!.'-: f - ' : '- '- : . .... " i - ., i , , ... -.. : ' . , i -if'- t i i '? 'i ' i j . H ; ; t . . . - . "- .1 "f I,, i i . . . - . ' - . &ffiffii& : I'll : -s L v ' 1 h -i v - V- , , PO, J . . I II YT I V i I III . I i II III III III 111 tit i fH 111 Lr I I I IV III I I 1 I " 1 1 I III 111 I I I I III II ill 1 1 I : - ! : j ::-. . f 1 '-- . I I .) J. , ...1- . 1 . ... i .; -- . ,. .. .!' H i J . S. . ... .. . .... . T I : I I) Tfeeffrtat and IlreJj iiiiere u- .-J.i.l r IRA ROOI oi ivnaiu" . ISituadinar,. There a no uncom .1 BuiilU HkiM or other public caltm 5 .iXfhfbat!itUD..eaw lobe ipoouneoos !tS .SLiL.iA.k- r.horch wiIbe ciowded W 3, "..ion .f Ik. people ffr ;: - i- It tnmiri : ri ministers It is. as ei, cornned mainij Sfft a'Sl f!h&rcb.ondef ihe .dministra- iti ,tL.ii.. . It ni t iaal t before i i.DiISi ohnU come in to the aid of ln ty fhe local ministrj, ibe Treacher ,onwntf. orv indisposed i and ffFPif lc . ,M bnl e hate no doubt bat that it PENDjLETON &; -BRUNEB.l .EDITORS AND PnOPRICTORS. y Published IFctiay ' at Tteo Bolts, and Fifty Ctsii 13 VOLUME YIIL an roold relingyish all claims to the lady flare those pjf aaa recollection. The mitter be ing decided, Uhe Teleran lover proceeded to payjhii respects to the silent charmer, i,3ail, bn we nye Uho hid been keot in entire iworance of i - ' I - ' ' - ' ----- . ' L -'is- - - s -it . . - 1 . - , .4 est Journal' :iti&M tl the laborer, are Vew.M--jywi. the high refrd in which she ;was held, Jt me cause oi tne duel. 10 tne asjonnn ment and mortification of Chocks, she in formed him she had been married 1 twice, Crnr.-"-We had indolged WmJ repeal' the painfal now re Jrningrlh improved heahh to Jrj. EeSiblilthii: tAere isnilimprovemtnltn the lieve hf r husband, who was an industripr4s uMlf m City. ' J- ill - 1.1 ; mechanic, of those domestic duties which if hf fijsi appearance of the epidemic hei ibence j incurred. The sa'ffel lover atnonpawhrch was eanj id iob mvuia geetng his eake MMiTO iZ';, ded to 1 enjoy, aw lrOf,i,W ih. lwen in the month Df Sep. PMeanetSM !K;iwo4r.td.j. oftbe mbntb. hot a l ttle. ther0 I27iilthe;beii week lOOthe next 80 and the t..V 't; .hdirtcr hit nisht 54. buch is the moaroful tecUrdJ JIofciie Advertiser. ir.H4Jioe Ner Orleans Bee tells a was all dongh,!' j eoncla hue longer, that: single which be already; bad seen t OOKER OX. FILIAL AFFECTION.; A TRUE STORY. the mostdis- i a m Af. In a iseaftort town in one o nriA.; Ktdrviofa-necrro in. New Orleans, i wo-1 l9J.i nrAwinrpk nf France, there maripsaN, in whom the VJfJ.0 chant who bad carried on the trade kfilhe- tinn ihko onns matter which tinges the , .'- .L- .:iiA.i.iii.,.Jij Sm&thl MM b!aek,ihas been going on for quai nonoriru8pcrj, U'T 1 tV. Elar&W l The Temoval of the SoloringJ fifty yars o( age j and tbed, by a kudden faatiir isiiaWet er imperfect, and irregular ; it senes of unexpected and unavpiaapie; iakeaplacl 7 m patches, giving .to portions of her; found himself unable to comply j w arm and ! contrast liilWf bntiajn'r pare white appearance, which J engagements ; and his wifej and ch orally and disagreeably with the jn 0 n9 placed bis principal ieitvIhoaMUhfll surrounding surface. She will - - rtMU ;nlo .uch a situation ai doub mtmm "fT'V led bis feistress.. 1 , I I 1 Icunous atlwlDgiiUostraiiveoiinemoce m wuicu , .. . tl ,(,; is Uiithn -; UI9 C3UUlk& III llt'Hj .ipn.iuii was the reflection that noon the strictest review of bis own conduct, nothing jof i in prudence or iniquity appeared. He tpougnl llbattird pfibfmsbis ainguiaf freakviz : by ao sot pt ion f bk black, pigment from ; which he skiff 61 tftfi rfegrp aerives iia. coior. Si -II: ; was boo losses, thv his lldren bapjpt; tors. Uiat being convinced of bisKhpnesty gniipe inauceu to puy ms -raiaiur-nd allow him a reasonable apace of settle his aflaiis. He was 1 kindly received by some, and 1 very civilly iby all; irom whence ne receiveu jgreaj mopes, which be communicated to his family. Dut they m tunes and time io these were speedily dashed by the! crue 1M 1" Msjlil:iuseii.--We observe, (says the XlekthJrja d alette.) that the Fifteen Gal- 1pnltiWiSsradly dividing the people of Mas$acliiseUsv and, of course, that the I XdyWratibri oartv are taking advantage oi tdii Ircurnstance Suffeiiug the Whigs o purjlpoh a question of State and muni- . UiSS.lI..l.i:2u. il.nn ilia A lminiatrotinn fcarfViTfire uniting to a man on tneir can- iJidiiesselected, with reference to politics entirtljpithur securing the election of ma- v. oi mem. vo one can kh, nmuiuic, ci what; Eetlfft i i IS ?ge skio i hp-result: wilLbe even in Massachu- 411 1 DUELLING AT SEA. -fpMicrAt Method. Among the pas- Hirleahs to one of our northern cities, tnere 3oung lady, the only female passen nvj two gentlemen, one a young buck fifigb een, and the other apparently forjyl five;? both ot whom became very muc1ifam(rd with this lone passenger. FoIJipfe tittfi they were both entirely ig norant i)f thk passion of each other for the j Voting "lady ; at length, Mr Chucks the toldeatfof! thej two, desirous of learning the pedigtee and; circumstances of his charmer, 5nawpf V161 !pFT maricet was yet to be made, :opened conversation with Mr Green the other lovr: when a mutual confession en- , sued rBpecting the regard they both en ertajnd; forthe f unknown young lady, and ihjr. intention, if possible, to secure a claim :t?i her affections if they were not ai reaOVlbound'in holv tie tn anniher. Thim con!feWn instead of paliating the case of ; eitljtr,ahrew a new obstacle in the way of , 2 - lrli c?niuation succeeding another, both became; vet v ilM.Fm;n.nj ..An.j ; thejr intentitato aolicii her atteniion .nH - 1 ?i'ji?hWPWr,.,00l: w Pen hostilitv Mr .Ghuckkj received a challenge from'Mr Gren-he iccepted it -Mr. Green chose hotse pistols; for his. weapons.whirh wr procured frotri the mate of the ahiD : thedav . and hour weej appointedthey agrecd t0 aland at ten yards distance diatronallv nnAn hedepk,that there could be no harm done to njr bq themselves. - Hewever, before the ""f YfieuoucKf.-wno was a siouicorpu eht tuan; concluded that be had not an e jwith his antagonist, who was tature and very sum, and un- al fiance ?l maU s :k i liaristeK was nn willing tha houhi; shoot at his uwn bignesj .rJ-Mulon ..-himself, probably fearinc .f Si - n,? hil e heart be might injure lHS?f?,''r'lfter rauch Parleying thtZTJ h. was ipropSsed bl5nr thoot at a rgerjust the LTtniitf ::T$ Green leadily con. !f1;. b.ul Chocks still contended one the bachelors into hopeless celibacy, there is a command forbidding every improper desire Jloom, and immediately! constructed fearful responsibility resting upon them, in regard to our neighbor. ; 1 u u u j l ' i - Would iLnot.be well to oause1. enouire. re- . I h, i a,. i "hlch l orkid bJ Pw" instead; of fleet. : f ' where did Mne ypt that law i t tiwa i band, makes seven pieces of ribbon or lace. read history : the Ecyptiani and the adja-; whero only one wa3 made in the French cent nations were I idolaters ; so were the loom, and gives the 6gure, color, or pattern with equal exactness and greater rapidity. In Greeks and Romans ; and the wisest and best Greeks or Romans never cave a provements at the outset leave no room for doubt, but that when the attention of our - WHERE DID HE GETjTflAT LAW ? In notf an1 Itamlifnl il j Sn nna nfltia Northern States, lived a la wvet bf eminence of morals like! this. Where did Moles llPls S? "nprovement pf the nbbon loom, and talents. I do not know manr barticu- feet this law. which snrna&ses the wisdom llhen, five or six-sevenths of the labor rtouired lars of his moral character; but he waa no-1 and philosophy of the I most enlightened F abroad is whnllv ni.rn.rl nA '.r.fl. unuuiy pruians. oo uaa a negioov, ai j agea r t ub uvea aipeiioo comparatively ftf anVn llarn i, J..u,f..-!.t.jvi. whom his neishbors used to hear him swear barbarous, but he has pivena law.- B which r""v,M v "u- c .u.u.auco. iu with awful violence. One dav! thia oentI. l-tho learning and sairmiv fi.ll .nK.pnnnnt I vcr7 narrow patterns, from 'ten to' fifteen man met a decided Christian,! who was l4 time can detect no flawi U Where did Ihe I pieces can be, woven at once Such lm L I - : J J ts l.fl ii.t ' t - : r 9 i . . ' "f . - I " - :" -: ' - - bob lawyer, saiu 10 oim,j i wisn, air, to igei u i tie coo la not nave soated so lar a- examtne into the truth of the! Christian re-j bove his age as; to have devised it himself. llciorL. What honkn . wntilri inn idtii m I I am atiehf rhrA m (iKitriol :lt mnat a .. " ' J . - - Maw a p. r-.aMw. H V W a W VVI.IUWU . . . HiUSI T . a . " . . - ! . . to read on the etidencea of flhristianitv ?" t have come from Huorpni li t am ninrt trtizans suall be directed to the manufac- ;- ' ' 7- I - - W W WIS 3 r 4k a IU v u asavvw ; The pious lan ter, surprised at the inquiry, I of the truth of the religion' of the Bible. epiiea x oai is a quesiion, oir,- wnicn i a ne innuei mnuei no loneer remain ypu ought to have settled pong , ago. You cd to his death" a firm believer in the truth ought not to have put citfa Bubject soimpor-1 oi Lhnslianitjr. y He : lived ! several years tant to this late period of iifei" y 1 3 I fte this conversation ; about three, ;I be- " It is late," said the inauirer. " 1 nev-1 ueve. tie continued to pursue the study er knew much about it ; but always sup- j of the Bible--his views of: the Christian From the Monthly Gennesee Farmer poseu inai nnsuanuy was rejcciea py me rcngiou cpaijuing anu growing correct. , .oiuiiwr iv nmtwntT,.,.. great majority of learned! men. I intend, Profaneness was abandoned.1 Ao oath was , FARMING IN PENNSYLVANIA. uuwder, now 10 Qxaminq iuq suoieci ino roughly myself, f nave upon me, as my physician says, a mortal disease,! under which Jy, when first taken frora t!.2 , any thing else lean just cow tl.i . growing 01 wool ltafce to to no c the farmers of eastern Pcnr.:j!. ' scarcely saw a hundred sheep i:. : miles of my journey The field eultitatien 7S3 r. able ; the usacf limesir.ot nrir its good effects every where z :::: a New Englander or New Ycrl.tr, pearanco of the women, as lair fields, presents a spectacle br v. pleasing, tboush common in t! im part of. Pennsylvania t'and ts a the want of taste amon? ihe 1 Dr. IL observes That be hardly saw flowers r day long except in the woods, tj one lady's parlor." j From the Monthly Genncsts l : . WOOL: Few are aware of the irapcrt:r: article, as an item in our rrcdu . ' a the amount which it already rent sum total of value. Two vesrs tne numoer ot sneep was estirr,:!r millions, it, is now not less than lure of silk machinery, we shall soon 1 find "P113, AIlowil58 Ihe estimate eft!,; nnr imnrntoi) nrnMH 4 L I per neaa,rine clip or the present ' sate for any supposed difference in the price cf labori I may live , a year and a half, or two years, but not probably longer. 1 What books, Sir, would you advise me to read j5' Tbo Bible,9' said the other; 41 1 behove you do not understand me, re-j imagine neiore novr painiul profane an- t,ed letters from England fully proved, bas guage must be .to a Christian. But did he I . . ; . , 7 r-. . JlMU&ttce to hU anctslnj A urandson of best therefore to repair to Jfarts in oraer to I the tnt ndj statesman, Governer Hancock, j jav a statement off affairs' befbrexbiacredi- upiJO- me uosion ronce vuu uh 1 fig a- icennmon drunkard. He had on . ..in j -.. , a tattered; rroCK.ooi ai me eioows, mu iuy i with iffelcbarsei trowsers, dirty and ragged old pumps, sb oroen mai nis onwwueu iw...jj3 were Ijaeetf through them, and without vest or cravat-The Times says : " His prospects onceVswe're bbter ' than those of any other vouttpr'man.'in! town, but now the viper, Iotem- perape iafisfened opoa him, and bis blood is puisoned with its Hqne anyiyiing -- riii f.as". -.i l ., ., i ....:... n I ennntrV. liiA eldest son. WHO WaSi &00U l - -- a iiineiccn vcBis tiiu liakcuiiii' uiii v - iiiw dictates! of filial piety, came post td Paris; and threw himself at the feet of! his obdu- rate creaiior, to wnpm ne paimea iqe ois tress pfj the! family in the raosl (pathetic terms, but! without effect: At length, in the greatest agony of mind, he sai4 "ir, since ypu think nothing can compensate lor your loss oui a victim, lei your jeaeui ment devolve on me. Let me suffer in stead of my father ; and the miesrifs of a prison win seem iigni in prounug iuc iiu erty of a pjarent to console the ditresed & and distracted family 1 have left behind me. Ttnusj sir, you will gratify jyour ven- geance, without sealing mis irretrievable rain And here his sighs and tears stop ped hi? utterance. Pis father's creditor beheld Him1 upon his knees for a full quarter of an hour. He then sternly bid him rise and sit down, which he obeyed.-4Tlie gen tleman then walked from one corner of the in great, agitat same space oi on time. the of room! tot the other, roindi for abont the At length throwing . his arms around young man's neck, " I find," said he Hhere is something more vaiuaoie than money : have an only daughter, for whose fate I have ihe utmost anxiety. I and resolved to fix! it ; id marrying you she must ibe happy-4go,! carry your father his discharge asu n:s consent orinu mm insianuy uiiii liance, vihip gratitude of iwpr er let clury in the joy-of this ! all remembrance of what has former pened.'' J bus the generous gratii the son relieved the calamity of th - Lit - . T : . t ' 8-k . f . a thy father;! The man who had conlidereu wealth and hanniness ss sveonomoua terms. was freed; from that fatal error: and Prov idence vindicated the manner of its pro ceeding by thus bringing light out of dark- tntSmm ! ..J ktllaOnala a. a.lt4 aaaaaA a 'f Intfall.W deid a virtuous family! with Hasting peace, in ibe enjoyment of that prosperity wnicn inev so ncniy aeservea Jtn eicttje. Dr. Knox says that com plaints have been made, that j in the present age, marriage not sufficiently prevalent, or at least Ubat good husbands are notjpd merous ! Tbo men wbo appear to be insen sible to female charms, allege? in excuse-for their uoi soliciting some lady in marriage, that such are the expensive manners, dress. and amusements of the fashionable; parts of the sex, Iso little their skill in;condu :tiog a family, and j such their ignorance of ecopo mJ thai td.be married is often to be! ruined in the midst of affl ience.'l tadies, ihis4Se. ssnAoimo1 ihf(.A.timA. :a! . ' . awr.r;.r V WT . . - ,,c to the great IS! L"rfWf? Penger..r ClLk. t-wVi.1 . pe'Mnarktman. Green step .nRlt:llllai.ll.i .! -a . ! . ' hia iVi. TfT 81 ne fVitndgmr htr wo same time third. One evening ed, and found the ing the room, with! the Christian lawyer call- unbeliever a"t home walk a dejected lbok bis mind apparently absorbed in thought,; He con tinued, not noticinir that any one had come in, busily to trace and retrace his steps. His friend at length spoke : You seem, Sir,, sai4.be, M to be in a hrnnrn fiid. Of what MrPAli ihinlnnof". I have been reading,5 the moral law.'9 ! oo torty-uvo minion pounus ct v. wool, and find it has ran;cJ fit- cents per pound, some few lots as some have fallen below, the! ed. To be sure of beios within t now as offensive lo him as it was familiar , Dr. Hnmphreys, of Amherst College, .we will tike the average at 45 c fe Mass.; well known ai a gentleman of ex- that rate, the last clip .f wee lemonstrated with them nnn it fnllv and tensive literary acquiremenls.and.an accurate wotln more twenty millicr want ot meaning, and said he could never observer of men and things, as his celebra- C1-4U,P 13 oul oneiliem 10 ine iuuusuj ui iuo nurtn At the present pricesof slice; the business of growing them is one; and we think may with :T cnlated upon as a good one for ti Wool of good quality could L:r pay as an article of export to V. France, should present prices : ' maintained, and the supply fcr 1 sumption in this country becr.c: : prove that growing wool is a gc; ment of money, we have crI- ! ; the cost, expenses snd returns c T A flock of good ewes, with pro- ? ment, ' Will hardly fail of dcul!: numbers within the year, and if to TKam.In 1aI.I lm iKotlarTrl fasnrap kn.s! trt tkm . I f)f the WAm lh Villi nf I Vi a lor-' - uiaiu :tuuuxut la iiiis wa, wuu lumi tivuva ftl IUIJ VWUUUT U(U HI I " " w iiiu m'n ' ? '- . i.i ? i . , I -. .... . . . that. Dr. H. says I 1 11 Wli e seen, after deducting tl In ihe slovenly farming of our country of keeping, that a handsome picrit il see l uavo eooq sneep, or gcou v. this- scat tered here and there, over the meadows and pastures But not so in this part of Penn sylvania. The little birds must go else where to build to their nests among the bushes, and the children will find no black berries nor wild 'raspberries for their bread and milk here." ij There are no waste lands, no swamps, no cat-tail fjUg bottoms, for 70 or 80 miles, that I could see on this route : and if the become a sincere discin el of Christ f vu,u?cu BC,Ica lcuers m ine " n sumed the unbeliever, surnrd in bis turn: He always expressed grar doubt upon Ame"caia newspaper, giving his impressions I wish to investigate the truth oi the Bible.' that point. He could hope for nothing ot the West, tbiough which be has travell- I would advise you, iSit.f irepeated his from the world, and he; was afraid that: he ed the riresent seasoni He mmmeni.-. K . . - - .. A i, is r-.-. 'f.-.- . I ; : . f- - - - -' -s ' m - . . . ? . ri : -.-r-r - -.v.w Uhnstian rnend, ".to read the: Bible. And,' migni cnoose otner pleasures irom tnaicir- - i. : pLii.jiiM. mnA u. tt i . 1 h ,nn,; 1 .'.li i m. rJ. cumstance withont a rad.V.l ' rhanel nf ?olices fl Philadelpb a, and his first letter, son?., niost inndeisare verviisnoranrof ine uean. ; j js j . Scriptures, i Now, to reason dnlsubiects with I learned these particulars,1 a tew years Pennsylvania farming, given with his usual correctness, ve must anuerstana wnai it is i iruia uuo ui ine panics, me; tajiac i discrimination. auoui wuico wereason an ine next piace, i uiy wuscu uiuc iuiuiaiciii i s mi, u..t ..-i- r .t. ! I -A.iAr ihA ;lPilf iW i.,W variation t belli believe other. S I have - - w rmiug in ine coun w k.- w wfl v w iiyivw aa t j -r - j - - y- , T tt : la if f j 1 J 1 1 w " of the Scrioturea atmnaer than the exter. endeavored to be substantially correct, aDd iro ruiiaaeiaia io Lancaster, excited ... - - r i. i ; i i i - -1 t .u r ii I- 1 : i. , :.f I u: j L 1 "J nai-' - ! 1 1 nil 1 I ao uicreiorcjieu many important meag i ins auimrsMuu, as u must inai oi every loy e; shall I jbegin inquired unexpanded, as 1 understodd them to oc Cr of good husbandry : remmdins one con cultivated districts o there is more wood The infidel bought a commentary, went Istruction. home, and sat down to the serious studv of the moral law is ar monument a Sublime the -Scriptures. tie appiledi 4(1 M strong monomentofthe great mpral-trasacii6n aiiu wen uiscipnucu puwersp Bible, to try rigidly but impart As be went on in; the perusa occasional calls from bis prole The infidel freely remarked tloon what he I advice and kind attention of the Christian had read, and stated his obiections. He I "end ; tne beautiful arrangement oj frpvi liked this psssane be thought that touchina dence by; which these occurred :jthejex ing and beautiful but he could not credit I cellence of thejmoral law as explained and And.whei the unbeliever. Aube NewjTestameoi'' cut-in the actial conversation. , I tiniiallyl of the best r0, said tne Otner, "ft tne beginning uio rcaucr wcuiiaion iuia kiiiaiuiy,i .I--.- 1 .t n0--;, 1 i fT , for it is believed nTbtJTirh in nraeiieal in- England, except that Vbuvsi.i j.. - i v f 5 m : I felt; and under the blessing of the: Holy Spirit: the gloriously reforming power of I the Bible. attention must be paid to them t!.. oally given. Sheep that get their I book or by crook ; that are allorcc J -. er in their fleeces all the bim. other burweeds that line too many roads and fences, and fill our Wo that are exposed to all the vie.::! our severe and variable climate will, ter ; oi barely make a live throu!, i ter, cannot be expected to raise rsar.v or produce good wool. "Wool ir.S replied the infidel Well what dp you think of it ? asked his friend. : 41; j .:' i I nt.1l IaII nktl t iii.4 k itimlr " I irii jvm na. j Uaicu tu in. m, answered the infidel, " I jsupposed that Mo ses was the leader of a j jio&ej of banditti. COOD,rf to enter successfully into he thl- that having a strong mind, he acquued great . - ... . j r Ui1 ' h 1 . . Ajijtu ....ii ture of silk, its manufacture as we 1 as its influence over a superstitious people; and - i : irk ItA t li a rf.a.t i t n . . . . little oeeoer that userf tn lull mn n cwoaI. I .. . . . ncir imp J v tu iuj "cip iu uuu I hn i.nnnlr ni K , 1 h4T hftlt A norh aiiiaro Ia ainn nt ika vaai1 I . a conditioned German proprietor would pro bably spoil their music by filling it up be tween the two next pipe tiroes, after find- . . i. r . , ing mem in pussession oi me premises." : - 1 : Near Philadelphia, be found the winter One great rfason why we have f uch an wheat a little killed, but farther on excel- nnshairiih inHnrftniA in llin hilil nf thii I l.n Tlia ra fi.lita am a Kt.r..l . t. I . . . . , i t .. i ; . i i t I r -"Ti" ' ...v i qT immersic? 11 in Douinrr wairr p uisiiueue?. oiacK as ere d us. waiuni? io i it .om, n t.i th ..i.. s IVIU.IU IIII IUV V a VV I WVL.W4.it.J V . From the Monthly Gennesee Farmer. SILK MANUFACTURING. ) general use. TO correct damaged gi: Musty grain, totally unfit for i which can scarcely be ground, t said, be rendered perfectly sweet cr. -'.a ' 1 . . . . . AnAti lhA aaaM nij. am mm4 aJ.a.. I ' m ' . . . . IMC wup-iuiv puiwU, icujiuueu mm i q)antitr ot water must be douuio t I I I - . . t ' 1 .. . 1 -- v'-' . - . ' . - f I - --4 - ' f . . . aT . a-i 1 - a 'I i : . I tn-af t4ff iaii ,a fmnH in f ha; A.inA.iv .n I . ( i I loipnn I il.. iinf hi.F. m.. a. . . ni 1 1 I . t mi inai on Mount oinai ne i d eoioij some son i r,,t""v1"u "" u aupni smti- wvvwH .hU Uig iiUuub ui.iicii. mm io oe purinea. ine inuriv of fire-works, to the amazement of his ig-1 prise, industry and ingenuity! of ourciiizens j It lsxertainly to be regretted, that so much rarely penetrates through the hm norant fbllowers, who irnagiled, in their over those oC-ny part of tbe world! Great mingled fear nd?perstiiorj, Uia the exhi- B ffi lhougBt to Wef eni the eltablish- linn aiinornklnral " h . - now i ! f interposed ter. Sir "The SO r is this excuse" valid ? M If it il know itj; nd you must know tbe antidote: l lie; Happiness or thousands,! the vrejfare of the public morals, the prosoeritv! of I on countryj depends on a correct dec(si6ii o( these queslipnt. Can it be that so many cf the beautiful and the good the accbopl?sh ed in every thrng but the one thing sp need ful for jjlhe bife dooieftc jeeonebare condemned from this causa to waste their sweetness on ;the desart air, and ptnef in sin. gle blessedness' That com miunityji which marrtage is neglected or disregardied, f no matter what may be the reason, 13! in the high road to tnin; tnd if our; fair ones,1 by at . 111;.. our tying hi word that he Lthe causes assigned, have frightened lion was supernatural r But what do you think his friend. I I have been ! looking J' said the infidel. . . . . ..... . . : f into tne nature ot mat law. trying whether l ean add any thing to it, or take any thing from it, so. as to.raake it bet- , i cannot. 11 1 perfect. first commandtnent' continued be, directs us to make the Creator! the ob ject of oar supreme love Slid ireverence That is right. If! he be bui Creator, Pre server, and Supreme Benefactor, we ought 10 ireai mm, and none oinery as sucn. M The second forbids idolatry; i That cer . 1. i . i . -' t : 1 ! T 1 " 0, tainiy is ngnu" -; : 4. tvlit;.: third forbids profaneness fourth fixes a time for, religious If there be a Uoi, he ought sure worshipped. " It is suitable tbat there should be an outward horbage signifi cant of our inward regard If God bo wor shipped it , is proper that 50 me ffine should be set apart for that purpose, when ill - may wor ship harmoniously and without Interruption. One day in seven is 'certainly ndt too much ; and I do mot know that; it; is too la ment of the cotton manufacture in this and other countries, by prohibiting, under; se- vere penalties,! the exportation ; of machin ery, or patterns for "its construction. New England machinists went i to work, shops, made their own patterns, and produ ced specimens jbf machinery'so much supe- , -1 . riot in action and prine models, that we at once obtained ihe pre ference in their own market, and now an nually export targe quantities of machinery to order." So it is already ; with machinery for the manufacture (of (silk! In reeling' and now in weaving the narrow kinds of silk, such as laces, ribbons, and other goods of that description, we have already made great advances on the clumsy anil ilt-ar-ranged implements of the old world. In1 the manufacture of ribbons; which forms so important a branch of the Lyons, or French silk manufacture, the) foreign workman uses ia narrow ; loom, resembling the common land loom mi other respects, and weaving but one piece or ribbon at a time A macUne, called in France 1 jac quard, is attached to this, narrow Iooo,and regulates tbpatterji of th ajibbor flowers, he. These looms are worked by girls, and these delicate and beautiful fabrics are the I result of. their ! labors.!. LA Jacquard was . .. . - j j 'r i W 1 - . brought to New York: and fell niider the 1 to an "The Tbe worship. !y to, be 3 i 1 1 -n The fifth defines the peculiar duties a- rising frpfo.tbe family relaidnslf l r;l Injuries to oar neighbors ate then cas eified by the moral law THey re! divided into offences against hie, chistily property and character gal idea er. And, said hel applying 1 le with legal acuteness, I notice that the; greatest offence in each! class is ex pressly forbidden. Thus the greatest inju ry of life-is murder ; to chastity, adultery ; to property, theft; to character, perjury. Now the greater, offence mast include the less of the same! kind. Morder most in clude every idjury to 'life;; adultery,; every injury to 'purity and so of the jrestJ And the moral code is closed and protected by t which might be converted into bread, should be worse than thipwn away, not only, in Pennsylvania but in other parts of our coun try. The following extract reveals a j state of things proddced in a great measure by of the wheat. In the hot wster c!! t cayed or rotten grain swims upon i face, so that the remaining wheat i ally , cleansed from all impuritie:, any material loss. It is after w:r.' the unprecedented drought of last year, and dried, stirring occasionally on the Li! 1 1 notice of Mr. Bergen, an; ingenins mechan ic, and member of the Legislature. 5Ir. Bergea instantly saw 'that greaf lmprove- ruenU might be made in the machine tnd which shows most' conclusively the cause I of the high pi ices of fat cattle in that dis trict, and the folly of the squabble that has been gntng on between the butchers and the drovers. .1 ' In passing over this fine region, I look hed in vain: for the fat cattle which I expect ed to see ruminating .in the farm yards, or wending their sluggish way to Philadelphia markets: and the cows presented a strange I contrast to the rank clover upon which they Eoucht io have been feeding I do not re 1 member to haveseeo a single cow in a thriv ling condition, during the whole day and 15 Mr - ' a a a . i ' not more taan one Irom rniiadeiphia to the I mountains. Moet of tbero, I am sure, must I have escaped from the Crows in March wiih 'great difficulty ; if, indeed, ihe farmers alT low any oi these sable and noisey taxgain erersto nestle upon their manots." That i( was with ine greatest difficulty the I Pennsylvania farmers were able Io preserve I their stock of cattle alive, owing id the ex- hreme scarcity of fodder, we were well a- ware the drouth not only destroying their grass, but their root crops also. The swine of the! region under: notice, IcomY in for a share of the pocloryanimad versions ; ; and I from his remarks it wotitd appear inat a sprinkling of Berkshires and Chinas, might be as usefolj in exterminating the "alliga tois and land shads?! fiom Pennsylvania, as from some of the other states. : As for fhrs wine," aays Dr. H., 'Itbey New England Far. WHIG POLITICAL CREED. A great Whig Festival recently tr c. at. La Grange, Tenn."at which t.':? r. many distinguished guests from all the Union. The following S)n :': 1 ( principles of the Whigs, which 1. : compiled by the Committee, was re-! t occasion and received by the Pco,' ! acclamation. To the gre"t Repubfir ciples e middled therein, every V1. pledge his cheerful and hearty sup;; :L 1. A majority of the People to r all caaes, under the Constitution 2. The rights cf the minority, r ed by the Constitution, to be held and inviolable. ' 3. Government is designed-fcr t! efit of the whole People, and not cf ty. No public officer should plice t.!. fare of his party before tbat cf. the cr 4. A pure and free .elective fr:i miinfiueneed by Executive pstrcn When we see an Executive cfTizzt I elections, we naturally conclade gotten his duty to the public, r.J i ing of bis Aire. 5. A curtailment, by law, eft! : ; age of the Federal Executive. E" patronagey which was originally tc , is now ten-fold greater than at ;:, not checked by the people, will 1: times greater than it is The pstrc increased, and is still rapidly incrc : . : ojht to be diminished others. : looked more like 1 frightened roach or JAdA for the advancement cf party cz J:, i 4 - I I- a i- - , . i- r i I!

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