' hl ,? Y- - " . i . :-..-r.;: - . .. j , , Y; : fY;YYYYrr. Y.Y YY-:--I i - ir; Y Yl '.. M-:-i-r. -v.- . .... . ' I : M M . Ill T . "'w ..aW ,affT 3 r"-'- 'II I iaVT-l. ilk. k. ... mwmVmmm ' ! , . :l i f iji n I M, 1 ' I 1111 I ' aTTH 1 I it ' .atk 1 ff . . A . . A - - 3tar ipprehtndedjippon Ihe flight Intfi sSl5iJ, worst consequences lojaained. SMMleri fupc ihU.. disease KlHdchtJiially called hypochondria w b(JySS Ki, lie riohtor lelV.de of lhai fakefci cornea m name njputnw-- f rhgJUM&n knrWifP9!Bmntcro9 are flatolen- 'SstlleiteSs pJinodic pain'. gwom'. :0S7!k2i,riUbl.e.lhatoffhlfol,- LltlElfSunffsWnd: peculiar tram of ideas n5vilff lli Agination and orerhelrmi Lib at h m v I Iff I -" i - t ; -: i -fi . ; i Ti,. CDtTORS AND PCOPRICTOQS KD. 9-VOLUME VIII. WHOLE JVO. S7S. - E J OP lion as ;iha weakest. ;; : u . ... J iHalrt Ufe of anj: kind. espe !;JaDrotracted -to a fate hour in Th e V tc h m Air may h ereaf ter! be h a d for two DoHarsljMid FiftCeiitpeyear.- . , A folios nf 'vnnn nam oiKaprihara arlin Bill , the jMgip rttf mea are as open . lo this affliC- pay io advance the whole sum at one payment, ?! ?.t Jl--Lfc't:, ( ii - ! labail have Ihe paper for one fear a l wo uol xars eacbiiand aa Ion? as the same class shall jecially - 8e-J cooiinue ttios to pay in adtance -the sum i of ?i j wi Ami rxpiiui iu a 111c iiuiii ti ho ii'i" i wijaiB itio ouiuu m.w TiettIieV erf bywcial iotercoorse, or ex- otherwise they will be charged as ober sabscri- mmeMt, great excess - in ; eating befs. j -j. K - , v ouuscnoers wno ao noi, paj uunug iuo jcbi will be charged three Dollars in all bases. 1 iNo subscript ion will be receired (or less than one year bnt by payment in adtance. ; o paper will b? discontinued . but at the ftp tibo of the Editors, unless all arrearages are paid op. ff I :y , i - -;- 5C7 AI, letters to the Editors must be 71.0s paid; otherwise they will certainly not be at tended to. 1 J ' TERMS OF ADVERTISING. One Dollaf per square for the first insertion and Twenty-fife Cents per 6qoare jlor each in- .nJ Maiesr. M Jimqooderae ose of mercury. liitViil aairffeV fastbe. obstruciion of the men- j-A :a! fliln eufitin'uaf . eruptiob j relaxation bebility of ooe or more important organs within thj!bJplHuji:a quent caijse. i .. j lljliipalotuects of ireafroent are, to re; to6Tifa1jieifiO.;t!ii; strengthejn ..trie body "j iifejltKRBirits. which msf be promoted i-LliUifeil o&flv i'lieors:'"' reaolar meals, and MeailP WnfetioO The wels (if costive) l iiMMAAl fPffiiliiedbr the occasional -use af afcMHeA nothing better Lotion afterwards. -.T.n!stMl IO DDI. !a!ratiori;VThe bowel being once '-fealiiiifjnlsumable Cambmile Pills,(which liV!lnoUfrfel and anti-spasmodic; are an e Court Notices will be charged 25 per cent., higher than- the above rates : A deduction of S3i per ct; from the regular prices will be made to those that adrertise bf the year. ;, No advertisement will be . insetted for less than one VoUar. I Advertisements will be continued! until orders a re, received to stop them, where.no directions 2&i&tAvieteioZ-fo the numerous public. h ilHnh'vtManV'; bave recommended a free B5e tf ikercnrjl t should not be resorted to ; are previously given. e3ir&r Astonishing Facts. j Mj&Hftl A.lHRfc:K y fcARS' STAND jNGlr, Robert Monroe, Schuylkill, afflicted JitiWllHove ; distressing malady. Symptoms: :diil?i(Jj(burl fliiulencf , disturbed rest, ner- tained in ibis letter fail not to arouse them 1 TOfli4eh2 4itecu-Uy of breathing, tightness tb a sens of their danger, then,! indeed! is The tetter of Mr. Prentiss, of Mississippi contains roanv wholesome truths: the force of which the people of his State have felt as severely as roost others If the facts con andiltilre crpss the breasti dizzinesss, ner- there a cu Qj danger e present bur toosSirufability PnfPf'L1 readers vv.tH the followipa Bhort extract:- JT . JL1 .1 .ktal nAOIIinn WliniHIL till KKIIHailUU aii I - : I . . w in iijr i z.i 1 1 1 l ci 1 iucjiivii -jpww v " limpyndjnlsutotion, palpitalion of the heart, I disrBwoJ xsjugfr I cbstiveness) pain of thestomr ! WWiMiiiiriessJ ireat. debility I and deficiency of Madisomarl. " The developementa which have been made in relation lib the condoct of (he financial affairs of the government have astonished jand shocked the whole i nation. It is now a mailer of not on thftilootenaace; of every person interested in I niere surmise or partizan invective b.it of -so -:z 5 i . - - ' " -. t : j a. 1 1 ? . . 