J MM 'J'T ?! ! .i la Mi Mite) cor pores sy mpicras a re flalolen -&3MUd.iWorl14elt. acrid eructation?. inrHlicVairis. giddiness, dimness b8 WlMfl1?: iMt l li "jo A tan Infrmir.AcIL taifili JKoeoi 'if : the nervous sysiem. toeMal firigs and peculiar train ot ideas faitfiif Mj4 - imagn.at.on jand overwhelms jfxjbib.t an infinite diversity . The l-jse f fet'of mn are as open to this afflic- t rin rfftf JMaaest- - , : : . .; ' CAUSES. pDITORS AND PROPRIETORS. i -f & BR UN Eli. 1 1 - i ' - .4 . ii ' I : wi - J ww a 'J! m rmn . r, . -ml . mriiuiibuii cciuy ai jltavo jljous ana Ail iy ' VZSt J NOl Q VOLUME. Till. - . .- J - i" t - - - j i i ' - - - :- . - a 4. : ; i ! m - ?; WaBWBaWWMMBMBwMiMMMaas 1111 1 1 TXUIT.1S OF WATCIHIAI7. iwu jouars ana r iiij venis per yci. ale of Venice and her hundred isles ana fill vcuis vci jci. j i j .n.iu! JliJ Clasl of rorR new sobscjribers who will UT. . Mi-L- , I lriMr Jfe)f any kind, especially 9 pay in advance be whole som at one payment shall have Jhe paper for one year at Two Dol lars each, and as long as the same class shall continue thus to par in advance tne sum From the lVtsttrn Weekly ' RevutM. a tatp np vrviri' f Hfr noiseless gondolas, her peaceful waves. Oo whose caim breast the moonbeams! brightly f slept, - -. - . H AiA I - ; i f j Vhen from her balcooy yonng Inez looked, j mm'?t i'"00??' " ottwUe Ihi, will b. chawed a. o.b ntaqH Bfe ' feS?5t 0 . i : ;; i i j. j t.. w i : . . -,1 i t;n nil cisfeva.' ute habit, great excess inr eating djiiit!?Nhe Imnooderate use -of mercury, u!ent pumtives, the suppression ol. some ha itij t..L. : -i i: i t ouuscriuciB wno OO no pay onrius iup jeai bj r w - " .Liil mil ha nha rrrcri lhra llollara in all P. i I ' . 0 . ' . . 8 0 T. i No fiubscripiion will be -received for less than one year bu by paymentjn advance. J j No papir will be disront.noed hut at the op- Hon of this Editors, unless all arrearages are paid op. I n tcir-AJ iinIfiihlfffe. Yas. the ubsr action of thomen ft aril j f li ;ioi U ri u a t eruptjon j relaxation or .bi ny uf un$ or more important organs witoin je abddraebi ia a frequent cause idU treatment'- ': TW:rrincibal objects of treatment are, to re- ; " ' i.- V i f. - . . . . . . i . I. j j I - m-J . pvfiinfi ton, o strengin en ... ooay. u aid; otherwise thej will certainly not he ai- ,, eniif CH;MYB' " i J 1 tended tq. h 1 p eterctse, efany pours, regular roeais, ana .leanrrirjersation. The! Iwwela (il costive) iMoarefiillv rVsrulated by ihe occasional use ,f a liiKd iapfient. ' We know nothing better andTwenly-ifjve Cents per square for each i Jcuiaildabilobtam this end ihan Dr. William -senton' afterwards. ;".'.J vansJ ApeVient Pillsr being mild and certain! Court Notices will be charged 2! per cent., U tWriilIhrkfatioo. iThe bowels betnrr ones higher.' thin the above rates 1 A deduction of fieililiif mom''e PU!s,(wtiicrV I 33f per ct f rpm the regular prices will be made re tbiiaS irtouiiei.Md antirspasaijodici are ! an lo those that advertise by ine year. ft a itn b remedy.' ant wunoui uisuuie na?e lq auywriiseuieuv win ue uibrrieu iui teas etters to the Editors most be post TERMS OF ADVERTISING. One Dollar per square for the first insertion in- wearied, way Her lute, she sought with song to while! 1 1 the bonis; , t : l.l .Mil Mournful and sweet pi rains, bat i pea Ming all IVi much of sorrow, for one so!yoongi $a fair. ;0 ! that in a world like ihjs, til l i Which seems so Jair and foil of bliss, 'Deceit and sorrow e'er should dwel, ; To wither all we love so H'l ;f f i Oh! that ere voulti bright mdrule o'er : tve Learn 10 love, ana irwi no more. Oh! that we tust affection's power, faraily 11 now one hundred and eight lyearj old ; he buried hit Wife some year ago at the age of ninetr-eight, by whom he had twenty-foor cIiildrtD, all twins ; sixteen of these were boys and the rest daughters twenty-two of his children ire now at Komi with him. The father measures six- feet idl was heightenedlij-a- TZIZI in'f wife & children tvho watching with unavai!ir;2 horror v. C what seemed his inevitable' and f; -r With what devout and heartfelt t-r.:'. must they have thanked GcJ, v.!. husband and parent once mote si - I their aide safe and sound. ' The following is a paragraph tvriit: the Editor ot the ButTdlo Adertiier, i queotly to the occurrence of the alcv ; Eyt to liusinet j. Meetin " i exchange papers'the account we : week of the perilous adventure t,S C!, and Robinson at the Falls, rcrumrfs u - : circurn?tance connected therpwith we had no jime lo narrate. Afttr 11 motes idleness and inemciencv amoor ; in. malf, who aie expecting to be taken ap by a fortune and i passifelv sustained, vrithonr an care or concern on theiir part and thas manv I son, by daring and skill, h3d re remarkinnot a; help meet,' bat a help eat. thrown, the two were observed to Hi 11 -' ' . . w I wjw wa oviaiv inus ouii'iiu tir 53UWIIUJ 99 ucirs iireitv severeiv; on Ivn muhM hiirh infl nl hId,lAiinnu it., b .... ri -t t i v WUICU CUTerS U fuvuv ..) .mi . w s r.(.aaa oiwiiij uur i mc wis- w aen oacueiors nave inetr lor wiiasvanamsr nis ereai ate:. ne roue irom uues. ana Decome rortv or rr:v vears Did. thp. Hastings to London! which ialsixty-jhree U ttosoally take wives ofv their own age, -j bat M i'i . J 1 I'.. r 1 J l ? '! lhilliall ali.inlA. lkni. Wilt. iL.. L... No human foot.'tM L . had ever before pressed thf ?rct th r : upon, and though while there ih" v ' out of danger, escape sepmtd almost 1 less. Their ever?, movement wes ct To shield us to! tbe trying booty f f . And find too late when all are ffotia. j And we still left to struggle; on,; j That hope jscieiished butjin vaiL Nor can tbe dead return srain'.S l Nor can the dead! ifeturn again:---tbi annra 1 1 -- I :i lvkMrMtiilessihsf o the.flomeroas-.pablic.-r than one Dollar, . i ! I !! ta cniog tbe atrainL but echoeai bacfitej wordaj i Son.ia'iciafisEhave recommended a free Advertisements will be continued until orders! XUked the maiden fearfully; a rotted;, as if are receiveo 10 sion mem. wnere no oireRiion- y opma twvw uiuiumwu mmj It.. i. .-. - ' . . .1 ,i I; j .1 .- -a l.i. .:- !:! distant "L J'Lr"ivi.l Knf ii fibnnU nnft Ko reenrtorf In if 1 !flyjiiase8 it will greatly agg i nit rti tirtriii h'liituht f.U.i.-.' iermin and slomshm J' aels. til MAVTH RE E j Y EA RS' STAND tMr lRobprtvMonroe,'Schuylkitli afflicted ,vitH Via iMte distressing malady." Symptoms: ravate the are previous! given. imicc:ii. AIT SOUS. tna tnen witn ner said, "i And is it so? and roust it bell too JiLfjfWafiarfaour; flatulency, disturbed rest, ner rr tightness re across tne oreasi, aizzinesss, ner- ity and restlessness, could not lie Singula it Incident ! -TAe Tennessee Mother. I Some few years ago, a youngJnan left bis home in w State of Tennessee, with a horse drover, for the purpose of as- puie thooghls communing illji -! v a shall feel Of this bright world the hollow'ness-shall see My dearest bopes like frost nipped Sawers, j : All fall to the earth, and turn to notiilgnt6s ?'' Uut suddenly there came the sound of; ear., j And her heail beat as nearer drew the gondola. revta . -i - -i r i - . I' , ! i T - " A in on toe roaroie stair a stranger leapt, i!frzal position without the,, sensation of 8 jlijiriiilnVbn i alpitation of the. heart, fsif llrigiuugW pain of the stom i of sisting in dijiving a Georgia Harket' ng with a kale for! fU.n. I tf rcrAfico nroit liDhilittf onn nonAlonriV nf I wichint. .In rolaln SriUIH.iV.wr9'l Kivj vvuin.i umw wavivrB v a w i wiiajajje sw ivyiii mivousiei a And in a low sweet voice said, i;---- on ' : -.' And once more let !him rest, if Rholta ilia rruif if l- ia iiinAelra t tt. l 4 I !.VIr falk.r l. kill tlia ,awnrt Hi .U lkiti The orphan's cry went up to heaven corse but in death, lot of horses into the TheTennesseean, meet- i . - i - pain ot thestom- ing witn ja saje lor an nis norses. ana not f and deficiency oi wishing lo retain one to carry the. young thM-t?oM enefffV. rMr K. iI on roe save op man hnmo.'ladvised him to remain in G - - .1 ? t ( w i - " - - T i - - w . - - - - u mm & w .aivW 'jla 0!fli'rbt;of:efi6very? iand dire despair sat : an aeekl emoJovment as a laborer on I With Ravmond bvtber side, she leillld WitliSllfV.6 per9i.n interested in f j ralilroaicis. stalina that it was a. With saddened cheerfulness to;Bp.at4f him. WCTS?!' ?! orofilabld Wa-iness' bv pursuing Which, fhe Whom death had laimeduntimelyJN her own. ;niL il.!ftVANS MEDICINE In -his I com- could not fditjto; make money :pai!nAMh induced him jto puicl.ase a pack- a simp.