'MSI j 1 J ! 1 H I ! i It r ' s 4t mm if I 4 .- - - i. ! it : ? "i-i . 1 -' - - tv 1 'MM Wmf most rallied posies. tA..;.f1 West. North and South ! i.Li i.nnlitlll lrt he found. " ue- ancjr-s"Hvr . , i il& ki.. of O.e WW.. .fcoM ih.y ss Uv uanair The Will! ac ""; i i-ihiit- ii- . . pure . ineir tri- t Utficin anu iiarmonY - . ptteWy have the .irengib. rbey 'rtB JuU- .1.. p-flole: The 26lh reifsiiheira.--''e 7" 'J i A ..-' orosnect. fLet the The People, and the iroimutifes are with ibem- (llheir MY Aey nave no. liiontn to State-Rights party tfP&ib .he Federal Whig. fiES fib -FJa what reawo? , Becaoae CeO. tMpMVeJl the DeixeiiM.. took ib. rer ftvvijl -J . i.:.colf " nd or rota m nrotesf. Mi lD iBo'ren ha done neiiher the one the::qthe' Linc&hi Republican. liM'yait"tJaren has not -removed the de tMlfepw e er er written a prtt that we Vtf: M has ha ever perrr i ttei the dpftef ''MMiiim eot Swart wool carry off a - ' If . .1.. Ti.1mm mnn hv nn-ari s nan oi mo vy . "rv j ' rEfarJ(n'a permission ? yifffieeiferaof the Public Oat of almost money Foca IIIMhonesV; but are the others in Pert. i)e!?! Ko. j We receive dfily ! accounts hj ap Jndidpalaees andaumptooos living; r-1 t r r . . . .t . narts and vet-it is all risht and UTor rt la by f M P" whose favor is desir- ri . uiSSarUoot.it.: -f ,-; v-- !eiitttsoe PDt.on foot disastrous measures. fBfijred the sanction and promised supi : !f pl'fa Van Buten : and; although Van ?!-lf$H hiVeheetTthe originator of otirj yf Xm tt W W he is chageable ! with the nt: 8Tie IS cnarcai'io wiim ..mc mui ui pdfdesttrns of Jackson, not only by his pro- Llbfll'lajaoby his practice ; arid the Repab- I'lfloifif btfjetpappr can dehy it M .It S! J r (()AMbiNG THE LOCO FOCOS l'jil)trori ofthe Vice Presidency is Siliiptprpdtice aome confusion in the 0fttfe tisuallyrwell-driiled Loco Fo riri j jCdnrJoh n s on h av hi g pe r for m ed InaN Allotted to him in trie great drama. effected all the ffood for the party of lljelia capable, is, to bo whistled wlnd7?id make 'j room for the ma. of i some who are too impatient to j 1 1 rjri; rp g n i ar mi re oi cvcuw. a 1 1 1 hitlig "do n " operattpn, is a very iratefnc. The old iCoionel cannot un- sin haitdwjiy he is not as well entitled to bfiiRe nnw.as three veara aeovand will fS(iiriaVilv retire atd his friends who dlpl!tvrAiI iiariv,Mwill nnt let him go l)jr(J withoot" A struggle; .Other tlri"!tii kite rtartv ha ve their 'favourites.-' aecitms tney- win . wj longer utirr. jfJH? Jlas her Polk-i-Genrgia has her 'iWHd--AU her KjnV-nd if'll f?hl tn ; tenactonsiy to her favour; Si. How are.lhesj? conflictiiig claims i4briHte ? n n w a re thediaappoint tab;fpasetl ? Of all parties j which elcvirlipxisted. the Loco Foco will suf- rfhfffrn:ihia division. JJound togeth iJ Moiher principle than the " cohesive MullerM thev must fall lo pieces as 3v-il: tt ligament is cot asunder. .; . - ' f . v rcursuurg laieutgmcer. i-i!. iW it. Ftotn lfte Ctrtcinnflfi! Dail Gazette KBElLING TO EXPERIENCE. ;iIjllMOKD Siir-il- wish to make one Iryllfljuu. Did the local banks, at any iMajjed specif? payments while the U.' S. QjjitMi Ba; existence t: Please gie dates. Ili fhai. suspensions i hVve jaken place. we tm'.thar tbe.UnitedStaies Bank was f rpo l;'and oblige ,' one that" basj tojget. VEi; :rv.;- -'v,,::-;,. , U. T -1-- if ifebefreltfe :Uf SBank'was' fully U1def way ,4here was a partial suspeo , chit flyof banks that never afterwards re- diouod -jopi;. v; Daring, the operative Bank there was nususpen 1813.-cf. Gaz. ISfeplhatof rARTWOUTERS; he paltiv Gazetisymakes oui a list oT thirty U Pns, defaulfrs tb the government, lb pnjjof twomillionsi sixty-four thousand MCM and nine dollars and eighty six cents. :- 5ftr,Watkins,s : ? ch&i lie aa kepi it I, - ?H r yers and six n TT-., r-. ..tltHlU C4UIB IIIIU DUWr. : J IIR ;powjr s defalcation was $3,050. to ill! by the President, ' mniilka ; -v. r- - - - lJHlj ? "drlytvea have been' im- S picrsi The Cumberland "Ci- m aV2: OurCoutt ls still emravrl . le as of the riotei-s on the Ime of the akf thosjej wlm have; had their trials, jre;aeeerBfoun guilty lon various ittortts. and received sentence to-the itenUaWohe for 18 years; aeven for reirl lliwo for 9 tears arid 8 months I lfort fyears and eight months, and the r tor afiesser4erm. lUiners iouna gait- f Mti oflences, have been sentenced lpfVsftrnent in our countyjail .fbrj vtlif- ; Vpa. Sereral have been acquit h$ --P .ek in winter, he most be reoV , jlvvery hacnane and reflating person I "'1? " n waag off tbe fashioa of cul ofCth horssalail..: u u eM lhat natore- mage coining in vain. The tail may be never forget thaU horse, barntssed' aeeand other means, than ht tail; t0 brush yojbd that it miy pravem aocidenta.In ?rngli!ritAo stand quiet. f u v--.. t r .m . i- -r-v 1 J :;r;. ;! rrej r fi-irl like the hub of a wlleelV austftbe is surrounded by ,eIows Boston V hi U a bomel rrirl lit nii.V .l:.L' i':"!" i-k ' J - ' " ! - tisWerunure 'irtory nop" r B&fhe exhultation tfil.nr . antajo were lolly to despond and rnad- mmWTF- Vi?ch their defalcation has p'ffnW; Ahett,wef;ig siaiple-nof lf leI'-M cn Kas been ?crvisau.' t nron. - ; : -i.t 6 - : i -"o ' ' f - ; In this Toirn, em the lsi instant, Mt. THO MAS BENSON; ged about 55 years. - f:. In this County, oo the 4'h inst., Mr WILL. I AM POSTON. too uf Beojamia Paston, , ajfed abml l;8jyeah:i ;tV"-:i - h Id tbis County, on fh 17ih oil., by a fit of the PaUj, Mr. JOHN REED, acred about 70 yr ars. - -In his Couhij ion tbt 9th inst Mr. CHAS , GLOVER, aged about 70 year. 1 . At the residence of H. G. Harbin, in be vicin ity of HayQeville, f Alabama, WILLIAM ; P. HUJE, son of Josiab Huie, of Aotauga coactj, in fbs 14ib year ojl his acre. He vasal the time of his death, and bid been for about a year pre? i oua thereto,! tsember of theJLeaderay at Hane ville. During tha time his improTernent initbe different branches' of study io which hi atien lion hid beeii directed; reflected opon bim de served honor jf arid those who. were acquainted with bis pnygtesst excited s eorrespooding iqter est and anxiety fur bia welfare, prosperity jand lonsjife." Hia kiftd and generous heart, his obe dient, complaisant, and forgiving disposition J en ' beared him t hit-associates and friends, while, his ambition tdj excel and his ardent desire to real' izs the hopes of bis pawn ts and relations, affor ded an exaoip)e highly commendable and worthy of imitation.) jBot alas I death. Which waits not for the bloom: io ripen, has closed fur ever eyery cheering and opening pruepeet. j, I.: Thoo'rt gdrjeaa a dew,drop swept from Jthe Oh ! for the! world where thy home is now." OY virtue !of an order of the County Coort JO of Rowan, I shall sell at the Yeiidence of the late Jaroea Brown, 24 miles south of iSalis- bury, oo Wednesday and Thursday the 4th: and 5th of next month t (Uecerobei,) . I - K r - Some vry Val uable. Property, TEN NEGROES, i,'f TO WIT: -, J U i M Tour likely Wonting j Between, me ages oi jo anu Da ; i I Three Boys between 11; & 15; THREE GmLS-.(sroall)-.ALL LIKEtiY. 1 aiao, U .1.1'' The CROP of ibis year, cunaisting of GRAIN of every kind, and a Crop of COTTON; a- , mounting o 3 or 4J)00 pounds. T I ALSO.-;- r Household & Kitchen Furtti ture, Farming Tools, 5jc. A credit of 12 months will be given )0 all soma over'two dollars, the purchaser giving bond and approved security.' - ' j ; S- JA.V. Lt. UKUVVIN, 1 ; ! - - Admr. pendente lite.! Nov. 15, X839 tsI6 - 1- - .' . ' r M 5' Combined Attraction. ! J " VI: J. CIRCljrS AND 451 Km ' ... Exliibitiori lUnitodi.ta hr - , i 1.- TO be exhibited at Salisbury oa ; Thursday 21st and .Friday 2?d -days of November loaf. ior t to uays inj. .Kiuuiiuucp oucems. Children and Servants half Price I Hours of Exhibition Xrbm half after 12 to 4 P. M each day. - -1 E- V- " . I 3' 'J 'I'ha Prnnr tnr nf lhA I.irff nI IV.n ' VnrL- Circus and Arena Company respectfully inform the Public that they have entered ed into arrfngl men is (o travel and exhibit together at tbesine time and place under a paviilion large enough io. hold both exhibitions Sod accommodate S, 000 spectators, The Girafie or CamelopfArdi This stupendous, majestic, and beautiful aol mil i. "AkiUrMiet ' be .be ..U' of the animal kingdom. It is not oo y ih tall: I t;o ui mi m Kir, .iiv i f oil kiiAwn urMlnru knl Ik.l MMtl mnA I most singuiai cnaracier. u oas ueen inereair I r8 8erff -ot?at'lrll,sl' ,n tH2ef i but lew specimens nave Deen seen ior i be ias spectme thousand yeirsr It was known to the Persians I aoout s,uuuf years ago, naving pen orougn.v as a present to Hystaspes; father of Darius 1, several . . f. mam Li L -' .. . t. i . ' i , centuiies rjelofe the Christian era, hy(Absinh a ns, who brought it from the interior lot Africa i it. THECIRGIJ . This exhibition is fitted op in a style fwbich rendera it superior to any nnmg. o! the xrd in tbe coontrv i Every exertin will be made on tbe part of jibe Equestrians as well aa the fVlana- na J ti!J t:. t 7 .i J " J tu. uiakP ji luieresiiiig uq wuriuy oi pai ronage.:-:,w t,: . j 1 1 I ha scena lb the circle will present a y arietr Of new and !iblrettnv ft f HnrmncKlr.' ana oiner-parted scenes of amusements and tqueslnao exercises; which will constitute tbe most delightful and genteel entertainment ! ever oaereo 13 tuts piace. . A young marjr born without arms,! wijl give an Exhibition with his Toes at the sima time time and place of the Giraffe Exhibition ! i For particulars o! periorroance see bill; Admission E5 cents. Entrance to this! a I t( .ante ' PnlrinM In tkuU.K. did Exhibition froo the inside of Giraffe and : - -; Circua PavilUon.-;-SM- n The above; will be Exhibited at Ashboro on Monday,- 18th. At Presley; Ray's . Store oo Tuesday, I9ih. , At Lexington on . Wednesday j 10th,' days or November, , SI 'si "A LL persona indebted to the Sobseriber jlA. whose accounts are over twelve! months standing, are requested to call and settle the same either by caih or oote by the 1st of Janua- fj 1?40 otherwise theii accounta iwill be - put mo too nanus oi an otneer for coHeclwa. a -; t.v r : HORACE H.13EARU. November 15, 1SS9 4 w 16 J 'Wi i S-')fr " ; THE NEW W6dlLitt ;; A Wct1yJS'eytpaper,devttedto Vpmi and For , uucuigence. iMcraiurt ana tliei JlrU. PARK BENJAMINjlfi! i RUFUS W. GRISWOLD,? i ; j .Late Editors iKe tBrothetlhan On Salnrilav. if.a lOik t'tikilVZ.Ji2..J a specimen number of a new weekly sheet en ti- lied "The Nr Wnm Hh- r,u of the same month, commeocfcd the regular pub ucauun, uuuer iuai line, oi ine largest, cheap-1 est, and most elegant periodical in America" v Its EdUors were the originators, and, jbiitjlHhecom-" mencement of the present publication, the con- S SZ Vr SKAVSrA 1 P f M.ties. Srtfc! IntsTr. -Vk "t V:ir:";Jm';",, TZm00: r.ii: rr v r " vv "t'"in?var uajs, me uiosi ceieora,iea literary journals, such as the Moniblv Chronicle, the iMonthlf. tba NewsMontbly.ihe Gemlemens, Fr&z-r'. Black wood's, the United Service, the; A$iad, Tait's, and the U m reran v JMai'azines, Bentlet'a 'Mis cellany, The Coort Journal. The -Court Ga zette, La Belle Assemblee. The EraPhe Sat iiistrThe -Age. The Examiner, the jVVj-itiogs of Dickens, the Quarterly, the Foreign; Qtarierly, uo , v"uuu, inn niotnuurgn, aoa me: uuouo rrom auioese, and irom erery oHier.new work of merit, the best s-Iections will:! be ffiven i romediately afier. their . reception and thus He spirit of contemperary literature, itiphe; Old World and the iNew, placed in the reach of eten the poorest and most humble; 'f l( H While the Editors will make the most earl v and Copious selection from literary i productions. they will not be forgetful of the necessity of pre senting all TH REwaof the time, in a perfect and faithful digest - Tbey will especially aim to matte, ihe oew uoeld wuriny ot us name iruuj lis penect, compilation oi uomesuc news as weif as intelligence from all pafjSiheyesiffllHE feabseriber has an i improved iPatent tern Hemisphere Uur ne wspa per, ;i0; general. contain lull accounts oi ail that Happens: in the Of VVoiId, even t the most tjiialoccurrences which can be of little or no interest to our people ; uiio iuojt uuiii.ui tiriem. uiuca uiiii ia ui con sequence from the variobs countries of tiie JVeto The1 editorial articles u( The N4?fi V'obldJ wntie they win be tigidly free from ailAoliucal or sectional bias, will ceneralh he! opoo topics of luimcuiaio unci em, anu uao oiicci. jcjerence 10 passing events--to the times and the country. . Xhe Editors will carefully avoid the prufliffate tone which characterizes most of tbejirarnals in speaking of tire returns of crime apil wtietched- Mocksville, Davie Co. N. Ci 1 I think tbe pro ne83,i which ! (all under the eye of the municipal bable est will not exceed $30; forjhe Patent aad hnllPft -v T'lipw nan ca nnt Kinrr hnmnrriita nr mil. ty in such pictures of sinfulness aoddesradation Piu ludicrous accompaniment of incident or Ian - uoage cafi make them smile at theyfflmlcJ vaga ries of loteaiperancethe d read fufleia moles ol femaje prostitution; suOVrlnff ancrdespair; or the HMIBI TlUltlllUllS i oi social orcer by ;the! ignorant and the imbeci le. They can only; see in such counterfeit presentments" the defaced and de filed uinsof what was made in thtffiffeof the Vfosti High the perverted and imbrotfd soul of manits divine properties lost,' its letifH aea de ffraaea ana us ceiesuai essence polluted witn bes ttalslime;-.'-' " ..- WilWr ': With the most ample assistance in every de- partmpnt ; with resources more i hart 'sufficient nG i tends numerous and true; wth!a Ihou and iVicensitives to evenioo, and every? Mitience and issaranceoi ine roosi inumpnani success neiore ii,TijE;NEW World, starts into Jiflrjd will long gladden and enliven the firesidesj of every portion ol our great country. Price of ".The New World;; S3 per an fiora,' payable in advance Two ctiplea will b sent for $5 to any: part of theciiyior ?untry All letters reJattng to thn editorial depart menti ol rne Iew World, to be addressed t Benjimis & ' Griswold ; those i intended fu the publisher, to ' if: J. WINCHESTER. tfKr No. 233Xnn streeYork; BOYD'S uy i IN TIE CITY ifl ""r;8! P"J i enano.-e - " ! V'"iV'VMn" "Ff " Tf anoouncing lo his friends and the trave (rig" coi munitythat be will open the Hotel kebt of the late Maj. Norris) oo the ill jr. i isomer or auiit ana uforrectr, .: . ' LJ n J ahnnt thn iRt of-IJiwpmber nitxt: With his ezrM MAnrtnand thn nndivided attention which he will . i . . .... . . . i ;. - rlmts h nalfora himtelt that hriM Nvtm tivnni S wh ' i II ffive; re, natters nimseit that fe 4t home; to produce these eflNctai m etTortU ' -n l . l 3 " !' .LL :U ! a ': win oe sparea. . i off - ri wise is now unoergoinr a thorough repair which will mtke!ittl present oiti a different bppearanee. j J H f! - . . J. D. BOYD. J D ' November 8. 1S39- 4n8 i if 11 1 I . ' .3 .. i I ! The South Carolinian, Aogastaihehttbel, Ma- con iMessenger, Columbas Sentinel, "jRaUigb ttegister,iuiiiedgeyuie Journai.uarolioa atch SDCi.f..ji n i. ... maul Rutherfordton Gazette, and;(Chark)ite Journal, will insert 4 t'rmee vara r r n ..-'"" . ; 1 1 I day dissolved by mutual consent of. parjies ew ws uv u aa vi - a siaau uv wr a i so aaa is i : ' VI- A- r , ;thos o ukaham, . DAVID FOSTER. October 25, 1S39 3wl5 ( i F,E:W',F1R!M. TMTOSES GRAHAM hain2 bnugbt the en 1YJL tire interest of David C ; Foster; of the late firm of Graham & Foster, the business for the future will be continued by j ' lj . i XX - & Tl O ' GT1 ATT AT.Ty at the old stand. They will eodeator to keep at I ail times a rooa assortment oi ., y I L..J mrtA wilt IAt nnls nlttllM lift l.ltl I i j. - i J K. . ... il J .i laeir menus nil jjairuus, oui wiiicouefor iu i make it their interest to call J I rl i i y M. & T;Ct iRAHAM. Branohville, N. C. Oct 5. 1SS9. Swi5j SE EPFS' -D2HBS S!!!l H C1TC (SF : if For Salt Here. . . - v- . : - i i flTlHE Trustees of !tLe aisbory Female Aea rf ?ea?J ,n orm u,a pubMcj that this Institution oext.' It is tbetr inteation ta blace this Seminar i on L. peimaneoi and respectable dasii r and no . . . . r- . s. i Mia win ij ninunvna inpir nan. In ritnilAT it in will be wanting on their part, to render it i every rekpect, worthy: of the confidence of the friends of education,: moralitv :uid rflifrkin. who seek for their daughters a place wbereintellec- iuai anu .moral culture combined. i!l nrpmrn them to occupy with hsefulnes and diTniiv. thn sphere to which they may be called. ' " 1 r . lbey .are now making airauitable eff.rts to secure for Teachers,! a gentleman , and lad? of 51ean while they have engaged Miss' Emma I Baker, a young; lady in whose literary quali I ncauoos and-canaciifUur such a situation. ;thv I hl?e, P'.1 confidence and w bo has hitherto " " ' uw v'cf ciaiua.nji, wun eoUre. aalisfaction. As sotiQ as ihe other teach- I a.taioed. Alias :Bake r jvill again devote ueree,'( exciosiveiy to joe musical department. For pinners, per session of 5 months, . $3 00 For the Rudiments. w:h Grammar, Ge- T , . I - ography and Hury. M h t :,b 00 The ?!ove with the h gher tbratrches in "erary Uepartment, i ; 12 50 Mqsic on the Piano and Guitar, i : ' 25 00 ratnun -V-fl'i ,3 .110 00 Ornamental Needle (Work;! and the makin? of VV ax Flowers, will also be laosht, if desired, 'By orderDf ihe Trustees. ' t THOMAS Ii COWAN, Cho; Salisbury, Sept; 27,! 1839 tm : Hr, CrY R Douglas, "O" A VINa located himself in Salisbury, re JO. specif oily tenders his professional aeeyieei to its citizens, and those of the suifrouridinff court services to its citizens, and those of the surrounding eoun try. His office is thej one rcently I occupied by Dr BouchelJe, where he can be found at all times, except., when absent bh professional "do ties. I Salisbury. June 1 !S39-tf45 1 TO OWNERS OF MILLS ' Jl ?f IKULE for-Mtlls, by which, a mill will I ao much better than With theusual form cfS Din dies. It fs so constructed as to keep from heating or5 tilling the meal in any manner, j The runner is so connned by the spindle as always to pre- serve its balance, and of course there is oo rub I bing of the stones, j- I think, by this" improved Soindie; the lame I waUr will do at , least one third more business. i iuu io :ucbi hi superior quaillVit i 1 Any person wishing to use; one of these Spin I dies, may obtain one or more, by making applica I Hon, fwithin a short lime) to the Subscriber at I Sninrlfa raosa rVir tvoa ! ' 1 J v " . ' t)i . I The following persons hafenWr patent! Mill 1 pinole .in successful operaiioc Gbl. WfF. Kelly, Thus . F-ster,I Joseph! Hall and Samuel Foster, of Davie Count v : Gilbrethi'bicKsofi'and David J RamssTrrof I Lincoln i Charles Grifliinl I ot Jiwan ;r Addison Monre rot Davidson.; end I William Doss of Surry all of whom are highly pleased, with its performance.!' ? It 4; L. M. GILBERT. November 8, 1839-lH5 J H ' -P at Thursday the 28th instant, will be sold; the late residence of John Hyde, I all the PERSONAL PROPERTY ceased. oelbngtng to said deceased Consisting of f. HORSES THE, Hogs and Sheep otfe JVaggoh and Gears; Farming. Utensils, Household and UTTCnEIT f PTJJROTTUREt quantity ij Whfeatt Corn; AW will sb hired for 'on a year.a valuable: NE GRO MAN. Terms made hnown on the day 'it sale.- ;" . X - '- ' I 5 I. : WM. CrlUN, Adin'r.fe : .Novj 8, J83915''j V-fi '.'I i'A LL those indebted lol he! Estate; of ihelate wOi. John Hyde, will come forward and Jnaktf Oaytnent immediatelv-arid jalf j Ithbsebif ing; I claims against the, same. "will present; them duly. auineniica!ea,'or in is notice win pe pieauea in very.r!'r-r:;!tf w ui men irsv i - - - 'itrm rtrrtMvi. 4 I ' Vnait.1ur .Q 1fiQJil ?; "1 .1 ri, .M t -- - -,; ,',,!,'; V, 'i I ." - '-.('-.. i! .t I i i. -. ' - VHAMAf BWAI-i:, I Ti ww m v&w r9nrwiw mnmr a w w- - 4 , G iTSW. I - : ... ,"! ; FglHIS Institution will be opened for lb rel J. ception of pupils onl tbe second leoda u.k nf nWt nnr thi imiju.n jjerintendence, of Mrs D. jvfi HufcHisoj whose high qualihcatidns as an; Instructress are already so favorably known tp ice public, as to rendei commendation unnecessary, , j Besides the usual Literary Ji Branches i of j Fe male Education; the course will embrace Music, Terms of Tuition uill befor ffiotn? WorJs. c; 43 50 Elements of History, Geography & Em erson's 2d part cfAritbmei:ci $10 '50 History; Natural Philosophy; A'gebra, l. i Chemistry, Botar.yj English Gram- '' I mar, Pa rkerV Exercises irij Composi-- ; lion, Geography of the j Heavens, -l' 4 Universal Geography k- Intellect jil ! Pbihisopby; Kwitorie, logic, vvaus on tbe Mind, and Evidences of Christianity, V ! -Music, i French -'. - J- f 16 50 $24 00 SIP 00 . r Rosrd can be 1 bad in the 1 h moderate terms. i 1 f i JOSEPH rt.VlLSON,"! .VM-:OaVlUUW, i . DANi ALEXANDER v john irwin;? WV J ALEXANDER, -Tfea " .-joshua:d.':.boyd,V'' ,- ....'HBWlIiLIAMS.-.-fi LEROY SfIUNGS r 1 , BRALEV OATES. J ! September 4. 1 839-f S 14 j! - vj ICp: Mrs. rCTCHlsoif respectfoTly informs r - i her frieoJaihatsheteWobtaibedasupplyofnewjarty J?. Iin and beautiful patterns of work J oat from Paris. , 5 ftnilC- following details of a Scheme or -ottert, to be drawn in December next. rAuAL Prizes to CD to the public ' J 1 1 t Irn. lhr r ' EM orrrs. blanks, but oo the othr hind, thn mrit hjW charge of $20 per Ticketthe Value aitd n oam w toe uavitals. and the revival .f tpegooa otd custom f wariaotio that verv prat shall be drawn and sold, will, we are sure, Sive universal satisfaction, and especially to the six Hundred Pxize Holdexs. ' i- To those disposed to adventoit, we recom mend early application beirg made to us for lick eu when the Prizes xre all sold, Blanks only remaiohe first buyers have the best chance. We therefore, emphatically say DELAY NOT but at once remit and trans-mit to us your or ders, which shall always receive our Immediate attention ; i Letters to be addressed, and applica lido to be made to ' v -' - j j - SYLVESTER & Co. 1 1 j - 156 Broadway, N. York; I fCT Obaerve the Number, 156. V . ;- , 8700.000 1 iiL Rfinn nno i 1 1 i . i l 6 Prizes olS2();()bo ! I J Prizes otS15.d00 II 3 Prizes of 810,000 ! ! Grand Rufl Estate and Bank SloeU j Of Property tiiuaied in iXiw Orhanth ECJThe richest and most magnificent Scheme ever presented to the public, in this or aoy ; oth er countrv;v"-' i- 'h'-- -;- " ' -- ' iTicnETfl ; oniiy so sous. i Authorized, by an act i of the t Le tslati ve As. tembly of Florida, and runder the Direct ion- of the Commissioners, acting under the 6aiine. i - v uwwn jaunoup v lLjE F lorida. .-j :--:-vA Lecemoec ist, i35. v-i ' - ! j ; SCHM1D1 HA:MlLTbN;lanagra, SYLVESTER & Co, 156 Broadway, v ':'l;i;Wew;YorkiboIeAgenu; r:r - --t1i.- jt: . . -.v.-l .V 100 000 Tickets from NoM upwards in success 1 hfr deeds I of the Property and the Stock transferred in trust to the Commissioners appoin t fed by the said Act of the Leerislaiure of -Fiori da. fur the security of the Prize Holders. j Prize--1 he Arcade286 feet, , i-r' "'4 .5 inehes' lines'-' : i on Magazine street; 101 h-et, ll inches ; - -t oo Natchez street, :' i yj t 126-feet, 6 incbes,j; on Uravier st reet . Rented at "aboptST. 000 per ann. Val ued atliV;- aia:us as in declaring u to ce r UK uc.L,,ij in the history of Lotteries. ?w UATI HETIt BEFORE BE $700,000 1 1 Prizes-City Hotel 162 feet on in - Common street;' 1 i 146 feet7 6 inches on Lamp st, Uen ted at $25, 000. -Valued' at-i-,C-r 4V $500,000 l .Prize Dwelling House(adjoin r ' ing the Arcade) No . T 16,24 feet,7 inches front on Natchez st, Rented at $1200 :- Valued at i $20,000 1 Prize Ditto (Adjoining t theAr , cadelNVl8. 23 ft. front on Natchez s ' 'Rented at $1200 ' Talued at.''V"! 1 Prize Ditto-(Adjoining the'Ar-V-cadeNrl 8, 23, ft $20,000 Dnll Vi it 1 AAA 20jtW Hi vaiueoai - i l rrize umo xosa norm east ' corner of Basin &r i Custoro-huuse st. ....... , j 40 fi front on Basin, i Sf 40 feet on Fran k- J " ; lin street, by 127 ft deep :n Custotn house street Ren- ' - ted at $1500 Valued at 20,00 1 iPiize- No24, Son tlv west corner of Ba ef ; sin & Custom house st. I; k-" 'V:f- 32 ft 7 inches on Frank lin, 127 feet, 10d inches deep in front of Custom house street Rented at f ! $1500 Vajnedat 20,000 1 Prize Ditto No 339. 24 feet 8 inch- i ' "' eson Rovl street. hv 137 ;i j feel, 11 inches deep, Rented at $1000 Val- if ued at 15,000 1 jPiiza 250 shares Canal Bank Stock, J $100 each, 25,000 1 Prize 200 ditto Commercial ' ditto, $100 each, 20)00 1 Prize 150 ditto Mechanics' &, Tra- r ; ders, $100 each, 15.000 I Prize 100 ditto City Bank. $100 each, 10 000 1 Prize 100 do ditto do $100 each, 10.000 i Pnze 100 do ditto do $100 each. 10,000 1 Prize 50 ditto Exchaoge Bank, $100 : X 1 each, 1 Prize 50 do ditto do. $100 each, 5 000 5,000 I Prize 25 ditto Gas Light Bank, $100 j-; each? T 's 1 Prize 25 do ditto do, $100 each 2,500 2,500 1 Prize 15 ditto Mechanics' Se Traders' - j' $ 100 each, i : !l Pnz 15 do Dittodrt, $100each, 1.500 1,500 20 Prizes each lOsbaren ot tbe' Louis ! iana State Bank, $100 each, jl each Priz $1,000, , 20,000 10 Prizes each 2 sharev of $100 each, I each Prize $200, of tbe Gas i LiffhtBank. - 20,000 200 Prizes each 1 share of $100, of the Bank of Louisiana. 20,000 200 Prizes-each 1 share of $100, of the i New Orleans Bank, 20,000 150 Prizes eaeh 1 share of $100 of the I Uuion Bank of Florida. 15.000 fidO PRIZES $1,500,000 ' 1 TICKETS $20 NO STJARES. on rn. i.Au ..r ih.TibiB. with their Non4 M.U those cootaiuinc ibe Prizes, will xaoiined and sealed by the Cuuimiasioaers tpi pointed under ihe Ad. previously io their beir.g ptjt idta tbe wheels. Ooewbeel will cootaio fi.- v JL j .k- Vnmkon. ib other will Coon civ uiTvnRRfi PKIZEb.and the 00 Number ibat ball be drown oul, w ill be eq Ut!ed to such Prize aa may be drawn to ils aom ui. it,o r.irtanate holders of soch rriZ'-s I WW. I IUU . IMW ' have:fueb-i'0Per?y..t,0sp"ed 1 4 sue iow n 4 HIGHLY tMPOimWT r - TO TE PUBLIC BY Dlt. v.'li eyjuySiIoq ciutil::i s'ii: t y Wit Z)isfaes general end specie.!1 ' ' . - ttiulcs. BEWARE LEivP YE STUr ThOCT.WILUA!l EVA!. I -"-fbam street avails hic? !f f t! : casion to tender his most ur.f;i'-r.! z ucuis iu qej notnen us cieu.ters c I Certng under all the pairs ted h is heir to,) have emrcstfd i his care. He has the aaitslaci:. n -from many Iivib? evidences, tlai l i have done their duty as fir as I; v compass bf human means. How C tbe a CI ic ted is Dyspepsia or u -iwg all the sources of their erjnj r..r r ? ing in many instances to the r iai firmed Hypochondriasis t Ltr ts it tne subject of inquiry by medics I zvA. mates in much obscuritj ApTlfxy, the Liver, Kidoeyg, Vp!eifi, M n 3t ! esiinestuiadflerandits append: I Mjseniary.'uom Multus Alh?. 1 1 r in tbe drama of MorLtd Affectior.s. I haabeensioffolarlr Kcccessfi:! in t' - of the above diseases, fcy temeJif a histtwn and the researches f ti e r medrcal men in the world He h-; ' experience and success throe "brut t family of delicate diseases. Die isr- t ctes of which are aggravated by ar i r me constitution tnroogti the basaccr. -Merrorial mordereraunpriccipled" t and unpracticed, in any art save that tf ting to lead the credotous victim cn tl ' utn,, Dr Eans f fiice, ICOChaih;: supplied with the choicest jemedics i. ind foreign markets, ar.d corofHundtd ' ter's hand on scientific principles A iffatways in attendence, "and a pi;::. AH those who come tbeie in the lacr i WlliL GOOFF REJOtClIfO, tCP'LIFEli COJiPL.i'LXT, O 4 YEJ1RS f S TJSDLXG M rs li..: B RO WNE. Wife of Joseph Brtm r : , Sixth st. near trecond st.Williatr.s-lt!..:' , ted for the last ten years with Liver (J. restored to health Ihrojh the treatn f : VVm EVANS. Symptoms: 1 1 abi t e a I t Lion t-t the bowels, total loss cf apj et. ctaiirg pain of the epigastric region, pression of spirits, langour and viler e extreme debility , disturbed sleeprua r J of the menses, pain in the right ide, lie On her left side, without an Egr: . the pain, urine high' coloured, with T f : tbms indicating great derangement in t'. twos of the liven . . . . t Mrs. Browne was attended bv tl r first physicians, bat receifed but I; i from their medicine, u!l ' air Brosvr some of Di; Wm Evans invaluable jr. which effectually relieved her uf t! w i v., 11 ' Ml,'. tiressing symptoms, with others; U essentia; to intimate. '",-p"'i-i- . . ' TACIMhll ntin City and County of New'Ycik. ss. ;4 Joseph BrowneWilliamsbbrgh; Lcr being doly sworn, did deiose and est t ici as e loiin - hi iiie wimin Fiau ; which he has subscribed his name, are j true. - v JOSEPH BH0 . ;1 ; ' 1 Husband of tbe said Ilatu ah I Sworn before me, this 4ih day of Jat i: PETER PINCKNEY.Cbm.if I vi BCJMtof Aer recenf fesl of the vnrir: t we o" Dr 1 I'm aw Medicines I) 1 TJV YEARS' S71Jl.XDL C, McKenzie, 176 Stanton street uastf.; : the above complaint for ten years, w .: '. pacitated him at intervals, for the perl years, in attending to his businest, re: Eerfect health under the salutary in : irl Wro Evans. '. ' ; J The Symptoms were. A sensa tf and oppression after eating, distresr trie pit of theatomach, riausea, toipaiK j . giddiness, palpitation of the ht art, n:i and emaciation, depression of spirits, rest, sometimes a'biliojjs vooiitir,?, r.! J the right side, an extreme decree if and faintness; any endeavofir to pcrst: iness causing immediate exhaustion c:J ness.v , . ;v---'-;-'';;:;' -irjf'Vr McICenz'ie isjiaily attending: it ncss, and none of the above symptoms i curred since he used the inedicir-e . 1 1 a strong and healthy man. Hf has t mtrriadsof remedies, but they ere iii iuai. He Is willing to give any ir.(. r; the afflicted respecting the iiiesiir:;-,: ' rendered to him by the use of Dr Wt . medicine. it A Real Blessing to TJotl Dr. JYm. Evans1 Celebrated at r-i Syrup, for Children Cutting their" THIS infallible remedy has rmm dreds of. Cbildreo, wben tKot.;; t j rofery ftom con ui? ions. As swn ai i; rup 19 rubbed no the gums, the ehi;. m 1 er; Th is pre pa ra i ion is so inn tet n i . f . cuMJs, and so pleasant, that no cbiM v. i A toilet its gums be rubbed with it. Wl are at the age of four months, though t: appearance of teeth, one bottle, tf i should be used on the gums, to open t' Parents should never be without ti e : the nursery where there are ycunc: if ia child wakes in the night with p gums, the Syrup immediately pivi opening the pores and healinz tbe gr by lprevvnling Coovulsiortp, Feter, -T, ff-Proof positive of the Etfucr ! Evans soothing byru;. To tbe gentof Dr EvaoR' Nti ! Dear Sir The great benefit affordi-d i fefing infant by your soothing Syrup, i : of protracted and paioful dentition, r: vince every feeling parent how fsscr:t:il ly .application of sueh an invaloatfe r to'relieve infant misery and torture fant, while teething, experienred ft sofferings, Ibat it wa attacked with c r and my wifei and family toppled t ! would soob release the babe Irca t:: wei procured a bottle of your syrup; v. f as applied to the gums, a underful r : produced, and after a few 'applicator , displayed obvious relief, and by center use, I am glad to inform you, the cti! J : pletely recovered and no recurrence cf t' fol complaiot baa aince occurre d ; the t erianaiiog easily sod tbe child er -health. I give you my cherfcl rr: make ihia acknowledgment , r 'lC' : gladly give any information 'f; j Soli by the foltou'in! Agents. GEORGE W BROWN, Sal-.tur) , I JOHN A, JNGLIS. (Bookstore) Ch J H -ANDERSON. Camden, S C. EJ JOHN Hl'GGINS, Colombia, S. ( Wl M MASON Co., Raleisb. t-- be first pivinR HtRRISk vV. Cbat. TRANSCRIPT OFFICE, ? Lir PJSUMMEY Lo. 3 aiay 10, 1839 ly41 i. i i J I- - -' in:' i t I If r , 1: 1; h 1 s

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