.... - ' -',. .-- - i j . . . i't' i' i- ' ' -! ' ; - ! i - ' - : ; 3 , . ' i 'I - lift is1 v - - ! i - M-l " - ' "f , . ' " - - - Shi, .-. , 'i - i - I ; J M- & ? r;T ; . " i " - - - .! ! r Urn - " . ' ! ' f ; - lj f ' - - : ! 1 . . I ' Hi ', I fi ' t U-"f ' i :.'.'!- 41 (' i !. '. fc- 1 1 i ? t..' ii TT ow p i n i ritV is certain stale of the .nind. M-umiinied by ind.gesi.on, -Therein the vSairfienH r apprehended upon -he slight iMMVilrflKe worst cnrq.ieneeS imagined. ?Tr il.-- . this diasp ftK-l" - --w T he i ? lit cllrtJ'h?P"cnoiiuni mcn l1lii,I'iilv.n,!l railed hVPchof.driinhl fij: t, a ft , ----- - -i i ill! cam jj , ,jMy rr-: , aiddinesi, dimness i - . i 'li-n nl tor in ahilil law M PTO MS isyl-7M- --- . acrid eructalionn. Mil m buM-ftls. acrid eructations, pains, giddiness, dimness nd often an utter inability t uf im- thine that de any sll'? Min n.rrfipctpd. acoiotnyinied with ?IM i 'he nervous Uatem - iyii:eelW.and peculiar train u( ideas I Jfeiiliit exhibit n infinite Jivernty. I h to this auiic- tre as open i4ldiexhitt.tai tiM vnZ&siil men lm& iH:f eakest. ,: IPlfctaWlitVofay Ikiod, i especially 8- late hour in the nihi, Tiif&nered by social Intercourse or ex- ioidirgeas, the obstruction of the inen- '.LU-i.'i-i.aH.fitrnoaI eruntion relaxation or I ft.' . y .3- If TREATMENT.' tf Erpl ejects of treatment are; toref Iteilndi Jllion, lo strengthen the body, and viifirPi!earlT hours, resolar Janihtetsationr The bowels (if costive) kffleariujly regulated by the occasional -use H,ai!dlnlrilnt. : Wekiiow nothing better oMiiiii obtain this end.'than i Dr. VVilliani tilttsiilllienVPill3 being ' mild and certain kMTiti Oration. :1 he bowels bem once Jedvlpinestimable Camomii Pills,(which U Wnic ind . ami-spasmodic; are an hpayibla remedy, and without dispute have i lreailblesaing to the numerous public. f ie stcians hate recommended a free MmerMM bat it should not be resorted to ; the !mer44rtJ i&Utrn swe.asea 'it will ?reatlv asrarate PENDLETOX ;BRUER,1 EDiTdns and pnopiticTons. I M ' . - i. i f ft rtiblishcd U-ccUtj at Tico Bolls, and Fitly CuA l 16 VOLUME Yin, . WHOLE jvo: sso. -' -f ?OETXOAXi. lom 'Jii LouistUlc Literary News Letter. I i n I -v' - : ! i s . THE j WITHERED FLOWERS. Astonishing Facfs. iiifllilltfedsfiitsr w J Jli Pms-it imiA.THREE VEAUSSTAND jy; 0 U-tyUbbert Monroe, bchujlkill, afflicted titfi lbeabdlre distressing malady. Symptoms: f I at tinour flatulency, distoibed rest, ner lain '- -svL -'.i:m...l... -f k.,.li.:..ni;ni.... .!ijilttHctw jacross the breast. breathing, tightness dizzines69, ner- OUS If lltaQl lij au jcsnessiiBss, vuuiu -uv 110 iiliaflioimjijW -position without the sensation of mnendioif suffocationpalpitation I of the heart, SilitMskiflir lditi?fii costi veness; pain of thestom icihiMrowsiness, great debility and deficiency of Alefvao$enefgy. Mr R. Monrpe gave op rf;iho1ii!t6f recovery k and dire despair 'eat iiiiolatnante of every persoji interested in i3xisttvcl! or tlappiiies, till by accident be fcfed. i d i ? public pa per' some cures effected byj pmyMlRANS' MEDICINE ! in his com-f ilatjjil4ndu(d hira tu putchase a pack i 0(Wtti8. which 'resulted tnf completely rtrioTin4ry symptom of his j disease. He s la sn;v ms mouve ior wns uegiaiaiiuu is, ttU'Uhosli ifilicted wilh the same or any symp- yi;mpnfo those: I At ?skted.fea from.' which he is happiir likewise receive the inestimable 1 i ' I kaevUhey would perish ! This beaatiful flunrersf As th hopes that we cherish In 3 oath's sunny bowers I knetti they'd be faded 1-1 'Tlibogh with fond gentje care Their bright leaves were shaded, Decay was still there, j Soallftbat is brightest j Eir! first fades away And Uijeijoys that leap lightest Thfe jearliest decay. j The rjeart that was Dearest -' The widest will rove, j And tb friend that was dearest Tre first ceased to love. - i J 1 : - ' - ' ! .- And tjhe potest, the noblest. Tbp loveliest we kuow - Are ever the sorest, ; ;.. I The jsoooe&t to ga f 1 Thej hids that sing sweetest, Thl ifluwer most pore j In thir; beauty are fleetest, i In ibeir fate the most sore. . ; ri if - ; j - ' : Yet still thoogh thy flowers Are wiihered and gone, TbeyNyilI live like some hoors In memory alone. In that!halluwtd shrine only it 3 1 bleep things wevroutdjenensn, j r Pure fenceless, loved-lonely, I ,. fi..ii i.t-u ! i il '.jjjjji. .. ; .Then JMl monrn ye no more Ye' pale lea ves that are shed, . Though your brightness is o'er . Yoof: perfume is not fled ; And tike thine aroma U I Theispirtt of flowers-1 . Remembrance will hover; 4 0 erj the grave cf past hoars. 1 - M - it t s A jDApE OF TIC DOLOREUX. : THE TWO COUSINS: "Aa lamos bftm silent with unconscious lfphf. So modest ease in beauty shines more briglit ; j irtaimtrtff-charms with edge resistless fali i And she who (neans no mischief j does it all." there, that will dohow 'beaolifafly that music- sounds that will do just fight tbey are promeoading, by ihe sound in deed Mart you will look prettier jhap af ter all that blue belt contrasts very pretty fvith your neat white muslin. won't you have one bunch of these flowers ? let ,me fix them in your hair how beautifully white they ire why you look like a shep herd ess I am sure, Marjr, ou won't need to feel awkward" and jhus she kept talk ing, partly to encourage her Cousin arid part ly" ro suppress the risings of selfdiiappro bation which she coold nt altogether avoid feeling for having accepted her cousin's of fer, -v- ; ijj If ': -Prepared to descend, the two cousins, who were jet in their teens by a couple of years proceeueu wiui uuiiering nearis, aiong with' the brother of Isabel, (o mix with the assemblage belnw. Each Was attired ac- cording to her own taste, notwithstanding the misfortune that had harmeijid).pThe simplicity of Mary's drees suited the sim plicity of het sweet expressive cm Isa bel was dressed for effect: 6he sparkled and glowed with ornaments ;J while Mary; wore a simple chain upon her neckt andj thp white sprig of flowers in her hair j -The beautiful form of Isabel showed with peculiar! grace through -the light transparency that: envel oped it ; ner cousin'9 was not less beautiful, zoned with delicate bide.; The! one was fascinating, ihe other was lovely. ' The world was fresh to both. , ;J hey were yet inexperienced in the-iHisivenes$'of its tninds j$ j ike the I II; er. ; Between the visions. Ltle to young landrflnn In thfi tr.tvrl! spot on which he stands and the far off out line whichflimits his vision, there are ft thou sand bright objects rejoicingj in theisun, but w hen he bas passed beyond them al, and the Hay has gone down, bejlooks back! on that landscape in its mantle of i'mist aii4 those thousand bright objects' are turned into shadows. J Such is experience, j- ! j , ' And thus lay the world before ouryyoung heroines. Yet tbey saw it in differehtrlights, according to their different tastes. jand the different manner in which they had been ed ucated. Isabel beheld it in the brightness of a May morning : tho more chastened im- down, among the lost weeks of your You have been learning by 1 experience what 1 learned) by precept. My mother J has often remarked to me, that the world will regard us very 'much as we regard the world. It will which we fit oo feet the society assigb us to those (ircles!in selves to more. If we if- of the gay if we assume) a dress and manner to attract their admiration, it is natural to ; expect that we shall make tbem our companions ; and as the t linndol ators of dress and fashion gather about ls, the truly refined will lea?e us to out coq genul associates. How many mistaken people, my mother is accustomed to observe, by adopting an ostentatious style of living, and by educating their sona jand daoghiers with a view to fashionable accomplishments rather than a true elevation of character, at tract to the acquaintance of their families those who are JaF from being of the beat class of society, to respect either to eulli vation of minder. true refinement of man ners. Light-mioded triflers become die companions of ftheir sons, and! fops flattier their daughters! And in proportion as: this sort of people become familiar aty our house, your most valuable acquaintances will grail ually fall off You may invite them ever so sincerely and make j them everso wel come, yet they jwill hardly j persuade them selves that their unostentatious manners are (congenial to. place .where adifferent sort of people axe so free to come." ' Your 'mother replied Isabel, us a happy exempfification oOier doctrine. With the means of magnificence, all about her is simple and plain ; and I aril always struck with the goodness and good sense, of the conversation in her ratlour. Evely body js charmed with her society, ana feels a consciousness of elevation in' the ctrle of berfriends. ) have alwavs respected her good sense and jrevered her .worth, while'; I .my owr It is getting latej Mary, and I will bid you gdod oight ; and when: we next visit the Springs you shall wear your fine things yodrself.' r ft ' And have.yofur fine beaus too, at my elb6W, f suppose replied Mary ; I thank you indeed. agination of her cousin contemplate in the soft setting sun , of autumn. A week went by, and Pleasure had flown pt. Joseph " So here' We are," said Mary Uci her and serenades and dances, When Isabel said ;ly afflicted cousn, as they entered their chraber at to ber cousin, as. they ittired to the rest of 'ii:m A C Miw ill EiCjMhnsitii,i wife 'of Cai joKii?onuf Ly rin , Mass. was severely i SfTfflr1 l reuxfioient pain lhe ena 0f bur ftshionable tour 'did you ana vommog, imi a uuih...S uwi lnn nirn. It,! 9nd it tal pillars clothid to the top with woodbine ?'t 1 scarcely noucea tne piazza,':: saja ist ahel (1 but really, tbey" looked quite! brill her round, her round was accustomed to but rich luslie of the tf gay assemblages a; tier iiea'Oi li$!iefstfr6ahrrnd unable to leave her room. Hiplcull id no relief jfrom the advice of sev erlfinlivlicittns, nor frooi medicines of any -kind, tLfiwj attersje naa commenced using ur t.yans qllicihl"! lOO Chatham street and from that J ii; Blifi K a a 1 v i amend, and feels satisfied if tljfcunniilli(7 medicine a . few days longer, 4flMbee fccily cured j Reference can be had stp th (rlflh of the above, by calling at Mrs Jljsona.4bglltet'8 Store," 8S9 Grand street, ! 4ifi'wH!Anie afi'-v'tteniiiVi No 115 Lewis srtf-H a4itit 'Mahton and Houston. sis., afflic iijfor ten yVars wilh the following distress! n; ; symptoni? 2. j.rtCMi -eruciaiion, aay spasmus i pjtfjs in?tDC bfad, loss of appetite, palpitation ; tfipr l?fci giddiness and dimness;of sight,could Dot ilie mi Jferlfiaht side, disturbed rest, uiter in- fx. '4-.':L' j.'i! - - -' J: j 1 1 their chamber, 1 am sick of this place, t am sure, Mary.1 " Sick ! cousin." W ing belle of the day hy you are the reign Indeed, Isabel you are quite the centre of attraction, and the liant in theidrawin-room, ss we passed up envy 0 half the tine ladies here," ( the stairs M l think we shall need to appear " I am centre to nothing but tony, " said in our smartest, or we shall he overlooked Isabel, how could brother George mtro- in such an Imposing company." - j duce to me that frivolous joung Dr , B. of i,. i w . - ' j i . . . w m. m m . a i. a "And I hope we shall, Isabel, myself, I Aibany ; who nad no omer c:airo upon nis mean.nsaid Marv ; I came but to see, voti 1 notice and none at all on mine than nis know."!)! II! : " ! !l having been one of George's classmates ex Why. hot to see and be seen cousin ? pejled loo, for dissolute conduct : and what ui ma&o me iskered tri- iseculed and! i - i thought her plan of education not quite u hap Bat I shall learn to make her imodehmy ownl cousin. it jPOSTSCRIPT. ssing This i3 a place where one would wish to should Dr. B do of course, hut oj ?odc 'appeaVtd'a'iivantage.'' :' : I ' - it ! the acquaintance of all tie whiske lon ?f " Isahel knew that she was not destitute of tiers of the place. 1 am petsecul mnrtlA I .. i.i I . i r 1 i I . . . . - '. I ' , ! II . I the graces of form and feature and the def- vexed with their attentions auovean wnn H IIICUI IICTCr USD SU ilUlth l 1 viui , r--: j- There isa sequel to this story, which ,lhe lapse of several years enables me to add. But it hardly need be told, especially since the morjj is furnished in the above conversationT; Our hero ines returned to their homes, ' and i Isabel, t :do doubt, was soon forgotten of all her fickle ad. - - , j fl' f mirers ; and would have been glad to havlas soon forgotten them.r Nevertheless they bad taught her a lesson which! it would be hapjy if other young ladies would learn as well as she. The two cousins returned to the Springs!; the next season Isabel as bride-maid tc'Marv The happiest of brides she had reason to be, if excellence of heart and mindstill more than the grace of his manly person and manner, cpuld make Mr. L. a partner according to her faney. - -: " I - i ' - " i ROBERTS' SKETCHES OF EGYPT i it?. ' rr i r--: . v hbi ifkitrri.ffrteis .and' weariness tf life; disconten- 14d disiissjue on every slight occasion, she c6ceit4heCouid neither die norlive; she wept, lr(enifdi j desponded, and thqughtT she led a n3ii insrale life nevet; was one so bad, with fil4w tftnial hallucinations. IK jlrHipy ha the advice of several eminent j over, with ;ician, una iiao recourse to numerous medi- Why did yiu not contrive to re this evening Mary, from that irk . . . .' r ' cerly turning over the contents, apparently some. Mr, Vt- " stood up peiore me.or in Kfiarch bf someUiins missms : H Whv. paraaeo at my sine, uw wane wwiv, uu they mustbe io yours Marjr, prayjpnlock was so assiduously' polite that there was no .1 koan far hahinH I' I ! Hioy cau lino.5 ifci Bkiiiuu . , i Marv's trunk was examined ; 11 contents' dfithe other were lincreasing looks jf conce! n. But iha missin!? thincs could not be found. !SPlw4 not obtain isven temporary alleviaV Tfa fotn done upj and with aObieotH 1- flll W8!rjnff;;f. Ull hea' husband per- cr ornarnul articles, were overlooked in I itIeMAwlnuile relieved, and finds herself packing., i , .i . I . fi InliMpa of attending to lier domestic af- The prior; girl was actually, pale tfth djf- iijtjvos that she enjoys as good healthjat appoinimepi iao e.pwwnw. -V,9Ui at any "I did think of sending George to beg ned ; ihen the you to join.our pleasant gtodp in the corner, againj hauled but you seemed quit hajipy io thjff society pieseaj M ? i J . Kenh KnniV; h owo,r ,t t i - -Is of Mr. Q. I saw your smiling very gra ciously in reply to his attentions.? c3miles are not always nappiness nor complacency eitherji I am sure mine were not, for I was tired but of measure.' ' He seemed a man of fashion.7 How I longed to be quit of him ! ti Why neriod of her existence, of the heart at! this sudden dissipation of he stood up before me all breathing of per- husband of the aforesaid Anne I her dreams' of display, as overwhelming for j fumes, and entertained me a full hour with ii it r 'tl'if- beffjre me.ihis Hih day of December,' fijrER Pirckmey. Com. of Deeds. the moment as if , some real calamity bad nothing but 'E'lipsej, ant) the great jhorse happened'j'to darken her prospects jfor life.- race, and his water-dog and span e!, and all Was tiiere ever any thing.?' she fetclaim- such gallant nonsense besides die Iprelty ;CkfejAUKABI IMMiAlATlSM. wiih - i r. U , f . under ed .sb Vexatious ! why, I can't sty here, j compliments which Jt--". C UA Aan tall ; I ..ill. il '1 1 c n . n . i mart, i suau i oo u. iu us ossu. i wuh . auui? auutk :l.lfij.n .LLi ;r ! an AffeBiion f t'h-1 serviniiw cau orutuc. u. if i"- ( I to mix rul - .nndr ll .-.l nnt hnihle to desDatch la messeocer al WmJIEVANS' 100 .Uhaiham sueet. Nw. tertheih "1 - ! r Hl v York, J j.Mr Benjamin '3 Jstvis, 13 Centre st. I " What! three hundred miles, Uabe), for !!' afll'cie for four years with . f-- fine: thincs to wear a week ?ltButne- The compliments were foiyi$ji,jI sup pose : the rest of his! discourse was incense to himself.'! Mere self-adula evv fj' h .fi 8' W. -'!? t,w,t ver miiiajyou shall wear mtVbite latin and McreWd ooithetightest motion, the tooBue. a ...,uLr aJL..lA eWf (I al steady whiteness ; Joss of appetite, lls jiji his head, ilie bowelscommonly ?e I J cUi'ifij lie urine biab ' coloured . and ofiea r,ffl1 sJiHfogunatiend a-1 ownarirjare superfluousj to me I only bas given no proofs f!fJWohis were also attended with consid Mib idifficalt. nf hroihin,r reitS sense of Jinued Isabel, was ail tne wnitejenjoymg the, conversation of i thef intelliglrti Mr L lace-dielsl jand my wreath ( of flowbsand Thai Mr L. by the jwayj, is beadffitng quitH whateverjelse, I can inrnisn to supply your partial to you, i perpeive. j i eUCienfieS , luey Will Ul jiu a mcmos juui i - t uu wusi uo f j.iovwifii ivi . ion i and yrju," con- of it. 9) PH8 cross the chet iTkewise a great want 4t1eif?',iii the nervons system r , "" "Jill t -j'ciwuafncio ruuiFii , ismviv.j $Px t effected bv Or Wro Evans- ! ; f! f r- . . . . . . 44 A, secret to you it natorallyi may be, I il iftiivirlanl'tn mP.Wv. Ii ; r Hi I ii MtyfflXw .York. BENJ. J JARVIS. in :-'iJi i'b'-w - . - li ".-- W ,hU facts stated in the a- yfjV - 8 sublPd bv him, are in all respects: true. r : ftpvf c iVntrie 1 i tf . 'i.t Fi"uV'JOHIIWt before toe, thish23iU r v ,k-. toi: ' .' SM by the following j?ffenf.'' and generous you shall wear them yoor- But his eyes follow yon self, an3 iiahe continued, making an efr do not why you need not fort taoejgay, y will get into a coiner and I should.be prouder of bis see the1 admiration whicb yoo will attract ; pfa hundred socbaccbmpl the From the Genesee Fen.: EDUCATION OF FARJIEIlc- Sctool Tenders. l TccrjtFaroishing the s?: sand Americaa schools with well q r ! V 19 perhaps, the most iar pot ta c i s dimculi aubject connected with 'lit i and tnoral -character, and tf cout'3 r erties of our Republic. Ai J,n 3 1 verr other article of 'commerce, i ' : best market, men of high iaie!!ecic! attainmeats cannot He rttaintd h twenty fite dollars a ' month, while c: aiuna t fat four limes the salary, ui : the; labor aod drudgery, and twice the bilily. No matter how many Te ar! oarh-s are established, or hbw ritbly and how great the nomber or the r of teachers, tbey can never be ret;;., mOO Schauta, tin tit thav ,r. rm'J . i .ten as this route has been follnwrl t I profession of teacnincr siand as l,i- travllers, and numerous as have been the sl,a,lioo a that ot law, medicine" i pictures of these places, they-Fliave never i-u most u 'wcted on t: life. Sidon, wearing an aspeet of Italian ele gance ; Jerusalem, Bethlehem, Joppa, aod other spots of hallowed ground, f . . . trod by those sacred faet . I , That eighteen hundred years ago were nailed. our reuempuon io tne outer crosa. , lOtc rcuresentea wun ffrinrt-n i .i 7 adeauam i ih.l- 7 r.''""''- P"w' no han tbree-FourU s t ' Buwiiwiiy. , LiTCir One lrt Kl tm.t.Aa ... l. musi nave ion now tusutncient have.bep-i I wives. , tne pictorial notions given of -them anil best fitted to and no higher praise can be awarded to Da. best fitted for the interest of oar fie vid Roberts than this, lh3l he satisfies the ?.iew of lhat faci, no one can douit, Y demandsTof theTi magi nation. Words ean 'IMcieotffic farmer may t . Sri ni!;dr ' rm' d- &j:b" tails, the massiveparts and the elesant en MltinJLjM. uL , . sem6e of the Egyptian temola: the ,r.n. iCi L'"!' . Ueur and naroiooy of j their proportions are I winter profession, for a coarse il commensurate, with their stupendous altU I made far better teachers, than are e: luce ana vast extent ; so that the whole. sloaeoi or a college, or n medirai, ! when taken in. by the eye at a distant view ,la,,J ,,oden,s ho DSe icachirg es ; has an air of classic beaut glowin with C$ V" ProM;d iWm mt a hall aupported by rowsof columns nearly frVm the afuden.. mentioned, it ,9 ev ( the height or the York Column, but of larg- they mo8tau all the emtmras-rr.? girth, and covered with paintings of the aod other evils which eannotfail toar: most brilliant hues colours so intense that xperienced laborers f 'andnut inxperi. they beggared the artist's palette and he ,T 001 tnose makirg noaicniau may have an of these temp itraves are sea a L s . j - . I -u .wv ruw ill iifiiiKPS in nnp ni nnr nmrnv nn. I .l. . i . - w. -v. guiiiiM, j uic waoi oi sa-.aries ana experier;r: and the eriect of the fallen columns may be measure, at least, be removed. Ti compared to a row .of millstones resting I could not affoid io teach in his our - - - . - - - i- . . I .1! I 111 . - .i r against eacn crag for the inn wnnnpr1 nrt nsroo fifty dollars. As with the aid ia Hu..0 .wuum. uTctuiiow sucn - ponuerous h'.wm;nkki..'M j h... heaps of stone, that seem as if they form- ,y the assistance of biswns witht-ci S ed part of the foundationsof the earth, he might attend to all the winter t iiAcij uwiuuieuuwu io insect size oeneam their towering height; and their lateral di mensions are proportionably greater than their altitude i j I y " It will not be wondered that these sketch es should give such new and grand' ide oi me remains oi Egyptian greatness, when efforts than a kind of interlope, 1 war ui uuuu tuai nooeris is me nrsr eapeo irom another prolession, just J. . painter who has depicted them1. The arch- to secure zjev dollars to help him on t itectural drushtsmen who accomnanied respecuble calling. The former wo. . Denon have given miniature delineations the alert to learo the modes of teac! i of; .them, and amateurs havlketcliid them.; fef1.1?. ??V9$?? V0.' " but nartistpossessed of skill and power wuc -,'M. V. ' 'ucai " 'er enormous ways do meet, any proposals for sch m.gimuuu uau uiiueriu essayeu me oimcuit t ments. with, 1 have not lime to allc: idea of the scale and splendor M o acquire eniier expui.t les: Fragments of the arch- yoS jnersadopt ie.ch,ng k . r- - i A fession during the wioter, for a couim- ttered about as big as a whole .-a .kwJ k.-.ka.. i . 9 iimiciiu iiiauiuiuuiiiu. r io a row .ot millstones; resting coid ihh anoid io teach in his own :h -other, supported by a huge 4niHJ dollara a month, for four mentU i capital, j How1 they ever fell is ihta one who depended tni; no power less than an earth- ii ?J-Ty! farm, ia addition to his servicts in i! - It is evident that a young (ztn.iri teen or eighteen 'years of age, shai. 1 J shaping his course for the bWness t as profession, though ft might fc bui f -ter,:, woo Id act under Vert dilTere-. t and . consequently making greater task. Spectator. A STANGE ADVENTURE. - . a a v as l musi seep along witn my class r, or I wish to be admitted to the bar r e: year, or to a license for preaching cr medicioe. ' To my mind it is evident, that a p mer, who has also the science and ih eoce for teaching, may be better qnahf acaiing farmers, than any person u ; teaching exclusively his firofessioti. 1; ting his pursuits oi science and read brought! them to Pratifv aunt Isabel, who would; have U9 to be diessed alike.!7 V 1 but it is evident to me.'f if r She thinks 1 am never so pretiif as when j He does not, aii leaM," rejqihed Mary, I look !like"youL replied Isabel! buj 1 h attach ?himself tofm.e wherevfjrfl go, like can't roDtou, &iarv vou are always so good those yon complain otr " But nis eyes lotiow yon tnoogn nis leet colon; cousin .company than see the1 admiration whicb yoo will attract ; pfa hundred such accomplished jtriflers as 1 nave met wim nere. ; lie is so intelligent and cheerful; so maply atid sincere, that one rannot help being'conscious of pleasure in his society .The tohrs maybJl beaus, but he is the true senttemimSl j i 111! If The; courts of folly," Mary remarked, sometimes become the school of Wisdom Theywill prove ao to joti, Isabel. The week yon nave spent here though you have I shan't! be quite lost to the part v. for I shall serve toleet too off to advantage, ff i 1 Ma$ tjoweier jrisistedf and indeed de clared that the articles should'temain in ber trunk urless Isabel wore them ; and the lat ter, y leldmg to ber cboaift generosity; and her own. reviving anibiUpn, accepted herjof fer but1 half self reproached and thua they betook 'themselves to; the toilette dont you think we look burnt with thesph? Prlv Shelp me fix these curls! alary I not experienced all! the light bearted happi- ness yon anticipated from it, frill not be set AND THE HOLY LAND. David Roberts has returned from East, after an! absence off twenty months ; with invigorated health and ja prjrtfoljt) of (-ketches that will'furtiish ample .materials for pictures to enrich the exhibitions for years to come : meanwhile the I sketches themselves will be the talk of the world of art, and the grand attraction of the conver sation for the jnext season. , ! By the kind ness of Mr Roberts, tve fjiaye be eh favour ed with a aigol'of themintlWery .'ijigb gratification ii was; astonished at the kvon drous scenes themselves , was divided, with admiration of; the artjstV skill. Never till now has tho magnitude of! the stuperdous remains of Egyptian art oeen made evident, to the senses : the scale of all pictorial de lineations hitherto has fallen far. short of the idea conveyed by measurements! and descriptions ' The platesHn Denon I are toy-like in comparison. Indeed,! the sight of the realities themselves j could hardly more im press - the mind ' than fdo these sketches, Tftey are mqs beaiitifiHy.drawn in pencil on neutral tinted paper, witrS the neatness anq ' preeis)oni of ootlfjhe of an architectural idrcghtsman, arid coloured suf ficiently to give local truth of detail land indicate the Ipeculiar ecta of the land scape and climate. The Style is jpure sim ple, and elegant ; and tne ellects are pioad, chaste, and harmdnious.l L I ! ."11 " The most remarkable subjects are Cairo, with its narrpve streets Iresembling fissures in tnmp hnrrp. nile lromnosed of superb mosques of red-striped stucco with richly'- carved minarets aud domes, blending the Saracenic and Byzantine architecture;! the Temples of benders andj Carnac ahdwing iKe portreous colouring ; ua.. covers- ineir walls, columhs, ai.d Sarcljitraves ; the pie of Ebsambol,wtih4rta! coloslat s half hurled in sand ; jthejtyr -raids of zeh; the buit of the Sphynx looking like the head of Some subterranean giant thrust up to gaze on the pigmy race on its surface; thetwo statues of Memmon, sealed eternal ly Cith placid, benignant faces, like images designed perpetually 'to admonish mortals of their littleness and tranaitory pates; the desert city of Petra, jts rocky pinnacles towering to the sky, and the lice 6(1 ib perpendicular diffs 5: perforated i with holes leadCig to the dwellings of men ; the - wil derness of Sinai with lU awful mount; Tennessee may boast of a conqueror of the beasts of .the forest -her leccentnc, her la mented Crockett ; and New York may boast an explorer of the raightydeep her unfor tunate, her ill-fated - Sam Patch ; but to old Rip superannuated fofd 1 Rip Van Winkle ter, with his farming operations in is reserved tne honor or producing a son I would not only make education i...r who wrestles with the monsters of the Ocean I farming more scientific, conseq '-. and rnnmipra ihm in T.i. Kt.t I prolessions woo Id be benefitted Hi i o is it a. bull on their own ground. Frotnfiie'tVashington (JST. C.) JVtig. ' ' Some few. days since, Francis Dixon, a pilot at Ocracoke bar, who stands five feet six inches in his stockings, whilst on a fish ing excursion in Pamlico sound, discovered some large specimen of the finny tribe en tangled in one of his nets His compan ions, four in number, on closer inspection, discovered that the intruder was a well grown shark, and in dismay fled to their boat and plied manfully the oars to its sides,with a view of intimidating the scalv bull? from approaching nearer hallooing the while to plan here propped Jor supply i ri.Vw- r-.u .l- would have at least these ad IW atues Ghi- Dixon (who was wading breast deep on the and experiments in geology, botany, . chemistry, natural philosophy, i . raade for the benefit of his pupili in : could be applied, during the sncc mer, both by teacher and pupil uyun r Experience folly proves that sun.', which are composed principally d small boys, are most prosperous, urid r i of ladies, as are schools of small r f ;'. season. If a farmer should have char in his own district for a coursa of y the winter, his sister or as the ca- ? his. daughter, might have ih!ss3rLr ring the summer, whtn he wouKi kind of double interest in its soccfs-. It must be evident from lhfs vi- Tanta"' now pursued, viz : it would L' -t. . I. l-l.. ....L .L U..i Z.. J their surprise when; they sa w that, instead of j giT scbools the adraniage pnr: following their example, the daring pilot was Ury. It must also confer opn )-: making his way towards the scene, rolling j vantages which a-ould be lot, if tc up his sleeves, and swearing 14 the d d cretur should not tear up his net thatfash ionV Up to his word, wjtb clinched fists, cxtlusictlu a Droession. viz: the r - experimental knowledge with thf ry, young children, and to girla ad vane lion, the advantage of ladies tt thY -ir t In connection with the s)siem t " circoit schools, Io be held r. l monthly, and aitended by teacher? c; I who were familiar wih the sier- ' , plied with apparatuarand apecimer.s f ting them, would be highly impomr.'. in aiding yoonggenilemen and lad fytng themselves lor teaching. Akr said on the economy, and power, t ::. system of itineracy, whether conr.t : liion or education, bot the preterit t. not permit it. I can oniy acn, 111 i he pounced upon his adversary. His Shark ship, though conscious of bis powers, seem ed unwilling to risk an engagement on the shoal, and made for deeper water, which in spite of his rider he reached, and commenc ed his fight by plunging and rolling over, (this fish turns upon his back when be attack?,) yet his antagonist with his left aim and legs retained his hold, aware that the loss of it would be certain death. For a while. the chances were in favor of the shark: be bad the advantage; a blow with pecifully, and always yours. the hand spent its force ere it could be felt under water ; bis neck was too slippery io allow choaking; his eyes too well protect ed by bony gills to render gouging of ahy avail : he was in his own element and had unobstructed road to the ocean. Dixon could not livevery long in this plight, and whenever he should be compelled by fatigue and weakness to let go, his business would be settled. All these rr flections s rved on ly to render more cool the too daring native of terra firrna. At length, as a dernier re sort, he felt for his knife ; but what difficul ty in getting a wet hand into a wet pocket : he did however, and opening it with his teeth, dashing the salt spray from his brow, he look his aim, and buried it to the hill in the monster's throat, raking him down tb the tail The tables now turned ; relieved of so much weight and rendered resistless bj-this operation, the sbaik was easily tow ed to the shoal. 1 Ue companions, mini J. Hci ed bv t'e example of the brother fisher man, plunged into i the sound and swam to him, but their aid was not wanttd now , Ladies Riding Sidacays. The L inroduction of riding tideways by v,c land is attributed to Anne of J3o5.tr: , Richard 11. She it was (accoreir j that originally showed the women 1. ly and conveniently tbey might rl back sideways. Another old biyun-. ting the new iaabion of Richard t'. reign, observes Likewise oob osed high beads and corronet, a.: i irams, and seals on side saddU c ri bf the example of the respectable Q daohter of ibe King of Bavar:a, triocfd ihe eusaota inu this kir.2,! fore HOirien of every rank a" OrtCM i a used in China a sp r re used in civilized cominuf.ui s intoxication, or Ibe Indians say, t i coTie. The Chinese aqthnniu s i. ted its importation into the Easpir- f penalties the opium to be eunfiVaU . i Hi purlers to be capitally executed. Usury. The New Vorkers ars -tending tor a repeal of the laws 2 'X. . 15!"! i 1 . J Ii.-: -.0 it" I ; - ;.; S . . f '..--- - , - -.-?; -. 1 tHi' -t ! 1 P -----"' ' - .!-' - ' ---- ,. --J.: