13 41 - . ' i i J i " --' . .1 .! or . . - , .... ' ' ?. 'M l ; . , 1 . V ' "if '. 4 " i 1 - . - : iixfisrsiipn; -.herein the TtfW ' VT7 i . M " 4 7lX : ' . 'j: ; JVT - t. Jl Vt -'.r . -LiiL nm li vncchondriasis. SYMPTOMS.:.' " ! i .P.'n-iciiV bowels, a-rid erucialioos, it. r d 'tnwnTHiic pain, giddiness, dimness n upon any sunjeci ji im lhinff that de- d&t ftMirJS. Also Ungaidness !,r' lUa irhiahle, Ihoughtfal, despond- ri;;l,4jvi'flr dejpeted, accompanied wiih fHni and peculiar tram of ideas tathf. U(na2naiiin and tiver-wbelmn w &inpih4w an iriGnite diversity. The fclJi&Jimeti are asqpen.to ibis afllic- u rl Mil v. CAUSRS. , -V rr 'vi? - c' ewa f K rif 1IRy kiod especially se .s?- i-i . i lr.'iH m a late hoar in the niaht: j ,rHftf rttid PT social .lntercirse, or ex- -fcihBwt1iiehbii,ffreai-ecefii,.in eaung 5 airiW n1 use of mercury, Z par 'Vvf. suppression bfi some ha ? ' 'X a mtintfaf eruption re laxation or ft .ynnfforlmnfe important origans within J'H V s f 1 TltEATM ENT. . j.-jniiUsifxn. tti strengthen th body, and r.n!ienilhffHttfiW. which may be promoted vjatjnurrvFfliion. The howels (if costive) We knbw nothing better this end; than Dr. VVilliain Is bflinff mild 'and certain : .... . I - t. - i fteii UK-twM. 1 he buiveis f oemgonce -.'Ji'fch mlatiniable Camomile Pills.fwhich ritonic;antKiyi'ei ind anti-spasmodic; are an .LiiisUrpmedri and without -dispute nave rivadareat iffiSsinsf o the numerous public. rfimP'nh Vivians have recommended a free kiuf 4WrcarV botit should not betesorted to ; fcNOjay-cisti jt will sreally aggravate the I liftrM&'ni: Astonishing Facls. kPHM AlTHRKE YEA KS' STAND 1: J-Jli Hr Monroe, Schuylkill, afflicted i jit ttia.ahovi'diitressing malady. Symptoms: Creit't3iiipaiiTi flitulency, disturbed rest, ner- fj3 beidiche Jdifficulty of breathing, tightness i-lgirkttfrecfosslihe breast, dizzinesss, ner- ri irrttabilHrandr restlessne-ss ,T could not lie nih thiiintai bdsitton without the sensation of nisandm sanation, palpitation of the bear!, iilressm wbab.fostiveness, pain of the stom- irBvdrdwinefesiigreat debility and deficiency of Lhtnfous wtffgryi Wr 11; Wonroe gave up irrv iiodsHtofi Jecovery,- and dire despair sat no he cou a t ea ad ce of , e e ry person i n te rested i n existence) ifi fiappinesa, till by accident he iiidrnlln a milic oaner some eure9 - effectedby DtAVii. Rv ArS MEIJIUIMS in his com- y atj ,"which mdiiced him tt; patcbasej a: pack rof the PHjsJ which resulted in completely reuorih 'every Uymptom of his disease. He ttaieMo sav His motive for this declaration is, !i4tbpse'afilted with the sameor any 6yrap- Jobjan.bf ltnhl Mass. was severely afflicted (or,tenyear3Hfuli Tic Dolereux.fviolent pain ia ler.lip'l, a?id vomiting, wiih a burning heat inthe stofnaiili', and unable, to leavp her room. Sr cmM' fintUno relief from the advice of sev ral pfiysiciaa, nof from medicines of any kind, infil'after -6heiad1commeneed -us'irtg Dr Evans' toHijitibe lf tobj Chatham sireet, and from that liflH jiije begiirt ''amend; and feelsj - satisfied if &k continue tie 1 medicine a few Ways longer, li bapfrtee-ilyicured. Reference can be had sin tjie trirti,of4he above, by calling at Mrs Jibimm's dauirhter's Store. , aba uranu sireet. Mrs Ashe 61 V. Kenny, INOi 11a L.ewis li'ei ielweehtStanton and Houston.sis.rafllic- 'fifrlen yoaN vvilh ihe following rdistressinor sHinitms :" "Aidl eruclatton, daily t i'pamodic T'Sns in b liaii los3 of appetite, palbiiation of f ! i er h ea r t , jj;.l d i n pss a iid d i m n ess ol sig h t ,cou Id "'1 liioiij heright side, disturbed rest; utter in a')litvlor1 enwiWin? in anv thin? that demanded tigur hr courage, !ioraeiimes a; visionary idea of Sngjia 1 1 loii ft iber disease,' a xv hi msical a ver HonUft DirtittSHif nersons and niaces. ctronndless aijprph'erti.)