V r HJA,,V.h nT ! howets. iacrid eructations, yiallLi oaamodic Dains. giddiness, dimness PENDLETON EDITORS AND PROPRIETORS. 'I i - A'fcvtismOT nwaatj ui aicuaoux ana Lit lit Vis s j ' KO. 7 VOLUME VIII WHOLE ' JVO, 371. t HiVtttent.,o ?Pft afiy.objeC wf, 7"" &4r or courage. Also rangoidoess flSMllnt bf- lh eetvoua tystem.- ymMinibU an infinite diversity. Ihe yjilfria&stf men are as ppen to this afflic- ahriweakwu; ; t . ; ;'. ; : J: J-.;4-!i-U .CAUSES. " 1 - . " lllelentfrT life of any kind, especially se r X l&tf irkni'Mi - in a late hour in Ibe nierht. ora Hiuur uivupr---- - e , I i l . LlLii '... ! tstri r in . Ailini d drinking, thii immoderate use oi mercury. I j il...i'io' itia tnnnrMmn rf snfne ha iO el PV'H ' 0..," . T POETRY! hand of violence had broken; I looked earn- I made its way first through the outer plank ; t estly at the spot where it grew soul rcceiveu luiiruciiuu ii.uu, sand' ray I of Scotch larch, fthree inches and a half tn I said I thickness, then traversins an open! space of Let her who is full of beauty and : admira- ten or twelve inches, it had encountered an tioni sitting like a queenof flowers in ma- other plank of oak. and about four inches in jesjy among the daughters of iwqjman, let thickness, which Iwasialsb pierced, the point ,je "I -her watch lest vanity enter her:! heart,! be- of the sword coming I clean through to the 'i ino( From the Jew York Weekly TThigti MEHEMET ALI. 1 iThis Egyptain potentate seems to be on t(.e high road to imperial dominion ; fand arrested iu his career by some of the Frtm the Louisville Journal All hail, once more, to oar friend '? Rig EL." We know not his name, but he is evidently unoracticed minstrel. We predict that when his name shall become known, it will be foactfl to be tfao hameiof one. who has written! his high uboatbe rolls of his country's li Will hB favoK os with his name in i confideoe? l,r,l Th , f We wish itfui reasons that we will exPlai to f'T th.ffir' r, t. Tii i s HI he buried in the dust, ui UIUI. ychli'gerCas, the obstiaction of ihe aen I i 1 tLtr .-t;nnnl .tnnlinn ro1Tlltt(in D Jlrj. Sigourney, XS X S O 2 Z4 A X? E 7p3 . oiA' -"T" - ; .- . , 1 bllliv WJne or more important organs within hfliabdomeb, is a fre-quent cause. rjeiti.1fipai otjecTs of treatment are, to fe iiiotfooitotrensrihn the body, and ynWiirt iHe spirits; which may '.be .. promoted ; . T H V.exerciaej early houris, regular meals, and baiant.icortversatiftn. : 1 he bowels (il costive i ye?, most die ! 0citmT jegolated by the occasional use airtiiJd aperient. We know nothing better iltkfp it)btsiin this end, than Dr. William flnitAjjferleo't .lls being mild and certain their Xoppralwo. . ine ooweis , oeing once anwdiys inestimable Camomile Pills.fwhich e iooiplhyne, and anti-epamodic; are an nyiiinedv. and i Jwithout dispute have : -i -.. i. :s4 'I ) ' 1 I. .'" i .1. . LltU 3fred a Jf eat Diessing o ine inumeruus puonc. Sotiie nfit'ian' hae recommended a free cot tttVraory. but it should not be resorted to ; ntyijcaaes it witl greatly aggravate the tpiJ and Astonishing Fads. 4i$vr ll M A , TJ 1 H K E YEA US' STAND ii :Ilobf rt Monroe. Schuylkill, afflicted th ibbove distressing malady.... Symptoms: Greak labour, flitulency, disturbed rest, oer- if hmSadbje, diiUcuity ot Dreaintng, ugniness J 8trc(ur across ine oreass, aizzmesss, uer litebity ah testlessness could not lie ahMzifiMt posttton .without ine sensation oi sailing her to rest! proudly upon ! slippery other side. Wht renders ! this feat more 5f 4 powers, ho my yet wear the diadem places, ami oe not niga minueQ out iear. surprising is mat tne rriscuia is a new ves o UOnstantine uHts success against! the sel, this havinaelen her first royase; Capt. clH,laj1? a,mos, every movement,; his i H' name iteratare. T Taylor, her commander, states tbaf wheh near the Azores, as he was j walking the quar ter desk at night! a shock was frit iwhicb brought all bands from below under the DYING STUDENT! I know the hectic blush Upon my cheek telU of my life's decay. As truly as he lingering twilight's flush Upon the sky tells of the death of day. The shadows of long night reel through my brain And visions of thespiriMand are there :- The 6luggish blood is curdling in each vein,! And bids) ine for the life to come prepare. I -''I- i-l -3 ' ' ' I : ' i: .i My languid pulse proclaims that life's dull title Is ebbing fast towards that shoreless sea' j On which my spirit, baik like, soon'shall ride. In hope arid strange expectancy iiiost free.l Why do I shudder at the thrilling doom ? I Why is my mind at times so tempest-tost endid despotism, and his studied flattery tne passions and national reelings of the ;yptianst have invested him with a power over ineir minus tnai acts as a charm m the til' r m m.; . . . a.L. rii nn.''m..kf.!'i.-.l.tuk,ijmiirAMinn th9t thU h.n hoH .ioh nnnn 1 "Uut oi Dauie 1 hey iook upon him a the liiJJABi.--J! . UJIJJUIW ilC; 41C fill Cllglll I .f ww. .uw u-if ......if i j i i- .r nfifm arm. and unceasing is tht linin I a rock. -A' ! 1; i I I 11 ' "l Mi uuiiuria aucceases rr ihhiiianVi . itifa I This was no dfluht the time when the " V "" lia nJlll k--..J ..rr tnntr'ni. A rrrpat niirriKpr olf tefctlOn of the PrOpheU The total tiefoat tiful illustrious Gieece ! the 14ndfpfl science whales bad been, seen playing about the "11" " . T7V.o VT- 1 u andlcf song-Where now are ty templea vessel the day before, and jit ,s probable tha, "IV' rZlJ of learning and oe to be looked for with a good deal of iu- terest. "6 , l 1 . . y .1 r I . . . i : 1 ; . I, . 1 I nifnnittntia fnr Hip lnrliin At IT.rwrM . n.l Philosophy MOace they, the sword-fish, which is dead y enfmy tp " . fr! "1 weie filled with theS crest men oil tile earth ' the whale, had mistaken the jPriscilla for "V"?Tr!V . , " ?mrnm and rje thunders of a Demustheheresoun- one of the objectSto which it was in chase; ded tn the toyal galleries. But ah! where in older words, itjhad thought her very 1. ' "k m. r 1 I I.I. L1 i rL. Ui KJ are inev' nowr i ne wave ;oi hi ime nas a wnaic. - uh iuo, pssgo uWo 1. 1 . . ' I- hi I 1 JJ : ' I 'I, .;.:-..i"UJ.ll sweiu tuera irom tne iace 01 tne eartn. 1 wessci wu uuscitwi w-m Rome! thy princely domes, tool! are gone 00 which account after discharging her carl AiOCKf theirjthrones. And bo is Troy no mor.e ; her palace halls are silent, and the towers of II- lum sre mouldering into dust f Jhe power I Si ace the Sultan's death, intelligence has been received that the Iman of Sana, the sovereign of the finest and the most flour ishinc Dart of Southern of the icoaat Ara 1 j . . bia, after having for six years successfully ful Hector, the brave antagonist of ilchiHes, is no1 more. The mighty engines of battle, t ' i .. 1. . i . . 1 . s I li .id Clin Hon I ir Ihrnmn him.ali min 1 1. ia vuuu t.iy . w 11 iusowii If J oIUB of! his powerful foe. in whose favor he has. bad happened. The plank had been split as well as pierced, so that, though the swore the thunder of the warnoi't? ion, the remained in the aperture it had made, it was not sufficient entirely to keep out the water. Why should; the; spiiit fear the grave's ieep I magnificent temples of Carthagel together Or dread ihe wonders of the heavenly hos Liverpool Courier. Ijieridiftg feutII)cation, palpitation pt tne Dears, jfrBMp0gh icosi i y eness, 'pain of the atom iWJorolsMlssv steat deblllt and deficiency of je: netvou energy. M r II. Monroe gave rejruiit of recovery an4 dire despair sat .h . J -A llioqiiiance of eveypf rson4nterested io air girt, m; jiiUMeloVi happtaess, till by accident he .My htart tacdrt M public paper some cures enected by w; t WlllANSyVlEDlClNE in his com- h - -ould Oh, it is hard that one so young as I Should sai to earth and all its scenes, adwja ! For the las jl lime should look open il)efky, - And wati'fi the stars fade slowly out of view. These eVed rip more at daylight's closing hou ; Shall see fhe mom ris? brightly from the sea. rot shall my: steps again press to the; bower Where I vowed luve and deathless; constancy! i t - - I 1 "-IE isteo :..i I? -iW lh3i.t.U'liLA-.A Uim I., nm.liaea Q nanlr. I t)Ut Oil .I vi ri 1 " wnifMt inn iii-rii iih m.m uuiLiiiaau u ilu mm I- r 1 Ir'l fv-Hn-v j't-"iiJ , -ilIj 1 -..i.ll And. Yet, till offered' tu renounce his own sovereignty, on Ji i.: ' r 1 : : " ! ' cuiiuiiiun 01 rereiving a pension anu retain- inb; ecclesiastical dignity.1' The Viceroy o Egypt has consented to the terrasand sen hiss officers to receive possession of the SINGUL A1V- EFFli GTisf OF1 'lihuN kCN-l conuy, which' isjereafter to -be treated as a part 01 tne territory oiienemet ah.