-ion, u.o youngui u ",,u"eui uf I And how "amid thef battle's -din he seeVn'd, .aH'Ov. lUC 1 1MB, vv ii w , irsu I irvi ' ill t'Uiupicirijr I ouinc vii iu? uiuiiiuuii nuu siiuuiu "'c I Aret)f renomg;A'ery symptom oi nis oisease- ne proiectedi nim, and wno nad enticed turn jteis-Ay-ha motive for this declaration is, flom nig me and sought employment! oil was most Mm n k r or miles, about ten dtya ago, in onedayi tipon lheyjthen abandon those with whom they have a'hnrire thai hm hA- tun-' rn "fit Udin ! beeq;assoeiated,jreqoita atl .the 'pleasure- whicb' these twenty years pas t. Tbeffatb has SfT Tm w,ia fS- qnuy watched with the grcate.t o r , -lived La life of mtLberanee for thl las. Jifefffei f?.1 .c they were making preparation. : s .f..: 1 . L r . :l " Juu wiwraiai, ana laus irawe iu ineuiaie I unnnprt fnr Kir.ffnl r ! ipg it was found they had brought with r a neat. lot of trim cane?. It isscarrrU cessary to add that botli are 'Yankee?. T cool courage and eye to the cnaiu c! fiuy.years, having cpatcely eve gcrte to la nttmerob class of worthy maidens. Den sooer ; ann'one son toilo ws his aicps, I Itu a young roan has property, he cnav of as he has not been these fifteen veara free i frorge tmrrt at;s suttible age. and, adtit the from intoxication infttte evening. The (i- 5Jy'of ''yiog hich is justified by his means, thfii alwtvi hmnnrhtlni. hm ..KitHrora ik in. I RaMM he is destitute of propertv. he has three dutfv, and if he fottnd any of them averse filei?aliI a hecan tke bi ?b?ice lV suffieientl;; attest the fact. - . . . i t ! i tut-ui. ii leciincr a nninpniinn innnqirinn ruir. to work, he sent them to sea. Tbertij were hi. .id Itvrt nf them rat lliia ii i s rtrtci I nn nrhnm ha I .t . i f .. . ... .a.., u.a,w.a,.. i IO ipe vtyie oi simplicity adapted to bis income; Dim uu uuiiu -UIO iliUVai UCOlffc. WUICU tor ne can Will till nR haa iMnir nrnnorl was lost, but thev-were both nreserved by I so a3 ta be able to sonport a familv in the more swimming on a plank j The vounefeat of! modern and fashionable style ; or he can, marry the twenty-four children is' uri wards df at Py rief Jaohch fearlessly out into all the fifiv voir. f .- ? Ik m.erUJ I . expenses of a fashionable establishment, and run- ma auiiiLD ui UMUXillU Ills Wile flUU VUIIUI-11 IO warjjt. The first is the best, the second is next anditne ibird 13 bad eoougb Hubbard yyxn- sunn. J-- r .. r - - woman by whom be had eight children who were all likewise tains, but who, like the wife, died within the space of five years. ' 1 A HOOZIER AND A LOAFER. An honest and urii sophisticated young 'broad horn' man was passing by.thei vege table market yesterday morning.! He had 9 From the Buffalo Advertiser. 4- I T , -WWaWl-a.fVWwUM.riV'W PERILOUS I ADVENTURE AT: THE tempi a minute descript FALLS. An occurrence of most thrilling inter- g.t nan l , . , ,m -, . Kj; .u .,-.. idltcil lew iibiu turn.- auu vuuu m mb I , a , ii . . . ... r 1 - ir Masl month attended with lminent beni to mi4 alrcn fnr fftepnnln. Hit CPntn ftl I I . i . - - - t - . , r T 6, TTr- " .T' the- ves of two.ind v dua s, but resulting seeing was attracted by an array of turnips, . a.-i. i -..i i .ti-i . . ' I in the most haDny and nrovidentiat deliv . - j . . ------ Mhat ihosH afilicid with the same or any syrop- Ltsinstt6ijr to those from which he i !re-8w3i!mfiyJ likewise receive the inestimable .syrop- the rojr:o4 Railroad. Here . E ufortaniteW thrown into'b, I 1 3 1 AC ASE OF Tl 0 DO LO Rl U X. :ir : S IT t m-r 1 be itely thrown into bad and was Induced to forge an order, amount tng to about forty dollars, on aj store j for Juhnsnii..- wife of Gant. Josenh ffoods. ilThe fortierv discovered.! he walin- i JdlloiM ff nnMiss. was seveiely afflicted indictedj ir!ied, convicted, and sentenced to i&Hp! tbe PenSeitiary for five years.: His trial W d wi,,h!a b0"1'0 beat tookptale lat the March term of the Supe- Hrt4hest;bmaeh and unable to leave her room. AlLi :L i ...... 