$f personal danger andi poverty, a itH'inri a.1d weariness of life, disconten- i 'I -i 't 'I' .. . : i . : . I . if,i'"l'iiefi!te on everv slibl occasion, she ro:S(vjpi sM?u) neitherdienorliveshe wept, latiigftteil, despnn(led, and . thought she led a w4 fnirdMs ljf', never was one. so bad, with i '.MrlKennj'jltal the advice of several eminent riysrttiaiii, aad had 'recourse lo numerous medi- CD,buloiljlkiolobtain;eveb teraporarynllevia tmn ol Mr miessing state, till her husband per ifyH herttMakeinalof my mode of treatment. i ihwiior;miii lebeved, and finds herself only eapihle of, attending to her domestic af M'fs, Inn aviifi iriat .heleniovs as wood healih at 'eiitiiSf6fedlat any eriod of her existence. . w huj, uwauu oi ine aloresaid Anne Knnv. f ' if", i , -? : i .-ii ' i . -3 Jrnf before me, this UilVdav of Dpr pmhor i f 'r f?T r - KNEY UomroEJ Deeds. CUEViAitlvABLE-nA'RrA-nWp nHrUJl,VL'I.SM. wiifi an A.iw "rt MiiM lander the ireaiuieni jof Doctor I Vjk:Nrl.l;f afiltciH i for four vears wiih .ripainiirtall his j nui'T, which.weie alw.vo j 2rasedi otr i be shr ti i est?' trit ioiv ihe iony hp Jlefved aiiaily whiteness V?f3 f appetite, '2Uns'sin b!$'head, the bowels commonly ve- ill .-.i;-i frt' f f: ' t .""-. j si eailpjf, junaltendfd by relief. The a ' ?esvtnM tire also aliended "with constd iblet diiiionl breathing, with": a; sene j of 'lesVacK ife chest, like wjse threat "want y;iue enfrgv fji) The nervons sysif mV i ; ie ab ivi ninms wre entirely removed, aiHrfecl te Effected hy DWm Evansi i C' '-H BEN J.J JARVIS. njtmii S Jjri5 bein? dulv swoirn. ;dothfde- 1 Jjafid,ay,!tfm he Ifactg stated in the a. i J ove crrjitlteubscribed br fcirolareln all 7 hrtforeiimej this 2.riih nf V.-uk icrn ens. ' BR01VJV., Salisbury, JV C. , fKWGm, Coumifa j S. C. ifslorfJ, may liuewise receive tue inesumaoie existed, but undej anothername and not to hafp liftinu , iSi " . f l been merely ibe'prTspring pf a fertile imagination , I lACASSOVTIU pOLOREUX. . The blowing ecdote respectmV these nobll I t'li. ..!.-: iS...' li . ' . ii !. .".! ..II I - Sirs. t ri,HUllll3ui, niio wi vain. I'm 1 "' . ' ... - - MMM." ' ' I IK I II 1 ' 1 ' ' ' ... , mi ii rENDLETON j , BUUNERh X P02TX0AL. TTo a lady. .,: -JThere's so touch loveliness and grace, V . ouch mgiibeauty io thy face," ' -f It haunts; my memory, - , ; ' Within my;Smind that. form I'llwear, - To chase away all earthly carei ' And rainbt me jef the sky. ; " , - - :5 When on.tJie earth, thy form I rniss - . 4 When thodjhasi gone to realms of bliss, i f Beyond; tie upper. sky, -' ; J Could I bargain admittance there, i I'd know tftjy, wild, angelic air,- , , I'd kitowllhy 6eraph'8 eye. ' Soch furma'ks thine the angels wear, Thy soft, Uear eyeVihy waving hair, r Would grace a heavenly train ; . 'Twould cleer death's hour of pain and; V; : glfom, : fA f To know that risingr from the lorab, ... is I'd see thee once aain. THE PRINTERS' LOVE. We love o see the blooming rose In all lis beauty dressed ; We lo ve Ho hear our friends disclose The emotions of their breast. We love o see a boat arrive,; " VVell laden to our shore ; We loveto see our neighbors thrive And love to bless the poor. We love to see domestic life With laught toj mar its joys We love to see a youthful wife . , JVbt p eased with trifling, tvys. . We loVe all these yet far-above - All that we ever said, We love I what all the Printers love- To ha re Subscriptions jaid. .". ' -.fi r -i ; , . . . v . . . - - MODERN FRIENDS. When: fofftane smiles and looks serene, Tis " Sir, how do ye do ?. Your facqily is well, I hope ; L Can I s&ive them jor you T1- ! But turns the scale lei fortune frown, . I - 'And ills' (and woe fly t'ye ; !Tis tHetA " I'm srry for your loss, But iimeMTe hard ffood bye t'ye I" CheervhJe ! Brothers. This firm, which "has : gift I , : . been so woTtbity portrayed by the gifted author Nicholas icklebyT is saJ t0 jhuve real). minded originajs is taken! fiom the Manchester (Eng.) Times;? . ,; ' The elder brother of this house of merchant- princes amply! Jijevengfed ihimself-upon a libelllr who had made timself merry with the pecuha ities ol tne amiaoie iraierniiy. irus man pu lished a pamphlet, in which one of the brothels (D.)was designated as Billy Button," and rep resented as talking largely ol their foreign trade, having liavellrswbo?regularly visited Choi4 bent, Bollock IpmithyVand other foreign parts. I Some kind friend" had jtold W. of ihU pawpn- ; let, and W. hail said that the man would live to repent of its publication. This saying was kindlv conveyed to tbejjjibeller, who said that he should disappoint, them for he ishould take care never to be in their dttt. ftJutthe man jjn business does not alwayslknbw who shall be his creditor1 j The author of ilihe pamphlet became bankrupt, anu ineoroineratneiq an ccepiauceoi niswnien . a t . 