i-;'-l-t:-rr-f r ,':- 1-;', l-:-.- :':,-; r Mi l.li m ' . 1 L Si it Hi n ! . - . - ! '! fif&iih Berkshire (Mass.) Courier ; Thiu-hts duyjrsted by the remarkable appear irn.-vs in the sky oa TuesJay ev.nig,jbe! 3d los'ani. ! !-'-";; ''' -V: Iv-'t'iH-' :. ,.---t-'. j-. .jr ; . N , i ..- - - ;..r l . - What means that gilberlng light? Ibe hea ii;;h vens :.j .' -j T-' :;:-: Hi' j: j .71 frayed in garments of unwonted hne? i i, ; Frora north and south, from east and westthe ' j : ' frays ; ' .''i-lj!'" ; Brii.'ianr and beautiful, converged, and sent, jv - pa their h'gh columns silvery white; and then, In.iam, iarnore than blazing redness changed, j . A fiery pillar formed, and ruse above -T.i iaio its brother train, and make beneath The locid, " broad, illuminated sky M ;. ADlendi arch its key stone at the point : To which' ascend each new born ray and gleans, Asif to build a new and mighty dome, H jfn .'- For some stupendous scene the like of which j 1 1 Earth never taw. While yonder hoog a cloud, Sotnbrb and cold, curling iu hp in pride ; And sullen mood, seeming torbate he light And mock, with mingled envy and revenge, ' TKe bright effulgent scene. ; I O'er the rich diapery the sons of night In mute amazement looked, with jealous eye And stretch of thought, to learn the grand result What means that glorious halo r that un I known, 1 : Unearthly brightness? Say ye sages, wise Philosophers, or Prophets, or Divines bay, can h be, the western world's so large, '; ,, ; It bonfires huge on its deep, vast prairies lit,1!' .! Send op such flames as lighten all the east? i ! Ojr have the icy worlds round either pole ji" !; Grown now so large, so tall, they catch of Day ! Some brighter Bood6, e poo? the ga'.her'd waes, ' When night appears, o'er all bar western sky ? : : ' Perchance another world, or system ti born, And.Kons and stars and moona and lssser orbs, In happy concert meet, as once oi oto, Illuminate afresh celestial streets, And celebrate their sisters, natal hoof, . And grrej her welcome to her Bmiling home. And introduce her to the countless ranks ! ! - 01 their annombfred. clorioos host. And thus At such a glad event, the evening stars I !' Together singi and merrily the sons ! 1 Of nght their joyouasntbems shout, to keep I A happy Vslivali Or else, pfretance, S.me other world, or system such as oars, 1 lis great,! appointed race has ran has won j is brtlliant crown, and dolphin like, is now j Euoiring on its bed of light and glory; if WhilB brisht, and brighter still its form appears. . -A if in mockery oi dissolving oeaiD, Ano kindls upalresh iu glorious beams, 1 And tlnshes heavenly radiance down on this I Our h umble ohere. Or may it b some high and favored lord In llerscbe), Mars, or Jupiter, has pledged His love to some fair dainael, fairer ef'n Than here we fiad-( iueh there betnd how The hor has come to Juio them band in band. And heart in heart, and all in alitor life. I by mutual, solemn, chanceless vows, (if such Connubial peace and joy, those best, most pure, Least in i!i red telicaof fair Eden's bli&S, i Are known and welcomed thus in other worlds;) Ami f cenes mi bright as most be those, & mirth St highj and torches borne by; beings tnus , I Siitvuor.a li?bt and beauty thiow Our fifmameni ath waf t, shaming prood earth In all her purest, oobtest joys her best, ' Mini lufty, and most wondeifol displays. In thie revolted. ruined, wretched state, Where sin has placed his ruthless foot, &. reared . . .- . : . .. . 1 i .1 i! His hloody throne, itis tyrant Bcepue swajeu. ! Or does this splendid scene evil portend j '' To our own puiltv land ? Does it for warn j 1 ; Of gathering torrasj black'ning with Heaven's H;., rlvrce breath " ' .'-'! -' T:t i! And thunderbolts of venzeaoce, ealhering thick, Dark, life, with judgments ol; Almighty wttjh Long, long deserved, and long delayed, to break Their fury j hurl their hot and nery suaits, In ruinous and desolating strokes L Resist lsly againl;our nation 'a proud Arid stately fori7ees, laying in dusy Of deep oblivion all her basted fame j -For having kabbaths desecrated oft 5 " Tt. tpmnle of the livinff God defiTd' ; Deformed Jehovah's image; crothd, bound down -In wtiful bondage and in galling chains; The Eternal's jealous honor trampled on: 'd.eMshrio'd.snd deiftd herself! i Rather, mav not this. 