i- WV-i ;! 'X;.. - , ! 1 r- - Hi- 1 ". I - '5 X I,- t . ' HOW 'i v-i - J'! HI- i "I 5 1 4 - 9- A From the Raleigh' Register', the acceptance: V 1 V "I! "The People were promisedjhonesty and stiict sccoantabilit y from the Of&f ? of the pi r menf ;nd by waf of eajnfsfio the redemption f iKt nWr n TnniAS V ATK1KS. a De- Hon, anil Ifi. .UoneilEAD, on ww bj.i.ui i fa0ilef 0t goo,, .J.000 onuer to Aominisiratioo 1 We subjoin the Correspondence between ifiH f!oiri nittp i -Jx iha late -Whig Cbh.YCli- e sqbj his ntimmaUon li thai bod for Gdfcinor. ofjMr.AnA.MS. .wit ferreted M1 hunted down, it Will be a soiirceof b'naiWgled salisfaeiibn. caught and incarcerated ni ibes peupJe-writ -tutbAVb'igsorNor 0.ul w itiixinm I ., - - r . " in a spmt, that promises the most, auspicious lestiltsWe therefore unfurl the binorr,.lo 'W r-' XJtiairierat the head of bu r os oer, era lined that r mr. oeen ioiu iiia nu Authority," that "all was , well "that tn u mnment waa greatly btaed In tha ability and taitbfuloisibf tu Poblic".0$dira ;" fedtWeot io fes'igaihma hate brouglit ?io light, jCorropMoo ieuch' a ntmuhulio-i has madeour fuif,f and I diahooetlyj and official derelicnon, that are tiult Jhatiijf every otbercoodoctor, of alWmg atrthng adaIarmiiig.Aid tbe pple, toiheir Press, nut onlr agreeable, but exceed nj.Iy sorrohaje learned thail a f,Iathu 'by, Aa, Ph Z;m.X f.r fail! bority is more perniaot:ft their Interest 33 7 P eef f tJSfj !!' than falsehood wiibMt AiburiiA"-And te ,,ermtertlo : allude ta the ractef tpis. ini. ff thebitl ewr be w for- Jic, boldness and manliness of his com ran- lun8Ul a)0 have anoibarjAcTmiaiHtraiion. thai nieatmn. It ia sr rWaiD. I bat' ns wnovruns inat read. N fibufilio no trim mi fig! - . ... - 0iubj2iious sentences, but in tne spiiiti pi a true Wing; be "calf things Sjj ibeifj Wighf in roes, regarnlesi3f consequenres to himself. , Next to a hoi e-ential to surress is to ha der. , In our Candidate, we have suclij and ln'cte.4S (tom ibirteeci i iiiijrty odd mill'ur.s. 9tc .go fort li to baiae rnnndeot of victdry Uhew what: the party in power mean by iha word not a confidence springing firoro anjflpIse I Ah ?mpiy Treasuiy and ibaopi GoverocpeDV cstitnate. eitlier of tlie prowess if jue sene itny, or of onr own niitnercal ftrce,'but a confidence based upon the thorouah 'behef. .--.. - . i . 'j Tinai me popie wisn to no rigui, ana i!i bring defaotier lo jiis ic; all the Peniten it'iea atlahed to lhe,S? Ajjreaaury Bill will w liafiea attached to lhe-J?h A not hold the Tosiasxs that w 01 then be discut ered. 1-- HAniF'- tltienfM peridrial .Kcowomt is a word ;ihi Sf ma to nae oeen w .ti.o thpibiff ricke from! lbi oomenjatbfe of the present y cause, tup cniei A(Jrcif4jg,ralion t haWbWiwmf a bye word and 8 T a: a jest: ; Tbe Expenditures f tbe GoTernment, wai do rijhtv if properly eu lightened. But to the Correspondence. ,1 lluUteh, JYottmbtrAZlh, 1839. JoHg-M: .MontiieaD. Kmi.:, kin: l ne otiiferwe iJ, as me auinprizeu tefl i he pedpla, bow grussly tbfy hate been de jThe people are at lenffh awalcened from their iolhttitv nA -ooiinrv nr) -ritncpil In lhif dan ger. .They nu ItMiger regard flossy Message and pariizao demagogoasj I he bate aetermto ed to think and .act fortbemslf ea . They a re inuring in their primary Astttnblies. They are determined, b? united aeiitinj to pot an end to that misrule, wh'cb has birtkrnpted the Govern menr. corrupted its OfS:ejr. and brought uaiver aal distresti upon every digs of: the commuotty, YW ihm "nnlaanees cmmiited lit most ctni com- sianv uratO on; . .ien -Traourcc, 't mooiiiea by .official political brawlers; wil.cer-f0bedf byj;dief , -- i nrni of a Cnnvitntion uf Dleaies cf the Yhig I except embezzho? Offiee-'boldera : p.riy, assembled in the City of llleih uj tlie Yoor Convention was the offspring of that de- 't 12ih insi., have the pleasure f announcing to termination:; and oo perstin cap unite wiib lha yoit.'thji yuu have been"ti7flHtmottay se Jded people, roofe heartily than Ijidf, in the great by ilia t body, aaihe Candidate of the vVhi ; ar- atjoggle for correct' ptinci plea, hich the V bigs i ly fr Gyve nor ut the Sta'teat the ensuii gj e- are now, endeavoring to oriairit-tin.' -; - Jeetioo. : i ';j r: , I - .V At no period of my lire, ebld this call have i C In ibiw coramantcaiiog; to you tbftdecian of 'ben'madewtb more iiiionr'ebience to my ae If. ''ih'e Convention, the undersigned will add the than the present ; but bJ ill M the wish of the nope, mat it may suitttHn your inclination ana i people that I shall be their j Uaadidaie, 1 - ae c..nvenien?e, loanceptihe nomination and iherei- J cept ihe nominaiion." And, for rtti expression by give the fulled assurance of your hearty co- j 0f their Iwnd consideration, I pledge them what ever or ability and or zeal lj possess, in tne no which must be met at every sacrifice'. We, regret to plrf liyeliit -ucfVa lioteiis thi? a;. want of haVmnny? amnng Hlie nioneyedit'i stitutioos t 169 ronhtry;fwhtrU,;;when all oueht to niit!their shouldersito theL-wheell must : be pxomjifi ?. auuitionai uif trcsf anil deprive rNf ft he expedieutsiii whiclti . The posit ittbof Jthe'agency of the Banl of the iUoiteoj Ostites in ttticfon; wilt be" fpnnc sccnraieiy qescnoea tn our tonaort; cotrespon je.naeV pjWljfetherf&MivHJaudoil oceeedefljotillnnairyVobtatatog loan contemplated' in Amsterdam, it is be Heved by khot I rvel I informed bn the sub-f ject; that heipblfejises resources 'sufficient iroirn the atfirVrlt required frorntthejOutcll Gofernment; that, the object in view is tcf submit proposals Cor ihe loan to the public; through t$e Igeojcy of Measrs i Hope a were a sale of stoeks or bonds the object! this authority wWld not be requisite ant thp r completinnpf the loan will therefor probably depenl.pn the time at winch thff account of f the jsiispenainq of the. Bank is ieie If ihe loan be not complete iistifligjpnce of this event is re- cert no k afterwards be auppoed that it will be ttkien up. J 5 . 1 1 'We learn! tbat a full statement of the. iffairs of jlhie:palt : iii this towo, and we are asmired, on hoil authority, that making every allowance for bad debts, and estima ting, its State Stocks at iheic nominal val ue, but itorks nf incorporated companies hvpothecated tot the inslilution, at their aci tual value! it! exhibits a surplus ' of assetsi over all its liabilities of Hve jndtion of doll i Wmfet!GofaN0it.v: : 7C"t i ThHohbrahle ;"Ediiorof the LocoFon l j taper tn;ths,Twamopg his other reinin iscences to the 10 ihlCongresstbnal District, ifcrtSWebafe. on several form- of the five are s i - -, - - : : L . . . . ,1 t r- ...iiin: reffrrod to the hish cesree oi IcunurV aiu, lor ' tmproferaents, to wbicb the process of grind-1 ken tip ing grain; bad attained by ' the several im r roVements nowjjn Operation tn Pfi8 Co The following lelter'received from, a friend. fro it tji in Iusjond ftilin lie- who iV well calculated to judge of tbese mit pubiican'Jpso tersVvili be read with satiiaclion Sau riders s!the!L for MftcKUiLiE,' Nov; 25tb J 339 . The JVeslern Ccr One of the trs : platoon, at the in rather the no posit: . tne iresiern cam-. .a I fi relics ark 'jMfyMyi?& m $ t"? 4h7""''tnot j;" : f . .f- :r-:,, -fi--v. --- lekbress mv nstpnishment at the results which lS nt )to o a tning oi tne fruca-! me " iunnern .Mt: il impossible to str may require to the j Vet tie makes ii m ri brd and! went intbihe Congressional Cau- never sawauv chnl that whirled out the meal lings and omoruui s i oca that gave ab miilhbifence to the-nali on, I liVlf as MrTFbstei has a pairf stones ish 'political conch 5Ir. Fisher was theh forlMr Calhoun and propelled in the common ; mode of string, lve some atiut; n . i! a sz il., ;. l -il -Li.: u;-u ..,A Kt, l lur instance. i on .i uen. jac&son auu weniimui lacetiwr -i me woritmauouiu w unu tiww5twmi i . - - to nave tnera,. or oneor me oiner' now .i .man common : in otaer io iuw uic uiu?r -t .Tif;danl, iiiicii. - ill v t s iiuk utiurisitiiiu ai Hid. uaw i pnrp. iiais, a iiui iuut .cfcuv. .taw w iuw. i - bat tne KepuDiicammpi :ur. iainouD sou fence was so great ns to urt&e: every one pre- i . t ,, f that ot .nr. f rawsoru twaa one anu tne i sent with surprise. 1 nere can oe no tnisiane i Hearth, and if . . : . I - . . . .. .!-- --. Governor; and he gives anion? other rea- j tiinttemcti V 1 baveiust returned to this snnr fo?rit, ' ihziMtye alwaisifeen a re- placed tbar a - visit; lb 51 Thomas Fostei'a !t:.iiio':L'.i-:L.''Jti-:L:-. r lexDressmv' mmr!9 Bn p r J,,,hdtliB.mill is newlv fixed upon publicibl wlkl:1ia Republicau'M p(ai,ker oatenttimproved planV: wiiii Gil Fisher been fur the v Bave not been logeth- kiVamnr Ia and comDusitioo inks There Jiitlire SannJpra wiaa fur Mr. Cra w- f iv9 nnli . m hflflrt of Si fed Water. anU I received:! ed before ceived, it operation in the sreal itruzzle for correct! princi" pjes.which the Whigs are now endeavoring to maintain oh the success of which, 8tooeroi la ter, they verily believe depends the existence of all those inestimable institutions which have been reared by the wisdom of out forefathers, arid hvn--serrated by Iheir blood. - - I 1 You will be pleased to make known yoorlde terrainatior, by replviog to ibis note at tear bar- ie8t convenience. 1 I ,v Ve have Ihe honor lo be, . T-. 1 1 f " Very respectfully, yoor most ob't serlfls. P. CALDWELL, , " JOHN HIN TCfJi ' W.M.. I. LONGi 1 - - . F. PAITEH$QN. JAMES WEBUU ble cause in which we bave embarked. Before closing lbia conmunicatioo, I desire to sohmif a :few remarks in jrelatiOh to two sohjects in which Nortb-Carolinajhas niucb at stake. I allude to ihe Public Lands, and to tbe subject of .11 p theftJoited States a ' - . a . equally ioterefted, wun Abuhtion.- r j North Carulina ceded Urge Territory. She is the other States, io all the' Public Lands: Hr interest in these Lands is j worth millions opon mil Huns: and, if. she could receive her share of the proceeds of those Lands, very poor child of the State coo Id be edacWtedand every work of Internal Improvement successfully prosecuted. The President has lefujs nothing to hope from thai qaarter, and it remains for (he people to say. whether his will shall govern them, or (htirwill shall make him cease to gnverb-whetber flE shall be sovereign, or TflEY shall be sovereign. As a North Carolinian, 1 Will never surrender ibis ample pitrtmony oft car Old State, v , . VVhig party, assembled in i be pity of Raleigh on J ( On tbe subject of ouf domestic institution of the 12th inst. had, unanimously, selected me as j Slavery, I should suppose there coo Id be but one iiir aiKiiuaie ui iic nig . pari j iui UUTejuoi iuiiiimu 111 nir uuuvu, auiuii tuvu wuv uava wa- i- i lars. ;ConsidiprtbleDnsiness ' in atocks was done at llieil farad Board on Saturday ; af the second, little buiiness .was traosacted and atreither was there any material alters ation in ratesA fWe have no change to ad4 vise either in.Do nestie Exchanges or on current nioxfeyM jYesterday .in; fact every thin was waiting the arrival of the British Queen. The Canal way closed by the froat ori Friday oigiji aniwe learn that near sit! hundred bolts lalen with produce for this; citv were!lockeA!up in the ice It is prob able and much i to be desired that the present milder tjeraperature and rain w reopen tliie .irt aviation. ;"f :...-: ; Grecn$boro 25lh November, 8S. Gentlemen: Y-ur. Communication if i the :13iti instant has been duly received, anoobaeing lo me that the Convention of Delegates of 1 the I ! I WiiGHMAN FRIDAY. DECEMBER 6. 1839. of the State, at the ensuing "election. J nis n itierint; irstiuxiiiiai ot respect, rqana- ling from so respectable sou ice as that Cdnren- lion, does nor tail to impress me with aj lively sense uf-the houor done me by that , boily land, if there were no other reasons to ii.fluericd my cMirse, the respect I have fur Ihewise heads, the pure hearts, and the . Wclrrstabltshedt Ke eacitv to think. J i I Ii : The emancipation of bor slaves among us would lead to conseqaences too 'direful for con templation And no man will!; meet with more Uncompromising hostility, uhan I will, the very first fanatical or unconstitutional aggression made upon this instiiaiion, guarantied to us by oar federal Compact. . i L tt .The People's attention sboul) be drawn to the net, that some rickety .understanr.iogs, and hyp i REPUBLICAN WHIG CANDIDATE FOB OOVERK0R . JOHN MOltEHEAD, .'-IpF'; OCILFORD COUNTY. er same thing. , Judge Saunders was warmly in these improvements whatever interested picture wa3 overJn and openly iir laypt of taeneral JacksonV persons roa)r plromulgkte to the contrary ; the file of its numbers fr Proclamation and the rorct Bill : fn favor fact is undoubted, that tbeso mills can grtud arrangement to t! of removing! ike deposites in favor of ex . ! double as much' in the same time, with the punoing : in favor of Jackuttn's Protest same head of water) as any other mill ever and vetoii. and finally in favor of ratifying 1 invented. Soch. is Ib'cr judgment of every his nomination oMr. Yan Bwrr a3 Unprejudiced person I have met with, and successor It js of no use for us to say to i such must be the unanimous opioion of ihe our readers, bo w; jtlr. these points! Willi he bill " and the law fto Fisher was 'on all I public after a fair Jnal. The simpleness of and his party now I construction, the cheapness and economy of ! say, that they whowenji for the bloody I power are its great recommendations. shoot women and Yours, tc. children Were the true Republicaus ?Wilf likeoess will be 2; . Its early history deep interest in it agnculiure, loeel ?. lus.) As topcMi: . epe to both sides ; ''.armed neutraln v any leaning at all, i: the opposition ; lo V. ous conductor l.zi ' defence of the rih: ecutive misrule t! 1 age tl continued i:. they now. say thai the political maxim The vacancy occasioned bv the death of of rewarding friends,:snd punishing; ene- judffe HitcUcock; ib the reoresentatiou of : 1 , r? : - 1 o '.. ' . . ... miesoy means oij orncia pairomige, uh.. nntinl. nt MK.rLAU'V,ft ,h r:c,i. period when a Car we give you joy of Voujr Republicanism; - Jur. been filled by theelecUon of Mr. I J ao aml-!: -Butaai the modestv of this nomination; trwin, t nig.) i ne vote was 101 irwin It was a monstrous! encroachment on the 1 815 ; for Campbell 786 ; Er win's majority rights oL the people for Uelegatea .to go 1 29. from a large number of ithe citizeus ot the State and ' nominate a VYbig candidate for Governor : but for Mr-Old Republican " Charles Fisher, to nornmBte Mr. Old Repub 1 1 can1 Romulus M.jSanndefs. for the same office, is alloir and square. How ridico lous is such trash ! How insulting to the understandings of a free and self-governing I of July last. people - I' ; ;' C -': ;V We have only remarked upon Judge Saunders, Republicanism in contrast with his We omitted. last week to acknowledge the receipt, by the kindness of the publish ers, of a copy of Mr;?JameslB Shepard's Address, delivered before the Citizens, Me- chanics and Guards bf Raleigh, on the 4th G rand nominator. I When we know how far ibis modest des gqation shall be adopted by the party, we wilt make a closer exaroi- " Jl Citizen ofyDavidsoii? duly re ceived, but was unavoidably crowded out of our' last week's paper. It will be found in another column. And lor our lives we nation of (lis qualifications. Until thru, we cannot see how any person can have the do not feel justified In lifting the veil from the face of the prophet. All we have to say is, we are willing for them to run Judge Saunders if the dare. I r ... ., i . : no go! ,,,, We learn frum that pink of Democracy, ths Lincoln Republican,! that a Democratic meeting bexed by him conscience 4o impose on the v printer by i. .. . - . -.... ' , , aenuing tnetn a communication as nauty speltand written. It is well for the author that he is unknown to us, for we would cer tainly have sent his article back to be trans cribed. We hope this Ainf will be remem He must patiently submit itirt lMrSr4tnran t cttpq . .ipuhhean: principles of jhose who.coinri6ed I that II The People's attentfria abouldbe drawn to the I i..- . t i- i&r : .. i l- .!.. ' ' LLi:-.. 1 J L i l I . l . 1 jLl.J-i. I i I ; .' t. Ml L: i.;u r. .1 .. .. JX ' ,vMiTriiiiuo. nun id dihi me ncsiiaie lunii i De i uci. uiai suoit; iiu&ciTiunuerBiaiii.iiivQ. auu uvu i 11 win uo bccii huui our cuiuuiua lu-uad .fore would gainyheir wuhea i ! jcritical poiiticians, are cou Mf j pjbiticarj; has m a plain straight veniiim, wbeolssv that considerations, htkher lionists and ih Wh'srsort-i because ihey; have I orw,ra ,no P18,' siyie, conernien iei ins than i hose already suggested, combine in itua- such apprehension, bUC to prevent the discovery I name be used fnitnecanvass tor Uovernor, kinj tip the decision to which 1 have onieJ j m an actual union and co-operation of the,Aboli-t next Summer Now let tbe Loco FocoS I I i imi kAf lhat I .iiiiuntiin I n a Am A f m.tll iVa( lis tsn tela milh ' IHa nreaftnf f A A mietial rIin a el j v laicas vui vmiuti tan vtuanajLiii unrvi i pn;inot3 wnu itc7 iro.iii: uuuiiuioii'iuu uvn If. 'a aU " T a j j I, a I Iv from Ihe ronle. arnfan rflxpiinn Iheti wish- im lh.v ri-eeived that withri09 rebuke at the br,nil Outs theiri UlCharaA and j then to the es ami their ulf. 1 hey have found ibemselves l hands of Mr. Clay. gritssljr deceived ht those in whom .tbe . tie re j Fir weal or fur woej mydest toCire placed confidence.. 1 hey were promised iNorth Carolina my battle. We enter wi!h roiifi'tence into the ny i fixsd in I conie8t, and nail our colors to the mast head. jmisea i orin Carolina mv nrosnecta lor future eros ery thfrti every tlang, ihat the simplicity! pq- Iperity are attached to per soil -and whatever I rily, huiiesty and ecMonmy ofbur Repubiictfn M now have or ever expect to have, will be protec Ftitaiions could rt quired Instead if findinn lne6e ted bv her! institutions. iM iu liS : nleilifps laulv redeemed, ihev have witnessed I; For vour kind eiDressidns oi rerrard towards , wilh.fuurtirijiliofi and '.Tevrt. ih8 Wtdrn hft I mp accent! irentlemenL individdallv mvteineerff ecutive. repeatedly endeavoring to fix upon them thanks, and for the distinguished honor done me Carolinian, lotimaiions toat tne wings in uc iHiipncairo luaroiriery oi ins ouo- i reasuryi ay juur tPneniiun, acrepi couecuvei v, ana jn i UOnffreSS Jntend maKIUff an en Ut this SPS hu uiai, ion,iiri uitjr uuve icpiurifu nm no i mcir urnaii, in pimuunu acnqwivagrnieiiis ui ' I ! TflE TARIFF. We have seen in several of the LocoFo co journals, ;and particularly the' Western! tions ai.d rejected, bis scheme. From nia Biles iaiicins in th"Pr8ideotial Tour, we ma y expect ; in wisnes ut uie people to be set at dennce, and another, attempt made" to force this sea eme ' upM ihem. '-!". . '! ' ( If this atteropi is agaiotnadethe isml will bft fairly made up between the President nnl ihe ; Peopleto say whether HE or THEY shall go Hvern.: !'.". K-r:'.--.. I f! J' t -Onibe one hand we shall behold the re$r lent and bis Sicial myrmidons, greed yjfo!r:jhe ousel, with-their banner unforlei. beati?gr the Innltiiig inscription " To the Fietori htlong 'the Spb7a ,,-i-Oa, the other, we shall the Pflr.l Frf.Xjen th sons of the V bigs of the Revolution, who knew bj VictoisLvland vhu ottered no spoifs." but the havoc h ted upon invading legions f ; It ihe same a, nil now burn in the UMm of the b-mis, that animated the sires, the isshjef can not on duabifiil.' Ihesiar tnaneled banner will be tbiowti t.. the breiz-'. and th ulufiAuW muttu - f" E pltribusumtm " -shall fl t aja'tt'iii trt- u,njii , ina mmions -a nw-i and c-irrqpilun Io Messrs Wm. L Webb. Your n.t ob't sev't.. JOHN MJ MdREHEAD. J P Cad ell John Hihton, long, d t fATTERS05, James Committee, W . fu sion, to increase. the l arid JNow, this is the very fzlraragnce of foolishness: No one at all acquainted with the state of politics, believes 1 that any portion of the Whig party have any purpose of disturbing the Compromise. ni- If any such wicked at tempt is made, it will come from the fsther of Nullification, and his sattehtes: These are the men, who delight in stirring up tie emters or, etrtte; Detween sectional interests They tried it -on the tariff- question: they nave iriec it oa Abolition, and not having gamco mucu oi ; tne spoils oy tneir agita Will vauin ttfloi ih-o!z?r7 uiditriiaMiiu id ai i . t. i.. y I ii.juini iwijn-, i.Rt) trie murnin; m;stsJiure a glortHUi 9in. -;- yi' y.;y- y. i. I lie feople were promised by the last Ad mtn straiion, in ihe foot step of which the pres cnt was u tread, the eleansinjr uf the 1 Aegean uble,V and the same purity ihai charfcih'Z'd iie purer days oi the KerMiblic. In iMdays uf -iW ASHisUfos. JErrERsoK and MADisdNidnat Jiications for n;me w re hunesty and. 4 apaciiy m i lie himesi y- Is be capable ?'