1 J !h I I . L 1 a ' a" a - : i had been endorfed to them by the drawer; wh had also becomes bankropti I he wantonly libelled men bad thus Ucome crediiors of the libellel ! They now hadjii in thierj, ppwer to make him e ; pent of tifslailqlcily.'.-; He could noi obtain ifis certificate witHdut their signature, and without it he could oocenter into business jagam. tie had obtained the number: ot signatures required by the bankruif laws except one. It seemed folly io -hope' J Hat the firm of "broihers" would supply the deflciency. WhatV they, who hsidi cruelly been mide Ihe laugh ingn-sfeck of the pub lie: foroet the! wroner. andi favor iihe Wronr-doe !l He despaired ;bul the claims f a wife smd chM dren forced hirAjat last t( makeAhe applicatioSij Humbled by m'jsery.be presented himself at the coon ting-rooftijpf the wronged W. was tber i alone, and his (list words to the delinquent wele. " Shut the doopsir !' sternly ottered ; The drlujr was shut, and I He libeller! stood trembling beftfirje the libelled. 1 1 !e told hisj tale, and produced bis certificate, wfiiH'h was instantly clutched by ihe injured mercbnt. " Yon wroie a pamphlet i gainst us once f'j exclaimed W. The supplicant expected lo sec his parchment thrown into the fire ; but thisi it as not hi destination. W. look a pen', and wriirg something upon iherdocome handed il backloitbe bankrupt. He poor wrfltch! expected to sel jthere rogue, scoundrel, libellejr. inscribed ; buthbere was in fair round characters the siooaiure bf tbe firm ! j We make Usa role siid W. heter to refiise sign;rig ihe cf rtifica'eW an honest traoe .man, 8t we have never heard yu was any thing else. Tihe tears started 'io the poor man s ejej " An ; said ;v. my -.saying was true. I .saw you wouw live to repent writing that pamph)etj il did not mean it ts asaihrenf; I only meant that some day you would know jiis better, and wola repent Jyou had tried to injiife tt e 'olipent of it now.rij I do, I do,' be greatfl) man. j Wellwell, my dear fellow,' -aij 1 W. you know os hoW. How f?o you get on jWliai are jroo going to do ?' Ti e Krmanau)W;ihat he had fiisndsj who couid assist him w,Ho his certificate was tAtathei. vBoVhow arfjjooffiakhe mean time?? Afd ihe answer' wai. that, having given up evey farthing lo hicrediioisjhe had been compelled to stint his fartfly of eyk common ecessaris, that he mighibf enabled to pay ihej t of His certificate. ; jMy dearfeIlowBaid W. " U.is will not do?ir famiiy inusi nt Buffer. r 0e kind enough ip lake this ten-pound iiote toyoiar wife from me.!; iThere, there, my dear fetlowL- nayfon't cry:-4iit will befall well with you yef. Keep ppyodri spjTits'rSet: tojwork! like a mn; and you will niae your head aroorigat cs yet The oerpewfl man endeavored In! rain lo ex press his lhankkibe swelling in bis throat for bade Words; be pot his handkerchief to bis face: and went cut jfjthe door crying like a child." ii. It. .AlilSJBUl&Yi -.-IJiiaCIBMIBBiBa: iSdO; Discovert of Mum?niest 'at J)urahgo9'' f l.r': lm' Mexico?' T:ij;V -' A million of Muminies,' it is stated,' rtave lately beeri " discovered in the environs of t)urangot in MexPco. : They i :;arejin a sitting posture1,, but have the same I wrap pings, bands and ornaments of the yptian. Among them was found a poniard-of flint, with a sculptured handle, chaplctsj neckla ces, Btc, of alternate colored heads, jfrag ments of bones polished like , ivoryif fine worked elastic lissues,(piobaMy our. modern India rubber cloth,) moccasins worked like those of our Indians to-day, bones of prs, &3. It remains to continue these int nest ing researches' and ' AnieV ica vi ill j c cOme another EeypCto antiquarians, and herrtiins will go back to the ofdest periodslqft the world, showing doubtless that the ancestors ol j the M ontezumas uvea on ine ijfe jana that lheir luxurious, civilization wa$ brokon up and overpowered by ibe hardy hordes of Afiatic raitarsV who came down frrpehi nog's Straits and the Rocky Motinlitijis.