i - DEbWCy Iff AMERICA. 41 .UrttlflVillc. in his work o ietfsWw. has given to the world w I, at , lol c Vecn i desideialum. a clear, intel- 1 , ill i.l li.ih the. eve of a statesman le result ll etlu jWilti the eye ol . it u ..i.li.f.Shi.r'. an J oortrajed th H t" r'T-T " .V l In nnH enlU'f But the object of tins ar- e hMQ much to e f- It haabfjea been mooted, whether par. Jiit!.3,cpnJucve to freedom or the sU fr U fute institutions, but, in realuy, MkMx viewed with allenlion, it - i'L altatftpr foi doubt or n forcottderatipn it IS one 01 imncuv .,, triad ants of Iieeaom anaoi nee iifiMtit which the? cannot T V 1 " 1 I. - i J, n:nrnt lltfl hcl. , cpff"f'tj feiagnaiion of the community, iht blltBg heaving of the ocean is to srtk itsMMty V and it ppeiates upon ibe ilical, a$ lightning does on the natur iiriicSi,hqre!!; jet, like all other blsio, 23 Its etflsj Anbiiioumea and dema ue? teitl on it to promote their own sel purpol and it .sometimes happens t, bVjits'inJ. such men are elevated to f errvh'i'jsi the awre worthy and the more iest,areft "m the ranks vf private life ; J $!iboujjtf ill is .one of the means used in tdenrig the chains of despotism, and estab jingffegoiVrnments, yet it is too often ;d bylth popnncipled Jo ofertbrow the Me monurhents of its own creation, and ler ite thdjencejbere have been but too ny jnsjartces Svhere the people forgetting jrtfue mterpsts, have enlisted under the :ner of BobiVpartv chieftain, and march bimagalestjthe citadel of liberty itself. thWchiinftuated men, 10 redress their binary, viro.gs, or promote the ambitious sTs of a C)Tio1anus or a Cear, is of more )drtaice5lli to preserve their country a anarcly( and bloodshed. :. 'a eteryiination, ancient and modern, re tjhe hjind-has been free and unshac J btofy Infonns us of parties and parti s j Bnd,leven in the piimitive ages of istia'hilffi we are told in sacred history, t one for Ful and another for Apol- ; it vaJ flicre fore, hardly to be expect , Or prlar)s! desired, that our own coun should hd exempt from what seems to 70, beeri ill common lot of all free gov :menis j in fact, our country "was peopled the 'party ;stnfcs and political conflicts of old world1 Whilst our colonial depen ;ce tonUyUed, and even since, to a very iaiderafltj extent, patties here have de 2d theiBhrnes, as well as principles, from 1 mother country. "! When the lion-heari-of 70strMck for freedom and indepen bce, they 'found sympathy and aid among 1 iVbigst 'ofGreat Britain, the liberal bjled, fiih 'spirited j men of that day, who, der sue!) phanjpions as Chatham and Bar , hauled for the rights of manvj The A- ncan patriots possessed of the principles, TKNDliETON BRUNCH, V EDITORS AXD PROPRICTOnS. r FuMishetl.irceniylat.Tivo noils, and Fifty Ct$? "V 17VOLUME Vill. WHOLE JVO. S31. . J - power with tfe States B tb parties ran in to extremes, a'od (experience has prot ed that both were wrg, in media tutifsimti &L The federal party appear in many respects to have taken: the Bntiih constitution; M thjeir model, and of course, would naturally fa for the operation ot inai governmenit wnnsi iuo anti-federalists and for a $rrn looked more to State-rights, o government that was more !nl ntir( thA Innkpn with timed tlio name of the .Wh'i29, whilst ! so who slili adhered lo th mother coun- j 'of. ratbetJlp the lory administration, ich ftlieh (governed it, were designated id being' rneruly the name by which their rtisans were knowri in Great B'ltain. j A'l the cqmmencement of the Revolution, j ferhr tories had -110 more oc'ious signifi ipo herbjl than it bad or now has there, trig , merely in contradistinction to the hig?V tbol laAters; i nclinibg to democracy . , 1 Jorme;li the aristocracy. Butas the tclutior ;ttrminated successfully for the big, ltfljas natural that the tones, being posed independence, should be looked jn jas; enemies of this country, and I so ited in 'public esticnation. . This, then, J the fi'rst division of parties in thiscoun- I ti'ti&rtpd Tory the former were fin. i tlie Democracy, and were for the rights hq people,- the latter were the aristocra ,tahd ;wfire well content to bask in the ishine'of power and patronage as then sepiinatby the 1 administration in the jihjtjr country,. . ; Ojf naiipoal independence achieved and 'mowledged, the sages and statesmen; of .t day- began to look around them for the :t form qf government,1 to secure and per tua'te that freedom which their ?alor had tainedj 4nd when we consider how little ;skiioriat that period of free govern .imcnts,ind how lamentably bad failed all ; mer efforts 'of the kind to establish them, i 1 noi fftauer of surprise that a great di- X . . sity C;bpinion should exist amonur the purest aMVt8l of men, and that some of l. lm, ,0, . t . 1 r exce83 of fear lest the country .oiuo oBppeouy overrun with aparchy, origni prospects blasted in ih fluence of demaffornie. Khnn?(t d monarchv or a cirAn cat DtjUip, n eoryral least, wa, Con ereaastliQ very spiritoi perfection, where r 'b"f ' v,"6 j-"r,uc "uu commons, ;re; airprptef ted, precisely balanced, and fckedacb otheryv ... I : Dorirrg and after the. formation of the Ifral constitution, tho Country-became di. mlc new parties,- federal and antu (cilheLrbrmeK in lha cnnvntion. fa -. r . . . . . r " " " w democratic, and of course taey looked w no favorable eyie pn the constitution of .Great Britain, or the operations ot that government Thus matter stood when the Frenrb'Rev olotion brokiiout. - At its origin, all fpartjes in this county looked upon it asja noble en terpme but as tjit great : and good jmen jof that nation were jone after another; tBrustia side, & their plaices usurped by wretches wjio spread violeoceapd anarchy through the land, many began to doubt of the stability f thjir institutions, and of the benefit of (jer ."dp-1 mocracy. Stijio the cootpsts of that na tion with Great Britain, a very; large pfo portion of the people of this countryjcbr ishing the oldffQstility against England, ahd warming withjthe spirit ofjliberjy, and wfth gratitude towards France sideldj with rjie latter, and were n favor of; assisting (leijio her conflicts against their old enemy; , 1 ? I As the controversy between these -two rja tions waxed warm, party-feeling here became more excited, arid when the anarchists, for democrats, as jtheyl styled tbemseltrf-s, f in France, broke; pot into the moat frightful Ex cesses, those who, in this country, ihas fa vored the revolution, were styled, by way of reproacbj democrats the others retain ing the name f Jederalists. By jihese nances the two parties j ere known for many; yea p ; the democralsj liventually :. assiimiiig i with pride the name which had been forced too them.;, -: ., . . j Lj J During and for some years after .the ad ministration; o'f the! elder j Adams, political contests were fery high, and even very mUch embittered with personal feeling, and doulbt jess both parlies were more or less in (be wrong ; eventually, however, theifedera! par ty wasoverthown and completely pros(ra tedthe derrioicrats were triumphant and retained the government for many jearsl" The administration of MrMphr0e seti,s to have beeri'jtho halcyon days of the public, when jhe old party! distinctions were n a great measure forgotten, and: demociafs and federalists, excepting perhaps ihetr po minent leaders mingled together iii harnto- ny. i nese iea,f rs 01 iiib oiu leuerai piny were marked, by. their opponents, and bad thrust upon them all the sins ascribed to tfteir party ; of course, they were in a great mea sure proscribed! and kept out of power, jbut J all its d by tlie or 1 1 in jevemment. litee fifient men of the party at the eapttal, and in almost every State in the Union I : We say not this in reproach of that by gone, and iri some respects, once highly ' resptable party, but for the purpose of exposing the cant aod vby peer isy, of those who now as sume to be the exclostve democracy j and sjyle their opponents 'by way of, reproach, federalists ; who hope by taking to, fthem selves the name of a once triumphant party, and attaching to their oppouents? the flame, and in eomo respects, the odium of 1 de feated party to blind the eyes of the pc dple, and remain themselves, the lords of tke as cendant But tbey are mistaken, t(ie p iople have more intelligence and discrimination than is generally awarded to lbem-thei may be deceived for a time by names lidd pro fessions, but they will evehtuallyll0cikj to principles and acts, as well as enquird the fairness and honesty of names; and fessions -the v can discern that into pro- b any other name will smell as swtjet. arid that What ! i! KiirtJSB It! a thorn will be a thorn still, call-it by ;! as ' ' : I f ! f name vou win. I THE BIRD'S SILVER I JSEbT. i 4 '4 BT MI33 H. T. GOCLD. ! i; Founded on the singular incieot jof finding the; j ecatof a hanging bird, io . a Sycamore treej I formed eptirely of silver wires, plucked froml fa Soldier's Epaulatte.: it j i ;A stranded soldier's epaalettfti - lay waieia cast asbo(e ; i A little winged rover metj . " And eyed it o'er and oer. The silt er brighc so pleased her sight; un inai loDeiiaie vest; 1 i, i She knew nut yhy 6he should deny Herself a siljer neat. , ! i ' The shining wire she pecked and twirled, Then bore itjto her bobghi j ! f ' Where on a flowery twig twas carled. The bird can show yon hovr. I Bat when enough of that bright stoff, rThe canning builder bore 1 1 Hr hoase to make, she would not1 take. -I'm- . . i! i a. ix or did sne covet more. 1 - "-.I rv -u. And when the little artizan VViih oeithi pride nor goilt, : Had entered ioj her pretty plan, I Her resting place had boilt j j . With here andthere a plom'e to spare, A boat her-ewn light form,! Of these, inlaid with skill; she made A lining soft; and warm; But do yon think the tender brood She fondled there and: iedtj "j Were prouder when tbay anderstood 1 . The eheen about their; bed ? , Do you suppose; they ever rose f Of higher powers possessed, f Bpcaose they knew tbey peeped and; grew Within a silver nest t : J I i - Hi -V t . - - f ! . GOSSIPING - . . j' Mil . k The most prevailing fault of con versa tton in oar country, nd, I Ibelieve, n al social rommunities,is gossiping As weeds most infest the richest soils; so gossiping most abounds amidst the social virtues in small towns, where there is the molt ex- they were ambitiou3, daring and reatless, iQuch talent and keenness of possessed , of j discrimination;,! some favorab and ever on the watch ffor red .one ceneral government for all na W Purposes, organized under a distinct luAlpti, theUtter were opposed to Ibis, flavor of amending the articles of tedtntion, md of the nation remaining .ere league or confederation of in depen ?t and aoverVtgo States. The constitu- ?mes1of both p.rlie9t and 8alUftclo. tq 0tJ,er : but those favoring a federal ; government m preference to a Z!t T 1 Prom'nd, and lbe con. tut.on wasdopled by the States: yet, in Je cosrtruction of Us power,. tbe same ,eling$iapd sentiments prevnlcd that 'had -een exhibited, in the7 convent,on, The ? r. ' ntU?1 ere for ,tvtgfutl scope to its powers, whilst their PTptnn!s were for limiting them bv ttnri e opportunity by which they might again cpme into power. V The Presi dential election of 1824, afforded them the long looked .opportunity to make a man ifrstation of their strength, ami to evince their power of iorabination The Congles- sional caucushad been exploded, land four democratic candidates for the Presidency were in the irled, Crawford, Adams, Cay and Jackson i Thu old Federal leaderssaw at once thai by acting in concert, and Hear tily supporting one of the candidates, tey might be the jmeans or 01s success, and thus be effected' thejir long looked 1 for -j restor ation to power. After much5, secret cu cussing and canvassing, they at length sfet , tied on General Jackson as the man , for ttfeir support, not because lney; had; conpdence. in his fitness, or had been therefore rar tial te bim : no, they had but little confi dence in him, but much in themselves, by whom they: hoped he would in some mea sure be governed, especially if j to them lbe owed his electipn' Many of them ;hadf o- penly declared lhat for his conduct in Fljr rida, and at Ww Urleans ajler tne oattle, he ought to have been huny. and all pflhlm hA rtnnnipH lhat war in which he oainediall bis laurels and political capital; -yet there was a popularity ana a giory aooui pe 010 cbief that took; with . the people, especially that Dortioh oil them who misbt the more easily be led bydesigning demagogues, and the publication of the celebrated ) Mqnrotf conesDondence. settlrd everv! doubt, and determined: them to prefer him to either, of . r 1 , l r- i his demociatic competitors. Thus the lead - . . e . J . i.U ....... ! IT.4lJ ino leaeraiisis iiurouguuui; iuc.uuiuu T'F ranged under: the Jackson banner,' striking out the word federal, they styled themselves Jack ton Republicans, not yet having : (lie courage to assume the name of democrats. Cvtntuallyi kheir efforts were crowned with success, and the old he 10 marched into the capual with a greater share of popularity loan had been enjoyed by any man slmce the ! ,, ?P,gton. nis menus, me teaa ers Ol the old Federal nurtv. and now the pomment acjtora in bis own, were hot forget? ten in bis distribotion of the1 spoils.,'is is abundanilv emcpl in efrttnni!nf his cabinet and the appointment to man r of toe roosrimponani omees in the nation, i; From the inauguration of President Jak- son to this, day. bis, parly , baa jrmbraced I a very large proportion or the, leading meiii- nad joitted i Having shown the otigtn and character of the present self-styled democracy Jet us look for a moment into its principles! and transactions. The federal par if were j ac cused, whether rightly or not, 13 irnbajerial in the pressnt question, of endeavoring to strengthen the arni of the National Eecu tive at tho expense of the rights of the states, and of the people this in fact, was the great test question between the federal and democratic parlies, s represented l and; un derstood by the latter. Ou which side! has the present dominant party arranged itself ? Lias it not been on the side of federal pow cjr, and against the States and the people ? The federal power arises from j the piihlic purse -from patrooage, or from powers i in the constitution, snd their extension,! and which of tbem has not the party fxer Cised to the utmost, limit ? Is it the money power ? When before was it assumed; that this belonged lo the National Cxecutive,and not to the Legislative authority B IDin lany farty ever before claim to place the purse tenuea muiuai acquaintance wnere persons and tho sword in the hands uf the CXe;cu- live io the closest relations, j eserob)ing I itve? Is rt the power of patronage ?rlwf hat large familycirclf.- To distdfb the8wee administration before the late and l tpy pre- uses of these little communities by gbssipj sent, ever dared to govern the nation upon ng 8 surely to forfeit the benefit ot on Mie broad base principle, that ju;(lyspbils f the kindest arrangements of Providence, jtjjf victory belonged to the victyt fknd The habit of gossiping bens in ruth irnight be used to .perpetual executive! pbw I once attended alsomety of young persons, jer ? - And what express or implle4 r is frora thirteen to j seventeen ears j uf. 8ge here in the constitution that haslhot been i woo met lor oenevoieni purposes. ; stretched to its utmost limit to cover exec- I reading or talking afternoon?? asked one of ihe Igirj.s, ; It .... "'"' . Reading,' replied the president ; !and I have brought Perry's Reliquef of Englifh Poetry to read tojyou.' .;;! j '. i ls not that light reading ?'i asked; Julia Ivers. "These ate old ballads: and songs f Ys. I suppose it would be called light reading. j. '" "' '' : 1 I Then I vote against it; 'mother donfi annrove of liffht vealin. ii. ;1 1 Julia, who had the lightest bf all minds, ani th most voluble of tongues, preferred talking to any residing, and without loss f hers of the federal party, ; who ; b his ranks from sinister views.! Overreach ing the ert6cratJthey?tbokvthe lead" rjpd carried off I the spoils ; of this, any roan; of orqmary political intelligence mus oe coo vinced, if, he will loolc through the ranks; o the present dominant partyvJfiey have for the last tea - jeirs' been the leading, !ef- ulive usurp iiti on, or to promote: executive power ? And yet, with all thesis things he- ore the world, the dominant party jproless tb be th a democracy, the exclusive! friends of the peopje, and of their rights!! Like he French Jacobins, they cry at every cross- rnd and corner Le pauvre peuple I Lppau vrc peuple! whi st they aie aitempi iig to lead them on to their uwa destruction. For the purpose of strengthening their (ottering power, the people are flittered intn( every kind of excess they are told that ft hey are aholmr. iinrnnf rolled Kovpreiah. thai Iheir r, ttT-in?niT 1 ' -v . . 1 . 1. i ? 1 ill is paramount to order, law land cplifti- ,iroe sne pet?an x9 01 gins, who 101. have the power and tution. th it thev . . 1 the risht to t ke th responsibility,! and ride over all opposition The;sii 'ar4 .dan gerous doctrines, proinuigatedl ti u litical age, yet they nave long oeen prornlgl',n. in tneory, ana recent evcnis snein-y r being forced into practice. ''f u , thtj peo ... 1 t . . pie aie an.i ought lo.oe me sovereigns, dhi that sovereignty is to be reguUtrd and re strained bv Uws and ' Mtitutihh$5 r it be comes the force of a mob. (sola led man must be restrained by taws hum in 40H ! Vine, and when he assonateg intithe bod politic, the necessity of that restraint be- ooies :more apparent.' M ij M We have perhaps, extended our remarks further than the su'-ject required!, out the great efforts made and making, jo; place the VVIiiiTs m a tal.sf itnaitrnn. would seerh In r. quire thnt Hip stihjecl be fairly placed btfore f?c ! "lounng p iu oer eyes. .1 j j I- 4 , I , "- . x uinij BaUitfU aweh resembled her. Did you notice Matilda Smith last Sunt i ii h k nav l . ! .1 h f J i !.. -. - J Yes, indeed ; she had on a new silk (IT'S. H ' That is the very thing I wanted to find out, whether you were taken in with it It was nothing but her onTsky-blue dyed.' 'Can that be? why she has worn it ever since she was thirteen. 1 wonder jl dfd po see the printf of the tacks.' f t ; 'I .did,' interposed another of the young committee f inve?tigation. hi took a good look at it as she stood in the doors , She couldn't deceive ne. with anhi! iSallv'l wed ding sky-blue dyed black 1 1 j , .ijK I don't think Matilda would rare wheth- 0r you were deceived or not,' said little MaryMorns the youngest: jmmbenof the the country. .'. . . : THE LIGHTMNG KOI). i It is carious to fiml that the conductor, bii light ning rod, wliich so many men cf geiiius: Isarn iug and iogenuiry, have beeo at the pains to; com pieie. wnicn in iih nas mi ways reo ieraraea as ulia livers f that Matilda is your cousin.' i i ,! i j not oecause sne is my i cousin,' re plied';Mary. ""' "-'-rj - J " k't; r t Well, what is it then ?' f f i Mary's tears drooped on her wotk, bti She made no other reply. P j She had too much delicacy lo proclaim, her, consin's one of the proudest trophies of ! science -was known and employed by people of no rnprrrefined private good deeds;, and she! didVnot ill iohfej of ihe ? ,1 lwv"?w,f 1 v5 T bastions of he Castle of Dona. onithe shores n a new shk g-wn. gave it Jnsieaa jto oe: .---s.i rr ii ! - therimoTe nor Kinaaant oaiiy, --w.no vhs" unking under trichyidesctibes a prarliee used; bn johts of the T of the Adriatic, which is literally helthertmore nor kind 'aont Sally less than the process which ena&fed Fninkhn to a Icn g iri d is pqis 1 1 on: which jjier physician, bring lightning down from ihe clouds M An .iron said might be' removed bvJt lioorney.' ! fli the name of the society should be rfcaeged for as she said, Ube little charities; they did wiih their needles were a poor ohet against the uncharitableness of their tongue. -There is a specimen of gossiping aggra vated by treachery; but, bad as this i, it is sometimes committed more from thought- leasness than malice. A girl is invited to pssa a day,i weekv nr a month, it may be. in a famdy." Admitted klsuch an irtimary, he may see and hear much that the family would not wish to have reported. Circum stances often ot cur. and remarks are made, from whirh no harm would come if tKey were published to the world, provided what went before and came after could like wise be known; but, taken out of their connection, they make a false impression , It is by relating disjointed circumstances, and repeating fragments of conversation, that 60 much miscnief js done by those admitted into the bosom of a family. ; You know that, with the Arabs, partak ing salt is pledge of fidelity, because the salt is a ymbotof hospitahty. Show a sarred gratitude for hospitalrty, by never making any disparaging remarks or idle communications about, those into whose families you are rec ived. 1 know persons who will 8ay, unhlushingly, I am sure that Mr So and So is not kind to his wife. I saw enough to convince me of it when I stayed there.' Mrs. S. is very mean in her family.', How do jou know that V I did sure I ought to know, for I stayed a month in her house. 'If you wish to he convinced that Mis L. has no government over her children, go and stay there a week, as I did. The B and their stepmother try to live happily together; but if you were in their family as much a I am. you would see there -is no Jove lost between them. i Now you perceive, mv young friends. that the very reason which should have sealed this gossip's lips, she adduces as the ground of ymtrlaith in her evil report I have dwelt long on this topic of gossip ing, my young friends, because, as I said before, I believe it to he a prevailing fault in our young and social country. The on ly sUre mode of extirpating it is by j the cultivation of your minds and .the purifica-, lion of your hearts. V I All kinds and degrees of grsiping are as distasteful to an elevated character as gross and unwholesome food is to a well trained appe'iie. ings -if Congress and th LfguUtrTp considers thai paper the bsi whirh c ,v greatest qoantity 4 such reasJir. - U . papers! tor the light and Imlj rrac'ir -ibey contaio -and L wonders that it,? not twbtifh Oeweys ferrouns, aKd vr'' ; f oU tnatiert will ootetenrni u that doe not expose the evils of sectar: and N is decidedly of the tpinioo that t! awl nVtba pre$s stjoold meJJle wtih tc ! dogms.3. O like to read pylicc rf; :.it whoseippethe is less morbtd, tvn-.! l r.l-t : paper Jia which thfse Vdlj repcris r- r. hiv hciise. Qlikf s anecdotesana v a paper that publutifrs theto.--U sajs i. ders and other dreadfoi accideo is o - lit r ; 'pot foj the papershrsri,rap'air(it at ! eribte piper gites no account f ih.t I robbery last week-T ajs tt.etjp? i i I ard Ul thiaks it too large V p-j i,!3 p faose! ft coQUihs bntbing butadvcrti?trts f.j all that W wants of it is to see whuis t -X wilj not tak? the paper ca.et-s it is U u door befote sunriseand Y 'declares h v. pay tVjr it if left s eaily, that it is si,,., hia doiuiicife htfaie he js tip.AnJ.I! , comesj the coroplinjenta of s roe of : the L (ihe dear creitorts.,)whoUet!aie ihe pat teresug, beeausp it. 'does nut every wi k r a list f marriages, imi as if it were - t pK)r printers ta marry pt-oj-V, whether if ties will or not. .Vcw EtJfofd Gazette. siati.u eenw, was ereciea on iu oasuon or me was -anti we believed Matild castle dortng ihe aorome;, and U waas.a, part much these girls gossiped Ul tuc uu vi im scunirit n urui;ic( biuiuj frock f ' " J- ' ' ' ibreatened, to raise in-iron piloted Hba! be iri, to- T V f , U,rH im fei.flr if nnih 9nnrnK?nflti. h,i. Juha Ivers turned the con bert, sparks were emitted, (which n ireu now ibOujUlief dyed; versatinn by ! iieVscien "ringy fpon't fon thinkit; .9 uaiigf thai tirlcmiod would show that the staff Was; charged 51 ra Sanford Ietsj Maria ride put with Wal- with electricity from a ibnader tload;; the senti ter Isbel "? "': ;- ;'" ir' 'j ' 1;"si1 - if 1 nel was made sore thai a Istbrm; !imp$hlded,and 'Yes, indeed and,? what jisotse yejtj be tolled a bell which sebtfoarih ihe, ladings ot accept presents froaii hiro.f j f ! ! I i J danger tthe ?"roanding wf4i otbing . Wh r;;doerfhrP:eiUimVd juffaj can be moredehgb fo ly .miabl the pater- . J - - evesandaken o.lite U nai care oi iu eui'jeci wdico inia provision or . . ? . I t 'i - the goveniment,exemplaed.; iiTheTalmonish- back b7 VV9P k?f t f ing soand of the bell was ibeyed; like'a )reterna- gossip which had not reached her ears ; j laral signal from the denin of theifirrnameat ; Yea.ishe does ; he brought her three ell shepherb8 were seen: harrying over the valleys egant plants firoai NewYork.jand sheweari orgtng flxiks from exposed fields i to places of a ring which he'must have glven her ; ft 8helier.-The fishing boats, wiihlwhichsbeciasi von know the Sanford emitd not .flt,rH l ivl of the Adriatic was generally studdedrjh with ba?acU th,bgs anuhidelAhey ner do ! began to crowd sail,& to:makior Jbe, bearcat h - . r nh-f I, inttL'. LLl port, whilst many a soppiicttion wasipot from , . - "'-?.-" T t" ijr Tt many a gentle and devoot heart onshore before " itumuancw "UFH some hallowed sbrine, for the safety of ihe Utile I d, till the yourig gossips were interrupt? FATALITY OF FASHIONS. It is a startling fact that human life is shorter in New England now than it was fifty years ago. J here are diseases now which were hardly known. then, and which bring thousands to a premature grave. What is the cause of alt this? flas our cli- mate essentially changed i Mo- unless it be foi the better. The cause is to be found doubtless in the corrupting fashions of the times, which regulate tbe food and the dress of people. and 'wfnrh mike idleness more respectable than honest sturdy industry. We deprecate those fishions ; they' are rapidly leading us as a people into those excesses whirh have proved the ruin of other and earlier nations. It is time tl t subject were looked into with as much s to nude and cafe as politicians look Or the causes of a . k I M civiLiioeriy ana public goi a In oidenlimes in the days of the revo lution, when sons wotk d willingly m the forests and tbe fiehfs, . and ' ptitook c f ihe simple but substantial lure Ji their own farms, when daughters wre thik shoes, loose gowns and laooied at tiie spinning wheel and !o.m, such diseases s consump lion and dysper-si. wire seldom or never known Doctors were rare arqu nntces (hen. But now, if a young man would ap fear respectable, he miift carrv a gre n bag to court rather than a meal hag to mill ; h must wield a yard stick, rather thsni hoe or shovel ; and as for young ladies alas .' it would soil their lily hands and be an u reparable disgrace. to he sen cleaning hus 1 art es or hei raught at a wash tur. i tieir shoes musThe of kid thin as wafers; their chests. must be pent up in coryets as closely as a Chinese foot, and their time must be spent in spinning street yarn, thumbing the piano frte or-discoursing sentimental songs. All these fashions are prejudicial to human life and health. 0. thai lafhion would ever take the right direction, and gt upon the maxim of sanction nothing wnicn nnerieres wun tne taws ot neaiin. Then would the hopes of our country hrighten-, and ihdividuals would enjoy, an amount of comfort which is now too will ingly but blindly sacrificed to false taste. Maine Cultivator fleet r pMentblj Review. Y erv, and THE .NEWSPAPER. How endless is the variety of newspaper read huw hard u is to saiisy h-ir Want. Mr. A. beliefes he shall di- i n i "e his paper, becso-e ilctmtaius oj ptliticl ne9 and B. is decidedly uf opinivn thai the same het dabbles too freely in the political movements ol tt.edy C.does not lake u because it .is all on one 6i!e and D. whfe opinion it generally express, dies not Jike it 'because it is not severe eunugh qpon lbe opposition E thinks it die?j not pay dae'auenihm io ff tunable literature and F cahnol.bear ihe flnimy notions ot idle uriters G will not ffuffr-r paper to lie on his ible which vent ares an opnitHi a?vnst ulaverv and H ne - - - a er patronizes one ihat larks inonl courage to ex oose-lhe el f he dT. I declare he does not j by a proposition from the preahJeat that j want a paper filled with the hodgepodge proceed- EDUCATION 0 F FA RM EH5 7 a i Legislators. MrLTcceksi The dictates of exper't ru of cooimoo are,muat convince any cauciJ i that8even eighihsurnin-tenthsi4 the :u ;: mechanics. For this opinion ttvo rtu. ; sufficient, if no others could be ae'duced. 1' the principal object of Una is io promote t terests and protect the rights vf jhes-e iv ( es of citizens, as they constitute seven e ar-d ought to constitute nine ttn hs of il.t ittHoity.. Second, they are educated in ti better, fitted lo make sound V eniightei.e o s men. than ever are or can be nnmi. e.i n other schools but those of experte ce. 1 he soundness of the first rfasuii-R ill i blr not be called in questionrby manv ; ii the second, I am aware, will be dyub: d t ns0 and possibly by some, faraeis arul c.'t ics themselves. '-"Ii tit 1 have for sovrrjjl been entirely convinced, that farinf rs at;J' . cbanus were better qualified lor com punt ' legislatures,, lhao any iheviretical ti:--, from the fact, that tbey have geati r i :'. and, ad focal? soander and more republic jd trines, in all legislatures vt which they are t hers. The only misfortune is, that th y a- elected to fill our legislatures, or to tun!i majority ot them. - j It I am not greatly mistaken, one cf tl: cipal suurcirSol the civil and political evi! aufler, is in making the prtfe$aion t I: macb the cbapnel to otSees '-of emolufnt-r t bonorr"r Tbj' practice presents an ; incc -and highly improper, lhat one iclaj ' should institute Jaws, expound laws, sr ! . vuic tans, nuibu i ui j ? wc - cu j'jHrjru u,t do to promote iheir interests, nhile tbat iobsulotes a very amail minority uf the c. r. ntiy, though there are ten times, and pn ' fifty times as manyj, as the iuot healthy ol the community requires. The greavly creased, the rapidly increasing, and the I i- dipptopoTtiooate number of our citizens, v. ! on tu the law for a profession, is pn.bi! I; the least evil resulting from appotntitm So . of this profession to places of honor and tr- Without any prejodice against the met: this profession as individuals, fur by tn eit , arquaintance wun laew.i Knew many ot : tu be honorable and respectable men. I a::. vinced, as they themselves will undoubted !) knowledge, that a large number of !ar.vrt : , mote litigation. And , no one will p.retc:: ! extensive : litigation is favorable, either t. pecuniary,' tbe moral or social health arJ ; peril y of the community, but highly dfstr to all--- Consequently any arrai'g'tents cr ; sures adopted lor conducting the opera: society, which have tendency .lucre: number of lawyers, which is already r: out of proportion with lhat of other c'a tbe community, must do an injury io that moniiy. And appointing ihem to Hll t5.' in our legislatures, especially the chairs ( i and ihe highest seat in the nation, rnu?t oouble and an irreparable injurr ; it i r ' oad laws, ana msiigaies qnarrtis anu cuiiif in the observance and ex&cui'ing "of those !t To avoid these evils and as far as jk- repair the injury already done, by ih a ent and ami -republican practice reftrrd t . stituting oor legislatures and filling our T. a great measure with farmers and nif ; appear to be the rational, perhaps the ti.lv tual measures to be adopted.. , , I be education ol faraiera in lis present t: ; ed state, is better fitted io make soumlcr ! tors," hao are produced by oor colleges, cr jirofesston of law. If . larmers cducail. :; whu it ought to he, and what il'niii.i they duly appreciated the knowledge thy dy possess, and their facilities fur gristly - ing ihat know Jedge, they cjuld hardly fil li.g the propriety, or, of availing' iheniv j . ihe privilege, of appointing from ihetr o a ? ber, guardians of their own rights and f I do not pretend that lbe jnierrs? J i or ofj'rtiechauict. or of both, aie the i oiv rsis io be projected and promoted j n r it I tend that our legislatures, a other odW s to be filled ntily from those cUtss. f contend that they ooght to be represent-! i portion ro iheir numb rs. and repress r ; themselves. I hold to? this doctrine ! they1 must be supp'ed to ondersiand tluir interes's tetter tban ihose in other pi ru ; " l,.r th in ; because, being educated in the -of exoenet ce they may b soppd t th-y are actually found o b, sounder sr -i -men to be relied upon and becacfee b) r.t-j' I tier io nit our nw ." y-v,v. v,. the nuintier engaged in ihat profession u, - ' diminished and h'igauoti diminished wn h i1; by ihat means the wealth, the inifl! -g. " ihe virtue ot our Republic greall) prta o r 1 If the education of fa risers as vhit tjonal and an enhghind yttm would t al a le-s expense d time and money 'l.an : incurred for ihf ptirpe, they would U r; qoal.fied to perform n ahy kindi of bH!r;' -wbich they now resort to the lel t I - such as drawing contracts, givirg power . : lorney, making out bills f sale, , con eytt z ! perty, by deed or otherwise, ana n, i acts of a Muiilar chancter, which wlu!-: it)mt Ives great, expend and trouble, an i mil lawyer to engage in pursuits better led t i prom.-re Ihe health vf society. To avoid the evils and secure ihe l r here referred to, no one need to act u r influence of prejudice or desire cf prrfcn,'v: r armer ani uecoMiic unr and apprini individuals from thir o n p sions.'to protitrte ihetr iflteresrs end rd and proiect their rights, and tbey can t fad to accomplish their dj?c. - i rem o , Trulv and always, J Holes v -1 i I 45 IJ- U- 4 r.v I