!4atid Of fit- -holder ere s'tic lv! eoiund fronii be The New York Courierand Etiquirer thus speaks of the f fleet of Ithe Ne ws bv the lintisli Qteen :J il 1 v: , SuKDAt Evjjnino, Not. 24. T!e A"xioufrly exi-ecied, arrival of the British Q teen, has jhrough is nothing very import' t. j either ii regard tp the finanrial or commercial. pnsio'n u j affairs in Europe was advertised to be held iu Linculnion.on 30ih ultimo, but it rained a little, sad the Democrats did'nt come. ' -1 tr 11'' And tbey id'nt And they would 'nt And tbey could'n't - L .T I Corne al all." . - We learn that one old country gentleman with something of a while; bead and a round belly, brought up bis two daughters with some t'durk ies' to sell, and he promised! to show the females a-M- Temocfatii, Convention," but ihe-eortteen-fion" was ii sickly a flair,: so I hey" railed it over again; bul ihe'old man swore that his cau should never. come to another sicb a show. He said that (Gneral Edney's muster was worth a tboi sand of it, and if dat was de way de TemocratV went oo, de General was. desman for his money M But as the people did'ni come and make a nominaiion,! the Lincoln Republican, for fear, perhaps, that they! might fie without a Candi date altogether takes up tbe cue of its brother Republican of ; Rowan, and nominates Judge Romulus M; Saunders! Well, this reminds us of a joke we once heard of some of these same Democrats of Lincoln : jf A gtoily number of them had assembled at th- Courthouse to see a hang ing frolick, but before the hour arrived a pardon came from tbe Guverrior, and the prisoner was discharged. Some lellowsj bent on fun. swore to the alterations we fiare been compelled to make in his manuscript on this occasion. : The Schooner Altnira, had on board a quantity of merchandize for several of our Merchants, j For J. &.. VV. Murphy, to the amount of S6 000 ; T. L. Cowan, nearly 3.O0O; and Michael Brown, a smaller a- mount. We believe -all was insured. "J Shipwreck. A Schr jfrom Philadelpliir, bound to Wilmington, supposed the Almi ra, weut ashore on Boddy Island on the night of Tuesday the 12lh. Ca rgn d ry goods partly saved,- vessel a total loss Schr. Franklin, bound from Washington, N C. to New. York, went ashore at the same time. Inielligence .of the suspension in cities lion, tbey have; changed their allies, and south of us, had n.beereeived, and we threaten to', try Ihe tariff again ; although the must wait ithe arr.vkl of t ie Liverpool .on fallh f U; p,' ig considered pleded to tli 14lh lltst Bimn:: lll ft r n t rr thai ... tti t t -x-- l . , . 1 . : "t j-i rt : j: v . : r wr . i : lainina rai i nn i i r m wmr ww lea a u 'A.AAat a - event. Y- do not arHKiDale anv thituH ",u" -fr,,"1V,ar" " i81 very seriojns from it. b(n4 consternation we hae Doj'jldea, that thexVVhigs ever mean in those' q triers most iintcresteii. il will to attempt raising the tariff.XFor the Wbiba pronamy j louuce. putiijwill be bultemp- nf fCorth Candina rary In ,ny even , had happen what may, sur8nce . ire decidedly hostile agita we do noli believe it can cause further dis-L ... A : :' . 1 ' - " - ji e gone through the or al resources, whatever other; countries, must I about belter times a- ting that inflatuatoty question, and will go a gainst it in !a body, t For ourselves, we nev ' t . ' it ii -irl : ii -: ' . i ! - 'X er were, nof ever will be in favor of a tariff, for the ptoieclfon of manufactures. arid frVaj ioierferti g tday,behfdd Ubemel v.