- jAs our readers would doubtless be inte rested in an account of, ibis extraordinary with the millions of the invaders and the in vaded, have all found one common mau soleum in the boundless oceaa of I'time. The halls where once the gay,' tl ejbappy and tbe beautiful were assembled ol listen to the 'voluptuous swell' of rouiic ajid the banquet song, andj to sport in ft! e ibridle dance, are gone down the tide oft t ever re turning years; and moss and wi d grass covertne spot, wune at ma mioih;hoiir tHe Ml down opposite 10 mm the! same , um3 u iUC ..rrjB ,,Uuc. , lab,e ( appeared as jt hs vision was. in was now alarmed. It called cn O f ain for aid, but was refused. T -.r I were ready to assist, but the Ttal.j . the result of such an alliance. A C: engagement took place in Asia Mi: tween the forces of the Sultsn and tl Ibrahim, in which thelatter were ; Kussian aid was then accepted, ar.d : mense Russian force was brou"ht i: Turkish dominions After van : sores of diplomacy, the Sult3n vu! ' sent to a treatv which vste I i whole of Syria. The issue of t!; ? of Russia , resulted in the for m 3 1 1 c :-, treaty'of mutual piotection betw rcn 1 , sod Turkey, which was concluded c 8th July, 1923. This treatywhich i ed the treaty of Uskair Skelcs i, : Turkeyln a dependent situation upon ! In August, 1323, Mehemet All ar.;, ed bis determination to declare hirf ; pendent of the Sultan. England, Fr Austria and Russia, all opposed thi? 1! tion; but this only irritated him, and I r him to express a declaration of m Ci.: ination to make his power hercditarj. As if in defiance of all danger, r. the midst of threatening difBrultie?, ' : et All left his subordinate officers to t -diplomacy and set off on an explorir pedition to the regions of the uppt r The account of this singular ez has recently been given in the puii'ir j That he should undertake such a j at the age of seventy years, through n t climate and among a warlike people, i markable'. He returned from the c :., lion in February last. , His foitunato since that period is riven ialhe rcccr.i telligehce from the Eist. AMERICAN INGENUITY IN ING THE LAW. EV 1 NESS. CapU Marryatt gives i the following ac count of a scene wpich was enacted by him self and a man who appealed to have been a good deal ' worse for; liqiior, at the ta- hie or a public nouse in upper luanaaa : V . . I' !. ' l my lovej my hps is asny. paity 1 ike a sick bird, thought is fluttering low - ! m ill ; the cloud shall o'ermy hearl prevailj 1 Veioii'lfei Plhs7: whicht I teseJtfti ' In compleiely i-mliviii eSrerv avmntom of his diseases. He lislesllWv liis rhoiive for this, declaration is, hatl thiisa fflicted wi t h. th e same or any symp i!03Cwm1ia:r io; those from which he is happily f3t(iredjBi&y UWwise1 receiYo the inestimable tewfitir-;:-- - . -MpSEOFpDOLORE rlitV-S elE.v Jolinsou, wife j of Capt. Joseph foyloilfliy b i Mass, i was 'se veiely afflicted 1 . 1L1 'wi.'rnn-r-ni-.i-w -ui 5 1 e o oopp sunns iiui ill . .-W . .. 'f I n ha frivtiliico I snH War I a nrf a il humW h,na . 3 . ! ' r i- I a : 3 Tr.r Z s breaking while a clings to injeeji - wj".-- pv"(-uu9 ftfrH verted oy tne quanuiy ot liquorwnicn ne0fihe Viceroy of-ISirypt. l:i l: .kn M.t.n ; 1 tanpfi ifliif.i 1 nn nriRflin ann fliuncm nnich i . i i . - t ! . . i sj . UlIBi iBIIinill, mov III V gnrci;.UJUiiuii-i make this world a paradise for me. faded awiv. The wreath and diadem which adorned the warrior's brow have been hurl ed mo oblivion., The giganticpf bulwarks maht who is at this moment attracting the gaze of all the-crowned heads in Europe,! lor nis oaring ami successiui enterprises weinave aoriugeuirom a loreign magazine, and the excellent 1 work of Stephens on Erypt and Arabia the following particulars bad takfn; and every tmrg close to him on jMehemet Ah, the Viceroy of Egypt, was v To thee its current ceaseless still shill flovr. - I .'