, tif "Sri-: i! Si:; ; i I- i T ' J 'J i" - 'W '- I il 1 Z4 . a its, s' B -Si. . it 'fill's''; -I IS li !!j I 1 J 'I 1 '-- 1 i V 'SSi ; e -: s . m . !'fS?fnoW noVwhaUs. Thre are i . fc.tjRuS-S?i i'iJl.. ., I wml Kir Ia "!r ..1 bihe nubile will oe utrnisneq wnu n'rlkSKI iiifst'tMna njTorfS-.ai.aaf 1 was 1-11 ..r it.a i9.o iniventinn l loroear. icMse ( h i cimrn 111 ica ion w tthnu 1 M It llJ.itiit.. f:;.ilii' as I film. ' 'kiiiiWiwl'S,,,,!t- ' - iirr,tiiir' J. s 1 it 1. 1 1 :. be a mans W'lf - ' , 7 -' ' I: f ':;l. I infnrniiitinn 10 TPSartl lo 'MMffreuvf the vleyahzdv trafae in fNfMr,::-U' WI2SUSU11. 5alf7i. 'JVov. 22, 1839. 11 : ?t ft?! 5 & Bruiter : Enclos- S'; ki cehi In me from Virmnia. Iir 1 i :i-..nmfkL'''n - - - o - - LI tt U nrd I tanil St Ia IMt kn ItH.o snivel , and wil! be respect ,e of Virginia, in our poblic jour- 51 i c . f i..n: .1 1 ti- .1 i-:-- iiV J e: s. 11. r m 51; mm m i&Mo of i't he citizens nf the cnuotj of P;JJS V- -4 1-.-: u ' j - il--Jrti'M MeComafl Ea. Cant- ?LiJiliar'eitid,to the Chair, and liifn U. pilfer, Andrew S.FoI- iskjiW lhiatieettni a tornpiKe roao irom ine lilJailiVffiUMuoroe county, passing GlJ Goprt Hoose; tottiesaia town ot v yine O koiMllElsol be ian improvement cf great ijhti 4w(io miSi ponion 01 Virginia ; sno irpPlH,0?bi expedient by this meeting infrtrl?rifioh of Deleeates from the several tnieHf !6ri!nfaf immediately ; interested in a yrw!&4ts a n -from that portion of he Q0$0aiolina, whichr might consider liir!iii1iefta ri naid improvements, should be U ciWderf the propriety of. extending the UfrqmrtM Kentucky line to Tazewell Court iasljfilas bee acted on by the conven y ir& -jfaf ltey jield at Giles Court House, m jbefyrtame'l point to the North Carolina a,0l Wi;uBS.iuciiii .mo saiu iu uuui iub ed 3olfNr;55ptings to VVytheyuic,. with the U U th application to the next Legisla- iM-TSiiiialon the 8bjpct j and in the opin- 6f triim?e?rng,ine8aia town 01 vymevne, ni U the nost suitable place for ihejaeettog iiia confer) yon iieeioie,: 1 -r-1 Bf&wiilkVt this rneetinj will appoint del iMtglaiflntion; to be held at WyHhevjlle, H Jltj,!jCJS? ySf' - cm iirouo j. 1110 ii'u yj amheVTheM fei 3for the ! purpose aforesaid'.-." Jgl hatbe counties of I azeWeH, 'WJli d G fJ eon t i0 this Slat e. ad i?l,llu?,ll b citieusAi; gut wolica,.a3vnia c . WOtlDoiua Tu j ponSIucr , 1 Ijciusri Bo jini. i koicw i i raQ' uupniveuieuiai, ru u.u iiict io.i -ii -i&ik' LGi '-.L' . l.: "'J' .u---;- I'.' L.Uftr iniloi t.t conrt to!pnrntP In said ew.in. 1 . : ; i I Wiid.lTbat Col Thomas J Boyd, James homas J;. Mor-J m McGavor-k, McKt-e, Maae J. :.ifi4i!Cjtjies "fccljs!.t.Mf' Ww L. Crockett; Allen T. ge Kiocanon; Richard ,T. Mithtwsf iJariifrs JI. Pioer. and Col. John A. f i plnye Relegates on 'Ihe part of jVirtHi cldill ld said convention: : ff . l,j i ia$nVirgtntvnV-: published at Mlta I Ffricastlel Democrat," an Ab rtu J..J?1 1 i iim vi- iiiiia'ia i aaiiii mi iiiir i e? trt pfieJl be? pnbhshed -su !: t; d m a th cure nur. (. Millar, Secretary. i ,:.tSH i it :HOMfrEXAS np si cam et Columbia at New Or- 3 dates from Galveston to the I iristl jjlIoiJistdri and Galveston ate both x rrSelyi i kly. The yellow fever was ra- t rig at tJiesa places, and has can ied off a ley. fa fget number of i espect able i n divid J i i nijronrtaiity in proportion to tne qlatrilaiivery considerable. -:'Twejn- iatMj-'Iscicalrreid - at: Galveston' dofing tbe ta the Columbia lav in port. f5 days. h 1 An m "-. victimi to the enidcmic nc is 'JtQberc!i;-jpla i o -ibbn Goodwin, editor I f PIir!ftf ibe Galvestonian, a paper 1 m tm I 9tWP P'"sued promote the L iiirneeUnff. who oaing retired (or a JL Wiirwillfod presenied the fi.llowiog nmkiy f flloiiohs,- wbieti were adnpifd : Wr&trt h considered! by Ibis meei ing that imm 1$$ from the Kentoeky Jine up the 3? I&nc4'br VyyheTille, in Wythe ti, 4 flfappn Court House to some iait. 