing itself throoghoMl Hbe land, tbe discipline which has bfefi in trod tier d into the party ranks, he undisguised! and open interferet.ee of the officers of tbe Federal Government in the elec tions een of locjil officers, thei regolaily levy ing of conttibutibns for the purpose of carrying on the party warfare, the derotional loyalty to the heads of a'factiou Which is ndw exacted, and the proenription uf ihue who refuse to yield tt, are alt subjects nltich demand and onoht to receive a more full iand prepared exhibition than tbey jbaTB yetreeeivedi I These topics will form, in connexion with general vieus of the foreign and domesiic policy of lli e povernmenta prin cinal subjt ot' our alien i ion. '! Though politics will constitute the principal portion of tbe Mbga2ine tbe interests of gener al literature willtrtbfj jdisrt girded. Essays on Philosophical TaMd:$ oral siibjects ; Jhviews and Critical Notices Historical and Biogra phical isketclies, land espeeally essays connec ted wiih tbe vital subject of -Popular Education, will be occasionally inserted, j The publisher i will embrace soi table oprKirtu nities of irjontoyngor extending tbe plan, which mayW9 presented by increased patron age." I iB IM 4 iTi Engravings i bf ViUineuishcd Public Men 6 Prizes o-iS20,0p0 2 Prizes of S15,000 ! 3 Prizes of--81Q,00p ! Grand Real Estate nnd Of Property silualed in Jjfew Orleans, tJTbe richest arid most magnificent Scheme ever presented to the public, in ibis or any. oth er Country.7 ;,. .4'T: j :. 4 4"":; .- j I - I .4 .fr".;.;-r..! ' ' " Authorized by an act oflthe Legislative As sembly of Florida, and under the pirectton of the Commissioners, actiog onder the same. Tp be drawn at JACKSON VLL j Florida December 1st. 1839. u j SCHMiDT- dAAilLTOll. Managers, SILVESTER & Go 151 B)roadway I SNew York, Sole Agents. No Combinatioic NrjMrfcBJS ! ! lOOTJOO Tickets from No.: 1 upwards in succes- it $ f i -i of the Property and the Stock trust to the Commissiopers ap sion The deeds trapsferreid in ,T Oi. . ft CJ en i us lr;U4 f;;dinthebestia3R: l . v v .... nu: for. Months Ktr articles pu next halLcommence the. publtcaVM,b4af ihemiiiburT V" knowing that the information there gVren will be IV V ' useful and sattsfaetory. We have 8( beea promised the correspondence of several cevrat-1 j bi :iu r. i. -ir -.1 i. 1 ru r reucu tsu cnuansia, wpiro win aisu im ftQ. mutated through oar pages In fact all thai we can do to disseminate practical knowledge in regard to the silk business shall be done. In beginning a NEW VOLUME, we are so licitous that every person who wishes to obtain a knowledge of the Silk Cohere, and the grow ing iof .the Legitimate Morus Molticaulis tree will be pursuaded to send us their Subscriptions at Once, thar they may secure the work from the commencement cf the number Just, about to be published. The year's subscriptions to the. first volume will cease with 'the number now sent, snd ! we look with confidence' for a renewal rf the same immediately,. as there is a progres sive interest in the business which makes it re quisite that our readers should become ac quainted with the important results of practice acd experience which we ha?e to lay before them The present patrons of the, work who wish their subscriptions to continue, wilt please forward their: orders (AND THE CASH) immediately. &f few copies of the FIRST VOLUME are yet oa hand, and have been stiched up expressly for transmission by mail. . . The terms of the SILK GROVVEIl and FARMER'S MANUAL is one dollar per an num TWENTY SUBCRIPTIONS are fur otshed for TEN DOLLARS. Tbe work is published monthly every num ber coroprisiig