.CI ; ;! ' -A ' ; 1 I nnn kava'f iklpnnr1pI in thp liatS of fame. I And decked my brow to wear the laurels shsjde J bligm of genius, Ihe ponderous tones of and the increasme labor ot years, are the s port of the hand of time it N is too 'gorgeous, no blandishments resplendan, no empire is loom earning. alike . - '! ii a -a And now, w hen men begin to lisp my name, The ni?lt;comes on and glories from me fade. In vain;imoajjj vain, at midnight's solemn hour thestWich and unable to leave her room. pieicoifid find ho relief'- from the advice of sev- I've bidden spirits from the mighty deep, l.i '-.4 I 114 Will leVeri sweep lSIlI i hat now ft edifice are too for the tread ng power of thy arm. A fi. . ' I .11 . the earth w.H be nomore Thtjjclj; the j genlemsn l ask you to give me sorne of Wide pW mind '8 realms, soar with an eagle's 1 . i . ' - '- :. . t. : . i: l.: j I f MitTjJ" - ji r t M Ob, for one -day npon the moon tain's crest, ntil dfiD.'cho hart frimmsncoil iKinn lr r.Hns' v ' , n,' " . ... l , . li.i Jil.f ! I AA f k . 1 1, . m ol roil nrl fn.m (hot I"-" J"t ia4lfanlt.0men .aod' feels.', satisfied il Wefeili the; medicine a fitw daysl longer;' I ili-I p?Cf 0" lr-." ' .'Ee?ejrehoe -fan be had V ta ihfeilrith of the above, by calling at Mrs ans;fliioBhier's Store, SS prand street, W-1 iJ- . 4 '-'.j- , 4 J-' ' i ., J - - iM ! m il poir, ine gay ana oeautuui, win have lound a testing place beneath the c!od:i pf the val ley. Nor would Itpp the flighiof Hji'ime--- io. hapten and bear me to that golden Shore, Where eyes shall cease weaping, and tbeitable he considered to be out of his reach born in 1769, at Gavala, near Phihppi His wniist every tiling at a aistance: :ue attempt, j father was an interior othcer of the I urkisn edio lay hold of Ille pat fip as erect; as he police, aod died poor, leaving Mehemet at could, balancing himselt so as not to appear! ihp age of four, without a piastre in the corned, and fixing his ees upon me, said.l wAt Id. He was taken home bv an uncle. . i - . ..i i ; ,. b was an aga, and educated to horseman ship and the use of arms. Alt other branch- es were negiccieo. uis uncie oeing mur deed for his wealth, the oung man was again JeA. destitute He then passed some " Sir, I'll trouble ton for, some fried bam., "Now, the ham was in the next dish to hirn, and altg4lir lout of my-teach; I told him so. Sir" said he again, as a The very first object of the Atr.rr. after a law has been passed, is to fi bow they can evade it. This exer. their ingenuity ; and it is very amusir observe how eleverly they -snmetimp's r age it. At Baltimore, in conseqs ei ; the prevalence of hydrophobia, the c authnrties passed a law, that all dogs !. be muzzled, or rather the terras worp, t all dogs should wear a muzzle,,, or ; owner of a Jog not wearing a : -should be brought up and fined ; atid regulation further staled, any body cor,; fd of having ' removed the ini;zz!e f: off, a dog should be "severely fined." map, therefore, tied a muzzle to Ins d tail,1 (the act not stating where the r.it : was to be placed.) One of the city olT. perceiving this dog with his muzzle zi wrong end, took possession of the C and brought it to the town hall. I:s : ter, being well known, was summoned : appeared. He proved that he cohjj ' with the act in having fixed a muzz! ; the dog, and farther,-the city officer hav i taken the muzzle off the dogs tail, he ; sisted that he should be fine! five do!! for so doing Captain Marry alV s JJl m America, years, in ihe shopj of a tobacco merchant, and here gained same knowledge of trade, foir onus niffht beneaib the jeweled sky, Oh, for one b)ur where I have been most blesj, Wijh mf lieart's love Sf her wild minstrelsy ! Vain is each: wish thebe shattered nerves, ipis clayil ; ... i break no more.' M. A..TOWNSEND. - ; . ! I! i ' Si GETTING MARRIED! aitaSjitfte ltnnfi F-i K en nv. No 115 Lwis rfJ)eq!Stahtori atid llupston. sis., afflic- a loritjco-years-wun tne lonowmg aistressing i ..." i . . : i . i ! i r flkCiu eruciaiioo, paiiy spasmoaic bead, loss of appetite, palpitation of giddiness arid dimness of eight,could t:lijejih tight side, disturbed rest, otter in Shrink from tbe thought on which I wishto dwell .- :: . : '11- -; Night gathers o'er rny mind, and I can say Hat orm wurd more, and that one word, tare Thus spake the student, as life's fitful gleam?, Like an exf)!"12? ,4Per. death's night Still cnrn jto the hopes and cherished dreatns Which on his heart had shed a blissful light. j ' J m m An Iff A:V a f- it surprises me, to see this thing is' done up, by some our goodly land. v hat enoulu require the deliberation of years is often affected in a few months or weeks. Some - persons, it seem? to me, were born to be, married, so naturally do they rush into t 111 They seem to think no more of winnmg! the e - - hearts that fried ham." Amused with the curious demand I rose frorrl my chair,1 went found to him and helped bim. ! Shall I give you 4 which was afterwards of great advantage a potato," me potatoes being at my end of j loij hun I In this artmtion he acquired a the table, and I not wislnng tp rise again. 1 small capital, nd iopened a shop for bim- at. JE tT- VF IfirJl'Vi. iu; otij iiuir" iuat uciuauucu I i i . ' ji;: v i ,i ne Dassea ii.av.iuu uiaiiy a wamj cjp, ,s 1 EHEIT Tisiooary-iaea oi . d sorrow for him. ept ' 1' -e,SeaSeJ aiwh,m9,cal - And many Uf ed, 'till met within thi sky, 1 S P?rS"nS. d P'aCe8' Fr001,dleS8 HiWiL eUrined should io their souls be i j feheiWijs.of; personal danger and poverty, V T" f I i rvi id I vi.'- disqirtetbde onr every slight occasion, she incevshe cooid neiUierdie niorhvejshe wept, tMealMl ' tfloWht she led a Mi aMYi4:iiey' oirver wasone so bad, with jAlrIri3bad the ad vice of several eminent Hysiijirt,4dhad recourse to numerous medi pt9,(flt)M nol obtain even temporary alleviat ?rt IIHssing state, till her husband per-, radef fei niake tfialof my mode oft reatment. 91 w iuiie leireved', -and nntls herself t onMcSWdkrof attipndinar ta hpr dnmpciir (. I'pW'ihat she enjoys as good health at at 'any period of her existence: piljbusbaod i of the aforesaid Anne ore me, this l4ih day of December, heart 01 a lovely woman, and perpetrating marriage than they would of ; perform iig a journey or taking a"shower batht' It o - ' on THE FAIREST LAND Lenny. r Piitckney, Com. of Deeds. .9r.T. .4.4419'. . . .. . . .i r . r. c ft .... n 111 II -..-ii ill.. . .4 I 4 " - r fi " t i itil. ail 10' i ' !1 ItkBlXTrV nj.p. n a d v n v. a r.frrcvt f- til-mr mh an Affection of the ' .1 if r -'. - - illlT llfJIilllfllL II aVflU'llll in. .street, .New- 13 Centre st. .- IVIUt i VFirS Willi Bll hii''IitS, which wr alwnvo tsV mntiion, the lontrue steady whiteness : loss of anneme. Jinesi Irj his head, the bowels conitnonli i . y1,,)pt)hp1brite-hghi coloured,) and ofteo Wi wkiZi ia'natieodcd by relief. The a- f H srhirria were a 1$ attended with consid- !iMLdlmdat(y':dfbreathiD9.'with'- a sen&e ofi fhtnsVftitbe chest, like wise ajgreat want 1 it with deliljt. ; 1 pa egylh thje nervons system, ' hold it wasf gone its Tell roe, premie trav'ller, thoo WKo has wondered far and wide, Seen jibe sweeiest roses blow, j j And (the brightest rivers glide,! $ Sav. of all ihine eyes haih seen ! Which the fairest land has been t I j '1 ' ' ' " Lady, shall f tell thee where, Nat ufe! seems most blest and fair, Far above all climes beside ? Tis where those we love abide, And that little spot is best . Which) Ih'e loved one's foot hath pressed Thought ii be a fairy space, Wide, aod! spreading U the place : . Thongb 'tweie but a barren moonid, Ttx7fi.ilU hpcf.me enchanted f round . With; ihee, yon feandy waste would 6eem J The miinf AI