- The scenes ofrAti)la and Alaric inuRorne arid Greece,8 were rehearfed at 80$ earlier day on: the shores ot : uaiitoiniap,ni tne olaina of. Mexico. It is unkrlownl-of the Mnmmtes above mentioned what ! kind of embalments was used, or whether iPak ni trbus depositions in 5 the caves i wberl they werefbtind. A fact vt importance instated, that the shells of thj fiecklaces-are ofla ma rl pe shell found at Zacatecas o.i: the Pacific, where the Columbus of thei forefathers probably therefore Untied from' thq lalay, i indoostan or Chinese coast.or frornf ! island in the Indian ocean. -Texas. -StiLV. The Drought A "Dry ; FountM. S In Florida, there jst or was a beautiful jsl eet of water known by while men ana Indians as 1 ' i . . s iii i ihe Silver .Spring which, before jbis lyear's by ail living things in thattegion as exhaust less. Its pretty name was naturally; sgges led by--its bright aspect; In the t(jth of the forest, and ibordered by a malted Growth of live oak and other evergreens jajijcnlar or oval hollow: about sixty yards in-diameter shelved down through sand of perfect,:white hess totts centre, where the sprincr gushed ipwaids so vigorously bs to agitata thq sutu lace some tataoms above, hiring ii(s entire basin with water cf delicious purity and coolness, through the diamond transparency jof which were seen fi?h of difjerht kinds fend various colors, which, always; refusing a bait, were believed by the. InfiUngi to be lenchajited or blessed spirits ; and under the blaze of a tropical Summer, a sensua) fancy could hardly have imagined, even in the land of flowers, a more d el ightfili heaven than the balhlof the Silver Spring perhaps the very fountain of njuvcnesceoceliftisearch of which the; romantic old Spani: ril found that immortality in death which iehoped to onioy in life. There was amp I loom anu verge enpi'gn lor a nine niiai in. wiiicu visiters amused themselves floating jjirer the secluded little lake On a visit, a jetv! weeks since, some cjtBceis found the spot rprived of half its beauty and of all Us wonted fresh ness. The silver sands were dry sns he de sert ; the spirit CnU and the water liad van ished ; and thickly strewn in i the vyoof?s aronnd were lite bleaching -fkelbtohs arul withering 'carcasses - of horses, dcefv wild cows, and a variety of other thtngs whirh had perished of thirst The rlv basin somewhat resembled the crater of a volcano; for although there was not a drop of mois ture; the boding molion of ihe spring was kept np in the sand and on thrusting down the fool or a stick, ihe gas escaped in puffs distinctly audible. A poet mfgbt make something out of all tbK Char, iler. j Th e harried Blacksmith. Mrl.'Elisba Biuret, ihe learned blacksmith, illustrates fully what a man can accomplish tinder al most any circumstances, if he possesses only application. Mr B has worked for manv vears as a blacksmith, andjconlinues ndw to labour two thirds of the ilayat .the f ranvil ifi Worcester. The other portion oi time ne aevoies io siuuips, ;anu ai ri?arfy he has acquked h" knowledge of Jifly different languages. Last y ear be address ed a lelter to the president of the. Roial -Society of Antiquities in France,! written in Cello Breton, one of ihe province! 4n lhat kingdom, but now an ohsolule fllnguage. The President of ihe Academy jrepjied lo his letter, and the correspondent h been published in a. volume just issued? ;by the Society in Paris, a copy of which jitdjs been sent toMir. Burret of .Worcester), j fEle cer tainly has mwde great .acquisition! as j a lin guist; and; discovered most commendable application, if not mental power; f- i. I.'"- Northampton Courier. r ' ;. 1 , ' 'i? ! To the Ladies.-? Horj to do Up and direct Jftddihg caAe When a couple hve passed from a1 state if single bfes;sedess in to'that of huly tcedlock, ts it i?;Sometimes called; that ;i.s, ;. have UkenLeach:oi()pr for ieller'rywore, and wish to hi yetmade public as thelways should) n fcrjlej: to have the business done correctly, it 13 deem ed necessary to accompany the lotice with a slice pf cakt ; 'and Vs there isSoftptl some mistake irw Ibis respect 5 we would the offer following directions : : jjj f;r; p Cut Irom the loaf ra mod est sf ice i x or :ejflht"tnefic--,ipnffrto'bifds al wjrlp. and two finches thick Enclose it! neUtlv, in wime paper, ana oirect 11 to 54 ; The Pbinters. 