twenty four large octavo pages EVBEI.LIVHED WITH NUMEROUS APPROPRLVI E ENGRAVINGS, with the addition of al-over for advertisements. &c. . .JCJ Any Ugent forwarding, TWENTY Natjaes and TEN DOLLARS (postage paid,) shall be entitud to a copy of the Volume just completed, dole op in a neat cover which will be transmittedto him immediately on the receipt of his order. I All orders.foi the work, ptstage paid will be promptly attenled to. if addressed to tbe Pub lisher, C. ALEXANDER. Athenian Boildinas. Franklin Placet Philadelnhia. Kl ts SI HOT FITIHE Subscriber being desirous to remove to will may red. embellish the Magazine, as circumstances allow the aqdiuarial expense to be incur- in a pretty warm oven, (after the flour bread is drawn put it will be about the right neat,) let i set about an hour or two, so as! to be scalded through, take it out and pour;t;ofT, and return! tho jnire tu the oven to dry away ; when itisj as thickas tuolasss add it othe fruit from which :t W8stskenand put it into n sione or eirlhen preserving pot ; a id as many potjindsFof eugsr as you had of fruit before it ivas put into the oven, then place tho! pot in a kettle of water, coyer tlieipot u iih a p! ;f and set the water to boilkigi cfter ihcv are well scatded, take ' them of parcels if it be desired, and; a good residence tnd set them in a dxv.Tc6cI olace, ffhev may be bad on each. 4 j f mnv h mail w iih mnlsFM inftieadlnf en. Terms made known on application tothe Pro . iii'i..i:J ,iit'i, piietor.but ks heis determined td sell on favora- fo r i -.'it.. T .... L-r I ble terms, application had best belmad early. at i 1 1 ia i W4 a ,tmg yv v w 1111 n ww IJ I tbe South West, offers fpr sale his LAND with tbe appurtenances in the county of Davie. on the main road leading from Silem to States ville, and about at an equal distance from each place, and 6 miles distant j from Mucksvilje. There are aboot I ' 4 j ; 4 - . OOO ACRES In the whole Hjinor all together, hut in several Tracts. Tbe whole place is); will improved fertile and in a high state of cultifat:on, with all DWELLING IjIOlJlSE is good. There-is a large quantity of meadow land, and good ORCHARDS of the best traits. 1 Morhof this Land Jus on Dutch man Creek, which furnishes it wfith a good deal of the best bottom. There ts SAW MILL : !A GRIST MILL, and a WpOL CARDING JIAVniiiCtUU 1110 nrcuiistf r iris!ion win be given the coming fall if sale is made shortly : If not shortly, possession will bs siven In the spring. 1 he sale will be mace in tnree several would boil it for candy.-Tankce Fuftk&r Oak Grove, Davie co. N. C. June? 1839 Sm45! : ' . ! 'i j I . I 1 ! Pm?mniJorTre GIVE US A: 1 f.Iany persons who .desire to engage in the: cultivation of the Morus Mtilticaulis, eie deterred from purchasing trees S ! - Ill UIG - 1 THE NEW FIRM OF BROWKR & PAfTRICK, j I9 now open at the old stand Sot J I. c HOLMAN, VLL. fj!l4 wlien thev can be booeht from 20 to 40 per cent, cheaper than in the f? ing, is now open sitae 010 sianu.oi a ana u. oiar .1 .u ir..-. .1.. k.' tikfe n divant.snd thev respectfullyjinv he the custom preserve, ineip iin.il d d.h.c ""JTT theold stand, as there is at this time all kindsof Xleepmg! me morus muaicaui.s to, rrfc WHL-tti tbe winter, with perfect saiety ana ;wn3 fi BiV Wi ItI 9 Blln down horizontally on the ground in Ityers two feet thiek. and be covered with ( dry aand. Roth these modes arc perfectly, safe, 2nd will! answer the purpose. ww The j i. t.iAiAA i in easv malleri trees mW: be kept in a celUr, with dry I Hardware and GrpCkerV, late- earth about their toots, or they tnay.he.laia lv received, and also s appom ted bv the said Act of the Ietfislature of Ffori da for the security of Ithe PrtzeCHojders. 1 - I . !-. 4 - -i 4 -.'. : ' I ' r ii.--- t. ' Prizb Tbe Arcade286 feet.i ! 5 .inches 4 lines.' on Magazine street; 101 f-et, 1 1 inches on Natchez street 126 feet, 6. inches, on Gravier street j Rented at aboot$37j 000 Der ann. Val-- uedat ! i I I $700,000 1 Prize City Hotel-i-162 feet on i i I i Common street; 146 feei 6 inches 4 I on Camp st. Reo- I ! ted at 625.000.- i' Valued at I 500)00 1 Prize Dwelling House(adjoin- ing the Arcade) NO 16,24 feetj inches! front on Natchez st Rented at 61200 Valued at I I 20,000 Prtze Ditto (Adjoining the Ar i X cadej No 18. 23 ft, 4 front bu Natchez si. Ken ted at 51200- ! 1 Valued at I I $20,000 I Prize Ditto-( Adjuining thje Ar cade; No It 8, 23, f front on Natchez st9 4 Rented at $1200- I i Valued at J l! j 20,000 J Prize Ditto No 23 north east I ooroerj'ot Balio j Custom-houst st 40 ft front on Basing fy 40 feet on Frank? lin street by 127 ft I deep !;n ; Customs 1 ' bouse street Renl j !' tied at $1500-Vafj)fd at 20,00 1 irize NoiJ4i,Soutb west comer of Ba- 5 I . sin & Custom bbuse st. 4 4 f 32 ft 7 inches6 on Frank- j lin, 127 feet, 101 ipches 4 - deep in front of Costoni i ' ' bouse street Rented at i $1500 Valued att: 20,000 Commisspn and Forwardimr usincss. raiHE Sobscrlefs have established them JLj selves in W bifngton for tbetransacUon of the fabove bosinei and solicit a share of public patnonaga. Haiiig been accustomed to the bo iues8,and inten ing to'devote th6ir attention exclusively to it, they pledge themselves to give satisfaction tn thfee who may patronize them, lercbants living in .the interior may rely on having prompt aieaily advice6 of arrival and shipment of theifGocKls, and those who supply theinselves witlKGrocenes from VVilmineiun. win ye iruiany tuviseu oi arrivals, and- tne slate of the mark . Strict attention will ' also be given to the sa of Produce, Lumber, -Timber, &c. I Mc ARY & McTAGGART. VVilmington mj 20, 1839 6m44 ' e 7, XL. n ISJ. 2JV ESJnrl K8VILI.1. tl I NFORMV public 1: fiomb;siornhj.sian(jt t on the public suajf, ville where be wii'ffun,jj iloUSC of i;c His House is rtKiniv ts i ed towhich areSlX CO FICES for igentlemen of 1 ient to the Court House. es himself to the most dili satisfaction tosuh n ny TABLE, BAR & STACL the best manner that and bia servants are faith f 1 Jan 26. 16391126 TllHE public are irfur: ,1 INGTONCOTTO: is now tn full operation, c fflands for :i-coTTor:;' of a quality equal to any ; State. "Si' ' J. G. C 5C7Orders from a oi : !y attended to, by addrei Lexington, Jan 19, 14 wax:' FOUR Journcr : to whom good v . ployment will be given ' f at Chpsierville, c; 4 May 3 1889 U40 BE The National Magazine and Republican Review ispublisbedjih monthly numbers of at least ninety-six bet ayb pages each, on 'fine pa per, with nevy arid handsome !tpe, and in the most approved I njechanical and typographical appearance, at the moderate price of Five Dol lars a vear, payables n all cases in advance, or ibe delivery of tbe third number, without re st pec t to persons J 1 . ' ' J l..iiiiJ:L : . . 1 1 I . llort at l it . Any person lofwaramg ien or more EODScri- L. . , " ; 1 bers.and becomincr responsible for the amount of 1 Ftlze"250 sbares Canal ; Bank Stock, their subscnpijorts fur. the first year, - f!JM WAY 1 Prize Ditto No 5S9,24 feet 8 inch- I es on; Royl streetjy 1 27 I lee,H inches deep, Rented at 1000 Val- uedat t . !: 15,000 shall re ceive a copy gratis as long as Ihey may con tin oe subscribers.' .. lfij4 . 4-J. IIia rfcnkl telior :cr1 1 Ka fAftptnn.ikl. all m n neys forwarded by iaiil, in case of misnarriaoe, ! provided the certificate of ; ihe postmaster shall be Secured, and copies fut warded accordingly. A 8ob8criber noil ordering his subscription to be discontinued at tbe expiration of the year, shall be considered as wiSblmg the Review continued, which shall be forwirdied, and the subscription maney expected tin! the receipt of the third num- oer. as in me nrsi .instance, j v " No subscription taken for a less term than one year. .' ' fM I : L - -' .' Ail commqnjcations, oost: paid,' addressed to the publisher, at : his : residence, - Gecrgetowp, u. u., win receive prompt attention. JOHN L. SMITH. .ditto, 1 :Tra- 23,000 20,000 Washiicgt IDI C., March 27, 1839. U UM.il 9 : S f J f C i f CCi II i S9 8 f. 6 V SfiKMTUGUS JLMQUORS of all kinds. t People wishing lo get good bargains ever, prefer aniuher method, whicli! is as J itnll please tall and examine for them fillowi ; Dig Pit in the grouna two or is elves. ' nj three feet deep, according to the length of th ts lis tbf trees lecstly ta wadlf BROKER & PATRICK. yaitibcro August 9, WiCU-tD- A CONSIDERABLE NUMBER of these TREES Riay be had 1st Fayeiteville N. C.j about the as0f next sumrosr or the first' of the Fall. The rrietor can very readily dis pose of ahem at the lorth,' but frooi patriotic considerations br prefers that ihey should be taken by his jinaittM "jpJtateJ The price will be the same as in Baltimore or New York, and will be for warded to purchasers on the money's being remitted. It is h'jpsd, that sueh as may wish to enjsge, mayi do sb ait i an early day. - - Enquire of E.: L. Vi5sniv, Fayetteville, i ftlOUeaehi i K s X prize 200 ditto i Commercial $100 each, i 4! ! 1 Prize .150 ditto Mechanics' & - ders', $100 each f 15.000 1 Prize 100 ditto City Bank $100 each, 10.000 I Prize 100 do ditto do-$ 100 each,1 10,000 1 Prize 100 do ditto do g 100 each, 10,000 1 Prize 50 ditto Exchange Bank$100 j eatb, -44 V I ; 1 '4 ' 5.000 1 Prize 50 do ditto do. $100 eaeh. 5,000 1 prize 25 ditto Gas Light BankJ $100 ' I eachr i I i ' H I 2.500 1 Prize 25 do ditto do,--$100 each ! 2,500 1 prize 15 ditto Mechanics Traders' I J $100 each 4 -5 . I Trtze 15 do Ditto do, $100 each, 1 1,50( 20 rnze8 each 10. shares of the Lrais- t 4 tana state Hank, ,$1U0 each, I j each Prize $1KM),J 4; 20,0 10 rnzes each 2 share? oE $100 each, s I ' i each Prize $200; of tbi" Gas I I Light Bank, , J I I .20,000 200 Prizes each 1 shareof $100oitbe , I I Bank of Looisianai ' .; f 20,000 20P Prizes each 1 Share of $100of tbe4 New Orleans Bank, " 1 ' 20,000 union uaoK ot Florida.! 15.1 Tna)M the Subscriber living JL i Hamburg. S. C. on ihe 8th I April , last, a negro man by t name of JACK, or Jack Toflton. The night previous to b departure, he broke ioto my table and took therefrom a HORSE, SADDU and BRIDLE.. The Horse is about 7 yefi o)d,jcream colored, and is abent; 15 hands highi saddle and Bridle new. When said negro raiway he had on a pair of green Spectacles, t snuff colored broad cloth soutout Coat, a pa) of satinet pantaloon?, a bombazine vest, and jFur Cap. It is very pro bable mat jscK tias nwe bis way back 1 again to Nonh Carolina, whi he has relatives living. Any person who yll deliver said negro to me in Hamburg, or lodg him , in any safe jail, so that I get him, wr receive a reward of ONE HUNDRED DO'LARS. I will pav TWO m er ar a . K . . HUNDRED AN for Negro and Ho Jo bove coun ENJAMIN F. RUSK. y i, I33y-n51 " ' Spectator will ihsert Uhe a ontbs, and forward their ac- The Newbe weekly three Jtlariins A few Numbers 1.50Q my Office for sale-Price $2j This work is uo FIFTY DOLLARS, both to me at Haiurg, C. B: F R. hcriiT, Coi'oner andfcorislable this valuable woik are at getting 00 1 of print, and being the very bes&fbotity fur the guidance of mioisienai omcers squiiiiion to a La that tbe Copies on They who desire il F - - ,'4' May 17 tf42 well as a very necessary era Uflice, it is believed bd will be sold readily. work had best apply soea. H. C. JONES. - f ! 