I . 1 - , I ..... ' ... i. ... . I. . :t. , J : i . t Tl irrnwriri fnnrninr" iriii.n iiwmum i mwmimM- .JU,-i.iLLm, .uw.ii "i. i . mn 'mmmlrwm'mm'mmmmm''mm'mimm''iml'mm&mmmmMm I . 4 . j i i if el l ';. i . J : I' 4 iff .".fkN : v:, j , . :'Tli-AVTCKMAtr may, hereafter be hadfor Jv 7'i1fF(iuR newsobcriWrs who will B II Pe fheaper tor orf.ye5r at Two Uqlj iPaiK.lnaanng as the ame class thai Hits ? - p ; e the sum ol ace the sm shall continue- -i . 1 s ci i t eta ii m kiun am. ua- -Mr.M?l tliJIiC: -jH.;: dorinz the year ICTaSrl RHo s mast he pozl mtGtt!X7 .- -.11 , m v not he atJ 1. fierw -racjii " r.Tv - Cents pw uare fur each Ini mm l : i ? .11 i.frvs&tdi. ff&Vtmtitinei will be charged 25 per cent., iM.iiikitiei above -jfaiesh f A deduction, uf o ! Tesz olar prices w iil .ba made i&SeWhkt?airerlise by the rear. -Mlkr!seoeal wilt be ioserted for less lm4VeJi9etb'0:ii wilt be continued ontil orders rlcelNeli iio fop tbem, where no directions T. iVTJ s. J !-..- '-L.LJ' rZ7 triK -i--r" ; r . - - IT PW.pirits Is. certain state ; j - ? rr .vw nsT) . vvr rr , m h . , y-i 1 1 a JLi :ENl)liEXO X 4- j BRUNEU, EDITORS akd puopniETons. i Published Weekly iat Tic o Dolls, citul JFiflu Cts io. lo volume ViiiJ 1 - IT 4 ! i 4 .: I : -1 I r i.u you 1 ".Lord, jajr:j Smitb if Pm lie cot? .The inieQtjjops J of the widower, Saitl and theWioljJoncVe're idaljr publishijd ihe nextjda Jis1lfie3aw and the custoio in Massatliusctif ; and as soon as the were out published?' thb uere mairied. x. .jjapafetoi 1 r H ACCO0KT OP A CARNATION f ikktfijor a Hyrse ,27ie.A some animal jwiihin the jc ifentWm (lotri; ihe Vt, relates a ipharac- cian. and that jjoise: J. if ! !. Viewed, i Ihroxish a Jlcroscoi. From ao elegant boqoet 1 : selected a. carnation, the ffa grance ofwhlcfrled me to enjoy jit frequently and, nearJ -iThej sense of smellirtg 'jiras not the only one affeicted on these occasions ; while thai was satiated, with the powerful sweet, the ear was constantly fttfactgd :by a soft but agreeable murmarios- sound 7flt was easy. to know thai iihin the jcotert most be the mo- must'eonae from some liinstan krintr The Recorder told IWjmMjJtVXe s.;: Pr.nU flesd. And a : little creature sotted to prodace it. '(031 jyunrtaii tersioD of the story. cing it in fail light jcoold discover froo)s of little inennta (ribhinrr with cvitil inlVilw II faUitriveliins lately in the West, near row pedestals that supported its leaves, and the fHJyteich bis! ifcxcellency t6ok a different "tHe threads that dccopied it centre.' SihdyWvl ir i I J I What Akant wnrt.1 fr,r fc.lA .ifiCi' boose J That would indeed be laying rpe on1 the I cover is to abstain entirely frota food for imporing stone. Let me ea ibis 1tiawiMURe three or six meals. ! Bv this timA th f nm. corder j I will see and correct air cttqm, avoid Ufa HI be f res Jin d ihf .ii&&iA i all ouf. snch as the watchman .discovered, in lit i,t rvJ. ."iLr lA fuiure; and present. a learUnd revised oA H,? "1 "r4T,f i'l - :r" y- sei, of my condott bpreafl.. ?J'U .lei! "'yoW W lnwf! fif?leiJ? " honor what it is; that watchijQanf who! handles pwuuiucs uo Bostunea caureiy .irom iooq the book bo often dont always 'follow tapy. for about tbree days in tibicb i time mature Why he swore there against tne a if hw tSath recotered herself, and he was well.' ' This was steroiypea and as if he knew inet Uke a m Xrequenllr and perhaps generally. !in- ' v t t -4 .!r '- fewer mstead of medicine, and is eVerj )wsy this modern Faosl that htexr. kt.."