'Brand tflulgence, high laching, meeting, mingling, centering, losing, MAn if our heeded, timely, and alone j i fKJTtcient hf-lp must come from thence from h . God)- ! ' -11! A npear a bright and precious harbinger j Of our wide country's safety j our country's KcformauorT; more distinguished rank : I Hr pei feci freedom 1 Kh 1 may this broad sheet U,1lgn riling ilir ; o wiuo huuji;i ! Paint us a cheering, brilliant bow of hope, Of promise and of mercy too ; present A foil sketched impress of fair Freedom's flag I Uoforl d o't r valley'depibe,snd mountain's tops, Anxl ocean's waves , mi lis reiresmng- soaae Aiworfd shall feel and biess ; till followed by -An anff-l's fight, an angel's mighty trump . Prociaimtng 4 Eaith is Freer j 'y -!fW - -If c:r :. '...-."-. Or yet perhaps,; -pf fTis hot some new-beam'd rays, reflected bright From Scienc's light honse, kindled up by fresh, Surpassing efllirts made io sister fields; I In Education's gloiious cause ; in arts ; . And morals loo; 'iok'oicg the look'd-for dayj ;. ' When science clear, and moialspareshall throw A triple sheet lof glory o'er our race. ji j 4 Still more, and better still, may not thbscepei llespesk ihc; quick approach of happy timej j Su Kmg foretold, so long, so much desired, j j , Id alt their fullness, when shall come the things, The glorions things, of thee O ! Zion, told, Great city of our God. The bloody art Of wholesale, licens'd murder, men no more Shall practice and no longer learn. The swords Tu plough shares turn'd, to pruning hooks the - jjosf faithfully ihe ground of knowledge tilled, Of virlbeaod religiun pure, the. heaveos ! ; j ppn ; tiie spirne genue ncv uisui , r Atutulant, needful sho wrs f grace descend ; ; In latter 'da j, millennia) splendor clothed, !- j rjfbesnnSof righieousoess 00 vety side I I Breaks forth ; the scatier'd seed of truth. springs op; -'v.--'-- 1 ' ." ' ' '- The fruits of godliness abound ; ripens j 1 The harvest end in golden richness waves : ' i Aod eai b cnbymeot and pursuit of men. : I ; j Hears th1 inscription, Holirss to tue Ird!1 i Theo, ye invisible, ye moral orbs. - I v Shine on! ; Shine on, thou malekless plan of grace, - ijt i Of love and peace ! Awake ye constellations Of mercy boundless f Light your hallowed fires And form t new Aorora, pngni ana cicar. Roll op illuotteattoa's cheering tide Sirunverand higher still, clory such As worlds on hmh of livktg light, untrammell'd Freedom, of wisdom perfect, fountain bliss, Alone can caua!. can alone clipe, And alone have witness'd ! More on! shioecn! r?Ar.!rron nth fif trnth.aBd love and rece. I If i The darkness into light convert; the night! To day; the stars to moonf nay more to eans Irt harmony and eeauty onwara ron, Til Earth a second paradise become ; ..- Till Gd, his Silver tftmpel shall let down; , From the LytichLurg ; Virginian ' : THE NEXT SPEAKER. The first dotv to be rerfotmed. upon the meeting of the next Congress, vjill be the elec tion of a Speaker, which will prubably aflford a fair test of the strength of parties in . the Hoose of Representatives, relative to which there now seems to be some diversity of opinion, arising from the equivocal position of two or three of tne members, who. f to ose the homarous expression of the Salisbury Watchman,) are placed, in the newspaper returns, between the collamos of names. like t paddle-wheel to ilhe centre of a boat, to steer both sides straight . Yet, circam stsncee mar arise to 'enable ; those genUemanJo continue for t while longer their paddle wheel n pnsiuon waica pefosp may os iiituiraieu ye more forcibly by thtj condition of St. Thomas Aqainas's ass, between two boodles of hay ea ger to reach the "spoil n Ion Either hand, but dying at last from sheer starvation, lest, in reaching after one, the other should be lost! Mr. Fisher, of N. CI, Jodge Wick of Indiana. and perhaps one or two others, are io this onen viable plight suspended, not exactly like the eoffio of Mahomet, between! Heiveti aod Earth, but between Whig and Democrat; to be nltimate ly drawn to that sio'e in jwhich the metallic attract ion shall be strongest 1 ; :' Teonessse, by the Whigs,-and Mr, Pickens of S. C. and the " infmitabief Dr. 1 Duncan of Ohio, by the Loco Focos. j If Br. Duncan, or any other thorough -paced friend of the Adminis tration than be run, we shall rely with entire confidence opon the votes of the iiopaided gentle men tor toe Whig candidate, becaase we take it for granted they are not yet prepared to coa lesce with the Administration; folly, and to take a