600 I PRICES i TICKETS $2Q rnilE well kDoi JL the Concord on Main-streel Couit House and 9i9500)00 Thef Estsblishmee Feb 16, $3gf j - s; Of every description neatly Doiae-iiiL ttis NO SHARES. pie whole if tbe Tiketf wii hi! their! Num ber, as also those containing the Prizes, will be examined and sealed by the Ccnmisstoners tp pointed under the Act! previuuslt to their beta? paiinii me wneeis. une Wheel wijl conitio- me wnoieoi me numbers, the olhef will tioolt is furnish Con- t attendance ta.h MX HUNDRED PltlZRSnd the first I deem it onnecl; m 600 Number, that &fill K. Jl. ln k- -L t JL .4 " OHQecfary4 to r. j r.'TZ ui,uiiw num. I purcnasingf wt i see Ua 1 bert and the furtonatel bMr i -k i p.w. 1 1.. j JT, . " He 1 t t " 1 2 ,i tti "L" 1 j jua an cu en matitbta 7" ,i 7 'rirr V'T luim-jwwrij i ae regards tne JCstabashrfi. bv flr tha At m tart mn.umlu.Jl.J I..'it.i! I oi . ..tT. "?? ! J - T! . .T",.i TTTT"1")!! -,ww!LI OMMie. Ui. K'P.HarrlW 9nv.peavc1toa.11 . : i ,; - r,r . n - r -t- i. i I - .1!. j. i ' one 7j 1850 tlD SALE. House of Entertainment, tel, is for sale. It is situ very coovenient to the the centre of business. now in very good, condi- Carilh in himKbiii Rm largj aod convent A and is very nicely fur nisbed with water cb has conductors from a well more' eroinentltiioated The out boose arezt all wnvenierj arranged. There are a nomher of small offi3 attached to the main building, which areUU suited to rrentiemen in On CnnriVfc. say more of the feel desirous cf lemises before doing further information calling on Dr. rrlrtfrav ef oncoro. r iHnJ TtAWflPR oncorj, August 15, n U4v.3 THE Subscriber interJ zena of Salisbury zv on Tuesdays, Thursdays : tenr t( Jqaired, as eoL.s , cured. He tenders his ii age, and hopes lo "em I ! will again patronize hici. July 19I839tf- ffl IHE subscriber I. as r ii. the above A rjLU. for sale ai Ayresville, bt: ' na.' " JAM IV Ayresville, Stokes co., ? April 19, 1839. y - VALUABLE BO TURNER i; HAVE on hand som House Keepers, th:; lished, viz : House Keeper's Manu: American Cookery, Seventy-five Receipt? American Fiegal Hi e - Virginia HousHvvife ! Miss Leslie's Two II n The House Keeper's I: Miss Leslie's com y t? i Mackenzie's Five Ti . T'he Art of Dininr, The Family Dyer cr ! ple'eart of Dyeing and t of Dress, Furniture, LL. 4 Moobray on Pouliry, , New American Ore! : : Farmer's Own C 4 "iNew American LV Bridgeman'8 Gardner ' Clark on the Molcf rrj ' , FOR THE 'The American Flower " Florist's Guide, Flcra' i . Language of F4o vv c r i , VVeinvile all jthosa Books, FOR CASH, to ( Book store w here v e i 1 friends at all times. 4-Tunv Raleigh July 6, lhJ !- A T the lafe Count; ui. county of Wilkr-', ified as the Execoiur tf 1 therefore, request all t' late to make irutneJir.! ; having claims agair.it the same for payment v ed by Law, or this no;; their recovery. . :"vt-4vv .. TI4 "August 9, 1SCD fJ.s locstei inrAviNG JO. specif u I ly J 1 1, d . to its citizens, ami il . try. His office is il. Dr. Buuchelle, v, h r ; timsf, except wl. , : ties. ' Salisbury, Jcne 7, . f - s , . - i'J 'H ... . -i 1 M ..... m if tt. i i ? 1 1 - ft.' I '- ' t . 1 ' !: ' ' ' 1 r It- -' :"1 -'I i. L-- i:4 4 - - ' 'Xf f4"r: j ? . I I s 4-::iU,4.- - '- '4',,4 ' '-4''-: j f t

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