Cawihar's stream: j And thu icoikld'st make a dungeon's: g'0010 A bower where new born roses bloom." L T- ook into a paper of a mornintr arid you be hold the - marriage of your old icjiobl rnate and playfellow, and you imme(liey won der thtjt your )ld friend should ;hi execu ted what you have just began 1 10616 ink 'of. Why, 'you sayhe U no oliler jthati fnyiself, and if !l were to get married j jnov every one would believe me insane, ahicl with good reason. That a man can deirerately j jjr Brewster." commit matrimony at sucn a ijenuri age as my friend's (and he'is but twleritlsix,!one year younger than ojyself,) arjgte reck lessness which it is frightful to cjon tem plate, j Only consider ti e nWttiiofl'the act, hojw momentous how fraughwlth stu pendous consequences, either ftfr ood or for evij 1 To choos a walking stii k loes not require much time or deliberatip i ; and yet mfthii.ks, some voting merii l)estow much less thought in the select lOqf their " Leah help mjself to j sejf Me walruccessful and became weal dash at them.jbui did I thyL When Napoleon invaded Egypt, Me hemet ' joined the bgyptian forces against blip Ho! distinguished himself by his bra veiy and ri the subsequent.-difficulties be tween the Sultan and the Mamelukes, he recjeived from the vceroy of Egypt, Me helnet uaruff. the rank of Geneial. As sutlcess, however, always creates envy among rivalsthe ear of Kustutif was poisoned by calfimnies and Mehemet was dismissed from the service. .(His bold spirit could not Lrctok the indignity. He forthwith joine-d ihelMameliikei:; asainst whom he had been man I ask you as a gentleman lorl(iem 'ere ffighting, and at length compelled the Pa pickles." It was impossible to resist this jshajw, Mehemet KusnifT, to fly to Damietla, appeal, so I rose anB helped him.j . I was whkre he took him prisoner. A hew Pa- now convinced that his vision was somehow UhaNv was annointed bv the Sultan, but was he rn?i nutinLdeath hv the inlrifues and treach- r f- r o - rio, sirV said he, them." He made a not reach them ; then made anotheri and another, till be lost his; balance, and lay ; ;Ji - j "t down upon his plate ; this time be gained hoWjjpeedily ! lne potatoes, belped.bimself and cornmenc 'ififf' q v iled eating After a aew -minutes he agin fixed bis eyes upon hie. Sir, I'll trouble you-fur the pickles. They were actually under his nose, and I pointed them Out lo nim. " I believe, sir, I asked you for the pickles," repeated hr, after a time. 44 Well, there they are," reblied I, wishing to see what he would do. ' Sir are you a gentle- or other inverted, and to prove it, when aaked me for the saltj which was within his reach, I removed it further : off. -: Thank ye. Sir," said he sprjawling over the talde after. The circurns:ance absurd as itjwas, was really a subject for the investigation of The subjoined list of f Vulgarisms" an old newspaper, published in 1759 : Vulgarisms, which by substituting the word the comparisons : As hot as an oven lervlof Mehemet All. After various strata gem?, Mehemet accomplished, his purpose1, land' in 1S03 the Sultan declared him Pashaw of fcgypt, appointed in- compliance with lht wispes of pe people.j He now announced liis f 'determination to restore E;ypt to its lanjc among the nations. lie attached ! t' . ' J. -.-! alii - - 1 jg if rom to pis interest ine urienin iriocs ini- jTOTeo ine tiiscipmic v-iiishuiuicijt auu may easily be 1 avoided VfiftT io the place of 1" f,s P- "c ! S 1 . S f 1 Of htm, and issued an order deposing him s Woman's Fbtcc llow consoling lo 1" mind oppressed by- heay -sorrow is i voice of an amiable woman! Like sr.; r music, it imparts to" the soul a leclin;: celestial serenity and as a gentle ze; i, refreshes the wearied senses with it : -and melifluous tones Riches may .v. much in the hour of f filirtion ; the fri.: ship of man may alleviate for a time t bitterness of woe ; but the angel voirn woman is capable of producing a l;i I effect on the heart, and communicati sensation of delicious composure v. l i the mind had never before expense even in th moments of its highest feli: . as eod as fcje,t, 1 Cut like a razor ; dull as a hpe.i ;j Sharp as a needle : dll a an oltj shoe. Long as a hay pole : short as pie frost. THE ROSE. . . j. f- ; . I saw a rose perfect iu beauty ; helpmates than would be requisite to pro cure the article iut enumerated--They are violently smitteni at first sigtifiWith a youncr lady, and they make up their minde, on the- pot to wejtl her, wiiliijffcfj ascer bv a. regular series of attention?, . may he her suitableness lot presiae. 1 over their bouse and. houcehold. ! Such taming; what Heavy as lead : light Swift as lightning : s Black as jet : white as snow ps blood. as i feat her J ow Is a! snail. it rested precipitation is dreadful, and yetjisjof dai ly occurrence, xoupg men say iney nave - M - 1 . . - a. a I. . mm. i I4 IbtO fibmntMma -nAm Anliroltf rTYIftTPfl tttiire effected by Dt VVm Evans.. ivlTBENJl'JARVIS. ?4rvi8 beinir dulvsworn. aotb d i nvica:gnti44' ..a . t - i- l nir bo upon its staii and its perfume filled he noUime o cotrl,;r-jthey;;mot'.tiphe.:!iyt airV ;5Ianstopped to gaze upon Jit, sjoi now', or never -theynust strike while the t9t it fratriince. and its owner hun'e oVfei iron inhiit. And they do strikfiaind. the 1 nassed itaeain ana oe- way iney met ourni is a cauuon.-r-xoficn US Stem was icautrsa i vjorjimg .rc. its toot bad withered .the enclosure which suriounaed it was broken; i ne jspouer POWER OF A uau oeen thjere ij h saw that many aomiru SWORD Fisll. Green as a leak : red Strong as mustard : w'eak as a rat. Thick as hops : waro aa foas). j. Uoomng as a fox : sily a a goose, j Swear like a piper: 6eriuua a a deaeoo. B'g as a house gay 4s a buttjerflyj j J xFal as a hog : siund S a hiacbJ j j j Merry as a cricket , mjad as a hornet.; Hungry as a dog . quick aa thought.: ' Wet as dung : dry asja h4sk. J Sweet as honey : sour! as vinegaf. j ' : Rich as a jw : pojr as a chorch, mouse. Stiiog as iron : 'atroogj as 4 horsej. j Strunar as Sampson : strung: aa hemp.5 traisht as a guo i crqukH as ram horb. " Siillaaa mwisBina ehiipsei no'Sf as Bedlam, Hiah as the moon : rdn hie a deer :; wild aa! a naindao ? tim a rarilt : firm SS the t SI I . . - that the facts stated in the a l" .. i if : , '-iuoscnoeo ovt Dim, arr in on Vn'HnEN-i J s. jauvi.sv lI25tbofNo, WiMMW10 Agents. v f I Fi ill ' . 9 w " "nm . u. -4 1. r ' - a.'. 3 a - a . S. i L m t - ' ' L. - - w . " r i 1 t. ' I i ITT L a I L.J Km m.Imm snam a I : martflM. I i . t . j . -Is. - iam . ! t. and he 3thew -it -wai!eir. to ! hi id : wmoir. yesteroay uau iuc piuic ui. ..- onsieaay as ine wina : 01 m a jfw n!niM it. antl U.Jrto. . ; K h, nd mLr! mi? a Diece of wood, cut out of qnef the as a pumpkin irue love tt henatched it aecVetfy friro! tore ploks of iyesel the; P0?. JL1 ihe liana mat enenshed IL He wore; jit .ffin rernamou, .ivw .h."fHiir . -noai t be forc-oiteo. which Which Was StUCK aOOUl eigruto iBcpsoi ::;"-rrA tt thek fm1t nT f ereadoo. round clear as k penny s swift as a rock ; tough aa sole leather, beautiful list of comparisons. : . a ' aav I aW a. W W. rrm Tllll-f I. Mia aW MUM 1 I H .41 a Lf U m U T, '1 i, ne worej 11 , i head anc iauea.i which jwoa ui. ..,rrr-T . , ,rt "v" l .1 ; .. . . i . I . :j : 1. rt . . l.i I w blie, 06 cas- and when he saw tnai ite glory wat .part-- inesworo-uw; As neat as w 'J a . V I'ai al l aaaaal ' 1 M. J"a Ail a t IK JllWfl W ed.'he flong it ruaeiy away. But it left a not to tie expiaioeu. thorn in hii bosom, and vainly !id hf eeek; mustliave been driven in afiords;jisjriktng VirM II for now it nierces the aooifier exemDlification of tbe power and IVNcity of U CA " i"" .! r ! -iff I , . ' 1 t . ' 1 1 -i I : ! even in his hour tf mirth. And ypf ii: I' I the fish, f The spot in which the vessel was .. .1 j 1.. iai Ki Kii...i I ..nl' ehnnt hall Kit between the com- t inn noiinan who nu iuisM.tSWii!-i bmv r--, . . :-. , iiKMW25tb'of Nuvember. 1S36.: 'his bosom jil it hang 1uT head andj jfadfed,; B4 " i aa. laa1-a S 1 . A ?ax. j 1 Comparisons likelbesi forego. Aod rather say,, us ykv.hcs or so. j TaCB Poiutcivess. la . 