1 f SHiaKi rjnd nof relief fron thp advice of sev i eiai!.iians, nor fioin medicines of any kind j I firttjifjier jb4 had commenced psmg Or Evans' ine4ifie ht 100 Chatham street, and from that ii;mi(:.Hfl jjpgan ti amend , land feels satisfied if 'l fchei tjarititHge the.,' medicine a ttsv days longer, ; w f 1 pe ifVfi tly cured. Refeience can be had as; tiKe:tr-lh of ihe above. bvcallir at Mrs ft JiilHft'i .(laughteT's Store, SS9 Grand street, tlM St-B;M:Ah-0e: F.1 , K en nV, . No 115 Lewis venger of fair Venice's wronj, the white His foemen fled. Then he with laurels crown'd, Returning, sought but once more to clasp . j ; His daugbter Inez in a fond embrace, j ; r Alas! that while we grasp the 'untasted cop i And think to drain it, 'tis dashed: frua) thence. And we but taste the etter bitterness Even iheuftbe Count Of disappointed htipe. I A Toll,- nor Aptp;rtf in xvionroe county, since which tiiriej he has been confined to hard: labor in phe Penitentiary. r , ieoysff!) doaiinln. home. Vhile picturing to himself ih And thinking with a iilher doauiW fijndriess Of his own peerless child, in ,Peabscold era- S !', brace . ' ; LHy down, and yiel-Ied up his spirit! Uomrades,' he said, my life f l is destined that: I n'er again X 1 nrirl Ii A n rf 4 laJi - t . tmii t I I f , lT.rr;' V-..rf r'spJ own inheritance, and Inr !t!l he resiaingj-wroiics iromijitiieoegviiie nearrrna thought is agony! Rayra ing oi iue uniortunaio condition in which her son was placed, and knowing the im becility of ibis mind, with all a mniher's afT lection. determined to proceed j at once to this place, and to make his liue situ itinn II II C , . I.- U J U I.!- W, I si'!." . i s8t?feteen ianiQn and Huuston ss , af2ic t known tp tne proper authorities.! But .Mas! tU;)ll!ehyears: wtthi the following distressing JJiow wai a poor and lonely woman-without ' tfi4 fcr.iiS? Y- A -Af -I J.:i r : t: I : - tL: J'- 'I .: - ' i: :r. cj w wo muiu '. n uciaiiim. ua i ?umiiuiji i inniifT r iria-iiu. fiaTiiiv nil nnnvpt aiire nr islfli?iig fast j shall see : : Ml?. within 3 --' r i i .),. i-i ; 'I, -i -' - J .. ; .'- ml' - m t- . 1- 1 1 ' F ' . H TFP-f r WI aPPeuie Pa pnauon oi bcr owiitogetto JMilh dgeviMe? Vith a reso ld 'lF?Pne a:Kdl,m?e5 01 ntoM liiuon trlily beroif, this old lady kleterroined totravoiptheoled1s ftftWra,.,'a.A idea of ompme& by asis erten yeais yoonget than an fii'lrfavitlon of. her disease, a whimsical aver-1 P9i!Pliiicular persons and places, oroiindless I a-Plll'tpMons of, Personal ! da norpr a nil rA t prtv . 1 herself.! ehe actual! started, and over moon tain, stream andj .valley, shetvalked the ex- lianriiinnrtr1 distanea of foil r hundred and t 14.junes and wearinrss of life jdisconten- -fifty mijes, to petilion the Governor lib paf-; U'HiOjiladft on every; slieht: occasion, she .!-. uJJi ;.-.r.iri.in. -An a' in.ai. .W. tion ofi'theicase induced the Governor to i : inisied. desponded, and thought - she led. a Jj . ; ! i rn,,.iinfKi;iif -..- r- - u. extend to the unfortunate youth a remission ri ' T? i'l : SU UaU, Willi I . ( , , r j I ! I 11 fteqartl haental hallucinations. 1. 1 of his sentence, and we had the melancholy. .' 1 .Ik'f ,f t. a . . . . : MfKyhad the advice of several eminent 1 pleasurfeo:eeirg1he old lady and ber sis I' pl ,.;and had recourse to numerotis medi- ter, togetbe: witl- the son, slow y wieiicfins Rnfflfd nbi obtain even temporary allevia their witV back to their home in Tennessee- pWrfHtfe'Jsipg; tril her husband per- What ll not a molhers affections lacrbcn- fl!lSvfe 'rr phshf Th; incident, in the r Heart Mid- $ vw'f w j'vv qu 10 re leved, and finds here f ; 4. t n t . . t U j i KW'SW '"""iS ber domi; "l"' if J' aD. tr.o London, f lWi P0vuwsjhat she eniovs as good health at : frfpf j flff'edid at any period uf her existence, v: fc?itoiCh;,lbail'd' - -lh' 'foresaid Anne ;:jaVHrtfigrii f.-i ..v5::"- 'U .'-.r. f .'. r " ; i. '! ' i E . ' ' i' 1 . ' -- ' . 