-- 'Coming poli licit I paitxin?. in elections In the preserJ ancholv contrasl f r The qualifications now are li wejuige oy me rtrsoirriMiquesiionable dishon eaiy, oner iwcrapatuy io oiscnarge me duties ot the lliee, bat extraordinary capacity jioUefve p me rariy;'" entire cnwiningiiess id pay ti e people their money. Hut great readinels ro nav the levies toade upon salaries and iuibezIiuenis fbr the snppotf of ' the tarty." j Pftcrity will certainly do the present A4min fctranri ibe justice to say, thai n priof ooe has TTmanifr'Sted more s:gnal ability in 4 be sefeetion of " lis tdficers fr theiiurpoesof weomcetban ihe -w .-Tresti has inanifesled.iii th s"! ruon If lu Of fi'ers f-r th purposes if the party Arid if'there Ije aoy doubt tinus Ibis t4,stion.rrfreiipetri. the U-iutidiaury absiyciiuus frota ihe Trvsiry,and tress here.! We h deal, and bur inlet i rniy be the fate ofj now gradually brinj mongel us. 1 Il is the misfortune of two short crops of Grain in EnglaiM(!, s calamity increased by a deficiency in the harveal of neighbor ing countries, is the great! cause of the em barrassment ; there!. It ts idle in the ex treme to tribute ihemt t defects in the ti.oneiary system, or to abuses which have prev tled under it. j No! country or system can be e inert ed in atar.d linhflrftipd. a ahro'k so unexpected, or Jo violentV as that pro- judSe him ? be from a more northern lati- duced by i drficienW tri ihe -first nccvisHr tude than North Carolina iWe tbriik be of life, beyond sl comparison, the roost I must be a Northern mia with Southern material product of her!j(aborjr and capital principles! and that ha is not entirely mar with people a the BrhisS mbire. Ihe b. ter E W TBEILECT,,'7:tj "l lory and-theownAiiWilWstatesmmM atfentioo rf hjs ablest poliiical :ecin6fftta'riear testimony 1 party or' we are witness to his unparalelled w uisr.ii caures an exit aordioary ami cvtx- zval in its scmcc Who is Mil Thompson, the Editor of the Lincoln Reptiblitjan i We" have not the honor of a personal acquaintance with him . : . . 7 a i.. , 'ii. - " 'I . nor have we I of n his character or , history. more thin we have been able tagather from his oa per. From if, however; we have pic lured in onr! tmamnation its Editor r ' We Polk- of Tennessee ! for Vice President. they would have a frolic any how ; so ihey bung j The Independent Treasury will also receive a dojr. Just so with the Republican: if thev t its suDnort. ' r i I - , : " t : a - : " could not have a regular nomination, they must hare a sort of a do nominaiion. ' " J Instructing Resolutions to Messrs. White &. Foster, have passed the Tenne- see Legislature, j Mr. roster resigned. A new election took place to fill the vacancy, which, by a strict party rote, elected Mr. Giundy as follows : J'"'- :fA y For Grundy 66 ' ' :si' . Foster, ; 4 44-GrumIy Ymaj. 12. Judge White bal not yet been heard froott but he will also, nd doubt, resign. WllAT,STiHS?K: ! r.- il, --,--. ..'-,.. ..iy- FI R E. On Sunday Morning -last, between the hours of 12 and 1, ihe peace of our town was disturbed by the alarm bell of fire Upon its discovery, it had made such pro gress, as destroyed every hope f distia guilnng it, befoie itsrage should be fully vented, li originated in the; work-shop p.: Jetton & Sons, and fanned by a steady breeze, rapid I v communirated to ihe ad- joining buildings and quickly reduced them to ashes. The lartrie. and commodious Ho- TheVhigs of; iSlkssacbUsetls btve failed tel. k Mrs, Schenck with all the appurten to elect a Governor,! in consequence of the I an buildings ; the two story building oc union of the Abolitionists and Loco Focos. uPleo en beagle and the Messrs. ftitrtnn ilil.-JrJisW-i-l.- - JettpDs i the store of Jacob Ramsour. Ea. ,i:.t !-IiN-,xw,'!"- J and all the buildings jnthej rear 'of these ir kr? ; V f '1 3 h " UPP ll,e 8ame qre, were completely de in ivcwp oricine onjy drawback upon sitoyed. A portion of f M r. Hamsun r's UMds were saved, Imle or nothing belong ing to the others, -j ; j .; ' " . . 