1 1 ! 1 accioem ne iemn eemonsirauon. Dasea noon aanuttea. ano - :s - 9 m i undeniable facts, investigation, vouched for land afiHiatdiines8Jrat debility) and deficiency th blrveas jenergyl'; Mr R. IMonroe gave up eWrv busbtolj recovery, and dire despair sat bisixtsteflcl or ha ppi nesa,- till by . . 19. :'.!! - :!' - ." : IT2 J m cui noticed m a puajie paper ora cures ouociru aj iDrjifl!JirA!:;MEOICINE-in his com ola nflhtch induced him to purchase a pack- )'..-. 1 . . ! 1 . I 1 agefiitlheFills ei?vefpry ttwisnes to sav n Itomssimtlarlio iresywliiilspa) ibeolfilfiiff published under the deliberate sanction of lithe popular branch of Congress, that the Treasury Department is rotfen to thec;e; l bat it is ;bot the pander la executive power, and exercises its high runtipfts not lor the good or sne country but of party I not honestly, for the general we! has from which he is happily I fare, but wickedlv and corronilv for the most bin kewise receive the inestimable 1 isier purposes. I Since Mr.. Van iWen ascended which resulted in completely symptom of his disease. He 3 motive for.this declaration is, harawwicted with the same or any syrop- .1 r SB df:vic doLoueux. 1 l f UTJLUAii T place, deseives not to be called a ineaL S inn sat down, and they, sang another hymn, It is as pernicious to health as it it repug-1 and the harden of which was.' nam 10 gou ; manners ana to ine cneer ing of the social! domestic Tirtoes ! It is especially incompatible with the trainings up of children in jhe habits of order, neat ness, and. taste.- I ' ' I ff j fi ' What an entirely different aspect is Jgif en to this scene, accordingly as the mother of the Familv haa order, neatness, and taatp. I l -L. ,T 1 . o, f. deficient i4 he ! Whfi ei.fr.lv I ,"!"!! " morc-dwcend ' I will ,i, ,r.Srl 3n poetzoal; ifi-.i-i 'Oar aoul is saved, and we are fr From,vice and all in in i-quity j .',- IJwhich was a: ? erj comfortable delusion, at i ai events. .; ( low gown. I hale a baby in z gwn.rf How glad I am she did ne t me,- One of these davs. vnu tsiil ' you have been rejected. Take t ?V- I for it' ah mat Coes not prevent my I t being a very melancholy oneP ii J ming, sadly. O, never mind the lot,' crifd V laughing, long as you dont get Lc -J If the cucumber i bitter throw it c the Philosopher Marcus Antonio r his meditations. Forget her, an. ; be as if you had not knon hcr.1 I shall never fo.gtt he,, re;!i ' ming rather solemnly. Not ray n my affections are wounded ; and h is too deep ever to heal I sha l i with me always. I enter no more ir orld, but will dwell only in th v. From the KnoxviOe Tmt$. LINES 1 . c .,-: I Suggested by a solitary ,i the beach lli. Soft is the beam And lulled by thy sweet 8pella,-0 night, The world sleeps tranqui O how I love, on such a n '- To tread alonei the shore Alone to hear the sea bird's? x Float the bright waters d ray own thoughts All great and occurrences, whether of joy or smn I fThey then rose agarn, put away the forms us above this earth; and e ,hoil. , m bere, and danced to another fashion, always to preserve this elevaUon. U Jrtnead .of Veit iLiwaa Grande Itonde. 1 have not done so. But no 1 , 4r M-ii mnnnLitrnt rmiL ninnvr i amereni iPRSpni nnns u imnan m mn run. i t i www . mw WW- rww mn m I " , w - r- w- m . n n n Ml . M M A 1 k 1 Mil a. . m at Vane Mali. H dren What enl re v different hahita doea ""I T - - s ; Hi r 1 . mi. . s. . l wmiubu urst ouu men louowmz. nro. I Wh f Von ik.t r.n. .u. ' -1 11 lenu 10 iorm ! its innuence is inaeea ai-iw.j uu .1 A . I ;.vr uuu 1 suouB : v 1 . ... . . 1 H I mvuon,u iisuuu. wiiM 'Buuii an re urn. in i i ih. . j j : imiL xiiii UTaiiiiai. Kill. .Tf 1 1 v. iii l Qmiinii ; . ... . . T - . il'" R ' " iT.wMM.M.w , wno IHnA rhinlart in Iha inl a. I ' -ir sr 1 . .1 41 ecream Alone to watch tbejorges breakl: buecessive on the strand -7 Alone to catch the raidnign Alooe aZo to stand. 1 i-:5ii brim hid f: O in that wonj-i-eione is A charm, whose fetters bind My soul with 'spells more poteqt far Than social bonds can find; 1 - . . ; mw How freely then the soul comrbones unmorea oy sianaer s strings 5 Unsullied by the damning lins The world's foul contact brings. '. - . . -.L HJ i! i! one short hoar alone -aijne- Calmed by the moon's soft ray 18 worm a life of endless years, Amidst the heartless gayi better go ir.t: lirium will ccr ling. nd p..wfoIL Gte,l wo.l h. with it. Wim roond .nTroad kh.kini ih.i, i. "- , jouuna t ufl, i place the influence on the right side. Plain ness 01 living, 10 ine con bodes of the humble and tnarry I rMrar ihl Ti . ind l'f jate laughed had 8ee but one remedy, which is to find veToMhHoJr 1 " ff Z& -tsoch a degradation of who pleases you more, and who ,il lull mi This dance to it." is by no means inepmpattble with its being lasted a long whilej until the music turned wisely, and efficaciously directed. l How tq croaking, and the perspiaation was shun often, under such pircurostances, with frery dant ; they sloppea all last; and then an- .caniy aim uiiusieniauons materials 10 De nhunred that thir tp npunced that their exercise' was finished. -I I lasting affection. I shall " No, my friend ; you do not uru' ray character," said Flemmwsr, .t head. J love this woman with a never c ti - A iL. ! 1 ., i ft. II"!'"""' e-iii uiiiVKii. iiiifh iiih j-1 rn irg vnnn vn wiaa - . . a s - . s i . ? . - r.J--1 uivd i B9ia(i a lillln whilA allpr lh mm hrnit I .'Pl.. ; t t r i . . i . a? w u .uwtM wwu w ! i iiiin uri . .. . i iiii ma nn m n n tc t k:; .:m; S ., Z;I.- had dispersed, to speak with one of the elJ but so it'is. : Alas and alas I Parac ."i- . ? .--"rrrr" - ders. "I will be with vou inaiane Knows now to cast ofer tne; whole t k iit:. - . - . f ' .1 kp"m "v, wsiaiiiw uasui ;1 1 f ' DOMESTIC EQUCAT01N you direct lyVre-i old wasted life in try ins to discover i y away j but he nejr rrTwhich after all turned out to be c Wr The. tod tor doing h.,. iilo a great rCT rf ,i .M.ij S"". ""! 7"' "F i extent fter,. Let ,b. i moth,! no, , -, b.,idned (oe k i W. Me b no rn or 7 ' as weu athe sung -At. least he thought so j flowers of life into love-potions, ft! : The following is Capt Marry ait's descrip- i . . t t t 113 tion of that singular sect, the Shakers ;j He for when his wife Michael lauded n hini made ner conduct a ground of divorce. 1 j Every community which works in com- noot and is provided for in the mass, must J. C. T. visited their settlement, situated! near Troy, become rich, especially when it has no chil !AT THE Gallauelt. TABLE. - - i I In no cart of the household; afTira are s i -. .. . . r; s j . . : tie gooo pruer, neatness, anu taste, oi trie female head of the family J more needed (Jiac in the arrrangement of jjtfief itable at Oieals They who feel above these small matters, or regard fan attentioii to them as savoring to much ol lastiiliotif refinement, of devotedness to the care iftiei bbly. overiooK, in ine opinion oi ineiwrtter, ineur, ecuiedly moral tendencies f he; Uiight add heir religious. God is & G 1 o order. the chair of ijState, it has extnbited a system of nAcnlation arid connivance onnrecedented in anv I Uiuv it nn iivprv . r --t r-"-TT t - ; j i a w - - olmsoii, wie of fLapt. Joseph l oovernment The rcorrespondewce between its lA ilR rirpst forms nf hi5ii fe!M?.sseveiely afilictpd chief anffets subordinates is ofifeqsiye to fthe iand furni3hes us with the HiS W side.; He iueli&lits. Irii.si IfoiiiBrs-wilKTiTie Dolereux, violent pain f moral serls4,nd insulting t the intelligence of tU,ik; anu, uiuiiin, wuii a uuiiiuiu urai i in) Deonie 1113 upen aim uuuiusumi i'iviji" tuy ions of it. ji ifeeitoaiach , i hd unable to leave room wmi d hkkhocked even the loose notions of Rl cn ever.eqtl ;i;uati 1 1 1 u 1 u ruw She e$ud hnd no relict from the advice ot sev-1 that moa ffnal ot ministers, Sir tloaert VVal I iprath!tiVftiriann: i'or frmn medicines of anv kind. I nnlp. vthosp nnlitical maxim was. F that' vvprv liand ootil aftersiie. had commenced using Dr Evans j man hasjhisown priced Corruption has been llba ueoictne oi HUU ;Vy namara sireei, anu iruiu mai traced, noi; rnreljr to the dour?, but moral world and which al. INaiure into the; ve AoHNiShfsTdSugbier's Store, i;-r it . tit. 1:11 "ill: 5. IP 3 So does t j ii.ti in i,o r n n wen lanced mind , the bai ty of benevolence ithe svmuteirv and grace of. a naracter do hot lhee show that f . ... . t; i ; . . nnr cmrita iiqc turmoil - ni . i f c i . . . . : , . . . I II A atii(,i tn Uill oiii r a iiii uiuu Vnaweans fi ow,. mat me ricn -onerinjr laid ny m..; . . . L . . . .k lirase VefC4' "mend, aodj feels satisfied, if ry recesses f the temple. By the foot prints !ike that of J- ihjBltirjufe thel medicine a4w days longer, upon th fl.ior we have discovereL asdidlihe l,ua i? ,t.- r i:tif -tisj LiL.iJ . ...j d' i- uu i. a nL-u-lj if..u L.ffL. i-i jttie father of .wiij fosr jHjriecvij; uujru. avcicicui-c van uc uau r vn bio trails w oso, inai toe ricn ouerinjj iaia oj as 'd1"Me' ftrbth of the above, by calling at Mrs I the peop e upon the shrine, have been cariied a 3S9 Grand street, way and coi,s imed. not bv the Gof. but bv the jeets ol taste, as a matter oi infra-lint tttiesla. - i il liexquisite etuovmient, but as ajsoiirce of im- j ry rj a m i t- - i. - r - i; . g 1 rsi; Anfle F. Kenny! No 115 Lwis Under ordinary circumstances, and in ordinary r nmvenient in all that is trueJ trfftjen sjarjton and. Houston sis., afflic-1 times, jhej deyelopemems to whijeh I hd spur ef lovely and pf good reput?$: T : H head5, loss of appetitfi palpitation f which has dervided the countrv. and snread dis- ,s no connexion oeiween ine snu ana oooy N. Y. I went out to see the Shakers at Niska yuna -So much h;as already been said about their tenets that J I shall not repeat, them, further than, to observe, that all their goods are in common, and that, although the, sex-; es mix logemer, iney proiess ine vows ot ; celibacy and chastity. 1 heir lands are in, excellent order, apd they are said to be ve-j ryncb. - - ..i .-;; .f r ' We were admitted into a lor g room on; the ground floor, where the shakers were df en to maintain, j It is like receiving a per sdn's labor in exchange for victuals and cjothmg only, and this is all f can perceive iat can be said in -favor of these people. -f Suffice it to say, ii have a very bad opfn'--1 joying, but in renouncing. But it ion oi inera; and were I disposed to dilate ver, hard. Hope has as many livra db the subject I should feel no inclination I or a kini?.r I dare sav you have I. t treat them with the lenity shown , to them J old Italian proverb, " The king t.r; all do not immortalize, but only it.t us. By heavoris ! we are all of us "But are you sure the case u hopeless V I : " Utterly ! utterly P And yet I perceive you l.avo r aside all hope. You still fl.ttrr y that the lady's heart may chan; great secret of happiness consists n works dis- , too own ivrrfeirt ihoftTrts bf wilh ie Intellec'lual tedfofc len years, With the following distressing I Would hafef prostrated any 'administration how- yift?rAci4 jf ructation daily spasmodic ever povlrertful. Unfortunately the deep distress It is a radical error to supiwise that there pains m: piopairtcular 'ione&, just. MIetfegidHlnessat.d dimness of sight,could may and run throngh all the avenues of busi- in these respects; and that ori er, neatness, iiui:iiuii nti ngni aioe, aisiucou icsi, uuer in i ness, nas misome aejfree witnurawn uie eyes -oil anu iaic, umi uc iruidicu m iiii i'cihih? ayjityiof engaging ! in any thing that demanded I the people jfrotn these great enormities, and di- i to the latter, without iniurv to . the former jVig.iror epUjrage,Jsoroe times a jVisionary idea of J reeled them with melancholy earnestness to their j in its most refined sentiments bnd holiest pnirion oRher disease, a whimsical aver-1 own private sufferings. Thus the rude bfow j ftn;Pa,nn The iloveiilvi thlplrfisordprlv ... - tj "IP'- . -,- V ! s. ' " j L-i ii ' I . J i ! i . . i - ? 1 . persons ana piaces. crounuress i wnicn ine rooDer oestows wim one hand, atvens i . ci.u . . r iu L'.. .'..a. L,. ppfehierrstuns of bersonal danger and poverty. I the attention for a moment from one theft he is I . J , .. , ., I,,:' an itfetirriess arid weariness of life, disconten- I committingiwiih the other tei,;4j!pjietude uh i every slight occasion, she I But corruption is by no means ihe only re- the concerns of the family, will: have very serious if not insuperable ultffihilties to Oil I with fv Mwwtied she could neitherdie. nor!ive;she wept, markablel characteristic of the bartr in power.:! encounter in so adorning the ;SOt ?tiv!ikiJn;j'.f; :"Oi'.:J J -i j l.il .in- I . .: sr i ?. " . l r' Mi : ..-l a J !.. .. i ' Mtufiiwiu, peswjiiufu. anu iiiousni sne iea s i uui or tneiverv ruin wn cn lis measures nave erv v"'imism time ami -mur iu rrnut" uju?v.ii5cinuic uif, iicbi nasuuo bo usu, Hiiu i orougni iupon ine cuuimj, owg n coinnvp iu bi-m n a in lemvie lor uio lu-uweiunj; oi uie vHs' lumai : fiaiiuciiiaiiyus. i I iraci poiilicm capital. nil unDiqsuuiw ruton- HulV SOirit. 4u wriiiif iiaui iuB uuvictf ui seTciai emineni ner? lis Dariizans asseri ina. 11 is not accoaiuaoio viaita, anu ilflU JTIUUI8C IU IIUUICIUUS UJfUl- I lOr IOC result Ol IIB UWII aCHUfl , IIISl llllf j Ul: ."Ivi .L - I J J- i i . IU II I . 4 ' i L A till here, examples of hej parents, and iatuleould r&t obtain ev?n temporary allevia- tresses df the country have been produced byf-the. P,,H7 IU uu,f"CB jtfif;bei; distressing stated till her husband per- operation of Whig principle, and all therespon he children, are paramo ft to. all oth- jbfto.n'a. irialof njy modeof treatmept. sioility iiesiaT ihe door of the opposition. 'jibe! er influences. Grace itself,; ,jje)i.jif ft' sue I She ts now quite lelieyed, and finds herself unfortunate! patient, who. from a stale of perfect! ceed at length at anv good uUtrrpe. has a ltilafwbhl of aiiending td her domestic iif I health has been reduced by the nostrums of thef fong and arduous! struggle iri lUferting the bat avows ihsat she enjoys as good health at quack to the point of death, is gravely told by? I niiic-rtr, t l. J : J l . I .. i ik I .c.. l; i- li ' -. tJ9jiyK htisbabd. of the aforesaid Anne I tion is oloelwtng to the nauseous dosks he hl'ta4 l'I ml, this 14 ken, but it for years. 1 1 is entirely attributable (o his formei h day; of December, I physician, whose prescripdon he has disearde ' M - en. r ' . i . j - e. 'IKCXNET, Vom'l Ueeds. Ian intelligent people. an KABLE CASE OF ACUTE BATHING IN THE DEAD SEA. Affection of the he treatment of Doctor vl"nP,Q0 Chatham street, New JjfiSS:? .tvis. 13 Centre st. f V'J :f..ui' '-O ilor fuur foam w th Wia lift iia ImHiII kl. 1 . . youthiwho has been Buffered 'lb grow up without haaits lot order, rfianliness and taste, to new. 'feelings and conduct in such matters. The only way to s secure these it- c - ; - - j i t Si i .. , : r A grosser insult was never offered to? I essential feature of a compltej and nt luinnl. f , ... . ! Ill 1 I ciilont phurjolcr i In ' tirrti rl rijiK'1 flrit sistent character formly, and the comes in for a f ei con s to 'begin right and uni domestic table at meals II share of Mhej exertions made. i! The correspondent of the New York Ameri4 1 riecessarrv to b can, gives; ne ioiiowing nonce or mimi lojmis j But -(me hlni more in o.arv. Chil. 8ianamg prooiem in ine natural nisiorv oi ine i , f r . . , a i ' H.a.i . Thi, apntln nf hnirtv dJ Nren, from their first introdt on to t!h termined to! test the reported buoyancy . of the. I ul,r "c pi.iMfru, wii f-nc BUa w Vri a lfjiiii3 i is ii ii i r lilt 1 1 1 ia mk..L i : t tr i , a e. .aM..aM..,;en.a a M a sky - jJ i?1.- "r ""'cu were aiways water by personal experience. iij t ' iucr, iicamcyp, .iu mbi. fsSa'S fheiteV,hat. where the er wafivj The manner of putting on he P;9f dpnljn billhead, ihebowels1 feet eep,J they were so buoyefp.ttathejj taking a seat, managing thearms and icMiveltbeiirine highf coloured, nd ruf- could npt toucb ; the bottom with ihe pomis hands, of using the knife, fortyi $tr of con pryrtf&lweaiing.ina Th . of their ;toe. .AdTai,cing io where the Wate ducting and1 finishing the me.f should all i "-"-3 -r- r. . r x - i receive ineir uue aiieiiiiuu afrcoruuiir in mc er STnanlnmi itoculiv of breathing with consid sense L0f 3 I ... . . . i ,! - . I f 1 1 I . I 1 --:' I .sen irpmnoer two., ana ney were iqron flf noviUe, and be pr0re hef are StlSSSS SrCa-lnl wa Tley S,tS '3 tP making, teing ctrelul ;not fo nW1? the nerf ous sys era. Ur -a ,1,.-, - in(T ; - . jffir' 1 overwhelm them with too many instruc- aoovesymptoms were entirely removed, xrZ'JriKJir tlTST"': .W.-.. nL: ,M'in: iiLi; - . u : - V wvavv w wivi w vi ja s i-iuv j i i - ----- - - " ' from one Where d the de- ire what it rhilHrpn ca i:en from the south and with! it V hUv ! to the formation of surh habits as have been swell, i They describe ik Mr.Mil. nrnilnMM4 1 described will be comnarativelv easv It by this! riding on the sa, without vessel or a I is true, indeed, that all this wglf not be ac plank ondpr them, asjjery singular. Oiie of I complished without patiei tla'nrl presever- them had never oeiore Tentored beyond his depth ing effort; and that hurried and " hasty in the water; while here he was enabled, withil -;ii ..r ii3jL.-fm out the least aense of danger, lo go aay distant T , l?,;Tu ruc VVfAT'Y from IaM.1j They became convifcid ordcr had been said respecting the great speeifiic gra- H1"1"""' iuu aievjjcn ejjuug, -t-i : V Iperiecl cure fHrlPft h Ilr VVm KvanS. I a ,. 5 ! rjp :k : -;,;. . npTCj t JARVIS j P nd endeavored to sink, which they furd by a gradual ihOogb sure advance Pf pTOsfJVete ork ts I 4 T impossiW veo with some effr to doso. he step of improvement to ! another. nJkmrwU k.LU ..... ''.k rTT XlV1 "?ler we t the arrangements of the table an timmM older persls i i th i i. t r. ( . -"i uwoi,i iucu u, uiui. sir hi in i iHriw bs e9T nn iin . : - : 1 j ' REN lis. JARVIS. rtKa25th ofovember, 1836. i i'lMH" OAULl Nntftr. PnMi,. Oft.' iUtfilrMf-ii-;:!.!:- . "i -" oas- 11 msoid ii the fniL. z.,. jmtvjr 7rnr re ptlitbury, i iry and buoyancy pf the water of the Dead be la entirely oorrcw to see as it were in how shoit a time posible the procesrs . of s wallowing i food on lake by other.travellers. But .perhaps you have never hear the court of Naples, where the li monarch lies in state, his dinner i up to htm 83 usual, and the court p! f.. t seated on. forms, the men oppoiite the wo-, thy being observed under circumstances above .. 1 oien. and apart from each other The meri alluded jio .1 madeaome inquiries, and having .J " were in their waistcoats and shirt isleevesl with one who had seceded from the frater- . 1 P widdling their thumbs, and looking awful i j y puritanical The women were attired iri i dresses of very Ifht striped cotton which hung about them fike full dressing gdwns and concf alcd ail shape aiul proportions; A plain mob rap on their heads, and a thick muslin handkerchief in many fohlsovertheif I should be very sorry to take away the char apter of any" community, but, as I was a little spepucal as to the possibility of the vow of chas- tars,e8 Q fc not - pots .; tltv hAinr nhsprvfifl unrlor rimnmalinfoa alvivn I M . r " servants bear it out a-nin. g d"es not dine to day nity, I discovered that my opinion of human in our souls is king ; and wo also rjature was correct, apd the conduct of the sha- King never dies." Even when in n bers not altogether so. I most nut enter into de- lies dead within us, in a kind ol ails, as they would be unfit for publication. mockery we offer him his accustom. I - ;c I - t . ""v; but are constrained tosay, The Km i THE LOVER'S CONSOLATION. not dine to day It must be an t vil . From Hunerion. a Romance, hii tht author of I deed, wnen ine IVing oi IXapieg has i I ( " ' n . " I ! . . . . . .1 . . If Outre-mer, shoulders, comnleted their attire. They I I S : 4 ft S . . i i - each held in theirfharids a pocket ban lkeri I he following passage relates a conver- 5 . i . 