ill j- : s- -g;": I-1 1. r j . i J 1 5 i- ? A i- - Li : . f - ? . - I . - . , if f. loft tir4 i ' t 5 i V-I -.P- .I -if i 5 :Vm infiirTsolirvn a hrin I Via slight ined. m iJiUMW ibose panicular regK.os oi ..ibe I'f Wffi& right or left side ot that car iff XiMi the name hjrpycbQtidnasis. 'fi! M I StMPTOMi,-.:- -. '. iuJ.(icqrJoreal sjrmptoros are flatulen lio'f1 bowels, I acrid eructation, in ; ; - f ic pains, giddiness, dimness .!" fja1nJlU'n8L ana oneo an uuer inaoiiuj kDl'bentiiin upon any subject of im- luSfis cUe, AUo lanaaidness f, i j&W irritable tbuughttul. despond- tfi. thM:knd dejected, accompanied with vous system. r train of ideas d. oTerhelmn ''Taw bfsl. meQ re BSI,Pea, 10 lb,s aLtllc" CAC9ES. f Jtltartliofany kind, especiaUy se- '.a4 nWfrieled lo a laie hour 10 the oiebt, foutjon j relaxation . or if8 it otirjmbre rmportant ofgads wirtiin &.UeqaentS.. .; ; - ; j TblwSncpl Necu of treatment are; to re Lli iyeyHnttb strengthen the body, and SMtbiMpims. which may be promoted ;tti(ICIt:?l!J .!"" - - i,lr3r fimVprfia Hot). The bowels (it costive) LiJeirefairPguIaied by the occasional use TlapetnU vve Know, coining oeuer Oflaie4 toyiaib bis end, than Dr. VVilliam VaMAberreatlRiIls being mild and cerynn IMiplmH The bowels being ones Uw&i MiSstiimable Camomile Pills,(which QtJnttiln&lieind anti-spasmodic; are an l j,!ljbie iewfljl and - without dispute 1 hate Mrifd Vgreablessing o the numerous public. :uai physicians hare recommended a free df 'n'wcafjf,bUl it should not be resorted to ; tasnf Ulerit willreatly aggravate the i i! '- j -1 f ii yfliitqnjSf j .4--' '- - " I 1 Wwst&g ond Astonishing Facts. W0?iHW?n REE YEA RST STAND jjfii tfrIoriroe, Schuylkill, afflicted "ifh'tlwabav-ei: distressing malady . ' Symptoms: UGfelMtnbj; ilatulency, disturbed rest, ner- febfailtcli'jijKcuy of breathing, tightness UisttfctareJacrMjs tTie breast, dizxinesss, ner- itiz4ntaipition withuut the sensilion of iliiiihi ?utTiiCaiion, palpitation of the heart, bhlwslini Hiogbl cost ireness, pain of, the 6tom- jafij drb vretne' g rea t d e oil i tjf a nd deficiency of hSfDjprfo? WWSJ-'-M r K.iJonrpe gave up WT hobaflit if recovery, and dire despair aat IjlJje coiinienance voi every person interested mi Jus:axliteM ojrh?ppiness ; till by accident be jifii4wtii'e' papersome cures I effected by bfifevf MEDICINE in his com p wh)feh!alejd him tu purchase a pack yoi ihri t'llM which i resulted in eompletelv nwim et4m 8J0tpni''of his disease: He ti&hei to ear r hU motive for this declaration is, Jii't those dieted with the same or any syrop- Isiiyikrlloliiiose from which he is happiJy f may pjjue wise- receive me inesumaDie llJA CAtEpF Tiq DOLOREUX. 1 ilislii $ifJihnW, fetf CaptJ Jo! seph mtftfe atom alb-, land unable to leaTe her room 5ti? tfoold J6ili .'relief Jrunn the advice jpf sev irai pliysiei6ioor from medicines of any kind, tniltalersjyd commenced using Dr Evans aieine if Jt(IChajham stfcei, and frum that tiajeftTe ilp4fi.itj amend, and feels satisfied if .vY. 5.1" invi'j-- j .snquojofiej.iDeaicine a lew uayg lunger, Hpfl 'Cored.: Reference can be had itsqt:triir,ihe!aUive, by calling at Mrs i3!info8dloihter's Store, 389 Grand street, siAnne.F. Kenny, No 115 Lewis , afHic- iWrwiljetseenj ;'Stanton and Houston siS JiefqrSe jia!with the following1; distressing' Jttiih'.-ieiiy , -loss4 of appetite, palpitation of ;j of fer ieir't lllldiness atd dimness ol 6ight,cou)d M lii Reside., .disturbed rest, otter in- twitiaregMl v iitaoy thitig.t hat demanded or.orjuimetinies avisionary idea of S'iji!1;! hexdisease, 'a whimsical aver iai ttf.pjrtia. persons and places', groundless ippretieaswis oiipersonal danger and - niivertv. irksoenMjjdjwearinesis of life, disconten $i$H$0W erjr : slight ' occasion , she :rc,f Hpia neitneroie noriive;srje wept, Iatpenej lelpolded, and thought she led a fust miserable ife, never was one so bad, with J'eJwj) : f aUucinattons. ; . fFnne alvice of several eminent jHjsicjapd had recourse to numerous medi -"f'INHll hoi obtain even temporary allevia ofi jegiing 8taie, till her husband per- iT3W.pfake trialof my mode of treatment. She faojw; quite lelieved, and finds herself oniyjcblf of attending to her domestic af- rffrfnl11' 'ny period of ber existence. UWyi tiu&baod - of the aforesaid Anne i:3 vsh nm wi mis tPRENURKABt arottt bro me. thia idih Av f n mcKSEv, Com. of Deeds. SOrmARKABLE CASE OF ACUTE n eoijlf ISM. twiih an Aflect of The wngs-red! under tbe treatment of Dnctnr )VjKVilfVS'f IfM) Chatham xr ",w-f.i"ilepjatnin 43 jams, 13 Centre st. "warliiiNKi JJafflicled fiir four r. erepatoil!afJ hlsjoJuts, which were alwaW !ueridQ !e fihgriiest motion, the tongue fTfdfeay whiteness ; loss of appetite, 2Jness irk b-is head, the bowels commonly ve. v M?,;iHe purine nign. coioureo, ana ouea Nsl sjirtgVunaitended by relief. The a rte fiymp1omsl Were 'also-attended : with consid lrtJ,e5M U WeathingJwith arsense o. If, f J,c?oss the jphest, likewise a great want the nervous system. 1 ' . .' ' oms were entirely ; removed, fferted hv Dr Wm Evans. lyoWet? York, . r -j " WW BM4"yi? being doly sworn doth de- Tn f inat he facts stated in the a 7VI llficatej subscribed br him; are in al 'tes$ec(9J'roe.' r I- r R RN' i s i a R V f S wOTB bflMfA- rtA? Ihia ftU fHT..u. ibm ' WlLtUH SAUL, Notary Public, 96 nas- 4 :!"''' wGLlS ( Bookstore ) t'h Tfflri&M f0C,a n,e;coarse' or ex- 'flfiltinlvlba immoderate ose of mercury, Lni VbrtmlfTes, Abe eapprewron of some ha WWk M function of ibe men JoonBOD,4ff 6, iVlassv was sev.ei.ely afflicted lorJjBplrfljiijJ ' Dolereux,;' t jofeiit pain n ler heaU Jiod Vomitin?. wiih a burning heat .uue-energy. l?nwe)dtpt perfect core e PENDtfiTON BUDNE1J EDITORS AND f PROPRIETORS POSTZOALl T THE CATHEORAL BKLL AND THE ! HERMITAGE BELL -il Within an old cathedral huD2 ' -' A mighty bell, - Which neverL save at Easter, swung Qaij solemo knell ; j ' - 'And then ia ternly ill around . .- :. , ta echoes fell, : , j ;. , 2 The peasants trembled at Lbs sound Not far frqm ihe cnthedral stood , A hermit's. cell," , i . . And in its-, be fry tower of wood A Sit He bell ; Wbose daily tinklinjjs through the year V Solainilf fell, -The peasanls hardly gave an ear 1 To that roall; bell. The hermit-j-he who owned the same, Abff loved well,1:; 'v-V Resolved lha;t it should share the fame Of the big bell j ; So tollingiit out once year, -1 With one brief knell, He larigH ibe peasants to revers- : His little bell. . 4.: And there are fools in vast repote. ho,' strange to tell, Acquire tl i fame by being mute. These w Jul ke that email bell ; lo be sagP9 rarely Speak, Of they know well That freqneirjt utterance would break j he solemn spell. 1 From the AjSHOR'pj Dedicated (tpi lWu York American. i - .w- ' ' ' AND TRUE STORY. Hout permission.) to the ex elusive ' hard currency'" folks, by one lis s U ' - " J ... xsho telle tfjoj he saw it. 1 Sam Stanton, tras a true-bloe Loco Foco of the i iarc" currency,'" school catch hi in taking any other money hut Hard monejrj Nothing .woildl he handle but .what would;, as he said 'jingle Ion tomb stone.' .Sana had been pretty; fortunate in .business Y and when Ibe period arrived to leaye the southl iiid return north for the sum- em country, mer he sold ing stock in out ana turned au tns remain- 1 m . - ? race into hard dollars and took his passsge 'he first few days out from If Mobile nur voyoge was prosperous; and j many a long! argument workaway th time' U on the relative! security of "Hard money' and 'paper moH0y- Ezra Tupper, one of our passengers on Doarn tne ousan and fcli- Z v was Sat Sfanfon'e main! competitor; Ezra had i vested his earnings in cood a - . :k bank drafts n line north, ana oam would - ' ' jeer Ezra pretiy ' ofien about bis 'paper 1 e 'stuff.1 sava Sartt I promises ' This is th nhat will redeem its own promises any l w here No protests for non payment here.. esys Sam, folding op one of (his bags of dollars, weighing 50 pounds at least, and tumbling it Svfr on; the floor-fthat' thf music, huzza for Tom Benton and fhe'Suhi Treasury, aiidldown with the Bank." Well on be went, arjd a few ilayslbroirght us found the p irt of the t Florid as, and by lat.'and long! ire found ourselves a little south of St Atiustine,l heading north warji and homeward.! The weather ud to this time hadbeen irnild and amiable but now tt beganJfrlooifpur.and!8quallyi';' and iCafjt Crowell looked anxious, and -some of the nld salts' heiran strsnninir ro'neWacns'dowh' over their hitsland round their pea-jackets; I and things assumed coming trouble.' AUjhieh could be seen might he senj while that night the Wind increased, and the Sni-1 the anti individuals suffered theirs jib (hang san and Eliza rolled about like a little boy f with the stomach-ache in green apple time The next jrnqming, she had! not canvass enough on he ib wind whistled thronffh the ncrcinir. anil 1 the salt water splashed ud over n as if thev did'nt care rfilrTor' Sam Stantoh, Ezra Ttif.t per, the 'Susanj and Eliza,' nor any thing else', not even the bags of dollars or the Bank drafts. . ' J ' " Presently there came a real smashing sea tumbling! along, and by tbe time Capt Crowell called out 'hold on, smssh it came on board of lis. and swept off the cook -00k inht, and thW house, and the; poof cook hen coop 8 and jail the chickens in them, and set the p adrift and split and broke thp : ; T, 1 i - . . , , . " t. rodder -from li s hangings, and left tis in rather w told s raised to clear away the fe long boat" . lUverv bodr And (Ki.n mVwUu - pp.. , who had arivltbin tri save brirrled with it ondek,ani nhframeiSam St an ton and his bags ofdol arsiWd op came Ezra Tupper. sticking a small wallet" in his breeches' pocket The boat was by this time slopg a ptcfceMfnr all of us were soaked "d silrery tones, aiidn Ladies andjUen- :.u ..1 I.iJ k ..if,... I tlemen In sneakinir Of the science of oh re- at Uak! had nrrnrredanr! ii rrtr oology, the nrsl consideraiioo -wnicn pre sine ; ana me captain got a compass from gnizawon 'vi ne oeaoa. 01 severat wen. the binnacleVjiahd a big jbagof bread from Pown characlars, whose skulls .1 jbtjJheie. the "ftoirjfonj J and the mate j rolled along ! rf b W, conti q ed the learned ptfesspf ta a cask of water, and others brouffht chunks Iking up i very singular ly-lorrned MiW in of oork "anH beef, and others i KUnbt ml pea jaeketsirij03he bolt w pretty well loaded. . Now inmp in mv bWi said the captaini 'ifusiingfto providence; let us hone for a safe deli terance' Bot! when we tl got in itwksJfond:that the'bbat was over- loaded, anfftiheextthing her--and no'amehhe:.rob'i - .Sam"' Start- ton was sitting on three considerable sized that! in the bottom of the boat and the Cap - VaTri tfttyoljt; tnrJf contiingtl bmrj Vr ' ' 1 fillh: . .t-rr--v-;. 't-.-j t - - 1 beef, or some other necessary of -life, but on jdiscovering that ibey contained Ihtatier ballast, lie decided at once to lighten the shtp by throwing them overboard, j :); I The parting scene was a sore struggle, br Sam Stanton : but over they went, and down, they went.? Sam looked ' U JEzra Topper, and Ezra felt sorry for Sac3;1 and by way of cheering him, said to the Cap tain. 2fow Captain," aaya 'hetirtcefiny friend Sara has made a sacrfiice for the puniic goou. i n uo as muco ; anu ; ui you sfri the word, I'll throw this wallei over- opara too u contains just at isrg an mount in Bank drafts, i dam9!' bags of dollars amount to, and I'll iuif as I fate do iias noif ror l sent -duplicates op y jimaii tiefore I left, and ordered the trijilicates to rrillow by the mail after, to guard i against js such a sacrifice as this. . vJj - It was no time for a joke ; but reroem bertng the apirited arguments we had 1 had (In the passage regarding the relative secu rity of transmitting money by thti'credit system, and the hard money sysiero 1 was almost disposed to laugh o.utright-r-but poor Sam Stanton looked so aireaketl' Uie ah) dollars' had gone to the bottom a dead loss no mailer who owned them a!hd be had'nt a word to say. It was con iuded that Ezra Tupper should not throw his Bank draft, overboard as the Oweight af not material ; and it was wslls he did lot, for they, served oa Our landing to pro cure us means of 'corofoit te.i had a tight pull at the oars for a day anil a night alter. leaving the wreck, and got into St., Au gustine. Ezra Tupper found a trader who Wanted a good draft on the Northland paid im a good premium for one and geperous y mprplied our wants out of itj and upon ibe whole, we bad a merry time of ii on by Railroad? and steamboats.; The sabjfict of urrency was occasionally introduced but t was evident that Sam Sianton !hadgot a new wrinkle by the late voyage, I and be was heard to say, that 'hard currency?' was a jjood thing to talk about in Congress, and jjind at political meetiiigs but devijtjh poor reljauce on salt water in a long-boat ; and If any man ever . attempted to hunhug bim Igain with that matter, he'd just tell him she story of the nyfre be aade on the hrig Susan & Eliza, Cspt. Crow el, ant! that did'nt convince him, he i might try vis luck t it. - :"-!' " 1 H ft THE VENTRILOQUIST AND THE PHRENOLOGIST. I if! I ! V Valentine, ' the ventrih qnst,! Jwilb an hopi!a amusement for his object, applied foi jijiicket at the door of a place wher phre- tjnoiogicai irnure was iw w oeuvereo, ano jijiasi'rig obtained one, 'entered aj wimjeon lisiruciea room, in wnicn mere were; seats ? . a .aiL.a :: traisea one aoove me otner, ano anie or ron- a ' I l i ,i i J Uining about four hundred persons;; wbil: On the rostrum stood s table, tiporli which were placed several peculiarly -forfnejd skulls, the nominal relics of some of ibej jgratesi scoundrels.fools, philanthropisfs, an i) states nen, that ever had existence: The! plac: was crowded, and when1 the appiinl!d Urn- had passed without the appearance -of th professor, the audience began to pajaifest hat respectable sort of impatie uc jwbich deelopes itself in a gentle, timidjiajjping of sticks and umbrellas. The amount pf in lelligence displayed bv the audience was ttriilv striking ; and ps Valentine was able at jlalglince to perceive who were really ph jinolfigists and who really were riotpbiy the rnode in whicb their hair was arranged WW the pbreholoffists wore theirs nnrelv off Hheir foreheads, in order that efrjjijf pomp roughly, or if it would curl, to curf sncord Mfg'J upon tncir latent nro ws oe became PxHejpeJy interested in speculating jipcn the would at once be prepared to go f He had p'hbwever, speculated long. mh'pWk move -menf was made. upon the rostrurri-a move ent which was palpably indicative of some- thing. Eery eye was ot course fdirected most anxiously towards the door ; and when the professor, who formed part ofi i iolemn irocessipn :cssiyu cmcrcu, ihc aumauso wag ra- ceedingly loud and liberal. The: members !f tne cornmiltee then seated themselves at osl respect fuL distance on eierjside. and when: the profess" r had recovered his ! 1. I : I L . I 'LL Sli ?f iPowwmoo ne ,cougneo siigniiy,j ga ve l86"1 Pe?',ar t tetD9 ! a"d lbtnM sweet i'f fls itself iswhel her the extejrnaJ jdevel ooement ofmanV prrpehsities ahd:piassions Kooement 01 man's propensities and iosssions W us "ne fflect of those ipropen tfnsities and passiohSXjVow, in fa ruer tnai t1 mar ,0?!fie.c!c!,T;-,b 8U5jv,,e nent is the efJect, noUhe,causeIprofHse jto dircct yoor attention to the fieceliar or- r both hands, and looking at it' veryliutently r-tf this is the head of Tim:Thwrihi!? tbe I murderer. V - III ll I M I I) i" The: what T5 cried Valentine j! dexter- lously throwing bis voice into thfr skull r jijThe startled professor dropped it jon the instant ;s lod ,ai it: rolled with iejir io- 4'gnation opon"ahe rostrum, tbi?. audience simultaneously burst info a convulsive roar of laughter. ' r ; - '..- l-A. I H ij! ; The ctefcxr "at to dfd Bit Uvrfh Df - - - - :!r. - - - : - r. H-;JJ--Ujir-hjfoi 19 voi TTriu VriT 7" do means; he looked amszedgiiiqd pale, very pale, and slightly trecnbled as he stared at the rolling sktiil But whenj hejha .gut firiently recovered himself Jto know; that all wete laughing : around him, he certainly made s Umeotable effort to join Ihlra J Arid this gave him courage, for he proceeded to pick up lbs object of his aj acpmect ; but no eooner had hegoVhis hand upon it again, than VaJentine fried a murderer ml tone of great solemnity, -j - p T; Ojatj. professor again ataited bark ; but the laogh of the aadieoce was neither io Cloud norsovgeaeral as before, seeing that many. bad been struck wilb the idea i that wre as something supernatural about it jl i stranger, very ' strange xtraor- dioary .! said the brofessor, with great tn- leostiy oi ieeimg f very, i very extrscrdioh A murdeier ?ni repeated Valentine in s deeply reproachful tone, which of 'couiat seemed to proceed fiom the relic of Tim Tbornhill. : I ' -. i JI iiliiil- -i The audience laughed no more They did not even smile The looked, at each other wtth an expression nf wonder,! and felt that the sxpll was under some ghostly influence, wbileTtbe learned professor,! albe it by no means prone to superstition, was utterly lost in amazeraentir: 1 I illil I Is it possible !? thought he; (( that; this skull can be inhabited by the spirit of Tinj Tbornhill? Is it possible tbtt tbat!apirit can have spoked V , He was not prepared to say that it was j impossible, and the aat sumption of. its not being impossible glnerj ated the cousiderltioo of its1 probability:, which, added to the evidence of his b 0 ears, at 1 ength reduced the thing to. a icerl taint y', or something very like it And tbi seemed to be the conclusion to whkh tbe committee had arrived, for. they j looked ext; tremely grave and altogether at a loss to give expression to their feelings on ibeutf- Ladies and Gentlemen," said trie pro fessor, after an awful pause, during whicfi it soon happened to strike him that he onght to say something. 1 stsrrely know bow to address ou.fcr"This occurrence .is bif so extraordinary a character, that .1 really dont know what to think - With, a view to tbf promotion of scienee' ; :.j ' l j "Hi f ha ! haf!" criedValotine in an O'Smithian tone, and at melo dramatic in) tervalsi throwibg bis voiee" be hind the? prof feasor, whostarted but dared not look round. Ha ! ba ! ha !'? be repeated, making the voice appear to proceed rrom a mncn greati er distance ; ahdwhile the chairman j thf professor, and the gentlemen ofiherOmmiri tee had scarceiytbe) power to breathe thi knlls on the riarjle seemed to enjoy th thinj exceedingly for they v really, jnj; the imagination of all! present, appeared to be grinning more decide 'ly than ever, j il There is nothing in -nattire tKat efajrtles men more than a noise for which thev! rani not account. However strongly strung mav; be their nerves; however slight may be the sound which the?! hear, if thev cannot': el count for the sound it at once chills their; Mood, and in spite; of themselves sets thrjr i nffination rn the: rack, I:, the voice which apparently proceeded from that' r ached the ear of a man alone, ineieneffi ould have been infinitely m"rei etrikrng ; inasmuch as. if pipus, be would bav Ihok- ed for that protection for which.we all think of looking when! no other aidiistivesr; while, if impious,he, with the greatest Jpos sible promptitude would : have exclaimed, Why, the devil is in the, skidl,!1 aridjirun away. ' As in this esse : however, rtnere were nearly four hundred persons, present, they stuck to eachl other for. protection.: and a . . 1 i m. f " : " "i: -! f' during tne awiuijsiience wnicn tor some time prevailed, the more' reflecting bega'n to reason thriiselvesover theehockf thus : Why what havefwe to fearK Ve never tni'ired I im . 1 nornniil. t rferaiffht nave been verv ill used'l- he might have' been in nocent of the crime for which: be suffered, but we did not caHse. himttb suffer.1:! 1 His spirit therefore' carl rot be angryfwitb iisun less indeed it be aj very unreasonable Spirit. What then have we to feafi!" t hti IIlI By virtue of this profound course of tea r soning many recovered their self-possession and as Valentine: remained silejnt to enjoy the effect he had broriuced, he;had time to reflect upon that rnoral; weakness of which we are peciifiarly the, victim.; M : A true Anetdoie.Goi Crittenden, (the nrsi 01 tne name,;;wno nuea trie, oince 01 Chief! Magistrate;' of ;Vermnnt) had j two sons, named Martin andfTrUmah. j Thf first of these was deemed less brightly en dowed by nature tpn the btjier and aj col lege education wag ?gifen Aimj to ! rejpjfedy the snnnosed deKeiencv'.N Tfumn !iWh never lacked in mother wit was placed ;up on the farm. It chanced brie day ,that the Governor had in bis barn (a calf, so hlittle endowed with eveo aninial ttnstinct, asfnot to be ) ablcT to 1 d rw sustenance frbnj its mother cow nby allf jhejt etf rta of 5 the Governor, or his HelpTcouJdmakb the crea ture suck the teatTrumai,aid bis fa ther, wftat shall we do with this fo&lish cal f ? How ah alL we lea rn bjm :tb auckle ? dnt know really .father, returned the son, with the most . eommepdable gravity 5 bnlefa'yoQMnhinito'coUege with M"f; tin Barre Gazette More than a match for a fiobber.'tn a VZrthn crplccnci tba tcssoa itstf beneCi wcauiuuuy iaignt. Alao Iherio giving her son forty; piocea of !mo ney as his portion, made hi a swear never o tell a lie and said.. Go my son I conT sign thee to God,and we shall not meet again until the day of judgment! The Yputb irent away and the partjr he travelled with was assaulted with robbers! 1 One fellow asked what he iad got,, and he Vaid. ' For ty diners are se wed up. in : my garment." He lacghed thinking he jeated uoiher aked the same queitioo and got the same answer. AV last the chief came and asked tk.f: h aioV l; bare 6ld t wo of your .fieople arr&ady4hat I have furty diners sew ed up 1 , my clothea? He ordeied I the clothes to be xipt opan,1 and found the mo ney. And how caaie "you : to tell this V Because, the child .replied, l would not be falie to my mother, to whom I have promised never to tell a lie., Child, kaid the robber, aft thou so mindful of thy duty to thy mother, at thy years, acd am ij in sensiMe at my age ofjhe duty. I 079 to my It iui Uive mo thy hand, that I may sweat repentance oa it He did sorLbis ollowers were all struck with j the scene, Xou have been our leader in guilt, saved they to the chief, 'be the same in tbe path 6f virtue ;" and they instantly made resti tution of spoils and vowed repentance ven ne nana." j From the Philadelphia Gazette Dsatm Warrant op Jesus Cnnisx. Of the many interesting relics and fragments of antiquity which have ' been brought to igbt by tbe persevering researches of mod ern philosophy, none could have more in terest to tbe philosopher and the believer, ban the one w copy betow. i Chance, says tbe Courier d Etats Unis, has just put m'o our hands tbe most imposing and judicial document to all Christians, that ev er has been recorded in human annals: that is the identical Death warrant of our liord JBfCa Christ The document was faith fully transcribed by the editor, and is mhzc verba : ; -1 . ..- Sentence rendered by Pontius Pilate, acting ; Govtrnor cf Lower Galilee, (stating thai : Jf sus of Nzreth shall; suffer death' on I the eios$' - --j 1 In the year seventeen of the emperor ribefius 'nar and lhf SSihdayof March, the city of the holy Jerusalem, Anna and Caiaphas being priests, sacrificatora of the people f God, Pontits-Pihte Governr of Lower Galilee, sitting on the Presidential fhair of tbe P story condemns Jesus of Nazareth to die on the cross between two thieves the great and notorious evidence of the people saying- , 1 JeM3s ia e eedoceiv 3 He is seditious.! : 18. He is an wnemy of the law. : A He catls bisaself fals!v the Son of God. . He cat la himself falsbly the Ring of Israel. ' . ' . 6 He entereTleto tke temple, followed by a multitade besring palm branches in their hands.- t I Ordr th isrst renhirion, Q'i ill us Cornel 109, to I? ad hirt to the place of execution i Forbid any person whomsoever, either poor brrirh, to oppose the deith of Jesus. ' . The. witness who signed the coademna lion of Jesus are, viz : 1. Daniel Robani. k Pharisee ; 2, Joannat Ilorobable ; S. Ba phael Robani ; 4. Capet, a citizea. I " Jesus shall go ont of toe city cf Jerusa lem by the gatp of Sfruenus. I The above sentence is engraved on a cop per plate ; pn one side are written thesp words': ' A similar plate is sent to each trie ' It was found in an antjq-te va3e of white marble, while excavating in ths an cient city of AqiM. m the kingdom of Naples, in the year 1820, and was discov ered hy the Commissaries of Arts: atiachcd to the French armies. At the expedition of Naples, it was found enclosed in a bpt of ebony, in the sacristy of the Cbartrem. Ti e vase m the chapel of Caserta. The lrench translation was made by the frrs- of the Commission of Arts. The original is in the Hebrew language. Tbe Chartrem requeu'led earnest It that the plate should not be taken away fnm them. The request was granted, as a reward for the sacrifice they had made for the army. M. Denon, one of -4he savsns, caused a ptate to be of the same model, on which ho had en graved the above sentence. At the sile ol hi rn eetrorr-ot-arniouities. etc. it a-i bought, by Lord Howard for 2,890 francs: (is intrinsic value and interest are mUch greater. A few years ago there was found at Catskill, in New JTork, a " shekel of la rael.11 of the time of our Saviour,- On one tde was the representation of a palm leaf ; on tbeother, a picture of the temple, with tbe words underneath,:' Holy Jerusalem, in the Hebrew tongue Relics like these, properlt authenticated, have about them an inexpressible sacredness and n.oment. They seem to blend two word, and to carry hu man curiosity from the fioiie to the infinite I - THBTilERMO VjETER. Theibertuoinfter. alihoogh tnTenred half a century earlier ihar tbe barometer, a more Jhah half a ceotorv I'" n arriving a pcrlec Itoo Hero, who flourished at Alexandria about one hundred and thirty years before Const. ha deserihed n bis SpirUalia. a sort of hoge wea Iber glaiwnm whicB wair was made to fall by ibe vicitsiiodes of day and night, or jather the heal and eulJ. This machine had 1 1 been Ca agsa ovetluokedj of rnerery maAfevtd in the liwht of a curious contrivance. IV orjo, a very learned and tnjecious V aician, who was lonj professor cf r ' tbe Uaiversity of. Padoa.and had h Improve his ait by theapplicaiioa f f tz lal science, redo ced the hydrauls c. " Haro iota a more campeodiou3 Lrni, 1, con3trocttd. abiiut the' close 'cf the ?.it century, iba ioatruraent aiccs - know n t -name of the air tharmometer, which Lee-' ed with obviou- advantage, to -tzz'-heat of tba hum-a body iofevprs. The great improver of ibe therccne ! : ever, was Pahreoheit, originally a tpu' Dantsio; who, havicg failed io t "i being attached to cheroical porsous, ,V ' to gam a livelihood !;y making and sdlit - ? inairuaentt.s Tbe division of th9 ihen:" icle bad occupied IbeatteoUon cf 6eeral ! d and ingenious men ; but it, w&s PaLrc who first pointed oat 1 Urn 03 1 accurate c atumpltshinj the. porposajHe observe j : tb builiog point difffredi under difTerent t' of airooaphenc presure,'and pointing v-; ; oeceaty f fixing it at a man baromet: xi tude. Ha bad atsa notice3, that a cold ooch more intense than that cf ice" t be pracured by a mixture 4 snow and nU ; conceiving this to b extreme cold, he cm : ed his eoal from that point, which 13 32 .'; below J tbe frerg of water. - Accord U Ifahrephiit'a scale commences at cero, the s peraturi of hie freezing point of wa'er i- : ;d. S2 Idegreea VjanJ -the' twiliag v jm "c: : grees. the apace bet ween, tbe UeZ'ts ii 1 j I ing of water baiog divided into ISO dertt . BemgiUnderstood. Vben we find t we are not iliked We assert that we Rr r understood ; when probably the dislike have excited , proceeda from our bein,T t fulfy coppreberirjed. TENNESSEE. The Instructing Resolutions have p3- tbe Legislature ot this State. Mr F n had rtsigned, at lasMccounts, and J u White, it was thought, would follow s Tbe letter of resignation sent to theX Istnre by Mr. Foster, is spoken of 15 able and eloquent production' ' f The people can now see tbe dff. rr bwtwfien. Whig promises and Loco Foco f JJr. Foster said, before the lection, tha would resign, if commanded, and he : promptly done so. Messrs. Pr.'.v ; Strahgi promised the same for effect ; ' when it turned out in the s qel, that t: were really instructed, it was them t l. of another colour entirely, and thej pti'.l 1 ylorioosly cling to a Seal in the S i whea it is deprived of all that makes it uble PUBLIC CONFIDENCE, -i, etr Register, . ;.'hb new woaur,. A Weekly Newspaper, devoted to ;'oineanJ f eign Intelligence, Literature and the . ID1TED BT K PARK RKNJAMIN, RUFUSAV. GRISWOLD, Late Editors of the Brother Jonafl On Saturday, tbe 19ih of October, was 13. specimen number of a new weekly sheet r n dfd 'IThb New Woelo " and oa the C , f rhe anve month, comtnenctd the rejul jr Neatioa. nnder that title. of the largest, c! st, and most elegant periodical in Amenci Kditors were the originators, and, until 'hoc Tnencement of the present publication, -tl' l actors of the $.:-Brrther'JoMdKarifn and '. hrinr to their aid the experience aciiurfti in t popular journal, and greatly increased of every kind, derived from newly opened f eign and home correapoodence, agencies, . la addition to all ths pnpolar periodica Is I ' continent, they will receive regolarlr from L doe, Cdiaburgb, Dublin, aod other European c tala. tlie m-wt celebrated literary juurnJ Is, Mk the Monihly Chronicle, the Monihlr, 1 New Monihlv.the Gentlemen's, Frazpt's.p! wood's,' the United Service, the Astatic, T md the Uni7iriiy Magazines, Beniley's , rellanv. The. Cos rt Journal. The Court ( ztte. La Rellr Assemblee.The Era. Tiie .v inst, The Age. The Examiner, the X rnir j Dtckena.the QHarferly,the Foreign Quarts the Londoo, tbeEdinborgh, and : the D, Reviews, tic. itc. N ! From all these, and from every other r work f meril.the beta'leci ion will ';iv immediately after their receptioo, and thus .' spirit cf conlemperary literature, in the VorId and the New, placed in the reach cf c t tha Pflirest and roost humble.1 Vr hile the Editors will make themoRf r r and copiws select ton from literary -product they will oot be forgetful of the necessity c f f senting all the hews of the time, in a yni and faithful digest. They will especially ? make Thx New Woatb worthy of its r from its perff cf com pi la 1 ion of Doro es t i c I . na well as intelligence .from all pariatf tlie V, lern Hemisphere:4 Oar newspapers, in hp;, r contain fall accWntsof all that happens in f Old World, evm U the mft trivial .ceurrr which cn be of little or no interest to cur y ,-vbile they omit or neglect mach thai h f q.tence from the variona countries of the. . The editorial articles of The Ne Woki. whde they will be rigidly free from all p .,r seciional bias, will jreoefally be opm t r immediate interest, and have direct re.erer.r passtnir evenis-m ihe times and the Coaniry . The Editors will carefully avo,d theprt... : tone which characterizes most of the j-.urr. peaking of the returns of crime and, mew h n. which laliunder theeye of the mtmr , rioiiee They can see nothing homdrou i.r iv in snch pWc'rea of sinfulness aod i; No ludicroos accompaniment cf incident v: L ifusTe cao make them smile M the frantic v;.- rie of inien-peian. me oreao.ui r...., . fij ..,ir,anf what aaa madeia lheim3P bt Htgh the perverted and irobrated s .-. ... ,nfntts divine properties Utt Us -energi graded and its celestial essence podutedwiw. :. lials'irae. ': . With the most ample assistance in every narimHii ; with resources more ihao sin... -,nd fiend numeroo aod f roe ; witbath-u locenitivrt 10 eenio, and every evidence . a-oranceof the most iriumphant soccer hi. i.Tnz Nr.w Volo. starts into life, ar.d v.. long gladden and enliven,the firesides l( ete pvrlum of or great country. - Pmc of " The ew Worm r; nam, payable in advance; -Two copies wi.i oi Vlr 5 to any part of the city or ccun t r y Ainietiers relating to the; ediional , T.nt f .he NE- Woai.o;to be addres-r Biara GaiawoLo; th-nnbliahr. to . J. W INClito 1 1.1 , tSt3r Atn strcrL'rw V friHie prosuiotiun, spring ano ocsj-d... nc.iat vulntions of social orfer ipnr: Ud he imbecile. Tbey. can only see in nnierfit oreseniments w tle defaced anJ - WsiPGGW Columbia S. C y--ta i----r;::".;v',,f;t.' f " ; miw lri::lr-H . .!.!- . ::m it- ii rilffei.- . -.. ' ! 1 I ' ' - " -4 -1 If' -