'jlniillihyNatth Carolina line, would be geyjuWic advantage; and whereas i tlbllaKeii It brouffh a Convention re jblifPP?011 Hoise, for an appli &ip ihWjll Legislature of Virginia fur the llji lllllr'M the constrnetion of a por- $$0$jl4 (((n the Itentocky; 1M to r.illcMM! House: and' whereas in the o- fc M'ibV ; Vyjlliam H. Spillfr.T RtnjJolMliw Crockett, Ephrai rnHlrjlfa;iison,i Adam : Wpd communicated much spir- I sident to borrow! $800,000 to meet the de : trid; good feeme: lie died on the 5lhinst. ficit m tbe revenues. ' t li I "a L?Tlrf l?ort-ef " was experienced off I Ila5fnoof of treasury notes in eireula IWaS Ubdtjit S3.000.000 The nubiie KW)s.fJrat0d at 1. 000,000 m l,;tu?,on TelegfiphJ f tuUewjng iintelligi-iic, w rfls'?ertdibt:Mmeinijment : jtEliSitiNG FROM TIIE WES'rV ia geatieman who left the camp of the 1ditfpfes hiilrniles beyond the Neu- '! r'er ajaiu t l he 2 6 1 b 1 nst a n ( w e lea 1 n Wi r'. a-iVs r-.;i -. -.-!- ' .. - f t fmm -it-. s, f rVUin' iievnnd the rivr' whirr fnr 1 ajiea has beetvcarried on: had a so .'!? -a i . "i - - - - .-. -... -.-. -1 'n?d Olrics r..ir.Vlrirl rWn'lirijfrfrtrl in tfiKiH nuniUr i irvf c?fMN'ed Indians, belonging to a ffi Jl0K:!nn the R ' 1 -r ?t a 1 J - - . w a mj f KU328pf iftlteir; anil : tv hn nre trl in r Wfg nd cnnsidrallly' skilled in ; j W$Mvton Warfare. coid- !,- . , - t"iii nisi, tjnrcrai pinion, iiwr a.iia&ij ucriusai m iutj udikvi $ , , - t mmn bQaia wCre:fbrcedashoVe, ihe capital, ad khoge or tempicothere is f ? 'nne most satisfactory oaw.er,aod l'llf ir18..1 "Ul nothing like Rebellion in any p-rt of 4lexl wi'n sop v8?ef Mn4- vesr schooner Nauli- co, or any armed force in the field toi resist Uy ! of Saddles; Bridles, "Martingals Vhipptrs, ,e PAici int tetaifiri m t,u : i t 'n. i.i..- i -.r .t. i.rrmev ntav be tavorea in tne aoove line.; ui wnat- li.-'i. - -, i . . .--- i inR . mil mirii w ui . r rngiupui nuiuinriiin t .nmnrrm nnn miixii w-inriipsx - - a.ua. i rnr.nL-Lria- I I pives.ftne coinmanaer.01 tne oieii-. """-1" PBl w,,ai "cyiweH v;a 1 r-'u r " jTC'V', will be spared. --The House is how undergoin (adegts'liowU tbefield,.has concen- pjeased to tem caucus dictation that isa f Vf t' v a tborougbi repair-which wilt make it present li4Wtllln;)iun-dre'd of his folliTwers,nd ' :.nomtnatirjn $y ,dete'gates:''seleVted;lfor thai llVh,cll,; &JVff of5 he1m !H?ble quite a different appearariceri Zl 1 i VditW.i r .i" 7j I ' 1' 0 r ' Wnrnnw ;Wmi,k r..i;J.i. -ii lerms.F AH orders addressed to the Subscribers . - L ' " - J,D BOYD i i5? -to. move the next dav lor the Rio Gran- ... pprpose ne vestern Uarnlintan - also 0 j kt, - - i. n 1 . - '- - , . . - r '"vooiu. "'rTfrvrn -.'.-.i ,.,-W U it i ? at btaresville, N: C, shall receive punctual at- . NnVemher 1839 -4w8 - 1 (?... Lipiktrs Rois, who recruited a compa- .had trnueh 40 say, ; pending! the canvass -.'.' - . ; . . ;; f , . 1 " I it nofemoer t, tsw-8 t , K .$tjMg in: that District, abouCcaucuses and caul j i;r ' JOSEPH W STOCKTON ' ' Th Soulb Carolinian; Aogta Seniinel, Ma irs6mi4nd which Carolii ' ! W. H. MOWBRAY : vA . 0 '"Sn?!!; vvl? bMllllfort nian in stating the tct that, the Whigs of ; St.tesville.N; C.Nov.8, 18S9-3m2ir S:V mmmM of the dnvin, nf Vattl and Rowir, hati adeeting, and appointed deli t r" 1 m' :, Tsii ' - tng (0 tbts, Cables had under Lis command eighteen hundrd men -civilized, half civiU ized and saVagej all pretf jr well armed, with considerable Ammunition. There were, hiwfcrr, no ifinnon. f ; j, Our informal says the greatest entlitisU a?in and hainrnj prevailed ibrouyhoiit thi heterogeneous jandj and that a perfect cih fidenre of aticcjesa 10 their deaper aleBaden-! lure for the redaction of the lioleRw Grande coujjtr to the 1 stlindardcFederal-i ism, seemed "tof be. impressed upon the miiifdl of every one. Tne first point 6( attack wis to be the tillage of Mier w!i ere 'were soinfl two hundred Centralist troops ; fbence down to Matamr!ra Ally the fdi0erjBnt places where were) siit'ionea orernoient troops which adhered -to the Central cause,' would probablr be laid under contribution,!; K tbef do not receive a repolee in their Jira e gagernent knj Succeed to putting to rouje: the government troops, we roar expect soon f'h to hear of pjping times among the centralists 111 who pari cu; j aiexicu. v 1 'icacj ieurriis now under Cahalesir are the same who but a sbort time since were driven from the oth er side of the Rio Grande by