, ..." U . J. :"'i"'. 'f',"tf "'. : " J '1. " - e politi- TP7 .frem ffta oafcritfe Banner, PORTRA1T-WH0SE IS 111 ? Can anv of the akcaus" democratic cubs btVtht present day tell who that ttattiis, who, io looking over bis political life, m to be found alone Jime, strenuously opposing Madison and aiding-the Fcderalisia io carrying the, ote of New York against bim J another, soppott ing Madison and denouncing the Federalist ! at one time, supporting De Witt Clinton -ol another-opposing and traducing him at another' Hill approving of all that great maoV eat Works lot one time the friend of iht United States Bank, and petitioning for branch thereof tube located at Albany at rnibiher opposed to the V. 8. Bank bat in fa or of a National Bank, such as Gool Jarksott might furnish an outline cT at another stilt opposed to any kind of a Na tional Bank, opon the grounds both of constlto--tionality and expediency Vat one luna over: bgad and years la lo?e with the State Banks jsjjjjrfae safest depositories of the public money at an ttKtt denouncing, with GenI, Jackson fbosetjve ry State Banks as traitors and swindlers ! at one Unit most ardently opposed to the Sub-Treaattfy Scheme1, and atrreehT? with the Globe, that it Would ! be D1S0&GJUU2I56 tod RETOLtTTldlt- art, subversive of the fundamental principles of our Government and its entire practice from 1789. down to this day." and that "the effect of the Scheme would be to bring the ! Public Treasure much nearer the actual " cuatody and control of the ? President " than it is now, arid exnose it to be olundered bf a hundred bands, where one cannot now; reach it "erf ! another resolving to sink or swim with that very Scheme, persisting in recommending it even after the Peo ple hare three several times pot the seal of their a ' - J ' -!-! . Ll-i i i al. i coocernqauon upon ii, ana proclaiming tuai ;uo salvatioa of this people depends upon its adop tion f at one time supporting all the Tariffs-tff anolhzr opposing all I of one fime going beyonn alhMher? in advocating aaystem of Internal Jmj-; proveinents by the, General Government, even voiini? for the erection' of Toll Gates cpon lithe Cumberland Road at another the uncompro mising enemy of all kinds of Internal .Improve- ments uy the uenerai uovernmem i ai one time .hand and glove with the Nullifiers, goinj a monjist and courting them at another, rejoicing "at their beintf borne down bv the strong; arm of centripetal power, and also . to the doctrines! of the Proclamation ) af one time pointed at by; the aiders and abettors of Abolitionism at the worth as having strenuously opposed the admission of Missouri, as a slave btate, into the Unxm, and ss being! far more the friend of Usiversal Em AKctipjmojf " and the bights "I of Ikhe New Bedford and all other Voters op Col- T or" than either White,! Webster or Harris . at another pointed out to the people of the South, by the very disinterested guides, as Mjhe Northern man with Southern feelings!'? at One time thelzealoas advocate of strict and rigid , In vesication, bv the People's Representatives in to the condition of the Federal Departments-rot anoffcr. niggardly and resolutely resisting! jail such investigation, even when defalcation .are taking place, in quick succession, and of such atn ' pedclous magnitudes as to make the whole land ' pale with astonishment ! at one time zealously I advocating a retrenchment of the Govern ' ment expenditures when the sum total : is $k," 000,000 a year at another resisting all attempts at retrenchment, even when the Government expenditures reach the 1 sum of $40,000,000 annually ;!. at one time calling-loudly and jre aaenlly fur a reduction of the Government Of ficers and their salaries, when there were three HUNDRED AND EIGHTY THREE CLERKS, &cf jin the Custom (louses io New York and Philadel phia, and the Federal Departments at Wash :inton, with an aggregate salary of $346,317 at anollier hushed as still as death against any