'lphe loss bas beenery confiderble, for. the. lew that have suffered : r It is estimated by none at (esjT than $25)00. tfP&i; I Mr. Ramsour throved us tenders bis sin re re thanks."., and warmest' erkhnwlpitv. the overwhelming defeat pf the Loco Focos, was the co-operation of that piirty with the a . t a! -vm I. " rr i' ,X ' -x Atioiitionists. f I hink of fhl Masfee Rrnnb I : i7er7fwn.-We are glad to see, tlat the Banks in ifferent 'parts bf the Coun-, try are resumjngj! te payraent of specie, mepts to the citizen of the Jo wn, fur their I he rroyidence ttahk, Rhode island, has rrsomed, and it is belteyid that the other Banks of the! (Siatb! wiljl toon follow tbe example. , n Not O.utiy writes again. . Sie him . : ir' ':a'i "."-i 41 - " i' ..4' . 7.. i lb another coiiimhi 1 .-St.: 1 fowl, but Vorter" ' W bile on the or. 3 ! more decorated wit', the Goie Stand;.' great Washington C intimate brotherhu J openly) with the n party : Still, on ii ? whenever it luucheJ the honeyed and j u J reform -curtailing ot public jjiccrs, i themes. Occasion! 1 ! Ihe disiinciion betwt t Republican Whi advice and gentle c I. towed on the grt with which it had ; acting ; that is v actly in . perpend ic-! no Van Buren papir. horrified at tbe id; i was no advocate uf :! was shocking to i: rather (as we ipir ) scheme. Their C . Van Buren, and ru-v posed to ihe Sub-Tr it. These opiiuona and re-iterated in i wiilten speeches . false step of trium; ' in Us columns amo- ' i ren and the Sub Tri i tbe cue to strike hi::t , ibe Standard-man v. is expunged. 'J'iio i we'll explain after il lion is over. 1 lie i man who is opposed r and the VV bigs are J of one who prufesst double game succer J , most alarmin Hpprf ! heal is von by a mi !. representative u! tlio But mark ye, nw i chanae comes over il The paper become -i r name- but in tffeci . to throw off the di? moral, literary an I . carefully distributed are now almost barn x discover that the no Republicans at 11 .' to publish accounts il nounce i hem 'most br: ly silent about the sr. ren men. I hm ries ot the Admiu:tr;;' the triumphs id ih Dnren men. to be sur. ceedtngsof i lr pirtv called.) by parlicnl ren men, hot aui ui. auce ; and the 1;m:!. . veyrs for their p r -ci tracts from the G! ' are iidvv doubled in rr: iheir paper afe filled nications from upstrii i vuljar names, deni.uf and " Federal Whx . in the cause of Rr;-'' prac'isfd cn its jn. were born; And i K . on tbe mayic word , when this hoofy I thousand racers, and is no . Batik ff the i" bui ' tee are no Va 1 said we were v- 11 f j h tlian tcordand a- Such ha cow tins.; : t-rn Curolinian, in a ty" op lo the very ! there is an evident breath when it venit . of the nomination i f -! nor of ibis State. 1. yourself. Did you nt-r more foolit-bly grotes-; inacy nmre upren.f v tict say thnt ice are J lion. , Josl obrrvn i t-tyle, al ways "'adopt" i alajt eq-ii in tt rr- braied decWation ! jet f of t abolutiin of Colombia " i h a i him. fee was net pre vncnnslilutwnul f, o ' well-tirre.t entrti hi leiy-graUfttl , he i;; . ors of the Wei tern C displeased at h- r. to Uifurru the peo;! has been their til " too. bow veiy cttaM i Tjarfus." lo ann.ii.i has been held subsequently; to the fire for I Deluhic Oracle it the PurDose of takinir into ennidrtinn I health wuuld frre L v. - fuuiu auiiH un j The Farmerls Friend This is ihe ti tie of a paper to be published at Hillsbor ough, and to be 'edited by William String er. Mr Stringer says it is entirely an . ex periment? and we have no reason to dis believe him. The Farmer's Friend will give its hearty support to Martin Vm Buren, for the Presidency, he beincr thi Northern man :-. '' ' . r- .; wi'h Southern principles,5' and to James K. We invite attention to the article in our to-day's paper over the signature of Cor- tius," i 5 energetic services in rpcoing - property irom the flames; Unig- JSanner, A. meeting of the Citizens of Lincolnton tie cases oi the aufiererf.' j:None but two aailfial tU 1 1 I IN; li .:fv V iir. if X"

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