bold leap into its arms in the Svery first stage of their probation. Bat the Administration party win - prooaoiy tase op uir. rieaens, witti me purpose, first, of conciliating! Mr. Calhoun and South Carolina. an! as a token ot ithe perfect consummation of the union be t jfeen the authors of the Proclamation and the heroe9 of the Nul lifying Ordinance and, secondly, for the pur pose of catching such! stray sheep as Mr. Fisher and Judge Wick, who wU bf course bo delight ed with an ODDcrtonitv of maintaioiosr their av- parent neutrality, even whil4 rendering the most emcieni support . to me dispensers 01 ine spoils. In either event, however, we regard Mr. Bell's election ai pretty certain It will be sore, if Maryland aod, Misaisstppi shall return to the next Congiessasmany AVhig members as tney did to the last, in that event, we can af ford to spare all in that happy state of btttceenitu which renders them jas doobtfujlbf their political, as a famous toper once was of bra personal identi ty, when rising from a diteb.S besmeared with mod, he asked, "Am I Uilesj cr am: I not?" ? - i Ji; :P 'ii!. - - . try are enormous ; ;t$ey should: be greatly rtdoc ed, .It is pref a-iierops for a frfe government 10 derive a retrenoe from the transmission if inttl ligeiwje. Newpjrpers should be sent sll over the country for one cenHeach J and ten cents should be; the highest pricVs of single letters to the mijwt .distant partsof the Ucion. lhe rate of postage between Providence and New York, for instance, is 1SI cents, Private individuals would carry letters for one third of that rate, and make large profits then! jThe natoral consequence of these enormoos rstestis, that large numbers, of letters are sent by private, conveyance every day, which, at reasonable prices, would be tent through the mails ; so that, opoh the whole, the govern ment would lose notbiog by. reducing the postage to : rcosouBoio pnce; . a uv example 01 xungiana in j this respect, is wel worthy of imitation. The next Congress should look into the matter, and its attention sooum be drawn to it by petitions from different quarters of lio Union. Such petitions would find nameroos; signers, and we think would be favorably ceiyed by the government. The only hope of a free government' is in the general diffusion or education! and intelligence, and the reduction of !the rates' of postage would greatly facilitate the, litter. Paictuckct Paper, CorrtspOndenu oMe National Intelligencer. NX'S j?OEK, SlPTEMBCR 10. The Great Western brings 110 passengers, among whom are Gov Heynolds, of Illinois, and Gen Rawliogs, from;! it is said, not unsuccessful European money expeditions. The Great Wes tern beat the British Quteo but, in time and distance, 12 hours, but about ; 24 from port to port. This trip has been a very boisterous one. What is the state 61 the crops? was the first question in Wall street. It Is difficult to an swer this now, but the best opinion I can get from reading a great variety of English news papers is, that there will be sn average crop, and that the crop pr "nearly joul of peril. Of thjis, however, there! is pome doubt, and the fact is not admitted ; to be setttled, and will not be settled, probably i! even by the British Queen. !oj France most of the grain had been harvested, arid the crops were remarkably good. The bank of England raised the rate of in terest on the 8ih to $ per cent., and the rate was fully sustained jj The imports of bullion were much greater than Uhe export, although the Bank of England contirioed to be drained. That institution hid borrowed two millions of the Bauk of Franc, and could have more if it wished. American. stocks in London had sold at still lower rate, and 'were unsaleable ; several agents that went out ;ir the G. Western to nego tiate loans returned without affecting .any ob ject; but it is statedlin the Commercial. this evening that Geh. Rawjngs and Col Oakly bad aucceeded in negoUating a loan of $4,000. 