- inuz-i JL- rJiiLiiJilul llbUUM l A MB UtV UUIIUj-UliUVU recommended this of the Mabomedan and Religion that hp body frequent fastioss- ILet i s J s i l floitioest oe tea m nis iniancv upon rap, Naples buisctm and boiled chickens 1 let nations of our time entrust the usage 6f wpped m flannel at nightj steep on hospitality to. tbe keeping, of the, gentler ?ftalnCT bed.'andrido opt inacoach.forair- sex. especially in mis new western world. ! ""tl77"TrTVT.7rT tlose Lares -and Penates Sof f tbel- Ronians .ihortJimbedpdlat are cordially entrusted to our care. EM"0?'0!' :i as we are, oy; intellectual aq vantages i-i .4 'vte.S.?ii"r.Ju'l4:--lon Im lrPrtl miCTrrrr;moii .iil in h,ffl, what a perfect security (Irom all Annoyance lb SCrvan-U 8tgic T...;Bw v lhe dusk- bosji ,thu, SQrroon4ed the srene of - action Adap the i titig a. microscope to take in fat one view the whole-base of the flower. I ?ave gelfipeedwlti irrfK. ioiartf 2 !'' ii; Ji ili brfeHd I the landlord to feed bis beast myself an ppportuhity of contenaplatio what as iBbifrito possible, and walked about for they were about, tfnd.this for many sdays jtogelhU imf nt.1 l Oct" was lueil an Duvciiiao 1 ; r '"o f"-4" 'i;o?lj uiaiuiuauyw! i iDOSsessjoa ei iir. uaiiua i v " . . ,1 . "-"w"v i"tT sions, art nac given -what nature seemed to nave tneni f ?rfVtchitde8cribin2 1 the horse wnich . had mmm rr.W-PSirf ' . tDl-.fn-, . The base of tfe ,wer extended itself, on Jer kiMfritVlM of the missing quad- iIg influence, tot vast plain ; theslepder stemsUf tj(i &r S flmself in thoopinion of bis the leaves became trunks of so many stately ce- thiltiiri looked pretty much like, a horse dars ; tbe threads in the middle seemed collumns tbief. hostel i Judge,! Scratch accordingly madej of a massy structure, supporting atjthe topaheir arid bad bis Ex- tween were enlarged into walks, parterres, 00 I mg o0s seal,0 i jvV t alone, or in larger companies, the winged inhabi ; the constable bad brought Sir F.m.? tacts ; these, frmn; little dusky fliesi lor snch on- IQ ' IUQ pv9ivyy j . ij uc utmii i'iu iaic suunu IUBUI, ncic t tie feiiisB itVblildetentlo.n.i-f " t then raised! to glorious gliterins animals. stained t'ri'ihe tmiri of authority drew fown his with purple, anfT with a glossy goW that woid : - 4 -." J J . 1 j jputbi;st$aling the horse now in your pos- thir backs ' session! I! fjlisttee. Where are you from ? a-tl--fi5-. V -'. - t : V 1 .1. .! . ' . p -s.yqtyi am irom loronto, on my way to flit0-rh:'K i ' -' ' -; t-foifei gV.'bere. did vou get thai horsed 1 10,1 jlhrptlglit; him from Toronto, i : . ' 7J,uslJ--lVfitf,s your narnc j " V r i ! OoVl-My jname lsFrancis Bond Head. Jiist.Wel.l now that must be a d d lie, their eyes brilliant above . I n a It tori adinirationJ I could pbsc jj . i 1 - ST;": J vieing with the empyrean in its blue ; oui giiiiering me nine pmms, ana description, and almost too great .tii ye them here'singiing out their favorite fgiiaU-f courting them wjiU the music of their buzzing wins,"' with Hi lie Sonvs formed for their little rgan,- leading them from walk to walk among the perfumed shades l-and pointing out iu ineir i!fie iue drop ui jiquia neciar-jasi bursting from some vein within theUving trunk. t flare were the nerfumed crruves. the more irtan , . m IIJI.T- I V W w-jp W aw J I , P - -w w In. Ilthnveriinr'a namo ana he don't 1 myrlle shades bf the poet's fancy; realized. Here tealltfrHll i ! ! f- . : ; the haPp lovers spent their days iji joyous dU iOlfpitSi ue,!su. that I happen to be iorWd .ayhlflfee of Upper Canada, , butl ldon't know tnai t iook use a uorse flj2hl ,0hhe ctose shadow of $ome 6roaderleaf. to revel ondisturbeJ in theiieightscf allfelicity. it 1 ill il lilnn ant n fl I V i f It a Ml Bonn nr . I I '' I I UUI HlG4l11.UUMt. OKU, oainactnimL leprovea oir iln MikJI A W." A IJ rt r. P n A P fence, or, an the tnajiph of their little hearts, afterqone another from stem to stem the painted trees; or winged their short 0. OhifiC ac that he was gaov Francis (or pre ; when althis stage- Secretary Joseph T .will. .wftbiKvu: wi.u' . iu aitjiuii.Y vi ul..,' : : t v i . determin.tir.ntn rnfmi Kni tKt nnWo da wt S,?ClaM JBVer some person other than ! himself to voueh: far iti ?oors' . il f . P4r he must give him a short sitqatiorif. say T thfrty I S1 of dys in the calaboose.-rPtcfl&une. t WH. be I ecru ited.bv be nd all previoosjexamplei iYtnigut ri-1 jpoato7iofe irctafJ-O'atnes' ttonally be expected jthat aj degree jof lustre saida merchant on'Mfltif street to bp clerk and dignity heretofore unkno wo would dig- the 4?thei morning, b dow4 ?oi water mfy social intercourse. SiHl Jiye sleKit ywjr Welej IcTlr -l-tn.; teU, bid . b)s ent prominently identified with ihe- pleasures must be paid to-day Tea n't Walt any long of tbe table. ' To make the sktisfaction rof er, as he .is already two 'quarter in Btrear9 tbe palate the principal test of hospitality, l The clerk obeyed the: direction and soon seems to accord t with a Jessi refined sute i returned wiiu c real appearance of mildness i wants: to see of society, or to argue, some destitution of I about tbe eyes, o Mr. imeuectuai resource. vqum our ; laoies set the example of less elaborate enterlam ments, of less exuberant feast itiffs, ' more and went at oneUo visit tbe tenant. I He ;s yoo, sir, about tbe rent very much.' I I l-1 Tbe merchant happily ; was at leisure. would stay ir home;5 end tit strong drink ajone, they could do well enough. Tbe ffmily went to bed. happj--all(btrt himself -for tbe dire purpose ini bis heart, he must have been! most miserable, fie supported, his fife's head upon his) arm till she tell ; a steep. She bad not long been m this con cpnditioo, when she was aroused by feeling aknife in ber flesh, and tbe flo wing of blood. Se immediately jumped ouitof ber bed apd screamed murder. Uer husband stab bed her in three or four places over tbe re gion of the stomacbj before she ebt from ujr uuu. uo loiiowea nec into and about the adjoining room still continuing his thrusts at her, tiir he nfltcted sqme eeten or egbt stabi upon! thef abdomen , and ;cbest, besides several scratches upon tbe right band, received while, fending ioff. Having done plpbably what' he thought sufilcient to ac cbmplish,bis purpose, boh caught bis panta loons in his hand and 'escaped from the hbuse by. tbe back door. ' Her wounds, for tonately, are not mortal, as the jack knife which he used, did not penetrate the cavi ty of the chest or abdomen. He bad not been caught at tho last advices. POSTZOAZi. r. room would be left for ! the rnental i bowers I found bim extended boon a coarse bed. in tjp expand, and the jeejjngs p seeS inier I wserisible - stale of (dangerous! malidy, "S" 5tVlve5?lOI? W ify lois wuo was ousy over a scanty nre appar- Sflecfed anorCommtmtcix(cdbr Ae Watchman. mrgnt save iiusoanu s purses, tneir servants' t entiy preparing some simple aliment tor.ner tempers, and themselves a world of fatigue. I sick ! husband. Three little children I sat Iet them recollect that itis bat a relict of shivering in a coiner. His approach was barbarism . which they cherish when they unnoticed 4 j l, j i f allure their guest? to indulgence of appetite, ''Ma, said onepf the little mcbinsi 'when jrhaps to hortfol excess-;? (o)r', jimjitattoni be you agoing to get breakfast j 1 j of Ihe palalev though they (may! Ke:mtllti( Breakfast, my dear child, that is more relied by the hospitable lady not of pure lhanTcan tell l ) ' !1! I bjBnevolencet'rca9nor:' be 7ie)deqjto j. witn' ; The merchatdvanced 1 I t impunity by alt whom her invitations thus i My good woman-my good jwoman-- expose Her skill in culinary compounds ihem-lhat is' -and tbelworthy man felt ve- may wouna toe neaun oi tnose wuom sne rr mucn line cnoakingi ue grasped nis blest loves. I It would i be but a' s orrv comnli m e nt for thoi dyspeptic v husband ;to aijaittf Trttii ifke him of - Eden, his l sak extervuaiiop. iLThe woman whom thou with mei gave 'me, and I did fiavest to be poefcet dook conclusively, and itatd some bills'upon the table-he opened) the door and disappeared ! ! 1! f41James said be again to his clerk, 'take thir order to Mr no tell bim to have the provisions delivered immediately. 'i .". The merchant felt much better! than he eat or-for the more indignant j guests Iwhejn seekihg ii;-: i 1 . .i ri. . . t' . , i l i j 'I.l. i, piijaic.iaj, ,u vAciaini,f x iio-- burpeni ii woijiu nave oone ir ne uaq got ine reni. eguiled me, and I kiideath jt J. j There is something in a good actibnthat It - was.,iormeriy too . much tpe custom makes one's heajrt feel i lighter warmer lilOpEUN.FAUST, Among ilhdse indiriduals who should have to press among, the pledges of the . draught that inebriates. ianu a oeiter creeu; nave mouineu tins nrac IJce. But still it is not-eitinifj Ifil be asked, whv the' Christian inhabitants of a rpost Christian, land shouhl choose, as the interpreter of i their) hospitality, a ; usage more dangerous than, the sword of Damoc les, there is no better answer than "Because 7 mspitality, j better.' We woq More light, I name, but we kntjw be would not forgive it, and wc would no Eufalonian. d publish the good mans for the world offend bim. I- been seen sorne where else yesterday morning, T T r "Hi it is the tashirtn.r The kjub mill not, indeed, matk hiro who pagtaes with its immediate . , poison t but may it not foster wnat shall rankle in his veins witn fatal j THE IVY The following the inleresting vo es' AND THE OAK. "w I I of the; proceedings, iir. ?IBP' lH ffls?ner wasiiuentineoad tne ht yve seen at Mr. Iteccrderi Bald w,,,ai. ! true ire preseritaiive of her most gracious Ma. win's ofiice of business a nroiessional fu! oWftr i,f contagi 5 'lift. 2 J AU.-rj..! . 'Jit Ui- J r..'l..... ' I .U PvJJ. l ll t.J ! ' 1 hul Iho ami I .. ' H 1 f'if "V I i ... I tl .. .k i Jilt . . j i.i j I UB a SIII UUI I 1U U1C. T if 1 T suDDuri rcuii !When philosophers have.inqbired, ho'wj .the oak is naturally yours; andyolti mal re- women, whose hap jihess and sajety sie so y,ori my strength? to bear you up, but t am deeply involved , in the ptn yio ihos0 loq arge and too solid to bend. Hi Put your . ! ' .. :i ' 'i I S -II a J4yy?Pl Mpfy ;wwciiigcmiuui uuiaui.-ur mtf grea. r ausi, . uiarij Known as a jour It&psfhfehed. tnflgislrate, who curses printer,! He was a cassall $ort$ of a caseU! a fliisiri td"his darVthat he wassb blind as walking 'edUiuri of the striped pigj or in ojher tiiJLii: Ja'ji.Jl:-- -i..'.V words an uhcbrrtcltd conv of the imorks ofi Snn Coiisttfuton. beautiful allegory! is from ume ot " Algic Research just published, by H. R. Sciioolcbaft. ' A vine was growing besides a thrifty mk. and had lust reached that uheioht at tiiini nil flv'.fnlnl.l V t . " ''. 3.' -.' d J ' r V 1 i .1 .i7ii.0 n.tii jo-i, l wnicn u reauiresBUDnon. uaK." saia ine ion, threatning not only4he bodyJ ivTVinev bend our trunk so trtaryoujmay s soul ! I I'll-iilp!'. ba a support to me." My support replied no mist a U i : -e 5- s. ;fc hock'e'f l JllflKifi?OTJC;i;A 1 Smnhf i wagon . stopped one morning be widtiv? .Jones? door, and he gave the coohtrv s irhaV! that he wanted somebodv Lover." Widower fore usual in ibdjydse by!dropping the rems.'and fitting dolrlwtth trippleBlthe his elbows on Ins knees. Out widow. Iivelv as a cricket, with trettlttnbus black riband on her snow white cap. u Goods iphrning jwas soon said on both sides, and! the widow wailed for what was lurtlit0 b saidi i ; i tains of temperance and of tirtiielhe' only I " riar. i9B liPPn M ft r ihp faefithh ' v Mni 1 lu.: I e rLi !t.i Ju ' iy meivtne guarcians 01 Uj'a aitar, nave clouds. While 1 thus hold toulupiyou temperance, Isttped vp, and boimd by no tee lb4 tal rule of entire abstinence He lucked blurred ;iJ L ii! :L: r . -ll .- !. t.ii or n&e s Dau impression vi worn-out wood cut our American eagle, or oi a runaway negro j You werejfound sleeping out last nihi,' feaid the Recorderl Who and what are you ?' lad dressing the! Ndly set uo of humknity i in the dock. 1: 1V ' n. v- ' U i 1 Me, I'm a poor d n poor specimen of i the art preservattve ti an ans-vuigariy caueaj a hen that dread !assCmbly ii convened, ' jour pun ten' or 4 typo. said the prisoner. i ; k' ,L .til I Andineed cdrrectot,' said the-affable Recdr wfh!re. none d"e Xf Plead qipotCnee .lAr . yihihcrhi ou werftfl m,2!ri Whv uftashion : when ia. voice from the throne were yon notiat- your lodgings last nightpv jjj I of theater nal quejiibni of itfeej plague spot f Because I lost my place got but of sorjs 1 upon the soul of the g lest. the jbrother, the had no quoins leoinsj touet locKed up any wnere I ijushanu, or the child wltatt siiall the re it S -V i - . i J '(!-.- . ; . .1 I " a ,. i s' I I f fit piMttJam Jones, Jrou don't want to else: injfact out of cash, which if the copiof 1 pbnse be I Jlrsi. L, H, Sfgftiipey. ecu one DK" VOUr COWS, OO VOU t ' I our existence flu : eu, ne iei iuq umsuie ; cur of the times as well as preasti other folks have jbad bad impression, and a heavy or.e, of the difilcul ty of 'jmtifjpJiS sure But my actions by the right niea- correct man of your profession,' said would have been at Lis case sef- tioie the watchman found case : and even! if I ii''Yf') '-tqere; Mr. Smifb, you could not have sppkert my mind belter. A poor, lone worrlinj)ik me, does no know what to do Mith SiryidreatWe9,' aQd I should be glad rmftrW?? 11" the Recbrder, Uli PsMXrWouineo to tne meadow. Far- tinz wl at the !lr.l9M.Wdal Roanktheh at ihe wid- settingdowri.' A ' f " ' J-" fi . ' Si It! - . . ; . -I . , - 'mL' uw-!8i uuMutc vnen at llm wirfnn nt thn xes; do i m asone were setting down i instead ot selling vp, I don't : - a . i.L..-iiJ il IJ . tl . : '.ll'.Ll.: callMW!mide everj 6 'fo'r a week but yourjverd ct.r - , uiJt&itJ&k .,m T . r a. wfeK' b"1 Yod were lying down, sirV ilKIr - C,S.C wn,cft cow 06 VYes'.lhald.cpme.toa period, that's a fact, T'P?ltftf',.T,,Slu tday, when and thf watchman made a parenthesis of .his muc iviuauueu. wi.y, -imt uii. vtpr ua jbiui Wll, ornament my trunk with your green less toner trust., anu sue pain answereo, leaeg and sh in int scat et berries.) Thev It is the lashion." , Bui when the garnir wli be as frontlets to mv head, and 1 shall iiirc i uiuo ompcu irum au jear uiiy "nogs,, i stano in the forest like a glorious warrior wuii an ins ptuuies. e were tuaoe uv ine Blaster oi me to crow together, that by our union tbe' weak should be made strong, and tbe strong render jatd to the weak' ;w But I wish Jio grow ..imfej)imrieny,,! said the vine, k why cannot you, twine a- round roe, and let me grow up straight! and not we a mere dependent upon vou v ixa- n.m,,ti;ntrr tar, niiJ. tvi -ik: e answered the oak, did not design it O T V I I I M M SK nMAlUlA W a klll a II Mlt I A M. 4 A Jk M tf i . r ' i . - ' 4 s I . i- - . I hfilit nnA. and ll won trv it J 1 hn Winds nng Jong winter or whenever tbev hnd a ' ' ."l- VI r i . " i 6 e i ( ' . (1 and rain. if. not vour own weiffht. willbrinff ressure or ousiness witnin Dr unoieasam i t . -'. - i . p . ' i, 1 :- you to tbe ground- Neither is it proper for I itin.lliiipi niitliniil anil pfif itintr cbl .npqnmlia ' i , .. . ; ' M i ri ,, m vou to run vour arms hither and von amonr? ty as u tnev toon exercise every oayi- 10 ' i- -; . r . r I .i i'l ... ' thn trpa. ThH 1 Irp.fts will hpmn tr aav it ay that no attention is to be piid to diet, is l . : " " ' . ' TV i I ; i - ' I n M mm .Inn lit to pfc off PUn r.AW . MAi Ifi.lli 'J -TT ' .'-.. 1 13 UUI IUI flUC 'tl MB Oil .114:61 HC I i (UB aoness.. x ou must pa tifiuiua iu ii suun i n . i . , r, .y i i . . i . , .1 . . t none. 1 will not cherish thee. ! Bv this lime r or later it you lare taithiui to lane resu- v " :. r . . . i -rfSTfFf p8. ' 8 ffrJ to get through arms toj raise mte up, and a nof bfailmiratifh ot but lillli r llt r Sunday,jand had ever so my body, bead downwards; while) bringing Jme re to be ch'tbTdp!in the house, as all formers' lo this he wfiangled press to liave. a protrfAt' food in t w4ls!iahd4 widows have on Saturda. sh. jw4sijtQf itripatient! farmer Smith was n anoti as irrfsoiutp as even 'rbt 'era; own i ng jco w is a pretty lair tPjfi tbot ? ' be sfopoed to glance at the and then walked round her 31 W lre! ahort horned Durham is not Wing, beast, but 1 donl know" l look it I . i r lies Dun;.. -l: . 4 ? ! : 5 vv IUCW UCIUIC IUD KPff sh her." Here he sigh ftf t4nJ0!,on mad6 to the late Mr Jones Mi8JSd,:and both (ooked at each oih-Pill- h,y inliing moment. ilWMn 8 f!bful old milch; and m. Si mr b"V 1 hate known better Infig etare succeed this speech the pause ?5W9PJtMrdiWd all"t Mrs. Jones vtoaa oDt-w-- far vigorous exercise every dav in the open air, then you may 4 eat and pay Mess attention to quality! and quantity. Bat if you 'take little exercise, you may - be sure yon a severe sufferer if you do not take the same propoitioni- (l do not ask liP- od to diet, that is, to be as difficult, and as Changeable, and as whimsical fs possible; as if the great point was to see how much you -1 ! i pah torment yourself and others-; but 1 do watchman placed ydo on your skl you to beware of the quantity of food thou wilt be so eptangled among the differ enl branches, that thou canst not get b?ck to the oak ; and no body will then; admire thee or pity thee' 1 ! ; . !! ' '. j I ' Ahme ; said the fine, let me escape from such a destiny "and with this she twined herself around'lhe oakij and Itbey both grew and ,flqurished happily together.'' j The Fall Rve Patnot gives partico? lars oP an event which) has thrown that tr km, replied iihe ' jour. The watchman charges you wph buing y, sir. ' I wet iy matter too much last; night, that's iact.1 feet nU aia LJ .i..j in.4 I Lw;t. U....J iiAm.nli iVireo l lan infn no tnmhsiderahie fiir.ilemen.. It j u iu iiu. Biaiiu siiaiuu t inm urn ill m- m r t m w i . 11.11 v ijii iiuiip; m mi lu w &u. oiuiuu. muiwv .w " - . . - - - direction. l klfirTfrl aKimt o Ihn'nrrh wmi wsro ll.na ...k 'J.. Imtthmif n mn it tn. reel' I nnir that nnftiTampa AfrNabi a AUttken .luix.bit the hrst sheet of the new grand lot- t s the quantity rather- thari the kinds of miserable loafer h VlorT! persons ;. ly have, a beautiful ,wr.i,hui fciT.X: j. ":!.! Sthduab it b true khe more simple the food own-on worthiness I V DW" " H Wiu it, ,t ; . ! . ..... . ..w. r..!. k jino Dcuei, ll jou arc uuuauaiij uunicu u&o i iaw bud uu uwi,w . i ) . Z LrJ;. .f ,t wlnrm. tf .nlUf in Iho.. ne. ha hppn Hmnk IthAUfl "IS 8USD1CH "V n L(,n . i qivi lug .w ... .uvww j ' ww. - ; i . - . . ij nli... a ha itrlnUCCSi I f . n,. Tnacj. n lfi t. sbout six p cl ock t he do. otherwise will be. very returned to b,suso . i ; r .... i ii.. ..f; aaturaav. iieWa mv '- means yool have been in- icated, .ayf ppeaea.yery "'-r t; JONATHAN'S INDEPENDENCE.. Says Jonathan, says he, "To-day ,: , , j I uitt be independent, ' s And so my grog I'll throw away, ' b , , And that shall be lhe end on't: ' ' " Clear the house ! the Urnal stuff''".": Shan't be here so handv i Wile has given the winds her snuff -j So now here goes my brandy ! Chorus--C lear the house, 4tc. i i ! i I . Our fatherv, thongh a sturdy folk, ; b-Were sometimes ratBer skittish ; And so they would n't jwear the yoke ; I I DroughtflVer by the tSntisb;, - v I J&mdeTjjm old Bunker's head, I I i From their necks they shook it b I U There they fired iotlalf their lead, I I And tlten they had to hook it. ' ' ) ! Chorus Yonder, onSie.!" ! i-v L ! w 'ilv:;-' -: .-"V I But though they fit and run away, - 1 They warn't a bit pf cowards, j (They lived iu fight another day, " ! I i When looktn Gin'ial Howe wards ' I ' . .' - What could then the Gin'ral do !l ! For his own salvation ? : ' Why, he 'cuss'd and quit the u- . ; : nivarsal Yankee nation. ; Chorus Wrhat could then, itc. ! ' ' " - ! I'.'.! The tyrant that our fathers smoked " i Lay skulkin1 in a tea-pot ; There's now. a worser' to be choked, ) j In bottle jag or : weepot j , , ' -Often in sfglassl he showi"'!1 ';1':'l :Jr' . What he calls his 14 bolyV' And often wades up to bis nose:: In a bowl of toddy. ' ChorusQden in a glass, &c. Sometimes he creeps np, through the slim Stem of a very ne pipe; , ; And sometimes plunges for a 8 w im, ; I All over in a wind-pipe ; ... j But he's tickled, most of, all, : When he hears the summons - I Down his favorite pippg tu crawl ! i i 2Yie wfttd-jptpes ofjiht.tum uas,- Cliorus-But hes tickled, &.c. ' I And when he gets the upper hand, !. j This tyrant, base and scurvy . He strips man of bouse and land, And turns himjtopsy-lbtvy. :e Neck and heels he' binds him fast, j i - And says that he ts his'n; I i And lets him have; rent free, at last, A poor-house or a prison. I Clxorxcs -Neck and heels, &c And now, saysJunalhan, tow'rds rum I'm desperate unforgivin' ; i Tfie tyrant, never more, 6hall come Into " the bouse IJi5e in;' " I' Kindred spirits," too, shall in-. to outer darkness go I. Whiskey, Todo'y, Julep. Brandy, IJeer, and Chorus Kindred spirits, .. Y fills my cop, While this cold.wiVV . ' .r of t: accompanied " by inditstion. w l greatest evils are apprehended ojctj i! grounds, and the worst consequences i.. Ancient medical writers 6uppced U.s-. to be cenfiued lo those panicular re?, abdomen, technically called hyrKM-Lun . are situated on the right or left side t-f i: ity, whence comes the name liyiK,c...:. ' ' ; -"r ' v SYMPTOMS. ' i The common corporeal symptoms arc f cy in thestbmach or bowels, acnJ erL cosUveness,' spasmodic pain3, giddinrs?, v of tight, falpitations, and often an utu r i of fixing the attention upon any subject f porunce.or-engaging in any thing t! cnands rigor or courage. Also laru: : the itind becomes irritable, MhocghtfuT, J; in g crielancholly, and dejected, accrapa ;. ; a total derangement of the nervou sv : lie meoul feelings and peculiar triin v: that haunt the imagination and sci. I the judgment exhibit an infinite ?tvcr.-ii v . wisest and best of men are as open to i!.U Uoa. as. the weakest. 1 t- " i:,?-n-td . cAtrsRs. i A sedentary life cf any kiod, esprri ji: vera study protracted to a late hour in H e I and rarely relieved by social intercourse, ereise, a dissolute habit, great excess in and dusking, the ' immoderate use cf j. violent purgatives, the suppression of 5 bitoal discharge, (as, the obstrocticn of 1 1. . ses,) or long cunliooal eruption j relaxas ; Debility of one or more important organs . the abdomen, is a frequent cause. -1 TaC ATM EXT. The principal objects of treatment srr, i move indigestion, try strengthen the I J y , to enliven the spirits, which may be r by exercise, ea i y hours, regular cr ! , pleasant conversation. The bowels (it being carefully regulated by the cct-asi. : of a mUd aperient. W'e know nut hi r '. calculated to obtain ibis end, than Dr. Y . Pt.n.i ffA.PAn. r;i i : i . .. i in their operation. The bowels bnr;: cleansed, his inestimable Camomile P i !I -!f are tonic, anodyne, and anti-spasracdk-J a: iofaljible remedy, and without dipuh proved a great blessing o the nurneruus tSome physician hae recomuientiti use of mercury, but it should not be, r; . as in many cases it will greatly ajgrav.. symptoms. l . Interesting and 'Jlstonisliimr Facts. v mj - ING. Mr Robert Won roe, Sch uy Hill, :. with tbe above distressing malady. .Sy.;; Greatiahgoar, flatulency, disturbed tt , toos headache, difficulty of "breaihir t , and stricture across the breast, dizzirc: in' a horizontal position without the : , impending suffocation, palpitation cf il ' distressing cough, costireness, pain of i! ach, drowsiness, g real debility and d f..-i the nervous energy. Mr R. Monroe p v every tboughl of Recovery aod dire dc? on the countenance of every person tnicrt his, existence 6r happiness, r till by acci Jt ; noticed in a public paper some cures efiVeu Dr Wm. EVANS' MEDICINE in his t plaint, which induced him tu purchase n ; age of the Pills, which lesulled in r un j removing every symptom! of bis dise- wishes to say his motive for this decbr h i ifXl I fine a of?1Ir1et nrilK llm ctmor ni loms similar 4o those from which he is I. restored, may likewise receive the im; : benent, ; r A CASE OF TIC DOLOHKUX. Mrs. J., E. Johnsoh, wife; of -Capt. .1 Johnson, of Lynn, Mass. was sevete'y : : for ten years with -lie Uolereux, viul. i .t in her bead, and vomiting, with a bumir in the stomach, and unable to leave ).i r She could find no relief from the advice : eral physicians. nor from medicines of m.v ontil after she had commenced usm? Dr il maAinina nf IOO C (in tfia m cl root L ftn.t fr, time 6he began to ami nd, and feels sat; . she continue the medicine a ft-w I days 1 will be perfectly curod. Reference rars t as to tne trutn or tne aoove. nv canu.'r z r n Johnson's daonhler's Store, $S9 GianJ : N. Y. - rr .! 5dMrs Anne F. Kenny,- No 1 1 5 I mJ . a 1 11 . 9aa.l.w vvi wu Aavwap ted for ten years with lhe following d; ( symptoms I -Acid ercttat ion, daily fj .i.i 3 i r ...i. :. pains iu ineneaa, loss 01 Bpoemt;, ran r pf her heart, giddiness and dimness ol s not neon iter rigni siae, uisiuroeo irsi, r ability of engaging, in any thing that ! ; vigor or courage, sometimes a visionary : an aggravation of her disease a whim.-;: sion to particular persons ana piaces, y apprehensions' of perftonal danger sui v: ; an irksomeness and Weariness cf 1)4V .', iea, uibquieiuoe on eynj BugiKc,rm conceived she could m itherdieht the ' Jaioented, desponded, andyCne 0 LaJ, ' most miserable life, reversi fiequent menial hallocyce of several rr ' Mr Kenny had thouse to'numerou? s physicians, and hida even temporary ; stale, till her husl : i Hrialof my mode of trt-ui: lelieved, and unda i of attendtnjr to her ctru !wa I hat she enjoys as good 1., ,,; he did at any period of her e x ptesefnnyi' husoaoa oi ine a.-.esji.i 850 worn before methis 14th day, of D- v. Peter PiscKKEY, , Cora, of J) Dun? dare not s ma fin. Sheriffs shall no-j Ior tny neigr,, , B(it let death I pay my deOt, ILt St IKDBPEaDEKT. ers will f never let. &c. ?rrPREMARKABLE CASE OF AC ' RHEUMATISM, with an ArT.eu . Lnns cored 1 onder the treatment ! WmT EVANSMOO Chaihaoi sirt-M, v Mr nnt4min H Jam. 13 C' Newark, N.' J..afflictedr fuur v severepainsin all his joints, which v,c increased on the slightest maian, t: rr.rvfid a steadv whiteness ; loss f dizitneiii in his head, th bowels con::, i y costivethe urine high coloured, t- bote symptoms were also attended erable diflicnlif of breathing. ;wnn a tightness aeross the chest, nsewise a -. ofdoe energy in the nervous systc-rn. The above symptoms were entire Ihe I 1 Und a perhtcure etTected by Dr'.Wm K- aUenst to the Field -The editor aodrt? - BENJ. J" J All . itr:ii: J 1 - ' - . i Cilyo JS ew l ori:, ss. Cha Worcester jEgts m.m. mft h lit mn atL m, k m ! suuDtuiii "irr miQ a siieep s Toot, which in i a measure slr&gUUncd rue He welt nio-R distri buted he matter of my vpptr ease slr.lhrow- ed mytorain intojjic.' , - . j j ' 1 sbalHiave to send yoo to the calaboose sir? lock you up for thirty days.L j j' ; . I kirir daVfil What ! Ine.le r m fx - - j T J X J J Uh Iyou danH mean that, sir. thirty days! You have nq rule for doing it. , WhyV sir.1 yon might jas well send toe to fie on the. gallies 'in tbe swamp at once. Xhnty days in the cala riods you cannot; go out and! take regular 1 believed to be grtftin excercise, let your diet beyery sparing; ibo' the temptation to strong.. When; by any . ... . . . - g ;juVed .7 ?ou,fdod.:he ypiratfc, ""SIS proper limits as to eating, rlihave found in coj noi live away iroiuci such cases that tba most perfect way to rtlfr and.over eatn. ISbe told htm it be (Hon. William iitbcoln.) closes a controversy, which has rjeniarnin S Jarv is being duly sworn, been somewhat disastrous to the Worcester .nd say, that the facts statci : 'Radium, by qrTering to me euuor oi 1 1 ; cove cc runcaie. suuscnuru M1 , . I.ru i ui ..iicfiinn in the Held- fftsnects irue. inni iiuiiuiuio otiv.. i . t , i lobe hoes each party to dig ika larnniia orielacre ot polatoea ano neouw isldone best arid in the shortest 'time, lo wi4tlrp(l the victor. Should the chaJ- Sworn before me; this 2Mb ot uve! WILLIAM SAUL, Notary IV.,:. 7 , i. j n4 n clrtpf . '. Soldbf the following lehce lb mortal potato digging be accepted, J0'JLyA LGLIS (Bocksicrc)a tho editor oftii.jEgw-wiiUraM Camden, S. V. iaofbisho bya Oiend, who will arrange JOILXUUUUIS.S, voiymin. life preliminaries for the settlement of ill WJ difficulties. . . f ; . ' Jyi?iIW9-l!f J j-' j ; i...' I : li-f tl- tft -'' :i I - I I'' ; r : h 1 ilNiB;! - - T- .4 - I . .jj, iS 1 i i - " . . . - .

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