1 i ll a m m a - .m a a . chief as large aa a towel, and of almost I f&tion wmcji JrajjLtJemroingbad with an ec- .1.- .1 . tr . ' - I I JLa n I aft ! C1 nnliafi n M fl . 1 a I. M J mb -1 inn pa'ne suusiance. i du ine appearance j rcmni; uiignsmun, nci uc imu oueu of the women was 'melancholy and unttaturll fa the hand of Mary Ashburtoo and was al : l say unnatural, because if reduired to i mecieue i in nis cnamoer ne louno uerniey. iiei" o be accounted for. They bad all the advanl tages of exercise and: labor in the open airf good food, and good clothing!; they: were - 7 - I V . m -rt. ' . I -m - . not overworked, ifor they are not required f, saw t lemming ; rather abruptly . .1 . 1 ey siareu. .. 44 Indeed f what is the matter ? for his dinner I but you yoiir lf m that the King never dies. You are f your King, although you siy he h : 44 To show you that J do not w ish t. ish hope," replied Flernming, 44 lhy:M Uterlachen to-morrow morning. 1 ; ing to the Tyrol." You are right," said Berkley, is nothing so good for sorrow asi r;',' , tion in the open air. I shnll g wn' though probably your conversation he ery various; nothing but Ed; : Kunignnde." 44 What do yoti mean by that ?" 4 Go to Berlin, and you will T. Ladle, and this untoward accident ! ' Accident f" said Fieoimmg " no accident, but God's Providenrr , brought! qs together, to punish vzv . sins was looking out of the window whistling. 44 This evening J leave Intrrlacben forev- Berk o work more than they please ; and ye4 there was somethinglso pallid, so unearth! . - . , - "1 . . .'. i ! . I TT 1.. 1. . in ineir complexions, that it gave vou the as pae as a gnosi v idea that ibey had been taken up from thir And nave good reason to look pale," re- ii.4n..a linnr. Tlm t Una. . I hi I P fl Klf ttt ttl I fl ft Kl t f fr I If - MnfTman . f I.-.1.K . iff-Ji ' .L Innnmnf hi nrt rn..lr tlmt nn ihp Alfnth HOWCVer jesting pan, -1 Will OO n iiuo vii lltrai.ll, jliviv a -TCSIlHO VI i lUll'l III If" ...w ...... . - m. rhp,l: nr l, Ll .flrto.f..U liirt4 bf M drchrat half oast eiffht o'clock oiecise- cheer you and make you forga t tinge prevailed. And yet there was to he b he was an ass. j That is what I was this seen many fies very beautiful, so far ss re piorning at half past; ten o'clock precisely gardeutline, but they were the! features and am now, and I soppose always shall be." of the beautiful 5n death Thef men, oh I He tried to laugh, but could not. He the contrary, were ruddy, strong, Undf vig- fhen related to Berkley the whole story from orous Why, then, this difference between beginning to end. j j - m 4MC Kw-W,,e"' 1UWJ etM Hcriuiiiicuuii; . t .,.. f lif; .am tv. same duties, whre hone were taxed be!- exelatmedBeiklejk 4btrange enough, and " .j ,od,he,r .iaaeU-M fei. -1. K1 h long cejsed lo mirrel .1 the c.- " prices oi woman, juto nui ran captivate - --- o - After 'ileneekr ten minuter one of Ihe Ihe chMte Dunn, f Did not Tit.oia lote ' ' : . men of Ihe con.mi.nil,, e,,denil,i . co.rse jN'ck Boltom, wilh; h.8 .pee .be.d? S Do 'Jp-T;, :n 1 i ' i , .i L- ik vt.n.) ra nn UnrAr to each other I v nen we srema ana iniierait? psrsen, i rose aua aocressea a 7"'f .". ...6. i.,ilo. ho nn. ? .L 1.1 L;l.u im.khpH with th in m of love-in-idleness! ed to be together.to be one i not to laugh at what tbey saw, but to behave Take my word for it, she is in love with themselves properly, &c, and then he sat lomebody else. There must be some rea- down. M l j son for this. ' No; women never have any One of the leadersthen burst but foto a reasons, except their will. But never mind, hvmn. to a iiffomit sort of timeLlarid all the Keep a stout heart Care killed a ; cat. nthfr iiiinf-M ihmit. Aiipr fhU nvln esaW After all w hat is she ? Who is she ? On O, my friend," interrupted B r..' you see the finger of Providence. su on I have often observed," replied coldly, that those who are of kin!r c rarely wed together; almost as rr those who sre akin by blood. TI) r indeed, to be such a thing asspfritu s ! Therefore, road lover, do not thii ! ' sude thyself and thy scornful ladv li i . 1 J- I l I ..Ik., ll r med Flemminc, in nave mnorea anu,8, v .uu , . mw.mm ft I I IIIHI ftllll ill WS llllll i; . Ulllllll a aatapu m line,, eigh. if, ,o., menj .nd M ? ??. TL iu qWiei -b-eb ml r, Vt 7"u Vrr" .- U.ri....i.h1hiV,ih.r Trust me. I hers joitiedchoros. Alter the jbynfri wals fr H what she? ng they all rosei and put away the forrois fy T j i which they hail been seated; andfstooli J Hush! hush,' exclai by depreciating her She is very dear to me still ; a beautiful, high -minded, howe Woman.' separate, facing each; other, and about ten feet apart the ranks of men being flanked by the boys, and jhose of the wooien by the girls Theyitnitnenced their jdancing bjr advancing in rows, just about as far as pro fane people' do ih Xee when they ; dance n narlr lllp. and Ihpn rflrrntt iha ainlA tance, all keeping regular time, and turning pot whatand flickering reason says, good back lo back every third advance.; The P'gt, " commou wuao j i Yes,t answered j Berkley ; that is the way with you all,; you young men. You ee a sweet face. r a something, you know movement was rather quick an d thev danc- gmation invests the; beloved object with a A liimr nn LtnitinW nf illi ivirl.inW ibousanoVsuuerlat.ve chara.s ; furnishesher . . r e . "1 i I .l ui .l. . .j c..-lii..M , r ih h in an ine mimic iuu uuo iiiicii. , , r beautiful composition : Law, law, de lawdel law, Law, law, de law, . Law, law, de lawdel law, Lawdel, 'awdel, law keeping tune also; with the hands as well as leei, me lorraer raiseo up m me cut-si, ana banging down likb the' fore paws of a dano lug bear. After a quarter of an hour thejr sat down again, and the women made use of their large totjrel pocket hindkhrchiefs to wipe off the perspiration. Another by mn was sung, and then the same person address ed the spectators requesting them hot to laugh, and inquiring it any of them Wished to be saved adding i Not brie! of Ifou.jl don't think." He Iooke4 around at all of us with the most mtffable contempt, and I fine apparel and furniture, of human nature. ) did the same when I was young I was pnee as desperately; in love as you are now sod went through all the - - .Deliciooa deaths, soft exhalations Of soul ; dear and divine annihilations 4, thousood onknown rites Of joys, and rarified delights j I I adored and was rejected. 1 Yoa sre in love with certain attributes, said the lady. iDaron your atthbules, Midam,' said 1 1 4 I lnOw nothing of attritotts, Sir,' said se; with digniiyi Yoa have been dnnk ing:' So we parted She was roairied af terwards to anotherj who knewj something df attributes. I foppose. I have seen her qnir once since.-4She had a baby ih yel- w I . ., i i .. . i. I ship will then be more pr'?perc good morning, J must prepare for i den journey." . On the following morning Fl' r ; Berkley started on their way to I i like Huon of Bordeaux and Scht rl their way to Babjlony Berkl-y sumed duly was, io cons.de hi to. ;; a duty which he performed like Spanish Matadora, a woman who-c it was to attend the sick, and put i into the stomach of the dyin t j their agony. $C3 Interesting sizht-rocele! and a Steam Engine. While t! r criming down on Wednesday, a Lne ; his appearance on the track, and t 1 speed with the locomotive. He ke t t for two ilea, when be .was finally r be would have been rno over. T he have been deeply exciting and highly i as the line of road is perfectly tra inch of ibecontesf was witnessed by i: gen Wilmington Advtrtistr. The Sarapnah River is Iottc? : h wa trer known to be; ; r .i . . - -. , i.' i- ji sr . i. -i '".;. - ' . ' !!-". ' -.' '-.:V;.;Vi : j : :, Ml - I I ' i - . H ' '. ' ;" I . ; ", ..i.::,--; i. . '-.-.-;: f :.i : ! it'. 1- ..'I --Y ,; . j .'-j,'. .. .. ' ' h"l-::;:r. r . Y r- ! ' 1 j - 1 r i " .iV. trpi'ffrWt-'i 3,!: . 'f i.-T frv- -V Y ESS? .f 15 . e 3C -4 IC1 i i . in m 4;- v . -1

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