4- 'i HI: !ftt' Httih?r iiomcs to ? this week lli&d foro ; so that U will lirre- ;r!j w Cbyel1e name, of the " Wcs RM iUt rrrf vi! the October ft o. (StiMkscnnrvbot have riot had n ilriln Wif r contents. "Dimbtless, tl ( v-S i ft K IS I ; J-il: Iff 1 "4 of the me to iere is loft exertion or Jalent, to render H hi votes i i at.Kees. ne denounced as j Tenders oi Petersburg', contained. 13 concerned int the duel, wuider nuttoegs, and labored to pfodjice the thejnaroes of several genii, men I distipgoisbed impression Ibt the-Whigs were traitors, ene-4 for Iheir valorous! tod literary j f chieiements. mies to their cpentry, Benedict Arnolds if 1 "All Althowrh I required no farther etiaWe of the the lalentsj all the decency." and each it bread-! unfortooaie and fatal duel than that above referred 1 0P h..m. l.. -..i a.:. I.' I:. .- t-- ;i fLLi I Can -.jpc3iuat a uao long Since; luvncir i m, iuiuuu a. tear, pcruips, mat ;i jnilgiu D II C - 1 III h l p.i&uanl and amusing. 1011 TUE AY ATCIJ MAS. to pr.blic uoike, the Whiff citizens - ihe Louil SlaSihn AV.;t.ind8ay aud Andrew. Hunt Kl LMiW eatl ofil.e Chair and a resolotion WmiMrisinZ Chairman to debate viw?ii 'rafi;jMilotioos expressive of the Lufiili mpctinfT on the subjrcis of Its de- d Jlll !l Alfred Ilarffravp, William R Holt, rf-irmmlli 'Charles. LJ Payne and John it 'iM.iflilHiai(r! been appointed; Reported J tfpjW5 fpsuloiiioris, which were after some stllfiiaM,rhai this meeting approves ;d't&Md y?)W maklnff to produce! anion and itoiljSnfk Whig nomination foi Governor, at ileKlm November next, ana tnai we regiu -tSTa l)f.;...'l.. ; :nn.,rit to nnr 33 (ue ;i-guursi. iiu iiupunaut "w in- rsji thiipe should be represented therein. ioiliWf.aHriv2n& fH contTJence in the in- r- riBflf-Hal f IUI IPUI . " UUI Bnvt-vLmvui dfsrscftd tie Ioco PoCoi lie abused and slander Clay, who, most miserable Tramaiy Hall j Ver if Ctirigrew from North Carolibat he'eaid, was on ft toor through the Icliallenge and accept anee ; and, toetb These 1 " - ,i e IW lettwsere 4 indited in tbrdoii fern of I ISAUSBlJli' I frjSIAlilHS er wi 1 anAee States, endeavootinff to" coir" &vof j disclosing the fact that Mr. Jones had Dolled the I nn HE Trustees of ;J1 demj, ihform the 2ammotti Siftcmri nnH S following details of a Scheme OF.l, Uii Saiisbary Femlle Ael I LPTto J December next, Lj V.ZrA T.:rf warrants as in declaring it tabe!NPAHAf-: ill beooened on Mkmdav ifm Uih f !TtnK-l lVVtjf'u 10 1,19 : of Lotteries. Prixesto next. It is their intention to nlace thi Spmm.r. imoatlt HATS KIWI BtroiE BKEH orrxa- m petmanent ftnd rerpecUble! basis t md no i" " PQO,,c-. " voe, mere are maof will be wantingpn their partl to render it in l l QthJS ,hd. the extremely - t . ' - : : iiiH. rni rrra ai mi .tw m mkAs iaim bbb rTJJP PUBLIC BY mi. K ILL, Bis easts 'general and specta' Ct ? lilubes. . BEWARE LEST YE STUM Bl.r BqCT. WILLIAM EVAKS, K -bat meanini ifeter'therny: TO W f eoofidenca of ih Kfof aSSl himself.of the rre. alarge.molh of his own incoDjpre&nsible bom- ed tnel first to tbe doelliog groonC j Which 1 1 Tti0? "drelion, who thgS?oM Zm"t mi W SS?! 1 oofned !ck ' baS,finisbV8peecH.fttonM the most vindtc found fairly and bonorablymeaior, aid fk for their dftaglit jwhew fatelle Jg3$ Wdridlld wAfwe .re eareJ nf 0I8tT'-x live and violent paltry and slanderooseever suioed in wveral) places wittbod thn EL?d0raI "T ff hla'"f RiniSceUUv ibXkui U r JDV8cb? heard, k was beneath the dignity of hisltxtion; directed roe to proceed to . hotise sohie short f0 10 nsefolness sed digeity; lh 111 Hckm Hol? 1 ,M hut ealJ iu?,'0 r8ed 11 frLh and socbleold only h.Te been Texecfed from T distance from theepot,and ftskifpi ftlhandKer- f P.to whieb lhe my eslled. r ;f 'Slle we reeorn ftoaneiH 8al,8la5l,0ct k; one whe political eeotimenu;had bStftnbibed chief, which womSmwfio bad Mn!brboghtto L.T?0. kin? V,,mlabIe - betel XtoIs fbrUdk S&t0? lbV h,s - : frprth Srqifilu ft.joV.PPrift Xt was the chiracter of Mr. Bagby'e speech i It is op, and which be feared might be esed as an " i Su,I'ncaioos, ? fJ -t !! .;. ! reciaioJhefirstbaYerahavethhPtehanrv ,V ihe iict i n;! condemned by the candid. Sd higbTmided of eVidence .gainst him. ; Thil I didj.nd, af er T eaowhtle they ,ave. engaged Miss Emma Sf? SLL fflvrs?"' Hallcu' his owof party. Weenvy! him nStjlthl honors having received from ft woman aoeh;. haodkeW i'keT JWZ W l10 w V1"7 q bof fti onceremi t wwLmii u us voodor- 2ffxD??nS heachieved-lftndoarooiregretii,tatdDty chief as Mr. Jones had described, stim and red UoM "d P J Mitoatn. they de sWlalwav firmed IftnonSS. f f misM.,f8 1 sHthe s1!! SSe 'i-5K745S2 5 KRRtlK II V f 1 AHA mm M. 1 : H I It- I SUB UW LEIH s7tfDLlt"man DlllfRI SWIW irtim 1 71 M I 1 wf , " f KA t J I I i i -J f J - IE - j - field afier the shots were fired, that f iber carried Tfahe Superior Cowrl. -When pur last I off a dead body in ft sack, and that the whtole Panrr pni in nrM: the Jnrv wfir nnt in oeishborhood was in ft state of the ?teatest ex- iK r fl . TfnriSlHill citement. ut course there cooJd now exist no Indictmenijfor Murder.L-AfteWreiaining j"11?1? l0 a uuii.uiw- wnl.a,i. , . .Wv, j f ma In mma at Mr WM in Mrr.mr. nex t day, jthey returned a veict o Quil- 00t ihe pUn he haa devised (or hft lo Nort. ts ! Th prisoner was sentenpedf to be felki-' Thither we arrived ie sifetyi j and,!as nanff on r riday. uie nrst aav oi govern- was to be exoected. found the whole baroo?h ton ber, but his Ooancil took aa appeal to toe thejftp toe of excitement and inqovy aboat the j paintinr, entire satisfaction. As soon as the other teach ers are obtained. Miss Baker will again devote herself exclosively to the masical department, 'j TERMS -OF TUITIOJf. For beginners, per session of 5 months, $3 00 r or the Kodiments, with Urammar, Ge ography and History! I j I 10 XX) The above with the! higher branches in ijiterary Department, j 1 2 50 Masic on the Piano pod G attar, ; 25 Op SFLVESTER fe Co. 156 Broad wav. N. York. CP Observe the IN amber, 156, Is mains inmocb obscaritv-AnuntxT. t. the laverKidiiejs, Spleen, Stomach, e: lesunes, uiaader and its appendages, Dhr ujseniary.om wuitoaAnis,V perfuru S700 000 ' ! ' S500 000 ' ! ? d,tmt ! A,orb,d A ffecliuns. Dr OIUU.UUU . S . DOUU,UUU ... J has been singularly occssful in the tr ) i : 825,000 ! ! v I' ( th a00 diseases, ey remedies drav 11. rr : of the above diseases, by remedies Jrav u nis own and the researches of the cicst : medical men in the world. He has also 1.. . experience and soccess throughout tl riifiiif ii.irt.UcA''f'vrtt Tprnmmnd him as em- 00.141 .' . Wfihy of lhattiominaiiony . t '.rd:jofjat we reject, as heretofore, in the ise If iliefMe Baltimore Convention the odious rikcltloHOircjDiciaiioo, iri which the i&t-frai iaterests may ie pot at hazardi by Supreme. Court. ' i ! NelshX, a Slave, also convicted lat this Term, as; noticed in our ! last, is to rtudergo I the dreadful Density oi the law on the eacrtficelof. indif idual opinion. kihttfiThat we believe that Henry Clay of :4iJ$I-fs lbs only htg candidate , around lioflVgie AV'hirs of this State can rally, i J iilljbefi'eve'fiitn lo be the most available isdatsiw-ssfnly to avert the dangers, er-irW-ap;i pU adih.inistraiion of the present Ex hkirii bar wje cordially: recommend his i.Lriliin as President of these United States miiln as l 'resic ent oi mese unuea oiaies Viuef the presertt incombenl in that office, 'feibfy lU'ht fi ve: toelegatee be appointed by i)kfrnan of this .meeting to meet at Ra fo$ti INoTember next, in Contention, to nomi $ e:.povrnuiui: 1 . : - 1Wbfiiifwh the Mowing Delegates were sp 4ntpiy Hbft Cijair, viz: Alfred Hargrave, illoci AVallialm !R. Holt; Charles Brum illuSfeiAcbarles Lr Parne and John W. Mm mm mi ZEDULON HUNT. Ch'n. L Lindsay, ? V Hunt, J -j- imershirg Intelligencer, Oct. 12. tiffimWaymfnts by the Philadelphia i ' 1 t tt.- in r- n - - n . . ? -- ifanK suspension oj mm. f Hf reference to the letter of our New fbikh Correspondent, it will be seen that 'sflNkftes of tiierBank of the U. State, iiy 0li p. York, were not paid on pre entaiiori M the counter of the New Yotk jjtie4.$.la,tes Bink ; land it will also be seen, '''fert pTotTMherNorth American, that W$MiU4n Phaif-Blphia have suspended ;:rt WKtiohaii' Gazette, states that the olrMmnk of Philadelphia has not tyviihe siispepsion of speciepay ments .;Mte':yorJi Ijoiirnal of Commerce is hiAwWih -M'f ' the Banks of iSaj-jjS-WMtTtfof suspend, j It says " Our Malp!if all-East aiid West, will stand li$:Jjiay .tiircp'. easily ' than before, for ciliHiw worst enemies was Post Notes, '1 B same day. i2a Jleg.i fatal duel. - Air. Jones managed to escape public notoriety until aboot 12 o'clock at hiobt, when, pursued irom imoiioik to rorismouin oy a whole troop of officers, who, he informed me. had iust returned from the duel ground 4 a distance i of '. about twenty five miles he called at tny lodg ings in Portsmouth ; and, having spent a fei minutes with me, set off for North Carolina on a swift horse, which mv solicitude land appre- nenston oi a- pursuit naa aireauy ipruyiaeu ior his departure. 1 started next morning in the North Carolina stage ; and, being! i dressed j in Mr. Jones's clothed, felt no slight apprehensions for my own safety,, when, about eight miles from sea i town, i. met some nine , or ten constaoies, ic?ia son furnished -such ample iupplilsi ! will green bags, and a grave lookingronej.rfn- consequently be cut short It is also Stated that toe Urop bad tailed almost entirety in France, and, inj conse quence, large orders have been sen! to the United Slates, and extensive Sales ire now making for Shipment. Hal. Reg. -4 10 00 Morus Multicaulis. -The premature se vere frosts which have visited the North lave arrested the growth there of the Mul- ticanlis Trees ; and as it is only the I most Dronitious seasons which will! allow of ineir maturity in mat lauiuae. ine uanii . r . . tv frnm th,t nnarlr. Vtf which llifi lea Ornamental Needle-Work, and the I making of Wax Flowers, will also be taught, if desired, at $5 each, j J ' 1 ) , By order of the Trasteee. - f S THOMAS Li COWAN, Ch,n.t Salisbury Sept. 27, 1839-Uf!9 . I PB.SHIOIMS F ALI. AND "WINTEH Oil tn after their fruitless search for the dead body of the unfortunate Wilson. T e- Great yield of Multicaulis.A man of this town purchased, last Fall, four Multicaulrs; Trees, for which be 1 paid 1. He planted the bods, 1200 in nunqber, of which 320 igrew. These ,320 iTIees he me by, -however, and I, of course, coograiubited my self on my happy escape. 1 1 ! I Mi i " i -i: Ti!ir i Mr. Jones and I met some weeks after he on his way to Texas, and I to the spot pi" pain full remembrance,? wheie the duel; topk place. flHE Subscriber informs the public, that she JL has just received through the Northern Cities the latest and: most approved - h- 3 LONDON ii PARISIAN FASHIONS-f to remove some misgivings which, in: the face I And is prepared to execute orders in the most ut all Ine evidence to the contrary,' were uauy l stynsn and satisiactory manner. s Ti: p con nnn i riAKs in in n.u.uuu : I 2 Prizes oiS15,000 ! l 3 Prizes oi-S10,000 ! !l I Grand Real Estate and Bank Slock Of Property situated in Neto Orleans. 5C7The richest and moat magnificent Scheme ever presented to the public, in this or any pth- ercountry. - " iTICHETS OZ7ZiY 20 SOUSf. I - 'i - : i . r Authorized by an act of the Legislative As sembly of Florida, and under the Direction of the Lpmmissioners, acting under the same. To be drawn at JACKSON VLLE Florida j . I December 1st. 1859. SCHMIDT HAMILTON. Managers, SYLVESTER &! Co, 1 56 B roadway, I jwew xork, oole Agents; No Combination Numbers! ! 100.000 Tickets from No 1 upwards in sacces- sipn. hr j - j I of the menses, pain in the right side, The deeds of the Property and the Stock T 00 P91?. .wjjhoui an;aggrav auiiiw v urucaie aisease?. ua impure if cies of which are acorraTated hv ,,A r. the coostitotion through the base conspire Mercurial murderers, unprincipled, cn . and unpracliced, in any art save that ct sit ting to lead theucredaloos victim cn the 'r roio. Dr Evans office, 100 Chatham jr supplied with the choicest remedies frc.a ; and foreign markets, asd compounded Ly r ri o uauu uu BuicuiiHc principles' A J in i always in atiendence, and a private All those who come there la the hour ti ; will go orr RCJOIC1KO. IxUVER COMPLAINT, OF 7 YE.mS STJJYDUYG.-Mts. II AN. BROWNE, wife of Joseph B Sixth st. near Second st. WilUambu: ! . ; ted for the last ten years with Liver C : restored to health through the treatment 1 Wu EVANS. Symptnms: Habit n3l c5; lion oi the bowels, total loss of appetite, t ciating pain of the epigastric region, erf ::t preasionoi spirus, tangour and other svn.j extreme debility, disturbed sleep, inordm V, : arising in my mind, with regard to the jmysteri ous affair. I reached the spot, and there foend a solitary mourner; lamenting the tate plan un fortunate di? found ft short: time before near the transferred in trust to the Commissioners appoin ted by the said Act ol tbe legislature of Fidrh SPLENDflD SCOEIE. sold a few days ago for $160. jj Aj pretty j duelling ground, whose mangled throat folly ,in- lair prophet on an investment of 1 and fl,alea wl,eoc:e Ine diooc noweaf py . wnicn uie less than $51 worth, of labor.-FayL' Obs. Snaana ine nanaKercniei.were;soapuuu8pi- ; . T i .( . . u 1 1 ,7j ) ly stained.' When I returned- home, Mr. Jones I j" j ii : . , ij fU! y waSM over'ihe hills and far aw'a.H indj not hav- Anothef alleged American slaver fcdptitr iog an opportonity of demanding in explanation, ecf. Among the vessels which arrived jst i wan bimselt must, ot course, yet remain the se this port yesterday, is the schr. Catherine, Work sent from 4 distance shall be carefully dL for the security of the Prize Holders. pui up ana tor warded. - S. Pfj PENDLETON.) 5CP" A fewBonnets, Capsi Tqrbans, and Other articles, will be kept on hand for Sale. I Mrs. S. P. is alsoj j prepared to execute Crimping and Flutipg bo reasonable terms, j Salisbury, October 18, 1839: Capt Dundas, of Baltimore, 39 day from Sierra Leooe, a prize to H. Bi Mi brig Dolphin. She was seized on a ! charge of being engaged in the Slave Traide -and is brought to this country i out of res )ect to the American government, instead of being adjudicated upon at Sierra Leone, fas she would have; been if belonging io ny na tion with which the British govrnment has a treaty for the suppression!; of the slave trader 1 Four of the original eretv of ine oatnenne are on board, i ne !remainr der, about 30 were discharged on trie coast. wve unucrsiauu sue uas an American regis ter on board,1 and she is said to bel owued fmm ci ; fof cou rieout of t h e w a y , :'li)4lirtn;ey imarhmcryj oi the country ill 4jlll th4 easier fot what has hap- Wfi 11 'lift 'MM ve IB BANKS SUSPENDED. seen a letter from Baltimore to e house in this Town, which ie Banks in that City have sus- ecie payments. l 8f mjrlrati slaHhltt IFillLok Oct79, HairPast 3, P. M lsbeenia day of immense excite melifmllWaliVStreet. The j Bank of the es. in : New York issued this following notice : 4 i ANkJpV U. S. in New York, tij&int&iay JSlorningt,0 o'clock t r f i';(cf is hereby given, that notes of the Uofy-p jH(atfs Baoik of Pennsylvania, will no lilniriteceived it the Bank i of the United -s. sc-.. ? :t. - s 1 -"J- It also reruseclj the payment of some post United Stales United. ;Sta aalhiirrflHe r i MM I'M J M : M 1 1; noSifof ;jh WlAi I PehnsylvaiHa were made vavable here' and fi'l'l'L -Tliis rooming al-wealthy and the WMn each, payable in N. York, ry Mnijilbu w'Ulcil ii h itioti.',: iu ere is sa rumor nrt it..i . i . - -'Jai mat ucicid ry 1 aDOUt to retire from nffio as filJed w hh such distinguished wej rausi lose LeTi we can't ie tiling is certain, e shall nW. ., I . S . . .... w - IpM VPP" .W- lke again. As mo- if?Mrs are " n a bad way on the other 3Ua 0 IK life: Sivatr-r. wn nhniilirnt biin.i. i y, i s i ar i i .r-.T, vu. HTfjg)jrecthrs of Ihe Bank of Eng- 'u nua kent lot l.nvt tn hnl Ihincrs straiahi m, 4 'I''., -i . . - ' f' I : Mai LJt'ili kin rid rndi... ... lk.1 IT. Don WO IIWJIC Kill IUI UCII- is been looking into money mat eat'licst youth, will succeed wpuia keep a sharp iook ou Uses, wuuld'nl he? None o svireb would get at them, un vu tvrsi untie Tom's cravat. -L -' Pet. i ii Is lii 11 f fie J - -I "-TO I 9 it mm u in Baltimore. She was fitted but tana, inhere! she took up her cargo!.: j Jour. Mjom. E. i'at - . - , m z r t cret motive that could have urged; btpi to con ceive and play off, with so much! ingenuity and labor, a hoax that has called forth so mihy para graphs and homilies on duelling from the pess at large, and deluded so many of his kcquaint ances and friends. - Hi ,C. McL. . Ha- . -;v'.-,, .. SI A II R IED,H I i In Randolph county, on the 10th inst..by the Rev. Mr. McDonald, Mr. THOfAS G. WIL SON, of Virginia, to- Miss MARGARET CLAUDIA, daughter of the latel jWUfiam Ho gab, deceased. .i- . . 4f T.': I .- . j 1 In! Montgomery, ou Tuesday the Istlinst.; by J. M. vVorth. Esq, Mr. TH OS. TAYLOR, to Miss PRISCILLA HARtHJ x. S- ; Also, in Alnntgorrery, on Thurjlayi3d irtst., j Jlf. MAKV&L. KIUK, to Miss AINjN' ILi ZA, danghter of William Harris'i Eqi I Also, in Montgomery, and ' by J Esq , Mr. GEORGE SALTER, inner r iu. ti i: Wm aotirinst-. IiKlXSa,d 10 be n attendance. Ife boae i MafeW Kgby.of whose 1 vr,,v apeais as to - .L IT Ml iprjstti of weh elarrg as Would have the Noiiolk Beacon, under therM: of We have ff real reason to be thankful foi the continued heath of thecity.- MohJlut. Jour. A1 jMYSTERY SOLVED Truth, ii is said, is stranger than fiction. Cer tainly, we have never read any fictitious narra live more strange than the subjoined, which we copy from the Alexandria Gezeite of yesterday. The afaliduel to which it refers was announc ed some months ago in this paper bpoolthe au iiioi iij oi a pouoiK paper, iu wnicq u was poo nsnea, wunjvery naiurai expressions ot: sympa tby for the mental suffering said tgi j be if el t and expressed by jthe survivor. Soon afterwards and frequently since, it has been hinted, from different quaUersiihat the wholestory; was a fabri cation, no such, duel having taken pface) Belief in the story has however, been re-affiiitned, and it has been again contradicted, so tha up til now we nave not peen aoie to satisiy ourselves wheth er it was true or not. 1 he initials signed to the following are those of a gentleman who fias been- referred to as authonty for the storv, which is of course completely exploded by this publication. Mi 1 ' ifv ir. From thi Alexandria Gazette, Sepf. 30. ' 11 Mil' " I ji The ' North Carolina DuEL.'4-In ac cordance with a promise made eometine since, I send the f blowing statement of factsjn rela tion to the reported duel between Messrs Joseph Sea well Jones,' of Shocco, Norm Carolina, and H. Wright j Wilson, off New York,) in Ivhicb it has been reported, sod is still generally believed, that the latter gentleman was mortally Wounded. About l orclock M. on the day or the f reported doe', whilst travelling from Elizabeth I City to Norfolk, I stopped at the Dismal Swamp Hotel on .the boundary line between Virginia and North Carolina, for the purpose j of resting my horse j and taking some refreshments I had noil been! seated many minutes,! when I observed Mri Jones, ol Shocco, North Carolina, enter under: much apparent perturbation, and evidently after a hard and bng chase. . After some few introductory preliminaries Mr. Jones asked me outapd immediately informed rrie that he had jusi ' j fought a duel, about eight miles ahead, with a gentleu)an from New York that he had killed his opponent at the first fire was pursued to the boundary line by the officers who had received intelligence of the fight, nd that lhe unsettled, state of his affairs compelled him to return to ; Norfolk ; to aid him iio feachiag W jjb plc discovered by the policel he soli c P y frieidJT assistance. The reasons urged in behalf of ibijj feqac8l were of h nalare as io decide be, at once, in rendering him anv aid ntroy poer tnat might be likelto facilitate his visit to, anif escape from, Norfolk aid 1 ac cordingly agreed to his plan, that I sbopld Uke his clothes; and name, and accompany! him to Norfolk; land, in case of arrest or danger, pass myself-off as Mr. Jones, until he was bevond the limits of Virginia. Mr. Jones then placed in my nanos copies oi iue imera wntcn he said, had passed between the parties all of h:ch I teotiveiy perused wbieb copies mistake not, in the possession of a mem 55, to Mrs. NANCY DUNN, aged about 70.- WaTth,' acred about MJ pmcss cuxmsxm at layettevUle, NiV. Oct. 0. jTN Monday the 1 lib dav of November next. y at Fort Defiance, in Wilkes Codniy, I N. Carolina, the late fresideoce of Gen. William Lenoir, dee'd, will commence the sale of bis per sonal estate; consisting of BANK STOCK in the IJanks of the Mate of iNorth Uarolina, afld Cape Fear. : ' l! ; ' ' i - . lit . - S , - -. Stock of ditTerent Kinds, Crops of diuerent kinds, I Tools of almost every sort, I Iron, Salt, Households Hit chen Ftimttitrci S i . - r i 1 " .1 And many other articles too tedious to inentioh. The Bank Stock arid Negroes wil root I be offer ed for sale before 1 1; o'clock on the second day sf llvf sale.Twelve Inonih credit will be given on the purchaser giving bond with approved se curity. t i L $500,000 THOS1 LENOIR. Ex'r. i carefully and a are now.it I Brandy,)each 45 a 50 Do, Apple 35 a 40 Bacon, 11 a 11 Beeswax, 20 25 i Coffee, 12s a 13f Cotton, 10 a 11 Colion Yarn, 21 a 25 Corn, $65 a 75 Candles; F.'F. 18 a 20 Flaxseed $1 00 a $1 25 Flour $4 00 a $5 00 Feathers 45 Iron, ' 5 a 6 Molasses, Naile, cut, Sugar brown j Lump,;: Loaf, 1 Salt, Sack! Tobacco leaf Cotton J bag. Bale rope, AVheatj 1 Whiskey Wool, Beef Bacon Butter Beeswax Bagging yd Cher aw 5 a 7 11 a 12 15a25 22 a 24 18 a 25 Bale rope lb 10 a 12 1 CotTee lb 12 a 15 Cotton 10 a 11 Corn bush 87 a $1 Flour btl $6 aiS7 Feathers 40 a 50 Iron lOOlbs 5J a 6 Lard 12 a 15 Molasses 45 a 50 Tallow a 12 36 a 40 -1 74' 8a 12 i 16 18 a 20 75 a 90 a $2 75 8 a 10 16 a 20 8a 12 new 80 00 a 40 17 a 20 October 18, 18S9-3wl2 1125 5. C, Ok 4. Nails cut assor. 7 9 wrought 16 a 18 Oats bushel . a 50 Oil gaL; 75 a $1 lamp $125 linseed 1 10 a Pork 10011)3 j 8 s Rice lOOlbs 5 a 6 Sugar lb 10 Salt sack ' bush Steel Amer. English German Teaimpe. $1 REMAINING in the Post Office in States ville N. C., October -1st, 1339. A' j . A William Averett. B R. C, Beldorj, Samuel Blackborn, Peter P. Braley. Wm. Bpwn, Eiasmus Brown. C -Milton Campbell Esq., Theophilus M. Campbell, John Cook,1 Wm. F. Cowan, j D Joseph Davidson. sij 1 I E Mrs. Ommey EllisTS i j 1 FThomas A.FreeUhd. Ji I r G Miss Eliza A. Giddens, John Galliher. i H Mrs. Margaret Hall. ;, J Robison Judklns. : ! i, K Miss Mary Y. Kerr. I L Charles Loose, George or James Lackey, Alexander Long, M;': ; I ' M John B. Maftin, James McKnigbt. f N James K. .Norton, in' I I P Hugh Plyler. I 10 R A. Robey, Iry Reaves; A SGbeen Smith;, Miss ! Ja a 12 0 a 00 14 2a 14 ane J.- Scott, Azel VVo?. S. Swanson, Sharpe. Alfred A. Sbarpe, William Stringer. i n ; iV John' Webb,! Wm. WassonrEsq. i.l- STOTICS. ! 1LLIAM J. MONTGOMERY dented apprentice, has left iny ithoat my consent. I hereby for warn; sons against harboring or employing said tboy, GLASS CUTTING. and l win give one cen. ana no iinanKs man that will deliver said annrenlice to Mocksvillo, Davie county, N. C." Hi j H. R AUSTIN. Oetober 18, 1839 3t 12 Cheap Snaintitig. Si 37 ?ilHMHMeHMe9. C. H. DEJERNATT, f ! 5 " it- ii ! M- is i TTTAV1NG located himself in the town oCI Il Salisbury, would respectfolly inform the an tin- I nubtic that he is nreoared to execute all orders employ i iQ the above line, which snail be done in a sat all per-I isfactory mannerIf noi-4nb; chargei Also, He i mav be found in to any I the house formerly occnoied bv Mr. Elliott as a me at I Drr Goods Store. ! immediately ODOoSite the Watchman Office.! I Iij; ' I ; Salisbury. Oct. if, 1839.f6w 11 Prize The Arcade 286" feet, 5 inches -4 noes. on . Magazine street; ' 101 feet, 11 inches i on Natchez 8 tree t, --r 126 feet, 6 inches j on Gravier street Rented at about$37- 000 per ann. Val- ) .ued at &700.000 I 1 Prize City Hotel 162 feet on ! I i r twommon street; H 146 feet, 6 inches, L on Camp st; Ren- '.Ti; ted at $25; 000. Valued at 1 Prize D w el li ng House(a d joi n - i ' ; it,, a j xt iiijj hid aitauc; iiu 16,24 feet ,7 inches front on Natchez st. Rented at Si 200 Valued at S20.0Q0 i rrrze i-mio (Adjoining me at- I jpade; No 18, 23 ft. k fronton Natchez st. F Rented ai A1200 i Valued at $20,000 1' Prize Uitlo-(Adjiining the Ar- cade; No 18, 23,-ft front on Natchez st. Rented at ft 1200 Valued at 20,000 1 Prize Ditto xso23 north east I corner of Basio 4 1 Custom-house st. 40 ft front on'Basin, I 40 feet on Frank- ; lin street, by 127 ft ': deep i in Custom house street.-Ren ted at $1500 Valued at 20,00 Prize No 24,South-wesi corner of Ba- J- sin St Customhouse 9t. I I 32 ft 7 inches on Frank- 1 lin, 127 feet, 101 inches I deep in froot of Custom f house street Rented at I I $1500 Valued at 20,000 l Prize Ditto No 339, 24 feet 8 inch I es on Roy l street Ay 127 I ' N feet, 11 inches deep, Rented at $1000 V al ued at 15,000 1 Prize 2o0 shares Canal Bank Stock, $100 each, I 25,000 V Prize 200 ditto Commercial ditto, j $100 each, j ? 2G000 ! Prize 150 ditto Mechanics' -.Tra ders', $100 each, ' 15.000 Prize 100 ditto City Bank, $100 each, 10.000 I Prize 1 00 do ditto do $100 each, 10.000 f Prize 100 do ditto do $100 each, 10,000 Prize 50 ditto Exchange Bank, $100 3 I eacbc 5.000 $ Prize 50 do ditto do. $100 each, 5,000 i Prize 25 ditto Gas Light Bank, $100 1 leach, 2.500 1 Prize 25 do ditto do, $100 each 2,500 1 Prize 15 ditto Mechanics 4 Traders $100 each, 1,500 ' 1 Prize 15-da Ditto do, $100 each, 1,500 20 Prizes each 10 shares of the Louis1 1 i iana State Bank, $100 each. each Prize $1,000, 20,000 10 Prizes each 2 shares of $100 each, I " each Prize $200, of the Gas 1 j Light Bank, 20,000 00 Prizes each 1 6hareof $100, of the me dud, urioe nign coloured, With uiix.r toms indicating great derangement in tl.e ; lions of the liver. : Mrs. Browne was attended by fl rre ' first physicians, but received but little t rom their medicine, till Mr Browne t r some of Dr Wm Evans invaluable prtfai which etlectually relieved her of the alt tressiog symptoms, with others, which ii 1 essential to intimate. JOSEPH BROW T City and County of New Ycrk, ss. Joseph Browne, Willumsbureh. Lcn" I abeing duly sworn, did depose and say it, i tacts as set forth in the- within statf i.-.i : which he has subscribed his name,-8 re y- true. , JOSEPH BROW N Husband of the'said Hannah V: Sworn before me, this4ih day of January , PETER PlNCKNEY.Com.of Ih, iCT'Another recent test of the vnrivaVi ' tut of Dr lVmEvan Ztfedirinea I) 1 S SM, TEJ YEARS'.. STAA'DLM.--McKenzie, 176 Stanton street was sfilicic the above complaint for ten years, which i pacitaied him at intervals, for the peiiul ( years, in attending lo his business, rrsti ' perfect health under the salutary treat: Dr Wm Evans. ; The Symptoms were. A: sense of di-; I - .t : i -'j;.. : . anu oppression auereaiing, uisiressir the pit of the stomach, nausea, impaired z giddiness, palpitation of the heart, great i and emaciation, depression of spirits, !' rest, sometimes a bilious vomiting, and j the right side, an extreme Megree uf I and iaintness ; any endeavour to pursue J iness causing immediate exhaustion ar.d i ness. - - - - - j , Jir JUCAcnzie tsjaalhj attending loi,u nes-vand none of the above symptoms hav curred since he used the medicine. ! lie a strnnnr nrl ho)llh man He Vina iter: myriads of remedies, but they were all ir. lual. He is willing to give any informa the afilicted 'respecting the inestimable ' rendered to him bv the use of Dr Wm 11 medicine. " t 1 Bank of Louisiana, THE Subscriber wishes to employ--imme diaiely Two or Three Journeymen Tai THE undersigned having taken outi Letters of Administration on ihe estate of Mat thew B Locke, decd, will sell j at pobfic sale, on the premises of the dee'd. on the 23r.d day of ursofgo morali character ind industrious OctO0er;rin9t the following property . j Corn, " TilTJ " -rrW T in Cotton, one Wagm. one oarmtne ana ployment will be given. J ! -v; HORACE HJ BEARD, Salisbury, Oct. 18, 1839 tf 12 DB.VIB COUKTTY. OHHE Officers of Davie are respectfolly in S JL formed, that Col. H. R. Austin of Mocks Ti!Ie, has become our Agent fori the Sale of Blanks io that County, of whom ' they may be had, heteafler, upon the same terms as of us. j j I PENDLETON &:BRUNERj ! October 18, 1839. ' ' : ! i' j Harness. Four Head, of Horns CattUl Hogs, Sheep, Household aiid Kitcnen f urniture, f ar ming Utensils, and other articles too tedious io mention. Also, atftbe same time and place; will be hired Tie JVegroes, for one year a credit of 12 jmoaihs jwill be given, the purchaser giving bond and security. JAMES GIBSON, Admr. Rowan co,, Oct. 11, 1839 2wll SEIBRSPPS' .OBBDS Tor' Sale Here. i 1 .m : ' ; 200 Prizes each 1 share of $100, of the j I New Orleans Bank, 50 Prizes each 1 Rbare of $100 of the Union Bank of Florida, 20,000 20,000 15,000 OOO PRIZES 81500,000 TICKETS $20 NO SHARES. ! The whole of the Tickets, with their Num bers, as also those containing the Prizes, will be examined and sealed by tbe Commissioners xp pointed onder the Act, previously to their beii.g put into 'the wheels. One wheel will contain the whole of ihe Numbers, the other will con tain SIX HUN D BED PRIZES, and ibe.firsi 00 Numbers that shall be "drown out, will beo it!ed tosoch Prize as may be drawn to'its num Ser, and Uneaaie holders of such Prizes vill bavesocb property transferred immediately after the drawing, unincumbered, and without any deduction ! June 7, 1839-tlD . . A Ileal Blessing j to Motls Dr. JVm. Evans Celebrated $onl't' Syrup, for Children Cutting iheir j rjjjllilS infallible remedy has preserve d JL dreds of Children, when thocg'nt j ; covery, from convulsions. As soon as t! rup is rubbed on the gums, the child will r er. This preparation is so : innocent, fo r c'ons, and so pleasant, that no child u ill r tojlet iisgurhs be rubbed with it. When i. are at the age of four months, though then appearance of teeth, one buttle cf the : should be used on the gums, lo open ti c Parents should never be without tie the nursery where there are '.young chile if a child wakes in the night with pain i gums, tbe Syrup immediately gives va opening the pores and healing Jhe gnrhf-; t'! by preventing Convulsions, Fevers, $c. gProof positive of the EJjltacij rj Evans' soothing hyrup. To the Agent of Dr Evans1 feoothir ?v Dear Sir The great benefit afforded to r. y ferine infant by your soothing Sy rup, in a - . . . - -,r tnAiA.t tint r in Tail nnitiinn rnn-.i VI pi ui I avtu eiKiw isiui we f vince every feeling parent how essential 2 : ly (application of such an invaluable mtdir ill I O I T7 V o IIII.H. lillOViy -" - " fant, while teething, experienced such r sufferings, that il was attacked with con! ! and my, wife and family supposed fl at V I J .'w. aLia i Km $)Ka t from '.n?n;i-:. WW W M OWII M V. B"mw j- w mm -mr j " we procured a bottle of your syrupjw hivii : as applied to the gums, a wondertul cha: : produced, and after a few applicatioKS, ti.f -displayed obvious relief, and by coniinutn- i use, I am glad to inform you, ibe child I. pletely recovered arid no recorreoce of that ful complaint baa since occurred ; ihe tf t - emanating easily and the 'Child erjujs f healih. I give you my cbeerfol prtvi: make this acknowledgment j public, sr. i wladly give any iniorroauon on miscircun. " 3 Wm JOHNbO: Sold by Hie following Agents. GEORGE W. BROWN, Salisbury, N. C JOHN A. INGLIJs, (Bookstore) Cheraw, i. JrH. ANDEHSON. Camden, S C. E. JOHN HUGGlNS, Colombiaj S. C. W. M. MASON 4r Co., Raleigh. N. C. TAYLOR. HARRIS & Co., Charlc . m-m m. m SI r- V A "" . - P. SUAINbl oc o. . y May 10, 1S39-141 i : mm l:Sllils ii ; , i s; t I if