4 I Jfot "Distr easing! Casualily-Ye jiavie to record a most heart-rending casuality, which occurred on Mohdayinigftt. lit eeiems that Mrs, Knowles, Wife ofj Mr Frederick Knowles, and Mts, !Edwaris, wife ofAJf. Samuel Edwards, residents of j Belle Isle, near this city, had visited a sick family on this side, and set nut to return to the i : Is land about , 8 o'cloqk. The boat whtrh conveyed them across, was managed, by one of the Negro men .belonging to the works. vFfom all the circumstances corw J nerted with tbe affair, it w Aiibl nnhear lhat I u v . u . i -'t 't-'ui i- - the boat began to leak, by which Uo lives - , L. . - m iln , I . of the passengers , Were endangered : and . er . .J , h j - - a , , ; tt is inferred that the negrd finding his boat ... i i j ti t j 1 ! i n sinking, landed the ladies upon a small .T . . . . ,.vT M , ; .. isianu in me riverana maae nis way to me t . . i . i i ' .i . shore for assistance; It would seem that m his anxiety to afiordelief, jailed io 4 I bis eflorts; and iti believld was Idrown fgntty About half the Senators to ere asbolH the loatseie fdund toelher b sea -reading, writing, or convers the morning. , Arid, what is still more V" un,!er .lone- Aboutr ? zen or distressing, the ladles perished; on the Is- wcrf lngiog oC the or around i t. i yesterday morning! The afflction is height- ened hv he nrcnmltiinci, that eciy of .iheVn . 1 - 1 .. . -ti i! WM leaves two voune cnuaren to suuer ine oe- reavement Mrfowleal is JMntit the North. The publtc sympathy is deeply ,.-.:.,i w-.i.i- -A. jL.L-:i. T excited by this most distressing affair . if . -uteamqna rr nis. " t - " 'it Shipwreck. We learn that the British barque EmigraniCapt Slain, ,'s from Liverpool, for Mobile, has rone ashore on the west end of Massacre Island, and is a total loss. Th mail j boait Merchant, on her way to New Orleans, ; wenl lo her assistance, but ner services were; not oe- ... i . . . n i n sired. when she stood on lier course, leav ing the unfortunate vessel bilged, land ha- ing 9 feet water In i her liDuVi SJie had a cargo; of sail, and a few packages ofmer- Chandise. -n 1' , ; I ': - I f Olra or Mverqdo Cotton Wo ;mM the following extract from an advertisement & i I : t ' in tie Columbia papers offering f6r sale the seed of this Cotton. . : -. ll- H- ' - - ' il - ! i I! : k P Hr T 11 Ta.lnr frnm HiHa mnrn lof the stand hebught to yU)iad,JgatTi. h,ch lM great debaters of the two pn trA -. nf ikon Ihi nJ Jm. Tt tlP9 would exhibit their 'strength, and wield fbi owins is an extract of a lei er from Dr. r . .-T. . - f Ta.lnr- Ynn trffiWKo f UX wrtii m ,kr. rv I i vT P" r man oi a standi, and n anted, inn. ati u fpf. instead nf ?anA vot I om rrta rpkhrtnf - - r r . ; if I Ann h nr rf I Kiil.ot oannKU on the same land' of yielding 5,000 lbs. . J. T ;T !' j j ' pianteo ai o leet if) ooti.rjie rovs.!: it J live another year 1 wilf try a hundred' acres that way.' Mr. F MfGiIme of Mqntgoehciiv, Alabama, from as bad a stand gathered 1,400 lbs. to the acre. Mr. C. Ti Billingslee, bl ered 1,060 lbs. aiildnecled 200 lbs. bore Mr. Aidridge, who first cultivateil this Cot- mn. it i a,d. mld ft oof) Ir.Qi nrr rre. this .Par. nnH rpf,iW-d 000 (1,r his nor, nf ll na nr I II Tan lnrLfrtm OO 1)00 from 22 0D0 i bales, lof clean, tolbo TNrlori wMi lbs of Seed Cotton, ginned 600 lbs. average ;1 or 85 lbs of cle-a of the Seed Cotlon. Je?se P. known here, weighed 425! lbs rf Petii Gulf, and the same ofij Okra, in thej fteed and ginned ' each: the result was 124 lbs Lof ginned Petit Gulffor 29 ljis tcf tl iOO. no1 of Okra 156 lbs), or .3p5 io each ibd lbs. of Seed Cottpn. The st; pje- is 'deci dedly finer." 1 . 1 The price of he seed! herf blTererl for sale 19 $100 pet - bushefj, rj'er gllon, and 5 per quart which are st a ed ' to be the Alabama prices. Chef one Gazette. '-it l 1 The other Sunday , thej clerk I of orie of the Dissenting Caels ir theCitr of Lon don, previous io he,commencement of ijbe service, dirted hfb handsby"plaeing them accidentally upojj some Ipewf black fjairit, and, unconsciously rubbing his face; be smeared it so as fcu-iesemplea son of jVul-cao.