17 41 1 1 j - ft 11 ! S - f 4'-. Ti i i - t s f i Whig -'Slate Convention. Thin body assembled orr Tuesday last,, in re markable full forte; eoosidriig the ahpiotioas -Male of the Weainer.fte rlo.fell loJiUtas- -: log torrent ibreogh Ihe day. and jhe dnptpali tr of the Delegates Tin tbeir attendance afforded most! gratifying evideoce of -their enthusiastic zeal in a god caoae.' i No. docbf, jnanyjwf the neighboring counties, inhere meetings hatiheea held, were nnrepresented, beeaose the Delegates ; were deterred by the inclemency el the jjday, ; from encountering the::discotnforisof.a..qrkicr ride. The Convention wan, however, ! euffi 7 ciently full for all oseful purposes, and the asser tion may be safely hazarded, that never J was tlere held in North Carolina a more Imposing meeting. Bat few young -men were tpieseni; larger proportion of ; Pelegatea ; ieingjff rata the ranks of the venerable in years, the irre- proachable in cbaraeter. Bol it is noporpeseof iors,tu make any labored eulfgy on the; .twrac ter of the Convention. Pressed, as we are, for ' time and space, we can onlyf this week J comma ! nicate its proceedings to the : public, wbichj has . njt.bendone wihoot extraordinary effort on our V' part. Hereafter, we may indulge in morel ex tended commentary. II- - edge Vice It will be seen, tbat JOfJJS M. MORE- HEAD, of Guilford glorious Guilford, hat been nominated as the Whig.Caadidaiefor tbe Gu bernatorial Chair; a man, whose name bW long been associated with whatever is pore m patri- iMicm mtiA lifi in ntpmrt 9. ' " l 't II ENRY CLA V, of Kenlocky. tas been al ) so recommended for the Presidency, and a pi given to support NATHAN I EL P. MLI MADGE of New York, should be be the fnmi t of t lie National Convention for the Presidency. "'7; 't X U ...A' - '. I" 1; Governor Owen, of Bladen, and JamesMc bine, oft Cswell, weie appointed Slate Djele- i'galej'toJlarrlsburgVf 'fW A faithful account of j the Proceeding?, taken down in short hand, will 6 found 6ubjoiiied--4i nothing extenoated, of anght set down in maU " T j , W ...... -j- - W .-!!- ( ' Ice AII that we profess to give is thetVif: of 'the Speakers; ;Vjth these' ! brief rematksy we Willingly trost'the result :of the f labors ofj the Convention with the oeonle bavin? no fears that victuy'will perch on the Whig baoner, if, in the language of its estimable President, ftery - man does his duty. -Raleigh Register JttrtonVU WJnsCbif John A McRaei Thoja , as Wadrfell. James M YaddeII.. ; Zjtnnfori-Wijliam Eilisuh. ..-- -j: .- Bladen Taomas C $itlht ; , 0 Cirtnm-liri.Bbrhett; Baxter Clegg. . CiotraaRiibrri T paine.- - , Cumberland-Rberf , C. Belden, , John C PeSfSoh; Eward'W Barge, . Duncan Buie.'J C'lifbcket. ; .-i.: I t Gutttll Warner Mf Lewis, James Mebane. DuplinC t) HillfB.T Grady, Jbn E UhndwuV l-t 7 ,; I ' ' 1 1-r r ' """ : Ddttiibn Cbailet Brommell Charles L. Paine. ' ' , - Davie Caswell Ha ill n. . U (Wome-;Richard V,, 13aiile, jMbn F. Hogbes.i'-i It'1 i-' 7fVejiWMi-;Nathi R Tnnstall, Jo?. A Wbita- akerv Benjamin Foster, 1 David Thomas. - 7 ' Gaei-Willis f Reudick. W J. Bakerf Jesse Wiggins, "ti; Goodman, Rafus K Speed - - ? GrantllUR B Gilliam, Ww. M Sneed, Jas. A 'Russell, H W Jones, I vey Harris, VYm. .T Hargrove, WillJam A Johnston. , r Guilford George C Alendenhall, James Mc- Nairv; Rabh Gorrelh Peter Adams. William H Brittaio. if Xr ' -tW HaltYitt-iWilliam V Long. , ier(ori Kenoetb Rajner, John L Taylor. Iredell- Joseph P Caldwell. - , j ; Mcetfei&urfirMusesr W Alexander., JWoifffomerytlfrancii Locke Green Davis, $amnel H Christian ; iooreCbatles Chalmers, b C Bruce, Uon- aid -Street :.tVI:fe 71 "--77' JVoriwmnoTt Absalom B Smith, Thomas U rr ...I u r i til .in I". . i ucjter, o t opruiii. e s -r. j ; ;" V tsisuH? Daniel L, Kosseil, uwen Hoggins. Oran Wm. Barbec, James Webb, Will tam A.Carngaa. lv - . t Randolph Joba B Troy. I :'I-r7? liJicnmoiMf John H5,' McLauiin, Jas. D Pern- berton : 'XAUiy' il '-' i ' 777-: Rent an JonlosrSaeld. :T l' ' floc&itgabni-RWrrj B Watt, John M Ross. Stokes Albert F Nelson,; Isaac L Gibson, Caleb H Matthews. kfA'VX Sum Colombus B Franklin. : Wakei-Mn Hj Bvin, Jbn Hrntoni Hugh McQueen. Daniel S Crenshaw, Johnston Bos- bee, Adam G Banks, H W Miller, Stephen .Ste phenson. 1 i I , j : irarren John ti Williams, Kichard uavison fPauRe-N i Washington, James Griswold, John u aiocnmb. 'ieorg w toiiier,. TFtMts-.SarauelSFl Patterson. . From the 30th Senatorial District of N. C H , ' I ' r ! ! :'"J. ( Iv 1 i ' il II r . i . . ? . - 4-"' i L . ! I I - ! IMS!'! ' ' . . I J. - . I-" j ; ! I I - i i . .f -1' t I - : ' , I-! - . i -n. rtii'i L .t. " 1.J JLi.t f-"f ka - wrtiIKnr,t' irirld him his fDPTrt I a this cot.Tentfonifthsil he , eniit.Vd. to the arw fie never ond. directly ir indirectly, rvome Ir. it. Pih, fManri ri.c tiat- ni st abuminable of all abomBaWf and betog ;detnanded, a it is -en til fed , o Mfffibfio the;iluse vl commons. , - . wVr Datis6nius opined to lire RfSt'loticn; The an'mU-ts of, cciivention be'patdwere all a portion of :tbe hig family, and 'uoglii to !'"':V7-';-'77 7 This being the day t recommended by the W hig ; Members of the Legislaiurel ofNorth jCarUina, DlegaVes assembled'at S o'clock, r P." M :in ibe . Spacious room of. B$mith large llbuitdipg, .occupied by.iiie Commons, at the last sessionl . ; TJames MfrbaeEfqfa 'DsJegateifro , well, called the meeting to order, andj popoed K that the Convention be orgaoized by the appoint- meat of Gov. John Owen, a Delegate! from jbe Senatorial District of Bladen,-Brunswick acd ; Cwiombu8. S6 President of Ibe bodv. I Tlie mo- 7 tiorJ baviog been put by Mr Mebane, it was je i; , cided in the affirmative, j unanimously J and: Gov Qwen was accordingly conducted to the Chair, a - 1 ' ".-. a i I - a r I in .. -t 7K, bibja;0weir;:-: , ' t .,.....'; Mr. Sneed, of Granville, with a view of expe diting the busiaess bf the CooveDtioo, moved mat a itouutniiire oi 10 ueiegaiea, one iromreaco Congreseional Iiistrici in tbo biate, b appoint- purposes; fori which the fconvention had assem bled, and to report to Uhq conyenuon, at ita sil ling to-morrow, och a course of action as they may deem proper to be pdrsued, " 7 JIr. JVcUrieen neartily approved of lue prop- ositioo, but tbougbt.that a larger Committee, two from each Congressional Llisinct, would better accomplish the purpose desired 7 Unanimity and concert of action was allimportant, and a Re- pori irom a large commuiee, wnico, wimooi oe ing too cumbrous, wpold'j present a minerature picture of the.-Convention, would, he tnooght. be received ( with jmorel impressive : force, and art. tbV'njoubtiun; ol.ibe public records the " Mr, Xflane observed; that he considered on Ion an harbiony jn 'ur.eliberations, a matter of much nx-re tiL'porlarice Un the nomination of M r - a al imange, or ay oicer person, u x.ne gTa The Refblutiun1 would beiiher be an equitable- of oieel f Jhe big wa?, : to elect Henry Clay soitablerbneiiecaus'p many counties were ni-t to the Pieeidencyi.and t effect this, almost any represented atafU ! If every county in tue JMate I rjoteraoje concessisit; nuijia oo uiauo. mc were repfeenieai tne rase wuuio oe oiuereni, - i b unuu, iuccuic, o mu.ty w H'h Rkiiliii nh was nhi adnnted.. - 1 Ibe 4ttt liesoiuuon.iwiio a view, u laemuuvu Mr Sfiruillmmet ibattbe conventioo'take a rvaUeiJlt)jsuteiittete recess ontir ia o ciocjt vAareca to. - 7 ' ' , J km, utu i;ucrjwnHnicu, uaiy p 1 some oi me njemperB oi ue vuueuuyu m m j : I matb.i hKn"ccrLfrrri nf tha tiiJiniiilinn ' Hp would uaejibe ubriy ci reaaing u again, (na . i r- I1 o'clock, h The (nTenlion! re-assembled, when - Isaiati j intr read hi he reenmpd It will beDerceived. Spencer of Orange, bnd T: R Dtbnam of Waif, lnti ne absolute' nominate is made, bat a corV; appearednd ro.k their seafa. ..7 I . ditional oneonly; subjeel to the decision tf the .ur. nicueen,; irom me oenerai ouimmep, Harnsburg Convention ll declares tuar it .tr made a detailed Report on the matters; referred i Tallmadre should be the nominee of that body ,A ,...-it 1 DvL.i i. rmh laniTt K ikit 1 r .i n iiJJ, t' Jl lUf .Li. i.ll v mew, ; ; i ;fi v 6 i ior me vice i"res:aercy,:,iaea, u4i ww vui !tui- i t.t-i.JIt ivu2t uminrr Kamn innirMt aith 1 ted jd the eommittAi; bat lie vet thooffht, that a deep and lively ense of the eminent praclicl his distinguished public eiTices, and Ji a hear viror. sound RpdbTican principles, onblemisbed tjrrca opetation in defentaofj Whig; principles; AAAtiitf: l:vr :: . 7i,ihe Resolotion;' ,1 ri7 -7:7-.7r ' rriiiv: ' imnmiiiin v 1 . x ne question on atriKing ooi was negaueo, Hrilm a h the Resolution, as feported was adopted . ltif iXe sfcounfti tff Gvitford, ;77j, with bui fewidissentiM? lolces; 7 , ; f 7 7 we do acUrdilglmmend him to o t J ,jfiyLiJi i-nwn, oniiKi. I tion, on motion of Ml Ratner, tt was referred to VllliiCDlt.il B U1QUCUEI3UI .WVM. , H f !". , ."'" TT f" 1 - I A,np..t. milk iii.l.n.llnna U . Annr rrmnrf ' f( ; I the couVention the name! of luitable individuals eaed Chie(-Migibjratet errtw DobtBti 2. Resolved, tfW; in consideration of tle for; the f purpose contetnpwed bj the Resolution; re patriotisjf j distinguished public service!, 1 The commitieej as oarncdl by the chaifrconsisted of Alessrs, Rayner, MendenJia! Bryan, Ale pu and splendid abij bane and DaTisonJt i !M Th ft! h i 7th ftih: Oihl rA 10th Rsenlntiona mis convention . yields io a m a oecioen pretei- were urtontmovsy adopted without amendment ; ence for the nixti Presidential Term of the Un h ,ni it1---ftWJiJl;iL thin iirn mil a nV- clock, P,JIH.J;V';i 7p.; - - -? vC-7 Mi 7.r -.1 ' Iflowr o'efocfe, P; Af. Joseph W Scott, a Delegate from Cabarros, appeared and tojk bis seat; Qn motion $f Mr i'Callwell,' a committee of " ' " . ' i ! 1 1 :-: i Ji a. ' " e a . uve persona were appomq oy me cnair, 10 com municate to: Mr lorenead his nomination .uy ted States,; and (Chould be be nominated by the Harrisborg Convention, we pledge ourselves to render the tnoini Ballon a ; cordial and undivided .oppdrr.-t isii:-- .":.'..---4': - - J ' S. Resolved further; That whilst .tM Con vention is Willing to go to an v reasonable extant in sanctioning such nomination for the Presiden- k i T i L: i r. r. 1 mu the Natioflalvtion which is to convene at Ihe conTent and its whes that he will accept tfopfiopjil was onanimously decideil in tbc tfSrmative. r t : . ' 7 7 ' A- motion having l ecn rradc, lhat this CcnvpniioD adjcuro sine die. the'Prcsident, Gov Otcen, rose,an3 retnarked follows: 7 J am, genlletnYriv so since tely impressed with a senseTcf tnyj incapactlj for the duties of the Chair, tbat li readily attribute the Ke- soIutioDf just - adopted, jo tbe -motive by which I am conn a em ti. was: prompieo. it is doe to no merit of mine, but' rs dictated bv a spirit of kindness and forbeaiauce, on Ami parC I liaVe ibeen very often honored by ice peopie oi uducuug tokens of approbation, but J bave never en joyed in any situation greater happiness and s3tisfacUon, than I have.eipenenced io my association with this body.. , 7 1 hate made it arule through life, when ever called; to act in a -public capacity, to contribute to fhe extent of my ability, my fall auota of service. Under the ibfluence pf I iuU; feelings and (determination, 1 have resolved to laccepit the appointmeni of a Stale Deleat2 to the National Convention Though ray fpiesentellce i thai of, the head of every faraify h indispensable at horaeT f forego every olner;; consiaerairon out me succeea of 'the glorious cause in which we are cmbarKea. 1, r v Perfect unanimitv, sentlemen,:fs anal: tainable in any deliberative body, where its rnembera have intelligence to understand. anil-independence lo give iexpresion lib their opinions, a stimciency oi it nas ou tained here for useful and practical purposes I part from ylou all, gentlemen, with unfHgn ed reluctance andregret,and if permitted so to express myself, with this injunction LET EVERY W H IG DO H IS - DUTY. Not only let him bf active at the Polls, but in his neighborhood, let biro constitute him self a nucleus,' around 57hich he may rally friends to his country's cause, and -thus lay broad and deep the foundations of its pros perity and happiness, r I will detain you no lonser. Gentlemen. IThis Convontioo stands adjourned without day.;, j . . Harrisborg, yef ie; deem it due to the objucts for which Ibis Convention has assembled, to re commendl fco our Delegates in that Convention io adopt altj bunbrablet! means wliich may' serve tp secure the nomination of Mr. CLAY, by that body. ; -ii ft- mH--,c - -ri 4. Resolved fThal to consequence of the su perior taleois cft I j . j NATHAN lEtX P.f TALLMADGR, 1. s s ' 7 - ,11 from Ihe committee to whom was Of the State t)f JVV Vr.rb. r. .k ' L T ii K- . J which may occur by sickness or othe'rw S&lvf"1809 VIT? f lh? moS thepefrgates o iheiNationaLconv the same, f; This committee consists of Messrs Caldwell of Irodell, Hinion. of Wake, Webb. ot Orange Patteraon of Wilke, and Long - of Halifax. f;;7 Mr. Rayner, referred tjie 5ih Resolution, reported a Resolu tion to nil tbe blanks in tue same.- wttb the names of Guv, Oweo endgames Mebane, Esq. Phe Reolotipi) was readj nd adopledr , - On moiion of Mr Davison, the central com- mtitee wre aothonzed to fill any vacancies ise, a. vention of the I . i . . ' - - .:--- - '. . . " v. - 1 minutest liub ous and aiiauic. been qtiestjor.c !. be ja hindrance their march t!,r menl of pleas ur can stay Ins prt calls. He is i honor, and sue.. are willm: lo f! . it must be siui f himself. He v. banks of Dan I., money, to cml! : Now ho would fire for which I We therefore, many other thi: have done well. But uf.rsc.r Mr. Morehr-', the full tide cf him from ths i none moro res:';, bor, it is suC;ci that he hs3 bec toa." At ro: : . merit, that that j fact, that tha ; ! loved ' Dutci: Convention al H next, to notr.ir.:' Why is all the 2: s the Whigs wl.c ly to do the f : : N- B Since that Michigan ! What! the Stat that it might .. ren's vote m 1! lion ? Even c -gone ! WhEt t ,", f v MQina rnnvadn roiAAemaratinn s a itiuv imv a crvvnvi s m .rriIQi fm ilb Resolution, and called for the reading s! ii. TElfr r'u' '!thf. Mr.DaTisohsaid.Sthatlby striking out ibe Con Jjn.i H""9burJ ords has grown extensively in tbl affections SS e ,h reMeadalwa f of the Whi2Uartvi"!it wld prubablt meet the noort L 5. Resoted,That and be appoint ed Delt-gaies' to' represent the State at large in .us iain3juij'Voii vc'niua , sna,in.case 01 ineir , 1 . ". T . f1 i insh lit or fi Arri irt tt.nl that mA would accept his sugges'.ion as a modification of iriitt W . . t. " ; . .1 . v11 his moiion H U M , 7 - - . 6;.Wf y ,hH l . be - reeommendeded to. I.ghie JtT lJtii MW.hiDiJbiweral: Counties composing eat .1, ma?y 0 I cannot ofilyour lrom whence. he addressed the Conventi "substance, as follows : 7 7 Gektlehxn : I thank you most siocerely.fur taken. - Tbe honor could have fallen on nbfone less qoalifmdfur the duties tf the stationfqr no one.'w ho bad less 1 anticipations of sucli a mark . ti lavor.7; Wholly conscious; of my iuai)iliij ; 10 jutecbarge tne loactjpna 01 J be Ulair, I hbuid yet be wanting in duiy to my own feelings and einc a wanioi proper retptci lor tne oody jover which I am called, to pieside,werB I; loi deny .VV-myst-ll ibe gratification of expressing inyisense - 01 me KinqnvsH nianuesiea oy tneir.choice The objects for Which we have asero led : . uniiemen.raav Dexpiainf-d in lew words t and ' .. s - a j r. ' t.tr . . ii - '1 triruiusj, as jou ao, irom oiuereni, ana 7' yon, from distant points of the State J ihjnk of "consuming a greater - portion :- limei than is barely neceearf lo specify the ob- r 7 Jcto f r which, we have eon?ened77jj:7ijj H7 ; : At a meeting of the Whig Members d'. the Legishiureof tbls State,a7is last session this 7 Convention as recommended ; and ssnct nd, .J as it has been eincp, by the voiee of otjr Fallow 7 Cinznns through the tnediuin of primary daeet- :. ings, we ar now here, in ihe exercise1; of a pri ; ; vUf flrr giiaianieed ii us by The sacred Cbajr ler of ' . our Liberties. The period rs drawing nearj vhen j' th Freemen of ISoith .Carollua will be called on ' to intiicare their prefeience for ' Goverpor if the : SiS(e. 7How the duties of thai? reepopf ib 0 Of j fice have bren performed by the present erilight i entd, viriuoas and patriotic incumbent It the , j--.rtuiivr viiair, ii is, unnecessary 10 xaie. iii acts are before the world, nnd speak fur themselves, as unto wise men who are toitjidge. It is, however, only doing sheer juaike tujsay that he has acted, well it part it will be for ' lunate lor the btaterif his mantle thk fill op on bis successor. Who tbat successor isito be, : or rather, to determine whom the Whigs t the State desire for the station, is the principal ob : iect for which ibis Convention has assembled. One other specific bnjeet I will nare. We are to determine as to the expediency of sending Delfgiies, to the National Convention, 4'jd to giv thereby .an expression! of our appnibation or disapprobalion ef that measure. For eiy .suc csive administrations, comprisinff a period of nearly half a Century, the affairs of 001 Govern ment wera managed, uoder! our aUnosi p'rfrct ConstitutUMi, wilb consummate abi'ity andi wis dom. During th4t lime Agriculture ard tbe Arts', Comnjerce and Science and the jRe igion of our Fathers, were nourished and en'roiiraaed .inrougnuui iuo wice extern 01 our peace iui em pire.! On a sudden, from this high Sndr com- mantling situation, has the country been thrown imn oiMirrs ana ronrcsion. iisruie ana cor ruption have fcrept into the Adminisfraiien of our ISatlonat government and frum aln eleva tiun, where we Stood ihe adiriration ofj the ciy- 7 H:2.'Wrldlwe have been tumbld headlong in- 7 tathe abyss of wretchedness and crine. iHow, and by whwii, this has been dune.lt isjfoTcs.as a proponent jpajrt of the people, to judge'; thoogh they are matters which may, more appropriate- IT. reierrea 10 in 1110 uiscosmoos oi 11115 ooay. . . ! -1 .'r-i. . It'll . witn renevea tnauK?, jenuemen,iof your kindness, 1 shall endeavor, inmy leebie wy, 10 djscharre faithfunv, tue duties incident to ibe 6'ation conferred on me. 77 ' ' On motion of Mr. Mendenhall, Geo. S. F. Mr Sneed bad no erreat choice aoont the mat ler, but rather preferred he camber firsl men tioned, unl6s the Convehtios thought different- ly. , '' fXS- X Jur. Mebane and: hlr. pavison hoped the mo tion for a larger Committee would not be pressed as a smaller onewppld. more certainly expedite business and produce less embarrassment of ac tion. - 7 -h''i 1 77 i'V . 7 '"- 'i ' " .1. 1 . . . . : l me ,ieciurai jjisnicis in lUia Mate, to meet io their reapectivy Counties, to confer wnb thl Uelegates! frdml the other rCooniiea composing : j :.....;. ;? !. .1 '.: . . . "V. 1 eaiu iisiricisifin relation io me appoioiment oi an.iL.iecior tor eaid uisirici ; and mat. the name of 6uch person BSjihey riiay agree upon, be for-- warded to theUential Committee, to be placed on the,W big lEieetWal Ticket, 7. itefoce.vlhat it be-recommended by the Conventiohi US ht' V higs of ths dine rent Coon;- views of alt, and woujld bei then, no less compli menury to the Governor, jhan now. . ' . 4 Mr. Miller introduced the following as a sub stitute: if,i i t. ' ifi . Jfesofced, That bar present patriotic aud en eaed lUxeeotivei K B Dudley , for his hon d abl adniinistratiori.oi the anairs of the 8tate deserves the respect and graitiade of his fellow-citizen." h J ' ;i ' ' . 77 -7 it. The question being now loudly called for, it wa3 put o the fJbair, and the Uonvenlion refused to reconsider by very decided vote. Air Rayner alluded fo the recommenda tion of the; Cf ntral . Cotntnittee, that this C on v entlon s h ou Id J: a ppdl n t De I ega testo t he tiarnsDUfg uonveuuun, trom tnose jjtsmcis. tics iu lui vwpi w uircv -ti vyu? cuiw I LiJlti,j 1 ; . a ' . period, foritha purpose of appoint in Ccmmiltees "mSXf$ru I TI1 ulucrw,6r ,,cru Mr. Mc Queen said, he would not press Hhe motion, his objicthfing simply lo secure as be thought, tor theiredommendatiohs of the Com' miuee, greater respect. -&: :l Wm" ct ik I - T made. With a view of ascertain oi what va- 1 he question now recinrtrg ou Mu boeede g .dfreaiThat the Whia Central Com canciee existed. be( moved that tbe Clerk m?i?J S.TJS If WJV! ,1777. ' mittee be iequHtkl Wpreime and publish a sail call over the! District'. I This was accord ry-relieved andbbliiedlthi Delegatea f oni the e-.lf '1 Jll tSf f--?. :T.T3 lhe people ot mgl done, and it was ound that appoint: several Districts wonld confer amoug-tbemselves, , v77JrirP" " -rr'M menis nau oeen mine m an me lisincis, and des.emte some member to serve on the Com- KC'! VB I 1 but lbs N$wbern in I which . aTDifelrict mittce. : l ;t On motion of Cot. Long; the Convention took a recess of 15 mtnotes tor ihis purpose, at 'the ex- pi rat ion oi wiucn, tne xpnvenuon naving oeen again called to order, the President annouDcetf the following. 1 - ' -'V .7-' .... -7 GENERAL COMMITTEE: tee be als0) requested to prepare and publish ism BUD;eqt;u(yin( First District, Second Third ; Fourth r Fifth i Sixth f Seventh Eighth J Ninth Tenth ; ; Eleventh Twelfth do. do. do do do do do do do; dol do Thirteenth do1 the U. StaiesUl! 10 TRcapfverf, el next Presidential Election ol Rufus K. Speed,! William L Lonof. IVilliam Ellison K Washington, j- Richard D Hill, j i Villiam M Sneed, P H Winston, , f " Hugh McQueen,i7 Geo. C Mendenhall,' Chas, Brummelli7 M W Alexander, . ':. Samuel; F Patterson, C B Franklin. ! 7 Convention ii will sbortly. assemble for the purpose. ji- The following are tbe names of tlie Uelegates: '.-I V l 7 First fiktrict --Ch a f je s R K i n n y . 2d. William I fJnerry.l Sd--Joseph-R. Loyd. 4ih no appointment 5tb Dr F J. Hill 6th Wm. U Battle. 7li E L. Winslow. 8in-.Heriry W. Miller 9th Dr N M Roane. llClh- Dig Isaac Burns, l lib Mr J. If Brytoi rose and remarked, that he noticed in tbe llm ith great phaure, a dis tinguished Citizen, land a6iaunch Whig and true he alluded to Col; Andkew Joykeb, of Hah fax. Speaker of, the State Senate. He moved that he be invited lb lake a 6eat in the Cunven tiun, not, of coursed as a Delegate, but as a friend of tbe Coui'cil, knoingwhai great advantage was to be derived from is experience and pa i riot ism. m i f That our present 'pore, patriots ic and, enltghtehed Executive, GovDUDLE by the abilitypurity, impartiality and Republic can simplicity bfhis Administration, has growl extensively in the affections and confidence of lhe- Whiir! oSrlvL ftlore hia fti miin'moni in Kic . . r '? mi ' i. ... ' tS-.. ... - i present elevated trust, and ihat this Convention! ol 1 na A Allison if lstmwra in behalf of sthis? Wiigs throughout the State of Davidson 1 3th Col.; B S. Gaither. iiuuii,vwiiif) ucicoy iciiuer iu mm tne nom rt.-..j .k-. : f llSWu,! r.t ,1.-4 1 I V,CM fMw !UBO " III - IIIC JJitV W' IMV.I: HlLHp. IDOWM BUU L!llIUUO. j I ' i . i ; lift.! I ll -'. .i l -a. -1 IAiatlHK CIS fcU u. IlilUU Ji hitiiu w aa a ilea w The question being stated by the Chair to bat oblitation due from the! Whigs of Noil h- An ilia .ftnniinrt nf ika RnnnrK' - t lO.Ln. U. 1X7 U J t VM..UB uvj..iu w, uo rjwii, . f j I IU OID tfUlgSilBUU V UllfCI Till CS Mr. frtWfon rose and saMlliatit'was'dbem gallanl stand they had himself, to exriress in his plaee here, oninionai I taken in tbe cause of oui common country whirb he had j elsewhere, ffeauently uttered in 1 He therefore prouDSed the adoDtion of the !..? s 8 M i -i uy i w isoing a 10 excue i lollowing Uesoiution. acrimonious debate he could not conscientiously! lorbear to state, tits dissent to the liesoiution re commending 1 rTiiLLMADQB for the Vice 'Ere tdency.f, He could: not vote for it,. because he cousiuereu ios inoiTiouai aeucieni oi souna mor el principle.'-which was sufScieollv exemplified bv his vote on the: Expui ging Resolution. He had shown eohcltisively,.by' his conduct on that The motion was! carnld by acclamation, and 1 Amm'Jii ..rLAi ibe Piet-ideal iovjted (Jol. Joyner wtbin;the .gii08tibifcar reeommendation" hcalll ,lbe '7 - . 1 i.l 7 Ii ...! . edlTor-a'diaiiriiaVitb.tls'ion each BawlfttionT,'-.4.-! The Qiii uocuit najq, in ail oetioerie oocies, cer-- 4- - Rcsohed; as the opinion!of this Convention, that whether or not the theAVhigs and Conser vatives of New York have' gained a victory -in the rtcent election tnithat State j tbev are enti tled to thesgratitude of theil, brethren throuoh- t the Uoioo for the" noble ind firm stand they oo have taken1, against tne unwarrantable interfere ence, of Executive power and ianuenee, boldly and uitbloshiogly put forth Ho control the will of it- estion on the adontion of this lie- ,ain RuC ZrVa;n ia fb isaUonoJ 6f fiM eolation was decided itf the Affirmative rain Kait were essential lor tne preservation oi uking.4Ke; itts.qfithe- Cunentioo;updQ';.the!' arelaafmn 1 r r' - proper derum . He mted, therefore thai the Treamb,e - : beHeVklotionsi ingolal V? m V A" f it r n " Ro es of OrderJ,r tJ,e gjverment of the House ordef . wbich!!bemgUcceded the Presulenl , Mf' A aeo?rfrcd Rowing Reso- ofXommoos,be adopieo by this Convention. 8uted ihe qtli be on the adoption! Jh IMOn, wfjch,pasiiinani0os!y Agree to. i, a j Pceamble;''W)jc!h-'vf'48 deeiiied tn theaffirtnativel Resolved That this convention Mender their On motion of Mr. Davison, of Warren, the .The nuestlonj then recurring on tbe adopt Uil4 hanks to Air. B. Bj Smith1, for his aenerosity ia conven on adjuurnid un ,1 ao-morrow mornmgr & Resulilidns he 1st and 2d were n J.moual offering tol e convihlion tyuseofs House. nan ii as i uina u ciuch. - i r 7 .1 i t i j Wednesday JNor IS. 7y carried. In lion rhe Sd Resolati tt coming op for , considers 51 r Mac ..Kae j presented; the i following qiorea io aroena ii oy striking Kesolution, which was udaritmcusly carried: g reeomtnerttfj ofredL TkalHhfc ih.'ni-W iK,.'. kl' pon instructions! rfn. ,nd h.l kIZnr tor the able and faiihfal manner in which they nave aiscnargea tne; Cuues ot their appointment Oo motion pf MSpruUl, ; . ' M The President having called ! the convention out the: word fl(nc, and lesertin to order. .-7 ij j I ! f , He believed itjiatin vehioringnpo .-Mr Speed, from the General committee, rose tbe CveDifbhl-;llranscended' itSt'pbweT-.Thel and stated thai he appealed on its behalf to say. I motion1 was aieeijl0j and lhe Resolution uani" ; it WoUld be imDracticable? for ihem in re nor t he 1 mr,U, AntaA 1. ; -7Ti ' i f 1 . i fore halt pas: olclock4 He aked permission 1 TThe 4ih Rf$olbtion being nor nnder consi.l tnereiore lor tne committee to remain m session I erauon.Mr. Steed said: that It was with irreat: TlnnlurA Thai tfclVhU WnA t,Z c,-, - . , ; iL ' t - D "T ' . .( M Ul ftU0 ftftftftft V requested tbgive;; pobl icily through., their until then. Granted. I I he" President; desired any additional Dele mark..- Cerfjnly3! ha had wish'fto pfttToke! colomce. th4;Mocinra-:orfti.' nnnntinn. gates, wbo might bein attendance siuce ibe last discussion, bor-he felt it his dutyat all hazards! No utber business remarVpd in h trani Billing, to make ibe laeti known r wt;ereupcin, to say franklyfthat MrPallrnadge's course had actet Geiri PktiPrn ia l4 (a Mr. C C Stotit hr New HahoverAnnparerflhem ki,h, ifell ivW a.v fl . ? M uT ft !?r8Cln 1 le ?n aidf that 83 . - -. ,ww - j. If"" I iic viiaaVJ iJV iViuuiauu oup: port. He mas willing to sro as fa, as he that and took his seat. i oat ne conid not command his up- ti Si :villinrr ln im'e f a ha lVli 7 Patterstin, of IWilket and Henry W'atkjtnf Mil- Mr. Mac Rat rose fb information. No pro goes fanhest;i:iafdiep!ace dishonest men in pow-i ler, E?q of Wake, were appointed Secretaries vision had bejentade. k said, prescribing ihe er, but he eotitdnlta action T jhetYiornination cf1 The President-havjng announced )hat. ihe , manner in wicH I he enlivenlioli thai vote in Mr;'Ta'llaiadgMr' Ifle-had Taridos''rriectioi8 I tonven won was uuij uia...-, uiumou ui . mc nnn ui win yi?fa anp jocs ot ing ueiuanoea i niro, oui woctu State tinly one -hi vote nn the Col. lnng tf Hal-fax, the Counties of tejaie , on any question. ! He ihfoghi the most conven- Expunging Rttjtiocrl'fl the WhsofNorth are doe and are hereby tendered to the Honora - were called, for lhe purpose of ssceriainlng wbat leni, jusi antjitable d)ode, wis .to'givV rat-Jt J Qarulina . cholf I fa', otr (irjat maa.-ivith' socb' a We John Owen for ihe able diffnifid and im counties were repiesenieJ, and lhe naroelof the : county the sam nomberl-f tote DeleutSa itltyidance, whkh resulted ii fol- j to Mernher in ihig House (ifiHiminons I ows; - the labors ofi the Convention had drawn to ar! oe ti e w 1 d j ea d -Read I a ti o n w h i c h h ad been: ai on ji he table by ia nietxiber o the tMdy (Me HngHekVl: 111 wis as follows sxcsoivea, ipat the i har ks of this Convention Are moved , the fHFowing Resoiotion ' : i if-!.'..'? It Wilt Pnlllled I lr3(T nt nnlillrr filn IMlin.l nrM kim ka axU ! nulltl-fntnnar1 :.t. L . l .v. J . Hetbere-I not helo it7 He did noraav. hii aanlJ rsrvM! daiiesof thp Chair' 1 ji: ' f 7 Mslettitti !Mf ?ttfatioatjr titHs.''Ut;1. 'The hatirbMn dcI onon iia FRIDAY, K OVEMBER 22, 1839. WHIG PROSPECTS, The rejection of Mr. Van Boren's patty. hy his own Slate, niust produce a decided ffect 8gamet him in other States, and gires uniisdal joy to ; the "Whig party thrbngbont the nation ; The locos pretend to take iieart from the fact, lha.t tbe Whig majority is less than it was last year. It is so in lhe House of Aasembly ; the Whigs have lost the 13 members of the City, and two or ibree members beside : But this dves not:dis- hearten them. 7 They say they have gam ed in every battle where effort was made. and have made impressions on the strongest holds of the Loco Fpco parly. The factthai the city election has gone sgainst that of the country is a propicious circumstance : for it is not onkriown, that I his major it j it was 6b lamed By stirring up the troraf passions of the very worsl class of citizens, in ouf whole country men, for instance w bo rejoice - in such jarty names But enderstoarers. oc-ureigu er, loafers, cut- DEMOCI: We have ti:-. . of our column 2 t licle, from March-: I S SO, c five perusal frc; the best histcrt ciples. and par tj It is exceedi.': ", cannot fail to ; fail to instruct brethern of ll;o to the 44 Tinns ' There 13 a : the settlers cf i Sheriff cf Ci r lb collection ground, was r pned.: The F 19th ult sivr : ' called upon G vision Slissouri patch who p-! his way to t!. WiUock, to i!.r We recorr.r Agricultural fri page, headed " have already fi letters, and r our own tasto, the sentimrnt sanction of 7! The Gin ted Giraffe cc who are fond make use of 7 The Giraffe- 7 long time its lous : eince t; two have bet One of iha on ICih cf t! probably the t to this public ' A pro?pectt: ing in the tr.--:. paper, to Le ! ucation, by V Huge prif;, and all the nbominable refuse ol an overgrown and corrupt city. It is believ ed that the representat ies elected will truly and faithfully 'shoiejort h the prticipes and demeanor ;'their constituents and if they do, the W hig papers say the. coun fry will be still more disgusted than? before. The majority is large enough for any useful pur pose buf not. So large as to permit the us ual; relaxation o( Aha party. The Whigs seem well assured that they lean retain their present strength, and even add to it! For ty two. is a pretty : smart beginning in a game of 1 48 especially, when we have almost been willing to give that to the oth er side for a beginning. . : We in North .Car plina will go in for another We can beat the magician ; and we will do it to his heart's content: and if Mr. Bill v Haywood is arnbi tious to . prerf3gure . the ruin 01 his great Archetype, letf him jcpme i cut against Mr MoreheadC By thejway,we look upon the proceedings of the V big ConVentioni which was lately heldln Raleighas another of the favorable signs of , the tiraesfTbe noo'ber the Jiigh respectability of the individuals com posi ng the body;-l he lina rii mi i y : a n d spirit of their; proceedings lhe nomination which ibey . made for Gover- nor of tbe;State,;wiI(fgive7ani ihc j ting cause in worm uarolma.-i.We should regard John oreheacl as aformidable man, if he were on 'tbe'other " siieT'in iwli-tics,- hut being as we sincerely believe on the strong side, bis' election with ordinary pains, will be certain!? "The re are few men who combine so rnaiiy popular qualities as Mr Mi : ' Highly gifted by nature, he hasac--qnired much scienti6c and'5 practical . in for, mation AViih ah elcrttrpncrstron? clear. and convincing, he combines the jraie quat-j rgrVai '"many 1' ny of genuine wit.r He is horiotalle io Ihb gteaimany H7 - - i?OM:: Messrs. HI proTemeri!, i and as we ar one would t7 '. h&Te reach p J -Carolina, j i: ' which we ere . are not to enj j certain buy say is not mvcU hereabouts, 'e and chvtr f tt t i Irict ol North C two weeks s0 gie, a sci v( 1: ' ere ?) frora i forraeij what u lion, in Sa!i?', . r loviny JiRd li' fuse lhern a ' ! in the Mfth' I ' vvrsai to laalvi' (olitical j urj my. jiu'giiiPi.t What is p'7.r;: policy ? i r . buCaceitftf t this is a i n ii- i - i 1 '4' - ' '''7 777 ' : - . 7!i.. : vi ' 1 . ,: ..1' ' I-' ' . ' ill 7" - ' - j. " 1 ' t; . f 1 "- '! ' J i. - T r ! i i 1 -

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