1 "rr ; 1,8 14in gaJ 01 December, i i n-V't; - Mi-t'.:r''-f' U WV I 4 L a Peter Pincknev, Com. of Oeeds. M A R I! A f. r . F p'aqp nf a phtp ,------.. ... w u v V auu A 1 ATlVAt . ..:.. ' . . . t fjX,j . ,,n an Anecuon pi ine PIf?Anr he ireatment: of poet or llWfuS. Chatham street, New. ..:ni MML. "V LFi j ' woicn ' klhmea rf!rfj!wcatingpnattended by relief. The a- . .. .- f r-. ! s "ui;i wcie always t-"if fifi"13 were also aliened wK consirf !ffteiyLof breathing, witi. : a,Sent i'Jf rWfr Icross the phest. likewise a great w.nt feJf iri theervous system " k;ifH-7Te 8?mPlums were entirely removed, k tMfct-core effected by Or Wro Evans. i-lfifiii'V.'i:M;- BKNJ. J JARVIS; !iMmk-.v ""g uuiy sworn, tiolb de- iMi V re in all Swrfcbl ,i , JARVIS. iSstri ! NoUrT publ 96-nas- ber sister, bears; no comparison to th proof of filial) affection on the part oi a mother to; an unftrtanate son. May they all reach their homes in safety; and mayj the young man, under the guardianship of his aged molherj be restrained, in future, from the commission of crime! The drover who enticed' him from home, and left him! to suf fer in a land of strangers, knowing his im- uecuii, suyum aupjM uis ptavviu mc su itentiaryi .'4 IJmGLlS inVr'llsbury JV. C. JQttr wirr r " w - i. v v vjt m m v aj. ... i v- . . ffTri 'Jlf5?Aiv;t,- v' "w, $ ; ov GiBts; be industrious, and observe economy? in everr thin?, even in time i be neat and tidy y, and keep stirring to some oseioi pur pose dress j so as to preserve your health, leay nothing for joihers to do that yoo can accomplish yourselves ;j cultivate your minds," and escew the least appeafance of evil in your manners and conduct;; 60 shall yoo enjoy so much coml fort, happiness, and independence as.ui allotted to mortajs ill this j uncertain w orld, ; and yoo will sand alverv fair chance of becomins united to sottie clever; indusirioas voath in the bands of -ttairimpny,! and of becoming a first ra'te. wife and nkher 11 (aliog'.ybor owi household well, auu jjsqing Blessings an round yoa 7 :i . ilk '- f :v.-;i;:.,-., Tim fdnoine-Piulding in . bis life of VYashipgtop, gites tbe following little anecdote oi me moiner ot this great man : She was once present and occupied of honor at a ball given to Washington, at Fiedencksburg, while in the full measure of hi well earned glory,' and when 9 o'clock; came theses said tdi him with perfect simphcitv. ueorgei it is time to go home. It would perhaps, be well if many;! to day woald remember when it is ' time to co home.' Coma leftj t 'tis thou e promise alone Canst soothe my parting spirit fTo be iq her all that a biotber shouid be. ia . . . ... I ! i Know my nearittiat 'tis a noble, one. p reely to thee do leommiHny chitd; jSince it must be that we on earth ! j . No more shall meet. -1 clmiewt ! I ,! I And thu; passed the ooblast" CouhpfVenici. r ull well did liajmood as became a; kpioht t Redeem bis pledge, -and soon t;he griipe gif Loved him with ajll theMepdvceHhsss , Of woman's firstJ pure.lov. jShleemed ;j J Her sainted father' spirit smilrngijloked urjon; His loved one, and bade beryet be $1 py ; j And she tccw bltsi in her own Raymond's Pure sincere affeclion. i 1 ) . ' j : j It was one slirry eve, the raofn locked down So smilingly upon the murmorjing wave, f When in the ei-same bale my thete stood ( Tbe noble Raymond and his .beauteous bride. My gentle lova ( 'twas on a nijht' li ie this ; i saw ihem first, but not as now ; t .; . And much 1 feared Inez no more wyuJ learn To bve aiight that belonged lo lbi, cojd h Cruel world, i 0b I it is sad to tiikuptn j That we too mustj drain even to thr dregs j . ; The bitter cup of jlife but Iain vlljenn-p-Sweet, forgive me: 'tis a mxi bu leiiJoml i b Gains the mastery, but wKenrn0trJfppy There cpmes the shadow of a darkTntng g eve gloom, And wraps the world in night, but; With thee Still near me, it shall not be. J I- if r - -1 "! : 1 ' if f The morning came all bright and gloj-ioua, But bow found it Inez ? her attendants With auxhios facjes, ail watched H Outside her chamber, and wondered Why came not their lady forth- f lf At last they entered. There she:.ay, Pale, still, and cold and long it was Eer she revived jagain her firstfwlns, tOh God 1 my Raymond ! anicl I but jester Arbcide 1 fool ' tha 1 was again! to -trliltl To earth, and lean on broken reeds I " j He had been torn from her upon the charge Of treason to his native city. j " Within the lion's mouth.the accusation Laid, and who from such an prie ! j j Had e'er escaped ? the thought; wastht(n!ss Silently sbe rose, and one shining tifdk 1 She severed for Agatha, her faiihlot oiirse : Then slowly, sadly from tbe threshold torbed, And sought an. Marco's palace. Could she yet save him ?-buC what mean.! The deafening shut, now rising on. tbe air ? Immovably she stood, her dark eye, ra And fixed upon the stony gazer f The streaming locks wet with the li Of her heart's treasore. Down themafrble steps Where many a victim to .hecrael rwljcy j I Of the Venetian state bad yielded opbis breatb lav icu oiirsui puureu b-uu wiiu ti pbcu Her ancel snirill ! Inex wis deid 1 " 1 i J.A bOIiliJAIUE. 'talers, tomatoes, aid other green groceries. His ears were assiled by sundry sounds and divers laiiffuages Which were to him perfectly unintelligible and his ipofers of smeiung were nrougni into requisition oy contemplating a pan 'of fresh Ifish which were frying with pork, and making gurg- ling musical kiou oi a noise, i ue nuuziei felt as hnntrrv as il he had been out oil; a coon hunt alLnighl, and. at once made up liis mind to dive id' to the fresh fish fried with pork.i Some half! a dozen mullets were immediately placed before him by the negro girl who performed the duties of Ude. He had not welt sat down when, a hungry- looking cross-eyeq loafer who prides hun self in the patronymic of Tiiomsori, came up. Thompson -Dave : I homsonf is a dennet obltqe-eyea lellow, whosei vision at a given angle forms jX, Or the St Andrew's cross. - With a li-nte; trtpuble jahd!) pairing down he would make an excellent skeleton fur young medicorsurgicos-tof lecture on. His s w i ve! eyes pleaded eloquently for apart of the hnozicr's ish and the hospitable hoozier- shared them freely in Tfact jhe gave Dave Thompson1 a regular bldw out.' He stood the gnnf for liquor when : break fast was over, and treated to peaches, musk melions and other bwetmeais.l Dive's in expreiBsiblesJvere he iworse fot weir.' He saw the young hozicr liad made a raise of a new out fit, which he contrasted with his own dilapidated wardrope j My eyes,' says Dive, would'nt I like such.' I'' L i ' $. ' MS Oh said the hopzier, interrtiptin him 4I know whatryou'd jlike such trouserloDns as mine eh?', -j ' " f I - 'By golly, I would, said Thompson. And such a shift as that,' says the hoo zier, pointing to One in his bundle' with a red stripe and wjiife ground, that would have made a broad pennant for the Uieiv launched man of war; : r j . That's a fact, ( should like one; of that ere patern, says 0ave. 'I thinks. it's the most patriotist shirt a fellow can wearii donti want washing soj offen.' j f Shut up say po more,1 says the y oung Indiana man. lie took the loafer to a clothing store, boiight him trouseilbohs, as he .called tnem, ot domestic cloiti, and a half white, half red shirt then took him into a doggery for a last glass by way of a top off, " and heaving the ungrateful Thomson in change his clothes, a sil ver watch and aj pistol, while he abaent- ed himself a few moments, the loafer Swart wonted. -. ' j I i j The hoozier gaVe information to the po lice and slthou.'h fl homoson was hard 5 to catch for from ;the j peculiar cast of his eyes he could loo three ways at the same time they lit bo iim8nd loujnd iri his pis session part of the hooziers property, lie is now in the calaboose, where he can ho longer practice his new Thomsonivn sys tem.. Picayune erance. ITheiew bridge to Iris Island is planted in frightful rapid w here the current is from 2(K to s sed e blood J A most extraordinary JaiM Annr Hah paper gives the following akj.tch. of a family named Brown living' at Halting., in Sussex : v .)-' ' ' - i!i:-J:4(-"jj Tbejatber of this very extraordinary 30 miles an hour about 100 orfl50 abovethe brow of the great precipice. or 'per pehdicular fall. A carpenter by, the name of Uhapin was engaged with others in covering the jbridge and while at work upon a staging about lOOfeet from Iris Island, accidently-lost his footing and was precip itate d into the ra p i ds, a n d i n th e t w i n kl i c g of; an eye swept away tow aids the catar act. Speedy and inevitable destruction seemed to await him ; but fortunately he wis nainjured by the fall, and even in this rebst hopeless condition tetained perfectself- possession. Turning his eye towaruj the only j point of hopej above the fearful preci pice, nej siieceerieid oy great oexteriiy in s4rimming, in effeciting a landing upon a little is 'a hd some twenty feet in width' and length, the outermost of tlie group of little cedar islands situated some thirty or forty yrdsaboye he falls, and about equi srfis tant from Goat Island and the American alfprej ' M ' s - s IjThere he stood for. an hour, looking calmly and beseechingly back upon the nu merous spectators who lined the bridge; and shores, but with whom he' could hold no conversation on account of the distance, and roar of ttie rapids. I IfThefe is a manj in f the village of j the Fals by the name of Robinson, of extra ordinary muscular power, great intrepidity, arj vyithall an admirable boatman, -and hf was probi Sly the only one that coufd have been found within fifty miles wli Ke?iierOusly volunteered his services, lo at tempt reaching the island in a boat and brjng Chapirj r ff. A light boat of two oars, similar in coDtruction to the White Hall rape boats, was sooo procured,. and he em bajrked..; - j, ; ' j ' i He-proceeded with great diliberationand ca!psummatei skill, darting his little boat a cross nhe rapid channels and at the inter vening eddies holding up to survey hisait ation and recruit his strength for the next tripl. 1 In a few minutep he n eared i the j is laHd.biit a r pid channel still intervened, sweeping closer to the island, and rendering the attempt! to land very difficult. He ! paused for .a! moment, and then with all his strength darted across and sprang from his boat his foot slipped, and he fell back- i m m L a v . i :. i fie rapid current, tvitn te was a moment of thrilling in terest and breathless silence; his boat seem ed . inevitably lost, and himself in fearful jeopardy. Retaining, however, his grasp on the boat, jhe sprang in and again seizing his oars brought up under the lee of the From the JV. Y Commercial Jldvtrl' INTERESTING CEREMONY. Married, on the morning of the at the Institution for the Deaf? ar d l . in this city, by tbe Rev. Dr. M il nor, 1 ( R. Burneite, of Livi ngston, N J , to ' ! Phebe Osborne, of Castile, Gehno cv ty, N. York, (pupil of Jhe inslUation.) We have seldom attended a matrn; i occasion of , more agreeable inter i t the one above mentioned. We vil! i. ion of th " t , though a full chapter might - he w r on it, which would doulitles he ; rinr In lti-t-A ta-K f ira narliouUrl. it l O Vw .to ,aw waw jcaiaivaiuaij ed in what relates to the deaf and ! .. and lliose who are curious lokno in . marriage ceremony of deaf route j.:. would be conducted t At nine and a half 'jA. IM. the bri ! hqr maids were dressed and dcrLt i flowers, and the bridegroom and .c his relatives arrived in carnages ft ou i r Four pretty deaf mute girls ciTicnh lh i r. mm M .! MJIitA trmrm. m W - -a -l t,a . mute young men," and two of the j c gentlemen professors of the institute , , tended by these four couples, tho p.ir trothed, at ten o'clock, enlt red the ii-ii rue ii a. in l rr wfxi wiiiu m ilia ii:vwt;. where, in ihe presence of some 200 sons, consisting of the pupils of t!i i tution, the professors, matrons, fec- rtrinrinflt art A hi : famil .thi rf!'.i j m 9 mm mm m wm J --.. . x, j clergyman, and numerous, invited ; they were to be united in the holy matrimonyv'V ; v'C.-'f;-''. . The ceremony was solemnized after r.: e. . .i.. r. m (president of the institution,) in hip 1, est and mo impressive ramncr. ,Tl.i; ternreiatmn of the snoken words. t r : r - t T ' by sentence, to the mute married tir, the mute portion of. the audience, wv.a formed by 5Ir. Peel, in his pecu!ia.l gnt and forcible mode of exluhiln ;' sign of language ; nor could it foi s ment be doubted that those roost in!' r in the exercises of Jhe occasion fully r prehended the sense of the interpret, when, in answer to several question ; them, their nods of atTirmatiurr wtru i ( ed, with an exrfessionof most dero st ; ing, and emphatic determinaticn, cirtt the officiating clergyman, each in t:r.i -ingtosay. "yea, surely, and I mean n t The solemnities ol the occasion terminated by prayers and the be-: linn U rtr Milnrar and lr Pprl hi .wf v J . a . ... ..... y .-- and in signs Then followed the ur: ! utations, refreshments, &c., and nt II bride, after an affectionate leave of 1. . low pupils, her instructors and fri ; the institution, departed with her 1 - and friends, to her home .West of t!.: saic. .- : iMii DOMESTIC LIFE. I- ! ! 1 i t i It is tbe happiest and most virtuous : state; of society , in which ihe husband and wife set dot early together, make their property together, and vith perfect sympat ly, of soul graduate all their expenses, plans, ca eolations, aod desires, with reference to their present meansy and to iheir fature and eommon ijiteresti l i - jl l 1 But it has oecouie at prevailing seotiment, that a man most aciii.bi8;foritae ibefore'?.-. e marries j that the wife most have no aympalny oor share with him n th pursuit of it,in whicb most of the pleasure, truly consists ; and that young married people most set out wno a and expensive establishment; asf is 1 beeomiog those who have bee wedded for twenty years. Ibis is very unhappy; It fills the commuoi- ty with bachelors, wbd are waiting to make their fortunes, endangering virtoe, and promo ting vice ; it mistakes tbe true economy and de sign of the domes ic iostitatiun ; and it pro- ward into t spectators it little island lief, but still AH again felt a rroraentary jre- the great labour and hazard A cool head dffect it, Rob Taking his slme eaicful ..,.. -w-. j- - J- ! 1 . of thf enterprise remaiaed. to be overcome. land a strong arm could only nson proved equal to the task, companion on board, in the and deliberate manner, though aS infinitely greater hazard and labour, they effected a safis landing oh Goat Island, j There the spectators assembled to give them a cordinl greeting. A scene of great ensued the boat was drawn land it iwas moved and carried excitement tip the bank, hJy acclamation that! a collection be taken ' .1.. -7 i m 1 .: .-.! tin nn t iiffot for Chaoin and his noble !t f-T". i r - Hearted deliverer Robinron. It was a gen cs - . . a r ' i I . a.!.. ahd lhanKiuiiy receiveu , uui to Robinson that he has res- i - . i cued a feilo4eing under such circutp- fi-nces will he to his senerous neart a mucn richer rone. After the Collection Robinson and X,oaj- kioa-a in the boat, and were- carrip.I in triumoth on the shoulders oi -i- --t r '-- ... their neifhbors to the village, The intense interest ot tne whole scene Jin evenlfulweelc. ThcCo.urr.1v Journal thus chronicles a few bn.f : in the life of a citizen : He was. r on Tuesday evening : on Wedncs j v. ning hs 6ricfe presented him with on Thursday, be got drunk, and vn I he was committed to the cotnriK i j Lo w nd es cou n t y f or h is br id e's d 1 1 ' , . Saturday his child died ; on Sundav i buried; on Monday an infant of to parentage hitherto unknown, wes ch ed as his wife's maternity ; cn Tn -was bailed out of jil ;and on Vi 1 wound up the week by turning his v.; of doors, bog and bagtPt, -i;-nurse, nd throwing the dc lot's i a . after bim wben that vorthy exj o.-'.; or t. Jeffersonian Democracy.- poiiiimentto office, tbe only inquiry , be, is he hone-t? is he cspaMf 1 faithful to the Consiitutn !'' 'jr Answer to the New Hampshire strance. - - . - Locojcco Democracy,--"! .'know capable, I know h i fifHfi.l an r but ihe parly to which I heloiis his removal therefore I voJe for n derman Tatmadge's remarks c n I. tal of Mr. mUinmsonas Cwptrc the city of New York. I! r.g of Ganlain Marryat, spea in New York, says : "1 do dett u r oames vamped up Why do not lac leans take tne iouiaurii--o - ,,.,!-.,- "ahnut It . I DDI D6 B- BHUWWiww - . ' robbed the Indues of every t ' ( I I 'f If IP II ::-f..N- - !!( !',n;..- Si: if urn j ) -Jil i " ? 5 .i- - 1 f'-l-: