I M" ' 1 : i : t . .114 i f '3 ' 1 1 'HI "lS:i n i I'll i 1. .1 t : V i '. . I- ty 1 ' a. HI- i r f, i- t' ). : s ' i? io. We litre not jet receiv It : tiflareruiBleci dJMWa&bi the ejections in this State ; U, 4 19!pfd)ab!l that McDonald, (V.B.) Uelec ?A Fiit bcculijefiin Mobile on the night of the Viltic.dfitroyl five squares and 500 WulttSothJi fire occurred on the next night hicteldeswoyed one square inciuu.s and iiN banking houses, i "I XJmmWimt incndhties. J here nau pre I j p i?: II o fju'r fires since the 29thof Septem- mi i ill t i rn REIGN NEWS. nJui.Livernool. has arnv- . -i . . B . r J rk. wnce our last, in io uajo e are sorry to perceive in near- whether as relates to the or, the stale of the Harvest, discouraging; it -I Tii& Steam mmm mwWclb brought by her espect, arte Mai Puri Jty.The Newtfork mU'mw ii:: it is aid lhat thetll States Bajik in Philadelphia will receive debts due them their post notes, in payjneot jednclingfromitnose noi our, me iuiwt adeiptfealerm. s i -- i rWrtltfbtrfcfis killed TO Jill" N---:i io Rutheifordtoh last Commercial Advertiser, Oct. 1 0 ; F tUirS LATER FROM EN- ' GLAND. - ElGintjEEN tGHLY IMPORTANT T i - ' i lAl-Aclock this morning we bad the pleuW; bf . hearing lhat the packet steam- SlilU lfe?Pv" W(,B " ""I bQutn8 ivioct stir uiiniui news collector Wfcjfllflf' Wltiow: with our bag of papers. Obr London dates are to the ereninff of Sep- temhir W, an Liverpool to the 21st, with the litest Commercial aavicea irom me va 6u fjorts ot ngiana, ana tne continent. Sl? ill tfi fjypAT . Klf ITAI M: e mm ; ?! I'M rl Ecftffis ret ip progress, or had taken 1ace!ri several parts of the Kingdom. At Manc&eitf, Sir George Murray, the Tory capatelabi defeated by a majority of 2piCf iitriidge, Mr. Gibson, the lib eriaftlniaMeiiivjiunsuccerefuI. Mr. Wyse, liberil J 'was elected at VVaterford, without oppiiwittl iso Mr. Shiel, re-elected, at t jTjjf iFrigatel Rque sailed from Pprts- roburii,;Tpr; Quebec, the 18th September, ptntm -bpird 'I Mr" Poulett Thompson arid $qm and Sir ;-lt.. i. li'M:fi.' -..n - siHteii ! . ,; -., i Th0! jVl arqam 'of Hastings has published a. veryl io&g communication, fortified by let- .las, tracts, ana otner documents, disci os jng aipfib facts relating to the calumny op in uiisicr. iijuiscioses uvxmng oi inter (jW8S npjt known heore, except lhai Vh&tinSiiiis bahcUalleoged Lord Melbourne Tiieiplaojs of the affair seems to be thrown LiiiUJiM.i-Uj j. d.. .Li o:- NOR1H CAROLINA SYrfOp; ,j This bodyiconcistinv of ministers and elders re presenting tiUir Presbyteries, met ia this place and sat io the; New PresbylerUo Church on lH three last days of last weekbeginnihsr their Ia- borson the 9l.h inst. The principal if hot; IheJ oniy ouaines3jiney nad to do, was to try a oiandei Case agaioftip the Reverend Mr. Collon of Fay etieville.whwe'aoderstand Is a Newilight Pres byterian. Wip have not perused any of the docn ments, bat U Jseem8 that Air. C. wrote a pamph el, in whichlhe arraigns the principles and prac tices of the old side Presbyterians, though nom nally he U one of them. He alleges that their principles lead to tyraoay and theijr practices prove It. For this he was carried before the Presbytery J (Orange we suppose,) : for i rial f cord in sr to trie voters opinion. 1 be vote was put and the charge was sustained almost I K The gratification of the office fcolde sospensionof jspec ae tact i&ai now. - i: i C s at the raced to nilHE following details of a Schcmb or i ie payments may be as dorm? the late suspension. they can make t frhaudaome penny;" b? selling t. ' 7f1 J3hlT.TSr. t I1 me specie checks; the? receive ton their salaries. I ' . t ( t f I I iU Ln,,.,, t,kflt.. .. u r SDeeie will oerhar hAtvnnh 5. 10 &r IS ner I finHE Trustees ofahe Salisbnrv Fmale Aeal 1 1 -Tl .-v"TLV . - .ri15" . . r- T?";.'i 7 r . r i , ii . . ,i ... , . r. . .:. I " I4UIS us iu uecisnn n to da i i i r a h a i i r. . - . - are manv extremal r argeof per xictettbe Valm Uko Mham trPi ..;!. fcim.if .1 . leilTBl OI ICaSlOO tO tender his mnsl nnfeirrrxxl ,fl r - - - m w wwv,uvM uai long as they can preserve this state of things they Tfy repect, worthy of the confidence! of the Number of ih ri.; . - ,nA th. Willdbtledo it.-ttimore pWicfc. " of ion .Imorality 1; wh Re good old n, i JJJ, seek for their daogh era a place where intellect US ,hall be dnwn .?iC3 SSr d HI OH LI IMPOltTMT Ttf TlitL, PUBLIC BY 1)11. U 1U FJ-S.100 CHATHAM ST 111'.:: BEWARE LEST YE STUM HI.::, TTKOCT. WILLIAM EVANS, ico r THE BANKS. toal and moral co .1 1 . 1 1 " 1 iDem ui nrcnni wi 1 he Banks of this citv fsavs the Richmond I sohere ta whirh thv ttTi-i !. . . i , . f I v pig 01 yesieraay; nae made no ottcul dec- I Xhey are now that every 1 ments to the numerous members fjf roin tbence. to the Synod. , He was ;fuan:dgaiit , - . j .1 ,. - f --Mt thl- rL, tT no. He j wasnortr ed on the plea Of VYol . t. iLi-.-J fL "ir.T r"J. 7-7 minify frs k .hrA .nin.l h.rn nKfffinI 7. f --r J.s.u.uj , w m.j u.1M4Muuuj 77 ,"-'.tt r tne,aaver8e;coiTent or the times, thev harede- Meanwhile ed; bat on faotion, the quesuoq w.s puto tbi tel0ljDed t0Wspend cash payment conlinoel J. Baker.aT way-charge6astained or not Sasiained ac Li irt , ,irn: ak L ; . La .L:Ji-!! r' PCCift rs r inr. I f .nff.nn J. t.u . t . . Iture comb aedi will torenare Lu..i.i-.,i.f.r.7-' :r? -.I.l' V . . "UU"J Pn na sc; f ty nsefulhess and dicrn tthli 11"?" oa 10 l ?f8b 19 bve entrusted then s ! imavbecalledt t 1- F "UP " oi.deks. - his care. ,-He has the saiisfacticn ot k m.tinrr all nftkM AfT... I . . r. T --- i.uuim.uj Hf low ef IfleBCeS. IL&l h!5 r? aeitlaTwiX r Pend "" rP ing made to us for tick have done their daty as far as lies wi-' 1 fccuwciuau aau lauy oi eUwhen tha Prizes are'all sold. BUnka 33. i k j I I J ----VI it .'... . r..V lT-r--- w tiMrt- they have engaged !i' 'f;-.yl mbe first buyers, have the best chance. We the afflicted is Dtspepsia'or i tHZM. thw,ffw' emPh7lica ssy -DF.LAY NOT ig all the sonrcs of their n liuOlPT.-'?? VJ.MP'jopon the! have .a . ; u .orriii i t r a inr w am ana n l qoitev unanimously. Afterwards, he made smf lAWBPcttisbiirg lntelUgencir. written ilriwiiirlAWvAmAnte iiiKim! fra nAf l-anl I i i i "O w" T ents-t and peace was restored avain. 'r Note. .He is said to be a man of talen That his book and defence are strong aud well wnueo. juincoinion itepuoucan. WELL, DONE JERSEY BLUES J i ii i Legislature! for forgiveness for the infraction of I taotrl Petersburg Intelligencer I I entire satisfaction. As soon as thd other teach ! I - 1 " j j L; I lersare obtained, Miss Baker will again devote great pleasure ito armotnee that I herself exelosively to the musical department, i1 ii rnrn shmit fair nlar. and fnir nlav'a a iav; - rj m t el ! The Whis have carried New 'Jersey, high and dryj and put the Loco Focus to a com- pieie roai. ois is tjunc cumiuriaoie aiier our recent reverses ; and it is a triumph wbrth reordi iog, as the Government Agents in! the State!, from N. York! and elsewhere, were like the locusts of Egypt. fThe Jersey Blues have, indee, done themselves the highest honor in resisting the official bribes tendered by the party In power. We unite with a Philadelphia cotemporary, in awarding to? her all praise, and exclaiming, Well done! New Jersey I" x ne ioi lowing is ine siaie oi panies : in j uom srancbes of i the Legislature : i U Whsg Loco Foco. ! j Council. Assembly Council Assembly. 10 .. 33--. . 7 : 20 I- iff Ullff UiflUVJillf IU VUUUWU U UUJU 7L33CU1" Last year he Uocncil was divided 9 Whigs to 8 Van Baren' men ; Assembly 30 Whigs to 23 Van liuren men ; showin? a VVU12 cam in both Housea --RaUis h Register. HI I It gives His Serene .Democratic Highness Martin the 1st; nas reached the beatot :he ttuyai;uoverxi- ment, antf taken en bis abode in his Uojal Pal- are indebted for this information to Gentleman of the Bed Chamber,' of the Globe The Heir Apparent ttocKbridge. l qe ifnoces of the see. we the! " Firat the! Editor is still in Blood are scattered variously. Pefrrifiurfir Iu- The Election. From Vermont we learn that the Whigs Governor CarlfjS Coplidge, fWhig,) Paul Pillingham, (V. B ) 116 109 Whig majority, Jennison's majority is 2,351. the Loco Foco majority was- still larger. vote was thin in that as well as in Older of the S'atei from which we have! heard Whigs making'no regular and concerted op tion. We give op Pennsylvania On Monday next.! the people of this district are called on to vote for; a repre sieqlative to Congress, in place of i the Hon. ur lift 1 -L i-jLl'l- 11. 1 jcimurc, resigneo, na arepreseqiaiiTe jin the Legislature, in place of Mr Brown j deceased. Columbia) leicscovci Disastrous Fire. On Friday last the flour- isbinv little town bf Aikin in this iState was al most entirely destroyed by a fire,- whieh broke ooiat 9 oclock in the morning, fabd lowing to the infiamable condition of the buildings from the long dry season and the scarcity Jpf water, in about two hours consumed thirty six houses. The loss of property, consisting chiefly of store houses and merchandise, estimated;, at from ffiQ, ()OU to $100,000. We hope that the energy which characterizes its inhabitant,: Will soon res tore the town to iu former condition J A fire, among the most destructive I that nas ever occared in that city, took placeiq Philadl- TPDtrO IP TITTM' I. i !. ;. I- For beginners, oer session of 5 months. I iS 00 for the Kadimenta, with Grammar, Gel; ography and History i ! M l 10 The above" with, the 1 higher branches in f Literary Department, ; i I 12 50 Music on the Piano and Guitar, ( ; 25 00 Painting, , , lOOff Ornamental Needle-Work, and the inakinsr of Wax Flowers, will also be taught, if desired, at $5 each. 1 m "il-h . By order of the Trustees! n I THOMAS L: COWAN, Ch'n. Salisbury, Sept. 27, 1839 tl j 7 -i 11..:'; ! , - ! 1 I i : IiBDIES' PB.SHIOMS oa the.) j I j; : FALL AND WINTER OF: I I t I CP Observe the Number. 156. i 7on nnn 1 1 1 J Ksnn nnn v m - . . . ... . wV,ww 6 Prizes! oCf-S20,000 2 Prizes of--S15,000 3 Prizes off-S10,000 Grand Real Estate, and Bank Stoc .T.nnintm v .' ! Of Property tiluaied in Kcio Orleans, pC?The richest and most magnificent Scheme ever presented to the public, in this or any oth er country. i 1 1 TICKETS OZ7Z.Y SO DOLLS. have elected their Speaker in tne HoiisL PjJa 00 tbe!5ih-About fifty buildini were dje- And is prepared to ixecnte orders . II ; r i nil strpyed. iA.j i f; - stylishandsatisiactdrymanner.il thus : . tl. s ; -n i - i - i ml t ? . -. . . t a j l. ilV !!! i 1- 111 ' : M Authorized by anaet of the Legislative As $embly of Florida, and under the Direction of She Commissioners, acting under the same. I rTo be'draWn atuJACKSONVLLE Florida December 1st 1839. indigesik ti, ; epjojfaer.t, t : in many instances to the misi-ir , firmed Hypochondriasis I Lon as ii object of inquiry by medical autl.c r- mains m much obscurity Apoplexy, di.- me iwiver, lvianeys, apieen, dtcmach. c; testines, Dladder and its appendages, Di:r: Dysenury.'Cam Multos Allispeitorri in the drama of Moibid Affections. Dr 1 has been stosolarlr successful in the tr of the above diseases, iy remedies dra w n nis own and the researches of the ci( ?t t medical men in the world. , He has aUo !. experience and success throughout lie family of delicate diseases, the irarurp t cies of which are aggravated by and r me consuiauon inroogn the base con ; i. Mercurial murderers, unprincipled, i;r t J and un practiced, in ny art save that cf e tinglo lead the credulous victim cn ti e 'i ruin. Dr Evans office, 100 Chatham supplied with the choicest remedies tr. and foreign markets, aad compounded l y ; ter'a hand on scientific principles A ! is always in attendence, and a private All those whocome :here in the Lour tf . WILL GO OFF BCJOIC1KO. C3-UVER COMPLAIJVT, OF YEARS STAJ'DIJYG.-Mi3 1 1 A BROWNEr wife of Joseph Sixth st. near Second at.' WiUiamsbur I J ted for the last ten years with Liver SCHMIDT HAMILTON. Managers, restored lo health through the SYLVESTER & Co, 156 Broadwayj JNew xork, oole Agents. treatment FinHE Subscriber Informs the public, that she II No Combinitioh Nuuburs! ! J7J,. receTea tnrougn tne wortnem 0.000 Tickets from No. 1 upwards Cities the latest andjmost approved LONDON it PARISIAN FASHIONS, tin the most Work sent from a distance shall We have information, says the ; National Ga-1 put cp and forwarded. zelte, which states that seven thousifrd regulars ; be carefully IS. D. PENDLETON. e to be sent to Florida, among them the 8th cj A few Bonnets, Caps jTorbahsi and iniantry ana a large portion oi inej arunery, are i other articles, will be kept on hand for sale, tpjro from ihe; Northern ftohlier bj likewjse Mrs. S. P. is also nrenared to execute -Pennsylvania Election. The Whigs carried 'r5'; T -.-au,. vm. j.u m-- unmpingand Fluting on reasonable terms. .i .6 . . . .. oni-i iii' i hflfin AnlhnriZHd to nend to tinha fori 'it la rnrn nnm. I . . . i am I I i t is i - I. t ii. 2 ... . i. . - i ia mi 0. - m - Mk. r i at vi iiif nniA: i The par s pofi- As the contest in New Jersey.1 toirned in great measure upon the qoeslion0jf the recent dispute as to the returned members of Congress from the State, it is pretty strong' proof that the Philadelphia will elect Mr Swift. (Whirr') as Whi? members have not only the ie?a) rierhtito ujajur. git: i - . i i meir aeais, out uai ingy were eiecieo, as tney are certaioly now sustained, by a majority of the voters ot the ptate Jilex. war. j I TheliOdvernmenl ' had inriUbteJ an in- qHf;(ji he conduct of the Birmingham rnanisiraics ourmg tne riots. nil irfn! itiimi ber. 700,000 on! o e thJIHIH Hi !l ! acc4 " THE NORTHERN MAN WITH SO THERN PRINCIPLES," What av. the friends of Mr. van liuren about his opinions ion the subject of the Public Lands Do his opinions on this question coincide with those of the Southern People? Is there an in dividual in the Southern States; who in truth, will sanction! what he would do in the disposi tion of these Lands ? After our forefathers; had UIIUilUKUVIU I . i , ! i t.t "Vi ,11, (.Oil I , -J . . 1; J- t :. I . -1 11. . ana guinea possessjou oi iuis lerruorj oy iiie iSi mmm ua ,h8 18lh of Serlem- wTC34. d Thirteen States, I ! Our humane government is about to send to Cuba for blood-Miounds, to run down! the Indians. whom their skill and valour were inadequate) to conquer by the! ordinary arts of war. i We think that hereafter f'Gen. Macomb" had;bf tter make " NVashingionl his borne,' and let some one els ty hn luck"! among the Indiarii4Pefera&tb'g. InlMis-Fjncer. I i , f ilH i mm-. in order to establish their liberties upon a firmer papers announce the death basis, secure! the fruits of their labors and form a ticut, has appointed Thursday, the 2Sth Nov. Lauderdale.nithe 81st vear more perfecti Union, they: assembled towetherlto Dexl 10 be observed as a day of thanksgiving l 3 it Thanksgiving. Gov. Ellsworth j o Connec ell! was in retirement at Dar- nliMfa'ftjgfhj his measures for a fiesh VapekllrMtatidii. j i i t ne A ng ana wieen oi Belgium left Lcdbnlfot their own Kinsdom on the 20th Scpieijiber,-. Their visit does not appear: to havejt) edtin jany; arrangement for the rr-afSf Queen Victoria at least, the 'iIflptl l? bollu'ion to any sucb event 'fBO: uncertainty that hung over the state rjT.lrjMshj Harvest when the British ieli:EgIabd is not entirely removed hy ltir.alj of pe Liverpool. The wea : . je fe'er. je.xenstvely ..unfavorable, .and HMfiift N-H-0161 lhal the tone of the ,Bp(.j4dt'e(rsp:.io the expectation even ; bf f jlfage crop ; but still there was room forhbnoJf In Ireland, however the nuestion waiyere4 settled The crops there, redeem the oebt contracted by the expenses ot the war. these States were advised to cede the pub lic lands tblthe Federal Government, but! with the condition that the? should be administered for their conimon benefit. J But what would die Administration do f Why, (says the Execu tive,) these Old States have no right to shire the benefits of these lands : The New States' in the West are entitled to it. North Carolina jS. Carolina, Georgia, &c, are setting up unfour)d- edclaims, which are false and unjust, and I m determined that: they shall receive no aid ;frbm me and my iAdmimstraiion. Uan the People of the South brook such injustice, such a glaring violation oi tne principles oi equ:iy anajuMice r Larolma Uazelte, throughout that State. Gov Page, of New Hampshire, has Thursday, December 5, to be observed as a public thanksgiving in that State. Col. J or n kb. has been re-elect(jdi President of the Portsmouth and Roanoke Rail Road Com pany. . J r. '!j I. appointed ay ON Monday thel 11 th day of November next, at Fort Defiance, in Wilkes Count v, , N. Carolina, the late residence of Gen. William Lenoir, dee'd, will commence the sale of his per sonal estate, consisting of BANK STOCK in the Banks of the Siate of North Carolina, and Cape Fear. . . j J M :4 j- ' Stock of dilFerent kinds, Crops of $ifTereni kinds, Tools oftitmosteverif sorti Mron, Salt, Household and j Hit then Furniivirei ' , And many other articles too tedious to mention The Bank Stock aad Negroes will not be offer ed for sale before It o'clock on the second day of the sale. TweIvemonths credit will be given on the purchaser giving bond with approved se- raB ttf 4- t ! THOS. s LENOIR, fcx'r. I October 18, 1833 3wl2 J List of JLetters, We were ! . ' I MARRIED, : 'M i ! ' j l - i i I i'; ' i In this couhty on the 23d inst , by Jacob My ers. Esq.. Mr CHARLES i EARN HEART, toMiss CATHARINE MOYER.1 ; 1 told by a gentleman who passed thro' this place a few days ago, and, who resides in the Northern part ot Mississippi that at the last Court irj his county, there were upwards of 1400 case3 on the Docket. It was common, f he 1 tf een fatal to the potatoes. i LQttplfc was a bade lower than at our tfScisi":aDd confidence was felt that its mtDTDurn. 'V wis J f$t ' ' . i . , r ; 'l say 1,1 111 utue uuuunca, i' oco ucmccu ;w uu u W"fwrVaf01 Plaloes wefe unqes- ioo Attorneys attending the same CourU A WmliVn " v- BeragO' ne wea-1 single Justice of the reace nas juiisdictionj in giving Judgment on all sums under ;f 50; -With os the otnee io! Justice is one ot honor alone, pt there they have stated fees for work and S labor done, and vel understand that the office of Sqtiire in a Town there, is more sought after than that of District! Judge. in. liihadirjbi! v tret,to earn that bills to a taro . V!uui.uiawn,0vI the United iStatMRantr. I .1 ' I I f eeh"pTOtCSted in FranrA Kilt it aill I r-Tf.TiUfnr ..tr. n.. ka.n tKrnliL B' r 1 1 . t ... . t -w w w a wm u m a. a a bki s v&ia iiu-'vdbui vaavjAaKai&WD :uuau am viti' "PfllslnM1 ayranoement had been made I ed with drores ot Kentucky horses and mule. lorjliii pajmn i We don't island on small matters; here; We REMAINING in the Post Office in States ville N. C, October 1st, 1839. A William Averett. j i j . B R. C. Beldoe, Samuel (Blackburn, Peter P. Braley, Wm. Brown, Erasmus Brown. C Milton Campbell, Esq.. I Theophilus M. Campbell, John! Cook, Wm. F Cowan, D Joseph Davidson. ! ; E Mrs. Ommey Ellis: i ! j F Thomas A. Freeland. I G Miss Eliza A. Giddeos, John Galliher. H Mrs. Margaret Hall, i ; ! J Robison Judkins. 1 1 ; K Miss Mary Y. Kerr, i I L Charles Loue, Georgel or James Lackey, Alexander Long, ; j M John B. Martin, James McKnight. N James K. Norton. ! P Hugh Plylef. I s R A. Rubey, I ry Reaves: I S Gheen Smith. Miss Jane J. Scott. Azel the Churches of Concord Presbytery, will sharne. Alfred A. Shame. Wm. S. Swanson. be cauea upon in me following oruer ioi conui- i William Stringer. I Temperance Convention AGREEABLY to a Resolutjioj! passed a a meetino of Delegates from different Tem perance Societies, who met in this Town on the llth and 1 2th of September last, la Temperauce Convention will meet in this place, on: Wed oes: day the 6th of November' next to which ithe different Temperance Societies in thisState are respecuully invited to send one or more delegates. I 1 ;S. LEMLYlPiesldent .f of the Rowan County Temperance Society .Oct. 25, 1839 2w IS ' j; j TIY direction of the Synod of N.. Carolina, t pThe f at ibrialQ 0f lne cnaiw I dooM ride anji examine one horse half a day .be I Saturday, lisU vfis: formally dissolved on Sent. 14. UfiS?? ii ?:,l0'n Castle, af mm .".vanyy.-i The mm. in th seed ny me rains, came out brisht. i pageant! was attended K. ,kn,n Tn ' M$& Alr;Jenningham' Was slioht- iT.,y.otinaeq in tne wiist.r in the a fore we purchase, bur we Just -buy them the drove and send the Kentuckiana back! more. lo.r I by ter previous ie re- Ifly :!JrhV UPftnMof Engjandavo no ;MWPWaudon, agent of the. Uni- ucured silks Something JVew. We have heard of a va ty or Uamts at arns out we never unin centlv. heard of the Kentucky came, called too.1 Supposing that three jentucKians aner a stop at a house, and be take a Aorn, ! 4 ley for the cfur .. to decide nri these baseants would h the matter!! each nuts down a lumn cf Su?ar led ws received with great Vp- j upon whatever lump a fly first lights thai is Marquis of Waterford, it! is r!a ? beyiioocd, andthe owner apHitts tJpi tor thb next. I 1'"- 1.1 ' ' n I assistance thp. ribcai't dipe it.J. rirJJ. and Grey ;afe- At a second trial between these two noble animals' on Satorday last, over the Oakland! Course; Grey Eagle, says the Cfio cinuati Whig, took the fiist heat (4 ms ) it. im. 50s., beating! Wagner about two lengths! i The second heat pagner took by a neck only! 1 j The anxiety now became painful.' Both iQrs es cooled off Well, and came op in good ord rfor the thiid and decisive lieat. The contest, how ever, was-of short duration. During the fast half mile of the second round. Grey Eagle liet down,,as it is technically termed.! and. Wag ner galloped round, winning the purse, j -j, I The tendons Jn one of the fore feci cave way, so as to; entirely destroy the use of the leg, so far as the turf is concerned. Grey Ele his butions for Foreign Missions, by the Secretary oft the Central Board. Fridav November 1st, Steel Creek at .11, A.! M. ai, rroviaencov ; ao 3d, Rocky River, jdo 4th, Philadelphia, do 5th, Poplai Tentir jdo 6 lb. Concord Town do . 7th, Beth page f Ido 8th, Ramah, it ! ido 9th, Mallard Creiek.jdo 10ih, Sugar CreekL Jdo do Charlotte,.Candle lighting lib. Paw CJ reek, at J 1 A.;M. 12tb, Hope well 13th, Bethel, do Davidson Sabbath, Monday, Tuesday, j Wednesday, I Thursday, Friday; Saturday, . Sabbath, do i Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, 1 do i die liahting; Thursday, 14th, Centre, at 15tb, Prospect r 16th, Statesville. W John Webbl Wm. Wassonl Esq T -.! i .Mil. 4 , j i . . tmSrmfl in his arrangements with tMnschild; to ItquidateUhe r&liW!dV Hot.inguer ScCo at Paris. 4llMvef Mail t,f the 21st has a sav ageirtrcleon the UniiPd r.' n.nt u 'f;- ;5 . j j " futuico auu uit- verbcf bring, ou besides her full of 94. passengers, GO cases of each valtiprl . . .. iliU 4v Vi . 4 -iuuu a io- taUof 00,000 in silks alone ; - ylft iplHj arrITa! large quanti M&kmMm. the United Ita2. W our ti relat ons with Eerland, Friday, Saturday, Sapaih, Monday, ITiiesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sabbath. Not; Monday, do Tuesday, do Do do Hi do III Ma College, . v ii, A. .,.;. j do .;: P OO Cin- 17 th, Concord, (I redely do 18th, Salem, 19ih, Bethany, 20th, Tabors f Slat; Mocksville", 22d, Unity, 23cy Third Creek 241 b, Back Creek," 25th, Thyatira, 1 1 26th, Franklin, l ! A Oct. 25, 1839 5wl3 4 do Salisboryahdleligbtiicg. do do do do do do 11 A I do do M. M. 4- JFU$T IZECEti:n A quantity of superior Chewing Tobacco. An, A- w" May 17 do Smoking Tobacco F. R, ROUECHEJ Cheap JPikntingTf C. II, DEJERNATT, HAVING located himself in the town of Salisbury, would respectfully inform trie puouc tnai ne is preparea io execuie iu oruers in the above line, which shall be done io a sat isfactory manner if no no' chargre.i Also, GLASS CUTTING. He may be found in the boose formerly occupied by Mr. EIHott as a Drr Goods Store.! immediately opposite the Watchman Office.! ;. f' ti ! 1 Salisbury, Oct. 11, 1839. 6wll f TO ijJlpltS. THE Subscriber wishes to employf-immi-diatelv Two or Three Journeymen Tai lors of good mora! character and industrious naoiis, to w nom gooa auu unmu cm ployment will be given. ' I r ' HORACE H. BEARD. ! Salisbury, Oct. if, 1839 tfl2 j .j in succes- i The deeds of the Property and the Stock transferred in trust to the Commissioners appoin Jted by the said Act of the Legislature of Flori .da. for the security of the Prize Holders. ! SPLENDID SCHEME. 1 Prize The Arcade 86 feet, t 5 inches 4 lines, J on Magazine street; j 101 feet, 1 1 inches on Natchez street, I 126 feet, 6 inches, ! on Gravier street ' 1 Rented at aboui$37 000 per ann. Val ued at I 1 Prize City Hotel 162 feet on Common street; 146 feet, 6 inches, on Camp St. Ren ted at $25,000. j, Valued al l $500,000 I rrize u welling tiousef adjoin ing the Arcade) No 16,24 feet, 7 inches fronton Natchez st. Rented at $1200 Valued at r $20,000 1 i'rtze JJitto (Adjoining the Ar cade; No 18, 23 ft. front on Natchez si. Rented at $1200 . Valued at s $20,000 1 Prize Uilto-CAdjoiningthe Ar cade) No 18, 23, ft front on Natchez st. Rented at $1200 Valued at j 20,000 1 Prize Unto No23 north east corner of Basin Cuatom-bouse st. 40 ft front on Basin, .40 feet on Frank lin street, by 127 ft deep in Custom house street. Ren ted at $1500 Valued at 20,00 1 Prize No 24,South- west Corner of Ba sin &i Custom bouse st. 32 ft 7 inches on Frank- lini 127 feet, lOi inches deep in front of Custom house street Rented at $1500 Valued at 20,000 1 Prize Ditto No 339, 24 feet 8 inch -; es on Roy tl street.by 1 27 i feet, 11 inches deep. Rented at $1000 Val ued at .jj 15,000 i x 1 .ju Diiaica wiu.i uaua i.u;n, $100 each, j ! 25,000 1 Prize 200 ditto Commercial ditto, $100 each, i f . ' 20,000 1 Prize 150 ditto Mechanics' & Tra ders', $100 each,) 15.000 1 Prize 100 ditto City Bank. $100 each, 10,000 I Prize 100 do ditto do $100 each, 10,000 II Prize 100 do ditto do $100 each. 10,000 1 Prize 50 ditto Exchange Bank, $100 each, - s 5,00' 1 Prize 50 do ditto do. $100 each, 5,000 1 Prize 25 ditto Gas Li?hl Bank. $100 each, ! 2.500 1 Prize 25 do ditto do, $100 each 2,500 1 Prize 15 ditto Mechanics Se Traders $100 each, 1 . 1,500: 1 Prize 15 do Ditto do, $100 each, 1,500 20 Prizes each 10 shares of the Louis iana State Bank , $ 100 each, each Prize $1,000, 20,000 10 Prizes each 2 share? of $100 each, - each Prize $200, of the Gas Light Bank,! 20,0001 200 Prizes each 1 share of $100, of the Bank of Louisiana, 20,000 200 Prizes each 1 share cf '$100, of the New Orleans Bank, 20,000 150 Prizes each 1 share of $100 of the Union Bank of Florida, 15,000 DLVIE COUNTY. THE Officers of Davie are resjiecifoliy in formed, that Col. H. R. Austin of Mocks ville. has become lour A?eni for the sale off Blaoksinthal County, of whom j they may be had, hereafter, upon the same' terms: as of us. PENDLETON October 18, 1S3& & BRUNER. I COO PRIZES 1 81,500,000 TICKETS $20 NO SHARES. The whole of the Tickets, with their Num bers, as also those containing the Prizes, will be examined and sealed by the Oommissioaers ap ndnted under the Act. previously to their beitu nut into the wheels. One i wheel will contafn the whole of the Numbers, the other will coh Uin SIX HUNDRED PRIZES, and the first 600 Numbers that shall be drown out, will be en titled to such Prize as may be drawn tolls num ber, and the fortunate holders of such Prizes will have such proper! v transferred immediately after the drawing, unincumbered, and teuhovi anv deduction ! f l June 7, 1839 tlD m kj xxocj. oyrapioms: iiaouuai t tion ol the bowels, total loss of appetite , s ciaiing'pain of the epigastric region, pn preasion of spirits, langbur and other sr. : extreme debility, disturbed sleep, inordn .at of the menses, pain in the right side, v ,-t: lie on her left 6ide, without an srava!; the pain, urine high coloured, with other toma indicating great derangement in the ' lions oi the liver. Mrs. Browne was attended bv tr-n r first physicians, bat received but little from their1 medicine, till wr Browne t r some of Di Wm Evans invaluable prn at wnicn enectuaiiy relieved her of the aU. tressiogsvmptoms, with others, which it ; essential to intimate. JOSEPH BROW 2 City and County of New Ycik; ss. Joseph Browne, WiIliamsbursb.Lcr- rttr Anv aurn.n AtA Ann.K m. A .. . : lacisasset torth in the within stater; which he has subscribed his name, are j ; true. JOSEPH BUOW: Husband of the said Hannah Ih Sworn before me, this 4th day of January. tCF'Another recent test of the vnrivaV tut of Dr Wm Evans'1 Medicines. 1) Yk I SlAt TEN YEARS? STAJYDLG. McKenzie, 176 Stanton street was afllicw the above complaint for ten years, which pacitated him at intervals, for the period jears, in attending to his bosines?, rrsJi : perfect health under the salutary treat: Dr.Wm Evans.-- . . The Symptoms were. A sense of d i : and oppression after eating, distressir j the pit of the stomach, nausea, impaired t gfddiness, palpitation of the heart, grot and emaciation, depression of spirits, i': rest, sometimes a bilious vomiting, and the right side, an extreme degree tf i and Iatntnes8; any endeavour to pursue ! iness causing immediate exhaustion and cess. ' JUr McKenzie isdal1y attending Ic I U neaa, and none of the above symptonis l.ut corred since he used the medicine. lie i a strong and healthy man. He ha3 k myriads of remedies, but ihey were, all i tual. He Is willing lo give any infurn the afflicted respecting the inestimable rendered to htm by the use of Dr n . medicine. . 1 A Ileal Blessing to MotI : Dr. JJFm. Evans Celebrated son!'. f 1 1HIS infallible remedy has. preserve ! ja. oreoa oi uiouoren, wneo mougni j covery, from convulsions. As socn as t! a .a .a a i i rop is rubbed on tne gums, tne ciniu hi er. This preparation is eo innocent, cioos, and so pleasant, that no child will tojlet itsgums be rubbed with it. jWhfri i are at the age of four months, though it.rr appearance of teeth, one bottle 'cf lis should be used on the sums, to open tie Parents should cover be without the ; the nursery where there are younjj dnl if a child wakes in the night with jin. i gums, the Syrup immediately gives f nnnino lh nni. And hpaliner th friirii-: by preventing Convulsions, Fevers, 4 c tfrProqf positive of the Efficacy cJ Evans soothing byrvp. To the Agentof Dr Evans feoolhir ' Dear Sir The erreat benefit afforded to r tering infant by your sooiningoyrup, in : of protracted and painful dentition, rut i vince every feeling parent how essential t lyjapplication of such an invaluable n.t J to relieve infant misery arid torture fant, wfcile teething, experienced ecc' sofleringi, that it was attacked with ten v i and my wife and family supposed thai would soon release the babe' from srt we procured a bottle bf your syrup; Lie L as applied to the gams, a wonderful cl.;r : produced, and after a few application', t! displayed obvious reliefand by ccntir.i; -use, I am glad to inform you, the chi'J 1 - latalv rafnmavaA' anrl nn TttfTlTTfTirP (, tl.'L fa) complaint has since occurred ; the t; emanating easily and the- child enjoys ; health. I give you my cbeeriul prr:;: make this acknowledgment public, v. aladlv give any information oo this ctrc " 3 ; Wm JOH: Sold ly the following Agents. GEORGE W BROWN, Salisbury, ! JOHN A. INGLIS, fBookstore) Cherav , J.4I ANDERSON. Camden, S.C. E. JOHN HUGGINS, Colombia, S C. W. M. MASON 4" Co., Raleigh. N. C. TAYLOR. HARRIS &. Co., CLarl.:; , TRANSCRIPT OFFICE, 'I v:c-. P. SUMMKY &. Co. . mC"'" ' 4ay 10, 1S39 ly41 consequently: made his last tace. . 839 tf42 nil 11.1;! I.I" iiiA 'Mi tins f -'4 1 I'M I IN 1 ft im Mi' til

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