000 Illinois bonds on; favorable terms. The Queen was io; prorogue Parliament Au gust 27. The penny Ipostage bill has become a law. Mr Brunel 'has notified the Lord May or of London that thef Thames tunnel is com pleted to within five feet bf the Middlesex side. England continued inigreSttagitalion on account of : the Chartists, arid 1 their movements were a- larming but were not feared. Most of the lead ers have been tried and found guilty nd sentenc- ed to imprisoomenti tor ;oce ano two years. V From the Ohio State Journal M O R E F R Jk U D IEiXP 6 S E D. The clamor raised againit .banks by the Lo- cu-iocu leauens is wuuuui sincerity, ana aeuo erate and wicked fraud upon; the public. Facts are too numerous, and significant to (heed com ment, l bey are more than sufficient to fix a burning and indelible mark; of shame npon the forehead of every knavish demagogue who has been engaged in propagating that belief that the Those concerned in: the Birmingham riot' were vvoig party is too joanx party, xnty Know sentenced to death bus are:to be transported. better. Locofocos have ever made i a point of "The London jTipnei says Mr Christopher oar'tv tactics, in and out of i that Legislature, to Hnoha xn npmtiiinr with th Vmnok r2nv. attack banks already established with ;such rank, I eriiment the recogDition by France of Texas, propose sucn nonsensical and impolitic laws as to compel the Whigs to disagree wit them, in order to get op an accotion fit fori their frau dulent purposes. But whenever tb Locofoco party has had the power, it i has created banks by scores and hundreds. : 1 1 1 - : j '. The State Bank of Alabama, with a capital of some Ten or Twelve Millions, was created by a Jackson Van Buren Legislature 1 Most of the uanks in M ississippi, their capi tal amounting to some 'SSeehsebi Fifteen Mill ions, were created by the samel party ! I J1U the Banks the same part All the Ban same party 1 ! ! Jill the Banks in Indiana: were created by the same pany M ! J-v J . . Jiuthe tritd'iJat Banks m ftlichisan were it . i WATCHMAK , . -j -- - i ; I Ii - a I - f: j i- - ' . : - . raiPAY. SEPTEMBER 87 1830 Jclr. Van Burets Electioneering Tour. What must Mr.!! Calbouol and tb!e other friends of the Specio Sub-Trcasqry thick, whea they ire told, that the Giimalkia is tlectioaeeriog amoog the Yorkers for e pa per Sub-Treaturt wbtcb is to make New York: City the great Emporium ojT Mags, and (he whole Sooth tiler tributaries. We lake 'the following !from the National Ictel ligencer, of the 14th. I : ' ..-. " Mr Van Buren continues his progress through the ipteriorof this State, ind is now! on a cir cumambient gyratidn, the prepono!eiaoce of which is a tangent towards this city.) Guns, dragoons, flags, &c.4rc, with processions, an nounce the projection of the tangent, and the comet upon it: I j most be pardoned! it I do not speak respectfully of Mr Van Burens move ments in this State, i He is here palpably and clearly opon an electioneering errand. j In every village he has his caocos of leaders. In every speech there lurk his party purposes. The un reconciled Conservatives are wooed with his de licious smiles, and the mellow grasp of his" ten der hands.; We are hot " bought by the banks " now,bot have no hostility t0 the Vet0 York banks." "An exclusive specie currency is not what! I want, but an JrufepenJenf Treasury, in whicb a New York currency will hare its perva ding influence in the! Union legit imatised by the enaetxnents of law.' Thus Mr Van Boreo is tracked by the conVcrse of. his Subordinates. ' A vigorous attempt rs every where made to wheedle the moneyed icfloenceof this State into a Pirza Snn-TaiKASVKT . l 5- " see an humbled Senafe'cJid a bribed House, they would never have! thought of givlrg more power to the Executive arm One bold bad man has arisen to confute by bis acts all the theories of Hamilton and Adams, another less bold and equally bad mantis proving the power of the executive in an other; wsy. i No, no ; we never with our present means of judgment, never could have been Federalist!, tnd no one will charge txs erith it j who Qes not expect to " reap some advantage" from the fraud and deceit J : Io Press, THE MAILS. . common with our bretbern of the we suffer from the bad arrangement and irregularity of the mails ; or the incom petency of Postmasters to perform their du ty. We have been barrassed with messages and letters of enquiry from our subscribets on the subject, a few of whom.bave discon tinued their papers, from; the want of better mail . (facilities. ; . -All '-;thai. we can answer them is. that their papers are regularly put into the Post Ofilce at this place, at which office we believe they receive all due atten tion ; so that the 'fault is not in us, or the Postmaster at this place. Fermonf. The Boston Atlas slates that Jen n ison's majority for Qbvei nor, over Simhe YV. TL, will bo about S000 votes. Io the Legisla House, ore the parties, iaccordiog to the same psper, will Stand thus : i . Whigs. Locos. Cons. is 114 To be beard from (last year,) 4 Senate,! 