Canaliza, the commandant of the central forces i in this part of Mexicq, and took refuse in squads on (bis side, opt 1 faimng ' been 'Sufficient!? supplied wiih arms and ammunition to haz ard a battle'; tljey therefore bate a fearful account to settle with their oooonenls. And now that thev lihave the ro-oneration of a few American?; they believe themselves per- lecuy invincible, and are likely to be sue- ce&sful agaihsK great! odds. 7 ; From the Veto Qrleaha Courier, JVrteinher 8 LATEST FROM MEXICO. ! Arrivals this! morning have brought ac counts fiom 1 arnnico and Matamorasto the last of Oct., and jmore than $ 150)000 in spe cie. . : M-.-.',- ih.-A , r The g'reatestltranq.iility, we are happy to learn, prevailed throughout Mexico, and there was every probability that trade gen erally during Jtne season, which! has just commenced j would be brisker than has beep known of latej rears TbeTam'pico mar ket was bare oft foreign goods 'and the de- mand for them was expected to be good theie, and at Mata moras. . The October fair at Saltillo, Whf well attended, ! ! ! Half a million of dollars had been lately shipped at Tqmpico for Tew Yoik We are M debted to a respectable merf chant of tbid city for the loan of Tampicb papers to tliej 27th ult., and those of the capital to th; 20th of October. I t f A con due a of specie arrived at Tampicb on the 24tb iiitl from Guadalajara, Guana1. juato, Sdn Luis Potosi, and Sanuara. - By it were received 477,ioy oowars n r On the 2( th of October, a condticta from Zacatecas ar d San Louis .de Potosi, airived at TantpicoJ bringing 735,499 dollars. On the : Jajat of September, 260,000 do lars were received at Vera Cruz from jbje The French brig Fanny, fifty tbree days out from Bofteaux, was cast awa ra Cruz, in Ubt of the 3d o way near ve- rOctober. 5 - - It l I I -I A con-lone of the sailqr were drownedt ;; j The number! of criminals who received sentence in pfie monih, in the capital of Mpvi.n 1 f Anwn at np.ventv-nine. fifteen " n T t l of whom had been guiltv of homicide. ' 1'h? visiti bf Admiral Baudin to Texas has attracted (He attention and excited the ire of the Mexicans. One of the papers of the capital contains the .following viraono 11 other teflecticlna 1 on the sabicctiof iTexas :!( U I. . i J U r - U 11 n.M.ni In llimlt 13 li is uuw imhc iui mo v seriously ol What iney snouia oo. 11 irie honor and the interest of the nation prohib- it us trom sanctioning the amputation bf ont ' S ! i . - ... i I : i . a .. v-i . .3 cufin the war i becomes a senous conse- I quence,''ri.,cji : ;:-, - - , uvieoo,,sivguera, anu ugasie, noiea lea ders, had bee nj allowed to escape from prison The (conducid of si I ver ; from Tu I a w a V escorted bv lirpbps of horse to preserve it from plunder as 1 1 a pproach ed Ta m pico. The last inhilment ($200,000) of the indemnity To jfance has been paid over to the Frenclv Consul al Vera Cruz. f-Ui The celebrated robber Reyes has been kii ed in a duel in the vicinity of Tamazula. A conspiracy was detected at Tampico a bout the middle of October. and several tpersons arrested A battalion -of troops had, been ordered li to leave Vera Cruz for Yucatan; .r; ; w :u I! On the lilhflof October the j Mexican Tt -1 f : 1 5. Congress passed a lav authorizing the Prj To sum up,' as far as we can form an b mines were fully worked, and confident where grew stronger 10 the rWourcs grew stronger in 1 ne resources of the counlrj and the return of beuerj imeW Wi. ioe"wh J. were instrumental in bririU t!vr? P !S!-r i! 1 Fisher for - Congress in ti e, mg out " Mr Salisbury D - M -I l m-'i 1 - 1 elates to the Rileigb Convention, piesumes that said Convention to save me people r - .-- v v ' : . I : ' id; the trouble of, makinff a Governor.' - We now make lliis referance for the purpose of aaying, that, irtasmucb, as theyan . - n i iff' Buren onven - - ! r lion nf its own in Januarv for the'sime oh el nor, we shall expect the; Carolinian, with I - "f it . . " . .-.