If -iitKJi ''-4. 4 ' 4 "? :: 4' : . . 4! 4 -.r:-', 4 4 . . : 1 li-liv- -r -p 4 -44- .4 -..4: 4 : '4 1 - 4 : - I V- ,' tf;-: - - 'I. -i -l.; ' -44;4 '44:,. ,.r,- ;.; ; - .: ,44 I. - - . .-: 4; . , .44.- 4- . . t I . ; 4 - :! - t ! V .44- : ; 4: 4:4 4 4:j4j4 - jj - 4. -4. 14 ' : . 4 4 4 - 1 '" -4t' :il!Hl44 f - Jv4' -V44:.- I 4 -'4:444 - v !4 -4444-- . . 4 44.-4- .: : I! rtivfiim fsa ceriainj slate of ilie mind, cfc(iipaified bv indigestion, wherein Ihe L,,idirtd he i worst conpfqiiences iaiJisined. frn&ni mdicr writera eupjpesed ibU disease L'bifi'i0' parjculr regions of Jhe ih(i.un?ti3t?nhically cMled ,hypo;hondria wLich Ire iftifo'M on the -rijht or jleft side of that cav Ijjjwbeoce cumes the nam'fj hypocKondriasi?. "-'A :M j SYMPTOMS. ' i "Thecominon corporeal sy'rap'Os areflatdlen .v. in Uie sfdoiacb or .bowel!; acrid .eructations, fhe'icrhaTbfMiea irri'able. thoughtful, despond- overwhelran ? n in?01ihih!ian infinite dirersitv. Tha Usiiii ry bestof men are as open to this afflic- Ha iit.lTlPUl 1 4enlafyifeof any -kjifd, especially pa- Vere Sinqy proiracer to a ine noor in me i?igni Ved by social lintercoarse, or ex- ercisidmspl fate habit, great excess in eating t . . ! ... aod:drpiM. he immoderate ose of mercury, xioifif pf"Hi ves, the suppression of some ha ytoaWiscKat(je,: (as the; obstruction of the men- Baa 3 if nnor continual emotion-; relaxation or bebilitf of pne'or more important organs wiioin the abf omen; ;is a irquent cause. I ; t : trbatment. , " " j. . i Xll pricf pal objects f treatment are, to te- to. enliven lh spirits, which may be promoted VyfUl! how? regular meals, and plea$(4!,ersal'00 1 The bowels (if costive) beiiil farMl y Tegalated by the occasional use nfttilidlanarient. i VVe know nothiogr betier I calcM.i Mxbtairi this end,jhan Dr. William Etfi'i yfpejient Pills being mild and certain in tpfr lopitaifon.l The bowels being once cieardliSijnestimabIe.Uampmiie fiils.Cwhicn atelic anMyne, and : anti-$pasmodic. are an infyrefncid and without dispute have nrotM''Maf blessing; d the numerous public. SflHisfcians! liave recommended a free nsn7fcnrybutit should not be resorted to ; many catses i win greauj aggraYaie me HMemUas and flstonwunz Fads. IN MrlRobprt Monroe, Schuylkill, afflicted withXheiboie distressing malady. . Symptoms: 4,0Jfat iapou'flatale.ocy, disturbed rest, rier- 'aoS fidliea!cT0S3 t he , breast, dizztnesss Der VOinM could not.; lie jii i iztllksitjlonwithout the sensation of "imltiscation; palpitation of the bear, Uilf64lflrlp6ud'h. costivenessJ nain of the stom- acll,!otoyftiin?ss, great debility and deficiency of theelhrbus' ?ergyi Mr R ; Monroe gave -Op Wihtf recovery, and dire despair sal Inn thciafria;nee of every person interested in Ihisytlifiinqr happiness, till by accident he Mslif a ptfblic paper some eure effected by DrjfEVfNS' MEDICINE in his com atnyjt3bcl induced him to: purchase a; pack JajelftePls, which resulted" in completely entoyh ejrery symptom of. his disease. He wi t laf is motive for this declaration is, jthahi jiffilsted with the same or any syrop tonsfnff inose':'frqni4w'Ech he is happily IresMelina likewise receive the inestimable J;X3A$E OPTIC DOLOREUX. USi JliE John soil. wi(BH-t)f Cam. Jospnh Jb6c$sMWeto afflicted forUtnBvieaTslvrith Tic Dolerenx. vintont nain pii rnd vomiting, wiSh a burning heat lift" fife ttlpaoH and unable lb leave . her room. fShiioilMfind no relief froav the advice'of sev- IfrallhlaaTfslnor from medicines of any kind, nniilJaE)i4he! ;l(ad commenced using Dr Evans1 rnwiieinejof IJQO Chatham i street, andirum that time sh-6fgan 'to amend, add feels satisfied : if