-'i He turned . into iUey singing Bk where he naturally attracted jlmuch alten lion, which was considerably ireased jwhn he gave out the rfrst lineof ihlly'mn,! Zifc hold the brighinUsoymact,1 Tbcofi gregation could no longer preserve their gra tity, end an invoinntarj Jaugti every corner of the chape). iS: urst Ifr obi , E Mf L0 YMEX'Jlh . There is no f?e!ing so bad as t hat of laznp. (don'I laugh reader; for we areiot now Fprifcirtg from exprience)Jrtd "iherej is siinatin so uudesirable, as that wherein we ae oriemp'ye Man's faculties of htcnly i and rkindj weire noi giv en to remain idle arid passivej--srieji i lirVtou d be a kind of non-enity hoogb ittmlight no Jbe a life of suffering et it could not be! one 4f ej jjyment. We may be said to tiyipTnji propinidn as; we l actively ioiprove tbel powerof Jifef fn inaciiviiy there isjno enjoy men ti iiehingtr;alt can a waken a iff si re. J If then life M desifabl, an active exercise f all its poweri isTdesirable. We heWnot;wish iorselves exemt from tbje ai- cessityi ol faonar. sti cauea, it might is wen op called exercise ibr ior soppori. T'hial is wisely ordained for our happiness, and he who violates ..r.: .1 - !"': " .!r ibis , la w'ef ,nanre, suffers the cotiseflences of the violation as much to go counter to any ordin ation of PxoVidence-iherefawhul joy life let turn sbae9rT doll slotlran i,' actif l enter a pon its dotted and live much in a few year?, rather 1 ban live little inroan v'. iSTbe eserre of life is good actigns.--Keen (Jm II.) Reputi icon, - . I . - - 1 ',' i " 1 XOO VOLUME ylt n ; JVIIOLK J'0; 384. Ttbcntu stxttir Coiigrcsi Correspondence of the Petersburg InieUi rence f. j , Wasuixgton, Dec'.1 2d, 183D. I The exciting questions connected ' wiih the admission of the members v'ir r te disputed, and lhepropect of some trou ble in the settlement of them, attracted an immense crowd tolhe Capitol to-day. (The men's gallery was filled to overflowing That T . ."-.Myiiuicu uiiunui oiFpiaj m youin, beaut? and lasnion. Theiobbies ;H j . . ana passages were crammed with acer eT- UtLf. tu -m i" u" ' 85ev.ef pectants. I he members bad mustered in ,ri.i-r.0 . , to Sl,' " " gfeat torce. ;lVlr. Naylor. of Penn.i was in Ju- ois seat : so, also, was his antagonist ln?r- ; r ,j f v . - soli, liotn ol the fiew Jer.ev sets of mcm . r tn , J , cra f-wlial I the Senate Cha&r entUtbeHaUrlAlltre r.ma... iucid nH an c&uicestuu P,Isl,n in the looks and UUudes lh Reporters, as if uhat was go ingonwas not wortbv.of their. nnticA. A rt j . " , ,. r; S ab?,lf 8"" UBv V , J00""8" cfP,r lure- At twelve o'clock, the President vn the. President vro em., the Hon. Jwo. R. K 1x0, of Ala., took- the CBair, and called the. Senate to oidef. The credentials of three new Senators. Messrs. Betts, of Conn., White, of fnd., and Tappan, of Ohio, were presented ;; and those gentlemen took the customary oatns. Several Senators, also, whose credentials were presented at th! last session ," were sworn in. i he usual resolutions annomtino Commiltces to wait on the President, and to announce to the House the organization ol the senate, and also for furnishing the merripers with the customary number of newspapers, wereadopted And the Senate Iherfadiourned The mrmhf'm nf lh nmtn body immediately joined the crowd of cx 1 " U4Vr au?e I lliailJUUI a . , . Thn fm Qiirai i t, rj;i by the prospect of a "flare up." or row, or anv other snecies of ' scene nr l th . - - -j hnnfi r,l hf9rin n clnrmu rliciMicrmr. m 4 ii .1. j . . r .1 - . , au Ul CUK tVU,a - qencc ana an, i . m L I II ' . ra"sl r,aTe oc saoiy Gisappoirted l have i.r -. u , i , ... I. r.m . .i : llirco SUSHI c.;ui, wtiin, reiresiieq I lie I fl .rrir. n omvits I ,K 1 . I - 1 J " n p1'"0 men'."!!!!'!?, i a jij n cut-no most iff them would declare they had sel dom spent a duller day. From ifce feegin ning tor the end there wns notliinguhat diuld be cawed heat or oxrilemrnt. At twelve olock, Mr..G.irand, the Clerk of ihe last Hdnsbf lleprcseniatiyes, look V?- 61 8 i re- q'cd iho to- coine to order. He hen-frweded lrcl the names of the re- t.: l ' it., c' 1 " i presejiiu til cacn. oiaie in reg.iiar sue " "r" " Oiaie IM ross,on en ne came io t;i btate ol ew Jersey, he. called I he name of Joseph Randolph, (whose scar, you are ati are, .?' not cuolesUoV)- and thfemsnid lhat there were five seats to wlnih different sis of gentlemen hajrl prtfTered cl nuns. Not deejn ing it proper t(decide:thr -question between theoi, he would now. wiihthe permission nf Ihe Iloose, pis.s over them all,, until he should finish aiiir.g the roll, when be would present the evidence : which had been laid' before hun, and have th whole subject to the consideration of the flo;se. Mr Maxwell, one of the Whig-members fromNew Jrsey, rose and called for th reading of the eidenee in the possession of the Cieik. That gentleman consented, and reid the commission given hy the Governor of New Jersey -to. Mrd Aycrigg asameihher of the House of Representatives of the Twenty-sixth Crnire?s. duly elected from that-State5 He said (hot the other Whig claimants had each a communication in the same sttle. Mr. Mercer called for the reading of the Now Jersey law of elections. This was opposed by the Van Burenitrs, because Uioy knew it. distinctly provides, that the only 'eg!. evidence of a rnejnhrr lin ing elected, is ihe commission of tho Gov ernor. A discussion of considerable interest anl animation arose, in which the nohi of if .- Whig. members to be called was powerfully : ,h-y a.Jj uriied whrMmt taking any qoeaiK-n, :. maintained by Messr. Ogden. llrTinao, ' ..jnirtg io any coneluicn, 00 any of ihe prt 11,ted, of N.-Jersey, Tillio'ghast, Mercer, ! whi"H bate heo raided in 1 be course of .the d iCcst' John?on.- Biddle, Sergeapt, Everett,.! While, of Ky., and Maxell, cf N. J j . , ,, u r, i ,1 and opposed hv Messrs. Bvnum, Gaibraith. i j 1 . v and vraig. ot Va Thgeneral groimd contended for hv In VVoigs is, that a ceitihcete ot eieciioo in due conformity lo law,-:has ever and invina bly been held lo entitle member to and to vote for offieers of the House on the assemblage of a new Cougies, ontil the House-is organized. This position th forli6ed,and made impregnable by ino.vi i ieiabfe authorities. The Whig mbrrs have sucfTa t r innate m the commission of '!j ho Governor of N'-w Jersey. ; and tbe Clerk i : . . ' 1 . n ' nusht lo have acted according to all usag' and the universal opinion heietcfbre, and place on his roll the names of the members who had this.legal snd irrefutable evidence of title to seats. Joseph R. Randolph was admitted by the Clerk as hmrg a legal and BufHcienl title to a seat. Ytt be h3d only i sncuja me cmcr rcfrc?rnunTC3le r icc; wiien incy obtp precis iy m a sane couf.- cales?' The LJeik, m llicir cae. 1 defiance the law ttbosc jnjnnclict.s i.s r - . n, ujiiuin us trine uuor? wncn inr'Ucj;: adjourhed'wiihiiut caking any question. ' ' -' v - "V December 3 T'he. lipase of Representatives having adjourned without having organized, t' Senate could not of course procted i. I sioesstto-ilay.:: The Stinaie met r " fJhirjhhef al tbe usual hour and irr.me:!i.i -jy; adjourned, without doing t -y biuu i The House f Kepre?eniativtN a : . filled wiih an immense, assembla m -early hour many more persons bei: atte ndjnce than could re accoaimodau-J Uie galleries ron Jhe floork ; At 12 oclock the Clerk of ! House rtqueled the members tocur.se - order-. and !kel leave to make a state?:. . , He lud investigated his duties most i ! .' . raiely and anxiously. '-and -he" wished, i justification ; of his couise, to explain I : reaocs; - w - -"uv- , v .. AlrrJerlifer asked whether he nndfr thejClerk had altered his opinion i t i courjse he ougbtjo pursue, and whcil.tr he would now call the Whig members : the State of N?w Jersey ? . - "Mr. Garland replied that he had r '. changed His opinions; but he - wished '.