4 1 A Young girl hesitate opt to jtell her agejj catch an ' Old no," nappiog. 1 froriilofiicejas goverrioof Egypt. But Me hemet Ali resisted the order, aod the Sultan wast Compelled reluctantly to yield. Ihe next siep in his career was hi mas sacrjj of the Mamelukes. He invited their feast at Cairo, where they; were. isssinatetf, while thebody was cutffb a general massacre, j He then cent out his armjes under the command of bfs sons to purjueJ)is conquests1 10 Asia, in the region of the upper Nile. Mehemet himself was occtipied at home in the improvement of his diilitarylaffairs. He introduced French offioBrs ; built an arsenal at Cairo; estab lished a military hospital, provided gunpow dW,manufactoHes, &cf ; , I the breaking out of the Greek war, the forces oEgiwe put in nqtiuition, and Ibrabirria who figured so prominently in toatwar, is jtne aoopit'w sou oi .uoutuici, AH. J The military strength of Egypt now rlpjq y increased. Tbe Vicerov allowed Eufllpeaos to rank in bis army without ref ereu'ee to treed, ancTepended large sums of money ir military and naval preparations. I 183 1. be determined .to lake! posses fionfof Syria, which had been promised to him for his services in the Greek Wat ; and il October of that year J be placed his army, between 40,000 and 50,000 strong, ander the command of Ibrahim This array ad 'rancd into Syria, and in tbe course vf an el enifol eaivebir complete conquest of that province and opened ibe way to Constantinople, The Turkish Go? erotnent 1 Printing has got to so4ow and ebb, t! when an editor has made a latse, suHl to buy a new shirt he cannot forbear-to , his neighbors a hmtof it, by way of I mg a little. A Western editor, who, short time since, had made a raise of t: sort, and not inclined to vain boasting hi of it as follows.PAta Star. 44 Our neighbor of the , it apr " is muelr given to the practice of boa'i about matters of earthly poses?ion. 1 although the editor of this paper, no lo er ago than yesterday, made a raise cf bran new thirt, vet, it is a mattei of i t' indifferanee lo bim whether any body kn a it or not." 1 The word Texas.Mn the language of ihr dian, is said to signify " the happy hi.: around of departed piriis.' Ghoicespiriis 1 certainly departed in that direciicn, and them were bunted arly all the way men ' eboose that last alternative in the couplet. What shall we do when this world v: Break or die, or go to Texas?" Genuine Wit, The printer of sn E tern paper says, that f many of lb p-itrr : would make goodr wheel horses, they . fcocA; so well. gcdP A Loco Fceo orator in a Fourth cf J -' oratiun. contended ihat th Declaration o! I dependence is an 'immortal doearoeoi, but i; Sub-Treasary scheme is tinmonoicr; " i Tbe laws of Louisiana pltee tbehosbinJ wife upon equal grounds. : They gie to- ey tbconirolof their property and to the nriv iherighl of dower in tbe property uf the dcc One1 asked why B stood before C ? Bees said anoiber, a man must B'befcie be can C Yoa be darned" as the Yankee said, tv I he saw a grtat hole io his stocking. ; A very severe shock of earihqoake was fr!t Kingsion mi the , morning of Jul i9th, r 1 occasioned great alarm but. it was iioiknuv. t, ao v da toae bkd been caused by il. ' An Irihmo sold a bon, warranted " r. ; out fault. Tb buyer foond tiro stun- t! and complained accordingly. ' By me si I aid Pat, that's not bU fault, it's only his r: 'tone Sttre.:;- ; : ';--. " - v ,. ... a . ; - . -'. - A northern man with southern prificpf- the white bear said when hos7il:.v 1! 1 : 'gex. of the rostf eathered "again ita scattered mencement of tbe coppering and Reei- r A xourtg gin kaves orTbonod tp liis iiklk which ihe Punctraiing tbe copperf tbe aworf had J Imt pa doaH cat : ' ' - i 7 '""-. ' U 1 ' t ' ":-:'; .;; - :W;f ;:; r-iH-; II: !v v, ' f?A f . v -: 1 1 V. ' i ' f : . " -' - u 4 -Hi 3 te';J ! 1 'r!l- 4 ?. 4 4 . -ilrl't-l -4 .t'V K-r - -1 . . s

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