shirtmtno the medicine ajfew days longer, will beperfecfly ciired. Reference can be had as a4lhe:-ttuth, pf tle above, by calling at Mrs ad Mrs Anne F. ! Kennv. No 115 Lewis i:rM,IW. Stanton-'and Houston sis., afflic- tedifrHnjyers with the following distressing 9y'tQrjs44ijJ feructation daily spasmodic paios in lbM head, loss of anrjietite. naloitfttion nf Juf'fr'heark giddiness arid dimness of siffht.coold .wHrli1??!'0' n. ?ny triing that demanded vifir or courage, sometimes a! visionary idea of an isiviiil)fi of her diseased a whimsical aver swio:rfer)icular persons and places, groundless aPpff be3ijs of personal daeger and poverty, aVIsjMiess and.wearinesaj of life, disconten MfiHu'dej.tin "every slight occasion, she rorfctifede could neitherdie norliveishe wept. idiLivQ?,peSponaea, ana inougnt she led a ! ?m5f erf ble fife, never wa!sone so bad, with freaiMnfif ntal-iiallucinations. - - . . W !HDf. J ft the id ri ft several eminent Phscji3indhad recourse o numerous medi ;t?aM:lp..fd not obtain e veil temporary allevia r,0?flllst'f8sing state, till her husband per Plt'Wmtotrtalofrayimodeof treatment. y'flW quue-relieved, ;and nnds herself her domestic a f- good health at her existence. ennvi huxhinri nf ihb irij a. Jf fre me,; this 14th day of December, 'st.i v I Ill ;lfI.PisckBEY, ICom. of Deeds. StlJ.lljil AUK illl CV-Z'k cr r'n nr-rrwir. lira.ith an j Affection of the 'Wgcored under tha ..L... r A 4. inn A ui jjocior l!lM;f:4N sUgMest motlon,X tS OT EI sieaay wmieness ; loss of apr 4mm MMs head, the bowels comnio". :-fil'tttihe'higb .coloured, and toss of arnetitfl. i r ve- nfton rf wg?aungj unatten i'6p1ipinai were also 'dd by relief. Tk U1 . irifHvunv ui.Dreamingj wun a sense of JwfFF0 cnest, likewise a great want K5St!fW- ir, le nervous 1 1 t he abut a c m nt Am system entirely removed, Ur Wm Evans. BENJ. J JAR VIS. tur-rtfr:--: h mi Ki Is 4Pose3an3ti- 4"S 'J sworn, aoio oe- T"?P J-ariia : k:.- jtL !? kAiia.JJit,,,,na the Tacts stated in the . MMlr RENJ.s.jJ are in all RENI.S.JARVIS. IIflrJM Ai ih of November, 1836. mi mm MMiGTHvWNotarv Public." 9fi . ; f ivn noe wc,l0 f. kht. j-aipttations. and often an otter inability Lf tixioVjtHe altenlion pponjany aobject or- im borfanceiOf 'ensagrinj? in any thin? .that, de- i mmmint of4hel ir,letfou9 8y-- ivui$&&i fMinss aod.peeliar train of ideas ! ana 4 11 wTp!01" attending to f 4,4fl VMW ,hat Bbe enjoyjs as fcfre did at anv period of r. PENDLETON $ BRUNER, editors and PROpniCTons. ::! 4f CIOHXTS AUttS 4' j Fyuit "Trees, ci J The Subscriber informs the public, that helifs for saleat his Nnrseries in Davidson County, 15,000 trees if tbe Morns Multicauijs,!ineie ie superior tqcuuings wunout roots to pfopar gate from. I His prices shall be the market'price of the article in the North and elsewhere.He also has a larg stock of Fruit Trees, consisting of Apples,4 Pears,' Peaches, PIuW Chelrie r, q-u. oeing selections oi tne oest American; arid European fruits, all of which are grafted or in ocnlated, and In healthy, growing; conitjofi. U i will have trees delivered in good condition. uj rtfasoaajuie aisiaoce irora Lexington, say 75 or 100 miles. tXi am.innt nf nrAora fy it.) for which I will charge the usual price of baolinor. It Will be well for thosa tvhiirTsh in obtain trees; to get the Catalogae of the! Nfors! ries, which contains prices, and will beientWra ti is to all appijcants, the postage being J'l lyommunicaiions will he promptly attended to. uueci to JL.exingion,4i. UA . ! , 1 Ytl CHARLES MOCK. Lexington, jlN. U. Sept. 6, ISSp. NEW JEWELLERY, JOHN C. PALMER M.S8!!0? new supply of Gold-and $ilvir WATCHES. Plain ftnatiatvUi-it iftUJu - r. i . - ,r i do; Gold Fob Chains and Keys; Fine breast auu x.idci; uings, silver Hotter; KQives, Patent. land plain Pencils. Tnoiti Pigtail opeciac es and Thimbles, ibtiel arid gij ob Lh.iins ad Keys. .-j" i-ALSO ;;; ;"' A VERY FINE AND LARGFJ ASSoRTi MEW i Ub KAZORS AND POG j ; AND PEN KNIVES,! I by dinerent makers, and other articles nsual jept by Jewellers. All of which will be! so ow tor Cwft, or only six months credit. t(ihi mh'lfVi lima inifirael' i.itl L. U. L J h t ' fiMivn iiuy, iiiiumi Mill UV CMaJl'CQa I V OEM uoue laiiniuuyjana puncruaiiy. j Salisbury, May 3, 18S9-itf40 ! I ILL; be Isold at the Court-Mouse in ii3is hnrir I in: ho lOik T fi . I ' i rac; ot JUano: containing t t 33S ilCRE belonging to the Heir9 t Law, oj'iohrt (flary) Seor. dee'di, lyingon Crane Creek, ailjoinilg the . IP lanos oi John ftJcUlelland, and others, on alcre Equity for Rowan County. Bond and selorifv ii. oi vweifq monins, oy praer at ine uprrrt iyr me purpnase money required on sale. jTiile: id be made according to der of the Court. i the 'day of future orr i t i ..-li f i c im cir T.i.4 ' ' " ! 1 i T;t.': oa;uu. olLiLilAJAlX, C. M E. 455ept. 27, 1539-r4vk9 JI1. U. Douglas, H H AVIniti; located himwlf In J. JLfl. spelful y j tenders his professional seivicfes to its citizpns, and those of the stjrroubdinglcoufj try. His; office is the one recently occupied by Dr. BouchelJe, where-he can be fonnd kt k times, except w hen absent on - professional da lies, idaiisbary,'June 7, !839 if45 j BaSgf PPinS Grpcef iep, Jus received iSc for sale wkolXntp & nffh P'iC0"0" Ba?gng, 42 to 44 Inches SO ct)ils Bale Rope. 30 Kegs XMaiis, i 40 Bags Coffee, i 1 1$: Hhds. Sugar, ! . 1000 lbs Loaf do. . J" 500 lbs Spring Steel, 5$ pair Eliptic Springs, , 20 large covering Hides, 500 lbsrBlister Steel, -141 Dottles Tonic Mixture, 500 lbs sole Leather, j 100 Kegs White Lead, 1-3 i ty 4 , 1 I By J. & W. MUftPIIV Salisbury, Sept. 20, 1839 tf8 I : J MORIJS MULTICjAUtlS BBS. fUHE Snbsciiber has for sale (del i 1 1, yerafle af IJl ter; the; faU: of! the leaQ froni i fflGftT THOSJiJYD to TEA" THOlmgeM ine Morus! Mnlticaolus Trees. frkm joats nd cuttings, now growing in and nearf the Tdwnf of Pittsbprooghl North Carolina. TbesbjTrlesJire large and superior, many of them! now measure from si a to njne feet, well branched,! minyi of which wII count from one to three hondred m"us each J I will self any number.tbat inajH be jooi, or by the hadl hnt WnnM nrmfaJ ooWmn; be.bud.' i.fl r.Tn Hf Also tot sat-, on tnilIiA. f li.jfcj,'- ilLti J pu ui ui jyggs io, feeding. 4 ! 1 1 r C:tl. L t; "..... w. nil. wee sua; ui ruisooTougn, aepl: 6, 1839 tf6 0j f5 - .i JUST ISECKWrnk A quanltit titAot superior CknnU rLl 14 do J vyuucv, i do , Smohtn t 7TiA,;U.. F. R. ROUEC1IE May 17 839-tf42 !-'. 4 ,. .4 I :. If.l.n i ......... ... i. , . . , , . i i - - : ! r - : 1 4 jCC. j l 4.ET i ! i ; SHSHIFFSr D: EDS I - ! ' 1 h . . . ........ r ,;! i. - .1 f W$e!f at JflORUS 35IIJIIICAIIJLIS. T WILL continue to sell ! my. Moots Molti- m. caoiia l rees, ot which 1 1 have about Three A hoosand, the roots at 20 cents, and the buds at one collar and fifty cents per' bhridredH (which is one dollar less than the price in this: market last fall,; if applied fori by the 10tb of October oexiT i navenow trees from the bod nearly ' su w luraisn oiik Worm Eggs, without charge to persons purchasing my aDa - wm agree io; nay of id em all the mer ciiani&oie cocoons made from such eggs at the Baltimore prices. - I WETMORE. Fayetteville, Aug. SO, 18S9 7w5 ' " i-S THE SUBSCRIBER mAVlJG BE MOVED HIS SHOP TO THE BUILDIJVG