-, satisfy the House that he bad acted fr( : no other motives buj a desire to pcrfer;:i his dm v. , Cries of Hear him ! hear bi n !' re sounded on all sides ; in; the uiidl of whi ! . Mr Slanly of N. C. rose and prnt' ,1 against literng to ary' statement of Clrk, until the New Jersey members v. t rc adfiijited.:;-jXf- ' , 4 lr. UVisa said Jie was Lquite.willirg t j hear what the. Clerk had to say v!.y 1 had hot performed his duty as imposed S v the taw and praclirc of Congress iho I,. - was jot opinion the stalcmetil should i.a. beep given yesterday " Mc. White of Kentucky, opo sfd t! - request of ihe Clerk. He denied that 1!. members of the House were under try obligation lo '..bear 'the Cferk. ; Are we, I . exclaimed, to sit here and listen to v .:,;.-, sir; reading a document which Was j r - pared,: perhaps, in a Caucus last hiu . No mailer how. ol jectionable your y. : might be, no matter what false affidavit's i. might contain, no matter bow pros-s i; misrepresentation, the reading could r.o-t I stopped. .Besides, such a statement w( 1 ; 1 lead to discussion upon other point? r whipli a one sided view or errone us.ir.; pression may have been given, lie 'pro tested now and forever against any ttu i -tion by the Clerk. .Mr. Wise said that in his opinion, 1 Clerk had failed to perform his dulics; " he wished to hear his explanation 'or hi. fenee. He denied that the Cletkj was r judge in the case. He was merely a r.ii . isierial officer to recognise "-'the. jod-iu;e;.: which had been made by ihe properly m: -iituted oflicers of each' - Stale res j.er.ii;: -the election of members.' . 3N$r. White, of Ky.V again rose and warn ed his political friends against niiowi; thercsplves to bo dnped-by ihw - attempt t ' procure the realing of an ex parlee nrr -metit. He hoped they would nor allow i: Mr Gushing of AIass.,commen;pl io j vcrej terms on ihe conduct of the CKi!; i . arresting the 'organization of the House, ! y refusing to perform the; duties -imposed htoi. ;.-' Still he. was ' willing to -he ir v ! . the Clerk had to say ; and he would ir. . that the Clerk be permitted to proceed. Mr. Vanderpoel, of N. Y., then r the tloor. lie, you must know, am s 1 he regarded as one of the leaders ef t' AdoiiiiHtration parly.' This,his first Fp wa not very creditaljle'to his pretenfi ;.-. To be sure, he .wasv.yery.'v compliment uy on all-sides ; but his fine sayings were pu en with such an a if' of condescension, to make Jhem . exceedingly tlisagreea ! . Mr. Vanderpoel seemed . to have the mux ? contempt for law and practice; and was i eourse declamatory about ihe rights 'of l! : people tin; purity o election8, &e. c The discussion was continued with kim h warmth on the general merits bf the q h tion j hy Messrs. Pope, of Kentorky, III. .. Jenifer,' of Md., aed Miller, of Oii. ; The debate was .still going on when, i order to h 5 in lime for the mail, I was re pelled to eiose tbi despatch. 'J'iiere is r prospect of ihe discussion being hroug t : ' a close for some days, and indeed it i thought it will be eontined onti nexl wi . . li if therefore probaMe - you will 1 : : hear of ihe S;pr;kers Eieclion, or rt'cuv. the presidei.t,6.Meffge this week. Your?, &.c. rosrscniPT. Hepemeer 4, lID. Aftr I rl. sd my Iiifr yrs'rday, s!ie H roniinof-d in smioo onul afler 'ii.eo"cl.l;, vi i cW.n:' I lone ho were present at the ay-;;r:i - i x 8':"J,l inV ' , au - i -' frparance T a L gf-siative hty rc feu r 1- ; yn .7 f - ,, (.,' -i , a 1 m . j peril flee fro rrat Vila bcnalus. 1 ia x . . , h!J ,l5tj ,j(3t (p,.-i,jr, whatever cwdJ 6.V- : y 7 , m7 8 mtijn ,0 idiourn. 'Rat rviil mnv b fwMt'rd by general cofifenr. A Pcne of cor.frt'tion'aMse.vibich. b-gg3r ' -i;n!inn. S,irne rned " A??retj! Arte-'. V O'hrra N No! " Goanl.Ot ! ' W UU.I fr.m ena oriac. lr'g; arid n w . ; a.idfd a rhortis of yartou . jfiit.liical ( "' .'J. rt the midi of which. Mr Gahr.d annc.or.cf J i! ,fjf. rf. ,sp.nied ioH a seneral wish ?o i anH insiamlv hfi hi fek, wilhao sir llti t-i.-. ed 10 neak ' i Bill 1 II IWI JU .err... i ..( hi extmpV ; bnt some persisted injewv. an declared iht ihe quesiion roost be uL ih nin'inn in adjourn in ther2nlsr y. ' r or Count ! " Divider Tellers!' Ay and Nites!' showed Ihe spirit of ib hour ; t-J fhore wer1 iniermingled eaH of m&4t ti -tn -; m.rih frB ihe oalleries. Above the crowd in ,h area the fia'rt Hehrj X. Wise was n iQ an imploiiog attitude, begging the mtmoers u if fx! i ' l . I tiii

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