reduction of the Government Officers, or their salaries, even when there are eight hundred and ninetv five Clerks, &c- in the Custom Houses of iew York and Philadelphia and he I Federal Departments at Washington whose ag- '. gregate salary is $780,794 1 . j j r Such is the Portrait ! We leave the , reader M to say whether there be a man answering its lie j. noeations. t r . ' 1 he uanviiie Keporter says, that a gentleman oi inai vicinuy porcnasea 4uuu oaus or ine Morus Molticaulis in February last, for 1 whjch he paid 100; and that, although the necoliati tie of ilieseason were such that not more than half of them 4ame op, ha has lately sold bihn to the amount pf $1500. And still estimating the buds aud roots on hand at the prices obtained for . the brnds already sold, the clear profits of bis specnlatum will amount to niore than $3500. f, Hie Morus pUulticaulis Market. A. Connec ticut paper states lhai the following sties of Mb- i 'us Muliieaulis trees have been made within the i last two weeks, viz: 30.000 in East Hartford, I at SO cents a tree; 50.000 in Wethersrleldjat SOceHis ; S0.000 in Glastenbury.at 40 cents: J 2,000 in Berlin, at 37 12 cents, and a gentle ; manin Farmington has paid 45 cents a tree for i lot. : , . , i L : I Moreover, 300,000 trees have actually" been L sold this season in the vicinity of Hartford. 0f j these, 70.000 have been sold to go to PennsyJ. r vania 50.000 to Michigan, 20,000 to New Jer ty, 50,000 to Massachusetts, and 10,000; to I New York. -4- :; - ' S ; PADDY SCOTT. There are two individuals of this name, who enjoy some celebrity ia the Sooth One a pale i face, with a Scottish physiognomy, above the j middle size, and on the wronsr. side of 40 whae : piratical doings in the Bays and. Inlets of the yolt of Mexico have made him noforions. H is r not quae two years since his deeds of atrocity ion I Fish river, and Moblie bay, furnished more than i one article for the newspapers. ! ij ; ! The ether Paddy Scott is an eminent chiejof ;the Creek nation of Indians, who during the dis- turbaneesof 1835, proed the stedfast friend of j the whiles, and probably did more to save the ; frontiers of Georgia than generals Scott and Je- MP- He is although a red skin, well educated, -1 lich, and talented. v - ill hj B"1 to return to our subject, theirate Paddy; I' '.:.'J It appears he arrived in this city, four or me days ago, from Mobile, and was arrested last Drgni,near tne L.evee, in the first municipality. j A. Orleans Courier. ' J Fac. A physician in this city called' a few days since o see a yoong man who was quite sieki and among other things he left a blister piak ter which he ordered to be placed on the youtfg man's chest. He call! the next morning toisee his patient, and inquiring how the.blisier had op erated,' was informed by th lady of the hdi)e that a? the yoong roan had no chest, she had nit the blister on his trunk ; and sure enough, there the blister was, stuck opon a largpwoodeu tiaak by the side of the bed. Paxrtucket Gas. II Jlnti Temperance Movement. Sixty-one ap- flicatiooe were made to the Honorable, the Cify looncil, on the first of October, for licenses to Ire fail, endorsed by one hundred and twenty-two substantial freeholders ? Pretty well for one day. This loot the batfle wit i lemperarick Convention fliis cooriiiif jwas cotnpcseS' of, Rev. I from he Ilcme tswcbjajr 5 MrjScbcck; Reylj rrhomas S. Campbell, SititBun. Wede.d.nNo. 0, 183K .1 te !robjt tfi ,-jlintillg v!lpeeia Agent. A T.ffin.nne CneiltlOB CPOpOtea 01 .jf; i"L ririri itiAlisafne was read. consid. nit r- . Hoontv .and Aaz- I : j " j ..'ijji' i r...,t,A. .nn. iveiFgwj.uM.--w;- ri . . k r,.i ereq anq P "WW""IU".IUU8,U ,..,1 n' ut,:U .Hoot iliary Societies W P ' erat on of the Report, the Uonvention was lonuwiug cMu, , u.vh --r- permitted to remain nnrepeaieo. . . - JOHN PHIFKK. uoa. 3 ESSE RANKIN. : , v i;- I nomas o uampoen aucicm --t - . vestern onn iar- eration of the Repprt, olina, assembled injine Jueinoaisi ipis- iddccgea by Dif iRpbinson, Mr. Campbell, Jiz copal Charcb in SalDuifi on vveaneaaay, Mf penj.kf MrlrjStbecfc, Mr. Johnston of -r' At J .in(Vori lif tils tfPmsw I i - i ; 5 .- W J i igreed to have a Harris of Cabarroa. Secretariea . , ?-' ....... t.,i Theioitowtne ueiegaea wwp friW, nVloefr: R JW to attend this Convention: - mL .Ihyj' .r. - Li-j . i RQWAITY. procdea!:tqi!lMwiiess, Capt McCollocb, Rowari County Temperance Society still presiding as President pro tern. cm.t ! t Amti n a. riji. Kev. I Tk. rn r , pnmminaa lohn D. Sehk, Kef. ThooM S Campbell, I In l(litloD to h Uppoinlmem of . speci.l I pxooio!.Ur u ttWfi M, JohD C P,lmer,MtBen iFFn y. Agent, .a. ,,b ke" P. considered .nd ? IWffi " ;r . Miami t. . - US i I " .w f'Trr The Committee bf itrransement announced and ttev. Cald- RnJrf j That we cordially and folly ap prove of the jSontb Carolina Temperance Advo cate, pablished at; Colombia, as an able and well conducted Agent of the Temperance reform, aod earnestly recommend If tbhe pa troo age of Tem perance Societies! ia ihls State, and , especially, to those represented irj thia JDonvention.1 p :; RevJ Diniel !Ai enilaToflWred the fbl lowing Reolotibn, jbifcb was adopted, m: RfcerfJThat JwI eatnestly recommend to all the Temperance Societies of the State, to Imi a n in shallow dish-1 h received r.er: ; Hpnth half an inch, or an inch : and ficent steamer, tt when hardeneJ to something more than the over in about 14 t! consistence oi a jeiiy, pu i wjr ' i ded change iro n ercd jars, witnottt anj otner preparation, lhoaoh wethink t! fdt-daily ose. f . . . 1 Should it show any signs of injuring, atjd Bore salt, andVexpose the jar again to the sun.Tbis, it la presumed, will seK dota be necessary.; a specimen oi wnat was prepared for my family, more, man er. I ne corn crt ; wa9 supposed to t3 ' Cott&n has of late of England had c 6iderable portion of IUUSIU inil , r.--B r . .. . -i t;.K nf nilnf. I. el rice cooked with meat dence at Windsor. nr hatter, or a soupfor a large family. I eral ol bis relaii; tenptuously stj! Dr. Benjamin Austin, and Mr William adopted 1jV. rntort Tsmperanc; Society Key. Sam uel Rothrock. and Mr yilliam Walton- Third Creek ChtfcA Temperana Soct et Koberi Johnsriia. j facA ere Temperance oocieiy.siir for wcunng 5lVeiTe.??!w"c?! DpJnick. WCibar .. nd A. H. geni ! well if iMeiklenbow, tbS dd,es. the Con- ?J?.!?Lra.2PJS nt.rin and cilizenilbiifwoiog at half past utfi dii iny ra v vUiUt.. ll, : ; -S- Hi , .A: -l -a; a- . ' a . I J :. I I ClJa. V I.IWWtV. lion is ineir iimiieo lime wuuiu permiu aut i i . n , ."L.u.i t -- r 1.1. n.- A V V t, I ... i ' : . .a.' n: I UDilDOUan OI r 4.i?MW JUUU f i ilUUViaiGi uuaivi. am. a w - rCCODUDCnO 111 I! BUUUIIUU VI IUC tUiiUniug Sir ridge. Resolutions, viz : The PresidentrMr. Dl A Davis, and the 7)hoftrfl TVmperince 5oeiA-Ref J Resolved, Tha a Committee of seven be W. ffCDJanlD ' D. Hall, Capt. John McCulloclH Mr James appointed n Salisbury snd its vicinity, to which I uei L.emiy,; were; apDoimeu m uui w Silliman, Mr Williatp Gibson. WaPWMm i?7nii ctno! Franklin' Temperance Sodi- ey Messrs Samuel Marlio,Jesse Mar iin, and Jess? Kincade. . ; CABARRUI COUNTY Cabarrus CountylTemperance Society. Ret Philip A Strobe!, Mir John Phifer, Sen , FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 15, 1839. JSlnolrork Elections.Ve are not yet able The Was Cc ter contains the j : I in a great oucibtr c We. are sorry that with the reqa? st t j say, tnat tee !,. ny, and that their all opposition to tr awake, too, and it ", main vigilant t: a Pigmy may er : tbe'stronest i3 r.:t should be banish ci, the performance cf la our next pap; i irusa.w uw "V?"f.M ?"v.crIWNirr .""'f-nZ! Z:. L to ive the result of the elections in this State. and immediately forisucn an ageoi, aoa 8 wwo ga ,8burv and otneripaprs iwngij . . , . ti. . nroceedins of th as it baa been ascertained that the means of bis Lp Tln;.nII:1tyDublish the tame. lUtough it has been j 10 orll days since the proccedin so. t. ''w t k . r a l- . - : IJAVia, support shall have been seemed, to engage his services and direct bis operations. 2 iResoftJed, Tliat! all ihe Temperance So cieties represented n this convention, be reques ted to hold meetings! between this and tbe 1st On D A. BENJ JUSTIN, SAMUEXi LEMLY, it 1 Comnuffee oj Publication. motion of Mr, Loickndge, the Con- election, was completed. So far as we have heard, however, the Loco focos have succeeded by a small majority. The City has gone for Van. . In a few days we expect to give a differ ent report. - The opposition are by no meaos'out the next Le- met in Raleicrb cr. Mr Charles W Hams, Mai Ibzan Cannon, nJIW nf j,nnr I ht : Rruin what amount and Mr John 1 Rodger s ; y I may be depended upon from them respectively, tent ion adiourned to meet in thia Uouse, at 0f heart, confidently believe that jtoccy i itwer .fwpcrpricr- ooeiy. towaros sustain ngifne proposes Agem, ana re-1 ,af pMl 8iXj o'clock! P M. f gtelature will' be Whig. i imson, pnrt the same j asanas practicable to u ah i m , M-i.i,. u,ffi.v I - Uavis. chairman or: tne standifcor oommmee. - -"Tr""o iT"r 3. IRaofoed.i ThakMhe aforesaid Committee ThtlFifleen ( been made ia tho I n Session, tor efc; '. ted two years so Re?. D A Pehick. JMrf Samuel Morrison and Dr Cyrtia A Alexander. -V Poplari Tent Ttmperdnce : Society. John Robinson, D Jj.jMr Joseph A Can non, and Dr. W W Rankin. s.S; r DAMKL1A1 PEN1CK. Com. SAMLIMORRISON, S-Pra ! GEORGE BARNHARDT, 1 Tern Upon the; adopiiorjl if the above Report, the appoint .Contord Temperance Society. Dr. E R Gibson! and Mr John F Phifer. Buffalo arid Bear Creek Temperance 1 time and place, as Ftnrifiii Hen Panl Rarrinoer Rer Jnhn f on. i ! Lantz Col CeonreilBafnhardt. Mr Mat- All of which is respectfully reported. thias Barrier,'! Mr John C Earnhardt, and Mr Jacob Misenhammer, Bethphage Temptrdnce Society Abra ham C McCrce, Esojj ( ; " MECKLEN Slim COUNTY. - Sugar Creek Temperance Society. Mr James P. Henderson Mr Robert Parks, andDrDTCaldwei f , " Davidson College Temperance Society Mr A A Neely.and Robert H Morrison D D, Z Philadelphia and Union Temperance Society. Angtis Johnston. Davie County. Mocktville Temperance Society. Rev. William A Hall, andlMr M D Armfield. The Bran The (nWntionifiaiAtassembled in Hne j Oo the second page of our paper at Buchanan hz; be further instructed jio correspond with Temper- presence of a large audience, and after sing- to-day, will be found the proceedings of ments, but contl pojim' !f,.bod? ?r ng part blr the Temperance Odeit was tbe Temperance Convention, which was specie on dem:r.. r-SS Ah? to. .e.!lin4P.ce ..., .eet. ' viewl of'securingi janbther Convention at snch bJ Dri Robipson and M Pe nickt of Ca- ! ; From some unl;: the Committee shall agree up- oarrus, ana; lonowea oyuajr. a n. am- i ; . r W.'.. : ceived the NatU well, of Mecklenburg, who was also, listen- r ; almu&i uD II ed to by the Audience, wijh a deep and thrill-1 Whoever chooses to amuse himself, with the ing jnei.-p After jphidh the-Convention I gradations of change in . the political complexion proceeded to nmsn the business lor wnich of tbe Western Carolinian from the time that they bad been convenedJ and on motion of ' . , . . ,., , KU Pinirbiih foSlAwinU Rpaohifion a Charles Fisherbecame a candidate for Congress, President pto. leiri: fonder the first resolution J 1 na0,ai -nj .....j f? , I when it was necessary to be ioite furious at the ted on this uomomiee, r t. .!; . ' : j Mr D.MlMWS. Chairman, Rev JOHJYJD SCHECK, : Rev.THOS S CAMPBELL, Rev, STEPHEN FROJVT1S, Coll SAMVUL LEMLY, Mr JOHKC. PALMER, Resolved, Th.t one persob from each County mere inaiouatton or Van Uorenism, down to the represented in this Convention, be appointed to- last number, when it manifestly takes groand for collect Information in relation to the amount of .i,,, u n.i,i. j . . t . rr u j i, . . tne. uutenman." may do so and welcome for Taxes imposed upon the peoble, arising from the . 3 "l7l,,u'. us: w nave omer ining to oo man to follow MrlBEJYJ 1W L F.FRALEY. Standing Committee. I RED ELt 1J0UNT Y. Iredell County Temperance Society. Messrs. Samuel R Belf. Abner Houpt, Arrh- The Committee on the License Law of N Carolina, presented a Report which was discussed, and adopted, and is as follows : The Committee; appointed on the subject of the License Law! of North Carolina,.would re- ibald Allen, William feingi tind Joseph R PwflIJV8HVi following -Preamble and ;Rowan, the than Scntfg I I iii t I Resolutions. !; tendered to the - : I lit ii Concord Temperance Society. Messrs sale and use of: ardent spirit, and leport the re sult tohe chairman of the standing Committee after such meanderiogs. oi seven, j ti . Mr. John Thifer.1 bf Cabarrus, Benjamin AutinS Rowan,- Samuel R Bell, fre'detl, John M. CAxbwELLt Merkynborg, Thomas MclSfcELXt Davie,' Rev. Jesse Rankin Davidson. Committee of Information. Lockridge, of the thanks of this Convention were atizens ! of Salisbury, for On motion of Rev. A.iY If managers of a pub lie journal can find their account and reconcile it toa sense of propriety to play a double game, let them do so, but the public will hardly forget the bold and manly stand formerly taken by that jour nal against Martin VanBnren's corrupt and wasteful administration j how it used, to cry out against the foof interferences of .office holders in elections; and all the bost'of iniquities that blackeoed andj disgraced thextjmes. Never in Thos Bovd.rid Miles Wi Hill. 4 davIdsq IcbiNT V. 1 I- U . it r ' settlement Rev Thales McDonald Lexington TemjJeti Jesse A Kankiiil ice erance Society - ,. - .Rev. countrieswhere the practice has prevailed. The enactment nd 'continuance of such a Law, has been regarded by miny as a striking anomaly in ai system so well adapted, when pro perly administered, to promote the happiness of the whole people, as the laws ol this State gen erally are. j .'jfj 'f '".;' ' Thl cn nil a Tnr kknnld hTA romainrt ttn ing; thus organized, i0ner OD the Statute Books of England, and of it was tnen openea oyirraver, oy jonn no binson, D D.t of Cabarrus Cotintj On Motion of Mr.j John Phifer, of Ca barrus, Ihe evils growing eat of the retail of ardent their kindness and attention during Ihe ses- the history of this government has this cloud spirits, have- long lodged the attention, and a- son an(j to the Metbodisi! Society, for the been darker never has official influence injetec wakened the regrets of the benevolent in alhi- - rj ,. nu - .:f,n9 iA nn annamaio.;i Z I USU W, IIJCII VUUIkUl, ; . WWWH. WfVU U W UU .UVlll. J ( O Thej benediction was then pronounced by (no word .of censure against the perpetrators of All marked thus did not attend. The Convenlionfol the Rev. T, S Campbell, ;of Salisbury, and the Convention adjourned sine die , j D. AI DAVIS, President. XTEKJAMIft AUSTIN.' . Charles W. Harris, i Secretaries. REPORT ON STATISTICS. The Committee to whom was referred Ihe Resolved, That all regular members of Tern pe ranee Societies be invited to sit injbis Con vention, and to participate in its deliberations ' On motion of Dr. Robinson of Cabarrus, the Convention took; up the consideration most of the States ofj this Union, is perhaps more sarpnsing than ithat it should ever have nioMiJ in oil k.r ntinntiw Thn 1 aniela 1 11 raa nf , tarm f th fif.t.l infl ihi f Jninn. hvA statistics of the Temperance Societies represen and noblv resoonded! tblthe wishes of the benevn H .in tbe Convention, nd whose duly it was mf - 5 j " j- lent, and yielding to the still more powerful ap these political crimes. So far from this we learn from good authority that the senior Editor of the Western Carolinian was lately found n conclave with a deputy Post Master General of the U. S. managing a Van Buren i ticket for the county of Cabarrus at the next election. He cannot deny this and other private operations of a like charac ter. If he will do so. we think we can easily adduce proof that will make him stare. . "We have never doubted from tbe first of these demonstrations on which side of the fence the lis coming has t or two' weeks pa:: that is regularly y ' A onion of :he ., ' User Offices have L was to go into ccr inst,, and the pap:: bile Advertiser ic C The Advertiser ( numerous arival3 f: days past, have gir like appearance, t: ! : " The epidemic I but new cases arc v ; Our citizens in l have again taken t Roanoke Inlet. A 41 The re-oper.in c . tion ; keeping it per, difficulty." The s: that it may be effect, yards in width, tl at ceedtng $345,400. made to prepare for publication a report of the i i. .i.u l- .i . r I State and nrminect)! nf thai T'mnr5ncM eanA in I "r.r' "rfOTT8"1 oorhound Xnti .lT'h . Carolinian would get down: but since certain pealed the License Law, and thus delivered J0 ah e t0 collect information from a small die disasters which have lately befallen the Whig their Kft fmm i tin ait. rocn'iin frnm ih. i.. tr'tct ofi Wea(em North Car61tna. included in cause, we had exoected anmpthinor HL- "Vift or appointing a special. Agent, to be engsg- realized retail of ardeni spirits I lJe counties of Cabarrus, Mecklenburg, Iredell, J avowal : for we have never seen that paper or ed exclusively in the jTemperance cause; The beneficial efiectjs of such Legislation, it is Pavie and Rowan; and that they have no in- its abettors rlaht 1 fnr n. cU kn JuL .t... nd, upon tbe propriety and expediency of believed, are clear y seen, and sensibly felt al- toraaoTniroja the cause in the State generally. -.-A- wbq olr o 7 """ctMak i r A ! . r i , I j . .j.li i i?L! ,..J . I VV nr enrri, !, . Uf.ii:. uZ. sine was stronffcst. Whenever its friends mem isn i raa n w in nnca : mj aa . i ; n l a .rtrn mil i ma nnnv i vaw. wi av tusi uui imius uiabiuu is uum uiui bi w - v definite and satisfactory! The opinion is enter- foond really to want its assistance it has ever at soma lenath hv Dirl Robinson. Messrs. believe that the soond sense of the people of this Penick, McDonald, phnston, Campbell, s,a,le- U1 aHdw jhemo linger behind in this noble reform, While as ia State, we are emulating the most enterprising ' in every other species of improvement,; llVi believe there are various things in the law Itself betraying a consciousness Strobel, Scheck, Phifer, Armfield, McCree, and Davis. ! . Mr. Pehick then moved the aoDointment 7 r . 2 ; . 1 w 4 Irani; tug . wusviuuguiM I f J., - T " ... . . . , , , . of a Committee of thrie, in order to devise on the part of hel Legislature passing it, thatfa,Ph- 1w e 'ell satisfied that a cause so heard louder than the boat-mans, Hurra for the i . . i ..... I . I ; . . .i a . t . I . . .. I fl.Li .ia . i-a i I Lit ' ... L. tne ways and means by wbicb tne appoint mnnt shnnlrt hfi marlf SahH sustained, and r. nnrl lhprfrtn ; and nn thf nrinntinn nf this I cy. - j- j ifiMfil motion, the Rev. D. A j Penick, Mr Samuel . .! 1;ght!w!frd1,he prohibition io re Morfison. and Col. Georce Barnhardt. were S?fiTO fei0.' the tendency o : . f ? t w,, , I aroeni Bpiriis io uesiroy iuo Taioe oi staves, ana such a law was Iegali2ing a system iniquitous in its character, and mbst;mischievous in its tenden appointed on this committee. l he lurther tomake them dangerous to the community, is consideration of the subject was then post- fully recognized by such a prohibition. No one poned until lortnorrowl A can deny that the effect of spirits, is substantially I i this evening in this House, at half past 6 The Convention again met, and was opened by Prayer by the1 Rev. Jesse Rank in, of DavidsoQ. 1 i A Temperance Ode was then read by Mr. Peuick, and sung bv tne whole assetnblv : The Convention then adjourned to meet the same on all. persona, and the law as it stands Has toe appearance; or 'protecting aiaves as ar ticles of property, whle the temptation may be held out to the master and his sons to destroy themselves, body and soul. The Legislature seems again to have indica ted a consciousness! tbt the system Was iniqui tous and mischievdus, 'jio forbidding the sale! of ardent spirits around the University of N. Caro after which, the Convention was ably ad- lina, within the limits of 5 miles, and in enact dressed at some lenstij, bv the Rev. Mr. lDS lfae same prohibition in relation to Davidson Strobel and Mr.! Jnhn P&r.krnU - College witbin. tWdiQires. .... 1 the Rev. J M. Caldwell, of Meckienburir. L.5!5. I6:11:1!? 1'V Tho Rcna..n yL I ueu TO.rarwui -itiprqieci. lUie young' men Ol l ne oenediction was then nmnnnnpH I .l jri k. ,. . . 6- i iuio luauiuuuuii iiuiu iub uiiiiiiLinir iniinFnm m ... .... .t . - - w tne spirii sener, ana cn only regret, that the youth of the whole; State ire not equally protec ted by the general extension orsach wholesome laws. llifhilt, We indulge thphelief, that when the atten tion of our. fellow citizens shall be distinctly turned to this system ind its evils, they will not rest satisfied tidethem, and that a voice will proceed from;thejmass of ihe people, befb& which the license lawinosl giveaway. In ac cordance w'nh these iv tews,. we recommend the adoption of the Allowing resolutions. I. Resolved. That r.,i f Knnh rrnri. and ihe Convention adjourned to meet in the morning at 9 ocelot k. Thursday Momvig, & o'clock, A. M. The Convention assembled in the Meth odist Episcopal Church according to ad journment, andj proceeded to busiuess. The President Mr.jb. A Davis having asked leave of absencel was succeeded by Capt. John McCulloch, as President pro. lem i 1 1 j The subject of the License Law of No. Carolina was taken up and referred to a committee of three, Icohiisting of Mr John Phifer, Rev. J. A. Rankin, and Rev P. A. Strobel. . j On motion of the Rey. Mr. Penick, the rresideot pro. tem. proceeded to appoint a joks like mustering the force for 1 commltee cf three, to Receive tbe reports ih .the Temperance Mmoril? at i il the statistical facts connected with Uie app oiching session H the Legislatoi j vnaricsion Ubiervet ii:. e. each Society represented u. vhis Convention ; Ma. A 1 ll' . ' uu, wuen collected, to report thereon. na. authorravngnte jCbnnb Courts of this Stale to issue Iieease to retail spiritooos liquors, creates a public no6arce,f aqd; lbring3 a curse upon the i 2. J?eKfcoV TlMhRfiil Uwl isUhe frmtfol source of paupei4m. crimi, diseaseHnd death ; ereatly increases th r tiw-.j mojiiplies the number pf widows , and orphans, , " w'lipry on raaoy dtscon oujo.c na.i-s t,u uripiesa cniiaren. J. tiesoivea l lut ihe ffibfe for a gteat pcrtfoiai gained by many of our opponsats that the cause been found in the ranks of their adversaries. It wi.nguisningin;tne wate, and will finally is i,ke tbe Mississippi boatman, who belied on 1 . i . Inritnirh hio wint ! . I or the caose mi?bt mourn and its enemies tri.f . " rv " men no voice was truly philanthropic aod'Qod-lilce in its charac- M high comb cock," hurra! hurra hurra I did'nt rer, win un mateiy triumph, and save thousands I say the high comb cock would win the fiVht SS Si!1-?'060 hurral hurra!!! j time, appear to languish s We are also happy . . . - to say, that within the boundl marked by the Bal when lha Sen,or Editor of the Western Societies represented in this Convention; the Carolinian next makes extracts froin in abolition cause is generally; progrtssinpAi There are 22 (ssinff.I lbere are 22 I rnr in fiw c,..,,u Societies-represented in ihe invention, having nlr Sl " genuemenane tool in them 3599 white members and 240 colored 8,ander of trea8on Cmat their own best inter- making in all 3839. In some neighborhoods dis- 8,8 ,et him not forget his ovn early prcdilec tilling and retailing are ibandaned ; andlffmorT turns. We doubt all Northern men with Souih- than ftca fftird heard fmm,the cause is reported ,rn nrm.MnVi-,i,. " .1 :. advancing j while in only one! neiThborhd is wn PrecePls nwhen Northern men come here i reported languishing. The first of these So- and ttJ 10 PMS off for betUr Soutliern men than cleties was formed Jan. 22. 1$29, at Bethany, wa who have been born and bred up with the in- T!' rr! 8ndi1Mtj;!182?'Dati,P0r 8litUtin ofa,av we will be pardoned if we lent, Cabarrus. Ihe largest s at Rocky Ri- uketsome naina m ctr-in r Ti 1 ver, Cabarrus ; having 400 white and 150 co- P P I ? f ibetT lored members; add tbe smallest is al Mountain ve baTe once ady foretold tbe course of Road, Rowan, having 15 members. It is wor- he Carolinian aa to the cry, of federalism, and thy of remark concerning this), that it embraces however, We ma j have lost credit with that jour only the members of one milyi consisUng of nal as PropheU, we will predict again;' We father, children and graod children. Letphe A,;, .u,; ar.'i? u : riends of the caose only remain unitedand ?reCt Mr-h vill not be able to get alous, and its influence willyet extend ialo JjVMhington City, in time to vote for, Speaker every recess bf drunkness in the State, and lead aoa Clerk We predict that in Jess than one the victims of the enemy intofthe ways of so- month after ihe Session be-ins, the Western herness and truth, wherepeace abounds and tbe Carolinian will coma oat Tthnnt rii,n;M fn. lliK IUI Genius of Temperance sheds his inild. cheerinsr and undiminished light. I I -! T, S. CAMBEtiliO J. D SCHECK,! Icokittee. S S. FRONTIS, I S Tan Boren, and ia a very short time thereafter, it will come in for at least 'a child's part of public patronage, acd then the cry for !the Dutchman r will be heard without stinC 'But jetne word more. Let it be remembered ihi ikan . c;rK- t "IHM Bt CltU How to Preserve HomaUks for Winter. "II W'1? heFe 1832, f6r the ben- -tMr Tie t Amoniotbel inrovements Boren waVru i. horticulture, Ieefied to ol, Sh &&'Sw3 serve the increased" cultivation of the foma- told the Dutch of RaJ , h!. .A? " Teg- " no Dolcbmanw socb as thev were; that he man. wa more French than ntrh The then ner in whic universally W Asia MinoVt o-'we that.he is not bf Cermxr xissccht they are preserved for use A winter r Mollander. Now, however, he is jCut the tomatoes ilj twor whenlfluite fj0fc,h enough , for tbem! Is not this betting 00 rine. and DnnkIe consider fin, ltW :u"w and hurraing tor the high . ; . ' " 1 animn i inem over nini. mpri diir' ni, ihm eieislaiurei8 respon-1 through a cullender; .moistening them with THE FOREIGN NEWS. w ineeviu hichow it little water! set the. part thus strained The British ex, Jamaica, does not , are said 10 be disast r fast reducing the U: . ness and misery'cf 1 emerged. : -::"UVk ' 1:1 ' James fcnf'i, ! did ate for Governor said to be a Gentle;: taste and acquircir.f of First Auditor cf t: twenty .years. -' Ten thousand ban been shipped to Er Mirket ; an- it i ? .r heavy orders that cc :' being above the vie . The Mercantile L opened about tho Ten thousand dc'k sold in New York ( There was but little Southern bills un 1" 5 a 6 per cent. Ti Baltimore n as frcra 1 .Five of the capti.r fears are entertaincJ i inclement season aj-j r There is some lal!; see speedily iesurr.il James K. Polk, v.: Tennessee on the 1: son, Gov, Branch ar .1 sent at the ceretnenr. The Hon. Jos. .!. at his brothers reside r ult. ' 10.000.lb3. ofFayr been ordered for'C: Col. J; W. Brn.J county, Miss.; shot L about one mile fru- r inst. No canse ass: jVb' Tippling 'I Maine, at a recent- elf : city aothoriiies, toir tailing spirituous hqu A splendid monun ; Robert Y. Hay ne, ii : zensbf Charleinn. acrTo uie incrcascu CUIllvailDn Ol the 101 toi- Believing ifiiat to bfa rnhst healthy 1 etable, I send you an account of tbe m Miia n ntkaAi i MMi.A.ikitt Ml - ' - mar- J'j-. The New Or: right sort of spirit, next Presidential t tbe following eslrcc! , " tVtt iV a A at a n K i . feeblenes they have numerical insiniT.. 1 1 1 1 1 it i.iriiiitir .1 i thus strained - Since the pcWicaiibn of oor-hsf nabber we ninor Slates, th?y ! v. 1 " !! r i i 1 M I 1