-j-s 1 t -- - j ,,( -r o Robberies opilthe highways seem frequent, :Trunks9 together with such other articles as are and the piibfic treasury is nearly riemptyi eorumoily found .in establishments il-7b kind'; mul't;XZmlttnto, lall of Jyhieh shall be executed iti a superior: style all those who supported Mr. Fisher j to op the nominee of the Van Bureo Giiber- natural Convention llllmmstonl Cirohi' 4 I l , - - . --.- Is ' . '.St 4?.-k--J- ' tit , s i -i 1.1 Iredell roonty on Thursday 2Istl tnsr.,! by Rev. J M. H. Adams. .Mr. RO0EIXT KNOX of iLis county, to Miss CATHARINE l.f . - - - . . 1 : OCCUPYING the House formerly occupied by Leuily & Sba, beg 'leave respectfully 10; iniorm tne public ot this ana inn surrounding viiuuiiesy mat iney nave jusi openpa Root and Shoe Sliop hold themselves in readiness to execute a large any de mand, however large in the above lioe i; Gen- ilemen and Ladies can be accommodated with out fail, and in reasonable time. NeJioesshoes made with despatch. Repairing done on good r.si. EC? Eiwhtor ten Boot and Shoe-Makers can ?get! employment by making earlv applicaUoo t to ..uDjk'uwniiuciB at uintuui j. w - a November 29. 1 8393iw 1 aRtt? 1 1 1 g I ICF- Tne public mast be a ware thai cash will at all times command the best bargains, jti - f I t "! ' ,'-MrL;Tl5 Stale oKJYortli CaroihM WILKES COUNTY. 6 ! 1 Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions. i r' 1 ; ; ' -"' " - L j 1 JVbrcwier Sessions, 1339. Vrd. HjHackett. J" ,ed'00 !!"f fcods. f f T appearing to. the satisfaction of the? Court, fl that the defendant Wm. H. HackeU. is not an inhabitant of this State: It is ordered byJtbeCoort ithat publication be made for six, weeks in the Car Uinaj Watchman, for the said Wm. HI Hackett, to appear at our next Court, to be held the Couqiy 'of Wilkes, at the Court Houses in Wilkeorongb, on the first noonday. faffer the fourth monday of January next, and aisfr;or or judgment will be entered against Ihioai and Ihe Lands condemned to satisfy plain tuTs debt. -f! , Witness; Wm. Mastin, Clerk our said Court at Office, the 1st' monday after the 4th mpoday brOqtober, 1839. ; --. -Jf 4ii "in-.- 1:-'. .h- , " WM. MASTIN. cw;c c. j Nov.29. 1839 Printer's fee 5;,.-j.iv.lt' " s - 1 -; -i -. ' i " . - s-ii i till : 1 : State otJLorttv avQllna I It STOKES COUNTY, ill i Hi - If "' Court of Equity Fall Term, 1839. -' ,-J t-:" " r "j. .! l- Polly Early, Executrix of a Earlyec'd. l-'-i ' ' i vs' Pleasant Kirby, Thomas Kirby and N this case it appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that 1 homas Kirby, one of the De lendants in mis case, does not reside wuntn the jicoils lof this State j! it is therefore orferjj that pablicition be made for six weeks in lie Caroli ia Watchmao, printed at Salisbory-iH4t tin .loss the Said 1 homas Kirby appear at thel next jCourt bfiEquity, to be holdeit for the 0 V I 01 J Sioke, at the CourtfHouse in Germantor, on i he second monday after the fourth tnonday in IMarcli next, and plead, answer or demorrl the .Bill will be taken pro confesso, and the case aet dowu (tor hearing exparte as to him. I I Wrlnaou C ffnoa CAoth nA litoetdp iF nnr said C ourt, 2d monday after 4th monday jnj Sep-1 itembeK 1839. FRANCIS FRIES, d. ii, e. Not. 29 6w 18 Printers fee $5 Stfite oC Siottft ftroUtefta W I LK ES CO UN IT. f Gideon Debord, ") !! ! . I vs. Petition for Divorce. Polly Debord. i TTT r appearing tn the satisfaction of ile Court, B . S 'j . T . n.. . I !:.- itjL tnat jtne detendant folly UeDord.as not an , ps not an inbabi ant of this State : Urdered by !t lie Court, 1 that, publication be made three monih in the parol lha; Watchman, that the said Pull Debord .. . . ' j appear! at the next Superior Court, to b hld for i . : t ' ro,' Oniirte tn Monday aner tne 3 a monday ot .1 1 ; , '. . . " . A . mm i. . . i a a 1 - t r ebriiart next, and answer lo said pemjont 01 U ;witl be heard. exparte, and judgment 11a warded accordingly;. , . - J Witness,, Jaras G wy n , Jr. ,. Clerk of bur sairf Superior; Court at VV ilkesboro,' the lih imonday of the pd monday of Angost. A D. 1839 I ZZ -'-ii: - - J.GWYNN, Jr. dslc. l.vNo jS9 1339-313 Printer's fe $10 ttE SUBSCH1BEUS "OST respecifiilly adopt . this method ,f informing thtir friends and tbej public. that , having in their employ First rate Arorthern Work ' men in the j ; AND i .rness Making Business, ;t hey are prepared to meet any orders with which 0?ra?! fe -AflLl fiS z the advlantagesof which will enable thirm M gixe lmWW" ffT i 'VTh4t to.kee.pon han . r and. s w,- Jj-.-. ' l.!,,flllli AlflfIi:XIIIIIlill III ,11:111111 IJOTICB. t I milE Stockholders in the Salisbury Mauofae- f , " taring Company are hereby, nottfied.:tbat instalment of Twenty DoUars reii share will be payable to the undersigned on ' the s 2Qih day of .December next.' By order of the Drrec tors of ike Company. Mat: IMHORAH. Tr. S Salisbury; 2Sth Not., 1839 3 w 13 JHT a .- m I. I . . . . m t. . . . 'REWARD, -For. the apprelunston and delivery t of; vri&TLi&.ii iiojl hizo oris TnVTHO broke Jail, and made Jbeii?ca pe on .V Ya the; niht of l be 23rd mst in Wadestxir ough, Ansoo Couoty, North Carolina; GOENS is aboat 45 VearVoT age. five feet 10 ;bir li inch es highi spare built, rather thin visage, nose ra sher long and turned. down, so as to cover bis op. pci. uy uiuo cjres, ujiiipi.exiuu usik uars nair, beard, large ; weight 145 or 50 .puandsiebin largo and prominent, bad on wben he left atlue frock coat, blue pantaloons and white bail--,4' liP. HOLD ROOKS I ia a roong t manv 2 1 ; or .22 years old ; light' hair, complexion fair, bat Utile otraui, otuo eyes, race ronoa, nair in irooi erect, 5 feet 9 or 10 inches hibstoul built, dose; ra tber pointed (sbort.)had on a dress coat Kentucky jeanr velvet collar black hat ; weighs 6oui 160 The ; above described Goens and ; Hotbrooks were imprisoned under the charge of negro steal ing; :r-A 'iv w I i-':X --U i b i ! 4 V I Will tfTllTa iYia sKnvo 1?aa7trJ ff llriftlr ilo livery to me in Wadesbiirough.ior $100 for their conuneraeni in any jait n toe UQtiea oiaies, so that 1 can get them. : .:'?l-.'M'4i 1 f : - :t:r' ; YOUNG H. ALLEN- f r " Sheriff of Aoon County Wadesboro Anson Co.! I ? .Ito N: C- Not. 37, 1839. f 11 10 UK '- 4 i 55 1 TY virtue of an erdetof the Court of Equity, JLF lately held for thef County of Wilkes. I I strill oner tor. sale, on the 1st pay. of January next, on toe premises, several valuable t 1! 31 '-. r -5: ( TRACTS pErLTJp, in Wilkes County, N. C The several Tracts in lay all adjoining- and joining the Fort Defiance Tract, the residence of ihe late Geni Wra.! Le noir, Dec Containing by estimation, upwards 01 w 1000 -MU m laying on both sides of the Yadkin ; River i a large portion of which first rate bottom, and will make one or two i t . I - ? i .il SPLENDID; FARMSrS These lands are situated in one of the most healthy, fertile, and respectable neighborhoods in the Wesern part of the State jj j and vf ell worthy the notice of any person desirous of ma binrr a narm9nnl aotllctncnl in tttia 'IW- lands are extensively productive in all the trains. and it is. believed, would be first rate fur robac co, and the grasses. ,'.4: ;.V';. s vtiil" .Twelve months credit will be given, the nur chaser giving bond with approved security. Per sons desirous to purchase, would do well to ex amine the lands before the day of saleil Imuae diaietposession will be given..- Reference mayJ he had to , Col. , Thomas Le. irii-: 'A t noir, or Uen. iL.dmund Jones, .whose: lands lav adjoining tne above named lands. :' hi ii 1; i JAM ES C A L LO W A Y 6" m. E.i Nov. 29, 1839 Printer's fee $6 5b I I ! V!. 1 1 rfflHERE will he exposed to pnblib sale nn JL the 24ih of December iS39. at the late les. dence of Henry Shiail, dee'd, the following va luabie property, viz : A LARGE Rd AD WAGON, S' - :.! -fi J ! '.' find six Valuable IIOltSES, 12 of as fine MILCH COWS, as ever wa? H aw.VuMV milked and some CALVES, aod Provender of I all kinds. V. t r M f A large quantity of Com and some JVfieat, and a quantity of Seed Cotton, ? . ri' '- - J- . I I " -!' 4 i i- A. ime ttirestunsr luacmne or two, and Farming Utensils of air kinds,! and House- - - . j - - -: rW 1 ', f ! hold and Kitchen yz !I " -- - - . . J3. ' 1 . Together with a greatj many other;; things; too tedious to mention. Terms made known oo tbe day of sale. ROBTI S. STEWART, Admr. Nov. 29, 1839 3wl8, ri.;- i x BOYD'S -:. IN' THE"-" r CITY OF -I ttatlctou, 0iroUtn f I IHE' undersigned formerly of, fhe Charlotte , X' Hotels North Carolina, takes, pleasuie in announcing to his fiiend3 and the traveltinar com- monuy, inai ne win open me noiei sepi ot tt.e Ute Alaj;"Norris) on the5 i I ,' -', r - ' - . . 1 .2 - 111 . I. "l , .1 .i' t . 1 j porneVof 'King'and George-strecti,. ;;! hisexpe neoceand the undivided attention which hUill gje flatters himself that, thte who ft vr 1:-. -..l ...- ;n k- . I lliui niiii iucii imnuinvc. w ill 3 .. v... ? -... nnHE business men of Iredell are respectful -IL ly intormed that Mr. J. lA. .Hoggins ot Statesville, has accepted of us an agency for the 8ale of Blanks.- He has now on hano andiwill continue to Keep a supply of everv desetipnoo. . . PENDLEION & BRUNER.J Mat i , : - i: tt -i - t .... mm Mi fitiit, mmo t f v Sciirmt- j RTHE following details of a Scheme or a ilLi Lottcet, to be drawn in December next jvarraniaos n declaring it to be UNPARAL LELED in the history of Lotteries. Prizes to me amouDi have kkver before ee offer ed to the public. It l'triif". there ar man blanks, but on the other hand,' the ex'trem-lt low.cbargeof S0 per Ticket the Value aax N umber of the C afita!. and the' revival of the good old custom iif .waraotin? that everv prizj shall be drawn and sold, will, we are sure, give aniversaisafistaction, and especially- to the 3ifcHuirDRED ParxE Holders.' . X o. those disposed md venture, we recom mend earty application being made 10 us for tick ew wbbb me rrizes are ail sold ,.U tanks only remain.t he first buyers have the best chanced We therefore, emph a tical Ij sa y--D R LAY NOT.' wi(i ai once remii ana irans-mti 10 us v our or ders, which shall always receive our Immediate attention Letters to be addressed . and apptica- tiuti to be made to""-r4'T''''I':?,' j-;".::":-'" i:- -i. .-! c YLVESTER & Co. ;- -':. 1-' Hiv - !. 1 5fi Broad wa v. Nl" York. I ICT Observe the Number. 1 56. 4: : if - ti' S700,000 ! S500.000 ! 1 : 525,000 ! ! ; 6 Prizes of S20,000 ! ! 2;Pnzes bi-Si5,00tf ! ! a Prizes ot-S 10,000 I k I: Grand Real Estate and Bank Stock :' XiO T T 2 '3-1' - V: I Gf Property situated w New JOrlean tCPThe richest &ad roost magnificent Schenie fyer presented to the public, in ibis or any oth er country. , Z . ; ; . -:- ?l:Z : ; - Tiomrrs oitly so bows. I Authorized by an act; of the Legislative As sembly of Florida, aod under the Direction of theCommissioners, acting under the same. jTolbe drawn at JACKSON VLLE Florida, - i .. ; December 1st. 1839.- ,-. '''r-,r j j. SCHMIDT 4 HAMILTON. Managers, I J SYLVESTER & C6, 1 56 Broadway, 1 j . Z - - New York, Sole Agents. tji I ' -- .(-- I- ;1 No Combination NuMBtns I ! p I OOf 000 Tickets from No.U upwards in sncce- sioq. j .' ' .', -N;r'.-.-...-'V.;. I - The deeds of . the Property and the. Stock transferred in trust tojhe Commissioners appoin- tea oy tne said aci or tne legissatore ot t Jon da.lfor the security of the Prize Holders. j I Prize The Arcade 286 feet, f , 5 inches 4 lines,. 3 on Magazine street; , j 101 feetj lj inches -r I . . on Natchez street -! J : . 126 feet, 6 inches, , on Gravier siTeet , 1 ',' : Rented at about$37-'. I Q00 per, ann. Val-K 1 ued at -I ;. 700.000 1 Prize City Hotel 162 feet on , Common street; ; Z , s.- .146 feet,, 6 inches, ,; l on Camp st. Ren I ted at $25,000. I . Valued at $500,000 i Prize Dwelling Jiouse(adjoin- ing the Arcade) No ! 16,24 feel, 7 inches I fronton Natchez st. J Renied at $1200 Valuedat . I Pnze! Ditto (Adjoining theAr 4 I . cadejNo 18. 23 ft. ' . fron on Natchez si. ,! ; Rented at 1200 j.- - ,- rValoed at 1 Prizer-DiUo-(Adjofning the Ar $20,000 $20,000 cade; No 18, 23, ft front oo Natchez st. Rented at 1200 i. V oiucu a a ; . k)jPrizet Ditto-No 23 north east 20,000 corner of Basin 4 Gusiotn-house si. 40 ft front on Basin, 4 40 feel on Frank lin street, by 127 ft deep ;n Custom house street- Ren i ted at $1500 Valued at 20.00 1 Prize No 245outh-west corner of Ba sin & Custom honse st. 32 ft 7 inches on Frank lin, 127 feet, It) J inches deep in front of Custom house sfreei Rented at $1500 Valued at ,20,000 1 Prize Ditto No 839, 24 feet 8 inch es on Roy 1 street, by 127 feel, 1 1 inches deep, Rented at $1000 Val ued at 15,000 l iPuze 2o0 shares Canal Bank Stock, - $100 each, 25,000 I irnze-auu ditto Commercial ditto. IT ! $100 each, 20.000 I Prize 150 ditio Mechanics' & Tra- - ders', $100 each, 15.000 liPrize 100 ditto City Bank, $100 each, 10 000 . li 1?.. a j. j-. 1 nwk iirrize iuu ooaiito oo $itjiiacn, iu.uuw l iPrize 100 do ditto do $100 each, 10,000 1 PriZd 50 ditto Exchange Bank, $100 each, 5.000 liPrize 50 do dittfTdo. $100 each, 5,000 1 Prize 25 ditto Gas Light lJank, $100 ! .each, 2.500 li Prize 25 do ditto do, $100 each 2,500 li Prize 15 .ditto Mechanics' 4 Traders' 1 . . 100 each, 1.500 I 1 PnzI5 do Ditto do, $100 each, 1,500 20 Prizes each 10 shares of the Lonis- i iana State Bank, $100 each, j each Prizn $l,0tf(, 20,000 10 Prizes each 2 shares or$IOO each, I earh Prize t?200, of the Gas 1 Light Bank. 20,000 200 Prizes each 1 share of $100, of the 1 Bankof Luuisiaj,a 20,000 200 Prizes each 1 share of $100, of the New Orleans Bank, 20,000 ISOTrizes each I share of $100 of the i Union Bauk of Florida, 15,000 600 PRIZES 61,500,000 j TICKETS $20 XO 8IIARES. I The whole of the Tickets, wih their Nnm bers, as also those containing the Priz-s, will be 'examined and aJed by the: Commissioners tp pointed ondef the Act, previously to their bfei g put inll "the wheels. Que wheel will contaiii the whole of ihe Numbers, the other will con tain SIX HUNDRED PRIZES, and the first 600 Numbers that shall be drown ootr w ill be llt!ed lo'such P.ria8 '-may be draws tolts ncn bef, and the' forinnaie holders of such Prizes Will have such propny transferred immediately after the drairtg,;nwiCM4ieref, and tcilhflul any deduction ! L i L June 7. 1839-tlD- J -r A HIGHLY- LVPOn'RJJVT C V ; ,! " J lie rujsi.iu UY lm. m ' " V''" '1 "f " "f"-"' - oainaaa. ' ' 2?icaks general and special 'Car: - ; . I th'ubcs. Z BEWARE - LEST YE STUMBLi:. TOCT.WILLIAM EVANS, 1C0 CI ham street avails himself 'tf ih? j rt rr : casion to tender Ue irosi unMgnrd ckr r ! merits to the nomerous members Z t .c-ttv .(soeno2nderallthepaiiisar.d mS.: flesh 18 heir to') have entrusted it r.-U, his care. v He, ha? the satislactiun ct t : from imaoy living evidences, tLat j r, . havefdone their 'diy as 'far as lirswiii iT compass of human T means. How SUfre-.s: the aSicted is Dyspepsia or lodigestii-u, jH.i-' iig all the sources of iheirer)jynifr.t, s .a I ing In many instances to the mimies f r. firmed Hypochondriasis J Long as it has I the subject of iriqniry by medical auiln-r;. ii . mama in rauelnscurity Apoplexy, disft the LtvtKtdn Vplen, Stomach. atJ ! lesucws, uiadtier and its appftidaf s, I)i : ! Dysenlary.'Cum Moltas AIIis,v rert. rti " i ! ' M i iorwo AHections, Dr 1 1 v has been singularly successful to the tr? a t: of the above diseases, ay remedies drawn I r nis own and the researches of -the most medical men in the world. HehasaNorl . experience and success ibiousbwut the tamay of delicate disease?, the immir ifr cies which are aogravated by tmd no . ! the constitution through the base conspirac ; itiercuriai muraerers, unprincipled, unedu. r and uopracticed, in any art save that ct aiu . ting to lead -the credoluus victim on the 'ic ti : ruin.;, Ut Ivans' office, 00 Chatham sum i, supplied with the choicest remedies freni i : and foreign markets, and compoimctd bv a i tci s iiMiu un scieuuuc principles'', 'A j hys-.'r; is always in atiendence, and a; rrivsie iZ All tbie whocome there in the hour of m.j ; WILL GO OFF RRJ01CI50. - " l tC3 LI VElt COMPLY LYT, OF Tr YEJUIS STJJYDIA'G.-rMT II ANN A i BROWNE, wife or Joseph B Sixth st. near Second st. Wf1lam.bufh, ti.. ted for the last ten years with Liver Con j b r restored to health thrbagh the treainu nt cf I Wat EVANS. Symptoms: Habitual const i; 'ion tt the bowels, total Joss of appeiiit, t u r ciaiirg pair, of the epigastric regiun.pxcat , preasion of spirits, latigour and oihrr sjmf u n extreme debility, distuibed steep, inordmaif of the menses, paio in the rihi aide, t;u!d t lie on her left, side, wilhout an aggravaii(.:i the pain, urine high coloured, with other -syr..; toms indicating great derangemtni in t he i.. lioos of the liver. . - I airs. Browne was attended by throe r f t! first physicians,, but received but little nl from ihsir medicine till Mr Browne pur..: some of Di Wm Evans invaluable preparati which efftcioally relieved her of the abevf Z, tresstng symptoms, with others, which it is i essential to intimated " J i w i -Z JOSEPH BROWNE. City and County of New York, ss. Joseph lirowne, illiamsburoh, f.pprr ij.lJr ' being duly sworn, did depose and ; say that facts as set forth irr the within! state rnrnt, i which he has Subscribed hi? name, are just ; true. JOSEPH BUOWNi:. ' - Husband of the said Hannah Browt. Sworn, before me, this 4th day of January, It r rriicH riiLiiri , Lom,ol Ueecs. CFrtofter receni m unrivalled ti; tue of Dr IVm Evav? mUedicines DYSPK I - 5f. TEJV YEARS' JSTJUWIAG.-iu ' McKenzie, 176 Stan ion street was afflicted wit:, the above complaiol for ten yearsi, which inca pacitated him at intervals, tor ihe period vf ii years, in attending to his business, rfkten d ; perfect health under the salutary trcainuut ut wm u;vans. - ,".....; , - - The Symptoms icere. A spose of ditfr.c and oppression after eating, distressirg pain" i the pit ot the stomach", nausea, impaired ap f in giddiness, palpitation of the htart, great kU;: and emaciation, depression of spirits, d'siurl'. rest, sometimes a bilious: vomiting, and pain i the right side, an l eitreme 'degree v( lan-c and laiotnesi; any endeavour to pursue his t iness causing immediate eihausuou and niari ness. v-; ';ZtZ Z-.Z- 'Z;Z.'--Z' JSJr McKenzie 'is 'daily attending tohij Lv Z ness, and none of the above syniptctus have r cdrred since he used the medicine, lie is n a strong and healthy ma oVv He has restric d t myriads of remedies, but they were alt in - -lual.- He is willing to give any informaiiun t the afflided respecting the inestimable I -r t rendered to him by the; use of Dr Wm Evur ! medicine. - ZZ ZZ.ZZ'ZZ. Z zZ A BealBIcssing to Mother Dr. JVm Evans Celebrated sonthin:: Syrvp jbr ChildrenzCuttlng tluir 7 it!. f glHIS infallible remedy has preserved t. -JL dreds of Children, when tho:g'nt j nt r' covery, from convuUions.yAs Socn as fie y rup ts rubbed on the gums, the child will r ( er. This preparation is so inrincent, so cuius, and so pleasant, that no child will r iV io4let its gums be rubbed with it. . Whf n it ! ; are at the age tf fur nufilhs, thouh thrrp r appearance of teeth, one boiile rf the byt. should be used on the gums, to ff en the ; Parents shoold never,be: uilhojii; the S) h ) i ihenarsery where there jueytong chihlm , ! if a child wakes in the night ith pain in t! gums, the Syrup immediately gives r- ly opening the jxnes and healing the gtiri!-; (Lm; -by prev9ntiog Convulsions, Fevprs, -c. Zh Proof positive of the Eptacy oj JZ Evans soothing To the Agent of Dr Evans' Soothing- Syn.p : Dear Sir The great bent-fit sflorded to rr:y si A fering infani by your soothing Syrup, in a r: of protracted and painful detiiit4iori, in'-st fir vioce every feeling parent how esseniial an r ly application of such an invaluable raedicir t : to relieve infant : misery and torture My i fant, while teething, experienced ench an r sutTerings.tbat it was attacked with con'vu'isu and my wife and family rsupptsed that diatL would sooti release ihe babe Iroro a2ui?h.- ir-1 we procured a txitileof your syrwpi which aii ' ; as applied lo i h gums, a wonderful charge .n: produced, and after a lew : applications, the r h displayed obvious relief, and by coniinuieg in r use I am gla'd luit.form you, ihe child has t pletely ,rrcovered and io recurrence of that l ful complaint has'since occurred ; the tetth n enanatirig easily ard the child enjoys pf ti i health. I give yo my eheerfcl irroiii?n ; , make this acknowledgment public, and im:! oladly giveaoy information on thtseircun m r " ,B 3 Wm JOUN.ON. Sold ly the foUoteins: Agents. GEORGE W BROWN, Salisbury, IS C. JOHN A. ING LIS, (Bookstore) Cl.eraw, S. C . J. H ANDERSON. Camden, S. C. B. JOHN HUGGINS, Colombia, S C. W. Mi MASON 4 Co., Ralegh. N. C. TAYLOR; HARRIS & Co., Charlotte, . C 1RANSCR1PT OFFICE. trJnttcn.G P.SUMMEY &. Co. 5 vay'io, i33 ry4T l-ICil-l t i i ' ' I i - ' ' :? :fi'iS- :t.!lS r

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