19 106 4 11 0 0 137 121 The Locos (says, the Atlas) claim five members who are returned as Whigs, also the Conservatives of coarse they count up on a Loco Foco majority in the House. Reform the temperance, question, and in some instances. Abolition, have been used TfifE RACE OF THE STEALERS, by the Loco Focos against the Whigs. The d i air i jl 1 il j j.. - Whigs, however, so tar irom being despot Bpttsh Affairs, 4-c-Tbe question of ;h)9 uK, anticipate from It benefi- speed between the Great Western; and the I Clai; effects. It shows them the necessity British Queen, upon which eveijt a good lof union and energy. ' deal !of money was hazarded) was decided in fairor of the Great Western, in hir late By the Editors' Correspondence of the bomfward: Toyageby Iboutj 12 heirs dif- NaUonal Intelligencer, w? learn that notu ference, that ship having made tbejjuickest witbstantiing the favorable news by the Great passage eter yet bade!' between the-two Western, and the abundance of our crops,-- couniness That isfto sly, hiving jreturned the Stock market in New York, experienced to the British Port in 12 days and 12 hours, considerable confusion orrtbe 14th and 16th The successful ship has again viste us af- inst. We copy an extract of the correspon- ter a boisterous trip of 16. days ; we nave a dence : but would remark et the same time; report through her, that the young Queen that we ?ery much doubt the importance at- The affairs of ihe jEast mav be considered as I of Great Britain is shont to lake to hpmelf I tached to the matter, bv the letter writers settled, the five.Gre! Powers having jnterfered . .1 m i. . 1 fw-LI L t I Thi mmi knnvr. nrf nn.ht tn r.mU to whtrh the Fnrlft hid iMnnUrf Th o nn " ue,r' vv" Mr yiv s www a oqm w i - j ' , farther alarm from ihst qoarter. jl he political new. generally, is without in terest, except that which relates to the East. NewiYokk Siptcmber 11. be Prince Albert Francis, son of tpe Duke I ! I ! I; .- ' ' j -I of Sue Coburg Saslfield, nephefv King of Belgium; but later reports to the contra- There was not time Yesterday when I wrote! diet 'this statement, so that Prirlce John to read and digest twenty. four days later of Eo- neednot vet despair. We , give the Intelli- ropean news, aoo ioe cooiic nad not jhad -time I j . , ' . r i ; to read it, so tnai inere was qoite a wrancie in BOMV'F " ul6CBfc ,u m lhat 'unnecessary alarms will very much em barrass the banks so long as they are made yet to feel concerned and watchful, best be comes us ; as the derangement of our bank ing Institutions are, at best, dangerous and fearful. ! - . 1 ' . I the street as to the character of the news, wheth- I Rrpal Wpstprn. tshirh ia in riditirin in thnt in iArkaosas iiwere created bv ar n. uJa rrM-wik-- -n . 1 . . i . . 1 .- . m Missouri were created by the ) . j.-i-.- .rft ;n tb fi i bv the G. W. seems favorable to American - 4 I t . 1 " 5 J .- f The general impression now is, that the news is good, or rather promises to be good. Money, it is true, was scarce in Ireland, and bore a high rate of interest; bat the panic was over ; business creaieooy ine same (party, i ; I the exchanges were! turning, or tamed, in favor the times is the attempt to represent the Whi . .tovum. . .u.- of! England ; bullion; was ranining there from all party, as the old Federal party.! Tbejpeftinacv logcapiiai was aooea Dy ine same pan jj quarters of the world ;jahd the crops, or pros- with which, this deception is kept ap-sjbows that In Ohio, the number of the banks was m- wts for the crops, is noldjf not good. Things those engaged in the plot reap some vantage creased by the sameparly, in the short space uf were eiearlv settling down there into a qaiet fromlthe fraud and Mdeceit practised! jlOther- jaur years irom inirieen o ftrenry , ana me gtlte Tfae Chartists were ffoinir to work strain, wise ihev would notivolontarilvScontinlie so un- iJanking capital of tfie Mate, doriogthe nine The Btnk of England was discoontina commer- worthy a course. We have frequeni(y'referred in and bought tbem up at 2 aod 24 per cent.. . V . . Z vrt r j . j I ciai paper, thoogn at six peri cent, mere was I to this matter oeiore, ana naTet made isome -ex-1 wnicn euaoieu mem, eaomutiiig io ine saave, io Correspondence of the JYational Intelligencer. New York, Sept. 14. Wall street is blue, in the technical language of the day. Th State Bank, which has had the redeeming of the Safety Fund Bank notes, Otje of the most bald and foolish devices of gave ont that it would no longer redeem them reason not, assigned ; but the presumption is, it has not been provided with fands whicb, an nouncement created qaile a panic in the street.' The merchants who had Safety Fond Bank notes to sell, to take op their own notes in Bank, were in a panic; for a moment; but the brokers came Saturday ras a market, and the like 1, the suspension of den announcement tf ; would no longer rede : Fond Banks, corner every business traass; ." did not know t?hat v are about over it, hv, ment :s made with tl 3 . least, and fortunate i: '. it'is so, for a faux yc: '. Dock Bank led toths c: street to-day is calr. :r. notes,1 and not have t. they have handsfull cT market is recovering f States Bank has gezi v have advanced a tri."!', tolerablj scarce. Tl : on it is the sale cf U: 11-8 Io 1 1 2 dlzzzzz: is uneasy. 1'hcrs h z. . The currency is eo c: so disordered that pr:; shake and vibrato cr.: I end of all this it 13 i: , have been grcpin 7 i abandoned the t';:'. Madison, and toe!: tl It is stated that lit V city to-day in cog. ca I hat I believe , he has r may be down io the AI You will observe in mense amount of fcrc: imports are not all en . is the pressure npen t! that these goods are auction, to the ssricu ? 1 can importer and mir.: derangement of tho f;: are thus put doubly sit t ain. Its bank suct3 knocks down our cctt: . own manufacturers, c at home, inundates cur : and, turning the tiia c os, drains ns more tr.'J . tals. We have to home. . The Bank cf 1 of theJQnited States ; street is Tbreadnet J': Bie Biddle,' of .whom .1834 and 1836, hasde: though the Nicholas I amid his graperies on 1! yet the monster part c 1 currency in a bank par! don. Are the Peer;! 2 - 1 -'1 it .. f. - : !l : !- itid b!uw in l.Q,ret. longest ; sweetest ootrs, The Jobie.if tuart's Uederoptwn. Iki. UarliButou. dept.. 9, oo. dred Thirty two Thousand Two Hundred and i Thirty nine Dollars 111 In six years from the time I the same party came into power with Gerii Jackson, Four Hundred and JVineiy new Banki Twlere created in ibe Union 1 ! These facis are sufficient, one would think, to sealithe mouthis of those honirrv . , . . . demagogues, who go about crying by the way side and ia public places that she VVhiir party is the Bank part v. with an eternal silence. If shame were any part of their composition, they would haog their heads and be atiJl. a italic of reducing the' rate of interest to five I ocsures which moved pretty conclusively that. I turn unenrrent into current money per cent, no longer were; one pound notes I as iaf as olcNedfiraiists were connected with ei- 1 ane panic, or sonetniog eise, wnicn 1 nave thought of as a remedy for the run of specie. thereof the political parties that now divide the I not time now to onrayel, got into the stock msr A me:; According to nc: anu ai ine ringing ci ble portion of the ci:: sembled at the Ccur: ning of the -25th in::. adopting measures t Debating, Society, ; On motion of Dr. I Col. R. W Lc: Chair, & J J. Brur.::, On motion ol Jo!;:. Dr. Henderson rc object of the jneetin , ding some very appi c t were continued to c Gentlemen present : . lowing Resolutions ' mously adopted : Resolved, That in t! iog, a Debating Society : of the citizens, and rrJ; : vantage to the particip: raunity. j- Resolved, tlierefore, 'I the necesaary measure: : a Society. On motion, it xr:.z Resolved, That the f appointed a Cora mint t By-Laws, &c, tor the r ly, viz: Committee. Dr. L. ! Dr. P. Henderson, J( ! J. S. Johnson. On motion of Dr. II Resolved, That the f a Committee to obtain z to hold the meet in 23 if REDUCTION OF POSTAGE. i . . ' . ! : it.- In relation to this subject the Fredericksbarg brmitv of the rate. Arena remarka : The payment in greater innovation than the redaction and uni advance, in all cases, is a This sentials of the reform. Jtslbeneficial Will be two fold security! against 'loss on dead letters, and creator5 simplicity in the details of the office Editors are parliculaily interested in Ibis feature. 1 ' ! The abolition of the franking privilege by the members ot the ISrttish farlianient,;is a selt-de nvinc ordinance, which we are inclined to thick to make an estimate of t pense for its support, v: Commit tee. Col. II and Capt. G. M. Wc On motion of EIr. Resolved, That tha merce were sold at 95 Kentucky Bank, 79 ; djn of this' meeS- P Stonington Rail Road. 23; Illinois Bank. 79 l 0i "jj! f3 mcetI 1 Mjiy tjoctx bidm, 00, etc., arc. 1 nis iicKlisn ket, and stocks went down like stacks of brick. The U. S. Bank began the tumble at 103i 1034 103 102, cash and, at last, on the se cond Board of Brokers, 400 shares were sold at 100 cash. I Two hundred shares Bank of Com- I: eleel is one of the es- effects There was not the least fear of a suspension. 1 country, there is about ' six oh one side to half The Government hid succeeded in negotiating I a dozen on the other: If we examine principles, nearly all its Kxchequet bills, snd its credit was 1 it is evident that the modern patent democrats sustained. Thought the manufactories were vet are more high toned and ultra io their notions of working on short 1 hfjurs, cotton promised to be I Executive prerogative than even the old feder- cn the rise, and the f moment money was easier, I alists themselves. Jllex. Gazette. ! knvA m Iaba vale Af !inlAiet MenArtAttlav I I & f r That this ,l bald and foolishl device" h hnav aoain. Th Amrirp thi ATPninor in. 1 hnnld he resorted to bv the Van Kifrn mn I condition Of Ibe Stocks IS almost tmarwmnUhlA I V u u,v"uui UJC 1 - diffinmlv rmark. ? VVe msv rMnnablv norm I . n i :! I L-y , I 1 US tnonev marxet here, however, is in a vprr V iucci bebiu vn " w " j - - - 9 . ? - c j j i i wr nn 1 1 inn nnvi n i aw vbvii n 9 i nnaai on Am nWAArs. r w i . . lor ameliorating and improving accounts by eve- . j 7 " i- owsTM Jvv- bad way.! The Secretary of the Treaaart, in at early candle li-hti ry; arrival, and, asiho Great Wesiern has brought w f eouga in conscience, icui mat l June or Joiy, stent into Wall street and absorb news that is zbodlmm may anticipate by the I . arlin9 memher of the Whirr r!art etill I d ho two millions sod a half of its resources British Queen, to bjexpectedhere from the 18th 1 . I . j -. w. K ,f I I io Trsainry notes. The States have also been prvjcMns iu ig, fluyuiufrcsuii io i nere pressing their stocks. The pott notes too. mis r'jraua ana acceu," in oraer 10 pro I "ucu me c&su qi toe capttausis nsuauy duce a separation between the. constituents to the 20th. intelligence vet better.1 American slocks are almost unsaleable in Lon don, but some sale; have been effected (condi- sionaliy, however, as to l!ltnisj both in Illinois bono?, l re conatuqns or me Illinois sales, now over are reported to be eneh as cannot be accept ed and such as will fall through. The Commis sioners are here, ffn i The stocks in the" citf to-dav have stood firm, some advancing UVS. Bank to 1061 ; and there j were large operations, indicating more firmness 7 J. J. BziuxEn, 2:: We are reqj those favorable to il z our Congress will not adopt, jbougb sanctioned 1 anj a net spirit iba we have seen fur Borne fact of endeavoring to' represent (this as a bolls. by such a precedent. Yet Itjfs very important tjmc. Xhe itnpresion ;ts, that that this privilege abused as-it has been to an iIa .heir dsv.and that now If is The oractical Question which arises, is the ef fect the proposed btnges inly hte upon the revenue of the Department.;! We should oot coueider it an objection to thl scheme, were it oot demonstrable that it wjotild greatly dfmieish the receipts. It never was intended that the Post Office should be a source 'of revenue to the Government. Heretofore, the great exlensioo the bears have the torn of the on deposite. When promises to pay, considered appnr will mmiMml 1 a rva. ' stocks most accommodate their price to the valoe B0ClecJ 10 ,cpd t miserably execrable. Such has been l?e ""'"J 00 lotere"- l he coming forward 4 uesaay evemo-, r course of .the organ pf Mr; Charles is no money to meet it. In the .mean time, the P"00 01 a Fisher, ever since! be has been elected to BanK ol; 2"d screws os down to screw u- bbii op. its gripe is on us lur more specie, which, as the rate bf exchange is, is likely to go. The rate on Iondoo now talked of, for the the Great; Western, is 110, and even 110 1-3 j - j 1.5 i ,l i : . i nureii ujust uany uut specie. j. one lie oau Now once for all, be it known to Mn Chas. signs all. But the exchangee of the Union. uviiivio ivi oia uivuit(9 U6 uuvr tACIUwla of that party, is not only bald and; foolish, but the Congress. And such in particular is the for the one propc;; making choice of 0. Federal paper. Fisher's organ f we mention his Mme be- ownoie jor six mootRs past, are, n i .. i ,i I . i . : T i. lung. On Georgia the rates have to 7 percent. On Mobile eichtni IT . t .1 - " i -T . - 1 nun iwjj tue coaniry csd saomu 10 ims 18 a M O irf- Tf- -. 