FORMERLY f KJsrOWMJlSTHE POST OFFICE, Continues to keep on hand a good assortment o Breast Pins and Rings, j. St'rcr Spoons and Pencils, j' Musical Boxes and Silver Thtinbhs, Rodger's' Pocket and Pen knives. And all other articles i'n his line. : J) Repaired in (he best manner and warranted for twelve months. Old Gold ahd Silver taken in exchange for articles purchased, or iri payment DAVID U POOL. Saiisbury, June 7, ISS94-K45 4 I MEDICINES, DYE STUFFS, PAINTS, Oils, Snuffs, llubacco Spariisb ! Cigars, Candles, Rice, Starch j Soaps! Perfumes. Bnish m, Instruments, Paste Boards, Fine Letter and V rapping Paper, Qoills, Ink, Dfawihg Paper and Paints, Madeira, Teneriff, Maiagaj Port, herrj. Champaign, Muscat and Claret Wines, h rencb, Peach and Apple Brandy Qin, Monon gahala and old Whiskey, Jamaica Und N. E. Rom, Loaf Sugar, VarnishWi Sand Paper, Glass Ware and Bolt lesLmon aid Ginger Syrup, Lirne Joice, Tamarinds. Ja'ss,' Corks; Pocket Books and Maps, Pipes, Iron and Com p. Mortars and Pestles, (Candle! Vick Blacking. Lee's, Dean's, Dy oil's. Anderson's", Hooper's, Scot Ts, Cook's. Shop, ! Deck w i th's. Peters, M of fii Evans Brandwith's, and Phelps' Pills, HoucVs and S aim's Panacefa, Moore and An derson's Cough Drops Snuff :Boxesr, Spices, Pepper Sauce, Ro wand's 'IVjnic M ixlure, Back gamon Boards, Matche?. Balm of Columbia for bald heads; Elixir of Opiumj Swaim's Vermi fuge, and a thousand either articles. Just received and for sale chtap.zl ihe Apoiihecary sign, by J C. B & Ki vVIIpELER. .! Salisbury, Aug. 28j 18S94-t4F 4i EJOTIOB. I glHE Stockholders in the'Satisburv 5lanu Jl factoring Company, are notified that an In stallment of Five Doliars perish a re will be paya ble to Ihe undersigned!, on the! 1st day of Novem ber next. By order of the president and Dir HFectors of the Company. "' I i 44 WM. juj HDRAH, ' . I Trl S. M. C. Oct. 10, 1839 2W.I1 ! j M 14 I LAFAYETTE I HOTEL, ti FAYETTEVILLE, N.j CAROLINA. THIS ESTABLISHMENT will ; be open after the 1st of! August,! under the man agement and direction of the 'Subscriber. The House has been thoroughly repaired, and' will. in a few days, be well furnished ; and every ef fort will be made to render it worthy of patron age. EDWARD YARBROUGli. July 30, 1S39. 2:3m Ve have on bard am handsome , ntpply of Bla 1 ! 4 . among Mich are (Aeto) of the new fojrm. AlsoSj Constables Ex j ecutlons and Warrants II i EIMTERTiUHMSINIT. mHE SUBSCRIBER having been satisfac JL'- torily engaged for more han j three years a attending to a 4 I! BOARDING HOUSEi. t eels encouraged toeay to the' public, that her House and Stables are well furnished for the! reception and accommodation of those who may be pleased to call. ! J j : , - : .' E. SMITH. ICJ All the Stao-es arrive iiat land deDart from my House, where seals are secured, and no exertions spared to give general satisfaction toi rassengers. ! tc3 My residence is on the comer of Gilles pie 6treet, the lot ormerly occopfed by Mrs.' Barge, conveoient to the .Market od near the 0 Y 'yjl' Mum mm) a 7VC3. (DA I ' 'I i .1. i t ftitaf 7S Bolls, and Fifty cts Stntr of ilortfi JejfitoUUtl, - CAB A BR US CO DJYTY. f j Superior Court of Law, August Tertnl ' : j- .1839. t : : 4 Milly Edmonston, )PML.k vs t cifiuuiujiTijipe I Thomas Edmonston. 1 !no Amony. IT appearing toj the satisfaction of the fCourt, i thai the defendant, Thumas Edmonston. i9 I uu au inaaoiianv pi mis oiaieq urdered by the Court, that publication be made three months In' the Carolina Watchman, that the said Thomas H.dmonston appear at our next Superior Court of uaw, io oe held tor the county j of Cabarrus, at the Court-house p Concord, on the second Mon day in February next, and answer to said petition,- or it will be j beard exparte and Judgment awarded accordingly, v J 4 r : - . Witness. A.jL Shankle Clerk of our said Superior Court, at Concord, the second Mon day in August, 1839, and the 64tb of American Independence. .': I j . Ml" . - . A. J. SHANK LE, osc. . R. KI RK PATRICK, d c, V August 1 6 8ro3 ,14.11 ' .4 1- .-'l FOB. SAZiB. I is THE Subscriber being anxious to dispose of the Land whets he now lives, offers the same on reasonable terms r There are upwards of ' 4 ' 4- ' .- ! K f - i 300 ACRES f j of a valuable quality lyiog in RoWan County, on tne south ladkin Hirer and on the Beaver Dam Creek There are comfortable' Dwelling! Hous es, out Houses. &c, in the premises. those wishing to buy will do well to vieiv these; lands. as a bargain may be bad. -h There is an excel!entTan Yard now in opera nun on me premises. ,: i r f j I ; -IiEMUELTL JOHNSON. I September 27. 1839 Sw9 &r. LEAK DER MlLLlAJtfl 13 E S P E CTF U L L Y offers! is professional JLf services to the citizens of Salisbdty and surroundinff country. His Office win Mr. vyesl'8 new brickj building; neatly, opposite ;J. and .W. Morpbyts store. August So, 189115 4 1 t..-. NEW - ESTABLIfe'MiSrT ',-; lnJifoclfcUtyW.C.' ' "4-1! 4"1 TNFORMS the! onblia that he has rlmovirl M. from his form ej- stand, to hi? new buildings on the piiblic square, in the Town of Mocks- vtlle, wherhe willcuntinue to keep a J House ofEntcrtaittinehtl His House is rot) my and bommodions: attach ed to which are SIX OOMFORTABLE OF FICES for gentlemen of the "Bar, all cbived-1 lent to the Court tiouse. 1 he subscjicei pledg es himself to.the most dilisrent exertions, to eive satisfaction to such as may call on hint. His TABLE, BAR Si STABLES are prodded in the best manner-lthat the jcountry will rafford, and his servants a re faithful and prompt. I Udll xu, looy win r-j j i illot'ttS Jflulticaulis. kj! A CONSIDERABLE NUMBER of these TREES may be had at FavettevMe. N. C. abdot the lastjof next :Ummtir or tbeffirt jof the Fall. The prjppiietor can very readjly dis pose of them at tie North', but; from patriotic considerations, he; prefers that they sliould be taken by his native talei t he price twill be the same as in Baltimore or! New York, sind will be forwarded to purchasers on the; moneys being remitted. It is bdped thatsuch as may Wish toi engage, may do sq at an early day. . Enquire of E. L. Wisslow, Fayetteville, N. C "4 1 14 - f ' Feb 16, 1839-Ltf29 j j i f BF. FRALEY keeps! constantly on hand a fall -supply f ready 4 t MADE CLOTHIXG, I Coats, Pantaloonsand Vests, also Cloths, Casi- meres ana vesung, all ot which he will sell low for cash.. He is also prepared to cut and make clothing in sj very superior style, arid war ranted to fit well. Garments cut on short no tice. He will teach the j j ART OF CUTTIITG t on the most approved and Fashionable Style to Tailor's wishing instruction. i B. F. F. Sept. 6, 1839 4l2m6 M f'-'l. JLiSl of inciters, B ALMiMi in the Post: Office in Con- cord, N. C. October 1st, 1839. B Charles Earnhardt, J. N. Bigger j,Thos. N. Black, Hirani Blackwelter, joses Barn- I hard!, f i CCatharine Cook. D Lawrence Dry F Patrick Freesly, Henry Furr. 2, Andrew r reeman. u Ueorge W 4 Green, Jane C. Gibson. H Charles Hrria K Samuel C.jKlutts, Pan! Klutts, Sen. L Mr?. Margaret Leopard,! Ke. J.l Lantz ujim jjiii uwv, 1 r ui 1 y v. iLiii'-nvi . M Ransom Motier. W Miarij McCree, Mrs. William Miesenhi- Caibarine D. McCree, (21 mer, (S) John MCIure, ill J; Mebane, ; Robert AIoilv, Miss E. Mi!ier. P Francis L. Prry, John Pae. R Experience! Rendlemani4Alary Russell, oeth K. Kufrers.- i V Abram Vsrpelt. WCol JamfsfAVhite 4 GEptitiE hLUTTS, ff. M. rrcofd, Or? 141139 31 If v. ic ' - NO. 12 VOLUME VIII. ; r WHOLE JtO, S7B. . t- S OP WATOliiaA2T. TheVWiTCHMAK may , hereaftir h two Dollars and Fifty Cents per year. 4 a class or four new subscribers who will Pjy 10 advance the whole sum at one payment; shall have the paper for one year at Two Dol lars each, and as Jong as the same class shall cuatmue inus io pay in advance the sum of n.igni uoiiars the same terms shall continue, otherwise they will be charged as other "sabseri bers.-: ) -: : 444.-",- -4 . -- '-.- -4 Subscribers who do not Tiav dur?nr llm n twill oe charged three Dollars in all cases. i ' suoscripuon win he received tor less thab peyear bit by payment in advance. I No paper will be discontinued but at the'op pop of the Editors, unless all arrearages are paid up, '4 '- 4 . . ! ICF All letters to the EoMtorrmost be post pmd; otherwise they will certainly not be at tended to l . . , ' . .4 . ; : ;-4r . i TERMS OF ADVERTISING. I One Dollar per square for the first insertion! andT wenty-five Cents per square for each in sertion afterwards. 4 4 ; r Court Notices will ba charged 25 per cent., pigher jhan the above "rates. A deduction of p3j per ct. from the regular prices" will be made to those that advertise by the year. ! j No advertisement will be inserted for less han one- Dollar: ' 4 4 -I Advertisements will be continued nntU nr?er p0 received to stop them, where no directions are previously given. 4, I i 4 j DIGEST Of all the reported Decisions of the Courts in j North Carolina, commencing with the earliest I Reporterand including the Decisions of the Supreme Court at their June Term, 1837; ' prepared by 4 , ' 4 Jas. Iredell. Esq. Attor. & Couns'r at Law. . TURNER & HUGHES, the! proprietors, Respectfully ask the patronage of , the public for jhis work, which i now in press, and will- be poblished and ready for delivery about the first of November, 1839. 4. . J I In the original proposals, issued more than a yeatago, it was stated thaLthe work would pro fiably not exceed seven hundred pages. It is ljbw ascertained it will contain near a thousand jages, and must therefore necessarily be divided nto two royal octavo volumes of about 500 pa ges each printed on good type and fine paper, fnd well bound. Price hine dollars a copy. 1 It is recommended not only fo professional meni all of whom will donbtless possess them selves of it, to direct and abridge their labors, but is also urged upon the notice of all Justices, Sheriff?, and other jedicial officers, as affording hem an exposition, in a few words, of the points jkhich the Suprerne outt of North Canflina has -decided in .relation to their duties. For t. similar reason, it is recommended to private gen tlemen, who may have the inclination or feel art Interest to know the determinations of thetSo preme Court, which constitute, so far as they decide,' the law of the land, as imperative as any act of Assembly, and as binding in their opera ion'upon every member of the commnni'ty. I ICP Gentlemen will confer a great, a partic plar favortipen the author and publisher?,' by iding in piocorino; subscribers, and returning fhe list by mail to Turner & Hoghes; by the lsl f November or December, next. Kaleigh, August 28th, 1839. jSAtiSBUKY-' FEMALE 4 :iililDSBSY. THE Trustees of the Salisbury Female Aca demy, inform ihe public, that thislnstitotion fill be opened on Monday the 14th of October next. It is their intention to place this Seminar on a peimaneni and respectable basis; and no are will be wanting on their part, to render it in every respect, worthy of the confidence of the friends of education, morality and religion, who leek for their daughters a place where intellec jual and moral culture combined, will prepare tjiern to occupy with usefulness and digaity, the sphere to which they may be called. " They, are now making all suitable effrts to fpcure or Teachers, a gentleman and lady of fiigh qualifications. I Mean wbtle-ihey have engaged Mis3 Emma J- Baker, a youngflady in whose literary quali fications and capacity for such a situation, they have perfect confidence; and who has hitberio taught music in this and other .seminaries, with f nttre satisfaction. As soon as the other teach-, f rs are obtained, Miss Baker will .again devote herself exclusively to the musical department. ! By order of the Trustees. I THOMAS L. COWAN, Ch'n. f Salisbury, Sept. 27r 1839 tf9 State of jLortfi Carolina. I IREDELL COUNTY. I Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, August I Term, 1839; tassandra Ellis, "J " 1 vs. 1 TOIiam Mayse and JPetilion fol distrit ition. wire Nancy, VVilliam j Dell & his wife Cloa. J r appearing to the satisfaction of the Court,' that William Mayse and his wife Nancy, William Ben and his wife Cloa, are not inhabi tants of this State. It is-therefore ordered, that piblicaiion be made fur six Weeks successively in the Carolina Watchman, that the said William llayse and his wife Kancy, William Belt and his 'wipe (jfoa, appear at the'next Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, to b held for the county of Iredell, at the Court-House in S'atesville, on the 3d monday in November next, then and there answer, plead to or demur to said PetV tfori,4)therwise, the same will be taken pro con fs:o as to them. f I .Witness, J F. Alexander, Clerk of our said (loan at office, the 3d monday in Aog-ost 1839, abd in the 64th year of our Independence. J J FrAf f.X f)KK. c. i c.c. I Oct.! 4' 18.19-uWlpPrinitr's fee' $5. SiB, srVEH A17D COPPSIl Bit (hYZ!l: PliLVTLVG. Ca he ncaihftxtcuitd at this 0ftrc IB. RANAWAYfrom the Subscriber u Hamburg, S. C. on the 27th cf last, a negrd man by the name of he is about twenty five or thirty years cf he is a bright mulatto, about five feet c ten inches high, he sioops a little when trig, steps quick, has a downcast look, he i . tie ohak-eyed, knockaeed. and is a very r ble fellow. I bought said negro from Mr drew Drew, of Salisbury, North Carolina, time in November last, from which r4 -brought Simeon. U j3 probable he will t-' go back to Salisbury, as he says his mothrr there.- When he left, he had on a green I cloth frocK coat, a checked shirt, satinet -loons and vest, a new straw hat. a I yankee made booU. Vhenever he st I bably will attempt to get emplovmcnt in public bouse as.a waiter, or in some stable r ler, as he has been accustomed in cr'. , since he belonged to me. I will oav for 1 prehension and delivery to me in Hatr.hr -C., the aboveireward; or TWENTY IT DOLLARS if lodged in T..V ,f; ' (South Carolina,) or North Carolina. . THOMAS G.PARKINS0 4 rtamoorg, b. u. Sept, 20th, 1839 i -Sax State of Jorth Carclii: . WILKES' COUNTY. July Sessions, 1839. Glenn & "Martin, 4 f Original Attachment vs. - Wm. H. Hackett. I id on delendaot's L; IT appearing to the satisfartion cf "th C that Wra. H. Hackett: ot this state : Orderpii h ik publication be made for six wwks in the C na Watchman, thtft1 tHe said Wm. H. Ih, ' appear ;at our next Court, lobe held at the C nousaintwiikesborough, 0 the 1st m ter Ihe 4lh monday of October nextsn n. . or judgment will: be entered asainst fcio. ( amount of plaintiffs debt - Given under niy band at office, the Sih l! September, 1839. . 4 1 WM. MASTIN.cc c September 27; 1839 Printer's fee $5 Emporium of Arts Science A LMOST daily arrivals of Books and JjL. tionaty at the Great Hall of Soirrr Among the variety are the following new valuable works : Sketches of the. Greek and Roman oets, I. Homer toTrvphvdoms History of the Harvard University Speeches of the lion. Daniel Webster Ditto John Sargent 4 Percival's Winders of the AVnrhi History of tne American War by CLarlt Gymnastics for Youth ks Mirror of Time i Sketches of London by the author of Dene'; . Bar . - -- 4 Voyage round the World by Reynolds Beauties of Ireland .. Whigs and Democrats or love of no Politic- All new 'publications regularly rect ivt I soon as published. A large collection of School Books alwa v ; hand. Atlheftorih Carolina Booh Store, and lor sale at reduced prires, by TURNER HUGIIK Raleigh, August, 1S39. ABSCONDED about the ! : October, from the subscriber, at 4 time residing in Stokes Cour.ty, Carolina, my Negro roan abojut i7 or 23 years of age, and ;f a very 1 r complexion. lie is a Shoemaker Ky trade, a very bushy head of hair, a thin visa;' , spare built and weighs from 135 to 140 r . He has a very large scar on one of li is ! near the ankle, believed to be on ihe rijil.t ' also a scar on each arm just below the elb casioned by a burn. His heels have been fr which injury has left scars cpon them. C; man has a wife ( a free woman) i.ear. D!4 N. Carolina, and it is probable that ,he 11.4. in that direction, although many persons h that h6 was decoyed off by a white man, r Joshua Ypung, who left the neishborhoc J ; the same tjme for Indiana. I will give a ward of Fifty Dollars 10 any one who will liver doleman to me near Brook Neal in (4 bell County Va. or who will confine hira ir; so that I get him in my possession. RICHARD OVJERSTREET. Brnok Neal, Campbell cty, Va tf23 December 21, 1833 ; JlROM the Sobscrihtr !! ? in Hamburg", S. C. 8ih of April lasr, a r,r gra ' bylhe.nameof JACK, or .! Towson. The night p r 1 1 to his departure, he broke : my stable and tjk there e.v HORSE, SADDLE and liuIDLf. , Horse ia about 7 years old, cream colored, 1: about 15 hands high ; saddle and . Bridls r When said negro raniway he had tn a p:: ?reen Spectacles, a snuff colored broad c soutont Coat, a pair of satinet pantalr;, bombazine vet, and a Fur Cap. It is very ; bable that Jack has made h'13 way back a-' North Carolina, where he has .-relatives 1.. Any person who will deliver said negro t in Haroborg.or lodge him in any safe jii!, that 1 get him, will receive a reward tf O HUNDRED DOLLARS. I will payT. HUNDRED AND FIFTY DOLLARS. fnr Newrn and-Horse. i $5 BENJAMIN F. RUS44 Joly 19,1839 Sm51 r 4 The Newbern Spectator will insert t! bove weekly three months, and forward lj 4 coont to me at Hamburg, S C. B: F .4 siiz 2Rc:siE rosi THIS ycun?. beautiful, . and thoroch r horse. " Sir Archie ' is 1 now cfft-iE J sale. He is a dark biy, IB hand liob, strong and commanding. He is four jesrs : six months old. lit 11 in excellent bt 1U , finer spirits than Tever saw him. He 4 1 grandson of the celebrated Racei, if Sir Arc ! Those wishing lo purchase this fine ycocg 1. 4 are particularly invited to call and see bin. 4 p!y to Eli Harris, Esq. at Wind Hill, --5 gomery Co. N. C, where both the her; 2 his ptdigree-will be foood. Apply n- " FRANKLIN IIAIIRI Sept. 27, 1SS3 7w9 - ' For Sale Here. State Bank. " NEW CB. SJS. BOHSS For skle at thi$ C$tc. ; Fayetteville Ang. 14, 18393014 . t4 - f ;1 ii f 4 - 4 -1. if.

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