'J . ' ... . wlihv. w Kv. hh ii uis m i nr,rRni. un .hm eiCDinvN IB 112 l.'l tered.agentlemao?6 tipuse in Norfolk on tsFp4ciy benefit, and we have no doubt at How long the country can submit the night of the 11th by way of the chim- ,.rt -. . i ? . -H.J . , problem to be worked out : bot it is ney and ensebnsea Himself in the library 018 fnstance-e it known and particularly oody or other must be ruined amid upon one of the shelves among the books! I iCIa iniiftA fh n a ; ' iriA arv maHiw jaa Ilia aod improvement of mail faculties, has preven- ... . l t; ? Ji u j- . 1 .1 Hmif nlqoa arhmK k A.it.atl hint in h niim. ted a surplus revenue, whieh would have accrued rtmr"t?!$?:mi. "w " j- were the mail routes of any one year considered ereuwueivopuu wy ui- iKo norma nnt Mtahtiahnipht rf thn Donar impnt. I vers im elements of household economy, bv ,. . t . . J. ii'S. ..i . I.I- .i -J. : t . t. 1 L. 'I I. ! .llhhnnh n. m hi.h Ktimm nn tU'A we are oi opioioa inai, iot ine urat year or io 1 ine geDiieman apu,.ut iiouse maiu, "my ia- j w "'Sf'f -1S,UCUID inuco there would be a tallmg off lriihe receipts but djt' retreating rapidly the while lft great j and abilities of the Lsiding men of the old Jr. .i y w T , ?r "t1 . ' aurrenderrl iinrnnthttonailv: but in consid t I ' . r r ' collected by Mr. fe ar his1 argument on thb of the literary inclination of the point, as perfectlv conclosrve. We are in favor ihen ojf the proposed change. It will be frauffbt with beneficial eonseoQentts io a moral, commercial arid f political puint cf view, aoa aeservs me senoom sitemiua or every v iiwpo mere miasm nuoeiaj. xae prisoner his life was i spared bim. icA- mono isowpuer f patriot. 6ooner the change is effected the better Postage The rates of pos j The School Fce. In addition to the reterna heretofore published, we learn that the School Law has been ratified bv; large majorities in Boo onnbe. Havwood. ileodfrsoo. Macon and Cher okee, abd that it has ! beeti ! resetted fa Ylncv 1 ageln.thiscoan- Coantv. Rat Riff, f for tue cai. WHIG : Pursuant to nctic? z. Whigs of Iredell w: in Statesville, oa the purpose of appointin certain som. 1 gates of the other G remembered, that, neither bf us is in the I ing operations. The fact is, now the vast mer-1 roaSDon Wednesday. least degree amenable to it, tor otir political cf nule ipsof the coootry, the producing motion, ivoi. v i B. . i s I rl.naopa alan. ira hhnrmit fr tk r i I Chairman, and J. A. t . I - j t ' . .. -m I. . I .w. .mo vvucui VI 9 IBW I 8iD8 auu we proiesi against its onpeitaKingr great capiulists and the office holders, who, to iudee us. To our Patrons we) will sav. corn weal or come wo, reirolarlv have their . i salaries; auo tue oromiss ut ttti tiornm.ni t - . " - a a , i .1 mane ihipgs better ia bat another txpcrimtnt, n I particoiariy towarus which practical business men have not th l.aat of tbe Goveromeot, i. cunnlence.and which ih Irnn-t . 1 lowm? Uenueoen ins and impracticable. I viz: Messrs. Jspph I: i ... a m ar i T ' I J. IYi. tSiKMP. J. iJ i WBW Yoar, September 15. nn motion of Mr. J n . 'mi. . ' ' I - uor oaiety t and Banks succeeded vpatardsT I the Chairman was z.. fternoon io makimr I t.' r. .- Mm . . . e ' . ry. After a Dnei anu , object of the meeting. marks upon the com: in error: and if they bad lived to see what ! '. . :" .' i' -f.--.ti we nave seen since ueneral Jackson came into power, thev1 would have said so too: . ' , m - -: r : v If they bad seen to what extreme: a popular lhe State Banks tor the redemption of their t . L..."u .L- .lJ.v : wtwnai ine arrao?emenl was. or wbetli- i icsiucui i.uuiu sucicii lue executive pre i r ii il; i . m.- .. . i . i i , a 7 r j v I er 1,1 lf bsoks have come into ii, is not yet vpgauye ana .so wnai exicni we Revenue of Known, i j This, news, 1 presomf, will tend to J. A. Yotjkg, the pov eriiment coulibe used fottnMence I W PiJ and ttyytetin f Tf)hey mfocd h tentS market to-aurrow. ooderstuud that the U States Bank have post notes into our market. Afire in Chsrlr ing, destroyed ten Jey.v Itcommenc Ing near the ccr; : I

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